#gbbo fail
lazylittledragon · 7 months
everyone in the tent has earned one free “fuck you, paul hollywood” after that horseshit
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Make it make sense that "rudimentary" finish on a showstopper went home instead of someone whose showstopper was 1) RAW 2) underbaked 4) had fewer and less unique flavors - some you could not even taste because again... the entire thing was raw 5) significantly less intricately plaited (which was a skill you had to demonstrate) 6) and on the nitpicking aspect of finesse, absolutely lacked finesse and art because it was a word and not an image and half of the display was inedible 7) came absolutely last in the technical because they left out a key ingredient that made their bun not even rise or taste right.
You are telling me bland flavor on a signature and a "rudimentary" appearance on a showstopper along with a texture that "just needed more" was WORSE THAN THAT?!
I am calling robbery. I am calling bullshit.
This is Paul and Prue looking at the implicit rule that you judge each week independently and launching it into space.
This is favoritism my friend.
This is blatant bias and should be eliminated from the show already-- it has been fourteen seasons!
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 6 months
trying to dial way back on eating sugar for health reasons has swiftly made me realize that most of what i liked about being alive and awake was eating sugary things or the promise of possibly being able to do so in the near future
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jumping-jackalope · 2 years
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everyone was a comedian this week EXCEPT for matt
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mlobsters · 9 months
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the great british bake off c6e6 (s9e6) pastry week
get him, prue
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selfconsumerofmywoes · 8 months
paul always sounds so shocked whenever something looks good and it always really pisses me off
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madtomedgar · 10 months
Paul Hollywood turn on your location I just wanna talk
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Week 6: Lemon and Thyme bundt cake
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My, what an ugly bundt cake.
I don't have any deep cake pans at all, let alone a bundt pan. I half heartedly searched a few charity shops for one, came away empty handed, and decided to DIY a loaf pan out of an old poster I'd made for work - the thickest, biggest bit of card I could find.
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I was rather proud of it initially. Silly me. It turned out to be far too flimsy
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I also made the fatal sponge cake mistake of checking on it too early, so the middle collapsed.
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It tasted like a nice lemon sponge. Unless you took a bit of the candied thyme you didn't get any of that flavour at all. I was rather proud of the decorations, but one of my colleagues said it looked like his bacteria growing in the lab.
Not sure if I'm more worried about my decorating skills or his bacteria.
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friendandphoe · 2 years
also @museumlad and @creativeskull95 you may also enjoy this have fun
David calls Donnie at 2:37 pm on a completely nondescript Tuesday with a brisk, "I have a proposition for you," in lieu of a hello.
"Shit, babe, let me grab the condoms and the lube, I can be at your place in fifteen." Donnie says, because his mouth moves faster than his brain and both of them hate him.
David's eye roll is practically audible over the phone, but so is his smile when he responds, "I'd literally rather fling myself into the fires of Mount Doom than get anywhere near your dick ever again. No, doofus, I've got a work thing. Interested?"
"God, yes." Donnie groans. Thank someone David Peterson is his best friend before his anything else and is used to the shit that comes out of Donnie's mouth. "I told you about my new set, right?"
"I thought you said you didn't have anything."
"Because I don't, Dave. The new set is a whole lot of nothing. I've been tearing my hair out for weeks trying to think of stuff, my brain is, like, fully fried at this point."
David snorts. "What, our breakup didn't give you any material to work with?"
Donnie blows a raspberry, flinging an arm over his eyes even though Lark's been gone for, like, a week doing some business bitch shit and isn't around to see his dramatics. "Do me a favor and be more of an asshole so I can actually pull something out of it. There's nothing funny about an amicable break up."
"Statistically, between the two of us, you're more likely to be the asshole about it." David points out. "Write a joke about how you jumped on the chance to fuck as soon as you heard my voice."
Donnie has. Many of them. None of them have lived to see the light of day. "You propositioned me, motherfucker. You literally said, 'I have a proposition for you' and expected me to not take that in a fucky direction?"
David snorts again. "Go get laid and then maybe we can progress past two sentences without you thinking I want to bone down."
All half-formed jokes about this conversation immediately fly out of his head. "David," Donnie begs. "I will literally pay you whatever you want to have you never say the words 'bone down' in reference to sex ever again."
