#autoimmune condition
sapphic-sprite · 8 months
the funniest thing about developing an autoimmune condition is that now I get random ads for medication for said autoimmune condition
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babybels812 · 3 months
Having a autoimmune condition sucks you feel like a prisoner trapped in your body
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thedrcom · 1 year
Discovering The Benefits Of Colostrum For Immunity, Digestion, And Lactose Intolerance
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Colostrum is a milk-like substance produced by mammals shortly after giving birth. It is rich in nutrients, growth factors, and immune-boosting components that are essential for the development and growth of newborns. Recent research has also shown that colostrum can support immune function, manage gastrointestinal distress, and help individuals with lactose intolerance.
Immune Support
Colostrum contains high levels of antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins, which are specialized proteins that help protect the body from infections. These antibodies are designed to target specific pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses, and can help prevent illness. Studies have shown that colostrum can increase the production of antibodies in the body, providing a natural immune boost to individuals of all ages.
Additionally, colostrum contains cytokines, which are signaling molecules that play a crucial role in immune function. Now Colostrum immune support supplements are available in various forms, including powders, capsules, and tablets, and can be used to support immune function. These supplements contain concentrated levels of the bioactive components found in natural colostrum and can provide a convenient way to support overall health and well-being.
Gastrointestinal Distress
The growth factors in colostrum can support the growth and repair of tissues in the gut, making it an effective treatment for a range of gastrointestinal distress. These growth factors can help reduce inflammation, promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria, and enhance the absorption of nutrients.
Studies have shown that colostrum can be effective in managing a range of gastrointestinal conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and leaky gut syndrome. Additionally, colostrum has been shown to help manage diarrhea, constipation, and other digestive issues.
Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance is a common condition in which the body is unable to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products. This can lead to a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including bloating, gas, and diarrhea. However, colostrum contains low levels of lactose and may be better tolerated by individuals with lactose intolerance.
Furthermore, colostrum contains lactoferrin, a protein that has been shown to have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Lactoferrin can help reduce inflammation in the gut, promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria, and support immune function.
If you're looking for a high-quality colostrum supplement to support immune function and overall health, consider checking out thedr.com. They offer a range of colostrum supplements from trusted brands and manufacturers, ensuring that you receive a product that meets your needs. Additionally, it's important to do your research and read product labels carefully when choosing a supplement to ensure that it's safe and effective. With the right colostrum supplement and a healthy lifestyle, you can support your immune system, manage gastrointestinal distress, and even alleviate lactose intolerance symptoms.
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group-call · 4 months
yes you support disabled and mentally ill people with nasty, mean, ugly, or otherwise "bad" symptoms. but are you normal about physically chronically ill people who's physical condition directly impacts their behavior and psychiatric condition? are you normal about physically chronically ill people who literally cannot repress, hold back, or regulate aggression, mean statements, or anger/rage episodes? are you normal about physically chronically ill people who legitimately cannot regulate any strong emotion whatsoever? are you normal about physically chronically ill people who have "bad" behaviors that would be unreasonable, cruel and unfair to "punish" because it's the almost equivalent to punishing them for something like having pain? are you normal about people like us? we exist.
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spookysalem13 · 1 year
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I felt this in my bones... it hurt 😆😅
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themortaldraw · 2 months
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july is disability pride month, here's a skord link that Needs Salt
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creekfiend · 10 days
Hello! If this is intrusive please feel free to ignore completely.
I was just wondering if you feel comfortable sharing what type of sleep disorder you have, since the way you described your dreams in those tags is like, the exact way I’ve always dreamed (oh my god FUCK those false awakenings where you’re aware you’re trying to wake up and failing again and again)
Regardless of whether or not you answer, wishing you a very nice day!
I actually don't know specifically bc I haven't had a full sleep study but it's either narcolepsy or idiopathic hypersomnia. and to be honest I'm not entirely clear on why those are two different diagnoses to begin with lol
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dianeandrews · 1 year
It's been nearly 26 years now. I made this last year for my other TT account, 'beingapara' . Just a few factoids for ya. 😎
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osddid-i-do-that · 6 months
Alright. I’m curious …
Choose your option and if you can, explain a bit in the notes what your understanding is/why you chose a certain option.
I’ll explain why I’m asking this once the poll is over. I don’t wanna affect results.
