evilhorse · 7 months
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Back off, slimy!
(Shazam #3)
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xxfabulashxx · 1 year
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wigster07 · 1 year
It was I old friend (fwok) with the title suggestion. Gotta help out a horny pal whenever I can. Glad you liked it. Can’t wait to read the first instalment of what I know is going to be a real treat.
It was a brilliant suggestion and I appreciate the assist.
I’m hoping this meets the hype when it’s all done. (I also can’t believe I’m doing this lol)
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commanderbuffy · 1 year
It has been a fun reunion to reconnect with fwok and a few others. Has blown my mind because that was at least 10 years ago when we were writing in that fandom. (My popular Brittana fic was Howl for Me - and is how I met my current partner.) Then I wrote for Carmilla and was known for Flatline which I took down for publication. For Wayhaught it was the Marching Band AU, which the sequel had mixed reviews for the angst I put in it and that is what killed my desire to write for a long time. And here I am doing the juicy for Tanthamore. I just follow my favorite queer characters.
You met your partner through fandom??? That’s ridiculously cool!!!
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pfeldspar · 2 years
Some guy screaming abruptly outside: FWOK
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furryewokazon · 4 years
If you’re hurting like I am, I want you to know I am here for you as we were all there for each other back when Brittana was not yet confirmed to be endgame. Back when ‘BRITTANA IS ON’ was our warcry and we grasped at any crumbs Naya and Heather would give us. What a ride it was...
A lot of us are all anonymous strangers on here and want to keep it that way. In all honestly I barely use this account but for now I keep it in memory of my time spent as an active part of the Glee fandom. I used to be a fierce fan fiction writer and stalwart Brittana fans may remember my ‘furryewokazon’ pen name, or ‘fwok’ for short. Not many of my stories are out there any more but they pop up from time to time in copies others have saved.
I disappeared as a fanfic author for personal reasons and have no intention of returning, but I have always been “around” to keep tabs on a ship and fandom that meant so much to me.
If you remember me, or if you just need someone to talk to, please get in touch. I’ll keep a closer eye on this account over the next 24hrs or so to be there for any of you who need a friend at a time like this.
Santana as a character became a pioneer of positive representation for people like us. The role wouldn’t have been the same if it wasn’t for Naya.
Just know that it gets better.
Back then I was lost and scared. I’m now married to my beautiful wife. In life I am happier than ever. We cut our wedding cake to Santana’s version of “Mine”.
Naya and Heather as Brittana gave me hope. I am so thankful for them and what they gave me as a young woman finding myself in the world. They taught me that love is love.
You are not alone in your grief and together we will get through this by celebrating Naya Rivera’s memory.
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ramorkin · 3 years
FWOK: 12 Stealing The Wheel
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Verd heard the sharp tap of her talons on the kitchen tile as she stepped into the cozy kitchen lit by the first rays of dawn. The great bay window of the breakfast nook overlooked a picturesque garden in late autumn. She didn’t recognize any of the flowers that filled the frame. Their petals and vines covered every space except where stones from a wall peeked out. The gradient of their colors matched the season it was. A sturdy wooden bench stood empty at the end of a stone path sheltered by a lattice arch. A place she’d get to enjoy now that she was home.  
 Faustus lowered the lab door and slid the handle into the locked position. The flower garden was quite pretty in the sun’s early light. He opened a cabinet above the sink and retrieved a short glass tumbler that he filled with cold water from the tap. He handed it to Verd, who drained it in a few gulps. She marveled as the glass refilled itself once emptied. Faustus smiled at the wonder on her face and said, “Richard hated having to refill glasses. Anything he felt was a waste of time he found a shortcut for. The house is full of those kinds of fixes.” He walked to the icebox on the left of the sink and pulled the silver handle to open the door.  The shelves were empty, except for four glass bottles of soda on the shelf in the door. He grabbed two sodas out, flicking the lids off with the nail of his thumb. He handed Verd one, “cheers to making it home alive,” he said.
Verd grinned as she clinked her bottle to his, “cheers,” she said. 
“Now we just have to find out what happened to those kind parents of yours,” Faustus said between gulps. “We need something to eat, and the safest place I know to go is your grandparents, Amos and Evelyn. I know they’ll have food to share. Hopefully, they know something about Richard and Jenie. What do you think about a bath and clean clothes while I go see what Grampa and Granny know?” He finished the rest of his soda and set the bottle on the counter by the sink. 
“That sounds lovely,” she replied. 
“I’m sure there’s something suitable amongst your mama’s things,” Faustus said as he walked through the doorless doorway and into the living room. 
Verd looked out the back windows, hoping she’d have the chance to explore outside soon. Faustus turned right into the hallway with four doors on either side. He passed all of them before stopping at the door at the end and turning a delicate gold handle. Pushing the door open, he walked inside the master bedroom. Orb lights came on above and rotated slowly below a still ceiling fan. He walked around a wooden four-post king bed with a chiffon canopy and through a dark doorway that lit after he stepped through. 
   A nightstand stood between the bed and the doorway Faustus had just walked through. On its surface was a framed picture of a couple with their cheeks pressed against one another. Smiling from ear to ear, holding each other close. Verd stopped and picked up the picture, “Is this, are these my parents?” she stuttered. She heard the water running before Faustus’ shadow hovered in front of her. 
“Yes, that’s Richard and Jenie,”  Faustus said. He leaned around the doorway, looking up at the wall above the nightstand, and reached for a framed picture on the wall that he placed in Verd’s other hand.  He tapped the smiling young man’s face, “this is papa when he was 16,” he said.  Then pointed to the barn owl perched on the young man’s shoulder and said, “and that’s your mama, Jenie, before she became part-human.”
“Whoa, wait a minute, you’re serious. My dad fucked a bird? What!” Verd looked up at Faustus in revulsion. 
“Well, that’s what your papa’s enemies say, sure. I can guarantee you the transformation was spontaneous, nothing your mama had control over. Definitely not a choice Richard made for her. Jenie was his companion from the moment she landed on his outstretched finger. His affection for her was noticeable. Especially since he didn’t have any lovers. It was used as an insult against him, but Richard isn’t the type to give a fuck about what other people say. These two are absolutely inseparable, and that didn’t change even after she was no longer a bird,” Faustus smiled.
“How’d she go from being a regular owl to evolving into being part-human?” Verd asked.
Faustus took the picture frame back from Verd and hung it on its hook. Verd sat the other picture frame back on the nightstand. “Richard suspected she’d eaten tainted meat on the night of her last hunt as an owl. He had no way to prove it, but it wasn’t long after they moved into this house. One morning your mama wasn’t in her nest box,” Faustus pointed to a wooden nest box affixed on the wall near the window on the left side of the room. “Instead, she was asleep face down on the shag rug, her naked fanny in the air and her feathered legs splayed out. Right over there in the floor, in front of where Richard slept.” Faustus laughed as he turned and walked back to the bath to shut off the water.            
 The bath was waist-high. Faustus picked her up and set her on the ledge before helping her down into the hot water. She sighed as the water reached her lower back. There was a wide bench on the opposite side from where she stood. As she sat down, the water covered her up to her neck, and she groaned in pleasure. 
Faustus chuckled and handed her a washcloth and a bottle. He said, “Here’s soap and a cloth to wash with. I’m going to find you something to wear, and then I’ll be out the front door, ok?” He turned and walked into the bedroom.
Verd tensed. “You’re goin’ to leave me alone?” she asked. 
His voice sounded muffled as he walked into the closet. “I’m leaving the front door ajar so I can hear you if you need me. I’m not going further than grampa and granny’s living room.”  He found three dresses that might work, brought them out, and laid them on the bed. “If you sit on either of the sofas by the front door, you’ll probably be able to hear my voice,” he said, looking at her through the doorway.  “I’ll be right back, little bird. You’re in the safest place. I won’t be far,” he said to her reassuringly. 
She smiled at his sincerity, “Ok, ok, I’ll be fine. I’ll sit and wait for you in the living room,” she replied. Watching him walk through the bedroom door and turn left toward the living room before he disappeared from her line of sight. She sat back against the warm stone and raised her talons above the water. Flicking water across the surface until she was bored enough to wash up. 
