#echidna fe
holmslice69art · 9 months
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gullcrest · 1 year
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finished fe6! very challenging but still fun :D doodled some of my favs
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I think the next fire emblem game should be entirely butch lesbians to make up for the lack of butch lesbians in the franchise so far
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fe-smashorpass · 3 months
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fefuckability · 9 months
GREEN SWEEP! Who is our most fuckable Binding Blade character?
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Feel free to rb/comment with your reasoning!
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rosecelebi · 1 year
Posting my favorite FEH Meet the Heroes art every day
Echidna and Roy
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cupofcolors · 2 years
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playing binding blade :)
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lunadrawingonthemoon · 4 months
Echidna and/or Minerva
I will go with both, I like challenge ! (sorry for the wait ADHD was digging holes into my brain today ^^')
(Also yay more ladies I love <3 Thank you for requesting them)
Honestly, it work very well. The design really looks like she got everything she could use as a piece of armor. And it’s made sense as a member and chief of the resistance. It’s not a coordinated group it’s a bunch of people who bring with what they have.
So the fact her outfit is just some green and orange (which are not colors who look harmonious together most of the time) cloths put togethers work very well for her characterisation. It’s also making her stand out when we are more used to classical medieval armies with silver armors coordinated outfits... She’s messier but she doesn’t care about some fashion, she’s here to fight for her cause.
Also, the crocked bandana is just perfect with that.
The only things I would change is maybe having her whole arms covered by the bandages she has on her wrist, like she was hiding some scars.
Also in her original design, I found the armors on her shoulders is a bit wacky, but it was pretty much corrected with heroes (btw if she was just a bit more muscular, this art would be perfect).
Her design is very fitting for both a princess and a wyvern fighter. As an exemple, just the fact that the white tissue combined with the armor look like wyvern wings is just so cool.
With the full red armor with gold decorations it looks very majestic like a bird of fire flying and ready to attack you.
I also like how when her brother’s outfit mostly black and her sister’s is completely white, her is very colorfull, with a very vibrant scarlet red, the color which we associate with Macedon the most.
Love how fitting it is with her role in the game.
But sadly, she’s a victim of being the first one of a whole fire emblem archetype: the fiercefull wyvern woman knight, which made her a bit less recognizable inside the whole roost of playable charcters because we’ve got other red wyvern knight (especially Melady who have the same haircut as well).
Even if her armor is more decorated with gold and she has a green bandana she needs now more recognizable features.
I felt like maybe with accentuation of the gold color or maybe add another warm color (maybe with little purple parts, a bit like what her resplandissant did) could make a good job at it. I felt like it would give her even more majesty and also made her stand up more.
Honestly, they’re both great, what I did was really me being nitpicky about it. They both great characters with great designs. And I love them a lot. Cool ladies for the win!
I wrote a bit less than with Nailah because they’re all very strong ladies so they’re quite similar on some points (I don’t want to bother you all too much by repeating myself too often) but also I don’t have the best knowledge about Archanea’s games, I know about Elibe’s more but it’s not the best, and for Echidna especially because I prefer Elffin’s path (Why I can’t play them together?! TwT) while I can write page about Tellius lore.
I will not spoil you too much… but the next one will be salty…. Like sooo salty. 👀
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kanawolf · 9 months
For FE Rarepair week, and in the spirit of winter themed holidays, Echidna and Peony get to enjoy the decorations, the snowfall, and each others company in this lil drabble.
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theofficersacademy · 2 years
Hi I've recovered from being sick so could I reserve Echidna again please?
Echidna has been reserved!
You have one week (10/2) to submit your blog and application to the Masterlist. Thank you for your reserve!
- Mod Key
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holmslice69art · 1 year
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aliciavance4228 · 2 months
Greek Mythology Characters And Their MBTI Types
Note: I tried to include as many gods, demigods, mortals, creatures etc. as possible.
