#game 6 lets gooo
michael-meowers · 4 months
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love this yt comment left on a interview with quinn hughes after game 4
The mcshmoopy in question:
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wattscn · 2 years
good morning it's 6am I woke up got coffee and bought splatoon 3
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saltygilmores · 3 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, 3x8, Let The Games Begin. Part 7 (It's Been A While)
Last chapter was posted May 11th. Apologies for the hiatus. The vibes need to be just right to create these things. You can read parts 1-6 and everything else in my pinned post. On the last episode of TWWGG: "After Lorelai (Rory) exits the (Yale) interview, one that was seemingly a success, she immediately turns to Richard to chew him out for springing the interview on her last minute and not giving her time to prepare. That is more than fair coming from Rory, to be quite honest. And I’m glad to see her standing up for herself." Lesss gooo. Lorelai hauls Rory into a cab. They arrive home at night, even though it was blazing sunshine a short distance away at Yale. Rory asks Lorelai if they can not talk about college for 2 days and she agrees and everything that just happened is brushed aside and forgotten. Kidding. After a brave display of defiance towards Richard moments earlier, Rorynow expresses her guilt for not towing the line for Mommy. Mommy was right. Mommy is always right.
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I....you know...forget it.
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I think I should cross off "Lorelai and Rory eat at Luke's without paying" from the Bingo Card. Bringing outside food into his establishment? That's just rude. Luke could probably send Jess to college with all of Rory and Lorelai's unpaid checks and stiffed tips.
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Saying it outloud isn''t going to change their unethical and frankly downright criminal behavior, Lucas. You know this.
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Or at least a bag of Doritos.
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Why hello, my sweet baby darling. I'm ready to Cmhrrrh.
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Oh, Is "studying" what the kids call tonsil hockey these days? Run like the wind Rory! RUNNNN. I just have this good feeling Rory is totally not going to blow this sacred opportunity to have unsupervised makeout time with Jess or anything like that. Never, in the kingdom of The Queen of Blue Balls. Lorelai and Luke watch as Rory runs after Jess to "Study". Wink wink nudge nudge. Then a few seconds later without a shred of irony or realization, Luke tells Lorelai how he told Jess that as long as he lives under his roof he's gotta keep his pants on.
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You're off to a ripping start already.
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Lorelai is being rational? She's not running after them? "It's okay"? She's pulling the "They're teenagers, they can kiss in the dark" shit for Jess and Rory like she did for Dean? I'd say "Fetch me my fainting couch" but I know it's all a big fat farce, Lorelai is full of shit as per uszh, and my fainting couch is in the shop.
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Settle down, Lucas. You're going to have a stroke one of these days. Or steam is going to come out of his ears like in a cartoon. Or he'll snap and go on a killing spree.
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I've never seen two grown adults who weren't in some kind of strict religious sect have such near anyeursms because their adult children want to kiss each other. What are the odds Luke Danes, the varsity athlete, was much sluttier than Jess when he was 18? Probably pretty high. Cross off "Do as I Say Not As I Do" on the Episode Bingo Card.
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Pretty rich coming from Ms "Also Has Run Around All Over Town Looking for Jess and Rory" and "Ms. Run Around All Over Town Looking For a Gumball Machine Bracelet"
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I can rely on Lorelai being insufferable in every episode, but when Luke is insufferable too I pray for the sweet relief of the end credits. I hope in his Cockblocking Quest of Glory, that he trips on something. Or loses his hat.
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Smoking against a gas pump. Living dangerously. I don't blame him for having a bit of a death wish, to be quite honest. Luke should be more concerned that Jess is going to cause an explosion that will level Stars Hollow into a parking lot than him rounding first base. (Where the hell did Luke go, by the way?)
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Whatcha thinkin aboutt?
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That was such a good HUH. *pets his sweet head*
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*gnaws on the drywall* SUCH A GOOD KISS. I have no words. Okay, That’s a lie, I do have words but I ran out of space so I will see you in part 8 for the thrilling conclusion (which is: Rory ruins this precious moment by abandoning Jess and chasing after Dean) Oh god. I just skipped ahead and there's a Lorelai Couch Speech at the end too. Mind if I join you for a cigarette against the gas pumps, Jess?
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peacock-patrol · 1 month
Cover Analysis Games Untold
Let's starts off with the fact JLB said those stories will take place before TGG + will focus on the characters from the main trilogy.
I highlighted in Yellow the 4 stories that I think will actually have elements on the cover (because the two in Black have already been published and the two in Red sound quite light-hearted in tone).
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1) Roses in the Backgroud - romantic themes
2) A Few Calla Lilies — The fluffier possibility is a story focused on Gray's casual search for Lyra after the phone calls have ended. But instead I think That Night In Prague will finally explain the implications of the flower - and why Lyra's father gave her one.
3) The Sword — This could go multiple ways. Grayson theme OR a symbolic element for fighting/tension OR a sword showing up without having massive plot relevance: kinda like how the TGG cover has a sword and (very minor spoiler) although swords do show up a lot in the Game show we still don't know their intended purpose.
4) Glittering Cowboy Boot — Obviously Nash (and apparently their story will be narrated from Libby's POV let's gooo).
5) The Ring — This could be from Libby's story as well. We only ever get to see the ring that Nash gives to Grayson (described as black opal). Never the one HE got for her.
6) Fire (roses burning no less) — Likely Hannah&Toby. Their love story started and ended BECAUSE of a fire.
7) Key — No comment, it's appropriate for any cover in the saga.
8) Compass — You'll find quite a few in the books. BUT maybe the most relevant compass is the inheritance Tobias leaves to Skye: the one that starts off his daughters game. Wouldn't be a leap to assume THIS new compass will have something to do with Hawthrone family secrets and tragedies.
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9) Pearl necklace - definitely for Alice!
Pearls sometimes get mentioned in relation to Zara (she wears them often + we get mentions of killing-with-pearls) and sometimes Nan - who inherited the entire jewelry vault (and who's name is Pearl O'Day btw).
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The most important pearl is in Brothers Hawthrone: Jameson has a pearl filled with poison that he got from his mysterious night in Prague. All those pearls keep coming back to something Alice-related.
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10) The Open Book - No clue. It can mean anything.
11) Coin - left my favorite hint for last because it's just so random. It's an Aladdin's Castle token! Yes I had to image-search it. Apparently you would get them for playing arcade games in the 70s and 80s. But since the last american Aladdin's Castle closed down in 1989 - whatever coins remained in circulation are now just collectables. They seem somewhat* rare but not very valuable.