She stood and reached for a towel hanging from a rack to the right after she was done. She used the step under the water to sit on the ledge before swinging down. She tapped across to the bed to choose from what Faustus had laid out for her to wear. 
The blue peasant dress with the half sleeves had varying gradients and gathered layers in the skirt. Verd slipped it over her head and her arms in the sleeves. She stood in front of the full-length mirror in the corner near the closet. The skirt swished with her every movement, and she could help but twirl. She giggled at the woman in the mirror with bird legs. Happiness wasn’t a feeling she’d thought she’d feel again, and it felt good. She tested her gait as she made her way down the hall, she managed to stop fast enough not to hit the wall, but it was close. 
Turning into the living room, she stared out the back window again before turning to the wall of books. Names and titles she’d never heard of lined four wall-length shelves. She ran her fingers along the spines of the books lining the middle shelf. Stopping in front of the guitar on its stand, she strummed her finger across strings that were in perfect tune. Curious, she lifted the lid on the piano keys and ran the C scale. The piano was in pristine condition as well. Looking back down the shelves, she realized she’d passed a stereo with impressive speakers.  A light was blinking in the center of a button that looked to power it on. 
She pressed it, and the stereo came to life, “Stuck in the Middle with You by Stealers Wheel '' blared through the speakers, startling her. She winced as she located the volume knob, turning it down. Laughing at herself, she bobbed her head to the song and danced in a circle. 
As she turned, her eyes stopped on the snow globe sitting at the center of the mantle above the hearth. There were a couple of figurines on either side, but that was all. Verd stepped back up on the raised pathway, skipped a step, and hopped down in front of the unlit hearth. 
“Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you,” Stealers Wheel sang as she reached the shelf. She giggled at the song’s lyrical coincidence with the creepy porcelain figures flanking the globe. A purple and black checkered jester wearing a fool’s cap with dangling gold bells stood in an over-exaggerated “shushing” gesture. The clown wore a shiny, baggy white jumpsuit with rainbow pom-poms down the front and oversized red shoes. His white-gloved hands framed his open mouth in a silent scream.
She had to flex her talons to lift herself high enough to see the snowglobe at eye level. Inside the dome was a single bearded figure sitting on a stump. A barn owl was perched on his shoulder. Her fingertips traced his features through the glass. His bushy eyebrows were familiar, as was the shape of the eyes and mouth of the bearded figure.  Her eyes shifted to the owl, she didn’t know for sure, but she’d bet that if she compared the owl in this globe to the one in the picture, they’d look the same too. She stared hard, glancing between the two trying to understand why the man sitting on the stump looked like an older version of the boy with the owl from the picture.
Verd wrapped both her hands around the base, and a pale rosy light began to glow from her right wrist. Recoiling, she stumbled back from the mantle. Her brows furrowed in astonishment as she rubbed at the rosy raised hook. Warmth emanated from it as the light glowed. The surface felt smooth and hard as a gemstone. The surrounding skin was the same as it always had been.  The light and heat increased in the hook until it became a hot brilliant beam. She waved it over herself, and it did nothing, wrapping her left hand around her wrist. The light glowed through her palm like she was holding a flashlight. 
She caught movement from the corner of her eye and flinched. Two pairs of glowing red eyes stared at her from the mantle. The jester and clown animated, jerking their limbs loose from their statuesque positions. No longer figurines, they jumped from their pedestals to the shelf. When their tiny feet landed on either side of the snowglobe, a tone sounded, and they grew to double their size. A consecutively higher-pitched tone rang in her ears, and daggers slid from under the cuffs of their sleeves into their open palms. The final tone was a ringing gong that echoed as the two leering faces grew once more, hovering above her. Their heads turned toward her in unison, their jaws dropped open, and a blood-curdling cackle filled the room. 
Verd let out a screech of terror. Her talons slipped on the hardwood floor in her hurry to flee. She felt twin knife tips graze her back as she jumped onto the back of the sofa and leapt across the pathway between them. She landed in front of the bookshelves and turned in time to see the front door bang open. 
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amintyworld · 4 years
Child of The Dome (SBI Rust Server)
Platonic Wilbur Soot x Reader and Tommyinnit x Reader. We got Dadbur and Big Broinnit... It’s all about the found family, folks!
A/N: *Gets a SBI Rust fic idea* *Looks up to see its not written and no one is interested in writing it* *Realizing YOU’RE the one who can write it into existence* As a reminder, this is all RP - THE RUST SERVER HAS LORE, GUYS GALS AND NONBINARY PALS! Also, reader is gender neutral. Enjoy! - Minty
TW: Murder, Major Character Death (Kind of, they can respawn?), Religious Themes, Cult-like behavior, Kidnapping, Cannibalism, Cursing, child abuse (?), shooting/gun violence, sickness. (Let me know if I need to tag anything else!)
Thunder and lightning roared outside of the Dome Church as Wilbur and Tommy sat inside, continuing their sermon to a few others despite the weather conditions. Just a few hours earlier, Sofa had objected when the rain began to leak through the roof, and was promptly locked outside as punishment, which seemed to quickly quiet a few complaints from the others. “Now, my people, you shall not live in fear of the storm for the Dome will protect all who preach and live its word!” Wilbur said, standing at the podium. “Persevere and the Dome will reward you!”
Murmurs of agreement seemed to sweep through the crowd as their feet shivered - bare, wet and cold. They rose to their feet slowly as Iamty began to play the piano and they hummed along with the tune, their spirits beginning to be lifted. Water seeped into their clothes and chills ran down their spine but nonetheless they stood as Seepeekay, the known Minister, began his prepared speech over the music. Tommy walked through the aisle, holding out a basket for donations as the churchgoers threw whatever they could think to offer inside. 
Suddenly a loud knock came from the door - panicked and urgent.
Wilbur grumbled at the interruption, weaving his way through the crowd and opening the door. “Sofa, you have to relearn the Dome’s ways before you can-'' Words died on his lips as Sophie looked to Wilbur worried, a small bundle in her arms. The baby’s cries blended with the thunder and lightning from above, and Wilbur’s eyes scanned the child’s in curiosity.
“Wilbur, I found them outside near the Dome, they’re freezing cold I dunno what to-!” Wilbur’s mind whirred as it began to put the pieces together, frozen in place and not knowing exactly what to do next. Tommy rushed up next to Wilbur, asking what was going on until his gaze landed on the baby as well. “...Wilbur?”
At this, Wilbur’s body quickly snapped to attention, taking the child from Sophie and turning, closing the door shut behind him and keeping Sophie outside. The baby’s eyes glimmered in the light of the torches, their hair a matted and muddy mess padded flat in a circular shape - a dome like shape, if you will. Slowly, he raised his hand to caress the child’s cheek, a fondness beginning to grow in his heart as their cries slowed to a stop, looking up to him in wonder. A loving smile stretched across his face as he booped their nose, sending them into a fit of laughter. Wilbur’s heart couldn’t help but begin to melt at the baby’s smile. He held them close, his own body warmth beginning to warm their small freezing body.
“The storm! It’s stopping!” Pebble shouted as he looked outside, noticing the sun begin to poke through the clouds as the raindrops began to slow.
“Messiah, I believe I have witnessed a miracle today.” Wilbur called as everyone turned to look at him. “This child… this child has stopped the storm, they have stopped the storm for they are a child of the Dome itself. The Dome has spared us for helping one of its own.” Wilbur held up the baby for the congregation to see. “This baby is a miracle and a blessing, a gift of the Dome to us, a gift we must not take lightly.”
“What are we going to do with it?” Scott asked. “Can we- should we just... take them back to the Dome?”
Wilbur couldn’t help the pang of selfishness that came over him at the suggestion. “Take the child back? Slop, the great Dome does not make a mistake. It has given us great gifts and now it’s given us this baby, and you want to rid yourself of them? Shameful! We shall embrace this opportunity, this gift. We’ll make them part of our great family.” Wilbur said, going back to the podium and cradling the child close in his arms. “Since I found them, I’ll look after them.” He moved to press his forehead against the baby’s as the rest of the church looked on in interest. “I dub thee… Dirt.” Wilbur smiled as the congregation erupted in applause.
