#i will be so happy if people start posting about furby
longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
can we start something like clown husbandry except with furbies where there’s lore and stuff? if furblr approves of this pitch i have some species ideas:
-i imagine that furby itself is a species, with several breeds that i’ve included below:
-of course, there’s the regular non-longified furby species, furby “classic”, furby baby, furby buddies, mcdonald’s furbies, furby boom/2012, connect, furbling, etc. as well as the (painless and cruelty-free) genetically modified furbies, listed below:
-furby barbie, which were likely originated from  Plushiecouture and totally_furbulous on instagram, is a furby buddy with barbie appendages with may include arms, legs or more.
-then the long furbies, and the breeds of those (i’m finding it difficult to find the first people to come up with the ideas of the lf breeds other than the original. if anyone knows of the sources please let me know):
-long furby, the most common long furby breed. their general look is furbyfuzz’s first long furby (with color variations, of course).
-thursby, the second most populating breed within the furby species, applies to any long furby with one fur color/gradient/etc on their backs, and another 1 or 2 colors on their bellies and backs. created by strange aeons.
-furbipede, another common breed. the first image i can find of this breed was created by boots_with_the_furb.
-spirby, a breed that seems to be the byproduct of long furbies and furbipedes. they have 14 (?) spider-like legs. i’m having trouble finding the creator of these.
-wormby, created by fubbygunk. long, sleek, worm-like appearance with no other limbs or appendages.
-noodby, created by Buttered_Noodles, is a breed likely descending from thursby. their main differentiational feature compared to thursby are their hands of varying shapes, sizes, colors and amounts.
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fluffenough · 1 year
letter to the furby community
honestly, im very disappointed in the furby community's reaction to the recent furby release. I completely understand disappointment, and i even get how this furby in so many ways differs from the things that make '98s (and 05s) so special. however, the hatred ive seen spewed towards the furby and the owners and enjoyers of the furby really shock me. As a fandom who notoriously puts banners or disclaimers on posts on tumblr not to call their furby creepy or insult it because it is special to them...  ithought we as a community were very anti-cringe culture. ive seen all kinds of "cringy" customs, and a lot of us are neurodivergent and have been hurt by this behavior. so why on earth are we going back to 2010 and insulting a design by calling it a "sparkledog" for being too colorful for you? realistically, how many of us collect JUST the first generation of 1998 furbies without any customization? we are a community who celebrates colorful, exciting, and over the top customizations. just because this furby isn't a snowball to start with, why are we sending it and the people who enjoy it hate? how would you feel if someone said the things you are saying about the 2023 furby about your furbies? ive seen people comment hateful things on people's posts about their 2023 furbies, and in general the community treatment of it is rancid.
honestly its especially wild to me given the hate various generations of furby have gotten through the years, and the way its hurt people who have enjoyed those. i thought at this point wed moved past that. i joined the fandom in 2018 and the hate for anything not 98 (boom,connect, 05) was pretty rampant. but nowadays, we seem to love every generation of furby despite their differences and flaws. why are we hating on this poor new furby in the family?
look. we are all entitled to our opinions. im hardly saying this has been a smooth release on hasbros part- and im not saying this massive company needs our sympathy. but the people who love this furby? they deserve just as much respect as any other furby collector.
as a 2023 furby lover, please use empathy and compassion and be a bit kinder to collectors who love this furby. in general, the constant bashing on it as someone who really loves it and is excited to get one is very discouraging. we as a community are better than this.
so stop the hate and spread love. cringe culture is toxic. lets make this a happy place. i know there's only so much my words as a single person can do, but i hope if you read this that perhaps it's made you think.
TL;DR- if you wouldnt want that commented on a post about your furby, why the hell are you commenting it on a post about the 2023 furby?
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pbandjesse · 2 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I felt so bad at dinner I felt like I was outside of my body. It was crazy. Today was tough in general. And I am very very much hoping I can fall asleep easy and take up fixed.
I slept alright. I felt like I was made of cement and my body ached when I woke up. It was very very hard to get out of bed. Like my everything was very very heavy and sore and I was sad about it.
But the nausea was not bothering me as much. James would make our bed and give me hugs and kisses and send me off with snacks and food that we hoped would be bland enough to eat safely.
The drive to camp was fine. It was cool out and when I got to camp I would have to put on a hoodie to be comfortable.
I was annoyed that basically everything was damp. And I mean everything. Once I was set up and after I had breakfast I would sit in my car just to have a dry spot to chill for a bit.
I was starting to not feel good though. I went for a walk to the office to say good morning and used the bathroom down there. Chatted with some people. Tried to feel better. But it was tough.
I only had the one morning group. So I made the decision that I would go and lay down in our cabin during my two hour break. This was the only thing keeping me going this morning.
I was also really not looking forward to the project. It's frustrating how much it is draining me. Thankfully the kids do like it but I will for sure be shelving this project next year. It is just to labor intense for me.
The first group was nice though. They had been a bit late so their pieces weren't totally set by the time they were leaving me. Hopefully their councilor remembers to come back.
I would walk down to peeps and after packing most of my stuff into my steamer trunk I would lay down. It was good to be packed and I will be able to grab that after camp is over. My bedding bag smells a bit like mice though so I will probably bring a different bag to pack my blankets in. But for now I just wanted to sleep.
And I would. For about and hour and a half. And it was a really nice rest. With just soft rain sounds. The bed in there is soft but firm and I was wrapped in my blanket like a burrito. I was comfortable.
And it helped. Like for the rest of the day I didn't feel amazing. But I wasn't as exhausted. The rest was very very needed.
I would wander back to arts and crafts. I stopped at the office. I meant to grab my rain coat but it slipped my mind. And so I just walked in the drizzle. It was cold but nice.
The afternoon was still hard. My stomach just hurt. And I had to really put on an act that I was okay. I was for sure low energy. And would have to sit quietly a lot more then I would normally like.
But the kids were kind. A few wanted to tell me everything they remembered of me from last year and how they missed me and it was super sweet. Even gave me hugs. It made me feel a lot better emotionally. I feel very fragile right now, so that little kindness was so nice.
The stockade boys were last. And they made bears bracelets. I knitted. Chatted with Kamal about being an adult and buying a washer and dryer and the boys were like. Wow when I grow up I'm gonna have to buy everything I take for granted now. And it was a small profound moment. The sun came back out and kids were laughing and screaming and I was just so tired. But I was happy.
I went home pretty quickly. I left at 330 and stopped at the post office to get a box to ship the furby. I will pack that very soon. But it just did not happen tonight.
I started feeling very very sick in the car again. I texted James telling them my thoughts about dinner. And they promised to take me to five guys. So that kept me going.
I got home and would lay down right away. I shared a rice krispie with Sweetp. I tried to not fall apart.
But James would be home soon. And once they caught their breath and changed their shirt we would head out.
And while I was really enjoying being with James I was on the verge of throwing up. I was in my much pain and felt so bad. I was basically out side of my body at times. James was trying to comfort me but I was just so frustrated. I just want to be able to eat!! I tried breathing through it. But I was just. So upset.
I still wanted to stop at target to get me a new pillow. It's always hard to find the right pillow but I think I got a good one. Firm and don't make my head so low and hurt my neck. And it wasnt to expensive.
We also got fruit leather because I thought it would be good to have some fruit servings. The target brand is a little wetter then I like but the stretch island is so expensive. Even if I like it better. Maybe when we go to the organic market next I'll price compare.
We also got me calcium. Which has been recommended. I decided on the chewy ones. I hope they aren't gross.
We got home and I was able to eat a little more of my five guys dinner that we brought home. I watched TikToks and laid on the couch and James came and rubbed my shoulders. Sweetp was enjoying being outside and watching the rain. It was nice. I was tired but the pain had passed.
I took a shower and washed my hair and now I am very ready to lay down. I hope you all sleep well. And that tomorrow I feel a lot better. James has promised me blueberry pancakes. I hope I can eat them.
And don't worry. Tuesday is my doctor's appointment. We will get things solved and I will be okay.
I love you all. Sleep well everyone. Talk tomorrow.
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lilietsblog · 2 years
hi, i noticed you reblogged my post highlighting my tags talking about how i don't appreciate likes, specifically saying something to the affect of "artists do appreciate likes" and i'd like to clear something up, I Am An Artist, My Posts Don't Often Get Reblogged and so i'm Not Getting New Eyes On My Posts and i'm Getting Discouraged‚ like why should i post art if nobody's gonna see it?
i don't really care for likes, all a like is to me is a "hey i saw your post! not gonna say anything about it, just saw it!" and its so easy to do with double tap to like, if i could turn them off on my posts i would, i promise you that. you literally highlighted my tags and said the opposite about People Like Me, basically about Me, which is just an absurd thing to do
also, did you see what blog of mine you were reblogging from? my sideblog for reblogging things to, because my main is for my art, other things "wouldn't match that wallpaper" so i put them on a dedicated blog so i can add tags and interact more without just liking posts, because i've been on the other side of getting like 11k likes or whatever and 5k reblogs‚ meaning i got hardly any feedback and people are now seeing it through the top posts of #long furby or whatever (not to mention that 5k reblogs started with a staff member reblogging it to the radar? so like, reblogs can really do some work)
i know its a bad idea to interact with discourse, especially when its something i could just block you for, i mean i'd really rather not talk to a like truther, but i'd like to tell you these things so you get a perspective of where i was coming from with those tags‚ and so you reconsider your argument against them
i hope you have a nice day‚ feel free to not answer this ask if it doesn't match your wallpaper, please stop telling artists what they should think
here's an idea for you too, turn off double tap to like, try to only interact with posts Intentionally, treat a day like you only have 100 likes or something, make a like matter, show us artists we're wrong
First, I'm not on mobile, "double tap for like" is not a thing in the browser. And I do interact with posts intentionally - if I don't like the post I don't put "like" on it, I just like the overwhelming majority of what's on my dash and I'm always happy to see (almost) any art that people on here actually made. I like it! Quite intentionally! It all matters to me! Like if I don't have the headspace to consider the post I don't - don’t scroll further I get off tumblr and go do something else
I didn't actually see what blog of yours I was reblogging from, no, I don't normally look at those things /sideglare into the "dont reblog from terfs" discourse/
And no, likes don't just mean "I saw your post". Yes, it's easy to put them, but people still choose to. They mean "I saw your post and I am glad I did and I want to see more of these". Literally tumblr has actual algorithms that determine things based on likes - whether to show something in a tag, the "based on your likes" recommendation thing.
