theblindarcher · 9 months
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Irony: A bird that's also a bookworm.
Portrait order for Galactan Jenkins on Twitter of their bluejay OC, Veena
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Naturally Treat SIBO: Natural Remedies for Bacterial Overgrowth
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Naturally Treat SIBO Using Mother Nature's Products
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition where abnormally large numbers of bacteria grow in the small intestine. This can lead to digestive symptoms like bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation. If left untreated, SIBO can cause malnutrition, weight loss, and deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. The key to treating SIBO is restoring a healthy gut microbiome (microbiome is a collective term that refers to your body's natural bacteria that are beneficial to you) and fixing the root causes that allowed SIBO to develop in the first place. With a multi-pronged natural approach, it is possible to naturally treat SIBO without resorting to the long-term use of antibiotics.
Dietary Changes for SIBO
Making strategic dietary changes is one of the foundations of naturally treating SIBO. The types of foods eaten impact the numbers and types of bacteria that can proliferate in the small intestine. Following a gut-friendly diet can help create an environment less hospitable to the overgrowth of harmful bacteria.
Natural Treatment For SIBO - YouTube Video
Common Symptoms of SIBO
SIBO often initially presents with digestive complaints, as the overgrowth of bacteria interferes with normal nutrient absorption and intestinal motility. Symptoms tend to be chronic or recurrent if left untreated. - Bloating, abdominal distension, gas (hydrogen or methane gas) - Diarrhea, loose stools, constipation - Cramping, pain, visceral hypersensitivity - Acid reflux, heartburn, belching - Food sensitivities, intolerances - Nutritional deficiencies - Fatigue, brain fog, headaches - Joint pain, skin issues  The specific symptoms experienced depend on the types of bacteria predominant in the small intestine. Hydrogen-dominant SIBO is more associated with diarrhea, while methane-dominant SIBO correlates with constipation. Rapid fermentation of FODMAPs and carbohydrates creates an abundant amount of gas. Since SIBO can damage gut barrier function, food antigens, and bacterial endotoxins entering the bloodstream can cause systemic symptoms like brain fog, headaches, rashes, and joint pain. Nutritional deficiencies may develop if malabsorption impairs the ability to absorb vitamins and minerals. Diagnosing SIBO requires specialized breath testing measuring hydrogen and methane production after ingesting lactulose or glucose. Symptoms combined with a positive breath test confirm a diagnosis of SIBO. Typical treatments include antibiotics, elemental diets, and antimicrobial herbs, alongside dietary changes. Catching and treating SIBO early is important to avoid complications like weight loss, malnutrition, and additional digestive diseases. Awareness of common symptoms prompts patients to seek appropriate SIBO testing and care. FODMAPs Explained FODMAPs stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. An expanded topic for these carbohydrates can be found on Wikipedia. These are all different scientific names for types of short-chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine. FODMAPs include fructose (found in many fruits), lactose (found in dairy), fructans (found in wheat), galactans (found in legumes), and polyols like sorbitol (used as sugar-free sweeteners). The reason a low-FODMAP diet helps SIBO is that these carbs rapidly ferment and produce gas, which feeds the overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine and causes digestive symptoms like bloating and diarrhea. By reducing foods high in FODMAPs, there is less "food" available for the bacteria to munch on, which improves symptoms. Low FODMAP Diet Many SIBO experts recommend following a low-FODMAP diet. FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) are short-chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine. Bacteria rapidly ferment FODMAPs, producing gas and drawing water into the intestinal lumen. This exacerbates digestive symptoms like bloating, cramping, and diarrhea. Following a low-FODMAP diet for 4-8 weeks can help improve these symptoms by reducing the amount of fermentable carbs available for bacteria to feast on.  It's important to work with a dietitian knowledgeable in the low-FODMAP diet, as it is quite complex to implement. The diet should only be followed short-term, with a careful reintroduction of higher FODMAP foods to determine personal tolerance levels. Completely restricting FODMAPs long-term can negatively impact the beneficial bacteria needed for gut health. Elimination Diets Some people need to follow more restrictive elimination diets to calm SIBO symptoms. Removing sugars, processed carbs, dairy, gluten, and certain starches may help starve out unwanted bacteria. Diets like the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), GAPS diet, or SIBO Bi-Phasic Diet eliminate grains, starchy vegetables, beans/legumes, sugar, and sometimes fruit. While challenging to follow, short-term elimination can reset the digestive system and promote healing of the gut lining. Low-carb, Higher Protein & Fat Limiting carbohydrate intake while increasing protein and healthy fats can help rebalance gut bacteria in SIBO. Protein from omega-3-rich fish, grass-fed meats, pasture-raised poultry, and plant sources provide nourishment without excess fermentation. Swapping starchy veggies for more non-starchy veggies supplies prebiotic fiber without spiking blood sugar. Healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, and avocado oil have anti-inflammatory benefits. Bone Broth & Collagen Incorporating bone broth or collagen protein daily can help heal the intestinal permeability that often accompanies SIBO. Bone broth provides collagen, gelatin, and amino acids that soothe and seal the gut lining. Collagen powder is a convenient way to get a concentrated dose of this gut healing protein. Probiotic Foods  Eating probiotic-rich foods helps diversify gut bacteria with friendly strains that can compete with overgrown species. Fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, kefir, and unsweetened yogurt contain beneficial microbes. Aim for variety, as different fermented foods supply unique probiotic strains. Start with small servings and work up slowly to improve tolerance.
Herbal Antimicrobials
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Herbal therapies can help reduce bacterial overgrowth as part of a comprehensive SIBO treatment plan. Antimicrobial herbs may be used individually or in combination formulas. Some of the most common include: - Berberine: Found in goldenseal, barberry, and Oregon grape, berberine has broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties, while also helping regulate blood sugar and reduce inflammation. - Garlic: Contains allicin and other sulfur compounds that have antibacterial benefits. Garlic acts specifically against H. pylori and methanogenic gut bacteria. - Oregano oil: The active compound carvacrol has pronounced antimicrobial effects against SIBO-causing bacteria. Oil of oregano also calms bloating and speeds gut motility. - Neem: High in antimicrobial bitter compounds called nimbins. Neem helps purge pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and parasites from the gastrointestinal tract. Herbal antimicrobials work best when rotated every 4-6 weeks under the guidance of a knowledgeable practitioner. Probiotic supplementation during and after herbal treatments helps maintain good bacteria. Lifestyle and diet changes should continue alongside herbs for lasting results.
"Natural Antibiotics"
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Berberine, garlic, and other antimicrobial herbs are sometimes referred to as "natural antibiotics," but there are some important differences as compared to conventional types prescribed by your doctor: - Herbal antimicrobials contain many active compounds that work synergistically, while antibiotics contain single isolated compounds. - Bacteria are less likely to develop resistance to the diversity of a herb's antimicrobial components compared to an antibiotic's single mechanism of action. - Herbs like berberine and garlic are selectively antimicrobial against pathogenic bacteria while generally sparing beneficial flora. Conventional antibiotics indiscriminately kill all susceptible bacteria. - The antimicrobial herbs mentioned also have additional beneficial effects beyond just killing bacteria - immune-modulating, anti-inflammatory, gut healing, etc. while conventional antibiotics have a purely antibacterial action. So, while herbs like berberine and garlic do have antibiotic-like antibacterial properties, they tend to work in a more holistic, broad-spectrum, and gentle way compared to isolated antibiotic drugs. The term "natural antibiotic" is a convenient shorthand widely used, but herbs have far more complexity and synergy.
