#furby island
misfitfurby · 2 months
So recently I joined a Furby centric Discord server and I was able to suggest and get a movie night set up
I haven't been able to go all out on event planning in some time so I went extra and created a ticket
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Sorta as an advertisement and sorta as a RP/photo option for everyone to us if they want to
Colored and decorated fully based on old advisement for this actual movie so very obnoxious 2000s core
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bugblast · 2 years
my furby findings while i was out studying them in their environment!!
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vurrart · 2 years
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jenthmas furby island au
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furby-junkie · 1 year
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Furby $10 Pre-Order Pack (eBay)
Free Furby DVD Movie when you pre-order your Furby
This Pre-order pack is a $10.00 down-payment on the purchase of a Furby and reserves you a Furby when stocks arrive in-store on 24th September 2005. 
See reverse for details
Back of the Cover: 
Hee Hoo!
(We’re Back!)
Furby is back and better than ever! With new Emoto-tronic technology Furby shows real emotions and even loves you back! You can teach Furby english or talk to him in Furbish, Furby can play games, sing and even tell you his story!
Furby colours are subject to availability and may vary from the above picture
Simply present your Warehouse till generated voucher for the purchase of this pre-order pack and you will receive $10 off the retail price of your Furby. See your till generated voucher for full terms and conditions
Movie approximately 44 minutes.
© 2005 Hasbro, Pawtucket, RI 02862 USA. All Rights Reserved. denotes Reg U.S. Pat. & TM Office
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dabingusbongus · 1 year
Furby Island REMADE
SO LIKE- furby island right? very bad, makes me feel like my adhd was at work since every time I blinked something new was happening for some reason.
To make this a bit more interesting, Maddie's parents took her on trips when she was just a baby. Yet one horrible night something separated the two from their little baby. They believe she's dead, unable to find her, mourning their lost....
Flash cut to the furby's finding baby maddie and they raise her! Due to being raised by the furby's she's more- spiritually in touch lets say. Or that the furby's gave her similar powers to her in a furby ritual of some sort to help her fully assimilate with them. Whichever would fit better with the mind power deal that the furbs have.
Years later her parents come back to face the demons of their past, and along with them is their second child. TY, a boy who grew up in the shadow of a sister he never met, sneaks onto their plane. They are unaware of their stowaway until they reach the island. Furious they are unable to do anything besides tell him to stay put and have someone on the adventure team watch over him while they go deep into the forest upon he island. ofc he doesn't stay! He plays some trick to sneak away from his appointed babysitters an runs into the forest. Finding some markings that he remembers his parents talking about/had seen some pics while snooping to find out more about his long lost sister he follows them. Then we have a scene of TY seeing the wild furby for the first time and screaming his lungs out while the furby is chirping/trilling in surprise at the sight of a human. As they run away from each other. extra tropey if you just have TY run into a tree in blind panic and get knocked out only to wake up surrounded by furby's. There’s more screaming, more furby screaming/panicking UNTIL he sees the first human in legit hours.
Though he doesn't know this is her, and Maddie well- she's not named maddie. While the furby's had told her the name that her birth parents gave her. I feel like furbs have this whole different naming convention where the child is able to pick the name that they believe resembles them an said name can change over a lifetime if they so wish. (trans rights trans rights) I don't know what her furby name would be but it would translate into ‘trouble maker’ or ‘mischief maker’ due to how she wanders off and always tries to prove herself to her furby family only to always get into some sorta trouble along the way.
TY definitely believes she's a weird girl, but doesn't want to leave her in the forest with all these "wild creatures." so he just asks her to come with him, clearly expecting her to be happy to be saved and able to go back to humanity. You know what happens? she beats him up lmao. they get off on the worst foot possible and it ends with TY's ass kicked with Maddie furious at him for thinking her family is weird. He gets found by his appointed babysitters dragged back to camp and chewed out for sneaking away. He explodes at his parents then tells them about the girl he saw with these "strange furry creatures" in the jungle. His parents think he's lying, which he's not and he stresses that he isn't but you know how most adults be.... It's like they forgot what it was like to be a kid and be treated badly and have their feelings/opinions disregarded. Of course just like any kid who gets scorned by their parents he wants to prove it to them. That he really did find some weird creatures in the woods along with some girl. cut to TY trying to find a way to lure Maddie away from the furby's by being as annoying as possible. Shows the antics of him annoying her, (along with his slow befriending of one of the other furby’s that vibe really well with him) until finally she blows her top and chases after him. He doesn’t make it too far before she’s pounced on him and letting out little angry furby curses while the furby that TY befriended is laughing in the background. Though soon said furby dives for cover as BAM parents are there, parents are seeing this, they are losing their shit- not because they recognize her as their daughter it's more because 'oh our son was right there is some random teen girl on this island' Though for a moment there is this thought, they wonder could it be? But no, this can’t be their little girl she’s dead….
