#gay maul monday
trixree · 1 year
You like maul for maul's bad qualities and not because he has one of the weirdest/most complicated redemption arcs (that I'm not even sure you could consider a redemption arc)? He's just like a guy who things keep happening to and he is very resistant to dying from the things and I think that's enough but please elaborate
I fully believe that Maul is the worst person at the family reunion. He's a big fucking drama queen in love with the sound of his own voice. His politics are wack, he spent a decade skittering around in a hole, and he sits in chairs like this
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He's a whore but also a virgin. Unreasonably obsessed with one (1) guy he met (and traumatized) but did not even SPEAK to in his 20s. Tries to run over Anakin that one time for ostensibly no reason other than fun
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Lies and steals for fun & profit. His only friends are droids. He's always LURKING, SKULKING, CHUCKLING OMINOUSLY and causing major problems for everyone. And he always looks cunty while he does it!!!! He's a theater kid but was also painfully and obviously ill socialized
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He smokes weed, drinks witch potions, and is metal from the waist down. Not to mention his tits are always out
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He's coming to the family reunion uninvited to give Ezra cigarettes and tell inappropriate stories about Obi-Wan
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And he also did & said this
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I cannot make any excuses for him and I am not interested in doing that ever. I want to watch him do more of this bullshit for an eternity. He's my former robochicken mechaspider unstoppable girl boss
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pickleslice · 2 years
gay maul monday
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casspurrjoybell-23 · 6 months
LOST and FOUND - Chapter 2 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
I walked into work Wednesday afternoon and saw Paul smirking at me from behind the counter.
I suddenly became very, very worried.
Paul never looked like that.
He was usually very subdued but right now he was looking at me like the Cheshire Cat.
I thought Paul was cute and he was only twenty-six.
I might've asked him out if I wasn't so heartbroken but I knew he didn't meet two key requirements... being gay and being dominant.
"What?" I said as I came behind the counter.
"Someone came in yesterday... seemed pretty bummed that you weren't here. Jonah, I think his name was?"
Paul looked happy to be teasing me but my mouth had gone dry.
"He wanted to know your schedule."
"Please tell me you didn't tell him," I said, already horrified.
"Of course I told him. Dude's totally hot and he's super into you."
My hands shook and I crossed my arms over my chest to hide it.
"Well, what if I'm not into him?"
"You'd be crazy not to be," he said, raising an eyebrow.
"Is it his age? Are you not into the 'daddy' thing? I thought that was popular in the gay community."
"Oh my God."
My face was on fire and I had to turn away.
"You are, aren't you?" Paul asked and I could practically hear the smirk.
"You totally have the hots for him."
"Paul," I hissed and turned back around.
"Look, if you see him again just tell him I'm not interested. I'm not looking for a relationship right now."
He looked giddy as he said...
"Looks like you'll have to tell him yourself."
He was looking at a point over my shoulder and I turned around just as Jona was walking through the door.
I squeaked and tried to move past Paul.
"You take his order. I need to... uh... clean things."
"Nuh uh, buddy," he said, chuckling and shoved me towards the register.
I looked at Paul, horrified.
He winked at me and I wanted to maul him.
He gestured his head to the side a couple times towards the counter, smiling.
I finally turned to walk the rest of the way to the register.
I put a fake smile on my face before I looked up at Jona.
He had that fucking grin on his face again.
"What can I get you? Same as Monday?"
I looked down and started entering my clerk number into the register.
"Actually, I was hoping to get your number," he said confidently.
My head jerked up.
I was shocked.
I didn't expect him to be so forward so quickly.
I hadn't been asked out in seven years and I was completely unused to it.
My eyes were wide and I tried to blink away the shock from my face.
He never stopped smiling.
I cleared my throat and got myself under control.
"How old are you?" I asked.
It was totally rude but he would just have to deal with it.
He chuckled.
"How old are you?"
"I'm forty-six. So can I have your number?"
If he had just been an older looking thirty-year-old I might've considered it.
But he was only three years younger than Harrison had been when we met.
If things went the same way with Jona as it did with Harrison we would only have nine years together.
I couldn't handle that.
I couldn't loose another person I cared about.
I couldn't take that risk.
"Um... no," I finally answered.
"No, you can't."
Did that sound confident?
I heard Paul gasp a few feet away.
Jona raised an eyebrow.
I was learning that was the expression he used when I did something that didn't please him.
"Is it my age? Do you not like older men?"
"Uh, no," I began stammering and stuttering.
"No, no, that's not... that's not it. It's... it's... complicated."
I shook my head.
"Trust me, you can't handle my complicated."
I looked down at my hands.
I was knotting my fingers together nervously.
He reached his arm across the counter and used his finger to tip my chin up, forcing me to look at him.
"Trust me," he said very, very firmly.
My heart beat faster just at his tone.
"I can," he finished.
He had kept a loose grip on my chin while he spoke, then he moved his thumb along my bottom lip.
Holy fuck, he was confident.
I just stared at him for an indeterminable amount of time... I might have been panting.
'What are you doing, Beau? Snap the hell out of it. You can't truly be considering it.'
I shook my head and took a step back, causing him to drop his hand from my face.
"I'm sorry. The answer is still no."
He was quiet for a moment, his head cocked to the side.
"You're an interesting guy, Beau. You want to say yes but you're saying no."
I didn't know what to say to that, so I didn't acknowledge it.
"Do you want something to drink?"
His smile returned.
"No, I have a meeting..." he replied, checking his watch and then adding...
"That, I'm already running late for. I'll be back on Friday, though."
Friday was the next day I worked.
I wanted to protest.
I wanted to scream... "Just leave me alone... you can't handle my kind of fucked up..."
As much as I wanted some strong, older man to come in and fix all my problems, that wasn't going to happen.
Jona would run the first time he saw the real me... he messy me.
"Bye, Beau," Jona said and started walking towards the door.
He also called to my shocked co-worker...
"Bye, Paul."
"Bye, Jonah. Have a nice day," Paul said back cheerily and with that the door closed behind Jona.
"Oh my God, Paul... I'm going to kill you... God dammit..." I yelled.
Thankfully there were no customers in the store or else that might have been a cause to fire me.
I had actually stamped my foot on the floor and it just reminded me that Harrison would scold me when I acted so immature.
I took a deep breath.
Paul held his hands up in front of him like I was a wild animal.
"I'm sorry, Beau. I didn't know you would be so upset. I've never seen you like this."
Guilt rushed into me... I was acting crazy.
Paul only thought he was helping me hook up with a hot guy.
He had no idea what I'd been going through.
He didn't know about Harrison and for the first time I wanted to open up, to just explain why I was acting like a maniac.
I didn't want Paul to hate me now.
"It's not your fault," I said.
"I'm sorry for acting like a psycho. It's just... I was with someone for awhile and... they're not here anymore."
I looked down at my toes.
That was the closest I could come to telling him that my boyfriend had died and left me all alone with way too many bills and no life skills.
"Holy shit," Paul replied. "Like they...?"
I guess he wanted to know if I really meant not here anymore, as in dead and I nodded my head.
"Fuck," he cursed loudly.
"I'm sorry, Beau. I never would've talked to that guy had I known. Really, I'm sorry."
"It's okay. It's not your fault."
I looked back up at him.
"Still, I'm really sorry and I'm sorry about your boyfriend."
I smiled the tiniest bit.
I almost started spewing word vomit everywhere, telling Paul all my problems but I reined it all in.
No one wanted to hear that and I still didn't know Paul that well, I wasn't going to weigh him down with my issues.
"I promise if I ever see that guy again I'll tell him to leave you alone. He was way too pushy, you don't need to deal with that," Paul said.
Little did he know that I liked pushy, I liked confident, I liked rough, I liked dominant.
But I didn't want to go into that with Paul.
"Don't worry about me, Paul. I can handle it."
He gave me a skeptical look, seeming to take in my short stature and slim frame.
"Don't worry," I chirped and went off to wipe down tables.
Don't worry became my mantra for the rest of the day.
Don't worry about the bills piling up on the table.
Don't worry about the family barbecue on Saturday.
Don't worry about the bookstore and don't worry about Jona.
Just don't.
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sw4tch · 2 years
listen HAHA i get IT universe, what a FUNNY joke
i asked to be revered and adored as I deserve and u sent me a poorly socialized guy that saw my POLITENESS and GENUINE GOODNESS as signs that I LIKED HIM ROMANTICALLY, and after i rejected him, he still KEPT AT IT bcus apparently he must have thought i changed my mind WHEN I KEPT ACTING EXACTLY THE SAME???? BCUS I AM NOT A MEAN PERSON????
and YOU the universe must be having a laugh like "ooohhh didnt u cry and beg for someone to love and care for you?? didnt you weep openly after not feeling cherished??? here's someone that Wants you, because he's the only one who does!!!" like FUCK OFF!!!! FUCK OFF!!!!
i hate it!!! I hate conflict and being mean!!! I don't know how to tell this guy
that this is my own damn fault!!!! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO ASSERT MY BOUNDARIES!!!!
i know i should BUT I AM SCARED OKAY!!!! I HATE CONFLICT i absolutely DO the Fawn trauma response every SINGLE day of my LIFE and u want me to REJECT A MAN TWICE??? TWICE????
Huffs huffs puffs sobs
anyway this rant was sponsored by me staying at home to work only to get messaged by him asking if i was coming today to the office
Only for me to go "haha no :3"
and then him going "oh but i wanted to show u my art :( in person. are u coming tomorrow then?"
And then me replying "No i will go until monday :)"
And then of course he went "oh then until monday m'lady :)" LIKE CMON CMON CMON U DIDNT HAVE TO ADD THE M LADY THERE, BUT U DID BCUS OF COURSE YOU WOULD
Bcus the UNIVERSE HATES ME!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM NOT A LADY GODDAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVEN LESS YOUR LADY!!!!!!!
Wheeze sob huff huff wheeze
Now that i have calmed down.
Rationally. This FEELS like a karmic punishment. But THE UNIVERSE IS NEUTRAL AND UNFEELING AND INDIFFERENT AND i know this. Because i am rational and the universe has nothing against me.
This is just bad funny ironic luck! We do not allow victim complexes here! But even then you're right and it is your fault! if you knew how to SET boundaries this wouldn't be happening
So WORK ON THAT, we truly cannot continue being HOSTAGES to ONE (1) ANNOYING GUY IN THE OFFICE
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locatebiome · 3 years
i keep seeing people in the tags of the "symptoms of a creative player" post who are clearly confused or asking for someone to elaborate (and also seeing people act like dsmp "came first" is making me insane) so here's a brief timeline on early-ish mineblr
EDIT: when i say "early-ish mineblr" i mean early-ish mineblr as we know it now. there's been a minecraft community on tumblr for as long as minecraft itself has. what i meant to say was early-ish mineblr resurgence. i misspoke, i apologize.
after being widely regarded as cringe for a few years, minecraft starts getting traction again in small corners of the internet, namely on tumblr and reddit. around late 2018 (nov/dec), it starts catching my eye.
early 2019 (jan/march-ish?), mineblr suddenly explodes in popularity. herobrine was universally gay and trans, [identity]-[block] urls were everywhere, gay-herobrine and gay-slime were sorta the "faces" of the community so to speak, everyone used mizunos 16 and sildurs vibrant shaders, cute cluttered cottages were all the rage, and thicc herobrine ran rampant. notch was widely hated, and the phrase "miku made minecraft" was common.
in february 2019 i made a post pointing out an amusing word choice on herobrine's wiki page, which serves as a good representation of mineblr at the time. "gay icon herobrine", gay-slime adding on, etc etc
(also at one point everyone was showing off their human!enderdragon design and my dash was 80% hot milfs 🤤 but i don't remember when exactly this was)
shortly after the mineblr boom, the hermitcraft community, which had been quietly trucking along for years, suddenly exploded as well. i feel like hermitblr was actually noticeably bigger than mineblr at some point, but i'm not entirely sure. the communities overlapped a lot and co-existed mostly peacefully.
