#gcse a level
finchwingart · 9 months
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Spent a while flipping through old sketchbooks from school today, I still like some of these
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blue2dawn · 1 year
sex and drugs are great and all but have you ever balanced an equation correctly in chemistry? fucking euphoric.
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z0mbiefrank · 5 months
you GUYS i am officially enrolled in my degree i am so unbelievably happy!!!!! i have been fighting for my life to get here. i had to turn down all my uni offers when i was a teen (had to move out independantly bc of domestic violence and disability/health complications). i've always known exactly what i want to do with my life but everything got put on hold whilst i desperately tried to sort my shit out. BUT IM DOING IT NOW!!!!!
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alilystudies · 2 years
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Currently battling deadlines for my essays 😅
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horse-head-farms · 6 months
with stuff like “polyhermits” do people imagine it as a full mesh network (everyone is dating everyone else) or a partial mesh network (each person is dating multiple people who are themselves dating multiple other people etc so everyone is connected even if not directly involved with eachother)
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squishysquib · 1 month
every time I see the word "results" my heart drops. "thursday" stop it. "tomorrow" AAAAUUUAAAHGHHSAAAAAAHH!!!!!
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adhdblues · 1 year
I went many years not realising that something was wrong with me.
Many years of thinking that how I feel and how I process things was normal. Everyone experiences similar things, is what I thought.
School was okay. I ended up with good grades in the end - A, A, B for A-levels.
But I didn’t realise that I was struggling to understand textbook language. I didn’t know that comprehension of that type of text could be a learning disability. I just thought I wasn’t good enough.
I never really did any work in class. I was actively involved in discussions. Always had an idea to share, and my teachers seemed to really enjoy those discussions. But putting them on paper was fucking hard.
And the research never really got any deeper than the ‘contents’ page and half of the ‘introduction’ of a book. I had piles and piles of books to look through, they all intrigued me. But they just sat there, in a pile, looking cute.
They sat there as the guilt (of not reading through them) weighed on me more as deadlines got closer.
If we had to take notes in class, I wasn’t able to focus. Notes were mandatory, as per my teachers’ expectations - that’s the only way they’d know whether we are concentrating or not. But, I would leave the classroom feeling like I didn’t learn anything that day, because it was all too fast.
Now I know why.
I knew I was smart (sometimes I truly believed that), and I knew I could understand everything that was communicated to me verbally. But the classroom setting just wasn’t right.
I never thought that I’d be one to have ADHD, or that disability they called dyslexia. It felt so foreign, so out of reach - I shouldn’t even consider it because I don’t need the help, is what I thought.
I needed that help.
I never thought I deserved extra time during exams - even though I never fucking finished my papers. No matter how fast I tried to get through the questions, I always had 3 or 4 or 5 pages left once the time was up.
I was actually never told about such things existing, I didn’t know what ‘accommodations’ were. Not until I saw a handful of classmates sitting in a separate room, taking the exams at a different time to us. But still, no one really talked about it.
I just wish that my school, one of the ‘best British schools in the country’, would take learning disabilities more seriously.
I wish they had taken the time to educate us about such things, instead of telling us off for the eyeliner or nail polish we wore.
Instead of giving us detention for wearing pants tighter than their liking.
Or the assemblies they forced us to sit through, where they would bring in alumni to talk about all the amazing things they had achieved since they left school.
If only I had been told about what learning disabilities were:
- I would have struggled less in GCSE.
- I wouldn’t have had those multiple breakdowns because I thought I was stupid.
- I wouldn’t have thought that I wasn’t good enough.
I was always so intrigued by learning new things. But the classroom setting just wasn’t right. The teachers never came to me to ask why I’m struggling, they came to me to tell me I wasn’t good enough.
My biology teacher said she’d be surprised if I get a C. Out loud. In front of the whole class. As she gave out our mock exam results.
I got an A in biology when the real exam came around. Because I studied my ass off. At home. In my own space.
She did nothing to help me.
