popatochisssp · 2 months
Could we get some romance headcanons for your gaster boys? And maybe also the undergloom boys if you feel like it? I'm rereading sweat treats and it's making me feel very soft<3
Somehow I’m always surprised when someone asks about my weirdos, but hey!
Some romance hcs about Sunny (Gastertale Sans), Aster (Gastertale Papyrus), Ash (Undergloom Sans), and Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus)!
Starting with Sunny…much like his (nick)namesake, he brightens up every time he lays eye-sockets on you.
Sure, sure, most everyone will get a smile on their face and little thrill of happiness when they see their partner, but he takes it to the next level. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been out of his sight for five days, five hours, or five minutes, it’s the same reaction every time. He perks up and grins big, eye-lights aglow like he’s just so excited that it’s you!
And he is, that’s exactly what’s going through his head—there you are, that’s you, he’s so happy to see you and it doesn’t matter if he just saw you, the thrill is fresh for him every single time.
That might be at least part of the reason that he’s always dragging you around, introducing you to everyone he knows and then some.
Whether you’re shy or a social butterfly yourself, it seems to be one of his favorite activities to bring you around with him and as quickly as possible, jump to the part where he gets to say, “hey, have you met my partner?” and tell his friends your name and what you do and stuff you’re good at.
Is he bragging? Well, maybe a little, but mostly he’s just trying to showcase you, all the things about you that he thinks are cool and that all his friends and acquaintances should know so they’ll see how cool you are… and maybe they’ll be your friends and acquaintances too.
He wants you to be comfortable and appreciated in all the circles he runs in, because more places you fit in means more time he can have hanging out with you in those places, and obviously he wants that!
He shows a lot of his affection with closeness, and if that weren’t already obvious to people from all of the above, they’ll definitely get the message when he always seems to have a hand on you somewhere whenever you’re together.
He loves the hand-in-the-back-pocket thing, sliding up under a jacket to touch your back, fingers riding up a shirt hem to hook into your belt-loop… Believe it or not, there’s nothing possessive or even lusty in the way he does it. His intention is purely about making contact, mingling the two of you and making a package deal that can’t be pulled apart as easily as taking a step back.
It definitely adds a few seconds of disentangling every time you need to go to the bathroom or something, but it’s a hard habit to try and break him of since as soon as you’re in range he just wants nothing more than to reach out and touch you.
As for his twin, Aster…
Well, he’s not quite as touchy-feely with his partner, but he has plenty of ways of his own to make your relationship status abundantly clear.
For example, the pictures he’s always taking.
He loves taking photos—occasionally just of you, but preferably of the both of you—pretty much anytime you go anywhere together. It can be as special an occasion as an anniversary dinner or as casual as coffee by a nice fountain and either way, inevitably, he’ll try to draw you in and snap a quick pic.
If you’re camera-shy and need a bit of prep to be sure you’re ready, that’s fine, and he has no intention of posting anything for anybody else to see. He wants the photos more for himself than anything else, getting to pull them up whenever he wants and think fondly of the time you spent together; a visual record of times you enjoyed each other’s company.
He's a far more sentimental and emotionally-driven man than his demeanor might suggest, which is to say that it maybe shouldn’t be as surprising as it is that he’ll often sing to you.
Admittedly, he’s not…especially musically inclined. He rarely stays on key (and occasionally flubs lyrics to whatever he heard that makes more sense to him), but aside from that he has a pleasant-sounding voice and he likes to use it to woo you, when the mood is right.
It’s nothing like a full serenade, rarely more than a romantic lyric or two crooned in your ear or belted out to you across the kitchen, but it usually does the trick to make you smile or get warm in the face, so he counts it as a win.
That sentimental nature of his even bleeds through into his unconscious, so you may also find a whole slew of sweet nothings waiting for you if get him talking while he’s half-asleep.
Granted, you probably won’t understand it, since it’ll be in Wingdings—glottal, guttural, sounds that seem incompatible with any kind of language and probably nothing human vocal chords can replicate…but he’s a skeleton, and it’s the first language he ever spoke, and he hasn’t forgotten as much as he’s pushed it down.
But, he’s the sort of person who takes awhile to really wake up when he wakes up, and before conscious thought gets involved in the whole matter, a whole lot of romantic, poetic nonsense can slip through the gates: that you’re brilliant, wonderful, more radiant even than the sun and he’d gladly suffer years—no, decades—no, centuries more in darkness if he only had you by his side…
You may not find that out, though. If he hasn’t totally forgotten what he’s said by the time he’s alert enough to switch to a tongue you understand, he might be too embarrassed to repeat it. 😳
Moving onto Ash…
Well, it’s not a secret that he’s a tired guy, actually chronically so, and that keeps him seated or reclining pretty often.
So ‘pretty often’ is how much you’ll find him leaned up against you, or laying on top of you, or just otherwise smooshing his way into your space. Consider yourself his favorite personal pillow—because you are—and anytime you’re sitting or laying close enough to where he’s doing the same, he’s bound to remind you of that.
To him, you’re comfort and support and safety all in one, so it’s really just natural instinct for him to flop over into your lap, or rest his skull on your shoulder. He can fall asleep on you real quick too if you’re not careful, so be wary of getting trapped if you have anything urgent you might need to do!
Another things about him is that he’s very cozy, rarely without a couple layers of sweaters and/or hoodies. You’d think that’d make him a prime target for the time-honored tradition of boyfriend-hoodie theft—y’know, since he has so many.
You’re in for an Uno Reverse, though, because he’ll be stealing your hoodies if you ever make the mistake of leaving him unattended with them. He’s got a million and one excuses for it, if you protest—he was cold, he thought it was his, he just wanted to see if it’d fit—and a pair of entirely-too-effective puppy-dog eye-sockets when he asks if you want him to give it back, so you may not get some of them returned until laundry day at the earliest.
He’s not unreasonable, though, and can certainly be negotiated with. It might be worth proposing a partner-hoodie hostage exchange program to get some of his in return for the ones he nabs from you. He wouldn’t be opposed to making some kind of arrangement there!
And speaking of arrangements…
He loves music. He loves you. It makes perfect sense to him to combine his loves together somehow, and his favorite way to do that is by making mixtapes for you.
Anyone can make a Spotify playlist and send you a link, but he’s a traditionalist. If he’s going to cobble together a collection of songs that make him think all the best warm and fuzzy thoughts about you, he’s going to do it right—CDs burned on his own laptop with notes in sharpie scrawled atop the disk, set in jewel cases plastered with stickers and all the badly-doodled hearts and stars and clouds you could ever ask for.
