#fuzzy blue german elf
cocoabubbelle · 1 year
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bothsidesofaquestion · 5 months
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LEGAL NAME: Kurt Wagner
NICKNAME[S]: NC, Elf, Nighty, Fuzzy
DATE OF BIRTH: November 11st
SEX: Male
PLACE OF BIRTH: Bayern, Deutschland
CURRENTLY LIVING: Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters ( verse dependent ), Jean Grey's Institute for Gifted Youngsters ( verse dependent ), San Francisco, LA ( verse dependent), New York City ( verse dependent ) or Krakoa ( verse dependent )
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: German, Romani, English, Spanish, very bad Austrian and a little of French
EDUCATION: Bachelor's degree, and a technical degree in medicine.
SIBLING[S]: ( dear lord this is complicated lol ), Anna Marie Darkholme "Rogue", sister; Stefan Szardos, foster brother; Jimaine Szardos, foster sister; Graydon Creed, biological brother; Raze Darkholme, biological brother; Kiwi Black, biological genetical brother, Abyss, biological genetical brother; and many many many others cause Azazel was around for a long long time.
PARENT[S]: (lord more complicated stuff lmao) Raven Darkholme, biological "father" mother; Irene Adler, biological mother; Azazel genetical "father"; Margali Szardos, foster mother
CHILDREN: Talia Josephine Wagner ( verse dependent ), Tenia Jean Wagner ( verse dependent )
PET[S]: None
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single ( verse dependent )
SINCE WHEN: since forever, he doesn't get to have a succesful relationship cause of 'reasons'
TAGGED BY: @hexsrealityTagging: Feel free to take it and tag me so I can read yours <3
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froggiimilk · 4 years
hmmm mayhaps i have nightcrawler brainrot now
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avionvadion · 3 years
Magneto is a very interesting character/villain, and the takes on him being a parent is kinda hilarious because they all vary.
This is a dude who lost his parents during WW2 due to their religion, and barely survived himself due to his mutation and both Captain America and Wolverine coming to liberate the concentration camp he was trapped in. Then, years later, he proceeds to get persecuted AGAIN only this time for being a mutant.
So he decides to rally mutants together and try to defend themselves to avoid another Holocaust happening- only, by doing so and targeting humans, becoming the very thing he hated and was trying to avoid in the process. So after being stopped by the X-Men time and again (whether it’s by trying to wipe out humanity by straight up killing them or turning them all into mutants) he learns his lesson.
If we go by the movies- Magento decides to move to Poland(?) and take on a new name. There he meets a lady and he tells her the truth about himself, and she accepts him. They have an adorable little girl named Nina (I swear to god that name is cursed. If you’ve seen FMA/B you know what I mean so brace yourselves) who can talk to animals and even control them to an extent.
Meanwhile Magneto works in this factory under the name of Heinrich (Henryck?) instead of Erik, and he’s been a really good guy for a while. This is shown when a giant metal pot of boiling liquid falls and is about to crush his co-worker, but Magneto stops it to save the guy. Unfortunately, because he freaking SAVED A MAN all his coworkers decide to tattle to the police that he’s a metal using mutant, so the police then KIDNAP HIS DAUGHTER.
(Please note earlier Magento was singing a really sweet song to his daughter when she was being tucked into bed, and she was asking him where he learned the song and he was all “From my parents, and they from theirs. You’ll learn from me, and your children from you” and it was the softest freaking thing. And he promised to never leave her.)
But anyway he admits to being Magneto to the police and they trade his daughter for him, but the girl starts freaking out because her dad was being taken away and he promised he’d never leave so all the animals in the forest start attacking the police and the police freaking SHOOT THE GIRL AND HER MOTHER DEAD.
So, because clearly surviving the Holocaust and being persecuted for being a mutant wasn’t enough, the one time he tried to save someone and do the right thing it got his family (the one good thing in his life) killed. So Magento loses it again. Meanwhile Quicksilver (who is portrayed as a good boy in this) is still alive because Magento is his dad but Magneto never knew about him since he left his mother before Quicksilver was born.
NOW. Movies aside, let’s go to the cartoons.
Evolution! Magento keeps Quicksilver by his side (who is super bratty in this) but tosses Wanda into an institution because her powers were too much for him to control/handle. As such she grew up very unstable and her powers lash out with her emotions, so she has to remain calm to control them. After Wanda breaks out she makes it her mission to kill him, but stuff happens and Magento has Mastermind change her memories so she stops hating him.
Wolverine and the X-Men! Magento had built a mutant-island paradise known as Genosha. Quicksilver is still a brat and is kinda the family failure (ouch) but Magento’s two daughters Wanda and Polaris live with him. He is the most PROTECTIVE FATHER TO HIS GIRLS and that’s where it gets funny, because he’s so soft with them. This is actually the whole point of this post.
Like, Wanda meets Kurt and she’s flirting because he’s a gorgeous fuzzy blue elf of a gentlemen with a German accent and a prehensile tail, and Magneto literally CRINGES when she informs Kurt that Magneto is her dad because (being the enemy of the X-Men and Wanda’s dad) he feels like he just indirectly ruined her chance of getting a boyfriend. He didn’t, but like it was freaking hilarious.
Magneto, internally, as he turns off the screen he was using to observe them: “Oh gods he knows she’s my daughter. He won’t ever date her now. FUCK.”
And then with Polaris- she’s the family baby, I guess, so he keeps her inside Genosha at all times. He doesn’t want her to face the prejudice in the outside world for being a mutant. So when she meets Gambit, Wanda and Magneto are both like “HELL NO” and throw him in prison after they smooch.
Gambit: “So, uh... how long do you usually stay here?”
Fellow inmate: “Depends on the crime. What’d you do?”
Gambit: “...I may have been on the receiving end of a kiss from the “king’s” daughter.”
Fellow inmate: “...Wanda???”
Gambit: “Polaris.”
Fellow Inmate: “...”
