#fusion rocket
aut2imagineart · 9 months
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This is my first design of an antimatter spacecraft for my Centauri universe. Though currently it's incredibly difficult to generate and store antimatter, I'd imagine tens of thousands of years into the future there would be more efficient means of producing it. Lore wise, I would imagine it to still be very expensive and normally reserve for more massive arc ships so relatively small ships with antimatter propulsion would be very rare.
Anyway, my three main inspirations for this craft is the Starfury from "Babylon 5", the Gunstar from "The Last Starfighter", and the conceptualization of what real world antimatter rockets would look like. The front has four mounted fusion rockets that provide initial thrust* and maneuverability. The mounts surround the habitat region which can eject in case of emergencies. Right behind it is the antimatter storage tank with a reaction chamber behind it. This is followed by a magnetic exhaust guide lined with retractable radiators before ending with an exhaust energy bell.
I still want to refine this design more but I'm glad I got the general idea out of my head.
As always, comments and critiques are welcome.
*The ship needs initial thrust because like the Orion drive spacecraft it needs to be at a safe distance from other objects before igniting the antimatter rocket.
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progradevector · 2 years
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Most modern torch drives use a specialized fusion method known as sheared-flow stabilized Z-pinch fusion, in which a bolt of electricity is dumped into the fuel plasma, generating a very powerful axial magnetic field. This field crushes the plasma to incredible densities until it fuses, in brief pulses happening several times per second. Rather than attempting to confine the plasma within a magnetic bottle, the plasma is instead allowed to flow axially down the length of the reaction chamber. This mutes the various instabilities that arise in other Z-pinch devices. This also makes it a very convenient rocket engine, as channeling the resultant plasma stream out of one end with a magnetic nozzle can generate significant thrust. Magnetohydrodynamic generators bleed off a small portion of the plume’s energy to recharge the supercapacitor banks for the next fusion pulse. Due to the large flux of thermal and neutron radiation from the star-hot fusion plasma, torch drives are an open cage of magnetic coils and filigree-like truss work in order to let the majority of the radiation escape into space rather than be absorbed by the engine. In addition, the delicate superconducting coils are protected from direct exposure to the fusion plasma by thin, knife-like blade shields. These coils must be kept cool in order to remain superconducting. The shields present their knife-edges towards the plasma stream, absorbing a small margin of radiation while scattering the rest. Their extremely thin cross-section means that they have a very large surface area, and thus function as passive radiators. As such, tungsten is the material of choice, being able to heat up to nearly 3000 K before beginning to sublimate. The blades are placed at a standoff distance of 2 or 3 meters from the plasma itself, with the tips just barely below the sublimation point. Ironically, the blade shields and radiators of a torch drive are often far brighter than the exhaust plume, often glowing at around 2800 K (as bright as early incandescent light bulbs).
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jasoncanty01 · 1 year
Pulsar Fusion’s plan is to create a fusion rocket, using the atomic reaction to create exhaust speeds that ultimately propel the spacecraft forward at a blistering 500,000 mph — the fastest a crewed rocket has ever flown is 24,791 mph.
This is a hugely ambitious goal, but it might actually be easier to sustain a fusion reaction in the super-cold vacuum of space than on Earth. If Pulsar can pull it off, its fusion rocket could slash the amount of time it takes to send people and uncrewed machines throughout the solar system.
“[A] fusion rocket could allow us to send people to Mars and bring them back in weeks, not months or years,” said Adam Baker, a Pulsar propulsion engineer. “It could allow us to do round trips to the outer planets of the solar system, to send people to see the rings of Saturn or the moons of Jupiter.”
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pepperbenmin333 · 2 months
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A freak and a even bigger freak fusion
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lunarianbeams · 4 months
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rainbowangel110 · 7 months
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gummy-frog · 4 months
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MergeMay Day 12: Hero/Villain
Design choices aside, I chose these 2 Pokémon because they're owned by Team Rocket : )
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ocktavo · 2 months
With A Soundtrack Like This, Could There Be A Better Racing Game Out There?
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flyingsnake0 · 2 years
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That time i made a fusion EX with @spaceraceart
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everyone giving guides for ghosts of the deep:
yeah so run arc hunter or solar titan. sunbracers warlock if you want but titan is more optimal. use shotguns or arbalest.
me, an arc warlock:
lasers go brrrr
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dylan-welcome-bot · 2 years
My luck is fucking abysmal Istg!
If only my friends could make as much time for me as random people do in Halo Infinite matches, jumping in front of me at inconvenient times.
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skythealmighty · 2 years
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So...I made a comic...that I haven't finished.
Basically team Rocket killed her family and she's been running and hiding. But they kept finding her to the point she got tired of it...and killed any rocket agents who was sent to capture her.
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lordtraco · 1 year
So I got carried away...
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I wanted this pokefusion to look cooler so I messed with the sprite a bit.
but more than that, I wanted to make a pun on Donatello from ROTTMNT being a softshell turtle so I made the below sprite.
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sexysilverstrider · 1 year
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remixteaching · 2 years
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Scientists Achieve Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough With Blast of 192 Lasers https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/13/science/nuclear-fusion-energy-breakthrough.html
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