#funnily enough the other two generated replies were about how he “refuses to answer such ridiculous hypothetical scenario”
mordoriscalling · 3 years
Life (of) Surprise (5/6)
Jaskier lies to his family about being engaged to Geralt for the second time… and there are way too many surprises involved.
Part 4 of the Singer and the Sailor AU that no one asked for but I wrote anyway (again).
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
V - A Surprise Is Executed
Jaskier is so very in love as his niece sits in his lap.
Zofia couldn’t be more perfect. She’s so curious about everything, so cheerful and full of awe, like a tiny, beautiful sunbeam. From her father Nasir, she got her eyes almost as dark as coal, her medium-brown skin and her raven-black hair, while she resembles her mother – Jaskier’s sister Amelia – in angelic facial features and a mop of curls atop her head. She turns one-year-old tomorrow, which funnily falls on his and Geralt’s wedding day, and Jaskier couldn’t love her more.
With immense fascination, Zofia plays with Jaskier’s necklaces, tugging at them and trying to put them into her mouth. When Jaskier tells her not to do that, she looks up at him, seemingly surprised to find him there, but then recognition dawns on her face and she smiles.
“Unca!” she exclaims excitedly.
Jaskier melts.
“That’s me, Zosia,” he replies, his voice wavering. “I’m your uncle Jaskier.”
Zofia flashes him one more smile before her attention is caught by the floral pattern of his shirt. She grabs at the material and he giggles, explaining the names of the flowers to her. The girl tries to repeat some of the words he says, failing hilariously. As Jaskier laughs at her attempts, he hears another person chuckling too.
It’s only then that he realises that Yennefer has been here with them the whole time.
They are sitting in the comfortable armchairs in the music room in his house. Amelia has gone out shopping together with Rozalia, Ciri and Dara, leaving her daughter in Jaskier and Yennefer’s care. Not that Jaskier cannot be trusted with small children by himself. Yennefer is just a... coincidental backup. She only came here to drop Ciri off so that she would hang out with Dara. Really.
As Jaskier tears his eyes away from Zofia, he’s surprised to find Yennefer gazing at him and his niece... wistfully. The emotion is gone the moment she notices him looking.
“We didn’t get to meet Ciri when she was this little,” she says defensively.
“Would you like to hold her, then?” he offers.
Yennefer’s gaze turns sharp, lightning-like, but before Jaskier can start rambling and take it back, she answers, “Yes.”
He takes Zofia into his arms and carries her to put her in Yennefer’s lap. The girl fusses and begins crying, scared by the closeness of a person she doesn’t recognise. Jaskier crouches at Yennefer’s side and tries to talk to Zofia soothingly. When that doesn't work, he shows her his necklaces and this, at least, distracts her enough to stop her weeping.
When Zofia calms somewhat, Yennefer puts her hand on the girl’s back. Zofia looks up at her and Yennefer smiles so warmly, so beautifully, that Jaskier’s heart flutters a little bit. She talks to Jaskier’s niece in such a soft, gentle voice that Jaskier just sits down right there at her feet and watches her, stunned.
“You’re a sweet child, aren’t you, little Zosia?” Yennefer croons, still smiling, when Zofia touches her locks with a delighted giggle.  
“My, my,” Jaskier murmurs, with a certain degree of awe he finds himself unable to conceal, “When one bears witness to you like this, it is not a hardship to believe that you have a heart.”
Yennefer snorts. “Don’t get ahead of yourself,” she replies, not looking away from Zofia.
“Of course!” he laments. “Her affections are held by but the chosen few and alas, I’m not among them. With me, she knows no mercy! Woe me, for she swore to strike me with a near-fatal blow. After all, she’s stolen the heart of my very own guardian angel!”
What he means is Yennefer’s recent relationship with his long-time agent, Triss. Yennefer doesn’t show an ounce of shame about that.
“If you think that everyone’s thoughts revolve around you,” she answers, allowing Zofia to play with the rings on her fingers, “Then I’m slightly concerned for your mental well-being, starlet.”
“Concerned, she says!” Jaskier exclaims. “You wouldn’t be concerned about me even if I were on the brink of death. Such is my miserable fate, despised by the world’s most powerful woman!”
Yennefer sighs in a way painfully long-suffering. “Your dramatics are exhausting, starlet, and I refuse to suffer them. Leave it for tomorrow.”
It is then that it hits him.
“Oh my god,” Jaskier breathes out. “I’m marrying Geralt tomorrow.”
Yennefer gives a very Geralt-like hmm. “Who would’ve thought.”
“Oh c’mon,” he protests, “I’m quite a catch!”
She raises one perfect eyebrow. “It baffles me that some people seem to think so, and Geralt most of all.”
“You’re just bitter, witch,” Jaskier grumbles.
Yennefer actually chuckles at that, her violet eyes glimmering with amusement. Zofia gets bored of sitting in her lap and tries to get off, so Yennefer puts her on the floor. The girl reaches out for Jaskier. He takes her little hands in his, helping her stand up. They make a slow round around the room until Zofia decides to head back to the armchairs, sit on the carpet and play with one of Jaskier’s Gucci slippers.
All throughout, Yennefer watches her with that gorgeous, affectionate smile. Jaskier can see why Geralt was mad about her.
“You two are a very unlikely pair,” Yennefer remarks when Zofia crawls to her and inspects her shoes.
“Yes, well.” He shrugs. “Opposites attract, and all that. I like to think that we’re two puzzle pieces. A perfect fit.”
“Puzzle pieces!” she repeats, barking a harsh laugh. “Oh, starlet, if only it was this easy.”
“Why wouldn’t it be?” he bristles.
“Don’t be foolish,” she chides. “A real relationship starts after three years. Before that, it’s just a romantic comedy.”
Jaskier purses his lips but doesn’t argue; she did spend almost a decade married to Geralt.
“Any advice, then?” he asks jokingly.
Yennefer actually considers it.
“Always be kind to each other,” she tells him, her face twisting with echoes of old, deep pain.
Jaskier only nods. They don’t speak for some time, focusing on Zofia. The girl starts getting moody after not seeing her mum around for such a long while. It’s a miracle she hasn’t got upset much earlier anyway. Thankfully, Amelia and the rest return a few minutes later.
“I think you haven’t shown us the wedding rings,” Yennefer says apropos of nothing after she returns Zofia to the safety of Amelia’s arms.
Jaskier blinks in surprise, realising that she’s right. He and Geralt had them made only two weeks ago. They decided on two silver bands, as gold felt too impersonal, both with a satin finish, Jaskier’s ring additionally encrusted with diamonds. Since Geralt entrusted them to him for safekeeping (and possibly also because Dara is their ring bearer anyway), Jaskier’s been, delicately put, protective of them. He only allowed anyone to see them in pictures.
