I want to sic a mob of rabid aras on that jackal lady for "taking them away from their mother at birth!" And then I want to take the animals to a shelter while the aras and jackal lady strangle each other to death
i really wish ARAs were more focused on hoarder situations like that.
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Sharing here to hopefully help her get more support!
Please, if you can, help save the foxes!
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This was an intact furfarm mink, that she allowed to roam free and interact with wild mink???? This is a bad idea for SO many reasons
Edit: I was wrong, please see reblog. Still a bad idea, but not as bad as I thought.
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eclecticprincesswitch · 2 months
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THere's No Doing Without Your Kiss
When: July 16, 2022 Where: Faunapark Flakkee Nieuwe-Tonge, the Netherlands
They're sometimes treated to a bit of milk. Could be this was just water, but it sure was enjoyable.
Species: Siberian Weasel (Siberische wezel) Latin name: Mustela Sibirica Originates from Asia. Current status: Least Concern
Did you know: …Siberian Weasels are widely distributed, so IUCN lists them as Least Concern. This doesn’t mean they are free from harm – their fur is very popular. They are not kept in furfarms, but hunted in the wild.
© Mouselemur Photography • Portegiesje Our work is copyrighted. Do not reproduce, copy edit, publish, transmit or upload in any way without our written permission. Send us a note or chat message if you want to use our work as a reference.
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velvetedantler · 3 years
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the Duchess of Windsor photographed in a platinum fox stole in 1939.
the article clipping claims platinum fox pelts were selling for $1,500 which when adjusted for inflation would be around $30,000 today. now the pelts of platinum foxes sell for around $150 to $400 USD depending on the quality. really demonstrates how the fur market has changed!
Image found here 
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blackfoxesuk · 4 years
18 Foxes Rescue from Fur Farm in Krotoszyn in Poland (Nov 2020)
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jamescoopz · 7 years
Sorry it's late but have been busy lately and took longer then usual on editing - I'd be very grateful for you to check it out. This is my (short version) video of the anti-fur protest organised by the animal rights group surge that took place at the London fashion week base and then at a private showing of a company that uses fur. The event (and the British fashion council) still allow designers to showcase 'fashion items' that are made from the dead skin of innocent animals that lived a horrible life, scared, many forced into insanity and killed by anal electrocution (which often doesn't work) and later skinned with many being alive or bludgeoned to death. The fur industry is abhorrent, disgusting, cruel and also out-dated belonging to the past. Even today the industry is huge (due to mass production leading to fur becoming rather affordable and many 'faux' listed items use real fur as is often cheaper) but we will see an end to it! - FUR IS DEAD - LITERALLY AND METAPHORICALLY!! - Link to my video - in my bio - Link to banning fur in the UK petition - in the description of my video @londonfashionweek @britishfashioncouncil @surgeactivism #londonfashionweek #shameonlondonfashionweek #fur #fuckfur #furisdead #realfur #foxfur #minkfur #racconfur #rabbitfur #furs #antifur #furprotest #protest #vegan #veganactivist #veganactivism #youtube #activsm #activist #endfur #furfarm #furfarming #standupforwhatsright #standupforwhatyoubelievein #furhag #banfur (at London, United Kingdom)
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Do you know if there are any health or welfare issues with breeding hybrid foxes? Also any interesting facts about them? It's hard to find any info about them online
Not a whole lot is known about them outside of the farming community. Hybrids are rarely sold as pets. The few types which have bluefox or shadowfox as a parent (the arctic parent is always a female because arctics get larger litters) can grow up to SAGA size 50 but the rest usually stays smaller, especially females. So they don’t seem to suffer from weight related issues as much. Size difference between male and female foxes seems to be more of a thing in hybrids judging from the pelts I’ve received. 100% of hybrids are pelted because they are sterile. They are pelted as soon as end of October/early November, much earlier than other foxes. If left alive their fur grows courser and kind of wooly.
Hybrids can sometimes be very aggressive, even more than a pissed off Silver. There can be calm and aggressive pups in one litter and you’ll actually be able to tell which is which by their eyes. Some have “crazy eyes”, they look very disapproving 😂
Hybrids sometimes also have extreme changes in coat color during the year, depending on the type. This Golden Island on the left looks completely different from an adult Golden Island! I assume this is because the mom is a Polar type and those also change colors during the year.
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italian-native · 6 years
I know it's not related to languages but:
Please don't wear fur...
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I absolutely do not understand SAF's idea of "rescueing" kits from furfarms by... buying them. Financing the farms. Even a follower of hers who doesn't have an inkling towards all the underhanded dealing and inhumane hoarding she does should have some red flags raised by that alone.
Let’s be clear:
She doesn’t care about rescuing wildlife. She cares about getting conventionally cute animals to manhandle and collect and she cares about sob stories that get clicks.
Anything she buys is traced to that.
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PETA protest against fur farming at the Wisconsin State Capitol. #furfarmrescue #furfarm #animalrights #wisconsinphotographer #madisonwiphotographer (at Wisconsin State Capitol) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIn9yoEjX2I/?igshid=1w2ditfemqm90
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whats-this-mustelid · 4 months
The 'shut down a furfarm' mission is absolutely insane to me and I actually find it really depressing that so much money is going towards a useless cause.