"I am only ever going to call it boning down from now on." David says immediately, because he's an asshole. Not enough of one to use as material for a good comedy set, but to be honest, Donnie thinks he can live with that. He’ll gladly settle for missing out on comedy gold because of a peaceful breakup if it means he gets to keep his best friend. "I think you should bone down so that you stop thinking that I'm trying to bone down with you. I’m just an innocent business boy trying to do my job—"
Never fucking mind, this man is terrible and Donnie hates him. "Oh my god."
"—and here you are sullying my good-natured intentions with thoughts of boning down—"
"—when all I've ever tried to do is live by the eternal words of our lord and savior Britney Spears. I just want to work, bitch. All my long nights at the office, all my running around trying to find you, my dearest friend, a well-paying gig, because even though our amorous relations have since ended I still hold you near to my heart, and yet! You scorn my kindness with advances towards boning down.”
"I'm dying. Literally dying."
“Distasteful behavior, truly. Horrendous. You’re a rake and a rapscallion and I shan’t do business with you anymore if you’re only going to lust after me the whole time. ‘Tis a futile endeavor, Donaldo. Your feelings are simply unrequited. I daresay you have transformed into what is known in some circles as a simp. Do you know what a simp is, D? I learned that one like a week ago. You’re down bad tremendous, as the kids might say. Bone down tremendous, even."
"I'm gonna — I'm hanging up, Peterson."
"Alright, fuck you then, I don't have a job offer for you."
Donnie whines. "Nooo, Davey my Davey, I didn't mean it, let me pay rent this month."
“Are you going to listen to me talk about internet slang.” David says, punctuating each word with a clap.
“No, because it’s, like, basically all AAVE and I bet you literally anything that Lark and my mom have been saying that shit for years.”
David snorts. “I would pay good money to hear your mom use the word ‘simp’ in a sentence.”
Donnie laughs. “Pay up, then, that’s Black 90s shit."
"Goddammit, internet," David mutters, and Donnie's phone chimes.
"Goddammit, internet," he agrees, pulling away to check whatever notification just came in. Venmo: David Peterson paid you $30. — Reparations — Your Venmo balance is now $30. "Alright, you're forgiven."
"God bless and goodnight," David says dryly. "Can I give you this goddamn job offer now."
Donnie waves a hand airily. David will sense it through the phone. "See, if you'd started with that instead of 'I have a proposition'—"
"Shutting up now. Blow me away, Peterson."
David clears his throat and puts on his Business Professional voice. "Donnie Frasier, on behalf of Love Productions USA, I would like to formally offer you a position as presenter on the reboot of The Great American Baking Show."
Donnie jolts up, eyes wide. "Shut up. You're joking."
"I am not."
"Mhmm." David hums, smug as hell. "We're location scouting right now, but once we have that settled we'll fly you in so you can get acquainted with the crew while we're holding baker auditions. Once we've found our twelve and they're signed on, you'll stay on-location for an additional ten weeks while we're filming. You're looking at a period of about, uh, maybe fifteen to sixteen weeks total? Just the one season for now, but, y'know, contract is open to renewal depending on ratings and reception. Food and board are included, and we're probably working with your regular rate, but I'll have to double check our budget with Jay. Obviously you know Lark has already signed on as a judge, we just got George Fox of 'the Corporal Cooks' on as the other judge—"
"I'm producing, natch, James Matsuki is with me on that — him and Fox have someone in mind for, uh. Shit, either floor manager or director, I don't remember, but Lark and I wanted to recommend you for presenter. We're trying to get Mags Taylor to go on with you—"
"—provided you accept." David finishes, like it would ever cross Donnie’s mind to refuse. "You wanna hear who else we have for crew? I've actually worked with a lot of them on other projects, they're good people."
"Absolutely fucking not, I'm in, I'm in, I was already in as soon as you opened your beautiful perfect mouth! David!" Donnie hollers, scrambling up and out of bed and down the hall into his kitchen, flinging his laptop open with feral desperation. "Did you — I have to — does Susan know, I have to email Susan —"
David huffs. "Who do you think I am? I emailed Susan about it like three days ago, she said to go to you directly."
"Jesus fucking Christ, Donald."
"YOU HELD OUT ON ME FOR THREE DAYS, DAVARIAH?" Donnie bellows, whipping through his inbox. There's a handful of offers from venues to host him for shows, an update on the ongoing thread from his tour manager — there! The sacred [email protected], nestled right underneath what might be a fan that somehow got a hold of his professional email address.
