#gastrointestinal distress
ireallyamabear · 2 years
if andor (show) was really cutting edge they wouldn't hesitate to show us the cruel consequences of cassian and melshi having to adjust back to a solid food diet in all it's gastrointestinal distress. but i guess tv is just sanitized nowadays
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haorev · 3 months
Nothing like waking up from like an hour and a half’s worth of sleep because your body decided “hey you gotta go to the bathroom NOW” because it has decided to enforce the lactose sensitivity
Wretched experience
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yarnrocks · 5 months
AHEM i have written a (dumbass) poem it's name is:
Raisins in a bun
Like spots on a sun
Amongst bright fluff an umbrous mass
Take one in
And soon, too, you'll begin
To expel out flaming hot, copious gas
THANK YOU goodnight muah muah
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321sluggie · 1 year
She won’t let me rest until she’s painted
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thedrcom · 1 year
Discovering The Benefits Of Colostrum For Immunity, Digestion, And Lactose Intolerance
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Colostrum is a milk-like substance produced by mammals shortly after giving birth. It is rich in nutrients, growth factors, and immune-boosting components that are essential for the development and growth of newborns. Recent research has also shown that colostrum can support immune function, manage gastrointestinal distress, and help individuals with lactose intolerance.
Immune Support
Colostrum contains high levels of antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins, which are specialized proteins that help protect the body from infections. These antibodies are designed to target specific pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses, and can help prevent illness. Studies have shown that colostrum can increase the production of antibodies in the body, providing a natural immune boost to individuals of all ages.
Additionally, colostrum contains cytokines, which are signaling molecules that play a crucial role in immune function. Now Colostrum immune support supplements are available in various forms, including powders, capsules, and tablets, and can be used to support immune function. These supplements contain concentrated levels of the bioactive components found in natural colostrum and can provide a convenient way to support overall health and well-being.
Gastrointestinal Distress
The growth factors in colostrum can support the growth and repair of tissues in the gut, making it an effective treatment for a range of gastrointestinal distress. These growth factors can help reduce inflammation, promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria, and enhance the absorption of nutrients.
Studies have shown that colostrum can be effective in managing a range of gastrointestinal conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and leaky gut syndrome. Additionally, colostrum has been shown to help manage diarrhea, constipation, and other digestive issues.
Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance is a common condition in which the body is unable to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products. This can lead to a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including bloating, gas, and diarrhea. However, colostrum contains low levels of lactose and may be better tolerated by individuals with lactose intolerance.
Furthermore, colostrum contains lactoferrin, a protein that has been shown to have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Lactoferrin can help reduce inflammation in the gut, promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria, and support immune function.
If you're looking for a high-quality colostrum supplement to support immune function and overall health, consider checking out thedr.com. They offer a range of colostrum supplements from trusted brands and manufacturers, ensuring that you receive a product that meets your needs. Additionally, it's important to do your research and read product labels carefully when choosing a supplement to ensure that it's safe and effective. With the right colostrum supplement and a healthy lifestyle, you can support your immune system, manage gastrointestinal distress, and even alleviate lactose intolerance symptoms.
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ali3nboyfriend · 2 months
so technically this was my bad as a handler but in my defense she's two years old and has never once counter surfed so i legitimately did not think it was gonna be a problem. but my idiot dog ate a bunch of chicken off my plate when i went to the kitchen to get a soda and she's allergic to chicken so she's definitely gonna be waking me up at 3am with ~stomach issues~ and y'all i swear if i didn't love this girl i'd kick her little ass
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peachdoxie · 3 months
Today was pretty sucky food-wise because of The Disorder but at least I remembered I had a packet of Gatorade protein powder in my backpack so I could at least get some extra protein in my diet.
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dandelion-wings · 1 year
anyway unrelated except the last post made me think of how Secret Summer Paradise didn't address Collei and Kaeya's interactions in the manga at all, and I don't believe I've shared that I justified this in part by deciding that, when Kaeya arrived in Sumeru, he came through Gandharva Ville. Tighnari remarked hearing from Lisa via Cyno that he liked mushrooms, fed him a mushroom dish, and then, twelve hours later when most of the vomiting was over, told him that it could've been worse and if he ever threatened Collei again it would be
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shu-of-the-wind · 1 year
guess who got glutened
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teslathelame · 5 months
tummy hurty🫠🫠
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checking the weather forecast for tmrw so i can get my stupid 30 mins of outside time for my stupid melatonin production
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kinkandkreep · 1 year
Connor Encounters Poison
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A/N: Hey hey y’all! Sooooo….I had this strange urge to see a scenario where Connor encounters poison out on the Frontier and, while incapacitated, has to fend off predators and simultaneously tend to his illness. I only plan for the poison to cause nausea and vomiting and maaaaaybe have some hallucinogenic effects coupled with a little gastrointestinal distress, so if any of that triggers or grosses you out, please refrain from reading this. Otherwise, I hope you all enjoy, and please feel free to send in any Connor related asks or requests! 😁
 ‘Ok. Perhaps I should have heeded Achilles’ warning.’
Connor sighed as he stumbled along the unbeaten path, grumbling irritably beneath his breath. 
Earlier, as he’d been tracking a wolf back to its den, Connor had unfortunately come into contact with what he believed was some sort of poison. 
Its effects were not immediate, and he could only tell that something was wrong once he began to feel woozy. 
Trying his best to keep from startling the wolf, who he’d learned was a mother of 3 pups, Connor, as quickly as possible, turned on his heel and made for home.
