#geese fe
gullcrest · 1 year
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finished fe6! very challenging but still fun :D doodled some of my favs
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fefuckability · 9 months
RACE FOR THIRD PLACE: Twink on pirate violence
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Feel free to rb/comment with your reasoning!
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fe-smashorpass · 2 months
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lucxien · 10 months
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oh man u guys are not prepared for this (i’m not gonna finish it)
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galaxiarts · 11 months
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Inktober Day 26: Remove
"My targets are typically those who can afford to lose their precious baubles."
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fire-emblem-poll · 5 months
FE popularity polls
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landofzero-archive · 4 months
Ibara Saegusa - A Very Busy Night
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Event: Into Paradise*The Absolute of Immaculate Desire
Episode 1:
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Ibara: (Next is to reply to that email, check SNS while waiting for a reply, and……
Ah jeez, it’s just one thing after another. There’s no end in sight to this work……
There’s a limit to black labor(1), right? I’m at the end of my rope here.)
Option 1: Umm~……
Ibara: Yes yes, I’ll hold onto the documents…… Isn’t that what Anzu-san said?
What are you doing at this hour? It’s almost closing time here.
Option 2: Thank you for your hard work.
Ibara: Ah, it’s Anzu-san. Thank you for your hard work.
…… Am I feeling unwell? Ahaha, why would that be the case?
Option 3: A-Are you okay?
Ibara: Yes. I’m not unskilled at multitasking…… But you look like you’re tired, aren’t you?
You don’t have to look so worried.
Episode 2:
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Ibara: Apparently the office is being cleaned tonight…… So I decided to rent this space.
The store will be closing in a few minutes, so no one will bother me after that.
I was consulting with 2wink a while ago, and before I knew it, that time had come.
Option 1: By the way……
Ibara: Eh, Jun was looking for me?
What does he want? Well, if it’s urgent, he’ll probably call me.
Option 2: Hmm……
Ibara: Oh? Are you curious about 2wink?
They are now a promising prospect for CosPro! We’re hoping that they will act as our golden geese!
Option 3: They're relying on you, huh.
Ibara: …… What’s with that face? Are you dissatisfied with something?
Those kids probably have a few things they don’t want to tell you, right? Well, it wasn’t anything all that important.
Episode 3:
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Ibara: Well then, I have to get serious now……
Anzu-san, don’t you think it’s time for you to go home?
Chocolat Fes finally ended. It’s important to rest when you can.
Option 1: That goes for you too.
Ibara: Ahaha☆ This is something that happens everyday!
When the enemy has their guard lowered, someone attacks them from behind…… There may be people like that lurking.
Option 2: Maybe so.
Ibara: Fufu, advice from idols can be useful sometimes.
That’s it. I have some energy drinks in the fridge, so you can have one.
Option 3: Don’t push yourself too hard.
Ibara: Yes yes. I’m planning to go overseas the day after tomorrow, so I just need to get my work done before then.
Fortunately, I can get some rest on the plane.
TL Notes:
Black labor systems are systems where corporations operate with exploitative working conditions or a toxic company culture. They typically hire lots of young workers only to then force them to work large amounts of overtime without overtime pay.
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solitaryandwandering · 11 months
Current Tag Game
Tagged by @telomeke - their post was so fun to read! :)
Current time: 10:52 AM, hating Daylight Savings with all my heart and soul. It getting darker earlier is hell.
Current activity: Listening to a playlist, eating a granola bar, sitting on my bed enjoying a lazy Sunday after hanging out with my bestie yesterday.
Currently thinking about: What I should eat today, watching La Pluie later, the albums I want to listen to today to prepare for a Geese concert on Tuesday. Also, the roof of my mouth hurts :(
Current favorite song: This changes literally minute-by-minute but after referring to my November 2023 playlist I do have to say I've been jamming hard to BTOB's "Pray (I'll be your man)" lately. So dramatic! I love it!! Those vocals, Huta's (redhead) rap... yessss. Too bad the lyrics are somewhat corny and that choreo is dumb but... sometimes I just want something fun!