We get the slow pan going up to the sky as you hear the scuffle as maddie fights everyone off, the sky turning from day to night and in comes.
The screen pans down to show him and his workers walking through the jungle searching in the dark with some flashlights and finding some furby tracks (or at least finding the prints of the scuffle that Maddie had with TY.) He smiles, then gleefully says “well boys it seems we’re on the right track!” He’s tried hunting Maddie down before. He’s seen her, has even interacted with her in the past but she always slipped from between his fingers. He’s mainly using her to get to the furby’s but he’s also interested in her apparent abilities that the furby’s had given her. It’s the classic, he wants her alive so he can study her in his labs thing. He's getting a huge overhaul in personality if it wasn’t obvious. He acted way too much like a whiny baby in the film. It conflicted a lot with the way they animated his facial expressions. The pure rage on his face was something deep, and visceral. Just watching his face gave the impression that he wanted to kill maddie. So, why not let him try?? Since this version of the movie is pg 13 I thought it'd be fun to let there be a little bit of blood/darkness in here. 
Doctor Conquest (or whatever normal ass human name I come up with him to have so he's not just called by this tv title the whole time) has murdered people before. (It's become a bit of a nasty habit you see.) He goes on these grand adventures, is beloved by the world just like Steve Irwin, except nothing he has achieved has ever been by his own merit. He lets others do the heavy lifting, abusing the person's admiration/respect for him only to dispose of the person to take the glory for himself. While none of this is ever explicitly shown (no murder on screen) there are hints. He has a collection of his past victims trophies within his room... Even the research these people had done are trophies within their own rights.
Maddie knows about him and gets these strange vibes from him but unlike most furby’s her powers aren't on the same level as them. She simply get’s strange vibes, and she doesn’t know why, which makes her curious about him/why his emotions feel the way they do. She’s fully unaware that the times she lets him see her she’s playing with fire and soon everything will burst into flames.
We get another flash cut to TY and the family trying to earn Maddie’s trust- the adults in the situation of course wanting to bring her with them, since no child should be left alone in the jungle. With how intently TY’s parents are trying he gets jealous, feeling ignored by his parents who in the past haven’t given him the attention he has so desired. So to see this *stranger* seemingly getting all the attention that he wanted- yeah it stings. Along the way the doctors team has run into TY’s parent’s adventuring team and have joined forces in a sense. The parents don’t tell the good doctor about Maddie though he has a feeling they know something. 
So why not pay more attention to their poor neglected son? TY has slipped away again, though it’s apparent it was easier then the first just to show how frazzled the adventuring trip is. And, the good Doctor finds him. They talk, they seemingly have a bit of a heart to heart and TY starts to trust him a bit more while he listens. All these feelings he’s had just bubble up to the surface and finally he breaks, sobbing and talking about his pain, his anger, his loneliness. The Doctor comforts him, telling him it’s okay to cry, that this is unfair and why not let him take care of it?
TY tells him where Maddie and the Furby’s are unaware of the turmoil that will soon follow.
On the other side of the jungle, Maddie is having a heart to heart with her furby mom who has told her that she recognizes the parents' voices that these humans are her biological parents. The reason she didn’t realize before is because she only had maddie’s baby memories to work off on and she was so young her vision wasn’t fully clear yet. Maddie is conflicted, and her furby mom tells her to give them a chance, that she can always come back to them if she doesn't like them. 
And so maddie does give them a chance.
We get another scene of maddie being cleaned up (much to her dismay) changed into some extra clothes that they had which are a bit too baggy scenes that normally in movies followed by up beat music and an “amazing” transformation. But to maddie this is nothing but awkward. There is no upbeat music, there is no stylish little walk down the aisle, it shows every awkward and self continuous bit of it. Of Maddie trying to fit in with a family she doesn’t even know, who she’s not sure she even wants to fit in with, or explain that she is their daughter. She lets all of these things happen and in the eyes of the adults they are doing good work, helping her, and to them this is one of those beautiful transformation scenes where the mother even coo’s about how pretty maddie looks.
