#gen narumi x fem reader
antennaed-shidou · 10 months
Brighter Than the Sun
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✦ Gen Narumi x f! reader
✦ Warning: not prof-read, little romantic, kissing,
✦ Misc: Word Count: 3.6k+ first Kaiji no. 8 oneshot that was chosen on a wheel, im so happy it landed on it. singer au.
✦ In which you were special to him.
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She was his star, well not literally his star. She was on the big TV screen doing an interview on one of those late-night shows, while Gen was sitting on his couch remote in hand watching her.
He really can't believe they were the same age and {Y/n} had achieved so much more than him. All he does is stay in his apartment playing games watching TV and making a mess all over. And yet the most gorgeous woman is on his TV screen smiling and laughing with the host.
Seeing her smiling and laughing all about made him jealous. It's not like he wanted to be in her position, no he rather wanted to be by her side. Having interviews with her, and playing by her side at concerts. He just wanted to be by her side, but he was just an average civilian.
"And that ties up today's show with our special guest, {Y/n} {L/n}." A go-lucky voice spoke facing the cameras and mic. "We hope to see you next week," The camera started to zoom out and the host and {Y/n} were seen to be having a conversation.
The show went on commercial as it was over and the next show was about to play. Gen shut off his TV knowing what next will not be his {Y/n}. He got up from the couch going to the kitchen not so far away. Gen got himself a little snack before heading to bed. Though he couldn't sleep at all.
The only thing on his mind was the interview that was on the TV with {Y/n}. He hated they were the same age but she was doing so much better, he hated how she was always around other guys, and he hated seeing her on TV. But did he really hate it no he was just telling himself that like every other person in this universe that likes her.
But unlike everyone else, he was something special. A real talent to {Y/n} herself.
{Y/n} behind the scenes was about just the same as she presented herself to other people and her fans. She was a chill person and liked to lounge a lot. She didn't do much really at all.
Even though she had lots of fame, she acted like she didn't. Well, not in a bad way she was still nice to her fans and she liked it when they said hi to her.
Anyway, the other band members were quite the same as her. They all did nothing, the only time they did was when they had ideas for a new song. Even then it would take a few months before it was ready for release.
Some of them also like to play games together... well all of them played games together when they got the chance. Sometimes {Y/n} indulges her time in watching people play said games. One of her favorite streamers was someone named Narumi Gen.
She really liked to watch him. She really liked that he the same age and doing what he like, she liked how good he was as the games, she like his smiling and laughing though she was only behind a screen. And she really did like that about him, though she never met him.
Since Gen couldn't fall asleep he decided to start a stream.
As {Y/n} was lying in bed looking through her phone she got a notification that Gen Narumi was streaming.
The male started his stream. "Today is going to be a short stream. I'm tired."
The chat was a little sad but complied nonetheless as they couldn't do anything.
Gen talked a little and before he knew it the sun was peaking through his blinds and the early birds were chirping. "Oh, shit. Anyway, guys I going to have to end the stream." And that he did.
{Y/n} woke up when she heard a loud sound from her phone. She saw he was still streaming though he had just ended. She didn't even realize she fell asleep.
The female turned off her phone but she didn't get up from bed. She stared at her popcorn ceiling having her thoughts take over her brain. That was until she was rudely interrupted by one of her band members.
"Good morning, {Y/n}!" Her door busted open and the male walked over to {Y/n} leaning in front of her. His white hair facing down falling down his pale chiseled face.
The female started into his green eyes that were staring right back waiting for a response.
"Whatever good morning Jake."
"Oh come one, {Y/n}. It's a bright and early day you know what that means."
"That it's time for me to sleep in," She rolls over in the bed facing away from Jake.
The male lay in her bed taking her blanket to cover himself. He snuggled next to the female. "Fine then, {Y/n}. Let's take a nap."
The female shrugged her shoulder laying away from Jake though he brought her closer. He knew it bothered her and that's why he was doing it, to get her up out of bed.
And she did indeed cave in.
"I think we should get up Jake," {Y/n} sits up waiting for the male to get out of bed.
"You're right, {Y/n}. I think the band is waiting for us downstairs. He gets up out of her bed and the female follows out.
"I'm going to get changed. I'll be downstairs in a bit."
"Holy fuck," Gen curses under his breath. He stayed up the whole night talking to his chat even though he said to himself it was going to be a short stream.
He got up from bed. The first thing he did was take a shower as he felt disgusting. Gen couldn't believe he stayed up all night without even realizing, he didn't even feel tired either.
When he was done taking the shower he wrapped a towel around his waist. He sat in his bed scrolling through his phone. As he was scrolling he saw that [band name] was going on a tour. He didn't take a second chance and bought tickets for places he could visit, which was a few.
Finally, he could see her again in person. Well, this will be the closest he can get to see her.
"We're going to start packing, {Y/n}." One of the band members says.
"Ok, Ron." She gives him a thumbs up going back to her room.
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It was their first concert in a while and they forgot what to do. At least that's what they told each other but when they went out on stage that crowd went wild.
"We're back people!" {Y/n} screamed in the mic hyping the people up even more. "Just in case we forgot let's go over the members. We got Jake on the drums, Ron on the bass, Paul on the guitar, and {Y/n} (me) on a guitar and main vocals!"
"Let's get the show rolling!" Ron yelled into his mic playing some strings on his bass with Paul playing next. {Y/n} played her guitar waiting for the vocals in the song. Jake was waiting for his drums to come into the song as well.
The crowd went wild as this was the most popular song to date. Gen had to watch on YouTube as he couldn't make it to this concert. When the camera switched off {Y/n} he would wait for it to go back every time. He would also sing along sometimes without knowing it.
{Y/n} and Paul were back-to-back playing their guitar solo together. The two played as the drum queue came in and {Y/n} went back to vocals.
The concert went really well for their first time back on stage. When the concert was over they had special Vip tickets they sold where they can meet fans. They went behind stage to meet said fans that were wating.
Again, this was being filmed but not live. There were only a few fans for this little meet and greet. So, it was nice and didn't go on to late.
The band went back to their trailer and {Y/n} was the first to fall asleep. Jake snuggles up next to her to which she doesn't mind when they were going to sleep, it kept her warm.
Meanwhile, Gen was looking at hotels he could stay at for the week. He wasn't rich but he also wasn't poor at the same time. Gen had a nice and stable life he could live. So buying a few hotels to stay at for the concert wasn't too detrimental to his paycheck.
He stayed up pretty late finding places to stay at and when to leave to make it to the next concert.
Ron was the first to wake up like usual. The first thing he did to start his day was go outside to take a nice whiff of fresh air along with a cup of coffee that was made by Nolan.
It was nice for him to wake up without the rest bothering him like they would. Especially Paul who had him do everything that he could, and Ron wanted a break early in the morning when no one else would be awake.
Only the sound of the beautiful nature in front of him. And the cars on the highway could be heard. It was peaceful.
The next to wake up was Gen.
He looked at the time wondering why he had woken up this early. He lay in bed on his phone for a while looking at the news and the VIP interaction with the band on YouTube.
How he wished that was him. Well, it will be him tomorrow.
Ron got back in the trailer ready to get on the road. Nolan woke when he heard the start of the engine. He knew Ron was ready to leave.
"Hey, Buddy. You ready to leave," He asked sitting in the passenger seat.
Ron looked over nodding his head a yes. "Yeah, Ready to visit our next destination. We can let them sleep, they worked hard."
"So did you Ron. Let me drive." Nolan got up as Ron moved from the driver's seat. "Plus no offense I don't want you to crash this trailer, it was kinda expensive."
"I can drive," Ron was kinda offended by the guy's words.
"Sure you can."
Gen decided to get on the road so he could explore the city.
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Another day another prepping from the concert. They had just got to the stage they were going to perform at. {Y/n} and Jake didn't want to do anything like always.
Paul and Ron had to carry most of their instruments and gear. Though Jake and {Y/n} didn't just sit there. The both of them greeted the people that would be working there, such as the bodyguards and a few other people.
Heck, they might have been busier than Paul and Ron, they only didn't have the physical labor. They had to walk around talking to people and explore the stadium.
Once they were done, Paul and Ron were waiting for them.
"When did you guys get done?" Jake asked walking up on the stage seeing the two sitting down on the floor talking to each other.
Ron looked up and saw the other two band members walking up one step in front of the other. "Oh, we've been done for a while."
"What about you guys?" Paul asked looking up and seeing {Y/n} and Jake tired and slouched over.
"Tired, we had to walk around this whole stadium. My legs are tired." Her legs gave out and her ass fell to the ground. Jake caught her shoulders setting her down lightly.
He sat down next to her taking a long sigh. "She's right. And the guys showing us around was so boring. He kept talking and talking about the history of this stadium."
"Yeah, he wouldn't stop talking about it. It's like the guy thought we were little kids too. I swear he was using smaller words, and I almost caught him talking in a baby voice." She groaned, "But at least that's over."
Ron spoke up, "But is this place nice? Are the people nice? Are there any faults?"
"Oh," {Y/n} speaks, "This place is nice. The people are nice. And there are no faults. So we're safe and so are our fans." She gave them a thumbs up.
They all just sat there on the stage all just chilling and on their phones. That was until the moment was ruined.
"Get off your phones. It's time to practice a little then you can explore the city." Nolan walked up to the four looking down at them.
They all collectively groaned not wanting to get up.
"Come on, Nolan. Can't we stay here a little longer?" Jake asked looking up at the male a sad look on his face.
"No, now get up." He rushed them up off the stage.
They practiced for a while, then a longer while until Nolan said they were good. After they were done and all the sound checking was done for tonight.
Gen was walking around the city. Seeing the sights and walking in and out of the stores. Even though he was by himself Gen was having a great time. You don't have to have a good time with other people, sometimes all you need is yourself.
As he was walking down the street, he could've sworn that he had seen {Y/n} and Paul. He looked back but they were already gone. Maybe he was seeing things.
He shrugged his shoulder ignoring the thought. And if he did I bet he would have to wait in line.
He looked at the time and thought it was time for him to get dinner if he wanted to make it to the concert on time and not get too full and puke, that would be embarrassing.
'Well, I could get her attention if I did that.' He wondered about the situation in his head if it did happen. If a hand, her hand reached out to him and helped him.
"What would you like to order?" The last at the counter asked.
Gen got out of his thoughts and ordered his food at a small cafe that he found. He sat down at a table with an iced coffee in hand. He was scrolling on his phone seeing what was going on.
He saw {Y/n} story, she was in the same city and she had just set up her stage for tonight. He clicked through the story seeing she was exploring the city with her band members.
{Y/n} and Paul were playing with their guitars. Playing songs and trying to see who could hit the harder note. Jake was sitting by his drums waving around the sticks. Ron was plucking at his bass tunning it.
It was almost time for the concert and they could see people already in line. Gen was waiting in line. He was one of the first people in line as well.
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It was [band]'s last show in the tour. Gen had been to at least 8 concerts, maybe more he wasn't counting.
The sky was dark not even a single star in the sky, but there was a brighter star on stage, {Y/n}. Gen was standing close to the stage, he was in a great view to see the female.
The stage was dark with only a stage light in the back. The venue wasn't too busy as they were in a small area. Half the stage lit up showing the silhouettes of the band member.
{Y/n} grabbed the mic, "This is our last show of our tour. I wanted to end this show here if you didn't know this is our hometown."
Wait, this was their hometown? Gen had no idea he and {Y/n} lived in the same place. How did Gen never see here... Well, I guess he never left his house a lot.
"I want to sing a little special, we have been working on this song, and it will probably never be released."
She strung her fist string a Cm, Paul came in next playing a soft guitar. Ron's bass was on low but you could feel it playing through the guitar.
"My dear I won't leave you. I'll be right here." She was singing in a soft angelic tone unusual from what she would sing.
Some people knew what song she was singing. A song that was forgotten in time.
When they were done the crowd erupted in cheers and claps. It was so beautiful. Some of the people recognized the song.
It was the Lulu bubbles {Y/n} mom used to sing to her. She had a song nice calming voice and would sing to the town all the time. She told {Y/n} when she was a baby to do what she wants. And this is what she chose following in her mother's steps.
The rest of the concert went as normal. They sang their song and the crowd loved it. When the concert was over some people were going backstage for their VIP experience.
And Gen was one of them. In fact, he bought the special pass.
The normal VIP only had two people. They asked questions about the members and about the band.
Gen waited his turn outside the room. Which didn't take long. When the normal VIP was done he stood up taking a deep breath before walking into the room.
His star was sitting on the middle of the couch with the three boys surrounding her. She was sitting there with a smile on her face along with the others.
Those {Y/n}'s smile dropped when the male sat down in front of them. Gen didn't seem to like her reaction, he was nervous himself.
"Wait. I know you." {Y/n}'s voice was so shocked. "You're Gen! Narumi Gen!"
The male was confused as to what she was going on about. But he was surprised that she knew his name.
"I love to watch your streams! I love your videos!" {Y/n} was fangirling over one of her biggest fans. What an odd twist.
"Oh, well thank you. I love you--r music. I love your guy's music!" He saved himself before he said anything too embarrassing.
"Thank you," Paul spoke up.
"Do you wanna come to the trailer with me?" {Y/n} asked a big smile on her face.
Nolan walked forward taking the female's shoulder. He looked down at her with a dissatisfied face. Gen looked at him, a shiver sent throughout his whole body. He was scared of the man.
"Why do you need to go back to the trailer?" He asked in a low voice.\
"Dad, please. I just need to get something." She begged.
Gen was a little confused. The manager of the band was {Y/n}'s dad. Never in a million years would he have guessed that.
Nolan rolled his eyes rubbing her temple. He sighed annoyed and motioned her that the two could leave.
"Thank you, Dad!" She gave him a tight hug. She grabbed Gen's hand and he let her guide him.
{Y/n} ran with Gen following behind, well he didn't have a choice. Gen was so memorized by the female. His biggest star was fangirling over him. That comes once in a lifetime, just barely.
The [h/c]-colored female couldn't believe she was holding her favorite content creator's hand. Though Gen couldn't see it she was blushing like crazy.
They had finally made it to the trailer. {Y/n} opened the door letting Gen in first. She shut the door behind them. The male was already sitting down to {Y/n} join him.
"I can't believe this," She said looking at him. Gen coked his head sideways. "I can't believe we like each other, content I mean. I had no idea that I would have a fan that I'm a big fan of."
"Me either. I would never believe that I would ever meet you."
The two sat there silent. It was a little awkward but they didn't let that get in the way. {Y/n} may seem quiet, but in fact, she was quite bold.
She gave Gen a kiss on the cheek. That made him look at her. She gave him a full-on kiss, he was shocked but leaned in. Though the two had just met for some reason they just hit it off. Their chemistry shot through the roof.
The female sat on top of Gen as their kiss went deeper. I mean the guy couldn't complain this is one of his biggest dreams, to be touched by a star.
She let go of the kiss. {Y/n} looked at his red eyes admiring them, his eyes reminded her of the top of a sunset, so fierce and beautiful.
Gen's straight lips turned into a bit of a smile. The woman was going on to get another kiss as she got distracted by the male beauty. "Before we continue would you like to be my boyfriend?"
Gen nodded his head and was going for the next kiss until Nolan kicked the door open.
"I swear to the Gods above if you don't get off him {Y/n}!" He yelled scaring Gen.
"Dad," {Y/n} whined getting off her new boyfriend. "I swear we are officially together now."
Nolan shook his head and walked off leaving everyone confused.
Though Gen was in his own little word stating at a star so bright. He was starting at his star. What he can claim to be his forever. {Y/n} was his star.
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Want more stories check out my Wattpad Antennaed_Shidou. or my Ko-fi
First Kaiji No. 8 oneshot of many more to come. I wanted to do a band au so I again spun a wheel like normal and wrote around it. I also didn't expect it to be this long, thxs for staying and reading it all if you did get this far
82 notes · View notes
calypsocolada · 2 months
how they kissed you for the first time... ft. soshiro, gen, & kafka
authors note: kaiju no. 8 is addictive. i bought the first manga then proceeded to buy the next nine. i'm obsessed with these three <3
cw: light violence
wc: 2.8k
click here for my masterlist
“Burning the midnight oil?” A familiar voice asked. You practically jumped out of your skin as you spun around in your wooden chair. Vice Captain Hoshina was comfortably leaning against the door to the library, eyes amusedly taking you in. 
