#mk. kaiju no. 8
antennaed-shidou · 10 months
Brighter Than the Sun
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✦ Gen Narumi x f! reader
✦ Warning: not prof-read, little romantic, kissing,
✦ Misc: Word Count: 3.6k+ first Kaiji no. 8 oneshot that was chosen on a wheel, im so happy it landed on it. singer au.
✦ In which you were special to him.
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She was his star, well not literally his star. She was on the big TV screen doing an interview on one of those late-night shows, while Gen was sitting on his couch remote in hand watching her.
He really can't believe they were the same age and {Y/n} had achieved so much more than him. All he does is stay in his apartment playing games watching TV and making a mess all over. And yet the most gorgeous woman is on his TV screen smiling and laughing with the host.
Seeing her smiling and laughing all about made him jealous. It's not like he wanted to be in her position, no he rather wanted to be by her side. Having interviews with her, and playing by her side at concerts. He just wanted to be by her side, but he was just an average civilian.
"And that ties up today's show with our special guest, {Y/n} {L/n}." A go-lucky voice spoke facing the cameras and mic. "We hope to see you next week," The camera started to zoom out and the host and {Y/n} were seen to be having a conversation.
The show went on commercial as it was over and the next show was about to play. Gen shut off his TV knowing what next will not be his {Y/n}. He got up from the couch going to the kitchen not so far away. Gen got himself a little snack before heading to bed. Though he couldn't sleep at all.
The only thing on his mind was the interview that was on the TV with {Y/n}. He hated they were the same age but she was doing so much better, he hated how she was always around other guys, and he hated seeing her on TV. But did he really hate it no he was just telling himself that like every other person in this universe that likes her.
But unlike everyone else, he was something special. A real talent to {Y/n} herself.
{Y/n} behind the scenes was about just the same as she presented herself to other people and her fans. She was a chill person and liked to lounge a lot. She didn't do much really at all.
Even though she had lots of fame, she acted like she didn't. Well, not in a bad way she was still nice to her fans and she liked it when they said hi to her.
Anyway, the other band members were quite the same as her. They all did nothing, the only time they did was when they had ideas for a new song. Even then it would take a few months before it was ready for release.
Some of them also like to play games together... well all of them played games together when they got the chance. Sometimes {Y/n} indulges her time in watching people play said games. One of her favorite streamers was someone named Narumi Gen.
She really liked to watch him. She really liked that he the same age and doing what he like, she liked how good he was as the games, she like his smiling and laughing though she was only behind a screen. And she really did like that about him, though she never met him.
Since Gen couldn't fall asleep he decided to start a stream.
As {Y/n} was lying in bed looking through her phone she got a notification that Gen Narumi was streaming.
The male started his stream. "Today is going to be a short stream. I'm tired."
The chat was a little sad but complied nonetheless as they couldn't do anything.
Gen talked a little and before he knew it the sun was peaking through his blinds and the early birds were chirping. "Oh, shit. Anyway, guys I going to have to end the stream." And that he did.
{Y/n} woke up when she heard a loud sound from her phone. She saw he was still streaming though he had just ended. She didn't even realize she fell asleep.
The female turned off her phone but she didn't get up from bed. She stared at her popcorn ceiling having her thoughts take over her brain. That was until she was rudely interrupted by one of her band members.
"Good morning, {Y/n}!" Her door busted open and the male walked over to {Y/n} leaning in front of her. His white hair facing down falling down his pale chiseled face.
The female started into his green eyes that were staring right back waiting for a response.
"Whatever good morning Jake."
"Oh come one, {Y/n}. It's a bright and early day you know what that means."
"That it's time for me to sleep in," She rolls over in the bed facing away from Jake.
The male lay in her bed taking her blanket to cover himself. He snuggled next to the female. "Fine then, {Y/n}. Let's take a nap."
The female shrugged her shoulder laying away from Jake though he brought her closer. He knew it bothered her and that's why he was doing it, to get her up out of bed.
And she did indeed cave in.
"I think we should get up Jake," {Y/n} sits up waiting for the male to get out of bed.
"You're right, {Y/n}. I think the band is waiting for us downstairs. He gets up out of her bed and the female follows out.
"I'm going to get changed. I'll be downstairs in a bit."
"Holy fuck," Gen curses under his breath. He stayed up the whole night talking to his chat even though he said to himself it was going to be a short stream.
He got up from bed. The first thing he did was take a shower as he felt disgusting. Gen couldn't believe he stayed up all night without even realizing, he didn't even feel tired either.
When he was done taking the shower he wrapped a towel around his waist. He sat in his bed scrolling through his phone. As he was scrolling he saw that [band name] was going on a tour. He didn't take a second chance and bought tickets for places he could visit, which was a few.
Finally, he could see her again in person. Well, this will be the closest he can get to see her.
"We're going to start packing, {Y/n}." One of the band members says.
"Ok, Ron." She gives him a thumbs up going back to her room.
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It was their first concert in a while and they forgot what to do. At least that's what they told each other but when they went out on stage that crowd went wild.
