#galina anoai
galina1987blog · 5 months
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Galina & Roman recently 😍❤️!
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joeanoai1fanpage · 1 year
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idkwhatonamelol · 1 year
i miss galina where she @ ???
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relationshipsndhelp · 2 years
Galina Joelle Becker was born on March 11,1987. She is an American fitness model and former athlete. She is currently wed to Roman Reigns, a WWE superstar.
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gottafindyou54 · 7 years
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Aww a picture of Roman and wifey on their vacation! Jade Mountain is a romantic resort in the beautiful St. Lucia and known for its helicopter rides. Roman liked the tweet :) 
1st pic credit to Marc's Taxi Service: “ WWE Superstar Roman Reigns in Paradise, St. Lucia”   
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reisabrisingr · 7 years
Honestly so glad to see pictures of Roman at wizard world Nashville. Was honestly so worried about him with hurricane Irma. Just praying that he has Galina,Joelle and the twins with him and for everyone else in Florida.
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Galina Becker Anoai @galina.dub Born: March 11, 1987 #Black_Celebrity_Birthdays #Galina_Becker_Anoai https://www.instagram.com/p/B9nKLSTFUEh/?igshid=jg1f8sgdail8
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andyelson · 7 years
of all- 3
Of All chapter 3 Characters: Leati/(Joe sometimes Addi calls him Joe), Joelle,  Addison Jess,  Various wwe talent/ Word Count: 6841
    It was a friday morning, Joe and Joelle we're discussing which farm to go, to for this years christmas tree, They usually went to a loal tree farm called spritz, Joe was familar  with the place and  he'd been going there for awhile. But there was a new one, opening up on friday called higher pine, Addison said Higher Pine  was previously around, but the father passed away and the sons brought it back with a new name  and she thought it was good for the value of trees plus they had a wood shop and a house decorated with knick knacks.  Joelle voted for the newer one of course, after a little debate and conversation they we're going to check out higher pine as a new tradition.  Joe had to have a phone conference call at 11:30 with the executive and COO  Paul Levesque, on his status, of his injury and to time frame his come back.  "Joe. It's 11:20, I  think paul might be calling soon, And i need to be on call for this eval, for the hospital circumstance" Joe nodded and said they would head into  his office    " Hey JoJo, why don't you go get changed, clean your room up, while daddy and addy have this meeting, and then we can go grab lunch and  go get our tree okay"  Joe Said.   Addison, changed into her white scrub top and her white pants  her hair was  curled, and she had on minimal make up on, as joe wore his, tap out gear they began to wait for Paul's call.
"You never have been in here, before have you Addy?" She nodded, No.  " It was Joelle's room, well supposed to be, and then well where her room is now, is where it was and Uh Galina, wanted this to be  her play room and i decided her room was big enough, she didn't need a play room and we got into an argument about it once, and i said you know what this room is going to be used for it's going to be my office so when you piss me off i can come in here and regret it all."  Addy's eyes widened and thought to herself (  was this really what she wanted? he gets so mad, and raises his voice everytime he speaks of her, sometimes..)  she changed the subject and got up, and suggested some of his merchandise, go in a big cabinet with  the titles he won, and pictures of his father and family and maybe some photos of herself and him.  " Man Addy, you really know how to  make me happy, I think thats a great idea, only problem and it's just one, I don't have a shelf for all this, that's laying around. I mean i have magazine shoots I was in, I have me colby and Jon's crap  in a box. i need to expand.I need a bigger office space  thought about knocking out this wall, over here... Just then the phone began ringing, as  it was Paul Levesque.  he began with   "Hi Leati, Hi Addison, thanks for joining me. I'm sorry i'm a bit late, timing was a bit off  my apologies on that. Before i begin, Addison, have you contacted, Dr. Jae on the results of the MRI?  " Hi Mr  Levesque, I have and i am thinking from  both Dr and my own personal professional standpoint, Mr. Anaoi' does in fact need a possible 6-8 more weeks. He's healing, but the rehab is slower than accepted."   Joe Sighed and put his head back on the chair, he was frustrated that the doctor hadn't cleared him to compete.  "Paul, man when do you expect me to begin training?  I thought i was good man."  Paul Nodded, and began  " yeah Leati, I know  we all did, but with that MRI you had and the test results, taking awhile We just aren't sure what is proper."  