#funky shit go brr
thelemoncoffee · 1 year
okay so like- i keep seeing these videos of this cute trickster waitress bumping around on the internet, and through some digging i got both alot of and no context.
the girl's whole thing is she's dressed as a chinese trickster spirit with a mask of said spirit on (sometimes she also wears rollerskates), and she taps (or kisses the cheek of) her customer to engage them in a game with her. from my understanding while she's doing a little perfomance for them- be it pouring tea out of a long-spouted pot or popping beer bottles with her clipboard- the customer can offer her a bite of food, and if she takes it the customer can try and nab her spirit mask while she tries to jump away so they can't. i'm like 90% sure the goal of this is if you can take her mask fully off you get a free dish/drink, but it's really difficult to do it because of how quick she is.
the no conxtext part is i have no fucking clue if this is a full on restaurant chain gimmick or just something this one shop does, and nor do i know the details of how the rules and customer/waitress boundries are set up, or even if this a normal thing or a requestable perfomance or just her staging it. google is giving me nothing so i had to scrounge what info i do have out of youtube comments, reddit threads, and video context clues.
but- it's really neat and perfect for Saiouma cat and mouse shennanigans. i think this would be a fun scenario for them to meet under, maybe Shuichi getting dragged to the dinner by his friends cause they want him to get out more, and he finds himself the primary target of their trickster waitress (Kokichi crossdressing like a boss).
throughout out the night his friends try to get Kokichi's mask to no avail, and just before they're thinking about paying and heading out they manage to convince Shuichi to give it a shot. Shuichi gives it a try and actually fucking snags the mask, surprising everyone in the situation. as prize their table gets a desert on the house, but Shuichi also got a bonus prize in the form of Kokichi's number.
Shuichi now has the face of the cutest guy he's ever met living rent free in his mind, and said cute guy's number in his pocket- he has no fucking clue what to do about this and his friends are no help.
i do want to add that i think for the sake of making it easy, it'd make sense if this was a gimmick for one of those themed restauants Japan seems to have a decent sized marker for. having it be a clear gimmick people go there specifically to see at a place themed around it takes any weird customer/waitress consent stuff and makes it easier to deal with. you don't want a kitsune waitress messing with you? don't go to the kitsune waitresses who mess with you restaurant
regardless it's a delightful concept and i really like the mental image of Kokichi rollerskating around a restaurant with a kitsune outfit on getting paid to be a little shit while serving people food.
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isa-ghost · 5 months
what about Philza and social situations headcanons? (Parties, meeting strangers, that sort of thing)
Smh this is just Irish Goodbye bait /j
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Okay yeah obligatory Irish Goodbye mention. There's so many islanders and he gets distracted so easily, if he says goodbye to everyone he's gonna get stuck in 600 more conversations and he'll never leave the Whatever he's at when he intends to.
Also obligatory: He will genuinely enjoy the gathering to its fullest but he will still be on high alert. He cares for every single islander no matter how infrequently he sees them, which means while he's still immersed in the get-together, he remains vigilant to ensure nothing can harm anyone, ESPECIALLY when there are eggs present. The banquet with the fake eggs really reinforced this.
The above is why, especially while everyone is just bantering before the real event begins, Phil will perch up high on and off and just observe everyone chatting. He's on the lookout, making sure no one is vanishing inexplicably or worse, being taken. Keeping mobs and other threats away when necessary.
When encountering strangers, he plays it cool, he's very kind and engaged. But he is observing the shit out of the person. Analyzing them, their body language, forming an impression of their Normal, their Default state, so in the future he can tell when they're off.
Hilariously his memory is ass sometimes so it takes A Few "first" impressions for him to really ingrain in his brain how a person generally is.
Once he determines your vibes check out and you're a neat person, he's ride or die. No man left behind when it's Us vs The Feds in his eyes. You need something? He's got you unless you'd rather do it yourself.
When it's not an islander though... He'll put on a nice face, he'll stay civil if they're civil first. But truthfully, he is Not interested in the stranger whatsoever, ESPECIALLY if it's a new Fed worker. Then he's straight up suspicious. It takes a lot longer to determine whether or not they're a threat, if they're worth being bothered about, or if it's fine to live and let live.
The capybaras are excluded in the above though, he fucking loves those funky guys he wants to see them more often. He loves that they're so invested in helping him get cool pictures and stuff.
He LOVES new islanders. It's fun to watch the initial impressions, seeing who bonds with who most, joining them in picking their place to set up home, and checking in in the future to see how their new abode is coming along and how they're settling in. Honestly? It's partially that Hardcore Historian brain, he loves discovering what's been built in his absence.
