#gays who group cosplay for halloween
junijwi · 2 years
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zukkacore · 9 months
(Put together by someone who likes dress up a little slutty or masc. or ideally, both. & who has a budget and very little sewing skills but annoyingly will commit to a bit. So pls take that into consideration ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
P.s. to elaborate on being beetlejuice-pilled rn I saw it not too long ago and there were so many ppl dressed up in Lydia wedding dresses and beetlejuice suits and just generally black and white stripes it was so fun esp bc I’ve generally been taught that going to the theater is a somewhat formal affair so seeing so many grownups just straight up cosplaying was great
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mogai-sunflowers · 9 months
waaa my drivers ed class is two hours in the evening twice a week for the next month 1/2 /neg
at least most of it's online but it's still just ?? so much ? i am tired at 7 pm i don't want to be in a class.
anyway. how are you ? how's college ? any cool classes ? any classes at an awful time ? /lh are you planning to add to the bi lesbian + she-ra wall ?
yooo i remember drivers ed class. mine was legit three hours every day for a week it was terrible, good luck adfadfsaf!!!!!!!
so college is...... something. and i mean that in an overwhelmingly positive way, it's just been a major adjustment which is no surprise. i'm enjoying my classes and i've already made a really close friend group and i feel loved and supported and it's honestly great. i was just elected as the freshman representative of my school's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Board, and I have a lot of ideas for that. I've been working with my school's disability advocacy club to create image descriptions for social media posts and through that club i'm participating in leading an image description workshop in October! i'm having a bit of a problem (not a bad one) because i think i might have feelings for my roommate... who is my best friend.... but who is also dating my other good friend... and i feel terrible about it because i would obviously never do anything to jeopardize their relationship OR ours, but it's just sucky sometimes. she's the best roommate in the whole damn world though and i would never want to move out.
i have a professor who is the first openly queer professor i've ever had. they use they/them and are gay and trans and i thought i had a crush on them (turns out i was just so happy to finally have an openly queer teacher). they're great and make an otherwise difficult class very engaging.
ALSO one of my new friends is also a bigger GNC lesbian and they're going to be taking me suit shopping soon so we can both wear suits to my college's winter formal dance :))
i won't lie, going to an all-girl's college as a queer trans person is difficult. more than difficult actually, it's infuriating. but i know it wouldn't be much different anywhere else and there are still supportive people. so even though i'm surrounded by conservative christian trump-worshiping girls, i'm also surrounded by all my friends and some respectful professors (though ironically my sociology professor is kinda weird about trans ppl) and my music lessons are going well so it's a mixed bag ofc but it's been a good experience overall so far :)))
there's not much more room on my specific shera bi lesbian wall, but i have made other props that are going to go elsewhere and i'm also cosplaying shera for halloween using my sword as a prop :))
how are you? have you started your sophomore year yet? is everything goin alright?
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tordsbeloved · 2 years
How about headcanons with Tori and Matilda (Ellsworld) with a s/o who cosplays?
Tori/Matilda x reader who likes to cosplay
tory can step on my istg if i was near them my gay ass would fold so easy and fast'
#1 Supporter!!
Tori is in love with the idea of her beautiful s/o cosplaying
she loves all the fandom cosplays you do
you have a tik tok account for your cosplays and you bet tori is in the comments looking at rude comments going off
and she fights the people who go "OUR s/o" or even "is your s/o single?"
tamara comments every once in a while to tease tori
they argue for such a long time
you need help
She even does your hair for you
And if you need a prop she's trying her hardest to make sure is absolutely perfect for you!
she goes to cons with you making sure your safe and no one is harassing you
if they do, holy shit a red storm is coming straight for them.
at most she would wear an cropped anime shirt
she would request some of her anime characters she thinks you would look amazing as
she's frothing at the mouth if you do agree to her request
she makes out with you when you dress up as her recommendations
Hypes you up!! LMAO
when you brought up why not have the both of you cosplay at a con she was excited about the idea!!
but she kinda seemed so insecure about it
you ofc reassured her.
when you bot
Ahh the beauty and grace herself
she is literally so beautiful
you told her that your gonna be in you room just making stuff for fun
why you didn't tell her you did cosplay?
idk bro you tell me
well she went to her room with a missing hair curler and she didnt know where it went
she did know you both shared said object and went to go ask you
she walked into you room to ask if you knew where her hair curler was at and walked in on you hosting a live stream for how you style the wigs for you cosplays
she had a blank look on her face
she was literally so confused as she closed the door
you just looked at her as she closed the door and looked back at the camera and laughed
she then burst in all giddy and excited
the comments on the live where just laughing or "LMAOO"
everyone loved her bro
who wouldn't.
she then was sat down by you and you started to explain why you do this and its just for fun and not for Halloween
she still didn't get it but she did support you in this hobby
she honestly first thought that it was a thing in the LGBTQ+ community she wasn't aware of LMAO
months go by with her knowing and she ends up going live with you, and your fans love her
they say ya'll are 100% couple goals
she help you style the wigs and sometimes asks for her bestie tori to help with props and hair
you both went and she just ended up following you and the group
you both had a blast with the group
people asking for picture with you
asking how you made such a good cosplay
you where so tired on the way home, literally walking in almost dead
but when you both got home she was more than happy to help you out of it
when you both where finished and ready for bed
she kissed you while cuddling into you before saying how cut you hobby is and how much she thinks your so cute
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automatismoateo · 5 months
Christians have some of the worst views via /r/atheism
Christians have some of the worst views I often stumble upon Christians saying some crazy things. I just heard a pastor complain about how immoral everyone is becoming. How people of god are being attacked and god is taken out of everything. He continued to bitch about how kids are coming to school dressed as animals, how churches are doing Toy Story/iron man themed events, how ‘men are dressing like women’ and how awful our world is - likening his bigoted views and people who hold them being in the minority to how Noah was a minority before god righteously destroyed the evildoers in the flood. Christians are such snowflakes that they think that furries are a sign of degeneracy and evil? People who dress up as anthrophromorphic animals are evildoers? It’s no different than enjoying wearing Halloween costumes or cosplaying as an anime or fictional character or wearing fictional costumes - like plenty of geeks do, what is wrong with that? It’s just people expressing themselves with unique costumes and dancing for tiktok. Almost no one thinks they are actually an animal. Is fun and fiction a sin? Then was his whole bit about men dressing feminine - but what is wrong with that? Are they hurting anyone? Who is anyone to say that just because you’re a man you need to be like most other men in terms of gender expression, clothing as well? Why does he choose to shit on lgbt people in a world where conservative straight pastors like him rape kids, and there are actual problems? And then this whole ‘people are being fired from their jobs and ostracized for being righteous god believers’ narrative - is being pushed by Christian’s who would not hesitate to fire a member of church staff who is openly gay - or has a disagreement on the earth is 6,000 years old narrative. No shit if you’re going to be bigoted and proselytise your brand of conservative Christianity people won’t take it well, would this dude take it well if an extremist Hindu tried to turn the USA into a Hindu state and and prosletyze to him about how backwards Christianity is? Doesn’t Christianity teach thst every one of your loved ones who died a nonbeliever will suffer for all of eternity, and you will too if you don’t submit? What about a religion that believes that should be respected by the average person? Christians think gender role non conformance is evil, and secularism, and cosplaying, yet they liken the good conservative Christians to Noah and his family - a group of people who stood by a god who genocided every adult child baby and fetus/zygote/embryo, every animal and cub except for 1 human family and a few pairs of each animal - sending them all to an eternity of suffering just because all of them didn’t obey him? That is the standard of morality they think is perfect as opposed to the evil diversity and tolerance we see in the modern world? I think Christianity radicalises people into being incredibly hateful - and convinces them their hate is actually righteous. When there is a book that discourages critical thinking - instead relying on blind faith, with a god that has incredibly bigoted authoritarian views - and everyone who doesn’t share them is a sinner who deserves an eternity of suffering - this religion creates incredibly screwed up people. I wish it wouldn’t be considered politically incorrect to criticize Christianity Submitted January 08, 2024 at 07:47AM by SeaworthinessRich646 (From Reddit https://ift.tt/WI5QYLo)
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raccoonwarlock · 3 years
Are there any horror anime that you enjoy watching around Halloween?
