#gen x nerd men* are gonna be gen x nerd men*
songsforboys · 2 years
whenever i need to temper my parasocial feelings for mcr i think about the fact that all four of them almost certainly like ready player one.
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biting you /pos I don't think I know any of your ocs so uh. just put em on a wheel and spin. throw darts. idk oc of your choosing!! crayon, eraser andddd pencil!!! tell me everything /nf
ooh thank you friend!!! this really means a lot that you'd send something even though you're not familiar with my characters!! /gen /pos
I'm gonna go with Rae (one of my X-Men OCs, A Love Once New) and Katherine (Night at the Museum OC, Who Waits Forever Anyway?) since they don't always get the limelight on these ask games and things :)
OC/Writing Asks (created by me!)
Pencil: does this character have any "sketchy" habits? Have they ever broken the law? Do they regret it?
Rae: Well, on the one hand, she's got a very strong sense of justice. But on the other, she's an X-Man, and any type of vigilante is bound to break a couple laws. I'm sure she's broken a few laws, and I'm sure she doesn't regret it in the slightest as long as it serves a good purpose. I suppose by that definition, she's technically an anti-hero.
Katherine: the only "sketchy" habit she has is literally sketching. She's an artist. And pretty straightlaced, unless you count media piracy once in a while
Crayon: what was your OC like when they were four years old? Were they loud? Shy? Were they the resident "weird kid" or did they get along with others their age?
Rae: She was and will always be a total wildcard. Wandering down to her grandparents' house down the street for cookies and stories (without telling her parents, mind you), trying and failing to roughhouse with her sisters, probably trying to get all the kids at daycare to start a coup d'etat or something
Katherine: let's see: drawing on any viable surface (and sometimes on a few non-viable ones, like her bedroom walls), begging her mom to let her read "real" comics instead of the kiddy-comics she was allowed. Very loud and outspoken, probably a little bit "weird kid" but not quite to the point of being outcast.
Eraser: what's one way this character has changed over time? Either over the course of their story, or over the course of designing them as an author.
Rae: admittedly, she started as a bit of a self-insert, but she's evolved a lot since I first created her and really become more of her own character. Within the story, she's tempered her strong sense of justice into something a bit less reckless, and generally just matured after a whole host of life-altering events.
Katherine: she begins her story as a young artist simply leaving drawings in the museum for fun, and by this point, she's learned to harness the tablet's magic and has made contact with the Egyptian pantheon itself (my version of NATM has a LOT more actual mythology, I'm a nerd lol). As a person, she's also matured and has found her place in the world, designing artworks to supplement the exhibits in various museums. But there's still more to go for her story....
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toongrrl-blog · 4 years
Pink Power Rankings (Pt. 1)
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Hi I am here to look at famous pink outfits in film and TV history and figure out: is pink a power color for this character? I choose to leave out obvious ones like Pink Power Ranger because, duh it’s in her name and this is gonna be a long list. Also avoiding real-life figures and onscreen depictions of real life figures because keeping it short (and I don’t have the time)
Pictured above are the bridesmaids at First Daughter Luci Baines Johnson’s wedding in the 1960s. 
Mimi Tachikawa
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She is the most obvious pick from Digimon and the girl most decked out in pink. To paraphrase this video from The Take: there was once a show about a strange world beyond our own, somehow a group of preteens were pulled into this world not of their accord, including a young 10 year old girl. Along with her friends they were exposed to the elements and fought monsters out to harm them, she was sexually harassed by two clearly adult digimon, uncomfortable with the elements, often had to put up with toxic masculine BS, and was often snarked at by the story and even some of her own friends for being so girly and into pink. Of course some audiences and the story were overcome with sympathy with this girl pulled away from a familiar world...
Just kidding! They weren’t and some audiences even gave her a lot of shit and this has only been recently examined. For a while Mimi Tachikawa had a problem that seemed to be well known by a lot of female characters, like Carmella Soprano, Betty and Megan Draper, Margaret Sterling, and yes Skyler White. Put a flawed, complicated woman character alongside more charismatic (and male) characters and she will be disliked (despite the audience being more likely to be she than the menfolk held up as icons). 
This is sad because looking back, Mimi was truly a badass all along: she sticks up for herself, speaks up for herself, she is unapologetic about her love of pink and girly things, she is quick to tell guys when they are getting in her space, she’s honest, she lets Tanemon go on and fight with only a sincere question if she really is going to while the others hold their Digimon down, she stands up against the Numemon who were harassing her and her friends, and she was funny as hell. Sadly it took a long while for fans to grow up but many of us, especially girls, reclaimed her as our own. It also helped that Mimi came before girly icons like Elle Woods, Leslie Knope, and Joan Holloway and also before the boom in Gen X and Millennial women contributing to comedy and starting their own stand-up specials and movies and TV.
Power Ranking: 10, all because she held her own, no matter the haters and was glad to see us no matter how odd. 