>I Am An Artist, My Posts Don't Often Get Reblogged and so i'm Not Getting New Eyes On My Posts and i'm Getting Discouraged‚ like why should i post art if nobody's gonna see it?
>all a like is to me is a "hey i saw your post!
people. seeing your posts. which is what you're saying you want. ???
Anyway, the real reason I'm wading into this discourse is that arguments like yours ARE MAKING PEOPLE STOP LIKING ART. Engaging with it at all in any way. Instead of going "ooh I should go through this blog and like this person's art, make their day, ooh look this picture is cool enough I want to reblog it!" people just go "artists are touchy, better not go on this dude's blog at all lest I accidentally like something"
like... not just yours. You're not the only person losing out on potential reblogs here. Everyone is. This campaign is driving art appreciators away, period.
Oh, and maintaining a sideblog is not something you can expect from other people as a mandatory obligation. It's not tumblr tax to be obligated to have a sideblog. Nor to blog anything at all. "Hey, if you don't post anything people are going to think you're a bot" =/= "hey, if you don't post anything you're evil and don't belong here".
P.S. If I did do that? If I did limit myself to 100 likes per day for ONLY STUFF THAT REALLY MATTERS?
You would have no way of knowing that, would you? Even if the likes I gave your art were from my Precious 100 Likes Supply, you would still be upset by them?
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mesleepagaincomic · 6 months
hey guys if anyone is still here... it's been years. I started this right before i started college and now im about to graduate. college took up much of my time and i just found myself spending more time doing stuff irl than here online. i genuinely didnt think people cared about this comic but i came back to actual notes on the posts and messages asking where i went... it really makes me happy even if it's only 25 or so notes. I fell off the internet for a while but im back making art and i plan to reboot this but with lots of changes and probably will not feature furbies (but if ppl want furbies REALLY badly i can make them characters lol).
check me out over at @enclosedinstruction my new tumblr i made recently! i have lots of plans for a new story featuring cat characters that is heavily based on my ideas for this one and will have the exact same "2000s" vibe and silly tone. i promise ill actually follow up!! thank you so much for everything it made me so happy to log on here after 4 years and see all of this attention <333
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pizzaplexjester · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Get to know your mutuals and followers ^^
(Hihihi! from normal-about-the-dca!)
:0!!!!!! tumblr is very rude for not notifying me i had an ask!!!! thank you for sending one in @normal-about-the-dca !!! it was a nice lil surprise (*'▽'*)
but uhhh!!!! 5 things that make me happy;
1) the daycare attendant!!! although i feel like that's pretty obvious considering this is my side blog specifically for them fkdjsjsj but over the last year and some change now (WOW can't believe it's been that long already hello???) sun moon and eclipse have really become some of my biggest comfort characters!!
2) furbies! i love them so much, i have 3 that are currently in the queue to be altered into custom furbies and i'm really excited about it (despite being vaguely allergic to fake fur.....suffering for my art u_u) i'm hoping to maybe finally get to customizing them over the summer!
3) writing!! when my brain cooperates and i have the spoons i genuinely love to write; either rp-ing with friends or slowly chipping away at fic ideas! i've had a dca time loop au in the works forever at this point but i'm so used to just lurking in fandom now that i've never posted about it fjdjssk maybe i should start doing that actually ;;;
4) making playlists!! i love to make character playlists or vibe playlists or just share songs with friends to help them build their playlists!! music is such a human experience and i just really like sharing it with friends ;v;
5) listening to people info dump about their special interests/hyper focuses!!! i genuinely love hearing about all kinds of random things that people are passionate about, especially if they're completely different from my own!
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gabharhi · 2 years
i'm just out here forgetting truth that lacks lyricism (◔_◔)
hi there!! welcome to my blog. things like silly lil quotes or song lyrics tickle my brain so i have one as my bio and cause of that i thought it'd be a good idea to make a pinned post with an *actual bio*
-i'm Rhi, i'm 21, my pronouns are she/her, and i am irish
-my cats name is Maple and she is my entire soul and joy, i love her so much and try to involve her in as much of my day to day and hobbies as i can! expect to see her a lot in photos that i post
-this blog is just a lil space for me to just sorta be myself and post about things i like and interest me
-i love music and film, i'm trying to get more into reading again cause i just deeply love stories and art
-my biggest special interest is mainly digimon/virtual pets (of all sorts including robopets), my digimon partner is Betamon!
-other fandoms/interests of mine are the elder scrolls, shin megami tensei, evangelion, and i've recently started delving into the world of furbies!
-i have adhd-c and recently started taking meds for it, i tend to hyperfixate on things and jump around between my hobbies a lot so apologies if you see my blog one day and it's all "X themed" and then come back a week later and it's totally different ;w; i've tried making specific themed blogs in the past but found it difficult to stick to/forget about them so i'm just embracing that this will be a personal random jumble of things (currently hyperfixating on: furbies)
☆ but most importantly welcome! i hope u end up getting some happiness/enjoyment out of my blog :] if we share any interests/hobbies/vibes feel free to message and info dump to me or anything! i'm typically quite reserved but i love interacting with other people with shared interests as me ☆
Read more for DNI/warnings about my content!
General Disclaimers/DNI:
-this is not an NSFW blog by any means, but i do not want to brand this a SFW blog either, i am an adult at the end of the day and i really enjoy film, literature and art as a whole so some themes and imagery from them may be uncomfortable for some. in the case that anything liked/rebloged might be NSFW it will be tagged and not fully NSFW, but for this reason any minors who find my blog should proceed with caution and DNI if it is a concern -that being said, i will never post/reblog/interact with: any kinds of bigotry whatsoever, graphic violence/sexual content, right wing beliefs. DNI if any of the above, i reserve the right to block any followers.
-things that will most likely be posted that some may consider NSFW/want to avoid: swearing, references or post related to movies/film/books/video games/their fandoms with an adult rating
-melancholy is my favourite emotion in art so expect to see references/reblogs to stories that are melancholic in tone, in case this is a trigger for anyone (or if anyone would just want to avoid seeing bittersweet/melancholic things, quotes, vibes etc.) -im bad at wording things but the tl;dr is DNI if bigots, not an NSFW blog but still proceed with caution especially minors, may reference things that can be melancholy/bittersweet (in regards to themes/emotions that appear in art/film/music/writing at least. this list is mostly just a failsafe/headsup that these things *can appear* but overall, i just love cute and happy things that make me happy, i just want a disclaimer out there to be on the safe side as i would hate for someone to get upset/hurt/triggered by my blog, i try to be a positive and loving person!
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n and ranboo
this is an extra part to the great adventures series
summary: part two to the angst imagine (the not so great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo jack and ranboo) it’s a happier ‘ending’ please read what is written in bold
this is an “alternative ending” around 15 years into the future this doesn’t mean this is actually how the series is going to end im writing it now and including it as part of series as their friendship is already established i can confirm y/n and the group are going to have a happy ending when the series eventually comes to an end this also does not mean the series is anywhere near the end i plan on continuing the series as vlogs come out, i feel the need to confirm this now love between y/n and ranboo in this imagine is completely platonic
it had been about a month since you last streamed whereas ranboo continued to stream a few days after the fallout as he wanted to make sure you were going to be okay. even though ranboo knew this huge fallout would eventually happen, it still hurt him, especially since he knew there was no way to prevent it, the four of you in the same house mixed with the stress of being some of the most-watched content creators made living rather difficult. it was like walking on eggshells as you didn’t want to interrupt someone's stream, then there was the additional stress of obsessive fans finding out where the four of you lived, you still remember that day very vividly. you were sat in between tubbo and ranboo watching the office whilst Tommy was in an interview when you received a message from your mod.
Chris: hey y/n I received this message earlier I don’t want to scare you, but maybe get the locks changed. someone sent a message claiming this is your address *image of message from ‘fan’*
it didn’t take long for tubbo and ranboo to receive a message from their mods saying the same thing
“holy shit...”
“chances are Tommy has the message too. we shall go check around the house when Tommy is done with the interview.”
luckily no one ever showed up to the house, but the fact some people were so obsessed to the point they found your address was enough to put everyone in the house on edge. and now it was just you and ranboo in the house. you didn’t feel safe as even though ranboo promised to not let anything happen, you didn’t wanna risk it.
“we should move. there’s no point in having such a big house for two people, what are we going to use the extra space for heh? hide and seek with people who have our address. no thank you. I say we move leave this mess behind and start completely over, hell I’d feel safer in the us and that’s saying something”
ranboo agreed the house didn’t have the happiest memories attached to it anymore, it hurt walking past the hallway as it would bring back the memory of him crying into the crook of y/ns neck whilst tubbo left the house.
“let’s do it, I’ll do an early stream then we can look for houses. go take a shower. I’ll stay close to the door so you’re safe, then you can stay in my room whilst I stream, you can join me if you would like.”
“you’re being very protective all of a sudden...let me guess you got the message from our mods announcing the obsessive fans are at it again?”
