#gelfling nation
endreal · 1 year
Somebody tagged me in something recently but I'll be damned if I can remember who or what so I'm gonna make my own reblog game just to cover my ass (and also for funsies)
Post a selfie
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Music you're listening to and/or current earworm
Sisters, by The Halluci Nation (ft. Northern Voice)
Last movie/show you watched
Raiders of the Lost Ark for the 73nd millionth time/Junior Bake Off
Current go-to ~fancy drink~
It is fuck-all hot today, yesterday, and for the foreseeable future (at least thru the end of the month). I will drink literally any smoothie I'm offered as long as it doesn't have anything I'm allergic to.
Fave color
Green for sanity's sake, but actually whatever color dragonfly iridescence is
Currently reading
Between books just now, but will be starting The Ballad of Perilous Graves next
What's to your left?
I keep wandering around room with my phone but within the past 30 seconds it's been window, bookcase (small), wall calender, bookcase (tall), bed, laundry hamper, window (again)
Anything exciting?
Last time I saw local!partner she gifted me a realistic life-sized model of a Chesapeake crab and I'm gonna hang it above my closet along with the two watercolor prints I've picked up over the past decade and start a crab-themed "gallery wall"
I tag @quannaix @firstruleofmethclub @cryptheks @moss-wizard @dee-the-red-witch @saint-batrick @gelfling-gxrl @sirhro and @taran-wanderer cos one of y'all is most likely to have been the person who tagged me in the forgotten thing, and @env0 @pixelated-pixie @fishthegenderwitch @rustbeltjessie @saintsilence @feliscultus @raesteagarden @horce-divorce and @amerillo342 just for funsies (but no pressure to any of y'all!). I also shadow-tag anyone else who sees this and wants to play!
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yranigami · 6 years
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...by Gelfling hand or else by none.
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dragonladdie · 3 years
You said the gelfling clans are inspired by various indigenous cultures, but can you give examples? Also I read the Vapra as very european-inspired.
Also please note that that these are just based on headcanons and details I noticed that were similar to indigenous cultures in our world(I also included some European subcultures as well). Don't take this post like a strict bible when referring to what real-world race the gelfling clans are most like, even though I'm very certain that none of them are "white" lol (and yes I'm aware that some of the gelfs have white vas. But you can't look me and the eyes n tell me with your full chest that the Drenchen AREN'T black, lmao)
Vapra: Ainu and Indian, with some Indonesian, Thai, Sami and Inuk influence
Stonewood: Inca and Maya, with English and Woodland First Nations influence (Namely Mohawk/Abenaki)
Spriton: Plains First Nations (Namely Cree)
Sifa: Romani and Polynesian with Celtic Indonesian and Filipino influence
Dousan: Arabian and Mesopotamian
Drenchen: African (Namely the Dahomey) and Southern First Nations (Namely Seminole) and vague Polynesian influence
Grottan: Aboriginal Australian (Namely Anindilyakwa)
Oof I might make a fleshed out study later lmao I'm still trying to interact with the fandom as little as possible 😅
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ladynoirelf · 3 years
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Traveling artist Gelfling who wander  all over the Gelfling nation. They mostly are commissioned for traditional family and self portraits. They also take other commissions such as landscape, educational illustrations and even work with writers to do book illustrations. They mostly travel alone or with their animal, or podling, companions. Some find traveling with other SketchMasters to be like traveling with your competition, and some fear of their art or ideas getting stolen. SketchMasters who travel together are usually spouses or highly trusted partners.
Very few to none SketchMasters don't travel, these are usually retired or heavily injured artists who prefer to stay home. Traveling allows a SketchMaster to get recognition and gain experience by drawing nature still life and an array of diverse gelfling. The youngest to leave home is around sixteen trine. Self taught SketchMasters usually leave around that time to get more drawing experience to catch up with their school taught peers.
A SketchMaster can come from any clan, though the ones that get the most recognition and commission orders are Vaprans,Sifans,Spritans and occasionally Stonewoods. The other clans, the Drenchen, Grottan,Dousan have a little bit more difficulty and hurdles in getting their art recognized.