"Tell Susan to respond to me faster, then." David says mildly, rustling something on his end of the call.
"Leave my poor sweet Susan alone, she's done nothing wrong ever in her life and it's not her fault you never loved me." Donnie fires back, scanning through Susan's summary of the offer — same shit David was telling him, minus any name dropping, thank you best friend/ex-boyfriend perks. He replies with a very enthusiastic ABSOLUTELY HELL YES, which will not surprise Susan in the slightest. "Not even Susan can warm the frozen tundras of your heart."
David sighs, long and heavy. "You're such a fucking drama queen. I'm going to write a guide for your next partner, so they know how to deal with you."
"That's — fair, honestly. Make a note on my fabulous ass and sparkling personality, though."
"What sparkling personality," David mutters, but clears his throat back into Business Professional. "So, Donnie Frasier, do you accept the offer?"
Donnie pauses. "Am I allowed to have 'fuck yeah' on the record?"
David hangs up on him.
They've only been separated for three weeks, but Lark's airport tackle makes Donnie feel like he's returning from World War 2.
"You're in!" Lark screams, ignoring the affronted looks they're getting from the other people meandering out of baggage claim.
Donnie squeezes hard around her waist and pulls her up, spinning her around twice for good measure. It never hits him just how much he misses his sister until they're reunited. "I'm in!" He yells back, and relishes the scandalized cough they get from the white lady brushing past them.
Somewhere off to their right, someone laughs. "Twinth, huh?"
"Twins," David agrees, and clears his throat. "Y'all ready to go?"
They're not, but Donnie knows how to compromise. He sets Lark back down in her feet and wraps an arm around her shoulders, grinning wildly at her as they set out. "Look at you!"
"Look at me!" Lark agrees, beaming back. She looks great — she's switched out her locs for twists and her blue sundress pops against her dark skin, and yeah, that's great, but underneath it all, she's glowing. She looks happy, she looks proud, she looks like a big fuckin' dead weight asshole has finally been kicked to the curb, thank God. There's a bounce in her that he hasn't seen in months, that he — and he would never say this out loud to anyone ever, not even their mom — worried she would never get back.
He loves her so much. He's going to vomit in all her shoes.
"Tell me everything," he demands, graciously letting her pull his suitcase out of his hands. "Did he cry? Tell me he cried."
David, whose relationship with Donnie overlapped the middle of The Brandon Saga, chooses this moment to start very loudly debating directions with the dark-haired guy he brought along. Donnie will give him the most platonic of high-fives for it later.
"Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy." Lark says airily, which means not here, not now. "How's it feel to have a big boy job, though?"
Donnie is a mature, upstanding, tax-paying adult and refrains from sticking his tongue out at his beloved twin sister. "I actually turned down Netflix to come do this dinky lil baking show with you, Birdie, so you better be fuckin' grateful."
"I've been blessed by your presence," Lark says immediately, bumping their shoulders together. "You should be on Netflix, by the way, it's total bullshit you're not. Like, I'm so glad we're doing this together, but—"
"No, you know what?" Donnie cuts in, giving her a little squeeze. "I'm excited about it. I'm taking a comedy sabbatical and I'm gonna do nothing but eat cupcakes and make you miserable on set and it's gonna be great. Netflix can eat my entire ass, honestly."
Ahead of them, David's friend snorts, breaking off the direction debate to walk backwards through the revolving door. Donnie is thoroughly impressed. "From what I heard, Netflix is more of a 'no lube no aftercare' kind of lover. Executiveth, you know? They jutht wanna fuck you over and then roll over and go to thleep." The guy eyes Donnie up and down in a way that makes him roll his shoulders back and stand up straighter. Lark what the fuck taps him in the ribs and he shut the fuck up bumps her knee. Sue him, he’s a disaster bi and weak to authoritative gazes. She knows this already. “Your work’th incredible, though, I thaw one of your thows a couple yearth ago and I wath crying laughing. If Netflix doethn’t want you, that’th their loth.”
Donnie responds in the only reasonable fashion: he fans a hand in front of his face and swoons heavily against Lark, who cheerfully ducks out from beneath his arm and lets him stumble into a trashcan. “Keep talking like that and we’re going right to the bathroom, stranger.” He purrs, and they laugh, clear and pleasant. “Normally I make people buy me dinner before rawdogging me in public, but I can always make an exception.”