“go take a shower.”
ranboo ended up picking you up, carried you to the bathroom and turned the shower on before putting you on your feet.
“quick shower I’ll see you later.”
and with that he left the room shutting the door behind him, 30 minutes later you got changed and followed ranboo to his room ready to join him whilst he streams
“hey boo, can I join you? I kinda wanna get into streaming again.”
“I'm so glad you asked, I was going to do a face cam stream, if that’s okay?”
“of course.”
you grabbed his mask and glasses whilst he locked the door so you were both safe. “here you go.”
“thank you.”
the pair of you started the stream and it was honestly going well, you were having so much fun you forgot about all the negative things currently going on, you began to understand why ranboo continued streaming as for those 2-4 hours of streaming it felt as though everything was back to normal. 3 hours later the two of you ended stream and Twitter went crazy. tweets ranged from fans talking about how ranboo was streaming with you, how Tommy was in chat, and how tubbo was modding as people who mentioned anything about their address being leaked were banned by tubbo. the one thing that caught ranboos eye was fan art and a picture of you both from the stream captioned ‘they’re platonic soulmates your honour’ ranboo went as far to like, retweet and comment on it.
ranaltboo: glad you liked the stream it was great having y/n back, think I might make them play tattletail next stream
definitelynoty/n: isn’t that the Furby game that terrified you in 2021? bring it on boo!
Twitter went crazy over this interaction, you had finally come back to social media after months of being inactive, and it looked like you were here to stay. a month later you and ranboo moved out of the house and sold it to your aunt and her wife and their three adopted children, you explained the situation and even changed the locks for them all before they moved in.
“Please do tell us if anyone shows up who shouldn’t be. we changed the locks as you were aware- oh hello little one.”
you noticed one of their children decided to cling onto your leg
“I like your hair it’s colourful!”
“Indeed it is.”
the little girl let go of your leg and ran to ranboo asking to be picked up, unsure of what to do he looked towards you. however, you were too busy laughing about the fact he was compared to a giant.
“I'm so sorry uh if you want to pick her up you can, you don’t have to.”
“pick me up, tall man... I want to be taller!”
ranboo ended up standing next to you with an arm around your waist whilst the child sat on his shoulders happily playing with his hair.
“ranboo do not drop that child.”
“I didn't- I didn't plan on it y/n.”
eventually, it was time to leave and the child reluctantly let go of ranboo.
“bye-bye!! hope to see you soon!”
soon enough you were at a smaller house, far away from the old house, leaving behind the negative feelings. it could only get better, a week later the pair of you had settled into the new house, it finally felt like home. you and ranboo were now streaming full time again, safe to say the two of you were thriving and closer than ever.
“so I’m thinking if I hit the sub-goal today I’ll let chat pick what colour I dye my hair.”
“make it higher, and I’ll let you cut my hair.”
“Are you being serious? oh my god!”
a few minutes later you took to Twitter to announce you were going live.
y/n: kidnapping children in the sims with ranboo psst check the subgoal.
within 20 minutes you had hit the sub-goal, chat ended up picking another random neon colour for your hair.
“right hair dye and the cutting stream will be this weekend, now let’s go back to kidnapping.”
tubbo, tommy, and jack felt awful for what happened and went back to the house where you used to live, hoping to see you there so they could apologise, tubbo knocked on the door only to be met by a young child.
“my sister watches you on twitch!”
“oh that’s lovely.. are y/n and ranboo here?”
an older woman came to the door.
“oh no, I’m sorry dear they both moved out, but they left this box and said to give it to you if you returned.”
“do you know where they moved to?”
“I'm sorry dear, I'm not allowed to tell you that information for safety reasons.”
“I understand, thanks anyway.”
they ended up going back to jacks where the three of them had been staying.
“We should open the box.”
tubbo opened the box and emptied the items onto the floor, inside was the rocks y/n handed tubbo from every trip, photos of the group, a necklace y/n had gifted to Tommy a day before the argument, and a hat y/n had taken from jack during a trip to a zoo.
“what the fuck!”
“holy shit!”
“they really kept all these in hopes we would come back?”
“and now we’re too late.”
it was now the weekend you and ranboo were ready to stream, you stood leaning on ranboo who was significantly smaller than you as you lowered the chair he sat on.
“starting stream...now.”
after the starting soon intro played, you explained what was happening to any new viewers or people who didn’t watch the stream.
“so I’m about to become Edward Scissorhands...I love that film can we watch it later?”
“yeah mhm sure!”
you didn’t know this but your ex best friends were watching and ever so often would show up in the chat.
“so boo, what are we doing with your hair today?”
“just a trim please darling?”
“This is y/ns hairdressers you get what I’m capable of!”
you ended up doing a pretty good job of cutting ranboos hair, even he was impressed.
“I didn’t doubt you for a minute!”
“mhm sure thing please don’t mess up my hair tall one!”
soon enough you had the dye on. 45 minutes later you left to wash it off, leaving ranboo to entertain stream,
“chat I think I missed some of their hair it’s okay, I own scissors, I’ll just cut it.. speaking of they did a great job, didn't they? I honestly expected them to mess up.”
a few minutes later you joined ranboo again and spent the next few hours talking with chat. tubbo, tommy, and jack stayed the entire time. they loved the fact you and ranboo were able to stay close after what happened, Tommy noticed you were still wearing the necklace he got you many years ago and spammed them chat with him tubbo and jack
jack: so what? they clearly don’t wanna talk to us.
tubbo: shut up listen to them.
“chat why are we spamming platonic soulmates?”
“they’ve been saying it all over Twitter, look on trending y/n.”
you started to blush slightly at all the amazing artwork soon enough the stream came to an end, after saying goodbye the pair of you sat together going through fan art. unfortunately the one that caught your eye was this one twitter post where the artist had created a drawing of a piece of paper with you, ranboo, tommy, tubbo, and jack, however the paper was ripped separating you and ranboo from the others, captioned ‘it was never meant to be’ this clearly upset ranboo as he took off his mask and glasses placing them on the desk before going straight to his bed.
“boo…are you okay?”
“Are you tired of me? are you going to leave next?”
“what? no of course not! I could never get tired of you, why do you ask?”
“everyone else has left..i thought they cared about us, i knew it would happen eventually and i couldn’t stop it, i’m sorry, y/n, please don’t hate me.”
you sat on the edge of the bed looking down at the floor,
“come here.”
you watched him roll over to face you.
“you know there’s no one else who I'd rather spend the rest of my life with, right…if i hated you i wouldn’t have moved house with you. it’s not your job to fix everything and make everything better, you’re a streamer for christ sake not a therapist.”
“i guess so.. can we watch that thing you were on about for ages.”
“edward scissorhands? “
you could tell he wanted to be distracted, so you agreed and put the film on, towards the end you began to get upset due to how overwhelming everything was.
“Why are you crying?”
“poor Edward.”
“come here.”
ranboo pulled you into a hug you laid there crying into his chest, he knew that wasn’t the reason you were crying, but he wasn’t about to make you tell him, luckily it didn’t take long for you to stop crying as ranboo quickly distracted you.
“yeah y/n?”
“I feel bad i didnt realise how much pressure was on you whilst everyone was arguing.”
“Hey, it’s okay, is that what’s upsetting you?”
“don’t blame yourself, i’d do it all over again to keep you safe and happy..then again i didn’t do a good job on keeping you happy.”
“you did..you were always there for me even when i gave up on social media, you shared your room with me after i started receiving creepy messages from that obsessed fan, hell you even went on adventures with me even though it was clear you hadn’t been sleeping, just so we could spend time together and forget about what was happening. you mean a lot to me boo.”
“i love you.”
“i love you too bud, I’m tired.”
“go to sleep, it’s been a long day.”
“you just staying there?”
“oh, oh okay, goodnight.”
about a year later the two of you were still thriving, ranboo got you a promise ring a few months earlier.
“heh what’s this for?”
“as your best friend i promise to stay by your side and keep you safe and make sure that you’re happy, in other words you're stuck with me till the end of time.”
“boo…i really don’t know what to say.. thank you so much!”
“you don’t have to say anything!”
you ended up going out to buy him a promise ring when he started the stream and decided to take your cousins with you now that they were a little older. ranboo was doing a facecam stream when the door slammed open revealing you covering your three younger cousins ranboo not realising you were hiding them from the camera, instinctively stood up covering the camera
“yes you three and y/n ,what do you need?”
“we would like to watch a film!”
“Okay, i’ll go put one on, y/n will you entertain chat?”
“sure thing boo boy!”
once they left you sat fixing your hair forgetting you were wearing the ring chat noticed this and went crazy, so did Tommys group with tubbo and jack.
tubbo: that’s a ring, right??
jack: yeah looks like it.
Tommy: holy shit I always thought if anyone was gonna get married it would be tubbo and y/n, they were inseparable.
tubbo: hilarious.
jack: it could just be a ring, no one mentioned marriage tommy!
Tommy: we should congratulate them.
jack: at least let them explain fucking hell.
soon enough ranboo came back into the room,
“sorry one of them found it hilarious to steal my glasses...”
“they’re little shits i swear to god but i love them.”
you both noticed chat going crazy and both looked at each other before laughing.
“i'm sorry, i can’t take you serious in the mask and glasses!”
“i can’t take you serious with neon hair, but here we are!”
you and ranboo quickly put an end to the rumours,
“no we’re not engaged or married, it is a promise ring. no they’re not our children, they’re y/ns cousins they just spend a lot of time here..chat stop calling me and y/n parents and comparing us to phil that’s not..that’s not how it works okay!”
“parent arc!”
“y/n, don’t encourage them!”
“it’s a little bit funny!”
soon enough the bit came to an end and eventually ranboo ended the stream.