Karen Wheeler
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Another complicated lady, this time older and from the 1980s. This is Karen Wheeler of Hawkins, Indiana whose children are off on their own adventure. She is trying to tap into her sexual power here. It’s dicey because the man in question is a young man and she is a unhappily married affluent housewife in the suburbs; she agrees to meet him at the motel for “private swimming lessons” and does herself up in a way inappropriate for swimming lessons (in Scarlet Letter Red to boot!), only to be stopped by the sight of her lazy husband sleeping on the Laz-E-Boy with their youngest child Holly on his chest. This season sees Karen open up to her two older children over the patriarchy and saying goodbye to a best friend and girlfriend after confessing his love for her.
Power Ranking: 6, because her sexual power was on shaky ground and only based on her looks and attention from a man but she shows some character development that season. 
Nancy Wheeler
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This look was a game changer, but Nancy is no stranger to pink and preppiness. Here she is wearing an outfit that recalls the postwar “Boyfriend Shirt” from Brooks Brothers for the female collegiate set and it’s updated with long loose but pinned hair and designer (or mock) jeans. In this outfit she goes monster hunting with her younger brother Mike’s best friend’s older brother and Nancy’s classmate, Jonathon Byers and squares off with slut-shaming police officers and a mother who chastises her for lying about her whereabouts and losing her virginity while Nancy’s best friend Barb Holland is missing and she also tells off boyfriend Steve for trying to cover his ass by not participating in the police investigation. This is the look (which can easily double as office wear) when you want to go straight from school where you have an impeccable GPA to monster hunting in your neck of the woods to find the whereabouts of your best friend and for fighting the patriarchy. 
Power Ranking: 8, this is a girl on the move as we can see with her rolled up sleeves. 
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The Iconic Look, the look where she made a boy wet his pants, found two missing kids, broke a bully’s arm. The Polly Flinders dress would alter the way we see girls in dainty pastel pink dresses. 
Power Ranking: 10, can you do all that without touching someone?
Barb Holland
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The most tragic look for this was the sweater that Barbara Holland (1967-1983) wore when she was taken by the Demogorgan and killed. This was the look where she was the recipient of a wet willie from a boy who looked down on her and her best friend who was dating his popular friend, the look where she accompanied her best friend reluctantly to the popular boy’s party, and where her friend turned her back on her concerns. This is the look of a passive and traditional (to her detriment) femininity. She did gain a huge following who cried foul over her fate. 
Power Ranking: 4, points up for the fandom and devotion but she wasn’t empowered. 
Erica Sinclair
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That was depressing, let’s go to the girl who embodies America: Hawkins resident wise-ass, the girl who kept her observations and words as tight as her corn rows, and her planning as precise as her perfectly well done baby hairs (Black readers, feel free to correct me as I document her fabulousness), My Little Pony nerd and Economics wonk, and American Heroine. Erica sassed her way into Stranger Things with a raised eyebrow and a lusciously girly girl wardrobe that stands out and fits in with her Midwestern environment. She’s no stranger to pink and she commands attention and the best service at Scoops Ahoy and manages to get several ice cream dishes for free (the most elaborate ones) before getting in on finding the secret Soviet military base. Girlfriend manages to deal with teenage shenanigans, assassins, creatures from another world, near-death experiences, almost being captured by foreign enemies and the most awkward sing-a-long ever. She doesn’t seem to have lost her child-appropriate enthusiasm for games even when telling off old balding men for getting her age right.
Power Ranking: 10, you can’t spell America without Erica
Joan Holloway
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Pink is an appropriate color for the resident femme intellectual of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, it shows that Joan is willing to defy “the rules” of fashion for redheads (she also wears red) and it ties into her 1950s persona of the bombshell who is trying to get married to a man who’d move her out to the upper-middle class suburbs and she wouldn’t have to work. That was Joan at the beginning: over time she started to own her natural independent streak and her willingness to buck expectations of her based on her gender and looks but also deals with the same men who ogle her, disrespecting her intellect, her hard work ethic, and even her body (fuck you Greg Harris). In this fuchsia number (still in the pink family), she sets up a luncheon with a colleague (Peggy Olson) where she pitches the idea of them setting up a production company with their names, while Peggy didn’t take, Joan starts her own “Holloway & Harris” with her babysitter and mother. Sealing her end as a strong, productive, independent woman who learned to own herself as she was. 
Power Ranking: 10, men may like scarves but women like not being tethered to men. 
Betty Draper Francis
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Meet Elizabeth Hofstadt Francis and her ex-husband Don Draper (actually Dick Whitman), for about 10 years of marriage, they have enjoyed a union where they looked like a couple right out of a magazine, he being a square jawed handsome self-made man with an athletic build who often is compared to old-school movie stars like Tyrone Power or Clark Gable or Cary Grant and she, a beautiful model from a wealthy family in the Main Line area of Philadelphia who studied anthropology at Bryn Mawr and speaks fluent Italian and is often compared to Grace Kelly (and other Hitchcock Blondes). But the interior of their perfect colonial in the suburbs hid an ugly reality where she suffered from ennui and was a brat to her kids while he gaslighted and cheated on her with other women, more modern women, like she wasn’t enough. Eventually she found out his true identity and floored that she had been living a lie and gave up her last name for an imposter, she divorced him and married a man she met at her husband’s work function. 