David suddenly whirls around from where he'd been leading the procession, brows furrowed tightly behind his glasses. “I fully forgot y’all don’t know each other.” He says, like it’s inconceivable to exist in a world where his friends don’t all run in the same social circles.
Donnie shrugs and holds out a hand. "I just assumed you kidnapped someone with a bigger car, T-B-H. Donnie Frasier, he/him. What's up?"
The stranger takes his hand and shakes, but keeps a severe facial expression. "I'm actually airport polithe, I'm here to inthpect your luggage for ilithit thubthtanthes," they say seriously, holding Donnie's gaze for two, three, four beats before cracking a grin. "Ethan Thtone, altho he/him, head of wardrobe and rethident big car boy."
"Fuckin' rub it in," David mutters, and lets Ethan swat him.
"I don't wanna hear anything from the man who dethided to thqueeze hith theven-foot ath into a clown car." Ethan says, cementing his place as Donnie's new favorite. “Go be useful and get Karen, I wanna thmooze. My car,” he answers as Donnie’s opening his mouth to ask the question.
“Because she’s old and white and complains the entire time!” David yells over his shoulder, disappearing into the parking lot with Ethan’s keyring.
Ethan makes an affronted noise. “He’th thuch a jerk,” he mutters, but there’s something fond tugging at the corners of his mouth as he says it.
“He’s single, you know,” Donnie blurts out, because his mouth continues to move faster than his brain and they both continue to hate him. He lets Lark smack him in the arm with a gleeful “Donnie!” because yeah, fair.
Ethan goes bright red, and he laughs nervously. “Oh, uh  — yeah, I know. We, uh, actually worked together while, uh, y’all were thtill — a thing? Tho, uh. I know. I jutht think he’s cute, though, I’m not trying to, like, move in on anything—”
“God, please,” Donnie laughs, patting Ethan on the back. “He’s my best friend, but like. That ship done sailed, my dude. No hard feelings over here if you wanna, y’know.”
“Mount. Climb aboard. Cast off.” Lark supplies helpfully, grinning gleefully as Ethan turns redder and redder with every word. “Thank fuck you’re here now, Ducky, I felt like I was losing my mind watching them try to flirt.”
“We weren’t flirting.” Ethan protests weakly. Lark raises an eyebrow at him. “Honetht! I’m a terrible flirt.”
“So’s David,” the twins say in unison. Ethan groans and buries his face in his hands, muttering something under his breath that might be “abtholutely fuck me”.
Lark ignores him. “I’ve been telling him that Davey is available, too, he kept insisting he didn’t want to make things weird with you coming onto the project—”
Donnie emphatically waves his hands. “Fuck no! I mean, I for sure wanna get some popcorn and watch the show, but, like, from the point-five seconds I’ve known you—” 
“Yeth, pleathe, let’th talk credentialth,” Ethan says desperately.
“What? No.” Donnie says, gesturing at Ethan’s everything with a raised eyebrow. “You’re cute, you dress well, you like my jokes, you don’t let David intimidate you even though you like him, I trust you already. You’ll be great, I’m excited to work with you, blah blah blah. Like, feel free to stop me if you’re legit uncomfortable, but—”
“Remember what I said before, E?” Lark interrupts, patting Ethan’s back. “About Donnie being a professional meddler?”
Donnie nods in satisfaction. “I am a professional meddler. Please let me meddle, we’ll bond and become best friends and ruin David’s life. It’ll be so good.”
Ethan looks up at the sky. Donnie doesn’t know why; if anyone’s up there, they know better than to mess with Donnie Frasier when he’s on a mission. “If I thay yeth,” he says uncertainly, and the twins immediately swivel like sharks smelling blood. “Can we at leatht be thubtle about it?”
Lark winces, looking at her brother. “Tall order, Ducky. Think you can handle it?”
Donnie flips her off with one hand and holds out the other for Ethan to hesitantly shake. “Ethan Stone,” he says solemnly. “This is going to be the best thing that’s ever happened to you.”
Ethan still vaguely looks like he wants the earth to swallow him whole. “I mean it, though, I’m really a terrible flirt.”
Donnie looks at his sister. “Vibe check?”
“Drama club Peggy circa 2016.”
Donnie stares in horror. “Please tell me it’s not the same vibes.”