“hey boo look what i got you”
you handed him a little black box, inside was a ring similar to yours
“i promise to always stick around and be here for you”
“oh my god”
ranboo tackled you into a hug thanking you several times for his rings. you and ranboo were living your best life meanwhile jack, tommy, and tubbo were stuck dealing with the guilt of what happened, but they’re weren’t giving up that easy. they wanted you both back, that’s when you received a notification, tommyinnit has sent you a message request: hey y/n can we talk..please?
@dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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Return to Hatchetfield-Town – The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals Part 1
Alright settle down kiddos. Get comfy, find a warm blanket and hug your favourite fwendy-wend as we start our Return to Hatchetfield-Town series.
I’ll be rewatching all the Hatchetfield scripted content (i.e. not livestreams or interviews) and jotting down what happens, explaining some concepts and delving into some of the key theories in the series (and using the word “implications” that often it will cease to have meaning).
Even though I’ll be doing the rewatch by show in order they came out, there will be spoilers for all Hatchetfield content that is available as of the rewatch.  
I’ve also linked to a number of other blog’s theories here because they are amazing, but if you aren’t happy with your theory being included I will be more than happy to remove it!  Just let me know.
[Part 2]
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The Guy Who Really Hated Brigadoon
TGWDLM starts off with the greatest song ever to feature dancing zombies… at least I can’t think of any other notable ones.
In the title song, the cast of singing and dancing zombies explain to us that all great stories have to have a hero, someone who knows right and wrong and that the best way to do this is through singing and dancing in musicals.  This with the later line of “they evoke the philosophical” make me think that Pokey took a class in Campbell’s Hero Myth in College and became that guy.
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Hatchetfield Challenge: try not to shrug your shoulders along with the music at the chorus. Its impossible. No wonder the Hive spread so quickly.  Literally killer dance moves.
So then they introduce us to an awful Grinch named Paul and we hit the first point in the show where I laugh out loud every single time I watch.
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I know TGWDLM was not originally intended to be the first Hatchetfield show but starting this series with a song which sets up the story so well is truly spectacular.   And is there anything more Starkid than introducing your main character by having other characters sing about how awful they are?
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One thing I have noticed while writing, reading and collating Hatchetfield theories is that while most Black Friday and Nightmare Time theories are usually about the overall Hatchetfield lore, most TGWDLM theories are usually quite self-contained and focused on this one show.  TGWDLM – while so fully within the Hatchetfield extended universe, is definitely the show that can best stand-alone without the others.
It’s the end of the world, Paul
If you don’t sing
This is the bridge, Paul
Where we globalize everything
And the words will come to you
We swear we will teach you
What it means to love
What it means to obey, Paul!
On a first watch this is very funny.  On your 10th watch this is terrifying.
CCRP Technical: No-one here knows how to use their printer
Following the absolute bop of a title song we find ourselves in CCRP Technical and all feels very… normal. It’s very weird following all the revelations in subsequent Hatchetfield media, to be watching a show where there was genuinely nothing obviously fishy about CCRP.  We’ll obviously discuss CCRP more when we get to Nightmare Time, but for now all we know is that Paul works in the technical department of CCRP – an unknown corporation, with some key characters, Charlotte, Bill and Ted.
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We also find out more about Grinch Paul’s personality and honestly, Paul is me pre-pandemic just outright avoiding social interactions and suddenly going for coffee in the middle of the work day. (I have become a changed woman in lockdown – someone please invite me somewhere… anywhere!)
For all the dark humour and death in the Hatchetfield series, Starkid do know how to bring the joy – I love how excited the town of Hatchetfield are for a touring production of Mamma Mia.  
Fake Fact: TGWDLM is actually an allegory for Europe in the 1970s, when we all became mind-controlled by Abba’s Waterloo.  (Find me a better explanation for Eurovision, I dare you!  The sequins were just too shiny!)
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“The idea of sitting there… trapped in a musical.  That is my own personal hell.”
Two words: Emma Perkins – need I explain any more?  
Ah Hot Chocolate Boy.  I really look forward to finding out more about him.  Where does he come from?  He just appears out of the ether. What’s his story?  How old is he? How many hot chocolates does he have per day? I know we have since had some confirmation on who he is, but they raise more questions than answers. For now I will just point you to a gorgeous Mood Board by @hatchetfieldmoodboards which features a bit of a spoiler. 
For real though – is it just me who would love a full version of “I’ve been brewing up your coffee”?
Hatchetfield Challenge: Try not to sing “Shut the f*ck up” along with Emma.
“Watching people sing and dance makes me very uncomfortable”- oh boy Paul… you’re not going to enjoy the next hour and 40 minutes.  Also, Paul, you’re making me uncomfortable watching you throw your brand new coffee around as if you’ve just been given an empty cup.  There’s imaginary coffee everywhere.  Hopefully, HCB won’t slip on it before it’s cleaned up… he’s already having a bad day.
“Thunder and Lightning… very very frightening.  But a big rock hurtling through the clouds is no biggie.” – all the residents of Hatchetfield apparently.
The next sequence happens so fast and we get introduced to a lot of characters.  Notably Greenpeace Girl, Alice and Deb, Sam, and Hidgens (though we don’t find out his name until much later). This scene impresses me because they do such a great job of very quickly bringing out so many characters who nonetheless are memorable when they return later in the show.
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Peanuts the Hatchetfield Pocket Squirrel is an Eldritch Being. I won’t go into Peanuts theories here as that could be a whole post in itself – and many a person more brilliant than I have written some fantastic theories on this. You can learn all about how a Squirrel took over the fandom in the following posts:
@dahlialupine : x
@frombothofmyhearts​: x
@abiimaryy​: x
And finally mine which is definitely a serious theory: x
It’s… A… Musical!
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Now to remember we are actually watching a musical.  La Dee Da Da Day is such a happy joyful song performed spectacularly by a throng of the undead.
The song is about the Hive singing about how much of a great time they are having now they are tap-dancing zombies, and trying to find ways to convince Paul he should join them too. So the grins on all their faces are not at all terrifying.
 It’s worth noting also that according to the laws of the TGWDLM world, only those infected by the Hive can hear the music in the background.  This becomes important later when it becomes clear some characters have started being infected before they are fully turned into zombies, but for now it just paints quite a funny picture of what Paul must be witnessing. I definitely think for him, this whole scene just sounds like this clip of Greased Lightning without the music: x
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The important thing here however, besides Mariah’s singing, is that the Hive leave Paul alone.  They don’t actually attempt to turn him at this point.  I have a theory on the implications of this, but note this has big spoilers for the end of the show and Black Friday.  It was written before we knew that the Hive (Pokey) was related to Wiggly but the content still stands: x
Charlotte, Honey, you don’t need that much sugar – you’re sweet enough
For reference:
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@melchron​  noted that the lyrics for La Dee Dah sound very similar to the incantation for soul transferal read out in Jane’s a Car, which leads me to two possible implications.
The Freaky Furbies have a language other than English that they use for their incantations so this is why they sound similar.
There is soul transference happening to the souls of the bodies the Hive take over.
Or it’s just Starkid using similar sounding words for their content…. Three! There are three possible implications…
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Paul – just print off another copy of the report
From this point on the musical numbers really do come thick and fast.  We move on to the first instance of Jeff Blim encouraging Paul to talk about his feelings, which I am sure is not important and isn’t worth discussing.  Paul goes through a musical rendition of a promotion interview, which is actually the Hive attempting to find out if he will be the “hero” of their story.  They picked out Paul for the role from the start. That he was chosen was inevitable.
What do you see for this company? I'm looking for someone with strong ambition Someone to sell their specific vision Someone to share with precise precision their thoughts 'Cause I want you to want…To want
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So it turns out these will be looooong, so I will end here and see you in part 2!  I’m not sure yet what the upload frequency will be.  It takes quite a while to go through the show like this but it is a lot of fun!
Hatchetfield High Homework:
Where do you stand on the Peanuts the Hatchetfield Pocket Squirrel debate?
Why do you think that the Soul Transference Spell and La Dee Dah sound so similar?
Go follow all the lovely people mentioned in this post!
Bonus points if you know the reference in the post title.
[Part 2]
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Scheibenwischerie Cherriest Jeromeday!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dandelion brother, my omnipotent scheibenwischer, my extremely democratic mafia-leader, my hatted cloak, and of course, my dear jerome, @xojo.
you're — in a very famous someone's words — one of the funniest things that ever happened to me, on this hellsite or otherwise. and i can't bring up enough times how grateful I am to know an awesomely-shaped blob of perfection, as perfect as you are, in these awful-ish times, or frankly in the entirety of my life — because you, fren, are the epicest of them all. here's where I'd start listing reasons really, and it'd be extremely easy to be fair, but with you being (almost) as strong a contender of the no-u-er title as I am, I'm going to try to keep things short o'er here, and spam you in earnest when you're asleep ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) jerome, you're wonderful, and you're awesome, and you're fucking hilarious, and you're kind, wise, helpful, and talented as heck. your emoji game slays, your emoticons crack me up, and your nicknames own my soul. somehow you can also make the funniest edits ever, and basically are the definition of my matched frequency of weird. also known as, of course, goals.
thank you for the best times, really. thank you for all the crack-addled headcannons we share. i still get aftershocks from that one frozen™ night. thank you for the day you made me realize my fear of furbies, xD. thank you for co-rescuing @landsword with me, and being enthusiastic as all fork about @spooky-spooks-and-all-the-spooks being added to the family. thank you for that really late night you decided to add supernatural words to you, me and @irrlicht-ghostfront's game of pictionary — and all the hundreds of posts we've gone nuts on together. thank you for that donut-butt-watermarked smut license you made me, for the clown edits ft. sam which are still waiting in my gallery for the right day to be posted, and for that sticker fic we made together — cause terrible it may have been, but it was a helluva time, just like all those other times, and just like every time you've existed in my general vicinity cause HHHHHHH, I LOVE YOU,,,,,,
I think I'm finally running out of my borrowed coherency for the night, so let's end on an extremely cliched note, and I'll pick up from here in the gc ;3 you deserve amazing things, and amazing people, everything you've ever wished for, and more. I hope you have a really fantastic day, year, and life!! Ahead!!!!!!!!
there are no WORDS which can go past this,,so *takes off cover of being someone who can english* IT'S CAT GIFS TIME ———
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and here's your favorite 😂
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crazy-hand-official · 3 years
Answer 21 Questions! I can’t tag 21 people because I don’t even interact with a lot of people on here lol but thank you so much for tagging me days ago @whats-her-name-virginia-plain!!
this actually only has 20 questions I think but I am really jazzed today so idc
all my friends call me kas actually! my family calls me casey for my full name catherine but they only call me that one at work.
