#fvii vincent
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII (Video Game 1997), Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Yuffie Kisaragi/Vincent Valentine Characters: Yuffie Kisaragi, Vincent Valentine, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe, Soulmates, Romantic Soulmates, Dream Sex, Dreams, Dreams vs. Reality, Dreamsharing, Vaginal Fingering, Forgiveness, Self-Acceptance, Mental Link, Mental Instability, Canon-Typical Violence, Torture, Physical Abuse, Guilt, Protective Vincent Valentine Summary:
Soulmate AU. Yuffie has been dreaming with her soulmate for over two years... however, he has no idea who she is when they dream. In the waking world, Vincent is her friend, unaware that he spends every night with her.
E for later chapter Inspired by Dream Until Your Dreams Come True by crossingwinter
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silvergreenseraphim · 7 months
I am in the process of trying to translate the Rufus storyline in Rebirth while also looking for more information on Vincent’s new dialogue in Japanese. I found the original scene with Vincent and Lucrecia in the OG along the way and…
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I am very emotional. I never knew Lucrecia referred to Sephiroth as “watashi no kawaī kodomo” in the Japanese…
This means “my sweet child” roughly, but she uses the word “kawaī” specifically, which many of you may recognise thanks to the Kawaii cultural phenomenon in Japan.
It is a word for something that is cute, adorable, tiny, precious, and loveable, like a cuddly kitten or something similar.
Lucrecia thought of her baby as a a cute, loveable little thing even though she never got to hold him 😢😢
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foxtrottcantfindshit · 5 months
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Ready for my assortment? Thinking lots about Turk Vincent but also >:) valenwind plagues me
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jaylestial · 5 months
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✨ Cid and Vincent’s Golden Saucer Date ✨
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They had to visit the Speed Square for Cid.
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saanaitoo · 6 months
replayed one of my fav games
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saigonofantaji · 1 year
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It's the OG vampire guy
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saijspellhart · 4 months
Child and teenage me used to think Cloud from FFVII was hot. Would drool over characters like Cloud, Sephiroth, Zack, Vincent. Fast forward a decade and a half and I’m sitting here watching my husband play FVII remake, and gods Barret is hot. The man is fucking juicy. Don’t get me wrong, all the bishis of the series still have their appeal. The child in me still swoons over them. But gods, adult me is over here now getting weak in the knees for Barret, and wondering how I could have been so blind to his majesty as a teen. Advent Children Barret was good, don’t get me wrong. But damn, VII Remake Barret just goes so much harder.
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bylightofdawn · 7 months
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I am about to disappear off the face of the planet for the next week or two. I did a completionist playthrough of FVII Remake and I fully expect I am masochistic enough to do it on Rebirth as well.
-vibrates into another plane of existence- I also cannot stay up till 4am playing this fucking game, I have a 10:00am doctor's appointment and then ANOTHER doctor's appointment at 2. And then I SHOULD work some OT since it's being offered.
Well, jury is still out on if that's gonna happen.
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Some Valentine doodles, featuring valenwind and turk!vincent uvu
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silvergreenseraphim · 7 months
I am still reading through Ultimania translations like a certain someone in the data room…
Here are some curious notes on our Jenova Project scientists, Vincent, and Sephiroth that I know you will all appreciate.
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That note about Hojo envying Gast and his genius—please keep this in mind. It will come into play for these next translations.
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The research on Omega and the Kalm experiments were also in the Shinra manor. It makes you wonder if Sephiroth read any of that and further saw how cruel Shinra was.
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The Jenova cell flashes in Sephiroth’s mind that we saw in the Rebirth demo can be seen in this image from the Crisis Core guide.
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This is where everything becomes more interesting. Something not fully explained in DOC is Lucrecia’s own deterioration. It would appear that Vincent confronted Hojo over this after Sephiroth was born and taken away (or did he?). Lucrecia was falling to pieces it seems. (We will come back to this).
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(Small note, but it looks like Vincent actually did propose to Lucrecia).
The next pile of notes are from the older Ultimania Omega from 2005, and some debate the validity of the text and whether it still holds true to current canon. However, if we are willing to consider Crisis Core from 2007 as canon, then I see no issue with this Ultimania unless something is directly changed.
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For our Jenova project scientists, there is just more detail not spoken in the game. Some of it is fascinating and helpful.
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I take this information as extra insight that the original game did not give us and mostly canon as well. Reading it felt like a stab to the chest even if I knew most of it.
We know from DOC that Lucrecia did love Vincent in the end, but during their time together she pushed him away because of the guilt with his father and gave into her love for Hojo instead.
It is….strange but that line from the CC guide about Hojo’s envy of Gast was apparently a concept here too. It supposedly was so strong that it brought out a maternal love in Lucrecia. Very likely this was before Hojo was completely mad and murderous.
I also wonder if Lucrecia’s affection was only that overall. A feeling that didn’t last when she realized Hojo’s complex was destructive and not “cute.”
These are the details some debate and I believe it has been for shipping reasons in the past…but as a non-shipper, I can see this happening with such a complex group of people.
The next bit about Lucrecia’s deterioration is also odd because it almost sounds as though Lucrecia disappeared only because of her body’s collapse. DOC once again changed the order of these events to where Lucrecia left after failing to save Vincent and losing her son.