“I haven’t, actually,” he admits. “Do you want to see them?”
Everyone nods. Reluctantly, Jaskier heads to his bedroom, where the box with the rings is hidden deep in a drawer of his bedside table. He’s more than certain to find them there. His heart stops when he discovers that they’ve somehow disappeared.
Gut-twisting panic rises within him. With shaking hands, Jaskier rakes all the drawers, then looks everywhere in the bedroom, but the box is gone.
“Fuck,” he curses with feeling. “Fuck, fuck fuckitty fuck!”
He more or less runs to the kitchen, where the rest waits.
“I’ve lost them!” he cries. “Help me look!”
Without another look at them, Jaskier goes about rummaging through the whole place frantically. Living room, the two guest rooms, the bathrooms – and still, nothing. He whimpers, wondering how’s Geralt going to react. He’s going to be disappointed, of course, but not surprised maybe, Jaskier did fuck up greatly once already. God, what if –
“Jaskier!” Ciri calls from the living room.
“They’re here!” Dara.
Jaskier rushes to them and sees the rings, resting in their box, on the coffee table, which baffles him so much that he stops dead in his tracks. He’s sure they weren’t there when he searched the room a few minutes ago.
“What,” he says, “the f – hell.”
Dara giggles. Ciri does too. Suddenly, everyone else is in the room, laughing hysterically.
“What’s so funny?” Jaskier demands. “This isn’t funny!”
Between one wheeze and another, Rozalia chokes out, “Of course you haven’t lost them!”
“You guard them like a dragon guards its hoard!” Amelia adds. “It wasn’t easy to take them away from you.”
Letting out a scandalised gasp, Jaskier points an accusing finger in the general direction of his sisters and Yennefer. “You – !”
“Your panic was extremely gratifying,” Yennefer says with a shit-eating grin.
“I hate you,” he grouses, shooting the three devious women a sulky look. “Why would you do that to me?! It wasn’t funny!”
“It was,” Dara objects. Ciri nods in agreement.
“Not you too!” Jaskier complains, throwing his hands up in the air. “You’re supposed to be on my side, young man! I’m surrounded by trai –”
“Just look on the inside of the rings, Julek,” Roza sighs tiredly.
He frowns, taking the bands to inspect them. “There’s nothing on the inside –”
There is, in fact, something on the inside of the rings. An engraving in small, elegant cursive, which wasn't there even a few hours ago.
Lead me, dearest, to the coast of tomorrow
Jaskier swallows hard, his throat suddenly tight. It’s such a sweet sentiment – his own lyric, the words he wrote for Geralt, in Geralt’s favourite song of his, with a lovely twist.
For a good minute, Jaskier is rendered speechless. When he finally manages to speak, he looks at his sisters and whispers hoarsely, “Thank you.”
“Oh, don’t thank us,” Amelia replies. “This was Yen’s idea.”
Jaskier stares at Yennefer, his mouth hanging open.
“The rings were lacking,” she explains with disdain that he sees right through.
Before Jaskier knows what he’s doing, he’s moving. He sweeps her into a tight hug, ignoring her protests about it.
“Oh, witch,” he murmurs to her, “You’re so wonderful.”
“That I am,” she replies. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
He chuckles, giddy all of the sudden. Yennefer shoves him away.
Jaskier laughs harder and blows her a kiss, enjoying her disgust.
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typicalmidnightsoul · 4 years
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓷 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼- Chapter 6
ℍ𝕒𝕝𝕗 𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕕𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕗 𝕤𝕚𝕝𝕜
I was made heavy half blade and half silk, difficult to forget but not easy for the mind to follow- Rupi Kaur
Chapter  1, 2, 3, 4 5 <- here
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The dinner went fine. Elain was rigid next to Feyre watching as the others tried to mix with the people of Rask. Cassian had…words with Leona. Whether it was regarding Nesta or their shared experiences of being generals then royalty, Feyre did not know.  The Rask royal family was not that sociable, but how could they be when Nesta’s relationship with the court of dreams was jagged. Luna had taken a particular liking to Azriel who in turn blushed at her… advances, but for most of the time Audrey and Luna remained quiet their eyes on the door. Nesta had not shown up and just as they were about to leave without doing any alliance negations Nesta sent a note saying to start without her and that she would be there as soon as she could.
Amren sipped from the wine glass saying, “You would think being a Princess would make her punctual.”
Luna’s head snapped toward her, she lowered her eyebrows glancing at Jonah who in turn bared his teeth and said to Amren, “She is not just any odd person, she is the crown princess, and she has territories and people more important than the likes of you and your court of dreams to attend to.”
Amren gave a snake-like smile, “Tell me, did Nesta force you to be here?”
He looked her up and down, “Every single person you see here is here out of their own choice those who didn’t want to come didn’t.” He mock looked around, “Do you see Clare or Eris here?”
Amren was about to answer back-
“Enough.” Audrey spoke up, her eyes venomous, “We should discuss the matter holding up the treaty negotiations before Nesta gets here.”
“Wait before Nesta-”
Audrey nodded at Luna who cut Feyre off saying, “For this alliance to proceed all the territories of Rask will need to sign, if even one of them don’t the alliance will not go forward. My territory, Jonah’s and Leona’s refuse to sign until you agree to one condition.” She lifted her chin.
Rhys and Feyre exchanged a look,
“We would like to hear it first.” Feyre was sure that Rhys would give them whatever they wanted if only to assure the safety of the humans.
They all braced themselves eyes on Luna but it was Jonah who said,
“We would like you to accept this cheque of 20,000 gold marks.”
They all froze and stared with wide eyes.
“Accept?” Feyre asked in shock.
“Why would you want us to accept it?” Rhys asked his tone suspicious.
Leona looked at him eyes lit with a raging fire, “because we want to go into this relationship without any debts with you. We wouldn’t want to give you another opportunity to demean us or our other family members.”
“What debt?” Cassian ground out.
“The debt that my older sister has to you. The debt that you taunt Nesta with whenever an opportunity presents itself.” Jonah replied.
Cassian and Jonah stared each other down.
Until Jonah dragged his head to Rhys, “Will you accept?”
Rhys had that far-away look in his eyes that suggested he was conversing with his inner circle. A long time after he replied, “Nesta Archeron‘s expenses weren’t that much when she was in our care therefore we will accept half of what you are offering.”
Audrey gave them all a soft smile, “We will look forward to our alliance with you.”
“Is that it then?” Cassian asked leaning back into his chair, “Are we allies now?”