INTJ: Introverted Intuition (Ni), Extraverted Thinking (Te), Introverted Feeling (Fi), and Extraverted Sensing (Se);
Characters: Athena, Hades, Nyx, Diomedes, Nemesis, Moirai (The Fates), Minos, Ixion, Tantalus, Melinoe, Styx, Graeae, Erebus, Hydra;
INTP: Introverted Thinking (Ti), Extraverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Sensing (Si), Extraverted Feeling (Fe);
Characters: Pandora, Scylla, Daedalus, Chaos, Urania, Sphinx, Coeus, Aergia;
ENTJ: Extraverted Thinking (Te), Introverted Intuition (Ni), Extraverted Sensing (Se), Introverted Feeling (Fi);
Characters: Zeus, Helios, Medea, Clytemnestra, Ouranos, Eteocles, Charybdis, Hyperion, Moros, Stheno, Nereus, Perses, Caucasian Eagle;
ENTP: Extraverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Thinking (Ti), Extraverted Feeling (Fe), Introverted Sensing (Si);
Characters: Hermes, Odysseus, Prometheus, Oedipus, Sisyphus, Chimera, Eris, Atë, Enyo, Damocles, Proteus, Momus, Apate, Niobe, Hermaphroditus, Hippomenes;
INFJ: Introverted Intuition (Ni), Extraverted Feeling (Fe), Introverted Thinking (Ti), Extraverted Sensing (Se);
Characters: Hestia, Hecate, Psyche, Circe, Oizys, Chione, Medusa, Cassandra, Iphigenia, Selene, Asclepcius, Chiron, Okeanos, Aether, Theia, Harmonia, Phoebe, Asteria, Astraeus, Alcmene, Callisto, Geryon and Orthus;
INFP: Introverted Feeling (Fi), Extraverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Sensing (Si), Extraverted Thinking (Te);
Characters: Persephone, Hypnos, Morpheus, Orpheus, Eurydice, Pygmalion, Antigone, Amphion, Plutus, Ariadne, Zephyrus, Euterpe, Hemera, Lethe, Bellerophon, Melpomene;
ENFJ: Extraverted Feeling (Fe), Introverted Intuition (Ni), Extraverted Sensing (Se), Introverted Thinking (Ti);
Characters: Apollo, Gaia, Atlas, Aeneas, Nike, Peitho, Peleus, Admetus, Calliope, Cadmus, Iasion;
ENFP: Extraverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Feeling (Fi), Extraverted Thinking (Te), Introverted Sensing (Si);
Characters: Dionysus, Eos, Icarus, Thalia, Ganymede, Polynices, Tyche, Philomela, Aglaea, Euphrosyne, Phaethon, Io, Iolaus, Clymene, Amphitryton;
ISTJ: Introverted Sensing (Si), Extraverted Thinking (Te), Introverted Feeling (Fi), Extraverted Intuition (Ne);
Characters: Thanatos, Penelope, Electra, Clio, Echidna, Charon, Argus, Adrastea, Geras, Glaucus;
ISFJ: Introverted Sensing (Si), Extraverted Feeling (Fe), Introverted Thinking (Ti), Extraverted Intuition (Ne);
Characters: Demeter, Patroclus, Cyparissus, Telemachus, Ismene, Leto, Mnemosyne, Macaria, Polymnia, Leda, Thetis, Amphitrite, Maia, Euryale, Amalthea, Merope;
ESTJ: Extraverted Thinking (Te), Introverted Sensing (Si), Extraverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Characters: Hera, Poseidon, Cronus, Creon, Cerberus, Agamemnon, Menelaus, Zelus, Themis, Pentheus, Boreas, Zethus;
ESFJ: Extraverted Feeling (Fe), Introverted Sensing (Si), Extraverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Thinking (Ti);
Characters: Hector, Perseus, Echo, Erato, Rhea, Eileithya;
ISTP: Introverted Thinking (Ti), Extraverted Sensing (Se), Introverted Intuition (Ni), Extraverted Feeling (Fe);
Characters: Artemis, Hephaestus, Polyphemus, Typhon, Pontus, Tartarus, Keres, Lycaon, Zagreus, Erychthonius;
ISFP: Introverted Feeling (Fi), Extraverted Sensing (Se), Introverted Intuition (Ni), Extraverted Thinking (Te);
Characters: Narcissus, Achilles, Helen of Troy, Eros, Hebe, Andromeda, Iris, Orestes, Adonis, Triton, Endymion, Danae, Hyacinthus, Daphne;
ESTP: Extraverted Sensing (Se), Introverted Thinking (Ti), Extraverted Feeling (Fe), Introverted Intuition (Ni);
Characters: Ares, Pan, Heracles, Kratos, Midas, Theseus, Ajax the Greater, Jason, Orion, Iapetus, Priapus, Tityos, Pelops;
ESFP: Extraverted Sensing (Se), Introverted Feeling (Fi), Extraverted Thinking (Te), Introverted Intuition (Ni);
Characters: Aphrodite, Paris, Calypso, Epimetheus, Terpisichore, Atalanta, Hedone, Hyppolita, Lamia, Achelous;
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Notable trans women in fire emblem: Eirika, Lucina, Marianne, Florina, Tiki, Marisa, Echidna, Panette, Ivy, Edelgard, and L'arachel. All 100% canon I assure you. (Anyone can feel free to add more trans women of fire emblem to this list :3)
Domt forget Goldmary, Genny, Silque, Meg, Micaiah, Titania, Vika, Leonie, Judith and Anna (All of them)
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
I’m so scared for the next update. Everything’s getting far too serious.
It is isn’t it. And I almost feel bad! But hey—you guys are reading it and I’m enjoying writing it so that’s all that matters. As always here the Masterlist for those not caught up!
Chapter Warnings: Domestic and Sexual abuse/violence. Illusion to forced sexual acts.
“What are you doing?” Jakes asking when he catches you leaning over the kitchen bench eating what looks to be cold ravioli. Dipping the singular pasta into the cold sun dried tomato sauce that sat cracked open next to the glass bowl of leftovers. 