leati began getting frustrated, as expected he wanted to get back in the ring and be with his peers and perform in  front of the fans, and come home and perform for Addi.   " Paul i've went to the gym, twice,  with jon and trinity and Jey charlie too! they all said i was doing and looking good. As paul laughed his deep laugh,  he said " Tell ya what, Leati, I can see what i can do here, on my end and i'll see if i can get it to about 2-4 weeks, I'm not promising anything because i'm not a doctor, Addison can we follow up with an appointment say Wednesday, at 12. with doc and do some scans, I'd say I'd get him in here tomorrow but they're booked solid. Wednesday be okay Leati?  Addison  motioned  YES. as  leati agreed that wednesday would work. Joe thanked paul for being generous, as they both hung the phone up, Leati began frustrated. " man i'm never going to be back.  I'm never going to get back in that ring again, and perform. I can feel it."  As addison looked at him, and said  "Well, Leati, with that attitude, who would want you around!."  She got up and left. Joe sat in his office, spinning his chair around. When he thought of what  Addison said  ** He started thinking,  God damn Joe Anoai' your a legend. you played at georgia tech. You met this great girl again, You have her Joe, You also have your daughter for the holidays snap the shitting fuck out of your 12 year old attitude, and make the most of being home!** he signed a relief and began  writing  **Present for Addi**  leaving the entire paper blank, he tore off the sheet of paper and put it in his desk drawer, only to bring it back out and study it like he was taking the SAT 's  he decided to call jon fatu whom was Jimmy Uso.  With only two rings, Jon answered " Yo Uce what's up. how's things going? you finally got a fresh breathe of no sex air aye uce. i'm just kidding uce you get  what you can take ma man. what's up though"?  Joe shook his head, thinking why am i calling this fool?  " Uce, nothings up and  you're one to talk  man, 2 kids and  trying for more... I hear what they say about you. But you know us samoans we know how to play. Man reason why i' was calling i don't know man.. You know about Addison, Man i'm feeling her, like really feeling her. I don't know uce...."  Jey responded with  only what Jey could respond with,   " YOU ASKING HER arent you UCE" Joe laughed and said  " Man, i don't know i haven't even went ring shopping. I don't know how to do that. I gotta take trinity or someone to even discuss this.. Joelle was trying to get me to buy a ring pop and  you know they got blueberry watermelon and a grape flavor.  it was hard for Joelle to even pick out a flavor. how the hell am i supposed to out a ring!"   "Man Uce,  Joelle is 6 she probably got watermelon, knowing her. a ring is bigger than a 99cent, flavor sugar candy you talkin 7, 8 figures for  addison. Tell you what, I'll talk to Jimmy about you taking Naomi, and Naomi  Addison and Trinity can all get together, and we can sit at the bar and discuss this more, have your mom watch Joelle for awhile. and we all have a ladies/man night" Joe agreed and plus he missed the guys and he knew Addison missed the girls, the guys talked some more about upcoming shows and how things we're going on the road and then soon hung up. Joe felt better but instantly had the nervous butterflies of even begining to purpose was he ready? was she ready? was he just going to look who knew what he even wanted to do.
Addison was sitting downstairs on the couch, curled up with a blanket drinking her glass of wine, looking for something to watch on netflix. Joe poured himself, a glass and came and sat on the couch with her.  "Looking for anything good?  he said, she looked up at him and  mentioned that there was fuller house and house of cards also orange is the new black, and prancer.  Addi said she wanted to watch that with, Joelle it would be a cute family movie, There were a few lifetime original movies being showed but joe dispised lifetime said it was mainly for those " Females, who spend their husbands money and kill the husbands later when hes too stupid to figure it out"  Addi laughed and said " Life time was NOT for that but theres movies that are like that, that are on lifetime. Life time was  an american cable and satellite tv channel   and the channel features  women in lead roles."  Joe laughed and said "you quoted that from somewhere didn't you. " maybe, i did maybe i didn't Joe. Addi said with a smile, and with that she chose a movie, snuggled in on her pillow and began watching, " Want some popcorn? or something?  Joe asked.  she nodded, as  he thankfully gracefully went to the kitchen to pop a bag, he was looking for a escape route and boy did he find one! minutes later he came back with hot delicious buttery popcorn, as he nuzzled, in between her legs, she said  "WHAT are you DOING?  uhh are you comfortable like this? Joe." he laughed and said,  "Hey physically i am in you. and now  i'm just laying right where things need to be protected by my bigger much bigger physically head."  she took a handful of popcorn and ate it as they both watched the movie.