(there was also a lot of weird drama within hermitblr but we're not getting into that right now)
then it was summer 2019, and the support for minecraft that had been quietly building finally reached the public eye once more. while tumblr, reddit, and ole reliable hermitcraft had been laying the foundation for a minecraft renaissance, minecraft monday and smplive were the catalyst for it.
just to set the record straight, pewdiepie had nothing to do with it and i will maul you with my teeth if you even insinuate otherwise. he started playing minecraft WELL after it had become popular again, BECAUSE it was popular again and he knew it'd get him views. the most he did was provide a springboard for dream to blow up around this time using his name.
one of the posts i made during this time (june 2019) did well enough for a screenshot to be reposted to reddit and do well there too. if you've ever seen a "minecraft gothic" post floating around, that's me! hi!!
hermitblr had shrunk by now, partially due to the drama mentioned earlier, and smpblr (smplive tumblr) bloomed out of the husk that remained. iirc there was a weird sorta "hierarchy" where smpblr acted like they were better than hermitblr and smptwt acted like they were better than smpblr? i don't really remember and don't really care. mineblr exploded once more as more and more people were drawn back to minecraft, and as ex-hermitblrs returned to their roots.
by fall 2019 things were winding down. popular users were less active, minecraft monday and smpl were coming to a close, hermitblr's weird drama had infected smpblr which drove some people out, etc etc. minecraft was firmly popular across the internet once more, and mineblr was still alive and kicking (and probably always will be) but the near-frenetic energy and community of its early days was about spent.
and then dsmp caught the internet's attention in mid 2020. mineblr's "golden age" and everything that happened in it was almost a year before that. respect your elders or whatever
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lycanthology · 3 years
i cant believe tumblr ableism is happening to me on gay maul monday. this is supposed to be a sacred day
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kybernecklace · 3 years
every week gay maul monday grows. together we can make it a calendar holiday
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
Sammy x Norman story? Date night?
Summary: Sammy Lawrence has a date with Susie Campbell on Saturday night, but no dating experience to speak of and a lot of self-esteem issues. Norman ends intervening after Sammy ends up a nervous wreck all week, by taking the kid out on a test date to show him there's nothing to fret about.
 "I don't get what the big deal is." Wally brings up during their lunch break on Monday. "The spark is there. They talk all the time. They look like an outfit already, so what's got him all wet?" Norman shrugs as he watches Sammy try to disappear into his own shirt and coat like a spooked turtle, while Jack gave him a few reassuring pats on the back and tried to coax him into eating his (by now cold) bowl of bacon soup. The blond had been in that position for at least 15 minutes.   "Ain't like it's that big a thing. Miss Campbell just invited him ta go out to them dance club things." Wally took a large bite out of his sandwich. "Them Speakeasies are full of snobby music folk, he should be thrilled ta go meet his own kind and get ta hear music that ain't by his own hand."   "Maybe the kid's a dead hoofer." Norman pointed out. "Can't really imagine Sammy Lawrence breaking lose in a clip joint."   "A real cement mixer." Wally agreed. "Poor Miss Campbell."   "Hey now, don't be so harsh." Norman snorted "There's more to a date than the hop. Like ya said, there's magic between them. Ain't no bad rag gonna mess that up."   "Uh-huh... Tell that ta him." Wally pointed back to Sammy and Jack, the latter which had given up on trying to console his friend and was now instead trying to finish his own food. The music director looked a mess. Date night nerves really didn't look good on anyone, especially not when said date was five days away from now. Hopefully he'd go back to being his ornery grouchy self in no time.
     By Thursday everyone had about enough of Sammy's anxious disposition. He hadn't bounced back at all and was instead so nervous with anticipation for what he claimed would be a world class disaster of a date, that even Wally was beginning to turn sour with frustration.   "I feel like how my ma was feeling when my pa got a lawsuit for vandalizing property..." The janitor bemoaned as he emptied the bin in Norman's booth.   "And what's that?" The projectionist asked as he watched the violinist slowly wrap his hands around the neck of his instrument while watching Sammy pace with a dark irritated look. Half the band were becoming agitated from their conductor's agitation.   "Let's just say my pa got a few knocks on the noggin for being a real fink." Wally sighed "Look at me... I'm becomin' the new Sammy Lawrence! Ta new studio grouch!"   "That's sayin' somethin' alright..."   "If no one does anything, someone's bound ta pounce on him and maul him! I would. Jack ain't even bothering any more!" Wally turned to stare at Norman with a despairing look. "He broke Jack with anxiety!"   "Yeah... It's certainly becomin' a real problem. Someone gots to help the boy somehow..." Norman agreed that it was becoming an issue. If Sammy didn't stop fretting he wouldn't make it till Saturday.   "Glad ya offered, I knew I could trust ya!" Wally grinned as he picked up the trash bag and his broom and dustpan.   "Wait, what?"   "Good luck Norman!" Wally rushed off to toss the bags, unaware of his keyring popping loose and ending up in the floor of the projectionist's booth. Norman merely sighed, picked up the keys, twirled them with his index finger and wondered what he'd just gotten himself into.
  "Lock up your office and get presentable." He didn't even bother to knock, smiling slightly as he watched Sammy practically jump out of his skin.   "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" Sammy turned to face him, that familiar angry look on his face and hand clutching his chest.   "Come on Lawrence, I'm takin' yous somewhere nice."   ".... What?" The music director furrowed his brow in confusion.   "Ya heard me, now come on. Ain't got all night." He grabbed the younger man by the arm and hurriedly helped him get his coat on and his keys in his pocket, before practically dragging him along and out of the studio.   "What the fuck are you doing?!"   "Kidnappin' you and sellin' you on the black market. What do ya think Sammy?" Norman rolled his good eye. "Ya been grindin' on everyone's gears so bad that I wouldn't be surprised if ya ended up in a Chicago overcoat by Saturday!"   "A Chicago-- I haven't been so bad that people would want to kill me, Polk!" The blond actually sounded like himself. That was good, he needed to loosen up some if this plan were to work.   "Even Wally wants ta knock your lights out. Trust me, yous been a real jelly bean this week." That shut him up, a pout on his face. Sadly this was Sammy Lawrence so the silent walk didn't stay silent for long.   "What are you doing then, dragging me off like this? I've got places to be."   "No ya don't. Last I checked your sister's stayin' at my brother's to have one of 'em sleepovers with my little niece and nephew." Norman smirked.   "Do you always put that big nose of yours into everyone's business?" Sammy glared.   "You're one to talk with a beak like that." He shrugged off the insult, ignoring the way the blond put a hand to his own nose self-consciously. "I'm doin' ya, and everyone else, a favour by takin' ya out for dinner."   "....... W-what?"   "Nothin' fancy. Just this really cute diner I frequent once a week when I feel like treatin' myself. They got some good food."   "Norman that's... I can't. We cannot go out for dinner!"   "And why not?"   "For one, you're married! I'm not some home wrecker... And uh, I'm not... I'm not one of those..." The projectionist paused to stare at the music director. "You know... I'm not..."   "If ya so much as say a slur I'll be takin' ya to the hospital instead."   "I'm not gay! There! Happy?!"   "Takin' a guy out ain't gotta be gay, you damn pill. I'm tryin' ta help ya out with your actual date!"   "How?!"   "For one, sortin' out them nerves!" Norman crossed his arms and stared the blond down. "What's got your knickers all bunched up? You like Miss Campbell don't ya?"   "Of course I do!"   "Then what's got ya so scared ta commit?"   "Have you met me?! There's only so much I can do or say before she realizes she could do better!" What started out as an angry remark slowly became the most self deprecating thing Norman had ever heard Sammy say about himself. "I may be able to work a pretty tune, but I can't exactly pretty up my own attitude..."   "Who said anythin' bout prettyin' it up? You can't mask trash Lawrence."   "Hey!"   "But ya can recycle and improve what's salvageable..." He continued. "If ya feel like you ain't the best person because you don't like your own attitude, then try ta change it for the better. Yous is a talented hard workin' kid. You can definitely make yourself less of a twit."   "...You mean that?"   "Yeah, I don't go lyin' ta people. Now come on, let's work out them datin' issues over dinner. I am kinda hungry and it'll help get some practice in."   ".... I guess I could eat."
     Sammy gets home close to midnight. He spent an entire evening with Norman slowly working out the issue with his nerves. Between idle work conversation, discussions of interests, and then a few attempts at fluid flirting (which started of as one hell of a derailed train until he could slowly rework it into a slightly functioning locomotive), things kinda slotted into place. Complimenting someone he'd worked with for a while came... Surprisingly easy. And Sammy wasn't a words guy, so that was saying a lot! They'd gone for a walk around the block and then in the park afterwards, just talking and enjoying themselves, and then ended the night with Norman walking him to his apartment and then going off to his own home. Now on his own, feeling less anxious about what was to come on Saturday night, Sammy found himself with a newer issue. He might have just fallen in love with a married man.   "Oh no..." Oh no indeed...
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Turns Out Being a Super Hero Is Actually Really Gay! - Chapter 5
Hey kiddos, I’m back! Your main bitch here has NOT been in the best mental health as of late :) My boss at my current job is driving me up a wall and I may need to find a new one since he might not be able to pay me for the hours I do, my depression is kicking my ass, and my dog was going to have puppies but then had a miscarriage and it turns out she can never have puppies again or risk dying next time. Soooo yeah, I’m probably not okay, but that’s okay because we are back with another chapter of your fav spiderbois! Again, huge thanks to @sugarglider9603 and @ask-spiderverse-virgil for their wonderful au! Also shout out to @khadij-al-kubra for helping me appropriately write Logan and his family! They gave me some awesome advice and insight into Muslim culture and you should totally check out their blog and read their Thomas In Wonderland fan fic, it’s super cute! Anyways, now with that out of the way please ENJOY!!!!
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The boys collapsed on to the couch in Thomas’s living room in one heaping pile of uncoordinated limbs and groans. They were absolutely exhausted, aching joints and sore muscles which they were careful to move slowly. Thomas, meanwhile, leaned over the back of the couch, suit still intact but mask off, smiling amusingly at the tired teens.
“So, third day of training went well,” Thomas snickered, the boys groaned in response causing the older man to laugh again “yeah, you’ll get use to it eventually. Just because your muscles are stronger doesn’t mean they aren’t prone to getting tired when worked out.”
“I take back every nice thing I said about you,” Virgil murmured, face down across the couch “you are the absolute worst and I’d rather take Ms. Green’s Saturday day classes.”
“I ache all over.” Patton whined.