Full stop I'm fucking behind on a lot of stuff but I can safely say no there is not! Not because there is a shortage of horror anime (most of which I haven't seen yet), but because Halloween. Isn't really a thing in Japan?
Halloween in general wasn't seen as a thing until Disney opened Tokyo Disneyland & held a typical Halloween celebration in the early 2000s. Nowadays it's mostly celebrated by younger adults wanting to cosplay & drink. (There is no trick-or-treating & that makes me sad)
In terms of horror anime you can watch just in general (based soley on what I've seen):
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun: "After a wish gone wrong, middle-schooler Nene Yashiro is bound to & must work for the ghost haunting the school bathroom, helping him stop other ghosts from harming students." The tone of this show is mostly lighthearted slice-of-life but has some intense moments, especially surrounding the main antagonist Tsukasa. It only has one season & is good if you want some light scares.
Demon Slayer: "Vowing to return his sister Nezuko's humanity following a demon attack that claimed his family, Tanjiro Kamado joins a nationwide force that fights to destroy all demons." Yes, this is an extremely popular show, with good reason. However, it is considered a horror series & I don't entirely agree with that as it's more action-heavy than scare-heavy (I read the entire manga in 2 days after seeing the movie). If you like a lot of action & tragedy in your horror, then this is a show for you.
The Promised Neverland season 1 (with spoilers): "A group of well-educated orphans plan to escape from their orphanage when they realize they are being sold off as livestock for monsters." This show is intense. The mistrust & paranoia layering the story's foundation are what drive the suspense as a group of kids have to not get murdered by the woman who raised them, Isabella, & the payoff is very good... in the first season. Despite the manga finishing before the second season began airing, the second season ignores that by cutting half of the total story, making up a new plot, & butchering the original ending. My other main criticism is the character of Sister Krone. Sister Krone is a muscular black woman called in to help Isabella keep the children under control. She does fall into the racist trope of "aggressive black woman", but has some depth to her character ie. wanting Isabella's place as a caretaker & scheming with the kids to achieve that goal. & then gets killed off soon after her arrival. Her character is a mess & she deserves better.
Death Note: "When a spirit of death gets bored in the afterlife, he decides to visit the world of the living. Watch what happens as he gives the power over death itself to the self-righteous teen son of a cop." Yes everyone likes to meme on this one & the questionable English dub/fanmade subtitles. & its dramatic concept. Despite that, it's still a damn good psychological thriller of a holier-than-thou teenager going mad with power. Granted I'm basing all of this on the manga that I read about halfway through while awaiting Covid test results.
High-rise Invasion: "Teen girl Yuri Honjo awakens to a world of skyscrapers & suspension bridges, with no safe path to reach the ground. Making allies along the way, she must face costumed killers & greedy survivors if she hopes to reach her older brother in this new landscape." I need to finish the last 3 episodes but this one is interesting to me personally with its expressions of autonomy & morality (the former admittedly not being the main focus). The manga is more explicit about it, but main character Yuri & the secondary lead Mayuko Nise do express romantic interest in each other. So not gay princesses, but we're getting there!
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beware-of-you-98 · 4 years
soft jemily halloween hc's? 🥺🎃🍂🏚️👻
Okay Halloween is hands down their favorite holiday (Christmas has its charm, but Halloween beats it out easily in their opinion)
They are that cringey couple that coordinate their costumes to match
They always come up with the best ones too
The first year everyone walks into the office during Halloween, they’re all shocked to see Emily Prentiss, normally stoic and serious “chief in charge”, dressed up as Flynn Rider from Tangled
Exact outfit, exact boots, exact hairstyle
She even went as far as to complete the look by using makeup to replicate his beard and sideburns on her own face
Like seriously, even Penelope and Spencer are like “????!?!?! What?!????!!!”because they haven’t seen this side of Emily ever
JJ then walks by the group, dressed up as Repunzel (complete with a long flowing wig) with an innocent shrug
“What can I say? I’m very convincing.” She tells the group with a smirk before she leans up and kisses Emily’s cheek before heading back to work
[No one has to know that the costumes were really Emily’s idea all along]
After that year, no one bats an eye when the two come in dawned in their spectacular cordinated costumes
Penelope is always so impressed by them (ok, she might internally fangirl a bit over them because she’s definitely Emily and JJ’s number one “shipper”)
Spencer always innocently pitches new ideas for them to try for the next year (he has no idea that they already have the next year’s costumes planned out, but his contributions are sweet and well thought out anyway)
Tara is 100% their hype woman when it comes to seeing and complimenting their costumes (they’re too cute or perfectly planned out to not)
Luke tried to out do their costumes every year and it becomes a friendly competition of sorts to see who can come up with the best ideas
(He eventually convinces Spencer that they should wear the costumes he always suggests for Emily and JJ)
Matt and Rossi always sit back at watch the madness unfold each year (Matt for the entertainment and Rossi because he’s a proud dad to a group of a bunch of chaotic, competitive gays)
Emily and JJ stay at their house to hand out candy because Spencer and Penelope always take the boys trick-or-treating
(Luke comes along when he and Spencer start dating)
Michael and Henry always have the best costumes, not only because of their moms, but because Auntie Pen and Uncle Spence are cosplay professionals
They’ve been going to cons together for years, they definitely have friends and contacts that can make the best, most accurate costumes for the kids
Michael always wants to go as random things
One year, he goes as a washing machine [don’t ask]
You bet your ass, JJ, Emily, Spencer and Penelope worked their asses off to make sure little Michael was the cutest damn washing machine the neighborhood had ever seen
Henry’s costumes depend on his latest obsession
He went as Dipper Pines and had a Journal #3 that Emily had gotten him for his birthday
(He only discovers later that night when he comes back from trick or treating that the journal is signed by the Alex Hirsch and, wow, he’s so hype by it)
Emily and JJ’s house is the best on the block because, not only do they always hand out full sized candy bars, but they give out multiple king sized candy bars and glow sticks
Their house is always decorated to the max
They have pumpkins littered in the yard, fake cobwebs in the bushes, inflatables in the yard
They have a fog machine to add some creepy ambiance
And a strobe light that makes the fog and the pumpkin’s mouths glow different colors
Their decorations are never gory or too scary
The most they do is put up fake skeletons and dress them up in generic costumes
They have a Bluetooth speaker that plays songs from a Halloween playlist JJ has on her phone
Emily finds a laser that they can set up so it flashes in time with the music and they have a mini laser light show flashing on their garage all night for everyone to watch
(They both end up with Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” stuck in their head by the end of the night)
They sit by each other the whole night in two folding lawn chairs, each with a mug of steaming cider
They sneak a few pieces of candy throughout the designated trick or treating hours
Emily sets aside a few Take 5 bars for JJ
JJ sets aside a few Twix bars for Emily
When the boys get home with pillow cases full of candy, it’s tradition for everyone to come inside Emily and JJ’s house to sort through it while a Halloween themed movie plays in the background
The boys [yes, including Luke and Spencer] end up watching the movie more than sorting through the candy
But, hey, they don’t catch the girls sneaking pieces of candy for themselves (it’s an unspoken rule that Penelope gets all the cherry twizzlers, so she ends up with a generous pile of them by the end of the night)
The boys each get one piece of candy—Henry gets the Reeces and Michael gets the SweetTarts
The girls separate the boys candy into two bowls, chocolates in one and “fruity” and other candies in another
After the movie and candy sorting, the godparents leave
Emily and JJ both help the boys get ready for bed
Emily reads them a bedtime story, but both boys are out before she’s even halfway done reading
But it’s okay because after the boys are asleep, it’s adult™️ time
That “adult time” being they both cuddle on the couch in their pjs with a glass of wine and watch their own Halloween movie pick
It’s almost always a horror movie
JJ’s favorite is The Conjouring
Emily’s is The Ring
JJ hates jump scares and will always bury her head in Emily’s neck when one is coming up
Emily’s hand is always tightly gripped in JJ’s during the scenes with the most tension
After the movie, they’ll sit and just cuddle with each other, share soft kisses every so often until one of them finally decides that they need to go to sleep
(It’s usually JJ)
She’ll carry Emily up to bed (shut up, Emily loves when JJ carries her)
They’ll cuddle up with each other in the sheets, pressed together so that there’s no space between them
And fall asleep in each other’s arms :)
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glassesweirdo · 4 years
I sit with a wide variety of people at lunch, and normally we get a lil loud but never bust your ear drums loud.