“There will obviously be a formal ceremony, but yes since all territories will have signed by tonight… we are, I guess, allies.”
Heels clicked into the restaurant, “That quick and without me?”
Nesta’s family beamed at her, a grin splitting on Jonah’s face. One that had to been there even when his mate had held his hand.
Caroline gesture for a waiter to get another chair but Nesta shook her head.
“I thought I would be needed for alliance negotiations but since I am not then it would be best for me to leave with Luna and Auj.”
Luna and Audrey raised a brow.
“We seem to have to solve a blood feud or we’ll have another Romeo and Juliet on our hands. Clare’s already there.” She went to walk out, Luna and Audrey getting up when Feyre stopped them.
“I would like to speak with Nesta.”
Luna sized up the space between them.
Audrey asked, “alone?”
Feyre froze, what did they think she would do to her sister? Kidnap her?
“Not alone but not publicly either.”
Audrey nodded and jerked her chin at Luna, “You go.” Feyre nodded at Elain to come as well.
Confusion ruffled Nesta’s beautiful face, but nonetheless she led them out to the garden below.
Luna gestured for Elain to sit with her at a nearby table and ordered tea and coffee.
Nesta leaned against the post of the gazebo that gave shelter to the diners outside, which there were none of as all the customers chose to dine on the roof for the view.
“So, what’s this about?”
Feyre knew Nesta would hate it if she beat around the bush. So she just said, “I am obviously mad at you for leaving. And I know that I must have instigated it but… let bygones be bygones. Let’s start over.”
Feyre stepped closer to her. Nesta stepped back.
“No I don’t think we should.”
Feyre flinched, “Why?”
She turned back, leaning back onto the fencing of the gazebo looking at the small, quiet little town before them.
“Do you know what you’re asking me to do? You’re asking me for the sake of your own guilt to forget the bitter behaviour I have experienced from you and your family. To forget Clare’s grieving face” Feyre opened her mouth but Nesta turned and held up a finger. “I know you think you avenged her but stabbing the attor will not bring back the Beddor family or ease Clare’s torment no matter how much conciliation it gives you.”
“Nesta I admit I may have unknowingly hurt you-”
“Well then Feyre you must be really nave and foolish because the amount of people you have unknowingly hurt? Lucien for starters has been ‘unknowingly’”-she made quotation marks with her fingers-“mocked for getting close to new people. Mocked for giving themselves the name of ‘the band of exiles’, I mean come on hypocrisy at its finest, Feyre how much better is The Court of dreams?”
“Lucien, Nesta? You hate him!” Feyre exclaimed.
“Stop trying to change the subject.” She flicked a lock over her shoulder, “Do you not think you and your friends have a god complex? Even when it came to me. Your own sister. You thought that because Love healed you it would heal me. You made my decision for me. What if I died from it? Would come to my grave and ask me to start over.”
Nesta’s face was now scrunched up tears trying to force tares back her back to Feyre,
“You acted like it was a choice. Like my depression, PTSD, anorexia was all a choice like I could just,”-She snapped her fingers-“turn it off.”
Feyre started to shake her head profusely.
“Well I couldn’t. And worst of all I blamed myself. But not anymore.” She wiped her tears away and faced her, “From now on you are accountable for your own decisions. I am no longer holding myself responsible for your mistakes. I am done second guessing myself. I have learnt to live with my mistakes, so maybe instead of trying to ‘start over’ you should as well.”
Nesta walked out of the wards of the restaurant and winnowed away. Leaving a cold Feyre with tears slipping down her face. Luna came to her.
“Feyre the document has not been signed yet. If, after this you do not want to go ahead with the alliance then you have to tell me now.”
Feyre turned to her.
“That’s why Audrey sent you. Because she knew the Nesta would blow and you had to make sure I still agreed to the alliance.”
Luna offered no explanation.
“Well I still consent to this alliance. So you can save your breath.”
Luna nodded, “If you go back in please tell Audrey, Nesta and I have left.” Feyre nodded and went up to the roof with Elain.
Two weeks after the dinner, Feyre was readying her gallery for classes when a flying letter burst in through the window. Before she could grab it the letter folded itself and spoke,
“To the high lady of Night,” a posh voice said, then Caroline’s voice started playing,
“Hello Feyre, I wondered if you would like to join me for a drink before I open my restaurant now. There is something I would like to discuss. If you do just touch the letter after my message if you don’t just tell the letter to leave.
Yours truly Caroline.”
 Feyre looked taken aback.
“Ah, the talking transportation letters. They are apparently a habit of Raskians.” Ressina came out of the back room and put a hand on Feyre’s shoulder chuckling at her shocked face, “You should go. We have another hour till we open.”
Feyre considered glancing at the clock.  Then nodded.
She touched the letter. In what seemed like a mist travelling through the folds of the world, a sound much like a deafening howling wind Feyre was transported and now standing on the street in front of the restaurant.
She looked around, the letter was nowhere to be seen. People were busy in the street market behind her. She gathered herself and walked up to the rooftop part.
Caroline was there admiring the view. She stood up to greet her.
Feyre smiled and said, “I am really sorry Caroline but this must be quick I have to open my gallery for classes soon.”
She gestured for her to sit, “Of course, I also have to open, and this will only take a few minutes.” She looked at Feyre’s face, “You have something on your mind.”
She bit her lip, “It was just… Jonah, your mate, he’s my brother and Clare’s alive… this is all so confusing. It’s just that when I find out how they… how do you think I will feel?”
Feyre winced, “Ugh, I sound so pathetic.”
Caroline smiled, “No, it’s fine. I am sorry though Feyre. I don’t really know how you will feel. I can tell you though that Clare’s story is much less complicated than Jonah’s, funnily enough. He is very protective of Nesta. So I do apologize for his behaviour.”
Feyre shook her head, “He loves her deeply. And I hurt her, his behaviour is normal. Anyway what would you like to discuss.”
Feyre sipped from the glass of coffee.
Caroline glanced at the clock, “Um, there is little time so,” She pulled a gold invite towards her and handed it to Feyre, “It is mine and Jonah’s anniversary next week. So I would like to invite you to the party we’re holding.”
Feyre accepted it, “Do you think Nesta will want me there?”
She waved a hand, “Nesta will not mind, just don’t mention any of the words you exchanged and Nesta won’t get triggered.”
“You all seem really close.”
“Oh we are. All of us. Leona, Clare, Luna and Audrey stick with her, Nesta’s mine and my brother’s partner in crime. Ollie and Ash love her like crazy, they have shopping sprees together. Honestly we are a really big group. You will meet the whole family next week if you come. Are you… planning to?”
Feyre nodded, “Yes. I intend on making the relationship with my sister stronger.”
