outofcontextbokumono · 6 months
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I mean. Yeah. I'm playing it, so.
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ranchstoryblog · 5 days
September Community Poll: Establishing a Headcannon
Every now and then a group of fans will occasionally just decide something about a character in their favorite series. Something that would never come up within the actual context of the series, but is nevertheless simply accepted. It could be anything, from a favorite food, song, or animal, a particular opinion, or some kind of habit.
So, today I ask the community, regarding this somewhat esoteric character from the GameBoy trilogy:
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stemmmm · 6 months
Stem's thoughts on Harvest Moon GBC2
AKA how I ruined a perfectly good game for myself
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The first Harvest Moon on the GameBoy was a port of a pretty simple game onto an even simpler console. The limitations involved meant that only the most basic mechanics could reasonably be left in. The farming gameplay loop still existed, but without any superfluous aspects like wandering the forest for forage or speaking to any of the NPCs. The town still existed of course, as you needed to have a place where you could buy more things for your farm. The compromise they made was to turn the whole thing into a menu where you could choose a business and go inside to buy things, but nothing else, which is disappointing but understandable for such a simple game.
The first thing that Harvest Moon GBC 2 does is put you in a conversation with an NPC, and then makes you run around the town– a place that you can actually walk around in, with buildings and people outside –to talk to and meet everyone as you tell them that you’re going to take over the old farm.
To say this game was a relief to play is an understatement. I actually played this one immediately after GB1 because I decided to skip 64, so when I turned on the game and experienced its opening, I was still extremely raw from how awful GB1 felt. The first time I played it, I actually had to stop after day one, I didn’t even get to do any farming yet, because I was reeling so hard from how absurdly different this one was– and how COMPLETE! The excuses I made in my mind for GB1 were a complete and total sham!
The first thing that you see when starting a new file is something of a character creator. It’s a simple menu where you choose your name, your gender, pick a birthday out of any day in one of the four seasons (64 only let you choose a season), and then choose between a cat or dog for a pet. You aren’t told this in the selection, but a cat will bring home random seeds you can plant, and a dog will scare away wild animals, meaning that you can only leave your livestock outside overnight if you have a dog. I like free stuff though, so I chose the cat.
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The next thing you’re exposed to is the town and what story there is, but I’ll get into that later. What I’ll instead explain next is your farm, which is a little weird compared to earlier games. In the first area, you have your house, a big open space, and then the usual barn, coop, silo, wood bin, with extra space on the left and bottom of the farm for a sheep pen and hothouse/greenhouse that you can buy in the future. You cannot grow crops in this area. Instead, there’s a different area to the south that hosts a huge, empty field where you’re expected to grow everything. This is also the only place where there’s an outdoor shipping bin, so you have to go all the way down there rather than just to the entrance of your farm if you have forage to ship. To the east of the farming area is a lake where you can catch fish, and a pond where you can save fish you’ve previously caught. The only thing to do with fish is sell them though, so the only reason I can really see for using the pond is if you caught something past 5PM, when anything put in storage will rot before it can be picked up. The lake is connected to a river that runs through the crop fields, and there’s actually a space to put a bridge so you can access the other half of the space for double the planting capacity. 
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You won’t use any of that space to plant grass though, as all of that is meant to go behind the animal houses. Each one has its own individual field behind it for planting grass, and the game won’t let you buy any animals to go in the corresponding buildings unless a certain amount of grass is growing in the field behind it. It’s pretty awkward to make sure the grass is actually cut, as a player who doesn’t go back there every day, but I see the logic behind it.  They want to make people plant grass as an extra way to gatekeep animals beyond just money. It also works pretty tidily with the mechanics they have for putting animals in and out, which is that you get special tools for each of them that automatically sends them in or outside. I didn’t use these things because I didn’t have a dog, so putting my animals outside was equivalent to throwing them to the wolves… literally. And as you may have already theorized, individual items for three different types of animals turns into an inventory disaster because of the way tools work.