Fellow Inmate: “You might wanna make yourself comfortable.”
And this entire post was to just sum up those last two scenes, but HOLY FRICK.
The varying ways of Magneto being a dad is ridiculous and hilarious. He’s either a total jerk-wad of a parent to all kids, completely disowns Quicksilver, Quicksilver is a good boy who doesn’t know his dad and his dad is a super soft father to his kids, Magento is incredibly soft and protective over his daughters while disowning Quicksilver (again), or Quicksilver and Wanda are just adopted for their powers while Polaris is the only one actually blood related.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Tail au (part 16)
N/A: one last chapter and it will be done. Another completed fic.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead @everykurt
When Prof X envision the X-men it was, of course, an attempt to make the world a better place for mutantkind-sure, he has his own agenda. He wanted a better place for his son. Who passed away as his powers were too much and took a toll on his body and mind-and was so focus on his own narrow perspective that never considers anything else in this reality.
"Charles, we need to talk..." Ororo starts entering in his study room with a concern expression on her face-no, to be clear, she has a mix of worry and anger direct to Charles Xavier right now- and this is nothing new to the bald headmaster who let her in.
"What I can help you?" Prof X asked already knowing what she will say, no, he does not need to use his powers to know. Ororo is pretty vocal in some of his plans and lately, she doesn´t see eye to eye in some of his ideas and Wolverine is supporting her.
"Kurt and Kitty went to talk with me. Ask me why we fight a bunch of homeless teenagers that Magento and Mystique often negliget, so, Charles, why we fight them?" Ororo asked crossing her arms and Wolverine is waiting for the answer as well.
The man is silent. His respect for Charles or Chuck as he likes to call only goes so far and really...beating up homeless teenagers does not make Logan a hero. Magneto and Mystique are different stories through.
"Ok. Let me ask you this. How do you know those kids, teenagers into adulthood, can work in a society with humans?" is an easier question with many implications and Prof X is aware of all of them.
Ororo is also aware of its implication and is not happy. "And tell me something, what´s the difference between the girl in Cairo who steals to survive and the boy in the Brotherhood and has no option?"
Prof X narrow his eyes at this. "You´re different from them"
"Yes, and the fact you´re saying that proves how far fetched from reality you´re. Charles...I could have been like Lance or Todd, I was like them at some point until you give me a chance, why can´t you offer them the same courtesy?"
"I don´t don´t trust Magneto"
"Me neither" states Logan. "Trust me, I would be happy to kill the old bastard, but, the kids? there´s nothing heroic there Chuck. Nothing"
Prof X crosses his hands above his chin and is thinking. "and how this would go? I imagine you have a plan"
And now, finally, Storm has a smile on her face. "As a matter of fact..."
Amy is walking down to the corridor where the next class will happen and she does not want to get late-she needs good grades or else her parents will be very upset with her- and in her way there, she sees Kurt Wagner (the kraut, again, Amy is honest in her prejudice with Germans) talking way too friendly with Kitty Pryde.  Messing with her tail, well, not messing but gingerly touching it.
Makes Amy be even more certain that Kurt is not the right boy for someone like Amanda and in a moment of pure stupidity and cruelty a teenager can emulate she calls Kurt a Kraut and says how Amanda is better of without him.
In hindsight, it was stupid and she should have kept her mouth shut, but, now she has spoken Kurt Wagner looks at her a bit hurt and at the same time a bit perplexed.
"I was never interested in Amanda" Kurt answers confused until his mind recalls of the girl who was calling him excessively and sending messages asking how he is and if he´s alright.
"Whatever, Kraut, just stay away from Amanda" Amy speaks and Kurt looks at Kitty who is ready to charge at Amy and her fluffy tail is waving around angrily like a cat.
"I repeat, I was never interested in Amanda...even less so, because of this" and he removes his holo-watch showing his blue face. Amy didn´t scream, is not loving, nor hate.
"So, you´re not the human pet? Whatever just stay away from Amanda" and runs away.
"Kurt? Are you sure? You can still put your holo-watch..."
"Yeah, but...maybe I just want to be blue, you know, is my favourite colour as well..." and his now golden eyes look at Kitty for a moment. "will you be there with me?"
"Always, fuzzy elf. Always"
The absence of Amanda was noticed by her friends, who feared the worst, ask Info-Chan where is Amanda and the results are a new gossip to the entire school. Lance and Amanda are caught making out in a heated way. Headmaster Darkholme is not pleased by such commotion and Lance is not happy to see headmaster Darkholme -she was in a convention in Minessota and returns now. Her assistant was filling the gaps for her during this period- and she is the one scolding them.
Once alone, she looks at Lance with a bit of disgust and pity. "She´s human. What you think it will happen here?" her tone is iced and for a moment Lance thought in the German boy speaking in such a way.
"I thought...hey, she´s hot and I´m single...why not?"
"Magneto will not be happy"
"Magneto is never happy. And you´re never happy. So...why bother"
Amanda is not confused in regards to her own feelings. She´s trying to call Kurt, but, once again no one answers -it says her number is blocked- only when one of her friends updates her in regards the newest gossip is that Amanda falls backwards.
"He is a mutant all this time? And he´s fuzzy?" Amanda asked impressed. But she recalls the kiss, make-out session, she offered to Lance, and now is confused.
"Yeah, and he´s walking with Kitty"
"Of course he is"
"How are you feeling?"
"Is not as I thought it would be. No pitchforks so far" he jokes but holds her hand tightly. "is not how I imagined...which is good"
"I´m proud of you, Kurt"
"Thanks...you inspire me to do this"
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mikeellee · 6 years
Kurt Waggoner yandere au part 2
N/A: this idea came to me as djinmer4 give some ideas, oh Kitty you adorable naive thing, Kurt Waggoner is a force to be reckoned in his own way. No one dies here and the porn is ...up to your imagination.