Currently reading: All the meta on this website, emails, insurance documents, etc. Nothing fun besides the meta unfortunately :(
Currently watching: La Pluie (and writing up my in-the-moment thoughts!!), Love in Translation, and slowly working through Laws of Attraction with the bestie. I'm loving them all, goodie for me!! Also watching Kiseki: Dear to Me and My Dear Gangster Oppa, which I'm also enjoying but not to the same extent as the prior three. I was watching I Feel You Linger in the Air but I was being consumed by it way too much so I put it on the back burner until I have more time to lose my mind (I also wasn't watching the uncut version which was A MISTAKE!!!!).
Current favorite character: Of the shows I'm watching now, Ai Di from Kiseki snatches that top spot with NO problem. I love him (and his outfits!!) so damn much. Louis Chiang is doing great work.
Current WIP: Mentally gathering together all the potential thoughts I could write about in my La Pluie watch-along later today!!
I have sworn off tagging, do this if you want!! :)
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talesofpassingtime · 7 months
‘They are all so busy playing the ugly duckling,’ cried Ursula, with mocking laughter. ‘And I don’t feel a bit like a humble and pathetic ugly duckling. I do feel like a swan among geese — I can’t help it. They make one feel so. And I don’t care what THEY think of me. FE M’EN FICHE.’
— D.H. Lawrence, Women in Love
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englishcomixru · 2 years
Множественное число в английском языке
New Post has been published on https://englishcomix.ru/mnozhestvennoe-chislo-v-anglijskom-yazyke/
Множественное число в английском языке
Множественное число в английском языке
Зачастую множественное число в английском языке вызывает много вопросов. Чтобы впредь вопросов не возникало мы попытались собрать в одной статье все про множественное число в английском языке..
В каких случаях добавляется –s, а в каких –es:
– es добавляется, если слово заканчивается на:
-s (например, bus – buses)
-x (например, fox – foxes)
-sh (например, flash – flashes)
-ch (например, torch – torches)
-f(fe) – в этом случае f меняется на v, и добавляется окончание –es (например, wolf – wolves, wife-wives).
12 существительных, оканчивающихся на -f или -fe, при образовании множественного числа “теряют” -f или -fe, но приобретают -ves. Вот они:
leaf(лист дерева),
loaf(буханка, каравай),
self(сам, себя),
sheaf(сноп, вязанка),
thief (вор),
wolf (волк).
  -o (кроме сокращенных слов типа photo – в этом случае добавляется только –s). Например, potato – potatoes
-y (если она стоит после согласной) – в этом случае y меняется на i, и добавляется окончание –es.
Например, lady – ladies
Почти все существительные подчиняются этому правилу, но есть и исключения.
Основные исключения необходимо запомнить.
Man – men (мужчина)
Woman – women [wimin] (женщина)
Child – children (ребенок)
Foot – feet (нога)
Goose – geese (гусь)
Tooth – teeth (зуб)
Mouse – mice (мышь)
Swine – swine (свинья)
Deer – deer (олень)
Sheep – sheep (овца)
Ox-oxen – бык
Для тех, кто хочет научиться запоминать по 100 слов за час, чтобы быстро выучить язык мы разработали курс, где объясняем как это сделать. Я сам лично сделал рекорд и запомнил 143 слова за 70 минут, а также запомнил 600 испанских слов за 6 часов.… Твитнуть
Только я сделал ошибку и испанские слова потом не повторял и чтобы с вами такого не происходило следуйте инструкции из курса. Следите за новостями и подписывайтесь в телеге. Со временем этот курс станет дешевле, потому что на подходе другой – еще лучше
Теперь снова за дело.
В составных существительных форму множественного числа обычно принимает только второй элемент:
housewives, schoolchildren
В составных существительных с первым элементом man / woman во множественном числе изменяются обе части:
women-writers, gentlemen-farmers писательницы, фермеры–джентльмены
В словах с составляющей -man она изменяется на -men:
policeman – policemen
Если части составного слова пишутся через дефис, то в форму множественного числа ставится ключевой по смыслу компонент:
man-of-war – men-of-war mother-in-law – mothers-in-law hotel-keeper – hotel-keepers gas-mask – gas-masks
Если в составном слове нет элемента-существительного, то для образования множественного числа нужно прибавить -s к последнему элементу:
forget-me-nots, drop-outs, go-between
A mother with a child sits at the table and does homework. The child learns at home. Home schooling. Space for text.
Существительные, используемые только в единственном числе английского языка.
