#fun things to day dream about
angeloftrumpets · 1 year
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marblerose-rue · 1 month
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 months
Roleswap anyone??
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Tell me Fernando wouldn't make a fantastic general/emperor, and that Napoleon wouldn't make a fanastic driver/tp!!
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budgiegryphon · 11 months
This year's r/place really fucking sucked, terribly run and an obvious(failed) distraction, but we did get some nice stuff done
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Another bench! 45 communities! Here's the fully planned piece, Quote sadly got added last minute and wasn't visible before blackout.
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Full character list below the cut.
Batter from OFF, Beheaded from Dead Cells, Ori from Ori and the blind forest, Bugs from APICO above Ori, Moon from Outer Wilds next to bugs, Purple guy from FnAF, Mae from Night in the woods, Omori from Omori, Commando from Risk of Rain, Madeline from Celeste above Commando, Engi, Bosco and Lootbug from Deep Rock Galactic, Soul Knight logo below Engi, Tiny Niko on top of Bosco, Sprite Companion from Hyperlight Drifter next to Tiny Niko, Isaac from Binding of Isaac, Chompy from Bug Fables underneath Isaac, Engineer from Factorio, Strabby on Engineer's shoulder, a penguin from Starbound, Junimo from Stardew Valley, Oneshot bulb above Stardew Valley's apple, A router from Mindustry, Keg from sea of thieves, Lamb from Cult of the Lamb sitting on the keg, Monika from DDLC above Lamb, Fishbowl from FSSH, Spooky from Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion, Whiteface and flower from IMSCARED above Spooky, V1 from Ultrakill, The Conductor from Final Station in front of V1's legs, Moth from Sky: Children of the Light above V1, Apollo from Ace Attorney bottom right of V1, Gnome from Everhood, Rivulet on Looks to the Moon from Rain World, Gail from Phoenotopia above Rivulet, Captain Viridian from VVVVVV above Gail, Flowey from Undertale below Looks to the Moon, Grimm from Hollow Knight, Paprika from Them's Fighting Herds above Grimm, Deltarune red heart above Strabby, King Slime in front of Grimm, The Spiral Heart from Grime next to Grimm, Carp from Lisa, Richard Mask from Hotline Miami above The Spiral Heart
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13eyond13 · 1 month
Please tell me about art and media you know of that accurately captures the weirdness of dream logic and atmosphere and emotions... books and movies and video games and art and comics and YouTube stuff, whatever you want... you know, where it only makes sense on an intuitive level and falls apart when you try to explain it...
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bleue-flora · 3 months
So ummmmm… Here’s something I’ve been wondering for awhile: Who was the lava room in the finale actually for?
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wundrousarts · 6 months
Mini Silverborn Countdown
If you’ve been around for a few years, you’ve seen me vaguely mention a “Silverborn Countdown Challenge” several times. It’s been delayed and changed as many times as the book itself, lol.
If anyone wants sort of a low-stakes, very chill and spaced out version of this ye olde never tackled challenge to complete in the next year before Silverborn, I propose what I’m doing:
Every 3 months leading up to the initial release, I am creating one thing based on each of the books.
January — Nevermoor
April — Wundersmith
July — Hollowpox
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Nona is such a silly sweetie-pie
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kazbiter · 1 year
kavinsky's death is actually the closing arc in a great tragedy to me bc his actions throughout the story are mostly just him practically begging for someone to be on his side, to care about him, to even just look at him. his father tried to kill him, his mother is completely uninterested. he can dream himself as many people as he wants, but they will only ever think of him because he made them to do so. the dream pack are just physical manifestations of his desire to not be alone in the world, to have someone, anyone, connected to him. he so desperately tries to draw some sort of emotion out of ronan, good bad or ugly, because the intense similarities they share mean that he's the only person who might be willing to look long enough to see him. and when it doesn't work, when he realizes it can't, that this world is not for him and he is not going to be a part of it in a way that involves anyone else, he decides that everyone is going to look at least this once. they will all see the finale if nothing else. genuinely doomed from the start. and how truly devastating that is in comparison to the core group the story focuses on, characters that even at their lowest and darkest and meanest and absolute worst have others there with them. characters that always have someone looking for them. dying is a boring side of a life that has nothing inside of it.
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natreads · 7 months
I got a job as a bookseller!!!
