lovegorestudios · 4 years
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Earrings by lovegorestudios
I’m Yzzy Lovegore
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 thanks everybody who liked my posts but could you like, relog? (if thats the right word) no offence its just that- people don't seem to see something if you liked it, and I want more people to see my artwork and stories. (and hopefully get feedback)
also, I tested the links to my fanfics and it works if you’re in google chrome. 
also, the whole GemWitch, Plague witch, (I’ll change the names when I can think of better ones) and DragonSphynx thing is from a non-fandom related story I’m working on. and the world building stuff does apply in the fanfics as long as its not related to the fandom kind of stuff. ‘the main three’  and the ogres and goblins do have a sort of ancient blood feud where the ogres and goblins work together, and the ogres do kidnap GemWitches as a sign of wealth to rise up in the ranks.
and the DragonSphynxes do have this crazy and old species wide curse that makes them unable to shift back, forth, and in-between being human and dragon. so they’l start out looking pretty human and the brawling is in fashion because if you get hurt in a fight without dying- you just get partially more draconic where you got hurt.
I want to add and change more things in the non-fanfic story I’m writing and I feel like Fern and the other characters are more flat so I want to make sure the characters are at least well-rounded before showing it off to the internet. but, if I do show it off to the internet then I might get more tips on making it better so its a bit of a gamble. I don't want to be seen as bad as that guy who wrote Empress Teresa. (I heard about it a while back.)
I’m also writing another non-fanfic story about a young DragonSphynx who was stolen as an egg and raised in a circus by its magic preforming ringmaster who is brought back after being found- to where she would have grown up had it not been for the Ringmaster.
I want to write more on that one though, as I just started writing it recently while I started the first one in that universe around the time the pandemic came over and we went on lockdown during spring break.
(the plague witches/ wizards have nothing to do with the pandemic or inspiration from it)
I think this might be the longest post I’ve ever written here if the post with my fanfics isn't longer.
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ren1188 · 7 years
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Needed some stones to wear today...why not quartz? I made this beauty the other day and it feels amazing to wear. Very light and balancing! #fromafable #handmade #jewelry #quartz #necklace #craftywitch #cottagewitch #hearthwitch #kitchenwitch #gemstones #gemwitch #stonewitch #earthmagick #witch #wiccanshop #witchyshop #celticwitch #celticwitchcraft #paganshop
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katieevansart · 7 years
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Day 4: Gem Witch / Underwater
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askablindflorist · 5 years
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Amaryllis: Y-You know that I am not going Ame-nee... Amethyst: Honey, you still gotta look charming even if you are not attending V-Day Dance~ We’ll have to get your income higher, don’t we and like this I am sure a lot of stallions going to buy flowers from your shop Amaryllis: Theh.. you think? I hope that they’ll buy some flowers for their beloved ones, even if I doubt that my looks affect the buyers behavior Amethyst: Trust me hun, I know how Stallions tick.. and if one even thinks about laying eyes on you, they’ll have to get pass me first -cracks her fists- Amaryllis: uhm.. ^^; I’m sure this won’t happen Nee-sama, don’t worry [Mel-Mod: I wanted to make a bigger thing to introduce the new mysterious mare, but this is what I ended up with. Anyway meet Amethyst Charm (that strong lady on the right), the enchantress who sells Charms and enchanted gemstones for various things like good luck or income and so on. Amethyst is Amaryllis distant cousin and after hearing that Ama is trying to establish a shop in a new area she packed her things and moved over to sell her own thing, but also mostly to help Ama with her floral shop. Amethyst is very diva-like but sometimes she has a golden heart. She has a huge soft spot for little Amaryllis and is very overprotective over the blind florist :’D Amaryllis just calls her Nee-sama, cause Ame feels somehow like a big sister to her and always helps her with hairdo or dressing and the shop ofc. Amethyst is older then Amaryllis and has various nicknames, ranging from gemwitch to gemenchantress over succubus and heartbreaker lol She’s not good to play games with. I still wanted to draw how Amaryllis and Amethyst’s dresses would look like even if Ama won’t attend and Ame will just be there to sell goods and break hearts X’D Anyway want to know more about Ame, then ask her things and hopefully you’ll be lucky to receive a reply. Amethyst will appear along in updates for Amaryllis blog sometimes. Anyway hope you enjoy and please don’t use neither my art nor ocs!! I had a moment to sketch and now I roll back into my abyss -magikarps away.-]
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acapellapotato · 2 years
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“character who can’t stay out of trouble & their grumpy companion” is my go to trope huh?
