#funnest to draw EVER !!!!!!!!!!!
carpisuns · 1 year
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DJWiFi for @peakwonderfulness! I was your gifter for @mlsecretsanta :D sorry this is a tad late but I hope you enjoy. Happy New Year! Wishing you the best for 2023💜
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staygoldralph · 2 months
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what a pretty little thing
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i-eat-eyeballs · 3 months
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I like doodling him.
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doodlechub · 6 months
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an (overindulgent) guy 🤭
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hometownrockstar · 1 year
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Pferd!! for an art trade with @sinisterpeople
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noxchievous · 2 years
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Penny !!!! + one billie. Penny is so fun to draw by tha by it’s insane
don’t mind the bad lighting it is 2 am
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pebblesgum · 2 years
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lilybug-02 · 2 years
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Old Art Friday.
I wanted to post some art since I’ve been so busy. ❤️❤️❤️ Love y’all and sending good vibes
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ubashaaa-archived · 1 year
draws jolyne 50000 times per day
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tittysuckersworld · 1 year
heyyy probs wont draw thing right away but like if anyone has anything they would want me to draw id be so down- i have so many drawings i need to follow through with and finnish but i really dont want to right this second! and riebeudhe idk this is a call for help post- either give me thing to draw(preferably characters[cough cough kaveh] or like just whatever honestly eisbdysjdb) or bully me into just actually finnishing other bigger projects cause am overwhelmed too easily with art
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hep-heptagon · 1 year
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It only took me 24 years but I think I finally got the hang of this drawing thing!! ✍️
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kharsagi · 3 months
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Wanted to make this artwork based off of the cover of Go for it, Nakamura for a long time!!! I think it is fitting for Roja and Ozzy 🥺❤️
A study in Roja is a fanfiction written by @jellyfishsun that has totally changed my life. It’s literally EVERYTHING I have ever wanted- an incredibly well written, emotional, hilarious, slow burn between a teacher and his student and best of all it’s THROZZY!!! How fucking lucky is this fandom to have such an incredible, loving, sexy, heart wrenching fic for this ship?!!! 16 chapters ago it was a dream, but now look at how far Jelly has come with this work!!!
If you like this art, PLEASE go to @jellyfishsun page and like and comment on her artwork!! And give her fanfiction a kudos and a comment at bit.ly/astudyinroja. None of the fanart I make would ever exist if it wasn’t for the hundreds of hours of work Jelly put into this masterpiece. She has fucking sweat and cried for this fic. SHE DESERVES MORE LOVE!!! Please take just a few seconds to go on to her insta or AO3 and leave her a nice message!! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you Jelly for writing this, for literally giving me some of the funnest hours of my life reading and talking about and drawing art for this fic. You are amazing, and your impression on this fandom will live on forever!!! 💙❤️❤️💙
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bumpkinspice0 · 1 year
Parallels: chapter 1
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Miguel O'Hara x Spider!FemReader
No use of y/n
Rating: Explict
Word Count: 2842
Summary: You never had a 'spidey sense,' as you came to learn from your time as part of Spider Society. You'd gotten along this far without it and were an excellent spider-woman regardless. Then you meet Miguel O'Hara and it awakens something in you. A strange buzzing in the back of your head. It doesn't stop whenever he's in sight, and you think he knows what's happening to you.
Something about Miguel draws you in. What made him so fucking special?
Warnings: Smuuut, Oral (Fem receiving-in a public place), Mentions of masturbation (like barely), horny at work, Miguel being feral, spider hormone connection?? IDK
Notes: This is my first time sharing anything I've written, I have no idea what I'm doing. I just started this blog an hour ago for this shit. I swear a lot, i guess. Please go easy on me... and enjoy, my beloveds.
Next chapter
Chapter 1
Spidey Sense
At first, joining Spider Society was overwhelming. How could it not be? But also— strangely relieving. There were more of you. Enough to fill a 200-story tower. After years of doing this on your own, you had a community to lean on. A community just like you.
As your life in the spider citadel went on it became more and more obvious that no two spider people were exactly the same. Powers or personality-wise— well, actually all of you seemed to be pretty quick-witted. Everyone’s abilities seemed to differ ever so slightly, you were no exception.
You never had what you came to learn as a ‘spidey sense.’ You had wall-crawling, strength, agility, all the seemingly usual stuff— but just not this apparent danger warning your fellow spider people had. Your powers seemed to make up for themselves in the end. Whatever you may have lost with this other sense, you more than made up for in other ways.