"We're back people!" {Y/n} screamed in the mic hyping the people up even more. "Just in case we forgot let's go over the members. We got Jake on the drums, Ron on the bass, Paul on the guitar, and {Y/n} (me) on a guitar and main vocals!"
"Let's get the show rolling!" Ron yelled into his mic playing some strings on his bass with Paul playing next. {Y/n} played her guitar waiting for the vocals in the song. Jake was waiting for his drums to come into the song as well.
The crowd went wild as this was the most popular song to date. Gen had to watch on YouTube as he couldn't make it to this concert. When the camera switched off {Y/n} he would wait for it to go back every time. He would also sing along sometimes without knowing it.
{Y/n} and Paul were back-to-back playing their guitar solo together. The two played as the drum queue came in and {Y/n} went back to vocals.
The concert went really well for their first time back on stage. When the concert was over they had special Vip tickets they sold where they can meet fans. They went behind stage to meet said fans that were wating.
Again, this was being filmed but not live. There were only a few fans for this little meet and greet. So, it was nice and didn't go on to late.
The band went back to their trailer and {Y/n} was the first to fall asleep. Jake snuggles up next to her to which she doesn't mind when they were going to sleep, it kept her warm.
Meanwhile, Gen was looking at hotels he could stay at for the week. He wasn't rich but he also wasn't poor at the same time. Gen had a nice and stable life he could live. So buying a few hotels to stay at for the concert wasn't too detrimental to his paycheck.
He stayed up pretty late finding places to stay at and when to leave to make it to the next concert.
Ron was the first to wake up like usual. The first thing he did to start his day was go outside to take a nice whiff of fresh air along with a cup of coffee that was made by Nolan.
It was nice for him to wake up without the rest bothering him like they would. Especially Paul who had him do everything that he could, and Ron wanted a break early in the morning when no one else would be awake.
Only the sound of the beautiful nature in front of him. And the cars on the highway could be heard. It was peaceful.
The next to wake up was Gen.
He looked at the time wondering why he had woken up this early. He lay in bed on his phone for a while looking at the news and the VIP interaction with the band on YouTube.
How he wished that was him. Well, it will be him tomorrow.
Ron got back in the trailer ready to get on the road. Nolan woke when he heard the start of the engine. He knew Ron was ready to leave.
"Hey, Buddy. You ready to leave," He asked sitting in the passenger seat.
Ron looked over nodding his head a yes. "Yeah, Ready to visit our next destination. We can let them sleep, they worked hard."
"So did you Ron. Let me drive." Nolan got up as Ron moved from the driver's seat. "Plus no offense I don't want you to crash this trailer, it was kinda expensive."
"I can drive," Ron was kinda offended by the guy's words.
"Sure you can."
Gen decided to get on the road so he could explore the city.
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Another day another prepping from the concert. They had just got to the stage they were going to perform at. {Y/n} and Jake didn't want to do anything like always.
Paul and Ron had to carry most of their instruments and gear. Though Jake and {Y/n} didn't just sit there. The both of them greeted the people that would be working there, such as the bodyguards and a few other people.
Heck, they might have been busier than Paul and Ron, they only didn't have the physical labor. They had to walk around talking to people and explore the stadium.
Once they were done, Paul and Ron were waiting for them.
"When did you guys get done?" Jake asked walking up on the stage seeing the two sitting down on the floor talking to each other.
Ron looked up and saw the other two band members walking up one step in front of the other. "Oh, we've been done for a while."
"What about you guys?" Paul asked looking up and seeing {Y/n} and Jake tired and slouched over.
"Tired, we had to walk around this whole stadium. My legs are tired." Her legs gave out and her ass fell to the ground. Jake caught her shoulders setting her down lightly.
He sat down next to her taking a long sigh. "She's right. And the guys showing us around was so boring. He kept talking and talking about the history of this stadium."
"Yeah, he wouldn't stop talking about it. It's like the guy thought we were little kids too. I swear he was using smaller words, and I almost caught him talking in a baby voice." She groaned, "But at least that's over."
Ron spoke up, "But is this place nice? Are the people nice? Are there any faults?"
"Oh," {Y/n} speaks, "This place is nice. The people are nice. And there are no faults. So we're safe and so are our fans." She gave them a thumbs up.
They all just sat there on the stage all just chilling and on their phones. That was until the moment was ruined.
"Get off your phones. It's time to practice a little then you can explore the city." Nolan walked up to the four looking down at them.
They all collectively groaned not wanting to get up.
"Come on, Nolan. Can't we stay here a little longer?" Jake asked looking up at the male a sad look on his face.
"No, now get up." He rushed them up off the stage.
They practiced for a while, then a longer while until Nolan said they were good. After they were done and all the sound checking was done for tonight.
Gen was walking around the city. Seeing the sights and walking in and out of the stores. Even though he was by himself Gen was having a great time. You don't have to have a good time with other people, sometimes all you need is yourself.