It may be cheesy, but he puts a ton of thought into the song choices and what order they play in, to the point that each disk is pretty much a love-letter in polycarbonate plastic form, so be sure to listen close every time he adds another to your collection.
Last but certainly not least, Yrus!
He’s fantastic for your ego, for one thing.
No matter how long he’s been with you, he’s always affected by you—deeply, intensely, visibly. A simple touch to his hand is enough to make him start stumbling over his words, and even just a little peck on the cheek will turn him into a blushing, flustered mess.
You’re just so attractive, and so wonderful, and the thing you want to spend your time and attention and affection on…is him?! Oh, he can’t get over that, and he never will!
Your love is like a sunrise to him—just because it happens every day doesn’t make it any less miraculous, or him any less lucky to be able to see it.
He feels so lucky every moment he gets to be with you, and because of that, he wants so badly to be able to make you happy, to provide for you and make you feel as seen and cared for as you deserve.
Cooking is probably the biggest way in which he tries to do that. Probably one of the first things he ever tried to learn about you was your favorite meal, so that he could make it for you and not only that, but perfect it.
Whether it’s the most time-consuming, complex dish to make or a quick and easy snack, he’ll learn it and go through as much trial and error as needed to get it exactly how you like it the most.
He wants his version of whatever it is to be your favorite, and to be able to make it for you whenever you need it the most.
It’s just how he loves…
You might not realize it right away, but the truest measure of how much he loves you won’t be in anything he does for you, or how he reacts to you, or even in what he says.
It’ll be in silence.
He spends so much of his time trying to help everyone, trying to do everything and be cheerful and positive and entertaining, all the time.
But with you…maybe he doesn’t have to.
Maybe with you, he can just be, without having to fill every silence with conversation, without having to constantly try to impress you, without having to stay on his feet and play host to you, because you’re no longer a guest in his home—you are his home.
When he starts allowing those slow, quiet moments to happen, that’s when you’ll know this thing is forever.
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m0ss-gremlin · 2 years
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ratsoh-writes · 11 months
Ages updated!!!!
I’m gonna do my best to include all important characters, including some “side characters” that appear often enough! So let’s begin!
Undertale: Sans: 65, papyrus: 49, Undyne: 47, alphys: 54,Toriel: 934, Asgore: 933, Grillby: 522, Mettaton: 22
Underswap: Star: 60, honey: 44, Twister: 44, Winter: 1013, Napstablook: 23
Underfell: Red: 66, edge: 43, storm: 44, King: 998, felltron: 21
Swapfell Mal: 60, cash: 51
Horrortale Oak: 75, willow: 59, Miss: 944
Horrorswap Lilac: 70, Basil: 54
Horrorfell Rust: 76, Noir: 53
Underlust Charm: 66, sugar: 52, Amor: 367, winnie: 10
Lustswap Sparks: 59, Salt: 50
Lustfell Lush: 63, Pepper: 51, Jezebel: 212, Marcelo goldenfoot: 455
Lustswapfell Sir: 68, weasel: 52, snow: 61
Lustred Flambe: 55, Pesto: 54
Lustgold Butler: 68, gold: 49
Outertale Pluto: 67, Jupiter: 49, titan: 598
Outerfell Orion: 60, atlas: 52
Outerswap Helios: 44, Artemis 36
Fellswap Lord: 60, mutt: 53
Fellswap gold Wine: 64, coffee: 50, Empress: 1033
Farmtale Peaches: 51, rancher: 46, Rosemary: 550, Yosemite: 501
Farmswap Cider: 50, Barley: 42, Carmen: 85, whisky: 520
Farmfell Ram: 49, pitch: 40, russet: 478, pooch: 489
Horrorfarm Moose: 64, maple: 53
Mafias Butch: 60, snipe: 58, ace: 53, boss: 50, slim: 48, bruiser: 45, tempest: 64, Don: 645, Madame: 647, Mr corgi (aka Charles): 67
Birdtale Quill: 59, crow: 51
Birdswap Mango: 62, papaya: 36, canary: 278
Birdfell Roost: 53, harpy: 42, Lewis: 90
Draketale Alden: 68, Ollivander: 60
Drakefell Barin: 71, Arwin: 59
Drakeswap Hilda: 66, saga: 63
Seatale Fisher: 60, Jasper 25
Seaswap Finn: 59, sails: 27
Seafell Hook: 58, captain: 30
Gastertale G: 80, green: 79
Dancetale Pop: 52, rhythm: 45, salsa: 678
Theatretale Tempo: 50, vibrato: 29
Fallouttale Lens: 69, cricket, 49, piranha: 65
Templetale Zen: 67, shield: 35
Nomadtale Gears: 49, compass: 42, copper: 645, lilo: 21, weave: 126, wisteria: 157, linden: 158
Here’s a quick rundown of a monsters lifespan:
A common monster has a life expectancy of 700 years give or take. The oldest monster in record (that wasn’t a royal) was a Drake monster who lived 732 years.
They are considered infants/babies up until the age of two. Toddlerhood is from 2-6
Children are from the ages of 7-13. Most monsters start public school at ages 7-8
Teenagers are from 14-19. Monsters mature at a slower rate than humans, and so while the body may look grown in the later teen years, they have yet to develop sexual maturity until around 20.
Once 20 they are considered adults, but some subspecies can continue growing up till 30
After puberty in the early 19-22 range, a monster is considered a young adult from 25-190. You can compare those ages to a human in their early to mid 20s physically
Middle Ages range from 200s- 400s roughly
500s are considered older and retirement age, 600s are elderly. Anything past 680 is fragile
The lifespan goes down with halfbreed monsters ( “full” monster parent and “full” human parent) where they live around 600-650 years
The lifespan takes a bigger drop for mages who have an expectancy of 250 years. Witches (humans who have trained to use magic) are known to live up to their 130s if they aren’t soulbonded to a monster partner.
Monsters and half breeds born with the disease called dimming rarely live past their 400s
An exception to the monster lifespan are the “royals”. They take a ritual after being voted into office that binds them to their country, making it so that any decisions they make for the country has to be for its and the peoples benefit (as far as they believe), making them a servant to ebott for the rest of their lives, but extending their life and health in return. The ritual can be broken for the royals who wish to retire and die in peace. The oldest recorded ruler was rumored to be around three thousand
And now the crash!!
For those who don’t know what that is, it’s when all the AUs merged (and my excuse for why all these guys are in the same place lol).
The crash started 17 years ago, and ended within 9 months. Since then no other mystery groups of monsters have been discovered.