Hexiva: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D503200864/
Serpent: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D503217648/
Hexiva poured dirt on the campfire and slowly stood, her fingers reflexively reached for the hardened oak focus at her waist. Without it what little magic she had left was nearly impossible to control and she'd be nearly defenseless. There was an ache in her bones that said turn around, but she had wares to sell and Norcourt was the best place to do it. A sprawling city that was almost a country unto itself. Built on the pursuit of knowledge, Aelburn’s national history was studied and archived in the city's many universities. It served as a beacon for most of the world and many philosophers risked the long journey. Not only to learn but also for a chance their country's art and teachings would be placed within the Imperial Archives’ grand halls. 
Yet there were always those who couldn't quite reach the inner circles so coveted on their own. And that's where merchants willing to take the risk came in. Hexiva climbed into her wagon to check that no incredibly bold thieves had made off with anything not tied down. There were memory potions that gave whoever took them the ability to remember whatever they saw, for a short period. Students bought them to learn impressive spells for a showcase. Or to quickly learn defensive spells if their mouth had gotten them into trouble. There were gems to enhance magic well beyond the user's abilities, as long as they kept it on them at all times. Luckily, Hexiva knew a gemwitch whose skills allowed her to disguise her stones’ magic as jewelry by casing them in spelled silver that fooled undiscerning eyes. This allowed her buyers to pass them off as common accessories if questioned by a guard. A bright student kept their stone hidden even in the presence of a “weak” teacher. If they weren't, then they were banned from all schools but allowed to keep their belongings; minus the offending gem. 
Unless he was stupid enough to not only worm his way into the bedrooms of all of his professors’ daughters but then challenge Dhelina Lindoom, the eldest and strongest, daughter to a duel when she dragged Ildefroi’s sorry ass before Summerspell Conservatory’s court. Guards swarmed the Freeforge marketplace to search for who sold him the gem. Hexiva barely managed to get away and hadn't returned in nearly ten years. Rumors said Idefroi had been stripped of his robes and magic before being banished from the city with only the clothes on his back. 
Hexiva hastily pulled her hair into a messy ponytail that spilled over her shoulder, drew up her hood and fixed the scarf over her nose as she settled into the driver's seat and slapped the reins. Her horse was getting old but she didn't want to break in a new one until she had to. As the hours passed the cool night air was replaced by a dry heat but the sun hadn't begun its climb up the sky. All too soon the sounds of a busy road filled her ears. Merchants shouting at one another, dogs barking and running between wagons. Birds screeched as if their lives depended on it. Tired hooves beating against the ground and rattling cages. Caravans of returning students drew their own impromptu markets as merchants and traders crowded in, trying to hawk their wares to any who'd listen. Norcourt’s wall rose menacingly from the sands as Hexiva joined the slow crawl forward.
A sour feeling settled in her stomach. 
Dumb kid. 
Carefully, she placed the case of love potions on a prominent rack at the front of her stall. She'd paid a hefty price for one large enough for all of her products, as well as space between the next stall for her horse and wagon. A luxury in the cramped space but it would deter any horse thieves who didn't want to avoid two merchants who might be friendly enough to help each other. And Hexiva fully intended on staying until she made her money back. However, if even one of the vials broke Hexiva would be up to her ears in raging, jealous admirers. That's why she had specific instructions on how much to give someone at once. A drop each day on any food or drink they served until the potion was gone. She never asked for names but it was a well known secret that some used that obsession to get ahead; especially since it was so hard to track. Those who ingested a love potion stated not being entirely sure of where their feelings ended and the potion began, even after the deception had been discovered. The depth of a potion’s manipulation made most people balk and being convicted as a seller meant prison but the “city of knowledge” considered building one beneath it, so those convicted were sent away to Estermarsh. A coastal city south of Norcourt isolated by a foreboding mountain range on one side and a sea full of untold dangers on the other. No one who returned ever spoke of what happened there and only the truly foolhardy risked going back. 