When a well known SketchMaster comes to a village, most Gelfling will rush to their rented room before a long line starts. Trying to get an appointment for a family portrait or commission. During their stay, it will be common to see Gelfling families dressed in their best formal wear heading to their appointments. Missing one is not an option.
Maeve of Stone-In-The-Wood (Upper left)- A fresh new artist who is ready to start her claim to the SketchMaster title, with her precious Sidetic of course!
Geehr of Cera-Na (Bottom left)- A preferred landscape and nature artist who mostly partners with scholars to create educational books on nature.
Lunhir of Ha’rar (Top right)- A newly famous artist who has almost blossomed into her peak as an artist. She travels with her best friend and loyal companion, the Podling Tola.
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skekheck · 4 years
For ship headcanons, the OG ship: Jen/Kira
The two were concerned, even worried, that with the Gelfling returning to Thra they may become interested in someone else. But they discover the more time they spent together, their love only deepened. 
When the Gelfing Nation was established, everyone looked to Kira as their leader (calling her maudra or All-Maudra), even when the two established themselves as the Great Elders of Thra. Jen confided with her that maybe that was for the best, considering she had natural leadership skills. But Kira insists that she needed him by her side and his input was just as important as hers. And she makes sure the other Gelfling knew this too.
One of the harder obstacles they had to deal with was their separation anxiety. Both of them had a hard time being away from each other because they felt something bad would happen. It took them a lot of time to be able to at least cope with it, but even in their old age they’re very insistent on being together for as long as possible.
Also very touchy: they need to at least hold hands. Not to mention, lots of cuddle sessions.
They both taught each certain skills: Jen taught Kira how to read and write and in turn Kira taught Jen how to throw a bola and animal speak, as some examples.
Jen loves playing his firca for Kira. Usually she would harmonize with the music by singing, but she was also interested in playing an instrument herself. She never got the hang of it, but Jen always encouraged her regardless of how well she played.
Even with their busy lives, they made the effort to have some down time for each other. One of their favorite activities is rowing a boat down the Black River, like when they first met.  
Kira absolutely introduced Jen to all kinds of different foods, especially the ones the podlings made. And Jen always enjoyed everything she made, being used to the bland foods the mystics made for him. 
If this world had like a ceremony similar to a wedding, the two would wait until the Gelfling were reestablished back on Thra. When they had it, it was celebrated all across the Skarith Region and it lasted for days. Jen has never partied so much in his life. 
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nurloxx · 4 years
summary: the first flowers of spring open their buds to greet the sunlight, and jen is witness to many new and welcome changes.
a/n: this is technically a continuation of warmth, but can be read on it’s own. 
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“Make sure you stay where we can see you, Kairi!”
Jen laughed as he watched his daughter turn and flash him a thumbs up before running off through the tall grass. The turn of the season was upon them, and the land was ripe with rebirth. Day by day the leaves slowly returned to the trees and flower buds opened their petals to soak in the suns glow. Kira had been the one to suggest they seize the opportunity of such a perfect day and have a family outing. Jen was in the middle of some bookkeeping and admittedly, a bit reluctant to leave at first. But the impatient tugging on his robes by his two children eventually got him to cave.
"And that goes for you too, young man." He heard Kira tell their youngest behind him. Smiling, he turned his head just in time to catch a mop of shaggy blond hair quickly toddling past him, large brown eyes alight with enthusiasm to join his sister. The older gelfling managed one fleeting pat on the head before the grass had swallowed his son up as well.
"How much do you wager Kairi's going to try to fly again?" Kira asked from where she was sitting on the blanket they had brought out to lounge upon while they watched the children play. She patted the spot next to her with an inviting expression, and Jen didn't think twice about it.
"I don't know how that girl intends to fly with no wings." He sighed as he casually wrapped an arm around his wife's shoulders and pulled her snug against his side. "And I don't think jumping from the highest branch of every tree she comes across is going to help any."
Kira shrugged. "It's how I got my wings." She reached around to smooth her palm over her upper back. "I had been feeling the ache for days, and I knew they were going to pop out sooner or later. So I figured I'd let pure instinct speed up the process for me."