Here’s a brief timeline of ebott from crash until now
First day: the land mass that holds ebott appears
Day 2: undertale, underswap, gastertale,, dancetale, theatretale, templetale, all the “farm” AUs, “lust” AUs and the “outer” AUs
Month one: the bird AUs fall from the sky, the nomads stumble out of the forest and the sea AUs mysteriously arrive on ship to shore
Month two, after two months, most of the fell aus (underfell, swapfell, fellswap gold) appear
Month three, the factory (mafias) monsters appear along with the “ghost city” now inhabited and known as ebott city, the capitol. A few weeks later, the fallout monsters appear and ebotts first official hospitals are created
Month four, the royals are finally brought together after threats of inner fighting, and Asgore is voted in as the king
Things settle for four more months, and the new land is explored, vary basic laws are out into place, and things start getting divided into districts.
Month five: Ebott makes contact with several other countries and is introduced to the worlds currency system. Ebotts gold, silver, copper coins is recognized as a currency by the rest of the world
Month seven, the first and only orphanage is founded for any unclaimed children.
On month nine of the crash, the monsters finally access the underground, and to their horror, they find three separate chambers housing the starving horror AUs who had no idea everything that was going on above.
Month ten, land is sold and divided, and ebott begins creating large scale farms
May 20, 2007, ebott celebrates their first official year as a country. The capitol city is named new ebott (cause Asgore sucks at naming things and frankly the rest of the royals aren’t much better)
May 30th, the royal guard is finally re-organized
December 2007, ebotts first countrywide gyftmas celebration, also an official design for the flag and coins are voted on and implemented
February 2008, the first official jail is built and used in ebott lol
July 2008, ebott is finally let into the rest of the worlds internet, and electricity reaches more areas besides just ebott city
August 2008, ebotts children and teens discover tik tok, and it is unanimously decided by every one that a standard public school has to be created
Late august 2008, the first public school is finished in city center
September 2008, the number of school sites number around 300, and counting
January 2009, ebott state college is built and open
April 2009, the ebott scouts is formed, and children hoping to join the guard in the future are able to sign up.
March 2010, ebott is opened by presiding countries for international students and charity programs
November 2010, the following of lady magic opens the temple to the public, and takes over the maintenance of what used to be known as the horrors underground. A grotto is transformed into a place of remembrance for those left behind before the crash
May 2011, the core from the stable underground is moved to the surface and duplicated into several other power factories. All of inhabited ebott is at least within an hour of power
May 2012, the stable underground is open to the public as a tourist attraction. Ebotts is opened by presiding countries to tourism
February 2013, because of public pressure from mainly farm, bird, lusts and the temple monsters, human-monster marriages are now recognized under the state as valid
July 2013 A farm monster discovers how to successfully cultivate magic crops from the underground, aboveground. He shares the secret for free, and other farm monsters take initiative to start sharing their own crop secrets. He is awarded the title of prince.
January 2014 Due to complaints about side effects from human foods, money is poured into research about safer ways to process and preserve foods in ebott.
April 2014, mellowmart becomes the largest company in ebott, finally beating out Walmart in scale.
December 2016, ebott petitions to be recognized as a free independent country to the United Nations. Ebott is turned down
December 2017, ebott petitions again to be recognized as an independent nation
February 2017 Immigration into ebott is closed, and monsters begin boycotting imported human goods. The ebott navy is built.
July 2017, ebott is declared an independent nation
March 2018, the royals declare ebott self sufficient in feeding the country when the amount of food related exports finally exceeds the imports for the first time
July 2018, ebott celebrates its first freedom festival
October 2018, the first college dedicated to the arts is opened in the captitol
July 2019, magical spars are declared the national sport after a grueling battle between spar fans and pickleball fans
November 2019, the first echo festival is celebrated in Goldenvalley
February 2020, humans not born in ebott are finally allowed to apply for citizenship, and the process for that is created.
April 2020 the goldenflower festival is organized for the first time
September 2020, several big brands like coco cola, Hersheys and nestle are banned in ebott when complaints of health issues becomes too much
March 2021, Wendy’s becomes the first company to create a monster-safe fast food outside of ebott, and after months of testing, is given permission to sell. Many other food companies follow and begin making separate recipes for their monster customers
May 2022, snails are declared the national animal of ebott, and popular snail breeds are recognized and the society of the domesticated snail is created for shows and licenses
November 2022, a different country tries to declare war on ebott on the grounds of them “stealing” their young working force (immigrant workers). Ebott threatens to close borders to tourists, those coming for medical care, and all outside companies selling in their lands. The untied nations slaps down the country declaring war.
February 2023, a new branch of the royal guard, called the NPTRF (national people’s trafficking relief foundation) or more commonly called the reverse kidnappers by ebotts supportive teens, is founded to combat the rapidly rising issue of monsters and humans being trafficked and dragged outside the country
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azzzhat · 2 years
(because people are confused I am sorry for that 😭🙏)
Different universes have different themes for their names, listed below along with explanations in brackets for some of the names which might not be as self-explanatory as the others.
Papyrus: Chai
Sans: Cile (short for Chamomile)
UNDERFELL - serpents
Papyrus: Mamba
Sans: Boa
UNDERSWAP - passerine birds
Papyrus: Orie (short for Oriole)
Sans: Blue (short for Bluejay)
SWAPFELL - toxic substances
Papyrus: Carbon (carbon monoxide poisoning)
Sans: Anthrax (deadly bacterial disease)/ Thall (short for Thallium, an extremely toxic element)
HORRORTALE - poisonous flowers
Papyrus: Kalmia (a genus of toxic shrubs, some known by the name lambkill)
Sans: Nerium (nerium oleander, an incredibly toxic plant)
Papyrus: Ivy
Sans: Ichor (the blood of the gods in Greek mythology, believed to be golden in colour)
MIMICTALE - constellations
Papyrus: Orion
Sans: Gemini / Freki and Geri (the two wolves of Odin in Norse mythology, whose names mean either "the greedy one" or "the ravenous one")
[Freki and Geri are Sanses, but for now in the story, Freki is referred to as Sans because that's his name, and Geri is called Webster/Webs. Gemini is their collective name, so you don't have to say Freki & Geri or Sans & Webster all the time when you're talking about both of them]
Hope this helped!
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vrnicky · 2 years
OkaY, a post for Names and AUS!! Long, way too long
Names and Aus.
