#gabrielle and juliette || 004
gabrielfolli · 2 years
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Acquisitions 2022 :
- FRAC Picardie / Improvisation 004, Improvisation 005 et Improvisation 006 (2020). 
- Artothèque des Bibliothèques d’Amiens métropole / Improvisation 015 et Improvisation 023 (2021).
A venir : 
- De leur temps (7), Triennale de l'ADIAF, 122 œuvres, 111 artistes ou collectifs d’artistes, 58 prêteurs, dont 54 collectionneurs de l’ADIAF et 4 Amis du Frac.
w/ Jean-Michel ALBEROLA, Giulia ANDREANI, Kader ATTIA, Bianca BONDI, Damien CABANES, Claude CLOSKY, Hélène DELPRAT, Mathilde DENIZE, Marlene DUMAS, Kenny DUNKAN, Mimosa ECHARD, Gabriel FOLLI, Bruno GADENNE, GUERILLA GIRLS, Juliette GREEN, Myriam HADDAD, Damien HIRST, Oda JAUNE, Sophie KITCHING, Françoise PÉTROVITCH, Emmanuel RÉGENT, Lili REYNAUD-DEWAR, Karine ROUGIER, Elsa SAHAL, Massinissa SELMANI, Cindy SHERMAN, Claire TABOURET, Ida TURSIC & Wilfried MILLE, etc. Curated by Keren Detton & Michel Poitevin
28.01 > 23.04.2023, opening 28.01.2023 15:30, FRAC Grand Large, Dunkerque, FR
- Drawing Now Art Fair, artiste en focus, Galerie La Ferronnerie / Brigitte Négrier, 23 > 26.03.2023, Carreau du Temple, Paris, FR
- Solo show, courant 2023, Galerie La Ferronnerie / Brigitte Négrier, Paris, FR
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abdicatedarchive · 4 years
Party Bust || Stevie, Juliette, Chase, and Gabrielle
tw: violence, drinking
Chase: Chase got into Stevie's car. "Thank you for getting me, I'm a mess. I can't drive. I've been tracking her location for hours and it says she's at home and I went up there and she left her phone" said the boy as he buckled up.
Stevie: "Dude don't mention it." Stevie pulled out of the Hale's driveway and looked over at him. "Do you know where this party is at? Maybe someone on twitter was talking about it."
Chase: "I have two possible addresses" said Chase sending them both to her over airdrop. "We're just going to have to try both" he replied. He was so stressed out, he ran his hands through his hair and looked out the window, "I mentioned how she should ease into what we used to do. Like I told her that I didn't want to just jump back into things. Do you think she's talking to someone at this party? Or do you think Juliette's getting more attention from guys? And Gabrielle is blowing them off? Because she loves me?" said the boy nervously.
Stevie: Stevie put in the first address into her phone and tried that one. She tried to keep her cool in front of Chase, but seeing him so stress was making her even more stressed. "No way, man. She loves you. There's no way-" she stopped herself as Chase brought up the possibility of Juliette getting attention from guys. It only freaked her out more. "She loves you. It'll be fine." she pulled up to the house. "Alright, let's go."
Chase: Chase hopped out of the car quickly, "Let's stick together. None of that Fred bullshit from the Mystery Gang" said the boy as they entered the party. It was loud, and the girls were no where to be found. Then he saw that blonde head of hair, and she had some guy flirting with her. "Um, you just go get both of them" said Chase, feeling like absolute shit. He should probably go over there and straighten that guy out.
Stevie: Stevie couldn't help but smile at his Fred comment. She stuck with Chase as they looked for the girls and looked over at her friend after seeing some dude flirting with Gabrielle. "Me? No way, man. You got this. That's your girl." she placed her hand on Chase's shoulder. "Make sure he knows that."
Chase: Chase was ready to rumble, she was fucking right. That was his girl. "Hey dipshit, piss off" said Chase walking up to the guy, he was only like half an inch shorter than him. He could take him for sure. "Nah, little man. This girl is wild, I'm convincing her to go out with me. Go simp somewhere else" said the other guy. Chase had had enough, between Griffin and all of this bullshit about other guys trying to date his girlfriend, he was done. Chase decked him in the face. "Fuck that hurt" he said holding his hand in his other hand. The guy came back to tackle him, and they fought on the ground -Chase getting the upperhand- before other guys at the party broke it up.