“I was too lazy to heat it up, thought I’d just snack on it like corn chips and salsa.” 
“Bold move—“ Jake replied as he sauntered over, he’s noticed over the last few days that the bruising around your eyes had gone down. Almost invisible to the naked eye. The cut that ran across the expanse of your bottom lip had started to heal up nice and your smile—albeit slightly saddened, had started to make an appearance. “I think we had ravioli on Monday night—it’s Saturday Fe.” 
“It passed the sniff test.” Is all you mumble back as Jake comes to stand beside you, he’s hovering. Has been since you showed up on his doorstep. “If you’re about to ask, it’s a no.” 
“I think getting out will be good for you!” Jake’s been pushing the rhetoric on you for the last few days, he wanted you to meet his friends, genuine people who would welcome you with open arms. “Come on Y/n, you’ve been hiding out here for three weeks now, and Rooster is about to burst at the seams because I won’t let him mention that some strange woman he’s never seen before told him to fuck off when he was knocking the damn door down.” Jake smirks to himself when he sees you still. Right, you had done that hadn’t you. 
“I should really apologise for doing that, he probably thinks I’m some kind of bitch—“ Jake snorts through his nose when he takes a cold piece of ravioli that’s dipped in sun dried tomato sauce to his mouth.  
“You are and can, tomorrow—” Jake grins. “We’re all having lunch at the Hard Deck and I really want everyone to meet the woman who’s gonna be servicing their aircraft and fixing their gear in two weeks time.” You don’t say anything, you simply play with the single piece of pasta you're holding between your fingertips. 
“What about Dot?” 
“What about her?” Jake questioned back as he bumps your hip with his. “You’re gonna bring her and you're gonna watch as she steals the hearts of seven Naval Aviators.” 
Which is exactly what happened. Jakes ushering you through the front doors with Dot on his hip. He looks the part of your everyday run of the mill dad that’s just finished wrangling the two year old on his hip after she’d decided that the toilet paper in the downstairs bathroom was more valuable than her stuffed echidna toy he’d left her with for five minutes. 
“Who’s Hangman with?” Fanboy asks inquisitively as he taps Rooster on the shoulder. The second Bradley turns around to see who Mickeys referring to, Bradley Bradshaw forgets how to breathe. Its you, the girl whod told him to fuck off when he came to jakes door that one time. The girl Jake had gaslit Bradley into believing was a figment of his imagination. The girl who looked a lot prettier when she wasn't hiding behind a gaggle of bruises and cuts. Not that Bradley didn't think you were beautiful to begin with, he just liked to see you smiling instead of crying. 
“Everyone.” Jake begins, he's smiling ear to ear while he's holding his niece who's locked eyes on the shyer than most weapons systems officer who's wearing big googly glasses that make her smile as bright as ever. “I want you all to meet my sister Y/n and her beautiful daughter Odette, but we just call her Dot.” 
“Hi–” You say wave. “It's uh, nice to meet you all, I've heard alot about you all.” 
“And yet we’ve never heard about you?” Payback turns his attention to Jake who says he’ll explain. But you've moved onto something else. 
“You know ASL?” You barely register what you're saying as you watch Bob sign to Odette who's trying to copy the aviator's hand movements. He was just trying to grab her attention. He didn't think anyone else knew. 
“Uh–Yeah, a little, I was just saying hello.” It's almost as if he was stunned you knew what he was doing. “You know it too?” Bob asked in return, he watches the way you reach out for your daughter and doesn't miss the slight discoloration he catches on your stomach when your shirt lifts up slightly. 
“I picked up a little here and there.” 
“Jaidyn, you–you need to leave–”  There's a camera in the corner of your workshop, the little red light usually blinks on and off every few seconds. It lets you know that you're not alone. You've never had an issue before where the higher ups have had to go and comb through countless hours of footage, Bradley never really paid much mind to the camera either whenever he’d get a little lovey dovey–but there's something far too concerning about your current situation. 
The little blinking red light that's usually there every three or four seconds, wasn't blinking.
“ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!” Jaidyn barked at you, the way he pushed you back against the wall a little harder as his hand came up to wrap around your throat had you crying. Warm tears escaped for your bottom lash line as you gasped for air under the tight pressure Jaiydn applied around your throat. You reached for his hand, trying to claw it open but all he did was choke you harder. “You know, it would be so easy for me to just–” He doesn't say it, but you know what he means when you feel the sting of a knife’s tip press into your side slowly and through your work uniform. “But this is just so much fun baby.” 
You cough and splatter and gasp for air when Jaidyn drops his hand from around your throat, only for him to cup his palm over your mouth–he knows you would have cried out for help if given the chance. His not dumb, if anything Jaidyn Dolan was an incredibly intelligent man. It's one of the things that made you fall in love with him to begin with, his incredible mind. His passion for aviation and aerodynamics. A gifted mind when it came to all things mathematical and science based. You wondered if any of the women he’d dated before you had been lucky enough to not have to experience this side of him. Maybe it was just you, but whenever you caught yourself wandering about that, you fell into a dangerous cycle of blaming yourself for his actions. 