Hexiva sat on her stool and prepared for a wait. Her existence was made entirely of risks. She’d only be hurting her profits if she worried too long about the legality of her products. So she sat and watched the crowds bustling past. Nobles, scholars, politicians, students, and the poor merged into a steady stream. Occasionally a cart rumbled by. If a merchant couldn't afford a stall they traveled through the crowds hoping to get the attention of any passersby or they gave up. Soon Hexiva stopped paying attention to details unless someone eyed her stall a second too long. Some customers hesitated, wrangling with their conscience or waiting for their colleagues to pass. The woman across the street, leaning against a tent pole was doing neither. She was glaring at Hexiva. 
She was only known as Serpent, even to Hexiva who was arguably the closest to her. And Hexiva knew exactly why Serpent was mad. It was due to her warning that allowed Hexiva to pack up what she could and flee. Serpent glared until Hexiva began to squirm, then she finally crossed the wide street. Her cloak flapped wildly. She parted the crowd with the force of her anger alone. Anyone nearby scurried passed to avoid the trouble that normally followed. 
Serpent vaulted over the table, red curls bouncing, and stalked over to the corner Hexiva had taken refuge in. 
“You were supposed to stay away,” she hissed. Her eyes narrowed. They were golden like the desert snakes whose speed and venom she channeled. Right now they were glowing, a change made apparent in the dark. 
Hexiva nervously watched the rocking vials. 
“I did. Surely there's other scandals to keep everyone busy.” She didn't want to think about Serpent killing anyone who got close to them in a magically induced fit of jealousy. Of all the crimes she could be connected to, Hexiva was almost certain murder wasn't one of them.
Serpent punched Hexiva in the arm. “Maybe others jump from one person's tragedy to another, Hex. Not the Lindoom family.” She looked over her shoulder as if the mention of their name was enough to summon all six women. “Why couldn't you have waited for me to send for you?” 
“You wouldn't have.” Hexiva's voice was strained. She forced herself to stand up straight. Stepping around Serpent, she walked over to her displays and began to straighten them. For a moment her hand hovered over a plain wooden box. Within was a gem similar to the one she'd sold to Ildefroi, this time set in a lover’s locket. She had no intention of selling this one to anyone who couldn't sense it. 
“I would have. When it was safe.”
Hexiva motioned to the vials she'd already set out then to the charm bags, the fire imp dust that could set a flame without matches, and more ready to be bought for the right price. The silence behind her stretched on so long Hexiva had to turn to make sure Serpent was still there. She let the unsaid question sit between them. Serpent’s expression didn't change from one of frustration. Their argument was interrupted by far off shouting that was quickly growing closer. The crowd's rhythm was broken again but this time chaos erupted as a young girl tried desperately to fight her way through the crowd. A group of masked guards followed in close pursuit. 
She's probably a thief. Just ignore her.
But the aching in her bones turned to a buzzing that set Hexiva's teeth on edge. Her intuition flared in a particularly irritating way but gave her no hints besides “they are important”. That could mean dangerous and when it got this bad Hexiva would normally cut her losses. 
I'll have to get this locked away too.
But her intuition had saved her on too many occasions, that's why she'd kept a bit of magic. Serpent touched Hexiva gently on her shoulder and she nearly jumped over the table herself. 
“You going after them?”
Hexiva wanted to say no. She had no intention of dying for someone else's problem. A moment later a glint of silver caught her eye as one of the girl's pursuers slipped a thin blade from their flowing sleeve. That was an assassin's weapon. Their guild members were supposed to be forbidden from entering the city. 
“Someone took a contract out on a child?” Hexiva made sure her focus was in its sheath before squeezing through the space between tables. “Can you get them somewhere no one will see?”
“I don't see why we're getting involved but yes, and I'm offended you had to ask.”
Hexiva made a “hurry up” motion with her hand, and then gave chase herself. 