As he was walking down the street, he could've sworn that he had seen {Y/n} and Paul. He looked back but they were already gone. Maybe he was seeing things.
He shrugged his shoulder ignoring the thought. And if he did I bet he would have to wait in line.
He looked at the time and thought it was time for him to get dinner if he wanted to make it to the concert on time and not get too full and puke, that would be embarrassing.
'Well, I could get her attention if I did that.' He wondered about the situation in his head if it did happen. If a hand, her hand reached out to him and helped him.
"What would you like to order?" The last at the counter asked.
Gen got out of his thoughts and ordered his food at a small cafe that he found. He sat down at a table with an iced coffee in hand. He was scrolling on his phone seeing what was going on.
He saw {Y/n} story, she was in the same city and she had just set up her stage for tonight. He clicked through the story seeing she was exploring the city with her band members.
{Y/n} and Paul were playing with their guitars. Playing songs and trying to see who could hit the harder note. Jake was sitting by his drums waving around the sticks. Ron was plucking at his bass tunning it.
It was almost time for the concert and they could see people already in line. Gen was waiting in line. He was one of the first people in line as well.
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It was [band]'s last show in the tour. Gen had been to at least 8 concerts, maybe more he wasn't counting.
The sky was dark not even a single star in the sky, but there was a brighter star on stage, {Y/n}. Gen was standing close to the stage, he was in a great view to see the female.
The stage was dark with only a stage light in the back. The venue wasn't too busy as they were in a small area. Half the stage lit up showing the silhouettes of the band member.
{Y/n} grabbed the mic, "This is our last show of our tour. I wanted to end this show here if you didn't know this is our hometown."
Wait, this was their hometown? Gen had no idea he and {Y/n} lived in the same place. How did Gen never see here... Well, I guess he never left his house a lot.
"I want to sing a little special, we have been working on this song, and it will probably never be released."
She strung her fist string a Cm, Paul came in next playing a soft guitar. Ron's bass was on low but you could feel it playing through the guitar.
"My dear I won't leave you. I'll be right here." She was singing in a soft angelic tone unusual from what she would sing.
Some people knew what song she was singing. A song that was forgotten in time.
When they were done the crowd erupted in cheers and claps. It was so beautiful. Some of the people recognized the song.
It was the Lulu bubbles {Y/n} mom used to sing to her. She had a song nice calming voice and would sing to the town all the time. She told {Y/n} when she was a baby to do what she wants. And this is what she chose following in her mother's steps.
The rest of the concert went as normal. They sang their song and the crowd loved it. When the concert was over some people were going backstage for their VIP experience.
And Gen was one of them. In fact, he bought the special pass.
The normal VIP only had two people. They asked questions about the members and about the band.
Gen waited his turn outside the room. Which didn't take long. When the normal VIP was done he stood up taking a deep breath before walking into the room.
His star was sitting on the middle of the couch with the three boys surrounding her. She was sitting there with a smile on her face along with the others.
Those {Y/n}'s smile dropped when the male sat down in front of them. Gen didn't seem to like her reaction, he was nervous himself.
"Wait. I know you." {Y/n}'s voice was so shocked. "You're Gen! Narumi Gen!"
The male was confused as to what she was going on about. But he was surprised that she knew his name.
"I love to watch your streams! I love your videos!" {Y/n} was fangirling over one of her biggest fans. What an odd twist.
"Oh, well thank you. I love you--r music. I love your guy's music!" He saved himself before he said anything too embarrassing.
"Thank you," Paul spoke up.
"Do you wanna come to the trailer with me?" {Y/n} asked a big smile on her face.
Nolan walked forward taking the female's shoulder. He looked down at her with a dissatisfied face. Gen looked at him, a shiver sent throughout his whole body. He was scared of the man.
"Why do you need to go back to the trailer?" He asked in a low voice.\
"Dad, please. I just need to get something." She begged.
Gen was a little confused. The manager of the band was {Y/n}'s dad. Never in a million years would he have guessed that.
Nolan rolled his eyes rubbing her temple. He sighed annoyed and motioned her that the two could leave.
"Thank you, Dad!" She gave him a tight hug. She grabbed Gen's hand and he let her guide him.
{Y/n} ran with Gen following behind, well he didn't have a choice. Gen was so memorized by the female. His biggest star was fangirling over him. That comes once in a lifetime, just barely.
The [h/c]-colored female couldn't believe she was holding her favorite content creator's hand. Though Gen couldn't see it she was blushing like crazy.
They had finally made it to the trailer. {Y/n} opened the door letting Gen in first. She shut the door behind them. The male was already sitting down to {Y/n} join him.
"I can't believe this," She said looking at him. Gen coked his head sideways. "I can't believe we like each other, content I mean. I had no idea that I would have a fan that I'm a big fan of."
"Me either. I would never believe that I would ever meet you."
The two sat there silent. It was a little awkward but they didn't let that get in the way. {Y/n} may seem quiet, but in fact, she was quite bold.
