#geats cast
meganechan05 · 11 months
...I have no words
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mofffun · 8 months
Metaverse TV SHT Movie Collab Special (23 July) - King-Ohger pop quiz: LED Wall
Ace & Tsumuri + Gira & Himeno (+ Yanma in the making & Director Kamihoriuchi interview )
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acequinz · 10 months
*aggressively squeezes* his cute smile and Ryuga antics!!! I can't stand them for real!!!
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ankh-o-holic · 1 year
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geats male cast *bites you*
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subrealms · 9 months
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ineedsomesleeptoday · 2 years
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i-am-randomtrash00 · 8 months
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zaruba-needslove · 9 months
its not like Keiwa's a NEET. He's still involved in education, and not graduating on time because of the DGP is entirely understandable.
It's not even an issue tbh at this moment.
The more important thing is... since Keiwa is an actual person who had lived in this current time period with all the proper documentation is much more trustworthy than who-knows-this Kyuun-guy who appeared suddenly out of nowhere!
And who knows what danger Neon could be with such a person!
John: *nods along after hearing all of this explanation* Yes, yes... therefore we need to make sure to PROTECT OUR OJOUSAMA!
Ben: *cocks his gun at ready* Yes, we're not letting some unknown vagrant take our ojousama away....
Kousei: *nods sagely* That's the spirit! Onwards my minions!
Neon: *shrieks at her father* Calm down daddy! Kyuun-chan's not really a bad guy! He's far from being an intergalactic criminal... this is too much!
Ace: This is an interesting development...
Kyuun: To think that not long ago the man was trying to get me and Neon-tan get married..
Ziin: Well, back then the man was still one of the DGP's biggest sponsors. But now since they forgot everything about it, it's natural for them to be suspicious of us.
Keiwa: Ain't that unfortunate?
Ace: *shrugs* Well Neon still had wished for it, I'm sure it'll turn out fine.
Kousei: You WISHED. 😎
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mirai-e-jump · 3 months
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Animage April 2024 Issue ft. Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Main Cast Member Interviews (translations below)
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Publication: March 8, 2024 (after broadcast end)
The kings have become immortal
The Uchu King Dagded Dujardin is the most powerful and very worst, having destroyed many planets in the universe. After a fierce battle, the Royal Sentai finally defeated and destroyed Dagded, ending his 2,000 year long history.
The victory over Dagded would've never been achieved by the power of the kings alone. There were the retainers, who continued to support the king from behind the scenes and were highly trusted by them. The former living, who watched over from the Kingdom of Death, Hakabaka, offered their lives and thoughts to the current kings. And, the key to the descent of the Super Fury Ultimate Complete King-Ohger, was the people of the six kingdoms, who created an "endless chain of small lives." In other words, this was achieved only because the entirety of life on Chikyu sided with the kings and rebelled against Dagded.
At the end of an endless chain, lives are forever connected…These words spoken by Reiniol are surely not only about Chikyu. We, who have witnessed the story of Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger, are also entrusted with the task of weaving an eternal story by connecting our lives together. _
Gira Husty: The evil king. He understands the feelings of the Shugod's and settles the battle against Dagded. He was smiling even as the proposal to unite the six kingdoms fell through.
Yanma Gast: The king of wisdom. Using the power of the King's Proof, he created a plan to counter Dagded. He promises Gira that he'll restore the rest of the scattered Shugod parts.
Hymeno Ran: The queen of splendor. She asked her parents, who emerged from Hakabaka, to treat the injured. While thinking of a name for the new country, she proposes "Great Ishabana."
Rita Kaniska: The immovable king. They're rescued by their former king, Karras, who had been revived from Hakabaka. Although they declared the founding of the new country, they were frustrated because no one could come to an agreement.
Kaguragi Dybowski: The lord of abundance. He received assistance from the former lord, Iroki, who emerged from Hakabaka. When deciding on the name of the new country, he tried to get the middle part.
Jeramie Brasieri: The king of inbetween. He's saved by his mother Nephila, who rushed to him from Hakabaka. As a storyteller, he recorded and left a message for the future people of Chikyu. _
Rushing through daily commotion
-Thoughts on the final three episodes that wrapped up the past year-
Murakami: I felt that it was a performance where everyone's teamwork shined through in their cool and united efforts to face the enemy.
Sakai: When I read the script, I thought that the sense of unity of the citizens joining together to fight against Dagded would be the major highlight.
Watanabe: I thought it was really great to see the development of having the people we've been protecting help us in the end.