A cart loaded down with crates toppled over as one of its wheels splintered, making the girl take a hard left to avoid it before backtracking. She tried to hide under a table where a merchant was selling carpets but the elderly woman promptly kicked her back out. The assassins were almost on her then. At that same moment a group of students crossed Hexiva's path. When she managed to push through them, she'd lost sight of the girl. There were curses thrown her way but she didn't pay them any attention. They wouldn't want to make a scene and tie their school to the markets.  A flash of red hair caught her eye and Hexiva took off in that direction. She saw the last of the assassins turn into an alleyway and her step faltered but she barreled forward anyway. There were no lamps here even at night. Sheets worn to rags fluttered over holes in the walls that passed for windows. Any peeking heads were quickly pulled back and the sheet pulled taut. 
In the silence Hexiva’s footsteps echoed and they turned as one. The golden pins at their necks shone even in the muted light; likenesses of Inix, god of death. Inix was one of eight deities whose worship was allowed, if frowned upon, within Norcourt. Hexiva cursed her luck, her intuition, and everyone involved in the contract as she ducked under a blade. It took a lot more effort than she  wanted to admit to call up enough wind to knock the assassins into the walls. The girl wasn't far ahead and she stumbled, throwing a terrified look over her shoulder. Their gazes met for an instant before Hexiva had to dodge another blade. She unhooked her focus, made of hardened wood, to smash it against the crook of their arm. There was a satisfying crack but she had no time to admire her work. Three of them pressed her steadily back to the wall. She blocked a thrust and the dagger stuck in the focus. Their partners moved to strike but first one shuddered and fell then the other. 
Hexiva let go of her focus and as the assassin staggered back, she landed a hard punch to their jaw that knocked them to the ground. She grabbed their blade and her focus, intending to go after the remaining three assassins. Serpent bounded past Hexiva but stopped suddenly. Venom dripped from the tip of her sword in a viscous liquid. The girl whimpered as one of the assassins yanked her up by the cowl of her threadbare cloak. Only two assassins stood between them, but now they each wielded a second dagger. The blades so dark it hurts to look at them directly, a pale green glow around the edges.
“This girl better be worth it,” Serpent muttered. 
“Worth it enough not to die in an alley,” Hexiva shot back but she was thinking the same thing. With the focus cracked it was harder to get her magic to cooperate. 
All she managed to do was ruffle their clothing. They immediately jumped forward to attack but Serpent easily fended them off. Careful not to touch the black blade even with her own. The girl took the chance to struggle, landing a solid hit with her elbow to their chest before kicking them in the knee. When the assassin still didn't drop her, she turned her head and bit down on their hand. They let go but followed quickly with a slashing motion. Too fast for anyone to follow the girl's anguished scream cut off and, though her eyes stared at nothing, her hands were moving in a weaving motion. The assassin who struck her stood up straight like a string had been pulled. He gasped before his body crumpled to the ground. The last two assassins tried to fight. One threw their black blade but it wavered before falling to the side. Their bodies fell on top of each other. 
“Put your sword away.”
Serpent moved slowly. They each expected the girl to attack. Hexiva threw the dagger aside, but kept hold of the focus for comfort. She took one step forward. And then another. As she got closer the smell of blood became strong.
She's losing too much. 
“I can heal you, but I need to do it now.” 
The girl's expression remained blank, but her head cocked as if she was listening. Her hands slowed. 
Hexiva showed her hood, turning in a circle. “We're not with them.” She felt her heart flutter and sweat broke out on her forehead. “You're going to bleed to death. I can help.”
After what felt like hours, the girl's hands finally stopped moving. Her eyes snapped into focus moments before she started wailing. Hexiva rushed over to check the girl's wound. She let out a hissing breath when she saw that the cut went from one shoulder to the girl's hip. Hexiva put a hand on the girl's head and put all her concentration on a spell to make the girl sleep. Their wills clashed for a moment but the girl was too weak. 
Hexiva cradled the girl in her arms. “Wrap her in your cloak and take her back to my stall.”
“I'm not touching her.”
“You're faster. Take her.”
Serpent muttered under her breath as she slipped off her cloak, wrapped it around the girl and took her from Hexiva. Then she was off. There were narrow, connecting alleys that would allow her to move unnoticed. Hexiva took the risker move and rejoined the crowd. If anyone noticed the blood on her cloak, she glared at them until they lowered their eyes but moved faster in case they went to a guard. She couldn't risk taking on disguised assassins alone, though that seemed safer than what she was running towards.
Hexiva grabbed a bottle of aged wine she'd been hoping to sell to some bored noble. She pulled the stopper out with her teeth and doused a rag with the alcohol. 