“The body takes about a week or so to get used to routine work out,” Logan groaned out “but as you do you adjust it so that you don’t get used to it and extend your bodies limit. But even so this training fucking sucks!”
“Agreed,” Roman grunted “I have so many regrets.”
“Toughen up boys, you all wanted to be super heroes,” Thomas tutted “besides, we haven’t even gotten to the hard parts yet.”
“The worst!” Virgil hissed “Terrible mentor! Zero out of ten!”
Thomas chuckled, “If it helps, you all are doing great. I’m really proud off all the effort and hard work you’ve been putting into this. Now, weather that’ll stay throughout the entirety of your training is to be determined but I have faith in you all.”
The boys stayed quiet for a long while, faces flushed red though it wasn’t from the intense work out they just had, mostly. They’ve all been doing their damnedest to show how serious they were about becoming heroes, wanting to prove to Thomas and everyone else that they weren’t messing around. And even if it’s only been a short while it was nice to know that Thomas had faith in them and wanted to see them succeed. It was pretty fucking sweet to know that your hero and now mentor had your back.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t get too sappy, you still suck.” Virgil grumbled, but the blush on his cheeks plus the smile he kept trying to hide told a different tale.
“Oh well, if I’m the worse them I guess you guys wouldn’t be interested in any of the ‘after work out’ sandwiches I made,” Thomas said innocently, turning to walk towards the kitchen “plus, a banana and strawberry milkshake but it’s probably not that great cause, you know, I’m the worst and all.”
The boys were silent once more before suddenly jumping off the couch and racing after Thomas towards the kitchen.
“Best teacher! Twelve out of ten gold stars!” Virgil called out.
“I’m not all that achey!” Patton said, a slight wince in his step.
“Well really the body shouldn’t ever get used to a work out too much,” Logan informed “and the routines you’ve set up for us will really balance out our bodies.”
“Best decision of my life! Absolutely, no regrets!” Roman cheered.
The boys lazed around in the kitchen, chatting as they ate their mountain of sandwiches and delicious milkshakes and Thomas couldn’t help but feel kind of domestic. He didn’t usually have much company besides Joan and Talyn and even then, he was sometimes too busy to properly hang out with them. But they understood, even before they found out about him being Rainbow Weaver Joan and Talyn were always supporting him and Thomas will forever be grateful for that. But there was just something about having a room full of people, chatting and laughing, with a mutual understanding of each other’s situation that made Thomas feel…less alone.
‘Welcome to parenthood fucker!’ A voice in Thomas’s head, that suspiciously sounded a lot like Joan, cackled.
“Shush.” Thomas mumbled quietly as he shook his head to silence the voice before returning to the conversation at hand.
“The whole movie is basically a promotion on Stockholm syndrome!” Virgil exclaimed.
“She stayed on her own accord so she could save her father!” Roman shot back “Plus he did let her go after she went into the forbidden room only SAVE her when she was in danger! She could have left after he passed out but no, she went back again WILLINGLY to nurse him back to health!”
Roman and Virgil had been arguing about the story line of various Disney movies for the better part of an hour now. Thomas, Logan, and Patton sat as the audience, occasionally throwing in their own opinions but staying out of it for the most part. Even if the debate seemed intense it kind of looked like the two were having fun in their own strange way. Currently they were discussing the elements of Beauty and the Beast.
“Yeah, because it’s either get mauled to death and freeze in the woods or be trapped in solitude!” Virgil quipped “She just chose the better half of a bad situation that would provide her with food and shelter!”
“But they fell in love!” Roman cried.
“Yes, because a prisoner falling in love with their capture is totally healthy and cool if you add bunch of dancing silverware!” Virgil snarked.
“Ugh! You are impossible!” Roman groaned “How is it you claim to like Disney but have all this bad to say about it?”
“Because it’s literally the whole reason I like it in the first place,” Virgil snorted “there are so many dark elements to it that people over look. Especially if you read the original fairy tales that inspired them.”
“You just want to make everything dark and edgy,” Roman grumbled “not everything has to have a dark side.”
“Everything does have a dark side, Sir Sing-A-Lot.” Virgil smirked.
“Ha, I like that nickname and I’m gunna use it!” Roman huffed.
“Not that it isn’t great that you two are getting along,” Logan said sarcastically, finishing his milkshake and grabbing another sandwich “but me and Virgil got to get going or we’ll be late for dinner and I would rather not endure my mother’s wrath.”
“Oh shit, that’s today?” Virgil asked as he began to pack his stuff.
“What’s today?” Patton asked curiously.
“My brother is coming over for dinner,” Logan replied dryly “we haven’t seen him in a while.”
“You don’t seem too excited.” Thomas said.
“It’s not that I’m not excited to see him after so long it’s just…” Logan paused, fidgeting over uncomfortable feel of emotion running through his brain, wondering if he should even bother discussing this any further. Eventually, he chose not to, “Nothing, it’s just, you know, tired from all the training and…stuff.”
Thomas knew there was something more to the whole situation, as did Patton and Roman, but out of politeness nobody said anything. They instead looked to Virgil to see if he could clue them in on something, they were missing but the purple clad teen only shrugged and shook his head. So, they were quick to change the subject.
“What are the rest of you doing this evening?” Thomas asked.
“My brother Alex said he was gunna take me and Georgie, my other brother, out somewhere,” Patton sighed, rolling his eyes “that’s usually code for he wants to impress a girl by showing what a ‘cool and caring’ brother he is and will fail miserably. But hey, I’m not gunna look a gift horse in the mouth, usually he takes us to cool places.”
“My mom and sister are working late again so I have to pick up and babysit the twins,” Roman replied before suddenly remembering something and turned to Virgil “Virgil what are you doing?”
Virgil paused, giving Roman an odd look, “Uh, besides dinner at the Quinn’s, nothing much afterwards. Why?”
“Good, because you need to come over so we can finish up that stupid essay due on Monday and I can’t have you over on Sunday because we have church and a baby shower to go to.” Roman said as he casually munched on another sandwich.
“Shit, that’s still a thing,” Virgil groaned, looking to Logan for help “have you even started on that?”
“Oh yes, me and Patton finished it recently.” Logan replied coolly.
“We video chatted since me and Lo had other stuff to attend to and couldn’t come over to each other’s houses.” Patton added.
“That’s why you flaked out on movie night yesterday,” Roman said in a moment of realization before pouting “you chose a study date with your boyfriend over me?”
Logan choked on the sandwich he was still munching on whole Patton squeaked and flushed a dark red. Virgil snickered as he went over to pat Logan’s back until he stopped coughing while Patton blubbered and waved his hands around, shrieking how “it’s not like that Roman, you know that! We just- we study a-and – we aren’t, uh…” Logan was soon to join in once he got the proper amount of air in his lungs, face just and red and sputtering just as embarrassed.
Thomas bit back a laugh while Roman and Virgil, the little shits, out right smirked in that smug way all best friends do when they see each other suffering. It was painfully obvious that Logan and Patton a “thing” for each other but were just too shy and awkward to acknowledge it. It was easy to push their buttons and was also extremely entertaining to watch. Still, Thomas was merciful and kindly decided to redirect the subject again.
“Well, while you kids enjoy your evening plans, I’ll be out on patrol,” Thomas said, stretching out a bit “so if you need to contact me and I’m a little slow to respond you’ll know why.”
“Might pass by that ally way again while patrolling?” Virgil asked innocently, though the devious smirk on his face was a dead giveaway “You know, just to make sure there’s no one in danger?”
“Yeah, like a certain cute barista?” Roman snickered.
Thomas’s cheeks colored pink and he regretted his previous act of mercy because those little vipers turn head so fast it’s as if they planed it. “You know we could just spend a whole day doing laps next training day?”
“We could, but that still wouldn’t erase the fact that you’re too gay to function around attractive males.” Logan smirked.
“Aw, but wouldn’t it be cute if they went out on a date?” Patton gushed, his comment was genuine but that didn’t make Thomas any less flustered. “You should try and talk to him, like for reals. Maybe ask him out on a cute little coffee date?”
“I am like flashing back to so many Coffee Shop Au fics it’s not even funny,” Virgil laughed breathlessly “anyway, Roman, text me your address and I’ll swing by after dinner. See ya gays later.”
“Don’t you mean guys?” Patton asked.
“I know what I said.” Virgil replied as he and Logan made their way out of the kitchen.
Roman shrugged, “He isn’t wrong though.”
They arrived at their apartment building in record time, Vigil having informed his parents before hand that he’d be at Logan’s for dinner before heading out to Roman’s to finish up the essay. Though at the moment neither of them were in any hurry to get to where they were going, taking a dramatically long time climbing up the stairs instead of taking the elevator.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to tag along with you and Morgan after dinner?” Virgil asked for the tenth time that day “I really, really don’t mind flaking out on Roman.”
“As much as I would like that you really do need to finish your essay,” Logan sighed “it counts as a major grade for your science class.”
It wasn’t that Logan’s brother was a bad guy, on the contrary he was actually really cool and easy to talk too, but the constant comparisons made between them by their parents made Logan kind of resent him, just a little. Don’t get him wrong, Logan loved his older brother and wouldn’t mind spending more time with him but as of late the closer Logan got to graduation the more his parents…“pushed” him to follow in his brother’s footsteps. He couldn’t even mention about applying for colleges around them because then they’d go into a spiral about all the colleges Morgan got excepted to at his age and how he should apply for those and go for this program that Morgan did and maybe he could study abroad like Morgan did. It’s not like they did it on purpose, Logan knew his parents loved him and were proud of him, they only wanted what’s best for him so that he could succeed and gain opportunities that they couldn’t when they were young. But sometimes it just…got a bit much.
“Come on, let me procrastinate,” Virgil whined, though it was more to make Logan laugh then being serious “I don’t want to spend my whole afternoon with Roman.”
“It’s not my fault the teachers chose him as a partner for you,” Logan chuckled “at least he’s willing to do work and not slack off like others. Plus, better him then Dolion.”
“Mmh, true,” Virgil grumbled “but stiiiill! The only reason you’re not complaining is because you got to be all buddy-buddy with Patton and make heart eyes at him all day.”
As expected, Logan was a blushing, sputtering mess, “I-it’s not like that!”
Vigil continued to tease his best friend all the way up until their destination, then everything got tense again. Logan took a deep breath, slowly letting it out as he went over the most likely scenarios that would happen during dinner, none of them were good. But Logan just had to get through dinner then an awkward night out with his brother and after he could just sulk in his room the rest of the night. His train of thought was broken by a gentle hand squeezing his own and he turned to find Virgil smiling at him sympathetically.
“I got your back if that means anything?” Virgil shrugged.
Logan gave him a tiny, appreciative smile, “It means everything.”
“Great,” Virgil turned towards the awaiting door in front of them “let’s face Hades together.”
“You know, Hades wasn’t an evil god,” Logan began to explain “he was just god of the Underworld and-”
“You know what I mean.” Virgil scoffed as he opened the door to Logan’s apartment.