Initially the symptoms weren’t so terrible, just the beginnings of some mild nausea and a dizzying effect every few steps or so. 
However, the further he traveled, the worse his symptoms became.
Now that he was about 2 and a half quarters of the way home, he was experiencing full blown nausea, such that he needed to repeatedly vomit, and dizziness so bad he was forced to take a seat on the ground beneath the shade of a large tree to steady himself. 
Nighttime was nearing, and though Connor was confident he could still defend himself if absolutely necessary, he would really rather not given his current circumstance. 
Taking some deep breaths, Connor shut his eyes momentarily, trying to combat the dizziness and somewhat settle his, now upset, stomach. 
He considered calling for a horse, but he knew that he was too nauseous currently to withstand the constant up and down motion of a horse’s gallop. 
Instead, he reached for the waterskin he’d brought along with him and took several small sips, being careful not to drink too much at one time. 
Only about an hour had elapsed since Connor encountered whatever poison was rapidly making its way through his system, and though he couldn’t be sure just yet, he got the feeling that he still had a long way to go before it was completely flushed out. 
The water had helped a small amount, and the dizziness that had once caused the world to be spinning rapidly had devolved only slightly into that same image now spinning slower, enough that it was somewhat manageable. 
Connor’s stomach however, was still roiling and grumbling angrily, enough that he groaned in audible discomfort. 
Struggling to his feet, he braced himself on the tree behind him, quickly inhaling deep, slightly shaky breaths. 
He sat like that for a few minutes more, before slowly, carefully taking a few tentative steps forward to gauge how the dizziness would affect his walking. 
The dizziness had dissipated some, enough that he could walk, albeit at a much slower pace than normal. Connor’s stomach, however, became more and more unhappy the further he traveled. 
Eventually, he needed to rest again, so he took a seat on a tree stump in his path and tried to pace himself. 
He didn’t feel like he needed to use the restroom, it honestly felt more like his lunch from earlier was going to reappear soon.
And given the sour taste creeping up the back of his throat and the sudden bout of dry heaving, he figured that it would definitely be sooner rather than later. 
Connor managed to hold it down for a few minutes more, until the contents of his stomach emptied themselves out onto the ground in front of him. 
Connor hated vomiting, and though it wasn’t something he did often by any stretch, he could remember the few times he had vividly. And it was always a very unpleasant experience. 
Luckily, after expelling whatever small bit of sick was left and rinsing his mouth out with some water, Connor had to admit that he felt a heck of a lot better. 
The dizziness had mostly ceased and the nausea had all but disappeared. 
He took a few minutes more to gather his bearings before standing and making for the manor. 
It was mostly dark by now, and Connor could hear the wolves off in the distance howling toward the moon. The stars were out this night, shining and twinkling brightly. 
Against what instinct told him to hurry home, Connor took a moment to admire the night sky, taking a deep breath and shutting his eyes momentarily. 
They stayed shut, until he heard a muffled growl sound from his left. 
Eyes snapping open, Connor dodged just as the wolf lunged at him. The quick movement unfortunately created a dizzying effect, and Connor knew then that he wasn’t entirely out of the poison woods yet. 
The wolf in front of him ducked low and snarled, tail swishing slowly as it prepared to pounce. 
Unsheathing his hidden blade, Connor prepared to put the wolf down. 
The creature lunged forward, and Connor quickly slid out of its way with practiced ease, sinking his blade into its neck and carefully laying its now limp body to rest on the ground. 
The ordeal had left Connor a little more winded than usual, which he chalked up to some of the poison still being in his system. 
Despite this, he kneeled down, uttering a typical quiet, appreciative “niá:wen” before beginning the process of skinning the felled wolf. 
Once that was finished, the night had fully settled in, and Connor could see lights in the distance. 
He hurried his pace, desperate to get home, brush his teeth and bathe and hopefully sleep off the rest of this poison. 
By the time he arrived, Achilles was already asleep, and Connor frankly didn’t have the energy to hold conversation anyway.  ‘I’ll regale him with the tale tomorrow,’ he thought to himself, before making his way to the washbasin.
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recapitulation · 2 years
why am I in gastrointestinal distress
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thegrayace · 1 year
I just got peer pressured by coworkers to Shotgun an energy drink -- important to note that I neither shotgun nor drink the wicked substance -- and I'm shaking like a little wet dog. Jesus wept why would you do this on purpose
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coldflasher · 1 year
also i have spent the best part of a year telling my friend how shit season 7 is. unequivocally the worst season, in my opinion. we lose all the wellses. we lose cisco soon after. ralph’s face melts off because hartley sawyer got fired for being a terrible person. the cgi is so unbearably cheap-looking (not that my friend has any room to complain about this, considering i watched 6 seasons of once upon a time at her behest). covid was still happening while they were filming so we couldn’t have more than 4 characters in a room together and they all had to stand ten feet apart and westallen couldn’t kiss on the mouth for the entire season. also MIGHT I REMIND EVERYONE who had probably very reasonably repressed this for their own health that the main plot of this season was “barry and iris accidentally make an energy baby out of a magic beam of light and as a result, four grown adults call barry and iris mommy and daddy for a full season while the audience tries valiantly not to vomit” 
anyway, two eps in my friend was like “i think this is better than season 6, actually”
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aethelredism · 2 years
Every time I eat chipotle I go into the worst gastrointestinal distress I’ve ever known and I swear I’ll never do it again and then six months later I’ll get a gift card and think, “surely it wasn’t that bad”
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