My math teacher told the whole class that I got the lowest score in my mock exam. I wasn’t there, but my classmates told me. It was embarrassing. I fucking cried. But now that I look back, it’s because I couldn’t understand textbook language at the speed they wanted me to.
I got an A in that too, when the exam actually mattered.
I never really cared much for mock exams. They didn’t mean anything towards my final grades, or my future. I couldn’t care less and they didn’t deserve the stress I’d have to go through.
I just knew I would study for the real exams. I knew I could pull all-nighters and study better under pressure.
Now I know why.
I would wonder why it was so hard for me to keep up with deadlines. I would think that maybe I just don’t care enough. But I kind of did, because I enjoyed learning. I enjoyed discussing and sharing ideas.
But the school system just wasn’t right.
I look back and wonder what it would have been like if I got the extra help that I needed. If I knew I was dyslexic, maybe my English teacher wouldn’t always make me read out loud to the class “to help with my reading skills”.
That was torture for me and everyone else involved - (I think she enjoyed seeing students struggle though).
I remember I specifically went and asked her to stop making me read out loud. Because I felt ashamed of all the long pauses, when I couldn’t find the line I was on. Or for saying the wrong thing, or pronouncing the words wrong. I was ashamed that everyone had to listen to me struggle, because I thought I was wasting their time.
She asked me to read to the class, that same day.
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drnightingale · 1 year
If Rishi Sunak actually goes through with 'mandatory Maths A levels for all students', I would like to know some things.
Does this mean he is going to give schools more funding to employ more teachers to teach more A level maths?
What about the people who already struggle with GCSE maths and will have their mental health impacted?
Will he fund more schools to have propper mental health systems and more student support staff to support those students?
Will he fund study programs for people failing the A levels?
Just going to say, that the GCSE maths curriculum is ridiculously hard and unnecessary as is for students, and students who are not interested in going into a maths oriented career do not need to take A level maths.
I personally am currently in my first 3 weeks of GCSE maths, and I understand NONE OF IT, so if Rishi could please explain what he will do to help kids like me when they eventually reach A levels after a gruelling 2 years of not understanding GCSE maths and getting bad grades, that would be fantastic, but he won't, so we just have to wait and see what bullshit he does.
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weaponizedducks · 6 months
absolutely wild to me that your whole life is defined by exams you took when you were seventeen. their brains are not even fully developed yet. please pick a lane, adults. you dismiss their words. you call young people stupid and unable or not old enough to have good opinions or make choices or participate in the choosing of their own futures and yet you define their futures by one little test. well guess what an exam has a fuckton of choices and if they can't be trusted to have an opinion on their own lives then maybe they can't be trusted to make academic choices on a test either. either you give us a voice or you will not hear until it's too late
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love3velyn · 1 year
♡ My revision tips ♡
Hi everyone! I've got my first A-level exams in the next couple weeks, so I've been focusing on revision and I wanted to share some of my revision tips! I used to find exams very stressful but I have some ways to make exam season a bit easier so I hope this can help •ᴗ•.
1. Create a good study environment
When you start a study session try to create a calm and focused environment. Try find a a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, if this is hard to find try using noise cancelling headphones. Make sure everything you need to study is within reach. I also like to light a candle to feel relaxed and I have a blanket to stay cosy! Creating a good environment can help you get in the mood to work and focus.
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2. Plan your time effectively
Find a way to plan every topic you need to cover before your exam. Some people find revision timetables useful for this. I like to create a revision list based on my confidence levels with each topic and work my way through the list going from least confident to most confident. I will usually focus on one or two topics a day depending on how close I am to the exam. I will also write a few goals for the revision session in my Notion which helps me to stay on track.
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Another tip to plan time effectively is to plan the how long you would like to revise each day. Don't feel pressured to work for hours straight! I know it is easy to compare yourself to others but find a balance that works for you. The goal is to work smarter not harder and revising for long periods of time can be damaging. As an A-level student I try to revise in one hour sessions with 15 minute breaks and I try and do 4 hours of work. I have found this is enough time to get what I want done without feeling burnt out. Remember it's a personal choice and you need to take care of yourself.