She gave Gen a kiss on the cheek. That made him look at her. She gave him a full-on kiss, he was shocked but leaned in. Though the two had just met for some reason they just hit it off. Their chemistry shot through the roof.
The female sat on top of Gen as their kiss went deeper. I mean the guy couldn't complain this is one of his biggest dreams, to be touched by a star.
She let go of the kiss. {Y/n} looked at his red eyes admiring them, his eyes reminded her of the top of a sunset, so fierce and beautiful.
Gen's straight lips turned into a bit of a smile. The woman was going on to get another kiss as she got distracted by the male beauty. "Before we continue would you like to be my boyfriend?"
Gen nodded his head and was going for the next kiss until Nolan kicked the door open.
"I swear to the Gods above if you don't get off him {Y/n}!" He yelled scaring Gen.
"Dad," {Y/n} whined getting off her new boyfriend. "I swear we are officially together now."
Nolan shook his head and walked off leaving everyone confused.
Though Gen was in his own little word stating at a star so bright. He was starting at his star. What he can claim to be his forever. {Y/n} was his star.
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Want more stories check out my Wattpad Antennaed_Shidou. or my Ko-fi
First Kaiji No. 8 oneshot of many more to come. I wanted to do a band au so I again spun a wheel like normal and wrote around it. I also didn't expect it to be this long, thxs for staying and reading it all if you did get this far
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yingjiaoyue · 5 months
Introducing my lmk oc…
(vs her opponent, Hui Ying from @mysticarts )
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(Competition by: @lmk-oc-competition )
I’ll write down Jiao Yue’s background and abilities! (Warning: May contain spoilers!)
Jiao Yue is a half-human and half-senri. A senri is a chinese mythological leaopard cat spirit who’s capable of turning to a human and consuming human souls.
Her father is pure human and her mother is half-senri (wherein Jiao Yue’s grandmother is a full senri).
Here’s all of her abilities!…
Glamour- She uses her energy to hide her cat ears and two cat tails to blend in with the public crowd.
Advanced Hearing and Sharp Eyesight- Her cat ears enables her to listen to her surroundings that’s within 8 meters in diameter. She also has advanced eyesight, making her see in the dark like a nocturnal and can see through glamour/magic similar to MK’s gold vision.
Enhanced Strength- Without her glamour, she has fangs and claws. She can break bones by biting and break through the door by her claws. But her most strongest part would be her legs. Her muscular strength is at its most when she kicks, and she could practically knock down a whole building by kicking. She can also jump as high as 20-40ft tall.
Speed and Flexibility- She’s 4x faster than her average speed, making her faster than Macaque, but not faster than Nezha. She can also go through very narrow paths and can pass through obstacles in ease (like lazers or sharp pointy things at walls).
Fast Regeneration- She can take damage specially from far-range attacks. Though she can heal herself as fast as 2-3 seconds but has limited use. For instance, in a fight, she can heal her injuries 2 times only and any more than that will require her to rest for hours/days depending on the wound.
The following abilities are spoilers to my current comic!
Dark Energy/Spirit Manipulation- Similar to Lady Bone Demon, Jiao Yue also has her own ability to manipulate the souls she took. The difference may only be that LBD has a light blue hue while Jiao Yue’s purple.
Shapeshifting- Just like Macaque’s & MK’s Kaiju form and Mei’s Dragon form, Jiao Yue has her cat beast form which will be revealed in season 3. (I will make a reference sheet for this soon!)
Illusion- In close-range attacks, she can lock her opponents in an illusion. Imagine Yin & Jin’s calabash and Macaque’s shadow abilities, she can trick people into making them believe in her illusions. Also, one of her good ol’ tricks that her ancestors use is to seduce their prey like Spider Queen & Scorpion Demon.
Puppetry- At season 3, Jiao Yue gets possessed by Lady Bone Demon. She gains the ability to use the souls she’s taken to her own puppets. But she can’t possess other people’s body like Lady Bone Demon, she could still control her puppets just like Macaque’s shadow clones, Lady Bone Demon’s bone ghosts and the scrolls’s ink creations.
Immortality- Yes, she’s immortal. Well, not 5x immortal like Sun Wukong.. but she’s still immortal. She’s half-human so she can still take damage and get severely injured.