In your house is a tool chest that opens a menu when you interact with it. The chest holds up to 20 tools, each with a designated slot, and it has an additional page for all the different types of seeds you can buy. You’re able to carry four different tools or types of seeds on your person at any given time, with the ability to swap between which one is equipped quickly via the START button, or more precisely by opening up the inventory menu via the SELECT button, which is pretty nice in my opinion! It works quickly, and four tools is more than any other game has let you carry so far, but that only means so much when the game has such an excess of tools, while most others only have about six– not including seeds. Navigating the tool chest also becomes something of a pain because there are so many items, so it’s desirable to only keep the absolute necessities on your person.
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Included in the excessive amount of tools is an exciting new item: the bug net. See, this game has reincorporated the forest as a foraging area, but it’s a little more than that. While it has the usual seasonal wild plants, a daily-replenishing supply of lumber, and a hot spring, it also has a myriad of insects that wander or fly around in short, predictable loops. It’s no Animal Crossing– the bugs always spawn in the same place and do the same thing for a whole season until the next one, where they’re replaced by a different kind of insect doing the same amount of nothing, but I think that’s appropriate for a game on such a short schedule. Bug catching is less about skill and more about remembering to bring your net with you on days and times that you haven’t gone bug-catching before. The fishing mechanic is similarly simple– it’s less about waiting and more about timing, as the rod will bob in the same pattern every time you cast it, you just have to catch it at the right time. As a result, if you get the timing down, you can always reel it in at the first bob and catch fish extremely quickly. This strategy ended up being my favorite during the time while I was getting started and didn’t have a lot of cash for seeds or animals yet.
But what do you do with these things you catch? You can sell fish but you can’t sell bugs. Instead, both are recorded in collections that you can access at the library in town! The function of the library is to let you access your collections of bugs and fish, view photos that you collected through experiencing events (kind of like what was in 64), and connect to the save files of your friends who have the game to share information and trade items. See, this game took a little inspiration from Pokemon in that while there aren’t separate versions, you only get access to certain things if you’re playing as either a boy or a girl. You get different crops, different bug and fish spawns, and there’s a certain quest that requires making a connection. It’s very cute! But inaccessible if you aren’t playing a physical copy of the game on original hardware, unfortunately.
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Other than the library, the town has a carpenter, clinic, church, restaurant, ranch, tool shop, and flower shop. My making a big deal about how the town isn’t a menu this time feels a little disingenuous getting more into it, because while it is a space you can navigate and where people walk around, once you go in a building it’s almost exactly the same– no interior, just a portrait of the shop owner and their wares, but all of this is preceded by an option to talk to them this time around! Not that they have much to say, but it’s still a difference. You get another chance to talk to the shopkeepers and give them gifts (because you can carry items between rooms this time) on Sundays when all the shops are closed, which is another unique feature compared to GB1 where every day was exactly the same.
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To the north of the town is a little square with a fountain and bulletin board where everyone who isn’t employed usually wanders about during the business week. At the start of the game, the bulletin board is loaded up with handy tutorials on how to play the game (yet another thing GB1 severely lacked). Later on, it fills up with dates for town festivals like the cherry blossom festival and horse races. The festivals usually aren’t much, shops don't even close for the majority of them, but they give the world a little more life and variety and the horse race gives you the ability to purchase a minigame from the tool shop that you can play anytime you want! There are several minigames which are all unlocked to replay by doing things like going to events or completing certain objectives.
The last new thing in this game is that if you press SELECT twice, instead of giving you the option to turn on Harvest Sprite helpers (no sprites to be found here), you get a more detailed menu with information about your animals, possessions, and then a long FAQ list with information like “weeds are back!” and explanations on how to get sheep or grow flowers inside the hothouse.