“Vice Captain!” You gasped, holding a hand over your heart as you quickly gathered up your things. “I-- I apologize, sir.” Hoshina chuckled playfully, pushing off the door as he approached your table.
“No need to apologize, cadet. But you do know sleeping is a part of the job too.”
“I know. I’m just… not tired. Thought I would study a bit.” You responded as Hoshina snickered slightly. He ruffled your hair.
“This late? You’re a real overachiever aren’t you?” He teases as you fix your hair, blushing slightly.
“I just like to be prepared, that's all.” You huffed slightly as Hoshina leaned against the desk beside you, he looked down at you.
“You say you’re not tired but look moments away from falling asleep.” He points out.
“Well… maybe it is getting a little late.” 
Hoshina chuckled again, that same smug look on his face. He nodded, a small hint of concern in his expression. “Yeah, it is. And you should be in bed like everyone else. Besides-”
He stood up straight and pushed himself off the desk, crossing his arms and towering over you for a moment. He returned to his playful smirk and spoke. “-We have drills tomorrow and I can’t have you falling asleep during it, can I?”
No, sir.” You responded, turning and hiding the blush on your face. He chuckled softly and gave you a smug smirk, he was an observant person so of course he saw your blush before you could hide it. 
“Don’t act so embarrassed, I’m just looking out for you.” He chuckled again and that damn smirk grew slightly.
“I’m going, sir.” You answered quickly, loading yourself with books. Hoshina watched you amused until you dropped one. He caught it with ease, cocking his head.
“Do you really need all of these?” He asked as you pouted slightly. 
“I only have the hold on these books for two more days.” You said as he sighed softly, reaching and grabbing over half of what you were holding. 
“Lead the way.” He said as you nodded your head, walking out of the library and down the dark halls of the agency. Your room was a short walk and when you arrived you quickly unlocked the door and Hoshina followed you in, placing your books on your desk.
“Thank you, sir.”
“It’s just us, you can call me Soshiro.” Hoshina said over his shoulder. You froze, staring at his back as he straightened, his eyes taking in your private quarters. You jumped when your door fell shut behind you and when you turned back Hoshina was looking at you. A smug and satisfied look on his devilishly handsome features. “Go on, I give you permission.” Your mouth goes dry, your lips parting but no sound comes out. He laughs then. He knew the effect he had on you, knew exactly the kind of attack he just dolled out on your nervous system. Hoshina, up to this point, had been nothing but mostly professional around you. The only thing unprofessional before was his constant joking but other than that he had been an angel. Kind of. But you on the other hand fell fast and hard. It was embarrassing and something you would try very hard to take to your grave. “Did I make you nervous?”
“What-- n-no. It’s just-- I’m tired, that's all.” You covered, albeit sloppily. Hoshina raised his head slightly, a brow quirking up.
“Well… I wouldn’t want to keep you from sleeping.” He says, there was a glimmer of something in his eyes as he walked towards you, you moved out of the way of the door and gave him a terse smile. He looked down at you. “You’re actually going to sleep, right? You won’t read those books once I leave?” He jests as you nod your head. 
“I’m going to sleep.” You affirm shakily. He was standing so close. You could move your hand a few inches and you’d be touching him. You could take one step and meet his lips with ease. You looked away quickly at that thought. Ashamed of where your mind could take you. 
“Good night.” He says softly, hand reaching for the door. You’re not entirely sure what came over you but he was so close. Just right there. And walked you back to your room, carrying your things, talked to you like that and you were so weak already for him. You kissed him. It was probably the quickest kiss known to man. You had just gently pressed your lips against his in a quick peck and pulled back faster than you’d ever pulled back. Your face was beat red.
“M-my apologies, sir.” You said, turning and moving away but he caught your wrist. 
“You call that a kiss, Cadet?” He asked and when your wide eyes met his he pulled you back to him and lowered his lips to yours.
Your breath caught in your throat as you stopped mid walk into the doorway of your boss’s office. To call it a disaster would be an understatement. For the past week you’d been on a much needed vacation. 
“Y/n?” A voice exclaimed, surprised to your right. You almost dropped your tray of tea. 
“Mr. Narumi, you startled me!” You gasped, turning.
“You’re back a day early?”
“Mr. Hasegawa asked me to.” You said, walking carefully over the discarded boxes of yamazon orders to place the tea on his desk. Gen’s jaw tightened.
“He did, did he?” He asks as you nod your head.
“Yes, sir. Would you like me to clean up your office a bit-”
“No. No, I will take care of it. You should be home, enjoying your last day of vacation.”
“It’s alright, sir,” You reach and grab a trash bag but Gen reaches out, hand gracing yours to grab it away from you. 
“I wanted,” He sighs. “I wanted to clean this place before you got back.” He mumbled, cheeks red in embarrassment. 
“I really don’t mind, Mr. Narumi, it’s my job to help you out.” You say and Gen shakes his head. 
“This is my mess, you can go home early.”
“I just got here, sir.”
“And I’m giving you the rest of the day off, as well as tomorrow. Both paid of course.” He says, crossing his arms. You stare at him for a moment, parting your lips but Gen just shakes his head. “Go on, enjoy it.” He says, turning to start cleaning up his own mess. 
“Alright, thank you sir.” You say, leaving the tray behind as you make your way towards the door, glancing back to see Gen dutifully shoving things into a trash bag. 
An hour later you knock on his door and when he opens the door you hold up take out from his favorite restaurant.
“Before you try and send me home I thought we could have lunch together.” You say and his eyes sharpen before he inevitably steps to the side and lets you in. His office is much cleaner and this time you walk with ease to his desk, he follows behind and grabs two drinks out of a fridge as you pull out the food. “It looks nice in here.”
“Can you pretend you didn’t see the mess this morning?” He asks as you smile.
“What mess?” You ask and watch his face relax as he grabs and drags his chair to sit beside you. 
“I… wanted you to come back unstressed from your vacation but Eiji just had to ruin that.” He says, taking a drink before popping open the container of his food.
“I’m not stressed.” You say, popping open your own container as you feel Gen’s eyes on you.
“Would you like the rest of the week off too? Paid of course.”
“No!” You laugh, shaking your head. “Seriously, sir, I feel fine. It was a good vacation, I feel rested and relaxed. Ready to work.” You say, taking a bite of your food. 
“Are you sure?” He asks as you finally meet his eyes, he looks so worried for you. You furrowed your brow.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, he looks back at his food. 
“You deserve better than to be my assistant.” He says and you pout slightly, tilting your head.
“What? I like being your assistant, sir.” You say as Gen sort of sighs, it was clear something heavy was weighing on him. You should’ve known he was acting strange from the first moment you talked with him.
“I don’t want you to be.” He finally says. You stare at him, shocked and slightly hurt. 
“Oh.” You say, the bite of food you were about to eat paused. “I… I apologize. Did I do something to upset you?” Gen’s eyes fly up to yours.
“What! N-no of course not, Y/n.” 
“I can speak with Mr. Hasegawa and have him transfer me to-”
“That’s not… I didn’t mean it like that.” Gen says, rubbing his forehead in a stressed sort of way.
“What way did you mean it, sir?” You ask. Gen looks down at his food, he then inhales deeply and turns towards you. You hadn’t noticed how close you two were sitting until right now. He was so close, his eyes soft on yours until they dipped low to your lips then snapped back up. Your stomach flipped at that little action. 
“I want… more.” He says and your lips part in surprise. 
“More.” He affirms. “May I… kiss you?”
“Kiss?” You echo, eyes sort of wide. He reaches over and tucks your hair out of your face. 
“Yes. May I?” You can’t wipe the shocked expression off your face. Your lips barely form the word yes and he’s leaning in, hand sliding across your cheek to pull you to meet his lips impatiently. He wanted it and needed it.
You breathed heavily, staggering to the side, hand placed on debris to keep yourself standing. You were sure you were dead. The jaws of a kaiju opened up to swallow you whole but suddenly you were on the ground, dizzy and unaware of how you got there. But then you saw it. The infamous Kaiju no. 8. You watched as it killed the kaiju that had you in its clutches moments ago. You staggered back when the kaiju turned to face you, fear jolting through you as you fumbled over debris to get away. 
“Y/n! Be careful, you're injured!” The kaiju said as it ran over to you. You screamed, you didn’t know those things could talk! You scrambled to your feet, rushing and dizzily falling as you tried to get to the gun you’d dropped in your fight with the last kaiju. Strong hands gently grabbed you and when you turned you were face to face with kaiju no. 8. You screamed and threw a punch, connecting with its jaw but the creature just stared at you, seemingly hurt until its eyes connected with something behind you. “Oh… shit.” The creature grunted as you stared at it, shell shocked. It’s voice… somehow familiar. Your legs felt like jelly beneath you, the kaiju still had a tight hold on you as you glanced back. The creature was looking at its reflection? There was only so much strangeness you could take as your body practically shut down, the adrenaline that was fueling you moments ago drained out as your legs gave out and you fell backwards into the Kaiju’s arms. “Y/n! S-shit… we have to get you to the infirmary!” The kaiju expressed and in that moment, seconds before you lost consciousness one name left your lips.
“Kafka?” You breathed out completely dumbfounded.
When you woke up it was light, almost a blinding white. You blinked a few times, groggily yawning as you carefully sat up, your entire body ached as you gently stretched out your muscles.
“You’re awake!” A voice to your right exclaimed in a breathy whisper. You turned and there was Kafka, he dropped his coffee and dive bombed towards you, wrapping his arms around you in a tight bear hug. You grunted in surprise as he held you tightly, as if he was keeping you grounded from floating away and never being seen again. Your mind was still a bit foggy on things as you gently pushed Kafka back.
“How long was I out?”
“Days… at least two or three.” He answers, his face clearly worried. It was also clear he hadn’t slept, dark circles had formed beneath his eyes. “How’re you feeling?”
“Fine… a bit sore.” You answered as he sat on the side of your hospital bed and sighed out in relief. 
“I was worried.” He said, forcing a small smile on his face. He was still worried as you winced slightly, pushing down your blanket and inspecting the bandage across your midsection. His eyes followed your movements and when you looked up at him he had this intensely worried look on his face. 
“I’m fine, Kafka.” You implored as his eyes snapped up to yours. He nodded his head and swallowed. 
“Do you… remember anything? Anything at all?” He asks. You blink a few times, pursing your lips.
“I remember you… being there? Did you save me?” You ask, trying hard to recall what exactly had happened. You retraced your steps as Kafka fumbled through his words.
“I--- yes-- I was… there… technically.” You remembered a kaiju swiping at you, you lost your gun in the scuffle. You recalled it grabbing you up and tossing you towards its open mouth but you never landed in there but rather on your feet on the concrete. You blinked a few times as things started to piece together. 
“I saw… kaiju no. 8.” You said and watched Kafka’s face go pale white. “It…” you trailed off when you remembered its voice, remembering it grab you as you passed out. Remember saying a name. “You…” Your eyes snapped to Kafka’s. He looked stricken, scared and caught all at once. “Kafka… you… you’re-”
“Yes.” Kafka breathes out quickly. Like he’d been dying to tell you. “Yes… that was me.. I’m-”
“A kaiju.” You finished his sentence unblinking. You swallowed as Kafka’s lip trembled and he gave you a curt nod of the head. He looked embarrassed and guilty. 
“I’m a monster… I wanted-- I wanted to wait until you woke up to- to turn myself in because I wanted… no I needed to know you were going to be okay. I needed to tell you that I-”
“Kafka,” You interrupted, shocked by this revelation. He looked at you with a pained expression. 
“I promise I’ll turn myself in I just need to tell you that-”
“No!” You jerked up, wincing in pain.
“C-careful!” Kafka admonished, you reached for him, barely grabbing his shirt.
“Don’t turn yourself in. I-- I don’t want you to.” You stuttered painfully. Kafka’s lips parted wordlessly. 
“What? I was sure you would want me to…”
“That’s the last thing I want.” You said, trying to wrap your head around this all. You tighten the hold on his shirt and look at him. “They would… kill you and turn you into a weapon, Kafka.” You say as Kafka looks down, nodding his head.
“I know that.”
“And you think I would want that for you?” You hissed as his eyes snap back up to yours, a shocked expression on his face.
“You… hate kaiju.”
“I don’t hate you. No matter what you are.” You said, yanking his shirt towards you as you wrapped him in a tight hug. “Don’t you dare turn yourself in.” You warned, he was stiff in your arms for only a few seconds before he completely melted, the fear and anxiety of you possibly hating him kept him up for days. He wrapped you in a hug and you felt him breathe out and relax, hands sliding across your back, gently gripping your shirt as he held onto you. You could tell then that he’d really expected a different outcome. He’d expected you to tell him to turn himself in. When you pulled back to say something his mouth pressed against yours, stopping your words and your thoughts. His arms were still around you as he kissed you tentatively.
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matramancer · 1 month
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🌸Synopsis: Although the elite forces of the first division were known for how strict and stern they are, there stands a girl who seems to act the polar opposite.
Mitsuri! reader masterlist
tags: narumi x reader, fem!reader, reader is similar to Mitsuri from KNY, fluff, reader is kikoru’s mentor sort of, narumi is a loser, can be platonic but might lean into romantic later on
Right off the bat, it’s no secret that the 1st Division is filled with elites. Led by Japan’s strongest, Gen Narumi, it houses some of the most talented, toughest hard hitters the Defense Force could be proud of.
Though most seem tight-lipped and stern, there exists one exception… one whose face full of smiles and bright demeanor seemed to make her shine amidst her more reserved peers.
You were thought of as a sort of spectacle in the Defense Force by newcomers and veterans alike. In a place where certain death came close often, where many souls have been hardened, you still greeted your comrades with a smile, your voice booming and sweet, gushing over delicious sakura mochi and voicing straightforward compliments to other officers with unparalleled excitement. 
You were kind of the exact opposite of what one would envision a strong member of the corps. At least, compared to the serious and foreboding image that belonged to people like Captain Narumi.
In fact, everyone could agree that seeing the two of you next to each other when duty calls always felt jarring. 
Despite his rather unruly, loser like behavior, Narumi was able to keep up his cool image once he suited up, his large and foreboding bayonet casting a large shadow as if to intimidate those who laid eyes on him (no one would guess that he was knee deep in a Yamazon addiction and pushing his rank on shooter games an hour prior). His soldiers were no different.
And there you were, a bright ray of sunshine with red dusted cheeks full of smiles. There was absolutely no way to hide your lively expression as you gushed over how cool Shinonome was, how Kikoru looked absolutely amazing with her axe, how you even complimented Kafka’s determined expression. 
“Shinonome-chan! You’re as cool as always!” “The feel I’m getting from Kikoru-chan is so intense!” “Aaa! Kafka is working so hard today.” Your expression held all that you had to say.
And of course, the compliments you had for Narumi were just as intense, and served as fuel for the fire that was his ego. 
Although you came from a great place, it’d be really troublesome if he got too into his head about it, so before Narumi could ever feel the sweet wave of ego boosts headed to his way, Hasegawa would already be behind him, chopping the top of his head with a hand as he orders the captain to focus (he sulks a bit outside of missions about this, glaring at the other officers who were privy to what he couldn’t indulge in).
“If your personality wasn’t as trashy, maybe we’d actually let you hear (y/n)’s compliments.” 
“ISN’T SHE ONE OF MY OFFICERS? WHY WON’T YOU ACTUALLY LET ME NEAR HER? AT LEAST LET ME HEAR MORE ABOUT HOW GREAT I AM–OI!” sulked a very fussy Narumi being scolded by Hasegawa as Shinonome discreetly tugged you further away from him.
Despite your more unorthodox personality and how you were seemingly airheaded at a first glance–not the best look for a fierce warrior, you had amassed a great deal of respect in the Defense Force. There was a reason you made it in the first division, alive and well-loved by everyone around you. 
Because behind your loveable demeanor and slightly childish antics, you were absolutely merciless in battle.