Everything changes, nothing remains without change.– Buddha
Kitty Pryde was a girl that used to have a normal life, but that quickly changes with the sentinels and transform the once normal girl into a fugitive. And along the ride, Kitty turns to fugitive to a Jewish swashbuckling, when asked why the reply is often why not.
But once the war is over, once all the robots are, by all accounts, destroyed things should return to the normal, instead, things change once again. Some staff members of the school are happy to see Kitty, an ugly reminder that the war was no illusion, no bad Sci-fi movie and some members can´t help by being passive aggressive with Kitty.
It was a lonely experience that Kitty was enduring until...
"Katzchen," Kurt Waggoner said kindly " let´s eat together" he offers kindly and she takes his hand, Kurt Waggoner is just too shy(and cute) and doesn´t see a problem in hold hands with a girl who carries a sword.
"Does Jubilee and the others will join us?" she asked joyfully and Kurt, with his golden eyes, gaze into her brown eyes.
"Nein, Jubilee and the others are in detention," he said using his tail to scratch his head " they went into a fight with other students and well, zero tolerance means everyone gets detention" then he adds " we can go see them after, knowing them havoc won´t stop so soon"
Kitty quite like Jubilee, she is funny and takes no one shits.
"That is a plan, my dear genius fuzzy elf," she said smiling and Kurt beam at this.
"I know, thanks swashbuckling Katzchen" and they finally found a spot to eat, the conversation is soothing("Wanna see what I have in my spiderman box?" "that is quite an honour, not sure if I´m ready such commitment" "ok, then I´ll wait until you are ready" "what? no, I´m curious" "moving on, Katzchen")
They giggles, learn a little more about the other(this relationship only begin has 3 weeks but feels like a lifetime) and eat. Well, an awkward moment finally install for Kitty, in an anime fashion she forget the lanch, once again(how Kitty is so distracted? Is the second time this happen)
"Katzchen, you silly Katzchne is the second time you forget your lunch," he said with his tail flipping around in a happy cat motion " want to share the Butternocken?"
"Oh, German food," she said happily, "yes, German food is the best one" and Kitty is forever thankful for Kurt´s kindness. She could buy lunch, but, sharing is caring(she vows to be extra careful with her lunch next time, Ororo did the food with love and care)
They are sharing the food and Kurt couldn´t be pleased. Katzchen does like German food(Hercules is a good cooker, better than Logan) and everything is at peace, until...
"Hey, Pryde" a boy approaches them. The boy is a built blonde boy with blue eyes that is sitting way too close of Kitty for Kurt´s liking. " Do you want to leave the nerd for a moment and sit with us?" the flirty attitude didn´t go well for Kurt in the slightest.
"First off, his name is Kurt Waggoner, second, please don´t take this in the wrong way but you scream 'I´m a douchbag' and if you insist I have a sword and I know how to use and if you try to do anything else...I´ll call an X-men to deal with this, right Nightcrawler?" she said looking into his golden eyes and Kurt smiles(is too ambiguous) and analyse the blue eyes, blonde American boy.  Duncan Smith, human and a name Kurt won´t forget.
"Yes, I´m an X-men, " the boy looks affronted and narrow his eyes at the blue boy and reluctantly steps away, the body language clearly says he wants to fight but too many witnesses (and fear, an X-men is still an X-men) tells it is a bad idea and the boy walks away before saying.
"Pryde, when you get tired, there´s always a table for you," the boy said and walks away to sit with his friends. Now, laughing and talking charmingly with his friends and sending looks to Kitty Pryde.
Kurt´s golden eyes are focused on the boy for a moment until Kitty snapped him back to reality. Her sweet and kind words are enough to soothe him(for now) and prompt they back to the German food.
"Kurt, don´t mind him, he is a jerk," she said eating a bit more of the said German food(she pronounced wrong but Kurt didn´t hold that against her) "He is trying to ask me out, he did but I said no, I don't like arrogant jerks, so, let´s go back to eat the Butternocken and forget about Duncan"
"You are right," he said and the conversation and the mood are comfortable as always. Forget about Duncan is the right idea.
Soon the Butternocken is over, and they did go to visit the others friends, or how people call them, the X-friends, funny Kitty is not an X-men (yet) as Kitty and Jubilee talk about the fight, no Kurt wasn´t in the classroom when the fight begins, the girls said.
"Hey, she is alright, can´t believe Kurt shyness Waggoner introduced us," Jubilee said scratching the band-aid in her face. the adds "I found your lunch, you should be more attentive with this"
"Oh, thank you," she said thankfully and adds tenderly "Kurt is like that, a good person and a hero and a cute nerd," she said to make the others chuckle at that, Kurt doesn´t mind being called nerd if is only by Kitty.
Eventually, the class is over and everyone is going home. When Kurt arrives home, Logan and Hercules, as excited parents, ask questions about his day.
"Dad, father, my day was really good" there´s a lazy smile on his face" things are looking better and better each day"
" Someone is in love?"Logan asked amused and Hercules chuckles and giggles at that already promising to not embarrassed Kurt too much in front of his crush.
"I going to do my homework," Kurt said hearing the two men laughing at his embarrassing tone. Kurt is not good at hiding(sometimes) and goes to his laptop and search for Duncan Smith´s name.
A common name, but, fitting for a common boy.
Hacking into Duncan´s browser and see what he posted is not a surprise for Kurt Waggoner in the slightest, porn, more and more porn(questionable porn) but that will suffice for now.
Hacking is as easy as breathing for Kurt and he manages to post all Duncan´s questionable porn into the community page of the school and even manage to write(in Duncan´s URL) nasty things. The plan was a success as in minus of 2 minutes the page was an overload of nasty comments about Duncan´s porn and even the principal appeared in the page, clearly horrified with what the boy posted.
A vindicate smile graces his lips as he closes the tabs and any link that could point to him, is not the first or last time Kurt has done this and everyone left none the wiser.
On the next day, Duncan Smith received a nasty encounter with the principal about what he posted and his mother was horrified to see the porn her little boy is into.