What could this mean? Something to do with the childhood of either Zara/Skye/Toby? Or will it be something related to the grandsons? I can picture Xander coming up with a Hawthrone version for retro games.
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I'm going feral over the TGG ending. I CANT wait until November for new content 😩
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pugh-bug · 3 months
No.42 Chapter 6
Art Donaldson x reader slow burn
I’m sorry for the long wait, I’ve not been feeling very motivated and I’ve been busy with a lot of personal things. Anyway, as always my taglist for this fic is open and I really hope you all enjoy this longer Chapter! ✨🫶🏻
Part 5
It was the morning of Liam’s party when you woke with a particularly vengeful headache, one not unlike the great Zweig plague of 2017. You didn’t know why he called it a plague, it had only been a hangover coupled with a bad cold but Patrick was nothing if not theatrical.
You rolled over, groaning slightly from the effort, to check the time: 11:43am. Before you could think about food a knock at your door made you jump, sending your free arm thrashing into your phone. It hit the floor with a dreadful smashing sound. ‘Shit!’
‘Everything okay?’
‘Yeah, just … fucking smashed my phone.’
One of the many things you and Patrick had in common was your ability to break just about anything: laptops, mugs or phone screens it didn’t matter. A week in your so called ‘care’ and they’d be hospitalised. After grabbing the nearest hoodie you owned you let Art into your room to show him the damage. He tutted at the sight.
‘What? I guess you don’t break anything.’
He only smiled at your comment before Patrick chimed in from the hall stating that ‘the prick’ not only never broke ‘shit’ but that he was incapable of ‘messing shit up either’. Shakespeare be damned.
You rubbed your face a little, still half asleep and focused your eyes on the blonde above you. ‘That true?’
Art looked down at you, the sleepiness apparent on your face but somehow just adding to your charm, and thought about his games. He’d once lost to Liam after a - not so surprisingly - rageful argument with his ex and smashed the racket so hard into the grass that it had broken in nine pieces. Then he grinned: ‘Yes.’
‘What time did Liam say to be there for?’ You yelled from your room, whilst trying not to rip your lashes out with the flimsy curler you’d stolen from a friend years before. They replied that the three of you needed to leave in half an hour. Where the fuck had the day gone?
As the fan in your room whirred incessantly, you lent your face to its subpar coolness for a breather. No matter how many Summers you endured it was still your least favourite season. Hayfever was a bitch.
‘Is this okay?’
You turned you head at the sound of Art’s eager voice. He was stood in your doorway wearing a navy shirt, that brought out his eyes, with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. Even his soft curls were looking bouncier than usual, just begging to be tousled and pulled on.
‘Yep. Fine.’
It took you forty minutes to finish your makeup. Having Patrick and Art argue over tennis in your ear was distraction enough to cause your eyeliner to be uneven. You redid it. From the corner of his eye, without arousing suspicion, Art watched you in awe. He found the concentration on your face and the detail and care you took with your makeup - no your art - fascinating. It reminded him of himself, his perfectionism with all things tennis.
‘Y/N, let’s gooo!’ Patrick launched at you, playfully shaking your shoulders from side to side while you went limp like a rag doll.
‘You done?’
His eyes widened at your sass.
‘Are YOU done??’
Art chuckled to himself, before the inevitable ‘you’re the third wheel’ self doubt came simmering in.
‘We’re Ubering back right?’ You asked, as Patrick parked at the end of Liam’s street. The only way you were going to survive a house party of people you barely knew was through drinking enough cocktails to fill a pool. ‘I refuse to be the designated driver.’ And no amount of ‘it’s not a tennis thing’ reminders were going to change that.
Liams house was undoubtedly the largest on the estate, with its imposing double door entrance, obnoxious lawn ornaments and light up pool. God a light up pool? ‘Jesus Christ…’ you mumbled to yourself, catching Art’s attention.
‘He’s fond of it. Don’t say anything.’
Liam was still dressed for tennis, no surprises there, and holding a keg when he greeted the three of you. His smile was as welcoming as ever but his friends floated around him without giving you so much as a glance. They belonged in a house this grand, as did Art and Patrick. You, however, felt like the unwanted pest no spray could rid the house of.
‘You never told me you were The Great Gatsby.’
Liam scoffed at your dryness, stating that Art’s house was ‘much much bigger.’ Since your attraction and care for Art had grown it hadn’t escaped your notice, despite all the daydreaming, that there was a class difference between the two of you. You were no stranger to this of course it was the same with Patrick, which had caused issues in the past, but the sting was as strong. In fact it was strengthened by the fact that Art wasn’t just a friend to you and any future you imagined with him was tainted with the knowledge of that divide.
With Patrick’s Grandma’s line: ‘Don’t stare or they’ll smell poverty’ in your head, you walked past every expensive item with forced indifference. The smell of sandalwood, Chanel and Chardonnay filled the air with the twenty foot ceilings never halting their potency. Patrick had found the kegs too inviting to ignore so as you lost him to the party you glanced, not so subtlety, at Liam’s ‘not tennis friends’ guests. You clocked several sporting Louis Vuitton and felt the overwhelming urge to leave.
‘Drinks are in the dining room, if you were wondering.’
Liam’s younger brother, you presumed it was he had the same nose, had a much higher voice than you’d expected. The boy couldn’t have been more than sixteen, so what on earth was he doing talking to you?
‘Danny, Liam’s brother.’
‘Oh! Yeah, Art just mentioned you.’
At the mention of Art, Danny flinched involuntarily. His eyes, much less sure than his brothers, darted around the room. ‘Liam invited Art?’ Without letting you answer, he widened his eyes and rubbed his face in genuine confusion. You were suddenly intrigued. ‘Yeah, they hang out almost as much as me and Pat. Why the surprise?’ Danny shrugged, refusing to make eye contact with you for several moments. What was his issue?
‘I shouldn’t say.’
The two of you watched Liam and Art for a moment, drinking alarmingly quickly in the centre of the room enjoying the blaring speakers. As Art looked down and wiped his mouth, grinning, you noticed Liam’s smile drop. His eyes suddenly narrowed and bore into the side of his friend’s head. It was brief but unsettling.
‘You know how Liam’s girlfriend dumped him last week?’
You shook your head.
‘Well, she said he was holding her career back or something and she kicked him out. He’s not just here to throw this party, he lives here again with us Mum is furious but anyway - he’s …’ Danny bit his bottom lip, struggling to find the right phrasing. ‘Liam’s still in love with you.’ For a moment you just stared, glass eyed, not taking anything in. What? Liam had just dated a tennis star, a national hero, a Gucci model and not once had you thought he was hard done by. That he needed you instead, that he needed to go back to his little crush on his even richer friend’s roommate. What was wrong with him?