Today that all changed when we were having a small conversion about men. Fun fact no one in our lunch group likes men except the only dude, and this one girl who just randomly showed up (no name for obvious reasons, and I also don't think she realizes all of us are gay/ trans-) so here we are having a simple conversion, asking the one gay dude why men are appealing, and low and behold the random girl speaks up..
"oh well I have a very specific taste in men."
We are intrigued, "go on" we tell her.
"pennywise ♥️"
At once every one is screaming. It's chaos. Our whole group has only reacted like this once, and it was on Halloween when two kids in full naruto cosplay Naruto ran across the court yard, but this time it wasn't cheers of pure glee it was confused horror.
Now I'm not judging based on liking slashers, that's fine,but the fuckin clown? That 70 head ass that eats children?? Looks like he hasn't showered???? At all?????? No thank you.
Now, I said "b... Bill skarsgard?" Trying to give her a chance to redeem herself but she straight up was like "technically? He has to BE pennywise for me to find him hot :/"
I typically don't judge based off of weird preference in men, but oh Lord. I don't think I'm capable of looking past this one, I'm going to sit down at lunch each day and have the physical memory of this random girl who's a clown fucker. Who proudly told us with little to no prompting, and before someone says "well bones you DID ask about her type in men." No we asked the gay guy and she full on presented her clown kink to the group with no hesitation.
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marcsalmonds · 4 years
What I hate about that tiktok about “the maidboy trend” is that while I don’t really doubt that there probably ARE some cishet men dressing up for clout (and what would be wrong with that..on some level thats what we’re all doing) At the end of the day calling it out is going to harm more gnc, bi, gay, and trans people than who youre aiming it at because, like we’ve been saying for decades, you’re telling people they can’t experiment with gender presentation or explore their sexuality without knowing for sure that they aren’t cishet. But the only way really of discovering that is to take baby steps into it and try things out. What lgbt person HASNT thought they were straight or cis (or both) at some point in their lives... how many people have cracked their eggs from a halloween party or cosplaying. I just think that a plausible deniability for people who may not be ready to come out or don’t even know to experiment with wearing a dress, completely harmless in of itself, is a net good in the world. Its like how the Q also stands for questioning or the A in a gay straight alliance group, so people have a reasonable cover if they’re not out yet or they’re not 100% certain of themselves.
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notveryglittery · 5 years
star light, star bright
it’s @blinksinbewilderment‘s birthday!!! you know what she likes a lot? romantic analogical and brotherly prinxiety :) it’s a quick little bulletfic with lots of extra bonus background ships. i really treasure our friendship, blink, i hope you have a day that shines as brightly as you do, and that you feel as much happiness as i do whenever i get to talk to you <3!! 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
brotherly prinxiety 
big bro ro 
virgil goes to roman for advice on how to ask out his long-time crush logan
roman initially teases him relentlessly because anyone with eyes can see logan has liked virgil back for at least three quarters of that long-time 
when roman realizes the two are in fact blind pining oblivious dummies, he jumps at the chance to help this ship sail as smoothly as it can from where it’s been docked for far too long 
roman is obviously a Professional Matchmaker - look, his name is in the word “romance”
(never mind the fact that patton is the one who swept roman off his feet with a romantic declaration at the top of a ferris wheel underneath a bright full moon)
(they’ve definitely let roman live this down. absolutely no one brings it up at every given opportunity)
so roman teaches virgil all of the important things to woo one’s true love (“he isn’t my true love,” virgil gripes, hoping roman doesn’t notice how hard he blushes. roman notices.) this includes: practicing of poetic confessions, the perfect combination of flowers in bouquets, romcom movie marathons. 
to virgil’s mortification, roman invites patton to one of their lessons. to virgil’s further humiliation, patton’s brother declan tags along, and it turns out virgil’s to practice his confession on declan because he’s got that same dry wit and humor as logan, and surely he can offer the best reactions. 
(declan thinks this is very stupid but he and virgil are also kind of frenemies and so declan will take any blackmail he can get his hands on) 
it goes about as well as you think it would 
meanwhile, one logan sanders is trying to smother himself with a pillow
“babe, you of all people should know how physically impossible it is to do that” 
logan throws the pillow at his queer platonic partner 
by some miracle, remy dodges it and manages not to spill a single drop of his starbucks 
so as we all know, logan has been pining for virgil for quite a few years now, and as we also all know, he is a blind oblivious dummie 
remy is surprised his ears haven’t fallen off yet with how much logan gushes about virgil
it would be cute if it hadn’t gotten really old like a year and a half ago
(okay, it’s still pretty cute but remy thinks a lot of things about logan are cute) (like, hello, the utter look of concentration on his face when he’s deciding which tie matches his outfit best?)
remy wants logan as happy as he can be, of course, but virgil is… well, remy and virgil kind of had some issues sophomore year that they never really resolved.
it doesn’t really interfere with their relationship now given the dynamic of their friend group. they kinda tolerate each other. but remy’s gotta give virgil the Talk - you know the one, “you so much as even think about hurting logan and they’ll never find your body” 
remy and roman definitely haven’t been texting each other updates over the months, why would you even insinuate something so devious 
after many shenanigans and montages of:
roman helping bolster virgil’s confidence
big bro ro helps virgil to perfect all the makeup tricks he’s learned on his own over the years. virgil understands now just how good winged eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man can make you feel. 
he really does get better with pick up lines and flirting; he stumbles sometimes but it feels effortless and that’s the important part.
declan jokingly threatening to steal logan away if virgil didn’t get on with it
while virgil knows declan’s aroace ass would never, virgil does not know that logan likes him back, and so this still seems like an entirely plausible thing to worry and stress about 
sometimes, declan drapes himself over logan and heckles him into a debate; partially to see virgil get all flustered over logan all worked up, partially to encourage virgil to hurry up already, wouldn’t he like to be in logan’s space like this?
remy dropping hints around virgil about logan’s newest interests
virgil and logan might be close friends who have been mutually pining over each other for years, but there’s still things they don’t tell each other, or don’t get the chance to share. if remy happens to let slip that logan wants desperately to visit the new exhibit at the observatory, well, that’s neither here nor there.
and he does give virgil the Talk, a few nights before the plan is set into motion. in the same go, they mostly remedy their past issues. by the end of it, virgil wonders how it’s possible for someone to be so threatening while using pet names like “babe,” “sweetie,” and “honey” every other sentence. 
eventually, virgil is deemed Ready. it is Time. 
halloween is virgil’s favorite holiday and because logan loves virgil, he also loves halloween. sure, all the sweets are a health hazard, and trick-or-treating really isn’t the safest tradition, and ghosts do not exist - but virgil glows during this season. he adds autumnal colors to his wardrobe and it really is not fair how good he looks in oranges, and browns, and deep greens. 
(in case we aren’t all on the same page yet, logan is Very Very Gay.)
everyone is at remy’s house. it’s definitely one of the biggest homes in their small town and so this is where a lot of the holiday parties tend to take place. the dormir family is also generally just really well liked. which means more people than invited show up but if anyone knows how to throw and manage a party, it’s remy. 
anyway the plan is that virgil and logan finally get together at this party so that they can finally go trick or treating with the gang in matching costumes 
it is so lame and virgil would rather forsake trick or treating completely but also he may or may not have been planning couple’s costumes for like four years now
everything is going really well! 
roman and patton are social butterflies, flitting from the dance floor to the kitchen to the backyard. they’re dressed up as she-ra and perfuma, respectively. roman’s even threaded led lights into the underskirt and cape so that he’s actually glowing. patton’s flowers aren’t just a crown atop his head, they twist and weave along his arms, around his torso, and down his legs.
remy wears the same thing every year to the party: pajamas and a ridiculous pair of slippers. he saves the extravagant costumes for halloween night. he truly is a spectacular host, making sure drinks and snacks are restocked, that nothing’s being broken, and checking in on those who don’t handle the crowds too well. 
logan’s dressed in a very impressive le petit prince costume - it’s so good, it might as well be a full on cosplay. (virgil definitely isn’t swooning, what?) logan sticks close to the edges of rooms, looking like he’d rather be anywhere else. 
