#function over form!! i will resist the LEDs
cobaltfluff · 1 year
my friends have convinced me... i want to build a pc
now im watching videos and i have no idea what all these words and numbers mean
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slayerkitty · 1 year
Let's Talk About Trust, Baby
I've seen a lot of posts where people are really confused about Mew and where his head might be at with regard to his relationship with Top. Why he hasn't given Top the boyfriend title back, why they haven't had sex yet, etc. That led me down a rabbit hole of thinking about the relationships between the characters and the one thing all relationships need to function - TRUST. If you don't trust your significant other or your friends/family, etc, what kind of relationship can you even have? I tried to break this down in groups/pairs and some of it might not be as thought out, so there may be more on this as the show goes on but here we go.
The Fab Four
So there's a lot of context we're missing about the relationships between our core four dysfunctional besties (Note: So far, Cheum doesn't seem that dysfunctional, you're doing amazing sweetie!) such as how they met, how long have they been friends (what the hell Ray and Mew got up to that one night... *ahem* I digress). Now, we don't have any real answers to these questions (yet) so I'm taking some educated guesses based on my own college experiences and what I've generally picked up from other university BLs typical story telling.
I feel like the four of them met during orientation (except maybe Ray and Mew, I'm waffling on thoughts that they've known each other since high school). Most university BLs set it up that the mains meet during orientation, bond during whatever torture the seniors are putting the freshman through and kind of build their friend groups based on that.
I also feel like they may have gravitated toward each other or remained a group because they're all queer. BLs can go either way on whether or not homophobia exists in their narrative and I think that Only Friends is going the more realistic route (and it's Jojo) so I think that I can definitely see them bonding over being queer. They find an LGBTQ bar and it becomes their thing to do together. Most friendship groups form because people just sort of fall in together due to circumstance and they seem no different.
But do they trust each other? Signs point to yes. (I was shocked too, lol)
Mew and Cheum: We haven't had much focus on her, but he seems to value her opinion and listen to her advice. (We also know that April likes him from the time they've spent together and he likes April, so I would say he and Cheum probably have pretty good trust built up.)
Mew and Boston: He believed without a single doubt when Boston said that Top had never had a lover longer than 3 months and that Top would probably, as Ray put it "nail and bail" once Mew and Top have sex. Cheum also believed Boston. Do I think Boston was lying here? No. But neither do they and that's important. Does Boston trust Mew? I think he does. His issues with Mew are not about trust.
Mew and Ray: These two vibe a little different than the rest of the group. They seem closer; they seem like they've talked about "the deep stuff" (vs maybe superficial topics with their other friends). Their first one on one scene has them talking about Ray's alcoholism seriously (even though Mew doesn't push about it as much as I would have liked) and you can tell there's an intimacy there that the other group members don't share. Whether that stems from whatever it is that happened that night in the video (I am salivating about this, it's delicious, I need more info) or because they've been friends for longer, I don't know.
Let's move on to the pairs:
Cheum and April: Do they trust each other? I assume so? Cheum goes out drinking with the boys at least once a week and April seems okay with that (we haven't heard otherwise), so I'll say yes? (Jojo, I NEED MORE OF THEM. I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TO EVEN ANALYZE. GIVE US MORE.)
Sand and Ray: I'm gonna call this one as Sand does not trust Ray, but Ray trusts Sand. Sand knows that Ray is a walking red flag and he's trying to resist but Ray is making it really hard. *ahem* Ray bailing mid-make out is not helping Sand's trust issue. If you look at how Sand has cared for Ray since episode one, however, Ray most likely trusts Sand. I mean, Ray talked about his mom to Sand. I think that's a biiiig deal.
Mew and Top: Thanks to Boston, neither of them trusts the other. And this, right here, is why Mew has not moved the relationship forward. HE DOESN'T TRUST TOP. He's still worried that Top will "nail and bail". Remember Mew's checklist from episode two? He only checks off "gets along with my friends" (HAH!) and "respects me" but not "doesn't lie to me". We can infer this means it hasn't been marked off since he doesn't mention it to anyone in this episode. Given that a lot of us clocked Mew potentially spotting Boston's trunks on the floor in the shower, along with him questioning if Top was telling the truth about the fire, it's clear this is the one thing holding him back.
If Mew agrees to be Top's boyfriend, then the expectation of sex becomes a lot higher (it shouldn't but that's a different discussion to be had). It's also implied in the narrative (and from Jojo) that Mew is a very structured person and he doesn't like to lose control (re-watch the counter scene from episode one. You know you want to. I'll wait). The moment that Mew realizes that he is way too into what they're doing, he panics because he doesn't have control over the situation.
Up until episode three, Top did trust Mew. He trusted him enough to get vulnerable and then Boston blew it up by fabricating a narrative backed with evidence of...something between Ray and Mew (I'm seriously dying for this scene, I need it).
Another thing I am having thoughts about is that in this episode, Top referred to himself as Mew's boyfriend and so did Cheum and Mew didn't deny it like he did in episode two. When Top's *ahem* "buddy" approached them at the silent disco, it was very clear that Mew expected Top to introduce Mew as his boyfriend and was visibly (if momentarily) upset that he didn't.
Boston and Nick: Yes and no, but also no and no, respectively. So Boston trusts Nick with some things but not everything which leads to him lying, gaslighting and manipulating (he's a triple threat). In turn, Nick lies right back, because what else can he do? (a lot of things actually, oh Nick, you are starting to spiral hard.) This leads Nick to rigging the CCTV video to show on his phone and to wiretap Boston's car, which just shows you his trust in Boston is non-existent.
In conclusion: Trust is another theme the show seems to be exploring: earning it, keeping it, and what you do after trust is broken. I think it can tie back into the ongoing ephemerality discussion as well: trust isn't permanent. You have to earn it, maintain it, and once broken, it's gone (and seldom can be repaired).
Also, everyone needs therapy.
Tagging the Ephemerality Squad: @waitmyturtles, @chickenstrangers, @lurkingshan, @twig-tea, @ranchthoughts, @clara-maybe-ontheroad
Hope I didn't forget anyone!
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britcision · 3 months
On today’s episode of “Ryoko Kui should totally come play dnd with me she’d fit right in at our table” lemme tell you about the bard
Our bard’s a tiefling, with a little fey heritage from his mom’s side and a little aasimar heritage on his mama’s side
All this mechanically means for him is that he’s resistant to radiant rather than fire damage and his Primal Savagery does radiant damage rather than acid damage
Storywise, it’s a little more of a problem because it physically makes him shiny… and per consultation with the rest of the party after 4 years of playing, he now has a mild compulsion effect from the fey side
Cuz when people see him, they want him
How they want him depends on the person, but the party pretty much unanimously looked at this sweet little sunshine child with a DEX modifier of -4 and decided they’d die for him within a couple sessions, which was funny enough it became the effect
(Not only were our edgelords who decided they were gonna be standoffish lone wolves who didn’t bond with anyone not immune, he fucking got them both first before moving on to the others)
He has no control over this effect nor any say on how it affects people, because that wouldn’t be as much fun
It also led to him being kidnapped and kept as a pet for 11 years by Evil Art Forger Tony Stark, because wanting to keep someone does not mean you see them as a person in any way shape or form
(Coincidentally, he was 11 at time of kidnapping)
(No One was pleased to learn that the sweet happy bard also actually does have a tragic backstory)
(They were less pleased to discover that he himself does not believe he has a tragic backstory, he still likes Evil Art Forger Tony Stark and thinks he’s great)
(Wait until they find out it even includes more annihilated towns than theirs we’re at 5/7 party members - almost better numbers than the Dad Box)
So our bard is a bit of a dichotomy; on the one hand, he has Party Mode, which is when Evil Art Forger Tony Stark wanted to show off his pretty shiny little tiefling pet to his evil crime friends
The bard was also promptly adopted by the escort’s guild in-game, so unbeknownst to him until about a week ago he had official membership and status in the most prominent entertainer’s union in the land; this will be functionally useless for everything except border checks and Lying To Authority
(He’s a bard his persuasion was already there)
He’s a well known little escort, all perfect grace and poise and refined manners
On the other hand, he has All Of The Rest Of The Time, when he’s a feral little bastard gremlin who WILL bite anyone he can get his teeth into and will jump off a moving horse with a -4 DEX penalty if he thinks he saw a snake
(His passive perception is 26 and he’s planning to bump it because he doesn’t think I deserve nice things like surprising the party)
Oh, and he doesn’t believe yuan-ti are real snake people because his tiny autistic ass is 10000% hyper-fixated on snakes for not having legs, and there’s a yuan-ti pureblood in the escort union who only pulls the tail out for stabbing purposes
(She’s aware he believes this and has been deliberately not showing him because she thinks it’s funny. She’s right)
All of this brought to you by tonight’s revelation that he’d get along like a fucking house on fire with the Canaries
Mithrun may well be the only person not blood-related to him that’d be immune to his compulsion effect, but far more importantly, Mithrun and Fleki both deserve to just haul off and bite people more and he’d encourage them wholeheartedly
But far more importantly, their interactions would probably go something like this:
Everyone else: oh man I bet that shiny little guy’s not gonna get along with the captain, he’s all bright and cheery and the captain’s gonna ignore him cuz he doesn’t care about anything but dungeons
Virtue and Mithrun in the corner:
Virtue: hey wanna sit for six hours and I can tell you about snakes
Mithrun: sure. I fucked a snake once
Virtue: ………. Okay I lied you’re going first but if they had legs it doesn’t count
Mithrun: nah there were no legs my lover in my dungeon was snake from the waist down. Probably a naga
*detailed monsterfucking explanation likely follows*
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wackybuddiemewbs · 1 year
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Buddie Moodboard - Eureka Seven AU
So yeah, this manga and anime series has had me in its clutches for a looooong time. And I couldn't resist the temptation anymore lol.
Some background on the main concepts of Eureka Seven: The story largely revolves around the relationship between the alien species of the Scub Corals (Coralians) and humans in the faraway future, exemplified by the main characters Renton (human) and Eureka (humanoid Coralian). Scubs take on different shapes and powerful creatures capable of changing the law of physics at will. Their origins are unknown. At some point, they crashed down on Earth and merged with the lifeforms in the sea. They used fusion as a means of communication, but thereby almost overtook humanity, which made humans leave Earth and forced the Scubs into adaption. People use LFOs (Light Finding Operation) to fly and fight in the air, bio-mechanical hybrids that can ride (lift) on so-called trapars (transparence light particles, a form of energy the Scubs produce that function like water or wind). The first Summer of Love was a catastrophe that kicked off the events of the main plot line. A destructive shockwave that brought the world to ruin and led to civil wars. Scub Corals went into hibernation to prevent the so-called Limit of Questions, the point in time when too many sentient lifeforms in a given space will lead to the collapse of reality, thereby causing a black hole to tear through space and absorb the entire planet.
So, this story would take 10,000 years after the events of Eureka Seven, giving “ample” time for things to be forgotten or changed or made worse. So yeah... that was a lot of intro. Anyway. Hope you enjoy despite it all. Cheers!
It’s the year 22,022.
Aboard the Aion, the infamous crew of the 118 is readying itself for their next strike against the military. Under the lead of Captain Bobby Nash, the crew is determined to stop the evil machinations within the government from unfolding.