"Duncan, what is this? I thought I raised you better than that" the mother is not being silent and the show beings. The other students can´t help to hear the conversation(even if they didn´t want, the show was too loud) and everyone is horrified.
"I never knew he was a pervert," Kitty said horrified.
"Yeah, is always who you never thought, Katzchen," Kurt said and did his best to look shocked. The X-friends are gossiping about this all day, how stupid Duncan can be? Why he did that?
"He thought it would be funny, well, it isn´t funny" Kurt overs an explanation for Duncan´s reason of joke, Kitty nods and in agreement.
Ah, only I found this hilarious.
At the end of the day, Duncan was suspended for 3 days and their food exchange was never interrupted again. Duncan still can´t explain what happened and his computer was confiscated for the time being.
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djinmer4 · 6 years
Cosplay (X-Men)
“I can’t believe you talked me into this.” muttered Remy, buttoning up his shirt and straightening the collar.
“A stylish criminal who carries a cane for a weapon with a penchant for blowing stuff up, this role was made for you!” said Kitty as she made some tweaks to her own costume.  “You didn’t even have to buy a wig since he’s a redhead too.”  The younger X-Woman picked up her own bi-toned wig and adjusted it to sit more easily on her head.
“Oui, but I’m never going to live down Kurt’s comment about the guyliner.” he sighed in return, checking the mirror to see that the make-up had indeed been applied perfectly.  “Speaking of the diable, where is the third member of our merry crew?”
“He said he didn’t want to dress as a Grim and wanted his outfit to be a surprise.  He should be down in a few minutes.”  Kitty picked up a lacy umbrella and gave it a twirl.  “What do you think?”
“I think your eyes match each other a little too well, but otherwise you look pretty good.”
“So sue me, the colored contacts hurt.  Besides, Neo’s supposed to have illusion powers, so she’s using her ability to have two brown eyes today.”
At that moment a loud BAMF and a cloud of sulfurous smoke appeared.  “Tada!  What do you think?” asked Kurt, spreading his arms to give them both a good look at his outfit.  The gold horned helmet.  This green cape.  That staff.
“Oh my God, Kurt what were you thinking?  Where did you even find a Loki costume?”  Kitty was wide-eyed in shock.
“Costume?  Wer said anything about a costume?  This is the real thing!”  The two other X-Men took a big step back.  “Except for the staff.  I made it out of wood and glass.”  Kitty and Remy sighed with relief.  Then Kitty frowned.
“Still, not exactly a good idea to go stealing from SHIELD’s evidence locker for a prank.  We really don’t need more trouble.”
“I did not steal this!  In fact, I’ve gotten written proof from Nick Fury that these are on loan to me for the week.”  Kurt paused for a second.  “He said something about slowing Loki down when he inevitably escapes.”
“That’s really not much better, Fuzzy Elf.”  The German just shrugged carelessly.  Clearly, he wasn’t concerned about the possible future issues with manic sorcerers.  Although given his background, maybe had just been desensitized to magic problems.
“Err, not to be un rabat-joie but you are wearing something underneath that, Kurt?  We don’t want a repeat of the Halloween Image Inducer Incident.”  Gambit fiddled uncomfortably with his cane.  “Just in case Loki shows up and decides he needs his armor right at that moment.
One blue head nodded.  “Gym shorts and a muskelshirt.  Give me some credit for learning from my mistakes.”
“Then I guess we’re all set then.”  The red-head opened the front door and bowed.  “After you, mes aimes.”
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37. Top 3 accents
I really like Russian accents, and Irish. Lastly hmm... I’ll gotta say German. Mostly because I was told by my German Language teacher that I had perfect german r’s naturally (I’ve got a speech impediment with my r’s) And because of Nightcrawler. I adore that fuzzy blue elf.
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Room for Two
((The first part of a story for @phcenixgirl since she gave me the idea! Be warned: I have not proofread at all since I wrote it, but she’s eager to read it, and I’m eager to share it, so here goes.))
“Oh no.”
“What?” Kurt asked, doing his best impression of a pack mule. He entered the room behind Rachel, lugging two suitcases behind him and carrying two bags on his shoulders. Gentleman that he was, he had insisted on carrying Rachel's luggage, which was considerably more than any person could have possibly needed  for a three-night stay.
“There's one bed,” Rachel explained, not moving from where she had stopped when she first saw the single queen-sized bed.
Kurt craned his neck to see around her, all the while trying to keep from bumping her backside with the bags strapped to him. “We'll just have to call the front desk to request a different room.” Obviously, there had been a mix-up, but mix-ups could be fixed.
Rachel sighed and moved towards the phone. “Why couldn't we have just arrived to a nice room and been able to rest before dinner? I'm exhausted.”
Kurt kept his mouth shut. He knew better than to argue with someone who was both tired and hungry. Instead, he began extricating himself from the straps of Rachel's bags and set them down with her giant, overstuffed suitcase. His lone, small suitcase sat by itself. “I'm going to go to the bathroom. You call the front desk, and I'm sure we'll be able to move rooms soon.” He'd been flying the whole way, and, addict that he was, he'd been drinking coffee the whole time. He had to go.
Rachel plopped down on the bed and reached for the phone. She hadn't exactly been thrilled about this assignment in the first place, but for some reason (most likely her combination of telepathy and telekinesis as well as her personal experience with the Phoenix Force), Scott had decided she should go. Though she was much more comfortable in combat missions, the life of an X-Man demanded more: She must be skilled in the social sphere, adept at public speaking, persuading others, and lobbying. It was a headache. At least she had one of her best friends with her to make the two-day conference on mutant rights more bearable.
Picking up the phone, she dialed the front desk.
“Front desk, how may I help you?” Came a pleasant female voice from the other end.
“Yeah, I'm in room three fourteen, and there's been a mistake. We ordered a double room, but we got a single.”
“Oh, I'm sorry. Let me see what we can do.”