(in, for example, virgil’s arms, on the dance floor, swaying to a slow song.)
virgil is dressed as jack skellington and declan in a creepily accurate oogie boogie - everywhere he goes, plastic insects fall out of his costume. patton’s shrieks of terror at seeing the fake spiders keeps startling the party guests. 
eventually - totally not by plan or anything - logan and virgil end up in the backyard together, on the old wooden swing bench on the porch. it’s nearing midnight and the crickets are chirping and there’s an owl hooting nearby somewhere. the moon is obscured on this cloudy night. 
virgil thinks it’s perfectly spooky and atmospheric 
logan doesn’t need to see the stars in the sky when they’re sparkling so brightly in virgil’s eyes
logan’s feet barely reach the floor and so virgil uses his heel to push them back and forth. thankfully, both of their costumes keep them warm enough in the chilly fall weather. (though they, of course, could always do to be a little bit warmer.) 
virgil’s breathing is measured and it’s super obvious he’s counting them in his head. logan scoots closer and lays a hand over virgil’s. his breath hitches.
“there is something i would like to tell you,” logan begins. 
the record scratch in virgil’s head sounds loud enough that everyone at the party should be able to hear it
“for the… last couple of years, i have harb-” 
“hold on,” virgil interrupts, loud and sudden. “hold - wait a seco - there’s no way you’re -” 
logan normally finds all manners of virgil’s speech patterns endearing but right about now, logan has a finite amount of courage and it is quickly running out
“- going to tell me right now-”
“of course i love you.” 
virgil’s jaw promptly snaps shut 
(he’s been working so hard on this and all this time??????) 
virgil isn’t really aware of the high-pitched noise he’s making until logan reaches out and firmly presses a hand over his mouth. 
“it is my fault that you have not known it all the while,”
(and the way logan says it, like a treasured line from a fairytale. virgil’s sure he’d recognize it if he could think at all.)
“i understand if you do not reciprocate these feelings and i apologize if i have made you uncomfortable with my confession,” logan is saying now while virgil’s still working on rebooting. logan lowers his hand. “i hope that this will not negatively impact our friendship. i care deeply for you and-” 
virgil’s systems spark back to life and he interrupts again, this time with a short bark of laughter. 
“l, oh my god, no offense, but i’ve been building up to this night for months and you just-” he has to pause to stifle his laughter. he’s equal parts giddy because logan likes him back and frustrated because logan’s liked him back for years and neither of them had done anything about it until now.
logan looks confused. 
virgil wants nothing more than to kiss him. 
“i’m in love with you” bulldozes over his brain-to-mouth filter instead
logan looks confused, elated, overwhelmed, stunning, he blushes so prettily, virgil thinks, and all of his practice must pay off, because the next move he makes is easy. 
at some point, they’d turned towards each other. virgil’s hand cups logan’s face. leaning closer, virgil’s gaze lowers to logan’s lips, and then back up. who knew eye contact alone could be this electrifying?
“can i kiss you?” virgil murmurs. 
“i can’t think of anything i’d like more,” logan responds. 
(back in the house, declan grumpily shoves a twenty dollar bill into roman’s hands.)
a week and a half later will find virgil and logan in matching costumes. for their shared interest in astronomy, they’ve lowkey always been called the “starlight gays” amongst their friends, and their costumes certainly help solidify it. 
logan is wearing dark jeans and a navy button down. with roman’s help, he’s lit up like the night sky; led lights form constellations that, if asked, logan will explain in a heart beat. from his shoulders trails a glittering black cape that catches the light just right (it’s impractical for trick or treating but the way virgil keeps wrapping himself up in it, snuggling close to logan’s side… well)
virgil’s the opposite in whites and greys, though he’s glowing as well, a near match to the full moon in the sky. he seems exceptionally pleased with the makeup he’s done for the costume, silver and blue and sparkling. 
(they look like they should be at a con, honestly, instead of out for one night collecting candy, but it’s cute, and that’s all that matters) 
and of course, they live happily ever after
(with only the slightest of teasing for the rest of their lives about their slow burn romance) 
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shunkashuutou · 4 years
Get ready, this is going to be a long post.
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So starting at the end of last September, Mabs and I fell in love with a movie called “Promare”, and we went to see it in the theater 4 times. This movie actually came out in May of 2019, and we missed it the first time it was in theaters, but it was so popular that theaters started showing it again in the fall. It was made by Studio Trigger, which also made some of my other favorite anime, Kiznaiver and Little Witch Academia. (and BNA which Mabs and I are watching right now!)
So what is Promare about, and was it really worth watching in the theater 4 times?
I feel like these titles of articles about it sum it up pretty well:
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Promare is set in a future where some people, referred to as “Burnish”, spontaneously develop fire powers. The Burnish start off as normal humans and have no control over over their powers at first, which leads to them accidentally burning down buildings or injuring other people, so they are feared and shunned by human society. The main character Galo is a member of a firefighting team called Burning Rescue, while the other main character Lio is the head of Mad Burnish, a notorious group of Burnish arsonists.
Here’s a trailer:
It’s colorful, crazy, and over-the-top in true Studio Trigger style, so action-packed that you can’t look away for a single second, and it is one of the most visually amazing movies I have ever seen. (The only thing that is even sort of comparable to this vibrant 2D + 3D animation style would be “Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse”) The color palettes in every single scene of this movie are just incredible. It’s technically a mecha anime with giant fighting robots, but its story deals with themes of discrimination, and it even has a bit of gay romance mixed in, which is a huge step forward for a Japanese movie aimed at a mainstream audience.
All of the characters are wonderful, but especially the main duo Galo and Lio. It’s great to watch as they come to understand one another and work together. They’re both enthusiastic idiots who are the same type of crazy, which to me is both “relationship goals”, as well as the sort of relationship that I am lucky enough to be in.
It also has great voice acting, with the actor who played Sanada Yukimura in the Taiga Drama “SanadaMaru” as the mayor of the town, Kray Foresight (what a name), and the kabuki actor who played Ranbei in the movie “Dokurojo no Shichinin” (which is a super underrated, but another personal favorite ) as Lio.
And the MUSIC. This movie has the most amazing soundtrack, and it’s usage throughout the film is just perfect.
In particular, the scene featuring Lio’s theme “Kakusei” (”Awakening”) includes a volcano and a dragon and is just so INTENSE. In fact, the chorus of this song is not Japanese or English, but entirely made-up words, so that it would be able to convey feeling but not have the words distract viewers from the action.
“Inferno”, the opening track of the movie which is written from Galo’s perspective, is another very memorable song.
Also “Nexus” and “Gallant Ones” and aaa, just so much good music on this soundtrack. (The song lyrics from Lio’s and Galo’s perspectives also tell a bit more of their story) Search “Promare ost” on YouTube to find a full playlist of all of the music if you want to hear more!
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And now it’s time for the story of how I’ve seen this movie 6 times now, 4 of which were in theaters.
The first time Mabs and I went to see Promare was after school one day. We got bibimbap and zunda daifuku for dinner first, and when we went to the theater, they were giving out these cool postcards!
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The second time was on the first day of Halloween Month, so we got some Halloween donuts to celebrate before watching the movie!
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This was right before Promare was going to stop showing in the theaters again, but we really wanted to see it one more time (there is so much going on in this movie, you have to watch it more than once), and the only showing that worked with both of our schedules was one that was marked “応援上映”, which I didn’t think too much about and just assumed that it was an extra showing to promote the movie.
But we knew that something was different when the person sitting next to us started pulling colored lights out of her bag. It turns out that an “ouen jyouei” is special interactive showing of a movie in which fans are encouraged to wave colored lights, yell out their favorite lines, and sing along with the songs. We were definitely not expecting that! It’s interesting too because “ouen jyouei” clearly have their own sort of culture. It wasn’t just like people were yelling out whatever they were thinking, there were set phrases and responses that fans would say at certain times. These responses were probably developed over a long period of lots of fans watching the movie over and over again; I wonder how many times the other people in that theater had seen Promare already.
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It was around this time that Mabs and I found out that there was going to be a cosplay event conveniently close to Osaka Station at the end of October. We were both very in need of a change of pace, so we decided to go and cosplay Galo and Lio! To make things faster, we divided up the work, Mabs sewed the outfits and I made the wigs. (We also decided to share the cosplays because we both like both characters!)
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Galo’s wig was a big challenge because I had never made a wig with a foam base before. First I patterned out the spikes with paper.