Sans as Snas, jk, just Sans
Papyrus as Papy mostly
Sans: Blue
Papyrus: Miere
Sans: Rojo loverboy
Papyrus: Cap/tain
Sans: Orion
Papyrus: Perseo
Sans: Atlas
Papyrus: Orbit
Sans: Meteor
Papyrus: Sirius
Sans: Zen
Papyrus: Max
Sans: Odiseo
Papyrus: Hator
Sans: Loan
Papyrus: Nayer
Sans: Azrael
Papyrus: Deus
Sans: Angelus
Papyrus: Daimon
Sans: Astarte
Papyrus: Morpheo
Sans: Bonnie
Papyrus: Clyde
Sans: Shark
Papyrus: Gorilla
Sans: Patrone
Papyrus: Chief
Mafiaswapfell Crystal.
Sans: Devonte
Papyrus: Sargent
Fellswap Gold.
Sans: Wine
Papyrus: Coffee
Sans: Berry
Papyrus: Money
Sans: Black
Papyrus: Slim
Swapfell Crystal.
Sans: Edan
Papyrus: Hans
Fellswap Wine.
Sans: Butcher
Papyrus: Twist/er
Sans: Disco
Papyrus: Tango
Sans: Swing
Papyrus: Regga
Sans: Caramel
Papyrus: Sweet
Sans: Lur
Papyrus: Farren
Sans: Vega
Papyrus: Carrot
Sans: Nicte
Papyrus: Balam
Sans: Garo
Papyrus: Bosco
Sans: Gent
Papyrus: Lupin
Sans: Aloe
Papyrus: Lion
Sans: Cempa/súchil
Papyrus: Velvet
Sans: Allen
Papyrus: Bliss
Not Undertale Found.
Papyrus: Nolan
Eros Not Official/Canon Son.
Sans: Eros lol
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shapeshivvter · 1 year
I made a SockpupetTale once (Under Sock??)
Swaptale is probs a thing
TS! Underswap
farmtale sounds delightful. if i google it and sans is not in overalls and a straw hat i will be so pissed/NSRS
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sin-nister-utmv · 2 years
Undertale- Sans/Classic and Papyrus/Cinnamon
Underswap- Blue and Stretch
Underfell- Red and Boss
Swapfell- Berry and Cash
Fellswap- Black and Mutt
Horrortale- Bear and Willow
Outertale- Pluto and Jupiter
Reapertale- Death and Morte
Dancetale- Pop and Rhythm
Mafiatale- Snipe and Ace
Gastertale- G and Green
Outcodes: exactly the same.
Axe!horror- Axe
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calcium-supplement · 2 years
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Dream and Sunny should hang out
(Sunny is @popatochisssp 's G!sans, please go enjoy him, hes got back to the future and late night in-n-out energy)
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thatonecreatorbitch · 4 years
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Here’s a drawing of Gaster!Sans acting like the smug little bitch he is XD. I hope u like my drawing of this sexy lil bastard 😂 Lmao, you guys have a great day.
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starshocksenji · 4 years
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Gaster!Sans And My Old Starshock Oc
(This should have been my Valentines Day Drawing 🤷🏻‍♂️ but I got lazy and didn’t got to finish it in time 😗 )
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popatochisssp · 3 months
I don't think this has been asked before: what if the boy's very close human friend/partner wanted to learn magic from them? And showed at least a BIT of potential in being physically capable of doing so?
Oh that’s interesting!
I think some would definitely be more helpful with something like that than others…
Sans (Undertale): If you decide you want to be a mage, that’s great and he can’t deny he’s at least a little curious to see how it pans out for you, but as for teaching you himself… Well. He can probably help you out with some of the super-ultra-basics, but beyond that he doesn’t have much to offer. He’s got a lot of magic and knows how to use it, sure, but he’s something of a prodigy there, so he never really did a whole lot of actual learning or practice, he just…figured it out. Probably not the best for imparting that to somebody who’s starting at zero so you might want to learn from a better teacher. And one who's less lazy, because of course, he is also very lazy. But hey, he’s rooting for you!
Papyrus (Undertale): Oh fantastic, that’s amazing that you want to learn magic! Of course he’s happy to help, your training begins now! He’s super excited by the chance to help and teach you everything he knows—which is quite a bit, he’s very talented and the strength and sophistication of his magic has only grown over the years!—but it’s possible he might be a little too eager about it. It’s almost the only thing he’s interested in from the moment you bring it up, so you’ll probably have to be firm with him when you want or need time to do something else. He means well, he just wants to see you succeed, and it’s so much fun to show you how things work!
Sky (Underswap Sans): He’s totally flattered if you want him to help you learn, and determined not to let you down by being anything less than the best tutor! He’ll be very mindful of your time and energy and skill level, and be sure to check in with you a lot with how you think things are going. If there’s any downside at all, it’s that he doesn’t always know how to explain the things about magic that feel obvious and natural to him, but are confusing or alien to a human. He’ll do everything he can to get past those blocks, but there’s definitely going to be times where he’s stumped for how to convey it to you and has to fumble through a few tries to get it to make sense—or take a break and come back later, when he’s thought about it some more!
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): A little nervous and not entirely sure he’s the best person for the job, but heck, if you insist, he’ll do his best… He should be more confident in himself, though, he’s a pretty great teacher! He’s patient and thoughtful about how to approach different topics, and he’s definitely got a knack for making it make sense and relating his experience with magic to your perspective—you’ll probably be hearing a lot of unusual similes and analogies out of him, but they’re almost always coherent. And…he actually really likes being able to show you how it all works, it makes him feel a lot closer to you to be able to find a common understanding to bridge the species gap.
Jasper (Underfell Sans): Well… Honestly, he’s not a bad teacher, when he actually bothers to do it, but that’s the thing. You can say you want to learn from him and he won’t say no, but he’s not gonna take any initiative. He’s not giving lectures or sending you study materials or putting practice time on your calendar, you’ll be the one to have to come to him, with specific things you want his help with. Admittedly, he doesn’t think you learning magic is the best idea, but he won’t stand in your way if you want to take a crack at it, and if you want a little help from him here and there, sure, for you, as long as it’s nothing that’ll get you in too much trouble. (He’s not gonna teach you any red magic, don’t even ask.)
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): You may live to regret this. He’s definitely on board with helping you learn and train your skill in magic—in fact, he’s a bit miffed you didn’t ask him sooner—but as far as teachers go, he’s…intense. He absolutely wants you to know how to use your magic, to the full extent of your capabilities, so you can be prepared to face any threat at your strongest! And in trying to facilitate this, he is very strict and insistent about regular practice and study to get you to your maximum potential, which is…not always a whole lot of fun. As far as he’s concerned, it’s not supposed to be, it’s meant to sharpen your skills and make you stronger, and if you’ve asked him to do that for you, that’s a responsibility he takes too seriously to let you slack off!