Still very much believing it was you that was the problem, that you were the reason Jaidyn Dolan was an abuser. A champion chameleon. He had just about everyone fooled that he was a great guy. 
“This is what's gonna happen sweetheart.” Jaidyn hissed through gritted teeth against your ear as he pressed himself against you. “You’re gonna do as you’re told and if you don’t, so help me god I will fuck that cunt of a boyfriend you’re parading around with up so much he’ll beg me to kill him.” You felt your heart drop into your stomach as Jaidyn removed his hand from around your mouth, only to press the blade of his knife against your neck, with so much intent behind his actions that you felt the blade break the supple and sensitive skin of your neck. 
“And if that doesn't make you nervous, watch me take that little girl you were so fucking hell bent on keeping and ill make sure you never see you again.” You don't know what to do, so you just cry. Nodding in response silently as Jaidyn pulls the knife away from your throat and steps back. He’s trusting you not to run. You wouldn't be so stupid, not after he just threatened Odette, threatened Bradley. 
You stand before him shaking, quivering with fear as your heart races and your lungs feel like they're on fire. He points the knife at you with his arm outstretched and a smile so maniacal it makes you want to throw up. 
“So, strip for me darlin–before I change my mind.” 
Amelia Fisher was still shaking with fear as she walked up to the front desk of the North Island police station. Without so much as saying anything, she slid her phone across the counter to the man sitting at the front desk, a video playing of two men having an altercation in the car park of the Day Care centre she had just dropped her nephew off at. 
“Ma’am—?” The police officer sitting before her questioned her actions. 
“You guys just arrested the blonde one in this video.” She pointed out, her finger visibly shaking as he pointed Jake Seresin out to the office who just raised his brow. “But this guy was the one who provoked him, he had a knife that you can clearly see in his hand here and he was the one that should have been arrested.” She’d been in her car, enjoying the coffee she’d made at home in a rush to get out the door when everything broke out before her very eyes. “I was just dropping my nephew off—“ Amilia went on to explain, rambling as she tried to steady her breathing. 
The officer played the video on her phone three or four times over before he stood, gesturing for Amelia to meet him at the door just off to the side. 
“I’ll need you to make a statement before we can let Mr. Seresin leave.” He explains, sitting with a groan as if he was annoyed about doing his job. “And the video will need to be submitted into official evidence.” 
“Uh, sure—yeah that’s not a problem.” She hugged herself tight as she took a seat promptly, spilling her guts about everything she’d witnessed happen in the carpark of the SunnySide day care centre. 
“Come on Rooster—pick up you stupid flightless bird you.” Jake’s grumbling to himself when he pushes through the front doors of the police station, jotting down the stairs that Amilia Fisher had been pacing up and down for the better half of half an hour, just waiting for the man she’d watched nearly become a shish kabob in the carpark of SunnySide to come through the doors. “Dammit Bradshaw!” 
Jake sighs as he comes to a halt, looking up as he brings his phone down from his ear and hits hangup when Rooster doesn’t answer his damn phone. Catching a woman’s attention as she’s pacing back and forth like a crazy person, mumbling to herself as she chews her nail beds into oblivion. 
“Are you Amilia?” Jake asks. He’s still unsure of why someone he didn’t know would turn in vital evidence that may have very well saved his sorry ass. 
“Oh! Yes! Yes, that's me!” Amilias beaming back at Jake when she realises he’s out and looking at her, running up to meet him halfway up the stairs of the police station. Nearly tripping over her own feet as she does. “I’m Amilia, Amilia Fisher—“ 
Jakes flawed. He’s never really been one to be stunned into silence but as Amilia sticks her hand out to introduce herself, Jake Seresin thinks he’s having a heart attack. Because Amilia is gorgeous. 
“You’re the one who just gave a statement, got me off the hook?” Jake asked as he takes Amilias hand in his softly, shaking it a few times before letting her go. Watching as she goes back to picking at her cuticles in an attempt to settle her nerves. 
“I was just sitting in my car, and saw the whole thing, I didn’t know what else to do so I just started recording—“ There’s a moment of silence when Jake doesn’t know what to say and Amilia doesn’t know how to speak. So they just stand there, looking at each other awkwardly and in complete silence until Jake smiles. “Thought it might help, you know.” 
“You know you probably just saved my life right?” Jakes not kidding, he knew damn well without any evidence he could have been convicted of a felony which would have meant the end of his career. Which would subsequently ruin his life. “And you probably don’t even know it, do you?” Jake wasn’t trying to be ominous, but he thought Amilia was awfully pretty. If she didn’t know how much of an impact she had on the trajectory of Jake Seresins life just by one selfless decision she made? He thought there was a possible chance she could have been worth getting to know, what other selfless acts had she done? 