There is a longing in both parents' eyes that makes her uncomfortable. It doesn’t help when comments are made- maybe maddie looks like her dad when he was younger or maybe she looks like her grandparents. The dots are being slowly connected, not because they have proof but because a part of them now that they see her want her to be their little girl.
Then there is smoke. To get the furby’s out of hiding Doctor Conquest set up a fire to smoke them out. Unaware this is a controlled fire Maddie believes that the humans are burning down her home. She rushes into the doctor's trap being caught just like many of the furby’s who were forced to come out of hiding or to choke on the smoke. But, there is one that manages to make an escape… The furby who had befriended TY, and due to their growing bond he finally lets TY feel his emotions and shares the memory of what happened. Riddled with guilt TY doesn't know what to do besides feel sorry for himself.
Back to Doctor Conquest he does his fair share of monologing showing his sick excitement about having caught not just the furby’s but maddie herself. Very gross, very icky as he talks about her being one of a kind and rare. She is an object to possess to him and not a human being. Then we get some TY and his furby friends trickery going on that helps distract the doctor long enough for maddie to wriggle her way out of the trap or maybe TY throws a key who knows we are reaching the last stretch of my insane ramblings and you dear reader are probably thankful for it. 
Maddie gets out and uses her funky furby powers to thrust all of her emotions onto Doctor conquest and since this man is not USE to feeling these intense emotions that he has no control over he do be crumbling. (I imagine he despises feeling fear so to be forced to feel it is his worst nightmare) he’s stunned giving the two enough time to escape and free the other furbs. The reason why they didn’t brain blast him is just- because sharing emotions like that has the furby social connotations of baring one's soul as they feel everything. It just wouldn’t have occurred to them to use their powers in an offensive way given it’s a way to communicate between them all not for fighting.
So bad news Doctor conquest knows how scared maddie is of him now and can use that fear an manipulate it to his advantage in the future yippeee
The ending is up in the air after this. It depends if we want to follow what the og did and leave it open ended for either a sequel or a “t.v” show or if we want to make this movie self-contained. I see a few endings as a possibility. 
TY’s parents try to force Maddie to come with them when they are packing up to leave echoing many a sentence we’ve all heard parents say, “We know what’s best for you” but do they really? They play in their self interest, it comes from a place of longing of what they lost and not malicious outwardly it completely ignores Maddie’s own autonomy. Of course we have a moment of her screaming that she is NOT their daughter and that she already has a mom. She brain blasts them like with doctor conquest but this hurts the couple far more then doctor conquest because they get to feel every little complicated emotion and maybe they have a bit of a breakdown while maddie escapes into the woods back into the loving embrace of her lil furb family.
Second ending they ask her to come with them nicely because they learned something along the way and also how they deeply need therapy (god please they need therapy so bad) she says no but she does share with them that she wouldn’t mind if they visited as long as they don’t disturb the jungle. She still doesn’t tell them that she is their bio daughter but there is this silent understanding. She might be their daughter by blood but they are still strangers to her. And so they promise to visit her another time so that they can finally get to know her as herself instead of the projection of maddie they placed on her. All the furbs give a goodbye song and dance we love them for it end of the movie musical number babeyyy
Now i hear you asking “but what happened to the doctor?” Well I still want to see this man fall down a large hole and be left there. I think it’s funny- not sure how that would come up. Also iconic, think of this man falling down this hole only to climb right back out with no consequences. Sure he will possibly be detained by police on the ground of setting fires but man i doubt he’d be in jail for long due to how rich he is. He’d come up with some excuse about how it was needed, and he was just trying to save the jungle by setting “controlled” fires before it was too late smdh He will get fined and be banned from going back to the jungle on that island for a while. Plus having to deal with the PR disaster that comes after this. More people are starting to look at him with a critical eye after these actions so he has to watch his step for a while….
Not that this simple stumble will hold him back for long (:
AAAAND THAT’S A WRAP FOLKS!!!!!! Hope you enjoyed my rambling of a better furby movie thanks for reading give this post a like if you reblog and subscr- naw im not doing this bit. Anyway thanks really for reading all of this. I hope you enjoyed it!
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dognightmare4 · 10 months
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is that...