Некоторые английские существительные, например, неисчисляемые, используются только в форме единственного числа:
gold, silver, oil, music, the Thames
В этом они могут отличаться от русского языка, где могут иметь форму множественного числа:
advice (совет/советы), information (информация/сведения), progress (успех/успехи), knowledge (знание/знания)
Слово news и названия некоторых наук на -ics имеют форму множественного числа, но используются в значении единственного:
This news is horrible. Ужасная новость.
Physics studies matter and motion. Физика изучает материю и движение.
Слова money и hair (кроме значения «волосок») в английском языке, в отличие от русского, употребляются только в единственном числе:
her soft hair, this money ее мягкие волосы, эти деньги
Существительные, используемые только во множественном числе английского языка
Как и в русском языке, к этой категории относятся многие парные предметы (scissors, scales, spectacles, trousers), некоторые географические названия (the Netherlands, the Highlands, the East Indies) и другие слова (customs, manners, outskirts, annals).
В нее входят некоторые слова, которые в русском языке имеют форму единственного числа: goods (товар/товары), contents (содержание), clothes (одежда), proceeds (доход/доходы), wages (зарплата), riches (богатство/богатства) и др.
Существительное people в значении «люди» имеет значение множественного лица:
People are so mean here. Люди здесь такие злые.
Однако в значении «народ» оно может использоваться и в единственном, и во множественном числе.
UNO helps all peoples of the world. ООН помогает всем народам мира.
Чтобы проще запоминать, читай как улучшить память за время похода к холодильнику.
Кстати, сейчас, мы собираем деньги для озвучки фильмов, сериалов и мультиков, чтобы вам было интереснее. Так что, кто готов помочь, мы только рады. Больше годного контента для вас.
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hmleughmyer · 2 years
Dear Soulmate,
I hope someday I bump into you, my eyes meet yours, and I drown in them. I hope when I see you smile at me my heart pounds like there isn’t enough room in my chest. I hope you take my hand, lace your fingers through mine, and we go walking, barefoot in the sand, under the stars, as we listen to the soft rhythm of rolling waves. I hope we get drunk on each other as we sip wine and tell each other our deepest, darkest secrets. I hope you gently touch my face and then tuck a strand of hair behind my ear before pulling me into you with intention, and kissing my lips with a primal passion. I hope we make love under the covers, by a crackling fire, as snow blankets the earth outside. I hope you make me laugh so hard I cry. I hope you will cry with me. I hope you are patient, compassionate, and kind, and you don’t mind sharing the bed with our 4-legged kids. I hope you think I’m beautiful, even on my worst days. I hope you hate seeing me sad, and I hope you like hugs. I hope you are sensual, cuddly, and adventurous in bed. I hope you like reading, art, and exploration. I hope that you try to write poetry or music, even if it’s bad. I hope you can laugh at yourself. I hope you like to dance and sing, and you aren’t afraid to get up and karaoke at some dive bar we stop at on our way to Sante Fe. I hope you love hearing me sing, even when I’m completely off key. I hope you dedicate some of your free time to mucking barns at a farm sanctuary or scooping poop at an animal shelter. I hope you are empathetic and giving. I hope we cook vegan food together and make up our own recipes and concoctions. I hope you love that I rescue rats and that I let them kiss me on the lips. I hope you love my constant antics and sarcasm. I hope when we argue it’s because you can think for yourself, and not because you were brainwashed by others. I hope after we have a good argument we can have makeup sex all night long. I hope that you challenge me and let me challenge you. I hope you can be present in the moment and that you have the curiosity of a child. I hope you like documentaries and dark history. I hope you love Halloween, and never miss out on finding the perfect costume. I hope you are creative, you love to create, and you think outside the box. I hope you’re a dreamer and have big dreams. I hope we go hiking together to remote waterfalls, and I hope you like rollerblading in the park. I hope we can walk our dogs together, and take them on vacations, and stay in mountain cabins with back deck hot tubs. I hope we can go camping together and roast vegan hot dogs and marshmallows while listening to music, getting high, and telling ghost stories. I hope that you like to try new things, and that you collect old things. I hope you like coffee and thrift stores and books. I hope that you love me because I would endanger my own life by stopping traffic to try and save a family of geese. I hope you think I’m funny when I thought I was being my own best audience. I hope you buy me slutty things to wear for you because you think I’m silly and sexy when I’m role playing one of my many personalities. I hope you love summer thunderstorms and autumn bon fires. I hope you like getting lost in the woods and lost in thought. I hope you’re a hopeless romantic. I hope you like candles and chocolate and bubble baths. I hope you like skinny dipping in the gulf at night. I hope you’re as crazy and as fearless as I am. I hope when I find you, you will love me for just little ol’ me, and I hope you will never let go.