That’s all! Hope you learned more about my girl, Jiao Yue! Hope you vote for her hehe :D
(Note: PLEASE DON’T ATTACK MY OPPONENT! This competition is just for fun so if possible, please show support without needing to hate on the other sides! In other words, be respectful please :) Thank you TvT…)
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doodlezpoststuff · 8 months
May we have some fun facts about Yin? :>
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Facts about Li Yin:
1. She doesn't like dogs
2. Interested with cats since she got something in common with a cat
3. Her brain chose to freeze whenever she sees a fox or demon fox on Earth
4. Has a love for cooking food (because life is cooking thanks Chang'e))
5. She is flexible as hell due to being train in the mortal realm when she was still 8y/o with her adoptive older brother
6. Whenever she sees a dog she choose to run instead of fighting it
7. Never tried eating peaches
8. Fav fruit is pomegranate
9. She has killed a lot of demons more times than she can count and cooks it if there isn't any fruit for her needs
10. Kicked Long Shui's ass in a sparring fight because he was cocky at their first meet in the School Naturalist
11. Tried escaping Jinzha her mentor when she was still 12y/o
10. She loves to sing and dance with Macaque and perform shadow play with him and gossip about anything
12. Acts motherly around MK and his gang except for Wukong
13. Kicked a monk's ass
14. Accidentally blinding a heavenly army with hot flaming wind to their eyes and clothes
15. Got into trouble with the Jade Emperor
16. She loves dragons and respect the dragon clan
17. She got divorced from her husband
18. Whenever she senses someone frustrated, fatigued, or in a bad mood, she tries cheering them up by turning to her literal phoenix Kaiju and cuddling them ( her feathers are like warm pillows)
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cherry-romper · 4 months
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Requests: OPEN
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Links: Spotify, Pinterest
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Writes for:
Jujutsu Kaisen 
Attack On Titan 
My Hero Academia 
Kaiju no. 8
Demon slayer
Red Dead Redemption 2
Resident Evil
Mortal Kombat
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My Hero Academia -
Being Friends Would Include
Loving You Sounds Like a Song
S. Todoroki:
To the moon, From the stars
K. Takami:
Midnight Visit
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Attack On Titan -
How You Met Them
Being Friends Would Include
When You're Injured
When They're Injured
Days off with them
Realising they like you
Loving you sounds like a song
Suggestive HC
M. Bodt:
Stay With me
E. Jaeger:
Staying behind
A. Arlert:
Z. Jaeger:
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Jujutsu Kaisen -
You Sound Like a Song
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Haikyuu!! -
Loving You Sounds Like a Song
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Kaiju no. 8 -
What they're like
Loving you sounds like a song
Reno ichikawa:
x captain!reader
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Demon Slayer -
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K. Kogane:
Friday, 8 o'clock, Terry's place
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RDR2 -
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RE -
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MK -
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ninjasmudge · 3 years
When the seal has put on did BK know it or it's already to late?
Anyway how many days is the distance when Macaque put the seal? If it takes a few weeks i think Macaque experience high depression between waiting for MK and the gang and about BK finding it out first
so this is a slightly vague but mostly complete timeline :D some parts are still open to change if theres something better or cooler that could happen
1) swk and lbd fight and the bone king is created (bai he- lbds previous host escapes)
2) the mayor and macaque adjust to living with the bone king. mk has no idea anything is wrong. BK takes macaques hearing for the first time, the mayor [REDACTED till i finish this comic] 2-3 weeks later, the bone king, feeling bits of mks (swks) power goes to find the crew and torment them
3) a little time after that bai he makes it to mk to warn them about what happened- more under cut
4) the bone king brings macaque and the mayor out with them to try to take mks power, with bai hes warning, the crew have managed to make a plan to seal them under a mountain but it does NOT work and after throwing the mountain off, (this comic) the bone king goes kaiju war form because of swks traumatic memories of you know, being under a mountain (👀 @animemoonprincess i saw your tags). in the confusion, macaque goes to find mk and tries to hide him and they talk, briefly. macaque agrees to contact mk through astral projection to try to figure out a plan
5) my timeline is a bit muddier here but the bone king is a little less present from now because they have some things to do [SPOILERS]. theyre aware somethings a little different with macaque but figure they just scared him real bad and hes still a little shooketh- the mayor figures out macaque is contacting mk. he does not tell the bone king.
6) some time after this mk figures out a plan to get an item designed to help people make difficult decisions by splitting them into two parts. this plan will only work if macaque first places a seal on the bone king- to drain a lot of their power, and to power the item
7) @ninja-knox-ur-sox-off comic happens (aka the Best Thing i have ever layed eyes on) and macaque puts the seal on the bone king
8) (very very hazy on how this Whole Thing happens but any people with ideas can come send an ask, or it might come about organically) a bit of time later, after the seal is filled, they lure the bone king out and use the item on them, splitting swk and lbd. the mayor grabs lbd and runs. the crew gets swk somewhere safe. macaque also runs but in a Different Direction
:D tada
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step-on-me-khun · 4 years
My Links - 
Carrd - Twitter - AO3 - Discord - Wattpad - Rules - Masterlist
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I like writing and am awkward af - fics and requests will be reblogged to fic side account @chifhuyuno ​ 
If this account looks familiar but the name doesn't step-on-me-khun is my original acc name, it was @/chifhuyu for a while
DNI if you are racist, ablist, homophobic, transphobic, or are rude in general
Anime I take requests for
Tower of God
Tokyo Revengers
Kaiju No.8
Anime I’ve watched
Fullmetal Alchemist
Attack on Titan [I’ve lost interest]
Hell Girl
Moriarty the Patriot
Yuri On Ice
Chainsaw Man
Blue Lock
Kamisama Kiss
The Apothecary Diaries
Demon Slayer Kimetsu No Yaiba [I've lost interest]
In terms of games, I’ve only played the Sims, and Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate. I do have an interest in the Mortal Kombat franchise. I won’t write anything for MK.
