#gabumon bonds of friendship
digi-lov · 1 year
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Gabumon - Bond of Friendship BT6-030 Alternative Art by Tonamikanji from BT-06 Booster Double Diamond
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scrubf1re · 10 months
Anyone else notice this animation error in Last Evolution: Kizuna?
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Look at how many fingers Gabumon -Yujo no Kizuna-/Bond of Friendship has in one screenshot and look at how many he has in the other. Not even the only time the franchise was inconsistent with how many fingers this digimon has.
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Kind of reminds me of how the franchise is rather inconsistent on whether WereGarurumon has a tail or not.
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Though at least in WereGarurumon's case the lack of a tail is closer to being an anime exclusive thing (minus some games like Digimon Masters Online) whereas neither toei nor bandai seem to agree how many fingers Gabumon's Kizuna evolution should have even within the same movie.
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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Yamato Ishida / Matt Ishida and his Digimon partner picspam
(Japanese and English dub names)
1st pic = 11 year old Yamato / Matt in Digimon Adventure
2nd pic = 14 year old Yamato / Matt in Digimon Adventure 02
3rd pic = 17 year old Yamato / Matt in Digimon Adventure Tri
4th pic = 22 year old Yamato / Matt from Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna movie
5th and 6th pics = adult Yamato/Matt and Gabumon the epilogue of Digimon Adventure 02 (the epilogue itself might be too controversial and debatable to many Digimon fans.)
7th pic = Tsunomon (Gabumon's pre-evolved baby form)
8th pic = Gabumon (default child/rookie form)
9th pic = Garurumon (Gabumon’s evolved adult/champion form)
10th pic = WereGarurumon (evolved perfect/ultimate form)
11th pic = MetalGarurumon (evolved ultimate/mega form)
12th pic = Omegamon/Omnimon (another ultimate/mega form except that Metalgarurumon is fused with WarGreymon)
Spoilers for Last Evolution Kizuna movie:
Gabumon (Bond of Friendship) the final evolution for Gabumon
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thezoe611 · 3 months
I noticed something watching Digimon Xros Wars for the nineteenth time, it could be just a coincidence too but I'll ask. When Taiki was chosen to receive the Xros Loender and go to the digital world, he was accompanied by Zengirou and Akari, one of whom later became the general's best friend and the other was his childhood friend. This reminded me a lot of the story of Shoutmon's parents when they were young and MetalGarurumon, a young warrior with his best friend and his childhood friend who formed a very strong bond between them. Do you think this was one of the factors that contributed to OmegaShoutmon appearing in his fight against Tactmon and the reason why Omegamon chose Taiki as his representative and preferred that Akari and Zengirou stay in the human world in the second time that Taiki went to the digital world . To protect the boy's friends, just as he would his own? (sorry for the length of the question '^^)
OKEY, I loved your analysis and comparison! Comparing the story and friendship of Taiki, Akari and Zenjirou to that of Agumon, Kisakimon and Gabumon, I LOVED it. Oh, Akari and Zenjirou's presence definitely allowed OmegaShoutmon to exist, that's a fact. And that only Taiki and Shoutmon returned to the Digital World was because of the little energy Omegamon had left… But yes, surely the digimon also wanted to protect the other two children, since he already lost both of them, and he wouldn't want to. for Taiki to go through that. Oh, how I love parallelisms x3
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otakween · 11 months
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Digimon Adventure 02 Best Partner Series - Part 1
More image songs! This time for Adventure 02, but I'm starting out with the older kids. I had a lot of fun listening to all of these. They really went all out this time. 12 CDs with 3 songs each (solo human, solo digimon & partner duet)!? Madness!
Taichi & Agumon
New Sun - Taichi (listen here - subbed)
Taichi singing to Daisuke (or maybe the whole new squad) about how they're taking over the original kids' legacy. The lyrics make him sound very wise.
Took me a second to adjust and picture Taichi singing this because his VA kinda sounds like a granny lol
This had very "Mufasa talking to Simba" vibes. The chorus was catchy and empowering.
Agumon Ondo - Agumon (listen here - subbed)
Agumon singing about how he needs/wants to eat a bunch to grow big and strong. Also, apparently he dances to help digestion lol.
Agumon talking to random kids during the song and then having them sing along was adorable. Also made me feel old.
Team - Taichi & Agumon duet (listen here + translation here)
A very generic song about how Agumon and Taichi make a great team, but it's always charming to hear digimon/partner duets.