‘Just, don’t say anything.’ Danny suddenly looked horrified at his confession and before you could ask him why he’d said anything at all, he’d scurried to some wing of the house you’d never find.
After Danny’s strange departure you had found Patrick and Art and caught up to their drunkness. Quickly. It hadn’t taken you and Art long to clean out Liam’s fridge and varnish Art’s pretty braincells with a layer of stupid you’d yet to see. Before long you’d switched to Pepsi but the same couldn’t be said for Donaldson.
The party wasn’t close to dying down but luckily in a house so obnoxiously grand there were plenty of empty rooms. You and Art had taken refuge in one of many spare bedrooms to listen to his drunken ramblings without interruption.
‘I could have smust loved here.’ Art huffed, suddenly looking like a petulant toddler sat on the floor with his ninth beer. He was the lightest light weight you’d ever met, in fact… ‘Do you normally drink?’
‘Huh? … OH DRINK?!’ He looked confused, as if he’d just lost something but couldn’t remember what. You had to admit to yourself it was hilarious to see such a put together man so incompetent. ‘No…never I never drink ever ever Y/N.’ His starry gaze hardened and suddenly, whilst looking comically serious, Art pulled you close with force. ‘Want to hear a secret?’ You blinked slowly. ‘I’m not drummkk at all!’ Bless.
Both of you erupted into giggles at his mistake, although you weren’t sure if Art knew what he was laughing at. His face lit up, like a child on Christmas, and you actually felt sad for a moment thinking this was the happiest you’d seen him in a while.
Somehow, Danny’s voice had wormed its way into your head spelling ‘Liam invited Art?’ over and over. You knew it was wrong to pry but you wanted to know more. ‘Art?’ He was drinking his tenth beer with conviction. ‘How’s Liam?’ Art suddenly sighed, quite loudly, and set his beer on the ground. He almost knocked it over but you caught it with ease, only to catch him smiling at you dreamily. Drunk, he’s drunk shhhh brain.
‘He’s fine just really smi,’ he coughed suddenly before correcting himself. ‘FINE!’ You giggled, almost feeling sad for Patrick that he wasn’t there to witness Art’s childishness. It might have been the first time since meeting the future tennis star that you’d felt like the together one, although you weren’t exactly sober either.
‘You two okay then? No issues?’ You heard your own voice but it wasn’t yours it was high school you. The girl who craved gossip and details, the girl who could barely keep a secret for a lesson let alone forever. Art was peeling the sticker off his bottle when he answered you, eyes still glazed over and confused like a newborn. ‘He’s been a bit dick since she,’ you noticed him rock slightly on ‘she’. ‘Broke up with h- him. Broke up broke up broke up. He likes youuuu though.’ His confused face suddenly hardened and he frowned only for a moment but you caught it.
Knock knock
‘No one better be fucking in here!’
‘Okay? 3,2,1 get your clothes back on sluts I’m coming in!’
Liam’s face fell when he saw it was you and Art alone, you watched his eyes gage the close proximity between you but then the unused bed. He tutted. ‘Donaldson who let you drink this much?’ You raised your hands innocently as if to say ‘not me!’ as Liam helped his friend up. Using his best dad voice, that didn’t mask his impatience, he took the weight of Art’s slack body and walked him to the hall. They’d barely walked four steps before: ‘Y/N? Y/N’s coming right? She … she hast to come!’ If he hadn’t have been completely gone and yelling, you might have found the moment romantic. Instead you just felt concern.
‘We’ll get you some water okay?’ Art nodded eagerly at you, ignoring Liam’s huffiness. It had been a long night already and you weren’t planning on spending the rest of it watching Art get his stomach pumped. God he was a light weight. When the three of you made it downstairs, with great difficulty and lots of swearing from Liam, you were greeted instantly with a lipstick kissed Patrick grinning ear to ear. ‘Someone’s had fun.’
‘More than you.’ He raised an eyebrow at Art, who was quickly melting into the depressive stage of drunkness babbling about tennis losses under his breath. The alarmingly expensive speakers were blasting Nelly whilst you waded Art through the gyrating crowd to water. It was like babysitting without the pay.
It took Patrick threatening to break all of his rackets before Art drunk any water. Liam’s patience had expired much quicker and lead him to depart to party room 26? There were too many rooms to remember. The three of you were alone in the looming kitchen but there was a speaker nearby disturbing the peace.
The kitchen tiles were cool against your warm legs when you sat with Art, his head against the fridge door. Patrick wiped the lipstick aggressively from his cheek before shouting over the music ‘Does anyone have a cig?’ You shook your head and Art - well Art was falling asleep slowly but surely, his head lolling as he fought to stay awake.
‘I know Liam has a thousand rooms but I think we should take him home.’
Patrick sighed in response, his head throbbing from the music and shots already. ‘Art honey?’ You always called drunk people honey or sweetie, it had started when you were sixteen and never quite stopped. ‘Do you want us to take you home?’ He opened his eyes wearily to meet yours. ‘You can get some proper sleep.’ Art simply nodded and held his arms up for you to help him. The poor boy was hopeless when he was hammered and you found it equal parts adorable and concerning.
In the Uber home Patrick called shotgun, as usual, so you sat with Art in the back. His head had gradually, over the course of the journey, lent more and more on your body until his head was resting in your lap. Every so often you’d look down to check he was still breathing but you needn’t worry. He was fast asleep.
‘Y/N?’ Patrick craned his neck towards you. ‘Thanks for looking after him tonight.’ He smiled a classic Zweig smile but slightly more tired. You ran your fingers through Art’s curls without thinking and mumbled ‘You took care of him too.’ Patrick turned back in his seat and sighed ‘He might need you more.’
Chapter 7
Taglist: @gatorgirl007 @imblushingrn @soy-garbage @blahhucantmakeme
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beeblading · 4 months
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Mayblade: dAy... i dunno fuck
it's not finished but its "DEFEAT" so its Kai being shit at video games because thats my most adamant headcanon
maybe I'll finish it, but I still have like 6 more drawings to do no matter how unfinished/rough they are lets gooo
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obsessedwithyouxx · 5 months
Heya there✨ If you're up to it, I'd like to just leave this here: Can you write a little fluff of the gang as kids, perhaps maybe like 6 years prior to the events of the novel?. Maybe adding all their little antics they get up to and making sure they remember to get home in time for supper because Mrs Curtis is making lasagne. Or the gang making sure they include a young Ponyboy in a game. I thought that would be pretty cute and I've been craving fluff lately, and having a look at your writing, I can tell that you'd be perfect to deliver something delish!✨ Good Luck!! -🐦‍⬛
Yessss I actually love this type of fic let’s gooo!!