For every request of fic I write, I often include a taglist, the link above is for a form to complete if you want to be included in the taglist. But if you don’t want to do that, you can just message me with:
Fandoms you want to be tagged in
Characters you want to be tagged for
And if you want to be included in just SFW or both SFW and NSFW - only ask to be tagged for NSFW if you’re above 18 (I will check your page)
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The rules are there for a reason, no minors on NSFW posts, please!
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Never apologize if English isn’t your first language or you are limited in it. I have patience, and if I think I get the jist of the request I will complete your request. If I ask questions about your request, please don’t worry. 
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past borders I’ve used on posts/requests are made by @/firefly-graphics
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Useful links for fellow writers!
Words to replace ‘said’ - (XXX) 
Adverbs, verbs, etc -  (XXX) 
Tips for writing smut - (XXX) - (XXX) |Vocal Sounds for Smut - (XXX)
Words to describe facial expressions - (XXX)
Similar words/misspelled words - (XXX)
Punctuating Dialogue [their acc includes multiple other writing tips, so check them out] - (XXX)
will probs add more when I find other stuff to add
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newtypezaku · 3 years
P-P-P-Power Rankings!!
SSSS Dynazenon (Last: 3): Gridknight's arrival forced a temporary kaiju retreat leading up to a team-up with the repaired Dynazenon.
Back Arrow (Last: 2): Shu used all of his smarts to break Arrow out of his Briheight, but wrongfully assumed his powers were nullified, too.
Burning Kabaddi (Last: 5): Noukin closed the gap and stopped both Takaya and Rokugen at the end of the match... but couldn't beat the clock.
Dragon Quest (Last: 4): Dai and Baran unloaded and Dai's friend-sourced attacks brought out what little humanity was left in dad.
Farewell, My Dear Cramer (Last: 6): Despite having neither plan succeed as planned, the girls still managed to get what they wanted.
Eighty Six (Last: 7): Lena failed to secure artillery support for her unit as it faced increasingly sophisticated Legion tactics.
Moriarty the Patriot (Last: 8): Lestrade hired Holmes to find dirt on his boss, which Holmes recognized as a Lord of Crime operation.
Aiming for eight each week cuz eighters gonna eight. [Full Watch List]
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jimtheviking · 4 years
@notasapleasure​​ tagged me in this, so blame her :p
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag some of your favourite authors!
1) Untitled Ingrid/Felix/Sylvain fic 1, Fire Emblem: Three Houses - "Where is he? I'm going to kill him!"
Worth the Effort, Marianne/Hilda, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
- “Lady von Edmund? A letter for you from Lady Goneril.”
3) Sunshine, Dedue/Mercedes, Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Sylvain entered the medical tent hesitantly, as if he weren't sure what, exactly, he was supposed to do. His armour was still streaked with ash and mud from the battlefield, and his face was so pale that Mercedes' thought the blood at his waist must be at least partly his.
4) Don’t Hold Back, Claude/Byleth, Fire Emblem: Three Houses (NOTE: This is just smut, so be warned) - It was late, far too late for anyone to be out and about on the monastery grounds, let alone a student, but Claude had never been one for following the rules. Especially when they got in the way of what he wanted. And right now, he wanted - needed - to be in a certain someone's room.
5) Untitled Ingrid/Felix/Sylvain fic 2, Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Sylvain didn't quite know how he'd gotten himself into this situation. Or, rather, he knew how, just not why he was in it in the first place.
6) Untitled between ANH and ESB fic, Han/Leia, Star Wars - A heavy silence hung over Home One's main briefing room, its two inhabitants locked in a battle of wills, silently daring the other the speak first. The guards posted at the door looked at one another nervously; the last exchange they'd heard had been heated, to say the least, and with two of the most mutually antagonistic members of the Alliance inside, it seemed likely that something had gone wrong
7) Untitled pre-TLJ Star Wars fic, Finn/Poe, Star Wars - The smell of cheap tabacc and stale malt assaulted Finn's nose as soon as he entered the cantina. Why he always found himself back on these desert planets was a mystery to him, but at least Tatooine wasn't unbearbly hot like Jakku. He stood at the doorway, his eyes adjusting to the sudden darkness and skin prickling from the relative coolness.
8) Untitled SW:TOR fic, OCs, Star Wars: The Old Republic - Jamaar sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between gloved fingers. He inhaled deeply and centred himself, pushing away the rising frustration inside him. Boraas was his brother, and while he couldn't condone all of his actions, family was still family. Even the Jedi Order acknowledged that. Occasionally.
9) The More Things Change, Wilhelm Reinhardt/Ana Amari, Overwatch - The Beast was massive. Far larger than anything Reinhardt had ever seen or fought before. Save the Titans, of course, but he had an entire Strike Team with him when those monsters rampaged across the battlefield. Its shoulders were humped with snow, and had his armour not shown its heat signature, he would have sworn it was a hill, rather than an Omnic.