About three years later, Don is happily married with a younger and much more modern woman (Megan Draper) while Betty is married to a man who loves and accepts her even at her worst but to her chagrin has put on a lot of weight (a blow to a former model who grew up being raised that weight gain or being fat was the worst thing a woman could be) and she hasn’t dealt with her unhappiness in a productive manner. 
For a while well into 1968, she accepted the extra pounds (although looking like she lost some) and coming middle-age and even dyed her hair black, until her new husband tells her he plans to run for office and as he was excitedly recounting what is to be done, says “Everyone will see you” not knowing that his young, vain wife would read this scenario differently and after assessing her new look to an old evening gown of her’s, she sped up her weight loss and returned to her slim and blonde look that turned heads. Soon she takes a drive to her son’s summer camp and runs into her ex-husband and they feel the old spark and sleep together; it is there she tells him that he as a lover is different than him as a husband and admits about the young wife she looked down on, “That Poor Girl, she doesn’t know that loving you is the worst thing to get to you”. Next morning she has breakfast with her new husband, who is none the wiser, while Don heads back to the city. But is Betty really happy?
Power Ranking: 7, not satisfied but has received some closure about her relationship with her ex-husband. 
Sally Draper
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This is Sally in her birthday party dress. On that day her father built her a pastel colored playhouse, Mother prepared treats for the adults and kids for her birthday party, she and her friends played out their parents’ (admittedly shitty) marriages at the playhouse, her father goes out to get her birthday cake from the bakery and returns only with a golden retriever named Polly, while her unhappy mother fumes about her husband doing something shitty and humiliating and not being allowed to ream him out because he brought a dog and that makes him the good guy. 
Power Ranking: 5, she gets a dog but is still young and dependent on her messy parents. 
Rachel Menken
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Meet Rachel Menken Katz, running into her ex Don Draper while he is out with his latest mistress and she with her husband Tilden Katz. She would end this series as dying from cancer after having two young children and running her father’s department store and instead of flowers, requesting that donations be made for a Jewish hospital in the Jell-O Belt. In 1960 she fell in love with an ad man who proved to have been miserable and having lost his mother during his birth, as she did, she also competed in what was called “a man’s world” at a time when women were relegated to assistant roles at best and she split from him when he wants to run away with her, mostly because he wants to run away from his issues and not because of his feelings for her. As her sister Barbara said, “she had everything”.
Power Ranking: 8, she ends up dying young but she manages to “have it all”. 
Megan Draper
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Meet Megan Calvet, later to become Megan Draper. How does she become the next Mrs. Draper? At this timeline, Don Draper is dealing with life after divorcing Betty Draper (now Francis) and is trying (and failing) to quit alcohol and trying to date the intelligent, warm, no-nonsense, and close-to-his-age Dr. Faye Miller. But that night Megan, who noticed she caught her boss’s eye, decides to make the moves and in a uncharacteristically demure (many fans thought she looked frumpy here) but at worst basic outfit, she sleeps with him. This is the outfit for a quickie that later won his heart and has him pop the question and she becomes part of Creative at their work. But is this really for the best?
Power Ranking: 7, she married Don Draper but then again she married Don Draper. 
Peggy Olson
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Meet Peggy Olson, who officially walked away from the things holding her back from feeling at ease with herself and her choices. After a whole season where the priest impressed by her skills has learned that Peggy had a child out of wedlock and put him up for adoption and starts pressuring her to admit her “sin” while Peggy would rather move on with her life, she tells him they don’t see eye to eye and walks away from the Catholic Church and while the Cuban Missile Crisis is going on, she lays down in her bed with the pink comforter and pillows with her pink floral nightgown, she lays herself down to sleep and prays with a contented look on her face.
Power Ranking: 9, she’s not fully absolved of the issues plaguing her but refusing to wear a hairshirt and beat herself up? Awesome. 
Dawn Chambers
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Meet Dawn Chambers, from 1966-1968, she was the only black person (let alone black secretary) at the uber-white Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce (pun intended for the decor) and like many minorities in positions occupied by less marginalized people, Dawn had to keep her head low and not stand out (despite some co-workers considering her as remarkable as a sore thumb). But then in 1968, she made the mistake of punching in for a co-worker and they get caught by Joan Holloway (and it’s so horrid, thank God Don Draper intervened on Dawn’s behalf and Pete reminds them of how the ad agencies are being looked at for their minority quotas). This was also the season where Dawn took to wearing blazers over her blouses and skirts or dresses and here Dawn is wearing a conservative grey blazer over a pink shirt with ruffles down the front and a red plaid skirt when her work life alters for the...better? It is there that Joan sternly gives her the promotion of keeper of the keys, title not pay, and Dawn tells her that she decided she doesn’t care whether other people in the office hate her but she doesn’t want to disappoint Joan, who withholds any warmth or approval. The next season we see Dawn stand up to a entitled and mediocre white man (Lou Avery) and first she is moved to reception and then she takes over Joan’s post as Office Manager (With her own office! And the salary!) while Joan goes upstairs to her own office in Accounts. 