She brought her fingers up to her lips and giggled at the memories that had resurfaced. Of long drawn out childhood days and fresh purple bruises and dresses torn at the skirt. Kira would have done just about anything to fly back then, and she couldn't have been more overjoyed the day they had finally slipped out from the hollow divets in her shoulder blades. She didn't even care that the first few months of "flying" consisted of her gliding clumsily through the air before crashing into the dirt.
For a few moments, she was as free as a bird. Nothing on the ground could contain her when she was soaring past the treetops, the wind blowing her hair back in her face and keeping her aloft for as long as it could.
Jen regarded his wife fondly, leaning over to press a kiss to her temple. "And what beautiful wings they are." He hesitated for a moment, his fingers hovering just above the slits in the back of her sundress. Kira rolled her eyes and guided his hand the rest of the way down, pulling back the fabric enough for the velvety appendages to slip out.
"You don't need my permission, Jen. You can touch them whenever you like." Kira said, leaning into her husband's touch with a delighted hum. Jen chuckled softly, his cheeks flushing a light pink.
"Just making sure, love."
Bringing Kira closer so she could sit on his lap, Jen glided his digits along the edges of her wings, from joint to tip. Occasionally they'd give a little flutter of gratitude when he brushed over a particular spot, and Jen would let his fingers linger there a bit longer. To this day, the sight of them still filled him with a sense of wonderment as strong as the moment he first laid eyes on them.
Of course, since the restoration of the Crystal and the birth of the new gelfling nation, he had seen other wings. But none could take his breath away quite like Kira's could.
The darker haired gelfling paused in his ministrations to let a hand trail to her lower back. He frowned at the sight of the faded scar that stood out against her pale skin. "Does it still hurt, love?" he asked gently, burying his face into her silvery blonde locs.
Kira merely shook her head, craning her neck enough to peck her husband between the brows. "It's mostly a dull throb that comes and goes. Doesn't even phase me anymore." When Jen didn't pull his face away Kira took his chin in her fingers and tilted it up off her shoulder until their gazes met once again.
"I'm fine, love. I promise." she assured.
Jen gazed adoringly into his wife's deep brown pools, and was about to say something when the sound of small footsteps approaching made him rip his eyes away. Kairi stood before her parents with her face scrunched in discomfort, tiny hands fiddling with the frayed ends of her grass stained skirt.
"My back hurts... like a lot this time." The girl mumbled, blue eyes big and watery. Kira cooed and brought her daughter into her arms, lifting up the back of her shirt with one hand while cradling her close with the other. A soft gasp, and a dazzling smile appeared a few moments later.
"Well look at that," Jen breathed. "It looks like your wings are finally coming in, little nebrie."
Indeed, poking out from the small hollows of her shoulders were two fluorescent wings wrapped in a thin layer of protective film. The immediate area around the wing joints had a bit of swelling, and looked sensitive to the touch.
"Really?!" Kairi tried to get a look at her new wings, but no matter how much she turned her head, they never came into sight. The only thing she managed to accomplish was nearly falling over onto her back. Luckily, both her parents caught her just in time.
Laughing, Kira stood and took her daughter by the hand. "Lets go inside and get them cleaned up." When Kairi let out a small whine she gave her hand a comforting squeeze. "Maybe later if you're feeling better I'll take you out flying. How does that sound?"
Her suggestion was met with loud squeals and cheers, and the two walked back towards the castle, talking animatedly amongst one another. Jen smiled at their retreating forms, and went to stand as well. By this time his son had run up to him and tugged on the end of his long robes.
"Papa, will I get wings too?" He asked innocently. Jen snorted as he bent down to scoop up the small boy.
"Of course not, Su." He tapped him playfully on the nose. "We're boys!"
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happy anniversary 🥰
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pop-punklouis · 4 years
hi hope! i saw that you’re really big into film and tv. do you have any tv shows you could rec? i need something new to watch.
hiya grey! and of course. i always have tv shows on hand to rec
• Dark (3 Seasons)
When two children go missing in a small German town, its sinful past is exposed along with the double lives and fractured relationships that exist among four families as they search for the kids. The mystery-drama series introduces an intricate puzzle filled with twists that includes a web of curious characters, all of whom have a connection to the town's troubled history -- whether they know it or not. The story includes supernatural elements that tie back to the same town in 1986.