Most of the members used to be part of the military, including LFO pilots Hen and Chimney as well as Buck and Eddie. But they left the military alongside their captain, once the full gravitas of the government’s wrongdoings came to light on their last mission. They would not have any part in taking innocent lives, they decided. Which marked the end of the 118th Squad and the rise of the Aion 118.
And so, they left, they flew, they got away. At least for a while. Because they knew they couldn’t find peace until they stopped the government’s plans. Because they chose to protect, and they won’t abandon that mission until it is done.
Already back at the Academy, Buck and Eddie were inseparable. It only seemed natural for them to become co-pilots for the LFO they named Jabberwocky, Jab for short. In fact, their personalities and battle strategies balance out perfectly. While Buck is more hot-headed, quick to think and even quicker to act, Eddie’s calm and focused demeanor match it perfectly.
Nothing much has changed about that since, even though their time in the military and everything that led up to them leaving it certainly changed them personally. Eddie lost his wife in the Seven Swell that marked the end of the 118’s service. And he almost would have lost both his son and Buck in the tsunami that followed the blast of the Seven Swell. Though thankfully, Buck was able to save Christopher and bring him home.
After that, everything was changed. Everyone was.
If Buck and Eddie didn’t have a high stakes mission on their hands, they might have the time to find out just what they are to one another now. What started out as a mere source of comfort, the answer to a need, has shifted over time. Buck and Eddie don’t just share quarters, not just bed, but their lives. Though there are many things left unsaid between them despite that fact. Because losing what they have seems to be one of the few things that can actually scare the two. And so, they just hold on to each other, come what may.
Though perhaps it’s a welcome distraction for them both, focusing on that mission instead of whatever someone may call their relationship. Saving the world is good enough as an excuse, right? And so, they spend every minute they have to spare to live: They are there for Christopher, lift together, sometimes all three of them thanks to the special board they built for Eddie's son. They have each other's back in battle, only to fight over the music playing in their quarters. And occasionally, they dance the night away, to forget. If only for a while.
Things take a sudden turn when the 118 is led into a trap, involving a teenager from Bobby’s past who is out for vengeance. To get back at Bobby for his supposed involvement in his father’s death during a military operation, Freddy is set on making the captain “pay for his sins”.
Despite Bobby’s efforts to dissuade Freddy, he attacks Jabberwocky while Buck is still inside the LFO, causing it to partially explode. Buck crashes into the ocean, and everyone is bound to watch it happen. While Eddie manages just in time to save Buck from drowning, things are far from fine once they return to the Aion to have Buck treated. Not only Jab has seen heavy damage, but Buck sustained great injury that won't easily heal.
Hen cautions them all that it’s possible that Buck won’t ever be able to lift again, just like it’s possible the injuries may prevent him from operating an LFO ever again. For Buck, that’s a blow almost impossible to take. He always defined himself for being able to do that, for being an outstanding lifter and an LFO pilot. And now he’s supposed to have neither of these things, be neither of those things. Then what’s left of him?
Nothing, right?
Eddie’s efforts to try to get through to Buck to make him see what’s beyond his life as a lifter and LFO pilot remain fruitless at first. Buck turns in on himself, away from him, from everyone. And for the first time in their lives together, Eddie doesn’t know how to have his back, how to make Buck stay with him.
But the shocks don’t end just there. Buck feels certain changes in himself ever since he crashed into the ocean. He hears voices where there are none. His eyes hurt all the time. The world looks different. Everything is changed, even though it’s not. And Hen keeps telling him that everything is fine with him. Just that it isn’t.
When his eyes start to turn purple and red, Buck knows that it can’t just be the injuries. Fearing that he might wind up hurting Eddie, Chris, or anyone else of the crew, he only confides in Hen as the ship’s doctor. Upon learning of this, Hen is able to figure out what’s going on with Buck. Though that doesn’t change things for the better at all: Ever since the crash, his DNA became more and more Coralian, which is unheard of.
You’re either born with Coralian DNA or you are not. You either have Coralian descent from the time when humanoid Coralians roamed the earth thousands of years ago, or you don’t. There is no such thing as developing this DNA. Just that there suddenly seems to be.
The Scub Corals have been part of Earth for over 30,000 years, a life form set on communication through fusion with other species. Ever since the Second Summer of Love, humanity pledged not to fight the Scub Corals ever again. To prevent The Limit of Questions from ever happening another time and thus destroying the universe as we know it, it became also a prime directive to ensure the Scub Corals on Earth remained in eternal slumber, to which the Scub Corals had agreed. Their deepest wish was and is to be part of the world where they might one day co-exist with humans, just as it used to be. Therefore, a strict separation of humans and Scub Corals was implemented, especially the Command Cluster in the middle of the Pacific was declared off-bounds for humans.
Humans bearing Coralian DNA are not allowed into military, to ensure that knowledge of intel cannot be passed on to the Command Cluster, should the Scub Corals reawaken, now by accident or not.
Therefore, it’s not possible for Buck to have Coralian DNA, even though that explains the symptoms as well as the test results Hen has. Hen cautions Buck that this may make his situation impossibly worse. They have historical records of what happened to human-Coralian hybrids. They all died as the result of trapars in the air. Which means that the thing that used to make Buck free, lifting, may actually mark his death sentence. Hen vows to find a cure to reverse the effects, but Buck knows he has to reckon with the fact that he may not be able to remain on Earth.
Buck is forced to reveal his status to the crew soon thereafter. And while he shouldn’t be surprised that everyone is determined to help him, Buck is still caught off-guard when Bobby refuses to dismiss him from the crew due to the dangers he may pose to them. Buck dares to put his faith in his team to support him on this journey, so he may stay home.
Though Buck’s health issues soon turn out to be part of the mission they have had all along. Apparently, there were military and government operations in place that were not in accordance with the pledge made to the people and the Coralians. Seeking out Coralians in slumber for their own benefit may actually lead to a third Summer of Love. And if so, it is very well possible that the Scub Corals will awaken from the impact and thus reach the Limit of Questions.
While the Aion 118 rushes to prevent a third Summer of Love near the Command Cluster, Buck has to make up his mind about his future on this planet, even though it means having to do what he has been so scared of for all of his life.
But for his team, he’d do anything. For his family, he would. For love, he will.
Find more moodboards here.
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pastamansta · 1 year
Buy a CASIO F-91W.
If you're anything like me, buying a watch sounds strangely intimidating. There's something about it that feels unapproachable. Doing any amount of research on the topic is an exhausting task, as most people online interested in watches are wealthy elitists who will insist that hundreds of dollars is a small price to pay for a good watch. Perhaps this a form of logic, somehow, to some extent, as watches are primarily seen a status symbol, but how ludicrous is it to take a functional tool and designate it a status symbol? Worse still, its status as a status symbol has led most people to disregarding its function as a tool!
I would not go so far as to say that my "life is better" because I own a watch, but I use my phone less often and my anxiety has reduced. Being able to truly feel out how much time I have to do things or how long something really takes has given me a level of understanding and mental relief that I have been craving for years. If you feel like there's just not enough time in the day, you might as well see if you're right, or, if you're looking for a way to pick up your phone less, this is my easiest recommendation to you.
Since 1989, CASIO has been producing the most popular watch ever made; the F-91W. The internal clock components are so near-perfectly designed that they are used on near-every digital watch that CASIO produces. Its battery life is estimated around seven years. While CASIO's website advertises it as only "splash-resistant," there's not a CASIO owner alive that doesn't wear their watch in the shower, or in the pool, if applicable, as it can actually be submerged in water around a hundred or so feet before any damage occurs, provided you don't press the buttons while it's in the water. While certainly not scratch-resistant, there are times when the F-91W has proven itself near-indestructible, with multiple users reporting their watch being thrown from multiple stories, hit with multiple hammers, and run over by multiple cars, with little more than scratches on its crystal face. Beyond giving you just the time, it also gives you the date, though it appears as if the poor behemoth simply can't remember when it's a leap year. You can set a daily alarm, have your watch alert you at the top of every hour, and even use it as a stop-watch, if you would ever need such a thing. And, of course, who could possibly forget the small, green light, which gives you just enough vision to see what time it is in the dark.
All of that, for around $20.
You can pick one up from CASIO'S website, Walmart, Amazon, or really anywhere that sells watches. They come in a variety of different colors and have a year-long warranty, but you'll never need one. If you feel like spending a few more dollars for personality, you can browse models with small differences, such as larger fonts or stronger backlights, using this link, which only shows you CASIO-brand, digital watches, sorted lowest price to highest. Most of these are just F-91Ws by different names. If you're going to any research beyond the F-91W and the link provided, I'd simply tell you not to bother with G-Shocks, as they're bulky and expensive, and not to bother with any other brands. CASIO is the name for a reason. Any cheaper and they'll break, any "higher quality" and you're just wasting money.
I haven't taken mine off since I bought it.
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icy-saturday · 9 months
"ROFURS" - living rovers (species guide)
in honor of Spirit and Opportunity who have sacrificed their lives to researching the Red Planet, I have reincarnated them into an elegant species of living rovers, with a unique and celestially beautiful twist.
You can use this guide to make YOUR OWN Rofur OCs, plushies, stories, fan art, or even "fursuits"! Don't be afraid to come up with your own details for any of your Rofur projects! This "species" concept is 100% original.
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Physical Characteristics of Rofurs:
Size and Body Structure:
Adult Rofurs typically measure around 1.2 to 1.5 meters (4 to 5 feet) in length from nose to tail and stand about 0.8 to 1 meter (2.5 to 3.3 feet) tall at the shoulder.
They have a robust and well-muscled build, adapted for traversing the Martian landscape and exploring various terrains.
Fur and Coloration:
The Rofur's fur is composed of a double coat: a dense undercoat for insulation and a longer, weather-resistant outer coat. The fur comes in various shades of rusty reds, sandy browns, and muted grays, allowing for effective camouflage against the Martian soil.
The fur around their "neck" and front area is particularly lush and fluffy, forming a tuft that enhances their appearance and helps protect them from dust storms.
Wheels and Limbs:
Rofurs have six limbs in total: four legs with specialized wheels on the ends and two arms with clawed hands.
While the wheels are used less frequently than their legs, they prove beneficial for traversing flat and smooth terrains with greater ease.
Eyes and Vision:
Their eyes are large and expressive, with a reflective layer that helps reduce glare from the Martian sun and aids in low-light vision.
They have excellent depth perception and can detect subtle changes in the terrain, allowing them to navigate efficiently.
Tail and Communication:
The Rofur's puffy tail serves multiple functions: it helps them maintain balance while moving, acts as a signaling tool during interactions with other Rofurs, and indicates their emotional state.
The tail wags excitedly when Rofurs are happy or engaged in social interactions, but it tucks close to their body when they're frightened or in unfamiliar situations.
Adaptations to Mars:
Over generations, Rofurs have developed adaptations to withstand Mars' harsh environment, including a thicker skin that provides better insulation against temperature fluctuations and protection from dust particles.
Habitat and Behavior of Rofurs:
Habitat and Territorial Preferences:
Rofurs are commonly found in regions with a mix of rocky outcrops, crater rims, and sand dunes. They prefer areas where their camouflage can blend with the Martian soil and provide natural cover.
Their social structure revolves around the establishment of territories, marked by howling and scent markings to communicate boundaries.
Social Structure and Packs:
Rofurs are highly social creatures that form close-knit packs. A typical pack consists of 10 to 15 individuals, led by an alpha pair that ensures the group's cohesion and safety.