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Then I cut them out of eva foam, assembled them and painted them blue, and glued layers of wig wefts over the top of them. After the glue dried, I trimmed off the excess hair and hairsprayed them into perfect (slightly dangerous) points, and used hot glue to attach the spikes to the wig base. I don’t know how much time this took, but definitely over 30 hours!
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Lio’s wig was so much easier. The wig I got worked great as a base, and I just had to trim it, fluff it up, and add a couple different shades of green hair chalk to get the gradient that Lio has going on.
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I am really happy with how they turned out!
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After that it was almost time for the cosplay event, but a few days before, Promare came back to theaters, this time in 4D! It was our first time ever seeing a 4D movie and it was an experience! The seats moved all around and shot out blasts of air and mist, and the lights in the theater flashed to go with the movie. Promare with all of its crazy action was absolutely perfect as a 4D movie, and it was so much fun!! They also gave us this super cool postcard to celebrate the 4D release. I think this is probably my favorite piece of official Promare art.
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And then it was time for the cosplay event!
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We had such a fun day, and Mabs looked great as Galo! We ate pizza of course, since the characters eat pizza in the movie.
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I was really happy with how I looked as Lio! Here’s a selfie, and a bonus ~fashion~ selfie with my favorite sunglasses.
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We met a few new cameramen who took photos for us!
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I love that Mabs is strong enough to pick me up for photos! This picture turned out cute!
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And I had a lot of fun doing photo edits with flames and lots of crazy colors, since that is very Promare!
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Before and After🔥
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Before... (I liked the pose but not the background)
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... After! (I had fun trying to get this one to look like a scene from the movie!
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Using the song lyrics as backgrounds
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And of course we took some silly offshots as well! These were my favorites!
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Since we made the cosplays to share, next time we get a chance to wear them, I’ll be Galo and Mabs will be Lio! I can’t wait to see how we’ll look!
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The movie came out on DVD and Blu-ray at the beginning of February, and Mabs had pre-ordered the special box set! (I wish I had a photo of the box and all of the extra stuff! So cool!) We had a fun time watching it at home and eating pizza! This movie drastically increased our pizza consumption. Particularly margherita pizza since that’s what the characters eat. I had always thought that it looked boring compared to pepperoni or deluxe, but I now understand the wonders of margherita pizza.  (Also look at the cute Galo and Lio cat ear plushies! Mabs got me a set for Christmas and they are adorable!)
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Promare got put back in theaters in 4D AGAIN, on Valentine’s Day!! Of course we thought that sounded like the perfect V-day date idea, so we decided to go see it one more time, even though we already had it on Blu-ray!
So this year I made Mabs Promare-themed chocolates for Valentine’s Day! Yes, these are real, edible chocolates! (I had fun doing a little photoshoot of them before I gave them to her)
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I found this wonderful triangular Engrish box at the 100 yen shop and customized it a bit with some shiny pink cellophane.
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I made the chocolates by first drawing out the designs I wanted, and cutting up some regular chocolates into the right shapes to use as a base. Then I used colorful chocolate pens to cover the base layer and add the designs!
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Before our date, I tried to do Promare-inspired nail polish too.
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This is one of my new favorite photos of us! We had such a nice V-day date!
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So glad that we got to see Promare AGAIN! And 4D is just the best way to see it! This time we saw it at a different theater than the first time we saw it in 4D, and the movement of the seats was programmed a little differently, which was interesting! This time we could also distinctly smell the rose fragrance when Galo sees Lio for the first time.
Absolutely the perfect Valentine’s Day movie. As Mabs put it, what could be more romantic than overthrowing the government, saving the environment, and setting the entire world on fire together?
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And we had pizza for dinner that day, of course!
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Also in February, the Lawson near my school did a special Promare collaboration! It looked so cool, and they had a bunch of posters up all over the inside too!
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And a bit after that, some special Promare merch that had gone out of stock before I even watched Promare the first time got restocked! I needed some new shirts anyway so I couldn’t resist, and Mabs and I placed an order.
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I love these plushies so much! They are so cute with their little noodle arms and legs!
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Now that I think about it more, I can’t figure out if we’ve watched Promare 6 times or 7 times. But the most recent time was with strawberry waffles (our food obsession changed from pizza to strawberry waffles after playing Tales of Zestiria, lol)
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Promare will be released on DVD in English in the US on May 19th! I’ve heard that the English dub is really well done, so I can’t wait to see it that way too!
I HIGHLY recommend this movie to anyone and everyone! It’s worth watching for the color palettes alone, but the animation, characters, and music make it one of my all-time favorite movies!
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thotyssey · 6 years
On Point With: Beardonna
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The beariest Madonna impersonator in New York, Beardonna is bringing her signature character to Madonna Worship at Stonewall this weekend. Watch her on YouTube, catch her monthly show in Nyack, and read her exclusive interview right here!
Thotyssey: Hi Beardonna! Thanks for chatting! So, summer’s nearly over already... how has yours been?
Beardonna: Hi Jim! How are you? I can't believe another summer is almost over! Time sure goes fast when you are having fun!  
Yay! So we have to talk about your upcoming appearances and Madonna’s big day, but first let’s get to know you. Where are you from?
I started out as a young cub in Queens NY, and moved to Bergen County, NJ, when I was 13.
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And you developed Beardonna after first trying out female superhero cosplay looks, right?
Yes. As a joke, for Halloween, I made costumes for my partner, our friend and myself. We were Batman, Robin and Wonder Woman, from the '60s & '70's, the way they would have looked in the 90's: old, ,fat & hairy. We marched in the NYC Halloween parade, and we were a big hit!  Wonder Woman was the most popular, so I remade the costume and tried  it out at NY ComicCon... and it went over really well. Then I made a 60's Batgirl costume, and that was popular.
 I had always been in love with Madonna, so I figured I would try her--and people just went crazy! Because I am a bear and will not shave my beard and mustache, I use "BEAR" in the all the names: Wonder Wobear, Batbear, and of course, Beardonna.
To test “Beardonna " out, I took a boom box with me and played "Vogue” and danced in Times Square. People started asking me where I was performing and I was like, "Duh?"  I was just dancing for fun, but a lot of people wanted to know where my show was, so I wrote some parodies and started performing.
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Besides the songs themselves, you have a pretty wide collection of videos for the parodies on YouTube. Do you have a favorite?
I've done parodies of "Burning Up” (”WTF?"), "Music” (”Pubic”),  "Vogue” (”Throat”), “Living for Love” (”Slapped on the Glove”)...  and I have a video for "Papa Don't Preach” (”My Belt Won't Reach") with Sherry Vine playing my mother, Bearmomma.  I have to say, I love them all..
I think the one I am most proud of  is "Shout to Cure AIDS"--which is not a parody, but I put my own words to the music of "Give It To Me" to be used as the theme song for the Research Foundation to Cure AIDS. I got to perform it on their float in last year’s NYC Pride Parade; that was an honor.
Are you always Beardonna at heart now, even when you’re doing other characters?
I try to base all my costumes on a look that Madge has had through her career, even if I am doing a parody of another artist. So, my costumes are "Inspired by" her. Most people who come to my show get the references. Especially anything with a cone bra. The big difference is, my cones squeek!
I take it you’ve seen the real Madonna live. 
Of course I've been to her concerts. Nothing better!
Do you think she knows about you? Maybe she stalks you on Insta!
I hope so! I once met someone who did some work for her, and they told me that she had seen me. Not sure in what capacity, but I would like to think that she has. I haven't gotten any Cease And Desist letters yet, so I guess it's okay!
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So far, so good! Madge, of course, is turning 60 this week. Some people are questioning whether or not she can stay “current" and "relevant” in the years to come. What are your thoughts?
She is music royalty. She will always be relevant! People might not like her new music, but you can't ignore her classics and what she has done for the music industry, as well as our culture and society.
Supposedly, Season 2 of Pose is gonna delve into "Vogue’s" effect on the ball scene.
That will be great!  I have some catching up to do with that show! I did have the pleasure of doing my "Vogue" parody for Shep Pettibone at Paradise in Asbury Park.
Well done! 
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I understand that Stonewall's DJ Chauncey Dandridge was present during your very first Beardonna performance.
Yes! I love Chauncey!  He was DJing for Will Clark's Porno Bingo, and I was the, um, Talent! Lol! That was the night I gave Will Clark a framed pair of my use concert panties!