♎️ sun, ♋️ moon, ♏️ rising. no idea what this explains
5’10” and tall tall tall I wanna be tall tall tall as big as a wall wall wall as big as a wall wall wall
Last Movie I Watched:
forrest gump and you can shit on me all you want bc yes I will acknowledge it’s a little cheesy but it’s one of my favorite movies and with no exaggeration I turn it on and immediately start crying as soon as I press play and just don’t stop until it ends. i have to take several breaks in order to tolerate it
Last Thing I Googled:
neanderthal fights
Favorite Musician:
courtney love! she’s done a lot of really shitty things and blah blah I have to write a whole thing about the morals of “separating the artist from the art” or something don’t I? I’m literally not going to write all that I love her music all of it and I want her to make more and I love her aesthetic.
Songs Stuck In My Head:
union of the snake — duran duran
Other Blogs:
no other blogs just a facebook, insta, and a twitter. not really active on them though
Blogs Following:
i follow like half postpunk blogs half aesthetic blogs and then a sprinkle of random shit. i need my family guy funny moments so I follow a couple of family guy funny blogs.
Amount of Sleep:
i always get a wonderful amount of sleep honestly
Lucky Number:
24! my grandmother on my fathers side has 26 grandchildren because we are one o them big catholic families and I am grandchild #24 and it’s been my lucky number ever since
What I’m Wearing:
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its a beach day :))
Dream Job:
my dream job is my current job! i am a psychiatric nurse and im very happy. what I do doesn’t feel like work at all (even when it gets extremely dangerous and challenging) and its one of my life’s greatest passions so I feel extremely grateful every day I got to do this.
Dream Trip:
it would be fun to go to disneyworld again or even disneyland. i am not by any means one of those “disney adults” but 1. that place is magical no matter what like it’s really extra and fun and 2. i really like the effort that goes into the rides and especially the animatronics.
Favorite Food:
sushi really any type except stuff with lettuce, pickle, or carrot in it
Play Any Instruments:
I can barely play a guitar and like... I actually remember fairly well how to play a trombone.
i know some phrases and shit in german since I took it for 4 years in high school. also I can speak furbish, the language of the furbies. doo-oo-tye?
Favorite Songs:
my latest favorite song is “dedicated to the one I love” by the mamas and the papas. that song is so pretty it hurts. and then of course sweet jane has been my favorite for a while now too.
Random Fact:
i love laughing and clapping and having fun
Describe Yourself In Aesthetics:
post punk shit, pink, sanrio, grimy shit, rats, having a great time.
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faustonastring · 4 years
Could I get headcanons for the main six with mc who is obsessed with stuffed animals?
Thanks for requesting I hope you like it :)
Request are open! :))
Main six with an mc who is obsessed with stuffed animals
He thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world
Every time he travels away from you, he always brings you one back that represents where he traveled (a modern day example would be a teddy bear with a sombrero to represent Mexico, (just so you get the picture)) he also gets to them as presents for birthdays and holidays anniversaries
In a modern au, you both more or likely have a beanie baby collection hiding somewhere in the shop, you both probably brought another beanie baby snail so you could recreate the “snesbian”(snail lesbian) wedding you saw on tiktok
Early in you’re relationship (pre-upright) before he can take you on trips with him he finds it really comforting to know that you have a cuddle buddy or two to keep you company while he’s away, but after you’ve been together for a while (post-upright) don’t be surprised when you wake up and all your stuffed animals are on the floor (that is if you sleep with them of course!)
I also really like the idea of asra trying to make you a stuffed animal for your birthday or anniversary, or any other celerbration (something a like his Faust trinket you can get from the wheel, just a little more improved, )
Apologies in advance for the angst BUT If you’ve had this obsession pre-memory lost, when you’re,,,, y’know (trying to keep this as spoiler free as I can for some of the new guys!) he clutches on to it every night while he’s trying to sleep, crying out you’re name, (and probably uses it in his studies to try to get you back,) and post-y’know, he brings it with him during all his trips because of how much he hates being away from you, and if you’ve grown fond of that one, he’ll bring another one you like a lot, he feels bad but he can’t help it, he just misses you so much
Also some of you are gonna hate me for this but piggy backing off of that angst I just wrote, imagine Julian and asra in the shop, doing...their....studies..(if you know you know) and Julian just sees the stuffed animal in the bed and asks why asra has it (and being himself try’s to make a joke about asra needing to sleep with a stuffed animal, when he can just sleep with him instead-) and asra just kicks him out, and they never talk about it again.
She’s on it. She’ll ask you a million questions, “what kind do you like, do you need to sleep with any, do you want a custom one, or a spefic kind?”
Her room is so cluttered with stuffed animals by the end of the week, that she makes you pick out you’re favorite one (which quickly turns into ten or twenty) and the rest go to their own separate room in the palace, where they’re put on display, and easily accessible for you to switch out with any of the ones In you’re too, that you’re bored with
In a modern au I feel like Nadia would also be on bored for collecting beanie babies, but unlike asra who’s only in it for the snesbian wedding she wants all of the rare ones doesn’t matter how much they cost, she has them, it’s not even about you at this point, when Nadia gets a kick you just gotta let her ride it out.
I think it’s canon (or atleast close to canon) that Nadia loves to design clothes, I mean we all know she loves to tinker, but I think she’ll find it really relaxing destining new stuffed animals with you and clothes for some of the ones you already have if you’d want (and yes. She makes matching ones for you and you’re favorites)
If you do sleep with them, Nadia might find it a little hard to sleep with all the clutter around the bed so she’ll thoss the ones your not cuddling off the bed (or if she’s having a real sleepless night, she’ll throw them across the room) but nonetheless if you’re happy she’s happy, she’ll never get agitated at you for having your own interest (despite tripping over like three of them while trying to start her day)
Also I feel like atleast one of Nadias sisters had that stuffed animal phase as a kid, if you know baby....then you know so I feel like it’s really refreshing for her to be able to keep stuffed animals around without having to hear someone scream and whine because they couldn’t get the one they wanted
The day after you tell him he brings you a doctor teddy bear, wearing a hand-sewn eye patch witch Portia more or likely helped him make (note that I said helped he wanted to try to make it on his own... but surgical stitches are a lot diffrent from things such as cross stitches,,,, and the fabric is just a lot more flimsy then human flesh)
He likes to bring you ‘fun’ ones as he calls them, teddy bears dressed as pirates, doctors, flappers, any kind that matches you’re faveroite animal, pigs decked out in fancy clothes (the vesuvia verson of Miss piggy) espically if he knows you like them, he would do anything to see you laugh and smile, especially if it’s from one of his gifts, it makes his heart jump
In a modern au, you could spend your quality time making fun of the ridiculous beanie baby prices, but for the love of god please don’t say you find a beanie baby who’s highest bidding price is over one hundred dollars cute, because HE WILL bid on it and the price DOESNT MATTER (also- self indulgent but If you have a furby espically the older ones, it will freak Julian the hell out, and he will quickly turn it so it’s not looking at him every time he enters a room)
Every time you travel together he checks all the touristy gift shops for a stuffed animal you like, and will happily buy you any type you like, and it doesn’t matter how big it is. He WILL make it fit in his suit case, even if it means he has to leave a couple pairs of shoes behind.....
If you sleep with any of you’re stuffed animals he doesn’t mind, I mean sure he ends up laying on a couple of them, and the do end up getting tangled in his limbs, but he finds it cute and is willing to make a sacrifice, and if he were to come in late from working overtime and caught you sleeping cuddling the doctor teddy bear he gave you....with the eyepatch that he helped make....he wouldn’t want to disturb you... so he pulls up a chair and watches you sleep in the least creepy way possible
If you two are ever trying to do the do and your stuffed animal is In the room... or even better facing towards the bed... I think it would make Julian the slightest bit uncomfortable but would just laugh it off and say something along the lines of “I didn’t know we had and audience” or “looks like we have a guest” which would be terrifying if he were to say that mid-ya know
You two vibe so hard
Out of everyone I feel like she is definitely the most enthusiastic and chill about having stuffed animals in her cottage, and I mean sure they’re everywhere and she’s tripped on atleast six of them... but as long as pepi doesn’t get too any of them( again) you’re fine
I like to imagine she has something (other than Julian) that survived the ship wreck with her, wether that be a blanket or a stuffed animal (for the sake of this head canon it’s a stuffed animal) that she holds very close to her yes this is very unlikely given, well all the factors but she deserves something, and if your really against that idea, a little stuffed animal Julian gave her when she was a kid before he left
I can’t keep headcanoning that every one has a thing for beanie babies in a modern au, even though she has a snesbian wedding in her garden with a snesbian officiant which she photographs and gets tiktok famous off of.... she’ll be more into anything Sanrio related, like don’t leave this girl alone in round one because she’s already spent 150 trying to win the rilakkuma stuffed animal that’s riiiiight over the edge (after many many try’s, she does win it, and gives it to you)
She is the type to sew, or crochet, or even knit you stuffed animals, and those are usually the ones she ends up giving you, if not? They definitely were handmade from somewhere, probably a small shop or from an old lady selling them at the heart district
If you sleep with stuffed animals....well good news because so does she! Throughout the night not only are you to fighting for the blanket (if it’s during winter) but now you’re fighting over the stuffed animals, and every night as soon as one of you says you’re going to bed, it’s a race to see who can get to bed first and hog all the stuffed animals, (which may lead to a pillow fight if you’re lucky)
One time pepi tore up one of you’re faveroite stuffed animals and Portia felt so bad about it that she not only made pepi her own toys to play with, but sewed up your toes up one, and if it was beyond repair, she would make you an identical one
(Also Portia is the type to spend 100 dollars at a carnival trying to knock the milk bottles down so she can win her s/o a cheap stuffed dog that pepi is gonna claw into anyway...but it’s the thought that counts :’) )
Does. Not. Understand. But hey! He’s trying~! A+ for effort right?