Caroline smiled and then stood up, “Sorry Feyre I have to get to the kitchen. Feel free to stay here and finish your coffee.” She downed her own. Then stopped and turned back.
“Just a heads up, Nesta and Leo…Leona, Luna and Audrey will be coming in the next few days.”
“Why?” Feyre asked tearing her eyes away from the invitation.
“It’s tradition for Rask to give a gift to you after the alliance has been finalized.
“Do we give-”
“No, no. Just a heads-up, anyway bye see you next week.”
“You too.” She sipped from her cup admiring the place Nesta now called home. She glanced at the clock. She had to go back in the next five minutes if she wanted to be on time. She didn’t know if she should be dreading or celebrating the invitation she was now holding.
This was such a long one. Sorry for the lateness, life got in the way. Up next: The party, an introduction the first love in Nesta's life and a distraught Nesta seeking Azriel's help.
Tags:@mis-lil-red @wannawriteyouabook​ @my-fan-side​
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btsandvmin · 5 years
Yo i luv your answers I hope you stay more active :) btw do you think there's a big reason that vm don't do Vlives together anymore i mean we all know what happened in RM's and Yeontan Vlive they are so flirty then before imagine if third person (Yeontan nd Rm) weren't there, there is this awkward atmosphere between them tbh when i look at them talking to each other now it makes me shy i feel like a third wheel do u think that's the reason y Tae said he won't do a live with JM he knows that too?
Thank you! I am glad you like my answers, I too have a lot of fun trying to answer all your great questions. I wish I could be more active, but you know… life. ^^’’
As for your question I have touched upon this subject many times, and yes I personallythink there could be a reason behind Vmin not doing Vlives together anymore.
As you say they tend to relax and forget the people (and the camera) when they are together, and I think they are both aware of this, and thus tries to avoid it. I think they constantly have to hold back, and that makes things awkward especially when they are live and can’t edit the clip. One examplefrom the Yeontan Vlive is how Jimin leaves, but he says “If…” but stops himself. Why does he stop himself, feeling the need to be discreet when the live is on? Though I might be reading too much into it, it just feels a bit private.
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Taehyung answers with “I’ll call you if I need you” and Jimin goes to hang out with their producer. Jimin is there waiting for Taehyung to finish his Vlive, but he doesn’t intend to be in it. He uses the excuse of only being there to “deliver Yeontan”. 
Of course he shows up anyways, walking back and forth he comes off as almost restless. And of course when he does interact with Tae it’s basically flirting. So, yes, that Vlive and then one with Namjoon makesit look like they have a hard time keeping themselves in check, and so they rather avoid being together live at all.
I personally have a hard time thinking of any other reason why they wouldn’t that makes sense. Because let’s say that it’s awkward and they avoid Vlives because they are on bad terms or simply feel awkward with each other because they aren’t as close as we think. If things were weird between Vmin for that long, surely either they would have gotten over it by now, or there would be other indicators that they for example weren’t close or had fallen out. But things like Taehyung’s letter, Jimin comforting Tae and many many other examples directly contradict this. So, again, if something changed in Vmin’s relationship that made them stop doing Vlive together, I don’t think it’s something negative.
Maybe I should save this for the proper analysis I want to do, but I really really want to talk about this, so I will anways.
I mean, for me I think the fact that Vmin used to do lives (and other videos, tweets etc.) often but then stopped is kind of odd. They basically had more Vlives together thanalone, and definitely the most out of all the “pairs”. But then they all started doing more solo Vlives, so there is that.
But Vmin didn’t just stop making Vlives like they used to, they also started to “pusheach other away” from Vlives, and that was weirder. Though they kept mentioningeach other a lot.
And then thirdly they keep talking about wanting to do it together or asking each other, and yet they don’t. It almost looks like some weird excuses to me at this point. Because why not just do one together if you keep saying you want to?
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This is another topic I plan to make a proper longer analysis for, but in short terms I can say that the last proper full Vlive Vmin had alone together was in march 2016. That was their fourth one with just the two of them, and then they also had some more with other members being there, like the Hope on the street where Tae joined later, or Jimin, Tae, Hobi, and Jungkook in the car etc. In all of them they seem very close and comfortable with each other.
So, maybe they just became more comfortable with doing them solo? But again, as you say I can’t help but speculate if it might be another reason than that behind Vmin stopping doing Vlives. And I say that based on their behavior.
Funnily enough the last Vlive they did had some pretty interesting things in it, despite being so short. It’s the one where Tae strips and pretends to take off his pants in front of Jimin. Now I want you all to remember this was live, and Jimin wasn’t prepared. But, it wasn’t actually fully a candid moment because Taehyung was obviously aware that they were live.
They even say it themselves later.
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They also reveal they were likely sharing a room. Which is something I think they did all the time basically. (Another analysis I’m working on.)
Anyways, all the times Vmin did Vlive alone together (and even if they weren’t alone) they were basically extremely touchy and close, basically laying on top of each other in some. They also kept mentioning each other when they did Vlives alone, but then again, after that Vlive they never made one alone again (unless you count the one with Yeontan).
Not I know I might be repeating myself, but the reason I find this odd are because of how they acted in the Vlives after they stopped doing it together. Because looking at the three following Vlives where they interacted, they actually tried to make the other leave. Or if it was in solo vlives they said things like “I asked if V wanted to do it, but he said no.” And sure, maybe they rather wanted to do it alone, but what makes me confused here is that this happened several times. People even speculated if they had issues with eachother because they seemed almost rude with wanting the other person to leave, and it seemed it was mostly just between them and not other members.
Even in Paris last year, where Taehyung says Jimin asked to do it together but Taesaid he wanted to do it alone. And yet Hobi shows up to the Vlive. Or now recently where Taehyung sent a text and apparently Jimin replied saying he wanted to do it, but Taehyung thought JK might not “let him leave”. It just seems weird that they keep coming up with reasons not to do Vlive together. Even if they “ask each other to do it” they end up not for one reason or another.
On top of this we have the few times where they do end up on Vlive together that I also find really interesting. For example the Yeontan Vlive and the Rkive Vlive. Both times they keep being touchy, but they also alternate between trying to avoid each other in different ways. It’s honestly odd to watch. My analysis “Vmin - Push and Pull” mention some of these odd moments in other places as well.
I mean, even when they crashed the JK vlive and everyone kept making it about other ships no one seemed to realize that in it, firstly Vmin showed up together, secondly Jimin mentioned sharing a room with Taehyung despite them usually being alone at this time in their career and then Taehyung even says to Jimin “Let’s go sleep.“
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Basically I personally think Vmin’s behavior at Vlives is something rather strange, and the pattern from a lot of Vlive moments seem to be that they try to avoid being on live alone because their behavior or the things they say can sometimes risk revealing too much.