Gabrielle: GAbrielle was pretty white girl wasted. She was having a conversation with the guy but she really wasn't understanding his flirting efforts as she was on the boarder line of blacking out. Though the fight moved so fast in front of her so she didn't have tome to react much. Once the fight was broke up, she kicked the other guy in the shin. "Don't touch my boyfriend!" She shouted before slipping her hair over her shoulder
Stevie: Stevie smiled proudly at Chase but quickly panicked the moment the other guy tackled him. She tried to help as much as she could, but once Gabrielle came in to kick the guy in the shin, Stevie held out her hands to make sure the girl wouldn't lose balance. "Damn, you okay?" she asked as she helped Chase get up. "You were doing good." she said, referring to the fight, in hopes that it would boosts his confidence a bit. He deserved that.(edited)
Chase: Chase brushed himself off. "I think I kinda kicked his ass" he said, his hand hurting so bad. "Don't tell me otherwise, I don't need to know" Chase added with a laugh to Stevie. "Now Gabrielle, what the hell? Who was that?" said Chase, giving her a crazed look.
Juliette: "STEEEEEVIEEEEE" said Juliette running over to her, "Did you see that fight? That was crazy! I know that guy!" said the girl in a drunken stupor.
Gabrielle: GAbrielle shrugged. "I really wish I knew." She said with a laugh. "He kept just going on an on and on about his football trophies. Like yawn." She said as she threw her arms around Chase. "Thanks for making him shut up." She said with a smile. "Jules!"
Stevie: Stevie nodded her head, "Totally kicked ass." she said to Chase before her attention was drawn to Juliette. "Hey, yeah that shit was pretty wild." she asked with a small smile. She wasn't even sure if the girl wanted to see her at this point, but she was just glad she found Juliette. "You doing okay?"
Juliette: "Brielle! Stevie's here! And Chase!" she said with big excited eyes and a huge smile. She was so happy, and so very very drunk.
Chase: "Let's get the two of you home" said Chase, giving Gabrielle a kiss on the cheek. "And you are getting a lesson about how you're not letting other boys flirt with you when you help me ice my hand" said the boy to his girlfriend. There was no way that was happening tonight though, she was gonezo.
Gabrielle: "Right!" Gabi said looking at Juliette. "They came for us." She said excited to see them both. "Maybe later." Gabrielle said with a laugh as she held onto him. "Will you carry me." She added in, giving a puppy face.
Chase: Chase turned around so she could jump on his back, "Cmon" he said reluctantly, he was happy to have her safe and sound.
Stevie: Stevie noticed Chase carry Gabrielle, and what kind of person would Stevie be if she made Juliette walk? "Would you like to get carried too?" she asked, hoping the girl would say yes. No reason. Just trying to be nice.
Juliette: Juliette's eyes lit up, "ooooOooooh yes please" she said hopping on the girls back and giving her a big ole smooch on the cheek. "You're the best! I can't believe you've been at the party the whole time!" she said, stupidly.
Gabrielle: Gabrielle hopped onto Chases back, wrapping her legs around his waist and she rested her head on his shoulder. "What are we going to do now babe?"
Stevie: Stevie couldn't hold back her smile as Juliette kissed her cheek. "Crazy right? The universe just keeps putting us together." she teased her before walking out of the house. "Want me to drop you guys off first?" she asked Chase.
Chase: "Yeah, just the guest house parking area" said Chase, "Where you picked me up". He was ready to get this girl into bed and some pjs. Parenting never stops.
Juliette: "You guys came together?" said Juliette, trying to put it together, "Are you two friends?" she asked, "wait are you just here for us?"
Gabrielle: "Am I sleeping over?" Gabi questioned. She hoped he would say yes. "I didn't know you guys were friends." Gabrielle said as she held on tight to him, though, she didn't always listen about all of his friends
Stevie: "Yeah, we're pretty cool with each other." Stevie nodded, not realizing that either one of the girls knew her and Chase were friends. "We just wanted to make sure you both were okay." she answered Juliette as she got to Gabrielle and Chase's place.
Chase: "Yeah we've been friends pretty much all year, it's a group chat thing don't worry about it" said Chase, realizing he'd never mentioned it. "Alright babe, let's get you inside" said the boy opening up the car door for her.
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abdicatedarchive · 4 years
Twisted Tuesday || Thread Finder
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abdicatedarchive · 4 years
Thread Finder C || Juliette
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