Kaku: It was amazing that even all the characters from the movie appeared on TV as well.
Sakai: Nakamura Shido-san also made an appearance through his voice.
Murakami: It was truly extravagant. It makes me want to do another movie (laughs).
Watanabe: It was great to see all the people who have appeared so far at the end, including the guests featured in the movie. Over the past year, everyone was passing the baton, but in the end, we all reached the goal together.
Ikeda: Regarding Jeramie, it was very emotional to start out as the storyteller from the first episode, to then end up passing down the story to future generations.
Kaku: The fact that they tried to create a new country free of national borders, but couldn't come together in the end gave off the charm of the Royal Sentai, huh?
Hirakawa: Right, right. Everyone seems to be looking in different directions, but in reality, they're all looking in the same direction. I felt that the way it ended was really good, giving off that typical Royal Sentai feeling.
Sakai: I was moved by the ending, with the main idea seeming to be based on accepting other countries and races.
-The most surprising development after reading the script?-
Murakami: When Rita……(she notices Ikeda-san raising his hand), please go ahead.
Ikeda: Is it okay if we raise our hands?
All: (laughs).
Ikeda: Then, I'll start. What surprised me would have to be the episode where Racules betrays Dagded (episode 41). The developments from episode 41 were memorable because Racules was portrayed in a charming way.
Murakami: I'm next! I would've never expected the development of Kaguragi using his King's Proof to burn Rita as they seal off Minongan in a blizzard (episode 45).
Kaku: That's for sure. I never imagined Kaguragi and Rita would team up.
Murakami: I also like the fact that activating the King's Proof created a new technique, and the way it was used was abit interesting.
Hirakawa: That position.
Kaku: This (he spreads both of his hands out together with Hirakawa-san)
Hirakawa: (while imitating Kaguragi) "Good night~!"
Ikeda: I wasn't able to watch the filming, so I'm looking forward to watching the broadcast (this was pre broadcast at the time of this interview).
Hirakawa: Kaku-san mistakenly said, "Please go home" (laughs).
Kaku: Yeah. The staff said, "Okay then, we're going home~" and left.
All: (laughs).
Hirakawa: That scene was really cool though (laughs).
Murakami: For the dialogue, "Taselles Mirullia Da'pago" was actually supposed to be said in episode 5. They weren't able to include it due to the length of the episode, but it appeared later in episode 30. I was happy to see that many of the things that we couldn't do for various reasons were picked up in the later half.
Watanabe: Anyone else surprised that time skipped forward two years midway through?
Kaku: Yeah! That was really exciting.
Watanabe: As someone who loves shonen manga, it was hot.
Hirakawa: The visuals changed completely.
Sakai: It was also good in terms of motivation for filming.
Watanabe: The change in costumes made it feel fresh.
Kaku: Right, right. It didn't feel boring.
Ikeda: Another surprising thing was idol Rita, no? (episode 38).
Hirakawa: Even now, I'm still really surprised.
Watanabe: I was surprised at the amount of staff during filming.
Sakai: The number of cameras was just incredible.
Watanabe: Seriously. I think they put the most effort into it out of everything in King-Ohger (laughs).
Kaku: The cameras for behind the scenes use were also rolling, right?
Hirakawa: This was the episode where the staff gave their all with blood, sweat and tears (laughs). It was the first time that there were four cameras rolling.
Murakami: It was movie level. It was like "Oshi no Ko."
Ikeda: We even went to watch the filming in order to drag the perfect smile out of them.
Hirakawa: Thank you for coming at that time, really.
Kaku: The body swap (episode 28), Taisei and the others, those three became babies (episode 45), we got to do alot of things that you can't do in a normal drama……It was alot of fun.
Murakami: It was~. Also, getting turned into a pill bug (episode 15).
Sakai: That's right (laughs). Early on, Gira had alot of episodes with disguises.
Murakami: Things like the "playing dead" strategies (episode 11). In terms of surprises, Hymeno gave Kaguragi an anesthetic in episode 8, right? I was surprised by the scene in episode 42, where it was revealed that Racules had been using it.
Kaku: I also thought that I had killed the carp with poison, so I was relieved and thought, "Thank goodness, Kakuragi didn't kill it." I can say this now, but when I asked Director Yamaguchi Kyohei if Kaguragi had poisoned it at that time, he was hesitant to answer.
Murakami: Maybe the Director didn't know about developments either?
Kaku: Maybe. I was told, "Please make a face that can be taken either way."