Lark claps three times. Donnie throws his head back and cackles. Ethan looks like he’s about two seconds away from climbing into the sewer and living his best ninja turtle life. “It’th not  — I don’t even know what that meanth, I’m not, like  —  thtop — thtop laughing, I’m theriouth—” But he’s grinning despite himself, because Donnie’s never once been able to hold a mildly uncomfortable conversation with someone without making them laugh, and he’s not about to break his streak now with all these fancy new TV people to impress.
“Ethan,” Donnie sighs, wiping imaginary tears from his eyes and slinging an arm over his new best friend’s shoulders. “I’m going to hook you guys up so hard. I cannot wait.”
A white Toyota pulls up in front of them, hazards on, and David climbs out of the driver’s side, half-jogging over to grab Donnie’s bags and shove ‘em in the trunk. “Everything okay?” He asks, mostly to Ethan, who’s beginning to match the color of the beret David used to wear in college. Donnie wonders if Ethan knows about the beret. Donnie desperately needs Ethan to know about the beret.
“Fine,” he and Ethan say at the same time, in wildly different tones of voice.
David gives Donnie A Look. “What are you doing to my wardrobe head?”
“Irreversibly changing the course of your lives,” Donnie says cheerfully, rubbing Ethan’s shoulder.
“Fucking delightful.” David sighs, rolling his eyes. “C’mon, I wanna get back to the hotel by five and you’ve still got a shitload of people to meet. Do not let Donnie bully you into anything you don’t wanna do,” he says to Ethan, just loud enough that Donnie can reasonably make a comment about it.
And he will. “You’ll thank me for this one day, boyos.” He says haughtily, and Lark laughs loudly, shoving him into the backseat of the Toyota and climbing in after him. She squeezes his hand hard as they’re settling in: I missed you. He squeezes back and grins at her. Missed you more.
David buckles himself into the driver’s seat and meets his gaze in the rearview mirror. “As long as you keep whatever shenanigans you’re planning off Jay and Alexa’s radars, I’ll do whatever you want, dude, I don’t give a single shit.”
Lark pulls out her phone to text someone. “Kinky,” she comments, grinning as David sputters in the front seat. “In front of Ethan and the entire airport and God, too? Fuck it up, my guy.”
“I’m in hell.” David deadpans, and pulls out towards the airport exit.
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napo-con-fritas · 2 years
catholic guilt be like ‘i know i failed my algebra test because i accidentally used the rough bit of the sponge when washing my aunt’s teflon pan’
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terrible--things · 2 years
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Do you guys remember that Great British Bake-Off episode where Julia wanted to make a cute snail out of bread, but it ended up looking like a wiener, and nobody could keep a straight face, and Paul laughed so hard he almost cried? That was like my favorite GBBO moment.
Buy stickers and stuff here!
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bailesona · 2 years
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“  ah!  you  must  be  sybil,  then.  welcome,  do  come  in,  just  mind  your  step,  alright?  there  was  a  minor  incident  with  some  eggnog  earlier...  “          not  him,  of  course.  but  who  would  he  be  to  land  his  better  half  in  such  an  embarrassing  introduction?  better  to  leave  the  culprit  as  a  vague  mystery,  then  reveal  their  identity  at  a  much  later  stage  in  their  budding  friendship  with  sybil.  an  arm  extends  to  keep  the  door  open,  his  other  hand  outstretched  to  accept  her  coat  and  outerwear.  ramsay  moves  behind  him  with  swift  and  silent  speed,  brandishing  a  baguette  and  several  varieties  of  fresh  herbs  while  henri’s  disgusted  scoffs  erupt  from  the  kitchen.          “  now,  now,  gentlemen,  let’s  at  least  pretend  we’re  civil  adults,  shall  we?  sybil,  my  dear,  would  you  care  for  a  drink?  or  perhaps  something  to  eat?  henri  won’t  be  serving  anything  just  yet,  but  etienne  has  been  sneaking  out  platters  of  hors  d’oeuvres  for  the  last  hour,  so  we  won’t  starve  yet!  make  yourself  at  home,  we’re  far  from  a  fancy  household.  “
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@sugcrwrites​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter!  ( and the locations of the other muses are in the tags if sybil wants to mingle!! )
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Paul and Prue what the f do you mean by go through some of the bakes we have seen previously?!!!
They should be judged solely on the three final challenges. Not on their performance up until that point.