Targeted Supplements to Treat SIBO Naturally
Specific dietary supplements can help address root causes contributing to bacterial overgrowth, reduce inflammation, and restore nutrient absorption. Prokinetics Slowed motility in the small intestine enables bacterial overgrowth in SIBO. Prokinetic supplements promote regular bowel movements and the sweeping of bacteria out of the small intestine. Popular botanical prokinetics include ginger, artichoke leaf, and Iberogast®. Prescription prokinetics may be an option in difficult cases. Digestive Enzymes If SIBO causes damage to the small intestinal lining, digestive enzymes can help break down nutrients for better absorption. Enzymes like amylase, lipase, and proteases taken with meals aid the digestion and assimilation of carbs, fats, and proteins. Colostrum  Bovine colostrum contains growth factors that promote gut integrity and help heal leaky gut associated with SIBO. It also has natural antibacterial components like lactoferrin that inhibit overgrowth of pathogens. Learn about Bovine colostrum at the National Library of Medicine. Prebiotics & Soil-Based Probiotics Prebiotics like Inulin, Fructooligosaccharides (FOS), arabinogalactans, and resistant starches feed beneficial bacteria. But with SIBO, too many prebiotics can overfeed bacteria. Start with small doses and gradually increase. Soil-based probiotics can help diversify gut microbiota. Inulin is a polysaccharide produced by many plants. For an explanation of Fructooligosaccharides, go to Wikipedia, for Arabinogalactans go here Wikipedia. Polysaccharides are made up of monosaccharides, which are simple sugars. Antioxidants & Nutrients Vitamin and mineral deficiencies often accompany SIBO. Supplementing with a high-quality multivitamin, vitamin D, B-complex, zinc, and magnesium aids healing. Anti-inflammatory antioxidants like NAC, glutathione, and alpha-lipoic acid reduce oxidative stress from SIBO. Mucosal Protectants   Supplements like L-glutamine, collagen, zinc carnosine, and licorice root help reinforce the intestinal barrier and soothe inflamed mucous membranes. This aids the healing of a leaky gut and prevents further bacterial translocation.
The Importance of Determining Root Causes
A key component of treating SIBO holistically is uncovering and resolving the root causes that allowed it to happen. Common predisposing factors include: - Medications - antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, NSAIDs, birth control pills - Low stomach acid - Slowed motility and constipation - Food poisoning - Diabetes or prediabetes - Small intestinal obstruction - Nervous system dysfunction - Immune problems Identifying and mitigating contributing factors provides the best chance of long-term SIBO relief. This may involve stopping problematic medications, supplementing with betaine HCl for low stomach acid, prokinetics for constipation, herbal antimicrobials for food poisoning, and managing blood sugar, obstructions, and neurological issues. Finding a functional medicine practitioner can help determine personal root causes.
Lifestyle Factors Supporting SIBO Recovery  
Certain lifestyle changes support short-term recovery and long-term prevention of SIBO recurrences.  Manage Stress Chronic stress dysregulates the nervous system and causes intestinal motility problems that can facilitate SIBO. Adopting stress-relieving practices like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and getting adequate sleep helps normalize gut function.  Stay Active Regular exercise improves bowel motility and discourages constipation. Aim for a mix of cardio and muscular strengthening activities according to ability. Even light walking after meals can aid digestion. Avoid Food Triggers Keep a food and symptom journal to identify triggers that worsen SIBO symptoms. Common culprits include gluten, dairy, beans, high-sulfur foods, processed carbs, and sugar alcohols. Avoiding these eases symptoms and starves bacteria.  Support Digestion Eat smaller, slower, more frequent meals. Chew foods thoroughly and rest after eating. Bitter herbs and enzymes taken before meals stimulate digestive secretions. Sipping warm ginger or fennel tea aids digestion. Hydrate Well Drink adequate fluids, aiming for at least half your body weight in ounces per day. Staying hydrated keeps bowels functioning optimally and discourages constipation. Filtered water, herbal tea, bone broth, and mineral water are beneficial. 
Preventing SIBO Relapse
For some people, successfully treating SIBO is only half the battle. Avoiding the recurrence of bacterial overgrowth proves challenging, with studies showing SIBO relapse rates around 44% within 9 months after antibiotic treatment.  Preventing the regrowth of pathogenic bacteria requires continued diligence with a multifaceted, long-term approach. Ongoing adherence to an antimicrobial diet, targeted supplementation, and gut-healing therapies help sustain balance in the small intestine. Rotate Antimicrobial Herbs  Continued use of antimicrobial herbs helps keep SIBO from recurring, especially herbs like oregano, neem, berberine, and garlic that specifically inhibit methane-producing bacteria. Rotate different antimicrobials every 4-6 weeks to prevent bacterial resistance. Take Probiotics between Courses Always take probiotics in between courses of antimicrobials to maintain populations of beneficial flora. Priority probiotics include Bacillus subtilis, Saccharomyces boulardii, and soil-based organisms that colonize the small intestine. Consider Repeat Elemental Diet For recalcitrant cases, doing an elemental diet 2-3 times per year helps dramatically reduce bacterial numbers. Though restrictive, short-term liquid nutrition starves out overgrowths while buying time to correct underlying causes. Identify and Treat Lingering Root Causes Seek out any remaining predisposing factors that could re-initiate SIBO, like medications that slow motility, undiagnosed food intolerances, or neurological and endocrine problems. Continuously resolving root causes is key for long-term SIBO maintenance. Support Motility Daily Make motility-supporting practices a priority in your daily routine. Exercise, drinking enough fluids, eating fermented foods, massaging the abdomen, taking prokinetics, and managing stress all maintain regular bowel function to discourage SIBO recurrence.
The Elemental Diet for SIBO
The elemental diet involves consuming liquid formulas made of pre-digested nutrients that get absorbed in the upper small intestine. This deprives bacteria downstream of their preferred fermentable carbs. Elemental formulas contain amino acids, simple sugars, vitamins, minerals, and fat but no whole protein, fat, carbs, or fiber.  Studies show the elemental diet can eradicate SIBO in over 80% of patients. It provides symptomatic relief by starving out bacterial overgrowths. However, there are some important considerations: - The diet is very limited and strict - all other foods and beverages must be avoided. This can be difficult to adhere to for more than 2-4 weeks. - Digestive symptoms often recur after resuming normal eating, if underlying causes are not addressed. - Elemental diets are deficient in fiber and alter microbiota populations, so they should only be used short term. - Bloating, cramping, nausea, and diarrhea can occur during the diet, causing some to discontinue treatment. A slower introduction can help adaptation. - Elemental formulas are medically manufactured rather than whole foods-based. But for some, this is preferable over antibiotics. - While effective at first, elemental diets may become less effective with repeated use. Other natural treatments should be used alongside it. The elemental diet can be a useful therapeutic tool as part of a comprehensive natural SIBO treatment plan. But it should not be viewed as a cure-all or long-term solution. Improving symptoms through an elemental diet provides a window to implement other gut-healing strategies for sustainable results.