Tommy at first objected to adding another person in their already cramped house, but eventually, though he wouldn’t admit it, he became attached to the kid as the months passed. On a particular cold winter day, your crib was stationed by the fireplace, Wilbur out gathering food and supplies. Tommy had one mission and one mission only - to teach you your first swear.
“Come on, it’s not hard. Just say ‘fuck’. You can do it.” Tommy encouraged as you sat in your crib and looked at him, head tilted slightly in confusion. Your small hands reached out toward him.
“Twoh-towh!” You babbled with a smile, and Tommy’s heart melted at the nickname as he sighed fondly.
“Yeah, Tom-Tom.” He agreed, as you reached toward him, wanting to be let out as he carefully picked you up and held you in his arms. Your hands found their way into his hair as they pulled and played with it, squealing happily. “You really like my hair, don’t you?” He asked, amused until you pulled a bit too hard, making the teenager wince in pain, quickly bringing you back down to sit in his lap. “Okay, you played with my hair for a little while, can you say ‘fuck’ now?” You looked confused, moving to pick up a small pebble on the ground instead. “Dirt, I know you can do it, okay?” He moved you so you sat facing him again, and you huffed slightly at the loss of your pebble. “Say ‘fuck’. Like this: ‘ffff-uck’.” He said slower, as if that could possibly do anything to help. Your head tilted again, confused at why Tommy looked so disgruntled at his wasted efforts. He sighed in defeat, moving to put you back in your crib again.
Anger bubbled inside your chest - you didn’t want to be put back in the crib, you wanted to play. “F...FWOA!” You shouted, making Tommy’s eyes glimmer with hope.
“That’s closer, come on, you can do it, Dirt-!” He said, pausing and holding you in mid-air.
Beginning to put the pieces together, you realized that saying the word will keep you from being put back in the crib. Determined, your mind whirred as it looked to Tommy in curiosity. “Fwok…?”
“Almost there, you almost got it…” Tommy encouraged. “Say ‘fuck’.”
“Fffwok, Fuok… fuck!” You managed after a few tries, and Tommy’s eyes brightened with glee.
“Yes, Dirt. Fuck.”
“Fuck!” You repeated, smiling as Tommy once again smiled, bringing you back to the floor. “Fuck.”
The excitement of the exchange slowly made you grow tired as Tommy shifted, leaning against the wall as you began to drift off against his chest, a tiny fistful of his shirt in your hand. Snow began to fall outside, quickly turning into a snowstorm. Feeling tired and not wanting to disturb the sleeping being on his stomach, Tommy slowly began to drift off, leaning against the wall. Only an hour later Wilbur burst into the scene, firmly closing the door behind himself and carrying three large bundles of wood. He looked around, pulling off the scarf around his face and internally awwing at the sight - Big Brother Tommy, who would have thought? Tommy’s hands never moved from supporting you against his chest, worried about you falling over. Not wanting to disturb the siblings, he quietly shed his snow-covered gear, grabbing a blanket and pulling it up around Tommy’s sleeping form, ruffling his hair slightly and carefully talking you from Tommy’s grasp. Your Dad quickly settled you back in your crib, giving your forehead a soft kiss.
“Goodnight, you two.”
You slowly awoke in the warm arms of someone, outside in the snow, and your three-year-old body shivered. Where was Dad? Dad always was there, if not Tommy, so where was he? You looked up to see a hooded figure with jet black hair and blue eyes. Whoever it was, that was not Dad or Tom-Tom, and you began to cry, getting scared and wanting to see them again. Tears ran down your cheeks as the hooded teenager looked panicked. “Shh, shh… please, you’ve gotta be quiet-”
“WA-BA!” You cried, failing your body as you wailed, crying more. 
“Uh, I…” He said, not exactly knowing how to handle the situation. “It’s okay, it’s okay! I know Wilbur, I know your Dad, okay? I’m… I’m taking you right to him, just please stop crying…” He begged. Your body shivered as you sniffled, and let out a sneeze. “Dammit, I told you to stop crying…” He cursed, pulling you closer to his cloak to keep you warm. “Just hold tight, we’re almost there.”
“Wa-ba... “ You sniffed, and the teen’s face shifted into one of… guilt?
“Fucking christ Wilbur what are you doing with a kid-?!” He mumbled to himself, frustrated. “All I wanted to do was check inside and leave, but no.. of fucking course you have a kid-!” You quickly approached a large house of sorts as your captor took a deep breath in front of the door, looking down at you. “Hey, it’s okay. If it goes well, you won’t feel any pain.” He nervously smiled, before looking into your eyes as the smile quickly fell. “Don’t look at me like that, okay? It’s not exactly like I have much of a choice here. If I didn’t return with you, they’d…” He trailed off, before slightly shaking his head of thoughts, pushing the door open and stepping inside. After a few tries, he firmly pulled the door shut, carrying you closer inside and next to a small fireplace that dimly lit the room. “Guys, I’m back. I got the kid.”
Your eyes filled with fear as two figures seemingly appeared from the shadows, smiling and wide-eyed. You quickly drove your face to hide in your captor’s cloak. One with blonde hair and brown eyes reached out toward you slowly, making you retreat further into your captor’s cloaked embrace. “I can’t believe the rumors are true.” The other spoke - much shorter than the other two members, with brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, sporting a green poncho. “The famous ‘Child of the Dome’.” He turned to your cloaked captor. “Much trouble with the wall, Krinios?”
“No, that special ax you gave me worked like a charm,” Krinios replied. Your eyes were fixated on the shorter man’s, noticing how similar to Tommy he looked - they were probably the same age - but something wasn’t right with his eyes. They looked cold and inviting, the light went from where it once had brought warmth and life to the teen - different from the curious scheming brightness of Tommy’s, or how your Dad’s eyes seemed to fill with laughter and love all the time. You didn’t like any of this one bit, you wanted to be back home in Wilbur’s embrace as he’d hum a lullaby, rocking you back and forth to get you to sleep. Not in this room filled with hungry stares and eyes locked onto your body like a wolf’s.
“Come on, little one… I just want to play a game.” The blond one ushered, and you shook your head ‘no’ violently, clinging onto Krinios’s arm tightly, not daring to let go.
“What’s… what’s going on here?” The shorter one asked, gesturing to the scene. “Did they imprint on you or something?”
“Look - I dunno Tubbo,” Krinios admitted, holding up his hands in a sort of surrender. “Maybe they got sick in the cold, they were crying a lot.”
“And you didn’t stuff a sock in their mouth?” The blonde one’s eyes stared down at Krinios’s intently. “I told you we needed the little shit quiet, what if someone heard you?!”
“It’s a baby, Hycei!” Krinios snapped, and Hycei’s mouth turned into a thin line.
“Good god, you feel sympathetic for it…” The blonde groaned before snatching you up forcefully as you let out a wail, grabbing for Krinios desperately. “This is the only way to send a clear message to that freak of a cult that calls itself a church, not to mention Wilbur. We show them what happens when they decide to fuck with us. If we don’t get even now they’ll just keep thinking they can get away with doing whatever they want to us because we won’t fight back.”
“It’s an eye for an eye, Krinios - for all the times they’ve killed us, taken our stuff… they’re bullies, Krinios. Bullies that won’t stop unless we fight back, and Fort Kickass isn’t cowards. Sometimes when you’re the bad guy, Krinios, the only way to fight fire is with fire. Besides,” Tubbo asked, his lips curling in a smile as he unsheathed his knife. “You wanted to try flesh right off the bone, right?” As Tubbo came toward you, you squirmed and tried to wail before Hycei clapped a hand over your mouth to muffle your sound.
“Wait… wait wait wait!” Krinios snapped to action as he thickly swallowed, getting between you and the knife. “What if the kid’s so sick, it affects the flesh? What if we get sick from it?” Tubbo’s cold eyes shifted from his friend’s to the knife in his hand. “I think we should just give it a day or two, you know… maybe this one isn’t the one to try out the new style of flesh thing. Maybe we shouldn’t change perfection, you know what I’m saying?”
“We’ve eaten rotten flesh, I think we’ll be immune to whatever they might have.” Tubbo responded, rolling his eyes. “Don’t forget that those Dome People killed you in cold blood.”