Rachel waited, listening to the sound of long fingernails tapping on a keyboard.
“I'm sorry, ma'am. We're completely booked this weekend. Everybody's in town for the graduation at the university.”
Rachel grimaced and put her free hand over her face. “Are you sure there aren't any double rooms?”
“There's nothing free. I'm so sorry. We can send you a roll-away bed and an extra blanket and pillow, if you like.”
“You can't even give us free room service or something to make up for it?”
“I'm sorry, ma'am. We don't offer room service. I can contact my manager and see if we can give you a free night's stay.”
“No, that's all right,” Rachel didn't want to stay any longer than necessary. “Thanks anyway.”
“Shall I send up a roll-away bed?”
“No, we're good. Thank you.” She hung up the phone as soon as Kurt emerged from the bathroom.
“So?” He asked, expectant.
“So, they're all booked up. We're stuck with this room.”
Kurt looked around the room, his thought process clear on his face. “I can sleep on the chair, then. You can have the bed. I'll just need a pillow and a blanket. Perhaps the front desk can--”
“No way, Fuzzy. We're sharing the bed.”
Kurt forgot to hide his surprise.
“Oh, come on. Don't look so freaked out. It's no big deal. You aren't going to be sinning by sharing a bed with me,” Rachel grinned, unable to resist picking on him a bit.
“I-I know that,” the poor Elf responded quickly, his accent noticeably thicker in his flustered state. He definitely substituted a d sound for the th. “I'm not freaked out. I just...ah, what is the word?” He muttered, trying to figure out the appropriate word for his feelings.
Rachel had gotten pretty good at staying out of people's heads, but she noticed it when Kurt switched from English to German while flipping through his mental dictionary. It was like listening to background noise on the T.V. while not paying attention to anything that was said, the sounds not even registering as words but only as voices, and then the language changed completely. She had to refocus to keep from intruding on his inner monologue.
“Surprised,” he finally decided, having momentarily forgotten the word in English and had to translate back from German. “I didn't think you would be okay with that.”
His accent had resumed its normal cadence, and the background noise went back to meaningless yet familiar gibberish.
The blue X-Man ventured a small grin, his fangs and elvish features making the gesture look just as mischievous as he felt, “I always imagined you as one of those spread-eagle-take-up-the-whole-bed kind of girls.”
Rachel returned his expression with raised eyebrows and a small smirk of her own. “Depends on my mood. And how do you sleep? Upside down?”
Kurt laughed. “Hardly, though I must warn you: I cuddle, and my tail tends to wrap around the leg of my bedmate.”
“Wrap your tail around your own leg, or you might wake up without it,” the redhead retorted, playfulness underlying her severity.
“I'm not sure I want to share a bed with you,” Kurt feigned timidity, but ultimately, he couldn't keep from laughing.
“Anything else I should know?” Rachel asked, keeping up her facade.
“Nein. Und du?” The Elf asked.
Rachel smirked. “I'll kick you out if you get too handsy.”
“Me?” One two-fingered hand flew to Kurt's chest. “Never! I am a gentleman!”
Rachel finally gave in, laughing at her friend's antics. “Sure you are. Now, let's go get some dinner. I'm starving.”
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bluebxmfing · 5 years
I totally understand! It’s a great fic :) but sorry, not them. Wish I could be SaintKurt tho, they’re awesome. I was the best troll patrol in the nightscrawlers board tho and I’m still friends with many of the originals. I started to RP as Kurt over there and I recently brought him to tumblr, I started to do research for resources for my blog and that’s how I found yours, I saw the content of your blog and I really liked it, so I’ve been visiting often :)
Thank you so much!! I did not think I’d get this popular and I’m not even that popular. It’s strange to think of people just finding my blog and looking at my stuff?
I mean I’m thankful that people seem to like my vocals for Kurt too like wow hgh thank you??? I just really find accents fascinating and hey learning German is helping me get my own voice for him. 
The Kurt in Suits post is up to like over 5k notes which is WILD to me. This whole thing is a trip but I love you all and please remember that Kurt loves you all too. I think it’s important for people to see their favorite characters, characters like Kurt, express their appreciation and love.
Because sometimes real life fucking sucks. Sometimes you need a fuzzy blue elf to tell you he’ll love you when the rest of your day, week, or life has been dim. Because people who know Kurt will know his life’s been kind of dim too, or at least it started that way.
Sometimes you need to imagine his face; That sweet, gentle, calming smile. And his soft voice telling you that things might be awful now, but they’re getting better slowly.And if you don’t have anyone else to go to, you can go to him and he’ll try to help.
I think that is powerful, and I want to be able to help people like that.
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bothsidesofaquestion · 11 months
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LEGAL NAME: Kurt Wagner
NICKNAME[S]: Elf, Fuzzy Elf, Fuzzy, Blue, Nighty, NC
DATE OF BIRTH: November 11th
SEX: Cis Male
PLACE OF BIRTH: Bavaria -unknown place-, Germany
CURRENTLY LIVING: Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters, Krakoa (verse dependent)
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: German, Romani, English, Spanish, Krakoan (verse dependent)
EDUCATION: Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, First Response Medical Training & Paramedic Training, Medical Technician, currently studying a Masters Degree (whenever he can cause it's very difficult to juggle studying a degree with superhero duties )
HAIR COLOR: Indigo Blue
EYE COLOR: Yellow gold
FAMILY INFORMATION SIBLING[S]: Anna Marie Darhkolme "Rogue" (adopted sister), Nyls Styger (half brother, estranged), Kiwi Black (half brother, estranged) and like 1000 more siblings thanks to Azazel's prolific past.
PARENT[S]: Raven Darkholme, Azazel (biological parents) Margali Zsardos (adoptive mother)
CHILDREN: Talia Josephine “TJ” Wagner (daughter), Tenia Jean Wagner (daughter, verse dependant -age of xman-)
PET[S]: none yet, someone give Kurt a puppy!