• Portlandia (8 Seasons)
this absurdist series set in Portland, Ore., that gently pokes fun at the laid-back Pacific Northwest city and the many eccentric characters that call it home. Among the many recurring guest stars on the series are Ed Begley Jr., Jeff Goldblum, Natasha Lyonne, Kumail Nanjiani and Kyle MacLachlan, who plays Portlandia's mayor.
• Parfum (limited series)
When a woman is found murdered with scent glands excised from her body, a detective probes a group of friends who attended boarding school with her.
• Trinkets (2 Seasons)
A grieving teenager finds an unexpected connection with two classmates at her new high school when they all land in the same Shoplifters Anonymous group.
• Fleabag (2 Seasons)
A dry-witted woman, known only as Fleabag, has no filter as she navigates life and love in London while trying to cope with tragedy. The angry, grief-riddled woman tries to heal while rejecting anyone who tries to help her, but Fleabag continues to keep up her bravado through it all.
• I Know This Much is True (limited series)
Middle-aged Dominick Birdsey recounts his troubled relationship with Thomas, his paranoid schizophrenic twin brother, and his efforts to get him released from an asylum. (Mark Ruffalo’s best performance to date)
• The Vow (limited series)
Following the experiences of people deeply involved in the self-improvement group NXIVM, an organization under siege with charges including sex trafficking and racketeering conspiracy brought against its highest members and founder Keith Raniere
• The Outsider (limited series)
Based on Stephen King's best-selling novel of the same name, "The Outsider" begins by following an investigation which at first seems like it will be simple and straightforward but things change as it leads into the gruesome murder of a young boy by a seasoned cop. When an insidious supernatural force edges its way into the case, it leads the investigators to question everything they believe in.
• Peaky Blinders (5 Seasons)
Britain is a mixture of despair and hedonism in 1919 in the aftermath of the Great War. Returning soldiers, newly minted revolutions and criminal gangs are fighting for survival in a nation rocked by economic upheaval. One of the most powerful gangs of the time is the Peaky Blinders, run by returning war hero Thomas Shelby and his family. But Thomas has bigger ambitions than just running the streets. When a crate of guns goes missing, he recognizes an opportunity to advance in the world because crime may pay but legitimate business pays better. Trying to rid Britain of its crime is Inspector Chester Campbell, who arrives from Belfast to try to achieve that goal.
• Schitts Creek (6 Seasons)
a wealthy couple -- video store magnate Johnny and his soap opera star wife Moira -- suddenly find themselves completely broke. With only one remaining asset, a small town called Schitt's Creek, which the Roses bought years earlier as a joke, this once-wealthy couple must give up life as they know it. With their two spoiled children in tow and their pampered lives behind them, the Rose family is forced to face their newfound poverty head-on and come together as a family to survive.
• Mindhunter (2 Seasons)
Catching a criminal often requires the authorities to get inside the villain's mind to figure out how he thinks. That's the job of FBI agents Holden Ford and Bill Tench. They attempt to understand and catch serial killers by studying their damaged psyches. Along the way, the agents pioneer the development of modern serial-killer profiling.
• Mr. Robot (4 Seasons)
Young, anti-social computer programmer Elliot works as a cybersecurity engineer during the day, but at night he is a vigilante hacker. He is recruited by the mysterious leader of an underground group of hackers to join their organization. Elliot's task? Help bring down corporate America, including the company he is paid to protect, which presents him with a moral dilemma. Although he works for a corporation, his personal beliefs make it hard to resist the urge to take down the heads of multinational companies that he believes are running -- and ruining -- the world.
• Dark Tourist (1 Season)
Journalist David Farrier focuses on that area of travel, known as dark tourism, in this docuseries. In each episode, Farrier travels to a different locale to visit destinations and have experiences that wouldn't be on most vacationers' bucket lists. He embeds himself in a death-worshipping cult in Mexico, sees tourists soaking up radiation left behind in Fukushima, meets vampires in New Orleans, and travels to the most-nuked place on Earth for atomic swimming and fishing.