“Aren’t we doing the same thing?” He asked, as the other two’s faces filled with irritation, getting annoyed.
“We’re surviving, Krinios. If you haven’t noticed because of our ‘reputation’ on this server I haven’t eaten in days. I’m hungry.” Hycei said coldly. “Now isn’t the time to be taking the moral high road - do you want to not starve to death?!”
As Krinios hesitated, Tubbo shoved him aside as he approached. “We don’t have time for this.” He huffed, pulling your arm roughly and looking to Hycei. “Hold ‘em still.” You became hysterical, tears flowing freely down your face in panic and wanting to be as far away from that sharp object as possible. As it pressed down and began to cut you let out a shriek in agony as blood and pain overwhelmed your senses, and you bit down on Hycei’s hand, making them retract it and nearly drop you in the process.
He looked pissed. “Why you little-!” Within seconds, pain once again blossomed in your head, your vision swimming with tears. You wanted Dad, you wanted Tom-Tom, you wanted the pain to go away… Whimpering in pain, you curled in on yourself. Your prayers seemed to be quickly answered as the door burst open with two very ticked-off family members you recognized instantly. Wilbur pointed his gun directly at Tubbo’s head as the room began to build with tension, the two leaders just staring at each other. 
“Wilbur.” Tubbo said cooly, putting his bloodied knife back in its sheath.
“Tubbo.” Wilbur growled through his teeth. “Where are they? Where’s Dirt?!”
“Oh, is that what you decided to call them?” Tubbo asked, crossing his arms. “Or did your Dome God decide on it?”
“You’ve crossed the fucking line, Tubbo.” Tommy growled, his ax at the ready. “Dirt didn’t do jack shit to you.”
“Oh, I disagree.” Tubbo spat. “Being a part of your sick cult is enough for me. Even so, you can’t blame a leader trying to feed his people, can you? That’s all this is - survival of the fittest. Getting revenge on both of you, well… that’s just a bonus.”
“You’re a sick freak.” 
“You’re a scamming cultist.” Tubbo retorted, moving to take you from Hycei’s arms. “Question is, who’s worse?”
“Wa-Ba…” You sniffled as Wilbur moved closer, before Tubbo quickly pressed his knife up against your throat.
“Not another step.” Seeing this, Tubbo pointed his gun at Tubbo’s head, though the cannibal leader seemed unphased. “Kill me and I’ll kill them as soon as the bullet leaves the muzzle.”
“Bulllshit.” Tommy angrily shouted, moving forward next to Wil.
“Do you really want to take that risk?”
Wilbur breathed as his mind whirred to try to think of some kind of solution, his gun trained on Tubbo. “Tommy, get ready.”
“What’s it gonna be, Wilbur Soot?”
Quickly, he shot Tubbo in the leg, making him fall and lose his grip on you as Tommy rushed forward, snatching you up and kicking Tubbo in the face as he tried to grab you back. Hycei, on the other hand, rushed toward Wilbur, as the two fought and eventually Wilbur shot him in the arm, then quickly turned to train his gun at Krinios who held up his hands in surrender. When Tommy saw your injuries it broke his heart as he ripped off a bit of cloth and wrapped it around your arm wound temporarily, wrapping your body in warm blankets. He dried your tears as he rushed back towards Wilbur. “It’s okay, it’s okay…”
“You got what you wanted, just leave.” Krinios begged as Wilbur’s gun stayed trained on him. Wilbur, keeping his eyes on the man in front of him, handed the gun to Tommy as Tommy handed you off to your Dad, who carefully ran his hand through your hair, bringing you close and not planning on letting you out of his arms any time soon. 
“You scared me, oh god I thought I lost you…” Wilbur whispered. “It’s okay, it’s all okay now, I’m right here, I’m right here. Shh…” Your hands gripped his shirt and you buried your face in it, feeling comforted by his familiar scent of pine and burnt oak. Your body shook with fear as Wilbur ran his hand along your back in comfort as he turned toward the door. His gentle voice turned cold as he looked toward Tommy, his gun still trained on Krinios. Anger and sadness overwhelmed his heart as he looked upon the one who took you away from him, who tried to take you to your death. Vengeance never tasted so sweet. “Kill him.”
Krinios’s eyes widened. “Wait, wait wait let’s talk about this-!”
Tommy didn’t hesitate as Krinios’s body slumped to the floor as the two made their way back toward the entrance of Fort Kickass. Tubbo sat against the wall, breathing heavily from the pain, glaring at both of them. “This isn’t over.”
“You said you wanted to feed your people, I believe I just provided you with food.” Wilbur shot behind him as he walked toward the entrance. “As for Dirt, if you so much as lay a finger on them I won’t hesitate to take all of you out for good. I wonder who will revive you then.” His eyes glanced over the cannibal leader, making sure Tubbo knew he wasn’t bluffing. “Goodbye, Tubbo.”
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brittanafanfichelp · 4 years
Hi! Do you have fwok’s one shots? One was titled something along the lines of just a hug and the other related to leaving the lights on...
Hi! You can find all of furryewokazon’s fics that I have here.
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yakurefu · 6 years
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Si quieres aprender japonés en línea, pide informes aquí: fb.com/yakurefu O por WhatsApp https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=525578646333 Contamos con clases individuales y grupales. Si vives fuera de México, puedes hacer el pago vía PayPal. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvdYr3-Fwok/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xk4xozhsxjhv
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wigster07 · 1 year
I’m starting to get flustered just thinking about your next story with all the requests I’ve seen being added by anons. We are in for a ride! -fwok
Yes. We are in for a ride. I'm testing my hands at the romance and this is going to be crazy long because I'm writing essentially a week timeline for this one.
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commanderbuffy · 1 year
Past Brittana writer here again, I wrote under the pen name furryewokazon or fwok. My “most popular” (gosh I feel so silly saying that) stories were from my Push and Pull universe where Santana imprinted on Brittany when they were kids kind of like the werewolves in Twilight. But I also wrote heaps of smutty one shots. Many of which were bad haha, especially the earliest ones.
My fwok tumblr from back then is long gone. I do have a furryewokazon one still for nostalgia’s sake and I have an account on ao3 under that name. But no stories any more. I appear today anonymously because the tumblr I use now is very basic and just what I use to join in on fandom fun like your page.
I actually realised the other day I know @wigster07 from back in the Brittana days too so that was a fun little reunion made possible by your page.
Oooooh, intriguing….that wasn’t a fandom I was super into, but read the occasional fanfic
No way!! That’s a fun little reunion for sure!!
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bxebxee · 7 years
yoongi looks so fucking good FWOK!
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inhalareexhalare · 6 years
Primary Suspect: Lust
Story-writing is my primary suspect still. I get so obsessed over what I write when it's a story. I can't think of any other story, and everything I look at whether it's the internet or books or situations, I find myself using it as references or ideas for the story.
This has always been an old problem.
So now, I'm going to ban writing from Sunday mornings.
I just returned from writing stories, so understandably, my gears were turning too rapidly (I get too excited when I write... I remember more than five instances that weekend when I kept bugging Karu with one-liners... all saying “I’m so excited”) and it didn't have enough time to transition slowly before the time to sleep and work came 
Afternoon til evening will be all rest and meditation. See, I even forgot to meditate the whole weekend. The bad habit peaking carried over Monday.
2019-02-12 07:00 Philippines Tuesday
Oooh. Karu is getting up early in the morning now~
To Karu:
y'know what? I think I may have just got overexcited about writing stories again after such a long time... I'm banning story writing from Sunday afternoon. My gears were too rapid and didn't have enough time to transition slowly for sleep or for work, I think
I'll let you know if the primary suspect is innocent
But I do think it's that. I get obsessed so much
Everything that goes on around me becomes nothing but fuel or idea for the story
From Karu:
But we're both obsessive. I think that's part of the chemistry, but effects aren't too pleasant for the individual
To Karu:
fk our grinding gears and fk you too. very much. so much lof.
From Karu:
Whoa there
Hhhhhhold up hahaha
To Karu:
is [Karu] junkie
(as in, am a Karu junkie)  
From Karu:
It getting intense hahaha
[Lobo] wanted to fwok?
To Karu:
meupppp dfjkdnhgf
i dunnuuuu
okay, oops, sorry, I’ll stop here.