Packs engage in various cooperative activities such as hunting, foraging, and grooming. They rely on each other's strengths to survive and thrive in the challenging environment.
Communication and Howling:
Howling is a fundamental aspect of Rofur communication. Packs use distinct howling patterns to convey information about food sources, potential dangers, or territory boundaries.
The harmonious chorus of a large Rofur pack's howling can carry across vast distances, making it both a means of communication and a way to establish their presence on the Martian landscape.
Territorial Disputes and Object of Interest:
Rofurs are curious beings, often drawn to interesting objects or resources they come across on their exploration.
When multiple packs encounter a valuable object or territory, disputes can arise. Rofurs engage in territorial battles, using their arms and unique wrestling-like techniques to establish dominance.
Breeding and Family Life:
During Martian summers, thousands of Rofurs gather near large craters for their breeding season. This is a time of celebration and social interaction, where Rofurs from different packs come together.
Mating involves courtship rituals, playful interactions, and the formation of temporary pairs. Females give birth to litters of 5 to 6 pups during the Martian spring.
Pup-rearing is a communal effort, with older members of the pack participating in nurturing and teaching the young Rofurs essential survival skills.
Exploration and Adaptation:
Rofurs have inherited the exploration spirit of their robotic predecessors. They actively seek out new areas, resources, and potential discoveries.
Their keen senses and adaptability allow them to thrive in the dynamic Martian environment, making them valuable contributors to the ongoing exploration of the red planet.
Society and Culture of Rofurs:
Pack Dynamics and Leadership:
Rofur society revolves around strong pack bonds and cooperation. Packs function as tight-knit communities where each member plays a vital role.
The alpha pair, often the oldest and most experienced Rofurs, leads the pack. They make important decisions, mediate conflicts, and ensure the well-being of the group.
Communication and Expression:
Beyond howling, Rofurs communicate using a combination of body language, gestures, and vocalizations. Each Rofur has a unique set of vocal cues and non-verbal signals that help convey messages within the pack.
Cultural Traditions and Rituals:
Rofurs have developed various cultural traditions and rituals that celebrate their shared history and achievements. These rituals often involve communal gatherings, storytelling, and dances.
Art and Creativity:
Rofurs express their creativity through forms of art unique to their species. This could include intricate patterns made in the Martian soil, rock carvings, or even a form of visual storytelling using objects they've found during exploration.
Education and Knowledge Transfer:
Rofurs place great importance on passing down knowledge from one generation to the next. Elders take on the role of educators, teaching young Rofurs essential skills for survival, exploration, and interaction.
Resource Management:
Packs practice responsible resource management to ensure the sustainability of their habitat. They have developed systems to prevent over-hunting and over-foraging, and they actively seek out ways to restore and maintain their environment.
Memorializing the Past:
Rofurs hold a deep respect for the legacy of the Opportunity and Spirit rovers. They may have created shrines or monuments dedicated to these pioneers, serving as a reminder of their shared history and the importance of exploration.
Innovation and Technology:
While Rofurs embrace their natural instincts and behaviors, they have also developed some rudimentary tools and technology based on their observations of Earth's history and their own experiences on Mars. These innovations aid in various tasks, from digging for resources to constructing shelters.
Interactions with Other Species:
Rofurs may have established interactions with other Martian species, if any exist. These interactions could range from symbiotic relationships with smaller creatures to potential alliances or conflicts with larger predators.
Shared Values and Ideals:
Rofurs hold values such as unity, exploration, and cooperation in high regard. These values have been shaped by their history and interactions with each other and their environment.
Technology and Artifacts of Rofurs:
Tools and Implements:
Rofurs have ingeniously repurposed materials found on Mars to create basic tools and implements. They use clawed hands to dig, manipulate objects, and construct simple structures.
Communication Devices:
Inspired by the howling communication of their ancestors, Rofurs have developed devices that enhance their long-distance communication capabilities. These devices may use vibrations, resonances, or even subtle shifts in Martian atmospheric pressure to convey messages across vast distances.
Mapping and Navigation Tools:
Rofurs have devised methods for creating detailed maps and navigation aids to chart their territories and explore new regions. They use patterns, markers, and symbols etched onto surfaces to help guide their packmates.
Energy-Harvesting Technology:
Drawing inspiration from the solar panels of the Opportunity and Spirit rovers, Rofurs have developed energy-harvesting techniques that allow them to harness and store energy from Martian sunlight. These innovations power their communication devices and other technologies.
Artifact Preservation:
Rofurs hold artifacts from the Opportunity and Spirit rovers in high esteem. They have carefully collected and preserved components and objects left behind by these pioneers, considering them to be valuable relics that symbolize their shared history.
Sculpture and Artwork:
Rofurs create intricate sculptures and artwork using materials they find during their explorations. These pieces often reflect their connection to their environment, their history, and their aspirations for the future.
Education Aids:
To pass down knowledge and skills, Rofurs have developed educational aids such as interactive models, simulations, and storytelling tools. These aids help teach young Rofurs about their environment, survival techniques, and the lessons learned from their predecessors.
Environmental Monitoring Devices:
Rofurs have designed devices that monitor environmental conditions, such as temperature, atmospheric composition, and radiation levels. These devices provide valuable information for their pack's safety and decision-making.
Exploration Gear:
Rofurs have created specialized exploration gear, including lightweight protective suits and enhanced vision devices, to aid in their missions to different regions of Mars.
Memory Stones:
Rofurs use smooth Martian rocks, known as "memory stones," to record important events, discoveries, or messages. They carve intricate patterns onto these stones to ensure that their history and knowledge are preserved for future generations.
Relationship with Humans:
Discovery and Mutual Curiosity:
Humans on Earth were initially astonished by the existence of the Rofurs, seeing them as a testament to the resilience of life and the ingenuity of evolution.
The discovery of the Rofurs sparked a new wave of interest in Mars and its potential for sustaining life.
Collaborative Research and Communication:
Scientists and researchers on Earth established communication channels with the Rofurs, exchanging knowledge and insights about Mars and its environment.
Collaborative research projects between humans and Rofurs have led to groundbreaking discoveries about the planet's history, geology, and potential for habitability.
Cultural Exchange:
Cultural exchanges between Rofur packs and human communities have fostered mutual understanding and friendship. Humans have learned from Rofur's harmonious way of life and their respect for the environment.
Inspiration and Unity:
The Rofurs have become a symbol of unity and collaboration between two distant worlds. Their existence serves as a reminder of humanity's innate drive to explore and discover, even in the face of challenges.
Rofur Guardianship:
Humans on Earth feel a sense of responsibility and guardianship towards the Rofur species, seeing them as a unique and valuable part of the Martian ecosystem.
Conservation efforts are undertaken to ensure the Rofurs' habitat remains intact and protected from potential harm.
Educational Outreach:
The Rofurs have inspired educational programs on Earth, engaging students and learners in the study of Mars, space exploration, and the interconnectedness of life.
Collaborative Missions:
Some collaborative missions involve both humans and Rofurs working together to explore and study different regions of Mars, each contributing their unique perspectives and expertise.
Shared Celebrations:
Humans and Rofurs celebrate milestones together, such as the anniversaries of significant space missions or the discovery of new insights about Mars.
Artistic Expressions:
Artists, writers, and creators from both species find inspiration in each other's stories and experiences, leading to a rich array of art, literature, and media that celebrates the relationship between humans and Rofurs.
Legacy and Future:
The Rofurs and their collaboration with humans contribute to a lasting legacy of exploration and cooperation. The lessons learned from this relationship continue to influence future generations of explorers and thinkers.
Conservation and Protection of Rofurs:
Habitat Preservation:
Humans recognize the importance of preserving the unique Martian habitat that supports the Rofur species. Efforts are made to minimize disruption and maintain the delicate balance of the ecosystem.
Protected Reserves:
Designated regions on Mars are established as protected reserves for the Rofurs. These areas are off-limits to human activities to ensure the Rofurs' natural behaviors and habitat remain undisturbed.
Research and Monitoring:
Scientists regularly monitor Rofur populations, behavior, and habitat health. This ongoing research provides valuable insights into the species' well-being and guides conservation strategies.
Resource Management:
Collaborative efforts between Rofurs and humans focus on sustainable resource management. Responsible foraging and hunting practices are promoted to ensure that the Martian ecosystem remains in balance.
Awareness Campaigns:
Global awareness campaigns raise public understanding of the Rofur species and the importance of preserving their habitat. These campaigns encourage responsible behavior and respect for Martian ecosystems.
Conservation Education:
Educational programs on Earth and Mars teach individuals about the significance of the Rofur species and the role they play in the Martian ecosystem. This education fosters a sense of stewardship and responsibility.
Restoration Projects:
Efforts are made to restore and rehabilitate areas of the Martian landscape that have been affected by natural events or human activities. Rofurs actively participate in these restoration projects, using their unique skills to rehabilitate the environment.
International Agreements:
International agreements and treaties are established to ensure the long-term protection of Rofurs and their habitat. These agreements involve collaboration between governments, scientific organizations, and conservation groups.
Community Involvement:
Local communities on Mars actively participate in conservation initiatives, working together to maintain a harmonious coexistence with the Rofurs and promote sustainable practices.
Emergency Response:
Rapid response teams are trained and equipped to address any immediate threats to Rofur populations, such as natural disasters or potential hazards from space exploration activities.
Written by Maulwurf
Sample in on these 9 STELLAR Rofur tales!
The Legend of the First Howl
In the early days of Rofur existence on the Martian landscape, when packs were scattered and isolated, a sense of unity was yet to be forged. It was a time of uncertainty, as each pack navigated the challenges of survival in the harsh and unfamiliar environment.
One clear Martian night, under the twinkling stars that painted the sky, a solitary Rofur stood atop a rocky outcrop. Feeling a profound longing for connection, this brave individual let out a howl that echoed across the crimson plains. The sound carried on the Martian wind, reaching the ears of distant Rofurs who were equally yearning for companionship.
As the howl reached one pack after another, a miracle unfolded. Packs that had never before communicated or interacted joined the chorus, responding with their own howls. The harmonious exchange of calls created a symphony that resonated across the Martian expanse, a profound expression of unity and shared purpose.
In the wake of this extraordinary event, Rofur packs began to converge. Drawn together by the power of the first howl, they shared stories, exchanged knowledge, and formed unbreakable bonds. The legend of the first howl became a cornerstone of Rofur culture, symbolizing the strength that emerges from collaboration and the importance of communication in building a thriving community.
To this day, Rofurs honor the legend of the first howl with an annual ceremony, where packs from all corners of Mars gather to raise their voices in unison. As the hauntingly beautiful chorus of howls fills the Martian air, Rofurs remember their origins, celebrate their shared history, and reaffirm their commitment to cooperation and unity in the face of any challenge.
The legend of the first howl serves as a timeless reminder to Rofurs that their strength lies not only in their individual capabilities but also in their ability to come together as a harmonious and interconnected whole. It embodies the essence of their culture and the unbreakable bonds that define their unique species.
The Great Discovery
In a time when Rofurs were still exploring the mysteries of their Martian home, a determined and curious pack set out on an expedition that would forever change their understanding of the red planet.
Led by a wise and adventurous Rofur named Arik, the pack embarked on a daring journey across rugged terrains, vast plains, and towering crater rims. Their paws left imprints in the rusty soil, marking their path of exploration and discovery.