Yamato & Gabumon
The Key to Granting Wishes - Yamato (listen here - subbed)
A cheesy shounen song about following your heart and friendship and what not. Comparing it to Yamato's image song from the first season, you can see he's grown past his emo, lone wolf phase.
Wasn't crazy about the song itself, but the music was great, especially the guitar solo. Had a nice bombastic intro too.
It's Alright - Gabumon (listen here & translation here)
Gabumon singing about his bond with Yamato. They both hide behind facades (Yamato's coolness, Gabumon's fur) and are misunderstood. I feel like this was a lot stronger as a character song than Yamato's solo song.
Gabumon's one of the quieter digimon so hearing him sing is a treat!
Our Melody - Yamato & Gabumon duet (listen here & translation here)
A touching (and CHEESY) ballad between Yamato and Gabumon about all the good times they've had together. It had strong drunken karaoke vibes haha.
Although cheesy, the lyrics did warm my heart a bit :') I think digimon/partner bonds get to me more than human/human bonds.
Koushiro & Tentomon
Open Mind - Koushiro (listen here - subbed)
Meh, not a fan of this one. I felt like the lyrics were clunky and didn't flow well with the song's melody.
The song is about Koushiro learning new things about himself and his emotions through his journey in the digital world. Even though I didn't like it, I'm happy to hear Koushiro's voice again :')
Dengeki Rhapsody - Tentomon (listen here - subbed)
Tentomon 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ I love him so much. This song was really cute and plucky. Basically just Tentomon singing about being a good partner and appreciating Koushiro.
The only thing that bugged me (hehe) about this one is that it implied that Tentomon is always obsessing over food but like...I don't remember that ever happening?
The Scenery of the World! - Koushiro & Tentomon duet (listen here - subbed)
Another banger! Mostly just because I love these two and relate to Koushiro's passion so much. He's singing about how excited he is to absorb all of the world's knowledge and to see the whole world with Tentomon. Koushiro would make a good librarian haha. I too have strong urges to learn everything ever (currently reading every page of Wikipedia).
Tentomon's part of the song is kind of exasperated but in a loving way. He sings about how Koushiro is always staying up late glued to his computer, but that he'll still always stick by his side and pep him up when he gets tired. So wholesome <3
Joe & Gomamon
Towards the Wind - Joe (listen here - subbed)
A lot of these solo songs have the same, general theme about growing as a person. I wonder if the vibe will be different for the younger 02 kids?
I liked the mellow vibe of this song. A nice, easy listen. Joe definitely has the most mature vibes of the gang, despite being dweeby.
Invincible Flutter Kick - Gomamon (listen here - subbed)
Gomamon singing about how helpless Joe is and how he'll always be them to protect him and lighten his load. So cute :3
News to me that Gomamon has an "invincible flutter kick" lol. I mean, I can picture it, but usually he just summoned fish.
Crawl the Sky - Joe & Gomaon duet (listen here - subbed)
Joe and Gomamon singing about their unlikely friendship. They balance each other out. I kind of wish the chorus wasn't the usual, cheesy "we can do anything if we're together!" lines. The first part of the song was a little stronger when they were comparing each other's characters.
These songs are making me wish I had a little buddy to explore the world with :'(
Mimi & Palmon
Super☆Girl - Mimi (Listen here - subbed)
Mimi singing about her personal growth. It was a pretty generic, motivational song about being brave to be yourself and not fear mistakes.
I do really enjoy how unabashedly girly Mimi is and her songs always reflect that.
A Little Pinkie's Fantasy - Palmon (Listen here - subbed)
This one was just weird. The lyrics were super awkward. I think they're alluding to a pinky promise when Palmon talks about a "pinkie's fantasy," but the metaphor doesn't really work. Also the line about glittering lips also seems like a non-sequitur.
I've never been a huge Palmon fan, so I think that's mostly why this one was no good for me. (She's also a little tone deaf lol).
Happy Smile - Mimi & Palmon (Listen here - subbed)
It's nice to hear a song where Mimi and Palmon are talking about their friendship cuz Mimi could honestly be kinda nasty to Palmon in the anime lol.
Some of the lyrics in this were a little clunky (they basically said stuff like "fun things are fun!" "Smiling is nice!" "Pretty things are good!") but I liked the sentiments about distance not weakening their bond. That resonates with me as an adult who doesn't have many opportunities to see my friends in person.
Sora & Piyomon
Shiny Days - Sora (Listen here - subbed)
Uhhh I think mostly this one was just poorly translated because it was literally like a word salad. Like, read the lyrics here (or in the video subs) and you'll see they straight up make no sense --> https://www.animelyrics.com/anime/digi02/shinydays.htm
Sora is my least favorite Adventure character so it checks out that here song kinda sucks lol (sorry).