Mal (Swapfell Sans): Probably not a route you want to go down, in all honesty. He’s encouraging enough about the idea of you learning magic, be safe and take your time with it and all, but as far as learning specifically from him… Well, he’s not the best teacher, and he knows it. He’s a little too insistent and has a hard time being patient if something’s not clicking for you right away, and he’d rather you not have to deal with that from him. He can help you out with some basic concepts, and direct you to better resources—and once you’ve already got the gist of something, he’s available if you want someone to practice it with, but as far learning from him, it may be best to keep that to a minimum…
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): Oh yeah, definitely, he can help! Maybe a little surprised you want to learn from him, but y’know, magic’s one of the few areas he’s both competent and confident in, so…sure. He’s a pretty good teacher, as far as that goes, very patient and willing to demonstrate and answer whatever questions you might come up with. Probably his biggest failing is not anticipating a need for context or…warnings, for unfamiliar things. He’s a ‘learn by doing’ kind of guy, so he tends toward practical lessons, just do it and then we’ll go from there. You’re almost guaranteed to be pulled into an Encounter before he explains what one is, or surprised with a blaster skull without being assured they’re just a construct first. Sorry for the heart attacks, he’s trying!
Slate (Horrortale Sans): Ah, he may not the best person for the job. He’s happy that you trust him and think he’s reliable enough to even ask, but he’s… His memory’s a little bit shot, and his thoughts tend to run on the slow side, which isn’t to say that he can’t help you at all, but he definitely shouldn’t be the one running this show. He’s just not gonna be able to keep on top on everything he’s told you and everything he hasn’t, making sure to follow up with you on things you asked about, remembering where you’re struggling and where you’re excelling, all that. If you want him to supplement your education by asking him some questions or with specific help here and there, that’s more than doable, he just doesn’t want to be in charge of it. As long as you or some other teacher is mostly doing the work and keeping pace, he won’t have to worry so much that he’s slowing you down or standing in your way!
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): He won’t be prepared for you to ask, but he’ll be pleasantly surprised nonetheless! He’s eager to dive right into it with you whenever you’re ready, and he’s ready to put in as much effort as you want from him—he’ll definitely be expecting you to guide your own lessons and tell him what you want to learn, but he’s happy to take it from there and provide you with everything you need to succeed. He has nursing school in pretty recent memory, so he’s sympathetic to your situation as someone learning about something from another species that’s totally alien to you. He's always prepared to explain the little details that other monsters might gloss over since they’re just so second-nature. One thing about him is that every new thing you learn, no matter how small, comes with a reminder that you need to be responsible with this power, probably to the point that you’ll get sick of hearing it, but… he has to keep saying it, for his own peace of mind.
Ash (Undergloom Sans): It’s a little more than he’s probably up for…at least if you’re looking for a lot of demonstrations or someone to practice with. He’s got more magic than he has anything else, but that’s a low bar to clear with how little of the other stuff he tends to have—low energy, low strength, and low assistance for you… Still, that doesn’t mean he can’t take an interest, and there’s other ways he can help. He’s not half bad at talking you through how things are supposed to feel and how they’re definitely not supposed to feel, which is good for keeping you from overextending yourself before you’re ready, and if you show him something you’re having trouble with he’s good at feeling out the problem and giving you some pointers. At this, he’s a better a coach than a teacher, and coaches don’t play but they make pretty good cheerleaders on your journey to get stronger.
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus): He’s all-in from day one, both honored and thrilled that you want him involved in your magical education. It’s probably verging on comical how totally invested he is, to the point of actually treating it like school—lesson plans, assigned readings, even quizzes and homework—but he really loves this stuff and he’s excited, it’s hard for him not to get carried away… As a teacher of magic, his strong point is more on the academic end of things, the theory stuff and what’s well-researched and understood. He’s a little weaker when it comes to the more finicky sides of magic based on emotion and more nebulous, less researched factors, but some of that is just the nature of the beast. Magic in and of itself is a tad nebulous and some amount of ‘We don’t know why’ just…has to be worked around. But he’ll make every effort with you!
Brick (Horrorfell Sans): He’s not really interested in the idea… If you want to learn magic, fine, more power to you, but he personally doesn’t want to be involved in it. Any way he looks at it, it feels like setting you both up for some frustration, trying to convey concepts largely unfamiliar to you through means only barely familiar to him, and there’s probably ways to get around it if you both work really hard at it, but… Yeah, he doesn’t really wanna. Feel free to show him whatever you’re learning if you’re excited about it, or if you wanna bitch about your teacher or something, but he’s gonna opt out of being that teacher. You’ll do fine without him, he’d probably only slow you down anyway if he’s being realistic.
King (Horrorfell Papyrus): You may not live to regret this (a joke [barely]). Though he’ll neither insist nor offer to teach you, he will if you ask, but not without warning you that you may not enjoy it. He’s not one to half-ass things, so if you want to learn from him, he’s going to make sure you do it properly, no cut corners, no skipped practice, and no missed study opportunities, there will be a schedule and he will hold you to it. Frankly, he teaches the same way that he puts patients through physical therapy—assertively and unbendingly, holding you to the high and exacting standard he’s set for you. Much like those patients of his, you’re likely to make a lot of very impressive progress very quickly, but you may not like him too much by the time he's done putting you through the ringer. Consider it carefully before deciding you want to do this.
Merc (Horrorswap Sans): Pleased to be asked, and certainly willing to do his best to help you, he’ll be a pretty good teacher, if a little overcautious. He wants you to be careful and safe above all, so there may be some times when you just want to try something to see how it goes, but he won’t want to let you, or you think you’ve got something down and want to move onwards and upwards to more advanced techniques but he thinks you need to practice the basics a little bit more first. His intentions are good, but he might stymie you a little and hold you back from progressing because of those good intentions, so be prepared to argue and reason with him if you have a different time-table. Aside from that, he’s patient and calm and very thorough with everything he does, so at least the quality of your education won’t be lacking!
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus): Are you sure? Well, alright. He definitely doesn’t get why you want him to teach you when there’s gotta be a ton of better options, but he won’t argue about it much…and ultimately, he’s not bad at teaching. You may have to bug him a bit to get him to do it—he gets wrapped up in things he’s doing, liable to forget even if you had a standing appointment for it, so some amount of nudging and nagging and “You said we were going to X, Y, Z…” may be required to keep him a man of his word. That aside, he’s a little lecture-heavy maybe, has a tendency to run his mouth and take longer than is strictly necessary to explain a concept when he goes on little tangents in the middle before getting back to the point, but y’know… He gets there eventually, and he’s got enough magic and stamina to do demos and practice with you as much as you want.
