dinrelsanddragons · 4 months
@gallant-gained A Knight, not a Diplomat
Nohr's darkness much resembled... something Link had seen before. Something he had resolved never to allow to come to pass, now that the Master Sword rested on his back. When he looked at Nohr's sky, he saw those... images from the little guardian that Purah and Robbie had recovered. The images of Hyrule during the Calamity.
None saw that it slightly unnerved him to be here.
With the little guardian's aid, Zelda had reopened an ancient path to other worlds, and sought any and all military aid she could find through it, as per the orders of her father, King Rhoam. She did the negotiating and diplomacy, though. Link was her knight.
He didn't have to say a word... though when he saw the younger Nohrian prince approaching, Link started to doubt that resolution.
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reginalucem · 11 months
King Jacinto. no one seems to trust the prince around your daughter but how do you feel?
"A valid question, young lady. There is nothing wrong with the boy for simply being head over heels. I certainly was for my wife - or perhaps I still am." A chuckle - he would never hide any feelings for his lady queen.
"Prince Siegbert is a charming young man he means well. The boy has some maturing to do, and I understand the caution - my guard have watched her grow, and to Vair in particular, she is nearly as another daughter - but I trust Zelda as much as any father could hope to do so. She is fully capable of making her own choices, and while I pray she does not do anything unwise, I have faith in her choice to trust His Highness."
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of-invisible-ties · 2 years
@gallant-gained​ II continued from here 
“Wait, so let me get this straight ...”
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“They’re paying us, so that we can build things for them? That’s just dumb. Why don’t they just pay the people who are actually building those things?”
His brain hurt. This was yet another thing Dad hadn’t explained to him. 
“Man, I dunno about this, Sieg. We should change the policy. We can do that, right?” 
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tactful-kind-daedra · 7 months
Thank you for continuing to put Daedra, Xander, and Siegbert content on my dash. Momdra is well beloved, Xander is always appreciated, and Siegbert reminds me happily of gallantgained and his hilarious shenanigans.
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[[Only the finest of media on this blog~ But I shall continue to do my part and keep the flow of it ever pouring in!
And yes, my adoration of Siegbert is also strictly from @gallant-gained 's interpretation of him. My truest Siegson, the best of the best of them.]]
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showbymuse · 3 years
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“ Wake up, got a secret Pinky swear that you're gonna keep it!”
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littlemenace-ofaskr · 4 years
@gallant-gained (response to this answered ask)
“I can say it because I don’t give two shits about royal status and frankly you look awful. God, what chores were you given today that made you end up like that??” Kiran wonders aloud. 
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macuilsung · 3 years
❓+ "What is a song that you hate but everyone else seems to love?"
“You know, Little Prince, before I was found on the streets of Windmire... I actually lived in a monastery for a couple of years.” The court musician began, taking the time to inspect his lute’s strings and tune them accordingly as he opened up about his past. To hear Forwin speak of his past was a rarity in and of itself! Perhaps Siegbert simply caught him in a nostalgic mood?
“For a portion of my life, I was taken in by men and women of the clergy. I was alone, and had nowhere else to turn to at that point, so I was offered sanctuary. The shelter I’ve been given wasn’t... the most ideal one, granted, but I managed. I was alive, and I had my lute to keep me company. Let me tell you one thing about my time with the Church though, Your Highness...”
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“...you get a little sick and tired of hearing the same old liturgical music over and over and over, surrounded by people who hardly went out of their way for variety to begin with, if it didn’t fit the dogma. After a while, it all started to blur together—hardly a new composition despite its long history!—and got so stale and homogenous so quickly.” As simple as that, memories sharply upended the lutist’s mood from wistful and melancholic, to worn down and annoyed.
“Not to say I wasn’t devout or anything, but as someone who grew up on a variety of folk songs and stage productions... it all got so boring, Siegbert! The only upside I wound up appreciating was the cathedral’s acoustics. Same lyrics, same songs, same melodies, all echoing through the walls and committed to memory, whether you like it or not by nonstop repetition... I wouldn't call it fun.”
At least the songs sung at the Wilting Rose afterwards served as a well-appreciated palate cleanser... even though the food wasn’t.
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onmywcy · 4 years
@gallant-gained​:  (gallant-gained) "You don't need reins and a team of horses to drive me crazy."
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“................Did you just flirt with me or scold me.... I can’t tell.”
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painintopcwer · 5 years
@gallant-gained - X
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“Oh, there’s no need for that, Prince Siegbert.” He waved his hand, before putting it behind his back. “I am simply pleased to aid you while I can.”
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@gallant-gained )
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✦✧   "...What happened to you?" ✧✦
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founderkcng · 6 years
@gallant-gained || CONTINUED FROM HERE
Kill them, was what Somnus WANTED to say. But that wasn’t probably a good idea. This boy had to be no older than seventeen? Or eighteen? Good Gods... 
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“They started going after you because you let them. Ignoring them didn’t work because they got under skin BEFORE you started even ignoring him. They see you as an easy target.”
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dinrelsanddragons · 11 months
@gallant-gained cont'd from ask
"Ah, no, no...I was simply passing through." He'd cooked up that excuse before leaving to scope out if her quarters were unguarded. "It is a pleasure to meet you, as well. What is your name? I hope that you have been enjoying your time here."
"Name's Armok." He offered a hand for a shake. "My comrades will say I'm the silliest one, and they're not wrong; if you ever see a stone dragon sunning himself on a castle tower rooftop, well, that's me. Hah!" Yet his eyes– they were certainly not Hylian; they had slits for pupils that reminded of a cat. Even so, his smile remained genuine and friendly. "Her Highness speaks fondly of you."
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reginalucem · 5 months
How would Zelda feel if Ophelia ever started being in Siegberts life again
//Honestly, pretty well if the context is friendly. Zelda wants to get to know the people in Siegbert's life, and that includes Ophelia herself - not to say she won't be a little nervous at first, but she won't show it.
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of-invisible-ties · 5 years
@gallant-gained II continued from here 
“I haven’t even said a word, and you already think it was me ...”
Rhajat smiled grimly, hoping that it would unnerve him. Of course, it was only logical to assume she was behind it. She was one of the few people openly practicing curse magic, and curses commonly invoked illness. Still, it stung when people accused her when she was innocent of any wrongdoing.
“This time, you’ll be surprised. I didn’t do a thing. I was busy thinking up new ways of summoning my beautiful children. I was too busy to bother cursing you today!”
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“Oh, no, I’m just interested in who DID curse you. They sent you something quite intricate ...”
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sorrcerii-moved · 6 years
@gallant-gained || X
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“There has been a rumor going around as of late. One that revolves around you having taken a fancy with some girl?”
He wasn’t the boy’s father. But it was DOUBTFUL that Xander himself had kept up to date on any rumors that surrounded the family. Meanwhile Leo? He was always the one who knew of the latest gossip. Mainly because he kept track of it and had the sort of retainer that could feed him such news on the daily.
And on that day? He’d heard the rumor of his nephew having been SMITTEN with some girl.
“I don’t often put much stock in the gossip of maids. But...I think for once they are actually RIGHT. Tell me, Siegbert, who has gotten your attention?”
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sub-aki · 6 years
@gallant-gained (in response to this ask)
“Ah. I see. Great. Great.” inwardly Subaki is wondering how much of a bastard his other self is for not even visiting his daughter.
“I appreciate it, truly. Anyway. I have to go. Perhaps sharpen my naginata. Have a wonderful day.”
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