• Maniac (Limited Series)
Annie Landsberg and Owen Milgrim are two strangers who are drawn to the late stages of a mysterious pharmaceutical trial. Each has a different reason for participating in the experiment -- she is disaffected and aimless, fixated on broken relationships with her mother and sister, while he has struggled throughout his life with a disputed diagnosis of schizophrenia. The radical treatment, using pills that the inventor claims can repair anything about the mind, draws Annie, Owen and 10 other subjects into a three-day drug trial that they're told will permanently solve all of their problems, with no complications or side effects. Unfortunately, things don't go as planned.
• The Witcher (2 Seasons)
The witcher Geralt, a mutated monster hunter, struggles to find his place in a world where people often prove more wicked than beasts.
• Living with Yourself (Limited Series)
A man who's burned out on life and love undergoes a mysterious treatment, only to find that he's been replaced by a better version of himself.
• The Society (cancelled after one season unfortunately)
The Society follows a group of teenagers who are mysteriously transported to a facsimile of their wealthy New England town, left without any trace of their parents. As they struggle to figure out what has happened to them and how to get home, they must establish order and form alliances if they want to survive. The series is a modern take on Lord of the Flies.
• I Am Not Okay With This (1 Season)
I Am Not Okay With This is an irreverent origin story that follows a teenage girl who's navigating the trials and tribulations of high school, all while dealing with the complexities of her family, her budding sexuality, and mysterious superpowers just beginning to awaken deep within her.
• The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (1 Season)
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance returns to the world of Thra with an all new adventure. When three Gelfling discover the horrifying secret behind the Skeksis' power, they set out on an epic journey to ignite the fires of rebellion and save their world.
• Grace and Frankie (6 Seasons)
Two nemeses become bonded jilted wives after their husbands reveal they have been having an affair with each other since the 1990s and now plan to get married.
• Special (1 Season)
A young gay man with cerebral palsy branches out from his insular existence in hopes of finally going after the life he wants.
• Russian Doll (1 Season)
Russian Doll follows a young woman named Nadia (Natasha Lyonne) on her journey as the guest of honor at a seemingly inescapable party one night in New York City.
• American Vandal (2 Seasons)
American Vandal is a half-hour true-crime satire that explores the aftermath of a costly high school prank that left twenty-seven faculty cars vandalized with phallic images. Over the course of the eight-episode season, an aspiring sophomore documentarian investigates the controversial and potentially unjust expulsion of troubled senior (and known dick-drawer) Dylan Maxwell. Not unlike its now iconic true-crime predecessors, the addictive American Vandal will leave one question on everyone's minds until the very end: Who drew the dicks?
• Immigration Nation (1 Season)
A rare and expansive look into the consequences of unfettered power, Immigration Nation is a powerful, harrowing indictment of the current state of American immigration.
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skekshroom · 4 years
I love that everyone in this fandom thinks that in a modern AU the skeksis go two ways, if their not running the government their running the mob.
HAHA yes, they gotta be running something shady!
They're not quite doing either in my AU as of right now, some of them just own a casino. They might be in the mob tho I might build on that 👀
The main reason they're not in the government is because in this modern AU, it's stated that Earth and Thra exist on the same world- in a populated city you're going to see skeksis, gelfling, urru and humans all walking around. A lot of the people in office are gonna be of every race, and since this is all taking place in one city I wanted to keep it on a smaller scale 
However! On a national scale of love to explore modern AU skeksis being different parts of the government. skekOk in the Library of Congress, skekAyuk being head of the FDA, stuff like that haha
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kiingocreative · 4 years
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Sign up for the newsletter at kiingo.com to stay up to date on the release of our storytelling book, The Structure of Story!
Broadly speaking we want our story to generate its own energy. We don't want to have to try to spark something interesting by injecting arbitrary turning points at every turn. One key technique to make sure that a story is creating its own energy is to ensure that the story world is already set in motion when the story starts.
How is your story world dynamic? How is it already in motion? This typically comes down to identifying dramatic opponents. But instead of focusing on specific characters who are opponents, we can focus on opposing communities. Is one community subjugating another? Is one community being invaded? Is one community in the process of becoming two? Are two communities being united? (Who or what might be against that unification?) What's the fundamental change that's occurring?