Hirakawa: When you think about it, it's incredibly difficult to act out Kaguragi.
Sakai: It felt like Kaguragi had the most scenes where his performance had those kind of hidden meanings.
Murakami: And Racules too. Everyone in the 30s group was like that.
Kaku: There were definitely alot of us.
-Describe this team with a single saying?-
Kaku: Charisma Sentai Superstar.
Ikeda: Yes.
Hirakawa: Then it's settled!
All: (laughs).
Sakai: But, surely that's the only way to go. Everyone's got their own charm.
Watanabe: And they're kings.
Sakai: Higuchi Kohei-kun of Donbrothers also once said, "Everyone has their own charm."
Hirakawa: Heh~!
Kaku: That makes me happy.
Murakami: Not just the characters, but all the actors are also unique, and their differences are interesting.
Kaku: That's for sure. We all had different directions, but there were no fights. The six of us came together with a good balance.
Hirakawa: Everyone was so kind.
Sakai: No one ever got too emotionally involved. Even if there was something on my mind, they wouldn't meddle unnecessarily.
Hirakawa: I feel like we didn't interfere with each other too much.
Sakai: I'd say we were a balanced, calm team.
Ikeda: Would you call it calm charisma?
Sakai: Super Charisma Calm Sentai?
All: (laughs).
Hirakawa: That's too confusing (laughs).
-A message from the kings to the people-
Murakami: Throughout the episodes over the past year, I think there were various messages and words of support that the Royal Sentai were aiming to convey, and I'd be glad if they resonated with you. It would make me happy if this production acts as a hint towards taking your own path in life, and that all of our fans will be able to live in a beautiful world.
All: (applauding).
Kaku: The words you said just now, I'll take it those are the words everyone else was going to use, huh?
All: (laughs).
Hirakawa: Marie just said what we all wanted to say!
Murakami: Is there anything I didn't say?
Ikeda: Something like, "I was very happy to meet you all" or, "Thank you very much for your support."
Kaku: I don't think children understand the content of the story in depth right now. So, I hope that when they grow up, they'll watch it again and see that the kings they admired back then were such great characters.
Watanabe: I have one last thing to say.
Hirakawa: What?
Watanabe: I know this is goodbye for TV, but when you suddenly remember us, I'd be happy if you could come and visit Chikyu to play.
All: Oooh~!! (applauding).
Hirakawa: That's perfect!
Kaku: And with that, finally, our leader!
Sakai: Right……I'd be happy if you'd continue to love this show even after it's over. Thank you very much!
Ikeda: "…..or so it goes."
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meganechan05 · 10 months
SHT TikTok making up for the insane song choice in a previous post by giving Team "Can Actually Dance" a TWICE song to dance to
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 months
Oh, this senior police officer looks familiar.
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That's right, Mr. Nichiasa Police Officer Masashi Takada. At the time when the role of a police officer was written in the script, I think Mr. Takada's face was in the minds of all the staff. Mr. Nichiasa Police Officer has a long history. Going back to Kamen Rider W, he has been wearing a police uniform. (If you are interested, please watch episode 2) In recent years, a police officer admired by Keiichiro from Patranger.
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Detective interrogating Kaito in Zenkaiger.
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Police officer chasing Tsubasa in Donbrothers.
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A police officer searches for the missing Keiwa in Geats…
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acequinz · 1 year
Babygirl channeled his inner Ace to win.
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eclipse-song · 3 months
gotchard is the first kamen rider I've seen since getting into rider where I haven't been extremely wary of/just not interested in it. I haven't ever seen a kamen rider live that right off the bat I really loved with all my heart...Saber was halfway done when I got into toku and I didn't really appreciate it and come to love it until after it aired. I didn't really enjoy much of Revice and Geats was like...kinda fun until it wasn't and also actively triggered some memories of bad times for me at the end. Gotchard has been finally a show I can watch and feel excited every week to see more of. It's nice because I was starting to wonder if there was smth wrong with me and I couldn't enjoy live kamen rider shows.
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paraemu · 1 year
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Hoshino Yuna interview from Uchusen 179
Kurama Neon, a young lady and influencer in a modern setting, transforms into Kamen Rider Naago.
Hoshino Yuna, who plays the role, is also a popular YouTuber herself.
She talked about the filming of some episodes.
Keep reading ->
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Some Advice (Episode 6)
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Some Advice (Episode 30)
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no thoughts, only brainrot and repetition and the role of (willful) (forceful) amnesia
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keruworld · 10 months
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