Inside, Mr. and Mrs. Quinn were in the living room enthusiastically entertaining their special guest of the evening, Morgan Quinn. Looks wise, Morgan and Logan looked pretty similar, tall lanky build, neat trimmed hair, and thick square glasses. Personality wise, they couldn’t be more different, Logan was always the more serious of the two while Morgan tended to be the more goofy, social butterfly. Despite being polar opposites, they got along pretty great, Morgan was the one that introduced Logan to his love of space and it was that mutual love that formed an incredible bond between them. They’d always go up to the roof and look at the stars through their telescope, read up on NASA’s latest discoveries and plans, or just binge watch a bunch of space documentaries. But lately, Logan’s been looking at the stars less, it’s been moths since he’s looked into what NASA’s been up too, and he’s kind of been avoiding space documentaries all together if he’s honest.
“Lolo!” Morgan exclaimed excitedly as he rushed to hug his brother “Salaam alekum!”
“Waalekum salaam,” Logan replied, a small smile appearing on his face despite his internal conflict “welcome home.”
“Geez, you sprouted up like a bean stalk,” Morgan laughed as he pulled back to look over his little brother “what are Ummi and Babá feeding you?”
“All required nutrition regiments,” Logan quipped “though I can only assume your stunted growth is due to the college dietary restrictions of coffee and instant noodles.”
“Quit exposing me,” Morgan chided playfully before turning to Virgil with his arms open wide for a hug “Virge, salaam alekum!”
“Waalekum salaam,” Virgil replied, tentatively accepting the hug though Morgan knew he wasn’t one for physical affection so he didn’t linger long “how you’ve been?”
“I’ve been great, tired but great,” Morgan chuckled “and you still haven’t grown? I though Ummi was stuffing you down with the same thing she’s been feeding Logan?”
“Gunna take a lot more then forced self-care to make me into a functioning human being.” Virgil smirked.
“Speaking of eating,” Mrs. Quinn cut through the chatter as she made her way to the kitchen “I made your favorite Morgan, kufta and rice. Shall we eat now?”
“Please,” Morgan half begged “I’m a starving college student.”
They family plus Virgil gathered around the table, filling their plates with the lamb meat balls, rice and side salad put in place. It was all pleasantries at first, catching up on each other’s lives and reminiscing on the past and how it compared to the present. It was nice, laughter and chatter filled the room as other’s ate to think of more conversation topics.
Then Mrs. Quinn asked, “How has your internship been at Oscorps?”
And so it began.
“Oh, it’s been amazing,” Morgan gushed “I’ve been learning so much about bioengineering and genetic research. There’s been so many advances made in the medical field and it’s just fascinating to see the behind the scenes of everything.”
“You know, Logan and Virgil went on a field trip to Oscorps this week,” Mr. Quinn said, unknown to him that Logan’s eye began to twitch waiting for the inevitable “I would have hoped they’d see you there in action.”
“Oh no, I’m usually in the back with the researchers,” Morgan explained before looking to his brother “but if you would have texted me earlier, I could have given you and Virge a secret tour of the latest project we’ve been working on. It’s awesome, you would have loved it Lo.”
“I, um…” Logan began, fiddling with the food on his plate.
“Logan, I thought we told you to call your brother and ask about the internship requirements?” Mrs. Quinn asked.
“I forgot.” Logan said lamely.
“Babá you can’t afford to be forgetting these things,” Mr. Quinn scolded gently “you have to build up a good college resume and a company like Oscorps will get you accepted into any school you want.”
“Yeah, I know.” Logan mumbled, having stopped eating all together and was now just staring at his plate.
“Well, he’s still just a junior in high school,” Morgan cut in before more could be said by either of his parents “an internship like this is not easy to come by. Some people are on a waiting list for years and even then, they might not get accepted.”
“But didn’t they offer you a position when you were in high school?” Mrs. Quinn asked “Surely if Logan took an extra class or two, he could have one too.”
“What they offered me was an errand boy that made print outs and got coffee,” Morgan explained, secretly watching as the tension in his brother’s shoulders relaxed just a bit “they’re not gunna let a high schooler into a research lab no matter how smart he is. Maybe once he hits college but even then, he could get a much better offer from somewhere else. I hear the robotic engineering program in Carnegie and Brown are real buddy-buddy with Stark Industries.”
Logan smiled, just a little, tentative and quiet, “Really?”
“I don’t know,” Mrs. Quinn butted in, and just like that the tension in Logan’s shoulders returned “Stark Industries is sketchy at best, especially with all that Avengers mumbo-jumbo going on. Besides, wouldn’t a job in the medical field be more secure financial wise? All I ever see that Tony Stark do on the news is make new toys for him to play with and destroy the city.”
“Saving the world from an alien invasion and government corruption,” Morgan explained “pretty sure that’s kind of important Ummi.”
Mrs. Quinn shrugged, “I guess so.”
“But what about that whole mess with the Avengers?” Mr. Quinn asked “Or whatever’s going on there? There’s always some kind of conflict with them.”
“It’s been cleared up now,” Morgan informed them “plus I hear Stark Industries are partnering up with a famed research facility in Wakanda. They’re supposed to have technological advances years beyond us. I’m sure Logan will be snatched up in an instant.”
Mr. and Mrs. Quinn seemed sort of swayed but they surely still had more questions and probing statements to say. Thankfully, Morgan was quick to jump in and change the conversation. “So Logan, Ummi and Babá were telling me how you, Virge and some friends made a club together, how’s that been going?”
Not a topic Logan wished to discuss in great detail but he’d chose that over the previous one. “Uh, great, we’ve been making excellent progress.”
“And what of the other guys in your group?” Morgan asked, genuinely curious “How are they like?”
“They’re…great,” Logan chuckled awkwardly “just two classmates from our school, Patton and Roman, we all head a group project together and we got discussing on some issues and of course one thing led to another.”
“Yeah, they’re pretty cool,” Virgil added “and we’re getting…stuff and things done. It’s small but nice.”
“That’s good,” Morgan smiled “I hope to meet these new friends someday, I’m getting kind of tired of just Virgil at our house all the time.”
“You know we all thought the same thing with you,” Virgil rolled his eyes but gave an easy smirked “thank god you left for college.”
Morgan laughed, “Geez, Virge, tell me how you really feel. Also, I heard you guys were being sponsored by Thomas Sanders, unless Ummi and Babá got the name mixed up?”
“Yeah, we didn’t believe it either at first,” Logan chuckled nervously, him and Virgil sharing a knowing look “but the school district recommended him and he accepted so it was only logical of us to accept as well.”
“How hard did you and Virgil fan girl? Be honest.” Morgan teased.
Logan pouted (though he’d deny it till his dying day) and promptly returned to his dinner, “Suddenly, I don’t remember the details.”
“It’s like it never even happened,” Virgil added dramatically “Thomas Sanders who? What club?”
“Aw, come on guys!” Morgan chuckled, playfully shoving his brother’s shoulder “I’m only kidding…mildly, though seriously how hard did you fan girl? Cause I’m pretty sure Virge has a fan about him that’s just as big as Rainbow Weaver.”
“You know what, go back to your internship and shove your head in a toxic waste tank,” Virgil quipped with flushed cheeks “nobody wanted you here anyway.”
“Hey, you never know, I might gain powers like Rainbow Weaver,” Morgan smirked triumphantly “then I’ll be the one meeting him.”
Logan smirked mysteriously, “Doubtful.”
Roman had just finished cleaning the last of the dishes when a buzz was heard throughout the apartment. He was quick to wipe his hands as he moved pasted the kitchen table where the twins were doing homework, ruffling Marco’s hair in the process. The younger gave off an annoyed whine as he swatted his older brother’s hand away who chuckled to himself as he reached the buzzer box and pressed the call button.
“Who is it?” Roman asked.
“It’s Virgil, buzz me in.” The voice responded.
“Sure, give me a minute,” Roman replied, pressing another button before heading off towards his room to retrieve his backpack and set up in the living room. He did not for the life of him trust the twins by themselves, little demons could get into loads of trouble the second you look away from them.
“Who’s that?” Jenni asked, inspecting over her macaroni art project.
“A…friend?” Roman said tentatively “We’re gunna do homework, that’s all you need to know so keep the noise down to a minimum when you guys are done, okay?”
“Is it Patton?” Marco asked excitingly, he always liked when Patton came over, Patton usually spoiled the two with homemade treats.
“No, it’s not Patton.” Roman said, rummaging through his back for the notes Logan gave him.
“Then who is he?” Jenni asked, curiosity finally pulling her away from her glittery macaroni art disaster. Roman groaned at the thought of having to clean that up later.
“Just, uh, guy from a club I’m in,” Roman explained begrudgingly “we have to do a project together, that’s all.”
“Why didn’t you pick Patton as your partner?” Marco asked, half disappointed he would be getting sweets but also curious as to who this new person was.
“Because the teacher chose them for us.” Roman responded bluntly.
“Why?” Jenni asked.
“Because the school system is a dumb-dumb.” Roman said tiredly.
“Why?” Marco asked.
“Why are you guys so invested in this?” Roman snapped, he didn’t mean to but he was already on edge as it was. Virgil and him had a rocky relationship as it was, they were co-workers at best after the whole spider power thing, but even so he had no idea where he stood with him. He knew exactly where he stood with everybody else; Patton was his best friend, Thomas was his mentor and Logan was a nuisance though still fun to poke at. Virgil was just a wild card, sometimes they got along and sometimes they didn’t, it was a weird line they walked and Roman had no idea what step was the wrong step and which one was the right.
“Is he your boyfriend?” Jenni sang, Marco giggling beside her as Roman’s face lit up in red hot flames. “Absolutely not!”
Vigil found himself once more taking his time climbing up the stairs when there was a perfectly functioning elevator. The realization of what he was doing and where he was going finally hit him after seeing Morgan and Logan out after dinner. He was going to Roman Marigold’s apartment, Roman Marigold, quite possibly the most annoying human being in the entire school next to Dolion.
It’s not that Roman seemed like a bad guy, he was actually pretty decent when his giant ego was in check and wasn’t jumping off buildings unexpectedly. But for some reason he just got under Virgil’s skin and knew what buttons to press to get a reaction out of him. Though he had no ide if he was doing it to be mean or it was just this weird thing between them. When Roman fought with Logan you always kind of got this vibe that they…not liked each other though it seems like they had mutual respect. But when he and Roman fought it varied on what the situation was, sometimes it could be Disney banters, playful bickering, full on heated debates, or just poking insults. It was weird and Virgil had no idea what to do with it.
He finally reached the door and just as he was about to knock, he heard giggling and a high pitch screech. “Absolutely not!”
Maybe this was bad time, he should probably go back, Virgil didn’t want to be caught in the middle of any family disputes if this was what it was. But he didn’t move to leave, nor did he move to knock again, he just stood there frozen in perpetual confusion and panic, listening to the conversation beyond the door.
Tiny voices sang in a jumpy school yard tune, “Roman’s got a boyfriend! Roman’s got a boyfriend!”
“I do not!” Came the embarrassed reply that Virgil could only guess was Roman.
Virgil clasped a hand over his mouth so as to repress the giggle threatening to slip. It was absolutely hilarious to hear the pristine ego maniac that is Roman Marigold get flustered and loss his cool due to, what sounded like, a bunch of little kids taunting him. Even so it wasn’t very appropriate of him to be eavesdropping on people’s conversations, no matter how hilarious or ridiculous they may seem, so he made quick work of knocking on the door.