The Large Intestine (The Colon)
There can be some bothersome effects on the large intestine in SIBO cases: - Diarrhea from SIBO can lead to accelerated transit time through the large intestine. This decreases the amount of water the colon can absorb from stools, resulting in them being loose and watery. - Alterations in the small intestinal microbiome from SIBO can change the types of bacteria that end up in the large intestine. Too much hydrogen-producing bacteria causes diarrhea while excess methane-producers cause constipation. - SIBO can impair proper digestion and absorption of nutrients like fiber that feed beneficial colonic bacteria. Read the full article
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moleculardepot · 7 months
Locust Bean Gum from Ceratonia siliqua Seeds
Locust Bean Gum from Ceratonia siliqua Seeds Catalog number: B2015618 Lot number: Batch Dependent Expiration Date: Batch dependent Amount: 100 g Molecular Weight or Concentration: N/A Supplied as: Powder Applications: a molecular tool for various biochemical applications Storage: RT Keywords: Galactomannan polysaccharide, Gum, locust bean, Manno-galactan (main component) Grade: Biotechnology…
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Importance of Mushroom (Button mushroom)
Mushrooms are fungi, There are many varieties of mushrooms. However, the button mushroom “Agaricus Bisphorus” is one of the most consumed in the world. Button mushrooms has a fleshy fruit bodies belongs to the Agaricaceae family, have a white or light brown cap with a stem and gills on the underside of the cap.
Nutritional Value of Button Mushrooms Per 100g Calories: 22 Protein: 3.1g Fat: 0.3g Carbohydrates: 3.3g Fiber: 1g Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.5mg Vitamin B3 (niacin): 4.5mg Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): 1.5mg Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): 0.1mg Folate: 16mcg Iron: 0.5mg Potassium: 318mg Selenium: 9.5mcg
Button mushrooms are also a good source of antioxidants ( ergothioneine & selenium), low in calories and high in several essential vitamins and minerals (including B vitamins, selenium, and copper), low in sodium and high in water content, contain a high percentage of easily digestible protein & specific carbohydrates, such as chitin, hemicellulose, β- and α-glucans, mannans, xylans and galactans, these atributes make them a healthy addition to a balanced diet.
Certain factors can cause browning of the mushroom during the post-harvest period. These include the presence of the enzyme( polyphenol oxidase & phenolic compounds), but also the number of rinses and the post-harvest environment. Many techniques, such as chilling and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), have been developed to control the browning of button mushrooms. Health Benefits of Mushroom
1-Nutritional Powerhouse 2-Boost Immune Support 3-Antioxidant Allies 4-Improve Digestion 5-Improve Heart Health 6-Weight Management Aid 7-Fights Cell Damage 8-Improves Brain Function 9-Supports Bone Health 10-Lowers Diabetes Risk 11-Reduces Depression
In cooking, button mushrooms can be used in a variety of dishes, including soups, stews, stir-fries, and salads. They can be sauted, roasted, or grilled, and can be stuffed with a variety of fillings. Their earthy flavour profile complements diverse cuisines and adds depth to vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals alike & used as a meat substitute in vegetarian dishes such as mushroom burgers and stroganoff.
As we delve deeper into the world of nutrition, mushrooms stand as a testament to the remarkable synergy between nature and human health – a reminder that the most wholesome solutions are often found in the simplest and most unexpected places.
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ad. 💚 Do you ever have any digestion problems like bloating and abdominal pains after eating certain foods like grains, legumes and vegetables? I recently started taking
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💚 I simply take 1 #fibractase forte capsule before a meal. I found the best way to take this is with water but if you don't like swallowing pills you can also empty the contents of the capsule in a glass of water. The capsules are safe and totally work wonders for just about anyone age 2 and up. Try it for yourself and enjoy the foods you love without the consequences.
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therealgutdoctor · 2 years
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The low-FODMAP diet is a dietary approach used to manage symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other digestive disorders. FODMAPs are a group of short-chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine and can ferment in the large intestine, leading to symptoms like bloating, gas, abdominal pain, and diarrhea in some people. The low-FODMAP diet involves avoiding high-FODMAP foods for a period of time, typically 2-6 weeks, to see if symptoms improve. After this elimination phase, foods are gradually reintroduced one at a time to identify which ones trigger symptoms. The goal is to identify individual triggers and create a personalized diet that is low in FODMAPs but still allows for a variety of nutritious foods. Foods high in FODMAPs include: 1. Fructose (found in honey, fruits, and some vegetables) 2. Lactose (found in dairy products) 3. Fructans (found in wheat, onion, garlic, and some vegetables) 4. Galactans (found in beans, lentils, and some vegetables) 5. Polyols (found in some fruits and vegetables, as well as artificial sweeteners like sorbitol and xylitol) 6. The low-FODMAP diet is generally recommended for people with IBS or other digestive disorders that are characterized by symptoms like bloating, gas, and abdominal pain. However, it is important to work with your functional gastroenterologist to ensure that you are meeting your nutrient needs and to determine if the low-FODMAP diet is appropriate for you. #lowfodmapdiet #IBS #bloating #gas #abdominalpain #guthealth #digestion #health #functionalmedicine #gastroenterology #drmark #therealgutdoctor
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ahmedalys-blog · 2 years
The pulp of the carob pods contains several nutrients, the most important of which are 55% sugar, 15% high-quality protein, and 6% fat. The seed powder contains 60% protein and ample amounts of cholesterol-free oils. Vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, D) and important mineral elements such as: potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, barium, copper, nickel, magnesium, and others, and the fruits are devoid of oxalic acid (Ox), which prevents the absorption of calcium and other mineral elements, and this would Facilitating the intestinal absorption of these minerals and benefiting greatly from them, and the fruit lectin is distinguished by not causing the appearance of allergy symptoms. Medicinal value: The pulp of carob fruits and seeds contains many active substances, including carob gum, which contains mannan by 85%, galactan by 29%, and pentosan by 0.5%. For this reason, mothers add a spoonful of carob powder to infant formula, and at the same time it prevents constipation, due to its ability to retain water in the intestines, and this is why carob regulates the movement of the intestines and the fluids present in it. Carob gum has other medical benefits, including: neutralizing the acidity or alkalinity in the intestines and absorbing some toxins and molds. In it, it also inhibits the growth of some germs. Carob syrup is used in folk medicine to relieve coughing, as the gum present in it moisturizes and expands the respiratory passages. This is useful for warts several times with the blunt carob fruits in removing them from their roots. Breastfeeding women are advised to eat carob or a drink made from it for diuresis. Medicinal value: The pulp of carob fruits and seeds contains many active substances, including carob gum, which contains 85% of mannan, 29% of galactan, and 0.5% of pentosan. % It also contains ferment oxidase and seratonase enzyme, and carob gum is useful in stopping diarrhea, especially in children, and for this reason mothers add a spoonful of carob powder to infant formula and at the same time it prevents constipation, due to its ability to preserve water in the intestine, and for this reason carob is a regulator of bowel movement and the fluids present in it. Carob gum has other medical benefits, including: neutralizing the acidity or alkalinity in the intestines and absorbing some toxins and molds present in it. It also inhibits the growth of some germs. Carob syrup is used in folk medicine to relieve coughing, as the gum present in it moisturizes and expands the respiratory passages. Sometimes the raw fruits of carob are removed from its roots, and breastfeeding women are advised to eat carob or a drink made from it to produce milk and enhance its nutritional power. Patients who need to get rid of excess water in their bodies are also advised to eat carob and foods made from it in order to increase diuresis.
