#galand nnt
librathefangirl · 11 months
Short, a demon ideal?
Okay this post has been on my mind for a while now. So shout-out to @wow-skylar and @spacehostilityy for putting the idea of Meliodas and Zeldris bullying Estarossa for his height and short being a demon ideal into my head. Now allow me to run wild with it. (Apparently this turned into a whole analysis oops)
I love this because it kinda feels like it'd be a "silly little idea", but it actually makes sense. For starters, let's talk about Meliodas and his own height. Throughout the manga/anime we repeatedly get Meliodas being mistaken for a kid and underestimated because of this and the fact that he is Tiny™
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And how does Meliodas react to this? Well, it's Mel, so it's not like he's fazed by these kind of things. But! While we do get him, sometimes repeatedly, stating that he's not a kid (because obviously he's not), we don't really get him protesting about his height/size. Granted, we don't get nearly as much occasions with someone pointing out his size without calling him a kid or such, but let's look at the above scene with Simon. Meliodas isn't just unfazed, he seems surprised that Simon would even be surprised that the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins, the infamous strongest and cruelest order of knights, is someone of his size.
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Which brings us to Diane's height. When Gowther reveals that Diane has been lying about her height, Meliodas is confused and doesn't get why it's a big deal actually being 30 rather than 29 feet. Now this is mostly played off like a "boys vs girls" thing, and could just be a Meliodas thing. But why would it be a Meliodas thing? Maybe because he's a demon rather than a giant/human. Like @somthing-lavender said in the original post, this could be the result of demons not actually caring about height.
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Okay so - demons don't care about heights is actually something that (to me at least) makes a lot of sense when you think about it. We're shown time and time again that size doesn't matter to demons, it's not a requirement for strength or power. The first demon we meet (that we know is a demon when we do) is the Red Demon. And yeah, at first the red (and also gray) demons seem like these big powerful threats. But, let's face it, it's season 1. A lot of people seemed more powerful back then than in later seasons. And the red and gray demons' power levels lie around 1,000-3,000 - which we now know isn't that much. Something that season 2 (season 3 on Netflix) quickly proves.
Season 2 introduces us a lot more to the demon clan's power levels. Because that's when power levels in general are revealed, but also because we get the Ten Commandments and Meliodas with his power restored. As for the Ten Commandments, we get a first view at their power levels through Galand's, which is 26,000 (with his magic depleted). Now, yes, I'm aware that Galand is also a big demon, but let's make a little comparison, shall we?
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According to the wiki, the red demons are 800cm (26'3") tall with a power level of 1,000-1,300 and Galand is 408cm (13'5") tall with a power level of 27,000. This means that while Galand is about half the size of a red demon his power level is still about 27 times bigger. And! Galand is the Commandment with the lowest power level, the others' ranging between 31,000 and 61,000. With the exception of Grayroad and Fraudrin (and Drole, but he's a giant and shouldn't be included in this anyway), the others are also a lot smaller than him.
What's my point with all of this? That, despite the title of this post, demons don't care about height. There isn't some "gotta be big and strong" thing going on among the demons. Because they can just as well be tiny and strong. I mean, before Meliodas' power is restored (when he only has about 10% of his power) his strength still lies at 960, which is slightly above Diane's (a literal giant) 950 in her human size.
The demon clan is just a lot more diverse in that way compared to other races, like humans and giants (who btw kinda must appear to be more or less all the same size to demons?). There are some demons that are really big and powerful like Galand and Fraudrin. But also really short and powerful demons like Meliodas and Zeldris. So, yeah, they don't put the same value in heights like humans do.
Of course ideals don't always have to do with what's actually best. So, let's leave the analysis of canon for a bit and look at the idea that originally inspired this post: short being seen as an ideal for demons.
Now I love the idea that Mel and Zel accidentally creates a beauty standard by being short. And, once again, I have to admit, it kinda makes sense. Because when it comes to beauty standards we tend to look towards celebrities, right? Successful and desirable people? And, I mean, Meliodas and Zeldris are literal princes. They're also both insanely powerful, both successfully led the Ten Commandments at different points, and Meliodas was widely looked at as the one most likely to be the next Demon King. It makes sense that other demons would look at them as being the "ideal demon". It's also not like it would change after the Holy War finally ended because these two short demons (together with their allies) killed the Demon King and Supreme Deity, beings who were seen as gods, and then became kings of Liones and the demon clan respectively. And, yup, still stupidly powerful.
Plus, you could have so much fun with this idea. Like, if being short is the ideal, how do the demons look at tall demons - yeah, he's hot but he's also tall - or big demons - overcompensating much?