2019-02-12 08:30 Philippines Tuesday
(1) Cloudy days boost my restoration. I am so...energized! Refreshed! Unfazed! Despite my high anxiety routine (which is walking home for 3 kilometers to eat Karu's cooking and walking back to the university I work at. Walking to and fro takes me about 30 minutes each).
The sun kills me.
While Karu is energized by sun. And is meh without it. (Too bad for you today!)
(2) But actually, I also had additional breakfast today—I ate a small cup of noodles at work.
It seems that milk and oats aren't enough, satisfaction-wise. The nutrition is good, but it leaves me hungry.
(3) Also, I managed to initiate 5-second chats with Charles and Deanna. I still have trouble lingering. I don't know what to do hahaha since I don't like talking about work too much.
2019-02-12 12:10 Philippines Tuesday
OH YEAH UPDATE: KARU ALLOWED ME TO USE MY NAME FOR MY POETRY SHIT THAT WE POST WHOOO (and of course I made it as small as it can be. number 1, it’s just my style, number 2, i want people to know Peak, not just me)
Karu invited me outside the living room since he was done eating and I wasn't yet last night. How thoughtful!
I was so happy to be invited, even though it was my plan to execute Mission: Initiate Joining Pass anyway haha.
We spent the rest of the night with Job and Karu jamming to their new repertoire. Everyone's broke HAHA But the souls are so full. :)
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ramorkin · 3 years
FWOK: 26 The Great Hanging Out
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The Lost Boy’s Kitchen 
The first streaks of dawn’s early light had risen above the treetops in the distance turning the sky a rosy orange. She licked the steak juice from her fingers as she watched the light brighten through the window above the sink. Verd was dressed in a flowing white nightdress that hung off her right shoulder. The blue flowers were still woven through her braid. She now sat in the kitchen she’d accidentally walked into earlier. She was sitting at the table with five chairs, next to Doug. He was fresh from the shower, wearing a t-shirt and gym shorts. Tristan had a tank top and pajama bottoms on as he sat to his right at the head of the table. Faustus was seated at the opposite end, deep in conversation with him. Celly was with his dad helping his mother and sister get settled in.  
Doug put his fork down and wiped his mouth with the napkin draped over his thigh. He cleared his throat and leaned toward her, speaking softer than Faustus’ volume, “Verdy, I don’t know how much Faustus has had a chance to tell you. But since you’re of mating age, it's important to be wary of eating food offered outside your family circle. When you’re unpaired and flying about, don’t go inside a stranger’s dwelling and then eat anything they offer. There are expectations after you finish the food. Everyone else that grew up here knows customs in courtship like that, and I didn’t want you to accidentally find yourself in a position you didn’t understand to begin with.”
“You mean if I go inside a dude’s dwelling and eat, they’re going to expect me to fuck them?” she laughed, “Kinda like back in Texas, if you go on a date and the guy buys dinner, he’s gonna get pissed if he doesn’t at least get a blowjob.”
Doug shook his head as he chuckled softly, “Exactly, good, I’m glad you get it.”
“So, how many girls have enjoyed a perfectly cooked steak like that,” Verd said as she winked at him. She watched in amusement as the apples of his cheeks blushed, and he guffawed.
He shrugged self-consciously, “Ok, so there was one once,” and laughed at himself.
Verd tilted her head laughing and said, “And?”
Doug rested his elbow on the table, put his chin in his hand, and leaned in real close, “Turned out the dick was too big for her taste, and she didn’t want it.” He widened his eyes as he drew the corners of his mouth down. “Then she went and told all the unpaired mates in town about it,”   “Since then, everywhere I go in town, fertile sows try to corner me,” he said, pausing to listen to the musical sound of Verd’s laughter. The room had fallen silent, turning to see what cracked her up.
Delighted she saw the humor in it, Doug said, “I’m not a dumb bear. I know what they want.”  He raised his chin off his palm and slapped his knees as he leaned forward, “Do you know what happened to me when I went in to pick up meat from my Da’s butcher shop earlier today?” He didn’t wait for her to ask before he said, “A sow I’ve known since our cub days came in, shopped for what she wanted, and then grabbed one of the whole salami rolls from the display case. And, in front of my Da, says out loud, obviously trying to sound sexy, “I’ve been practicing.”  The room echoed with peals of laughter. “She then passes the whole roll of salami across the counter to my Da. Who is doing everything he can to hold it together, and I just excuse myself out to the back,” Doug was laughing now too. He picked up his right paw and measured an imaginary distance between his index and thumb, “I’ve been this close to going down to Madam Revere’s and getting a repulsion charm.” His laughter rumbled from his chest, “I’m not interested in simply existing to breed and spread seed,” he said as he shook his head with distaste.  
After Verd caught her breath, her brows drew together, “Wait, just the one?”
Doug stood slightly and turned his chair seat to face her. As he sat down, he said, “Correct. I haven’t found anyone around here I want that’s interested in the same things you’ve seen in our bedrooms.” He leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms, giving her a knowing look, “I’m pretty sure you understand what King Daddy’s tastes are,” he winked at her, watching with pleasure as the blush crept up from her neckline. He heard Tristan shift in his chair behind him. Doug smiled as he continued, “So I turned to my coding work, eventually became an independent contractor. The three of us haven’t had a whole lot of luck in the mating department.” 
She heard Tristan chuff and looked up to see a chagrin on the lion-man’s face. He met her eyes and said, “True. We’re a semi-virginal triad waiting patiently for their unicorn pussy to make us a quad,” he tried to keep his face stoic but lost it.
Doug looked over his shoulder at Tristan and chortled before facing Verd again and saying, “Celly and Tristan had just disentangled themselves from unhealthy attachments right around the time I had that initial experience. We’d rather wait for the kind of intimacy we’re looking for with someone that wants that with all of us as well,” he said. 
“Cuz nobody breaks up the lost boys bitches!” Celly exclaimed as he entered the kitchen. He was wearing pants but not a shirt. He bent down and booped Verd on the top of her head as he made his way around the table.  He flopped down in the chair across from Doug.  Celly tipped his head and bowed to her in his chair as he said,  “A throuple of dom dudes down to dick their sub with love, daily, in their shared domicile.” Her giggles made his tail wag. He cocked his head to the side and asked, “What about you? Do you have any mates?”
Verd scoffed and looked down at her lap before she shrugged, “No, I’m single. I suppose I’m a widow. I was married to a human man, Jess, for nine years.”
Celly looked aghast and said hurriedly, “Oh my Rod. That’s terrible. I’m so sorry.”
She nodded her head, “I appreciate it,” she twanged. Pausing for a second, she bobbed her head before saying, “Happened a few months ago now.  He was shot in the parking lot of the movie theater we’d gone out to for our anniversary. I’d stopped in the bathroom while he was going to get the bronco to pick me up out front. ”
Tristan’s face pinched between his eyes, clearly sad for her, “That’s awful, Verdy,” he said.
 “Yeah, but that wasn’t the worst part. After I spiraled from grief, the guy I thought was my best friend, Jess’ roommate Scotty, suggested we go on this weekend vacation to his family’s cottage in the country. Then I wake up in a room with no door to exit it from.” She swallowed, staring out the window as she said, “Next time I see Scotty, he forced me to pee in a cup in exchange for clothes to wear. I give it to him, and he pulls out a pregnancy test that turns out to be positive.” She hugged herself while shaking her head as she continued, “I ain’t had sex with nobody but my husband that I remember, and he was sterile.” She bobbed her head from side to side, then swiveled to Faustus, “When did he do that to me? Was it before Jess died?”
Faustus glanced around the table at the faces mixed with concern and dawning horror. He sighed and looked back at Verd.“The night Jess left on that business trip before your anniversary, you went into his office and sat in his chair with a tumbler of rum and coke. You were clearly upset about a fight the two of you had and how he left it. Scotty walked in and asked if you wanted to know what was in the locked drawer of the tall gray filing cabinet in the corner behind the desk.” He traced his nails in the wood grain on the table’s surfaces as he continued, “He took a key from a hidden slot in the top drawer and unlocked the filing cabinet. It was a file he tossed on the desk, and when you opened it and went through the papers, you found an envelope.” Faustus leaned forward and looked her in the eye, “There were two papers inside, dated six months before you married. One was a letter, the other was a page of lab results confirming that the vasectomy procedure was successful.” Faustus heard Celly gasp softly but didn’t break eye contact as he said, “You were drinking the entire time you confided in Scotty. Sharing your heart, all your true feelings about children. And after most of the rum was gone, you blacked out on the couch. That’s the first time Scotty raped you while unconscious.” He watched her sink back against the chair and stare fixedly at a point on the table. 