3. Use cute stationery!
I personally love cute stationary! I find it really helps me to keep motivated and excited to revise. It doesn't need to be expensive, just find some stationery that motivates you. Some of my current favourites are the Stabilo swing cool pastel highlighters and my Sumikko Gurashi mechanical pencil.
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4. Try to avoid just taking notes
While note taking is effective in class and when first learning the content, I have found it less useful when it comes to revision. Re-reading notes or textbooks can be helpful to jog your memory but it can be boring after a while. One of the best ways to revise is through active recall. Active Recall is all about retrieving information to make it easier for your brain to make connections between things. This can be done by using revision cards to test your knowledge, or on websites such as Seneca or Quizlet that help you to learn content, then test you on it.
5. Treat yourself
Revising is difficult at times and it can be tiring. Be sure to look after yourself and treat yourself with kindness. If you are having a tough day it's okay to leave revision for that day. It is better to rest than push yourself too far. I like to treat myself by having self care baths, taking time for my hobbies like gaming and reading and by spending time with friends and family.
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I hope these tips are helpful to someone and make revision a bit easier. Good luck to everyone taking exams, I believe in you! ♡
Love, Evelyn x
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scribbling-dragon · 5 months
a little extract from my current ranchers wip. as a treat <3
Tango waves after him like an idiot for several seconds, before realising that Jimmy’s no longer looking in his direction, and he’s just waving at Jimmy’s back. He drops his hand. And then drops his face into his hands, groaning a little in despair.
He looks up, over his momentary embarrassment, just in time to see Jimmy twist and wave back at him, still smiling sunnily. Geez, he could almost outcompete the sun with a grin like that. He then gets front-row seats to watch as Jimmy trips over a root and falls the rest of the way down the hill.
my most beloved idiots <33
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Gifted: Introduction
"Looking at their work I would be expecting 8s or 9s"
My biology teacher said that when I was in year nine. It was not the first time someone had said something to that effect, and it was not the last.
The fact of the matter is that I spent most of my time, up until year 11, being told how far I would go, how high my grades were expected to be and how I could do anything that I wanted. I would say, I just about nudged into the gifted category, not like some of my friends who passed everything with their eyes closed, I definitely had to work, but I was honestly doing well.
My first set of mock GCSEs in year eleven came back and I was broken. Not one of my grades was above a six. This continued through year 11, I was not living up to the expectations that were set. This all came to a head on results day when I discovered that I had only just scraped a 6 which was not enough to do maths A-level, and without maths, I couldn't do physics. This was an issue. I want to be an astrophysicist, however, I have always been in a complex "situationship" with maths, and honestly, I think we might need couple's counselling, but I'm stretching this metaphor too far so suffice to say, I was not too proud of my performance.
So here I am, the day before my first day of college and getting set to do Biology, Environmental science, and Geology. And I will be the first to admit, I am still bitter, I am still upset, I am not over it, but if I could do all the subjects I wanted too, they would be next on my list after physics and maths. The idea is that I will retake my maths GCSE and then go back after college to do physics and maths, so really, in essence I am just taking the scenic route, and maybe, I will end up somewhere wonderful that I could never have dreamed of.
take it easy and good luck to everyone starting this new year
written: 03/09/2024
posted: 03/09/2024
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throwback to when my nin phase started and i literally included lyrics in my art
wanted to include them so much more tbh but i got into them during exam season already💀
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wweasleyhp · 1 month
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I got into college and my desired A Levels; English Language and Literature, Drama and History! My school is also looking to remark Drama, English Literature and Maths to get higher grades. I hope everyone got the grades they wanted! Anyways, stay tuned for some more posts!
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alilystudies · 1 year
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Studying in the secret library just off of campus, this spot is an absolute gem as not many students knows it exists or will make the trip to come to it. But it’s so empty you can always grab a seat - even in exam season 😎
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inkcoveredpoet · 6 months
Take care students! This period of school can start to get stressful.
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