I can just imagine the shit Estarossa would have to put up with from his brothers (for example, see post mentioned at the top and reblogs of it). And Galand! I Imagine he would also get bullied by the smaller (and younger) Ten Commandments members (dude even gets bigger when using his power oof). Meliodas and Zeldris probably wouldn't give it too much thought (besides bullying their brother because "why you so tall? you gotta be adopted"), except when it comes to one other thing. The Demon King.
I like the thought about these two having these inside jokes about their father in-between all the trauma and abuse. Like look at that ridiculous size of their father, now that's a demon who is overcompensating XD - Also, how would this ideal affect the rest of the demons' view on the Demon King. Imagine some demons secretly side-eyeing the DK. "Yeah, he's unimaginably powerful and I would never dare say anything, but he's not really attractive, is he?" And "look at that insanely huge and powerful god of the realm, what would he be without his size?"
Idk I'm just messing around at this point. Anyway! I had some Thoughts™ (apparently) :)
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dreyhendyheadquarters · 4 months
I decided to decorate my keyboard with characters from the Seven Deadly Sins (long story) so I’m going to have a bunch of square images of characters.
No payment no nothing, I’m handling them out for free, but first come first serve applies.
The first batch is the Ten Commandments, if you want one, comment the name of the character you want, and I’ll DM you about it
1) Zeldris (taken)
2) Melascula (taken)
3) Monspeet (taken)
4) Gloxinia (taken)
5) Estarossa (taken)
6) Grayroad
7) Derieri (taken)
8) Drole (taken)
9) Galand (taken)
10) Fraudrin (taken)
The names that are green are available; if they turn red, that means they are taken.
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0lollipop0 · 2 months
Tristan Liones - Episode 24 Season 1 (Stitch) 4KOA
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“It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!”
“I beg of you… please stop!”
“Wha… why? You said you’d stop…”
“Didn’t I tell you?”
“When this happens, I can’t control myself.”
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north-sta · 1 year
I combined requests but not all
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spacehostilityy · 5 months
rewatch nnt with me s2ep13-18
Hey boiz this is a draft from the summer but i want to enjoy interests again so it's getting published (ps i have an even cringier sideblog now @sillyspacehostilityy where i can rb things and not clog up y'all's feeds heehee)
it’s going by so fast 😭 BUT im gonna reread/actually finish the manga so it’s fine
“what do you think youre doing with her???” he’s making out with her Jericho, it’s kinda obvious
“I don’t think i like you. 😕” kwjfnlfsfighskfgl lollll
NEW INTROOOOO my second fave theme song too hehe
also the angst on this one is so good
there goes ban’s shirt. again
I honestly love Elaine’s rage, i wish they had left her just a tiny bit more fucked up. bc he exploding like that makes sense after all that she’s been through
cat fightttt. this does NOT pass the bechdel test
“asleep or awake, you’re the only thing that man thinks about” ouchie
mmm mind control anguish delicious
ban hearing that meliodas is the “traitor of the demon race” and just rolling with it<3
“Oh wait that was two! sorryyy i lost count” such a sassy little man i love him
ban has a pure and beautiful soul🥺
catch me crying over melban hahahaaaa
hendy looks cute in the tavern uniform tho haha
im just glad they kill galand quick so zhivago can return to his son in a peaceful death
the “dad” KILLS MEEEE
im in love with deldry. which i guess is her whole thing
deldry and arden tho... 👀👀👀
actually so impressed with Jericho
galand liking golf is canon. do with this information what you will
wait how did i forget Escanor’s tavern is called my sweet glutton thats so cute🥺🥺
escanor is so babygirl i love him so fucking much
i love them so much too
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Ban and King brother in law relationship is actually the funniest possible relationship in this show
Diane constantly wanting to eat hawk sparks joy
gilfrost kinda hot, sad that hes literally just vivian :/
howzer saying “that’s our diane” after she uses double hammer and she winks at him...
theyre just rlly cute im sorrry
no bc why does sir nanashi seem like a western portrayed japanese stereotype in japanese media?
arthur and meliodas are so cute i want to see them interact more !!