It was always a treat for the personnel in the control room and your veteran officers when newcomers came in and saw you in battle for the first time, gawking at the clearly unexpected jump between what you were like on and off the field.
It was quickly understood how you had amassed so much respect. How swiftly you cleared the breached areas infested with yonju, how you handled a swarm of them all by yourself, how it seemed like you were superhuman as you bent and twirled around in the air, sticking all of your landings and landing hits with such power.
You weren’t an ordinary fighter. Not when you sped past a group of injured officers and promptly took down a kaiju speeding towards them with your feet, before finishing the job with a large blast that felt unfathomable from the gun you were holding. 
Not with how you tore apart the yonju with what felt like pure strength, even with your high combat power. It largely baffled the people in the control room as they cross checked your initial assessment with your on field vitals, scrambling over the discovery of how your muscles were denser and seemed to display a sense of strength multiple times stronger than the common man. Paired with the grueling training you endured in the first division and the adrenaline from the imminent threat you were facing, you were a beast.
Yet, you never lost touch of your real self. Never let the losses numbed you in the line of work you chose. You mourned, you wept, yet you kept smiling, your touch warm to the new recruits who caught a major loss in their batch after a major kaiju attack, your words of encouragement and gentle smiles receiving more and more appreciation as your time in the first division turned from weeks to months to years. 
By the time battles became commonplace for you, you had caught the heads of many in the upper command, including the gaze of Narumi Gen, who, had he not seen your feats in person, wouldn’t be able to believe that the girl who awkwardly tripped from excitement and owed 50 push ups on her first day on the job was the same girl who was able to hold her own against a daikaiju before reinforcements came.
It was a large fight that required heavy backup in the wake of a sudden daikaiju appearance, following what was initially a smaller operation in a remote landmark. With only the small team from the prior operation dispatched at the time, Narumi was immediately called for backup.
He listened intently on how the mission was progressing. How half the squad had nearly been wiped out. Not injured, gone. Help was still over twenty minutes away by helicopter.
“We’re rerouting your squadron to team B,” one of the operators spoke into his earpiece. “The daikaiju attack separated them several kilometers away. Prioritize the survivors.” 
“Understood.” The loss of lives was unfortunately something you never had the time to grief over in a time and place like this. That was something Narumi knew very well. So, he simply prepares for the drop, listening in to the comms.
And then, the unexpected happened.
“High energy readings detected from zone A!”
“This–this is all from?!--”
A series of giant blasts alongside the roar of the daikaiju ravaged through the air and sea, just at their drop point. Alarms blared as their squad carefully regained their balance, weapons at the ready. “Confirm the other source of the blasts! We don’t know if it’s from another kaiju or something else!”
It had been twenty minutes since the start of the operation. The vitals of the large majority of the remaining officers had been detected near the safe zone they’ve enforced, with Narumi’s team now ordered for subjugation. As Narumi makes his way to the collision zone, he feels a strong, foreboding aura, the same one that must have taken part in that earlier series of blasts.
“It’s…” The comms blare up as the drone accompanying his squadron scans the vicinity. Although he was on high alert from the threat. knowing what they were up against, nothing could have prepared him for the sight he was about to see next. 
“--Officer (L/N) (Y/N)!” As your name rang through his ears, Narumi’s eyes widened as he saw your worn out figure balancing the machine gun left behind by your platoon leader, severely injured–but alive.
And the look in your eyes was merciless.
It was a rare occasion, something that had seldomly ever happened in his time at the Force, where Narumi had internally taken a step back in astoundment. As if the seer desperation and aura you carried manifested physically, telling people a story with no words.
It was you, the officer holding on against a large class Kaiju in those mere twenty minutes all by herself, hoisting the machine gun your platoon leader entrusted to you.
“Captain Narumi,” you spoke with so much respect, even in such a state. The same girl that was so smiley and bouncy in the dining halls, the girl that kept gushing over cute cats and how exciting love could be. The sweet cadet who was akin to sakura mochi. “I’ve led the rest of my team to the rendezvous zone. Please, let me hel…”
All you remembered next was everything fading to black, hearing a final sentence from the captain himself. “You worked hard, (L/N). Leave the rest to me.” 
He later learned that you hacked, slashed, and had fired so many rounds, you weakened the entire constitution of the Kaiju, so much so that you had basically cleared a path for him.
And in doing so, you also caught Narumi Gen’s eye. He even ended up vouching for the clearance of your special weapon himself.
He came to not only respect you, but to learn more about you. 
Your cheeriness was something that was quite new for him to grasp. You were so eager and outspoken, yet at the same time emotional and bashful. He still remembers how you became a flustered mess when he personally came to visit your hospital room after your run in with the aforementioned daikaiju, your hands flailing around in embarrassment as you choked on your food at his presence (was this the same girl that shot that kaiju in the eye at point blank?)
Don’t get him started on when you were to report to the higher ups about the daikaiju, coinciding with the meeting to discuss your promotion.
Could it have been worse? Definitely. But it was certainly still an interesting sight as you attempted to answer the question regarding your fight with the daikaiju.
Okay, maybe you got a bit too excited… “When I saw the daikaiju, it was like GWAHHH and then my heart felt like BAM BAM BAM, but then it went WHOOOOOMMMMM as we ran around the entire forest, THEN THEN THENNNN!!!! GAAAAAAHHH–”
“--and!” your breath hitched as you caught yourself mid burst. There, you could not only feel Narumi, Hasegawa, and some other senior officers staring at you, but even Director General Shinomiya. Your lips pursed into an extremely awkward smile as realization daunted upon you.
“...My apologies,” you bowed with your entire body, your forehead hitting the floor. “I’ll try to explain it again.”
Narumi couldn’t tell if he was mortified or still in disbelief. More mortified than you maybe. It felt like his soul had been sucked out. Even Hasegawa was at a loss for words, glaring at him from the side of his eye. Ah shit. 
“I promise she has potential,” he swore to Isao after in his office, also experiencing second hand embarrassment. “Please… please don’t mind her.”
Present day, you had earned your spot as a formidable part of the first division as a platoon leader, inheriting your late senior’s position alongside their weapon, worthy from strength alone. 
But things were a bit different with Narumi now, even with the man’s result oriented resolve.
Because it wasn’t just your raw power that made up your strength, it was your being—what made you, you. And it was daunting for Narumi, an entirely new avenue of consideration for him.
He never really thought about it, but your personality was the key factor that really placed the significance you had for him. 
It wasn’t like you lacked strength. No, you were definitely on par with Kikoru. If he wasn’t training her, he could find the blonde tagging along with you, with you beaming in excitement as you smothered her in compliments and encouragement. You had your full trust in her and her future, something Narumi didn’t voice out as verbally.
Likewise could be said for Kikoru—she had absolute trust in you and how powerful you were, eager to have you teach her your mid air maneuvers. Narumi encouraged it, actually. You both carried heavy weaponry into the field, packing a particularly mean punch. She could pick up a thing or two.
But he also remembers you as the girl smiling ear to ear as she asked him about his figure collection. The girl who was always honest with her compliments, even though Hasegawa would make sure that your words wouldn’t reach him. The girl who rushed headfirst to comfort a child after defeating a kaiju together with him, a warm smile akin to summer warmth.
“It’s ok now,” Narumi perks up, fixing his grip on his bayonet as he turns to watch you crouch down to some rubble. “The bad kaiju is gone. You can come out.”
The child trembles in fear, seeing Narumi with his big weapon might’ve confused him even more. “It’s okay,” you softly held out your hand, Narumi watching from behind in intrigue. “That’s Narumi-niichan. He got rid of the bad guys. He’s a friend.”
Slowly, the child crawls over to you, and you hoist him up to your arms. “Are you hungry? It’s almost time for dinner. How about we look for your mama and papa together? They must be worried.”
He sniffles a bit. Speaking a few names. You ask again out of curiosity. “My sisters…” 
Narumi stiffens as he feels a few more pairs of eyes around them. Noticing them as well, your mouth forms a small “O”, before smiling again. “I’ll carry all of you to your mom and pops then! I’ll make it super fun!”
Narumi watched in bewilderment as you balanced a total of four kids on your upper body, making your way to the closest shelter. 
“I promise to report back! Kids, say thank you to Narumi-niichan!” A chorus of high pitched voices thanking him broke the silence before you excused yourself, leaving the captain alone.
That was a show of your feats of strength—your true strength, Narumi realizes.
You were certainly a remarkable character in the force, and he’d never change that. 
Slowly but surely, your presence definitely left a mark on him. He also learns about your big appetite, and it became a common sight to see the two of you together at the dining hall, heaps of trays on your side as Narumi gamed on his handheld beside you.
“You know, Narumi-kun,” your voice held that same cheerful note that was as soft as early spring, eyes shining in pure delight. “When I see those delicious fried onigiri they serve in the dining hall, I get hungry again!!” You beam, before regaining your composure. “Ah, don’t tell anyone else ok?”
He secretly puts in the word to make it a permanent meal, alongside your favorite foods. Hasegawa definitely notices.
Narumi enjoys sparring with you. Though he is boastful of his own strength, honed by Isao himself, your midair techniques and combat keep you a fresh and interesting opponent. Likewise, Narumi tested your finesse. Despite the physical prowess you carried, you still had to hone your skill, and Narumi was one of the best players in the game as of now. It kept the rounds interesting.
The two of you also fight really well together.
Which would you rather die from? Squadron Style Bayonet Technique Number Two: Slash Salvo, or Sixth Form: Cat Legged Winds of Love?
Spoiler: both of them. With your high physical prowess and insane flexibility, you’re one of if not the only officer in the first division able to directly tag team alongside Narumi, with his otherwise individualistic fighting preference.
If Hasegawa’s role was to actually keep the division in check, giving orders to the other soldiers while Narumi sped forward, you were the second DPS (Narumi’s gamer terms) following ensuite. You could be beside him, being his second heavy hitter to clear the path, or a reliable tank to decimate other formidable foes that Narumi wasn’t occupied with.
On the occasions where the two of you partnered up together to fight a particularly tricky kaiju, that was when the peak of your techniques used together would come into play. Acting as two heavy hitters, Narumi focuses on taking out the main body, alternating between slashes and shots.
Should the Kaiju be able to handle his regular onslaught of attacks, then it might think it’ll stand a chance, but make no mistake. When its limbs or other means of attack come into play, you’ve already lunged forward with your other special weapon—one especially crafted for you after your innate flexibility—the whip-like sword completely unique to any other weapon found in the force. Its first and only bearer.
 The kaiju lets out a painful shriek as you slice its many tendrils up into ribbons, stopping any of them from even reaching Narumi. With every attempt to regenerate, every attempt in seething anger to launch attacks to your captain, you never failed to get in the way, lodging yourself in between and countering until its regeneration couldn’t keep up. If Narumi wanted an opening, then it’s your job as a platoon leader to get it done. “CAPTAIN!”
Although the two of you work well in battle, Narumi always scoffs a bit at how flashy your techniques are, a reoccuring theme in the 1st Division. “Show off,” he thinks to himself—being completely hypocritical—smiling as he readied his final stance. With Squadron Style Bayonet, the battle was over, the core taken out.
Upon returning to base, Narumi had already fished you for dozens of compliments, to the disdain of Hasegawa.
“Please don’t take advantage of the good and honest nature of our Platoon Leader,” the 1st division officers sigh, watching as Hasegawa scolds him to no end again.
You’re one of the Defense Forces’ officers that Narumi acknowledges and respects, great enough to fight alongside him. A strong feat courtesy of all the hard work and determination you’ve put with your time in the force, which only made you more admirable.
In fact, as Narumi and General Shinomiya convene in a meeting, discussing the future endeavors needed to ensure the future of the Defense Force, your name alongside others came to mind. With your years of service and direct surveillance from him and Narumi, your potential has never ceased to cap itself.
You were essential in the young generation that was to take over.
And maybe, just maybe, when it’s time to break the news…
Narumi runs his hands through the documents in his grip, your photo ID, credentials, and combat assessment printed in fine ink.
You’d rise for the potential of your own numbers suit.
A/N: Ahhhhh Narumi, Mitsuri!reader and Kikoru’s relationship is so cute… i want to make a part 2 with their dynamics.
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luvvictoria · 19 days
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Favourite game
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( ♡ ) pairing : Gen Narumi x fem!reader
( ♡ ) warning : f!reader, NOT PROOF READ , kinda cringe, sex , explicit content , p in v, idk bro
( ♡ ) a/n ✏️ : I feel very creative those days 😭
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"You're really going to play that now?" You rolled your eyes, but the playful smirk on your lips gave away your amusement.
"What?" Gen didn't look up from his console, his thumbs dancing over the controls. "You know I can't miss the new update."
The room was a mess of discarded action figures and half-eaten ramen bowls, a stark contrast to the gleaming cityscape outside the office window. It was a rare moment of peace before the chaos that often accompanied your lives as members of the Defense Forces.
You shifted in his lap, the friction sending a shiver down your spine. You leaned over, your hair brushing against his cheek. "You're going to miss the best part."
"And what's that?" He finally glanced up, one eyebrow arched in curiosity.
"This." With a swift move, you pulled his head towards you, capturing his lips in a fiery kiss that left you both breathless. The game controller slipped from his grasp, forgotten amidst the growing heat between them.
The tension in the room was palpable, a silent symphony of desire that had been building for weeks. Gen's hand slid down your back, cupping your ass as he pulled you closer. The sound of your heavy breathing mingled with the distant sirens, a stark reminder of the world outside your bubble.
With a playful nip at his bottom lip, your stood up, strutting towards the desk. You leaned over, your breasts pressing against the cool surface. "Are you going to keep playing, or are you going to show me what Japan's Strongest Anti-Kaiju Combatant is really made of?"
Gen's eyes darkened as he took in the sight of you. He set the game aside, the battle on the screen fading to black. "Alright," he said, a smirk playing on his lips. "Let's see if you can handle it."
The door to the office slammed shut, the echo muffled by the thick carpet. He stalked towards you, his movements predatory and graceful. The respirator mask hung around his neck, a stark reminder of the battles he faced outside these four walls.
You felt a thrill run through you as he stepped behind you, his hands sliding up your thighs to grip your hips. He took off your combat gear, sliding it down your legs and he unzipped his. He leaned in, his breath hot against your ear. "Ready?"
Your heart pounded in anticipation. "Always."
The first touch of his dick against your wetness made you gasp. He didn't wait, pushing into you with a force that made your knees buckle. You braced yourself against the desk, your nails digging into the wood.
Your rhythm grew frantic, the sound of your skin slapping together a sharp counterpoint to the sirens wailing outside. Gen's grip tightened, his hips pumping harder, faster, as if trying to outrun the inevitable call to duty.
You moaned, your eyes squeezed shut, the sensations overwhelming you. Each thrust sent waves of pleasure crashing through your body, making you forget the tension of their daily lives. You could feel his muscles flexing against you, his strength a stark contrast to his usual laid-back demeanor.
The desk creaked under your weight, papers fluttering to the floor in your wake. Gen's breath was ragged in your ear, his voice a low growl as he whispered dirty encouragements that made your core clench around him.
Your movements grew erratic, the room spinning as your climax approached. You reached back, your hand finding the back of his neck, your nails scraping against his skin. "Harder," you panted, pushing yourself back against him.
He obliged, driving into you with an intensity that left you gasping for air. You could feel him swell inside you, his breathing matching the erratic beat of your own heart.
Suddenly, the desk phone blared to life, the shrill ring piercing the air. Gen cursed, his body tensing. For a moment, you thought he would ignore it, that he would let the world burn for the sake of your passion. But duty called, and with a final, powerful thrust, he groaned, filling you completely.
Your bodies stilled, panting, as the phone continued to ring. With a sigh, Gen pulled out, his cock glistening with your arousal. He reached for the phone, lifting it to his ear. "What is it?" he barked, his voice still thick with desire.
The voice on the other end spoke urgently, the words a blur to your lust-filled brain. But you could feel the change in Gen's body, the tension coiling back into his muscles like a spring winding tighter and tighter.
"Fuck." He slammed the phone down, his expression shifting from passion to grim determination. "We've got a breach. Code Red."