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floorpancakes · 3 months
its not a 1:1 but im still thinking about explaining the clamp devilman doujin and vague devilman lore to the holic discord and suddenly being overwhelmed w the urge to draw doumeki as 1980s OVA akira w the eyeliner and half open silk shirt and watanuki as ryo, having ripped apart the world and his beloved before realising his feelings, doomed to repeat an endless cycle where he realises too late and throws his life away for an unfeeling god and a belated love or whatever idk all that gay shit
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nazurabbit · 11 months
you know what i want? i want enstars characters to have their own twt accounts paralive style bc imagine the content we could get like it would be so entertaining please tell me im not insane
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mumblesplash · 1 year
getting better at drawing when you’re not trying for realism is kinda funny bc it’s like wow now my art looks even MORE like the exact midpoint between old-school disney and late 2010s anime. i didn’t think it was possible and yet i’ve done it again. inspiring
#and soon? even More.#there’s also the additional layer of not being able to explain what about my art is better than it used to be#like idk what to tell u it’s just better now. all my old stuff is crap compared to this. leaps and bounds#source: dude trust me#tbh i think my artistic abilities probably seem much more consistent from an outside pov#bc i never want to draw anything i can’t draw#like if i TRIED to draw that cuteguy stoplight drawing a few months ago it would have looked terrible#but i wouldn’t have tried bc i wouldn’t have wanted to bc i couldn’t you see#that’s the thing about art it never feels any easier#if you start out frustrated by your skill falling short of your vision guess what#your vision will continue to improve as you gain skill and that frustration never goes away#but it also never feels any harder#my first experience with drawing was being pleasantly surprised to find my skill slightly exceeded my aspirations#(i was 3 and my aspirations were draw a duck)#and you know what. to this day the pleasant surprise remains#what i’m saying is dream small stay in your comfort zone and do not strive for great things#cannot recommend complacency enough#this isn’t sports you don’t get gains through effort you get gains and then the effort happens on accident#don’t listen to me i probably don’t know what i’m talking about#but i AM having more fun drawing than you so maybe i’m onto something#impossible to say#i’m certainly not smart enough to figure that out i’m an idiot have you seen the kind of advice i give#mumbling
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cosmictapestry · 11 months
A36 pls
A36. cute discussion ABOUT sex
featuring actual sex. also. because these guys are horny little deities, to me
prompt fills here
It gets hot in their private quarters, sometimes. It’s always warm, but as particularly productive nights wear on Lucienne finds herself drenched in sweat, clinging to the coolness of his skin.
They’re at rest now, probably done for the night, given how boneless and still Lord Morpheus is beneath her. Lucienne is sprawled on top of him, her cheek to his belly, ankles entwined with his own, arm thrown around his waist, hand holding his own. His other hand pets down from the crown of her head to the back of her neck, cool and soft.
He’s breathing slow, even, and Lucienne is facing away from him but she imagines he is reclined on the pillows, staring down at her with those soft, heavy-lidded eyes, sleepy and sweet.
Lucienne shifts, draws her hand out of his own to move her arm out of her line of sight. She draws her hand across his belly, nails light on his skin, moving down to grip his inner thigh. Her lord’s breathing has changed. The back of her knuckles brush his bollocks, and his hips shift. His cock is soft where it lays along the crease of his thigh, looking just as sleepy as the rest of him. “May I touch you?” she mumbles.
Lord Morpheus groans, ending with a tiny laugh. His hand pulls away from hers and she imagines him throwing his arm over his eyes. “How are you not satisfied, woman?”
Lucienne grins, kissing him over his fluttering abs. “I am,” she assures him. “I just want to suck your cock.”
Another groan, an interested twitch in front of her face. "That is precisely what I mean." He pauses for a moment, considering the offer as though it is liable to bite him. “Alright?” he says, eventually, voice winding up high. He hasn’t stopped petting her head. “Although, you—you certainly do not have to?”
Lucienne hums, her fingers slipping further between his thighs, encouraging him to part them for her. She cups his bollocks, strokes them with her thumb, shifts their weight in her hand. He rumbles underneath her, grips the back of her neck. He’s sensitive, nerves still all in overdrive, and Lucienne licks her lips, seeing him starting to fatten up. “It’s not so strange,” she murmurs, warming him in her palm. “You love to use your mouth on me.”
A dismissive sound. “That is very different,” he says confidently. “Much more fun.”
Lucienne laughs. She kisses the tip of his cock, fingers the soft skin at the seam of his bollocks. “I disagree,” she says. “This is very fun for me. You’re pretty and you smell good and you make lovely noises.”
Another choked hum, followed by a shocked little sound when she sucks the head of his cock into her mouth. “Oh,” he whispers, petting her with trembling fingertips down her spine, his belly heaving with a sigh. “Lucienne.”
Lucienne smiles, suckling gently at him, trailing her fingertips up the velvety underside of his shaft. He firms up on her tongue, pulses hot between her lips, leaks a bead of thin salt that she swallows greedily. She closes her eyes, basks in the smell and the taste of him, the muggy heat all around, the warm glow of affection when she hears him gasp like he’s surprised at how he’s feeling.
She holds him like this for several moments before he shifts and makes a confounded little noise. “What are you doing?” he asks, on the verge of a laugh.
Lucienne holds his shaft with one hand to keep it upright while she pops her mouth off him. “There’s no rush, is there?”
Lord Morpheus huffs. “Well, no, I suppose not,” and she imagines him watching with slight mortification while she gives him a kittenish lick, lapping up a droplet of his slick. “Are you enjoying yourself, at least?”
She snorts, and she cranes her head as far as she can over her shoulder, only enough to see him in the corner of her peripheral vision. “How about you don’t worry about that?” she teases. “Just relax, my lord.”
He sighs theatrically and lets his head fall back in the sheets. “Very well,” he mutters, put-upon, goofy and loose the way he only gets with her.
