#future lawrusso
ff7-has-taken-me-over · 11 months
Johnny’s noticed that for some reason his Cobras don’t have their heads in the game. Theyre all a little spacey, all of them becoming easily distracted by something that Johnny can never manage to see.
It’s pissing him off and he really needs to punch something before he takes it out on them. When he sees LaRusso he thinks its the perfect chance to pull them out of whatever the hell is going on with them.
But when he gestures the guy out the rest of his friends kind of just freeze and stare, non of them moving as they simply stare at him. Johnny’s confused af now, looking between his guys and LaRusso, who’s just finished putting his books away and is now walking toward them.
When he looks up Johnny sees the way his guys all tense, thinks maybe they’ve snapped out of whatever the hell is going on, but then the kid smiles at them and gives a small wave, the action coming off so shy and unlike his usual self that it makes Johnny freeze as well.
But he sees the way the rest of them kind of literally melt, Bobby smiling as he looks away, Tommy flushing a brilliant red as he turns on his heel and leaves, Jimmy gives him a head nod but you can still see the way his cheeks flush slightly, and Dutch (who gives the most shocking reaction of all) smiles doppily and waves back.
LaRusso laughs lightly for a moment, but the second he makes eye contact with Johnny his smile drops and he scowls, giving him a wide berth as he rushes off to class.
Something about that reaction ticks him off, makes jealousy flare up and anger rise as he glares at his friends. They all look as if they’ve been slapped as they stare back at him with wide eyes, looking like they’re about ready to run if not for the way Johnny silently points toward the school exit.
They know their screwed now so they simply hang their heads and go.
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moonlit-knightz · 4 months
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so lawrusso coded! i love how this could go for both robby or samantha and anthony
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russolaw · 2 months
more stuff for moodboards
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zappedbyzabka · 4 months
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“What do we do now, Philly?”
“We get outta here, that’s what we do. Come on!”
Baby Billy “Quiet!” and voice crack + source <3 ⬇️
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pinkgrapefloyd · 11 months
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part two of my lawrusso fencing au meme collection
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rosesradio · 5 months
Chapters: 30/30 Fandom: Karate Kid (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Background Bobby Brown/Jessica Andrews/Ali Mills Characters: Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence, Bobby Brown (Karate Kid), Ali Mills (Karate Kid), Tommy (Karate Kid), Jessica Andrews Additional Tags: all the nostalgia of summer camp with the self indulgence of smut, enemies to friends to sexual tension to fwb to lovers, johnny and daniel are lovable dummies as always, bobby and ali and jessica are so cute in the background for why, tommy is kind of an asshole but he means well, minors dni please, Fluff and Smut, Alternate Universe - Summer Camp, Smut, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, also?, Internalized Homophobia, Angst, Coming of Age, it's a lot, but it's fun <3 Summary:
Daniel didn't think the sound of his own name from Johnny's lips would turn him on so much. He nodded eagerly, and Johnny moved in, striking first as he pressed his lips to Daniel's, warm and intent and something natural despite the circumstances. Daniel wrapped his arms around the back of Johnny's neck, Johnny's wondering under his shirt, rubbing at his hips. The summer air suddenly grew twice as hot, the crickets' chirping and fireflies glowing in the night fading to dull and meaningless compared to the closeness of Johnny, the spark of how everything clicked when he touched Daniel.
a.k.a: Daniel, Johnny, and the others are all camp counselors. ft all the nostalgia of summer camp with all the self indulgence of smut. minors dni please and thanks :-)
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bubblegumflavor · 6 months
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I'm building a home for Johnny and Daniel at Mt. Komorebi. Not sure yet if I want them out of the old home and live without the kids but I feel like the time will come and Johnnycake will move out to start an eco living with Dally XD
I'm not really great at house building but I love it, it's so relaxing X3
Daniel was certainly the leading mind in style choices here but Johnny was allowed to keep the fake tiger fur carpet and the poster with the guitar because Daniel has always been a man of compromises.
(Lawrusso home wip)
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kleenexwoman · 6 months
Arthurian Lawrusso AU concept
The magus came from the East, which he knew, and from the past, which he had only realized lately. It wasn't his fault that he was from the past; someone in his village in Japan had cast a spell to keep the gunships of Matthew Perry from ever influencing its world, and time had turned around obligingly.
When the young Miyagi had sailed away on his own fishing boat a few days later, space and time had mixed themselves up in his path. He went backwards in time through China, then spent untold centuries in monasteries in India and Tibet. The monasteries turned back to uncut stones around him and then bare mountains, and he made it to the Arabic world just in time for the Islamic Golden Age. Alchemy and ancient knowledge were everywhere to be had.