Doug’s eyes had filled with tears that slipped down his cheeks. He was sniffling as he whispered in a raspy tone, “I’m so sorry this monster did this to you.” Verd turned her tear-streaked face up to his. His lips were trembling as he reached out his paw to her hand, gesturing with his chin to it as he paused. Watching and waiting for her permission.
Verd’s face folded as she nodded and managed to squeak out, “Yes.” Doug scooped her hand into his right paw and gently squeezed it comfortingly. 
Faustus knew there was no other way but forward. He took a deep breath and said, “There wasn’t a lock on your smartphone. Scotty was checking the period tracker app you kept your data in for several months before he opened the filing cabinet.” Verd’s left hand made a fist as she shook her head slowly, rage radiating from her eyes. Faustus rushed on to get it over with for her, “He watched your symptoms and waited till you were a few weeks late to be sure. He confessed to me that he is the person that shot Jess.”
A wave of sadness washed the fury far from her. Verd groaned, covering her face with her left hand. She involuntarily leaned toward the right. Doug gently wrapped his left paw where the ruffle covered the skin of her arm. Verd reached her left hand across her chest and held onto Doug’s wrist like the liferaft it was.
Her eyes burned as hot tears collected in the corners until they trembled and splashed on the tiled below.  Struggling to keep her voice from wavering, she swallowed hard and then said, “Wow. What a couple of fuckboys.” She sniffled, watching the tears fall from her eyes to the floor. 
Faustus leaned toward her, his arms outstretched, “Come here, little bird. I’m so sorry. I’ve been waiting to talk to you as soon as you felt ready.” 
She raised her weepy face and nodded with her eyes closed before covering her face with her hands and crying in earnest. Faustus picked her up and put her in his lap. She curled into him, burying her face in his neck while he held her tight. 
Doug rose from his chair and disappeared through the door to his bedroom. He returned a few moments later with a light blue blanket. Verd felt the soft texture of the fabric and sat up enough for it to be wrapped around her.
Tristan stood and opened the icebox behind him, withdrawing a milk bottle. He went to the stove and lifted a hanging saucepan down. Pouring the milk bottle into the pot as he turned on the burner at the back of the stove. Opening the cabinet doors next to him, took out five mugs of different colors and set them down on the counter. He stuck his paw back in the cupboard and removed a squeeze bottle of honey in a plastic teddy bear. He pulled open the drawer in front of him and retrieved a wooden stirring spoon, swatting the drawer closed with his tail. He squirted the honey into the milk and stirred until steam rose from the surface. He poured an equal amount in all the cups until the liquid was gone from the pot and brought the warm vaporous mugs to the table. Celly and Doug reached forward and took theirs as Tristan picked up his and returned to his seat.  
Verd wiped her face on the corners of the blanket and sat up on Faustus’ knee. He scooted a sky blue mug to within in her arm’s reach and looped his fingers through the handle of his own. The smell of sweet milk wafted under her nose as she sipped and swallowed the creamy drink.  She looked at Tristan and said, “Thank you, Kitty. I didn’t anticipate how comforting this was going to be.”
Tristan winked, “You’re welcome, Verdy darling. I love sweet, warm milk. I spent a lot of nights as a lonely cub, and this always seemed to soothe me.” he said. He took a long sip and swallowed before he cleared his throat and said, “I wish you didn’t suffer as you have Verd. I’m so glad you are home. He sat forward, resting his elbows on the table as he said, “I can only imagine the amount of courage it took to survive what you have, and I want you to know I’m proud of you for making it here.” He lifted his mug toward her and said, “You have my respect.” Celly and Doug raised their mugs with an echoing “Here, here!” accompanied by padding paws on the tabletop.  
Their support buffeted her spirits as she sat up and finished the milk, setting her mug down on the table. Before she could say “thank you,” a yawn took over her mouth, stretching her jaw. She struggled to close her jaw and burped before her lips came together. Her hand flew to her mouth as the room was filled with deep belly laughs. 
Doug chuckled as he turned toward her and gently took her right wrist from over her mouth, holding her hand in his. “If you’re tired, Verdy darling, will you be a good girl for Teddy and go to bed?” 
Verd bit her bottom lip as identical stiff points appeared, poking at the fabric of her bodice. The flush bloomed on her chest as a tingling between her thighs made her squirm on Faustus’ thigh.  She was captivated by his gaze for a couple of seconds before she remembered to respond, “Yes, Teddy.” The blush in her cheeks was almost red as she watched him kiss the back of her hand as she said, “I’ll be a good girl and go to bed.” 
Faustus smiled at Verd and kissed the top of her head, “it is very late for owlets to be awake.”
Verd nodded silently, and before she rose, the three animal-men were on their feet. She went to unwrap the blanket from her shoulders when Doug’s big mitts stopped her. Faustus slipped behind her and went to carve the symbol into the back door while she said goodnight.
“You keep that. It’ll keep you company while you’re away from us,” Doug winked at her as he drew the ends back around her. He leaned down and kissed her on the top of the head, “Goodnight, Verdy darling, sweet dreams.” 
Verd opened her arms and wrapped them around them him. He was so tall she was practically hugging his belly button. He chuckled and bent down some and wrapped his arms around her, “Goodnight Teddy, may your rest be sweet,” she said and pecked him on the cheek before she let go and stepped away toward the back door. Doug straightened, a handsome smile on his stunned face as his hand cupped his cheek where she kissed it. 
Tristan’s shoulder rubbed up against hers as he walked around behind her. With a coquettish swing of her hip, she felt his thigh unavoidably graze the contour of her buttocks. A loud purr revved up his throat, his eyes bright as he stepped in front of her. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed against him and laid her head on his chest. She felt his arms steal around her and tighten in a vice grip. His whiskers tickled her bare shoulder before she felt his warm, dry nose nuzzle the crook of her neck. She leaned her head against his, “Thank you for making me some sweet milk and talking to me. What you said means so much to me. You’ve made me feel so much better.” She kissed his temple and heard the purr whir like a motorboat engine.  
He pulled back enough to see her face and said, “You’ll come through the door anytime you want to talk or hang out, yes?” 
“I’m going to take you up on that offer,” she said and giggled as Tristan leaned down and kissed her forehead, nodding his approval. As he released her, their hands trailed down the other’s arm until her fist was around his index finger. He blew her a kiss with his free hand. As she pretended to catch, she turned and walked right into Celly’s open embrace. 
She bumped her nose against his chest. As his arms went around her, he said, “Ha! I have you now. Don’t worry, I won’t lick you unless you ask me to.” 
Verd laughed and wrapped her arms around his chest. They tightened the embrace together, pressing against one another until her soft lower belly pressed against a hard knot in the crotch of his pants. A fresh wave of goosebumps broke out on her skin, her nipples hardening against his furry chest.  As she stood against him, she remembered what Faustus had said about the capabilities of a heightened sense of smell. The cleft between her legs had become slippery since she heard the words “good girl” in relation to her person.  
“You’ll still be here tomorrow, right?” Celly whispered to her.
“Yes, and every tomorrow after that,” she whispered back and felt his tail wag briskly. He kissed and booped her forehead with a cold, wet nose. As Celly released her, Faustus opened the door. He pulled Verd to his chest first and then held his arms to the boys. They wrapped their arms around them both and held one another in a group hug that Verd wished didn’t have to end. 
“Goodnight, my three wisemen, kings of the land of stars. Sleep well, I will see you when we wake,” Faustus said, patting the backs he was able to reach.
The Counsel of Three let go and stepped back. Verd waved to them, laughing as she returned their blown kisses until the door shut on their three blissfully happy faces. 