Has your story world or a community within it recently undergone a significant change? Or is it on the brink of a momentous change? Has a new, potentially dangerous technology been discovered? Has the leader of the community recently died? Is there a chaotic scramble for succession? Has a community recently undergone a "national trauma"? Has an unexplained phenomenon arisen within the community?
We can enhance dramatic opposition in a story world by ensuring that each community also has a separate worldview. We want communities to have fundamentally different views on the best way to live life. The Rebellion and the Empire aren't just opposed in their goals--they're opposed in their belief systems. The opposition of moral codes is a potent source of story energy.
The key to putting a story world in motion is to introduce a disruption to the communities of that world. Whether it's the Rebellion seeking to throw off the chains of the Empire, the Skeksis subjugating the Gelfling, or the rise of the Dark Lord, consider a mechanism that will cause your story world to generate its own energy.
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kylansbroth · 5 years
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Gurjin: Prepare for trouble!
Naia: Make it double!
Gurjin: To protect Thra from devastation!
Naia: To unite all gelfling within our nation!
Gurjin: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
Naia: To extend our reach to the suns above!
Gurjin: Gurjin!
Naia: Naia!
Gurjin: Team Drenchen, blast of at the speed of light!
Naia: Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Kylan: aND I MadE BrOTh!!!!
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mrsarnasdelicious · 4 years
About Me:
Name: Tessa Storm But you can also call me Red, Freckles, Tessie, Tezzieh, Big Sister or Mommah. Tho I would appreciate it if you’d not call me Tess. Birthday: 15 June Gender: Woman Sexuality: Bisexual Zodiac: Monkey/Gemini Nationality: Dutch
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Ilvermorny House: Pugwudgey Patronus: Bongo Antelope Daemon: Maned Wolf Middle Earth Race: Dwarf Game of Thrones House: Connington Gelfling Clan: Drenchen
Status: Alpha Position: Switch Role: Brat Tamer
Pineapple on pizza: Yes Tea or Coffee: Tea Alcoholic Beverage of Choice: Koparberg Elderflower and Lime
One True Dream: To be a mother No Place I’d Rather Be: London
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ben-the-hyena · 5 years
Okay, what's the AU for SkekSo? (That guy's whole *deal* is being the Emperor, so how his life might turn out in a world where the Skeksis *don't* rule Thra is far from intuitive.)
Oh the Skeksis is still a very powerful nation in that world, very rich and broad. SkekSo wanted it BROADER
SkekSo was born from nouveau riche parents who had made a fortune and rose to high society. They were snobbish and completely forgot they just were butchers, but they still weren't evil. They never understood why their son was so heartless and gratuitously mean and sadistic
As he grew up into a very fine looking young adult, he tried to intend the Old Emperor's court by becoming Chancellor, but someone else applied to the position. He quickly hired goons and had that Skeksis disappear forever
Luckily for him, only a few trines aftee he had become Chancellor (and secretly used tax money for his own good), the Emperor died heirless. As the tradition wanted if it happened, the candidates to the throne had to fight in a Trial by Stone and the winner became Emperor and decided of the loser's fate. He candidated for the scepter... and so did SkekShod, the Treasurer
SkekSo was strong despote his slender appearance, and managed to win. With his new scepter, he decided to spare his rival from death or banishment... but asserted his dominace by furiously bludgeoning his head until he got the brain damage we know. He has become SkekSo the First
In his early reign, he was decided to expand his new Empire and make it richer than it already was. The closest nations to the limits were the Arathims and the Gruenaks... they shall perish for their lands, then. He never cared about anyone, but he always felt Skeksis were the superior, dominant race of Thra. They lived longer, were beautiful, graceful, strong, rich... he thought very less of anything that wasn't a Skeksis, not less than Mystics. He just did his best to remain diplomatic with Podlings and Gelflings. Didn't prevent him to continue the "tradition" of the previous Emperors of kidnapping lowly Geflings Gruenaks Podlings etc crossing the limits accidentally and have them become slaves