Since then, you've been performing every year for Chauncey’s long-running Madonna Worship party at Stonewall, which celebrates Madonna's birthday and returns this Saturday for her 60th! I bet you're gonna go all out this time!
I will premiering my new parody of "Don't Cry for Me Argentina." It's called "I Love a Big Dicked Latino."
Madge is definitely gonna see that one! 
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Besides this annual event, you’re busy with a monthly show up in Nyack called "All That Drag" at Maureen's Jazz Cellar. 
I love that place, and love doing the show! The owners Dave Budman and his wife, Brianne, run a jazz club in Nyack, NY. They have more than just jazz--they also have an open mic night, Grateful Dead nights, and they were looking for some kind of monthly comedy show. They were leaning towards a drag theme. Well, it turns out that I graduated high school with Brianne's sister, and she recommended me. We chatted, then met, and we instantly clicked.
The show has something for everyone. I host and do my parodies, as well as some comedy with the audience. We also have a burlesque performer, Jaella Carrerra; a serious singer, Autumn Hues; and then a different guest. I also play a game with the audience every month. They play for prizes, and we always have a lot of fun!
How does Beardonna go over with a Rockland County crowd?
The crowd in is a wonderful mix of everyone! Gay, straight, trans... everyone is welcome, and I'm happy to say that the crowd is getting bigger for every show! At the end of the show, people are welcome to stay for Deageoke with DJ John Martin, and the fun continues!
You’re doing another Madonna birthday show for this month’s edition of “All That Drag” on August 29th. You’ll have a cute lineup of guests including Westchester's Rhoda Rollins Stone!
Yes! I love RoRo!  If you have not seen her perform, you are missing out. As well as Jazel Jazalien! These bitches are so talented!
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Have fun with these gigs! Okay, final question: When Beardonna passes away at age 267... what Madonna look should she be buried in?
Lol! I say this to my friends all the time! When I go, I want to be laid out in my Gold cone bustier, head mic and pony tail. That's my favorite Madge look! Then I want to be cremated so everyone can take a handful of ashes, put them out to their mouths and blow. I want my final blowjob to be with a group!
A class act til the end! Thanks, Beardonna!
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Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Beardonna’s upcoming appearances, and follow her on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
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werewolfwilds · 6 years
i redid an ask meme that i had originally done ~3 years ago to see the comparison so for archiving purposes im putting it in a lil journal entry here ! i wanna start doing small journal entries again it was fun when i did that
new answers bolded
1) what images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?
my desktop bg is literally just…. a collage of kageyama manga screencaps a h a,,,, and my cellphone bg are drawings some gay drew me like 74724 years ago :v // my desktop rn is actually a background from one of the dmmd routes LMFAO..... idk which one it is but i’ve always liked those bg pics!! my cell lock screen is p5 art and my bg is leopika
2) have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
nooooope // nah
3) what was your last text message?
my phone is dead so i wouldnt be able to tell you lmfao i dont even remember // it was a gif from kelly lol
4) what do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
hopefully working a job i enjoy and making costumes and being happy!! // god i have no idea and it freaks me out... hopefully working,,
5) if you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?
hoommee ((or at katsucon tbh)) // at the beach with friends maybe
6) what was your coolest halloween costume?
a white cat probably lmao // i dont think ive ever had a particularly exciting halloween costume but one year i was sharpay from high school musical and i think i peaked then tbh
7) what was your favorite 90s show?
uhhhh….. i didnt really… start watching tv until like… the 2000′s so i really cant tell you man lol // spongebob started in 1999 does that coUNT,
8) who was your last kiss?
(answer redacted) // :/ someone should kiss me so i can change this answer lmao
9) have you ever been stood up?
nope //  nah
10) favorite ice cream flavor?
vanilla w/ vanilla oreos ok u need to underst a n d // this hasn’t changed i haven’t had this particular ice cream in a long time but i still stand by it
11) have you been to las vegas?
nahh // nope
12) your favorite pair of shoes?
idk i have these black ones i wear everywhere lol // i have a pair of white sneakers that i refuse to stop wearing now
13) honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other?
i wouldnt even consider it. // no bc i’m not a piece of shit lmao?
14) what is your favorite fruit?
hmmm…. pineapple orrr…. strawberries but only if they’re the really good kind like they have to be perfect // pineapple!!
15) have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself  dating/having sex with? if possible?
….. ye s… yes. // in the past apparently so but thinking about it now nah lol
16) are you into hookups? short or long term relationships?
hookups arent my thing eh i prefer long term relationships altho i cant really say ive been in a “long” term relationship pffff // i don’t think hookups will ever be my thing, emotionally long term relationships are what i’m here for but i’m also a Very Impulsive Person so i cant tell you if this will stay a fact :’)
17) do you smoke? if so, what?
nope dont wanna // no thanks
18) what do you do to get over your anger?
usually talk to people or shout into word // i have to vent about it to someone probably a thousand times even months or years after it happens tbh
19) do you believe in god?
nahh // nah
20) does the person you’re in love with know it?
i aint in love with anyone rn so no? // i’m not in love with anyone.
21) favorite position?
………….. for w hat………. // oh honey lmfao... N/A
22) what’s your horoscope sign?
virgo/ox ovob // Virgo/sun, Aries/moon, Libra/rising and Cancer/midheaven
23) your fears?
literally everything i already named a few so ill name some others… ghh anything in… the ocean or lakes and stuff frightens me and i really dont know why bu tlike…. fish and crabs and jellyfish and seaweed cuz it’s evil and stu f f basically anything that’s not a mammal or turtles or penguins…. lo l im a baby // uncertainty is a big fear of mine and also people being mad at me lmao... as far as physical fears though i have debilitating fears of almost all insects/arachnids and lobsters/shrimp/crawfish :^)))))
24) how many pets do you have? what kind?
two cats and a dog!! // one cat one dog
25) what never fails to turn you on?
i dunno,,/////// // lol neck biting/kissing oof
26) your idea of a perfect first date?
im okay with mostly anything i just really like spending time with the person ; v ; // i’ve never really had an answer for this? thinking about dates has always made me so anxious for whatever reason but i’ll be happy to just spend time with them doing whatever honestly, i’m a super indecisive person aha
27) what is something most people don’t know about you?
i dont really know tbh lmfao // i’ve considered in the past looking into mental conditions (anxiety/bpd/etc) to see if i might have one or two but i never want to say anything about it because i don’t want to self-diagnose anything.
28) what makes you feel the happiest?
nice weather and nice conversations w/ best people u//v//u // nice weather and hanging out with people who are fun and easy to talk to
29) what store do you shop at most often?
does….. arda wigs count or… // does arda wigs still count bc mood lmao but truthfully now it’s probably target
30) how do you feel about oral? giving and/or receiving?
kkdkjsfkjkjfj??fsfj/// go for i t??? i have no problems with i t??? i dont think ill ever be willing to put a dick in my mouth though // these random sexual questions thrown in here are something aren’t they lmao. not going to disclose much but i will stand by the fact that i will not put a dick in my mouth lo l
31) do you believe in karma?
sometimes ye // i believe that people will eventually get what’s coming to them but i don’t believe in karma as a solid concept if that makes sense? like i don’t think it’s guaranteed
32) are you single?
yup yup // yeah it’s been wild lmao
33) do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize?
i think being sincere is the best way to apologize– if you truly mean it the person will know. you dont need to buy your forgiveness. // the best way to apologize is just to apologize sincerely and change your behavior if it’s applicable.
34) are you a good swimmer?
ehh??? im ok i guess– i took swimming lessons as a kid but i havent done legit swimming ever since then lmao,, ive always been best at the backstroke tho yea // i mean i have the ability to swim but i’m not olympic-worthy or anything lmao
35) coffee or tea?
ehhh im not big on either tbh // chocolate milk and you can fight me
36) online shopping or shopping in person?
depends what your shopping for i guess?? online is more relaxed i guess // online probably because shopping in person Gives Me Anxiety
37) would you rather be older or younger than your current age?
ehhh im happy where i am tbh // older
38) cats or dogs?
do not make me choose // cats and dogs* there i fixed it for you
39) are you a competitive person?
ahaa,,,,, oh god yeah,, // OOF yeah
40) do you believe in aliens?
i believe there’s life on other planets somewhere?? so i guess?? // i believe in aliens in the sense that there’s no way we are the only living life forms in the universe but not in the science-fiction way you feel me
41) do you like dancing?
i do but i suck at it lmao // i do but i: A- suck, and B- have no stamina
42) what kind of music to you listen to?
nearly everything tbh // i’m not picky when it comes to music but imma be real w u. almost all of the music on my phone is kpop. seventeen is my favorite group along with astro, and i also enjoy super junior, shinee, red velvet, etc among so many others,,, im pretty wide spread !