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I LOVE MELIODAS AND BAN SM their funny little deranged rituals are so cute 🤪
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rip to arthur tho he looked terrified lol
im going to cry like a bitch when they get reunited in purgatory
why does meliodas call Hawk “bovine bastard”? Bovine means cow or beef. As someone from Texas, i am intimately familiar with livestock classifications and i am CONFUSED. it should be porcine
tiny griamore is so fucking cute on hendy’s back😭
but ban looks fucking terrifying what is up with his face lol
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I cant believe escanor almost got fucking taken out by gloxinia lol hes so much stronger than him
the start of arthur and nanashi’s friendship !!
gloxinia’s substitute looking like gerheade 😭
shes so beautiful 🥺
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I love the implication that Elaine WAS in fact going to kill them lol
Ban: I KNOW you didn’t just call me a baby *hand gets torn off*
Meliodas: uhh Ban, what just happened to your hand??
Ban: don’t you change the subject >:/
king is about to die from being too horny damn
bro why is dreyfus so fucking ripped bitch got me blushing like DAMN
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alwaysamor · 2 years
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icon dump??
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sydns · 1 year
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pt6 of nnt alignment madness cause i have too much free time
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yourcommissar · 2 years
some Requests from Twitter
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ambersky0319 · 9 days
Monspeet why do you have such a stupid commandment
Same with Gloxinia
ALSO WTF IS DROLE'S CURSE WITH THE COMMANDMENT OF PATIENCE "anyone showing an intolerance of pain in his presence will be inflicted with further pain" WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH PATIENCE?????
It's not just their circumstances either!!! Aranak and Zeno had the same curses!!
Like. I get why THEY would be very affected by their commandments
But realistically. What are the CHANCES of anyone else getting effected????
I'm retconning the commandments and how their curses work in Eternal
Bc they literally are not very useful as they stand (in my opinion anyway)
Also I think it'd be fun to see them work around the commandments. Loopholes galore. Give these bastards creativity and also make the DK a bitch in his demands of them basically setting them up for failure
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saharthings · 1 year
Imagine Past Meliodas was transported into the future because Merlin was experimenting things.
(You know I always think Past Meliodas as cold, distant, quiet who doesn't talk that much at all, calm, and compose person)
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demonprincezeldris · 1 year
The Commandments take baby Zeldris out of the demon realm to see Britannia. Meliodas knows that the commandments will be watching him for today, but doesn't know they took him to the surface.
Galand and Melascula are the two babysitters for the day. They set baby Zeldris down in a field, who gurgles and starts crawling on the ground, his eyes wide as he sees and smells new things for the first time. The vibrant colors of the grass, and the butterflies and birds that fly above.
However, the two start to bicker over something, leaving Zeldris to wander away on his own. He's just barely learning how to walk on his own. He sees a butterfly on a leaf, and stumbles towards it. He whines as he sees it flying away from him, waddling to catch up to it.
The commandments are completely unaware that the small prince just wandered away. Finally, Melascula looks around, frowning. "Where did Zeldris go?"
"Oh shit..."
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librathefangirl · 1 year
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I absolutely LOVE the fact that Meliodas doesn't use his demon powers in his fight against Galand (if you can even call it a fight). When Galand first shows up he literally laughs at him and talks about how he's still like that (still "in that form"). Then Meliodas gets his power restored and he just beats the shit out of him. Just like that. During that first confrontation in Camelot, Meliodas tries to use his demon powers but it fails. The second time? He doesn't even bother. Because he doesn't need to.
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meliodas-world · 2 years
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Chapter 68 shows the Royal family together and I love it! Look at Tristan looking up at his Mommy!
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0lollipop0 · 2 months
Tristan Liones - Episode 24 Season 1 (Stitch) 4KOA
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“Sir Tristan!”
This stitch definitely isn’t the greatest, especially on the bottom where Tristan’s hand and legs are. I tried to make Tristan as visible as possible with all the hands, lol. The bottom part of the image didn’t really match up exactly either.
Also, all the different hands don’t connect, so it looks a little haphazard. Other than that, I just really think this scene was such a cool part, and I really wanted to do it even if I knew it probably wouldn’t look the best in the end.
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north-sta · 1 year
I picked up an old idea : What if the Demon brothers had a mother
- Her name is Jeliamis (to follow a similar naming logic as Meliodas and Zeldris)
- Her friends call her Jelly because she's short and her face looks squishy (the boys didn't get those from the DK for sure)
- Her closest friends are Galand and (original) Gowther. Their late night conversations often become late morning ones
- She has a playful and overall extroverted personality
- She's a fighter, a dual sword wielder to be precise
- A few years after bringing Zel to the world, she suffered an battle injury that made her unable to bear more children
- She mysteriously passed away not long after that
- The boys aren't allowed to talk about her but they keep a piece of her with them at all times
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alwaysamor · 2 years
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The resolve of a father
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