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single (verse dependent)
SINCE WHEN: since... Always? (verse dependent)
TAGGED BY: @hexsreality
Tagging: You! Feel free to take it and tag me so I can read yours <3
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
we drunk-kissed but you forgot about it and i don’t know how to act around you anymore wtf (Canon!verse)
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld
N/A: Marvel sucks with math. More than me. So, here Kitty has among 20-21 years old.
Excalibur likes a good party as much as any other military group, which, Kitty takes this revelation as a surprise. Not that she was expecting they couldn´t drink or have parties she never imagined it could be in such wild levels. Well, Kitty resonates, we did save the world against a crazy necromancer and abominations horror we do deserve a nice party.
Meggan and Brian are having fun and Kitty quickly realizes that they wish to celebrate alone. The others didn´t notice the absence of the leader and his girlfriend.
Kitty suddenly feel not dressed appropriately for the party, which is ironic, as no one is making comments about anyone´s outfit and Rachel has the right look to party. Some of her ladies friends(Rachel isn´t shy about her sexual preferences) seem to enjoy when she takes her jacket off to show off her muscles.
And Kitty will let Rachel have her fun as now, Kitty is trying to have fun. Yet, the woman feels stiffen. As if she´s a little girl in a grown up´s party.
“Care for a drink?” a German voice breaks Kitty´s musing and she smiles as she saw her fuzzy elf offering a drink. For once, the man is not the centre of the party. (Rachel has this rivalry with Kurt, and by the looks of, today, the elf lost completely. This thought makes Kitty chuckles amused) and offers a cup of beer.
“Yes, please” Kitty takes the coup as they go outside. The music is loud and the lighting house is almost alive. Brian and Meggan sure know how to rock. They talk about many things. Future, their mistakes, their favourite music and what will happen next.
Kitty realizes she drunk too much, not enough to make her incapable to give consent, and as Kurt starts to talk about a love story of his Nation. A mix of horror and love. Kitty decides to kiss the elf.
Has Kurt always have blue lips or is the beer?
And she kissed him.
For a moment, she thought Kurt would push her away, instead, the elf kissed her back. They stay making out until the music dies. Even the best parties have to end.
Kurt Wagner is the best to drink beer. Logan can testify how Nightcrawler always beat him in the beer game, however, today, Kurt is not in the right place to drink as he ended up falling asleep. At first, Kitty freaks out, thinking the elf was dead, but, he´s just sleeping.
“Oh, you sleep now?!”
____________The day after the party, everyone is helping to clean the mess. Kitty is nervously waiting to see Kurt. Meggan and Brian wake up early. Meggan sensed Kitty nervous state and tries to calm down her friend.
“I know you don´t want to talk about it” Meggan starts “but, there´s no use to be nervous. Everything will be alright” Meggan promised as Kitty is finally coerced to eat breakfast.
(She was too nervous to enjoy the food properly, yet, is a nice gesture of her friends)
Kurt Wagner arrives taking a pill for a headache.
“Good morning, Kurt” Meggan starts with a faux sense of joy “ do you want to talk with Kitty about something?”
“Uhm? Did something happen last night? Did someone hurt you?” Kurt asked in concern and Kitty is not sure if she should be mad at Kurt or at herself.
“Nah, I´m fine. Next time, don´t drink like that or you´ll make a mistake” Kitty replied and leaves.
“Something wrong?”
“Yes, you are so insensitive” Meggan declares and Brian merely suggests Kurt that maybe he should be away from the beer and try to remember what´s happened last night.
______________Epilogue.In their next mission, of course, they deal with a wizard that mess with people´s memories. As Kurt strikes his sword on the foe. Suddenly, the man remembers what happened at that Party and goes purple.
“OH!” it finally clicks on his mind “we kissed!”
“…You need a wizard to make you remember this? I really don´t know if I should be offended or impressed”
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Morning kiss (Future AU)
N/A: Because I headcanon that this is the type of kiss Kurt and Kitty will have the most; both as best friends, then as husband and wife.
For once in her five-year married life, Kitty Wagner née Pryde wakes up earlier than her husband. Blue eyes twinkling, she surveys her partner's sleeping form and leans over...
“Still sleeping, katzchen.” Kurt mumbles, peering open a golden eye.
“Morning, Elf.” Kitty kisses her Fuzzy Elf nonetheless.
“Guten Morgen, liebe.” Kurt pushes himself up and deepens the kiss.
Kitty moans in the kiss but pulls back before it escalates to a full make-out session. “The kids...” she reminds her husband who is giving her the 'kicked puppy' look.
Letting out a huff of surrender, Kurt turns to the digital clock on the side table. 6 am. “Stay back in bed, katzchen. The kids are my responsibility before dawn.”
Kitty just smiles at Kurt's retreating back as she is pulled into memory lane.
It has been almost three weeks since Kitty arrived at the Institute and the young phaser finds herself plagued by nightmares of her phasing through the mansion, through the earth, and never waking as she suffocates.
“Keety?” a drowsy Kurt yawns, his sleep is interrupted by the younger girl's horrified scream as she phases through his ceiling. Acting quickly, he catches the girl before she could phase further down. “It's okay, Kitty.” he soothes the sobbing female. “I'm here.”
The blue teleporter had somehow convinced the Professor to move him to the guest room below Kitty's room some days prior; the German teen having managed to coax Kitty to reveal her nightmares late one night over hot cocoa.
“Kurt?” Kitty sniffled, looking up at the teleporter.
“I'm here, Kitty.” Kurt tucks her into his bed and settles himself beside her, pulling her into a furry cocoon.
Kitty's sniffles lessens gradually and she drifts off to sleep in the comforting hug of her silent protector.
“Katzchen,” Kurt tries to nudge Kitty awake early the next morning. “Time to wake up.”
“Don't wanna.” Kitty whines.
“Keety, do you really want Herr Logan to turn me into little blue furry bits?” Kurt points out blandly.