Power Ranking: 10, this is a big fucking deal for a Black Woman in a mostly-White corporate setting during the 1960s. 
Trudy Campbell
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1970, Trudy Vogel Campbell has remarried her estranged husband Pete and they are moving out to Wichita, Kansas with their young daughter Tammy where he will work a plush job for Lear Jet (and they are being flown out by them!). 
For the past ten years, Trudy and Pete have had a difficult marriage where he was dissatisfied with the choices he made and that he really didn’t want to marry her, and Trudy had to deal with being a woman with fertility issues at a time when motherhood was seen as a primary goal for women and women who didn’t have kids or chose not to were seen as weird at best. They had to deal with pressure from her father to adopt, his parents snotty issues, she had to deal with her husband’s attitude, his envy of others, and his cheating. But Trudy laid her boundaries and was able to stand up to her husband, without losing her gracious manner and her zest for society. She tried to be a supportive wife and she found some common ground with him, when it comes to common decency and politics, and they make an amazing pair on the dance floor. 
Then came the end after their divorce: they behave more amicably, he’s more involved with their young daughter, he fights for Trudy, and he gives an amazing pitch for her to come back. She takes him back but lets him know that she isn’t the same girl he married a decade before and she looks at things for how they are. 
Plus she is gonna rule Wichita!
Power Ranking: 8, she accepts there will be compromises but states her boundaries and has them met and will be a society wife. 
Elle Woods
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Who shows up in court in LA hot sandals, a pink tote bag for her canine companion Bruiser, long glossy hair, and a curve-hugging but professional power dress in shocking pink? Elle Woods. After trying hard to be taken seriously by her fuckboi ex Warner and her snotty, neutral toned Harvard classmates and learning that her Professor got her in an internship for a important lawcase (where they defend her fellow Sorority Sister) just for her looks, she leans into both her natural intelligence, expertise, and love of pink and all things girly to defend her friend and solve the case. 
Also can we talk about how both Legally Blonde and Bridget Jones’s Diary are both movies where the attractive blonde protagonist is humiliated by showing up for a costume party in a Playboy Bunny costume under false pretenses and she deals with sexual harassment and being underestimated regarding her intellect? But LB ages better because it kinda pokes fun at the beauty myth more and is more inter-sectional and Elle finds supportive women to add to her posse of supportive sisters and she supports other women in turn.
Power Ranking: 10, Sisterhood and owning your personality quirks and interests and boldly defending others is always a win. Case Dismissed. 
Lorelei Lee
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The ultimate Pink Power icon and the one who set the path for all femme-y and cute loving blonde protagonists with wit and ambition. This is the song for a woman who sings about how transactional heteronormative relationships in the mid-century were and how the performative actions of men in heterosexual relationships don’t do much to improve women’s lives, like paying the rent and that they would use women for their own uses and could be shallow enough to dump women if they lost their beauty and/or got older, so for insurance make sure you get money or rather things that can be hocked and worn with pride, like diamonds. Tom & Lorenzo covered this in their One Iconic Look series and this sequenced has been spoofed several times in Hey Arnold!, Crazy-Ex Girlfriend, Birds of Prey, and most famously by Madonna, and it is the look for women who not only feel good about their curves but also want to show them off.  As T&Lo said about the ditzy Lorelai and her savvier friend Dorothy Malone (Jane Russell):
These women were all about power, control, and looking out for each other. Men were side stories or play things.
And in the repressive Fifties it was outrageously pink and smelt of female sexual power (pink pussies). 
Power Ranking: 11, hawwwwwwww that’s what you get for having an iconic and referenced look!
Marge Simpson
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The most nostalgically remembered outfit in cartoons and the most written about in think pieces and articles by Millennial women who grew up watching The Simpsons and the rest of what the Animation Renaissance had to offer. In “Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield”, the family goes out to the outlet mall in Ogdenville where Marge and Lisa happen upon a beautiful pink Chanel suit that even left my cartoon-apathetic mother enthusiastic and Marge is soon seen by a old high school friend who mistakes her for being wealthy and Marge goes along with the ruse and is invited to Country Club activities with the ladies where she shows up in several talented alterations of her suit (until getting destroyed by Santa’s Little Helper, RIP Iconic suit), she also gives her family a hard time about how they don’t fit into that Country Club Scene and then when forced to see how she hurt them (and even Baby Maggie), turns around and tells them she loves Homer’s sense of humor, Lisa’s compassion and outspoken human rights politics, and just loves Bart (even if she can’t figure what she likes about him). 