(btw this isn’t reread or edited so there will be typos is js can’t stand reading back on my own writing sorry)
The ringing school bell was Sodapop’s saviour, as he rushed out the classroom door, finally free from the teacher’s relentless yapping.
He ran down the school hall towards where his best friend, Steve’s classroom was. He’d told Steve he’d wait for him, because his teacher always kept their class back later, and Steve didn’t feel like walking home alone.
“Sodapop, no running in the school halls.”
He groaned, but slowed to a walk as he reached the door. He glanced in the window, searching for where his buddy sat.
From behind, Two-bit crept up on him, swiftly grabbing him and pulling him away from the door. Two-bit was the grade above Soda and Steve, he should probably have been two grades above, but he’d been held back.
Soda groaned as his friend decided to mess up his hair which had been sitting neatly under a baseball cap until then.
“Stop it Two,” Soda half giggled, half groaned.
He struggled in his grip, finally managing to slide away.
The door to Steve’s classroom swung open, and in a flash, Steve was outside. “Hey Soda,”
“Hey Steve-y” Soda singsonged.
“Where’s Johnnyboy?” Asked Two-bit.
Both boys shrugged; Johnny hadn’t mentioned walking home with them. “Let’s go find him then.”
After a few minutes, they found Johnny standing over by his locker, smiling as they came up to him.
“Hey Johnnycakes,” Two-bit smiled,
“Hey Two-bit” Johnny responded.
Two turned around to address Steve and Soda, ask if they wanted to hang around at the lot after school, but they were already gone, halfway down the hall, Soda running, chased by Steve into a flying tackle.
Johnny rolled his eyes, glancing over at Two-bit who was laughing as a teacher tried to break the boys up.
“Sorry miss.” Soda said, looking down at the ground. “We ain’t really fighting.”
He flashed her a charming grin, he may not always be well behaved, but he was well mannered, and knew how to charm his way out of anything.
The teacher gave a short nod, before turning away.
The four of them made their way out of the school grounds, having decided to head to the Curtis’ house for a bit.
Soda swung the door open, and he and his friends tumbled into the house.
“Hey Darry,” Soda smiled. The rest of the group gave their various greetings.
“Hey Soda, hey guys.” Darry said happily, getting up from where he sat on the living room sofa to playfully ruffle his kid-brother’s hair.
“Hi Johnny and Soda and Two-bit and Steve!” Came a smaller voice.
“Hey Pones,” Soda smiled. “Did Dad pick you up from school?”
Ponyboy nodded.
The group sat around the house for a bit, turning on the television. After less than five minutes, the group started to get restless.
Two-bit was making dumb jokes and elbowing the others, Steve was laughing back at him. Johnny was glancing around, like he wanted to stand up. Soda was chasing Pony around the room, for no apparent reason, just to get rid of some of his endless energy.
It ended up being Mrs Curtis who got them all out of this house.
“You boys look bored, don’t you.” She smiled. “Why don’t you all go Outside, come home before dark though.”
The group ran right out the front door.
“Soda,” Steve groaned, “Why’s he coming.”
Steve shot an unhappy look in Ponyboy’s direction. In response, Soda shrugged, he didn’t mind that his kid-brother was there.
Honestly, Soda didn’t think Steve actually hated Pony, he just wanted to look tuff or something.
Finally, they ended up at the lot after roaming around town for a little bit. Darry, who had tagged along regardless of the fact that he was a fair bit older than the others, had found 20c in his pocket, which had resulted in a crowd of young boys filing into a corner store, causing a ruckus, and leaving with a bag of chips and a coke.
A little later, Dallas Winston showed up, cigarette between his lips. As he made his way towards the group, he made his presence known by kicking a pile of scrap metal that someone had left there, the bang echoing through the lot with a bang.
“Hey Dal!” Called out Johnny.
“Hey Johnnycakes.” Dally smiled, grabbing a handful of Johnny’s long hair and ruffling it up.
Johnny laughed, “You’re gonna pay for that man.” And he got to his feet, playfully jumping and tackling Dally to the ground.
“Ahhh, he’s got me, someone save me, I beg of you!” Dally called sarcastically.
Steve gave a laugh, taking a running leap and landing right on top of the two boys.
One by one, the rest of the gang joined the playful rumble, which somehow turned into a game of tag.
Finally, as the boys began to grow tired, they sat back down, around the lot.
“Look at the sunset, Soda.” Pony smiled, shaking his brother, who had been animatedly telling Two-bit something funny that had happened at school that day. Soda turned to face Pony, smiling, and following his kid brothers gaze.
“It’s pretty tuff, right?”
Soda smiled back at Ponyboy. He didn’t share his brothers interest in literature or the world around him, but he did love Pony, so he nodded back happily.
“Mrs Curtis said be home before dark.” Two-bit pointed out.
Darry nodded in agreement. “Well we’d probably best be getting home.”
Ponyboy sighed unhappily. “It’s not even dark yet and it’s not that far of a walk.”
Soda smiled, “Yeah Darry, c’mon.”
Darry knew his mother had put him in charge, he was the oldest after all, but still, he didn’t disagree that it would be fun to stay a little longer.
That statement was met with happy cheers from the group.
I honestly would write more and I absolutely love this request, but my creative side is just not doing what I wanted it to at the moment, and I don’t want to keep you waiting any longer!! Hope this is okay😭💪💪💪
also I wasn’t sure what to do about dally, bc I don’t know if he would’ve been in ny or what at that point (if their ten year olds he was in jail buttttttt) so I js chucked him in there n ignored that stuff :D
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slugtranslation-hypmic · 10 months
Haiiiii ^_^ can you translate Rivals! from the block party album? pretty please with CHEESE 🧀
Sure. Under a cut for length.
This one just seems to be goofy vibes and doesn't have as much imagery or anything requiring reworking as the last three requested songs. As a result, the translation is pretty darn literal. No attention paid to rhyming, line length, or rhythm.
Don't let screwing up or getting screwed over get you down! Action plz For everyone born under an unlucky star: Passion plz We're constantly flipping out over where we went wrong. 1, 2, 3! Turn it up, yo! Action plz I feel like I'm pulling a blunder, shooting craps and betting on big 6 [1] at the last second. Don't stop the game! Oh please, can't I get some fiction plz? [2] To hit the button to go back and redo everything. Just you wait; I'll destroy the current reality! Aren't you about to go off the rails? Aren't you about to fall off the tightrope act? Take it easy, baby, now. Take it easy, baby, now. [3] And screw it! Let's play it fast and loose! Let's gooo!