The Story
The premise of the story is that there’s an old farm in town that’s going to be replaced by an amusement park. It opens with your character trying to talk the mayor out of agreeing to any deals, saying that you’ll take over the farm to save it. He agrees to give you three years to do the best work you can and then you’re sent on your way. The first thing you have to do is announce the deal to everyone in town, who all happen to already know you… and apparently very well! The town doctor confirms that you grew up in this town, and everyone around is your childhood friend. I’ve never personally seen any farming sim take this angle, and I think it’s pretty fun! The game doesn’t do a ton with it, but it at least has a different vibe. It works well for a game where you do have relationships with these people, but they’re not in a ton of depth and they don’t go anywhere in the end because marriage doesn’t exist here.
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This entry is also the first in the series that we see a wholly unique cast (almost). You could argue that 64 does it since technically the folks in town aren’t the same, but they’re awfully damn similar. Everyone here is a new character design unrelated to anyone we’ve seen before. Aside from Mary (librarian) and Ken (carpenter) anyways, who are both the same exact design as their counterparts in 64. While their personalities are similar, there’s nothing to indicate that these are the same characters in any way.
The stories to do with all of these characters mostly aren’t anything too special. There’s twin boys who run the tool shop and their narrative is tied to how you get tool upgrades. Whether you play as a boy or a girl, there are a couple events that indicate certain characters have a crush on your farmer. There’s also a marriage that happens once you make it into year three that puts a tiny change in the town where Rosie, who runs the restaurant is replaced by her sister. Some of these events have to do with little quests where just about all you have to do is go to a certain location when asked, others just occur. As I said before, the story’s all very simple, but it’s just fine like that. 
For the most part, necessary events will trigger when the time is right, but other things only happen if you’ve made good friends with everyone by talking on a regular basis and occasionally giving gifts. You’ll know if you’re on the right track when peoples’ dialogue changes, which happens a few times as you become closer. There’s apparently all kinds of little events in the game, but I failed to see a good number of them.
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As usual, the easiest way to get on everyone's good sides and progress the story further is by doing well on your farm and either giving people the appropriate harvests as gifts or just upgrading things further. Despite all the changes to your farm layout, the actual things you have to do to work the land and care for animals are the same as ever. It’s pretty simple and quick to get good farming work done, and a decent amount of options afforded to you in terms of how you want to focus your energy– be it crops, animals, fishing, forage, or friendship, so it’s up to you how you want to get to the finish line. While you’re not told the requirements very clearly, the game is pretty low-stakes and just wants you to take your time and enjoy the three whole years it expects you to play.
How I ruined the game for myself
So of course, without a clear goal given to me, I had to look up the endings as soon as possible. Which brings me to my problem with this game: the requirements it has for the best ending are completely absurd. Well, to be accurate, one of the requirements is completely absurd. The best ending in the game requires 70 or more Happiness Points, having 10,000 G or more, have at least 3 of each animal (cow, sheep, and chicken), find 10 Power Berries, and have the third home expansion built, which are all extremely reasonable to do. So reasonable in fact that I handily managed all of those things before the end of year two out of three. The final, problematic requirement is to ship 10,000 or more items. This is a ridiculous amount of items. This is a “fill your entire field to the brim and never let it run empty” amount of items. I knew this from the second I saw it, but… well, it’s three years of gameplay right? And you aren’t told this is what you need anywhere within the game that I saw, so surely the developers thought this would be a reasonable goal for people, right? I had to give it a try, right?
Saying this from the future where I succeeded, I wish I didn’t try at all. I spent the full three years of this game constantly on the grind, filling my fields as completely as I could, and panicking to rush everything to the shipping bin before 5PM hit so I would have more empty land to plant more crops that I would water in the dark of night before going to bed and doing it again. Fun fact, this game doesn’t make you reset until 6AM the next morning and without any real repercussions. I only found this out because I’d stay out all night weeding and watering. There was very little time left to talk to the people in town after that. I did manage to get them all up to their maximum friendships pretty early on, before I had the means to constantly be churning out veggies, so I had every opportunity to catch their events, I just missed them because every day, no matter the season, I was farming.