12:00AM They both fell asleep  on the couch   only this time, Joe was in back of her, with his arms wrapped around her waist  covered in the blanket she was sharing. within minutes although, they were woken up by  a sound outside. Joe got up, and told Addi to stay  where she was. Joe  checked his security cameras  saw a young  kid walk up to his door,  Joe opened it and said " Excuse me who are you. who are you. what  do you want? get out of here, you come back around here, i'll report you to the police. I  have you on my camera dash. get out of here. get out of here right now!" The kid fled, in a car down the street,  The camera got just a piece of the car, but Joe decided he was going to switch the camera lenses to  watch the left, and right, with the right at a different angle.  "Man i love technology!" Joe said, as he came back into the living room,  " I don't know some kid, thought he was gonna play it tough and take whatever he thought he needed from the porch i dont know.but thank god i bought that camera, Best  $400 spent i do say so myself"  Addison laughed and  reached her arms out for him to come back on the couch he laughed and said " Want a hug?"  she  kicked his stomach, and told him to  come back and lay with her, cause she wanted to stay downstairs tonight. Joe grabbed a few wood chips and firewood from the carrier, and threw them on  the fire, took a sip of his  wine, adjusted his boxers, and came crawling over her to his spot as the fire began to crackle, Joe began softly kissing, her neck leaving little marks on her body as he began his trail, his fingers moved slightly up and down each arm, with little moans here and there  " you uh  think we can uh do it...."    right now right here?  she  said  before she could even get a word of acceptance  he wasted no time, his pajama pants we're off  shoved at the end of the couch soon after,  everything was breatheable, and reachable. she was pushed slightly off the couch as joe began, undressing her,  " I'm nothing special, i have nothing to offer. on the couch...."  he asked her to repeat what she said,   she moaned as he began rubbing her already swollen clit " I don't even know how you get so wet, you had to of been  having a wet dream of me because your so fucking wet I don't understand, everytime we're together, within fucking minutes you're just wet. your dripping for samoan cum, if thats what you want. then get on up here for this" As joe stood up, on his knees he brought her to her knees and had her, face the wall facing the starewell, he got up  fully naked now and threw a few more logs on the fire, as he began to walk back towards her she was facing him,  he turned her back around causing her to yelp,  wetting his hand, he threw his spit on what seemed to him to be his ever so harden dick, "do you even know how hard this cock is for you? do you even know i was already ready to have a good nights rest and then for some reason this little girl, just pops into my cock and says get hard cause i need you. and obviously it needs you too or else i wouldn't be stroking this in front of you, look at you licking your lips,  don't you dare put your fingers inside you dont you even think about it"  And with that, all being said Joe was  6 almost 10 inches deep inside her ass  with no warning, he grabbed a headful of her hair holding it  with one hand and the other around her waist with no warning he was grinding making more noise than he had before,  with every slap, from his free hand, and his cock the music they made was  one to keep Itunes in business  he pulled out by accident making  both of them moan, as quickly respositioned himself  it wasn't long  before he was back inside her going faster, with one leg propped on the couch, he was sure to come, as he was begining to come, he slipped out again pushing her back down on the couch with one word " Spread Em" he was inside where be belonged, with no warning  from either of them the song somehow came on the bluetooth speaker "Oh he so horny, he want to uh He bucked all my buttons, he ripped my blouse He Monica Lewinski all on my gown... Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like, girl you like The kind of girl you like, girl you like Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like, girl you like"  As the song continued to play, Joe began to take measure,  his pace quickened more as the couch began making sqeaking noises his breathe became rapid,  "Doc. Fuckkkkkkk. Ohhhhhhhh Fuck.  come on match me. come on  come on fuck this  good samoan dick .  thats it, good girl there comes my good girl," something came over her she didn't know if she was mad at him, or if she was just having too good of sex that  she was mad it was that good, she didn't know but  she stopped him mid thrust " wha wha th the what happened?"   