But there were also cruel pale knights whose armor hid their faces, and he knew that nothing could last, and the height of an empire was dwindling. He moved to Greece to find where the ancient knowledge had come from and found none of it, and then to Rome which had fallen and risen again and remembered nothing yet. He was aging, but slowly, and could not understand how one man could outlast empires.
The seat of the Holy Roman Empire was not in Rome, but in the lands far north of it, where the winter was cold and the faces were paler than Miyagi was used to. They did not call him Miyagi; the way people pronounced his name had changed, and he had gone from that to Meradi, then Merani over time. Now Merani became Meerin, then Merin. His skin had become darker in the Arabian and Italian sun, and now he wondered if it grew paler in the cloudy North, or if people only saw wrinkles and his long beard and nothing more.
In the mainland, they spoke of King Arthur. A champion of God and the glory of the Grail, the greatest warrior to ever live, a king of great wisdom because of his humble beginnings as a foundling squire. Farther west in France, they spoke less of his piety, and more of the way Queen Guinevere and Launcelot the Ill-Made Knight had betrayed him in their love affair. They spoke of his own early affair with the witch Morgan LeFay, and how their child Mordred doomed Camelot, the castle that Arthur had created.
And they called Miyagi Merlin, the name of a small but vicious bird of prey. The name stuck after that. It was the way he fought, the quick attacks right at the vulnerable heart of his unlucky foe.
He went west to Ireland to the monasteries there, great centers of learning and art. They spoke of how Arctorius, "the bear warrior," had been the last Roman leader in Wales, and they hastened to add that he was a good Christian Roman and not one of the paganii who sacrificed to Jupiter. When the first Roman Empire had crumbled to the heathen Germanii, believers in Tyr and Odin, they could no longer protect their British colonies. Arctorius had organized his own people in defense against the warriors from the untamed North, who worshipped dark faeries like the baby-eating Crom Cruach and the dreaded Morrigan, queen of madness and death. He had helped to civilize Britian and create the new Holy Roman Empire.
The now-named Merlin went to Wales. Here Arthur was not a Christian, but a human who defied the faery gods to steal their cauldron of plenty from the heavens. He had three wives named Gwenifer, and his best knight was his blood-brother Kai rather than the French Launcelot. And he was a reluctant lover of the Morrigan, the great warrior-queen, mage, and seer goddess of the land. She chose the land's king by taking him as bridegroom, and he had been loath to betray his human partners by making them second to a god.
When he asked where Arthur had come from, they told him of the Isle of Avalon, where his body had been carried back to rest and from whence he would rise again when the land had need of him. And when he asked who had made that prophecy, they said it was the king's mentor, a seer and bard called Myrddin. And when Merlin told them his name, they could not help but pronounce it in the way of the name of the bard.
So the man who had once been Miyagi, from 1853, traveled back over a thousand years to find his destiny, and once again he set out on a fishing boat across the waters towards it.
When he reached the island, the world spun the way it had when he had left the tiny island off the coast of Okinawa that had been his home. He had not understood it the last time, but now he had meditated and learned enough about the universe that he knew time was righting itself again.
And on the Isle of Avalon, there was a boy named Arthur. He was a foundling, and Arthur was his nickname -- his real name was Daniel. He had been nicknamed Arctorius by Kay, the son of Lord Laurence, ruler of the castle of Laurencelot. The Laurence family were Anglo-Saxon invaders, Daniel a native Welshman, and the name had come about because he'd fought "like Beowulf the bear-berserker" when Kay and his friends had tried to use him for sport.
The old wanderer with many names offered to help the once and future king learn to fight, and settled into his place in the story. It would spool out again in waves that traveled in time and space outwards, but now it would have him in it.
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wicked-jade · 1 month
OOOHHHH for the fic ask: I please? And since it's you, also K :D
Thanks for the asks!! 💖💖💖
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Hmm, I can't really think of any examples off the top of my head. I'm fairly shameless and don't have much guilt when it comes to liking what I like, I guess. 😂
Does putting Johnny through the emotional wringer count?
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
You know me well. 😂 One of them is already an active WIP: Or Forever Hold Your Peace. Basically, for the uninitiated: Dutch and Johnny are bitter exes that haven't spoken in years, and are reunited at Jimmy's wedding. That one is pretty angsty, because Johnny is just not in a good place. Like, even by my usual standards. I can't really say much about it without spoiling future chapters, but there are hints scattered throughout it about their history, and what went down the night Dutch got arrested that messed Johnny up so badly.