43) what is your favorite cartoon character?
i will never be able to pick just one // i’ll literally never be able to answer this
44) where are you from?
philadelphia uvu // philly!
45) eat at home or eat out?
hmmm at home. // at home
46) how much more social are you when you’re drunk?
i never plan on being drunk tyvm // i’ve never consumed alcohol in my life and to be Quite Fucking Honest i want nothing to do with it
47) what was the last thing you bought for yourself?
bracelets ! ; u ; // uh... excluding food and music... earrings i think
48) why do you think your followers follow you?
uhhhhhhh lmfao i have no idea i think… a good amount are for my cosplays at least?? or id like to think so lmfao but i really dont know pfft // my followers have just accumulated and hung around over the years... i know i gained a good amount from my snk days as arlert-the-troops and then through my haikyuu phase, whether it was for my cosplay or other posts that i made... whenever someone follows me now im not entirely sure what its for but i appreciate everyone who’s stuck around!
49) how many hours do you sleep at night?
it’s never regular man // 6-9 (lol) hours is pretty normal for me
50) what worries you most about the future?
everything tbh // the future as a concept worries me lol
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the--concertmaster · 7 years
Mormon Headcanons
Ok... So since I literally needed only one person to be interested in hearing my headcanons, I’m gonna post them! Thanks @bookofbway!
Alright... I’m gonna start with James Church, because he doesn’t get enough love. 
James wasn’t originally a Mormon, since due to his upbringing, I seriously doubt his parents were Mormons.
His mum died when he was still young, (probably about 10) from something unrelated to his dad, a car accident or something. (I’m sorry!)
Afterwords, due to the shock of losing his wife, his dad went sober and tried to concentrate on bringing his son up right. 
James never forgave his father for the way he treated him and his mother. 
Mormon missionaries came knocking at their house one day, and James chose to convert as he found it comforting the idea that his mother had went to a better place and that in latter days he could spend eternity with her. 
He also liked the idea of going on a mission to help others, and also liked the idea of being able to get away from his dad for 2 years. 
James was a track runner at school, and although he was sporty, found his passion more in the arts. 
He is an amazing sketch artist and enjoys writing short stories and poetry. 
He’s more serious and sombre than the other Mormon’s in Ugnada, but tries to act cheerful and bright (and turn it off). 
He really liked Chris, because he felt he could relate to him since Chris had lost his sister. (also Poptarts was extremely adorable.)
He has messy black hair, and wears large square framed glasses.
Is the tallest and strongest out of all the Missionaries in Uganda.  OK! Now for poptarts
Enjoys dancing as it’s his way of remembering and commemorating his sister. 
Has an extreme fear of his friends and family dying on him. 
Will never end a conversation on a negative note and always tries to say goodbye to his friends and family when leaving, just in case he never sees them again. 
Loves everything sweet. 
Poptarts was his sisters favourite food. 
He has no formal dance training, but is quite good since his sister taught him how too (and then Mckinley afterwords)
He originally had a crush on his Mission Companion, Elder Mckinley, before he started to develop feelings for James Because James listened to him and understood his pain of loosing his sister rather than just telling him to turn it off. (Also James was hot af, and muscular and...) 
He’s definitely the shortest and cutest of all the Elders
He has a Teddy bear that he took with him to Uganda, and will protect at all costs. 
He loves looking at James art and reading his stories. 
He is Bi (and no-one can tell me otherwise) MCKINLEY!!!!!!
Ok so, Mckinley defintely is the eldest child with 2 younger sisters, so he knows how to be authoritative and control and lead people. 
He took tap classes, literally right up to the time where he left for Uganda.
His sisters were somewhat jealous that Connor is a better dancer than them.
But his sisters also stood up for him to his arents and peers saying that pink is a perfectly normal colour for a boy to like and that they should break gender stereotypes and stop calling him gay. Connor appreciates them for this. 
He was definitely bullied in year 5 for how close he was to his friend Steve and all through highschool people would accuse him of being gay. 
He started dating a female friend of his, to try to make others believe that he was straight. The relationship didn’t last very long though. 
He totally got all the lead roles in the school plays, and sometimes did performance is the Community theatre musicals. 
He is an excellent singer and had also taken vocal lessons from a young age. 
He was also a very strong leader within theatre groups he was part off and often organised mini performances around their community with them. 
Connor may seem friendly and nice, but don’t ever cross him or undermine his authority, he will wring your neck. 
He’s never seen a prettier Boy with more perfect hair than Elder Price. 
It broke his heart to have to ditch Elder Price in Uganda and leave with Elder Cunningham and the other Elder’s, but since he was pushing down his emotions, and trying to be a good Mormon on his Mission it’s what he choose to do. 
He cared more about making the other Elder’s happy, and creating a friendly community among them, than converting the Africans, thus why they literally had no baptisms. 
As soon as they went off-grid with their mission, he immediately got a TV and gaming system installed withing their lodging to entertain the Elders. 
Him and Poptarts crush at Just Dance. 
He literally holds a karaoke night once a month at the Missionary. 
He was actually very surprised (and pleased) to find out Elder Price was gay
Once he did come out completely, he was very open with his affections towards Kevin (which Kevin often got embarrased about) 
Falsettos is totally his favourite musical. He especially loves Whizzer.  ALRIGHT! ARNOLD CUNNINGHAM
Always had the best imaginative writing at school. 
Writes a ton of Fanfiction, and reads them too. 
Has heaps of OC’s.
Bit of a loner at school too, never really had any friends. 
Extremely popular online though.
Had a huge Tumblr following on his blogs about Star Wars, LOTR etc.
Has heaps of Fan theories too. 
Totally Vlogs. 
Cosplays as well. Goes to all the conventions.
Dreams of being able to go to San Diego Comic Con
He has Irlens Syndrome, which is one of the reasons why he didn’t read the Book of Mormon, becuase it was actually difficult for him to read it. 
His father literally thinks of him as a freak due to all his obsessions and fanboying. 
His mother dotes on him though and adores him for the person he is. 
He always wants his fathers approval though, which is why he decided to go on a mission. 
He genuinely wants to do good in the world and make others happy, and will do anything to help others, even if he doesn’t get anything from it. 
He forces Kevin to Cosplay with him on Halloween. He goes as Han Solo and Kevin goes as Luke Skywalker.
He holds a halloween party and costume party in Uganda for all the Elders and Africans.
He also makes a Leia costume for Naba, which she loves, despite not really knowing too much about Star Wars. 
All the Elders end up loving the little quirks about Arnold in the end, and have a great deal of Respect for him, since he’s so kind hearted.
He’s never been happier than he was in Uganda. 
He still admires and loves Kevin after everything they went through.  AND FINALLY THE MOST PERFECT MAN ON EARTH (AND I WILL FIGHT PEOPLE OVER THIS) KEVIN PRICE. I literally love him so much though.
Kevin grew up in a really strict household. 
He’s the second oldest of all his siblings, with an older sister and three younger brothers. 
He always feels that he has to compete against his siblings to be seen as the best, and to do so, tried to do literally nothing wrong. 
His favourite sibling is his Brother Jack, who is just a year younger than him, because Jack worships and admires Kevin and he rather likes that. He also still feels super guilty for blaming him for eating that donut
Him and all his siblings all took piano lesson. 
Kevin is actually very good at piano, but not as good as his older sister, which always really bugged him because he wanted to be the best at everything. 
Straight A student. 
Literally had no time for relationships throughout school since he was too busy trying to make everyone like him, as well as being a good mormon, getting good grades, playing piano well. 
Didn’t realise till he was in Uganda that he was gay.
He never really though about relationships, or had sexual thoughts till he was in Uganda since he was always so busy.
He had a very meticulously planned schedule. 
He absolutely adores everything Disney and Pixar, loves happy endings and cries every time Mufasa dies. 
