#fun quiz yes yes
salvadorbonaparte · 25 days
Jumping on the bandwagon with something niche: Can you name all German states? Here is the quiz
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callisteios · 9 months
I have a new uquiz for you, go on a pilgrimage with me. discover who you are.
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odd-ratz · 2 years
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DP AU where Phantom feels no pain but any and all accumulated injuries hit him when Danny switches back to fenton (originally proposed by @paenling). Lovingly dubbed the Pain Train AU by The discord.
See more for our hcs!
Okay so headcannons we have come up with:
-Danny avoids switching to Phantom at all costs. His drive to fight ghosts and protect Amity is still there, but he combats ghosts using teamwork with Sam/Tucker, modified gadgets and a lot of improvisation - He only ever switches to Phantom as a final resort. When he does, he milks it for all its worth before he has to switch back after a battle and the pain hits - As a result, Phantom form is extra powerful because excess energy isn't shed through regular use and some ghostly attributes bleed over to his human form - his eyes seem to glow a green tinge and he has a white streak in his hair ever since the accident. He ends up looking hella ecto-contaminated - Because he can't fight like he does in canon (essentially just throwing himself at an enemy until something sticks), his fighting style is a lot more strategic. He uses weapons/gear he steals from his parents that he modifies and as many ghost powers as he can manifest in human form - Sam serves as a secondary fighter, but usually leaves the heavy hitting to Danny. She helps with planning and often sets up traps to help catch ghosts. Tucker, as always, works as the tech guy but also is the team medic. Together, the trio work as a ghost fighting crew and have backup plans in place whenever Danny is out of commission - Danny usually wears a face covering when fighting and an inverted sweatshirt, but the trio's ghost fighting is kinda an open secret at Casper High. Who the fuck else has hair like that? - His Phantom identity is something much less well known because it's much more monstrous looking and is rarely seen ever. He's more of Amity's local friendly Cryptid than it's superhero
- When he switches back for the first time, he finally realizes the scope of his situation. Sam and Tucker thought he was dying for real the first time he switches over. After that, he learns very quickly to avoid using Phantom form
- As a result of the combination of how powerful Phantom is when he does switch over and the pain he experiences every time he switches over, he quickly comes to resent Phantom and associate the destruction and pain with ghosts as a whole
-Lotta self loathing here. Sorry not sorry
- Surprisingly, it's Vlad, who's in the same situation who shows him that his ghost form isn't an inherent evil
- The other ghosts get in on this action and show him the little, enjoyable things about being a ghosts
- His friends and sister help him slowly change his mindset about Phantom after that. They never saw Phantom as a force of evil, unlike Danny
Yes. There is even more in the discord. I tried to get as much of my favorite hcs in this post as I could
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ruvviks · 3 months
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Nathan Dixon is lead STEM developer of the Union environment and Team Bravo special ops agent of MOBIUS. He is one of the youngest recruits of the shadow organization, having been forced to join them after he killed his parents at age 16; and now, nine years later, he is looking for a way to destroy MOBIUS once and for all– if that is even possible.
taglist (opt in/out)
@shellibisshe, @florbelles, @ncytiri, @hibernationsuit, @stars-of-the-heart;
@lestatlioncunt, @katsigian, @radioactiveshitstorm, @estevnys, @adelaidedrubman;
@celticwoman, @rindemption, @carlosoliveiraa, @noirapocalypto, @dickytwister;
@killerspinal, @euryalex, @ri-a-rose, @velocitic, @thedeadthree;
@jacobseed, @swordcoasts
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dylawa · 2 months
Ah yes, time for my half decade identity crisis
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linagram · 9 months
i did it. a linagram quiz. feel free to use this as a kin assignment too.
also uquiz works horribly for me and it refused to upload my art and other pics so. sorry. you won't see my ocs' cute faces there.
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valeriefauxnom · 1 month
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dykefever · 8 months
ridi came to my pub's quiz and well she held our team up by their BACK ! they guessed everything in the picture round too they're so smart
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quodekash · 1 year
my engineer incorrect quotes to try and fill the ramking shaped hole in my heart
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King: Hey Ram, can you give me the opposite of these words? King: Always, Coming, From, Take, Me, Down. Ram: Never, Going, To, Give, You- Ram: The fucking satisfaction. 
(this happened. this was the scene near the start where king texts ram and waves to him and tries to talk to him and ram picks up his phone and leaves to go see his brother. king loves rickrolling and thats canon because i said so)  —- —-
Duen: I wouldn’t put it in those words exactly. Ram: Why not? Duen: Because I don't know what they mean. 
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King: Hey, what’s your Netflix password? Ram: ihopeyoudie King: Thank you!
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Duen: I drink to forget but I always remember. Ting: You're drinking orange juice. 
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King: Ow! Ram: What’s wrong? King: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow. Ram: It’s called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was four.
—- —-
Thara, after getting a library card: Now I know what true power feels like. 