You straightened, your own arousal fading as reality crashed back in. You reached down, adjusting your clothing as Gen turned away to grab his combat gear. "Let's go," you said, your voice steady. "We've got a city to save."
The room was a flurry of activity as you both dressed, strapping on your weapons and gear. The playful banter of moments ago was replaced with the seriousness of the situation at hand. But even as you prepared to face the monstrous threat beyond the office walls, the heat of your encounter lingered, a reminder of the connection that made you more than just colleagues.
When you were both ready, Gen turned to you, his red eyes intense. "Stay safe," he said, his voice gruff.
You nodded, your own eyes gleaming with a fierce resolve. "Always."
And with that, you sprinted out of the office, leaving your passion-filled sanctuary behind, ready to face whatever the world threw at you.
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inzaynety · 4 months
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➢ summary: there weren’t many people on the defense force that chose to use blades instead of guns. maybe that’s how you got so close in the first place. (little snippets of life as a defense force commander fighting kaiju and dating hoshina)
➢ content: hoshina x fem!reader, sfw & nsfw/suggestive
➢ notes: inspired by @narumi-gens agents of chaos series love that; i have a lot of hoshina and commander reader ideas in my notes app and thot why not put them all here 🫡
last updated: 7/7/2024
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chapters (can be read as stand-alones or in the order below):
he’s a biter! (beginning)
investigation: start!
When visiting the Third Division, there’s never a shortage of questions and confusion about you. A few take it upon themselves to get to the bottom of it. (fluff, suggestive)
a little, jealousy
Too much staring and too many comments tick him off. He makes sure he’s the only one you look at. (smut)
part of the job
After using No. 10, Hoshina realizes one of the reasons behind his drive to fight. After listening, you realize the limits to your everything. (slight angst, hurt/comfort)
i’m the only 10 i see
Kaiju no. 10 doesn’t know what love is. (crack, fluff)
short lived
Even professionals aren’t immune. Even they fail to notice. (angst)
the woes of a father
Ogata Jugo never thought he’d be this kind of dad, giving life advice and trying to help meddle in someone’s love life. The thing is, he didn’t even have kids. (fluff, slight angst, pre-relationship)
warning: asshole!
Gen tried telling you to avoid this man at all costs–you didn’t listen. (crack, fluff, pre-relationship)
blades before grenades
Kaiju suck but using guns to kill them is suckier. (fluff, pre-relationship)
long memories
Back at your building behind closed doors, you miss each other more than you thought. (angst, hurt/comfort)
Have any questions about the relationship, other characters' reactions, etc.? Feel free to drop them in the inbox!
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©inzaynety 2024
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ryescapades · 1 month
"ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴀᴍᴇ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ" ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
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❝ IN WHICH you're japan's strongest anti-kaiju combatant, narumi gen's little sister! ❞
character(s): narumi gen x little sis!reader (platonic!!!), hoshina soshiro x fem!reader a/n: decided to expand the og req from deja vu into a mini series, and to celebrate 700+ followers thank you smm <3 status: completed! (extra works are not included, can be added anytime)
01. 𓆩⟡𓆪 "deja vu," — a little compliment from a certain vice-captain had your brother genuinely tweaking.
02. 𓆩⟡𓆪 "expert third-wheeler," — nosy big brother gen at your service (that you did not ask for)!
03. 𓆩⟡𓆪 "querencia," — home is when and wherever the two of you are together.
04. 𓆩⟡𓆪 "coolest brother ever!" — no matter what happens, he'll always be the most amazing.
05. 𓆩⟡𓆪 "say (no?) yes!" — wait, who's getting what now?!
extra(s). #1
ꔫ adviced to read my reblog of this first !! ꔫ weekly updates ꔫ feel free to share your thoughts and hcs about the siblings ꔫ extra work pieces will be added later if there are any ^ ꔫ can be read as standalones (except for pt.5 maybe)
©🅁🅈🄴🅂🄲🄰🄿🄰🄳🄴🅂. do not steal, translate or repost my work anywhere else !
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nicarnelian · 3 months
as we meet under the blue sky, you smile.
₊˚⊹ featuring: narumi gen x fem! reader
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₊˚⊹ summary: the wide blue sky hovers above the both of you as moments of your lives unfold under it, from being children to adults.
₊˚⊹ word count: 1.2k
₊˚⊹ warnings: none! a bit ooc narumi (hES TOO CALM HERE!)
₊˚⊹ author’s note: not beta read! and english is not my main language ;(( anwww, first fic here, and this is in commemoration of his butchered anime design! i had a vision that narumi was this one academic achiever who just wanted praise from a family or his orphanage caretakers (at the very least). anw, the fic is kinda inspired from lilas by sawanohiroyuki! have a great time reading! <3
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the moment child! narumi resided in an orphanage, he spent months crafting himself to become his utmost best. he amassed medals and certificates left and right from numerous competitions. the other children would often describe him as a "monster" with his obsession with awards; however, narumi had always thought that maybe, just maybe, someone would recognize his efforts, applaud him, and perhaps praise him on all of his achievements.
but, the moment he had come to realize that it were efforts that the world had valued rather than the ends of such, narumi... simply stopped caring altogether.
he snapped out of his daze once he felt something heavy dangling on his neck. a medal. again. ah... yes, he won a competition. again.
he heard a swift 'congratulations!' from the same bearded-man who placed that medal on him. quickly, though, the adult turned his attention to the boy beside narumi. second runner up, the placard read. yet, the sobbing boy was showered with more compliments than narumi ever received in his whole life.
why do i have to work hard just for nothing? he often asked himself, staring at yet another medal he would likely shove into his bag after the ceremony. he took a glimpse at the scene of the bearded-man and his rivals beside him. narumi looked down towards the floor and glanced towards the blue sky outside the windows, forcing himself to distract his weary eyes. after the ceremony, he ran away towards the orphanage.
basking in the orange sunset as the blue sky was no more, the children often ran around the playground, playing with all of the caretakers. but, narumi preferred to either: one, study lectures or practice sports until he deems it enough and two, if he's doing nothing he would rather stay on his bed and contemplate about his seemingly hopeless life. and, narumi chose the latter today.
he sat on his bed with his back against the bed’s headboard; then, he pulled his knees close to his chest. narumi stared at his bag lying at the foot of his bed, the medal inside teasing him with its golden shine. he heaved a sigh, and buried his head on his knees. i'm hopeless...
he was drowning himself with anxiety as he catastrophized his situation dreadfully. not until he felt someone poking his arm. he looked up and saw a girl, probably younger or the same age as him.
"what?" narumi said. his gaze lingering on her as he noticed she was hiding something behind her back. you flinched under his scrutinous eyes, and hurriedly laid a piece of cupcake on his bed.
his eyes widened at the treat, and stared back at you. you easily flinch whenever he looks at you. the comments that people would say about him created this untouchable and unbreakable impression that others had on him, making people tend to avoid him. but, you were trying to break through that barrier. you mustered up all of your courage and squeaked, "congratulations!" with a nervous smile plastered on your face.
and narumi could read you like an open book. you were too nervous around him, were you blackmailed or forced to this? he thinks. but, for some reason, he felt warm with this small gesture and... he smiled. a rare, soft one.
you slipped into his life and made it better, which he wouldn't admit outloud. while he still busied himself, creating walls of that would hide his vulnerability in secrecy, you were the only person he had shown every side of him to. you had helped him understand himself more, helped him appreciate himself more.
the both of you would often be together after gifting him that cupcake. he would play swing with you, almost tossing you to the air, and earning gentle scolds. he would also read you stories and teach you from time to time. and, he would also talk about how he did not know what he wanted to be in the future, while you, in the otherhand, clumsily attempted to recreate hikari shinomiya's salutes — narumi hardly cared because he doesn't know the person, as you persistently expressed yourself to be a "commander of blahblahblah division."
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a few years passed and it was a pleasant day, with the blue sky hovering above, and trucks of the defense force lined up, deploying new faces of new soldiers to japan's defense force base — and present! narumi thought your posture and stance improved.
he smiled as you saluted a couple of meters in front of him. in a few months after breaking into narumi's small life and becoming close with him, you were adopted.
he remembered how you cried and latched to him, as you did not want to leave him. he gave you one, last tight hug before forcing your hands to let his shirt go. he gave your forehead a little, haste peck — something he never did to anyone; but, would never regret doing to you.
it would take more than a decade to pass before meeting with him again. you lived and trained overseas and came back to japan as a representative of another country with a rank of official commander with your very own division.
"narumi, remember to show respect. she has one of the highest released forces in their defense force. their heart and brain. her name's—" hasegawa began to introduce you, but narumi cut him off. the names of other officials held little interest for the first division commander, which was why hasegawa rushed to introduce you and your background to him.
but, he would never overlook those defining features no matter how much they’ve matured — his mind would subtly draw you in his dreams at night as well.
he glanced between you and the man beside you, whom he assumed was your vice-captain, and began walking towards your direction, catching hasegawa off guard with his sudden movement as narumi closed the distance between both of you.
narumi, towering over you by a head, returned your salute and introduced himself for formalities, "commander of the first division, narumi gen."
and, you don't have to introduce yourself because narumi forced himself to never forget you. he etched every single detail and memory he had of and with you in his mind. he could not afford to forget you; he would loathe himself if he did.
you smiled at his introduction and thought, it really is him. "commander of the second division, y/n l/n."
the both of you stare at each other, with many years to catch up with, and perhaps, more of which to create memories and stand by each other until the end of time.
"it has been a while, hasn't it, narumi-kun?”
under the blue sky and the cool breeze playing between you, your voice unconsciously made narumi softened, who smiled and nodded immediately to your words without a moment's hesitation. "it truly has."
the sky bore the same shade of blue as it did during narumi's first interaction with you, when you left him, and now as you reunited and smiled with each other once again, as commanders.
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biolumien · 3 months
to call home.
pt 4 to the samurai!hoshina fic. pt 3 is here.
notes: i will attempt to tie this up with a neat bow in pt 5... i forgot how frenetic multichapter fics can be... i much prefer the single stuff...!
samurai!soshiro hoshina x fem!reader definite descriptions of gore and blood word count: 1426
“for the last time, hoshina, i do not want to hear about your current wife problems,” gen narumi grumbles. “i cannot begin to tell you how fucking little i care.” he crosses his arms. “you’re here every single fucking day. i told you that we signed off on the alliance papers, right? it’s all in order? your wife’s the one that’s supposed to be going through those. she should be seeing right through your bullshit. i’m not your fucking friend.” 
“please,” hoshina says. “it’s not like i have anyone else to talk to about this.”
“talk to the the old man,” gen deadpans. “what was his name… hibino? the blacksmith?” 
“he’s madly in love with ashiro and is of little help to me,” hoshina replies flatly. 
“ugh.” gen rolls his eyes, leaning forward. the front of his kimono slips a bit, revealing more of his chest as he leans against the table. “so what the hell’s the issue now?” 
hoshina sighs. 
“we sparred the other day. she seemed upset,” hoshina says. “i just wish she’d tell me what she was actually thinking instead of just… staring at me like that.” that look that you give him, where it seems like you want to rip out his stomach and devour it whole. that look that you give him, where you so clearly just—want him dead, more than anything. 
“did you do something to piss her off?” gen asks. 
“no. i just…” hoshina worries his lip. “we haven’t even really done anything.”
“not even sleep together?”
“no, that we did. because we had to,” hoshina says. 
“ugh. of course you can make even the act of sleeping with someone sound dastardly unsexy and so fucking boring,” gen yawns. “what’s the problem, anyhow? we don’t marry for love. it’s duty. i thought you knew better than to believe in childish notions about true love.”
“i believe in true love as much as the next person,” hoshina says, “which is to say that i don’t. not in this life. not in the next.”
gen rolls his eyes. 
“why don’t you just talk to her?” gen asks, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. hoshina supposes that it is, but something about gen saying it to him filled him with some kind of petty rage.
“i’m glad that you seem to think it’s so simple,” hoshina states flatly. “given that you don’t have a wife yet–”
“just can’t keep your mouth shut, huh?” gen’s glare was unimpressed, his hand lowering to the wakizashi at his side. “get out of here before i stab you.”
“ouch, so prickly,” hoshina sneers, but gets up anyway. 
gen stares up at hoshina, yawning inelegantly. 
“i think instead of pussyfooting around this whole thing with your wife you ought to talk to her, quite frankly speaking, about the kind of relationship you want with her. that’s my advice.” 
“hm. that might sound good coming out of anyone else’s mouth but yours,” hoshina says with a leering smile, but the longer he thinks about it, the more gen seems to be right. he’d never truly tried to get to know you, right? nights spent in his own quarters were usually quiet—because he’d always attempted to respect your privacy to the best of his ability. 
you’d wanted nothing to do with him, after all—you barely even mentioned the night you spent together. was he really so clear and obvious in the ways he tried desperately to avoid conflict?
probably, now that he thought about it. 
as he settles down for the night, though, something doesn’t feel quite right. he chalks it up to simpler paranoias at first—general anxieties and unrest, the way you’d stared at him during dinner, with a stare so vicious it could kill on its own—up until he hears a bloodcurdling scream.
he bolts out of bed immediately, snatching up his wakizashi and katana, storming towards the source of the noise before he hears the clashing of blades—or a singular crack of one. 
hoshina watches as you cleave an assassin by the neck with a sweep of your naginata, blood splattering across your kimono as you heave out a low breath. as he approaches, you raise your naginata in sudden alarm before lowering your blade. 
“shinobi,” you say, sharply exhaling.
“so it appears,” hoshina says, drawing his katana, stepping behind you with his sword raised in a ready stance. “are you hurt?”
“clearly not,” you say, voice cold even now. “they breached the maids’ quarters. seems like they thought i’d have switched rooms or something out of paranoia.” you level your naginata, adjusting the sleeve of your kimono as you slam the blade into the wall, with an accompanying thud from another assassin.
“a bad actor, you’re saying?” hoshina’s eyes glance across the darkened hallway, his ears straining for any possible sound. he thinks he hears the thudding of footsteps somewhere close, and he raises his sword defensively. “from within the house?” 
“i don’t know,” you respond. “this could just be your family’s enemies. representatives from the narumi clan?” 
“doubtful,” hoshina says. gen wouldn’t be that stupid. “my talks have been going well.”
“well clearly, someone’s fucked up somewhere,” you shout back at him. he wonders why you look beautiful in this moment, blood staining your white kimono and across your face—and then your eyes widen in panic, your lips parting to let out a shout. “soshiro, behind!” 
he whirls around, his blade sinking into the chest of a faceless attacker—he feels the sinking of his blade into the flesh, and he grits his teeth. 
“you saved my life,” hoshina says, not turning to face you. 
“you’re welcome, jackass,” you respond. “keep your eyes and ears open. i’ll fucking kill them all.” 
hoshina laughs. the venom in your voice, usually targeted at him, now freely dished out to your aggressors was a terrifying sound and sight. he thanked the gods at least that he wasn’t your enemy—at least for the moment. 
the house was in disarray—screaming punctuated with the sound of blades, and the darkness made it hard to tell what was really going on, shadows mixed with dark shapes creating an inky blur of sound and physical sensation—but he could carve a path of bodies through it, coat the ground with enough viscera that there would be less sounds of clashing blades. 
as his blade finds the neck of another assassin, hoshina exhales. 
is it over? hoshina wonders. he strains his hearing for the moment, hearing no more footsteps. and yet the air is abuzz with energy–and something doesn’t feel right.
though, he amended, it hadn’t felt right since he’d gotten ready to go to bed. there was terrible unrest. something in the air.
“it’s over, i think,” hoshina says warily, still keeping his sword drawn.
“maybe,” you say, your voice terse.
hoshina leans down, examining one of the bodies, trying to look for an insignia, anything–but the assassins knew better. they bore no symbols of other houses, their weapons nondescript.
and then he hears you shout, and he turns to see you gritting your teeth as you swing your naginata at the same time as the final assassin’s blade connected with your side, having been knocked slightly askew–
you’d saved him.
hoshina moves on instinct as you collapse to the ground, gasping in uneasy pain, trying to hold your side, pulling away to find your hand and sleeve coated with blood. his sword finding the assassin’s stomach–it wasn’t an elegant cut by any means, and he grimaced at the sound of ripping flesh, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care as he rushed to your side, just trying to take in the sight of your blood spilling against the floor.
you cough.