“I just didn’t think it was fair that that guy, whoever he is to you, got away after provoking you like that.” Amilia admitted her truth to Jake as she walked with him side by side down the stairs. “He looked pretty off his rocker.” Huh, that was a new one? Come to think of it, there was an accent there too, Jake just couldn’t pick it. Not in the moment at least. So he laughed softly and when the pair of them made it back to where Amilia had parked her car? Jakes shooting his shot amongst a whole lot of chaos. 
“Listen—I’ve gotta make sure some people are alright, but if I give you my number? what’s the chance you’ll let me take you out for a coffee just to say thanks?” And it’s the sweetest smile Jake ever sees creep across this gorgeous woman’s face. He’s spellbound, until Amilias laughing and answering him with the most ridiculous sentence that Jake Seresin has ever heard. 
“I’d say that I didn’t come here to fuck spiders—“ Jakes short circuiting, he’s trying to blink a response into fruition but as Amilia is standing right in front of him trying not to lose her composure and laugh right in his face. She falters after a few seconds of watching the man struggle to find his words, with a hand covering her mouth, Jake knows she’s set him up. “It means the chances are high, Lieutenant Seresin.” Amilia coos, brushing her hair back behind her ear. “I’m Australian, well I’ve been in the states for a while now but still—it’s just some silly saying that makes zero sense when you think about it.” 
“Right—“ Oh my god Jake thinks he’s in love. He can feel his heart beating in his chest in a way he’s never quite experienced “Australian, I’ll uh—commit that detail to memory for when we go for that coffee and you can tell me all about the other silly saying you Aussies seem to have?” For a second Jake thinks maybe it’s just all the adrenaline’s pumping through his veins from the whole being detained saga, or the fact you’re probably in imminent danger, but it’s not. His heart is beating so hard inside his chest because Amilia is the textbook definition of perfection in Jake's eyes and he doesn’t even know her on a personal level. 
He’s sure that when he sees that smile creep across her face again that he'll spontaneously combust if he gets a chance to get to know her more. 
Amilia Fisher reaches for her phone and hands it over to Lieutenant Jake Seresin, the name she’d been told was his from the police officer who took her statement. By the time it’s in Jake's possession the screens already unlocked and open to a new contact setting. Jake beams, his cheeks feel hot and he knows he’s got a flush of crimson red creeping up his neck. 
“I like a strong coffee Lieutenant, perhaps we could try that coffee shop down by the beach near Preston’s Pastries?” Amilia hadn’t gone into this thinking she’d get a date, but still, the possibility of getting to know the more than handsome Hollywood smile having Naval Aviator who stood before her didn’t seem like just a bad idea. “Or wherever you think is good—“ 
“The coffee shop near Preston’s Pastries seems like a good idea.” Jake smiled back, completely unaware of the fact he’d been standing out the front of the police station with this woman he didn't know yet saved his ass from being incarcerated for well over twenty minutes. “It's a date, Amilia.” Jake couldn’t believe he’d scored a date in all this mess—how the fuck was he meant to find time to go on a date when at any moment Jaidyn could snap. “Amilia Fisher—“ He liked that name. Amilia. “It’s been a pleasure meeting you, and thanks again for uh—literally bailing me out.” 
“Just trying to do my civic duty.” She nodded, accepting the phone Jake handed back to her with his containers now saved, he’d sent himself a text. Not wanting to chance her not following up on their coffee date. “Lieutenant Seresin.” 
“Hangman—“ Jake chuckled softly as he rubbed the back of his head. There was something about this girl, usually Jake was all talk and far too confident for his own good. But Amilia Fisher? There was something about her that had Jake swooning. 
“Huh?” She bit back, figuring she’d misheard Jake. “Sorry, what did you say your name was?” 
“My callsign, it’s Hangman, or just Jake will be fine too.” 
“The fuck kinda name is that?” Oh my god Jake swears he felt his knees buckle for a second when Amilia wrinkled her nose up in question to his callsign. Accepting it nevertheless as she turned to open her car door. “But sure, Hangman—how about you hop in and I’ll drive you to the navy base?” It’s an offer Jake can’t refuse, before he registers what he’s doing? He’s nodding a little too eagerly and racing around to the passenger side of Amilias sisters car. A two thousand and seventeen Santa Fe. Praying she knows how to drive and drive fast. 
There's a song that plays through the speakers almost instantly as Jake does his seatbelt up and Amilia starts the car. He chuckles softly to himself, settling in while he pubs his psalm across his thighs. 
“Something wrong Hangman?” Amilia taunts the sandy blonde who sits in her passenger seat looking all kinds of stressed out. She isn't sure if it's because he's trusting a complete stranger to drive him to work or because of the earlier escapades that transpired on daycare drop off. 
“My sister, she listened to these guys religiously, it's almost intervention worthy.” Jake, although not their biggest Stan, can appreciate the Australian based Hilltop Hoods that's coming through the speakers. “I hear this song in my nightmares.” 