It opened almost immediately, a red cheeked Roman staring intently at him, “Oh, you’re here.”
“Yeah, I buzzed you like five minutes ago, remember?” Virgil smirked “We’re you talking to someone?”
“No! No, just…you know,” The flamboyant teen made a vague gesture with his hands “things?”
“Things?” Virgil echoed with an odd look.
Roman nodded and it was suddenly quiet for a long time. Virgil awkwardly standing in the hallway while Roman fidgeted against the door frame, both staring intently at each other without blinking. Finally, a cough from behind Roman snapped them both out of their stupor. They turned to find two smirking children peeking out from behind the living room couch, no doubt Roman’s siblings, they were practically mini carbon copies.
Roman glared at them while Virgil gave a shy wave before asking, “Can I come in now?”
“Oh, uh, yeah.” Roman stuttered, quickly stepping aside to let Virgil in.
Morgan had gotten them tickets to the planetarium viewing of Dark Universe at the American Museum of National History as well as general passes for the rest of the museum. Logan was admittingly excited to go, it’s been a long time since he’s been to a planetarium especially one as grand as the Hayden Planetarium. But on the other hand, the awkward silence between Logan and his brother during the entire taxi ride here was very heavy and uncomfortable. Not that Morgan wasn’t trying to make conversation it’s just that Logan was snubbing them out as quickly as he was thinking them.
Dinner with other people was one thing, an outing by themselves was another. There weren’t other people to buffer out the awkward when things got slow or stale. They use to go on outings together all the time, talking endlessly for hours and hour far into the night, discussing the universe, life, and anything else they could think of. But that was then, this was now, and as of now they haven’t hung out properly in a long time plus Logan’s parents weren’t really helping him warm up to the whole situation. Regardless if Morgan was able to diverge the conversation near the end or not there was still that…tension.
“So…have you ever seen Dark Universe before?” Morgan asked as the lazily walked inside the building, the display of planets across the outside of the planetarium quiet distracting. There were two entrance into the museum, at the front where the famed t-rex statue was displayed and the back where the Earth and Science exhibits were.
“They were going to take us last year for a school field trip but the bus broke down and we missed the showing.” Logan shrugged, looking around at all the displays of planets, stars and solar systems.
“Ah, well that means it’ll be a first viewing for both of us,” Morgan said cheerily, dramatically raising a fist in the air “a bonding experience we shall never forget!”
Logan raised an eyebrow at his brother’s weird display who in turn shyly put his hand down, “Uh, anyway, how’s life? How’s school? How’s that club you got going?”
“It’s fine,” Logan said simply “everything is functioning as it should, it’s only the beginning of the first semester so nothing much has happened. Well, except for…a complication.”
“Yeah, mom and dad told me what happened,” Morgan sighed, a bitter sneer on his face “I still can’t believe there’s jerks like that out there.”
“Indeed,” Logan nodded “but it’s nothing to get worked up over, it’s not like it was the root of the whole ordeal. I was merely…defending a friend from certain public humiliation.”
“Who were they anyway?” Morgan asked before clarifying “The friend you helped out, are they in that club you made?”
“Uh, yes,” Logan said bashfully, a light pink dusking his cheeks “his name is – Patton?”
Logan froze in his tracks, his brother taking a second to notice, because there near a display of Halley’s comet was Patton Foster. He was wearing a stunning high waist space print skirt, black leggings, a soft looking baby blue crop top sweater, and black boots. He also wore sparkly silver star droop earrings and a matching moon neckless, as well as glittery silver clips in his hair. Patton had yet to notice Logan staring, too enraptured in reading over the little facts beside the display, and the genus will forever be grateful for that.
“Who’s that?” Morgan asked, snapping Logan out of his daze.
“Uh, no one,” Logan said much too quickly “l-let’s take a short cut another direction, I think I saw a map that showed the way.”
Morgan smirked deviously, “They don’t look like no one, you obviously know their name.”
Logan was screwed.
“H-he’s just a friend from school, I don’t want to bother him,” Logan sputtered nervously “let’s just go somewhere else so we won’t disturb his evening.”
“Hey, there’s no harm in saying hi,” Morgan chuckled, grabbing onto his brother’s arm so he wouldn’t scurry way “plus, he’s looking this way already.”
“What?” Logan squeaked.
True to his word, Patton had seen them and was now waving at them with that big, bright, beautiful smile of his. Morgan, the devil, waved back just as enthusiastically as he dragged Logan along with him because he’s was half certain Logan was frozen stiff. As they got closer Patton seemingly decided to meet them half way, bright eyed and springy as ever.
“Hey Lo, I didn’t think I’d see you here,” Patton smiled, he looked to Morgan curiously “is this your brother?”
“So, he does talk about me,” Morgan joked and Logan died “all good things I hope.”
Patton giggled, a pleasant bell to Logan’s ears, “Only in passing conversation but being that your brothers I can only assume you’re just as smart and amazing as he is.”
Morgan smiled big and wide, leaning down near Logan in an exaggerated whisper, “I like him, keep him around.”
Logan wasn’t a violent man by nature but annoying sibling could just so easily get under your skin and drive you to murder. “What brings you to the museum Patton? It was my assumption you were on an outing with your brothers.”
Patton pouted, blowing out a huff of air, “Yeah, Alex went to flirt with receptionist lady and Georgie left to drag him back. Alex won a raffle at work and won tickets to this show at the planetarium called Dark Universe. I’m honestly kind of nervous, I don’t really know what it’s about and the title doesn’t seem too pleasant.”
“No need to worry Patton,” Logan assured “it’s simply a documentary displaying the wonders of our universe while providing commentary. Nothing scary or abnormal, I promise.”
“Oh good,” Patton sighed in relief “I was worried that-”
“Ahk, Georgie! Put me down!”
“Stop behaving like a child and I’ll think about it. Where’s Patton?”
“I think he’s over there? Hey! Hey, Pat! Yhoohoo! We’re over here!”
Patton’s face morphed into something between embarrassment and annoyance as he reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose. He seemed to be actively avoiding making eye contact with the two squabbling giants heading towards them. They looked to be the perfect size for professional football players or basketball players or both, point is they were huge compared to petite Patton who landed just under Logan’s nose. Then again, Logan was pretty tall though not as tall as those two…where were they?
Out of all the places and times to run into Logan outside of school and/or hero training this would have been the perfect place but it was simply just the WORST time. Patton didn’t mind evenings out with his brothers, he liked spending time with them and the outings were usually fun. Their antics, specifically Alex being troubling making dork while Georgie forcefully drags him out of trouble and Patton watches helplessly by the sidelines, were amusing at best but annoying most of the time.
Don’t get Patton wrong, he loved his brothers with all his heart but sometimes they (*cough*Alex*cough*) had no shame what-so-ever. Great for Georgie who wasn’t afraid of a few staring eyes when pulling his brothers out of trouble, not great for Alex who is such a drama queen he makes Roman look tame. Outing with his brothers were not meant to be witnessed by anyone but the strangers of Manhattan who they’ll never see again, NOT cute boys that Patton kind of sort of had a crush on.
Patton gave Logan and his brother his best smile, though it was very obviously forced, “Excuse me.”
He quickly whizzed around to face his brothers, forced smile still displayed on his face, “I heard you the first time Alex, everyone could.”
Alex, who was hazardously draped over Georgie’s shoulder like a sack of flour, simply pouted as he wiggled out of his elder brother’s grip, “Just making sure, you seemed distracted. Who’re the nerds?”
Georgie smacked Alex across the head, “Be polite.”
“Ow, geez,” Alex whined, rubbing his sore skull “you can kill someone with those hands Georgie. Like in that movie Green House!”
“Green Mile.” Georgie corrected cooly.
Alex snapped his fingers, “That’s the one, anyway, back to the nerds.” Another smack “Ow, hey! I didn’t mean it, it was a joke! See they ain’t bothered!”
Patton took a deep and steady breath as he turned back to the Quinn brothers with an embarrassed smile, “Logan, Morgan, these are my older brothers: Georgie and Alex. Georgie and Alex, this is my friend Logan and his older brother, Morgan. They came to watch the space show too.”
Georgie nodded while Alex gave a false salute, “Sup.”
“How do you do?” Logan said politely as he and his brother stuck out their hands to shake.
Georgie was quick to shake both their hands as was Alex but he paused when he got to Logan, leaning down to intensely stare at him. Patton wanted to scream, truly he did, but that would just let Alex figure everything out that much quicker as well as cause a scene.
“Logan, huh,” Alex hummed as he leaned forward and Logan visibly gulped as he leaned back “where have I heard that name before? I know you ain’t related to that Paul guy from YouTube because you actually look respectable.”
Patton slapped a hand over his face, “Oh my god…”
“He’s one of the boys in the club Pat’s help make.” Georgie said helpfully, not at all fazed by his brother’s borderline interrogation on poor Logan.
“Oh yeah,” Alex nodded, finally letting go of Logan’s hand and giving him proper personal space “you guys made that, uh…what’s the politically correct term for this? I don’t wanna offend anyone.”
“To late.” Patton mumbled grimly.
“LGBTQ+ Youth Group.” Georgie provided.
“Jesus that’s a mouth full,” Alex sighed before pondering once more “nah, but other then that I swear I heard Patton mention that name before just…can’t remember.”
Patton sighed in relief, Thank god!
“Wait I know!” Alex exclaimed.
Alex became giddy with excitement, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes that just spelled doom for Patton. “He’s that bo – mmhf!”
Georgie was swift yet casual as he slapped a large hand over Alex’s mouth and began to drag him away, “The show is starting soon, we should grab seats together.”
Internally Patton was crying, Georgie was a saint and he definitely deserved a special cake baked in his honor. Externally Patton sighed tiredly once more, giving Logan and Morgan an apologetic smile. “Sorry about them, well, mainly Alex. He’s…a lot sometimes.”
Morgan shrugged, “Brothers, what can you do about them? This guy was a terror when he was younger, he would use his diapers as – oof!” Morgan groaned in pain as Logan elbowed him in the stomach, eyes shut in annoyance and left brow twitching.
Patton giggled, glad not to be the only one being teased by his older brothers, “Older brothers huh?”
“Quite unfortunate are we, huh?” Logan chuckled breathlessly.
“Seriously, what are mom and dad feeding you? I almost puked my guts out!” Morgan wheezed.
This was a terrible idea! This was a terrible, awful idea! Why did Thomas think this was a good idea? Why was he even listening to Patton’s advice, he was pretty sure the kid was mostly joking? But here her was at that same damn alley way, in civilian clothes, looking across the street into a familiar little coffee shop with a familiar red headed barista taking down orders behind the register. Thomas groaned, scrubbing his heads over his face, he looked like a fucking stalker, seriously!
He had convinced himself to take a quick brake before heading out on patrol again, maybe grab a cup of coffee to wake him up a bit. It wasn’t his fault the shop just so happened to be near by and hey if that cute guy just so happened to be working there at this time it wasn’t like a big deal. It wasn’t like he knew who Thomas was so he could just be casual, order a coffee, strike up a conversation, nothing big. But now he was here across the street and he saw the guy smile and laugh at something his co-worker said and Thomas just got weak in the knees.
“Why am I here?” Thomas groaned, leaning back against the grimy alley wall “I don’t even know his name! All I know is that he can’t seem to stay out of trouble!”