“Fine, I'm up.” Kitty pouts. “Thanks Fuzzy, for last night.” she pecks Kurt on the nose and phases out of his room.
Said Elf is later seen spotting a goofy grin at the breakfast table.
After that nightmare scare, it has become routine for Kitty to share Kurt's bed on occasion; the phaser and teleporter were quickly becoming best friends after the 'Rouge Recruit' incident.
The two will, more often than not, seek out the other for comfort when dealing the usual teenage angst.
Kitty sighs when she is met by Kurt's pleading eyes; Amanda breaking up with him at lunchtime has shattered the Elf's heart into little pieces. Mentally promising payback on Kurt's behalf the next day, this time, it is Kitty who gives Kurt the comforting hug while whispering soothing endearments into his ear.
“Good morning, Fuzzy.” Kitty wakes the slumbering Elf with a light kiss to his pulse point the next morning.
A naked and wet Kitty doesn't react to the telltale sulfur smell that announces her new husband's arrival to the hotel room's bathroom.
“You didn't wake me, Liebling.” a similarly naked Kurt purred into his bride's ear, hugging her from the back and peppering the curve of her neck with nips and kisses, careful not to pierce her skin with his fangs. “We could've repeated last night.”
Kitty shifts her body around so that she is now facing her husband. “Ever wanted to do it in the shower?” she gives her lover a sultry look.
Kurt just grins and presses his wife against the wall, before he smothers her with a toe-curling kiss.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Soulmate au
N/A: I´m going to use EVO AU and thanks for the person who gives me this suggestion. I don´t really care for Soulmates au but I like to receive suggestion and here we go.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
The greeks have an old tale. At first, when the Gods created the humans it has two heads, four arms and legs as the human was a perfect creature, however, such perfection hurt the Gods' ego and in retaliation, the human was split in two. Now, each person when is born has to search for their soulmate to feel that connection, that feeling of entire union.
 That is a fact even mutants have to deal. Your soulmate exists, but, where is she? what side is your soulmate? Professor X saw mutants who once had to deal with a soulmate who is completely against mutation.
 Kitty Pryde does not know what to take from the love´s life of her seniors. Jean and Scott are soulmates, and yet, the two of them make jealousy games to get the other attention.
Rogue and Remy flirt and pull away. Both too afraid to be too closer. Rogue still fears her powers in the same level Remy fears intimacy. Is in a way an ironic match.
 Now, Kitty Pryde does not understand her own heart, which proves to quite witty on the Gods part(if they exist...and maybe they do) as Kitty can understand everything else. She did go out with Lance, why? well, he asked...no deeper reason than that.
 Did they anything in common? No, nothing, in fact, they fought and argue more than anything, which makes Kitty dump him and try to figure out her soulmate. Is she going to say yes to any guy who asks her? She does not know.
 "Love is a mystery and I´ll solve it" Kitty vows to herself and no one else as she walks on the halls of the mansion. You can always count to have an adventure once you leave your X-room.
 And she was proven correct once Ororo and Professor X great Kitty with a boy in a hoodie who is hiding behind Storm as Professor X speaks fondly and amicable with the girl.
 "Kitty, this is the new student, he´s from Germany, Kurt Wagner" Xavier explained and look at the boy refuses to come closer "Is ok, Kurt, you´re among friends, I promise" a mental conversation is held until Kurt steps forwards and let the hoodie out showing his blue fuzzy face and golden eyes.
 Kitty has the impression that if she had to meet Kurt earlier his appearance would have frightened her...now, he´s not on top 5. Yet, she´s unsure of what to say this Kurt makes her feel funny.
 "Hi, nice to meet you" Kitty can ignore whatever odd feeling she´s having and making sure Kurt is alright "my name is Kitty Pryde or Shadowcat" she offers her hand to shake and Kurt takes in awe. The feeling remains and Kurt is speaking in German and Kitty is shaking her head. "I don´t speak German, sorry"
 Kurt blinks in total surprise and Professor X is amused just like Storm, both gesture to Kurt to follow them as they will accommodate the boy.  Kitty waves back at Kurt friendly as she is left with the odd feeling and her quest to know what is love. Where is her soulmate?
Kurt Wagner was introduced to the group and people take his new looks well, some not so well and others didn´t care at all. Kurt prefers this at the incident in Bavaria any day.
 Somehow he feels a strong brotherly love for Rogue and maybe the older girl has a big sister vibe and is Kurt always wanted a sister, to his surprise, the feeling is mutual "you´re like an annoying little brother"
 Kurt can even go to school thanks to the holo-watch. And being normal is refreshing and so is the feeling he has for the resident genius. Something akin to nervous and relief at the same time.
 “Hi, Katzchen” the nickname slips out of his mouth  and Kurt mentally slaps himself, calling someone with a nickname right away is rude his mother taught so(Mrs Wagner makes sure her son is a polite Young man)
 Kitty only chuckles amused and then speaks amused “hey, fuzzy elf, I´m here trying to understand ...things” Kitty confirms kindly and Kurt sits next to her as they talk. There´s something so good in being able to talk with Kitty(talking with the others X-men is good as well, but, Kitty brings a different feeling)
 “Oh, things is a broad term, so, I want to understand things too, mainly the computer” Kurt confess showing his fingers and how he has problems with the keyboard.
 “Hey, I have some free time, wanna help with your computer? I can devise something for you” Kitty didn´t really have free time, per se, yet, she wants to help the fuzzy elf. Kurt never expects she would really offer help to such a problem.
 “Ok, if you think you can defeat the keyboard”
 “Elf, that keyboard won´t know what hit him”
 Lance Alvers is not happy to see Kitty with the new boy, Kurt Wagner, they are Always together, talking, walking and even sharing secrets. The last straw was when Lance saw Kitty consoling the new guy, who is Nightcrawler and he´s the lost son of Mystique.