This also happens to be another instance where Marge sacrifices a social life (she’s not seen with a lot of friends who have her back, aside from a brief time with Ruth Powers), chances for social mobility, and her own self-improvement for her family. While we love a mother who prioritizes her family’s autonomy, we still kind of hope that she didn’t have to sacrifice her own identity for her family. 
Power Ranking: 8, points for the iconic suit and it’s layered meanings. 
Bridget Jones
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A rare move of power for a normally powerless and insecure woman and in a shocking pink blouse and black slacks that show off her hourglass curves and go with her coloring. 
Pink is not a color Bridget isn’t familiar with, especially with this deleted scene that shows her in Pink Passivity (and it looks delicate on a blonde with blue eyes and pale skin but could risk her fading but I as a brunette would look popping!). But here after entering a relationship with Daniel Cleaver (who is a walking red flag) and finding out he was keeping her as his side-ho to his skinny, bitchy American girlfriend and colleague and I have my problems with Bridget Jones as a series (which would take several parts) and I can talk about how Peggy Olson and Joan Holloway were a lot better written versions of her (klutziness and awkwardness but succeeding!). But this is a huge power move where Bridget wears a simple outfit that owns her looks (even being affirmed by a older and previously antagonistic co-worker that she’s actually thinner than the average woman and she can’t back down, like ever) and is able to quit her job for a better and more glamorous job and tell off her ex-boyfriend for how poorly he has treated her. And all her co-workers smile off as she walks off in triumph after telling Daniel she’d rather wipe Saddam Hussein’s ass. I kinda wish I could go Joan Rivers on Daniel here. 
Also points on that bolder shade of pink. 
Power Ranking: 10, no one gets to burn a cheating, manipulative bridge like that (and yes she is conventionally prettier than I but that’s not the point). 
Alice Macray
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I know, I should shut my mouth and wear beige but my personal color analysis says I’m a winter person.
It’s an interesting power move, albeit within the confines of patriarchal society and even the only defiance that wouldn’t get her tsked at because she is serving the Male Gaze. And yet it’s a natural part of her characterization in this part of the series: the traditional housewife stubbornly keeping her pedestal and fighting to stall progress for other women pursuing other paths (part of wearing beige and shutting up as Mother of the Groom is to allow the Bride to take center stage) but it’s also a path she had to take what with being a dyslexic in a less informed and intolerant era and growing up in a sheltered, conservative Catholic family. This is also the outfit she wears when she spots a younger wife being forcibly yanked by her husband, alluding that the patriarchy isn’t benevolent. 
This isn’t her first time in pink, or even a pink and blue combination: she wears pink when she goes and gives out bread to defeat the feminists at the Illinois Legislature, she wears pink and blue when Bella Abzug calls on her and her peers’ hypocrisy, she drinks a Pink Lady when she is given a “Christian Pill” and it matches her lavender dress. It’s also ironic: pink, white, and blue are the colors of the Transgender pride flag and she is defending White Heternormative Cisnormative Christian Values TM and it’s also a color combo that shows up in the beauty parlor she frequents where she and her friends wring their hands over working women gaining more ground and feeling that their comfortable privilege is being taken away by women who sully their hands working outside the home while they stay home with their children in their coordinated pastels and have maids of color keep their worlds nice and orderly. 
But she is wearing a pink maxi dress with a high neckline and a very prominent hat that provides very ladylike shade for her fair skin, just like our first Pink Power Girl Mimi Tachikawa, and like Mimi, Alice will take a life-altering short trip to Wonderland. And like Pink Power Girl Eleven, she finds her true hidden power and starts wearing more saturated colors as time goes on. 
Power Ranking: 5, she is on her way to breaking out of her little safe world and doing more than subverting a wedding tradition. 
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Let’s Talk About Pokemon - The Blipbug Family
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824: Blipbug
Then we move onto our obligatory caterpillaroid, and HAH. THAT BUG IS A NERD.
Blipbug is simply ADORABLE. Its oblong head put me off for the first moments looking at it but then I put those dots together with how its eyes look like glasses and it's dressed up with a little “bowtie”, and I guess what's supposed to be a dorky haircut. This nerd bug is the embodiment of “Many thoughts, head full.” It's such an endearing little bug.
There’s like, two things keeping it from perfection from me, one is a fugly color scheme. It feels like we haven't had a stereotypical green-worm Pokemon in quite some time, whatever happened to those? Either that or make it mostly black with a much deeper orange and white highlights to both reinforce the “dorky kid in a school uniform” look while still calling back to its roots as a ladybird larvae.
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The design also feels pretty samey when you compare it to Scatterbug. Again, feels like they were drawn off the same template or something. I know there’s nearly 900 of these friggin things by now and there’s bound to be odd similarities here and there but EHH. A bit too alike. Even so, Blipbug has a lot more charm than Scatterbug does so...
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Personal Score: 9/10
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825: Dottler
And what else is a nerd gonna become other than a sleep-deprived recluse? Well. Obviously not ALL. But I'm certainly not gonna be helping out that statistic. I'm someone you could call a nerd and I'm sleep-deprived and recluse as hell. I'm one to talk!