First of all, the farm was going to shut down anyway. Saveafox is actively paying the farmer to keep the foxes in the cages instead of pelting them. They paid him money to sign a contract to prevent him from farming for fur ever again. His fur farm was closing down, most likely due to financial strain, he wasn't about to close down his entire farm and cull all his foxes and then turn around and just... Start doing it all over again.
They're also paying to have the cages be crushed- not taken apart or sold. Crushed. Even if they're not appropriate for foxes, those cages would be fine for farming rabbits in. It's a complete waste of materials.
Mikayla has repeatedly insisted over the years that she doesn't buy the foxes from the farm, the foxes that the farmer surrenders are useless to him and so he surrenders them for free. (She claims this despite evidence and testimonies proving otherwise).
But you know what, maybe that's technically true. Maybe she doesn't buy the foxes directly, but she almost certainly pays the farmer to hold them. Why would a farmer keep wasting resources on an animal that's useless to him? A fox that is undersized, has no guard hairs, etc. won't make him any money, but they certainly cost time and money to feed and clean up after. It would make much more sense to just cull them. I strongly suspect that Mikayla has been paying him off for years now, to keep foxes alive for her to 'rescue'. That's exactly what she's doing right now after all, it's just public this time because it needs to be.
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Thoughts on juniperfoxx on Instagram? They repeatedly say their foxes aren’t pets but the animals live in their house, sleep in the bed, and interact with their dogs so I’m leaning towards... it’s actually bad. But figured I’d get a second opinion.
I'm absolutely agreeing with you. the owner of these animals also owns dogs, an opossum, a sugar glider, and does wildlife rehab. at the very least I can somewhat say these animals are in good hands. they are in generally good health and such. however, foxes are NOT pets, they are wild animals. they are offered an outdoor pen, but are also allowed in the house. there are also several examples of the foxes squabbling amongst themselves as there are at least 4 (once 5?) in the same household. and she's guilty of anthropomorphising too, which is bad because of the insane following she has. please don't tell your followers your fox "smiled back" after getting kisses. they don't smile. they're foxes. even if it was a happy expression, the same expression is a sign of discomfort in dogs, and most people don't care to note the difference in species.
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one of the most alarming thing I saw was her support for SaveAFox (check this post, it's BAD) and horrific choice of words towards furfarming. believe it or not, breeding animals domestically for their products is not a bad thing, and farm animals don't need "saving". you buying the broiler hen isn't going to make a difference and will prolong suffering to the animal, buying a reptile feeder mouse to treat as a pet isn't going to make a difference, it just makes the people feel good. I'm firmly of the opinion if we want to start doing anything about the climate crisis, we need to shift away from plastic faux fur which lasts a couple years to real fur which can last generations AND keep you warmer. there are welfare issues to be had in how furfarms operate, but this is true for other products like poultry, and does not mean we should abolish, it simply means it needs reform, but I digress.
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I also noticed her sugar glider appeared to have been purchased from a neglectful keeper, supporting their business. as sad as it is, animals being mistreated by another owner should not be purchased to be "rescued", as this will support the owner to continue mistreating more animals, this is why you see people saying never to buy from Petco, even if you see lizards overcrowded or deathly thin. what comes off as a sweet sentiment is actually supporting this treatment of animals to continue.
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one of the other things that really put me off was one of her foxes, Lore, was very unwell and unfortunately passed away following complications. I was more uncomfortable with the fact that she knew these two didn't get along, but let Juniper in anyway because she was "insisting". this interaction is cute, but what if it went wrong? comparably a nitpick, but it's not something I would risk with my cats let alone wild foxes. and, again, anthropomorphisation.
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regardless, she could've done everything right, and it still wouldn't excuse the fact she runs a social media account on her animals. she touts it as "educational", but there's nothing to be learned from foxes in a household. no doubt none of the followers care to read the footnote on her posts disclaiming "foxes aren't good pets btw". it is irresponsible to use your platform to continually anthropomorphise wild animals being kept in arguably incorrect conditions when a follower base of 3 million people would absolutely not know better.
I'm not a master at fox body language, so I didn't go into detail with anything regarding behaviour or body language, but anybody who does know can shed some light on if they're comfortable/happy or not.
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pittylover728 · 5 years
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Posted @withrepost • @jklamlam Victims of the fur industry. “Humans don’t have any right to decide about species superiority – who’s free and gets to live, and who will spend their whole life behind metal bars just for a whim.” #EndSpeciesism. Images via @andrewskowron RP from @luke_ireland92 These are the victims of your Hideous and insidious #FurCoat.💔🦊🧥 #furfarm #furindustry #foxfarm #animalliberation #endanimalcruelty #furisdead #furfree #animalrightsactivism #vegan photographs #stopfurfarms #VeganForTheAnimals #AnimalLovers https://www.instagram.com/p/B3A1HbFAk0K/?igshid=1so3wvqvcdbqt
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blackfoxesuk · 4 years
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We’ve been networking with an international Mink rescue. We are going to be transporting and rescuing rescued Fur Farm mink across the country. In order to carry out this good work and bring home our first educational mink we are doing a fundraiser to help with these beautiful animals. https://www.gofundme.com/mink-rescue-fund #fur #furfarm #furfarmrescue #mink #mustelid #mustelidae #mustelidmonday https://www.instagram.com/p/B2MlAymArhQ/?igshid=iebggs0dtv5u
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