When he's stressed, a lot of the above goes out the window, or becomes inconsistent at least. He's no longer observant for protection, he's observant out of fear; especially for himself. He perches almost always, or never stays in one spot for too long. He gets tunnel visioned. He really doesn't want to socialize at all. He dislikes being caught not in his best shape and he can get very paranoid and self conscious about it.
Btw he sometimes has the social awareness of a fucking grape so like. If you have an issue with him, please say so. Please communicate. He's a birdbrain boy in a birdbrain world ok. Tunnel vision and ADHD go brr.
Sometimes he socializes with birds the same way he does people. Just whole ass short conversations. Usually when he's bored and lonely.
He's down to socialize literally any time. The one time he probably Doesn't want to be bothered, at least not very often or for long, is when he's Eggza doing task grinding or resource gathering.
He hates being out of the loop of things because he has no idea what to do or say when a crisis arises, which makes him feel kinda useless, and that SUCKS when the person(s) impacted are particularly close to him. But at the same time, he has so much going on already at any given time and he Always prioritizes safety (esp of the kids) over anything else, so if there isn't an immediate threat or emergency, he'll stay out of it and just let people come to him about the thing if they deem it necessary. He's not the U.S, he doesn't feel the need to insert himself into every going on on the island. Especially potentially dangerous ones, getting involved if he doesn't have to be is just inviting harm and stress. He's not everyone's dad or guardian or whatever, he doesn't have to rush to aid everyone in their time of need. He'll offer it if relevant and he'll of course come rushing if asked, but generally speaking, he minds his business if he's not roped into it in some way and then hope that someone will fill him in well enough in the future. Fit's usually got his back.
You are Not getting his ass out and about at night, at least not unless you're just inviting him to your base. Especially with the kids. You're just not. Way too dangerous, shit always goes awry.
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smuggonifico-lmao · 1 year
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I hope tumblr doesnt crunch the quality too much but!!! I saw this funky lil guy and was like holy shit, thats literally all the gender all at once? eyo??? i want that???? i fell in love with the design and had to try drawing this cutie
Also since they allow it! @tangledinink hehe
cursed amnesiac bird turtle go brr
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silvertws · 1 year
Mh yes, I could have been obsessed over I don't know... mythology, dinosaurs, maybe some more known media like Percy Jackson.
But no.
I got obsessed, over Minecraft steves.
You've read that right.
I could have been watching maybe good quality Rps.
But no.
One video, and I was already hooked.
Goddamn it.
You know how many different series I've watched up until now?
Let me show you.
First video was episode 118 of "The Legends of the Balancers" back when it just came out, then I kept watching from there and after I finished that I decided to watch it from the start.
And you may think "surely 100+ episodes of a Minecraft Steve saga satisfied their needs" right...?
Bedrock Rising, Ruined Reality, Steve Saga (no, not Sabre's one, I tried that one but uh... I couldn't bring myself to enjoy it, I do love his newest series tho!), Ore Quest prime, A dark soul, Crimson Life Origins, and AT LEAST another one that I can't remember the name of- ToT it even was a log one I'm pretty sure. AHHHHHH
Oh and yes.
This all happened in less than a month.
I have a problem.
But it's fine :}
like sure, I have head canons, I have made some sketches, BUT HOW.
I don't know.
It just exist.
I am going insane.
I am now attached to all of these characters.
All of them.
I cannot help myself.
I have low standards I know, I'm well aware-
Someone should really make a Bingo for those series like:
"Naive AF mc, Darkness Go brr, Fought a God, Got mind controlled, has multiple people in their head, is in the WRONG DIMENSION, uses a crystal of some sort, L i g h t, music is loud AF and I cannot hear what you're saying, puberty hit during the series so the voice just changed, Sabre (which, I can exuse cuz yk, it's Sabre), got created by an all powerful being, is supposedly very powerful but somehow loses pretty often ngl (sorry <3), amnesia..." and so.much.more.
Which isn't bad, cause they're all unique in their own way <3
I mostly find that funny :3 they are all based off the same thing after all, so it makes sense.
I swear I am a responsible and serious adult.
I just uh... Like funky stuff ig-
Don't come at me please :'}
I feel like you can see my road trip to madness here.
Don't worry, this happens everytime I hyperfixate on anything.
Well, anything that I can't really talk about with any of my friends because they don't know and I don't want to bother them because if I start talking about the lore...
I won't stop.
You will have to stop me, knock me out or something.