“soshiro,” you whisper, looking up at him. “am i going to die?”
“no,” hoshina says, but the truth is he’s really not sure. he checks your wound–it’s deep, but if a doctor could stem the bleeding, there’d be a chance you might live. “that was stupid of you, you know. you didn’t have to do that.”
you cough, laughing weakly as you press your hand against your side. he pulls you up, holding your head in his arm.
“it’s my duty as your wife,” you say.
“you don’t have to do it if you don’t love me,” hoshina replies softly. your eyes flick to his face, narrow a little before you look away.
“it’s a shame that i think i do,” you say, and there’s not even a shred of resentment in your voice.  
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cherry-romper · 3 months
Just imagining a cat-kaiju fem reader in the Defense Force, like a catgirl, I wonder what would the interaction with the others would look like? Some might be romantic and some might be platonic, and the reader and Bakko is like super close since they’re literally cats lol
Yeah, I went so overboard with this. Been desperate for someone to request something like this! Thank you!
Warnings; blood, death and cats :3
Contains; F!reader, fluff
Word count; 3637 (im so sorry)
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At first you weren’t taken seriously. Yeah, you were a Kaiju, but you had the semi-appearance of a cat, permanently; tail and ears included. You went from a respected defence force officer to a cat-girl, it was like some sort of joke.
Captain Hoshina found it hilarious. He nearly passed out from laughing. “Hey, L/N, do you think you meow too?” he had asked you through hysterical sobs. His reaction was echoed by a lot of people in the force. Not only that, but many whispers also started, rumours and speculation rose from the force and eventually word got out the public that they had a cat-girl on the force.
You became a celebrity for all the wrong reasons. The force had tried to contain the hysteria of the public – they were not aware you were a kaiju. If they were to find that you were, both you and Kafka would be forced to retire and be weaponised.
This caused you to sink into a depression. You had been training so hard, your suit output power had reached 27% and now you were viewed as a joke. Cat-girls were seen as cute and small. They meant to look sweet and pretty. In many ways, they’re weak.
Kafka thought it was awesome that there was someone like him in the field. He adored that he could finally confide in someone about what he was feeling, and they would actually understand him. Secretly, he thought your partially transformed appearance was cute. He couldn’t help but admire the way your tail swayed when you were annoyed, or the movements of your ears when you overheard something. The same goes for Kikoru. She knew how strong you were even before becoming a Kaiju, she had nothing but respect for you. Even so, she teased you, amused at you new mannerisms.
Still, the same precautions were taken with you as were with Kaiju no.8. You were taken to a facility and assessed by none other than Gen Narumi. He wasn’t pleased you’d interrupted his gaming; he’d already made his mid up you weren’t worth his time. Once again, you’d fallen victim to the cat-girl prejudice.
“Let’s get this over with,” was the first and only thing he’d said to you before he began his assault. He couldn’t land a single hit. Your reflexes matched his own, even with his kaiju foresight. His original estimations of your power were now overshadowed. “Uh huh,” he had said, looking you up and down in disbelief. Your fortitude? 9.1.
You stood defensively, your arms in the shape of an ‘x’ in front of your face, clawlike nails ready to parry Narumi’s weapon. You were only able to transform your eyes, ears, forearms and calves; you were on the defensive. You panted slightly, his attacks had been fast and heavy. Your human body wouldn’t have been able to keep up with him, but your Kaiju form took it with ease. Granted, Narumi wasn’t going all out, if he had he probably would have destroyed the testing room, you included.
A newfound respect formed in that moment. You were deemed Kaiju no. 16. Though it would only last if you showed him results. Gen allowed a trial run for you on the field. Given that Kafka was already in the First Division, Gen had you transferred back to the Third Division, under Mina Ashiro’s command.
Mina was secretly thrilled to have you in her division. You weren’t aware of it at the time, but many of her officers looked up to you, since you held your own against Narumi, so she was pleased you would be there to inspire. Hoshina also had some more respect for you, he was amused that you had humiliated Narumi.
Iharu, along the others, thought you were awesome. You were sung with praises when you arrived, they even through you a party. Swarmed by your friends, you were overwhelmed with emotion. Perhaps the first few days of isolation had caused you to form a narrative in your head that people didn’t like you. You yourself, had prejudices against cat-girls. But here, now, surrounded by such love and admiration, you saw that there was no room for such biases in the defence force.
During the party, many questions were thrown your way:
“What are your abilities?”
“Do always you land on your feet like a cat?”
“Can you see in the dark?”
“Do you eat mice?” – Hoshina
“What can you use your tail for?”
“Do you have paws?”
“Do you have fur?”
“Can you jump really high?”
The simple answer to all those questions was: “I don’t know”.
You hadn’t really had time to test out your abilities, nor had you ever fully transformed. Fear caused this, denial of it being real and resentment for yourself. Yeah, being a cat-girl is cool on paper, but you were a Kaiju. It wasn’t sunshine and rainbows as many people had been thinking.
Before being deployed in the field, you were to be trained but Hoshina himself. He needed to know your abilities in detail, so he could personally dispose of you if necessary.
Much to your surprise, Reno and Ihrau, offered to help with your training too. They wanted to help since you were their friend, but also wanted to see how well you could all worked together. Since they had experience fighting alongside Kaiju no. 8, it was approved that they would help with your training.
You first day was one-on-one with Hoshina. Today’s training was all about fully transforming. You had outputted a fortitude of 9.1. partially transformed. Now was your time to show off what you could do without being afraid.
Hoshina had told you “I’m not going to hold back. If I hurt you, that on you. Do everything you can to stop me. I want to see what you have to offer. Show me who you are, L/N.”
Once again, you could only partially transform. Hoshina slashed and slashed at you, but you parried him every time, your claws as sharp as his blades. Your internal monologue was doing overtime. Please was the only word you repeated, over and over again. Desperately reaching into the depths of your core to find the strength to fully transform. All the while, Hoshina’s blades rained hell on you relentlessly. He was in the zone, completely set on forcing you to transform, giving you no other option but to harden the skin on your chest as he triple-attacked.
Your chest now covered in white fur. You’re joking, you thought. Staring down at your chest you ran your hand over the fur. So soft. But how does fur stop Hoshina’s blades? Fingering deeper into the fur, you felt the skin beneath. Rock solid.
“So, you do have fur,” Hoshina mused. He took note of the sour look on your face, he figured out quickly there was a part of yourself that resented being a kaiju. “Stop.” His voice pulled you out of the trance you had been in. Confused you tilled your head to the side, cocking a brow at him. “You’re thinking too much about it. Stop. If you start thinking like that on the field, you’re dead.”
He was right, you had to pull it together and swallow your pride. At the end of the day, you were more powerful in this form, whether you liked it or not.
Now more focused than before, you got low, mirroring the captain, and mimicking a cat on the hunt. Good, he thought, she’s locked in.
You circled each other, prowling low to the ground. Your field of vision grew, making it easier to take in your surroundings. Your catlike ears amplified Hoshina’s breathing, you could hear his heart pounding in his chest. Your nose changed also; your nostrils took in Hoshina’s scent. It was almost like you could smell excitement coming off him. A low growl came from your chest, you felt your mouth twist and morph, a shining set of canines sit snug in your mouth.
Baring your new fangs at the captain, you snarl, daring him to come closer. The captain took your warning as an invitation. Faster than before, he dashes over to you, his swords shaving off bits of your fur. In response, you harden more of your skin, the fur now covering your thighs and neck. Your claws parry him ceaselessly, desperately trying to keep him at bay. Your enhances senses helped you predict his movements. He was fast, but you were faster. Using the strength of you legs you run across the wall, getting behind him. Raising your leg high in the air, you bring it down on Hoshina, but he is nowhere to be found.
You were certain you’d manage to switch the narrative. “Going from defensive to offensive so quickly?” Hoshina stands next to you, his blade to your throat, a glimmer of pleasure in his eyes. He sizes you up, a smirk growing on his face. “For a cat, you look pretty good,” he chuckles. Taken aback, you look down at your arms, they’re covered in fur. You gasp at the sight, clawing at your face to feel the same soft texture. Heat rises in your cheeks, your ears standing on end and tail wagging rapidly.
“I’ve never seen a cat blush before,” Hoshina teases, you promptly tell him to shut up, not before he begins laughing again.
You did it. You fully transformed. Fortitude? 9.8.
Still standing on two legs, your feet looked like paws. They were big but well rounded, the pads on the bottom were cushioned making it easy to travers rough terrain. Your calves and thighs were well defined, this added to your strength and agility; you felt like you could jump higher than the clouds. Your tail was dense and strong, it could easily hold up your weight if needed. You still had hair on your head, the same long hair you had before only now, it was a smokey grey. Your eyes were a beautiful ice blue and your fur a snow white, patches of dark grey spotted your coat. Looking up at Hoshina cautiously, you started “I’m…Am I…”
“A snow leopard” he finished. How amusing, he thought to himself.
Before the two of you could continue, Bakko burst through the door. The tiger kaiju mewled and pounced around, clearly happy to see another feline Kaiju. Bounding up to you, he rubbed his head against your side, licking at your hands. Blushing more, your tail came to cover your face, unsure of how to handle the tiger. Mina followed into the room soon after, worried at what he pet might do. Pleasantly surprised at the sight that greeted her, a soft smile grew. “Congratulations, Y/N.”
Pride swelled inside you. After everything, you could still fight along side the captain. Excited for what the future holds, you let out a sweet chuff before reverting back to your ‘normal’ form, your ears and tail still visible.
The following day you were set to train with Reno and Iharu. Captain Hoshina kept watch from atop the wall, while the three of you were to clear the training course.
“Alright! I hope you’re as pumped as I am, Y/N!” Iharu, lightly punched your shoulder, a cocky look on his face. “You too, Reno. Just know, I’m coming for you too,” Iharu chuckled.
You gave reno a confused look, one of your ears falling down. Reno only sighs, shrugging his shoulders.
“Okay gang, all you have to do today is clear the remaining Kaiju.” Hoshana’s voice rang in your ears, “Those being 5 yoju and 1 Honju, pretty easy stuff. You’re being assessed on your ability to work together and your efficiency at transforming. Ichikawa and Furuhashi, you are to assist L/N, you are not to take down the Kaiju unless absolutely necessary. This is a training exercise for L/N, don’t go getting too greedy now.”
Iharu let out a disappointed groan, “I was so ready to kill those kaiju!”
You understood, you’d never faced a kaiju in action, and as of now you’ve only transformed once, in the face of danger you might not be able to transform again. Reno and Iharu were here as a precaution, to bail you out if necessary.
“Oh, and also, this is a timed exam. Good luck!” With that a small cannon went of to commence the start of the training exercise.
“Exam?!” all three of you stared up at Hoshina’s shit-eating grin atop the wall. God damn him, you thought setting off in the direction of the scent. You’d picked up on all six of the Kaiju the second they’d opened the doors. They were scattered throughout the facility, with the Honju over in the far-right corner.
Following close behind you, Reno and Iharu kept a close eye on you, being sure to take in any signs of struggle the transform. But for you, transforming now felt as easy as jumping into a pool. Leaping into the air, the fur spread from you head down to your paws, landing on top of a Yoju, squishing it and its core. Taking a moment to sniff the air for the scent of the other Yoju, you looked back at the boys, using your head to point in the direction of the next Yoju.
Reno looked on in awe at you, crouching on the corpse of the Yoju. Your fur soaked in its blood, you looked majestic. A small tug was felt in his heart, what a strange sight to give him butterflies.
Iharu felt the same. You were so badass. It was plain to see that you could easily stand beside Captain Ashiro. Your fur whipped around in the wind, your tail moved to shield your eyes, he watched on, secretly wishing to touch your fur.
You cleared the other Yoju with ease and swiftly destroyed the Honju in one blow, Reno and Iharu didn’t have to fire a single shot. The training exercise was over and you’d managed cleared it in only 3 minutes and 36 seconds.
“Yeah, Alright!” Iharu wailed. Jumping down from the Honju’s carcass, you reverted to your normal form. He held his hands up to high five you, felling a stir in his stomach from your appearance. You gave him a big smile, your ears falling back in excitement, tail once again wagging around. He blushed ever so slightly, coughing to cover it up.
You turned to Reno, as you did, your tail brushed under Iharu’s chin. The fur of your tail was too dense for you to have noticed. His face lit up like a tomato, he had to turn away from you to hide his expression. So freaking soft, he thought.
 “Thank you, thank you both for having my back out there. Now I know I can control my transformation, I hope I can be a bigger help on the field!” You gave Reno a candied smile, your head falling to the side. He kept his composure, but underneath he feels the same as Iharu. You were so cute, but you were badass, and you were determined to improve, something Reno could respect deeply.
This mutual crush sparked a new rivalry between the two. This time, it wasn’t not one sided.
The day of a mission comes. The regular pre-mission checks are complete. Hoshina assigns you and Reno to his platoon. You are tasked with taking down a Daikaiju with a fortitude of 8.2, a walk in the park for Hoshina, but this was another one of his tests, and it’s a big one.
Slightly peeved the captain assigned you with such a large Kaiju on your first mission, you whisper curses towards Hoshina under your breath as you ran across the roofs to the Diakaiju’s location.
“I’m sorry? What was that, L/N? I couldn’t quite here you,” Hoshina teased. You’d left the channel open deliberately so he could hear your disapproval.
Before you had the chance to tell him to shut up, the Diakaiju came into view. With one leap you closed the distance, ready to slash its body. You could sense its core was right in the centre of its mass along with…something else. All you had to do was tear away its thick, grotesque skin.
The original plan was to have Captain Ashiro take it down, but she had been held up by another Diakaiju. A simultaneous attack hadn’t been heard of until recently.
The damaged caused by the Diakaiju in front of you was too much to leave until Mina arrived. That’s why Hoshina had assigned you to dispose of it. Dickhead.
Using your claws you dug deeper into the side of its body, making your way to its core. Soon, Yoju swarmed around you, an attempt to keep the Daikaiju safe. Reno provided cover, shouting at you to keep on going.
Deeper into the side of its thick skin you dug, to find its shining core staring at you. Theres gotta be a more effective way for me to do this, you thought. Creating as much space as possible so you had a clear chance to slash its core, you tore away more of its vile flesh. The putrid smell stung your nose. Finally with enough space to slash its core, you raised your clawed hand ready to destroy the beast once and for all, only to be met with a twisted face.
“I’m not ready to die yet,” its croaky voice creaked. “You are though,” before you had time to react, you were ejected from the Kaiju. You were sent spinning through the air at such a high speed, you passed out from the g-force. Your Kaiju form deactivated when you passed out, so when you slammed into and through a building, your suit was the only protection from the blast. It wasn’t enough. Your core had been destroyed.
Your friends mourned you that day. Hoshina felt so guilty, he could have just taken that Kaiju on himself, then maybe he would have died in your stead. You had so much potential, and to be honest, he liked you more than he should have.
Reno and Iharu were in bits, you were their friend. You’d become a trio in the time of your training, they would treasure those memories forever.
Even the public mourned you. You’d died a hero.
The Diakaiju had managed to escape after revealing itself to be an unidentified Kaiju.
Your wake was eerily silent. No one talked, no one dared too. For the first time, Captain Ashrio looked genuinely sad. She never showed that side to the public before. She comforted Bakko, who in turn, comforted her. Hoshina couldn’t talk, he was a shell of himself; forced to carry this burden for the rest of this life. Iharu and Reno stifled sobs, staring painfully at their food, unable to eat. Word got out to the First Division, Kafka and Kikoru cried, unable to attend the wake due to another attack. Even Gen felt the less, pausing his game to take a moment to remember you when a cat came on screen.
But, you see, there’s an old myth that says cats have nine lives.
Sliding open the door to the wake, you stood, a white sheet wrapped around you, skin as pale as a ghost.