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th3e-m4ng0 · 4 years
would u be willing to do pride icons with nb variation flags, like the galactan ones?
as in color variation? i mean, i guess i could!
edit: looked it up, yass of course anon!! sorry, i got confused at first. ;w
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immu52hd-blog · 4 years
Immu 52 HD
Progressed Immunity is a dietary enhancement that causes you normally support your resistant framework. A sound resistant framework is crucial for our general wellbeing as it shields us from different sicknesses and hurtful poisons. There are a lot of resistance sponsors out there however not all enhancements are made equivalent. Progressed Immunity utilizes a characteristic arrangement to take care of business which yields a profoundly strong and powerful enhancement
Why would that be a Need for Immunity Supplements?
Everything around us is loaded up with poisons, particularly these days given how contamination has risen. These poisons are hurtful for our body and it's just our body's invulnerable framework that guards us from them. An individual experiences a great many microorganisms and different poisons every day by and large.
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For what reason do a few people never appear to become ill though some consistently will in general become ill? Everything descends to one's insusceptible framework where the disparity could be down to hereditary qualities and age. In any case, that doesn't mean you can't take care of business. On the off chance that you join the correct supplements in your eating regimen, at that point you also can improve your invulnerability, however this is the place it gets precarious.
It is difficult to live on a sound eating routine as it requires an enormous way of life change which is the reason invulnerability boosting supplements are more helpful. Nonetheless, not all enhancements are made equivalent as most invulnerability boosting supplements either don't have the correct fixings or just need intensity.
Then again, Advanced Immunity is a characteristic enhancement that not just has a recipe comprising of more than 25 fixings but on the other hand it's an amazingly intense enhancement. The dietary benefit of the enhancement is a long ways past anything that you could accomplish with a sound eating regimen which makes it truly outstanding out there for your insusceptible framework.
How Does Advanced Immu 52 HD Work?
Progressed Immunity works by strengthening the numerous line of safeguards inside your body. The insusceptible framework is profoundly unpredictable, and it needs to manage destructive poisons day by day. Thusly, it's imperative to flexibly it with the supplements it needs to work appropriately. Progressed Immunity does exactly that, and that's only the tip of the iceberg!
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The enhancement comprises of various nutrients, minerals, flavonoids, and other insusceptible boosting fixings that help diminish the danger of getting a malady and improve your general invulnerable reaction. There are a lot of cell reinforcements in this recipe that neutralize Inflammation which is viewed as the underlying driver of numerous maladies, for example, Diabetes and Obesity.
In addition, the Advanced Immunity equation likewise goes about as a detoxicant, helping your body dispose of hurtful poisons that can influence your general wellbeing. These fixings are sourced from the greatest merchants and just their most powerful structures are utilized. The recipe contains no additional synthetics and is totally sheltered to devour with no symptoms.
Progressed Immunity makes dealing with yourself simpler as it contains a wide assortment of supplements that you basically can't get from even the most advantageous of diets. With only two containers of Advanced Immunity day by day, you'll be en route to feeling extraordinary quickly!
Zinc: It has ground-breaking safe boosting capacities and it's known to help with viral sicknesses, for example, the basic virus. It's likewise an incredible cell reinforcement with mitigating properties.
Nutrient C: It secures against microorganisms and oxidative pressure. It improves your cell's capacity to murder microorganisms. Examination has demonstrated that nutrient C is incredible for decreasing the seriousness of respiratory diseases.
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Nutrient E: It improves resistance of more vulnerable cells and enables battle to age related insusceptibility decrease. It helps upgrade T cells in your invulnerable framework which are liable for murdering infections.
Grape Seed: They're wealthy in flavonoids. They have extraordinary cancer prevention agent, mitigating, hostile to maturing benefits for the body making them an ideal fit for our resistant framework.
Quercetin: It has cancer prevention agent and against hypersensitivity properties. It's likewise wealthy in flavonoids making it a ground-breaking insusceptibility promoter.
Green Tea: Known for the most part for its advantages for weight reduction, Green Tea is additionally antimicrobial and hostile to viral which shields you from bacterial and viral contaminations.
Garlic: It's a characteristic anti-toxin and antiviral specialist that has been appeared to lessen the danger of getting contaminated with viral infections, for example, the normal virus. It likewise supports your resistant cell's capacity to execute attacking cells and helps battle respiratory sicknesses.
Pomegranates: They help against bacterial diseases as well as help the development of good microbes inside the gut which helps support your insusceptible framework twofold.
Asian Ginseng: It upgrades protection from sickness and microbial assaults. It helps support invulnerability against viral and bacterial contaminations just as immune system maladies.
Shiitake, Reishi, and Maitake: These Japanese mushrooms have for quite some time been utilized to help resistance and when utilized together, they give a more prominent invulnerability boosting impact.
Beta Glucans: It enacts and improves characteristic executioner cell work.
Sea Pine Bark: It's an amazing cancer prevention agent that is more impressive than Vitamin C.
Essiac Tea: It invigorates invulnerability and goes about as a detoxicant helping your body free itself of destructive poisons.
Arabino Galactan: It protects the body from respiratory diseases.
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Advantages of Advanced Immu 52 HD
The enhancement utilizes a characteristic recipe to support your invulnerable framework.
The fixings inside the recipe work synergistically to make a greater effect on your general wellbeing.
The fixings in Advanced Immunity are incredible for the safe framework as well as improve your general wellbeing.
The enhancement assists battle with fatigueing and keeps you stimulated for the duration of the day.
The enhancement shields you from different viral and bacterial diseases.
The enhancement guarantees that your invulnerable framework is given the basic supplements at untouched.
There are no additional synthetic substances or any poisons in Advanced Immunity which makes it totally safe with no reactions.
There's an unconditional promise.
Valuing and Refund Policy
Keeping your invulnerable framework solid doesn't mean you need to go through loads of cash and Advanced Immunity is verification of that. The enhancement is sensibly valued and comes in three reasonable bundles evaluated as follows:
One Bottle: $59.
Three Bottles: $49 per bottle.
Six Bottles: $39 per bottle.
In the event that you're suspicious about making a buy, at that point don't stress as each acquisition of Advanced Immunity is secured by the maker's 60-day unconditional promise. You can evaluate a total jug and on the off chance that you aren't happy with your buy, at that point you can demand a full discount.
End – Is Advanced Immu 52 HD Worth Trying?