Don't let screwing up or getting screwed over get you down! Action plz For everyone born under an unlucky star: Passion plz We're constantly committed to flipping out over where we went wrong. We say, "Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo!" Go, go, go, go! UGH. Time to bolt down the meal I paid for with my overtime. Hm? My cellphone's ringing off the hook. Slapping down hardcore rhymes on my time card, Participating in another joint effort so we can all clock out with a bang. 1, 2, 3. Yup, let's all line up. 2, 2, 3. And march in step. We take our lyrics very seriously, and we're strongly committed to providing you with a great singing experience! [4] My eyes can tell, tell, tell what it takes to win. [5] The one and only guy to cross the most ridiculous lines, living on nothing but adrenaline, taking each day as it comes and winning! Yeah, take it easy, baby, now. Take it easy, baby, now. And screw it! Let's play it fast and loose! Let's gooo!
Don't let screwing up or getting screwed over get you down! Action plz For everyone born under an unlucky star: Passion plz Everyone's gotta struggle and put in the hard work, even the folks you're sick and tired of. We say, "Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo!" Go, go, go, go! I bet all my chips right from moment one. It's all or nothing. It's the uprising of the corporate drones. Don't mess with guys who've got nothing to lose. There's no doubt about it; we're gonna burn out sooner or later. That's just our fate. Poor us! Dead or Alive in da house Crazy DOPPO in da house Yeah, yeah, high, high, let's gooo! [6]
Don't let screwing up or getting screwed over get you down! Action plz For everyone born under an unlucky star: Passion plz We're constantly committed to flipping out over where we went wrong. We say, "Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo!" Go, go, go, go!
Don't let screwing up or getting screwed over get you down! Action plz For everyone born under an unlucky star: Passion plz Wishing you all the luck--or, well, as lucky as you can ever be. Someday we'll laugh over this together, but until then we're Rivals! Rivals!
[1] Craps big 6
[2] This part's written in English, but I assume he means "fiction" in the sense of 空想 or 絵空事--something he wants that's too good to be real. In this case, it's a button he can hit to go back and redo everything.
[3] If I am correctly assuming what they're trying to say, this is more naturally worded as "Now, take it easy, baby." [4] Admittedly, this part's not very literal haha. I was having difficulty with the tone otherwise. Like a lot of Doppo's raps, it's written in a style reminiscent of business language. I drew inspiration for this bit of PR BS from some real life companies in a BBC article. [5] This (勝ち線, kachisen, lit. "victory line") is a pun on 勝ち戦 (kachisen, a fight someone wins). Dice then uses this to perform a piece of wordplay on the phrase "一線を越える/cross the line" which, unlike its English counterpart, can carry a connotation of breaking an established norm in a good way. (Hence the Cross a Line song--ie, breaking the norms by going above and beyond in new, revolutionary ways)
[6] Partially a pun on how はい (yeah) 灰 (lit. ash, part of the line I translated as "burn out") and English "high" all sound similar and partially evoking a sense of high energy.
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m4l0sattic · 4 months
Music ask game
A song you liked as a child
A song that features an element (earth/fire/water/air)
A song you’d choose to introduce someone to your favorite genre
A song you’d put on a playlist for a character you love
A song you think most of your followers won’t have heard before
A song that makes you think of a family member
A song you know every word to
A song from a soundtrack
A song in a language you don’t speak
A song that makes you feel relaxed
A song that makes you dance
A song from the 90s
A song by a performer you’ve seen live
A song you love to sing along to
A song you’d play for a toddler
A song that makes you think of an old (or current) crush
A cover song
A song you’d play to set the mood on a date
A song that makes you emotional
A song you’d put on a playlist for the person who sent you this ask
ok lets gooo
1. Na Na Na - My Chemical Romance
2. Fire Fire - Steam Powered Giraffe
3. Assuming my favorite genre is rock/metal.. anything by Slipknot will do, I guess.
4. For the Jon : Fresh Concrete - Bears In Trees
5. Congratulations Smack + Katie - Reggie and the Full Effect. (it's reeeaalllyyyy good, trust me)
6. The Key - Ou Est Le Swimming Pool. Makes me think of my dad <3
7. Honeybee - Steam Powered Giraffe. No hesitation.
8. Hunter's Moon - Ghost, from the Halloween Kills soundtrack. My favorite Ghost song in my favorite Halloween movie. Perfect.
9. Wem die Stunde schlägt - OOMPH!
10. On Top of the Universe - Steam Powered Giraffe
11. Dance Macabre - Ghost
12. Around The World - Daft Punk
13. Guys, all of the live shows I saw were french artists.. And I don't even LIKE those artists. But if I really have to do it, then Grand Petit Con - M
14. Cirice - Ghost
15. Ready to Go Steady - The Go! Team (I actually played it for my niece, and she loved it.)
16. Taroko - August Greenwood (we used to go on aquarium dates..)
17. Harder Better Faster Stronger - Steam Powered Giraffe (I love the OG and the cover!)
18. Something About Us - Daft Punk
19. Wired Wrong - Steam Powered Giraffe
20. DEFINITELY Congratulations Smack + Katie - Reggie and the Full Effect. I know I've already put in on the list, but this band is so underrated– I feel like I'm the only person on earth who knows them ! You should definitely give it a try. Their entire album "Under the Tray" is soooo good !!
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fandomwave · 4 months
TCOAAL UPDATE 6 LETS GOOO You know the drill don't give yourself hives
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I have been rolling this around for a few days now and again, absolute blind shot in the dark is to say that this is probably him about to confess to Ashley that he and Julie are dating. I cannot WAIT to get more context, if Andy is worried about her reaction to him dating, if he's feeling conflicted internally and unsure as to why that feeling is there. There is so little available to know what this could fully mean but I am thrilled to learn more AND THEN THE GOT DAMN VID 1) nice to know we have confirmation that his biting his knuckle is a nervous tick 2) MOM NAME! That'll make fic writing easier lmao 3) God there is SO much to unpack here We kinda always knew that Renee suspected Andrew of having some sort of inappropriate attachment to Ashley. This is something she hints at a few times in chapter 2 and more so when you reject the olive branch. Renee keeps dropping points in parent of the year it's almost comical. I am genuinely interested to see what the game has in store for her and if we do get a little more empathetic to her situation as playing her, given that we clearly have a round to do so. Also the fact she was looking for condoms is.. Good lord this lady will die before she gets therapy for her kids... I LOVE seeing the fact that we get confirmation that Andrew is able to lie on the fly. It's again implied but the fact he was able to make up, some bullshit about a show she's never seen. That's some fascinating skill knowing A) It's a show she doesn't watch B) Because of which he CAN just make up whatever because she can't confirm he's lying C) Creativity to weave a fib about a show he's probably also never seen. We know he can do poetry on the fly so making up a plot about a show must be as easy as breathing. The sheer fact Renee has Andrew labeled as Disappointment and Ashley as Embarrassment is incredible too. Fantastic work. A fun little showcase of her relation to them both honestly.