As she  pulled him  so he was sitting on the couch, " STAND IT at ATTENTION like a soldier should JOE"  He didn't know who came over her, or if this was really her intentions but he did as she said, she was the "Doc" as he called her  as she  began licking, her fingers she found her friend clit as she began rubbing it vigorously,  Joe's soldier was standing at attention, for what it felt like for hours, she scooted her ass and body back, towards him  she climbed onto his soldier  saying "Yes i'm  your doctor soldier, but you my good friend are being saluted"  as she began bobbing up and down on it slow at first Joe grabbed her hips and began slamming her down harder and harder, each time  she was brought back down her eyes filled with ecstacy she was never for drugs but if this was his drug she was going to become an addict.   "Im going to fucking cum, all over this couch you're going to have to answer to your friends, and mine what happened with this stain on this couch, what are you going to tell them? Doc.... Doc....Oh Oh Oh Shiiii Shiiii. you better come first before me because if i ohhhh shiii keep riding keep riding, I'm comi I'm comi joe, I -- Oh--- Joe-- My god your dick feels so good, just like the first time... ohhhh myyy goddddd doc this was one of the best fucks i've had".  Just minutes after they both came, they collapsed on the couch, noticed the time on the clock that read  2:59AM.  It was almost 3am  they ruined the couch, but felt content about it laying breathless joe found himself burried behind her, as she layed looking at the ceiling,  finally saying  " Tree in that corner, in front of the window, something for us to look at, when we have another round down here? Or tree  in the other  window area. Joe cleared his throat and said  JoJo always liked it in front of the window in front of us" She smiled and said me too. It was  almost 3:10 by the time they stopped talking, Joe kissed her neck  and grabbed her breast gave it a small squeeze she grabbed his hand and held it in place  " You uh like this?  "  Joe smiled,  she nodded and soon fell asleep with him holding her breast.
10:15AM ( Next Morning... Tree Day) They weren't awake fully. but they we're awake enough to hear Joelle,   "Shes awake..... I wonder if she knows where we are she usually hates when i'm not in my room she gets scared thinking i'm  gone and left her".  Joe said, as he called out  "JoJo daddys down here, in the living room come here JoJo."  joJo   stood up at the top of the stairs,  laughing, as she was coming downstairs she was hauling every damn barbie and accessory in the matel world.   " KEN. COME ON. SIT in the car. put your seatbelt on little boy we're going for a RIIIIIIIDE" There went ken by himself  down the stairs, flying by Joe  as joe, rubbed his eyes,  he noticed ken  heading straight for the fireplace.  he yelled  "JOELLE. get ken out of the fire. he's almost heading straight  for his jersey shore tan"  she came flying down the stairs yelling  "KENNNNNNNNNN I told you to wear your seat belt. SHEEEEEESH"  Addi was sitting up covering herself with the blanket giving, joe some blanket, for his bottom naked  gorgeous self.  "Good morning Addy Daddy." she said leaving, to rescue her other barbie accessories,  " Addy do you ever have barbies? i have a lot. don't i daddy.."  Joe dozed off, after saving Ken from his almost fired body,  Addy leaned in and  kissed Joe's pec softly biting the skin, " Mmmmmm we close Doc"  She  shook her head no, he grunted and opened his eyes, to Joelle sitting down in front of the  fireplace, playing barbies.. " What do you guys like for breakfast?"  Addy asked , Joe looked over at her and smiled  Addi ignored his selfish grin, and  suggested  omlettes she was pulling her undies on,  pajama bottoms,  she wore her calvin klein  sports bra that fit her 32 B  nips that joe was just on. She got up, careful to not step over the barbie's set up  " Hey Joelle, I hate to upset you. but we're going to get our tree, here in a while  you can set up barbie world camp  all in that corner of the living room because the tree is going right here" Joelle  got up, announced "ALL BARBIES OF ANOAI, WORLD CAMP. please, drive carefully but we're moving camp. PACK IT UP  Skipper!"  she was so animated with everything she did, Addi just loved watching her, she reminded her of herself at that age, her life was filled with babysitters, and babysitter boyfriends whom she admired, Joe laughed as he was motioning himself to put his pajama pants on  "Hey daddy, why are you moving like that..."  Oh this? I'm just trying to find the remote, I was going to turn on the cartoons for you, and go help Addi in the kitchen.  Joelle just smiled,  " hey you two. your omlettes are ready..  come get em'" Joe smiled and got up,  grabbed his plate and put it on,  the table as he grabbed Joelle's  " Joelle come to the table eat, please leave skipper and the barbies over there. come on please." Addi said Joelle shot up, and walked to the table, as they ate their breakfast  they cleaned their plates and decided to go get dressed and go out for their tree.