Lucienne hums, satisfied, and she lays her cheek on his belly again, sucks him into her mouth. She cradles him on her tongue, fingers the vein on the underside of his shaft, marvels at how hard he’s gotten, stretching her lips with his girth. He breathes high and heavy, soft moans and whines spilling from his mouth.
She plays with his bollocks, rolls them in her hand, strokes back behind them. His skin is so soft, so sleek, so hot right here, and his noises get a little more wrecked. Lucienne runs her lips down the side of his shaft, kisses at the base, buries her nose where the smell of him is strongest.
“Lucienne,” he murmurs, muffled, like he’s moved the back of his hand over his mouth. She lifts his shaft to tongue his bollocks, laving them hot and wet and slow, and he keens and shifts. “Gods, Lucienne.”
Lucienne pulls back, leaving his skin shiny with spit. "I have a question."
Lord Morpheus groans as though pained. "So do I," he mutters. His cock twitches in front of her face and he breathes for a long few seconds to calm down. "Yes, Lucienne?"
She props herself up on her arm on his belly, fingers encircling the base of his cock and manipulating it, moving it around to examine at her leisure. "Is this for me? Do you always have genitalia, or only when you are with a lover? And is it specific to the lover? Is this my cock?"
"That was several questions," he sounds amazed by the fact. "How long have you been wondering about this?"
"I wouldn't have to wonder about it at all if there were records in the library."
"Yes, well. Am I not allowed some measure of privacy."
"Of course you are," Lucienne cranes her neck to see him in the corner of her eye. "Hence why I am only asking now. And you do not have to answer."
His sigh is performative and put-upon. "Yes, I usually have sex organs. No, they are not specific to whomever I am with. What you see is this aspect's default, for lack of a better word." A pause, then, heavy and thoughtful. "Of course. I can make any changes you might like. And I perhaps should have offered that from the beginning."
Lucienne frowns. "Why would I want you to do that?"
"Well, it is," he clears his throat, "my penis, that is. It is. Girthy. I am told."
"And that is... a bad thing?"
"I don't know," he sounds strangled now, and Lucienne fights not to laugh or try to kiss away his silliest of insecurities. "Perhaps it just seems, rude, to not offer something more. Suited to your tastes."
"You are perfectly suited to my tastes," she tells him, emphatically, and she kisses the blushing head of his cock. "That is why I suspected you might have designed it for me, my lord."
"...Oh." Lord Morpheus is quiet now, apparently affected by this revelation, even more than he is by the little licks she bestows on hot silky skin. "I was not certain. In your fantasies, you never so much as imagined me below the waist."
"I did not want to presume," Lucienne says primly. "Perhaps it seemed rude to imagine the sex organs of someone who hides all mention of them."
His belly shakes with silent laughter under her, and Lucienne smiles against his heat. "Fair enough, I suppose," and from there his breath melts away into a pleased sigh when she closes her eyes and takes him back into her mouth. His hips shift in tiny flinches, rocking her, pushing himself a little deeper. One of these days she'll goad him into fucking her mouth properly. The thought makes her groan and slip her free hand to tuck between her legs. "I have a default vulva for this aspect, too, if you are interested."
Lucienne's eyes fly open.
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shshshshshowrunner · 1 year
What if we did unrestrained summer fun part two but with more improv and also different set up and also metaphorical sip of cocaine cola. You. You know the. The ⬇️
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ngmn2002 · 1 year
I want this to happen!!!
Ok... so...
After being able to think about last chapter again... I still can't process it fully until now or bring myself to read it from the start, i'm still stuck at its ending and can't get past it I got this in mind...
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Ahhh... so... I think we're going in a nice direction with these 2...
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...... thinking ahead of me, I see at one point in the story... Nene will come to find Tsukasa a great help, a nice friend, someone she can trust, rely on and get along with so well ....... she got to know how truly good and dear to her he is..... ah...... now...... after saying all that...... what I want to happen is........
Um... let's see... I want to get an old moment between the 2 repeated... to put my aching heart that wants to see it happen so bad at ease? So, uh... after getting to know him well and just... things go nicely between them...
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Nene sees (any Tsukasa, I can't choose between the past or present one) by chance somehow or by going to him herself... and just.... Ah...
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-imagine he is older-
And sayyyy....
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but this time... without being confused on who he is... she just knows... feels happy and relieved to see him... dashes towards him and calls him "Tsukasa-kun!" and then hugs him. ahhh... just like what happened in the moment above, but 100% intentional this time!!! Ahhh! It would make me so happy!!!
It would make him so happy! Like... Nene-chan is so sweet!!! I see he will be confused a bit at first but then... smile? laugh? then hug her back and pat her back and say "there there, Nene-chan" ........ I will cry for real.... if that happened........
I mean!!! Look at him in here!!!
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He is happy to see her again and treats her the same way as in here...!
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And in here... !
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I bet he was a bit hurt this happened... when you got to meet after such a long time...
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Ahhh.... I say... we need to fix this... and go back to how it should really be... Nene-chan!!! ...
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Like this!
I want this to happen!!!
Please Nene-chan!!! Next time or the one after it or the one after it ... ... ... you will see him... please do it!!! I'm counting on you! Like he does!
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