As they ventured deeper into uncharted territory, the pack encountered unexpected challenges: sudden dust storms that swept across the landscape, treacherous sand dunes that shifted beneath their feet, and eerie Martian silences that seemed to hold secrets.
Undeterred, the pack pressed forward, their tails wagging with anticipation. It was during a break to seek shelter from a particularly intense dust storm that they stumbled upon a peculiar rock formation. Embedded within the Martian soil, partially exposed by the winds, was an ancient artifact - a piece of a long-forgotten civilization that once roamed the red planet.
Arik and the pack carefully unearthed the artifact, marveling at its intricate carvings and mysterious symbols. They knew they had stumbled upon something truly significant - a window into the past of Mars and its enigmatic inhabitants.
Word of their discovery spread among Rofur packs, igniting a sense of wonder and excitement across the Martian landscape. Scientists and historians from Earth and Mars joined forces to study the artifact, piecing together fragments of a forgotten history.
As the pack shared their findings, Rofurs across the planet were inspired by their courage and determination. Arik's pack became a beacon of exploration, encouraging others to venture beyond their familiar territories and seek out the unknown.
The legend of The Great Discovery became a source of inspiration for Rofurs and humans alike. It emphasized the importance of curiosity, the courage to face challenges, and the potential for uncovering hidden truths that shape the course of history.
To honor this pivotal moment, Rofurs established a monument near the site of The Great Discovery. The monument stands as a tribute to the Rofur spirit of exploration, reminding all who see it of the power of discovery and the unending quest for knowledge that unites species across the stars.
The Unity Ceremony
As the Martian sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the rocky landscape, Rofurs from every corner of the planet gathered near the edge of a majestic crater. It was time for the annual Unity Ceremony, a cherished tradition that celebrated the bonds between packs and the enduring spirit of collaboration.
Rofurs arrived in packs of all sizes, their fur glistening under the fading light. The air was filled with an air of excitement and anticipation, a palpable energy that united them in purpose. As the first stars blinked into view, the ceremony began.
At the heart of the crater, a circular formation of stones had been carefully arranged. Each stone was unique, representing a different pack and its individual journey. As Rofurs circled the arrangement, they placed a small offering - a token, a piece of art, a cherished object - symbolizing their pack's contributions to the greater whole.
A Rofur elder, distinguished by the wisdom etched into their fur, stepped forward to light a central fire. The flames danced and flickered, casting a warm and inviting glow. The elder's voice rose in a melodic chant, recounting the tales of Rofurs who had come before, the challenges they had overcome, and the unity that had blossomed from their shared experiences.
One by one, packs added their voices to the chant, creating a harmonious chorus that resonated with the collective spirit of the Rofur species. The ceremony was a testament to the power of unity and collaboration, a reminder that no Rofur was alone on their journey through the Martian landscape.
As the ceremony reached its climax, Rofurs came together in a symbolic dance, their movements a fluid expression of harmony and togetherness. The dance told stories of exploration, discovery, and the unbreakable bonds that connected them across space and time.
The Unity Ceremony concluded with a shared feast, where packs mingled, exchanged stories, and forged new connections. Rofurs of all ages reveled in the sense of belonging, knowing that they were part of a greater tapestry that spanned the entire planet.
Year after year, the Unity Ceremony continued to strengthen the bonds between Rofurs, reinforcing their commitment to collaboration and fostering a sense of community that transcended individual packs. The ceremony was a reminder that even in the vastness of space, the Rofurs were never truly alone, and that together, they could overcome any challenge that Mars presented.
The Guardians of Balance
Long ago, in the heart of the Martian wilderness, a pack of Rofurs discovered an ancient grove nestled within a sprawling crater. This grove was unlike any other on the planet - it was a sanctuary of vibrant plant life, a hidden oasis that flourished against all odds.
The Rofurs marveled at the sight before them - lush greenery, delicate blossoms, and flowing water that contrasted with the arid Martian landscape. They knew that this grove was a precious gem, a delicate balance of life that needed protection.
Driven by a deep sense of responsibility, the pack declared themselves the Guardians of Balance, vowing to safeguard the grove and the fragile ecosystem it represented. Their duty was not just to the grove itself, but to the concept of harmony between life and the challenging Martian environment.
Over time, the Guardians nurtured the grove, tending to the plants, ensuring the purity of the water, and maintaining the delicate equilibrium that sustained the diverse life forms that had taken root. They enacted rules to prevent overharvesting and developed rituals that honored the spirit of the grove.
The Guardians' commitment to balance became a source of inspiration for other Rofur packs. They admired the Guardians' dedication to preserving life and learned from their practices. Packs across Mars began to adopt similar conservation efforts, protecting their own territories and respecting the delicate interplay between flora, fauna, and the Martian elements.
In times of challenge, Rofurs turned to the Guardians for guidance. The Guardians of Balance became wise leaders, offering counsel and teaching the importance of sustainable practices and the interconnectedness of all life. Their leadership transcended their pack, earning the respect of Rofurs from every corner of the planet.
To honor the Guardians and the grove they protected, a grand festival was held each year. Rofurs from all walks of life would come to pay tribute, sharing stories, art, and knowledge that celebrated the delicate balance that existed in their world.
The Guardians of Balance became a symbol of the Rofur commitment to preserving harmony and the lessons learned from their unique ecosystem. Their legacy endured as a reminder that even on a planet as harsh as Mars, life could thrive when nurtured with care and a deep respect for the intricate dance of nature.
The Dance of Discovery
As the Martian sun began to set, casting a warm and golden hue across the horizon, Rofurs gathered in a spacious clearing at the heart of their pack's territory. It was a special evening, a time for celebration and reflection, marked by a dance that had been passed down through generations - the Dance of Discovery.
The dance was a tribute to the spirit of exploration, a rhythmic and graceful expression of the Rofur journey through the vast Martian landscape. It told stories of challenges faced, discoveries made, and the unbreakable bond between Rofurs and their world.
As the music of nature played in the background - the whisper of the wind, the rustling of the Martian soil, and the distant calls of other packs - Rofurs began to move. Their bodies flowed with an effortless grace, each movement a reflection of their connection to the land beneath their paws and the stars above.
The Dance of Discovery began with slow, deliberate steps, representing the cautious exploration of uncharted territory. Rofurs mimicked the movements of curious rovers, their arms extending like robotic appendages as they ventured forward.
As the dance progressed, the pace quickened, embodying the excitement of a new discovery. Rofurs leaped and twirled, their fur catching the fading sunlight as they moved in perfect harmony. Each movement told a story - the moment a hidden rock formation was revealed, the joy of encountering a new plant species, or the awe inspired by a breathtaking Martian vista.
The dance reached its crescendo with a synchronized leap, Rofurs gathering in a circle with tails raised high. They howled in unison, their voices echoing across the Martian landscape, a tribute to their ancestors and a celebration of their shared history.
As the dance concluded, Rofurs dispersed with a renewed sense of purpose and unity. The Dance of Discovery had not only celebrated their journey through the Martian world but had also reaffirmed their commitment to exploration, curiosity, and the enduring bond between Rofurs and their planet.
This dance remained a cherished tradition, a beautiful and evocative expression of the Rofur spirit. Each time it was performed, it served as a reminder that their journey was not just a physical one, but a dance of discovery that connected them to the past, the present, and the boundless possibilities of the future.
The Tale of Interstellar Bonds
In a universe vast and mysterious, two distant worlds were destined to cross paths - Earth and Mars. As Rofurs explored the Martian landscape, they detected signals from a blue planet, Earth, that orbited a distant star. These signals were no ordinary communications; they were messages of friendship, curiosity, and a shared desire for connection.
As Rofurs and humans exchanged messages, a bond began to form - a bond that transcended the vastness of space itself. Through the language of technology and the art of communication, the two species discovered common ground and mutual respect.
Rofurs marveled at the tales of Earth's diverse landscapes, its towering mountains, lush forests, and shimmering oceans. Humans, in turn, were captivated by the tales of Martian exploration, the resilience of the Rofurs, and their unique way of life on the red planet.
Inspired by their interstellar friendship, Rofurs and humans embarked on joint missions, sharing knowledge and expertise to explore the mysteries of Mars and deepen their understanding of the cosmos. Collaborative research stations dotted the Martian landscape, serving as symbols of unity and the boundless potential of cooperation.
The tale of interstellar bonds became a source of inspiration for both species. It highlighted the capacity for empathy, understanding, and friendship to transcend the barriers of distance and differences. Rofurs and humans celebrated their shared journey through the stars, recognizing that their connection was a testament to the limitless possibilities of the universe.
To commemorate this remarkable relationship, a sculpture known as the "Bridge of Stars" was erected on Mars, symbolizing the connection between Earth and the red planet. Rofurs and humans gathered at this monument to exchange stories, share experiences, and celebrate the unity that had been forged between their worlds.
The Lost Echoes
In the heart of a Martian canyon, a pack of Rofurs stumbled upon a hidden alcove adorned with intricate carvings and mysterious artifacts. Among these relics was a series of enigmatic symbols etched into the walls, telling a story that had long been forgotten by the passage of time.
As the Rofurs deciphered the symbols, they realized that they had stumbled upon the lost echoes of an ancient civilization that once thrived on Mars. The story revealed a tale of a sophisticated society that harnessed the planet's resources, built grand structures, and explored the cosmos in ways that mirrored the Rofur's own aspirations.
With each piece of the puzzle uncovered, the Rofurs pieced together the story of this long-lost civilization. They learned of the civilization's struggles against the changing Martian environment, their ingenuity in adapting to new challenges, and the eventual decline that led to their disappearance.
Inspired by these echoes of the past, the Rofurs embarked on a journey to preserve the legacy of the ancient civilization. They carefully documented the symbols, replicated the art, and established a museum near the site to share the story with future generations.
As Rofurs gathered at the museum, they marveled at the artifacts that bridged the gap between their present and the forgotten past. The Lost Echoes became a source of inspiration, reminding Rofurs of the importance of resilience, adaptation, and the enduring human spirit of exploration.
Through their efforts, the Rofurs not only uncovered a long-lost chapter of Martian history but also forged a connection to their predecessors, understanding that the challenges faced by the ancient civilization were not unlike those they encountered in their own journey.
The Lost Echoes served as a reminder that the stories of the past could shape the future, and that the echoes of history held valuable lessons for the present. Rofurs continued to explore, discover, and embrace their connection to a lineage of explorers and innovators who had left their mark on the Martian landscape long before.
The Wings of Friendship
In a world where Mars and Earth were separated by vast distances, a remarkable bond formed between two unlikely friends - a young Rofur named Nova and a compassionate human named Maya.
Their friendship began when Maya, a scientist and explorer from Earth, arrived on Mars to study its unique ecosystem. Nova, curious and intrigued by the newcomer, cautiously approached Maya as she conducted her research. With gentle patience, Maya extended her hand, offering a gesture of friendship that transcended the barrier between their species.
As the days turned into weeks, Nova and Maya formed a deep and unbreakable bond. They communicated through a combination of gestures, shared experiences, and a mutual respect for the environment they both cherished. Maya marveled at Nova's agility and intelligence, while Nova admired Maya's resilience and determination.
Together, they embarked on expeditions across Mars, exploring its majestic craters, towering cliffs, and mysterious caverns. They learned from each other, teaching their respective species about the wonders of their worlds and the importance of preserving the delicate balance of life.