“She’s a Child of Verais.” Serpent hovered over her shoulder. “She could kill us as soon as she wakes.”
“She would've done it already,” Hexiva said as she cleaned the cut. “The box under the seat.”
Serpent’s voice drifted away but she returned soon and sat the box on the ground. Hexiva flipped it open and threaded the needle. She wasn't a trained medic but she'd come across enough mercenary bands to know how to stitch someone up. She just hoped her spell would keep the girl asleep long enough for her to finish.
Smeni let out a groan and tried to open her eyes but her lashes seemed like they were glued together. She started to reach up to rub them but a burning pain shot through her back. She let out a whimper. 
“Hey, don't go undoing my hard work.” 
Smeni couldn't see the person talking clearly but she noticed their eyes. A soft, tawny brown that reminded her of home. 
“Momma?” she managed to say though her voice sounded garbled.
They placed a hand on her forehead. “No fever.” They let out a relieved sigh.
“I'll take her to an inn. Let the fates decide what happens next since they've graced her with their gift.” A new voice that held all the fear Smeni was used to hearing. 
She pressed her lips together, but they trembled and a tear snuck out. She hadn't meant to use her power again. Even now she could still see the elderly version of herself, she'd never get to be.
“To cut a life, you must give life,” her nurse had said before making her promise to never use magic. And to never reveal to her mother what she was.
“I don't wanna go. I want papa.”
“Sure, whatever you want. Right now go back to sleep.”
Smeni didn't want to, afraid she'd wake up in a room alone like so many times before, but eventually sleep pulled her back. She woke occasionally to hear haggling over prices or when the woman who called herself Hexiva, despite knowing Smeni must have seen her true name, came to coax her to eat. The other woman still gave her distrustful looks but fingered her sword if anyone looked at Smeni too long. Serpent came over to her eventually and let Smeni lay her head on her lap. The day passed in this deceptively normal way, with deals being made and Serpent’s cloak being pulled over Smeni when a guard passed by. 
When Smeni awoke again she was in the back of a wagon. She crawled to the edge and ,looking up, she didn't have to crane her head back far to watch the night sky passing by. Then she realized that was wrong. She searched the horizon for any sign of Norcourt but there was only grass as far as she could see.
“You want to fall out?” 
Smeni started at the sound of Serpent’s voice. Tears welled in her eyes. “I came to find him. You have to take me back.”
Serpent regarded her silently, chewing on her inner cheek. She looked away when she said, “Hex is worried he brought the contract.”
Smeni’s stomach twisted and she folded in on herself. Serpent made a “tch" noise and motioned Smeni over.
“Live today, find out tomorrow.”
“Are you scaring her back there?” Hexiva asked in a disapproving tone. She gave Serpent an irritated look over her shoulder, then patted the seat next to her. 
Smeni gripped Serpent’s cloak then shot a worried look at her.
“It's yours. I'll get a new cloak next town over.”
Smeni walked shakily to the front of the wagon and climbed up with Serpent’s help. She wrapped the cloak around her and settled next to Hexiva.
“So what do you want to be called?”
“Smeni.” She answered with a definitive nod of her head. 
Hexiva gave her an uncertain smile and then they settled into a silence that would soon become routine.
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spellseattle-blog · 8 years
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Current phase of transformation is super cute! 💜come say hello and fondle all the #crystals #crystal #magic #gemwitch #witchesofthenorthwest #shoplocal #shopseattle #spellseattle (at Spell)
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spellseattle-blog · 8 years
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Divine #gems #crystal power and #crystalvisions #gemwitch @spellseattle #shoplocal #shopseattle #quartz #rosequartz #calcite #witchesofthenorthwest (at Spell)
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spellseattle-blog · 8 years
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So many sweet #crystal babies in the shop! #crystals #gemwitch #gems #calcite #quartz #aventurine #shoplocal #shopseattle #witchsupplies #witchesofthenorthwest (at Spell)
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spellseattle-blog · 9 years
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A few little #gem friends in the shop! So many more #crystals will be popping up next week! #gemwitch #crystalvisions #loveisintheearth #sacred #earthmagic #spellseattle #shoplocal #shopseattle (at Spell)
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