He hated the Mystics but for some rrason always had a form of respect for UrSu. They didn't like each other, but he admired how despite his "hippy ways" he hated from Mystics he managed to be a strong minded and determined leader. He tolerated him at best and that was why he never truely started more than just a cold war. As for Aughra, he was like everyone else on Thra about her. Respecting her and the Crystal, bowing if she came, the only person he or any other Emperor before him would bow to. He still grumbled and nodded mindlessly whenever she reproached him his authoritarian ways, like a rebellious teen scolded by his mom
SkekSo was very hedonistic, with a harem and concubines, and enjoying more riches and luxury than helping his people, that led to many inequalities in his reign. All protestants were killed or imprisonned, or worse. Despite all his mistresses or one night stands, he never became mates with anyone, uninterested at the concept (and aro in my HC) and remained heirless officially since neither he nor SkekZok knew that SkekZok's surprise baby was his
SkekSo hated aging and feared death, but never to the canon extreme. Being part of Thra, he knew he would go there when dying ; he just hoped it would happen faaar away in the future. Sadly for him, he didn't. He had had for a few centuries a disease that had the same symptoms as the Darkening (but the Darkening never existed in that universe) he chose to ignore and hide through his metal beak etc and not going to the doctor. He ended up to about 50 trines before his death... he had caught a mortal Skeksis STD that tool centuries before becoming critical. He was in his terminal phase
That was very hard and painful to hear from a life-lover like him. He completely snapped. He would die soon ? Very well. But not before accomplishing one grandiose act, something he had always fantasized of but never dared to actually do : make all of Thra the Skeksis', and kill or enslave all the others. They were tall, strong, very well trained in their army, and mofe numerous. They were the superior race
He died suffering after having expanded the Empire to more than half of Thra
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Name: Uvaen
Nationality: Drenchen/Grottan Age: 55 Trine (Years) Weight: 89 lb Height: 4'3 Gender: Female Species: Gelfling Sexuality: Heterosexual Personality: Focused, Deadpan, and Tactful Relationship Status: Single Accent: None Occupation: None Current Residence: The Swamp of Sog Bio: Uvaen (c) Me The Dark Crystal (c) Jim Henson
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lucere · 5 years
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 Hi.  I’m  here  to  discuss  the  differences  between  the  Age  of  Division  and  the  Age  of   Power,  specifically  on  how  the  clans  are  presented  and  what  this  means  for  Kensho.  I  should  start  by  saying  there  is  no  point  that  I’m  trying  to  prove.  I’m  just  jotting  down  some  observations  that  I’ve  made  in  no  particular  order,  while  also  making  note  of  how  difficult  it  actually  is  to  pin  down  where  Kensho  actually  stands  without  it  being  mentioned  directly.  
 I  want  to  preface  this  by  saying  I  am  aware  Chal  founded  his  village,  and  that  Chal  is  Dousan.  I  just  found  that  there  was  a  great  number  of  things  to  unpack  here,  and  see  exactly  what  this  might  mean  for  any  interactions  he  might  have  with  the  Age  of  Resistance  cast.  
 So,  let’s  start  off  with  what  we  know :
 During  the  Age  of  Division,  the  segregation  of  clans  was  much  more  pronounced.  The   Skeksis  were  still  in  power.  Everyone  was  blissfully  unaware  of  what  was  going  on.  They  were  very  much  tending  to  their  own  respective  lives  and  cultures.  It  was  also  in  this  age  that  Chal,  a  Dousan,  fell  in  love  with  an  outsider  and  subsequently  left  the  Crystal  Desert,  eventually  making  his  way  to  the  subterranean  realm  of  Mithra,  conceiving  a  race  of  beings  that  were  just...  Gelfling.  But  on  fire.
 Let’s  rewind  a  little.
 During  this  pilgrimage  of  his,  Chal  founded  Kensho’s  home  village  in  the  forest,  one  that  presumably  neighbored  the  Castle  of  the  Crystal   considering  how  quick  it  took  Kensho  and  Thurma  to  get  from  point  a  to  point  b.    Due  to  the  settlement's  origin,  we  should  be  concluding  that  Kensho  is  technically  Dousan,  right ?