Reno and Iharu grabbed each other and shrieked. This was echoed by many others, screams and wails bounced around the room. You winced at the noise; your ears still sensitive from waking up. You yawned slightly, walking over to where the two boys were sat, stealing a piece of meat from Reno’s plate. You hummed at the flavour, taking a swig of Iharu’s drink.
You blinked up at him, confused at to why Reno was cradling him. “What?” you voice slightly croaky, “Why are you looking at me like that? And why are you all wearing black?”
You had no idea you’d been dead for a week. Hoshina broke to silence, letting out the loudest and most genuine belly laugh ever, tears formed at the corner of his eyes. Soon the room erupted into happy tears. Mina filled you in that you had seemingly passed away.
Shocked, you apologies for scaring everyone. Hugging Reno and Iharu, reassuring them that you were real. You were brought some clothes and after you had changed you joined in your own wake.
“Don’t let me stop you, you teased. Please, share your stories of how great I am,” you joked, staring up at all the smiling faces of your friends. Who would have thought you’d have to die to feel so loved?
Bonus information:
Hoshina hugged you after the wake. He’d definitely had too much to drink. It took a lot for him not to drunkenly confess to you.
You curl up when you sleep and use your tail as a pillow.
Often you find yourself laying your head people lap’s. Your core body temperature is lower than normal, so you seek heat often.
Instead of snoring in your sleep you purr.
Iharu and Reno figured out Hoshina also has a crush on you and so added him, unknowingly, into the rivalry.
Hoshina leaves you cat toys because he thinks it’s funny.
Bakko and you often cuddle together. Snow leopards are closely related to tigers, so you get along really well.
Mina trusts you wholeheartedly but needs you to train more before she feels confident sending you out into the field again. She doesn’t want you burning through your nine lives too fast.
Iharu and Hoshina, when stood beside or behind you, stroke your tail. You often don’t notice.
Hoshina also puts your tail up to his face, like a mustache, to make people laugh.
Reno does extensive research on snow leopards to try and accommodate you better.
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sakumz · 13 days
[ n. gen x fem reader ]
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" vice captain l/n is so cool! " narumi couldn't help the vein popping in from hearing such comments. the poor civilian just wanted to comment on their favourite leader and narumi can't enjoy a simple meal outside without hearing all the compliments on your latest victory.
so what if you've killed a huge kaiju? he had killed plenty more. you're a newly appointed vice captain in the sixth division. he had never met you face to face but if he did, he might beat you into a pulp to assert dominance... of course he wouldn't do that.
lost in his thoughts, shinomiya had to slap him.
" what!? can't a man enjoy his meal! " he held his cheek as he glared daggers her.
" we got to get back to headquarters now! vice captain l/n is here! " shinomiya shouts as the man can't feel bothered to go.
" and why should I go? it's my day off, tell them to go home. " he turned to look out the window.
" she's here to temporarily replace vice captain hasegawa since he's in another base, let's go meet her now! what kind of example are you setting if you're not going to greet her. " she pulls his arm as he doesn't budge.
contemplating before agreeing, hasegawa would kill him if he doesn't greet you properly after all the nation regards you as a flower more like a rose, too pretty and one with deadly thorns.
upon arriving at the building, you sat in the dining table alone. with a cup and a notebook placed on the table and your hands aggressively tapping away from your phone.
you placed your phone down and then slammed your hands on the table. the action caused narumi and shinomiya to jolt.
" h-h-hi vice captain l/n, welcome to the first division. " shinomiya greets you as she tapped narumi, hoping he'll say something.
" hello- " you were cut short.
" you play that game too?! " he shouts, noticing the similar game and the lose written over. how embarrassing for you.
" that game sucks, the gameplay and gacha are both definitely rigged! the maximum level your characters can get to is level 90 but the enemies go up to 100 with a ton of hp. " you ranted out as a smirk tugs upon his lips.
" skill issue much? " he says with a triumph smirk plastered on his face as he leans down to your seated self.
" HUH!?! " you slam a hand as you got up.
" why don't you try it? " you hand him your phone as he quickly takes a sit on your seat. you and shinomiya by his side as you watch him play.
" if you lose, you should buy me the limited figure of [character] , " you bet as narumi stared at you.
" and if I win, you should give me a big ol kiss on the lips. " he bets as he points to you, leaving you and shinomiya stunned.
" ew gross, im leaving. see you around vice captain l/n, " she bids farewell as you say your goodbyes. looking back at your phone and the wonders of narumis hands.
narumi wants to win so bad, you're so pretty. you can't be single well even if you had a boyfriend he'd rather make your love life hell.
" see? skill issue, " he says as he stands up and hands you, your phone. the victory staring back at you, he won.
" you! color me impressed, " you say as he grabs your chin.
" now for my reward, " he leans down as you quickly shut your eyes. no way is this gremlin stealing your first kiss.
after a minute or two, he didn't kiss you. you open your eyes to see him staring back at you. he's trying not to laugh as you flushed red in embarrassment.
" hey, were you really expecting a kiss from a man you just met? " he teased as you looked down.
" just admit it, you're a wuss! I bet you've never dated before, " you grab his hand that's holding your chin.
" so what if I've never dated? I bet you haven't too. seeing you get all worked up over a kiss, adorable. " you flushed harder if possible, tears threatening to spill. he's making fun of you.
" shut up- " he pats you, catching you off guard.
" I'm sorry, I'm not that mean. ya know? " he jokes as he starts to ruffle your hair.
" stop that! " you pushed his hand away, he laughs at your antics. maybe you weren't so bad after all.
" hey if you wanted to kiss me so bad, why not just hit a few dates with me? you wouldn't want your first kiss to be that miserable, right? nation's little rose. " you can't help but blush over the title.
" yeah sure whatever, just admit you fell head over heels for me too. " this time you've rendered the man speechless.
when news got around on how you and narumi started dating, let's say the hoshina brothers won't stop teasing both of you. the nation fell in love with your relationship too, having tag narumi in all your kaiju fighting clips or even interviews well as long as you're in the media.
um idk how to end lol
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xiaolia · 17 days
hi luv! wanted to know if you could do narumi x gn! reader! (or if you only do fem reader, that’s okay! whatever you’re comfy with) where narumi is dating reader who is 2 years older. hurt/comfort because narumi reprimands reader for coddling him like a child, but reader is just affectionate with HIM ONLY! and well, that’s the base idea i got. take your time!
NO HUGS AND KISSES FOR YOU ! ft. gen narumi.
pairings. gen narumi x gender neutral! reader.
warnings. hurt / comfort, gen is kinda mean in this one bc his ego is big but he means well dw. gen made the reader upset & cry! soft! gen ( maybe ), kind of sensitive! reader.
synopsis. after one argument with your boyfriend gen you hadn't been affectionate with him but now he was silently begging to have you being so lovey dovey with him.
notes. reader is two years older than him and is also the third commander! sorry for the late response dearest :( school has been pretty rough and I don't have much free time but I hope this will make it up for it! apologies if it's bad - I'm very exhausted while writing this also very short im so sorry:(
genre. hurt / comfort with a hint of crack?
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the sound of your boyfriend’s aggressive tapping on his console filled the room as he plays on his console, it's been a while since you have been affectionate with him maybe even a week or two, you thought he will be more content now that you we're not being affectionate just like how he wanted it to be but no somehow He's even more pissed that you are being distant.
He might not admit, god forbid, but in reality GEN always enjoyed being the center of your attention and affection - he loves the fact he was the only one you showed your affectionate side with but unfortunately his pride and ego doesn't let him show it. as much as he tried to deny it - he loves it with you babied him considering the fact that you are two years older than him makes it more nice.
being the strongest anti-kaiju combatant being the center of attention was part of GEN’S life and work and he basked in everyone’s attention and praises but nothing beats it when you’re the one showering him with praises and affection - nothing is better than playing with his console while having you being affectionate to him at the same time.
but one thing about GEN is that he also feels embarrassed when he gets babied so when you were babying him while he was in a bad mood was something that leads to him lashing out on you and leading into an argument, since then he has been noticing how you were being distant - usually when he comes back to his room he usually have you waiting for him and then shower him with affection like how you usually do but no instead all he got was short response from you, no hug, no kisses, no words of affirmation, no nothing at all.
GEN also knows that he has a short temper when it comes to things he hated the most and not getting any affections was part of his hate list so it doesn't take long for him to demand you to shower him with affection ( despite him being embarrassed to ask ).
“as your captain, I command you to stop ignoring me and get your ass here and shower me with your affection because after all I deserved it after saving your reckless ass.”
he’s a dickhead - you think but nevertheless, who are you to refuse him when he looks so cute having a pout in his face?
needless to say you should give him his affections or he will annoy the shit out of you if you don't.
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xiaolia writes ! ━━━━ ✦ much loves !!
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yueliie · 5 days
⊹ ׁ݂ ꒰꒰🍬 ˸ 𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑⋅꒷
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CARAMEL. it's that time of the year once again...a month long annual of fluffy sweetness enough to have your teeth rotted! are you ready to dive in the land of sweet dreams?
CONTENT. all entries will be written as sfw only, the themes are varieties of different holidays such as halloween, christmas, valentine's day, tanabata (star festival) and etc. this event is open for all walk of life!
NOTE. welcome to my first flufftober event, where it was originally wbk-centric but I've decided to add some candies of other fandoms! the prompts are all prepared by me but special thanks to my little mousy, @zylophie for helping me on deciding for the remaining cast members. any of the prompts below may change, very unlikely but just a heads up. if you would like to be tagged in any and all fics please let a comment or send me a dm/ask! all works will be tagged with ⊹ ׁ݂ ꒰꒰🍬— flufftober.
LINKS. general masterlist ,,
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“a single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities...don't you agree, oh dear visitor?“
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featuring kn8 + valentine's day, slightly yandere!narumi gen x fem!reader
— synopsis. “both you and your chocolate should belong to me only”
featuring kn8 + silly moments & costume ideas for halloween, ashiro mina x gn!reader
— synopsis. “...why a santa's helper outfit?”
featuring wbk + first time making a bento box & established relationship, kaji ren x gn!reader
— synopsis. “...make these only for me from now on”
featuring wbk + tanabata, kiryu mitsuki x gn!reader
— synopsis. “the moon is beautiful, isn't it?”
featuring kn8 + mutual pining & friends to lovers, ichikawa reno x fem!reader
— synopsis. “before you go...can I kiss you?”
featuring wbk, togame jo x gn!reader
— synopsis. “I'll hold your hand until you fall asleep...”
featuring wbk + valentine's day & established relationship, yandere!takiishi chika x fem!reader
— synopsis. “call me a monster, but I'm a monster who only wants your heart”
featuring wbk, suo hayato x gn!reader
— synopsis. “don't show your crying face to anyone else but me”
featuring wbk, endo yamato x gn!reader
— synopsis. “why are you acting so embarrassed about?”
featuring wbk, kiryu mitsuki x fem!reader
— synopsis. “don't move around so much when you're sick!”
featuring wbk, togame jo x fem!reader
— synopsis. “do you want a hug?”
featuring wbk + newly established relationship & first time, kusumi yuto x gn!reader
— synopsis. “can we hold hands?”
featuring wbk + childhood sweethearts & slightly hurt/comfort to fluff, umemiya hajime x fem!reader
— synopsis. “hearing your heartbeat, it's a melody I will never forget”
featuring kny, tomioka giyu x fem!reader
— synopsis. “with you, I find a sense of belonging, it's as if I'm always home”
featuring wbk, endo yamato x gn!reader
— synopsis. “I don't know when to let you go”
featuring wbk + established relationship & inexperienced bf, sakura haruka x fem!reader
— synopsis. “I don't care what we do, I just want to be with you”
featuring genshin impact, furina x gn!reader
— synopsis. “I hate being so far away from you ”
featuring honkai star rail, feixiao x gn!reader
— synopsis. “I only accept gifts from the person I like”
featuring wbk + tanabata, hiragi toma x gn!reader
— synopsis. “thank you for loving me and... for being you”
featuring genshin impact, kaeya x gn!reader
— synopsis. “I can't stop thinking about you”
featuring honkai star rail, aventurine x fem!reader
— synopsis. “It's your favourite snack, right?”
featuring genshin impact, lyney x fem! reader
— synopsis. “I want to be with you forever”
featuring wbk + valentine's day, hiragi toma x fem!reader
— synopsis. “you really want to know how I feel?”
featuring honkai star rail, robin x gn!reader
— synopsis. “you're way sweeter than any chocolate”
featuring honkai star rail, blade x fem!reader
— synopsis. “...good morning kiss?”
featuring wbk, first time cooking & bento for him and its kind failed miserably, suo hayato x gn!reader
— synopsis. “I love everything you make though”
featuring wbk, sakura haruka x gn!reader
— synopsis. “I lose my way, your hand guide me back to the right path”
featuring kny, aftermath of muzan's downfall & marriage life with self-healing, shinazugawa sanemi x fem!reader
— synopsis. “holding your hand...you made me forget all my worries”
featuring wbk + valentine's day & coworkers to lovers?, suzuri shuhei x gn!reader
— synopsis. “I want your gift to be the first one I get”
featuring wbk + halloween, hoshina soshiro x fem!reader
— synopsis. “how long are you going to stare when I'm right in front of you?”
featuring wbk + christmas & established relationship—engagement?, umemiya hajime x fem!reader
— synopsis. “keep me warm tonight”
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god!suo hayato x human!reader ,,
— synopsis. “you returned to your hometown with news of your engagement with your long-term fiancé; it was the happiest day of your life. However, everything changes when you encounter a small shrine dedicated to the god who seemed to be infatuated with you, and he seems to know you ever since childhood...”
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© yueliie 2024. do not steal, copy, repost, edit, translate or use my works on any platforms.
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matramancer · 4 days
🌸KIKORU THE WINGMAN | Narumi Gen x Mitsuri! reader
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Synopsis: As much as she admires her two mentors, seeing the two of you pine over each other was INFURIATING. Perhaps it was time to take matters into her own hands. Unfortunately.
part 1 | Mitsuri! reader Masterlist
Tags: fem! reader, HCs w scenarios, Narumi x reader, Kikoru and Mitsuri!reader found family ft. Narumi, JEALOUS NARUMI, Narumi Gen is an idiot, fluff, mutual pining, Kikoru the wingman
By the time Kikoru’s batch rolls in, she’s already gotten word about several of the unique heavy hitters in the force. She wasn’t her father’s daughter for nothing–an extensive knowledge of the Defense Force is a part of keeping yourself up in the game.
She knew about the infamous First Division—home of Japan’s Strongest Anti-Kaiju Combatant, and the more recent officer who made a name for herself as the Pillar of Love.
However, it still didn’t prepare her for the rather… lousy introduction her supposed new captain and mentor gave her. And the chronic gaming addiction. And the Yamazon addiction. And everything else in between.
When she thought things couldn’t get any rowdier, she was very bombastically introduced to you. 
“Captain Narumi! You wanted to see me?” The blonde turns at the new voice entering her ears, your figure standing by the doorway. At a glance, she was taken aback at the mountain of sakura mochi on a tray in your hands, your expression an immediate stark contrast to all the officers she’s ever seen in the force.
As she locked eyes with you, your smile only widened, and Kikoru wondered if it was possible for a human to emit their own light source. 
Nothing however prepared her for your figure to zero in on her in a flash,  your movements so abrupt she had to take a few steps back to process them. “HELLOOO! YOU’RE SO CUTE! Do you want some sakura mochi? Though I only have a little.” A little?! You were holding a MOUNTAIN!
“Platoon leader (L/N)! Great timing!” Hasegawa keeps his grip strong on Narumi, even as he wriggles about. The man then proceeded to point at his BS5, which the other officers in the room were trying to fit into a trash bag. “HELP ME FARM A DUNGEON! IF WE START NOW WE CAN 100% IT TONIGHT!”
The room is silent as Kikoru watches on, mortified. Hasegawa is seconds away from bloody murder. You were still holding onto your plate of sakura mochi.
“…I’ll just leave these here.” you set down the plate and slowly try to make your escape— “COME BACK HERE PLATOON LEADER!”
If it weren't for the kaiju attack that happened soon after, Narumi’s image would’ve been permanently tarnished in Kikoru’s eyes.