He wants to make it clear that it’s NOTHING to do with you, he finds it ADORBALE! He really really does and he’s trying hard to express that but depending where you are in your relationship with him....makes a little bit of a difference, so for the sake of the headcanon muriels headcanon is gonna be soon after his upright endeding so expect some assumptions about his character but I do know that people just don’t change over night so one things for sure....he still doses to fully understands soft nice things
I think Muriel likes to hear you talk, like sure he prefers the quiet, but out of everyone in the world, your the only person he doesn’t mind listening to (how sweet! ) so he probably asks you a lot of questions, but not necessarily like Julian, more questions that ask why you like them, because he wants to like them too, and you want him to like them too, but you do still have some work ahead of you
In a modern au.....build a bear dates @lisa-frank-cave did a headcanon on it a while back that I REALLY liked, it is a little buried so if you’re having trouble finding it lmk and I can reblog it for you, but atleast visits their page and look for it because their stuff is super good! :) so for sure go check out their head canon for it if you want something more in depth but to just elaborate my thoughts on it, it’s just something the two of you could do together (and I feel like Muriel loves spending time with you no matter what activity it is) I also feel like he’d like being able to make something with you, which works out great if you can’t whittle to save you’re life,,,and I dunno,,,it just makes me soft,,,,
I don’t like the head canon that Muriel has bug clumsy hands, he can whittle for gods sake! And used to make masquerade masks for asra to sell pre-plague times, (and made his own in every route but his own) so I feel like Muriel would atleast attempt ONCE to sew or crochet you a stuffed animal, it’s a little tragedy looking, and over time it starts to fall apart at the seams, but he made it for you, and seeing you love it so much let’s him know all his hard work payed off, and he’ll make you another one or two
He doesn’t mind if you sleep with stuffed animals, but he apologizes in advance if they get crushed (the bed is barley big enough for the both of you) and gets a little jealous if you’re cuddling you’re stuffed animal instead of him, he won’t say anything but he’ll for sure get pouty about, and as cute as he is when he’s pouty make sure you don’t cuddle you’re stuffed animals more than him, because if you do it will start to get to him if you know what I mean
Also refuses to have sex if stuffed animals are on the bed or facing the bed, if they’re on the bed, he’ll throw them off, facing the bed, he’ll turn them around, he just doesn’t like the idea of being watching while being intimate with you
If I’m being honest will make fun of you a tiny bit at first (he’ll stop he he strikes a nerve) but soon finds the appeal
Mama morga didn’t let him have stuffed animals growing up, for a while there she didn’t even want him sleeping with a blanket, so he’s alllll over this, but yeah you’re stuffed animals are cute, but he wants a spefic type of stuffed animals.... next thing you know Lucio says he got some stuffed animals for you two to share, and it’s just about 30 diffrent variations of goats. But hey! Atleast he offered to share!
In a modern au I feel like lucio would be overly enthusiastic to go to build a bear that he nearly crushes a kid with his knock off red bottoms trying to get in there, dragging you behind him, then impatiently rushes the whole process not making too enjoyable for you (depending on who you are of course) but lucio just seems to be having fun! (Also goes on a Saturday afternoon and they are like four kids celebrating their birthday and a line that goes out the door, unlike Muriel who goes early Sunday morning or Tuesday night to beat the crowds)
He personally likes anything goat related, but also likes custom made ones made with red velvet and and gold stitching, and will happily buy you or get any kind you want customed made, and on you’re birthday? When you wake up in the morning the room is covered with all diffrent typed of stuffed animals, and lucio is beaming proudly in the middle of it
If you sleep with them then no problem! Lucio would too! But if he catches you cuddling a certain stuffed animal more than him then it might just....disappear for a while...but if he sees you upset or worried that you can’t find it, don’t worry! It will reappear again.... or something very similar to it.....
One time Mercedes and Melchior tore up one of you’re favorite stuffed animals (again) so lucio had them kicked out of his bedroom...or so he said, what really happened is while he was waiting for your replacement to come in, he wanted to act all tuff and kick Mercedes and Melchior our to assert his dominance, but secretly still played with them and let them back in you’re room when you weren’t around. You know. But you pretend that you don’t
Thanks for reading if you would like something more spefic welll.....
My request are open! :)
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funky-furby · 4 years
rough furby fandom timeline
reminiscencing abt old furblr made me wanna revisit some of the changes we’ve seen over time! to give new people an idea of it, and also to spark discussion with older members, i joined in 2017 and i havent been as active as of 2019 so i cant speak of prior or after, but heres my thoughts
fandom is still small, but growing
focus is on them as toys
lots of posts are guides on names of colors, or how to push start
2005s are not very popular, i saw someone struggle to sell 2 working ones just because their beaks were damaged
besides the pink ones, people really liked those
i also lost a bid war on an orange 2005 that ended up going for 50 bucks, do you  understand the regret i feel
lots of furbys are cheap, furbys in general are cheap, besides the occasional person thinking their nib snowball is worth 300
rise of furbology (later furbae)
popular for owning a lot of furbys, and owning a very very roughed up frog furby called swampy
theres discourse abt drawing furbys with 4 feet
small nature of fandom means that discourse usually involves people everyone knows directly (furbyconfessions accidentally contributes to drama but some spin off accounts purposefully try and start it, furby discourse blogs are a thing)
small nature also means that a lot of people remember each others furbys by name
each furby usually has a personality attached to it too, describing things that furby tends  to do more than others, or what its physical differences mean (like being mute)
furby brotherhood is the only furby discord server and it gains notoriety due to the lack of moderation but in my experience it was a really fun wild ride
customization is fairly limited to maybe drawing on freckles, accessories, eyechips (people were poking them out with needles), to my knowledge tracer was the first popular furby to have further customizing
furby blogs humour is very silly, lots of piss and vore jokes
customized furbys from ebay sellers are pretty widely disliked, usually because theyre the clay ones, or because theres a lady trying to pass off her customs as rare releases that never happened
people go out of their way to help each other  find listings for their dreamies
purity culture? in furblr? since a lot of people use furbys to cope (many many posts of people bringing them out in public, describing what  they and their furbys did), theres a pressure for furby blogs to be happy safe places, safefurby tag to avoid swearing and other stuff is started?, and also to avoid hatred in the main tag
theres like, a 70% chance of anyone u interact with in the fandom being a 15 year old trans guy on the autism spectrum, similarities make it really easy to make friends
considering special interests also usually mean wanting to know as much as possible, there is a WELL of information still
rise in popularity also means a lot more information is found abt furbys, like prototypes, a new factory and more obscure merchandise
since a lot of people empathize with  furbys, damaged or not completely working furbys start to go for higher prices than previously as people empathize with them
that one furby that was found in the desert (bumbleweed) gets REALLY popular
rise in customizing coincides with more stylization in how people draw furbys
whenever someone comes up with a new idea u’d see a lot of it in the next week
like stuffing a furby to make them fat, that one took OFF
painting fur and also furby patterns to sew own skins creates a strange demand for  just the furbys faceplate
furbys start to get strange names, like hot  dog water
fall of furbae as shes revealed as a scammer among other reasons
crap ton of new furby discords are started, for specific topics, or just to avoid brotherhood despite them having a completely new mod team (im a little biased)
theres a still a large overlap in furblr with animatronic and other toy robot blogs
an age of really creative stuff tho, content was constantly evolving
oddbodies are a controversial addition to customizing, longfurby wasnt the first, but i do remember a lot of people taking the faces off of plushes and adding a furby face instead
before they were called oddbodies some people were really uncomfortable with them, but people also didnt like their furby friends being tagged bodyhorror, so oddbody was a good compromise
people were calling dibs on listings before, but its more widespread here, even though you cant call dibs on an open listing
furby prices go through the roof oh my god
kid cuisines especially, i saw more than one person pay 600
2005s go up in price too
oddbodies also caused rise in price on furby buddies
mainstream success?
customization and oddbodies seems to the fandoms focus?
customization starts to overtake previous guides to the point where i see newbies struggle to find information
First plush ones have clay eyes, later ones add in the eyes of the original furbys
Some controversy over taking apart furbys
popularity from within  and outside of the community further effects prices
since 2012s are both really common, and not popular their prices seem pretty unaffected (besides rainbow crystals)
at this point i think people are taking their furbys out with them less, and i see less people make stories abt what they and their furbys did that day
customization trends were really really cool to watch happen, but since my reasons for being in furblr was the community nature of it, i have a lot less information  for 2019 as i was less active in the fandom
and for 2020, i have nothing! so essentially this is me asking, what was 2019 and 2020 furblr for u like? did i remember any older stuff wrong? whats some stuff u wouldve included or have questions about?