FULLY understand == someone explains to you what their symptoms are like, and you feel like you have a good understanding of why the person is behaving/doing/not doing/reacting the way they are. Basically: do you think you “get it”.
* Mentally ill folks without physical chronic illness: I am genuinely curious how your experience informs your worldview!
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crimeronan · 3 months
went to pride today and had a lovely time :) all of the furries and queens and teenagers in town seemed to be there. i'm For Sure gonna be kind of fucked up tomorrow because my body is not well enough currently to be on its feet in 80f/27c weather for five hours, but!! dignity of risk and all that. i talked to so many queer people and partook in so much queer joy and that was way more important than my ability to leave my bed tomorrow :D
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duckduckhjonk · 4 months
At times like this when I feel really stiff I feel like Jane Doe approaching the choir rambling about how no parents came and so they never learned her name or who she used to be. Her life, an unsolved mystery. From ashes she was made and ashes she returns and so she walks alone and wonders why? Why? Why?
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hotwaterandmilk · 1 year
CG World have kindly posted an English-language translation of their recent interview with GANGSTA. mangaka, Kohske, regarding how the new 3D model implementation in Clip Studio Paint has assisted in her illustration process after she struggled to work subsequent to vision loss in one eye (amongst other things) due to SLE.
Obviously I think this is interesting because I think Kohske is a wonderful talent and knowing this tool may "make drawing fun again" for her makes my heart happy. But it's also just a good piece to read if you're interested in the intersection of disability, technology, and art (as in, you don't need to be familiar with Kohske's work to appreciate the subject being covered here).
As Kohske herself noted on Twitter, this interview and her increased comfort with drawing thanks to the 3D model tool does not mean she can bounce back to working as she did before. Please do not harass her about when her serialised works will return and kindly let her continue working at her own pace.
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batjpeg · 2 months
i don't post this to fearmonger at all, just genuinely found it interesting but i just found out that long term trauma disorders can increase your chance of developing an autoimmune condition because your body has been subjected to an awful lot of stress over an extended period of time and it's just! still so wild to me the impacts that trauma can have on your physical health
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sonicattos · 9 months
the fact that sonic prime is giving me the shadow and sonic content i’ve been asking for but i just can’t watch it is pissing me off…
i’m all like “PLEASE LET THEM GET ALONG” and sega was like “okay” and fed me and i was like “hmm no im going to become extremely sick and disabled instead :] !!”
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ettawritesnstudies · 1 month
Well now that I've been diagnosed with arthritis in my spine my next sewing project has to be a Sophie Hatter cosplay, right??? Like I was only joking about have the bones of a 90 year old despite being in my 20s but the MRI wasn't playing around lmao
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Why I hate how dandruff is presented
You've all seen the jokes- old man with dandruff, shaking his head and a cloud of snow falls down, dandruff just being there for a laugh... It's never treated as anything serious, ever. It's just a joke! And just a joke about old men at that.
I'm 17 years old. I've had dandruff since I was at least 11. I've been made fun of all that time for the white flakes that are a constant on my head.
I just saw dandruff as a joke, too.
At most, it was just my scalp being a bit dry, so it needed a moisturising shampoo.
Yeah.... Turns out I have scalp psoriasis. I'm in near constant pain, which gets worse whenever I'm ill or stressed, because psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. My immune system is attacking my own skin. It's gotten to the point where shampoo doesn't help. I'm just in pain, always. I'll have a doctor's appointment where we can discuss options soon hopefully.
It's painful enough that I end up with scabbing all over my scalp from scratching. I pull my hands away and my nails are bloody from repeatedly picking and itching the scabs.
So no, not just a funny joke.
When I mentioned how painful it was to my friend, (only referring to it as dandruff rather than psoriasis) he said "I didn't realise dandruff could be painful!". In fact, several conditions that can cause dandruff have the fact that they're itchy or sore in their their symptoms list- eczema, dermatitis, and of course psoriasis.
And yet people just see dandruff as a joke. Even now, I feel anxious writing this- I feel like someone's gonna read this and think 'why are they getting so serious about dandruff? Lighten up!'
Sure, for some people it's not painful. Just flaky. But even then, they can experience the same social issues I did- I still remember a pair of kids seeing my large white skin flakes on my dark hair and exclaiming that I had nits (lice for Americans), and running away shouting at me. I hate that it's treated as a joke, or stigmatised, and seen as just an old man thing.
It's an actually serious issue for so many people. Why isn't it treated as such?
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