1:00 PM-6:00PM "Hi, welcome to Spritz Farms, I'm John Spritz. anything you guys looking for in particular? please let me know. We have 17 lots full of all types of different trees, when your ready we can have a driver take you out to the fields to pick your tree, here's a brocheer for the list of trees and, prices have a great time!" Joe smiled and thanked   him.  Addi was taking all this in, her family never got a tree, it was always a fake tree she was so excited Joe invited her to do this, she was so anxious and so happy to get a real tree with a real family. Joe got a hold of John, and asked to be taken out to the  fraiser furr section,   "Yeah Mr. Anoai what can i help you with?" Yeah, i think we want to check out the fraiser furr selection.  Joe said, as he picked Joelle up, they followed John out to the sleigh ride that would take them  about 1.2 miles out of the front area,  "We have about  30-40 Fraiser furr 's we were a little concerened with  how they would do this year,  i had about 20 last year and they didn't do much for me. But i was over pleased with them this year, I have anything from 5ft to about 7 to about 8 ft." Joe nodded, Joelle was looking around everywhere, she was  shy,  but thanked Jon for the ride out, they went down a few rows before coming to about a 7" gorgeous dark green tree a  few were a little, lighter color green, but found a gorgeous dark one.  Joe called out to John,  " Yeah John i think we got her. This is the one. Yeah this is our first tree. as a family. Thank you" As they we're brought back with their tree on the trailer, Joelle was clapping her hands saying " Santa is going to love our tree. he's gonna wanna hang out at our house fo  sure! YAY YAY" Joe laughed as he held Andi's hand she smiled.   they got the tree home, as addi grabbed, her big rubbermaid from the basement  Joe's eyes widened  "Andi what are those?"  Christmas Ornaments from my house,  Joe can you open the door for me. he did,  as joelle, brought out 5 ornaments  "These are what daddy puts on the tree, I made them all."  she said  As Andi opened the container lid,  Joelle smiled and said " WOAHH BARBIE BAZZOOKA THATS A LOT.  SHE HAS A BARBIE PINK JEEP ORNAMENT DADDY CHECK THIS OUT!"   Just when Joe thought  he could love her   his love just  went up about 20+ points like he was playing super  mario!   " You didn't have to bring all these but thank you." he said.  " OH YEA" SHE DID. LOOK AT ELMO riding on a bike HAHA" ooh and a monkey eating a banana he's silly"   Andi mouthed " She ever read curious george"?  Joe shook his head "No".   Joelle over heard, " curious george" his name is curious george,   whats that?  she said   " Next time we're back at my place I'll let you look at my books of him. i have tons"  Joelle asked   "Do you have a baby back home?"  Andi smiled, and said Nope i just saved all my childhood favorites,  Joelle smiled and continued looking through  the boxes..   "Hey Daddy here's papa, papa is an ornament". Joe father was in the WWF and at a time, the WWF had WWF ornaments well, Sika was  nice enough to stand for  10 hours to get in paint and be airbrushed  for an ornament.   Oh Man, dad would tell us all the time, he hated  doing these beause it was for like hours on end just standing. cool you got some. i dont think my  mom kept much."   Joe went and grabbed, the lights to plug in the lights he started, to put the white lights, on  as  Joelle and Andi  put the ornaments on the tree.  Just then  Joe's phone rang  " Hey Oh Hey Uce yeah we're here you spying on us? For sure come on over. yeah i'll see you then. she'll be happy to see ya for sure!"   Jon? babe  Andi said, Yeah  " Hey Joelle, Jon and a special friend of his are coming over that cool with you"?  Joe  mouthed "S A N T  A " with a big grin on his face,  Joelle went back to her barbies as she was playing, Jon pulled up in the driveway, " Yo Uce! "  JONNNNNNNNNY yelled Joelle,  "JoJo my girl what kind of pink madness happened to your dads place. whos all these people."    Joelle, laughed  "BARBIEEEEEEEE MADNESS DUH Jon" Jon cracked a joke to joe,  You diggin in your  girly side aye. couldn't get enough of it when your sister had all this shiiii-  now you got it x4."  