10) Relieved, Celes Chere & Kefka Pallazzo, Final Fantasy VI - Celes sat at a thick wooden desk, pouring over a tattered parchment. Haphazard heaps of maps and sheaves of paper were stacked in every corner of the command tent, but the desk itself was free of clutter. A pile of neatly stacked reports sat in the corner, weighted down by a dozen wooden disks and a handful of ornate Figaroan coins. She sighed and let the sheepskin fall to the scarred desktop as she rubbed her eyes, trying to figure out how she would convince the mayor of the city that she had already stretched her supply lines to the limit. This occupation was getting more and more difficult every day, and the lack of resupply from Vector and the sorry state of her army hardly helped matters. She had barely a hundred soldiers available to her that were uninjured and healthy enough to fight - half a thousand, if she counted the walking wounded - and only a dozen suits of Magitek armour in operational condition.
11) Something Pretty, Edgar Figaro, Final Fantasy VI - Edgar stared over the parapet, the desert lit with dozens of tiny points of light. Fires from the camps of the nomadic Firegs who gave the desert, the kingdom, and his family their name. High above, a hundred thousand more points of light filled the sky.
12) Sketches, Relm Arrowny, Final Fantasy VI - There's been a lot a fightin' and stuff around home lately, an' me an Gramps volunteered to fight against the Empire with these rebels callin' themselves the Returners. Silly name, like somethin' outta an Esper-story.
13) Misunderstandings, Edgar Figaro/Terra Branford, Final Fantasy VI - Edgar paced in front of his window, the cool breeze doing nothing to soothe his foul mood. It had been nearly a month since Locke had made his way to South Figaro, and there had still been no word from him. The thief was prone to disappearing for months at a time, off on his treasure-hunting escapades, but this time, something was different. What was even more worrying was that his brother had sent no word as to his whereabouts either. The last time he had seen Sabin, he had been floating the opposite way down the Lethe. While he had made a joke at the time, he couldn't help but feel a pang of concern over his brother's safety.
14) Choices, Edgar Figaro, Final Fantasy VI - The moon hung bright and round as a new-minted coin in the desert sky as a young man paced along a sandstone parapet and stared out into the vast expanse of sand.  He could have nearly anything he wanted, he knew; a word to the right people and any jewel in the world, any food, any song or story, even any woman, would be his.  Anything, but what lay beyond that desert.
15) Untitled Pacific Rim sequel fic, OCs, Pacific Rim - We'd beaten the Kaiju back in 2025.  Everyone knew that, knew about Marshall Pentecost's sacrifice, about how he and Chuck Hansen blew themselves apart in a thermonuclear fireball to clear a path for Marshall Mori and Raleigh Becket to charge a refurbished Mk. III Jaeger through the Breach so that they could overload their reactor and blow 'em all to hell.  Everyone knew that.  That's why we loved them, that's why we were able to repopulate the coastlines, that's why we're not starving half to death in the interiors anymore.  We're starving half to death all across the world now.
I’m just gonna tag some people I know write stuff, you can do this if you want to, or not, whatever!
@swedishwarriorwoman​, @catofthecanals289​ @tarantula-hawk-wasp​, @shouldhavebeenadancer​, @gaygarrusvakarian​, @stunt-lads​
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quillpaw · 6 years
@miggrator did a thing where she listed her favorite ocs and i went “fuck it, i have a lot of ocs, why the hell not” so here’s a list of my favorite ocs currently
Nevermore Midnight (original/fandomless)- the big one, obviously, the feathery asshole himself. part of a race of extremely long-lived, emotion-eating shapeshifting bird-people. is actually almost 800 years old but his species’ aging process is slowed down proportionally to their longevity so appearance and development-wise (this is important, his mental and social development are also proportionally slowed) he’s basically twelve. literally the raven from the poem, he likes to fuck with people like that. has a tag
Newton Muller (original/fandomless) - the real newton was a boy with multiple sclerosis who was consumed by a prototype “perfect organism” which copied his dna and now believes it is the real newton muller, but cured of his disease and with kind of gross superpowers. has depression and is not dealing with his crisis of identity well. (also has a warframe fandom version where he is an operator, pilots nidus, and still has depression)
Jason Palmer (original/fandomless) - part of a mysterious secret order, he is flung back in time to hopefully undo a terrible future. upon returning to his own time, he discovers that his actions in the present were the explicit cause of the bad future. takes this poorly. has some cool illusion powers that he uses to do cool secret order stuff and also to hide the fact that he is a very bitter and angry man. (also i have his original incarnation where he’s an assassin’s creed fan-character but he’s not as interesting whoops)
Noah Ainsley (kingdom hearts) - a nobody researcher studying techniques to recombine heartless and nobodies into new, whole beings called hybrids. has a secret laboratory deep underground in twilight town, staffed by his successful experiments. a surprisingly good dude considering he doesn’t have feelings or easily understood morals.