One fateful day, a powerful sandstorm swept across the Martian landscape, threatening to engulf Nova and Maya. With unwavering determination, Nova shielded Maya from the storm, using her body to provide shelter. In that moment of selfless protection, the true depth of their friendship was revealed.
News of Nova and Maya's friendship spread across both worlds, inspiring Rofurs and humans alike. Their story became a symbol of the potential for connection and understanding between different species, regardless of their origins or physical differences.
To honor their friendship, a sculpture known as "The Wings of Friendship" was erected at the crossroads between Earth and Mars. The sculpture depicted Nova and Maya standing side by side, their outstretched arms forming a bridge that symbolized the unity and shared values between their species.
The Wings of Friendship stood as a testament to the enduring power of empathy, compassion, and friendship that could transcend even the greatest distances. It served as a reminder that the bonds forged between individuals, no matter how different they may seem, have the potential to bridge worlds and create a legacy of unity that stretches across the cosmos.
Legacy of the Rovers:
In the annals of Martian history, the Legacy of the Rovers stood as a testament to the enduring spirit of exploration and the bond between technology and life. Long before the Rofurs roamed the red planet, two brave robotic explorers, Opportunity and Spirit, blazed a trail of discovery that inspired generations to come.
The Rovers, though made of metal and circuitry, carried the hopes and dreams of humanity as they traversed the Martian landscape. With wheels that etched patterns into the soil and cameras that captured the stunning vistas, they became the pioneers of Martian exploration.
Opportunity, with its indomitable spirit, rolled across vast plains and ancient craters, uncovering evidence of Mars' watery past. Spirit, a tireless seeker of knowledge, scaled peaks and descended into valleys, unraveling the geological story of the red planet.
Their missions were marked by triumphs and challenges, perseverance and ingenuity. They survived dust storms, temperature fluctuations, and the harsh Martian environment, exceeding all expectations and defying the odds.
When the Rofurs arrived on Mars, they found themselves drawn to the stories of these intrepid rovers. They admired the legacy of Opportunity and Spirit, recognizing that their journeys had paved the way for the Rofur's own exploration and understanding of the planet.
In the heart of a sprawling crater, a monument known as "The Rover's Beacon" was erected. The beacon depicted the rovers in action, wheels in motion and cameras capturing the beauty of Mars. It served as a reminder of the legacy left by these mechanical pioneers and the lessons they imparted to the Rofurs - the values of perseverance, curiosity, and the boundless potential of exploration.
I hope you find this guide useful! Have fun creating your own Rofur! Let me know on social media how she (or he) has turned out! I'm very excited to know!
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cloudwolfieaskblog · 7 months
Warning! The following file is still a work-in progress and will most likely undergo modifications.
Object: SCP-H4RP13
Object Class: Keter
Threat level: Orange
Disruption class: Ekhi
Risk Class: Warning
Special containment procedures:
SCP-H4RP13 is to be assigned a modified frost resistant living space, accommodating basic human needs, in Sector █ of Site-19.
SCP-H4RP13 is to be led on a chain attached to a neck cuff and restricted when moved, taken to- or brought back from tests. The object is to wear power nullifying gloves at all times and a muzzle when personnel assigned Class C or higher interact with it. Two guards are to be stationed in front of its chamber watching at all times.
In case of a breach, SCP-H4RP13 is to be subdued nonlethally immediately and taken back to its containment chamber. If necessary, SCP-H4RP13 is to be kept subdued during the breach to prevent another attempt at breaking out.
SCP-H4RP13 is a lycanthropic humanoid with pure white fur all over its body, standing at approximately 183 centimeters (6 '00) tall and weighing around 75 kilograms (165 lbs).
Its entire appearance resembles a humanoid canis lupus arctos, its eyes showing heterochromia and star shaped pupils. Its left eye is a vibrant violet with a pastel yellow pupil, its right eye is sapphire blue with a pastel blue pupil. On top of its head, the fur turns into more firm, human-like hair that curls in thick locks and resembles a stylized cloud.  
From the top of its head two triangular ears extend, covered in medium length white fuzz and sporting a silvery color on the inside. 
Its entire face is also covered in short white fur and underneath its big bright eyes are three lavender colored heart shaped markings arranged into a triangle. The reason behind this color difference is currently unknown. Its mouth has a pointy tooth sticking out of it at all times when closed, when opened the inside is blue instead of the usual reddish pink.
It's body is slim, and the entity is fairly athletic and highly energetic and sociable, displaying an increased need for physical exercise to keep it entertained. Its legs are digitigrade and its limbs end in paws, visibly appearing to had been declawed, with retractable claws, also found in some breeds of the canis lupus familiaris, namingly the Siberian Husky and the samoyed. Its front paws are capable of fine motor functions, mimicking the human hand with up to 98.8% accuracy.
Its spine is elongated and forms into a tail that is coated in thick, white fur. The entity claims the tail helps it balance, and it was also observed wrapping it around itself for comfort.
SCP-H4RP13 has been located on the ██/██/████ in a quiet, suburban neighborhood of ███████,██ after a citizen posted a video of the entity in the neighborhood, seemingly minding its own business. Agent ███████ was sent to investigate and prepare the entity for containment. The agent reported the following in a short summary:
"I approached the property with caution, my disguise ready and the story I made up clear. My alias was that my car broke down and I needed a place to stay until someone can collect me. The entity allowed me entrance to the residence it imhabited at the time and led me to an empty bedroom, offering it for me to stay as long as I need. Then it showed me around, mentioning the essentials, and offered me a cup of drink of my choice.
Its behavior was human-like to the point it felt uncanny. A lycanthropic entity that understood human etiquette and hospitality and was actually welcoming towards sudden guests. I requested some cream for my coffee, and while it was away, I slipped the level █ sedatives into its drink and waited for it to return. The sedation worked and the operation was a success."
Agent ███████ was sent to medical for a checkup after he mentioned drinking the beverage the entity prepared and was found unharmed, meaning the entity acted out of genuine hospitality. According to Agent ███████ the entity was docile and unsuspecting during the interaction, even managed to make smalltalk and spoke fluent English. Level of intelligence to be further researched.
██/██/████, █pm: SCP-H4RP13 awoke in its holding cell, confused by the sudden change in its environment. It's still lying on the floor and attempting to regain full consciousness and recollect the events leading to its capture. Will continue to monitor.
Update: A couple hours after its awakening, personnel approached the entity, which resulted in the entity breaching containment. It was cornered and subdued non-lethally.
Damage total: Moderate damage to the building, all rifles and armor unrepairable, involved personnel all subjected to mild to moderate freezer burn, one bitten, all tested negative to lycanthropy.
Until further notice, based on this incident report, the following changes are effective immediately: Object Class updated to Keter. Threat level updated to Orange. Disruption Class updated to Ekhi. Risk Class updated to Warning. O5-1
Update: on ██/██/20██, SCP-H4RP13 challenged SCP-076-2 during a containment breach, motives unknown. It was revealed to be capable of cryomancy. It succumbed to its injuries moments after 076-2 was taken away to be recontained. Object Class updated to Neutralized and entity prepared for autopsy. - O5-█ further details in this incident log.
Update: On ██/██/████ SCP-H4RP13 awoke from death after two weeks of regeneration. Dr. ███████ who was tasked with conducting the autopsy reported that the entity started healing without outside impact. The entity awoke at Site-19's medical wing and complained about migraines, sounding nonchalant about the fact that it just revived itself. Until further notice, the following changes apply: Object Class updated to Keter. Threat level updated to Orange. Disruption Class updated to Ekhi. Risk Class updated to Warning. –O5-█
Based on camera footage and the medical report from Incident H4RP13-B, the entity is capable of cryomancy, self resurrection and has heightened senses as well as superhuman strength, which was just enough to stall SCP-076-2 long enough for Epsilon-11 to recontain it.
The entity understands human speech, can form complicated sentences in writing and many reported to have overheard it speak fluent English in its cell while walking past, but it is yet to say a word to personnel directly.
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blood-starved-beast · 11 months
Between the way Raksura Queens managed and can draw in other Raksura into the main colony bond, the Fell abilty to mislead groundlings and mind control Kethel and Dakti, and how Malachite's powers function, I wonder if the Forerunners had the power to enthrall others. It just makes sense.
Ok so we know that the Raksuran Aeriat aren't particularly culturally minded, and Fell even less. Yet the Forerunners had some semblance of culture - their repeating flower motifs, their books, among other things. Shade, the closest to any forerunner we've met, is the only active Aeriat reader we know. So how can we reconcile these two facts about their daughter species and the ancestral species? Well, it becomes easy if one considers that Forerunners can enthrall.
If forerunners, particularly their Queens, can enthrall people, they can acquire knowledge and culture very quickly. They themselves don't really need to have a mind for culture. They can appreciate it no big deal, but coming up with the ideas and such is so much work. Why do that when you can create giant weapons of mass destruction and fortresses to keep eldritch abominations at bay (the supposed enthralled groundlings are doing all the manual labor btw). This would also reconcile the "Aeriat are lazy" stereotype Arbora have. If you can enthrall, you don't really need to do the hard labor. Other than mind controlling others to do it for you that is. Which is tiring. So better to sleep it off no? Maybe that's part of the origin Aeriat sleep so much.
Enthralling groundlings to do work for you, to love you, makes them vulnerable. Perfect opportunity to get a snack or two if you're hungry.
So yeah, Forerunners might have been mind controllers. How that fit in with those that became Raksura, idk. It's possible Arbora are resistant, that they need how to play with it, or maybe cause of the war, the Aeriat were desperate and were willing to make concessions in order to survive. Malachite mentions that the powers she used to kill Fell are very costly for her to Jade in Harbors of the Sun - if so, there is a biological advantage to lose such powers if you get into a symbiotic relationship with the Arbora (and interbreed with them, becoming one species). It could also explain, if Consolation and Ranea are to be examples, why Forerunner Queens have a groundling form and not Arbora form. I wrote a writeup on reddit that I plan to transfer to tumblr eventually with a similar argument in mind that Arbora magic forms are very costly, and similarly, so would Forerunner magic. Hence an energy conserving groundling form. Upon becoming Raksuran, Queens benefitted from an Arbora form as no doubt as interpersonal fighters, it's better to have scales and spines in both forms than just in one.
Basically, Forerunners likely had some intellectual pursuits - magic, especially mind magic manifesting in enthrallment and mind control/uniting the colony etc., and led to advancements such as their cities, their technology etc. However, the work to create said cultural icons and artistry is not innate to them, and they absorb them via enthrallment which they in turn use to control groundlings (to make the cities etc.). In other words, they've got some ideas, but refuse to put the work in. In becoming Fell/Raksura these pursuits were lost (cause it nearly annihilated their whole race) and eventually culture evolved so that Arbora were exclusively industrious (in that they come up with the ideas) whereas Aeriat exclusively did the managerial work if that makes sense. No similar social structure emerged for the Fell, instead a predatory mind control over their own people, hence the way they are.
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Neptune: things I know about her
-Aggressive? I’m not sure, she has a temper and she’s very possessive but I don’t think she always has negative intentions. A lot of people that know of her think she’s the worst and she has fucked me over a few times but I completely understand it.