All of this is just causing me to vibrate in place in anticipation. I'll admit TCOAAL is fun in terms of it's world, but rotating each character around and really picking them apart? That's why I can't shut the fuck up about this game. Everyone is so INTERESTING even if they are the worst people alive. I am THRILLED about the idea of getting to know their mother better as a means to understand the foundation they come from. Like the idea Andrew is labeled Disappointment is so telling. She clearly had higher hopes for him, clearly was content to pin those to him and when he fell short of, lets be honest, of those probably unrealistic expectations. > She did basically ask him to raise an entire human as a child himself. > I hate that I have to say this but in the 90s having a college degree meant you eared the good money. Andrew going to college would imply that he would make enough cash to at least be a source of pride in the family given that the implied economic situation of Renee and her husband is that neither of them are college educated.
Andrew still being at home, still clinging to Ashley (literally), still ruined his life with whatever happened to Nina, it's easy to see how she feels like he's the biggest letdown. A bright spot in the family squandered. Ashley being labeled Embarrassment is no surprise. She already clearly harbored some ill will towards her even as a baby, and with how much of a fucking handful Leyley is, it seems like that trend continued well on past infancy. Then her being out of school, I can only assume without a job (or at the very least one that can't pay for her own apartment) and worse now, potentially in an fucking relationship with her brother is... Yeah I can see the tagline pretty easily got applied. Now again, that's because it seems like this woman is critically allergic to Getting Her Kids Help, but what ifs and what coulds need not apply, we're lookin at what we got :D ANYWAYS OK IM DONE NOW BYE I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A GOOD ONE!
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smimon · 9 months
Asking asks about giant k; consider me in 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀.
1. is there a piece of clothing that didnt grew and Jere is a bit a sad about? I was thinking that maybe that could also be a reason as to why häärijä wears the suit now.
2. how is he travelling? Planes trains and cars are not that big?
3. does he need more food than before since he is bigger?
4. how long did it took bojan and jere with the shoulder thing, where bojan sits on his shoulder without struggles? How did the first times go?
5. since jere is so tall he sure gets to put the star/ angel figure on top of the tree.
6. what was bojan's first reaction from last remembering Jere as being shorter than him and to next time he saw him Jere was a lot taller than him.
7. more details about the apartment? Is the entire building bigger or is it like the tardis where its bigger on the inside?
8. do they have comfy cozy movie and game nights? How would that go? 👀👀👀👀.
9. five things jere likes about being taller?
10. how does it feel to hold a cat in his big hands? 🥹🥹🥹
11. did he ever hit his head?
12. how is the day to day life?
13. more backstory? More lore? 👀👀👀👀
Ups, overdid it a bit, better stop now and leave some for others. 💛💛💛💛
That's quite a bunch of asks! Let's gooo
1. is there a piece of clothing that didnt grew and Jere is a bit a sad about? I was thinking that maybe that could also be a reason as to why häärijä wears the suit now.
Hmm the general rule is that all the clothes he wears did grow, and he does not wear the yellow suit, so it stayed with Häärijä. Also most of the gifts he received from fans did not change size, except for the few that he likes enough to wear sometimes again, like the crochet Bulbasaur hat from Ideapark gig 😊 it makes storing the gifts much easier.
I had however an idea for a story where K is a bit sad he can't wear the yellow suit anymore, and Häärijä encourages him to at least try, and when he tries the jacket, it suddenly fits! The forces of magic decided the suit belongs to them both equally so it changes size depending who wears it.
That's how they do that clothes swap thing from EU tour in giantverse 🤭
2. how is he travelling? Planes trains and cars are not that big?
Well! He can use public transport most of the time, but he needs two or three seats. Whenever possible, securityman takes the third seat, but when there are only two seats in a row, he sits in K's lap 🤭
For planes they can get him the seats at wings as they have more leg space 🙌
K technically could also squeeze in a passenger car's backseat, but he won't do that because he never travels without fastened seatbelts 😇 (ei vittu!) 😑
3. does he need more food than before since he is bigger?
Oh that's a question I wished I'll receive! XD This is certainly one of the first things he wanted to figure out, except instead of thinking about food, he enthusiastically wanted to test how much alcohol can he possibly take 😂
The rules of magic are not simple, and turns out his new limits in terms of alcohol or food or medicine are... Exactly the same as before 🙃 Must have been fun to realize this after he already had ten kaksi ananas lonkero...
(Forces of magic won't force him to spend more money on food, that would be rude!)
4. how long did it took bojan and jere with the shoulder thing, where bojan sits on his shoulder without struggles? How did the first times go?
They managed it at first try actually, Bojan just climbed there before K noticed and now K has to do all the balancing while Bojan holds onto his head for support. They could do it all day!
5. since jere is so tall he sure gets to put the star/ angel figure on top of the tree.
🥹 I love this vision. Of course he gets to put the star on top and he insists he is the one to decorate the top of all trees of his friends and relatives. He will visit them one by one and place the deco on the top. And when the top already was decorated, he takes it off and puts right back on saying "that's how it's done!".
He's helping! uwu
6. what was bojan's first reaction from last remembering Jere as being shorter than him and to next time he saw him Jere was a lot taller than him.
They did talk a lot since Jere grew so Bojan was not surprised, although until the last moment he was a bit suspisious this might be some elaborate trick or prank. But he was happy to see this is true. He has way too many silly ideas how to use this new situation 😊 Bojan will never feel bad about being shorter than K because everyone else is shorter too haha
7. more details about the apartment? Is the entire building bigger or is it like the tardis where its bigger on the inside?
When you look from the outside it looks like someone forced a way too big flat into the building side 😂 and on the inside it is even bigger too. Only the front door is the same size as always, and from the corridor you wouldn't tell anything is different about this flat! ✨Magic✨
8. do they have comfy cozy movie and game nights? How would that go? 👀👀👀👀.
🥹 well considering his apartment is now big enough to set a few tents in the middle, he probably invites friends over quite frequently.