The funny thing is, I’ve mentioned before that I enjoy playing the games this way. That is still true, and I very well could have enjoyed my time much more if it weren’t for the damned horse and its awful AI. See, there may be four inventory slots for tools, but there are none for items. Every individual one has to be plucked and carried to the shipping bin, same as SNES, same as GB1. The saving grace in those two games, and technically this one as well, is that around winter-ish of your first year, a horse will appear on your farm, and when it grows up in a couple seasons, it either already has or you can buy for it a saddle bag which functions as a mobile shipping bin. All you have to do is ride your horse out to where you’re harvesting and while it wanders a bit, it stays put well enough for you to load it up with veggies as you run back and forth to harvest, which speeds up the process dramatically in the vast fields you have to work in these games.
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This horse is not like those other horses. This horse will take off in a dead sprint with no warning in any direction it pleases. In my experience, this was usually in the worst possible direction that would put it the farthest away from me. And the timing of it was typically whenever I was about to throw something into the saddlebag. This aggravated the hell out of me not only because it was a huge waste of my limited time, not only because it wasted a ton of crops, but also because it was constant. Nothing I did, no positioning I tried was able to help keep the horse where I needed it, and this was how I was spending 80% of my time in this game, dealing with this horse. I could have been seeing fun events, I could have been peacefully farming at my own pace and leisure, even better this technique easily could have just worked out if the horse didn’t behave so erratically. 
But I can’t judge the game on the merit of all the time I spent with the horse alone because that was my own choice to do. The best ending may require 10,000 shipped items, but all it takes to avoid the worst ending is to have more than 10 Happiness Points, more than 2,000G, more than four Power Berries, expand my house, and ship 100 items. With three entire years of game, the only way you fail to achieve that is by basically not playing the game. The vast space between the requirements for the best ending and the worst ending is to get a normal ending that accomplishes exactly the same thing as the best ending does, only the cutscene is different and you get a trophy for the best one. The cutscene barely stands out as anything special, which led to me having no idea what ending I got until I discovered the trophy was a thing I had to search for in my house. That’s it, you still get to keep playing the game either way, not that there’s terribly much else to do regardless of which ending you get, since there’s no special post-ending content.
I’ll still judge it a little bit though
While it makes sense to use your workable area to its fullest extent, having it be a requirement for the good ending to use all of it to the best of your ability for the whole extent of the game is excessive to me, especially since by year 3 it becomes completely unnecessary to try to earn money. I already had everything I was working for, and the requirement being to ship more things rather than better things meant there was no reason to get anything other than what was cheap and quick. No reason to make my animals like me so they’d produce better stuff, no reason to use the maker machines even though they weren’t obtainable until it got to the point where money had no meaning. I hardly bothered with the hothouses because they were both so confusing about what I could plant in each, and so tedious both to unlock and to harvest things since I needed a special tool that would take up a precious inventory space, lest I have to run back and forth between the tool chest. The hothouse might have been more useful if there weren’t winter crops, but there were.
What’s wild about my criticisms is that the game itself has something built in to mitigate everything that I struggled with. There is a tool called the miracle glove that automatically ships your crops the moment that they are harvested. But the only way to get it is via a link connection to a friend’s copy of the game– something near impossible in this day and age because you’d need to somehow find two working copies of this game with two functional GameBoys, and completely impossible if you’re using the magic of the 3DS eShop which doesn’t exist anymore and didn’t have functional multiplayer for most games anyways. That item alone would have solved the biggest problem I had in playing this game, and it was functionally DLC.
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Closing thoughts
It took me a really long time to try and get to this review, and I’ve beaten two more games since, which has given me a new perspective. My original nugget for this one was going to focus on how much I hated the horse the whole way through and on how disappointed I was that the game was so hard for such little reward, but I’ve since realized that playing in a way that was no fun for me was my own choice. At any point I could have scaled things down and reprioritized to focus on the details of the game that are more fun like seeing events, but I just clung to that damn horse for 50 hours instead– which by the way, is longer than it’s taken me to beat any other game in this series so far that I’ve recorded my playtime for. The average sits around 25 hours.