I think that something might have changed in 2016 that made Vmin more careful. It could be the group’s popularity, it could be Big Hit getting involved or they perhaps justdecided to be more careful and private with what they show. I don’t really know why, but it seems something could have changed if we look at all these things together.
I know some people think it might be because of other ships, and maybe it is, but then why would it only affect how Vmin behave with each other? Why would it still affect them, even after several years? And in combination with other things, like how they behave with the Push and Pull or how the other members seem to friendzone them etc. I personally think it’s possible that after Bon Voyage in Scandinavia, and Taehyung’s struggle during Hwarang etc. that Vmin either got closer in a way that changed how they behave and what they want to show. Or they perhaps decided to tell others about it and outside influence made them try to be more careful. I don’t know, but these are two ideas I have as possible explanations.
And again, when I say they got closer it doesn’t have to be a hidden romantic relationship, they can have other reasons for wanting to be more private.
Either way I definitely think there could be one or several reasons behind why Vmin doesn’t really do Vlives together any more. In general they seem to have gotten more private, yet closer, and this narrative fits with how they seem to behave in regards to Vlives as well.
I know some members never have had Vlives together, but Vmin used to do it a lot, and that’s why I think it’s still worth looking into it.
Basically here are the patterns I’ve seen with Vmin that in combination makes me wonder about the reasons why they behave like this and if there is a reason behind them not being on vlive together anymore despite clearly still being very close and having a good relationship.
1. After 2016 they basically stopped being live together alone.
2. Yet they kept mentioning each other a lot, and kept saying they want to do vlives or that they asked the other to do a vlive but got rejected. (I can’t think of any other members rejecting someone to do a vlive with them, not wanting to be on one themselves sure, but not refusing someone that seemingly wants to to be on with them.)
3. They have several times had what looks like excuses for why the other can’t or won’t do a vlive with them. Or excuses why they are on them. Like leaving Yeontan or delivering the phone to make the vlive.
4. They have been with other members alone and then it seems to be fine.
5. The times they have been on vlive together after their last proper one in 2016 they have on many occasions tried to make the other one leave a vlive they are in or pushed each other away (like in the Rkive vlive).
6. When we have seen them in Vlives they seem to shift between being awkward or forgetting there is a camera there.
So, indeed at least personally I think there is something off with Vmin in regards to Vlives. My theory is that they know they can’t fully trust themselves while being on live together where they can’t edit out things and thus it’s easier to simply try and avoid it completely.
Thanks for the ask, and sorry for the jumbled reply. I am currently working on a more proper analysis of this with more examples. I hope you all found this interesting, because at least personally it’s something that I find really fascinating in regards to Vmin’s relationship.
Let me know what you think. Thanks for reading! :)
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hysterialevi · 6 years
Lotus pt. 10 (Batjokes)
Author’s note: So I’ve been sitting here for like 15 minutes trying to figure out how to say “thank you” for the billionth time without making it sound like a generic broken record lmao But seriously, thank you tons for your all your support. I really appreciate that you guys are sticking with me on this, and even though this chapter isn’t as long as the others, I hope you like it just as much. Please enjoy :)
From Alfred’s POV
Standing before Thomas and Martha’s graves, I silently sighed to myself as I thought back to when Bruce was just a boy, completely oblivious to what this cruel world had in store for him.
Life had already been hard enough for the lad, what with criminals constantly lurking around the estate. But even though he never knew the truth about his father, Bruce had always been smart enough to steer clear of Falcone and Hill, and often vanished from the manor unannounced, seeking solace elsewhere.
I remembered he used to go to his childhood friend, the Cobblepot boy, and spend time with him as a distraction. Oswald was always a troublemaker, and his little “pranks” never failed to get Bruce in hot water...but at least he was happy. He had someone he could lean on, someone to enjoy life with, someone to talk to -- but with a tragic turn of events, the Cobblepot boy eventually disappeared...and Bruce was left alone. And as time passed on, the rest of his friends and family began to dwindle as well. Like a candle flickering to darkness.
That horrid night of Thomas and Martha’s murders still haunted my dreams to this day, and I’d never forget the traumatizing impact it made on their son.
Bruce changed forever after that. He rarely spoke to anyone, lashed out occasionally, and usually found the best company within himself. It was like the lad had created his own, utopian world far away from this dreadful city, and with every year he grew, the more his utopia grew with him. But reality wasted no time in waking him up.
Despite being just a child, the world had already dumped a never ending amount of adult worries onto the boy, and it destroyed his innocence, just as Lotus was destroying him now. It seemed as if Bruce could never keep anything he wanted, and Gotham made a habit of tearing those he held dear away from him. It was almost like the universe was forcing him to be alone. And as much as I despised to admit it...it succeeded.
Not even a week ago, Bruce was an upstanding, adamant young gentleman -- but with just one incident, he had transformed into a sadistic, deluded animal who hungered for nothing but the death of those who wronged him. All that training, all those years spent masquerading as Batman...and Bruce broke his code like it was nothing. And when I should’ve been by his side during his time of need, I ran as a coward would, and left him to the mercy of the Agency.
I may have been cooperating with Waller for now, but that didn’t erase the fact that I was furious at her for what she did to Bruce. Locking him up in a cell, using him for experiments, and then having the audacity to keep his body even after he died...I didn’t agree with Bruce’s approach to revenge, but I certainly understood where his anger stemmed from. What Waller did was selfish and inhumane, and I only prayed that one day, someone would be powerful enough to bring her to justice. Lord knew she deserved it.
Bowing my head in a mournful manner, I approached the graves and frowned sullenly, unsure of what to say. In all my years living in Gotham, I had never seen a situation such as Bruce’s, and I found myself at a complete loss for words. I took a deep breath, inhaling the crisp, chilly air.
“I’ve failed you, Thomas...I’m sorry. For the past twenty years, I’ve done all I can to ensure Bruce lived a more peaceful life, only to have him end up like this. While I wish you and Martha were still here, I’m glad that neither of you have to witness this horror. It’s something I never even imagined could happen, and yet...here we are. I just wish I knew how to help Bruce.”
“You’ve done more than enough for him, Alfred.”
Surprised at the response, I looked behind me and saw none other than Tiffany walking up to my side, her face plastered with stress.
“Tiffany,” I greeted, “I wasn’t expecting to see you again so soon.”
She gave me her best smile. “I wanted to talk to you, and I also needed some time away from the Agency. When I couldn’t find you at the manor, I figured you’d be here. Looks like I was right.”