Your resistant framework is one of the most significant pieces of your general wellbeing without which you essentially wouldn't endure. It's fundamental to keep it healthy to remain infection free and solid. Progressed Immunity gives an ideal characteristic mix of more than 25 fixings to keep your insusceptible framework solid. These fixings give your body all the fundamental supplements and minerals to fend off unsafe microbes and infections while additionally improving your general wellbeing.
With Advanced Immunity, you'll feel extraordinary about yourself as you'll feel invigorated for the duration of the day. In case you're somebody who works out, you will even observe quicker recuperation times after an exercise meeting. In this way, Advanced Immunity is an incredible by and large bundle for your general wellbeing that is an absolute necessity have. You can buy it from here.
Offical site:-https://productscop.com/immu-52-hd/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=km3V2Ef970c&feature=youtu.be
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trustyourgutblog · 5 years
The One Where Cassie Sees a Nutritionist
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Happy Thursday all! C here :)
After discussing my journey to diagnostic clarity in my last post, I wanted to dedicate this next one to my first step in managing my diagnoses holistically.
I left my first job as a social worker (and my nightmarish long-distance relationship) to move to a less rural area with my husband where I now have more access to specialty care. I established care with a new GI doctor (who was much warmer than the first, thank the universe) and she began making referrals to incorporate a more integrated health approach. 
First on the list was a nutritionist. At my first appointment, we reviewed my current symptoms (diarrhea, bloating, gas, constipation, and stomach cramping) and what I was eating on a daily basis. I had been making an effort to eat “clean” and was tracking my meals, so she requested my login information for my food tracking app so that she could start helping me find patterns between my symptoms and diet.
She also provided me with a ton of information about FODMAPs and how they could be impacting my symptoms. When I first heard the acronym, it reminded me of that episode of Spongebob where he thinks Mr. Krabbs is a robot and he’s spitting out all of these “bee-boop-boop-bop phrases.” Man, I hope there’s some 90’s babies reading this who understand that reference. 
A FODMAP is not, in fact, a robot word. It’s an acronym that stands for Fermentable Oligo-(galactans, fructans), Di-(lactose), and Mono-saccharides (fructose) And Polyls. Basically a fancy list of substances that are difficult to digest and can cause gastrointestinal symptoms. Little did I know that I could be eating “clean,” but still not be eating foods and portions that I could tolerate and digest properly.
So, over the next few months my nutritionist and I would meet, review my food tracker and symptoms, and begin piecing together my intolerances. It was so interesting (and extremely frustrating) to learn that my good intentions of eating “healthy” egg bites from Starbucks in the morning, would inevitably lead to me blowing up the bathroom by noon at work. YO, THERE’S A SHIT TON OF LACTOSE IN EGG BITES ~ WHO KNEW?! My nutritionist. She’s 100% that bitch.
Okay, I’m being over dramatic, but after learning all of this new information I literally felt like that Limitless meme with all of the mathematical equations floating around in the air and a thoughtful me in the middle. Once I’d notice an intolerance, I’d either eliminate that food or decrease the portion size and HAZA! No more bloat or death farts! Did you know that after you eat something you’re not supposed to feel it move through your entire digestive tract? Huh, weird.
But, seriously though. I began learning how to avoid “overflowing my bucket,” aka accumulating too many FODMAPs. If you take in too many FODMAPs in one sitting or even one day, they can overflow from your small intestines (where foods are supposed to be digested) into your large intestines. The perfect recipe (see what I did there?!) for gastrointestinal upset.
I dove into low FODMAP recipe Pinterest boards and started to feel a sense of empowerment that I could control my diet-related symptoms. If I wanted a cinnamon roll full of gluten, I knew what the consequences would be and could choose to have said cinnamon roll in the comfort of my own home, near the comfort of my own toilet. 
Memorizing all of the high FODMAP foods and ingredient lists was tough at first. I remember grocery shopping during my first week on the elimination diet and reading every label to find that there was always, inevitably, one ingredient on there that was questionable. The first couple of weeks you’re eating whole foods with little ingredients, just to figure out what you can and can’t tolerate. 
Okay ~ I know this post is getting long so I’m going to wrap it up here with a few tips for someone who has recently been diagnosed with IBS, IBD, or Crohn’s.
1. See a nutritionist if at all possible ~ they are so knowledgeable and will make the whole elimination process easier
2. Start a food journal with symptoms
3. Tune into your body after you eat a meal and really notice how you feel (you don’t have to be blowing up a bathroom to be intolerant to a food)
4. Do research on those foods that you notice are triggering symptoms and read up on FODMAPS and the FODMAP elimination diet ~ it sounds hardcore, but honestly I didn’t even do the whole reintroduction period because it was pretty easy to pinpoint what was giving me stinky farts and what wasn’t after a few weeks
5. If FODMAPs are the issue, download the Monash app so that you can have a list of foods to reference at all times (I didn’t fork over the $8 for the app but if you don’t have a wise nutritionist to consult, it might be worth the dough lol more food puns)
6. Find foods that work for you and get creative with them! Buy a sensitive tummy cookbook, scroll through Pinterest ~ there are lots of yummy options for people with food intolerances! (S/o to all of the dairy free alternatives)
If you enjoyed this post, then you can look forward to me doing more deep dives into nutrition in later posts ~ I’m learning more and more everyday and am excited to share all of the nutrition gold nuggets!
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xeno-aligned · 5 years
Wasn’t there a whole Venn diagram of the galactan alignments or something
yeah there is, made by @system-lgbt i think. this is of the original galactian alignments, not including related alignments (such as proxian) or the expanded alignments by system-lgbt (note - some of mechs definitions of the original alignments are wrong, and although mech says that the chart is wrong it’s actually correct) (refer to this post or the original post for the right definitions)
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Low Fodmap Diet Shopping List: Everything You Need for Managing IBS
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Eliminate The Guesswork By Using The Low Fodmap Diet Shopping List
Following a low FODMAP diet is one of the most effective strategies for managing problems for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). But knowing what you can and can’t eat on a low FODMAP meal plan can be confusing. This comprehensive low FODMAP diet shopping list takes the guesswork out of grocery shopping by covering all the food staples you’ll need to follow the diet successfully.
What Is Low FODMAP Food?
Low FODMAP food refers to meals, snacks, and ingredients that are low in certain short-chain carbohydrates that can be difficult to digest properly. FODMAP stands for “Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols.” These are all scientific terms for different types of sugars and fibers. Specifically, a low FODMAP diet limits fructose (fruit sugar), lactose (dairy sugar), fructans (chains of fructose), galactans (chains of galactose sugar), and polyols like sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, and maltitol found in some fruits, veggies, sweeteners and dairy products. Foods high in these FODMAPs can trigger digestive issues in sensitive people by drawing excess fluid into the intestine or getting fermented by gut bacteria. Sticking to options lower in these carbs helps manage unpleasant IBS symptoms.
Why Follow This Low FODMAP Grocery Shopping List?