I'm a bit less of a fan of Dottler though. Its shell is obviously meant to evoke a doppler radar tower, in the same way I suppose Blipbug has something to do with blips on a radar. The radar theme is evidently what has it pick up the Bug/Psychic typing! Which is our first ever with that typing, took em long enough.
I do like its namesake dots through, which light up during its different animations. Its dreary face is also fun. It just feels like fairly standard affair for a “cocoon” stage at this point. And I can take or leave the little cartoon feet, eh. I feel like it'd look best if either it stood on a little more buggy legs or if it just floated outright.
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Personal Score: 6.5/10
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826: Orbeetle
And what else would the nerdy shut-in become other than a MAD SCIENTIST?! Well, I can't say I'm a mad scientist myself. At least not yet. I draw weirdo monsters, is that close enough?
Orbeetle has gone and poised itself into a machine-like orbular construct not too much unlike Eggman or Wily. The only difference being it's built said floaty device into its very head. I do love the neat visual that the clear beetle-body is actually just the thing's huge head, with its huge ass brain inside. It's even got the stereotypical “swirly glasses” you see all the time in media that usually denotes the “mad scientist” role. Though I wish it was a little more obvious that they were glasses or goggles, cause as-is they just look like wacky eyes. BUT they do make a cool ripple effect when it uses its Psychic abilities! Even its dots light up, which looks really neat.
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It's even got a bit of a mecha thing going on, only fitting for mad science men! Its mean eyebrow-antenna also double as a mech's head-crest, but it's also a pretty unorthodox mech shape. Reminds me of Big Zam a bit, but even more wacky in the body department. Though I've also heard from my friends that happen to be Gundam nerds that there's some Gundam references in this design as well. It's going over my head. I only know what Big Zam is because it was a Game Grumps meme at some point.
Speaking of other franchises, I think some more of its appeal to me is coming from how much it really looks like a boss robot from the Mega Man X series. It fits right in with their insectoid bosses like Izzy Glow or Antonion. Orbeetle could be some kind of... Gravity Beetle!
It's also got a really fun pun for a name. Orbeetle as in it's a very orb-shaped beetle, but also the name together sounds like Orbital, hah. It plays in with the line's overall radar theme by having Orbeetle slightly evoke an orbiting satellite, which are well known for being able to detect where particular signals are. Hence the Psychic type in general.
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On top of all this, it'd be easy to point at one of these, apparently a popular toy from the 60s that could've possibly played a role in inspiring the whole line. Possibly hence why they went after a ladybird in particular. I do understand the general grimace with this being Pokemon's second ladybird line, but I've repeatedly said I'm perfectly fine with repeats so long as their distinct from the first time around. (Or, let alone this line be way more interesting than Ledyba ever was). I’ll excuse it just this once, but it’d be way less egregious if the rest of Gen 8 wasn’t just filled with repeat animals.
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G-Max Orbeetle:
OH, OH!! AND it gets a whole dang Wily Machine to itself! Translating a ladybird into a UFO is legitimately slick, and totally justifies the repetition to me. Because of course, in Japan they refer to a ladybird's spots as “stars”, so Orbeetle of course winds up being Space-themed.
The Pokedex even describes this thing as having brain waves so powerful that it can brain-wash everything in its immediate vicinity and mind-control everyone. Mind control being both a nifty gadget or power used by both aliens and mad scientists across all sorts of media. It even gets a special G-Max move that intensifies gravity! Neat!
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Personal Score: 9.5/10
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tonystarkbingo · 6 years
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We have had over 50 fills this week!!!  Isn’t that awesome?!  It’s under the readmore because it’s so long, be sure to check out all the amazing content that has been created!
Title: Cheesy Pick Up Lines Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Diner / Restaurant  Ship: WinterIron Rating: G Major Tags: None Summary: There are food trucks outside of Stark Industries. Who knew? Apparently everyone except Tony  Word Count: 865
Title: Tony Stark Bingo Square A5: Abandonment Issues  Collaborator: Serenial Link: DeviantArt Square Filled: A5: Abandonment Issues  Ship: Stony Rating: G Major Tags: None Summary: A moodboard for Tony Stark Bingo! (Sad sad sad). 
Title: Suburban Warfare Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled:  S1 - Mutual Appreciation Society Ship: Science Boyfriends Rating: G Major Tags: Unadulterated fluff Summary:  When the HOA makes his neighbor take down his adorable little garden gnomes, Tony sets out a plan of revenge, involving flying… robotic… flamingoes. Who said suburban living was boring? Word Count: 2216
Title: Suburban Warfare Collaborator: Monobuu Link: AO3 Square Filled:  S3 - Day in the Life Ship: Science Boyfriends Rating: G Major Tags: Unadulterated fluff Summary:  When the HOA makes his neighbor take down his adorable little garden gnomes, Tony sets out a plan of revenge, involving flying… robotic… flamingoes. Who said suburban living was boring?