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Ram: If I die, you can have what little I own. King: Wait. What do you mean "if" you die? Ram: My unending existence is fuelled by pure spite, that of which the painful experiences of life have rendered me full. King: King: *Sighs* Let me call your therapist again. 
—- —-
Ram: Hey, you want a tarot reading? Bohn: Those are Pokemon cards. Ram: You got a magikarp. Bohn: … Ram: It means 'fuck you'. 
(this is essentially what happened for like. half the show. up until the end of the fight between bohn and ram) —- —-
Ram, after watching King get shot by someone: You’re dead. You are very dead. When you are a corpse I will hack away at your flesh and eat you raw. King: Ram, I’m not dead yet. Ram: Let me have my moment of rage to avenge you. King: I’d prefer it if you didn’t let me die. 
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*Everyone is giving advice to Duen* Ting: It's okay to ask for help. Tang: You're not a burden. Ram: Murder is okay. Phu: Your feelings matter. 
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King: Are you sure Ram's even gay? He barely even looked at me. 
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Duen: All snacks are gone. Bohn: I AM LITERALLY RIGHT HERE?! 
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Ram: You’re drunk. King: Correction: drinking. Present tense. Grammar, Ram. 
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Mek: Have I ever told you that you cook well? Boss: Awww, no, you haven't! Mek: So why do you keep cooking? 
—- —- Ram: You’re giving me a sticker? King: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!” Ram: I’m not a preschooler. King: Fine, I’ll take it back- Ram: I earned this, back off! 
—- —- King: We just ate. Why are you making pancakes? Ram: For the dogs. King: Why are you making pancakes for the dogs? Ram: They don’t know how. 
—- —-
this one is fairly short compared to my other incorrect quote compilations, but i promise, i will be back. 
also im planning to post another eclipse incorrect quotes post in like five minutes 
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margowrightes · 1 year
I'm about to start an Oh Hellos discourse
Because the interpretation of Soldier Poet King over in Clock Hell makes me irrationally angry every time it comes up.
First off, none of y'all are the Soldier, none of y'all are the Poet, and none of y'all are the King.
Do you know why?
I can tell you why:
It's because the soldier, the poet, AND the king are all Jesus Christ. A very shocking Revelation I'm sure (pun intended for those of you more familiar with the Dear Wormwood album). I just need to know, I need to know which of you anti-intellectual hyper-literal people is responsible for taking one of the easiest-to-understand metaphors in Dear Wormwood and saying "ok which of these one(3) people are you in a relationship?"
Who is it?
Who did this?
It's like y'all heard through the grapevine that the album is about a toxic relationship, ignored that The Oh Hellos are very clearly, very openly Christian and just went to town. Is reading comprehension just for scrubs now?
And another thing, why this song? Why is this the one y'all made pop off?
Because, and sure this just a personal opinion, but Soldier Poet King isn't the best Oh Hellos song, hell, it's not even the best in the Dear Wormwood album (because the best song in Dear Wormwood is Thus Always to Tyrants and if you disagree with me that's fine, you're just wrong).
Like, yeah, it's catchy, but Soap is catchy too and unlike Soldier Poet King, Soap actually is about a toxic relationship, why couldn't y'all gun hard for Soap?
But then I guess Clock Hell is constructed almost entirely out of vitriolic memeing, hustle and spite, and only negative vibes for those who wronged you, so a song about holding onto and finding value in a damaged person you know will hurt you prolly wouldn't sell well there.
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wilsonthemoose · 10 months
Someone stop me sending a passive-aggressive thank you for considering it message to the lecturer who said she wouldn't let me take a quiz at a later date despite my being like. actually pretty sick.
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pigswithwings · 9 months
Hey Jpig, took this quiz and thought you might like it, I won’t tell anything due to spoilers and I think one should go in blind but it was an experience I must say. Of course the choice is yours and remember to take care ^^
very fun concept without being too long - i dig it :]
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sophieebridgerton · 1 year
i think i’d know better what job i wanted to do if i knew what jobs there are
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vullcanica · 8 months
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Perching bird
Your daemon would take the form of a perching bird! Those who have perching bird daemons are intelligent and like finding patterns, though unlike other bird daemons they are more chatty and social. They enjoy putting their inner thoughts into words and wearing their heart on their sleeves.
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What perching bird is your daemon?
Your daemon would take the form of a blackbird! You are an alluring and knowledgable individual who knows how to play to their strengths. More so than others with perching bird daemons, those with blackbirds are at ease in a crowd and easily express their feelings. They appreciate new experiences and are highly competent and resourceful.
Tagged by: held at gunpoint by @aercnaut 💗
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astrxealis · 1 year
finally actually working towards fixing my blogs lol 💪
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dykevillanelle · 1 year
gf and i tried to do a "couple's love language" challenge where you take the quiz and then there are envelopes for little things to do according to what your partner gets. cracked open both envelopes to find entirely things we already do. forgot that straight people don't actually like each other and gotta do shit like this
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