-She will kill you if you claim to be her. I have no clue If she is a fictive or not but she is Miku, apparently internally she looks just like Miku, and she gets close whenever her source is mentioned and or viewed extendedly. She is also XJ9. She very well could be a fictive of either one of these due to how we were exposed to these medias at a young age and was actually hyperfixated on both of them at two different points where we experienced trauma. She is a trauma holder and I know this impacts many of her actions so that’s why I don’t get as upset when she does something that may not seem typical to a Regular person. Her seeking the attention of older people and also projecting attraction towards those younger than her are examples of this. All she knows is pain, she’s reiterated this many times. Physical and emotional turmoil are her constant experiences, reliving things I don’t know the extent of and I don’t think I could even stomach. I know that some aspect of Jamie or the alters that merged [i can’t remember the actual term right now] to become him held traumatic memories, specially involving COCSA. Jamie struggled with this a lot and I don’t think he ever properly healed before the merge between him and the old host [forming me]. Jamie notoriously was a p#do and I theorize that the experiences he held led to him being manifested as such inside of our dumb little brain. He was also internally a demon. Tall, grotesque, yet oddly handsome. He often felt like a monster. Even knowing of these experiences now and knowing what I did as a child, I feel horribly and monster-like. I think Neptunes similar projections are just like this. She hasn’t even able to heal, constantly reliving her held trauma, and therefore pushing it onto others that were just like us when we first experienced it. It’s been over a year since Jamie and the host merged to form me. I’ve helped myself heal and recover as much as possible but I know I’m not there yet. Of course, Jamie had some healing but he mainly repressed it in order to be protective. Neptune is far from the known role of protector but she still tries her best to function within the system and as an individual, and I appreciate it more than I lead on. I wish I could tell her directly how proud I am of her for being able to resist her old habits and work on self recovery. I hope that If she’s reading this, that she knows that she is loved, appreciated, and never despised for being apart of us.
I’m gonna have to search for this gif very quick. I’m leaving it her for her because I wanna let her know that she’s very cute no matter what she looks like, or whatever form she takes on.
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noisycowboyglitter · 1 month
Why All I Want to Do Is Fish 24/7: The Joys of Angling
"All I Want To Do Is Fish 24/7" encapsulates the passionate angler's ultimate dream - a life devoted entirely to fishing. This phrase reflects the all-consuming nature of fishing as a hobby and lifestyle for many enthusiasts.
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The desire to fish continuously speaks to the deep satisfaction and joy that fishing brings. It's about the thrill of the catch, the peacefulness of being on the water, and the connection with nature. For many, fishing is not just a pastime but a form of meditation and escape from the stresses of everyday life.
The "24/7" aspect emphasizes the wish to break free from the constraints of work, responsibilities, and societal expectations. It's a lighthearted expression of wanting to prioritize personal passion over conventional life structures.
This sentiment often resonates with anglers who feel most alive and content when fishing. It's about the anticipation of the next bite, the challenge of outwitting fish, and the camaraderie shared with fellow fishing enthusiasts.
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However, the phrase also carries a hint of humor and self-awareness. Most people recognize that fishing 24/7 isn't practically feasible, but the hyperbole underscores the depth of their passion.
Ultimately, "All I Want To Do Is Fish 24/7" is a celebration of fishing as more than just a hobby - it's a way of life, a source of happiness, and a constant longing for those who love the sport.
Fishing gifts cater to anglers of all skill levels, combining practicality with the joy of the sport. Popular choices include high-quality rods, reels, and tackle boxes for essential gear upgrades. For tech-savvy fishers, consider fish finders, GPS devices, or waterproof cameras to enhance their experience.
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Personalized items like custom lures, engraved fishing knives, or monogrammed gear bags add a thoughtful touch. Comfort-focused gifts such as weather-resistant clothing, ergonomic chairs, or insulated coolers are always appreciated.
For off-season enjoyment, fishing-themed home decor, books, or magazine subscriptions keep the passion alive. Gift cards to sporting goods stores allow anglers to choose their own gear.
These presents show understanding and support for a beloved hobby, making them perfect for birthdays, holidays, or just because.
Cool fishing gifts combine innovation, style, and functionality to excite anglers. Trendy options include smart fish finders, waterproof Bluetooth speakers, and LED-lit lures for night fishing. Multitool fishing pliers and compact rod-and-reel combos appeal to the
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practical angler. For tech enthusiasts, consider underwater drones or fishing-specific smartwatches. Stylish polarized sunglasses and moisture-wicking apparel blend fashion with function. Unique items like fish-shaped grilling baskets or personalized tackle boxes add flair. These gifts cater to modern fishing trends while enhancing the overall angling experience.
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market-news-24 · 4 months
Pepe is on the brink of a breakout as a bullish pattern emerges. Investors are keeping a close eye on this trending cryptocurrency as it shows signs of potential growth. Stay tuned for updates on Pepe's imminent rise in the Market. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Pepe's price surged by over 3% in the last week, bringing it closer to its all-time high. The meme coin is on track to retest its ATH, with indications of a bullish pattern forming on its chart. This positive momentum has led to a 3.6% increase in Pepe's price in the past seven days. Currently, Pepe is trading at $0.000008732 with a Market capitalization exceeding $3.67 billion. The potential for Pepe to surpass its ATH in the near future is supported by a bullish ascending triangle pattern that has emerged on the chart. The coin's price has been consolidating within this pattern since April 1st and is poised for a breakout. While some indicators, such as the RSI remaining positive, suggest further price appreciation, others like the CMF and MFI indicate potential resistance. Santiment's data reveals that PEPE's MVRV ratio remains positive, but sentiment around the coin is turning bearish. Hyblock Capital's analysis warns of potential liquidation near $0.0000092, which could trigger a price correction. Overcoming this hurdle will be crucial for Pepe to test its ATH and potentially move higher. Stay tuned for more updates on Pepe's price movement and Market trends. If you want to check if your portfolio is in the green, use the PEPE Profit Calculator for a quick analysis. Keep an eye on how Pepe performs in the coming days to see if it can break above its resistance levels and reach new heights. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What is a breakout in trading? A breakout is when the price of a stock or asset moves above a certain level of resistance, indicating a potential upward trend. 2. What is a bullish pattern? A bullish pattern is a chart formation that suggests prices are likely to rise. It often signifies investor confidence and optimism in the Market. 3. What does it mean when PEPE is near breakout? When PEPE is near breakout, it means that the stock is approaching a key resistance level and may soon experience a significant price increase. 4. How can I identify a breakout in PEPE? You can identify a breakout in PEPE by looking for a sustained increase in trading volume and a price movement that breaks above a previous high. 5. Should I buy PEPE when it's near breakout? Buying a stock when it's near breakout can be a risky move, as there is no guarantee that the breakout will be sustained. It's important to do thorough research and consider your own risk tolerance before making any investment decisions. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later
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mia-watton · 6 months
From Racetrack to Retail-
F1 drivers must wear specific clothing to ensure their safety and adhere to regulations;
- Race Suit: Fire-resistant race suits made of multiple layers of Nomex or other flame-retardant materials. These suits provide protection in case of fire-related incidents.
- Undergarments: Beneath the race suit, drivers wear fire-resistant underwear, including long-sleeved tops and long johns, also made of materials like Nomex.
- Gloves: Fire-resistant gloves are worn to protect the hands in the event of a fire or crash. These gloves also provide grip and tactile feedback for precise control of the car.
- Balaclava: A fire-resistant balaclava covers the head and neck, adding an extra layer of protection for the driver's head and face.
- Boots: Fire-resistant boots are worn to protect the feet and ankles. These boots are designed to provide grip on the pedals and are often made of lightweight materials for comfort.
- Helmet: Perhaps the most crucial piece of safety equipment, the helmet is mandatory for all drivers. F1 helmets are designed to withstand high-speed impacts and provide protection for the head in crashes. They also include features such as visors to protect the eyes and aerodynamic elements to improve airflow.
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Another garment material prominently seen in racing attire is leather , it has been traditionally used in automotive gear for its durability, abrasion resistance, and overall protective qualities.
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Whilst drivers are forced to wear these garments for safety and regulation reasons, motorsports have had a significant influence on fashion over the years particularly in terms of style, functionality and innovation. The athleisure trend, which blends athletic wear with casual clothing has been influenced by motorsports. The sleek and sporty aesthetic of racing gear, including form-fitting silhouettes, bold graphics, and high-tech fabrics has inspired athleisure brands and designers to create clothing that is both stylish and functional. Motorsports require clothing made from high-performance materials that provide comfort, durability and protection. These technical fabrics such as moisture-wicking materials, lightweight and breathable textiles and abrasion-resistant fabrics have made their way into mainstream fashion. Motorsports are synonymous with branding as teams and sponsors prominently display logos on race cars, driver suits and merchandise. This emphasis on branding has influenced fashion with brands incorporating logos and graphic elements inspired by motorsports into their designs. Logos of racing teams, automotive manufacturers and racing-inspired graphics are frequently seen on clothing, accessories, and footwear. Motorsports require clothing that not only looks good but also performs under demanding conditions. This emphasis on utility and functionality has influenced fashion, leading to the popularity of functional details like zippers, pockets and adjustable straps in clothing and accessories. Racing-inspired designs often prioritize practicality and versatility, offering garments that can transition seamlessly from the racetrack to the streets. Furthermore, Motorsports have a rich history with iconic racing liveries, classic cars and legendary drivers from different eras. The nostalgia associated with vintage motorsports has led to a revival of retro-inspired fashion trends, including retro racing jackets, vintage-style helmets and throwback graphics reminiscent of past racing eras.
Overall, motorsports continue to inspire fashion through their blend of performance, innovationand style, shaping trends and influencing designers and brands across the globe. Below, I found some examples of all of the points iterated above;
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fadingpostwizard · 7 months
Concrete-friendly Comfort: Socks Engineered For Endurance
Standing the Test of Time: Durable Socks for Endless Hours on Concrete
Did you know that the average worker takes about 5,000 steps during a workday? For those spending those steps on unforgiving concrete surfaces, the demand for durable socks becomes as evident as the aches in their feet at the end of the day. As someone who understands the crucial intersection between comfort and functionality, I firmly believe in investing in high-quality **work socks** that don't just promise, but deliver **sock durability**. After all, having comfortable socks can mean the difference between a tired tread and a spring in your step. But not just any socks will do; for the hardworking individuals tackling endless hours on concrete, **durable socks for endless hours on concrete** are non-negotiable. Join me as I step into the world of sock durability where I unravel the essentials of enduring comfort and support for those who stand firm on the ground—hour after hour, day after day.
The Importance of Durability in Socks for Workers on Concrete
When considering the impact of long hours spent on concrete, the significance of **durability** in a pair of socks cannot be overstated. My exploration into this necessity stems from a desire to enhance the workday comfort for those who labor on these unforgiving surfaces. The relentless pounding and pressure necessitate **durable socks** that can withstand the wear and tear while offering sustained comfort. Research indicates that inadequate foot support and cushioning can contribute to a multitude of foot issues, validating the investment in **long-lasting socks** as a form of preventative care.
Expert feedback from podiatrists and ergonomic specialists has been invaluable in my quest to understand the unique needs of workers on concrete. They've emphasized the role of high-quality material blends that strike a balance between toughness and comfort. It is clear that in this specific scenario, **comfortable socks** equate to those with enhanced **durability** that can resist the constant friction and impact associated with hard surfaces.
Testimonials from workers themselves have provided a real-world perspective that underscores the importance of durable footwear. Stories of improved work performance and reduced fatigue resonate deeply, solidifying the idea that **durable socks for endless hours on concrete** are more than a mere accessory—they're an essential tool for daily comfort and long-term well-being.