You didn’t have an internal security system, but your remaining senses were easily double that of any of your counterparts. On top of that your webs were completely organic. No awkward shooters or web fluid to constantly worry about. You win some, you lose some. 
Still, it fascinated you. The ability to sense danger. A literal sixth sense. Having constant spacial awareness sounded amazing after the embarrassing amount of random pigeons you’d hit while swinging through the city.
You asked around about it whenever powers came into the conversation. It was as casual as talking about the weather for all of you. They all described it the same. An unmistakable gut feeling. A tingling in the back of your head, a spiked heart rate, and suddenly you knew every small detail that was happening around you. If you were being honest, it sounded like the beginnings of a panic attack. Random adrenaline spikes throughout the day didn’t sound like the funnest ability to deal with. You’d never felt anything remotely like what they were describing. 
Well, until you met him.
Met was a strong word, actually. Miguel was a reclusive leader. You’d only met him a handful of times. Jess was the one to recruit you into the spider-league and Miguel was just this invisible entity you’d only heard about in passing. Everyone talked about him with such high regard and respect that you just kind of mimicked their attitude without really knowing anything about him. He built this place. He had to be incredible. 
The first time you saw the illusive Spider-Man 2099 was in a meeting. Jess wanted to get you into some teamwork missions and you reluctantly agreed. You and about a dozen other of your spider-comrades were to inspect an anomaly in universe whatever. Don’t interact with anything. Only observe. It was clearly a bullshit team-building exercise for all of you. No one here really knew much about being part of a team.
The air in the room changed when Miguel walked in. Everyone instantly hushed. He commanded the space with such little effort. He was addressing the room when he made eye contact with you and you immediately felt intimidated. Christ, he was huge… and handsome. Beyond his obvious leg-buckling good looks, there was something else his gaze did to you.
A strange tingling in the back of your head.
His gaze stayed on you longer than you’d have liked, his head tilting ever so slightly before pulling his attention back to the rest of the room. The buzzing in your head didn’t go away until he left. 
What the hell was that?
“You alright?” Jess tapped your shoulder, bringing you back to reality. The rest of the room was dispersing into the portal. Clearly, you paid close attention to the debriefing you’d just sat through.
“Yep!” You answered just a little too loudly. “Just nerves, I guess. Let’s do this.” Your lead Spider-Woman gave a cheeky smile before leading you both into the portal.
That was the first time you’d noticed something weird.
You’d only see Miguel in passing or in crowded rooms with countless other spider people. It quickly became obvious that he was the cause of whatever was happening with you. No matter the situation, you still got that weird feeling whenever he was around. He’d always glance at you more than you’d like— but then again you did the same. As you climbed the ranks you worried you’d get stuck on missions with him. Luckily, he seemed to take his jobs solo. 
Still, ever the attentive leader he was, he soon was in every briefing you were. Every meeting and training— sitting on the other end of the room making your newfound spider sense scream in your head. It would start going off even before you entered the room. That’s how you’d know he’d be there— and your sense was right every time.
The last time you saw him, he didn’t take his eyes off you the entire time. 
 A massive projection table stood between you and him. Lyla was showing some random science behind whatever the latest threat to the universe at large was. You couldn’t care less about what she said while this brutish man bore into your soul— again. 
Your sense was going crazy this time. No one else ever seemed to notice, so why did he? You’d heard through the grapevine Miguel was one of the few other spider people that didn’t have a spider-sense. He wasn’t much like any of the other spiders, really. Yet, he seemed to know what was happening to you.
How could he not know, since he was clearly the cause.
Your growing adrenaline morphed into something you didn’t expect. Your cheeks immediately reddened when you felt a heat rising in your core— and a gush of arousal between your legs. You squeezed your legs together, leaning on the projection table for support. Then Miguel’s expression changed. His eyebrows furrowed. You saw his jaw and neck clench. If you didn’t know any better he looked disgusted.
It was fucking humiliating. 
This was your job. These were your colleagues. You were all discussing what you needed to do to keep the literal entire universe safe! And here you were, getting horny over nothing like some teenager. Pathetic.
And he surely knew exactly what was happening.
Miguel left the meeting in a huff and you ran your vibrator dead that night when you got home. 
From then on, you actively avoided him. Both out of shame and for your own sanity. Whatever this was, you didn’t wanna deal with it. Out of sight of a mind.