 Maybe.  The  circumstances  of  the  Gelfling’s  repopulation  in  The  Age  of  Power  make  his  origins  rather  ambiguous.  The  Gelfling  Nation  is  one   built  upon  unity,  and  the  clans  are  no  longer  mentioned  in  the  same  context  as  they  were  during  the  age  of  division,  though  there  is  a  distinct  recognition  of  each  by  attire  and  mannerisms.  This  can  be  seen  when  Thurma  and  Kensho  dreamfast  and  firefast,  respectively,  when  Kensho  instantly  recognizes  Chal  as  being  Dousan.  
 That  and  Chal  was  pretty  much  an  exile.  It’s  not  as  if  he’s  the  stellar  representative  of  the  Dousan’s  isolationist  culture.  He  and  Saluna  conceived  three  children,  one  of  which  could  have  easily  played  a  hand  in  founding  that  village,  and  another  one  that  was  naturally  on  fire.  (  Just  a  normal  Tuesday  in  Thra!  )  We  don’t  even  know  what  clan  Saluna  actually  was  to  begin  with.  Just  that  she  had  light  hair,  presumably,  and  vertical  markings  painted  on  her  face  that  were  similar  to  Chal’s.  
 Kensho’s  physical  characteristics  are  unique  in  that  he  doesn’t  quite…  fit.  Anywhere.  Nothing  about  Kensho  was  ever  really  set  in  stone.  He  has  dark  skin  that  is  portrayed  as  either  olive  or  violet,  depending  on  the  issue  you’re  reading.  His  hair  is  white  rather  than  dark,  and  his  robes  are  shapeless.
 In  conclusion:  I  have  no  idea  what  is  going  on  with  him,  which  might  be  a  good  thing.  It  just  further  emphasizes  the  unity  of  the  Gelfling  Nation,  the  theme  of  giving  back.  It  also  will  make  his  interactions  with  AoR  cast  members  unique  considering,  you  know.  Different  time,  different  place.
Thanks  for  reading!
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we-work-hard · 6 years
Tag thing
Tagged by absolute sweetheart @loveshinsukenakamura
Rules: answer 20 questions and then tag 20 people you want to get to know better
FUCKING 20 - IDK 20 PPL - I’M A LOSER XD (If you see this and you know I love you, please do this because I’m nosy af) 
Name: [Redacted]
Nickname: Liam/gelfling, and a few peeps @ work call me ‘auntie’ even tho we’re the same age and it’s not like I make them packed lunches or anything
Height: Not too short, not too tall
Orientation: Very tired
Nationality: UK, and my dad is from a religious cult in Northern Ireland, so that’s fun XD
Favorite Fruit: Apples
Favorite Season: Autumn/Winter
Favorite Flower: the little dudes with the dicks and nice hats
Tumblr media
These dudes right here ^
Favorite Color: Dark blue
Favorite Animal: Bunners 
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: TEAAAA
Average hours of sleep: Not enough
Dog or Cat person: CATSSS
Favorite fictional character: Random, but Prewitt in the book versh of From Here to Eternity - I just thought ‘I understand this guy’ (I love that book) 
Dream Trip: New Zealand/Japan
Blog created: I think it was June last year, but I’d been creeping around too scared to join since the March (I joined because of @stylesmella - GIRL, WE LOVE YOU) 
Random fact: Kissing mouths is dirtier/more germ-filled than kissing bumholes (I read this in a medical journal I used to work on, and I was SHOOK) (I don’t even know if it’s actually true, but whatever) 
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Dream Job: I’ve said this before, but my wish for this increases every day - Prostate Examiner for the SmackDown Live roster. 
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graphicpolicy · 4 years
Preview: Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance #10
Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance #10 preview. All-Maudra Mayrin, newly crowned leader of the Gelfling people, must travel overseas to prevent a civil war that could tear the Gelfling nation apart. #comics #comicbooks #DarkCrystal
Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance #10
Matthew Erman (A) Jo Cheol-Hong (CA) Mona Finden In Shops: Aug 19, 2020 SRP: $3.99
All-Maudra Mayrin, newly crowned leader of the Gelfling people, must travel overseas to prevent a civil war that could tear the Gelfling nation apart. But when her ship is attacked by a legendary sea monster, and the crew itself swallowed alive, Mayrin must…
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