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans): You might not get exactly what you’re hoping for from him. He’s not unwilling to try to teach you, certainly a lot more patient and easygoing than he used to be, but…that does come with its own drawbacks. He’s not the most disciplined these days, as a person or a tutor, and that means any training he can give you will probably be sporadic and not the most focused. There’ll be lots of veering off topic, getting distracted, taking breaks and not getting back to it for awhile, and broadly the sense that this isn’t a very high priority for him; that he's not taking it all that seriously. If you aren’t either, or if you are but don’t mind the cavalier attitude to his part in your studies, then no problem, but if you’re looking for a more stringent lesson plan…look elsewhere than him.
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus): Yes, of course he’ll teach you, that sounds like a good idea, you should know these things, if you’ve got the capacity for it. He moves a little slow, taking all the time you both need to feel comfortable and safe with every new hurdle, but he’s thorough and has a knack for being prepared for every question, worry, and mishap you can imagine. You’re in good hands with him for the most part, just…don’t expect him to teach you how to fight with it, because he won’t. He’ll do the basics, little tricks, even how to defend yourself, really everything but how to attack. He just takes FIGHTs too seriously for it to feel safe, for either of you, so if that’s something you really want, you’ll have to find someone else. He’ll cover the rest, just…not that.
Sunny (Gastertale Sans): Sounds fun, sure, he’ll do what he can! Admittedly, he’s not much for the purely academic approach, finding it to be a little dry and missing large swathes of important stuff that you can really only get by feeling and doing. He likes the socratic method, so you can expect him to be asking you a lot of questions while you learn, and gently nudging you towards making your own conclusions, feeling out how magic works for you and where you want to go with it next. He’s also pretty good at working practice and learning new techniques into casual games or fun, spontaneous challenges—can you do this? wanna bet i’m better at that than you? hey, check this out, you try—to the point you might not even realize how good you’ve gotten until much later. It’s not madness, but there’s a method to it if you let him see it through with you!
Aster (Gastertale Papyrus): Oh yes, please let him help you learn magic! This is a thrilling opportunity for both of you! …Which is to say, he’s maybe a tad too interested in this, getting to watch (and participate in!) a human learning magic, up close and personal. He’s going to want to know absolutely everything from your perspective as you start to pick things up—what it feels like to you, how you’re conceptualizing this, that, or the other, what’s easy and what’s difficult and why, and so on and so forth. If you don’t mind the probing questions, or are at least prepared to shut them down if they get to be too much for you, he’s a great help to you with tons of answers and reading material, and a nigh-unstoppable drive to problem-solve if you hit a wall at any point in the process. Just be prepared to rein him in as needed, if he happens to get too excited and forget you’re not a science project.
Spectr (Transcendtale Sans): He’s going to resist at first, having some mixed feelings about humans with magical affinities and abilities and debating with himself how much of a role he should be playing in this. Still…it is you, and that makes a big difference, so as long as you keep asking, you’ll wear him down in no time at all. Ultimately, it’s a good thing for both of you, for him because he’s actually pleased to have something meaningful he can pass along to you, and for you because he’s not a bad teacher at all. He is lacking a soul, which isn’t an insignificant part of magic, so there’s some things you’ll have to fumble with while he talks you through it as best he can by memory alone, but most everything else is easy for him to help you tackle, what with the combined magical power of nearly all monsterkind. You may not have had a lot of options for magic teachers, but of them, he’s a pretty good pick.
PapAIrus (Transcendtale Papyrus): Of course he’ll help you, you couldn’t have picked a better (or less humble) teacher! He’s extremely convenient for whatever your schedule is, since he doesn’t really sleep and is pretty much available 24/7 if you have a thought or a question or want to work something out. He also has a literally encyclopedic knowledge of pretty much any literature that’s ever been published about magic, from personal accounts and anecdotes to peer-reviewed studies, and if you don’t have the time or attention-span to do the reading yourself, he can pretty quickly condense it down to the key points in it. Still, as far as actually putting any of it into practice, you’re…kind of on your own. He doesn’t actually have magic of his own now that he’s digital, and though his memories are all technically intact, some of his sensory ones—especially ones for senses he doesn’t have anymore—haven’t transferred too well. He tends to falter and blank if you ask him to describe what certain magical things are meant to feel like, so…you’ll just have to muddle through that bit together as best as you can!
Xanth (Ascendswap Sans): Very willing and pleased as punch to help you learn magic, he can feel the potential in you and he’d love to be part of helping you realize it! Due to his nature and the way his mind works, he’s more inclined to focus on the soul and the ways in which it and your body and your thoughts act as a conduit for magical energy, working in tandem to direct that energy to do what you want it to do. His explanations of this abstract and ever-changing process, influenced by so many unknowable factors, tend to be hit or miss. Sometimes, the way he describes something to you lands perfectly and you know exactly what he’s talking about and how to make it happen for you with beautiful, precise clarity…and other times, you won’t get it at all and it’ll be complete gibberish to you until you go do some reading or get a second, less psychedelic opinion from someone else. Either way, he won’t take it personally, he’s only one guide along your path and just getting to walk it with you is a joy!
Piper (Ascendswap Papyrus): You want him to teach you magic? Well, that could be interesting, he’s not opposed… Before anything, he’ll ask you to swear that you’ll never use anything he teaches you against a monster, not unless your life is at stake—but as long you promise, and as long as he believes you, he’ll teach you everything he knows. He’s a fantastic help and consistently makes time to help you study and practice, with a good amount of breaks and downtime in between to keep from getting burnt out or frustrated. He’ll even take into account that you may get sick of him being your tutor all the time and loop in some friends to help out every now and again, getting you some other perspectives and maybe helping you network a little. It’s only a matter of time before you’re a magic-expert—he believes in you, and he’ll get you where you need to be.
Carmine (Underfell Fruition Sans): You might not guess it to look at him, but he’s actually a decently helpful sort of guy when he wants to put the work in—and for you, of course he will! This is a great excuse to burn off some of his excess magic, doing any and every demonstration you could possibly ask for and more. He’s probably not going to be much help with any book-learning you might want to do, very hands-on and ‘just do it’ in terms of his teaching style, but he can talk through things pretty well on the fly if you’re having trouble, and that helps plenty. He will, however, have a tendency to consistently and wildly overestimate your capacity of magic, due to how high his is. It’s just hard for him to wrap his head around how little you have, and actually retain that for next time… Just be prepared to remind him of your limits when you’re tired…or if he trusts you enough, maybe he’ll let you borrow his.