I beamed at her. “Clever as always, this one. How is the Agency treating you?”
Tiffany’s answer wasn’t as positive as I’d hoped.
“The other agents -- like Blake, Avesta, and Harrison -- have all been hospitable towards me. As for Waller...” she let out a sharp exhale, “I guess she’s all right. She certainly knows how to get things done, and she’s a force to be reckoned with...but ever since I saw how she treated Bruce, I’ve been skeptical about her methods. You saw my messages about Bruce being kept in a cell?”
I nodded grimly. “I did, yes. They were...hard to read.”
“I’m sorry to drag you into this, Alfred. I just thought you deserved to know.”
“Don’t be sorry,” I replied. “Even if Bruce is no longer following his mission to get rid of Gotham’s crime, that doesn’t mean I’ve abandoned it as well. There are good people in this city who deserve peace, and I refuse to simply stand by and let him terrorize them. My only hope is if we do manage to arrest him, that Bruce doesn’t resist. I don’t think I could bear see what would happen afterwards.”
I cleared my throat, changing the subject. “Anyways, what is it that you wanted to talk with me about?”
Tiffany’s expression lit up with remembrance, and she reached into her coat pocket, pulling out a very familiar, golden pocket-watch. She held it out in her palm, giving me an apologetic gaze.
“I still have your watch. I tried to give it to Bruce while he was in the Agency’s custody, like you asked, but Waller wouldn’t let me anywhere near him, so I never got the chance. I’m sorry.”
I took the watch into my hand. “Ah, it’s hardly your fault. And besides, I shouldn’t have passed the burden onto you. It’s my job to give it to Bruce. Though, I’m not even sure if he’d accept it at this point. That boy has no love for me anymore.”
Averting her eyes to the graves, Tiffany’s brow furrowed in regret.
“What would...they think about all this?”
I followed her sight. “Thomas and Martha, you mean? Well, Martha was always a woman of compassion. Her strength ran through her family, and she did everything she could to protect Bruce from Thomas’ crimes. If she saw Bruce handcuffed, sitting in that interrogation room, rambling insane nonsense...Martha would be horrified at what he’s become. And she’d be devastated knowing there was nothing she could do about it.”
“As for Thomas, he had an obsession for control. His entire career was driven by it, and it drove him to the grave. That stubborn old mule would’ve sacrificed everything -- I mean, everything -- to save Bruce from Lotus’ clutch. And with every failure to rescue him, it would end up hurting Thomas more than it did his son.”
Tiffany brought the question back to me. “I can’t imagine it’s easy for you either. I heard Waller let you observe the interrogation. That must’ve been a disaster, especially with Bane running free.”
“You’re quite right about that,” I confirmed. “The way Bruce stared at me through that window, and went on about his desire to obliterate Gotham...I won’t deny that I didn’t feel entirely safe, even with a dozen trained agents surrounding me. And it certainly didn’t calm my nerves to see that monstrosity barge in. What on Earth is Bruce doing with Bane? Why work with him? What could the two of them possibly have in common?”
Tiffany pondered the idea for a second.
“Well, as far as I know, Bane’s been trying to cure his Venom addiction, and the only way to do that is to use the blood of a Lotus survivor. Maybe that’s what Bruce offered him in return for his assistance. The serum.”
I agreed. “That could definitely be true. Although, why wouldn’t Bane simply kill Bruce and take his blood? He’s not exactly the cooperative type. Seems like murder is usually Bane’s initial impulse. I’m honestly impressed that Bruce could befriend such a savage.”
“I guess the two of them could be after something that we don’t know about yet.”
“Perhaps. Well, we can talk about this another time. It appears as if one of your colleagues has come to see you.”
Glancing at the cemetery’s gate, Tiffany and I saw Agent Blake waiting outside next to an Agency vehicle, his entire temperament coated with guilt. He had the face of someone who had just seen a friend die, and the way he blankly stared at the ground only worried me further. What happened? Had Bruce done something else?
I turned to Tiffany, gesturing towards the gate.
“You should see what he wants. I imagine it’s rather urgent.”
“Yeah. We’ve been busy recently, dealing with Lazarus and the Joker. I hope nothing else has happened.” She began walking away, waving a sincere goodbye. “I’ll talk to you later, Alfred. Stay safe. Things are going to get worse before they get better.”
From Tiffany’s POV
Making my way out of the cemetery, I slipped through the rusted gates and wandered over to Blake who looked like he hadn’t slept in days, the entrance creaking shut behind me. His hair was unkempt, his eyes sagged with fatigue, and I couldn’t find a single hint of motivation in him. What was going on?
“...Blake?” I called out hesitantly. The man barely acknowledged me, keeping his gaze on the pavement.
“Tiffany,” he said, clearly distracted, “there you are.”
I looked at him caringly, concerned about his fragile state. “Hey, are you okay? You seem sort of...down.”
He was quiet for a minute and chewed on his bottom lip, thinking about how to break the news to me. I waited in suspense, not liking where this was going.
“...I-It’s Avesta,” Blake finally answered, his voice softly trembling. “...she...she didn’t make it.”
My heart froze.
“W-What...?” I stuttered. “What do you mean?”
Blake struggled to get his words out. 
“Even though the doctors were able to save her from dying on the day we found her, Iman’s injuries were still too severe. She managed to survive for a while longer, but all of her wounds combined with the trauma and the surgeries -- her body eventually just...gave up. S-She couldn’t take it anymore. She...she’s gone, Tiffany. Avesta’s...gone. And she sure as hell isn’t coming back like Bruce did.”
I simply stood there with my mouth hanging open, utterly shocked by the news and uncertain of what to do with myself.
Gently wrapping my arms around the man, I waited for a second to see what Blake would do before pulling him into a comforting embrace, holding him there as I tried my best to reassure him.
“Blake, I’m...I’m so sorry. I don’t even know what to say.”
He shook his true emotions off and held it in, trying to keep his composure.
“Thank you. But it’s not your fault. Bruce is the one who tortured and killed her...and believe me when I say he is going to suffer for it. Whatever he has planned for tomorrow, we can’t let him win this war. That lunatic has destroyed enough lives for one day. We have to take him down. At any cost.”
I nodded in agreement, separating the hug. “We will catch him, Blake. The Agency won’t let Lazarus get away with his crimes.”
Blake wasn’t entirely convinced. “Well, you’re certainly more optimistic than I am, but I appreciate the thought. It’s just...it’s been one hell of a week, you know. Hard to process everything that’s happened.” 
He opened the car’s door, gesturing inside. “Anyway, this isn’t what I came here to tell you. Waller wants us all back at the precinct. She wants to make absolutely sure we’re prepared for Bruce’s next step. I just thought you should hear the news about Avesta in person, rather than over the phone.”