I know my friend will read this, so *hi* :}
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lavenoon · 2 years
I realize that I'm not quite sure what your timezone is so wishing you a 'good night' might not be accurate... So hello *from* the night instead! Hi, Luce <3 Things are a little rough atm BUT I started thinking about that funky little Other Agent and thought I might share!
Since you called him a potential "Other" agent, I thought his codename could be Jack! The initial idea being, of course, "Jack-of-all-trades" or maybe even "Jackrabbit", but the more I thought of it, there's... a LOT of story tale Jacks, to say the least. It would be funny for him to change the "reason" behind his codename when asked - 'Jack' cuz he's got a broad range of skills! Cuz he's fast! Cuz he's good at taking down enemies much bigger than him - and everybody just ends up wondering if he deadass used his own name knowing nobody would REALLY know (bonus points if he's known for being shit at naming things).
I also thought it would be a funny dichotomy for Robin, the STAR of the agency, to be seen around with just. This Dude. Basic 'Jack'.
I was also thinking that the agent gives me Command Centre vibes! I can see him manning like Real-Time info acquisition and situation analysis. If a situation Arises, he could be the one recruiting the nearest agents into action, giving info about the situation or about up and coming backup! Though I'm not sure if that'd make him more like "staff" than an agent... Alternatively, of course, if there's an Immediate Crisis, Jack could be your best bet at handling it Decent even without much to go off of. The sort of guy that's never Bad to put in a mission, especially if there's a lot Unknown. Maybe he's not as Field-involved like Moon or Robin, but I could also see him acting as like long-distance backup, maybe with a rifle - eyes in the air, so to speak!
Longwinded brain go BRR but I hold up Thoughts if Any of them at all appeal to you! I gotta get back to late night work, but I feel rejuvenated now after blabbing, and hope you're doing well! <3 -🌻 Daye
Gonna be about 9AM when I post this! Had a bit of a rough awakening, but meds are starting to kick so I'm doing a li'l better by now <3 Hope work goes well for you! Hope you get to rest soon, too!
Also taking your thoughts eagerly, here goes my conviction not to do anything with him lmao
I like him as command center guy! Robin doesn't mingle much with other field agents, but it would make sense they at least sometimes talk to the guy providing mission memos and organizing urgent changes and shit Still hard to be articulate the thoughts are foggy but I do love that idea very much, just Robin's one point of more regular contact next to Dusk. Makes that reveal comic even funnier if "Jack" really just assumed like. Dude you really hang with one guy despite me and you don't even know he has a work partner? lmao
Maybe Jack is his second name - people ask him "did you really use your first name as code name??" and he truthfully goes "no (:" and he's just another guy the higher ups sigh about but let it go because he still does his job well, and not being a field agent the code name isn't as important
Still no promises he'll play a big role but I'm keeping him in my pocket as OC now lmao, personal brain blorbo that only exists because he looked polite after I decided to give him some hair fgdhjs
Gonna continue resting and chill and hope brain starts working properly at some point, but yea wishing u a good night! <3
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corruptimles · 2 years
idk shit about fibre optic cables but funky art style is making me go brr (haha electricity pun) and i think it's very cool. can't wait for part 2!!!
Thank you! My art style has gotten even more funky as I've been using a different brush (firealpaca analog brush I miss you) but I'm having fun with it
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asfdhgsdkjhgb · 3 years
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the second half of ranboos stream was Big Ouch so idk heres an ms paint doodle of c!slimecicle i made earlier! for emotional support
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crow-boi · 3 years
here have this :)
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nerdyqueerr · 3 years
One, hope you enjoy your vacation from school and that it's relaxing for you!! Two, what's your dnd character's guilty pleasure? Like, music wise, any other form of entertainment. Sorry if this is a dumb question, it's just what came to mind. Have a great day :)
Aw ty! It's gonna be an interesting week but hey.
Anyways I think Alan, despite the fact that his own music style is essentially those medieval bardcore remixes of mcr songs, has a huge soft spot for musical epics and ballads about heroes and villains of times long past - he just gets swept away by the stories
Skye is a pirate, her standards are low and her tastes are unrefined. I'm playing her in a campaign with some children so she can't be half as vulgar as I want her to be but. Look I'll just leave it to your imagination.
As for npcs like Sierra, well, all pleasures are guilty if you have high enough anxiety and were raised fantasy!catholic
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maybewren · 3 years
Bird and many pronouns mutual. Also crazy life stories mutual, you got some funky shit going on at all times, cals
Pronouns go brr, and yeah I get into a lot of shit but at least it’s funny.
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asfdhgsdkjhgb · 3 years
no think brain pebble
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