Joe laughed and said "What can i say my check goes to Matel"  Jon laughed and shook his head " you in way too deep bro"  Addi laughed and said   he sure is sometimes   leaving jon and joe hysterically laughing.  I uh was coming over just to see if ya'll wanted to go get a pizza or something.   joelle   sparked into the conversation, and said  "my barbies,werejust going to make a pizza this is crazzyy", as jon laughed and said  that he spoke fluently in barbie matel language,  Andi, was in the kitchen at the table working on her garland for the mantel and finishing her wreath for the door,  Jon called her Ms Pinterest or Mis Board poster, whatever you all ladies spend hours doing at night while we're sleeping. the wreath had  little red berries  all over it the garland just had  white lights with  buffalo red plaid bows, It was almost 6:00 and Jon and Joe we're hungry especially Joe,  "Man i'm starving, especially since this morning. you gonna be ready soon Andi?"  Jon looked at Joe, as joe made mention to the couch, Jon's eyes widened  and said " In Front of Barbie Madness"  common uce!  "Not in front of skipper! shes innocent!!"  Joe  laughed and said  no, but "Barbie Madness uh aye woke us up thats for sure. We almost had a fire, with the barbie earlier.. Right joelle" Joelle, was quietly playing with her barbies  Jon laughed and "Said and you caught the barbie, before  she was toast in the nudde? or what uce?"  Joe sighed and said  " Uce, i'm doomed for anywhere i'm gonna be with her, she  has this intention to just play "SURPRISE" on us, but its kinda fun to be walked in on in a way. I  dont know uce kinda gives me a challenge to try." Jon shook his head, and said " Yeah a challenge to scar your young child, that's so samoan of you."  Guys! where are we going for dinner, i need to know what to wear, Andi called out from the bathroom downstairs,  " Well what you got on now, mama"? Joe asked playfully,  "I can't tell you when Joelle is inches away from you come here Joe." Joe  proudly walked in the bathroom,  "How about this, top and these black leggins so i can wear, my black boots,"  Joe smirked, and gave her a kiss on her neck and whispered " better have that black thong, and  black bra on too. when we get home, you're getting it!" but yeah babe you look good, its just pizza  hun get dressed you have two samoans who are hungry  and uh ones a little hungrier, for what he just witnessed.
8:00 PM The tree was lit, the outdoor reindeer were lit,  They we're just getting back, from dinner Joelle wanted to stay up and watch frosty and  the christmas carol with the muppetts  Joe told her, since she was a good girl all day and did well at the christmas tree farm she could watch both shows in the basement, because  addi, jon,  and jimmy, with trinity were going to come over, and talk for awhile and that Jon was going to go and get his brother and the kids, and bring them over so Joelle had friends to play with She was happy with that and was excited to have a sleep over. YAY MIRACLE is coming too!!   HEY HEY  now i never said sleep over JoJo  JoJo smiled, and said yeah but now all the barbies are leaving your house. your  too boring  for them they bought a basement condo with air conditioning "  Joe was happy about the barbies moving out. " See ya barbs. been nice knowing ya up here, thanks for the great wake up call and sorry uh about the almost fire  blaze to ya."     Instantly he froze. and mouthed OH SHIT BLITZEN!   Joe booked it upstairs, to decorate  in Joelle's room to only find Addi up there completely tearing Joelle's bedroom apart  " If this wasn't my daughters room i'd fuck you right here  in front of this mirror right here... until you fell over on the ground, if you know  what i mean".  Addi laughed, JOE  not every place requires hot fucking sex with you, some places need to be kept holy and sacred". Joe laughed,  "Yeah like my bedroom,and the living room needs to be sprayed with holy water, this looks crazy she's gonna love it, but i'm gonna fucking hate to clean it!"