He looked back into the coffee shop, it seemed to be a slow day, only three or so customs lounging around in the sitting area as cute red head wiped down the counter. Okay, so the good news was there wasn’t much people so Thomas didn’t have to rush when he inevitably stuttered out his order. Bad news was he still had to muster up the courage to go in and talk to him and that was never gunna happen.
It was then he noticed a shady looking guy walk past him and across the street, his hood flipped up and shoulders scrunched in. He looked like the typical grumpy New Yorker that only seemed threatening but Thomas is spidy sense told him otherwise. Plus, he was definitely not hiding that gun, which was tucked in the back of his jeans like some stupid idiot wanna-be gang member, very well.
Thomas was quick to sprint across the street without the hoodlum seeing him, just beating him to the door by a moment. Thomas swung the door open at about half strength smacking the criminal right in the face. An audible crack was heard sending the criminal falling backwards with a bloody nose and maybe a minor concussion. Thomas made sure to ham up his clumsy civilian act.
“Oh gosh man! I’m so, so sorry!” Thomas gasped, helping the man up right with the intention of sneaking a hand around to disarm the gun “Are you alright?”
“Do I fucking look alright you stupid idiot!” The man snapped, much to distracted with the pain of his face to notice the faint clicking noises behind him. Talyn had shown Thomas how to dismantle a gun with one hand their freshman year of college, he doesn’t know why they know that but he’s thankful for it because it makes his job so much easier.
“Sorry dude, can I do anything to help?” Thomas asked in an artificially sweet voice.
“No, fuck off!” The man growled, quick to turn head with his tail between his legs, embarrassed by job never done.
Thomas watched him leave down the alley way, depositing the bullet clip he swiped into a nearby trash bin before heading inside. He noticed the speckles of blood on the glass door as he entered and grimaced with guilt. Once fully through Thomas finally noticed that the red head was staring at him and it dawned on him that he probably witnessed the whole ordeal and though he was a clumsy oaf.
“Uh, sorry about the door,” Thomas said, rubbing a hand behind his neck “If you got some paper towels, I’ll, uh, clean it up for you guys if you want?”
The red head’s eyes were wide with shock, steel blue eyes piercing into Thomas is soul, “That guy was gunna mug us.”
Thomas sputtered in response, “Uh, he – um…”
“I saw him across the street openly stalking the café all day today,” The red head scoffed “he wasn’t really subtle about it. He was probably waiting for us to wind down for the night.”
“Wait,” Thomas squinted suspiciously “if you knew he was gunna rob the place why didn’t you call the police?”
The red head rolled his eyes, “We did, but to them he wasn’t doing anything wrong until now. Stupid cops…” He smiled charmingly “but you came down here pretty quick and practically bashed his skull in. What are you, some sort of vigilante?”
“N-no!” Thomas gulped “I-it’s just I…I saw his gun and I couldn’t just stand there!”
“Well, you could have gotten yourself hurt too.” The red head countered.
Thomas gave a breathless chuckle, “Trust me, I’m not as defenseless as most people think I am.”
The red head giggled, placing his chin to the palm of his hand, “Oh yeah?”
“If it helps, I disarmed his gun before anything?” Thomas said bashfully, fiddling with the sleeves of his jacket.
The red head’s eyes went wide again, “What, did you do it with one hand?”
“Yeah?” Thomas said hesitantly, this guy was way more observant then Thomas previously thought “If you wanna check, the gun clip is still in the trash bin.”
The red head laughed joyously, a beautiful melody to Thomas is ears, “You really are something! So, what can I get my hero tonight? On the house of course.”
“Oh no, I don’t want to bother-” Thomas began only to get cut off by another joyful laugh “Bother all you want, you just saved my ass from being mugged.”
“It was no trouble,” Thomas shrugged, a goofy smile surely on his face “it-it really wasn’t a big deal.”
“Well it was a big deal to me, practically saved my life,” The red head smiled, grabbing a large cup and a sharpie “so what’s your name Tiger?”
Thomas’s stomach filled with a million butterflies at the mention of the familiar nickname before clearing his extremely dry throat, “Uh…Thomas…Sanders.”
The red head paused a moment, sharpie delicately poised over the edge of the coffee cup as he chewed over his bottom lip in thought. A ghost of a smile formed across his face, that seemed very familiar now that Thomas thought about it, giving out a breathless laugh. “Thomas Sanders, huh?”
“Uh, yeah?” Thomas knew that he got recognized often but by fans but it was usually by his face not by his name. Not to sound vain or anything but a lot of times he didn’t need to tell people who he was for them to recognize him. But this guy didn’t seem like he was a fan…still, he looked vaguely familiar.
“Well, I’m MJ, in case you didn’t notice.” He pointed to the name tag on his chest that Thomas was now just recognizing because he was too gay to look at anything else but this guys cute face.
“What does that stand for?” Thomas asked curiously.
He paused again before that same smile returned to his face, “Matthew Jones…Watson.”
“Matthew Jones Watson,” Thomas said aloud, rolling the words of his tongue as if testing out how they sound in his voice “MJ…I like it.”
And obviously that was a stupid thing to say aloud because it made him sound like some sort of weirdo who goes around judging names. But MJ giggled, light and airy, with a smile that could light up all of Manhattan. “Thanks…I’m glad.”
Tags: (sorry if it doesn’t work, Tumblr is stupid)
@immortaldystopia @metaphoricalpluto2 @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @misunderstood-shadow @fairytailtwists @0callmevirge0 @blenderkit17 @galaxy-lilies-main @lumi-1 @paint-in-flames @i-have-n0-idea-what-im-d0ing @superwholocked-for-life @generalfandomfabulousness @oakskull@scarletnoiryt @softnic @asiagotea3890 @enteryourfandomhere @saltwithrandomfandoms @ninjago2020 @average-human @hecksupremeart @teepee-honesty @perfectly-precautiously-gay @a-weirdo-with-a-computer @itsashtronomy @khadij-al-kubra @maryjanewolf @icequeenoriginal @ocs-and-chapters @lilyfond @palepanfandomtrash @always-in-a-fandom @boxofsushi
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aliloverthetop · 6 years
at the bottom of the bottle
Pairings: none, well sorta. there’s some pining Logicality and brotherly Analogical.
Summary: The day Virgil sees his formal, well-composed brother turn into a mess at midnight, accompanied by the mess of problems he carries around everyday.
Warning: Intoxication, homophobia, cursing, minor mention of transphobia.
Taglist: @asofterfan @tinysidestrashcaptain
When he was eight, Virgil had already decided that Logan was the strongest person he had ever met. No, he didn’t have the most muscular body but he was mentally strong. Logan could persevere like no one else could and could handle anything cooly until the person takes the last straw. An angry student or parent would go up to him, yelling about some random and boring stuff: Logan would calmly handle it. 
Virgil admired his brother since day one.
It wasn’t until he was fourteen that he saw that Logan wasn’t as strong as he used to think.
Virgil was folding origami by the TV, watching as a seal got mauled by a shark. It did some sort of hair flip with the seal. He was home alone, waiting until Logan came back from getting groceries. He could hear the rain patter against the outer wall of the apartment, his camera recording everything in the corner of the room for a small project. (Waiting for Logan to come home and scaring him.)
Virgil heard the flick on the electric kettle pop back into its regular place. He got up and started humming the newest Panic! At the Disco song. The fourteen-year-old tore open the paper lid of the cup noodle container, taking out the little flavoring packets. He listened to the voice of the smooth-talking man talking over sailfish hunting.
“I pray for the wicked on the weekend! Mama, can I get another Amen? OOOOOH OOOOh! Oh! It’s Saturday nig-”
Virgil nearly dropped his cup noodles, “What the fu-”
A person from the other side of the front door started talking, “It’s not-  hic! Saturday Virgil, it’s a Friday. HIC! Oh, my Einstein what is a glabella?” 
Virgil froze, recognizing the unclear voice, “Logan?”
“What the fudge balls is a Logan? What animal classification is a Looooogan in? Scientific name? Hic! Genes? Species? Hahahaha!” 
Virgil heaved his shoulders and frowned, Is Logan drunk? Holy schist he is totally drunk. He set down the cup noodles on the counter and walked up to the front door, peeping into the little circle of glass embedded into the door. On the other side of the door was his hysterical brother, laughing as he leaned against the door. Logan was soaking wet, glasses lopsided on his face and his shoes placed on his hands. His tie was wrapped around his head. Virgil could see a bruise on Logan’s neck and right cheekbone. A bunch of surprisingly neat letters was printed on his forearm with a winky face and a ‘call me’ written below it. He leaned away from the door’s peephole and whispered a faint, “What the frick-frack.”
He unlocked the door and said, “Logan, are you okay?”
“No! My name is Sherlock! Not Kay! Hic!”
Virgil sighed as he saw his brother be a drunk idiot, “Get in here.” He grabbed Logan by the armpits when his brother refused to comply and dragged him into the living room, all while he was laughing hysterically. “What is that on your neck Logan?”
“Oh! It’s an apple! Hahaha! Or is it a gift from that man at the tub? Pub? Rub? Hehehehe!” Logan giggled.
“A pub? What the hell were you doing at a freaking pub? Do you know what could probably happen at a pub? It better not be that ‘Freak me Out Gently!’ bar! If it is I am going to scre-”
“Hic! Yeah! That was the name of the pub! There were yellow bees everywhere! Bzz! Bzz! Don’t go away believer! Hehe!” Now Logan was lying on the floor, spread eagle. Eyes closed. “The guy there was pretty! He had bee cheeks! Beees! Honey! He called me honey! Hehe!”
Virgil screeched, “WHat? You’re telling me you went to a pub named after a ‘Heathers’ quote and you flirted with a guy that you didn’t even know? The more you tell me, the more I freak out! Why did you go there anyway? You told me you were going to a Walmart! I didn’t expect you to go to a flipping bar!”
“HAha! Hic! I went there because... ooh! Sharks! You like sharks? I like sharks too! They’re... LIT!” His twenty-four-year-old brother said, excitement clear on his face.
“...What the f!ck. You’re acting like Patton!”
Logan stayed silent. His face turning concerned,”...Patton? Is he okay?”
Virgil rolled his eyes, “Yeah. But you haven’t answered my god damn question: why did you go there?”
Logan opened his mouth then closed it,”What’s a question?”
Virgil facepalmed, massaging his temples and his hands running over the bottoms of his eyes. “Dear lord. You tried, you failed. I’m getting you to sleep.” Virgil grabbed his brother by the armpits and dragged him through the apartment to his neat room.
Unlike his drunken brother, the room was neatly organized and looked more like an office than a bedroom. One wall was painted black with reminders in post-it notes on the wall. His desk was right next to his bed with stacks and stacks of test papers. Virgil hopped onto the bed and heaved Logan onto the bed. “You suck Logan, what the actual f!ck?”
“I don’t know! Hic! Hehehe!” Logan giggled, taking off his black shirt and pants. He tossed it across the room, where it hit the black wall and dragged down three yellow post-it notes. “Is it sleepy time?”
“Yes you nerd, it is sleepy time,” Virgil replied, digging around in Logan’s dresser. He picked up a baggy shirt that had Einstein’ face on it and tossed it to Logan. “Wear this.”