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brittanaconauthors · 9 years
Fwok’s Author Interview
Today we present Fwok’s Author Interview!  Big thanks to Fwok for participating in the Q&A and for everyone who sent questions, particularly the author or story specific ones!  Enjoy!
1) What do you think are your particular strengths as a Brittana writer? What do you wish you did better? (Submitted by Lindsey via email)
Without beating around the bush, many of my stories revolve mainly around the included smut and I do believe that it was my willingness to include that detailed level smut in my writing that did initially draw the wider audience to my stories (c'mon everyone loves a little smut!). In those early days, writing smut was relatively new to me even though fan fiction writing wasn't- I'd been writing for another fandom for a little while but I always grew extremely nervous even writing so much as a kiss. These stories were always quite humorous and alluded to all that sexually suggestive stuff without going into much detail. My early fan fiction attempts were generally well received by the small group of fans who visited the message board where I posted. So when I eventually tried my hand at writing Brittana smut and it too was well received, but by a significantly larger fandom – I felt like I was onto something and wanted to keep writing to keep on getting that incredible (and flattering) response, which of course meant honing my writing skills. I think the smut caught readers' attention and it had readers wanting more. Once I knew I could write smut I just kept on writing it- trying to make it sexy and real without getting too vulgar and descriptive with the particulars and more about how the actions made the girls feel. The sexiest part about good smut is when it's relatable and you can feel what you're reading. For a long time I did consider myself only a smut writer and looking back through my earlier stories I can see many that were solely smut driven as a pure means to give readers exactly what they were asking for. It took me quite a bit of practice to bring my storytelling up to par so that the included smut was no longer just a novelty but a key development point in the narrative I was telling. While I still include smut in my stories, I admittedly find it far more challenging to write and prefer to focus more on the emotions involved, challenging myself to find a balance between the two that works and makes the sexy aspects of my stories translate as more tasteful than obscene.
By biggest downfall as an author is definitely my writing speed and I know it must frustrate my readers to no end when my stories go without an update for months at a time. My writing process is very slow and no amount of pressure to update in any way helps me to write faster- the details just come to me in their own time and I try and word it as best I can for others to enjoy. It is why I enjoy writing one-shots because then I can complete them and publish them in entirety. I don't enjoy making my readers wait for updates of my multi-chapter stories, but the longer stories and chapter breakdowns are sometimes necessary for better story-telling and for my readers of those stories that also comes at a price. I do wish that I was better at regularly delivering updates!
2) What's a short piece of your writing that shows your Brittany is Brittany and your Santana is Santana (even if the circumstances of your fic make them different from canon Brittana)? (Submitted by a Tumblr Anon)
Santana couldn't sleep.
And it wasn't a matter of bad dreams, or over-thinking or even an upset stomach-
It was just that Brittany wasn't beside her and it really was as simple as that.
Lying upstairs in her big bed that she had always shared with Brittany, Santana had never felt so out of sorts.
Once Brittany had left for her sleepover (and after a great deal more sulking), Santana had finally come to terms with the fact that Brittany wouldn't be back until the following morning and she'd gone about keeping herself busy so she'd be too distracted to even notice that Brittany wasn't there.
But dinner didn't taste as good as it usually did even though it was her favourite dish. And her mother had given her an extra serving of peas thinking that would cheer her up- which of course didn't because Brittany wasn't around to eat them all for her and she had to do so all on her own despite her abhorrence to them. Even the dessert she'd earned for clearing her plate wasn't as sticky or as sweet as it would have been if Brittany was beside her and making her laugh with the treat somehow all over her fingers.
Then there was absolutely nothing worth watching on TV and nothing in hers and Brittany's favourite movie collection seemed anywhere near as appealing as when Brittany would pluck something from the pile and explain why it is a good idea to watch that one first. Cartoons weren't fun without Brittany… comedies weren't funny without Brittany… and horrors- well they were still just as scary but without Brittany getting scared next to her Santana couldn't even pretend that she wasn't just to reassure Brittany.
In the end Santana had retired to bed early, in hope of merely falling asleep to escape her Brittany-less existence.
But falling asleep without Brittany beside her was proving to be no easy task. It was why even hours after crawling into bed that she was still wide awake and staring up at the ceiling. Her bed was that much colder without Brittany to cuddle into and even though Brittany's scent still lingered on the pillows and covers it only made Santana miss her that much more.
And then there was the whole matter of being alone in the dark. And while Santana had never considered herself to be very afraid of the dark, the longer she lay there unable to think about anything other than how alone she felt without Brittany… the longer those creepy dark shadows had grown.
The noise of the household had offered a little reassurance at first; hearing her parents ambling around downstairs and the sounds of her brother's noisy video games from down the hall- but eventually everyone else had gone to sleep and the noise of the house had fallen into an eerie silence. Santana found herself jumping at every mysterious creak and groan and before long her imagination was running wild and envisioning the worst.
She was really regretting watching that scary movie before bed now.
The sound of the front door creaking open and then closing again made Santana sit up stock-still as her heart started hammering in her chest. It was the middle of the night and everyone from her family were already tucked in their beds.
She was sure she'd confused the sound when unmistakable footfall followed and the sound of someone steadily making their way around her house carried to her alert ears.
Too terrified to move, Santana strained to listen, growing more and more terrified as she realised the footsteps weren't of someone who was wandering around aimlessly- but someone who knew where they were going. Steadily the intruder made their way upstairs, closer and closer to Santana with every step until the floorboards outside of Santana's bedroom were creaking.
Santana wanted to yell out for help but she couldn't find her voice- and besides she didn't really want to draw attention to herself, hoping the footsteps would bypass her room and carry on down the hall. Not that she wanted them headed for an unaware Tommy either-
The wiggle of her doorknob caused Santana to dive under her covers- now absolutely petrified; clearly the intruder knew she was awake and was coming straight for her.
Again her voice failed her as whoever it was seemed to hesitate at the edge of her bed- drawing out the final moments before her demise- though she did release the tiniest of squeaks when her bed moved under the weight of the intruder.
"San? Are you awake?"
Brittany's sweet, melodious voice cut through Santana's terror and Santana scrambled to fling the covers from over her head, immediately finding herself bombarded with Brittany's familiar scent as it warmed her insides and made her instantly feel safe again. She didn't even recall making the decision to move even a muscle before she'd tackled Brittany to the bed and tucked her face into Brittany's neck. She was still trembling from the rush of emotions as she wrapped her arms around Brittany and held on tight.
Brittany hugged her back just as tightly.
"San, why are you shaking?" Brittany sounded worried.
"You scared me!" Santana accused even though she was so incredibly relieved to have Brittany back where she could see her and feel her.
"I'm sorry, I was trying not to wake you," Brittany apologised.
"What are you even doing here?" Santana asked, confused. She raised her head to squint at Brittany in the dark, though she continued to hug the girl she was now slumped half on top of, holding onto her like Brittany was going to suddenly disappear on her again at any minute.
Brittany averted her eyes and answered in a small, sheepish voice; "I missed you too much. Mr Berry 1 dropped me home."
Santana wanted to grin and smugly deliver an 'I told you so', but she couldn't – not after hearing that admission and knowing she wasn't the only one of them who'd felt so hopeless without the other. And especially not when she knew that Brittany's comment about coming 'home' wasn't in reference to the roof over their heads.
Santana smiled and dropped her head back to Brittany's shoulder, nestling further into her warmth.
"I missed you too."