-- Addi said  "Here, write a letter, i was thinking of saying, " oops i found your room i was looking for a book to read, Im sorry i got it messy  but i want to see if you can take directions, and clean like a good girl" but write it joe in a messy handwriting.  Joe laughed and said the  letter was fine,  and that they needed to get out of her room before she figures something out,  " Come on lets go  to our room-- I uh  uh mean mine,  She smiled and said   " I Liked it as when you said it was ours baby".    Joe called JoJo upstairs, "Hey JoJo come on up here, almost time for bed sweetie, lets pick a book out and read,  come on sweetie,"  She came running,  and said she was getting kinda tired,  Joe said miracle would be coming soon and  that they would be sleeping in Joelle's room,  Just  then Miracle came through the door,  "Hey Mira we're upstairs, here.."  MIRA i have all my barbies in their condo its downstairs, but maybe we can go down there, instead of sleeping in my room..  as joe thought to himself. she right, ha her room is a mess with a captiol M!  as JoJo walked in her room her eyes lit up, "  BLITZEN!!!!!!!! WOAH. daddy look in here, WOAH he went wild. OH MY GOSH!"  Joe said " I really hope blitzen offers a cleaning company."  JoJo laughed and said ME TOO DADDY.  as the girls went downstairs  to play with the barbies, Joe went through the tornado, to grab blankets,  and pillows for the girls,  the girls  we're laughing playing barbies, as joe threw blankets  on the floor,   "JoJo tent or sleeping bags..?" Joe was praying she said tent  because   he already had her tent up from the last time; in a corner,  " Yeah daddy my tent. Yeah" joe mouthed " good choice!". he set up the tent, and told the girls it was bed time and that they would have plenty of time to play all day tomorrow and tomorrow night as Jojo gave her daddy a hug and kiss. the girls crawled in the tent, and we're out within minutes! Joe turned the lights off, and left the bathroom light on as he went upstairs   everyone was getting ready to leave Jon and Trinity we're tired  and jey was only home for an hour, so he was exhausted, they all agreed they would hang out  the next day.
Next Morning ,9:45AM Somewhere, in between the night, the girls had a cookie party, pizza party, and a cheese and cracker lunchable party thank god Joelle only knows how to use the microwave and the pizzas were microwaveable. Joe was up first, as he came downstairs, he unplugged the tree, turned the t.v off,  and made his way into the kitchen,  he wasn't hungry but he had to have something, " Damn i gotta get groceries, we're almost out of everything." As he found, a plate of his mom's biscuit and gravy he decided to warm that up, and empty out his and addi's wine glasses that were left from the night before,  just as the microwave stopped beeping, he heard tiny footsteps,  " I really hope blitzen, isn't causinig trouble, he really kinda made my dad upset." Joelle said, as she made her way into the kitchen, there was blitzen with a cup of coffee and a donut, with a mess on the kitchen, and a note that read " Hi Girls, and fiends donuts are my favorite, Sorry i made a mess, hope you have a great day today with your family!- Love Blitzen." As the girls laughed joe,  smiled and said  "hes been crazy busy here in this household aye"  Just then Addi came down wearing joe's sweats and a tank top, looking beautiful as ever, he asked her if she slept well, and if he woke her he was sorry. she smiled, and said  "I slept, really well until, i couldn't feel you around me. I knew you had left,  so i thought i had better clean up, and help with the girls. but here you are." he smiled and said he would never leave any of  them, not now not ever, as they decided they would lay around the house, for awhile  and then  they we're possibly going to go to Joe's parents.   "Hey Joelle, we're going over to grandma' and papa's you ok with that?" She smiled, yeah maybe blitzen will, be there too, joe laughed and said  " I think blizten has enough to worry about being here, but who knows maybe he's already there, maybe he has a friend."  as joe and, andi and joelle and mira, all got in joe's car they headed over to Joe's parents.