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mahou-furbies · 4 years
It is time for
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Last year the Dazzling Pink Precure were supposed to host the event but were unavailable due to being redesigned, but this time they are ready for the job!
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Here is the magical girl (and related) media consumed on this blog this year:
(you can read my closing thoughts on them here)
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Anime: Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel & the 2 OVAs, Twin Angel Break, Pretear, Happy Seven, Ojamajo Doremi (started), Healin’ Good Precure (most of it that’s out now), Magia Record (also following the game news though I don’t play), Myriad Colors Phantom World, Re:Creators, Concrete Revolutio)
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Movies: Fresh, DokiDoki, Happiness Charge, Go! Princess, KiraKira & Star Twinkle Precure season movies, Spring Carnival & Miracle Universe crossover movies, Magical Sisters Yoyo and Nene)
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Manga: Magical Girl Site (finished), Zodiac P.I. (reread), Sugar Sugar Rune (reread), Nogi Wakaba is a Hero, Puella Magi Suzune Magica (reread), Puella Magi Tart Magica (reread), Can You Become A Magical Girl, Colourful Macchiato)
(revisits to old familiar stuff don’t qualify for an award unless I had forgotten everything about it, Doremi is ineligible since I've only seen 1/5th so far)
Unexpectedly I managed to finish quite a lot of stuff on my last year's "plans for 2020 list".
As for blog stuff, this year the Precure Chibi Project was concluded for the designs that exists so far, but obviously it will continue when more are released and I'd also like to draw some more of the civilian clothes too. But this year over 400 chibis were drawn...
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Then we of course had the Precure Dress Tournament, with Cure Magical emerging as the winner. Hosting it was a lot of fun since I like graphs and numbers, as the fact that I keep a google sheet that documents the dates when I draw the chibis (it also calculates useful data such as how many percent I've finished).
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(Also Megumi's heart dress should totally have won the tournament)
The Precure positivity posts were also a thing this year. Usually the franchise is bitched at here at Mahou-Furbies so I tried to say something nice about each Cure that I had seen. Which was a major struggle in some cases but hopefully they don't come across as too much damning with faint praise. I plan on writing similar posts for the Cures from the other seasons too as I watch them, but also because I managed to write an entire post about Mana without complaining I take that as justification that I get to write a huge bitchy "the flaws of the Precure franchise" post later.
And then now at the end of the year the Dazzling Pink Precure finally managed to emerge again with their new designs. I hope I'll be able to post more about them in 2021!
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And now, the Mahou-Furbies 2020 magical girl awards!
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Let's start with Best Henshin Design: Megumi Moka from Magia Record! I always love a good sweets theme and I can't get over how cute she is.
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(Kikko from Concrete Revolutio was also a strong contender)
Best Team Design goes to Nogi Wakaba Is a Hero, I've always loved the YuYuYu henshin outfit design.
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The Best Powerup Look award goes to Lala's Cancer form in the Star Twinkle Precure movie! I just really like the fresh colour palette...
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Runner-up is Nagisa's MagiReco Valentine's outfit which I like for being sweets themed but I guess it's more like an alternate form than a powerup?
There weren’t that many contenders for Best Civilian Design but let’s say that since I like the casual outfits in KiraKira Precure in general, The Movie was also good at this. So let’s reward Ciel’s look, it’s nice to see a more muted colour palette in Precure every now and then!
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Oh, right! Also everyone from the Star Twinkle Precure movie! Love all their outfits. 
Best School Uniform is the one from Sukoyaka Middle School, from Healin' Good Precure! I like the colour palette, and the cut of the dress.
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The uniforms from the Twin Angel franchise are also fun with their cherry ribbon.
Best Hair award goes to Kikko, from Concrete Revolutio! The "rectangular" cut ends are fun.
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Best Magical Item is Mamika's wand from Re:Creators! There's really nothing special about it, I just think it looked nice enough with the candy cane and the heart crystal (and also not so merchandise driven since this isn't a kid show).
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The Best Henshin Scene award goes to Sudachi from MagiReco! I don’t like how detailed all the body curves are drawn in the few seconds before her outfit appears, but otherwise there’s great backgrounds in this, starting from the space theme, twinkling stars, beautiful blue sky and then ending with cute hearts.
Best Fan Creation award goes to Marighoul’s comic “First Hunt”! (read it here) It was a fun little story and the colours were amazing!
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Best Relationship is Hikaru and Lala with the alien in the Star Twinkle movie! I would never have guessed that I’d enjoy Precures raising a “baby” mascot this much, but it is true! I love how much role their bond had in the story, and the conclusion was more epic than anything Precure has managed to offer elsewhere. 
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The Best Mascot of 2020 is... the aforementioned alien UMA! Unusual design for a girl show, doesn’t have an annoying voice or speech pattern (or in fact doesn’t talk at all), and has an interesting role in the story.
Second place is Nyatoran from Healin' Good Precure, he pairs well with Hinata and I love the scene where she records cat videos of him with her phone.
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As for Best Supporting Character, this is a joke character, but I have to say Mayune from Pretear. I'm sorry I just like this kind of dumb diva characters (with the o-ho-ho laugh!) and always had a good time when she was on screen.
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Discount Tuxedo Mask from the Twin Angel franchise was also fun, he had nice chaotic energy to him.
Best Visual goes to Kikko's magical effects from Concrete Revolutio! We always get the standard sparkles so I was so happy to see something different for once.
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Best Audio award goes to Pretear OP! The song feels a bit dated but in a good way, this is just the kind of music I like.
The Best Scene award goes to Healin' Good Precure attack!
Usually in Precure I really don't care for the stock attack animation and instead just focus on the henshins, but in this one I really like the bit where the giant hands rip the element spirit out of the enemy. The music is so good in that part, and the huge hands compared to the tiny spirit feel majestic.
I also liked Re:Creators scene where the (in-story) writers create a powerup for their character by getting their audience excited about it by tweeting. It was dumb how a tweet from some ranobe author goes viral in a matter of seconds, but I still thought the scene was fun and worked well.
The Innovation Award for doing something magical girl related I haven't seen dozens of times already goes to Happy Seven! I thought it was fun how the main character wasn't on the magical girl team at all and instead was practically the Muggle friend for most of the story!
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Re:creators is the runner up here with its "fictive characters show up in our world" story, but I think it could have done more with the idea, and I think Happy Seven is commendable for doing something that feels refreshing without having to be all smart and self-aware about it.
Then the Golden Mana Award for one thing that I really didn't like this year. 
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The questionable honour goes to Meguru's unbearable behaviour at the start of Twin Angel Break, when she keeps pushing her friendship on the blue girl who has made it very clear that she'd rather be left alone. And of course the blue girl is secretly lonely and ultimately caves in so Meguru faces no consequences for being selfish and entitled and having zero respect for other people's boundaries. Stuff like this fuels my rage at the Friendly-And-Energetic-Stock-Magical-Girl-Heroines.
For Best Character I want to pick Lala from the Star Twinkle movie but she won Best Character last year so let’s pick someone else. To be fair nobody (else) this year made me super excited, but leaving such a broad category as this completely empty would be really stupid, so the winner is Himeno, from Pretear!
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She had a lot more multifaceted personality than I initially predicted, had interesting and different relationships with many different characters, and of course had many unique henshin!
And finally, Best Work of the year... I know I picked Star Twinkle as the best series last year (award has been renamed now) so this feels somehow redundant, but I still can't get over how enjoyable their film was and as you may have noticed it has been mentioned in plenty of other awards already so it deserves the spot. On principle I liked that it wasn't centered around the pink Cure for once, and additionally it was about Lala who is my favourite Cure, and also since there wasn't really a villain the plot was more interesting than the same old "bad guy wants to take over the world". Also great visuals.
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And that’s it for 2020! It has been a weird year, but that didn’t really show on this blog.
Plans for 2021:
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Also once I finish drawing the chibis for the Madoka girls, expect a Madoka themed character tournament in 2021!
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Haikyuu!! Week 2020 | Day 6 』
· Sept. 30th → We Don’t Need Things Like Memories ·
Characters: female!reader, Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, Kuroo Testurou, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Oikawa Tooru
Prompts: B. beginnings and endings
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), PG, fluff, some serious angst, beginnings and endings, headcanons, HaikyuuWeek2020
A/N: I thought I'd just go ahead and rip my own heart out by writing these headcanons about what some of the Haikyuu boys are like when the relationship starts out (beginnings) and what they're like when you break up (endings). I mean, why not? Fluff, angst, emotional pain and suffering? I may as well 🙃
All of my Haikyuu Week 2020 posts are SFW, but I write NSFW stuff on my blog too *wiggles eyebrows* Feel free to take a look! Thanks for reading 🙏 Please enjoy ♡
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Haikyuu × reader / beginnings and endings
☆ Sawamura Daichi ☆
You probably confess to him first
He's a bit dense when it comes to picking up on the signs. He tends to get his hopes up and then brush it off as friendliness
'She just likes you as a friend, Daichi. Stop reading into it' *entire theatre of people smack their foreheads in unison*
He's dumbfounded for a second or two, processing what you just told him
Then he asks you out. No hesitation, no shyness, no awkwardness. Just pure, confident Daichi
He's literally living on cloud nine for the next few weeks because, holy shit, he's dating you
Has the biggest smile on his face whenever you're out together
And he's very protective, but not in an overbearing way
Sometimes, he places his hand on your thigh while he's driving and slowly strokes this thumb over the soft skin
And he gets all adorably bashful when he has to keep introducing you to people as his girlfriend!!