Title:  Tony Pun-Dragon Collaborator: mistrstank Link: AO3 Square Filled:  T3 - Centaurs Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Graphic depictions of violence, bad puns Summary: In which Bucky is kidnapped by HYDRA worshipping Centaurs, Tony saves the day and Bucky really just wants to know where his life went so very wrong. Oh, and there's terrible puns. Word Count: 1567
Title:  You and I Are Chemistry Collaborator: psychiccatpanda Link: Tumlbr Square Filled:  R2- Tony Stark/Bruce Banner Ship: Science Boyfriends Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard
Collaborator: FeyRelay Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Soulmates Ship: MayPepper, Starker Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard
Title: The Voices Within Collaborator: TheKitteh Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - voice  Ship: Pepperony Rating: Mature Major Tags: Avengers: Endgame spoilers, mentions of abuse/past child abuse, mentions of death by dehydration/suffocation,  Summary: With his last call to Pepper done, Tony watches the space around him. Word Count: 765
Title: sink your hands in the softest part of me Collaborator: deathsweetqueen Link: AO3 Square Filled: K5 -  sent to a different dimension Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: group sex, fivesome, explicit sexual content Summary: “I’m not calling you Cap!Bucky, just saying,” Tony declares. “You’re Barnes.” Barnes folds his arms across his chest. “Why am I Barnes?” he demands. “Well, to be fair, between the three of them, you look most like a Barnes.” Tony shrugs. He points to Noir!Bucky. “You’re Bucky, and you’re James.” He winks at his own Bucky, who rolls his eyes. Bucky wrinkles his nose. “Why the hell would any version of me wanna be called James?” he asks, almost disgusted.Tony pauses and exchanges a look with the other two. “Spoilers,” he offers, half-heartedly. Bucky frowns. “What’s spoilers?” Thankfully, Barnes intercedes. “If we get into this now, we’re never going to stop.” He fixes Tony with a steady look. “You’re sure you’re okay with this,” he says, warily. or alternatively, the one where, by some quirk of multidimensional catastrophe, four Buckys end up in the MCU and Tony has some things he wants to try out. Word Count: 7708
Title: Neither Charming nor Ladylike Collaborator: 27dragons Link: AO3 Square Filled: A4 - Peggy Carter Ship: Peggy Carter/Howard Stark Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Explicit sexual content, drunk sex Summary:  Twenty years after Steve goes into the ice, Peggy finds herself needing the company of someone who understands. Howard isn’t a good man, but he’s the one she’s got. Word Count: 3142
Title: Neither Charming nor Ladylike Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - more than a partner Ship: Peggy Carter/Howard Stark Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Explicit sexual content, drunk sex Summary:  Twenty years after Steve goes into the ice, Peggy finds herself needing the company of someone who understands. Howard isn’t a good man, but he’s the one she’s got. Word Count: 3142
Title: Close Your Eyes Collaborator: Trammel Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Writing Format: Flashfic Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: Angst Summary: He didn't want to think of it, of anything, but suddenly he was thinking everything.... Word Count: 284
Title: Dressing Up, Talking Down Collaborator: SyoshoHiataki Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - Justin Hammer Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: None Summary: In which Tony gets an eyeful of an arm and Bucky gets turned on with shop talk. Word Count: 1712
Title: vein by vein Collaborator: deathsweetqueen Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch Ship: Wanda Maximoff/Tony Stark Rating: Mature Major Tags: canon divergence, Wanda Maximoff critical Summary: “What the hell’s going on here?” Tony demands, as he storms into the common room of the compound. Clint crosses his arms over his chest, shouldering Wanda, who curls in on herself, towards Steve, who wraps a comforting arm around her shoulders. He barely resists the urge to give them a look of disgust. “These fine young men are trying to take Wanda away.” “What?” Tony’s brow furrows. “Why?” he looks at the suited men expectantly. The man in front exchanges an uncertain look with his companion. “Mr Stark, look, we’re very sorry about this, but our superiors were very clear. Ms Maximoff has to be brought in for questioning regarding her involvement with HYDRA and Ultron. There’s no other way this happens,” the man explains, tentatively. “Look, Agent… Michaelson, is it?” Tony peers at the identification badge that the man promptly flashes at him. “I understand that you’re only doing your job, and great job, but, uh, that’s not going to happen. You can push it, but it’s not gonna end well for you guys. It might be better if you just went home,” he says, firmly. Word Count: 9006
Title: (We are the ones) For Now Collaborator: sleepoverwork Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 -  A Battle / Fight / Confrontation Ship: Pepperony Rating: Teen Major Tags: fluff Summary: Pepper Potts was always on a mission. Yesterday, it was to run, in her Louboutin heels, down the stairs to the 4th floor and snatch a walnut-pumpkin muffin. Today, the mission is finding her wayward genius, and head of R&D department. Word Count: 1019