I stepped inside. “Thank you for letting me know, Blake. News like this isn’t easy to deliver, and I’m sorry you had to be the one to share it.”
He took a seat next to me, almost instantly falling into desolate silence.
“...Let’s just keep on our minds on the task at hand. Waller may want Bruce alive, but I’m finishing what she started, and putting an end to Bruce Wayne. For good, this time. Whether the Director likes it or not.”
From Bruce’s POV
“Everything’s ready?” I asked.
“Everything’s ready.” Bane confirmed, observing the subway station. He gave me an impressed look, crossing his arms. “I’ll admit, Wayne, I’m surprised you decided to go down this road. Even after you took a pipe to one of my boys, I didn’t think you were capable of something this malevolent.”
I chuckled, sitting down on a crate. “Really? If I recall correctly, you said, and I quote, ‘there’s something about me that gives you pause. Something that casts a shadow over my heart.’ If anything, you were the first to catch it, Bane.”
He rested his hands on his hips. “I suppose I was. I just never realized how dark that shadow was...until now. You’re definitely your father’s son, aren’t you.”
“No,” I countered, “my father was a man fueled by his own supremacy. Instead of putting out the fire, he would’ve tried to control the flames, and use them against his enemies.”
Bane quirked a brow. “But not you?”
I rose to my feet, viewing all of our equipment. “...I am the fire. And tomorrow, we’re incinerating Gotham’s kings. After all, the best way to take a beast down is to aim for the heart. If we want to wipe this city from the face of the Earth, we have to kill the Mayor.”
“I’m ready when you are, but tell me something first, Wayne.” Bane wandered over to me, his heavy boots shaking the floor. “Why the sudden change of heart? It wasn’t too long ago that you were trying to save Gotham. Why destroy something you helped build?”
Gazing longingly at John’s little, abandoned house and the “Welcome, Bruce!” banner hanging above it, I thought back to our encounter in the alleyway and let out a regretful breath, wishing I could speak with him as a friend.
“Not everything is worth the work put into it,” I answered Bane. “I sacrificed so much to support this city and its people. To keep them growing. But it was too late when I finally realized I had been nurturing a parasite the whole time. Thankfully, Lotus came along and opened my eyes.”
I faced the taller man and slowly sauntered towards him, repainting my memories of what happened at Wayne Enterprises.
“I was devastated when the Agency told me I had been infected with Lotus, you know. I truly believed that it couldn’t get any worse, and I prepared myself for death. However...one night, after the doctors finished toying with me...I started to slip away. The entire world began to fade, and I thought my life was coming to an end.”
I held a finger up, grinning serenely. “But then, I woke up. I found myself trapped in a tight, dark space, and my entire body felt cold. At first, I mistook it for a casket, but pfft, who would attend my funeral? No...it had to be a morgue. And something inside me suddenly felt the desire to break out. So, I did. It took some effort, but eventually, the door busted open. Before I knew it...I was free. Not just from the morgue, but also from Bruce Wayne. I no longer had to put on a charade. No longer had to take part in something that had been lost ages ago. I had roamed into a new world...and I’ll be damned if I allow the Agency to taint this one as well.”
Smiling at Bane, I laid a friendly hand on his built shoulder.
“That’s where you come in. I know I haven’t exactly been truthful with you in the past, but I can assure you that we both hunger for the Agency’s demise. If everything goes according to plan, their Director will be dead before the sun sets tomorrow, and we can finally proceed with the final step. Gotham's days are numbered.”
Bane smirked in approval and grabbed my hand, shaking it firmly. “Carry the torch, Mr. Suit. I’m right beside you.”
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grinwolfe · 7 years
What it's like living here
I would like to tell you a story. A long story. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. Maybe one day you'll find yourself in a situation and some part of this will resurface from ancient memory and absorb some of the shock. Or maybe you already know, and my story might provide some validation or relief. The point is, it's a story and we always learn things in stories. I live in a prairie. I live where hardly anyone comes to visit and half the people who live here want to leave. I live with extreme heat and drought, extreme rain and floods, the occasional snow and hail in July, 8 months of winter, the highest crime rate in my country, plagues every year of different insects and animals (this is the jack rabbit and bumblebee year, so it's a good year), and the most light on average in a year, with our 180° skies and endless fields. It takes hours to get anywhere else, there aren't any public buses anymore for between the towns, so if you're on your own and have no car, best of luck to you and see you in two days. There is nowhere to hide from the sun, the bugs will feast on you, as will bears, cougars and coyotes once you've been trampled/gored by a moose or stag. This is a desolate, dangerous, empty space where if you stop and listen for a while, you start to feel the great expanse of ever consuming existence and how small and very very mortal you are. How fragile and brief we all are, and quite meaningless. That silence can either take you to new levels of consciousness and understanding, or drive you insane until you are babbling and screaming just to hear anything beyond the soft drone of all those bugs who want to eat you and the hungry giggling of a pack of coyotes. That is where I live. I also live in a century old house. This is quite the accomplishment; there aren't many of them left in the community where I live. Anything old, antique, or possesses character is immediately destroyed because 'it doesn't appeal to businesses.' A plain metal box always replaces it, which is the ugliest damn thing you've ever seen. My house is 110 years old, maybe older; the furthest the records go back is 1906 and my house was already built then. It came from a Sears catalogue and was built by laymen. I exist because of this house. It brought my parents together; my mom was my dad's first and last renter who only ever paid one months rent because she lost her job. I grew up in this house, amid the constant reno's saw dust, rusty nails, century old horse hair, exposed wiring, and power tools. My father is still renovating it. No, it isn't in that bad of shape, he's just really bad/slow at it and is very possessive of the house so he refuses to let anyone outside of me or mom help. And we don't like to help him because he's a huge jerk when you help him. You need to know all of this because understanding the circumstances of growing up in this house, in this place, adds another unnerving layer upon my tale. It's hard to know if it was like what I remember before I was born, or if activity ramped up as I grew up. I have no way of finding out because neither of my parents are a)organized, b)observant c)tolerating of differences. The earliest event I can remember was the most traumatic. I was around the age of 4, and while my parents watched tv in the living room, I went into the kitchen with their permission to grab a caramel candy. Our kitchen has one huge single pane window looking into our backyard and midway up I saw two lights reflected in the glass. My first instinct was that those lights were reflected from a hallway light behind me. I wasn't wrong. I just didn't immediately grasp that the light was rebounding off two eyes that were over ten feet (over 3 m) off the ground. Not little eyes either. They were yellow white, round, forwards facing, 1 1/4" (32 mm) in diameter and roughly 8 inches. And they were staring right at me. Do you know what that is? Because I still don't. Frankly, it's amazing I didn't pee myself. I was so scared, I couldn't scream or make a noise. I collapsed and played