** Joe's parents** "Wow, your parents house is beautiful Joe. is this where you grew up? The decorations are pretty too  Addi said. Joe nodded, "been here all my life, ever  since May 25th, 1985, well you know, since childhood- etc moving out was rough of  course but its' so nice living in my own house, with you and my little girl."  Joe's parents we're outside, sitting on the porch having a cup of coffee " Leati my boy. Leati, how are things how are you." Sika said to his son, as he stood up to greet him  "doing well pops, doing well.  Pa this is Addison, she is a nurse that helps with the company."   It's nice to finally meet you sir.  he smiled, as they all took a seat, enjoying the talks. the  kids were all out back in the spacious yard,    as patti began to say, " you know,  we have been thinking of selling the house,  the yard is just becoming too much for your dad, and with you being out of the house we just..  As sika interrupted  " WE ARE NOT SELLING. we are fine, i am fine and that is it."   It was hard for him to want to  just give up, he didn't want to just up and move he did that all his life, with his parents and 12 brothers and sisters when he finally came to tampa he was ready to settle. " You know, Joe your great grandma tried i mean hell  she only tried because she cared and you know, thats where i get my try from. and whatever she says about the yard, well the yard is the only thing i can control and i  want to keep at it. they say  never keep a man down from what he loves. well don't you dare tell me i can't get out in my yard this is my yard!" Addi, and joe began to laugh  as addi said, "Now i know  where you get the " This is my yard" line from, joe shrugged his shoulders and said  "only from the best."   I have the perfect dinner set up,  how about my  homeade nachos and tacos, for my boy and his girls, patti suggested " Oh mom. that sounds delicious. I am so down for homeade man my mom makes the best tacos i don't know  how she does it. but i leave here, sometimes crawling"  and sometimes he doesn't leave, patti said.
The nachos' we're made with ground beef, as normal but  with  homeade picante sauce, sour cream, fresh jalopeno slices,  enchilada seasoning, and a few other spices.  Whenever joe would come from college, his mom would always make a big plateful for him enough to take back to college. Joe was considered the baby, and "BABY" is what he got anything joe wanted, his mom made sure her baby got. As they ate, joe became full   " Oh mom, these are fantastic. i cannot eat another bite. I simply cannot, even eat another." Don't over do it leati,  i am  making you take these home that is if you do  go home,  she laughed.  As joe began to yawn, he made his way to the couch for a nap as addi helped clean up, with patti and sika, she to began to yawn,  "Oh hunny. why don't you go over there on the couch, and take a nap with joe. We have this, covered really we do. I was thinking, of taking the kids down to the shopping mall, and to the new  christmas tree  elf movie". If you  think you can handle joe in his own child hood home, we only will be gone for about a few hours. I wanted to buy joe some presents, with him always lurking i can't possibly do anything, without him knowing a single thing.  Sika went out to the garage to move  few things, and get the car ready.   Addi, smiled and said "he is a good cuddler, not that you need to know that, but he really takes care of me makes me feel like a part of the family". As patti smiled she said  " Oh i know all about joe's hugs, cuddles and comfort. I raised him to be like that, It's just too bad Galina only wanted the money out of  him." Addi stood firm with her next comment " I never wanted, Joe's money. If it meant anything, and no harm to you or to him or your beautiful family. I was scared to even take his phone call. I was terrified to be honest to even see him. because patti, i deep down inside truthfuly speaking, I Love Leati I do. I love him when he has $0.00 in his bank account I love him when he's so mad that he can't perform  out on the road, I love him whene he wakes me up with a glass of water.I love his daughter as if we layed down one night and made her. But Patti i'm so greatful i answered his phone call."  Patti's eyes teared up with tears as she began, to cry Addi pulled her in for a hug, as patti whispered in her ear  " Thank you for being his safe place, now enough tears a mom can't possibly cry over her handsomelittle baby, go get some rest with joe. go  enjoy his embrace, his love, his heart and most importantly his family."  As addi  smiled she did just that and soon fell asleep, to a peaceful heart beating calm samoan.
GUYS THIS CHAPTER WAS SO LONG.  Hope everyone enjoys! :D Stay tuned for chapter 4.
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galina1987blog · 1 year
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Galina & Roman yesterday 😍! Thanks to my follower to let me get it💓
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joeanoai1fanpage · 1 year
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romanreignsforever · 6 years
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Another new photo of Galina ♥
She's too beautiful 😩😻
I really love her new hair color like it reminds me of 2 years ago or 3 when she had light hair 😍
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xcenationnative · 8 years
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Galina is slaying my existence! Like, dayyyuuum girl! 😍🙌🏻
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samoandrops · 8 years
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onethousandfears · 10 years
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joeanoai1fanpage · 10 months
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joeanoai1fanpage · 1 year
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