If you don’t play like I did, it’s actually a really neat game!It’s not dissimilar to a scaled-down version of 64, with the way it focuses a little more on events and adds features to make the world feel just a touch more alive like the bug and fish collections. It’s not as deep or detailed as 64, but you still get to experience something of a sweet little story with a small set of characters in a game that feels very smooth and fun to play.On the bright side, even with the struggle I went through trying to get the perfect score, it was still a better game than GB1. It says a lot that I’ve found it more appropriate to compare it to  64, a fantastic game, rather than its actual predecessor.
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
ya know, i'd really love to see bokumono for snes remade so i can see the characters and setting fleshed out more, but... what would they do about the lack of bachelors in that game? like, they wouldn't have to worry about a fem!protag bc they have sara, but would they use the bachelors they added to magical melody? or maybe just create new ones? 🤔
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katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2021
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from the Harvest Moon GBC2
1 + 2 Rosie
3. Nancy
4. Mary
5. Choco
6. Daisy
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love-bokumono-fics · 8 months
Fresh Crops! January 15 - January 21, 2024
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
Remaster: Yuki - by darkryuu; WIP, 2/15, 18k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandom: DS Cute Relationship: Pony | Aya | Jill/Skye | Steiner; Characters: Pony | Aya | Jill, Skye | Steiner Summary: Sequel to Remaster: Step Toward the Future: Kaede ("Pony"/Jill) is caught in a situation where she may be the only hope of peace and freedom for a certain Prince of the Stars.
Your Eyes - by SymphonicFantasia; Complete, 1/1, 1.2k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: M/M Fandoms: Story of Seasons (2014) Characters: Nadi, Johnny/Ibuki, Male Farmer Additional Tags: Romance, Fluff, Established Relationship, Friend Fiction, Sick Character, made up story, Hurt/Comfort, Not Really Character Death Summary: No one else could do this to him. They looked right through him and into his soul. They knew him and he knew they did. How could he not fall in love with them?
Stormy Night - by SymphonicFantasia; Complete, 1/1, 1.0k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Gen Fandoms: Hero of Leaf Valley, Save the Homeland Relationship: Dia & Gina; Characters: Dia, Gina Additional Tags: Thunderstorms, Storms, Platonic Relationships, Divorced parents, Fear, Tenderness, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Best Friends, Friendship, Female Friendship, Drabble Summary: Storms reminded her of when she was a child and when her parents were still together. She was scared of them then, and she was scared of them now.
Frater Sororque Semper - by SymphonicFantasia; WIP, 6/7, 20k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms: Story of Seasons (2014) Characters: Iris, Mistel Additional Tags: Family, Hurt/Comfort, Family Fluff, Family Feels, Minor Character Death, Minor Original Character(s), Grief/Mourning, Character Study, Alternate Universe - Pre-Canon, Platonic Relationships, Emotional Manipulation, Gaslighting Summary: Always brother and sister. Losing your parents at a young age is hard. Living with caretakers who seem bothered by your existence is even harder. It gets easier if you have someone by your side; someone who cares about you more than anything in the world. Iris and Mistel only have each other to keep themselves company as their caretakers take them through life.
Best friend's brother - by Trans_Nerd; WIP, 2/?, 6.5k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: M/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationship: Kai/Rick; Characters: Kai, Rick, Popuri, Lillia the Shopkeeper Additional Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Trans Male Character, Fluff, Smut, Angst, Vaginal Sex, First Time Summary: Rick/Kai enemies to friends with benefits to lovers speedrun
The Shy Newcomer - by durotos; WIP, 128/?, 615k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/M, Multi Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationship: Claire the Farmer/Cliff; Characters: Claire, Cliff, Gray, Karen Additional Tags: Slice of Life, Romance, Coming of Age, Slow Burn, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, very slow burn, PROBABLY THE SLOWEST BURN EVER, Multiple Pairings, Mental Illness, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism Summary: Claire, aching for something new in life, moves to Mineral Town and realizes at once that she has left everything she has ever known. At heart, a story about a young woman discovering that there is more to life if she just looks around her. A story of true love, friendship, hard work, and being part of something bigger than yourself.