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artistjust · 2 years
The king of fighters 98 final edition
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The Ultimate & Final edition of "KOF '98 UM",įor the latest in SNK news and community events, drop by our official Discord channel!
Chega de ficar de olho na bateria ou fazer chamadas frustrantes na hora errada.Īpenas aproveite o THE KING OF FIGHTERS '98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITION PC na tela grande gratuitamente! THE KING OF FIGHTERS '98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITION Introdução
KOF '98 UM FE features several game modes for the best game experience ever such as “Endless Mode”, in which you take on CPU-controlled characters in a series of battles, “Challenge Mode” to attempt and clear a total of 30 missions, “Practice Mode” where you can train using all types of moves and combos.THE KING OF FIGHTERS '98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITION, vindo do desenvolvedor SNK CORPORATION,Code Mystics, está rodando no sistema Android no passado.Īgora, você pode jogar THE KING OF FIGHTERS '98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITION no PC com GameLoop sem problemas.įaça o download na biblioteca GameLoop ou nos resultados da pesquisa. The original NEOGEO version of “KOF ’98” has been faithfully ported for the great pleasure of all! Discover or rediscover the quintessence of “KOF” on Steam! Struggle to be the true King of Players in the limelight of the international stage! The world is yours! The newly added “Ultimate Mode” will allow you to combine the various features of the original “Extra” and “Advanced” game modes in order to create your own one! Moreover, classic “Extra” and “Advanced” 2 game modes have been thoroughly rebalanced for a wider variety of battle strategies.Ĭhoose between “Rank Match”, where your battle results are reflected, and “Player Match”, where you can set your versus battle settings to your liking. Furthermore, this final edition offers an alternate version to some characters for a total of 64 different fighters and infinite team possibilities. Big, and Wolfgang Krauser join this ultimate tournament. In addition to the original roster of “KOF ’98”, emblematic KOF characters such as Eiji Kisaragi, Kasumi Todoh, Geese Howard, Mr. ・A gorgeous character roster of 64 fighters: With an overall readjustment of the game balance and every character’s moves, this final edition of “KOF ’98 UM” is definitely the ultimate version to play for every KOF fan for endless and epic battles. ・A thorough overhaul of the game balance: The KOF'98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITION OST boasts 63 fantastic tracks from the original NEOGEO KOF '98 and from those added in KOF'98 ULTIMATE MATCH! The SNK Sound Team have remastered all the tracks for your listening enjoyment. In addition to implementing rollback netcode to make online fights even that much more smoother, KOF'98 UMFE will now feature spectating modes and lobbies that can hold up to nine players! Smooth online fighting is just a click away! THE KING OF FIGHTERS ’98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITIONĪfter “KOF '98”, often praised by the fans as the best installment in the “KOF” series, and “KOF ’98 UM” 10 years later, “KOF ’98” returns now on the Steam PC gaming platform in an ultimate and final version with THE KING OF FIGHTERS ’98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITION 只需在電腦大屏幕上免費下載暢玩THE KING OF FIGHTERS '98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITION 電腦版! THE KING OF FIGHTERS '98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITION 簡介 現在,您可以在電腦上使用 GameLoop 模擬器流暢地玩 THE KING OF FIGHTERS '98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITION。 來自發行商 SNK CORPORATION,Code Mystics 的 THE KING OF FIGHTERS '98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITION 能夠在安卓系統上運行。
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fefuckability · 10 months
QUARTERFINALS: The good hair day squad
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Feel free to rb/comment with your reasoning!
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ultimafangirl · 4 years
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Goose! Geese!
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rainbowdonkee · 4 years
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Byleth is the master of finding everything!
Maybe he could help finding my lost stylus pen...
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shalpilot · 4 years
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Been drawing the lads again lately!
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