His favourite Movie is actually Toy Story, since he finds Woody relatable. 
Reads all Arnolds fanfictions. Feruses to admit that he actually enjoys them.
Actually loves and respects his best friend, Arnold, since he truly hasn’t ever had a true best friend before. 
Sings disney songs during Mckinley’s Karaoke nights. 
Everyone is shocked that Kevin can sing. 
Kevin is shocked by his own singing voice. 
He loves how touchy Mckinley is, but is a little embarrassed by it. 
Absolutely adores Mckinley for everything he is. 
Once he realised he was gay, was actually reasonably open about it, since he never really understood why it was bad withing mormonism anyway.
Takes hour long showers to make sure his hair is perfect
Loves dogs. Like really loves dogs OK! SO THOSE ARE MY HEADCANONS ON THE ELDERS!
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Heyyyyy, I think you guys are so cuteee. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 18, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, 35, 38, 40, 42, 43, 45
Aww thank you
3; Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?K: I don’t wear scarves much, but I probably should. My mom makes me sometimes.J: I live in a tropical country. I don’t have a use for scarves. I’d probably die of heatstroke and my girlfriend wouldn’t like that. 
4; How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?J: One, two days. K: Depending on if I have somewhere to be, maybe 20-30 minutes or even a few hours. 
6; What does your umbrella look like?J: It’s blue. I don’t really use it.K: I don’t even think I have one. 
7; Do you listen to ASMR?K: No, I’m not weird. I mean, I’m weird but not like that bad. J: I don’t listen to it because I don’t have a problem or a fetish. 
8; Rain storms or a light drizzle? J: Both.K: Rain storm, but not at night.
10; Favorite color aesthetic? J: Pastel pink. Jk, black and white. K: I really like the pale blue ones and the really light pink ones, like, rose gold I think? 
14; Have you ever rode a horse? K: OHHHH YEEEEE BOIIIIIIIIII I GREW UP ON HORSESJ: Nope.
15; Do you have glasses? K: I do. I’ve had them since kindergarten actually. I’m legally blind.J: Yes, I have, I’m blind af.
18; Do you have a favorite pair of socks?K: I have these puma ones that are really nice and I like them. J: Yeah, the new ones I bought. The black ones with the rainbows on them bc it’s gay. 
26; What would you do if someone gave you flowers? K: Depending on who they’re from, I’d still say ‘aww’ and thank them profusely. But if it were my girlfriend I’d hug her really tight and not let go. J: I don’t really like flowers because they die and that’s not really a good metaphor for love. But if my girlfriend gave me some I’d probably cry. 
27; Do you like nicknames? K: I love any nickname she gives me, which are a lot btw.J: No, except for hers. 
28; Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?K: Not anymore, but only bc most of the TV I watch is on Netflix and stuff. I’d still watch Spongebob and any of the things she watches tho. J: I watch Adventure Time, The Amazing World of Gumball, and Victorious (bc I ship the two main characters). 
30; Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?) K: Either alice in wonderland or the mannequin head meme thing. Fight me. J: Hell girl, it’s an anime. 
33; Cookies or brownies? J: Brownies.K: She’s forcing me to only pick one. I pick cookies. (I almost picked brownies). 
35; Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing? K: Not really, unless it’s not too loud. J: No, I want them to burn in hell. It’s annoying. 
38; When was the last time you blew bubbles?K: Maybe three or four months ago? J: Freshman year of college, I think. 
40; Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?K: I usually clip them pretty often, but sometimes I bite them. J: I clip them now but I used to bite them until it bled and stuff. 
42; Thoughts on freckles?K: They’re nice I guess? I don’t have like, groups of freckles, just random singular ones all over. I love my girlfriend’s freckles tho. J: I don’t like mine, I don’t think they’re nice to look at and stuff. But I like hers. 
43; First video game you ever played?K: Uhhh???? I don’t know? It was on the Wii and it was probably like, Wii sports or smth. Or Smash bros. J: Super Mario Brothers. 
45; Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?K: Boioioioi that’s all I use. J: No. But she does. She’s crashed her phone sending so many gifs before.
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for placement ask; all
Well then here we go!
sun: what makes you feel like you? I feel like me when I’m hanging out with my cosplay friends who have the same interests as me and let me be who I am without any barriers up.  I feel like me when i can geek out with other people about fictional characters and shared interests. 
moon: do you have problem with trust? Yes, actually. I’ve been working to over come some major trust issues since a childhood incident that destroyed all my trust. I had it mostly under control until some other incidents happened in college. Now, I’m very selective with who I trust completely and they can be counted on one hand. 
rising: how/what do people say you come off as? Tbh I don’t really know. I guess it depends on the context in which I meet them. Often at school I come off as distant and more reserved, but among cosplay friends I think I come off more enthusiastic. 
midheaven: what do you want to be when you grow up? Oh wow the question of the hour here considering I’m currently in the job hunt for a job after college. I really want to work on entertainment robotics so like practical special effects for movies or amusement park rides. 
venus: do you flirt more knowingly or unknowingly? Unknowingly??? Tbh i haven’t really ever tried to flirt. I’ve had a few conversations that afterwards I’m like “was that flirting?” but yeah
mars: when was the last time you got mad and why? The last time I got really mad was when one of my team mates was butting in where she wasn’t needed or wanted and making our work more difficult. She wouldn’t listen to my expertise in the area at all and just insisted her idea was better even when she wasn’t even working on that part. 
mercury: who's your go-to person when you need to talk? Jamie for sure.
jupiter: when was the last time you got lucky? Idk what i describe as lucky?? the thing coming to mind is that I’m so lucky I ran into the voltrash squad at a halloween cosplay meet up because now they are such an important part of my life, I can’t even describe it. 
saturn: what are you the weakest and strongest at? Uhhhh, I'm pretty bad at self care, my sleep and eating schedules are pretty much non existent and even personal hygiene is often hard. I’m good at getting things done. It might not be pretty and it might be all at the last minute but I can get it done. I’ll sleep in lab if I have to but it will get done. 
uranus: are you rebellious and do you act upon it frequently? Not really, I hate societal norms but I’ve grown up in a very strict household and my fear kept me in place. 
neptune: what was your best dream and why? I don’t really remember most of my dreams except this one I can’t forget for some reason but anyway in the dream I was kid flash and just the thrill of running around really fast and then skidding to a stop doesn’t go away. 
pluto: what is your biggest aspiration and why? I guess my biggest aspiration is just to make affect the lives of many. When I was younger I want to  make things that would help save the world, but now I really just want to create things that will make people smile and look on in wonder, so to be able to work on a large scale project like Star Wars or something. 
lilith: what's your biggest turn on in someone? Common interests, I don’t care how physically attractive someone is, if we can’t hold a conversation then it is a no. 
aries: what's your favorite sport to play? Swimming, I was a competitive swimmer for 12 years.
taurus: are you a dog or cat person? cat
gemini: are you introverted or extroverted? introverted mostly, being around people is really draining, but there is a select group of people that I can be around without being drained. And after a period of time i crave human interaction. 
cancer: when was the last time you cried and why? I cried a few days ago over my feelings for my new friends and how incredibly grateful I am to have them in my life now. 
leo: what makes you the most confident? Cosplay, I feel really confident when i’m walking in the shoes of one of my favorite characters and people acknowledge me for it. (Paladin armor is especially confidence boosting)
virgo: what's your strongest subject in school? Well in high school I would say science, but now most of my classes are engineering and science  so i actually do better in my non science classes because there are fewer expectations considering it is an tech school. 
libra: what's your favorite make up brand? I don’t really have one, i get what is cheap and has a variety of colors for cosplay. I really only wear makeup for cosplay. 
scorpio: what's your most kept secret? I guess how fucking gay I am. Like all my close friends know and I don’t hide it but I don’t advertise it to the *straights* either and since I’ve never dated anyone most people don’t know.  sagittarius: do you like to party? Depends on the kind of party. If it is the movie marathon with friends than sure, but if it is the more frat type variety then I’ll pass. 
capricorn: what's the last book you've read? I don’t even know. Trials of Apollo maybe? I mostly read fanfics nowadays. 
aquarius: do you believe in aliens? Absolutely, the universe is way too big for us to be the only ones out there. 
pisces: how frequently do you remember your dream? Rarely
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