Logan slipped it on and slumped against the bed and whispered, “I’m pining. Pines are conifers, which don’t lose their sieves- leaves, I’m pining Virgey! I’m pining for a cutesy! So cute!” He squished his cheeks together.
It took two freaking seconds until he realizes who Logan is talking about. Virgil slammed his hands down on his dresser and faced the drunken brother across the room. “Patton? You’re pining for Patton?” He sputtered. “W-Why? Have you seen how upset he was when you were mean to him? You do realize you could have lost your friendship when you told him he was childish? Immature? That he needed to grow up and start acting like an adult? HAVE YOU FRICKIN' REALISED WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO YOUR RELATIONSHIP LATELY?"
Logan slumped against the pillows and whispered, "I'm a messssss. I'm a bee-ast. Messy. Is there a manual guide on emotions? Feelings? Should I use a freaking wrench? HUH?"
Virgil sighed, "We'll talk about this in the morning okay? I don't think I can give advice to a drunk person."
"Wheee! Clear my friend! I love you!"
Virgil smiled, "Love you too Microsoft." He tossed a sleeping mask to Logan and walked to the kitchen to fill up Logan's water bottle with water. He returned with the bottle and Advil. Logan was asleep when Virgil had returned. He placed it on his brother's desk, patting his head before going out. He turned off the lights, displaying the glow in the dark stars that he had painted on the ceiling and smiled. He then shut the door.
Today, Virgil woke up earlier than his brother. Which was already strange enough as both of them were not morning people. He was making coffee as National Geographic was playing in the background. He was listening for the sound of Logan waking up and groaning at what a mess he was, or the hangover.
Then he heard a groan and a screech only Logan could make. Virgil sighed, widening his eyes and biting his lip as he heard an epiphany of curse words and bird-like shrieks come from his brother’s room. Soon enough Logan had burst through the door and yelled,”What the f!ck happened last night?” 
Virgil shrugged, rolling his eyes”I don’t know. You giggling like an idiot over someone you’ve been mean to for the past few days? Going to a bar named after a watered-down ‘Heathers’ quote? Getting the number of a guy who gave you a hickey when you told me you were getting groceries? You should be the one giving me answers Lo! What  the hell happened?” Logan cringed at his brother’s tone and volume.
Logan rubbed at his eyes and bit his lip, “I-I um...”
“Logan, I love you but tell me why right now! I deserve to know why my older brother was such a mess last night!”
His brother sighed, “I... may be permanently dismissed from my position of an educator due to my orientation in romantic partners.”
Virgil nearly dropped the mug he was holding, “Hold up. They wanna fire you because you’re gay?
Logan nodded, his eyes filled with a sadness that Virgil saw only once in a while, “I... was discussing my infatuation with Patton with a coworker I find credence in.. You know Fiza. She was very kind about it and said that we needed to go on a romantic outing underneath a rainbow sometime. Apparently, an extremely homophobic teacher by the name of-”
“Ms. Divonsky. She’s my History and French teacher. She’s really homophobic and I really, really want to punch her.” Virgil replied.
“...yes. That is her name. She told our principal and is forcing him to fire me. He said he’s deciding, the announcement will be out on Monday.”
Virgil slammed the cup down on the counter, hard enough to make a sharp sound but soft enough not to crack the mug, “Oh the nerve of that b!tch. I’m gonna go ahead and behead her and everyone would applaud-”
“Virgil, as much as I would like to hear the lovely noise of the guillotine’s blade on her flesh and bone, I feel like violence will not solve all of these problems.”
The younger brother poured coffee into the mug and slid it over into Logan’s palms, “F!ck. You’re right. Damn it, I hate it when you’re right.”
The older brother took a few large gulps of coffee, “I’m always right.”
“Yeah, whatever.” He said, placing the coffee pot next to Logan. 
Logan sighed, placing down his cup, “This is horrible, unsatisfactory and downright dreadful. Virgil, if I lose this job, do you have any idea what will happen to you? I won't be able to take care of you, your education will crumble into pieces and what will become of you? Will you slowly evolve into a homeless man without any family or good life ahead of you? Will your-" He grabbed fistfuls of his hair and looked down, elbows on the table.
He was spiraling.
Virgil cut in, banging his fists on the table. “Logan. LOGAN!”
Silence replaced Logan’s worried ramblings. Logan was breathing heavily, the younger brother glaring at him as he caught his breath.
“Logan, you are literally the best brother I could ever hope for. You always plan ahead of time, you help me with studying and take me for fro-yo. Most of all, you are so encouraging. It’s nice to know that someone is nice when you’re stuck at school with f!cking asshats.” Oh, my Lord, Virgil has an internal Patton.
Logan wiped at his eyes, whispering a curse to emotions that Virgil could clearly hear.”... I will be a failure as a brother if I get fired. Our parents trusted me with being your guardian. If I fail to give you a proper education.. could you even imagine how upset they would be? All of the futures I can think of always end in something utterly disgraceful and horrendous.”
“Look, I don’t give a f!ck about education. Why the f!ck would you even need to know what the circumference of a circle is anyway? Mom and Dad would have just wanted us to be happy. If you get fired, it’s a good thing. You finally get away from a community of rats and snakes and get to spend more time pining on Patton and apologizing for being a b!tch.”
Logan blinked at Virgil, before hissing at the drunken confessions he had spat out last night from his stress-drinks at that bar.
"And also, you’re overthinking about my future, plus you have a big ass hangover from last night. I’ll be fine Logan. I’m so glad you have the Time Stone to tell my future. Oh wait, it’s not a real thing.”
The older brother smiled a little bit. 
Holy sh!t, this is actually working. Am I that good at cheering up my brother? This is like the bonding thing in ‘Hogwarts Mystery’. Oh my god, Logan is Rowan.
“It’s a good thing because you’ll be happy to be out of that homophobic hellhole. I swear I know like four teachers who are pieces of ‘merde’ who think that trans-people aren’t valid. We’ll go to a new school where all the homophobes can go and punch themselves. If you get fired, curse out that little b!tchin French and then give her a cake made with glass shards and enough eye drops to kill her. Make sure it’s rainbow with ‘GAY’‘ spelled on the inside. Then write ‘Baiser’on the top with blood red frosting.”
That made Logan laugh. Virgil internally saw the two bars fitting into each other and filling up the bar on the top with diamonds. 
Logan smiled, I owe you great thanks, Virgil. You are an amazing brother.”
“Whatever. Get to bed, you just knocked over a tissue box. Also, please don’t throw up-”
“.. I’ll go to sleep once I do exactly just that. Thank you again, Virgil.”
“Your welcome, I guess.”
Then his older brother sprinted to the bathroom and let out the sound you would make if an alien was crawling out your throat.
Virgil sighed. Reminder: Never let Logan get sad again.
Virgil found out he was an amazing wingman soon enough. It was obvious by the couple holding hands in the background, completely surrounded by the shining stars.
Thank you for reading this fic! Please reblog, like and comment (Please write stuff with your reblogs). I like hearing from you guys. If you want a part two, just tell me! Thanks!
- Heath
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notarelationship · 7 years
Klaine Advent 2017
The Late Edition
Day 19 - Talk
WARNING this chapter for homophobic slurs and Glee canon assault. 
Summary: Blaine is new at McKinley. Kurt finds him interesting. Nerd!Blaine/Skank!Kurt
Word Count: 1114
I will be putting this up on AO3 after the advent is over and I can fix up some spelling and syntax errors
At first things were amazing. Kurt came to school (most days), and to class (sometimes). He waited around for Blaine at his locker, and, if no one was around, Kurt would kiss him in the parking lot before they had to go home. Kurt had somehow even convinced Principal FIggins that Blaine was the right person to help tutor him in all of his classes so he could catch up with his school work.
Blaine had been pleased to discover that Kurt was still carrying an average in the mid-80’s in most of his classes, and the only thing that had really been holding him back was his lack of attendance in any of them. Still, it turned out to be a good excuse to spend evenings at Kurt’s house, even if with Kurt’s dad at home they couldn’t spend much time on less innocent pursuits.
As the week went on, though, Blaine could sense that something was off at school. After the slushie incident, the worst of the football players had more or less left him alone. Now that he and Kurt were being public about the fact that they were dating, they were getting the occasional odd look in the hallways. Kurt seemed to revel in it a little. It just made Blaine nervous.
“Kurt,” Blaine pulled away with a tiny sigh, hands they had just moments before been gripping Kurt’s hips and pulling them close now pushing them apart.
It was Thursday after Glee Club rehearsal, and after a week of holding back in public Kurt had finally got Baine pressed up against his car, and he intended to take advantage of it.
“Blaine.” Kurt knew it sounded like a whine. “I want to kiss you. I like the way your lips looks after I kiss you.” Blaine’s tongue ran along his bottom lip, and Kurt had to really restrain himself to keep from diving back in.
“How do they look?” Blaine fluttered his eyelashes awkwardly, but it just made Kurt want to push Blaine into the back seat of the car and maul him.
Kurt sucked his own bottom lip between his teeth and touched his thumb to Blaine’s mouth. “They look like I’m supposed to kiss them, they look -”
Before Kurt could finish, he was interrupted by a truck horn honking and screaming coming from inside the truck.
“That’s disgusting!”
“Take that homo shit out of my sight!”
“If I have to see that again I’m going to stop it myself!”
Blaine flinched, turning his head away from the truck and into Kurt’s arm. Kurt pulled Blaine closer, but took a step toward the truck and flipped them off.
“Come over here and stop us then!” He shouted, but they just sped up and drove away and out of the parking lot.
“Kurt no,” Blaine pulled him back. “Let it go.”
“I’ll let them go, but I’m not letting it go, no way,” Kurt answered. “Every straight couple in this school subjects us to their endless PDA. I got an eyefull of Quinn Fabray’s side-boob just this morning. It’s not fair that I can’t even kiss you in the parking lot when no one’s around.”
Blaine put his arms around Kurt’s shoulders, pulling him closer. “I know, it sucks. I just don’t want you to get hurt.” Kurt leaned in and let Blaine kiss him.
“I can take care of myself.”
Blaine nodded against his forehead. “I know you can. I just don’t want you to have to.”
Kurt got to school Friday morning just in time to meet Blaine at his locker before second period. He made a mental note to try to get there in time for first period on Monday, maybe if he could get there before class started he and Blaine could spend some time in the back seat of Blaine’s Volvo before class even got started.
After slipping through the door nearest the cafeteria in order to avoid having to check in with the office for being late, Kurt rushed down the long corridor toward Blaine’s locker. Blaine was standing at his open locker, talking to Tina and swapping out his text book. In the same moment that Blaine noticed Kurt, Kurt watched Dave Karofsky walk right past Blaine, catching him off guard and shoving him, hard into the bank of lockers.
“Hey!” Kurt tore down the hall, stopping for a moment to check on Blaine, but Tina rushed him off.
“I’ve got this - go get him,” she said, unconcealed rage in her eyes. Kurt nodded and took off after Karofsky, finding him alone in the boys locker room.
“What the fuck was that asshole!” He shouted, shoving Dave against the bank of gym lockers. Kurt didn’t have nearly the same weight behind him as Dave did, so instead of crumpling to the ground like Blaine did (and Kurt would never get that image out of his head), he just spun around, turning back to face Kurt.