Tank (Underfell Fruition Papyrus): Ah. Well. He’s…not very good, with magic. And he doesn’t have all that much of it to work with either. His build favors physical power and durability over anything else, and so did his training, so he doesn’t really have much experience to share with you that isn’t related to brute-force attack capabilities. …But maybe that’s a good thing? Maybe that puts you both at a more similar level than if he was significantly more advanced than you, and maybe you can learn more together? He certainly wouldn’t mind showing you the things he does know, and you could be his permission reason to start studying the other less-military applications of magic, so that he can help you if you’re struggling. And of course, the reverse would be true, if he struggles. Yes, this could be very good!
Vi (Swapfell Fruition Sans): You want him to teach you magic? Fine, but he has a laundry list of stipulations you’ll have to agree to before he starts. He practically wants a nondisclosure agreement out of you, for you to not tell anyone that he’s training you or that you have magic capabilities at all. The latter is mostly because he thinks it’s more strategically sound on all levels for you to keep what you can do a secret so it remains a hidden advantage for you if needed, and the fewer who know you can do things not every human can do, the safer you probably are—typical black-ops mindset. The former…well, more of the same mindset, just the ‘cover your ass’ part of it so that he can claim no knowledge or involvement in you learning what you’ll know when he’s through. Aside from the probably-not-entirely-necessary secrecy he insists on, he’s a very straightforward and no-nonsense tutor, fully capable of meeting you wherever you’re at and guiding you to higher proficiency with everything you need to know and nothing you don’t. If nothing else, learning from him will be efficient.
Hunter (Swapfell Fruition Papyrus): He’ll give it a shot, but you might not get all of what you’re looking for. You’ve got the best chance of learning from him either while the novelty of teaching you magic is fresh, or if you find a way to incentivize him and make it worth his while to show you. He doesn’t have much of an attention span if he’s not interested in something for his own sake, and if he’s not interested, he’s liable to quit putting in extra effort as soon as it gets difficult. If you happen to not get something on the first try, he’s down to explain things once, maybe again if you press, but he doesn’t have a knack for re-framing so if what he said the first time didn’t make sense, eh… he doesn’t know what to tell you, just…try again, you’ll figure it out or you won’t, right? Bets, dares, and bribes all work pretty well at keeping him motivated, though—he can rarely resist a dangled carrot, and some kind of reward on the line makes him a lot more amenable to take on a challenge—so keep those tricks in your back-pocket if you’re really set on him being the one to teach you.
Kohl (Descendtale Sans): He’ll probably explicitly say no. He’s got some hangups about humans, especially the kind who dabble in magic, and even if it’s you—which he’s loath to admit makes a difference at all, but it does—even then, it still doesn’t make him comfortable with the idea of you having and using magic. Helping you develop it further and get even stronger with it, thinking about that makes him edgy and brings up some bad thoughts and memories. Still… if he can’t dissuade you and you start making a study of it anyway, he’ll probably end up getting involved and helping you a bit despite himself. He still doesn’t want to and doesn’t like it, but if you’re just gonna do it regardless, he’d at least feel better being in the loop and keeping an eye-socket on what you’re learning and what you might be inclined to do with it. A begrudging tutor to be sure, but he’ll keep you from blowing your own head off with supercharged magic at least. (Is that a thing that can happen? Oh no… well, maybe…sure, could be. Guess you shouldn’t play with it unsupervised, if you don’t know…)
Bram (Descendtale Papyrus): He’s more than thrilled that you asked, he’s delighted! This will be wonderful and he’ll be the best teacher ever, you won’t regret this! …Actual results may vary, but at least he’s enthusiastic. He’s very attentive to all the details of everything you want to learn and will discuss your goals with you at length before planning out how best to teach you all you could want or need to know. Which is a good thing, of course, but he can go in a little hard on it from time to time. He’s inclined to hand-hold you perhaps a little more than you actually need and may insist on continuing to explain something step-by-step even when you’re pretty sure you’ve got the gist already, or drag out a lesson or practice session longer than necessary even if you’re starting to get tired or frustrated. He just really enjoys being helpful, and having your attention, so he’s never eager to stop and lose it, and he may not realize without being explicitly told that you need a break to go eat or sleep or just do something else. Insist on the you-time that you need, though, and you’ll be fine!
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ask-the-snatcher · 4 years
Still no asks so here's a g!sans
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I'm really happy on how I managed to get the leather texture out!
If someone could inform me of the maker of g!sans I'd be happy to know who it is!
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
(Masterlist 11) S/O has to leave for a week or two and leaves little post it notes around the house telling them house much they love them with LustFell, Seaswap, Seafell, Gastertale, Nomadtale?
Lush: his home is pretty big, so he actually only finds the two notes in his briefcase and thinks that’s it. You wind up finding the rest of the notes over a month later after coming home lol. Lush did adore the two he found though
Pepper: every note he finds, he sends a rather spicy picture of himself back. He can’t help it! Pepper is just so flattered by the love notes. And you’re not here!! Please! You’re killing him!!
Finn: all the notes get put on the cork board in his room. When you come back home, you see all your notes in a little plain bow display on his bedroom wall lol. And no, he’s not taking them down. His love notes now
Sails: aww this is cute. He’ll send a thankful text back after finding one. When you mention there’s more, sails actually gets off his *ss and cleans the house so he can find the rest of them.
Hook: help, his crew mates keep finding the notes left for him and passing them around like badges of honor. Hook is horrified. He’s not ashamed, but they’re his dammit! He doesn’t wanna share!!
Captain: you were wise to leave all the notes in the captains office, or else captain would get the same treatment as hook lol. He gets quite flustered by every note he finds. When you’re back on the ship, he keeps blushing and looking away. He’s not sure how to thank you
G: lol, whenever he finds a note, he sends a pick to the science squad (aka sans lens and Pluto) bragging about how cute you are. Pluto thinks you’re adorable as well, sans will find a way to make a pun of every note, and this gossip is the highlight of lens’ day.
Green: THIS. Just this. This is how you seduce green. He’s fanning himself with every love note he finds. Man’s loosing his mind. He’s putting together a wedding Pinterest board, he’s looking up rings. You’ve done it now
Gears: oh. My. Stars. He’s squealing like a schoolgirl with every note he finds. And he’ll wave it around in compass’ face proudly but refuses to let him see what it says lol. Like you may look but no touchy. Only gears gets to read the romance. He’s a little punk
Compass: so he found every note except for two. And he’s basically gutted the house looking for those last two elusive post it notes. Later that day he makes the unfortunate discovery that his iguana, lettuce, ate them. One trip to the emergency vets later and he’s told to just wait for her to “pass” them. Oops
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un-fortunate-sloth · 4 years
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Thinkin bout
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vrnicky · 2 years
Heights! New ones!!
There are sanses and papyruses mixed!