It was obvious no one else had this weird problem with him so there wasn’t anyone you could turn to. You’d rather die than explain this to Jess and half of your other members were fucking teenagers. You didn’t want to ask Lyla so she could have this in her memory banks for Miguel to just stumble across one day and promptly expel you from Spider society. You loved it here. You loved being part of something bigger than yourself. It's why you took up the mantel in the first place.
Yet, surrounded by the people who understand you most, you were alone in this. Trapped by some weird spider-power puberty. Could superpowers even go through puberty? It made as much sense as anything else in your life.
You were walking to the training room when that doomed buzz pinged in the back of your head. Turning the corner to the empty corridor was that dreaded, broad figure you’d been successfully avoiding for weeks now. He pauses when he sees you, just for a moment, before continuing on his path. Your spider sense hadn’t shown itself this entire time and now it was like a car alarm in your head. Still, you managed to walk on. You won’t let him have the satisfaction.   
He mumbled your name with a small nod when you passed each other, you did the same. Honestly, you were surprised he even knew your first name. You were nearly at the corner when you felt the tingling morph into what you were dreading. You bit your lip at the building erotic sensation between your legs. You’d had enough. 
After that last encounter, you started to wonder if this was something he was doing. How could you not? There was something in his animalistic eyes besides pure hunger. There was knowing. There was smugness. 
Yeah, he was definitely doing something. This was his fault.
“Stop it!” You turn to shout at him, now standing yards away from you. Your voice echoes down the empty hallway. He turns to look at you, a grimace on his face. “This isn’t funny. I don’t know what the hell your doing or why you’re doing it, but just stop it.” You say again, stepping toward him.
“What I’m doing?” he snarls, “What do you think I’m doing?”
“You’re fucking with me for fun,” You accuse him, “I thought it was me. I thought it was something I was doing because no one else had the same problem, but it only happens around you. So you’re the one doing something to me!”
“Only around me, hm?” he scoffs, stepping toward you. “I’m not doing anything,”
“Liar,” you bite, “This only happens around you. That only leaves one option. You’re doing it.”
A bloated silence follows. You see his shoulders drop, bringing his hand up to rub his eyes in annoyance. 
 “You really don’t know what’s happening either, do you?” That gives you pause. “The constant… buzzing.”
No fucking way.
He… felt it too. 
He’s standing directly in front of you now, his expression softened ever so slightly.
“I’m not like most of them, you know.” He starts, his voice a low rumble, “No spider-sense, talons for wall-crawling, venomous fangs… enhanced senses. You’re not exactly like the others either, are you?” his form dwarfs you, backing you into the closest wall.
“You don’t know anything about me,” You hiss. 
“I know everything about you,” He retorts, “It’s my job to know.”
“You… you really don’t know what’s happening to me. To…us.”
This all just got insanity more confusing. Well, it already was but this was just another layer onto the shitty cake. He could be lying, you think briefly. He could see how much he affects you and finds it funny. Though that nagging feeling in the back of your head says he’s telling the truth— and you believe it. 
“Not yet,” his arms cage you in. His eyes shift to that familiar deep red as he drags his gaze over you, “I was suspicious the first time, then it wouldn’t stop.”
“It’s awful.”
“The worst.”
Then, for the first time, you actually feel small under his gaze— other than in a literal sense. He’d been staring you down for over a month but now he was so damn close.
“What’s it feel like… for you?” He asks.
You think for a moment, trying to ignore the heat rising inside you, “It’s… it’s like climbing a roller coaster. Anticipation. Adrenaline. You know somethings coming.” 
Your heartbeat is pounding. 
“Mhmm,” he lowers his head, “What else?”
“It’s—“, you shy away from his gaze. 
“I know what else,” he leans down, lips brushing into your ear, “I’ve been able to smell you for days.” 
If this were any other man you’d have knocked him unconscious by now, but something about him speaking to you this way made your legs nearly give out.
You feel a sharp pressure against your thigh. You look down to see the single talon of his index finger pressed against you, hooked through the material of your suit. 
“Is this what you want?” He asks, his voice a low growl now, “This is what it’s screaming at you?”
You bite your lip, taking in a sharp inhale before you nod. 
He drags the claw up your thigh and across your stomach, slicing with precision cleanly through the material of your suit and underwear. Another rush of arousal runs through you. The fabric gives way easily and your core is left completely bare. He grabs your thighs.