Let's see, what else... At one point, I also considered a 'Bad Luck' sequel where Daniel has a heart attack during class, right in front of Johnny and the kids. It was going to be based on a series of drabbles I wrote for one of the AV100 prompts. But I have too many unfinished sequels in that series already, so I never bothered starting it.
But the absolute angstiest idea was for a stand-alone LawRusso fic. I never wrote it because it features a much darker version of Daniel than I usually write, and I got cold feet. It was going to be set after they lose the All Valley in S4. They lose their dojos, and both of their lives fall completely apart. Carmen blames Johnny for Miguel running off and breaks up with him when he fails to find him. Daniel goes into a downward spiral, much like S5. Amanda leaves him, and the dealership fails despite the Doyona bailout. Silver wins. But instead of going to Johnny for help, Daniel blames him for everything and takes it all out on him. And Johnny feels so guilty/hates himself so much for fucking up everything with Miguel and Robby, that he figures he deserves it and just lets him. Cue lots of dirty/nasty hate sex, with self-loathing, self-destructive Johnny letting Daniel use him to vent all of his pain and rage (while also having feelings for Daniel that he knows are not reciprocated.)
So yeah, that one was very dark. All hurt, no comfort. Just very, very bleak.
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landslided · 6 months
So Daniel and Tory, how would that go? What does Tory think of Daniel since she barely interacted with him? And on the other hand, would Daniel have to navigate some discomfort over knowing how much trauma she inflicted on Sam? (I think he has a better grasp on that than Amanda)
Would they ever have a sensei/student relationship? I'd like to see that explored to some degree in the show. (I say to some degree because I'm banking on Chozen to fill that role)
They obviously have very similar backgrounds, but how would Tory learn about it? From him? From Robby or Miguel? FrOm SaM?? Anyway, sorry for the rant and the million questions, feel free to cherry pick. :)
hi anon! thank you so much for all your questions and no i will absolutely not cherry pick them because they're all absolute gold! let's get into it:
how would i think a daniel and tory conversation go? funny thing is that i've written a chapter of two steps on the water (that hasn't been published yet) where i kind of answer that exact question.
i think daniel would be very on edge with tory at first. there is obviously a lot of history between tory and sam and i think daniel would never be able to entirely forgive tory for what she has done to sam, or at least not in a near future. i see daniel maybe forgiving her, let's say, ten years in the future when he's at the samtory wedding.... okay no let me get serious.
i think, like you said, daniel has a better understanding of the whole debacle between sam and tory than amanda but i also think daniel can sometimes be very blindsided by his own experiences and emotions and i feel like he would project a lot of himself into sam's situation, which would make sense since she's his daughter and she was the one attacked, only to get fucking kicked in the head with the realization that he understands tory very well.
i've talked about this with another person before and we both fully believe that in the concept of samtory is lawrusso 2.0, sam is johnny and tory is daniel in many ways. obviously the characters do not perfectly fit in each other's shoes but the similarities between them are obvious enough.
sam is a privileged young woman with a lot of ambition who finds herself trapped in her role as heir to her father's expectations and dreams. she's full of anger and other complicated feelings that she doesn't know how to express. she has had the chance of growing with her parents who are involved in her life, love her and want what is best for her and with a sensei/father who would NEVER harness her anger as a weapon. but sam wants to be a winner, she wants to be a fighter, she finds true meaning in leading the fight and that is something daniel doesn't understand because even if he'd shown an interest in karate back in jersey and before what happened with johnny, his desire was never to win competitions or be the best (around lol), he wanted to protect himself and learn a new skill because daniel is somehow who is fascinated by knowledge. meanwhile, johnny understands sam's need to prove herself and he understands her desire to fight and win. he gets that. we had a glimpse of that particular relationship in season 4 and im really sad we didn't get more of it.
as for tory, she does share a lot of similarities with johnny in terms of her relationship with kreese for example but there is an edge to her that is so very daniel. like i said in another post, i fully believe tory is raw and whole and honest to the point where it gets her into trouble which is something daniel shares. she is a fighter because of necessity but i don't think she finds the same joy in it sam does. not to say that i don't think tory likes karate or isn't good at it, but i think she would find a lot more of herself in miyagi-do philosophy than in cobra kai. she needs that balance, she needs to be able to fall back on someone and trust others and also herself and miyagi-do (an daniel) fill that category.