From smol to tol!
1. Disco (dancetale sans) at 4'6
2. Orion (outertale sans) at 4'6
3. Caramel (underlust sans) at 4'8
4. Black (fellswap sans) at 4'8
5. Berry (swapfell sans) at 4'8
6. Cempa/súchil (gasterfell sans) at 5'2
7. Garo (outerfarm sans) at 5'2
8. Azrael (reapertale sans) at 5'2
9. Atlas (outerswap sans) at 5'2
10. Angelus (reaperswap sans) at 5'3
11. Sans at 5'3
12. Swing (danceswap sans) at 5'3
13. Aloe (gasterswap sans) at 5'3
14. Himero (eros half kid) at 5'4
15. Shark (mafiaswap sans) at 5'4
16. Butcher (fellswap wine sans) at 5'4
17. Astarte (reaperfell sans) at 5'5
18. Meteor (outerfell sans) at 5'5
19. Allen (storyshift sans) at 5'6
20. Gent (gastertale sans) at 5'6
21. Edan (swapfell crystal sans) at 5'6
22. Rojo (underfell sans) at 5'6
23. Blue (underswap sans) at 5'6
24. Eros (eros!sans) at 5'7
25. Vega (farmswap sans) at 5'7
26. Lur (farmtale sans) at 5'7
27. Wine (fellswap gold sans) at 5'8
28. Devonte (mafiaswapfell crystal sans) at 5'8
29. Bonnie (mafiatale sans) at 5'8
30. Patrone (mafiafell sans) at 6' feet
31. Nicte (farmfell sans) at 6'2
32. Regga (danceswap papyrus) at 6'2
33. Coffee (fellswap gold papyrus) at 6'2
34. Nolan (not undertale found) at 6'3
35. Lion (gasterswap papyrus) at 6'3
36. Sweet (underlust papyrus) at 6'3
37. Bliss (storyshift papyrus) at 6'3
38. Miere (underswap papyrus) at 6'4
39. Lupin (gastertale papyrus) at 6'4
40. Velvet (gasterfell papyrus) at 6'4
41. Carrot (farmswap papyrus) at 6'4
42. Tango (dancetale papyrus) at 6'5
43. Farren (farmtale papyrus) at 6'5
44. Twister (fellswap wine) at 6'5
45. Money (swapfell papyrus) at 6'5
46. Clyde (mafiatale papyrus) at 6'5
47. Orbit (outerswap papyrus) at 6'5
48. Zen (horrortale sans) at 6'5
49. Odiseo (horrorswap sans) at 6'6
50. Papyrus at 6'6
51. Hans (swapfell crystal papyrus) at 6'6
52. Balam (farmfell papyrus) at 6'6
53. Cap/tian (underfell papyrus) at 6'6
54. Slim (fellswap papyrus) at 6'6
55. Loan (horrorfell sans) at 6'7
56. Sirius (outerfell papyrus) at 6'7
57. Perseo (outertale papyrus) at 6'7
58. Gorilla (mafiaswap papyrus) at 6'7
59. Bosco (outerfarm papyrus) at 6'8
60. Sargent (mafiaswapfell crystal papy) at 6'9
61. Daimon (reaperswap papyrus) at 6'9
62. Deus (reapertale papyrus) at 7' feet
63. Morpheo (reaperfell papyrus) at 7'1
64. Chief (mafiafell papyrus) at 7'2
65. Hator (horrorswap papyrus) at 8'2
66. Max (horrortale papyrus) at 8'3
67. Nayer (horrorfell papyrus) at 8'4
Thats-a lot of boys @ratsoh-writes
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battlemaiden13 · 4 years
UT Papyrus, US Sans, Fellswap Gold Papyrus, UT Sans, UF Sans, US Papyrus, HT Sans, HT Papyrus, Gastertale Papyrus, Swapfell Purple Sans, and Swapfell Red Sans - if the apocalypse of any kind were to hit, would these skeletons survive, or be among the first to die?
13: Well hey! if you like apocalypse and skeletons (I choose to do a zombie one for this ask) why not check out my fic Rules To Survive the Zombie Apocalypse which follow swapfell Berry and Syrup and you through the zombie apocalypse. With that shameless plug done let’s get back to the ask:
Sans - Is pretty good at surviving although the cost to his mental health is big. He is pretty good at staying under the raider and can dodge and escape practically any situation. He’d survive for a while but unless he can find something to keep him going he’d probably just end up giving up and falling down by his own hand. No point surviving if there’s nothing to live for. 
Papyrus - He doesn’t last too long. He has a romanticised version of the apocalypse and believes that everything will get better. That everyone will get out alive. He ends up getting killed by someone he really shouldn’t have put his trust in. 
Red -He’s very good at surviving. Coming from a kill or be killed world he is very good at killing as well as knowing when to get the fuck out of a situation. He finds himself wandering around a lot looking for any source of entertainment. He isn’t dying anytime soon.
Blue -He doesn’t survive that long. He died a hero though, putting himself in danger in order to save his friends or family. He believes that they will be fine without him and wants them to live their lives. It is very noble and very distressing for anyone he sacrificed himself for. 
Orange -Despite his best efforts he’s still here. He thinks it’s cowardly that he hasn’t killed himself yet but his brother's last words are burnt into his skull and he just can't bring himself to do it. He’s around for a long time trying to find a way to reset the timeline and bring his brother back. 
Berry (SFP) -He won’t die that easily. In fact he finds the apocalypse rather fun. There’s no rules, he can do whatever he wants. Him and his brother wander around causing terror to any living humans they come across and if they ever get bored they can just head back home. Basically the apocalypse doesn’t seem to affect him that badly. 
Axe -Survival is kind of his thing. He’s fine, he’ll ride this thing out to the end, he’s eaten human before he will do it again. There is no way that he would be taken out by the apocalypse.
Crooks -He’s surviving this. If he survived the underground he can survive this. His ability to make killer traps that will basically stop anything in its tracks are crucial in his survival. Him and his brother will not be dying just because the rest of the world is. 
Green -He survives but only because he locked himself away in a lab underground somewhere. It is debatable whether he actually knows the apocalypse is happening or not. When he does emerge he won’t last long if he stays above ground. He’s just not cut out for the apocalypse. 
Lord (SFR) -This apocalypse isn’t taking him down. He is very good at, well not so much the surviving aspect but his ability to kill is unparalleled and he can do it with so little effort or remorse that it pushes him to survive. 
Coffee (SFG) -He won’t last too long. He’s just too soft for the apocalypse. Even with his advanced magic ability he can’t handle more than a few attackers at a time and gets taken out by a horde of the undead. 
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