It also looks like Vincent confronted Hojo much earlier. We are now left to interpretation maybe since DOC’s own timeline is hard to follow. There are plenty of people who have these events better thought through than me.
But if we combine all of these details together and ignore the timeline, we have more reasons for Lucrecia’s breakdown in general. Vincent’s bodily corruption, the loss of Sephiroth, and Lucrecia’s own degradation. We may not know the very order of every event until Rebirth or the third game, which is okay. These are still good details.
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This hurts so much and I do not even need to explain why, ahaha. Hojo is so, so cruel to his own family.
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I have recently pulled a translation from this section which some of you may recognize. All of the small details make me emotional 🥲
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And this is the last one I wanted to share. I cannot stop thinking about Hojo’s inferiority complex with Gast because we know Sephiroth looked up to and admired Gast from a young age. How bitter Hojo must have been that his own son adored a man he hated. The implications of how complicated this could have made their relationship are endless. No wonder Hojo murdered Gast without hesitation. A walking mass of complexes indeed.
I think this is so emotional for me because of The First Soldier and Rebirth now. These details matter for enrichment.
Edit: I should once again clarify what I think about the 2005 Ultimania because there are fans that dismiss it thanks to its questionable text in spots. I believe that if a note from this book does not directly contradict currently established canon, then it may be safe to take in as context enrichment.
For example, all of the information about Sephiroth here is still accurate to the most recent depictions of his character, but there are small details added about why he believed he was different.
I do not see any reason to fully dismiss this because it does no harm to canon and does not go against what we have seen even in recent media like Ever Crisis.
On the other hand, the information about Lucrecia and when she left and why is much more fragile because Dirge of Cerberus added a new take on her motives. For this reason, I will only cherry-pick. I would say the detail about deterioration is accurate because that was hinted at in DOC but it’s no longer the only reason she left.
But everyone should make up their own minds on how to approach this Ultimania.
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nimbostrxtus · 4 years
So did anyone else find it weird that there was no in-universe explanation for why certain characters in FVII have red eyes? You know, the eye colour that is universally associated with evil or dark magic?
I get why Vincent has red eyes because it goes with the monster aesthetic, but I was convinced for the longest time Tifa had a dark secret that was going to be revealed later in the game...and it never happened.
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atruedonaldist · 5 years
me, realizing that we won't see Yuffie, Cait Sith, Vincent or Cid for at least one more year after FVII Remake Ep 1 comes out
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sanjuno · 6 years
If it's not too spoilery, may we please have some meta on FVII mythology? Especially as relevant to 'Anti-viral' or "To Earn the Sky"?
In AntiViral I went with the Wild Hunt mythology as it was linked to Woden (or Odin) in Norse mythology. The Heruli were wolves or hawks that hunted down demons. So now Cid and Vincent and all of the SOLDIERS are going to be shapeshifting predator monsters and it’s great. Because there entire species is evolved to hunt Jenova. ^_^
In To Earn The Sky I wanted to do something with the Greek elements that pop up from time to time. So in this one Echidna was the source for the Dragoons powers, of which we all know Cid is one, and she’s in an epic grudge match with Jenova. So when Cid has a near death experience it’s enough to bring him to “Mother’s” attention. And Echidna’s husband was a dragon so all of her descendants are horrifically possessive. It all gets so savage it’s great. XD
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[[The real joke is on y'all who told me to make a multimuse because now you have to deal with my vincent valentine shitposting sooo...
Anyway this post does have a point, just a warning this blog will not be spoiler-safe for the fvii remake. I'll tag spoilers to the best of my ability but I may not think about some because I played the original.]]
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blackjacketmuses · 7 years
hc; vincent 3
Spent 30 years in a semi-comatose state, his own serious and easily over-invested personality and habits of taking things too personally when they go wrong trapping him in a massive guilt complex tinged with a bit of self-loathing for what Hojo had turned him into. This caused him to end up pushing even Cloud and the others away, as he was genuinely stuck in the past and unable to cope with his trauma thanks to a lack of any sort of closure and his own heavily biased memories. Currently doing a lot better after the Deepground incident, since he got his answers and his closure, and is finally moving on and coping with what happened.
Major PSTD from the events that led to his ‘death’ and being experimented on; somewhat mitigated during the DG incident, but still has some nightmares and difficulty talking about the events.
After being ‘woken’ from his semi-comatose state (during OG) it was a few days before he was physically able to join in active combat, and it took him several weeks to stop flinching at gunshots (even from his own weapon).
Functionally immortal - can die if wounded or through self-neglect, but will not age or die of natural causes. Can’t really get drunk, either.
Though at first unable to control his transformation and unable to keep his own mind during it, after four years he is able to both transform at will and remain conscious during this state. It is exhausting, however, and he will still transform automatically if dealt enough damage.
Has enhanced senses (smell, hearing, sight), speed, strength, and reflexes due to Hojo’s experiments, which both amuses and annoys him --especially since they include smell and hearing.
Bears several scars on his body, including the scar where Rosso ripped out the Protomateria, the scar from Hojo shooting him, and the surgery scars gained during the experimentation.
Surprisingly, is a bit claustrophobic nowadays. Does not like small, enclosed spaces, especially if darkness is a factor (even if he can see in the dark to some extent).
He really, really tries not to be a grumpy old man who doesn’t like change. He tries very hard...but he fails sometimes. Missing thirty years is difficult.
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