Before diving into the specifics of what to add to your low FODMAP diet shopping list, let’s look at why having the right foods on hand matters when managing IBS. It makes sticking to the diet simpler. Let’s face it, restricting your diet is hard enough without having to meticulously scan every label at the store or deny yourself your favorite treats sitting temptingly in the pantry. Stocking up on delicious low-FODMAP snacks, baking ingredients, proteins and more means you’ll have plenty of satisfying options for every meal. You’ll avoid food triggers hiding in ingredient lists. High FODMAP ingredients can sneak into everything from yogurt to sausage through additives like inulin, honey, high fructose corn syrup, and more. This low FODMAP diet shopping list helps you identify which brands and products to choose to avoid symptom triggers. It reduces stress around meal prep and eating out. Even eating at restaurants gets easier when your fridge and cabinets are already filled with gut-friendly go-to’s. Take the uncertainty and stress out of menu planning and cooking by keeping this shopping list on hand whenever it’s time to restock. Now let’s explore the best low FODMAP food options to add to your cart across every essential grocery category.
Low FODMAP Proteins
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Protein keeps you feeling satisfied while supplying essential nutrition for everything from wound healing to hemoglobin production. Smart low-FODMAP protein sources to stock up on: - Meat and Poultry: Choose fresh cuts of beef, lamb, chicken, or turkey, and opt for fattier cuts that are lower in FODMAPs. Eggs, deli meats, bacon, and canned tuna pack well for lunches. - Dairy: Hard, aged cheeses like Cheddar, Swiss, Parmesan, Feta, and Havarti stay lower in lactose. Opt for lactose-free milk and yogurt to avoid excess lactose. - Fish and Seafood: Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, or sardines supply anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats that may ease IBS symptoms. Shrimp, mussels, and canned tuna make easy low-FODMAP additions. - Legumes: Lentils, chana dal, and canned chickpeas give you fiber, protein, and iron. Stick to half-cup portions as larger amounts may cause issues. - Soy: Tofu, edamame, and tempeh contain all essential amino acids. Check labels since soy protein can be hidden in sausage and deli meats. - Eggs and Poultry: Eggs from chickens, ducks, or quails offer protein, vitamins A, D, E, many B vitamins, and important minerals. Ground turkey breast or chicken work for burgers or tacos. List of protein foods recommended for a low-FODMAP diet: - Eggs - Poultry (chicken, turkey, duck, etc.) - Fish and seafood (salmon, tuna, shrimp, etc.) - Firm tofu - Tempeh - Fatty cuts of beef and lamb - Lactose-free yogurt - Lactose-free milk - Hard, aged cheeses - Cottage cheese - Feta cheese - Edamame - Regular yogurt - Soy milk - Lentils - Chickpeas - Soft cheeses - Cow’s milk - Deli meats (choose carefully, can have unwanted hidden ingredients) It's important to note that individual tolerance to these foods can vary, and it's best to consult with a dietitian before making any significant changes to your diet. Citations: ibsdiets.org gastroconsa.com monashfodmap.com
Finding Low FODMAP Grains
Complex carbohydrates give the body and brain energy while providing bulk and prebiotics for the digestive system. Here are go-to low FODMAP grain staples for your pantry: - Gluten-Free Breads and Baked Goods: Look for gluten-free breads and muffins made with coconut or almond flour and low FODMAP sweeteners. Foods certified by FODMAP Friendly or Monash University contain ingredients tested not to trigger symptoms. - Oats: Certified gluten-free oats tested free from wheat grains make a great breakfast option either soaked overnight or cooked. Limit sweeteners to low FODMAP maple syrup or brown sugar. - Rice: White rice, wild rice, basmati rice, brown rice. - Quinoa: This seed cooks up fluffy like a grain for a protein powerhouse. Rinse well before cooking. - Cornmeal: Naturally gluten-free corn flour, corn tortillas, polenta or grits create excellent low FODMAP options. - Buckwheat and sorghum: For gluten-free variety, these grains stand in nicely for barley or farro which should be limited on the diet. - Gluten-Free Pasta: Choose certified gluten-free pasta, Japanese soba noodles, or those made from corn, quinoa, or rice. Watch out for pasta containing soy protein. Check labels carefully for FODMAPs. - Rachel Pauls Food: When shopping for certified low FODMAP packaged foods like bread, cereals, and snacks, look for brands like Fody Foods that have partnered with Monash University. Rachel Pauls Food also offers convenience items like seasonings, canned soup bases, and stews prepared according to strict low FODMAP guidelines
Why Gluten-Free?
Many grains that contain gluten like wheat, barley, and rye also tend to be high in short-chain carbohydrates classifying them as high-FODMAP foods. For example, wheat is a rich source of fructan oligosaccharides that can trigger digestive issues. Going gluten-free by default eliminates major dietary sources of these FODMAPs. Additionally, many people with irritable bowel syndrome are sensitive to gluten itself. In those with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, eating gluten prompts an immune response, inflammation, and gut barrier dysfunction. Limiting gluten avoids these reactions and improves gastrointestinal symptoms. Following a strict low FODMAP diet means steering clear of foods with wheat, barley, or rye whenever possible to support digestive health on multiple fronts. Sticking to certified gluten-free grains, flours and products helps.
Low FODMAP Fruits and Vegetables
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Fruits and veggies supply prebiotics, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Stick to these low FODMAP options: - Fruits: Bananas, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, grapes, melons, kiwis, and pineapple are safest. - Vegetables: Green beans, carrots, bell peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, spinach, swiss chard, cucumbers, lettuce, potato, sweet potato. - Sprouts: Alfalfa, radish, or mung bean sprouts add crunch while being low in FODMAPs. *It's important to know that certain bean sprouts are higher in FODMAPs. *Specifically, soybean and green pea sprouts are higher in short-chain carbohydrates compared to sprouts from alfalfa, radish, or mung bean seeds. This difference has to do with the composition of proteins and carbohydrates inherent to the various seeds they are sprouted from. So while lots of sprouts make a tasty, nutritious addition providing vitamins and minerals, pay attention to the specific type. Stick to confirmed low FODMAP varieties like alfalfa, radish, and mung bean rather than soybean or green pea sprouts which could trigger unwanted digestive symptoms.  Also, pay attention to serving sizes, as too much of certain low FODMAP products can trigger issues. Use the Monash University’s FODMAP app to check your favorites.
Low FODMAP Dairy Foods
Those following a strict low FODMAP diet should choose lactose-free milk like almond, coconut, rice, or oat milk. Always opt for unsweetened varieties without unnecessary additives. Small amounts of real cow’s milk may be tolerated, especially yogurt which contains less lactose than milk. Lactose-free yogurt and hard, aged cheeses (cheddar, Parmesan, Swiss) make safer choices. Be mindful that while goat cheese contains less lactose than cheese made from cow’s milk, portions should still be watched carefully if following the elimination phase strictly or if lactose intolerant. It's important to note, that cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, and soft cheeses, all dairy products, are higher in lactose, so they should be limited or avoided.
Fats and Oils
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Adding healthy fats makes food taste better while providing the building blocks for hormones and cell membranes. Here are low FODMAP options: - Oils: Extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, sesame oil, sunflower seed oil. Avoid oils with potential triggers like garlic-infused olive oil or chili oil. - Nut Butter: Opt for brands with just nuts or seeds as ingredients like almond butter or tahini. Limit serving size to 2 Tbsp due to fructans. - Olives: Green or black olives make great salad additions or snacks. Avoid onion or garlic-stuffed olives. - Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts can be enjoyed in moderation, but limit portions to 1⁄4 cup per sitting. - Avocados: These creamy fruits add healthy fats and fiber to salads, sandwiches, or smoothies. - Nut milk: Use almond milk, coconut milk, or hemp milk for smoothies, cereal, or baking/cooking. Always choose unsweetened varieties.