Why did Sara have to die? - by Anonymous; Complete, 1/1, 1.5k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Major Character Death; Category: Gen Fandom: GBC2 Relationship: Sara & Bill; Characters: Sara, Bill, Daisy, Will, Mayor, Doctor, Nancy Additional Tags: Pining, Character Death, Non-Graphic Violence, Bill/Sara is hinted but nothing big, Death by bear mauling Summary: Sara's death felt so stupid, unnecessary and avoidable, so why did she have to die? Was there a reason for it? It didn't matter anymore. There was no way anyone could change anything now. Yes, Bill and Will did try to build a time machine a few years ago, but there was no way it would ever work. They already gave up, if not, even forgot about it.
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bokumonoexchange · 8 months
THAT'S A WRAP! Thank you to everyone who took part in the Winter Warm-up Weekend. It was fun to see what the prompts inspired and the positive reactions to them! (Remember, if I somehow missed your piece, please message the blog so that I can show it off! Tumblr has been very wonky for me lately, especially the app.) Now we have the exchange to look forward to. Sign-ups will open June 1st. Until then, this blog will remain pretty much dormant until around Mid-April, at which point I'll be posting sporadic reminders that the sign-ups will open soon.
(Which works out, because that gives me, Mod Flik more time through February and March to binge on DS Cute, GBC2, and the new SoS Piczle game that's dropping February 27th, hah.)
As always, the ask box will remain open if you need to contact me for whatever reason with questions regarding the exchange or even just Bokumono in general!
In the meantime, why not familiarize yourself with the Exchange Rules/FAQs as listed here, so you're prepared to sign up when the time comes?
See you soon! 👋👋👋
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jake-marshall · 6 months
🍉🌾? :D
Thanks for the ask Rune!
🍉(Watermelon) - Favourite rare-pair?
I mean Bokumono has so many different games that I feel like the majority of ships could be categorized as rarepairs, even some protag/marriage candidate ones.  Using my best judgment rn and considering a ship to be a rarepair if it has essentially no fics or fanart, I would put my 3 current faves as:
• Jill/Dr. Trent (Ds Cute)
• Naomi/Brandon (SoSFoMT)
• Sara/Cain (GBC2)
(The little-to-no fic will hopefully be remedied at some point this year, and I've already hit some commissions up for fanart purposes /points to tumblr header/)
🌾(Wheat) - Do you prefer games where your child grows up, or ones where they stay a kid forever?
I think the games where your kid at least grows into a stage beyond toddler offers more, so like AWL or AP.  I know a lot of the earlier games treat the kid like little more than furniture so having a kid doesn't really feel rewarding, but, whatever lol.  I'm just glad your kid can finally look like your spouse.
>>Ask me Bokumono-related questions from this ask meme here!<<
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praglechiropractic · 2 years
Pragle Chiropractic, Car Accident, And Massage Clinic Tallahassee For Expert Help
It's crucial to remember that an orthopedic expert isn't always needed in the event of muscular injury. Self-healing therapies from a chiropractor or whiplash treatment professional may be sufficient to remedy some health issues. After suffering injuries in a vehicle crash, getting well may be a lengthy, arduous process that might take weeks or months.
Accident victims who have suffered minor or major injuries to their nervous or skeletal systems, or other physical traumas, may find relief via chiropractic care. The adjustment of bones in many sections of the body, including the spine, can be improved by Fsu Chiropractor care, which is offered by clinics like Pragle Chiropractic, Car Accident, and Massage Clinic Tallahassee.