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doyouknowthisgame · 4 months
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mmmm-moss · 1 year
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Furby island (2005)
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iceeold · 2 years
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Spent a whole potentially useful all nighter on this
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autismparadise · 2 years
watched furby island with a friend... this goes hard
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chocodile · 7 months
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Gonna place another order for SHIRTS this week! If there's an out of stock shirt you've had your eye on, now's your chance to grab it! See the first reblog for my Storenvy link.
In addition to orders available through Storenvy, these were available at Furlandia 2024 earlier this summer and will be available and Anthro Weekend Utah 2024 Dealer's Dens! But at-con stock is always a little limited so there's no guarantee I'll have your size.
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
can we start something like clown husbandry except with furbies where there’s lore and stuff? if furblr approves of this pitch i have some species ideas:
-i imagine that furby itself is a species, with several breeds that i’ve included below:
-of course, there’s the regular non-longified furby species, furby “classic”, furby baby, furby buddies, mcdonald’s furbies, furby boom/2012, connect, furbling, etc. as well as the (painless and cruelty-free) genetically modified furbies, listed below:
-furby barbie, which were likely originated from  Plushiecouture and totally_furbulous on instagram, is a furby buddy with barbie appendages with may include arms, legs or more.
-then the long furbies, and the breeds of those (i’m finding it difficult to find the first people to come up with the ideas of the lf breeds other than the original. if anyone knows of the sources please let me know):
-long furby, the most common long furby breed. their general look is furbyfuzz’s first long furby (with color variations, of course).
-thursby, the second most populating breed within the furby species, applies to any long furby with one fur color/gradient/etc on their backs, and another 1 or 2 colors on their bellies and backs. created by strange aeons.
-furbipede, another common breed. the first image i can find of this breed was created by boots_with_the_furb.
-spirby, a breed that seems to be the byproduct of long furbies and furbipedes. they have 14 (?) spider-like legs. i’m having trouble finding the creator of these.
-wormby, created by fubbygunk. long, sleek, worm-like appearance with no other limbs or appendages.
-noodby, created by Buttered_Noodles, is a breed likely descending from thursby. their main differentiational feature compared to thursby are their hands of varying shapes, sizes, colors and amounts.
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quixoticrobotic · 1 year
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Trying to make Citrus Flavoring ears that look like orange slices
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furby-junkie · 2 years
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An image from debaque.com (a website that is now dead). 
Furby Island had won an award of $5,000 (USD) for being the Best Licensed IP game.
“The winners will receive a cash prize, Software licenses from Adobe, Phones from Nokia and a guaranteed contract with an operator and a publisher to market the title. The IMGA will truly help to make mobile game developers' dreams a reality!”
Nominees (For Best Licensed IP Game)
The Crystal Maze (Dynamo Games)
Office Games 2 (Indiagames)
Rounders Poker (Nazara Technologies)
Ratatouille: Cheese Rush (Universomo)
Furby Island (LemonQuest)
The contest rules on IMGA’s website  (archive.org)
IMGA award nominees list (Pocket Gamer)
Furby Island, other award-winning games, and nominees on IMGA’s website 
LemonQuest’s article below cut
LemonQuest wins the IMGA award for Best Adapted Licence with Furby Island
日期 : 12/02/2008
The official videogame of one of the most successful toys from Hasbro
This videogame, developed and edited by LemonQuest, and which is the result of an agreement reached between LemonQuest and Hasbro, enables players to enjoy all the magic of Furby on their mobile telephones. Furby is one of the most important and successful toys of all time.
Furby Island, a fun adventure in a multitude of locations, with a wide range of objects, surprises that come in the form of bonuses and some colourful and cheerful graphics, has been given this award over the other four nominees: Office Games 2 – official licence of the NBC series developed by Indiagames; Ratatouille: Cheese Rush by THQ Wireless; Rounders Poker – based on the film and produced by Nazara; and The Crystal Maze – a title presented by Dynamo Games.
Following this recognition of Furby Island by one of the most important Mobile Gaming events in the sector, LemonQuest has become the first Spanish company to receive such a prestigious award.
Article source
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kimeako · 2 years
The Berry family. Peaches Berry, Raspberry Berry, Gooseberry Berry, Anbus Berry, Blueberry Berry and Banana Berry!
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lanshappycorner · 7 months
furby movie???
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The Mitchells vs The Machines..........
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