there is also a really interesting parallel to make between tory, daniel and their relationship with silver. both daniel and tory place a certain amount of trust in silver only to have that trust spit back into their faces. worse than that, silver twists the meaning of that trust, twists the meaning of tory and daniel's struggle into something ugly and dishonest. he manipulates them both into becoming and doing things they are intrinsically against in a way that is a lot more cruel than whatever kreese could have done to them both. (the cruelty of kreese is... much more apparent with johnny and with robby but that is anooooother discussion and if i start talking about the cobra fatherhood cycle again im gonna scream). i don't know if i really need to explain how tory and daniel's financial situation and how they both dealt with it is at the core of the matter here but just to kind of put it out there: daniel would totally understand tory's struggles and tory would hate his guts for it but she would probably accept his help and support more than amanda's.
i think, if daniel managed to make tory open up enough to him, either because she joined miyagi-fang and/or because she needed someone's help and she was directed to daniel, there would be a lot of self-discovery for the both of them because they are really really similar and i think daniel would probably be a little shaken by it but tory would be sooooo mad. she would be so angry that this dude who lives in the hills and drives an audi actually understands her because he's the father of the karate princess and that would! piss her off! so bad! but she would be understood by an adult maybe for the first time in her life and there would be a certain comfort in that.
i don't know that daniel would be tory's sensei, not that i think he wouldn't do a fine job of it but i think maybe that would make sam lose her mind. even post-season 5, i think the peace between sam and tory is fragile and if sam saw her father teach tory any sort of karate she would bite through her hand. but! kind of in the same way that even now i think daniel CANNOT witness johnny really teach sam karate because there is just something in that particular concept that triggers in him a fight or flight response (which for daniel is always fight). chozen would be the perfect sensei for tory because i think he would understand her on some level to and know how to channel her emotions in a positive and safe way.
as for the kids. i think robby and tory could totally bond over the fact that hey, actually we kind of dig that guy he kinda gets it meanwhile miguel and sam are throwing tornado kicks with johnny and don't really need to expand on the subject because they like johnny for really different reasons. sam and tory? god, i think sam would be relieved that tory is working through her things with her dad but she would also be extremely jealous and tory would tease her about it. like i said, their peace is fragile but i believe in them <33
i don't know if this was in any way what you were expecting when you send me this anon but i hope i somehow answered your questions and that i made sense!
thank you again!!
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 11 months
“You need to fix him.”
Daniel blinked, letting go of the door to lean on his crutches a little more comfortably, “Well gee Bobby its great seeing you too. Oh my leg? Well its great, thanks for asking.”
Said boy rolled his eyes, heaving a sigh before literally waving his words away, “Yeah yeah, whatever. I don’t know what happened, but you need to fix him.”
Daniel frowned this time, actually taking in the other’s words, “Fix who?”
Bobby gestured uselessly, the action filled with annoyance and anger, “Fucking Johnny man. He’s- i don’t even know what’s wrong with him. But hes been off since the tournament and you were the last one to interact with him. So fix. It.”
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russolaw · 2 months
for moodboards if anyone wants to use them
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pinkgrapefloyd · 2 months
I don’t know if you answer asks so although I want your input on this, i’m not really expecting it so don’t feel pressured!
But basically, I just wanted to say I absolutely LOVE your writing. You’re seriously one of my favorite writers and I literally read all your stuff. But specifically I wanted to ask about Anti-Hero.
I’m a writer as well and I’m trying to figure out how exactly to write a fic. I’m kind of struggling with working with an overarching plot (like Robbie’s concussion, in yours) and balancing it with what people actually came there to see (yknow the actual ship). But you literally did it so well like everything with Robbie’s arch felt so relevant and interesting, even when technically the reason I started reading it was for Daniel and Johnny.
So I guess I’m just asking for tips. Like how to balance out your writing easily with that you know. And kind of just advice for writing a fic in general? Of course if that’s not too much, that kinda feels extra.
But anyway, if this ends up staying in your inbox, I just want you to know how actually HYPED I am for that good omens fic. I absolutely love good omens and i’ve never been more excited to see someone write for characters. Lots of love!
Hi! First of all, thank you very much for your sweet message! I’m very glad my writing and especially Anti-Hero means enough to you that you came to reach out for advice! <3
I hope this is not too basic, but here are some things I think might be helpful:
1. In terms of balancing different plot elements: You need to „braid“ the plot strands into each other. A development in one strand must have consequences in the others. The consequences can be small, but they need to be obvious! Robby’s head injury gives Johnny an opportunity to step up as a father, which makes a positive impression on Daniel. The matchmaking progress in turn gives Robby a sense of purpose. It ties into Robby's character development and his view of himself. This means Lawrusso moments are significant for Robby’s character arc, and Robby’s character arc is significant for future Lawrusso moments. Once I’ve established that connection, I don’t need to convince my audience to not ‚skip‘ through the Robby plot, because the Robby plot is an integral part of the Lawrusso plot. They wouldn’t work without each other.