Condiments, Herbs, and Spices
Don’t let eating low FODMAP mean flavorless food. Here are some tasty condiment options: - Vinegar: Balsamic, apple cider, red wine, white wine, rice vinegar, sherry vinegar, champagne vinegar. - Mustards: Yellow mustard, Dijon mustard, honey mustard (if not following the elimination phase). - Pestos: Use basil or cilantro pesto rather than versions with garlic or onion. - Salsas and hot sauces. Choose tomato or mango-based without onion/garlic. - Herbs/Spices: Basil, thyme, oregano, rosemary, sage, parsley, tarragon, saffron, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, cumin, fenugreek, coriander and chili peppers can provide ample flavor.
Other Low FODMAP Pantry Items
Fill up your pantry with these other helpful low-FODMAP ingredients: - Broths/Stocks: Choose low-sodium veggie or chicken stock avoiding onion or garlic ingredients. Try the vegetable base 'Better than Bouillon'. - Sweeteners: White sugar, maple syrup (real), golden syrup, rice malt syrup. - Chocolate: Dark chocolate 70% or higher is usually low FODMAP in up to a 1.4-ounce serving. Choose types without extra high FODMAP ingredients. - Tea and coffee: Chamomile, green, black, peppermint, ginger, dandelion, white or oolong tea. Always choose unsweetened or use low FODMAP sweeteners.
Watch For Hidden Dangers When Compiling Your Grocery List
When it comes to packaged, prepared, and processed foods, ingredients high in FODMAPs unfortunately tend to hide everywhere from deli meats to yogurt. Manufacturers sneak in high FODMAP elements such as chicory root fiber, inulin, garlic powder, or onion seasoning to add flavor, texture, or gut health claims to products. Without careful label reading, these bonus ingredients which contain fructans, galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), and other short-chain carbs can inadvertently trigger unwanted digestive symptoms. Pay special attention to labels on foods like protein bars, sausages, bread, and crackers which often include extra prebiotics and sweeteners potentially high in FODMAPS. Choosing certified low FODMAP brands offers assurance that ingredients have been properly vetted so as not to bother people with digestive system disorders.
More Ideas For Foods To Include In Your Low FODMAP Grocery List - YouTube Video
Key Things to Remember
With this thorough low FODMAP shopping list, you’ll have all the ingredients needed to create easy and delicious gut-friendly meals. Keep these tips in mind: - Always check labels for high FODMAP ingredients, especially added sugars and prebiotics - Use the Monash app to look up products if unsure - Introduce higher FODMAP foods slowly during the reintroduction phase - Make sure grains and oats are certified gluten-free if following a gluten-free diet - Limit portions of certain low FODMAP foods like nuts, fruits - Stock frozen and canned veggies without onion or garlic - Use herbs, spices, vinegar, mustard, and stocks for flavor - Choose certified low FODMAP foods when possible So, create your food list using the food types mentioned in this article and fill your fridge, freezer, and pantry. In no time you will be making delicious meals that will improve your gut health, and hopefully, you will be symptom-free. Links FODMAP Diet Mushrooms Cure SIBO Naturally Natural Wellness Solutions Main Page Contact Us About Us
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moleculardepot · 11 months
Azo-Galactan from Potato
Azo-Galactan from Potato Catalog number: B2014524 Lot number: Batch Dependent Expiration Date: Batch dependent Amount: 1 g Molecular Weight or Concentration: N/A Supplied as: Powder Applications: molecular tool for various biochemical applications Storage: RT Keywords: Azo-Galactan (Potato) Grade: Biotechnology grade. All products are highly pure. All solutions are made with Type I ultrapure…
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monngontribenh-blog · 5 years
kham pha nhung loi ich tu qua muop huong
Khám Phá Những Lợi Ích Tuyệt Vời Từ Quả Mướp Hương Và Cách Chế Biến
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Mướp hương là một thực phẩm quen thuộc, thường xuất hiện nhiều vào mùa hè tại nước ta. Mướp hương vô cùng dân dã và dễ ăn phù hợp với nhiều đối tượng từ trẻ nhỏ cho tới người già. Bên cạnh là nguyên liệu trong bữa ăn hằng ngày thì các món ăn được chế biến từ mướp hương còn là bài thuốc chữa bệnh, hỗ trợ sức khỏe cho tất cả chúng ta. Chế biến, kết hợp mướp hương với các nguyên liệu nào để gia tăng giá trị chữa bệnh của mướp. Cùng khám phá thông qua những chia sẻ dưới đây nhé!
Giá trị dinh dưỡng của mướp hương
Mướp hương là một loại cây phù hợp sinh trưởng tại các nước thuộc khí hậu nhiệt đới gió mùa. Mướp thuộc leo thân thảo thuộc họ bầu, dễ sinh trưởng và có mặt tại hầu khắp các khu vực trên đất nước ta. Trong quả mướp có chứa chất nhầy, thành phần dinh dưỡng có chứa các chất bổ dưỡng như ligin, galactan, xylan, acid amin tự di, choline, vitamin... Mướp có vị thanh mát, hương thơm dịu nhẹ, vị ngọt vừa phải.
Các món ăn bổ dưỡng được chế biến từ mướp
Mướp hương hỗ trợ giảm cân, bạn đã thử chưa. Trong quả mướp hương có chứa rất nhiều chất xơ, cùng với đó là hàm lượng vitamin cực kỳ cao như vitamin nhóm B, vitamin C và một lượng nước lớn. Các món ăn như mướp luộc, mướp xào với thịt nạc, ức gà, canh mướp nấu tôm ít dầu, ít mỡ đều là những gợi ý để cho bạn hoàn thiện mâm cơm hằng ngày nhưng không lo về việc tăng cân mà còn hỗ trợ giảm cân.
Kích thích tăng sữa cho phụ nữ sau sinh với mướp hương: như đã giới thiệu ở trên, trong mướp hương có chứa nhiều nước, các chất protit, lipit, gluxit, xenlulose, vitamin nhóm B, nhóm C và đặc biệt là sắt. Nghe nhắc tới thành phần dinh dưỡng thôi hẳn bạn cũng đã biết vì sao mướp hương lại tốt cho phụ nữ sau sinh rồi đúng không nào. Các món ăn vơi mướp trong bữa ăn như mướp xào thịt nạc, canh mướp nấu móng giò heo… Những gợi ý này cực kỳ phù hợp, lợi sữa và tốt cho tuyến sữa, tốt cho làn da và cơ thể của người phụ nữ. Hơn thế nữa, vị ngọt mát của mướp còn là giải pháp đều hòa kinh nguyệt, hỗ trợ chị em phụ nữ điều hòa khí huyết tạo ra sự thoải mái, tránh những khó khăn trong ngày dâu.