dead like a baby deer while trying to slowly crawl out of the kitchen while gasp crying softly for my parents, terrified that the monster will come through the glass. I eventually made it, got rebuked for crawling on the floor, and then I hid under the coffee table while they watched their show. It wasn't until the end of their show that they bothered to ask why I hadn't said a word and was still under the coffee table. They dismissed my fears. To this day they denied it ever happened, yet they still mock me for saying back then, 'the trees have eyes.' From then on, I avoided that window, or any ground floor window at night, afraid of what I would see for 10 years. Blinds and a heightened night vision became my friend. I figured if the lights were off around me, then nothing outside could see me. I would not, and still don't sit with my back to windows. That was only the beginning. As I child I remember hearing things that didn't make sense; footsteps around the house, mysterious bangs, someone calling my name, and a full blown tea party in the kitchen when no one was home. I challenged my parents the next day about why I wasn't invited to the party, it was only 9:30 but they replied there was no party, the babysitter left at 9 and they didn't get home until 11. Things went missing and I would get blamed until I realized how disorganized and irresponsible with other people's stuff my parents were. Then we all blamed each other. Toys that I broke by accident were mysteriously repaired, and I know for certain that my parents would never miss an opportunity to turn something I did into a lecture, and pound their chests on how benevolent and wonderful they are to fix it and how grateful I should be for the next year and how Santa would bring me one less present. When I was ill, someone would tuck me in and wipe my forehead but when I opened my eyes no one was there. Our three cats also saw things, as did I. Things that moved fast but were otherwise transparent. The cats were very affected, flight or fight modes activated, hissing, growling, mews of fear, charging and fleeing. I was 6 when I heard about ghosts from a friend, and that seemed to make sense. But ghosts scared me so ghosts became a banned thought in my home and if you dared bring up the subject you were met with 'don't be ridiculous, that's a silly thing to think, you're letting your imagination get away with you and are irresponsible with your things,' and I had to agree because I was six and what the hell did I know? As I got older and my dad ripped more of the house apart, events became less frequent but more intense. Once in the early morning before school, my stereo went crazy, flipping through all the station MANUALLY (the dial was turning) while a very loud buzzing traveled around my room, occasionally dive bombing me. If it was a bee, then it was a bee the size of a guinea pig, but I would've seen that and I saw nothing. I screamed for my dad, who also heard it, who also couldn't figure out what was making it, and then leaving it unresolved with a 'stop wasting my time.' I ran in, grabbed the rest of my clothes and changed in the bathroom. I never heard that buzzing again and never found a very large insect in the house. I saw shadows watching me at night in my room, and shadows of insects and insect like things crawling around in my home. I honestly thought I was going crazy. Since then I've been tested for schizophrenia and psychosis and nope, I'm an average crazy, no more sane than anyone else. Then things got more obvious. Once, while dancing in my kitchen (i only dance when I'm alone) I was startled by a young man, about 16, quickly leaning out from behind my refrigerator to say 'hi!' in the most excited pleased tone you can imagine. I screamed of course and tried to leap up onto the opposite counter tops and by that point he was gone but I still remember what he looked like from the waist up (the rest was hidden behind the refrigerator). He had suspenders, a green shirt, one of those paperboy caps, a round raw face like it had been cooked, with a short button nose and bright blue eyes. He was genuinely pleased to meet someone close to his age, or that's how it felt. On another occasion, in the morning, a different young man walked into my room and said 'my name is Marlow.' It was so clear. I sat right up, he had vanished by then and said loudly 'who the f@ck is Marlow???' Funnily enough, he did resemble Christopher Marlowe a little, but I refuse to believe a 17th century poet/writer decided to visit me in my bedroom. Also, I still don't know who the f@ck Marlow is. When I misbehaved or shirked chores I got tapped. Anywhere, often on the top of my head, sometimes on my ear or shoulder. Soft the first time but if I had been ignoring it by the 3rd then they got harder. Last year a hand fondly patted/ ran through my hair. I could feel the individual fingers on my scalp. Not everything has been benign. My dad took down a wall in the basement and suddenly there was a Shadow Person, which for the uninformed is a non-human entity and they generally mean bad news, like this one. I did not know this at the time, I thought I was going insane and the internet couldn't answer my questions. They are incredibly malevolent, and this one kept threatening all of us, intending to kill any and maybe all of us for pleasure. But my feckless parents were in more danger than me because they couldn't see it. It fell entirely to 15 year old me to research and handle it. I begged my mom to help, even though she laughed in my face, and I told her I was scared for their lives. They couldn't even help me keep it contained in the basement (for some reason the doors -which were original, kept it from moving around freely.) For a month, that thing steadily increased its energy and territory. It grabbed my ankle as I was going up the stairs and chased me the rest of the way up. Half of me thought I had finally lost it, but another part of me, that rational side, trusted my instincts because if we were really in danger, now was not the time to ignore it. I eventually triumphed; I used the door trick, specifically the front door. I locked it out of the house and now it's out there in the world but not terrorizing me. I thought when I went to college that all that would change, that I'd be away from trigger memories and in a new place in a safe supportive setting doing something that I loved. Not so. The forest next to the college also possessed things, some of which were even worse and more powerful than the Shadow Person. Luckily, I only saw them from a distance and through my window. I have had CAT scans done, MRI's, I've talked with psychiatrists, neurospecialists, psychotherapists, and have had 3 psychoanalysis done. None of them can explain any of this and no one wants to try. I tell them what I've experienced and they go silent because they're rational, scientific doctors and though in every other way I am sane, what I am saying must be impossible. So I researched. And researched. And researched. Now? I'm not scared of ghosts, nor do I go looking for them. They're people without bodies, but still people. They're going to be just as enthusiastic, seedy, annoying, mean, bossy, or kind as they were in life and mostly don't want to be bothered or have their home ripped apart. Don't mess with things you don't understand is a good rule of thumb. It might be fun to scare yourself and your friends silly by trying to summon something BUT DON'T. It's not worth it, and you might have to face consequences that will stick with you forever. Plus, it's kinda rude. But if you get a Shadow Person, or some other non-human entity, dude, get that shit dealt with right away by a professional. They do exist. As for me, I'm just fine. Back in this old house for now, the remaining spirits are on good terms with me and are waging war on dad and his eternal renovations. I expect when he passes, he'll be in this house too, there is no wall, no floor, nothing he has not put his mark on. And as long as the people standing in the back yard watching the house don't get in, we'll be fine for a while yet.
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