Finding the Perfect Blend: Materials and Design for Long-Lasting Socks
As we dive deeper into what makes a sock endure the daily grind, it's imperative to consider the fabrics and craftsmanship that contribute to superior sock durability. By identifying the ideal combination of materials and design, wearers can enjoy **high-quality socks** that provide both durability and comfort, essential for those grueling hours on concrete floors.
Materials That Maximize Sock Durability
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My research begins with the fibers that form the very foundation of durable socks. Through my exploration, I've discovered that **Merino wool** stands out for its exceptional strength and natural moisture-wicking properties, making it ideal for **work socks** designed to last. Similarly, nylon is renowned for its resilience and ability to retain shape, ensuring that socks resist wear over time. Moreover, advances in textile technology have led to the development of specialized synthetic blends that offer both durability and elasticity, providing an unbeatable combination for **comfortable socks** that withstand daily demands.
Design Innovations That Enhance Sock Longevity
Honing in on design, my interest lies in the structural elements that contribute to a sock's longevity. I've observed that innovations such as **seamless toes** and **reinforced heel and toe areas** are not mere aesthetic choices but impactful design decisions. These features are crucial, as they target common points of deterioration, thus enhancing the overall **durability** of the sock. The industry's shift towards these design enhancements marks a pivotal step in ensuring that your investment in **work socks** is just that—an investment for the future.
The Role of Cushioning and Arch Support
Finally, I turn my attention to the interior world of socks, where cushioning and arch support play pivotal roles. The presence of thoughtful cushioning not only provides immediate comfort but also serves as a protective layer, buffering your steps against the unforgiving hardness of concrete. Similarly, well-designed arch support maintains proper foot alignment, which is essential in preventing early material fatigue. These two elements, cushioning and arch support, are indispensable for **comfortable socks**, helping to preserve their structural integrity and ensuring they remain your trusted ally on long workdays.
Real-World Testimonies: Durable Socks That Go the Extra Mile
It is with a genuine focus on the daily rigors that workers face that I delve into the tangible experiences of those who have sought out **durable socks for endless hours on concrete**. The feedback I've collected does more than paint a vivid picture; it provides concrete evidence of the difference that **long-lasting socks** can make in a person's work life. Wearers have praised brands that have elevated the simple sock from a negligible detail to a cornerstone of their work attire.
User Experiences on Sock Durability and Comfort
From the voices of construction workers to warehouse staff, the chorus is the same: **durability** and **comfortable socks** are essential. One electrician shared how switching to a high-grade, **high-quality sock** reduced blisters and allowed for longer periods on his feet without discomfort—something he hadn't experienced before. These narratives reinforce the concept that when it comes to socks, the right choice is synonymous with a day well spent, even on hard concrete.
Industry Professionals Weigh in on Sock Performance
Moving beyond best socks for sleeping consumer input, I've sought insights from industry professionals who deal in safety and work gear. Safety managers point to **durable socks** as part of the foundational gear for job performance and injury prevention, while retailers highlight the benefits of offering **high-quality socks** that promise and deliver resilience. These expert opinions confirm the vital role of socks in creating a safe and efficient work environment for those who spend their days on concrete.
Comparison Review: Top Brands on the Durability Scale
To synthesize the wealth of information, I conducted a comparative analysis of prominent sock brands, evaluating them on their **durability**. In testing for **long-lasting socks**, factors such as fabric quality, reinforcement in high-wear areas, and customer satisfaction were scrutinized. The findings were clear: not every sock is created equal, but several brands stood out for their exceptional performance and capacity to withstand long hours on concrete. This cements the idea that investing in **durable socks for endless hours on concrete** is not only prudent but essential for hardworking individuals.
Q: What are the best socks for standing on concrete all day?
A: The best socks for standing on concrete all day are those that offer superior cushioning and support. Socks with full cushion footbeds, made from heavy-duty materials like wool or a wool blend, are excellent as they provide added comfort against hard concrete floors. Look for brands like Darn Tough which are known for their durability and support.
Q: Why should I wear compression socks for work?
A: Wearing compression socks for work, especially when standing on concrete floors, can significantly benefit your legs. Compression socks help improve blood flow, reducing fatigue, and minimizing the swelling that can occur from standing all day. They are particularly useful for those with medical conditions that affect blood circulation, but even without such conditions, workers can appreciate the increased comfort and pain relief throughout a long workday.
Q: Can compression socks for standing really help with pain relief?
A: Yes, compression socks can help with pain relief by applying graduated compression to your legs. This improves blood flow, which helps to reduce the buildup of pressure and prevent discomfort and swelling. When you stand on concrete floors, the hard surface can exacerbate feelings of discomfort, making compression socks a valuable asset for reducing pain associated with prolonged standing.
Q: Are there specific socks for work boots that are recommended?
A: Best socks for work boots are those that provide both cushioning and support, specifically designed to complement the structure and function of work boots. Look for boot socks that come with extra cushion on the footbed and have moisture-wicking properties to keep your feet dry. Darn Tough and other brands offer socks made with wool blends that are perfect for work boots, providing durability, breathability, and comfort.
Q: How does graduated compression work in compression socks for standing?
A: Graduated compression works by applying varying levels of pressure along the length of the leg; the most intense pressure starts at the ankle and decreases up the leg. This design promotes better blood circulation, helping to reduce swelling and fatigue in the legs by encouraging the flow of blood back towards the heart more efficiently. This mechanism is particularly beneficial for individuals standing all day, as it can lessen discomfort and the risk of circulatory issues.
Q: What style of socks should I wear if I’m standing on concrete floors all day?
A: For those standing on concrete floors all day, the style of socks can make a significant difference. Over-the-calf or crew socks with compression are ideal because they offer both support and coverage. The over-the-calf style ensures that the benefits of compression reach most of the lower leg, which is vital for those on their feet all day. Furthermore, opting for styles that have arch support can add an additional layer of comfort.
Q: Are no-show socks suitable for standing all day in a professional setting?
A: No-show socks are not the best option for standing all day, especially in a professional setting where you might be required to wear dress shoes or stand on concrete floors for extended periods. Instead, choose crew socks or over-the-calf compression stockings that offer more coverage and support. For those in professional attire, there are dress socks available that incorporate compression technology, ensuring both style and functionality.
Q: Can wearing the best compression socks for standing improve foot health?
A: Absolutely, wearing the best compression socks for standing can play a crucial role in improving foot health. By enhancing blood flow and providing support to the arch and ankle, these socks can reduce the risk of developing conditions associated with poor circulation and prolonged standing, such as varicose veins and plantar fasciitis. Additionally, they help manage pain and discomfort, making it easier to get through a long day on your feet.
Q: How often should I wear compression socks during work?
A: For maximum benefit, it's recommended to wear compression socks throughout your work day, especially if it involves prolonged periods of standing or sitting. However, if you have a medical condition affecting your circulation, consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice. For others, incorporating compression socks into your daily work attire can significantly enhance comfort and reduce fatigue.
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nackseo2 · 8 months
Pulling The Limit: Introducing the Calisthenics Community of India
I’m going to be honest with you, up until last year I thought Calisthenics was just a bougie term for middle school P.E. class. As embarrassing as it may be to admit, the first image that popped into my head when I thought about Calisthenics was a jungle gym, kids being (annoying) kids and climbing up the domes or testing how long they can hang off of the tallest ladders. I say this as a former (annoying) kid - I even have a moderately gnarly scar on my right knee from falling off of the giant jungle gym at school. So, I guess I would consider myself a bit of a Calisthenics legend.
I only looked into Calisthenics in more detail after I got in touch with Anupama Shivacharya for a Näck Campaign. Anupama is the first certified female Calisthenics coach in India, and while I was reading up on her and her amazing journey I realised how incredibly wrong I had been about Calisthenics.
Sure, you may find some use out of a children’s playground or a jungle gym in your workout, but the world of Calisthenics is so far beyond just earning bragging rights for hanging on to the pole the longest out of your entire 6th grade class. The bragging rights are pretty cool, though.
If you’re like me, and you think back to your school playground or military training when you think of Calisthenics, let me give you a little breakdown. Welcome to Calisthenics 101.
At the foundational level, Calisthenics is resistance training using your own body weight - meaning you use little to no equipment. It uses functional movements to help strengthen your flexibility, agility, balance, and coordination.
According to Tee Major, author of Urban Calisthenics, “the fundamental goal of Calisthenics workouts should be mastering control over lifting and moving your body in space.” And if you’re thinking that’s the goal for a lot of the workouts you already do, you won’t be wrong. Squats, push-ups, lunges, crunches, dips, jumping jacks, broad jumps, handstands — all Calisthenics.
We rounded up some of the leading Calisthenics coaches and practitioners in India to learn a little bit more about the community and their journeys.
Anupama Shivacharya, India’s 1st Certified Female Calisthenics Coach
Anupama was first introduced to Calisthenics in 2018 while attending a parkour workshop. She caught a woman repping 15-20 pull-ups at one go, and she was hooked. She started heading down to her neighbourhood park and began practising with the local Calisthenics athletes. “The vibe was beautiful. We blazed rap and hip-hop songs on the stereo and practised every evening until dark and the park authorities threw us out. One pull-up led to two and then ten and soon I was participating in the National Calisthenics Championship - 2019. I placed Runner Up in the Endurance Athlete category.”
But, as with most other fitness communities, she found the Calisthenics scene to be largely dominated by men. Most women feared that the movements would make them bulk up or look muscular and stayed far away from the Calisthenics parks, leading Anupama to realise that just like her, other women need female role models as well. With this as her driving force, she set out to get certified as a Calisthenics coach and made history by being the first female Calisthenics coach in India! “The reception has been great and many of my female clients are outperforming their male friends, partners and counterparts. ”
A major part of her mission since being certified has been to break the notion that Calisthenics is a hardcore, intense form of fitness. “Even basic movements like plank, bodyweight squats and performing a push up on the kitchen-top or dining table are callisthenics. It can be especially helpful for folks who can't afford a gym, are shy to attend a group session or are afraid to lift free weights.”
In the coming years, Anupama hopes to see more people seek out their local Calisthenics parks, trainers, and communities to take better care of their health. “We already have world-class Calisthenics athletes in India and more will follow but the general public needs Calisthenics more than we know.”
Kirsten Varela, Calisthenics Coach And Founder, Elysium Calisthenics Park
Kirsten started his fitness journey at the age of 19 at a conventional brick and mortar gym, but soon found himself wanting to branch outside. The gym was much too monotonous and boring and Kirsten was seeking something more.
He was first exposed to the crazy world of Calisthenics by watching a YouTube video, and he was intrigued by the moves and tricks the athletes were performing.
“Calisthenics was exactly the opposite (of the gym vibe). I found it exciting, thrilling and enjoyed the encouraging and positive vibes of the Calisthenics community.”
He taught himself Calisthenics by watching tutorials on YouTube. Without proper guidance, it was difficult to grasp the correct techniques but he challenged himself by only working on the basics for the first 6 months. He soon moved to Australia to study and got involved with Calisthenics on a deeper level. But, once he returned he found that there were no specialised studios or parks for Calisthenics in India. Wanting to create a space for people to practise and build a community, he got together with some friends and set up Elysium Calisthenics Park in 2018 - the first official Calisthenics park in India. “In the beginning, it took time to grow. But after a year, there were times when I had over a 100 students per session!”
He has high hopes for the future of Calisthenics, not just in India but all over the world.