Mướp hương - giải pháp thanh liệt mùa hè: nhắc đến những món ăn giải nhiệt mùa hè thì mướp hương không thể lọt top được rồi. Vị ngọt, vị thanh tạo một luồng gió mát đi toàn cơ thể, vừa thanh nhiệt vừa giải độc hiệu quả. Đã thanh nhiệt, giải độc rồi thì cơ thể chúng ta cũng cảm thấy thoải mái, da dẻ và toàn cơ thể như được làm mới. Mướp hương khi kết hợp với mùng tơi, với rêu cua đồng nữa thì đây chính là món canh hoàn hảo cho những ngày nóng nực trong mùa hè.
Hỗ trợ điều trị viêm xoang từ mướp hương: Cách chế biến này theo hơi hướng giống như một bài thuốc hơn là một món ăn. Bạn sẽ sử dụng mướp hương khô, tức là xắt lát các quả mướp hương mang đi phơi khô. Khi các lát mươp đã khô thì mang đi tán thành bột, sau đó bạn sẽ dùng một này pha với nước ấm để uống. Mỗi ngày bạn đều nên uống một ly nước mướp này trước khi ăn sáng, kiên trì uống từ 7 đến 10 ngày để vị thuốc phát huy tác dụng tốt nhất. Các triệu chứng viêm xoang có thể không mất hẳn nhưng chắc chắn nó sẽ giảm, tạo sự thoải mái cho chính bạn.
Hỗ trợ người bệnh cao huyết áp bằng mướp: chuẩn bị nguyên liệu bao gồm mướp hương tươi khoảng 2 quả, táo ta khoảng 200g, chanh tươi, đường phèn vừa đủ. Mướp hương và táo bạn mang đi gọt vỏ, làm sạch và ép lấy nước. Phần nước đó hòa cùng một ít nước chanh và đường phèn đã làm tan chảy. Đây vừa là một món giải khát và là một thực phẩm hỗ trợ chứng cao huyết áp thường gặp ở người lớn tuổi và đặc biệt nguy hiểm trong những ngày nắng nóng kéo dài.
Hẳn bạn không ngờ rằng từ một quả mướp dễ trồng, dễ tìm lại phát huy tác dụng tốt với sức khỏe nhiều như vậy đúng không. Các nguyên liệu tự nhiên đặc trưng của nước ta còn có thêm nhiều công dụng hơn thế nữa, theo dõi kênh của chúng tôi để cập nhật thêm nhiều công thức chế biến món ăn ngon và bổ dưỡng khác nữa nhé!
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marilynnlam-blog · 5 years
Keto Burn Xtreme sorbitol and maltitol, often used in sweets
The food agencies taken into consideration FODMAPs within the diet are:
Fructose (fruit, honey, high fructose corn syrup, and so on.)
Lactose (milk, yogurt, ice cream and cheeses);
The fructans (wheat, garlic, onion, and many others);
Galactans (legumes consisting of beans, lentils, soybeans, and so forth.);
Poliois (sweeteners along with Keto Burn Xtreme sorbitol and maltitol, often used in sweets);
Fruit with stone consisting of avocado, apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, plums, and so on.
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veggies inclusive of asparagus, candy peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, onion, garlic, beans, lentils, and so forth.
in line with practitioners, signs like diarrhea, constipation, gasoline, bloating and cramping can arise in human beings touchy to the consequences of these meals corporations and a limited weight loss program can help lessen them. The food plan is counseled specially for people with irritable bowel syndrome and can be utilized by people with similar symptoms resulting from different digestive problems.
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ultra-maha-us · 2 years
Guidelines for Effective Dietary Management of Fructose Malabsorption: The Minimal FODMAP Diet
Sensitivity to carbs like lactose, fructose and sorbitol are largely undiagnosed, but responsible for stomach bloating and abdominal hardship to many. A group of indigestible carbohydrates or carbs, including oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols have already been proven to be osmotically active, fast fermenting in the gastrointestinal tract. Numerous studies show these carbs are substantial sparks of gastrointestinal indicators in patients with fructose malabsorption and IBS separately or in combination.
The low FODMAP diet has substantially improved the gastrointestinal wellness of numerous with fructose malabsorption and annoying bowel syndrome in clinical trials. FODMAPs symbolize the food forms which are many prone to fermentation by the stomach bacteria. Evidence implies that reducing worldwide absorption of FODMAPs to manage useful stomach indicators gives sign comfort for about 75% of patients with FGDs such as annoying bowel syndrome. Practical stomach indicators vary from individual to person. Treating useful stomach problems varies. Adjustment of meal measurement, liquor, fat and caffeine plays an essential role. Use of adequate levels of fibre and plenty of new natural water often helps substantially in controlling and maintaining healthy digestive health. Recognition of the medial side results that get along with products and medications is really a must. Life style changes that gain digestion including pleasure, exercise, proper rest and sunlight are also essential key elements along with administering the Reduced FODMAP diet.
That band of poorly absorbed, short-chain carbohydrates, referred to as the FODMAPs was manufactured by analysts from Australia, Doctor Sue Shepherd and Professor Peter Gibson. They coined the word FODMAPs as a means to sort an otherwise unrelated band of specific kinds of carbohydrates. The acronym FODMAPs represents Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides and Monosaccharides. It's applied to establish an otherwise unrelated band of small chain carbohydrate and sugar alcohols. The FODMAPs are fermented by the bacteria of the intestines resulting in flatulence, pain, bloating, reflux, diarrhea and constipation.
By reduction of nutritional FODMAPs it is visible that there is accomplishment in giving rest NDF-Wiedereinführung from these indicators to the majority of individuals with fructose malabsorption and comfort to some with annoying bowel syndrome. Fructose is only 1 of the numerous poorly absorbed, short-chain carbohydrates that cause the apparent symptoms of fructose malabsorption. They are complex names for an accumulation molecules found in food which are poorly absorbed by some people. When these molecules are poorly absorbed in the little intestine, they act as a food supply to the bacteria in the intestinal tract, causing large osmotic activity and quick fermentation which then leads to luminal distension and the prospect of future sign induction in individuals with less versatile bowels or visceral hypersensitivity.
In the in-patient fermenting short-chain carbohydrates like fructose and lactose might be malabsorbed, polyols are often poorly absorbed and fructans and galactans are always poorly absorbed in most individuals. Consuming meals high in FODMAPs benefits in improved level of water and gas in the little and big intestine, leading to distention and indicators such as abdominal pain and gas and bloating.
People that have fructose malabsoption show good improvement by being on the Reduced FODMAP diet. Lots of people knowledge a larger quality of life from being with this diet. That diet does need a few nutritional changes. Prior to starting, you must consult a registered nutritionist or dietitian to greatly help guarantee you are finding the right nutrition including fiber. It can also be essential and highly relevant to recognize that FM can co-exist with intolerance to different food substances including chemicals, salicylates, amines, lactose or gluten so it is vital that you look closely at these in the event that you however are encountering indicators when following a diet. Studies are still being done (currently at Monash College in Australia) on meals within the FODMAP diet. That diet is still in their infancy. New research is going to be revealed as time moves ahead and more testing is done.
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