Moors Mender (original/fandomless/superhero stuff?) - a terrifying 8 foot tall dinosaur monster from the scottish moors who wants to be a superhero but is struggling b/c everyone she tries to save is terrified of her. her actual superpower is not being a super strong dino-lady but that she magically knows the solution to problems (just not her own problems). when she’s not trying to be a superhero she runs a call-in tech support business out of her tiny apartment, which is slightly hampered by her impenetrable scottish accent.
Zela Thornrose and Vex Ainsel (original/fandomless/modern fantasy) - employees at a family-owned apothecary in the downtown of a bustling metropolis. zela is the son of the owners, and thoroughly disinterested in his work but lacks for better options, while vex is a full-time employee who took the job while practicing as a mage apprentice intending to use his employment to get discounts on potion ingredients. zela is hardcore gay and the twinkest twink to ever twink; vex is quietly and shyly bisexual. (ask me about how these two were originally kingdom hearts ocs at your own risk)
Glenn “Bones” Rivers (original/fandomless/supernatural) - formerly a hobbyist photographer and “paranormal investigator”, bones was mysteriously killed in his own home by a stranger he never got the chance to identify. he now exists as a ghost, a fact which he is surprisingly okay with considering his passions in life, though he really would like to figure out who murdered him and why. still kind of low-key mad that he wasn’t the first one to die in a horror movie scenario like he always joked that he would.
Frosset Stern (original/fandomless) - a comet that came to earth and took human form to look for his sister (a meteorite that crashed to earth an ambiguous amount of time ago and may or may not have been the tunguska event). very awkward and unused to human behavior and customs. has a magical icy scarf that is actually his comet tail. extremely cute.
Tarnished Fang (exalted heaven’s reach/generic space opera with some tweaking maybe) - an infernal exalt, specifically a cecelynian slayer caste. small and terrifying. will kill you, and it will be painful. has some very complicated motives that would be spoilers for my dnd group to mention here but hoo boy. (ask me about my other exalted npcs they all have good space opera potential)
Philadelphia & Jordan Niels (pacific rim) - pilots of the jaeger whiskey longshot, a mk iii jaeger that was active during the golden years. philadelphia was formerly a pilot of the jaeger philadelphia burst, which was attacked by a kaiju with an unprecedented ultrasonic boom ability that killed his co-pilot and left him in a state of extremely poor mental health, and was declared unable to drift until being paired off with jordan under mysterious circumstances. jordan is definitely the face and charisma of the pair.
god i have like so many more but this list will just go on forever so i will stop it here pls talk to me about my ocs thanks
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thekaijudude · 7 years
Ultraman Orb and Geed 2018 leaks
Ok i really dont wanna overhype you guys but ever since that ask on the leaks, many of you guys seems really interested in knowing what were the leaks exactly and most requested me to post what i know now from my sources so yeah.
The reason Im really hesitant to post the leaks is because some of them sounds really too far-fetched.
Due to the lack of official scans as of yet i highly advise you guys to treat all this info with a grain of salt until we get more official confirmation.
Also, most of the info is untranslated yet in Jap as well as in Thai, so treat my translations froma grain of salt.
Ultraman News
1. Ultraman Geed: Ultimate Final Fantasy + Giga Finalizer (A weapon?)
Zero x Orb Origin fusion
2. Ultra Hero Number 48: Ultraman Antimatter Finale
Release date: February 2018
3. Ultra Hero Number 49: Ultraman Orb: Specium Zepellion (Re-issue)
Release date: December 2017
4. Ultra Hero Number 50: Ultraman Orb: Burnmite (Re-issue)
Release date: December 2017
5. Ultra Hero Number 51: Ultraman Orb: Hurricane Slash (Re-issue)
Release date: December 2017
6. Ultra Hero Number 52: Ultraman Orb: Thunder Breastar (Re-issue)
Release date: December 2017
7. Ultra Hero Number 53: Ultraman Orb: Orb Origin (Re-issue)
Release date: December 2017
8. Unnamed Ultra Action Figure
Release date: February 2018
Kaiju News
1. Mk-2 Galactron
Release date: February 2018
2. Givaris
Release date: February 2018
3. Hyper Zetton (Deathscythe) (Re-issue)
Release date: December 2017
4. Jugglus Juggler (Re-issue)
Release date: December 2017
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antennaed-shidou · 5 months
✧༺♥༻∞ masterlist ∞༺♥༻✧
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[୨୧] fandoms
𐐪𐑂 Blue Lock 𐐪𐑂 Jujutsu Kaisen 𐐪𐑂 Kaiju no.8 𐐪𐑂 Gachikuta 𐐪𐑂 Misc
[୨୧] series & specials
𐐪𐑂 Christmas Special 𐐪𐑂 Flower series 𐐪𐑂 Stories
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antennaed-shidou · 5 months
✧༺♥༻∞ kaiju no.8 m.list ∞༺♥༻✧
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Gen ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Brighter Than the Sun [Gen was your biggest fan (one-shot)]
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Soshiro ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Reno ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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