There's literally nothing he wouldn't do for you, and that's coming from a cop
When you tell him you want to break up, he hears it over and over in his head like a broken record
He keeps asking himself how this happened, and he wants to beg you to change your mind
But he respects your decision. He won't keep an immature grudge or start yelling. He just regrets
With a small, fake smile, he says he's actually been thinking the same recently
l i a r
All because he doesn't want you to feel bad or awkward about leaving him behind
Daichi's civil when you come to collect your things from his place, and when he sees you out with some other guy, even though his heart is literally cracking inside his chest
He blames himself, of course. He should have done more to keep you. He should have made more time for you. He should have stayed as loving and attentive as he was at the beginning
But he got comfortable. Complacent. And he started taking you for granted
Oh, the stinging irony of hindsight
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☆ Sugawara Koushi ☆
He approached you at a café with a bashful smile and a hesitant hand behind his head, and asked you for your number
A few weeks of texting, sexting, and casual encounters later, you went official
He couldn't be a better boyfriend. He's always so kind, and attentive, and loving, and cute
He covers the bed in rose petals on special occasions like an absolute sweetheart
He loves buying couple's items: shirts, bracelets, mugs, necklaces – you name it. He's old-school cringy like that
He showers you with kisses, praises the hell out of you, and can't stop asking how he got so damn lucky to be with you
He gives the softest hugs, the most sensual kisses
When he snaps a new photo of you, he sets it to his lockscreen so he can stare at you even when you're not there
He innocently kisses your nose in public, only to grab a handful of your ass for a second or two, below the level of everyone's eyes
You always loved it when he did that
There's a pit in his stomach when the words pass your lips, and a voice in the back of his head telling him 'Oh. Right. Of course. You knew this would happen. You were never really good enough for her, anyway'
He has to fight back the tears because he refuses to cry in front of you
It's a painful, stinging acceptance that laces his mind and tongue. It never really would have worked. Would it?
When you leave, Suga attempts to go about his regualr routine. To be fine
But his hand is shaking uncontrollably and he drops the mug in his hand, and watches as it smashes into pieces on the kitchen floor
You bought him that mug. And that, of all things, is the one to break him
The tears come over him in weak, silent sobs as he doubles-over the sink, his throat too constricted to allow any sound to escape
He cries so hard that he throws up in the sink
The weeks pass, melt away into months, and he's doing better. Doing well
Until he comes across an old shirt you left behind and never came back for, and the memories all come flooding back
That night, he cries himself hoarse, until he can't feel his face
No matter how hard he tries, he can't forget you. Your nails are dug into him even now, holding him down in his misery
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☆ Kuroo Testurou ☆
He asked you out with some cheesy pickup line, something that made you groan and grin at the same time
He couldn't believe his luck when it worked
He tries to take things slowly, be reasonable. But all that caves in when you melt him with that smile of yours
You quickly become the centre of his world
He sends you flowers and chocolates to your work, just so you know he's thinking about you
He'll kiss your hands when you're cuddling together on the sofa, like an old married couple
He constantly texts you to make sure you're okay, sometimes sexting you to demonstrate just how much he's thinking about you
He takes his time and explains things about science that you don't get, just so you don't feel left out
When a guy's been looking at you too much, he grabs you by the waist and pulls you in for a messy kiss, his hands working their way down to your ass
For your sixth month anniversary, he surprises you with a cockapoo to raise together, and suggests the name Furby, for some reason it sticks
He somehow always makes time to walk through the park and look at the cherry blossoms with you, even though he's really busy
He dances with you down the vegetable aisle at the grocery store just because, and couldn't care less about the people watching
He's constantly trying to make you laugh with the dorkiest things, because he thinks that's when you're at your prettiest
He would do anything to keep seeing that smile every day
You tell him he's moving too fast
He's in denial. He tells you he understands, but he doesn't
You leave the dog with him. And he knows it's unfair, but Furby reminds him of you
But he's lucky he still has the dog, because it's the only thing that keeps him going normally
As the weeks pass, he tries to leave you be and give you your space like he promised, but he just can't. His heart won't let him
It's 11:00 pm and he's knocking on your door, begging for you to open up and talk to him. To give him a another chance. To reconsider
He can hear you quietly sobbing on the other side of the door, and he knows you're second-guessing your decision, maybe even regretting it
It gives him hope that, if he doesn't give up, you'll come back to him, because it hasn't been the same without you
He hears your favourite song on the radio and has to sit down on the floor of the vegetable aisle at the supermarket before his legs give out
He sees your favourite restaurant and he can't pass without ordering a meal and crying into his food
He goes looking for fights with assholes at the gas station so he can let off some steam, and doesn't care if he spends the night in a cell with a black eye and bleeding knuckles
He hasn't been thinking straight, he doesn't care what happens to him anymore
And the crazy thing is, he'd still do anything for you, because you're the first real love of his life, and he can't forget you
He won't give up on you. It isn't in his blood
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☆ Ushijima Wakatoshi ☆
Ushijima never really knew what to do when you expressed an interest in him
You only started going out because Tendou read between the lines and made things happen
So now that you're finally together, he never really does anything that differently
It's just business as usual...plus you
If you want something from him, you have to ask specifically, or he won't pick up on it, so you have to be proactive in the Netflix and chill department
He actually thinks you just want to watch TV and relax
He's painfully blunt, but without any hidden agenda or meanness about him
And he cannot deny the small, warm glow he feels when you're there for him at his games
But he does try to make you happy
He shares his food whenever you ask, he lets you wear his clothes and thinks it's adorable how they dwarf you, he pats your head when you've done well, and holds you when you're feeling sad
And slowly but surely, he gets accustomed to you being there for him at every turn
And you're happy together, as honest best friends and close lovers
At first, he doesn't feel anything. It's what you want, so it's fine, right?
He got on just fine before you came along, and he'll do just fine with you gone. And it isn't spiteful, he genuinely believes it
He goes about his regular business, and everything's okay, just the same as it was before you
But as the days pass, it creeps up on him. He doesn't even know what it is as first, this dull, painful ache settling in the middle of his chest
He even Googles the symptoms when the pain gets too strong
It takes seeing you laughing in the arms of another man for him to realise that it's heartache
Crippling, agonising heartache, because he misses you
For the first time in his life, his legs go so weak underneath him that he can barely stand. He has to leave. He can't watch any more
He sits alone in his room, staring at the wall opposite, trying to get his head around it. To try and understand
Because he doesn't. He was fine before you came along. So why now? What had changed?
Ushijima comes to the conclusion that he's changed. And that you changed him
You showed him something he never thought he'd understand, reconstructed the fibres of his nature, made it so he couldn't live without you
And now you're gone
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☆ Oikawa Tooru ☆
He was hesitant. He doesn't just let people in. But he can trust you, that's what he keeps telling himself
He hopes it doesn't feel condescending that he chose you over every other girl, and tries desperately to make it apparent just how much he loves you
He makes an effort to show that he cares. He prioritises you, over everyone and everything
Your wish is his command. He wants to be that Prince Charming. That knight in shining armour
He's softer, more fragile, on the inside than you thought he'd be
He needs a lot of reassurance, and loves it when you gently stroke his hair
You share your deepest, darkest secrets, and you realise what a broken, vulnerable boy is in front of you, offering you his heart
But he sure knows how to laugh. His dates are the best. He always knows just where to take you
Those nights when you end up tangled together on the sofa, just listening to each other's heartbeats, are like Elysium to you
He can't believe what he's hearing. You promised you'd never hurt him
Disbelief, doubt, realisation, confusion anger, sadness – he gets mental whiplash as it all washes over him in a matter of seconds
Tooru punches the wall, leaving a crumbling hole the shape of his fist in the drywall
"YOU PROMISED," he shouts, red hot tears threatening to spilling over his eyes and down his cheeks. "You...promised..." he repeats weakly, sinking to the floor
You go to touch his shoulder, but he shakes you off and tells you to get out
Once you're gone, he breaks down in a sobbing heap on the floor, angry at himself, angry at you, angry at world for making him think he actually had a chance at happiness
He burns whatever you left at his place. He can't stand the sight of it
He tries to get over you by going to party after party, downing bottle after bottle, hooking up with girl after girl – but it's hollow. Empty. Meaningless. Because none of them are you
He convinces himself that that's a good thing, as he stares at the hole in the wall that he refuses to fix
Because if they're not you, they can't hurt him
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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furby-science · 4 years
A message from Sterling:
"Hello, internet. It's been a while. In case there's any doubt, I want to say that this blog stands firmly with Black Lives Matter. My boss and I think the way that police are treating their fellow human beings is utterly deplorable, and we would like to encourage our followers to do whatever you can to dismantle systemic racism and put and end to police brutality. Protest, donate, put pressure on your local politicians, signal boost the movement online, or simply learn to recognize and mitigate the unconscious racial prejudices that have been woven into society and ourselves. Above all, stay safe and take care of yourselves, and don't forget to feed your furbies."
How You Can Help
There are a lot of resource posts going around, and this is still very much a Furby Blog, so I'll keep this concise.
Info Pages:
Have a few links to get you started...
Bail Funds:
A great way to help is by donating to protestors' bail funds. Act Blue has plenty to donate to.
Some infographic posts on protesting safely.
Lastly and most importantly, do the best you can with the energy at your disposal. Sometimes staying alive is the most radical act you can do, and I understand that the furby community is a lot of people's Happy Place to get away from all the bad stuff going on in the world (it is mine as well), so I'll be back to my regular posting fare shortly. However, this is an important issue, one I know a lot of our followers care about and are impacted by, and this blog is my biggest platform so this will be one of the rare times I bring real world issues onto it. Be well, furby friends!
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