“You and your boyfriend need to get your gay outta my face Hummel!” Dave’s face was red, and he was getting into Kurt’s space.
“We have just as much right to be here as you do you ridiculous meathead!” Kurt shoved at Dave’s shoulder. “I’m going to make sure you get expelled for what you just did. Why can’t you just mind your own fucking business!”
“You just need to stop!” Dave half-shouted, and Kurt flinched as Dave slammed his hand against a locker right next to Kurt’s ear. Kurt watched Dave’s face contort, but before he could determine if it was in anger or disgust, Dave grabbed Kurt’s face in both hands and kissed him, hard, on the mouth.
Kurt wasn’t sure how many seconds it took him to realize what was happening, but he managed to get Dave off balance and use his weight to throw him to the floor between the bench and the lockers.
“Oh my god.” Kurt froze, staring as Dave attempted to scrambled to his feet. “Holy shit.” Kurt ran out before Dave could stand.
He needed to find Blaine. The halls were empty, so he ran to his second period class. Pulling open the door, he saw Blaine and Tin’s seats were empty. He must have looked frantic enough, because their teacher didn’t even give him a hard time. “They’re in the nurse’s office.”
When he got there Blaine was lying on the worn out exam table, with Tina standing next to him holding an ice pack to his shoulder. “He’s got a huge bruise,” Tina said. “His shoulder jammed into a lock and -”
“Blaine,” Kurt interrupted. He ignored the slightly perturbed look on Tina’s face. “We have to talk.”
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pickleslice · 1 year
gay maul monday
0 notes
toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/technology/entertainment/steve-golin-is-dead-at-64-producer-built-a-small-hollywood-empire/
Steve Golin Is Dead at 64; Producer Built a Small Hollywood Empire
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Steve Golin, an independent producer whose career began with low-budget movies like “Hard Rock Zombies” in the 1980s and reached its peak when he and three colleagues won the best-picture Oscar in 2016 for “Spotlight,” died on Sunday at a hospital in Los Angeles. He was 64.
A spokeswoman for Anonymous Content, his production company, said the cause was Ewing sarcoma.
The 2016 Academy Awards ceremony was a capstone for Mr. Golin. Not only was “Spotlight,” Tom McCarthy’s film about The Boston Globe’s investigation of child abuse by Roman Catholic priests, named best picture; a second film that Mr. Golin and Anonymous produced, “The Revenant,” about an early-19th-century frontiersman fighting for his life after being mauled by a bear, was also nominated in that category that year and won for best actor, Leonardo DiCaprio, and best director, Alejandro G. Iñárritu.
Those films, though wildly different, represented the type of compelling human stories that Mr. Golin preferred to tell.
“I think that if you look at ‘The Revenant’ versus ‘Spotlight,’ one is a little bit more procedural and talky, arguably more in a classic sense,” he told Variety in an interview before the Academy Awards ceremony. “ ‘The Revenant’ is very different. Almost no dialogue, but it’s very bold in terms of the technical aspects.”
Mr. Golin built Anonymous into a small Hollywood empire that produces films, television series, commercials and music videos, as well as managing talent like the actors Samuel L. Jackson, Emma Stone and Mahershala Ali and the director Alfonso Cuarón, who won Oscars in 2014 for “Gravity” and 2019 for “Roma.”
The New York Times hired Anonymous Content last year to represent it on film and television projects.
Mr. Golin’s producing credits also include Spike Jonze’s “Being John Malkovich” (1999), a bizarre film about a puppeteer (John Cusack) who finds a portal into Mr. Malkovich’s brain. Not only was it difficult to persuade Mr. Malkovich to participate, he said; it was also nearly impossible to persuade PolyGram, the parent of Propaganda Films, the company he ran at the time, to green-light it.
“I knew Spike’s sensibility,” Mr. Golin told The Los Angeles Times in 1999. “He’s a really unique thinker. And when he started telling me his vision, I said, ‘Now, this makes sense.’ ”
Over the last few years, as television and streaming became increasingly important to Anonymous, Mr. Golin was the producer or executive producer of the HBO series “True Detective”; “The Alienist,” a mini-series on TNT about a gruesome serial killer in 19th-century Manhattan; and “Mr. Robot,” the USA series about a computer programmer recruited to join a band of anarchists.
He was also an executive producer, with George Clooney among others, of a six-episode adaptation of “Catch-22,” Joseph Heller’s satirical World War II novel, which will stream next month on Hulu.
Mr. Golin once said that the only film he produced that he would not change was Michel Gondry’s “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” (2004), the quirky story of a couple (Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey) who, after they break up, undergo procedures to erase each other from their memories.
“It was probably the most complete movie,” he was said in an online profile of him, as well as “the most satisfying.”
Steven Aaron Golin was born on March 6, 1955, in Geneva, N.Y., and grew up in Yonkers. His mother, Marilyn (Phillips) Golin, was a real estate broker, and his father, Jerry, owned an advertising agency.
He studied film at New York University’s School of the Arts and attended the American Film Institute in Los Angeles as a producing fellow. He and another fellow, Joni Sighvattson, did production work on “Hard Rock Zombies,” “American Drive-In” and other movies before they and others started Propaganda Films in 1986.
Propaganda came to dominate the market when MTV was heavily influencing the music business, and profits from making music videos for Madonna, Janet Jackson, David Bowie and others helped finance the company’s films, including David Lynch’s “Wild at Heart” (1990) and John Dahl’s “Red Rock West” (1992). Propaganda also made commercials, including for Obsession perfume and Nike.
“The only game plan we had when we started was to establish a business that was a positive cash-flow business, that would give us the ability to be more flexible, to finance our own development on our own terms,” Mr. Golin said in an interview with The New York Times in 1990. “The revenue from shooting videos and commercial business is enough to let us survive and to give us a certain credibility with directors who don’t want to take a project to a studio.”
He stayed at Propaganda until PolyGram was acquired by the Seagram Company and started Anonymous Content in 1999.
He is survived by his partner, Violaine Etienne; his daughter, Anna Golin; his son, Ari; his stepdaughter Blue Etienne-Gay; his sister, Susan Dickinson; and his brother, Larry. His marriage to Vilborn Aradottir ended in divorce.
Mr. Golin’s desire to expand Anonymous Content’s businesses led to a search for a well-heeled partner to buy a substantial minority stake. In 2016 he made a deal with Laurene Powell Jobs, the founder of Emerson Collective, an organization devoted to social change that had made investments in a variety of businesses, including media properties like The Atlantic magazine and the online news website Axios.
In an email to Anonymous’s staff on Monday, Ms. Jobs praised Mr. Golin. “In an industry and an era that often reward all the wrong things,” she wrote, “he was unsparing in his vision and determination to tell stories he believed in, stories that move us and stay with us.”
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Second Chance at First Line - June 6, 2011
Starts with Scott panicking over Mr. Argent having shot him with a crossbow “He’s gonna kill me man.”
We get our first Greenberg reference Scott’s eyes go all gold because Jackson’s being agro and coach is a jackass Derek’s just all smug in the distance
Scott turns into gorilla wolf in the locker room and Stiles defuses him with a fire extinguisher Scott can’t remember attacking him This must be Monday after school since it picks up just a little bit after episode one and he’s apologizing for Friday
The layering’s not as obnoxious in this episode
Melisa makes the first reference to them struggling for money
Jackson’s shoulder is separated
Derek’s so fucking creepy just looming in the shadows behind a sixteen year old and then threatening to kill him if he plays in a game. Cause he is reasonably paranoid but Scott doesn’t know that Scott didn’t hear him come in, maybe because he was distracted but I’m guessing Derek is also just that quiet
Jump to Friday and Scott trying to get out of the game We get the first reference to Danny and the declaration that he is both the goalie and gay
And Derek returns Allison’s blazer like a creep, but I think the red eyes are the Alpha. I could be wrong or maybe they hadn’t settled on red for Alpha yet?
Lydia is aggressively manipulative But good at math
Stiles has Scott listen in on the Sheriff and the principal talking about instituting a curfew Lydia introduces Allison to other lacrosse players to fuck with Scott then Scott gets weird and possessive over the jacket and Derek
He rides his bike out to the Hale House Which he knew about how? And warns Derek away from Allison He tries to convince Scott that he’s looking out for him by being all Batman He can also transform just his claws and cut through the net of the lacrosse stick
Beacon Hills Hospital Stiles actually manages to talk to Lydia but she’s on blue tooth Scott is sneaking into the morgue to see if he can match the smell of blood from Derek’s house to the body
They decide to turn Derek in
Seriously how is Derek bathing living in a house with no roof? Or is he staying in a motel and just happens to be leaving as they get there? Except he somehow doesn’t hear them walking through the woods a hundred feet away? Possibly because he just buried half of his sister in the back yard. And is not really doing that great
Where is he going? It’s not like he has friends Oh god, is he going to visit Peter?
They dig up the other half of the body. It’s a wolf Stiles is offended at Scott’s lack of cultural werewolf knowledge But Stiles is Stiles and spots the wolfsbane and undoes whatever the magic that Derek did on Laura We get the spiral for the first time
Beacon County Sheriff It’s Saturday They arrest Derek at the house, so he might be staying there God the music is so hammer horror
Another bad blazer Stiles sneaks into the patrol car with Derek There is so much glaring And Stiles is onto all the right things but he’s a sixteen year old dumbass Derek is really not even being that cryptic but they think he’s the bad guy so Stiles isn’t listening That depends on how you define lying Scott freaks out being so close to wolfsbane ands Stiles just hucks the whole backpack into the woods
Stiles calls the dispatch line His first abuse of police resources Or second Or third, actually
Scott sneaks over to Allison’s house as a wolf runs when he sees his reflection and then gets hit by Mr. Argent in the red SUV He is not happy about the flirting
“I want a semi-freaking-normal life!” Stiles is not soothing he is getting his anxiety all over Scott Why is Lydia like that?
Coach is bad at concern and pep talks
Lacrosse game to techno music Jackson I’m pretty sure your supposed to hit the other team We luv u Jackson Really?
Oh look, Danny being a reasonable athlete and human being Why does everyone look like they’re watching a surgery instead of a high school lacrosse game? Lydia, make up your fucking mind Number 43 knows what’s up, he’s not getting in the way of a rampaging werewolf Chris has suspicious face Stiles is Coach’s hypeman The fact that Allison doesn’t know what’s going on but is also whispering ‘You can do it, Scott’ and being chill I feel like it’s bad writing God the use of cgi is weird If she doesn’t know whats up why is she hiding in the locker room? Good recovery Scott. ‘I got light headed for a sec.’ Allison you are aggressively all in with this boy to the point that you are ignoring your fight or flight response Stop spying Stiles
Stiles drops the news that the body was killed by an animal so they let Derek out of jail. They also identified her as Laura
Jackson finds Scotts lacrosse gloves with the holes in them on the now empty field Derek lurks ominously in the background End episode two
Notes: I’m guessing they let Derek out of jail without charging him with tampering with corpse because it was the mauled and naked head and torso of his last living relative and he buried her in the yard of their family home which burned down with their entire family in it just a couple of years ago. No local cops gonna wanna press charges on that.
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kybernecklace · 3 years
to all my maultuals and maullowers: happy gay maul monday
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