Wait this song has the same title as the Yuru Camp opening!
My Music Score - Piyomon (Listen here - subbed)
A nice straightforward song about Piyomon's love for Sora. I like how they incorporated her name into the song with all the "pipipi" and "piyo piyo." Very cute.
If We Fly Together - Sora & Piyomon (Listen here - subbed)
I feel like there was some nice harmonizing on this one. I hope the VAs had fun haha
The lyrics in this one were sweet. I especially liked this line about "telling each other secrets we hide from the stars." That really illustrates Sora and Piyomon's close bond.
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aviculor · 1 month
Let me start by saying that not all Golden Armor Digivolutions are built the same. Making Magnamon evolve into something else feels like an insult, meanwhile Elephantmon just feels like a leftover idea they couldn't squeeze in anywhere. Probably could have made it Armadimon's light armor or Patamon's love armor. But regardless, I have elected to treat the golden armors as perfect levels that evolve from other armors, to...varying efficacy.
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Magnamon as a Fladramon evo because they're both V-mon stretched out wearing a mask, shoes, and crop top. Then into Imperialdramon Paladin Mode because it's V-mon's final form and it's super powerful and holy and has gold accents on its white armor. Magnamon is impossible to work with when it's technically an adult, a perfect, and an ultimate at the same time.
Peacockmon as a Toucanmon evo because Toucanmon is one of Hawkmon's only actual bird armors, and it does have blue in its design. I went with Hououmon-X as the ultimate because it's the most Majestic and Miraculous bird, and its wing feathers seem to be made of light.
What a shocker, Armadimon's options suck. As I just said, Elephantmon is basically the least impressive miracle armor. But I used Frogmon as an adult stage for it because they're both cybernetically enhanced with propellers for flight, which is oddly specific. For an ultimate, I guess I made Armadimon evolve into Brigadramon in the end anyway. Blue and silver, dual propulsion system, shoots missiles. It was either that or Gabumon Bond of Friendship. That's the best I got. What do you want me to say? Elephantmon is literally a white elephant.
Rhinomon as a Pegasmon evo is actually decent since they're perissodactyls with gold armor and the studs on Pegasmon's hooves translate into the gems on Rhinomon's headpiece. Huanglongmon is a gold-plated quadruped whose red eyes translate from Rhinomon's gems. It works. I'm not in love with it, but it works.
Maildramon is scarcely better than Elephantmon, and technically it already evolves from an adult. But using Nefertimon as a stopgap between Tailmon and Maildramon does add wings and silver armor with gold accents. It was here that I realized how few options there are for armored dragons that don't belong to Agumon expies. Most of the Royal Knights are dragon men, but we're shockingly lacking in digimon that literally are dragons in knight armor. Dukemon is the most conventional knight out of Royal Knights with a visor on its helmet, albeit covering its mouth and not its eyes. I guess Dynasmon and DORUgoramon work too, but I'm disappointed there isn't something better.
Wormmon is in the same boat as Hawkmon in that I prefer an armor that stays the same taxonomic class, so I chose Searchmon to evolve into Kongoumon. Then HeracleKabuterimon-X is a giant gold bug, although Shivamon might work better conceptually.
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Terriermon made me abandon the rules because we do not have armor evolutions for it aside from Rapidmon Gold. I could have easily just used the Tamers line with a gold Rapidmon instead of a green one, but MagnaGarurumon is an idea that adds a bit of freshness. They are supposed to be dogs, after all.
Come on, what the fuck is GoldV-dramon? Get that the fuck out of here. That's even worse than Elephantmon. I shouldn't even be dignifying it with a response. But it can evolve into UlforceV-dramon, sure.
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shihalyfie · 11 months
Hi. I have been doing some more reading on the background of digimon, and I read somewhere that American comics were a big influence for character designs, and I was wondering about the designs of a lot of the megas, especially Agumon, Bond of Courage, and Gabumon, Bond of Friendship in Kizuna. Is this really true, and to what extent has this been ongoing? How does this relate to themes of evolution?
This is true, but it's not as specific as you might think. Watanabe really likes the design of American comics in the sense of a drawing style known as "AmeComi" (アメコミ), which is basically "a style akin to American comics" in the same way you'd hear a lot of people here say "anime style" or "manga style". A lot of the things in Digimon design have things you would be more likely to have seen in American comics at the time than you would in manga, such as bold, strong shadows. I've yet to hear anything particularly deeper than that when it comes to Digimon, so I think it's really just in the sense of the artists who work on Digimon taking inspiration from things they like and not necessarily being limited to just Japanese media.