“Your sister has impeccable taste if you ask me.” Amilia smiles, concentraining on pulling out from the curb. “Chase That Feeling is a powerhouse anthem.” 
“She’d probably agree–” Jake replies, listening to the song play as his heart aches just a little inside his chest. He's losing it, he knows this is bigger than him, bigger than Bradley. He can't be everywhere at once and he can't protect you the way he promised he could. That much is becoming abundantly clear with every day Jaidyn Dolan is in North Island. “No scratch that, she’d definitely agree.”
“WHERE THE HELL IS LIEUTENANT DOLAN!?” Admiral Simpson, famous around Miramar for being the hard task master that he was—shouted at an astronomically loud level at the group of Naval Aviators as they geared up for the next round of flight training scheduled for the day. He was irate that two out of his eight Fighter Pilots were currently missing in action. “One of you better have a damn answer for either Lieutenant Dolan or Lieutenant Seresin being unaccounted for this morning!?” It was boarding 10am. 
For some, it would be their first run of the day, Fanboy, Payback, Coyote and Jake himself were all late starters. Phoenix, Bob and Bradley however? They hadn’t been so lucky. They were the 7am starters for the next few days and hadn’t seen or heard from Hangman all morning. 
“I’ve gotta go pick up my helmet from Felix’s Hanger, I left it there so she could fix that crack—“ Bob mumbles under his breath to Phoenix who just nods before she’s watching her back seater slither past a very clearly outraged Admiral Simpson. 
“WELL—!?” Bradley just turns on his heels, opening his locker where his phone is ringing on silent. The stupid photo that’s linked to Jake's caller ID illuminates the screen for a few split seconds before the call is ringing out—revealing the seven texts, four missed calls and three voicemails Bradley has missed all the while his phone had been in his locker since he’d officially started. Fuck.
“Fe!” Bob Floyd is a peculiar man to most. If anything he's a simple man with simple pleasures and a simple heart. He, although he's been met with his own trials and tribulations in life, knows he lived a rather sheltered life. He’d been a bookworm his entire life, lived on a farm with his brothers, his mum and dad. Worked whenever the sun was up and slept when the sun was down. “Hey, no pressure but I’m just wondering if you had a chance to look at my helmet yet?” He hadnt come face to face with anything that really rattled him, was never really a drinker—didn’t start fights like his brother was known for. “If you haven’t, that’s cool—I can just use the spare.” Well, maybe that was kind of wrong—Bob hadn’t faced anything that didn’t rattle him that hadnt been related to his chosen career choice that was. He practically stared death in the face Monday through Friday and laughed at him. “Felix? you in here?” 
“Don't try anything stupid!” Jaidyns hissing in your face as you dress yourself. He does the same and shoves you out in line of sight as he hides away in the corner. 
There’s a commotion coming from around the corner in your workshop as Bob's questions go unanswered. He swears he hears the voice of a man he can’t quite pick before you’re appearing. Fixing up your overalls and looking all thinks of panicked and scared out of your damn mind. 
“Fe—? Are you alright?” Bob asked cautiously. He takes a step towards you but in your panic you step back. “What’s wrong?” it's imminent and undeniable as ever, something is incredibly wrong. 
“I’ve put in a custom order for a new one, your helmet’s a little old and the crack running up the centre pretty much shot out its integrity.” You explained softly while you wiped your tears away and sauntered over to your desk where you had a helmet waiting for Bob. “If you ejected the helmet wouldn't do much good–so I binned it, but here’s a spare that was only catalogued into rotation last month. Hasn’t seen much use, so it should keep you pretty safe.” 
“Uh—thanks.” Bob replies, still standing where he landed when he watched you take a hesitant step away from him. He clearly sees the line across your neck, the bruises the size of fingers. If someone’s here, and they did that, Bob knows you aren’t safe—and there’s only one person who Bob can think of that would lay their hands on you. “I appreciate it.” 
“S’not a problem, really.” Your voice is shakier than ever as you scribble a quick note on a post it that’s on your desk. There’s a mirror hanging above your desk, you angle it just right. Hoping it does something. 
The post it is barely legible but it will just have to do as you stick it to the inside of Bob's temporary helmet and take it over to him. “I’m just doing my job—but your new one shouldn’t take too long to come in.” 
“Sounds perfect.” Bobs keeping things casual as he takes the helmet from you, flips it over and sees the bright orange post it. He goes silent as he reads it and feels his heart pounding against his chest. 
“Jaidyn has a knife, go.” 
“See you at lunch?” 
“You bet.” You send Bob a soft and quick smile before you stand there and watch him leave. Bob takes a few steps before he turns around again, holding his helmet up under his arm as he signs to you the one thing you needed to hear most right now hoping that you still remember enough to be able to understand what he was signing to you. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Does anyone have any ideas as to where either of those men may or may not be?” It’s a lingering question that goes unanswered by the group. Admiral Simpson seemed rather unamused when he wasn’t given a direct answer by any of his aviators. “If they aren’t present and accounted for in fifteen minutes each and every single one of you will be doing pushups on that tarmac until your shoulders dislodge from their socket! AM I UNDERSTOOD?” 