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ijustdontlikepeople · 4 months
Inspired by @buck2eddie’s hyperspecific poll based on their dad!
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redwolf17 · 1 year
So with the Weirwood Queen in its final arc do you have any other fics planned after it’s done?
Oh, buddy (affectionate). I have an entire notes doc with *counts* 20 ideas for fics. Most are oneshot ideas, but there’s a few non-oneshots, though none longer than seven chapters. A few of them:
TWQ canon: Robb POV oneshot
TWQ canon: Grey Worm POV oneshot
Canon compliant: Joffrey POV. There would be 3 chapters, one each for AGOT, ACOK, ASOS.
Canon compliant: The Eight Wives of Walder Frey, from the POV of a maester or servant. Oneshot.
Canon compliant: The Last Day of Valyria, from the POV of a faceless man. Oneshot.
Canon compliant: When the Dragons Came. The conquest, from the POVs of the prior rulers of the 7 kingdoms: Harren Hoare, Torrhen Stark, Sharra Arryn, Argella Durrandon, Mern IX Gardener, Loren Lannister, and Meria Nymeros Martell. Seven chapters.
AU: Dany as a firebender, in a world with no dragons where House Targaryen used to be the only living firebenders until they lost their gift. Oneshot.
AU: What if Sansa did marry Willas, after failing to escape during the Purple Wedding? Sansa POV, seven chapters.
AU: What if Alysanne the Good was the daughter of Maegor the Cruel? Alysanne POV, seven chapters.
Crack fic: Maegelle Targaryen POV, modern AU. After leaving divinity school, Maegelle decides to open a soup kitchen/bakery: Maegelle’s Bagels.
EDIT: OH, and I need to finish my fluffy Oberyn/Ellaria/Sansa GBBO AU that went on hiatus when TWQ ate my brain lol.
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mlobsters · 6 months
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supernatural s11e23 alpha and omega (w. andrew dabb)
so i've often complained about how dean and cas's relationship is talked about a lot more than seen onscreen (we're best friends! ok when?) but this part of this season has been a lot more of dean showing how cas is high priority to him. it feels a little out of nowhere to me i guess, because i never got whatever vibes they were trying to establish (i didn't come into the show with any sort of bias other than i knew destiel was The Thing and got blindsided by wincest feelings out the wazoo). anyway, i just try to accept that the show is gonna try to sell me on dean and cas being close, and try not to bitch (too much) about not getting it. clearly failed that brief today
oh, i thought lucifer bailed because he thought amara was gonna off him via cas, apparently it was amara who yoinked him out
LOL chuck clinging onto sam is really cracking me up. he looks so small and sam looks like he doesn't even notice there's a person hanging off him
CROWLEY Well... that was a complete and utter dog's breakfast, wasn't it? CAS I didn't know dogs had breakfast. DEAN Cas is back.
i was 🤔 because since i (clearly) watch gbbo i know the phrase is dog's dinner lol. if a dog eats in the morning, is that not a breakfast, cas?? haha and dean's response to sam like obviously cas is back, based on the doofy comment (and voice, amirite)
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based on their reactions and the dramatic music i was expecting something a little more exciting than an especially pretty sunrise
oh, the sun is dying. that is very dramatic. i don't know that would be the conclusion most people would make from that view
oh no, is this british men of letters? 😴 you know MoL storylines are my favorite. and a new batch of them
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really. because we don't have enough characters. i hate the music, i already hate the premise and it's only been literally a minute
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CHUCK Sam. I get it. Even if we could lock Amara away, it wouldn't do any good now. I'm dying. And when I'm gone, a cosmic balance between light and dark—it's over.
beating the dead horse of "what about the other deities" and here's the problem right. you know (they probably know) they'd make a fucking mess if they tried to address it. but they did address other religions and deities in the past several times! oh what is God just the most important god or somethin :p i know it's a no-win situation, but it still irks me on the regular
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CAS I was just... so stupid. DEAN No, no, no. It wasn't stupid. You were right. You were right to let Lucifer ride shotgun. Me and Sam wouldn't have done that.
all right. bend the story around so it wasn't a fuckup
DEAN You know, sometimes me and Sam have got so much going on that...we forget about everyone else. CAS Well, you do live exciting lives. DEAN Yeah, that's one word for it. But you're always there, you know? You're the best friend we've ever had. You're our brother, Cas. I want you to know that.