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Okay, so Gabe evolved into Gabumon Bond of Friendship, but Algomon evolved into Devimon. I wasn't interested in DoneDevimon part 3, so I wanted to check if I could DNA Digivolve him with anything and I saw I had a Vritramon in storage.
The real issue comes from that I forgot what level Vritramon is (spirit evolution is wacky) and so DNA'd the Vritramon with the Devimon instead of the other way around and now I got another Aldamon ☠️
I've raised like 3 of those things already, so I'm now raising another Algomon from the open slot left by the DNA Digivolution in hopes of getting a Mega I didn't already raise twice already.
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kingdomblade · 2 years
What are some of your favorite Digimon evolution lines?
I'm a huge fan of the almost the entire Gabumon line - the only ones I don't care for are Punimon, who I'm apathetic towards, and Bond of Friendship, whose design was just really disappointing to me.
The bulk of the Gaomon line is a close second because I'm basic and think dogs are neat.
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jippy-kandi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna (Deluxe Blu-ray)
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izumi-r · 3 years
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Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna  ~ part 2 - 2 / 2
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digi-lov · 2 years
BT6 had a set of Tamer cards featuring the Adventure cast from Kizuna!
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Taichi/Tai and Yamato/Matt got their own cards, with Synergy with [Agumon - Bond of Bravery] and [Gabumon - Bond of Friendship] respectively, which were also featured in this Booster Set.
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The rest of the cast got double cards with more general effects fitting for the play style of their respective colors.
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zoelsilva · 3 years
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When you realize that Agumon and Gabumon does not shinka on Crest, but rather their Bond. Even their Crest has evolved to Bond 😭
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thevictimofsilence · 5 years
Gabumon Bond of Friendship
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eisa96 · 3 years
I’ve seen people kept talking about Taichi’s relationship with Koushirou or Sora when referring to the level of closeness they have with each other but rarely about his relationship with Yamato. Especially when it comes to the reboot series. Which is—Not gonna lie but a bit disappointing..
Other than the two characters I mentioned above. Out of all the kids in the series; Taichi is also the closest to the boy that holds the Crest of Friendship.
Under the cut, I’ll be talking precisely about the reboot versions. So if you’re okay with spoilers, then go ahead and click on ⬇️
Taichi is, to put it in words: very fond of Yamato.
Sure, he often praised Koushirou or Sora. Usually can be seen dropping compliments or outright admiration when talking to other people of said person or directly face to face with them.
There is something different with the way he sees or talks about Yamato.
Their first meeting alone already gave him a big impression towards Yamato as a person. He instantly accepts and sees the other as a friend and can’t help but want to be closer to him. This you can see in episodes where they will cross path with the boy or when Yamato is inside the group. He will unconsciously go and be nearer to him whether he notices it or not.
There is also something else. He worries a lot over the other. The change happened after the incident with DoneDevimon where Yamato and Gabumon were almost, nearly dead after been slammed hard to the ground. Reboot Taichi is optimistic, a ball of positivity, rarely shows his vulnerable side to the audience.
But the DoneDevimon arc is one of the rarest sight you can see from Taichi’s character. He’s vulnerable in every sense in a way. And from that episode on, Taichi has been seen to be worried over Yamato; his voice visibly wavers whenever Yamato is in potential danger. The incident traumatized him.
Taichi is not the only one who sees Yamato in a different way. Yamato also felt the same.
Yamato unlike Taichi, took some time to open up to someone. He’s very reserved and tends to act alone in a disguise of protecting the others. And he does that a lot. He often talked to Taichi first before regarding the others and asked him to look after them. In which, Taichi obliges.
Yamato slowly opened up after the second time they crossed paths with each other. Where he sees that he is not alone in the fight. He starts to talk to the others but still kept a safe distance between him and them.
You can see the visible change after they finally reunite as a group. Yamato doesn’t smile much but somehow, when he is alone with Taichi; he allows himself to relax and be, well..Him. And he does that a lot afterwards. Taichi is the first person he lets other than his brother and Digimon partner, Gabumon in his life.
It makes their bond and their connection with each other much more sweeter. They known each other in a short amount of time but already regarded the other as one of their closest friends. Not to mention how in tune they are with working together as a team with just a simple glance.
Reboot Taichi and Yamato sees the other as equals and I find that beautiful and their relationship should be talked more than pushing them under the category of rivals when they are not.
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