2. General advice: Make sure that you’re having fun! It honestly sounds so cliche but I can always tell when a writer’s heart is really in it, and that makes the reading more enjoyable. If you’re passionate about something, it shines through. Go with the idea that makes you foam at the mouth, not just what you think the fandom will like. I had the most fun with „there’s daggers in men’s smiles“ because it allowed me to highlight one of my passions (fencing) and what I love about it. It’s not my most popular story, but it’s currently my favorite, and I was always very motivated to work on it.
3. If you’re writing multi-chapter: Have an ending in mind. I’ve had a lot of story ideas, but the ones that have a specific ending planned are so much easier to work on because I feel like I’m working toward a goal. With romance, I encourage you to get a bit more specific than just "They get together". I knew from the get-go I wanted Anti-Hero to end with Robby in the hospital after a second head injury, but this time there actually would be something going on between Johnny and Daniel. I knew the revelation of Robby’s misunderstanding would be the catalyst for Johnny and Daniel confessing to each other. I didn’t know how, where or when this would all happen, but having a general idea of the ending in mind gave me a sense of direction that made writing a lot easier. 
4. Optional: Knowing someone who knows the source material but isn’t hanging out on AO3 regularly makes it easier to stay in the original character voices. I didn’t have a beta reader in the classical sense, but I let my partner read every line of dialogue before posting it so they could tell me „I don’t think Daniel would say it that way“. It only happened two or three times, but I know it would have bothered me. If you want to consciously blend Fanon into your story, that doesn’t really apply, of course.
5. Skeleton Method: If you have a lot of ideas and struggle to get them written down, try writing the dialogue first (as if you're writing the script for a play). The dialogue is the "skeleton" of a scene. It's the most solid part, and gestures / feelings / reactions / descriptions are the squishy parts around it that make it come alive. Once the dialogue is doing what you need it to do, it's easier to fill the gaps and create a scene that will feel natural.
Also, I’m so glad you’re excited for my Good Omens fic! I generally don’t start posting multi-chapter fics until I’m 90-95% done writing them, and at the moment it’s still missing a few chapters. But it’s the project I’m most actively working on (besides my Carmanda one shot). Coming this year!
Best of luck with your story, too! Let me know if you want more specific advice.
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zannolin · 3 months
before you came into my life (ck/ tkk/ lawrusso fandom) i missed you so bad i missed you so bad i missed you so so bad
exactly how i feel about them too. i can't believe i wasn't a bigger fan of tkk in general before it's a smart-mouthed teenager and his weird old man friend. it's just like back to the future. it's just like star wars. this is one of my blueprints. y'know.
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bubblegumflavor · 7 months
It's crazy..
Never felt a ship so wholesome and perfect and with never ending opportunities to me like lawrusso does. I never had so many wips for a ship in my entire life and never was I sure I would finish one after another no matter what. (maybe not every idea makes it but you know what I mean X3) I never get tired of drawing them or writing them. Them together makes me so eternally happy. I want them to annoy the shit out of each other just to fall in love in every universe possible. I want them to have each other in the 80s, 90s, 00, now, tomorrow, 300 years in the future, I don't care. I just love them so so much and with the fandom getting smaller, I would lie if I'd say I never have days where I feel like giving up creating content but I always bounce back and start each project with the same energy as before and that is so new to me. It makes me happy and feel at home.
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The Sky is Falling on This Setting Son
https://ift.tt/3Z5hBJK by LulaMadison For Whumptober Prompt no.3: Solitary Confinement Set during Shelter in Place in my Last Coors Banquet series. Johnny battles loneliness and despair when he visits a familiar place that brings back memories of Daniel. Words: 3041, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Whumptober 2023, Part 6 of The Last Coors Banquet Fandoms: Cobra Kai (TV), Karate Kid (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Johnny Lawrence Additional Tags: Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Zombie Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Angst, Heavy Angst, Loneliness, Zombies, Alternate Universe - Zombies, lawrusso, Future LawRusso, Whumptober, Whumptober 2023 source https://archiveofourown.org/works/50538274 October 03, 2023 at 12:58PM
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