And if he visits some friend in their regular sized flat, they have no choice but to get comfy and cozy. You know, since he takes up most of the space anyway.
9. five things jere likes about being taller?
First: money money money! Together with the crew they have lots of ideas how to monetize his stature. Everyone would pay for a photo with him!
Second: this is part of his brand now, and no one can imitate this. There is no one else like Käärijä!
Third: it takes less time to get places by walking. And it is easy to escape the paparazzis. (Tabloids started adding "experience in competitive running" to their job requirements.)
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Fourth: he has always a great view at any concert or stage show 🥹
Fifth: he can now confront every single person who ever made fun of him for being short. He will find them one by one, point, laugh "who's short now?!" and walk away ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
10. how does it feel to hold a cat in his big hands? 🥹🥹🥹
When every cat feels like a kitten, it must be the greatest feel in the world 🥹
11. did he ever hit his head?
Ouch 😅 probably way too many times, but not on places you might expect (he takes care in everyday environments but then there is the backstage or airports or vehicles). Might be one of the reasons they hired the securityman
12. how is the day to day life?
Fun where it was boring before, weirdly unchanged in the serious parts. Most people are not that interested in him being a giant (maybe they are professional, maybe it's the stereotypical Finnish respect for personal boundaries and privacy).
13. more backstory? More lore? 👀👀👀👀
Uhh hmm maybe this: Häärijä actually knows a lot about the forces of magic, but he never explained anything because he hasn't even noticed K is now a giant 😂 (don't blame him, he was always shorter than him)
That would be all! Thank you 😊
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itsana004 · 1 year
Ranking Zexal female characters in terms of dueling (statistically)
This is the idea I got from TGS Anime where they ranked female leads and since clearly I have time to waste let's gooo
I want to start off with it's incredibly disappointing look at the scores and just have an innate desire to curse the writers not holding a pen and being allowed to write female characters ever again, but here we go
So let's start with Droite! She had mostly off-screen wins by collecting Heart Pieces in order to enter the Tournament, so 4 solo wins and 1 win in a tag team duel (she was unfortunately eliminated but she was in the winning team in a tag duel) so these are her scores
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Next is Rio! Now you must be wondering "When did she duel so much???" In one of the episodes Rio mentions "This makes our 100th sibling squabble duel" so she dueled 99 more times with her brother and I know she had been keeping score. She has two solo wins and 3 wins in the Friendship Games with Bronk, so here is the overall score
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Here comes Anna Kabooom, she has 0 solo wins, 1 win in the W.D.C. Tournament with Yuma and Gauche (she did not complete her Heart Pieces and entered the Tournament by abducting a finalist so no 4 wins), and 1 win with Yuma (but was unfortunately eliminated but was on the winning team of the tag duel) so here is her score
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And lastly, Cathy Katherine, she has 3 solo losses, 3 losses with Kotori as a tag team and 1 not shown in the final episode against Yuma, here is her overall score
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Now let's rank the characters!
Total Duels
1. Rio Kamishiro - 109
2. Droite - 9
3. Cathy Katherine - 8
4. Anna Kaboom - 5
Win ratio:
1. Droite - 55.6%
2. Anna Kaboom - 40%
3. Rio Kamishiro - 4.59%
4. Cathy Katherine - 0%
Win scores:
So how this works is
Win -> 3 points, Draw -> 1 point, Lose -> -1 point
1. Droite - 12 points
2. Anna Kaboom - 3 points
3. Cathy Katherine - -7 points
4. Rio Kamishiro - -88 points
Final score
So now I'll give points based on the previous leaderboards so
1st -> 10 points, 2nd -> 8 points, 3rd -> 6 points, 4th -> 4 points
1. Droite - 28 points
2. Rio Kamishiro - 20 points
3. Anna Kaboom - 20 points
4. Cathy Katherine - 16 points
Final winner is our butterfly girl
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(Please don't take this too seriously)
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princessmeepa · 6 months
I am going to pick the voice actors for my gods, RS’ dream cast for her LO live action is just for points and not even there to play the roles and she only picks her celebrity crush Mads to be Christian blue I know. So I am going to pick the voice actors who can fit my characters perfectly and here they are. So let’s start with the goddesses. Ok let’s gooo!
Note: some of the characters have the same voice actresses and who voiced their characters from the same anime, because I want to fit some of the voices, who can fit my characters.
Alecto: Avalon Penrose, who voiced Megaera from Hades.
Aglaea: Reba Buhr, who voiced Aphrodite from Record of Ragnarok.
Amphitrite: Michelle Rojas, who voiced Wendy from Show by Rock.
Aphrodite: Dorothy Elias-Fahn, who voiced Komi Shuuko from Komi can’t communicate.
Athena: Erika Harlacher, who voiced Kyoko Kirigiri from Danganronpa (the game).
Ariadne: Michelle Ruff, who voiced Katherine McBride from Catherine.
Artemis: Carli Mosier, who voiced Saeko Tanaka from Haikyū!!
Atropos: Mara Junot, who voiced Lisa from Genshin Impact.
Calliope: Natalie Hoover, who voiced Tsukino from Show by Rock.
Calypso: Brianna Knickerbocker, who voices Swim from One Punch Man
Chloris: Brianna Knickerbocker, who voiced Rin from Catherine: Full Body
Cleo: Lauren Landa, who voiced Sailor Neptune / Michiru Kaioh from Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars.
Clotho: Kayli Mills, who voiced Runa Yomozuki from Kakegurui.
Daphne: Ashly Burch, who voiced Sasha Braus from Attack on Titan.
Demeter: Heather Masters, who voiced Circus Baby from FNAF.
Echo: Stephanie Sheh, who voiced Sailor Moon / Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon or Luci Christian who voiced Duck/Princess Tutu from Princess Tutu.
Eos: Krystal LePort, who voiced Brooke from HuniePop 2.
Eris: Michelle Ruff, who voiced Kirari Momobami from Kakegurui.
Eurydice: Erica Mendez, who voiced Retsuko from Aggretsuko.
Gaia: Same thing with Demeter, but with a cute and girly Greek accent.
Hebe: Anairis Quinones, who voiced Goll from Record of Ragnarok.
Hecate: Alexis Tipton, who voiced Chuchu from Show by Rock.
Hedone: Laura Bailey, who voiced Catherine from Catherine.
Hera: Erin Fitzgerald, who voiced Eudial from Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal.
Hestia: Jamie Marchi, who voiced Panty from Panty and Stocking.
Iris: Brittney Karbowski, who voiced Ryou Fujibayashi from Clannad.