- a glimpse at childhood for imprinted Brittana, from Push and Pull: Perfect Match
3) Why did you want to write a g!p fic? do you have some clues why people are so fascinated by it? (Submitted by Tumblr Anon)
Honestly- the first time I heard about girl!peen I thought it was really, really odd. I did not get its appeal at all and that's coming from someone who hasn't got any qualms about what body parts a sexual partner has going on. I just didn't understand why it was necessary… but I did eventually cave one day and read it out of curiosity. And while I still perhaps don't quite understand why exactly it works, I do know that I enjoy reading it when it isn't all that the story has to offer. I like when it's just a small detail within the greater story being told which makes the story less about the girl having a penis and using it, to more about how the girl has adapted to this thing that makes her different in the world. I know there is a lot of grey area of explanation of how logistically girl!peen works because in real life it just doesn't technically work that way, but if you can learn to treat it as the quirky AU trope that it is then it can be a lot of fun. I think what fascinates me the most is that there is quite a number of readers of girl!peen out there who would usually exhibit no inclination towards penis at all, so it becomes a really interesting look into the inner workings of human sexuality . Even I initially approached the idea of writing girl!peen as a bit of a social experiment because I found myself starting to enjoy reading girl!peen and I wanted to explore writing it without completely losing all of my loyal fans. So I gradually approached the idea through a number of my stories, first with Sense and Sensitivity which was not girl!peen, but it saw the girls humorously discussing it. I communicated all of my early humour towards the bizarre idea of girl!peens and were!peens that I was suddenly encountering in this fandom that I'd never seen anywhere else before. But still my curiousity wasn't sated and I knew I'd have to try my hand at writing it to really know what it was all about. So came Every Part of You which saw an aroused girl!peen Brittany trying to hide her secret from Santana. I stressed the love between the two girls and tried not to go into too much graphic detail to avoid scarring my larger audience… and it was surprising well received. Of course that only quirked my curiosity even more because on one hand people loved it for what it was and yet others were completely put off by the girl!peen aspect. So I tried again with Boyshorts which really was just me being a bit cheeky and turning the idea of girl!peen on its head. In this story girl!peen Santana miraculously loses her male parts and wakes up all woman- much to her discomfort and insecurity because a girl!peen life is all she's ever known. Her girlfriend Brittany does not have a problem with it at all however and wants to enjoy it for the "miracle" it is while still faced with reassuring Santana that she doesn't prefer her this way- that she loves her girl!peen just as much. I really had a lot of fun with this story and challenged my unsure readers to have another go at girl!peen because technically the penis wasn't present the entire time. Even my Brettiago story, Sins of the Flesh wasn't your cliché genderswap story and saw Santana trapped inside Santiago's body and forced to live in an alternate universe where Brittany was actually a young man called Brett. Again, here I was trying to communicate the familiar love story of these two cheerleaders that resounds within us all, by presenting it in a different way- and in that particular case they both happened to have penises and that's just the way it was. Finally it comes down to my current work, The Beautiful Boy which is very much girl!peen without any tricks or sneaky surprises. The AU Amazon women setting allows me tell a girl!peen story in a believable way. It makes sense that as a baby with a penis, Santana would have mistaken for a baby boy and abandoned with the others to be raised by the neighboring men. She would have been raised as a boy despite her discomfort because as far as anyone knew she was male… until puberty hit and everything she'd been trying to communicate her whole life started to show itself as she grew into her womanly figure. And it makes sense that this much-loved member of their community would not become an outcast once the truth was out, but rather she would be protected by them from the Amazons who could just as likely reject her as embrace her because of her difference. All in all, I've learned that no matter how sneaky I get with my inclusion of girl!peen, it's never going to appeal to everyone. Some people love it and some people hate it and that's just the way it is.
4) Your thoughts on imprinting? I'm torn. Imprinting is true love i guess, but Santana is dependent. How long can it work for brittany?  Do you think it could be a happy ending? How did you handle the power dynamics in such a couple? Santana has such a powerful yearning for Brittany, that Brittany could never feel. It feels more like a trap than a dream. You wrote that perfectly in the sequel by the way (Submitted by Tumblr Anon)
I think the beauty of the imprint as it is shown in my Push and Pull Universe is that it can be a big discussion point and people can interpret it however they choose. I know that a lot of my readers find the idea challenging and controversial because they do see it as very one-sided and I can only speak from my own point of view, knowing the characters deeply; to vouch for the fact that they are very much in love. The whole point of Regrets and Regression was to address a lot of those questions and to show that Brittany equally shares the imprint and is responsible for it just as much as Santana. It is just that Brittany doesn't have the advantage that Santana has with her enhanced senses to help her stay in tune with her mate. Their love is what makes the imprint work- if Brittany did not love Santana then the imprint would not exist. In saying that it's not like I don't see the controversial side of it all as well. It was actually quite detrimental to their relationship for the girls to have met and imprinted so very young, because it did create that sense of dependency very early on in life and led to the social out casting of Santana as we saw in Regrets and Regression. The blocked imprint in R+R, while creating much heartache all around, did help them to address a lot of their problems and actually made Brittany aware of the different ways she could have been taking advantage of Santana without even realising. It is that awareness which has made their bond even stronger now because Brittany no longer allows Santana to put her first all of the time, but rather challenges Santana to make her own decisions and do more without her. Brittany now makes a huge effort to encourage Santana to be her own person and makes decisions on behalf of 'them' as a couple to benefit Santana more than herself. Brittany is definitely not all 'take, take, take' as I think some readers interpreted the influence of the imprint on Santana. So while the imprint is very much selfless love, Brittany now makes sure that Santana gets a little selfish from time to time too- even if she has to do it for her! They have more of a partnership now. The key thing to remember is that the ability to imprint is Santana's ability to fall in love. If she had never met Brittany until much later in life, she would have had casual relationships just as her brother Tommy did. These would have been fleeting and underwhelming right up until she met Brittany; where even a platonic relationship with her soul mate would have given her life more meaning than any relationship she'd shared with anyone else prior. Brittany is the key to Santana's happiness and whether she's making Brittany smile because of a small considerate gesture or because she's just given her the best orgasm that she's ever experienced, Santana's just happy with the smile- not how she earns it. It just so happens that their feelings for each other delve much deeper than merely platonic and they are hopelessly in love (which is not always guaranteed between an imprinted pair so they really are the lucky ones). And anyone who doubted Santana was actually ever feeling anything genuine for Brittany because it seemed like the imprint was the cause for making her feel the way she did, had to have seen that Santana without a functioning imprint did learn to love Brittany in R+R– but she simply couldn't fall in love with her without feeling the imprint. I completely believe that imprinting is a beautiful idea and I think I'd love for it to be a real thing! I guess a lot of people misinterpret it as thinking the imprint itself is a thing that takes over and controls your life- but really it's just a light bulb that turns on when you find your soul mate. It doesn't create artificial feelings – it just enhances what is already there.
5) The juxtaposition of adorable and sexy in your fics is an absolute delight. Seriously, round of applause. How do you maintain the delicate balance between fluff and smut so well? (not technically a smut question I don’t think?) (Submitted by Createdforogc tumblr)
I completely credit all of the fluff that surfaces in my stories to Brittany and Santana. It is completely organic and a true expression of my feelings of fascination towards these two characters and their story. Their story affected me, just like it has affected so many of us, allowing me to relate to some elements in a nostalgic way while simultaneously admiring them for that ideal love that we're all searching for. No matter how much smut I put into a Brittana story it just doesn't feel genuine unless I keep them in character and for me fluffy and adorable- especially in those vulnerable moments like having sex- is completely in character. And I do truly believe that if you can capture the intensity between two characters in love within your smut, then you have a winning combination because it suddenly changes the sex into lovemaking. And for all of us devoted Brittana shippers, that's all we really want to see and enjoy over and over again- our knowledge that these two are endgame, confirmed in every universe imaginable.
6) How do you think your push pull brittana is doing right now? also loved her fic :) (Submitted by @sezcretgroove)
Push and Pull!Brittana have been having an interesting time dealing with all of the unique celestial activity that has been occurring of late; And learning how it can dramatically affect their imprint bond. In Regrets and Regression, we learned that the phasing of the moon and in particular a full moon can completely mess up Santana's focus on her bond with Brittany. Since this new challenge has arisen in their relationship, there have been other tantalising developments with the occurrence of both solar and lunar eclipses. Although it only lasted a very brief time, Brittany had a momentary and unexpected taste of experiencing the imprint the way that Santana does, as the imprints sensitivity transferred completely from Santana and was channelled through Brittany for the duration of a solar eclipse. Although it was all over long before Brittany could even truly enjoy it… the girls got another chance to have some fun when a lunar eclipse caused a Blood Moon and for a number of twilight hours they were both suddenly able to collectively feel the imprint in the heightened way that usually only Santana can. As you could imagine –once the initial and overwhelming surprise subsided- it made for some extremely intense lovemaking… and afterwards created two very enthused amateur astronomers!
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