“Abundantly Sir—“ Fanboy replies meekly on behalf of the group who all watch as Admiral Simpson turns with a huff and exits the locker room—only to have one of his two missing Aviators run into him at full speed like he wasn’t watching where he was going. 
“Admiral Simpson!” Jakes stammering. “I’m here, I’m here—I was on daycare duty and—“ Jake Seresin is out of breath, he’s a sweaty panicked mess of a man as he stands before his Admiral, white as a ghost. “Felix is in trouble sir, where’s Zeus?” 
“He’s not here.” Bradley pipes up, the confirmation that Jaidyn isn’t in the locker room and in direct line of sight has Jake's head spinning. No. No what the fuck is he up to. “Cyclone here was just about to make us all do 300 push ups in your very out of character tardiness.” Jake brushes Bradley’s undercover stress off as he turns his attention back to the Admiral flaring his nostrils. 
“Sir with all due respect somethings—“ Jake knows that Jaidyn is currently more unhinged than normal, being on base probably meant nothing to him at this point. But to the untrained, uninformed eye, Jaidyn Dolan was an exceptional pilot and a fine addition to Mirimars dagger unit. 
“Hangman, does this look like a goddamn show and tell circle to you?” Cyclone cuts him off, still seeing red that he was late without any prior warning or excuse, not that it would have mattered anyway. “I don’t care why you're late and I don’t want to hear about it either! So just go do your job and do it well before someone else gets a chance to show you how they can do it better.” Everyone is silent as Jake Seresin is torn to shreds in the entryway to the locker room. Bradley knows something’s wrong by the way Jake just turns on his heels and heads off in the direction of your hanger, not even bothering to stop by his locker to collect his flight gear and helmet. 
“Hangman wait up!” Rooster groans as he rounds the corner, catching up to Jake as his stride continues. One foot in front of the other, never stopping for a second because if he stops he might not make it in time. “Hold up a minute—“ 
“No time.” Jake wasn’t giving Bradley anything. “You need to answer your phone more often, you have no idea what kind of morning I’ve had!” 
“Well if you’d stop for five seconds and fill me in I might be able to catch up and—“ There's a sudden shift in the dynamic between Bradley Bradshaw and Jake Seresin as Jake turns around around, grabbing Rooster the the collar of his flight suit and shoving him up against the nearest wall. Holding him there with his forearm pressed against his chest. “Dude!?” 
“Jaidyn came at me with a fucking knife in the carpark of Dots daycare, I got carted away to the station and nearly charged with assault! Until some woman I’ve never met handed in a video she took that set the record straight—and you’re here, with your back fucking turned and your guard down, doing jack shit while he’s NOT ACCOUNTED FOR!?” 
“Jake—calm down!” Bradley doesn’t fight back, he’s still trying to process what Jake had just told him. Three words sticking out prominently. Knife, Jaidyn, Daycare. 
“CALM DOWN!?” Jakes fuming, he’s got tunnel vision because he can’t let anything happen to you. He promised you’d be okay here, that you'd be safe and all he can think about is not being able to keep you safe anymore. “BRADSHAW! HE'S GOING TO FUCKING KILL HER! WHAT ISN'T CLICKING HERE!?” 
He didn’t want to fail you again. 
Bobs standing against the wall just listening. He watched with reluctance as you made your way around the corner, out of his sight until he noticed the circular mirror on your desk—it’s angled almost too perfectly for it to be a coincidence. 
Bob watches as he feels all the anger in the world wash over him as you drop to your knees before a man who isn’t Bradley. This isn’t good. 
“Did you try anything funny?” Jaidyn asked as he thumbs your bottom lip. Looking down at you as you shake your head No in response before his open palm is connecting with your cheek. A crack rings out, it sends Bob into a frenzy. He finally understood what Rhett meant when he said protecting people he loved caused a blinding range so fierce sometimes that he didn’t know what he was doing until he was in the middle of a fight. “Atta girl baby—now, why don’t you be a good girl and finish what we started before we were so rudely interrupted?” 
Bob reaches for the nearest possible item he can use as a weapon. Looking left and right and then left again, Bob settled for the chock blocks that sit haphazardly near the wall. A forgotten set that you’d kicked away a few days ago. 
“Please stop—“ You beg, you can barely bring yourself to speak. You know this is exactly what Jaidyn wants, for you to be vulnerable and alone. “Please, I can’t—“ It physically pains Bob to have to hear you beg, but what’s worse is the laugh your cries are met with in response. Like it’s funny that you’re begging for mercy. 