“I wonder if you taste as good as you smell,” he hoists your legs over his shoulders as he kneels down to meet your waiting cunt. He holds you on top of him like you weigh nothing at all.
Superhuman strength and agility had several perks you always felt you never fully utilized.
His mouth engulfs you, licking a long stripe up your entrance before enveloping your clit. You gasp and grab his head with one hand and stick to the wall with the other. It wasn’t exactly stable, but that was the last thing on your mind. The king of spider-kind was eating you out in the middle of the citadel— and god was he good. 
You fight back your moans as best you can, anyone could walk by. Anyone could hear you. When he sucks down on you, you let a small scream slip.
“Cállate!” He hisses underneath you. Your eyes briefly meet his before he’s back on you. You barely remember your 3 years of high school Spanish, but the tone of his voice was clear. Be quiet.
You bit down on your hand. Your toes curled in your shoes. He was unraveling you bit by bit with his tongue. Consuming you like a starved man.
His mouth wasn’t the only thing wrecking you. That annoying buzz in your head had dulled into something different— something entirely new. The strange tingling simmered into a warm sensation, raising every hair on your body. Every time he’d touch you, it’d electrify you even more. Did he feel this way too, you wonder?
He wasn’t gentle. This wasn’t slow and sensual. He was fucking primal, wriggling and squirming underneath you as if to try to get more of you— to get you impossibly closer. He’d retracted his claws but his fingers squeezed you so tightly you knew there’d be bruises in the morning. The thought sent a new wave of wetness to your cunt. 
He moans into you, sending vibrations all through your body. He was whispering some sweet nothings you didn’t have the brain capacity to try and understand. Really he was telling you all you wanted to know— he was enjoying this too. Whether it was for some sick kicks or he just liked the control, you didn’t care. He was giving you some much-needed relief you didn’t know you had pent up— and it felt like this was the same for him.
Then he finally looks up at you, his eyes overtaken by that inhuman crimson red— animalistic and feral and wanting. You should be afraid of him. 
His tongue delves into your heat, his strong nose still nudging at your clit. You were getting close now— already? Yeah, you were way more pent-up than you thought. Both of your hands come down to his head, lacing your fingers through his dark hair.
“Miguel,” You barely gasp out, “Miguel, I’m gonna—”
You don’t finish before it overtakes you. Your shaking legs crush his head while pure euphoric energy surges through you. Your face contorts into a silent scream, completely forgetting how to breathe for just a moment. It was raw. It was hungry and rushed, but it was perfect.
 He works you through it until your bones become jelly. He lowers you down onto his lap. The buzzing in your head is singing— and then it’s finally silent, washing over you like a warm wave. It was complete bliss.
Even straddling his lap, he still towers over you—crowding you in against the wall with his arms again. You’re both panting from the rush. Did you seriously just do that? Did he seriously just do that? 
“It… it stopped,” You finally say. “The buzzing.”
He grunts in response, which you can only interpret as me too. Running his thumb across his chin to gather your remaining arousal. Those red eyes never leave your face while he sucks the digit clean. You instantly feel another rush of heat at the sight. This fucking man.
You both turn to the sound of oncoming footsteps just around the corner. So much for heightened senses this time. You turn back to each other, both with the same question painted across your face. What the fuck do we do?
He’s the first to act, quickly typing something into his multiverse watch. A portal opens in the wall directly behind you. Without warning you fall into it, getting one last look at Miguel's smug face before it closes. Then— you're in your empty apartment. 
Your ears are ringing. Your heart is pounding. Too many thoughts are rushing through your head to even bother sorting out right now. As you sit there, shamefully bare in your most intimate area in the middle of your living room, you settle on one aspect of this entire fucked up situation to focus on.
That asshole ruined your last fucking suit. 
I don't know how to make a taglist.
Hope you liked it!!!
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pineappleciders · 1 year
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Sunnyafter being the funnest character to draw ever
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possessable · 3 months
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fyi my son is the funnest guy to draw ever
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hnnny · 11 months
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I think Spider-Punk might just be the funnest character to draw ever. I might have to show you guys some of my other sketches of him cause they are just so fun. Also I need Spider-Verse to come to digital please so I can watch this movie every day of my life.
A couple of alts below the cut because A.) I couldn’t help myself and B.) There are so many cool styles you can do with the newspaper cut-out aesthetic and also secret third reason C.) he deserves it ❤
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