and i'd offer that he's the best friend they've ever had because he's been semi-indestructible and resurrected all the times he has died when their friends pretty much never get that kind of service.
i try to really be fairly neutral when watching and writing these up, i obviously have some bias towards sam and dean as a unit because the show sold me hard on it from the get-go. but i think the lack of relationship established to me, and the very large presence cas and destiel has within fandom and even just the outsider perception of spn based on that large fandom presence - well. stuff like this, i just don't like it. it doesn't feel true to me and it kinda sorta pisses me off. and it pisses me off that part of my feelings about the character are based on some dumb kneejerk reaction to the fandom stuff. and it's perplexing.
the previous show i was into was teen wolf. stiles/derek is obviously the prevailing ship there - and there's almost nothing in canon between them. really working with crumbs. the ship that is much smaller but i can totally vibe with is scott/stiles. but i happily read all sorts of sterek fic too and it never bothered me like this does. so i'm reminding myself that it's not that it's a ship i think is more fanon based than canon that is the problem. or even that it's the popular ship. i think it's an amalgamation of the weird mismatch for me in the show, the fanon-sold-as-canon meta i see sometimes (which i avoid meta in general now) and (honestly) the virulent hate directed towards wincest shippers that i'd stumble into when just browsing the spn tag. anyway. (maybe if i keep explaining, someone will understand!!)
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she really does look beaten down
SAM So, we don't really have a choice. I mean, look. Y-You've got darkness and light. You take one side away and— CAS It upsets the scales—the whole balance of the universe. SAM Exactly. But you take both away, and now both sides of the scale are empty, so...
*raising my hand to ask about when they killed those other deities*
CAS Well, what about souls? They fuel your demon deals. Souls are living batteries. They're full of energy. They're full of light. Each one is as powerful as...100 suns?
okay so would this process destroy the souls? i mean better than being tortured in hell, but the ones that are ghosts.. surely they're not all destined for hell after they get taken care of? guess it's a moot point of the earth/universe gets wiped out. ends justify the means etc
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well that was cute
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got their shiny rock stuff full of people and billie lurking around, of course, why not. we don't have enough people involved in this. man i'm crotchety this evening. ah right, because billie has access to a lot of souls? having flashbacks to whatever fucking season that led to the leviathans lol. marcia, marcia, marcia!
is amara having a crisis of conscience or something
AMARA So you hate him. WOMAN Well, a little bit. Sometimes. But you know family. Even when you hate them, you still love them.
eyes about rolled back into my head. so all the things we said about amara, scratch that
i do like the little flirting between crowley and billie though, that was cute
ROWENA You won't carry the bomb. You'll be the bomb.
oh for fuck's sake. and they're busting out the mushy music, not surprisingly. i refuse to get upset over this because i'm sure it's also going to be walked back very shortly. like hey amara doesn't want to kill everyone anymore because she was sad about some flowers she killed and realized the importance of family from a conversation with a rando in the park
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dean's gonna (not) die-die and get thrown in the empty and he hasn't even talked to sam about it. power through. (the part of me that empathizes too much with sam had the brief moment of despair, "dean's going to leave him again! forever")
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oh, come on. pulling the dead parent card? this is the kind of thing that edges into emotional manipulation for me. there better some really good fucking hugs in this episode in payment for this bullshit.
no no NO funeral planning. i actually had that conversation with my dad with terminal cancer when i was 16 and no. (he didn't want the wake to be sad but i mean. fucked if i can remember what it was like) not when it's all gonna get taken care of miraculously some other way. do not push these buttons for some shit that got cooked up halfway into the episode. i said i wasn't going to get upset and clearly that was a failure.
so do we find out chuck was lying about something. is the british mol thing just like, introducing a new plotline for next season.
look at that, amara and chuck are all peachy now.
AMARA Dean, you gave me what I needed most. I want to do the same for you.
...they couldn't zap dean back home before they left?
TONI We've been watching you, Sam. What you've done, the damage you've caused—archangels, Leviathans, the Darkness, and now, well— the old men have decided enough's enough. I mean, let's face it, Sam. You're just a jumped-up hunter playing with things you don't understand and doing more harm than good.
great. couldn't go to the good old nugget of the police or fbi being after them, gotta step it up to some supernatural police
so what dean needs most is his mom. ok, sure
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