“You know what’s really sad about this whole thing baby?” Jaidyn sighs as he starts to undo his flight suit again. “That you’ll have to admit it to yourself that you are the nasty whore that I’ve been saying you are for ye—“ Jaidyn doesn’t get a chance to speak as Bob swings the set of chocks from around the corner directly into Jaidyns nose. It’s hard rubber—the kind that packs a punch, the same type of rubber that mallets are made of. 
“Oh my god oh my god oh my god—“ You immediately panic as Jaidyn tumbles to the ground, he’s unconscious. “Holy shit holy fuck—Bob.” 
“Let’s go!” Bob’s grabbing your wrist. “Go! Go!” He’s pulling you up off the ground with enough force it has you stumbling out in front of him. “Just run Y/n, don’t worry about him, just move!” Bobs not pushing you, but he’s guiding you out of the hanger until you pick up the pace. “I got you, I got you.” Bobs mumbling a mantra behind you as you run, run all the way out of the hanger and out onto the tarmac where you see Bradley and Jake walking over. 
“Jake man, I love you I do—but if you don’t let me go we’re gonna have a problem here.” Bradley’s as calm as he can be as Jake doesn’t loosen his hold. “Hangman, this is exactly what he wants man—if he drives a wedge between us, it makes it easier for him to get at her.” Bradley explains and it’s as if that explanation alone breaks through the haze that’s clouding Jake's better judgement. He still doesn’t let go as his eyes flood with tears. “Don’t let what he’s playing at eclipse the bigger picture here.” 
“God I hate when you get all philosophical.” Jake groans, letting Rooster go as he steps back and away from his best friend. “I’m sorry, I am—but if he’s not here—than he’s with Y/n and after the stunt he fucking pulled on me thismorning that’s not a good thing.” 
“Well if you're done strangling me we’ll go check on her.” Bradley just sighs, dusting himself off as he walks with Jake out onto the tarmac, side by side as they make quick by long strides towards the hanger that’s yours. Your workshop, your safe space. 
But stop in their tracks when they see you barreling towards them, screaming, crying. And Robert Floyd running just shy behind you. 
“What the hell happened!?” Bradley’s the first to ask when you slam into him at full speed, immediately he feels you wrap your arms around his torso, crying uncontrollably into his chest as Bob looks at Jake. “Bob?” 
“That fucker—“ Jakes the one who takes off running back towards your hanger, Bobs hot on his tail all the while Bradley drops to the ground with you, hugging you tight as you cry uncontrollably. In complete and utter hysterics. 
“Honey—honey look at me.” Bradley sees the bruises on your neck and the line across it that looks like it’s been cut. “You don’t have to tell me what happened but I need you to listen when I tell you I’ve got you alright?” It’s hard to believe when you’re in so deep. So immersed in the lies that Jaidyn manages to have you believing about yourself. “I’ve got you, I’m here.” There’s no response, all Bradley is met with is more painful tears as he holds you in his arms and rocks with you on the tarmac. 
“Don’t let me go—“ It comes out so soft that Bradley hardly hears you say it, but you do and he kisses your forehead in response as he holds you just a little tighter. 
He’d never let you go.
“He was making her do shit Hangman.” Bob's explaining as he races after Jake. “I don’t know how long he was messing with her for.” 
“Probably all morning, fuck.” Jakes pissed. He could murder someone right now, he could feel his hands tingling with rage—blinded by the need to protect the best thing in his life. You. “Where is he?” Jake’s asking as Bob and him make it back to the hanger. “Bob?” 
“He was right over here?” Bob’s nearly speechless when he rounds the corner where he’d left Jaidyn and finds he’s gone. There’s a small amount of blood on the concrete but that’s all that’s left. “I can’t imagine he’s gotten far—“ 
“Son of a bitch isn’t gonna get away with this.” Is all Jake says before he’s looking around. “YOU FUCKING HEAR ME!?” Jakes shouting at the top of his lungs in case Jaidyn is lurking in the shadows. 
“Jake, he assaulted her.” Bobs repeating the predicament out loud again as straightforward as he can manage. “I didn’t get here in enough time.” 
“No, Bob, that shit aint on you man.” Jake sighs as he notices the camera is the corner flashing red, maybe there was a chance something had been caught. “You did the best you could.”
“We gotta tell the Admirals Jake, he can’t get away with this.” 
“He won’t.” Jakes agreeing. His face red with anger and heartbreak and revenge. 
“He’s not gonna get away with it, any of it.”
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be  @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014  @blindedbythelightt  @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @feltonswifesworld87 @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde  @americaarse @avaleineandafryingpan @phoenix1388 @xoxabs88xox @je-suis-prest-rachel @pono-pura-vida @rosiahills22 @starset21 @anarchyrising
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fefuckability · 10 months
QUARTERFINALS: Welcome to the blood bath
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Feel free to rb/comment with your reasoning!
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fe-smashorpass · 2 months
Top 10 Axe Users in FE? (based on combat performance/design/characterisation, anything really)
Oddly specific but let’s goooooo
(This list is based on a mix of everything you mentioned)
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