Why should you prefer a clinic like Pragle Chiropractic, Car Accident, and Massage Clinic Tallahassee?
Expert care is available at Pragle Chiropractic, Car Accident, and Massage Clinic Tallahassee
Treatment with chiropractic care, when administered by trained professionals, yields superior results. Dr. Eric Pragle is a licensed chiropractor who practices Pragle Chiropractic, Car Accident, and Massage Clinic Tallahassee. In his practice, he consistently achieves excellent results for his patients using chiropractic care. He attended the Southeastern School of Neuromuscular Massage and earned his certification as a massage therapist. A graduate of the Sweat Institute's Atlas Orthogonal (AO) Treatment program, he is well-versed in the specialty.
Customer Testimonials Received at the Clinic
When looking for a clinic in Tallahassee, patients often choose Pragle Chiropractic, Car Accident, and Massage Clinic Tallahassee. The high ratings of Pragle Chiropractic, Car Accident, and Massage Clinic Tallahassee are evidence of the quality of care offered there. At Pragle Chiropractic, Car Accident, and Massage Clinic Tallahassee, individuals have talked about the care they received. They are thankful for the assistance of the vehicle accident doctor. In addition, they said that the therapy was comfortable and helpful. Many patients have also commented on how pleasant it is there.
Auto Accident Treatment Procedure
The procedure of auto accident treatment at Pragle Chiropractic, Car Accident, and Massage Clinic Tallahassee is comprehensive, covering every angle after a vehicle accident trauma. Examining the accident-related injuries in detail is the first step in the therapy process. Hip and sacrum alignment comes next. The atlas vertebrae may also be aligned with the use of moderate vibration. The deep hip muscles are the ideal target for the moderate vibration therapy. In back pain treatment Tallahassee, mild vibration is used to round out the treatment.
To know more about treatments available, visit https://www.praglechiropractictallahassee.com/
Original Source - https://bityl.co/GBc2
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I am really angry that GBC2 is so underrated. One of the reasons i love that game is because some of the Characters remind me of Ouran Host Club
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lil1kennedy · 5 years
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now they nice to me, when they weren't.
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bbbartblog · 2 years
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Day 30! The last day~! I went with the themes a moment you’ll never forget and transform~
I'll never forget the moment in GBC2 where my hoe broke and I just ran around the game in a panic, thinking I did something wrong gameplay wise (kid logic lol). When I finally ended up in the tool shop in my panic-y run, I was soooo relieved when Bill said that he would fix it for free and even transform it into a better hoe. After that, Bill became my fav villager in that game lol
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stemmmm · 9 months
so close to beating hm back to nature that its killing me (3 full season remaining and nothing to do but get 1 (one) single cutscene that won't trigger for some god forsaken reason)
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thegaybachelorsims · 6 years
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DEVIN- “And that means with a total score point of 1362, and the winner of $25,000 and the 
and his Awesome Sponsor, @cillaben
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love-bokumono-fics · 2 years
Fresh Crops! November 14 - November 20, 2022
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
Living in Color - by rockyroadster95; WIP, 6/?, 14k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, Gen Fandom: A Wonderful Life Summary: At her father's funeral, Aya was given an offer that would take her far from her stale and directionless life to a place she hoped would give her something to live for.
The Boys - by juggalombre; WIP, 7/?, 11k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: M/M, Multi Fandoms: Harvest Moon DS Characters: Original Male Character(s), Carter the Archeologist, Flora, Marlin | Mash Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Slice of Life, Slow Burn, Pining Summary: Jazz's life gets turned around with the help of some friends.
The Confession - by sanguinessinner; Complete, 1/1, 1k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Harvest Moon GBC2 Relationships: Chet/Sara, Chet & Sara; Characters: Cain the Priest, Chet, Sara Additional Tags: Infidelity, Cheating, Confessional, Riding, Blow Jobs, Public Sex, Masturbation Summary: An interesting confession makes its way to Cain's church.
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