 Lance is ready to make a scene when Pietro grab his arm and Lance forgets his anger over Nightcrawler “we need you here, forget the X-geeks”
Being with Kurt, blue or not, makes her world had more colours(a good pun) as sometimes, or to be exact, all the time, they are together eating lunch and talking about everything and nothing. In those moments she feels powerful as she could take down the entire world.
 In those moments, Kurt feels so powerful and when he rests his head on her shoulder as Kitty talks about her latest invention, the elf Wonders “is this love?”
 Kurt and Kitty talk with many people and no one makes them feel in such a way.
Amanda Steffon did make cute stares and waves at Kurt who responds not understanding what she is doing. The boy seems to prefer Kitty´s company much more than Amanda. This won´t do.
Amanda corner Kurt and asks him out and she believes she would get na yes...instead “No, thank you, I have plans”
 “What? With who? “ Amanda asked rudely gaining people´s attention. A popular girl being rejected is something Worth to gossip about.
 “Is not your business” Kurt replied and leaves not liking to be near Amanda anymore.
 Amanda knows is Kitty Pryde and she won´t stand the rival to win.
Kitty Pryde is used to bully girls, but, Amanda makes sure Kitty´s life is hell. And it gets worse once people find out she´s a mutant. Amanda feel more jealousy than ever(she is a mutant too? She has powers and Amanda can´t have that)
 Kurt saw the crow and saw Amanda screaming whatever she was screaming as Kurt teleport to the crow and helps Kitty to get upon her feet looking at everyone eyes...he takes the holo-watches and shows his blue self.
 “Who dares to mess with my Katzchen will have to deal with the blue thing here?” That was enough to make them run away.
 “Your katzchen?”
 “Sorry, I ...not the most romantic confession” Kurt replied.
 “Yeah, then again, not the most romantic situation either,” she touches the fur on his face “what matter is that the feeling is real, sorry for taking this long...love is not my thing” she kissed him. It felt like finally putting the last piece of a puzzle.
 “Is ok, I´m not good with computers either, let´s call even” Kurt suggested and Kitty agrees. She found her soulmate, or better yet, her soulmate found her.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
“I mean he’s a good driver…”“You are not allowed to date somebody just because they’re "good at driving”! (EVO)
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling
Kurt Wagner is a German student that got his green card, however, the boy is also a mutant so there are somethings the boy never thought he could do with his fuzzy looks yet here is the fuzzy blue elf going with Scott to take his first licensed driver as a mutant.
Times are changing. Kurt ponders.
Some people ignore him while others give a nasty glare to him.
But some things still remain. Kurt concludes sadly as promising to not give in to the nasty glares.
The teacher who examines Kurt was impartial as it is more concern with how he drives to the fact he has 3 fingers and looks like a demon. In the end, the man did give Kurt his first driver licensed(Kurt did take the photo and is pleased to know that no one came out good)
Now, Kurt can drive, but he really needs a car now and cars usually cost money, either way, Kurt has a driver licensed and this is a victory for the fuzzy elf.
To let the elf enjoy the day, Scott let Kurt borrow his car for one day as the elf wants to show off his skills.
Kitty, meanwhile, just return from an adventure with Rogue as now Logan and Ororo are scowling the girls for their foolish when Kitty saw Kurt driving and shouting in German.
“Wait, the elf is driving around the mansion for how long?” Logan asked.
“A few hours, if I´m not wrong” Ororo replied.
Kitty looks at the scene and Rogue only says one thing.
“I mean he’s a good driver…” and adds “that´s one of many boyfriend materials we are talking about”“You are not allowed to date somebody just because they’re “good at driving”
"Hey, that wouldn´t be the only reason, Rogue,”
“Of course not, but, when you two date Scott´s car will need all the protection it can have”
“haha very funny Rogue, very funny”
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
“Why didn’t you call me?” Any verse/au is fine.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4
N/A: Protect au because is EVO AU
Kurt Wagner is many things along the years, monster, demons, elf, friend, target, boyfriend and Nightcrawler. But one thing people often overlook is that he is a mutant and he did suffer prejudice because of his looks. So, when He meets Toad from Brotherhood it seems off that Professor X would even test the boy. It seems odd how people would think that him eating flies are supposed to be funny or gross.
(Kurt knows what´s like to feel hungry. There´s nothing funny about it)
So, as the class is about to start the German boy finally see Todd left alone on the desk(yes, it pains to say this but Lance does have some qualities as the older boy does stick up for the other mutant) waiting for something or for nothing.
(Kurt knows the feeling.)
“What do you want, fuzzy dude?” Todd said feeling up to a battle.
“Nothing, say, do you ever eat German´s snack?” Kurt asked feeling a bit satisfy as the other boy sits down and just shakes his head and even goes to call German´s snack something fancy.
“Wanna to eat? I have too many and I think they taste better than flies”
“As if,” the todd boy says then he looks darkly at the boy “if you put poison there, I won´t fall for that trick again” Todd stated bravely and Kurt mentally wonders about the other boy´s life.
(Again? oh god!)
“No poison,” and to prove that Kurt eat one of the snacks and as 5 minutes passed “Still here”
“Ok, then” Todd takes shyly and unsure of himself of a mere snack and Kurt is having deja vu none that are pleasing.
Kitty, after class, receives a message of Jean via cell phone(not by her own mind) saying that Kurt is spending time with the brotherhood boy, Todd, Kitty was ready to stop a fight, yet, all she witness is two boys talking and eating some snacks.
“So, you are not American?” Kurt asked with a bit of relief to not be the only European in the school.
“Nah, I´m from London, I just got good in hiding the accent”
“Uhm, Hi” Kitty askes to her boyfriend that waves at her and asks her to sit with them.
“we are eating snacks and talking trash” Kurt speaks calmly and for once there´s a hidden meaning in his words and Kitty understand what he is saying. Her blue eyes flick to Todd and back to Kurt.
“Why didn’t you call me?” Kitty then adds “I love snacks and talking”
In the end, it was a nice day for Todd as some doubts and questions he did have are starting to get clear.
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