And not only that, she actually also caught a glimpse of you in battle—that was when you really made an impression on her. She solidified her choice by then. She was going to get stronger, with your help.
Although Kikoru was mainly Narumi’s disciple, it soon became clear that the responsibility had also fallen to you. If Narumi wasn’t training her, you were.
It was really based on two things. One, you already spent lots of time training with Narumi, and second, Kikoru had approached you herself.
“You want to train together?” You blinked owlishly as Kikoru stood before you.
“Yes. I saw how you fought–” Kikoru starts. Truth to be told, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of you. She was assigned to your platoon, which gave her front row seats to you on the battlefield. “--Those maneuvers you did, your consistent energy distribution…”
She recounts the battle she witnessed, finding herself staring in awe as you finished off a group of yoju with your machine gun, before strapping said weapon to your back and immediately winding through the street with fast maneuvers. Even with the suit, your speed paired with such strength belonged to no one in the low combat power bracket. Then, the next thing she heard was your unwavering voice, commencing that the neutralization in your zone was complete. 
She was absolutely flabbergasted. She hadn’t even registered the weird shape of your sword before you sprung forward, flooring her even more with your superhuman strength. She was a bearer of a heavy weapon herself, but seeing you jump so cleanly with all the weight of your weaponry was on another level. Not to mention how precise each and every move you did was. Anyone with a lower level of skill would’ve cut themselves with that sword!
On the other side of the comms, she hears Narumi send her a taunting chuckle. “You seeing this, newbie? You’re going to have to go on par with that.”
Back to the training grounds, she holds a determined expression on her face, surprising you with a bow, even. “...It would be an honor for you to train me, Platoon Leader.”
“Eh–EH?!?!?!?!?” Kikoru looks up from her bow to see your nervous stupor, a complete 180 from what she saw a mere two hours ago. “ME?!?!?!?!!?” Yes, you. 
(Kikoru does not know if she made the right choice).
Usually, you’d be correcting Kikoru’s form and giving her pointers, then holding a sparring session to demonstrate how your techniques flowed. In particular instances where you both used your weapons, you’d move to the specialized training areas.
Narumi in all of his glory would be stuck to his console before you unceremoniously plucked him away from his lawn chair and forced him to participate.
During her training, there was one particular day that stuck out for her. The day she watched you and Narumi spar for the first time.
For once, Narumi had a look that was indescribably amused hidden under his normal demeanor. Excited even. He was the one that initiated it, after all.
“Kikoru, watch.” He says, a lazy smile curling on his lips as he gets into position. A hand to hand spar .No weapons, no gear.
“--I wanted to say that!” You sulked a bit in your mind, biting your lip.
Whenever the two of you sparred, it was always a spectacle. That much was evident on Kikoru’s expression as the two of you went at it, the lighthearted banter from prior completely abandoned as Narumi went on the full offensive.
He was ruthless, not sparing a single punch even as you took a defensive note in your steps. Even if you were dodging his blows, you did so very narrowly.
And then, you flew. An elegant figure belonging to the one deserving of the title “Love Pillar”. Your body twists and contorts with not only polished skill but extreme calculation. If you were even a centimeter off base, Narumi would finish you. It was like you knew where to dodge, and Narumi knew where to hit.
Every single one of your moves had so much thought put into them, which made sense given your weapon of choice. Similarly, Narumi was a master at switching stances, knowing when exactly to go on the defensive before he’s sending another strike to your hazy figure.
It was then that Kikoru realized that she wasn’t just watching any fight–but a culmination of efforts and hardwork that brought the two of you together in this ring. An undoubted match up of strength that solidified your places in the force. That solidified your positions next to each other in battle.
Yeah, she’s never gonna doubt you guys again (or at least, your strengths) as she watches the fight come to a close, courtesy of an announcement by the megaspeakers.
Narumi curses as he hears news of the 3rd Division’s arrival, already muttering not so clean words at the mere thought of their vice captain (you on the other hand were the total opposite, excited at the prospect of seeing some long distance friends).
“We’re going to crush them!” Narumi grunted, cracking his knuckles with the biggest stink eye while you happily tugged Kikoru along, not interested in hampering the mood. “I wonder if we can catch the captain and vice captain! You must miss them, right Kikoru?”
“Haah?! Don’t you DARE even mention Hoshina’s name!” Your captain’s rage immediately intensifies, like a man out for murder. Something Kikoru wanted no part of. 
Unfortunately for poor Kikoru, out of pure bad luck and personal circumstance, she had unintentionally gotten herself caught in the front view seats of her captain slash mentor’s unexpected dilemma.
You ignored Narumi’s blatant hostility, smiling ear to ear. You couldn’t wait to catch up with your friends. “Just in time for lunch too! I wonder what’s on the menu…”
Narumi zeroes in on this, already knowing the answer. In fact, he’d even request the chefs to make today’s portions extra bountiful, under the guise of the 3rd Division’s visit.
He cleared his throat, “casually” mentioning your favorite food, and your reaction after is expectedly, a surge of excitement.
Having spent lots of time with you already, Kikoru thought nothing of it–your attitude with a superior present was certainly a bit unrestrained, sure, but after seeing your bond with Narumi, she chalked it up to you guys just having mutual respect and friendship. 
Yeah, friendship. Her eyes drift a bit to Narumi, seeing his side profile. Surely, with Narumi being super nonchalant about all this, he was…
She sees it. Bared witness to it. Lays eyes on it.
A TINT of red on his cheeks. And the aversion of his eyes soon after.
Oh no. Oh no no no. OH NO.
She refuses to get involved, not in the lives of her superiors and DEFINITELY not in the sad lack of love life that belonged to loser master Narumi.
Okay, it was a bit impossible not to. Not when it was one of those things that you’d definitely always notice after realizing it once. And she was spending hours every day with these people.
In Narumi’s defense, he didn’t know how or when it happened. He didn’t even really take note of you until around the time where you earned his acknowledgement, as harshly as that sounded. 
His principles, his life revolved around results. Around skills. Around the Defense Force. As far as he was concerned (and hilariously mortified at), you suddenly carving your presence in his psyche and imprinting your being into his heart was not part of any life plans he had in particular. 
Sure you got more and more involved with him, sure you just became a regular part of his day, sure you were the number one person he’s most comfortable fighting side by side with, but as anticlimactic as it was, there was nothing spectacular involved. He just noticed it one day.
He especially realizes that something about you in him has changed when he barges in on two officers (nobodies, he didn’t even bother to remember their faces) throwing jabs at how air-headed you seemed. Without even thinking, his brows had furrowed and a scowl was already forming from his face, and when he came to, the officers had already scurried.
At first, he thought it was just acknowledgement and respect for your strength. But thinking about anyone–or anything badmouthing you, calling you names or underestimating you for just being yourself absolutely had him seething.
He got more particular about you all of a sudden as the feelings hit him. He thinks about it all–Your already bright smile that widened just a bit more when you saw him. How you lit up, whether it was from a good day of training with him, or when he would surprise you with a meal. How he has your face memorized by then. He especially loved when you were enjoying a good lunch by his side, when you won a game together, and–
Huh, that’s particular… Did he always notice all of that stuff from you?
Kikoru knew it was over for him when you gathered in the mess hall, and although Narumi had his console in hand, she saw him sneak more than a few glances to your ever joyous figure, your 5th bowl in hand as you excitedly chatted with Captain Ashiro.
And his eyes were full of love.
Hell, he was still quipping with Hoshina, but that’s exactly the thing. The four of you were sitting on the same table in close proximity. Rivalries aside, you were quite good friends with Mina and Hoshina and were always one for conversation, but he and the Vice Captain were usually at each other’s throats. Why was Narumi willingly sitting through this? CALMLY, no less.
These people (you two) were driving her NUTS. Crazy even. It was tolerable at first, hell, things were smooth sailing when she was none the wiser. But now? His lingering gazes, how he lights up when he gets texts from you, how he’s been pushing for your presence more and more often…
 Don’t get her started on the special treatment. Did he think he was being smooth?! Kikoru was LOSING it! 
Kafka, oh poor Kafka, got dragged into this mess too, via Kikoru finally spilling the beans in a frustrated burst of emotions.
“I can’t take it. It’s disgusting,” she feels like tearing her twintails out, airing out her grievances to Kafka. “The Captain is bad enough as he is.”
The older man just scratches his head with an awkward laugh. The situation reminds him a bit of his high school days. “Well, sometimes the best way to make it stop is to let it happen. Sorry, Kikoru. Young love calls.”
Kikoru groans. “Nevermind that. I don’t know what’s worse. How hard he’s trying–”
Their gazes land on the training grounds where you were chatting with Mina again, before Narumi’s figure emerges from your side as he offers your favorite grilled onigiri nonchalantly. As you thank him with a smile, you‘re completely clueless over how even Mina notices the way his hand brushed against yours for a tad bit too long. How he’s so clearly not doing this for just anyone.
“--Or how oblivious she is.”
So begins the adventures of Kikoru the unwilling wingman.
As much as she’s unwillingly involved in… whatever this was, she joined the Defense Force for a clear reason. She’s not going to toil on this and let it hinder the progress of her training, for her life’s mission.
But there are times where she throws in a gentle push. Not directly getting involved in things by the slightest, but you were quite the talker. What better way than to plant the idea in your head and handle your obliviousness this way?
She ended up learning a few things–one, you were obviously super comfortable with Narumi. Two–you amassed a great deal of respect for him, and was gracious over the opportunity you had to get close with him. REALLY close. Receiving surprise gifts and playing games together in secret during the night type of close. Three–despite all that, you had no idea about the obvious truth.
“You better pay me back for this, idiot master.” Kikoru thinks to herself sometimes.
Don’t mention how you were so good at love advice (love pillar and all, it’s in the name), having been a good ear and cupid for the 1st Division when clearly the one who needed that the most was you. It only frustrates Kikoru more.
So how does Kikoru function as a wingman despite her total unwillingness? Well, she does it through the most unconventional methods… Which is to steal you away from her idiot master instead!It’s a win-win, because she gets to one up her captain and not suffer any consequences–lest he upsets YOU.
On the occasions where Narumi wants to train one on one with you? Nope–Kikoru booked a slot first. You’ve got Friday off? Whoops, girl’s day out with Kikoru and she made you promise. 
It was peak “I’m just a girl”. A concept you loved and could heavily indulge in with Kikoru. You’re not sidelining the things you love doing with Narumi, you’re moreover doing things that were more up to you and Kikoru’s forte.
How could you not? Kikoru was an absolute sweetheart, and you’d taken to her like a mother duck. Not only did she see you as a mentor now, but also as a sister figure.
 When she started to call you nee-san, you were absolutely ecstatic.
Narumi was understanding. At first. But when even your gaming sessions, which was a sacred bonding time for the both of you, had been slowly taken over by Kikoru’s rendezvouses, that was when the seeds of jealousy started to plow through his skull.
“Ah, Kikoru-chan wants to go shopping.” “Can’t, sorry Narugen! I got tickets with Kikoru and Rin…” “No way! That’s OUR Gossip Girl rewatch marathon and you’re not allowed in.”
And oh does it work. It DEFINITELY started a reaction in him. Narumi has upgraded her status from idiot disciple to menace. 
All of a sudden, a new competition rolled in town, and the First Division had a new point of interest to watch.
The rivalry of Isao’s brightest disciple vs his rising star daughter for the attention of the Love Pillar. (Coming to a division near you!)
Both are now vying for your compliments, and sometimes the comms get so loud with their bickering that the operations room has to work overtime over the noise pollution.
Narumi is seething because it seems like Kikoru always wins, your attention so doting on her, your favor clearly present as you never fail to praise her. Hell, the little brat was now on HUGGING terms with you! You even braid her hair the way you did yours some nights. It was driving him crazy.
Kafka’s also always at the scene in the worst timing possible. At more than one instance, he’d walk into the training grounds just as Kikoru successfully stole you away again, and he was forced to endure his daily training under an unmerciless Narumi Gen in a bitter mood.
What made him grumble at the same time was as much as he hated how Kikoru was monopolizing you, you looked absolutely joyous enjoying things with her–and he just couldn’t take that happiness away from you. No, he absolutely won’t allow it.
He wouldn’t ever reveal it so lightly at this point in time, but you meant so much to him.
And as he grows more and more obvious with the shift in his demeanor, how much he’s wagging his tail, even Hoshina had noticed and sent his tips to the betting pool.
If it weren’t for Kikoru’s sleight of hand however, the slow burn you had with Gen would’ve probably lasted longer than the existence of kaiju itself.
When he’s FINALLY able to steal you away from Kikoru, he’s taken aback by how vigorously he was vying for your time in the first place. How he felt so victorious over catching that empty spot in your schedule before his menace of a mentee dragged you away from him.
And when he finally catches himself unable to hold back a grin as he sees you all dressed up pretty on the train with him, it hits him deeply with the realization that you had made yourself home in his consciousness. That he values the many moments he gets to spend with you so much. 
Maybe that was okay. Maybe he wants to treasure the little moments he has with you. Maybe… maybe this normalcy the two of you fostered together was alright.
You made him feel normal. Like the two of you were just young adults given a glimpse of a life outside of the Defense Force, where he could imagine days like this with you to come. Like he was just a boy, no captain or anything. And you saw him as just that.
That was what went through his mind on a nice afternoon out in the city, Narumi insisting he be the first to bring you to this new restaurant that served your favorite kind of dishes.
Equipped with disguise gear of great caliber (a mask, sunglasses, and two hats you had lying around), the two of you comb through the crane games and rhythm machines in the arcade, working up an appetite an hour before your reservation. 
His eyes couldn’t stop glancing at your excited figure at the small plushies in the crane games. He chose your favorite songs on maimai. He made sure to reserve seats in the restaurant beforehand and nearly even used his name card to guarantee them.
And later on, when Kikoru’s eyes scanned the photostrip you were showing her taken at a purikura booth you and Narumi tried, she nearly fell down over how loving his gaze was on the last pic.
When it was finally time to enjoy your meal, you were beaming in absolute delight as you finished bowl after bowl, plate after plate, offering Narumi a share of everything. 
He gladly accepted, absolutely reveling in how you spoiled him. Especially with how there was no Hasegawa around to hold you back. He was practically on your lap, figuratively.
Yapper gf x listener bf to the max as he sat beside you with an expression so soft in comparison to the rest of his unruly personality, being absolutely glued to everything about you.
Well, that was when he was facing you. Narumi had secretly turned away and glared at any other patrons who dared to even attempt to send a nasty look your way from “how much you were eating” . 
“You got a problem with that? Do you want me to shove the rest of the food down your throat instead, huh?” Was what Narumi’s intense glare communicated, immediately causing the aforementioned judgemental patrons to look away in embarrassment.
Then, he’d immediately whip his head back when you addressed him, completely at your mercy. 
As you finished the last of your food, you were completely obvious to Narumi’s sudden change of demeanor, a wave of nervousness washing over him as he fidgets with the inside of his pocket.
He hopes you’ll like this gift of his.
[restaurant scenario - coming soon]
“I had lots of fun today!” You gushed with your usual cheerful demeanor, sinking into the bathwater next to Rin and Kikoru. You were recounting the eventful afternoon you had to them. “I have so many new plushies now, and there’s so many new stores in that shopping district that just reopened. Let’s go there together next time!”
Kikoru huffed a bit, hearing about your day. She was both lightly covetous over how Narumi somehow managed to steal a slot of your time before her, having grown very attached to you and your attention, yet at the same time, she was absolutely floored at just how smitten her idiot mentor was for you from all the pictures, videos, and stories you showed her when practice finished. If anyone who didn’t know any better saw these, they’d IMMEDIATELY assume it was a date. Hell, that was what Rin thought when she joined the conversation!
You in your Sunday best? Taking you to a specialty restaurant that had your favorite food? Sharing bites? Winning you all those plushies? And…
She recalls just how eye catching the subtle change of your appearance was to her when you returned to the base with him. When you didn’t take off the new item you acquired until you hit the showers.