Lachesis: Erica Lindbeck, who voiced Sayaka Igarashi in Kakegurui.
Leto: Casey Mongillo, who voiced Nene Onemine from Komi Can't Communicate.
Leuce: Dorothy Fahn, who voiced Sumika Warakubami / Kawaru Natari from Kakegurui
Libya: Kira Buckland, who voiced Princess Aurora Sya Lis Goodereste in Sleepy Princess from the Demon Castle.
Maia: Cherami Leigh, who voiced Kaede Otori from Komi Can't Communicate.
Marakria: Monica Rial, who voiced Moa in Show from Rock (if that’s possible)
Medea: Brianna Knickerbocker, who voiced Rumia Uru from Kakegurui.
Megaera: Emi Lo, who voiced Suma in Demon Slayer.
Melinoe: Kira Buckland, who voiced Mary Saotome from Kakegurui Twin and Kakegurui.
Metis: Laura Post, who voiced Brunhilde in Record of Ragnarok.
The other 6 Muses: Bryn Apprill.
Nyx: Hellena Taylor, who voiced Bayonetta from the Bayonetta games, but with sexy a Greek accent.
Pasithea: Bridget Hoffman, who voiced Nia Teppelin from Gurren Lagann.
Peitho: Kayli Mills, who voiced Emilia in Re:ZERO.
Persephone: Maggie Flecknoe, who voiced Yui Komori in Diabolik Lovers.
Perse: Brianna Knickerbocker, who voice Rem in Re:ZERO
Psyche: Erika Harlacher, who voiced Yumeko Jabami from Kakegurui
Rhea: Elizabeth Maxwell, who voiced Rosaria from Genshin Impact.
Selene: Shannon Chan, who voiced Misa Amane from Death Note.
Semele: Brenna Larsen, who voiced Navia from Genshin Impact.
Thetis: Kate Higgins, who voiced Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno from Sailor Moon.
Tisiphone: Sarah Williams, who voiced Midari Ikishima from Kakegurui
Urania: Anairis Quinones, who voiced Hinatsuru in Demon Slayer.
And for the Mortal women:
Andromeda: Bryn Apprill, who voiced Krista Lenz / Historia Reiss from Attack on Titan.
Cassandra: Erica Lindbeck, who voiced Daki from Demon Slayer.
Helen of Troy: Cristina Vee, who voiced Sailor Mars / Rei Hino.
Phaedra: Juliet Simmons, who voiced Inaho Yamato from Kakegurui
Penelope: Abby Trott, who voiced Inui from Aggretsuko.
What do you guys think?
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himebushou · 2 years
The timeskip is IMMENSE! I was expecting the next chapter to take place in perhaps Feb/March, but as some other people have pointed out, Fathers' Day is celebrated in June in Japan. That's wild!
(Also, doesn't this mean that Miri should be out of daycare and starting her formal education?)
On the one hand, skipping 6 months makes a lot of sense: we get the sense that the Organisation is very big and very powerful, so it would be ridiculous if the Buddies Who Were Formerly Daddies were able to take it out overnight — they'd need time to plan and get their ducks in a row (hurhur). I think Kyuu-chan is also going to be instrumental in taking out the Organisation; he does carry a lot of cards, after all.
That's... assuming that Rei is planning a long game and looking to take the Organisation down. In Episode 8, he asked Suwa Shigeki to give him time. And so, Rei's taken nearly a year to wrap up loose ends — but what are those loose ends now that Miri is out of the picture? Are Rei and Kazuki still in the swanky pad at the start of Episode 11... or have they already moved out?
My guess is that Rei is given the order to kill Kazuki. Obviously, Rei isn't going to be out to kill Kazuki — but he will have to demonstrate that he's 'serious' about the new mission and so, I think he'll opt for shooting Kazuki in the shoulder. I think Ogino is too ruthless to leave Kazuki with a non-fatal wound.
As much as I love Rei's place, it is nice that the pair move out — ultimately, when they're reunited with Miri, they can make a fresh start in a new home that has no ties to the Organisation.
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For the ask game (let's gooo) 6,26,30,39
6. describe your personality in 3 words or less
ehhh... observant, impulsive, introverted.
26. how many pillows do you sleep with?
technically one, but I have a panda plush that's more or less a pillow too, so two I guess?
30. whats your favorite candle scent?
anything cinnamon or lavender!!
39. do you have a nickname? what is it?
not that I am aware of really? at least, not one that is used by multiple people. I have a friend who calls me Schmidt (I call him Jenko/Jenkings, from the 21 Jump Street movies) but that's it really haha! I guess no one just really gave me any other than that one.
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dei2dei · 6 months
First Lines Tag Game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Tagged by @kisahawklin... let's gooo! 1. "Don't worry." Call and Response, MK Li Mei/Sindel, T.
2. "We shouldn't have our asses in these chairs," Johnny Cage muttered under his breath to the figure beside him. If You Want Something Done Right..., MK Sonya/Johnny/Kenshi, M.
3. Sonya Blade slaps at her phone with the particular level of irritation reserved for Monday mornings that involve climbing out of a comfortable bed. Fringe Benefits, MK Sonya/Johnny, E.
4. "And all of this is necessary?" Legacies in Memory and Dust, MK Sonya/Johnny, Liu Kang/Kitana, M.
5. Maomao sneezed. One Blossom Now In Bloom, Apothecary Diaries Maomao/Jinshi, E.
6. Zheng Yi Sao closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of the Revenge creaking around her.  The Calm and the Storm, Our Flag Means Death Archie/Olu/Zheng/Jim, G.
7. The books hit the elegantly carved table with a thud more ominous than the cart door on the very day of her capture so many months ago. Distractions, Apothecary Diaries, G.
8. It felt strange to sit on the deck of a ship, and stranger still to be doing it because she wasn't dazed, a prisoner, or injured in some way. Breaks in the Day, Our Flag Means Death Archie/Olu/Zheng/Jim, G.
9. "Come see my new alphabet agency, you said. Come meet some people, you said." The Weather Outside, MK Sonya/Johnny, E.
10. She barrels into the jinsei chamber at the head of a squad, following a trail of bodies and memories, desperately hoping that she's not too late. Trigonometry, MK Sonya/Johnny/Kenshi, E.
Well, I know I like starting things in media res, but I can see it's either dialogue or some form of motion/movement. It's often the easiest thing for me, to jump into writing with dialogue or something the character is *doing*, and it also helps get the reader in right away too, I think! Tagging @whimsicalmeerkat, @sarnakhwritesthings, @pterawaters, @cosmictapestries, @alastair-fics, and because I'm a brat, @stvaltiel
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