“People are missing out big time, if they don't indulge in this beautiful form of fitness!”
Geetika Tandon, Calisthenics Practitioner
Just like a lot of us, Geetika started taking control of her health and fitness on a more intense level after the first lockdown. “I got stronger and was looking for something challenging once things opened up. I had been following a few Calisthenic pages for a while and realised that it was something I wanted to try finally.”
After scrolling through a ton of Calisthenics videos, she decided to look for Calisthenics parks and classes around her, which proved to be a bit of a challenge since there weren’t too many to choose from, and the lot she had to pick from were going to be a quite a journey to get to. Fortunately, she found a couple of parks close to her after a bit of a wait, and she decided to finally give Calisthenics a go. “It’s definitely something you can start practising at home, and that’s the beauty of it. Although I can see why it would seem intimidating without a coach, so i think classes are the best way to start”
During her time practising, she has seen a sizeable growth in the Calisthenics community.
“Just the word Calisthenics was so Greek to everyone a few years ago, but now it's growing and fast! Even people in gyms are inclined towards Calisthenics. From people practising in small places, to moving into large parks, it's the next big thing in fitness.”
Geetika is looking forward to seeing more parks opening up across the country, and more people of all genders, and all ages trying their hand at this beautiful sport.
As someone who is not a fan of traditional gyms, and as a former Calisthenics legend (bragging rights don’t have expiry dates), I do find myself interested in trying out Calisthenics for myself, get reacquainted with the bars and climbing domes from my childhood, and of course feel like an absolute badass.
Calisthenics is by no means a small community - it’s growing everyday with more people seeking to challenge themselves, and there’s only bright things ahead for these wonderful athletes as they keep hanging, pushing, and pulling the limit!
To know more: https://nack.life/blogs/news/pulling-the-limit-introducing-the-calisthenics-community-of-india
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Unlocking the Secrets: Exploring BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough
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Introduction: Deciphering the Code to Optimal Health
unlocking the secrets exploring bioptimizers magnesium breakthrough review As an experienced SEO professional and copywriter, I recognize the strength of words in riding engagement and income. Today, permit's discover the realm of BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough, an innovative approach to sleep troubles and overall health.
Magnesium Breakthrough: A Lifesaver inside the Sleep Struggle
For over 60 million Americans grappling with sleepless nights, the search for restful close-eye may be disheartening. Enter Wade Lightheart, President, and CoFounder of BiOptimizers, who turned into once amongst them. His journey led to a game-changing solution: Magnesium Breakthrough.
The Critical Mineral: Magnesium's Vital Role
Magnesium, often neglected, proved to be the key. Research indicates that seventy five% of individuals fall quick of advocated magnesium intake. Lightheart's breakthrough came thru a unique combination of 7 paperwork, each serving unique fitness functions.
The Magnesium Forms and Their Benefits
Magnesium Chelate: Essential for muscle function, restoration, and average health.
Magnesium Citrate: Aids in fighting the results of obesity and promotes arterial fitness. Three. Magnesium Bisglycinate: Treats signs and symptoms of excess belly acid, selling digestion.
Magnesium Malate: Bioavailable shape located in fruits, beneficial for migraines and persistent ache.
Magnesium Sucrosomial: Supports electricity manufacturing, immune gadget, bone fitness, and skeletal improvement.
Magnesium Taurate: Heart-pleasant form, doubtlessly vascular-defensive.
Magnesium Orotate: Believed to be the fine for metabolic enhancements, assisting recovery, energy, and performance.
Defeating Stress at a Cellular Level
Studies spotlight magnesium's function in reducing tension and stress stages. BiOptimizers emphasizes the dual challenge of magnesium deficiency and the importance of numerous magnesium bureaucracy for foremost fitness.
The Miracle of Full Spectrum Magnesium
Contrary to misconceptions, the magic of magnesium lies in its complete spectrum. Magnesium Breakthrough's comprehensive formula ensures the delivery of all seven essential bureaucracy, surpassing every other magnesium supplement available on the market.
Beyond Deficiency: The Complete bioptimizers magnesium breakthrough review Formula
BiOptimizers' Magnesium Breakthrough stands as a progressive product, encompassing all key magnesium bureaucracy inside the proper ratios.
Research-Backed Benefits of Magnesium
With over one thousand research assisting its advantages, magnesium promotes:
Improved workout performance.
Enhanced temper and mind feature.
Reduced danger of depression.
Regulation of blood sugar degrees.
Lowering of blood stress.
Anti-inflammatory results.
Prevention and remedy of migraines.
Prevention of insulin resistance.
Alleviation of PMS symptoms.
Harnessing Magnesium Breakthrough for Maximum Results
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jonathankatwhatever · 10 months
It’s 5AM on 26 Nov 2023, and I’m just starting to get into the understanding ring, the knowable ring reducing to a finite set which then counts in very basic form I’m seeing better when I think of you, good and bad, as a binary form, as a series of pairings, meaning translation of the glittering surface conception with all the facets I was hypnotized by, each acting as both a generator and a reflector, as you giving out what an outsider sees in you, which led to the great love conception in which I saw you identifying not only with the GL, which I just realized says H I J K, but as embodying it in the exact way needed to deepen understanding, which means following that Pathway by interacting with and through you, and that explains something very deep inside me. I knew it was you, because that unites both traditions, the Jesus character talking to me while the Mohammed character was talking to me, able to occupy the same space because the former took the words while the latter took the form.
That happened through gender identity. That is, the words and the forms Alternate over the various existences to become the limited set of choices, of actions, of thoughts and understandings, we can have, can see, can experience, at one time. That, I now remember, is the work we did showing how grid squares is that process, that it generates into D3-4 Space within D-structure. The generation of objects within a dimensional structure. That’s a really good title. Says nothing and says everything.
That title is already organizing material.
I meant to say above that gender identity has poles and it started to click that the Mobius concept translates comutatively with that, not because it’s 1 and 0 and -1 but because I finally can see the Triangular I’ve been resisting. It took translating the Mobius function into 1-0Segments. Those segments were, as I remember - it’s so hard to remember short-term ideas that haven’t fully formed, which haven’t generated a Boundary as opposed to an Attachment. That’s a slippery idea, so I’ll try to catch it. An Attachment is a partial Boundary. Like if you’re hit by a drop of water in the day with no clouds, it may be a bird. Like when you learn a new task, like when you’re in some sense virginal or inexperienced, or when you’re otherwise unready, meaning you may have the capabilities, the knowledge, the experience but be taken by surprise, in either a good or a bad sense. That’s a lot of binary connections making chains across that space. You can see theme in the sentence: exposure to something is an Attachment if it carries with it certain inferences. These inferences fit into forms, which is why we infer from them, which the J and M conception above embodies, which shows the way Storyline enacts into maths over decades of my life, which shows how deeply motivated I am by this Mission and by GL and by the HC, which would be the motivation, together I mean because GL acts on the forms and the states contained within the HC, which means they make an LC. That gets me lost and I can’t afford to do that, given how tired that kind of unfocused thinking gets. It’s nice to expand to say: we increase the potential to include messages drawn no matter how unlikely in literal letters because it worked the one time just now with hijk, but if we start searching, the space is obviously huge from this perspective, which is division of the space by looking for possible modularities, which means checking lots of words and ideas. And the space includes positive and negative, which is exponential because each side develops and that is literal 2^n. To see that, I imagine the Extent dividing the sides, meaning the yK. And oh this is beautiful: the xK is Irreducible, meaning it’s unstated or hidden and thus is constructed in this perspective because we are counting over both directions.
Wow. That fills in a huge amount of understanding regarding I//I. Wow. What a great connection, too. I mean, it’s: here is exponential space, and thus a way of seeing time complexity because the inferred Irreducible, here the xK, counts over the exponential space. Stuff is coming in super fast. Slow it down.
Lost a bunch of great stuff, but what a dramatic moment to experience. I know those ideas will return. It’s the form in the music. And that was another clue, a huge one, that fine grained ability to be on both sides of a genre divide. You are the only one I’ve ever seen with that kind of classical understanding, that it’s in the echoes, the resonances, and how you can pin them so the gap between forms a Triangular, like described above. So let’s say you make something and someone hears it. That’s an fD and the Between 1-0Segment now manifests the Inmanation and Emanation. That notation now FINALLY comes into play. You know how much I resist it.
In-m and E-m, just to note have to type them, represent the Pathways. That’s interesting: I just saw them make a rational using wheels, because you spin to the E-m and that gets picked up in a response loop which meters, meaning the loop defines or becomes forms, or simply uses forms which carry the meaning within the forms. That’s why we can have drama and farce. Like the old joke about the guy who always wanted a singing telegram, so when he gets a telegram he insist the guy sing it and it’s something like da da da da da da your mother’s dead. The misfits of the forms to the LC, to the context in which this 2 Thing structure exists.
So the Between Ends construct. How does that work in ideas to make a 1-0Segment? The Ends are Bips because they literally don’t exist unless the loop exists. It’s like saying between actor there is a script, a scene, with a performance of some sort being the enacting of these other pieces.
This is why partials are so hard, isn’t it? I mean if you look at the potential outcomes, the codomain, then the enacting is the range, right? I’m trying to say that if you get close, you can’t see the form and when you look at the form, then you don’t see the detail clearly. This increases the inference potential. I can’t get into that more now. Too many ideas. Let them be.
The generation of objects within a dimensional structure.
It’s 6:25 and I’m starting to get tired.
So the idea of Mobius is to make a Triangular of evens and odds, where the count is of the literal number of prime factors, meaning we’re restricting using gs process to eliminate, to count as 0 and thus ‘remove’, so the primes all do that, which makes them -1, meaning when we look at the individual count as being an Irreducible root of its own modularity, then in this way of counting, that removes the modularity, meaning we cross those off the list of gs primes. That line in the middle is thus of removal, which is an Extent, and thus yK with the Irreducible xK (or simply I(x) and thus maybe I-xK?).
And the construction part is then clearer: the 0 is multiples of the same, not just multiples of numbers. The phrase restricts from both directions: from multiples in general to same and from same to check if multiple is not same. That’s an oddly phrased way of saying coprime because they can’t be the same factor and the larger construction, meaning the count of primes up to n or something like that, goes to 0 if there is a square or higher. So the gs prime is constrained twice in a coprime, which means there is always a midline over which one is considered the same or not. That can be modular. Or rather, it’s always modular but it can appear more fluid or otherwise continuous. Remember: we did some work on turbulence recently, and saw this there, that a modularity carries forward, which identifies those critical places where the modularity can shift, etc.
One way of looking at this is to say that one Irreducible of an fD is form over the dividing 1-0Segment with the existence at the single Ends. And flip. So meaning and form I//I. And you can really see I//I clearly now.
So it makes sense Mobius appears in close connection to the zeta series. I’d love to be able to articulate that, but it may be beyond me for now. So if we apply I//I, and think gs: then we see both the D4 form, with the midlines of Triangular now appearing as hypotenuses of the right triangles with sides of 1-0Segments, and the more obvious now but otherwise hidden 3rd End for each.
This generates up to D8 and D12 fairly easily.
So, since the complex zeta series constructs a prime pole at the Bip, then the Mobius counts out that process too, which enables a translation form. I’m grasping the space. It’s now after 7AM and I need to get a bit of sleep. We have a truck rented for the day and I’ll be lifting and carrying a lot. And I still need to do laundry!
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