“Gen got me this today,” as you finally removed the accessory from your hair, you eagerly showed Kikoru and Rin the gift Narumi got you, barely noticing the other two girls’ wide-eyed, open mouthed stare at three things. One, how you addressed your superior, THE Narumi Gen by his first name so lightly. Second, THE Narumi Gen being thoughtful and paying attention to your tastes. He knew you loved cute things. Third, how your cheeks were glowing just a bit more radiant, how your tone had a slight change to it. How…
The love in your eyes was so evident.
“You’re so dense,” Rin’s comment brings Kikoru back to the present, the former crossing her arms and furrowing her brows. “Are we not seeing the same things here?” She continues, recalling all the times he’d been so partial to you. He’s still mean to you, yes, but there’s such an obvious touch of softness and mutual standing there that everything just speaks for itself.
You blink. “What things?”
Rin sighs, more than familiar with your disposition. “You’re going to kill me.”
The blonde watches as you haphazardly rise up from the water in a frenzy, Rin screaming as you dart towards her direction, arms reaching out to catch her. Water spills in every direction as you wrestle each other in the tub, you bleating pathetically for answers while Rin attempts to fight you off.
“SPILLLLLLL!” The other woman shrieks as you push into her body, a comedic expression on your face as you tackle her sides.
Immediately trying to regain her balance, Rin lets out a chorus of strangled noises as your body pressed against hers, desperately trying to squeeze out an answer. She attempts to steady both of your bodies as she feels you move around way too frantically. “HOLY SHIT– Your breasts are going to spill out BE CAREFUL–OI!”
“TELL ME RIN!!” You cry out again.
Amidst all the banter, Kikoru finds herself lost to her thoughts, drifting back to her thoughts of you and Narumi. She couldn’t wrap her head around it at first, but something felt so familiar…
Then, it hits her, recalling the stories between her own parents during their youth in the Defense Force. How Hikari Shinomiya was quite the spunky, passionate youth akin to her namesake, and how Isao Shinomiya was the much mellower, passive homebody, yet had loved her with so much passion all the same. 
History seemed to repeat itself.
At the sound of the water splashing, you watch in surprise as the top of Kikoru’s head dives down into the tub, seeing air bubbles form on the top. You quickly call out to her in concern. “Kikoru-chan?!”
“I didn’t expect it to work too well…”
i cant wait to write out what went down in that restaurant... here's the expression that Gen remembers the most, and the face he fell in love with. waaaaa
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anime-allover · 4 years
About me Masterlist 2nd masterlist 3rd masterlist 4th Masterlist event prompts ultimate masterlist
Requests are Closed!
🚫 meaning: not taking them anymore
~Who I do~
🚫JJK: Gojo, Megumi, Sukuna, Itadori, Toge, Toji
Sk8: Reki, Langa, Miya, Cherry, Joe (only for headcanons), Tadashi
Soul eaters: Soul, Black☆Star, Death the kid, Mifune, Stein, Lord death(only for headcanons), Spirit, Crona, Asura
Fairy Tail:Natsu(also the Earth land) Gray(Earth land as well), Loki, Sting, Zeref, Cobra, Rogue
Naruto: Naruto, Sasuke, Minato, Neji, kakashi
🚫Death note: L, Light
🚫Tears of themis: Luke (he will NOT be your childhood friend, Rosa have already took that spot) Vyn, Artem, Marius
🚫Blue Lock: Nagi, Sae, Rin, Ego, Bachira, Chigiri, Hiori, Nanase, Isagi
Hamatora: Nice, Murasaki, Birthday, Ratio, Art
Danganronpa THH, 2 & v3: Byakuya, Makoto, Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Hajime, Izuru, Kazuichi, Rantaro, Shuichi, keebo, Kokichi, kaito(Played the game, never watched the anime)
Spy x Family: Loid Forger, Yuri
Kaiju 8-gou (caught up with manga): Gen Narumi, Soshiro Hoshina, Kafka Hibino(headcannons only), Iharu Furuhashi(headcannons only), Leno Ichikawa
Persona 5 royal(game not finished): Akira, Ryuji
The Ssum: June, Henri
~I do~
One shots
Headcanon (At most 4 characters max)
Angst to fluff (I have a soft heart)
Text messages
~I don't do~
Full angst
Match ups
Character x oc
Character x Character
Character x Reader x Character
Any type of incest
I can delete any request if I feel uncomfortable to do, so please be respectful
Finding something anime related
Watching Kaijuu 8 get animated
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ryescapades · 27 days
i come with a request for a narumi and captain!reader established relationship except reader is vv bold with conveying how she feels like shed casually drop an "i love you" to a random officer that helped her carry stuff over to her office,,,,, n like for the scenario maybe its the first time kafka's interacted with her and he recognizes her as someone who very vocally/physically fawned over mina over at the 3rd's base, so he meets her again on the 1st's base n she starts shamelessly fawning over him too
then he proceeds to see her getting close with hasegawa n the other officers and kafka thinks he just got lovebombed by mina's gf (😭) he finally sees her getting especially affectionate with narumi, kafka tells him about her behavior n narumi's like "she always like that" and then proceeds to complain to kafka about it (I DESCRIBED IR TOO LONG IM SO SORRY😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
lovebug | kaiju no. 8
characters: narumi gen x fem captain!reader
genre/warning: fluff fluff fluff, a bit of whiny narumi lol, NOT PROOFREAD, reader's division is not mentioned, kafka-centric, slight spoilers from manga ch 40+
a/n: tqsm for the req :> i don't mind long msgs in my inbox so don't worry abt it !!
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it's not often that the third division is visited by other captains for business occasions; usually for training regimen meetings, joint missions or assessment purposes.
however, in your case, most of the time it's only for fun.
the first time hibino kafka saw you, you were on your way into ashiro mina's office, a recruit from his own division trotting behind you while holding a stack of books (you were there only to casually read while spending time with mina at the same time).
kafka watched from the corner of the hallway as the officer leaves the office, their arms now free from the earlier load. you peeked your head out the door, shouting out a cheery "thanks for the help. much love, dear!" before blowing a kiss towards the officer, causing them to blush and bow profusely before scurrying off.
kafka wouldn't have thought much of it, assuming that you're just an overly nice person in general, regardless of your high rank. but he stopped in his track when he heard what you had said before mina's office door closed.
"mina, babe~ you're looking as beautiful as ever! do you wanna go on a date later?"
mina has a girlfriend? and she's also a captain?? kafka thought, surprised and quite amazed at the idea. what a power couple...
and so, the next few encounters he had with you whenever you visit the tachikawa base were all filled with squealed praises and admiration for mina, along with tons of endearment terms for the other officers.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
the news about kaiju no. 8 being a human and working with the defense force spread fast.
kafka had long stopped pondering about mina and her rumored girlfriend. it's already been months since the first encounter anyway.
or so he thought.
because a few days after the shinagawa neutralization operation ended, he met you in the hallway at the ariake base. and this time, you were the one talking to him instead of him observing from afar.
"hibino kafka... is it?"
the man who was on his way back from training, turned around to see you leaning against the wall. your hands were shoved in the pockets of your uniform, eyes steeled and locked on him with such curiosity and judgement that it had the man freezing in his place.
she looks cautious... is it because i'm a kaiju? he panicked internally, readying himself just in case you decided to pull out a gun and take him out right then and there.
"captain y/n... i—"
"oh damn, you really are the real deal!" your bewildered tone woke him up from his wariness. he was then rendered speechless when you walked around him in a circle, excitedly grinning while you observed every part of his body from head to toe.
"i didn't really believe it at first when general shinomiya said no. 8 was a human but looking at that untransformed kaiju part on your hand, i guess i'm convinced now. hmm, older in age, above average height, i bet you're even taller in your kaiju form... oh, you have decent muscles too! you're amazing, kafka-kun!" you gushed.
he was barely listening to your words, flustered from how close you were in his proximity. "i watched some clips of you on the internet too! you packed a helluva punch that's for sure! and i heard that you blasted away that yoju bomb in tachikawa! that's so cool—"
seconds away from combusting out of embarrassment, kafka was saved from your onslaught of praises when a few troop members from the first division and vice-captain hasegawa turned the corner where the two of you were at. "captain y/n?" hasegawa greets.
"oh, hasegawa-san! long time no see!" relieved that your attention had finally switched from him to the older man, kafka watched as you skipped your way to the group of people and pulled hasegawa into a hug. the second-in-command smiled, giving you a friendly pat on your back before you started chatting away with the first division members.
kafka wondered how mina handles having an exuberant partner such as yourself...
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
kafka noticed you again in the mess hall when he was eating his dinner.
this time, you were talking with platoon leader shinonome just beside the entryway to the hall. your hands gestured around wildly, and the other woman snickered from time to time from the story you were telling.
suddenly you stopped talking, for something— or rather someone had caught your interest.
"gen!" your squeal of excitement made the spoon that was almost into kafka's mouth pause.
his eyes drifted to the entryway, and he stared cluelessly as captain narumi walked over to you, letting your arm wind around his tapered waist. the action was done so smoothly, so languidly that it seemed natural.
shinonome must've said a teasing remark to cause the captain to snap at her irritatingly, if the pink hues smearing his pale cheeks were any indication. soon enough, the platoon leader excused herself to leave you and narumi alone.
the two of you engaged in a hushed conversation, but sure enough everybody in the hall— no matter how barren it currently was— witnessed the way you placed a quick kiss on the notorious narumi gen's cheek and patted his face a few times. the frown that was previously there was replaced with a softer, almost pouty look.
the older man didn't realize he had been staring down at his half-eaten meal in silence when a figure slid into the chair next to him.
"the heck you staring at, hibino?" narumi questioned with a raised brow.
kafka blinked. with you no longer in sight, he looked at the captain for a moment before speaking, "captain y/n... she's so... sweet...?" he started slowly, and then he just couldn't stop.
"i don't know how she does it but every time i see her it's always with different people. my heart almost couldn't take it when she excessively complimented me yesterday... she used to gush so much over mina to the point i thought they were girlfriends! they even went on several lunch dates back then. i was so convinced about it but then i saw you with her just now, captain. so now i'm really confused—"
he was cut off by a hand slamming down on the table next to him. "i know right!!! she's always been like that, even before she was a captain! and that was, what? years ago! that y/n! always out for my blood, testing my patience every damn second when she runs around telling 'i love you' to everyone!" narumi cries out before burying his face in his hands, groaning frustratedly into them.
if kafka didn't know any better, he'd think the first division's captain was whining. he just assumed that narumi thought you were being too invasive with the captain's personal space.
although, narumi's next words sent him into another dimension of befuddlement altogether.
"i'm her partner, not ashiro or anybody else's!"
kafka couldn't help but to choke on his food after that.
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©🅁🅈🄴🅂🄲🄰🄿🄰🄳🄴🅂. do not steal, translate or repost my work anywhere else !
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nicarnelian · 3 months
₊˚⊹ featuring: academic achiever! narumi gen x student council president! fem! reader
₊˚⊹ word count: 1.2k
₊˚⊹ warning: curse words, narumi being a menace, grammar errors ;-;
₊˚⊹ author’s note: literally a dump w all my thoughts. head empty, only academic achiever narumi . again, this is not beta read (i type n post lmao im gnna die w this setup) but i might make a fic w this prompt… im just lazy to edit…
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it's insane how much i think about academic achiever! narumi gen and how he would always rank first in every semestral rankings. however, his life soon crumbles when he sees his name a row lower than usual: second rank.
he thinks it was a mistake, perhaps a mistype of the school administration. however, he looks at the name above him just to see one of the few names he despises. he rubs his eyes, thinking that maybe, he was hallucinating — because there was no fucking way that student council president! reader dethroned him from his position as top of his batch.
what would gen first do in this situation? ah, yes! he would absolutely storm into the council office and make a scandal, shouting and demanding how the hell did you manage to steal that spot from him! you and your other executive officers stared at him. is he fucking delusional or plain insane? who in their right mind would storm into the council office while a meeting was in progress?
and, that was when gen declared he would snatch away his title from your hands and return it to its respective owner — him.
and, from here, you deduced that indeed, he was both fucking delusional and insane.
the both of you despise working with one another, it was like cat and dog seeing your combination with him from afar. in one class with gen, you argued to disseminate tasks as soon as the project was given, but he tended to cram that paper a week before submission, which he emphasized would take up only a meager 5% of your final grade, or simply, just because he does not care.
the conclusion to your quarrel with him? both of you end up submitting individual papers.
the professor scolded you both and asked to redo the task. gen hates it, he truly detests working with you. so dignified, so strict with time as if you were to run out of it. while he, on the other hand, preferred to be lax about it. he absolutely despises how poised you acted — as if nothing was wrong with your life.
but, then again, gen doesn't know what happens behind these curtains of your composed façade. he came to your dorm since you had to redo the project with him. you and him decided to make own respective outlines and brainstorm on the final one. gen stayed in what seemed like a small living room divided by a sliding door from your bedroom, where you stayed.
however, he peeked through your sliding door when it's time for the final brainstorming session, because you aren't answering his calls from the other side. you were asleep. on your desk. you were asleep, slumped over your desk surrounded by mountains of council paperwork and reviewers.
initially, gen was annoyed. you had the audacity to sleep, while he was researching his ass off at the other side? yup, he's annoyed, alright. however, he caught a glimpse of not only an outline, but a draft to the project the both of you were working on. he swiftly took it and analyzed it. with all honesty, it was good and he couldn’t deny that. he looked back at your sleeping figure and, mysteriously, for some sort of reason, gen carried your body onto the soft cushions of your bed. gen sat on the floor, resting his back against your bed, and began drafting your collaborative paper with your draft.
you wake up at three in the morning to find a head resting on your bed edge. gen narumi, that absolute menace who declared you a rival, was sleeping in your room, beside him was a finished project with both of your names printed on a paper. you stood up and woke him up, "hey, idiot."
he stirred awake, his left hand rubbing his eyes while his laptop rested on his right arm. "hey, miss president." he smiled. a toothy grin, with his sharp, cuspid teeth – almost like a cat.
"sleep here," you offered, patting your bed.
"are you asking me to sleep beside you? want to hook up with me that badly?" his tired eyes smiled, as he adjusted himself and settled with his laptop on your bed. gen was too tired to even engage in banter with your antics.
wow, he’s surprisingly… compliant. you thought.
however, you lit up your study desk once more and gen was easily disturbed by how you were working again. he thought you needed sleep, needed rest. it was three in the morning and he doesn't deny that you still have paperwork to do. but, if you continued working like that, it would obviously have some adverse effects on your body. you were hurting yourself with your routine.
but, it's not like he's worried, of course! he just doesn't want to snatch back his title from someone who didn't put all of their effort. he doesn't care!
but, fuck those thoughts. the thunderous beating of his heart betrayed him. his mind was cloudy as hell and he was sure to be deranged the moment he asked you, "hey, princess. what time are ya sleeping?"
then, he slapped his mouth closed. princess. he just called you princess. he's dead. he was hoping that you didn’t hear him, but your head quickly whipped towards his direction, "princess?"
crap. "hah! no! it was a slip of tongue! miss president is close to princess, right? president and princess starts with the letter p!" gen knew he was screwed, wondering what the hell he was even spouting about.
there was an awkward silence that filled the room. but, you stood up your chair, and walked towards him, bending a little bit as you closed the distance between your face and his — you saw him flinch. "if you wanted to hook up with me that badly, just say so."
gen couldn't process what you've said. he didn’t expect you to use his own words against him. and, it was three in the morning, maybe the both of you were high, maybe this was all just a dream, he thought. but, he snapped back into reality when he felt a blanket shoved in his face. he tried to remove it, but felt your hands keeping it in place. “h-hey!"
"j-just go to sleep! i'm fine! i'll sleep later!" you stammered and stuttered over your words. gen stopped struggling and kept the blanket over his entire body. the reason? because his flushed face would be exposed to you and he knew that you would tease the hell out of him.
little did he know, on the other side of the room, you were heaving heavy sighs. your face turned beet red because, what the hell did you just do?
both of you lingered in each other’s silence, neither eager to speak up about what had just happened. but gen supposed that being in this situation wasn't really that bad. if he could get the stoic and poised miss president of the council stuttering like that, then maybe he's one step closer to reclaiming that title of his.
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