Title: Knock Me Up Collaborator: katling Link: AO3 Square Filled: Square T1 - Pregnancy/Mpreg Ship: Tony Stark/Jack Harkness Rating: Teen Major Tags: Mentions of mpreg, crossover Summary: Tony's so bored in his meeting he's ready to stab himself with a pen to get out of it. Then Jack arrives to make it a whole lot less boring. (Yeah, I never thought I'd write mpreg either and I was going to trade in the square but then I had an idea so... just read it before you let your squick make you pass it by.) Word Count: 753
Title: Can't Cake my Eyes off You Collaborator: mistrstank (dreamingdarkly) Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - AU: Celebrity Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Pining, fluff, idiots in love Summary: In which Youtube baking sensation Bucky Barnes tries and fails to tell his best friend and geeky sidekick Tony how he feels.  ~x~  “Oh wow!” Tony exclaims a moment later and Bucky’s chest warms with pride. “Galaxy cake, awesome!” “Yeah, you like space, right?” Bucky moves to stand next to Tony, close enough their arms brush. “I thought, someone special should have somethin’ special on their day, y’know?” Word Count: 1759
Title: the flowers in my ribcage are dead Collaborator: deathsweetqueen Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - cave Ship: Clint/Phil/Natasha/Tony, Clint/Phil/Tony, Natasha/Tony, Clint/Tony, Phil/Tony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, poly relationships, foursome Summary: Tony had mercy once, but it’s all gone now. His hands are stained with the splatters of Yinsen’s blood, a man who had no reason to die, who shouldn’t have died, but died because he was protecting Tony, because he was giving Tony a chance to escape. So, how could he not kill all those men?He stalks forward, raining hellfire (quite literally, with his flamethrower) down on all of them, until he’s emerging out of the cave which he’s happy to say goodbye to. Hell, he’d torch it too, if he could. Word Count: 4795
Title: Performance Issues Collaborator: tuesday Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 -  Aliens Made Them Do It Ship: Starker Rating: Mature Major Tags: sex pollen,  Summary: Five times the universe tried to get Tony Stark and Peter Parker to have sex and one time they actually did. Word Count: 1776
Title: The Wedding Guest Collaborator: FelicityGS Link: AO3 Square Filled: T5 - confessing under the influence Ship: Loki/Tony Stark Rating: Teen Major Tags: Modern AU/No powers, drunk confessions Summary: Tony knows only one person would have picked out a card this elegant and classy and expensive for Thor's wedding; it just happens to be the same nerd he hasn't seen in person since they made out in a closet during their high school graduation instead of walking the stage. Word Count: 1928
Title: In That Moment Collaborator: SyoshoHiataki Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - Abuse Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: not Team Cap friendly Summary: In that moment, Tony knew what love was Word Count: 668
Title: A Little Bit Mean Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 - Held Down Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, BDSM Summary: Tony wants Bucky to admit that he’s gorgeous. How much sensual torment can the Winter Soldier take before Bucky caves to the admission? Word Count: 2534
Title: Looking Forward to It Collaborator: tuesday Link: AO3 Square Filled: R2 - Soulmates Ship: Starker Rating: Teen Major Tags: temporary character death Summary: Peter had waited fifteen years for this moment, his first dream since he turned fifteen and his first soulmate dream. He didn't know who to expect, what sort of person might await him besides another fifteen year old, reaching into his dreams across space and time. He certainly hadn't expected this, a face he thought he recognized, though much, much younger than the last time he'd seen it on a computer screen. Word Count: 819
Title: Everybody Wants to Rule the World Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: A2 - Accidental Villainy Ship: WinterIron (mentioned) Rating: Teen Major Tags: humor Summary: Tony stared down at his hands in horror, mouth falling open. “Oh no,” he breathed softly. “What have I done?” His hands were stained red, and he rubbed at his palm, trying to remove the spot, willing time to somehow go backwards and undo the horrible thing he had just done. Swallowing hard, he looked up at Bucky, who was staring at him like he didn’t quite know what to say. Word Count: 1233
Title: Don't Tell (Secrets) Collaborator: wakandan_wardog Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - free space Ship: Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez/Jake Jensen, Jake Jensen/Tony Stark Rating: Teen Major Tags: none Summary: When the Losers are out in the field and need a pretty specific kind of backup. Thankfully, Jensen says he knows someone. Technically, what Jake actually says is 'I know someone in the business, who can handle himself and get shit done. But he's a little flashy about it, and we used to sleep together.' Word Count: 3866
Title: What's Your Color Collaborator: AoifeLaufeyson Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - Mind control or Brainwashing Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: dom/sub Summary: Steve finds bondage gear in James' room, jumps to conclusions, and confronts Tony about it. Word Count: 1637
Title: In the Light of the Lamp-Post Collaborator: Politzania Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 -  Sharon Carter / Agent 13 Ship: Platonic Tony Stark and Sharon Carter Rating: Gen Major Tags: kidfic Summary: Little Sharon Carter escapes from a boring grownup party and meets a new friend. Word Count: 1327
Title: Soulmates Collaborator: serenial Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - Soulmates Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: none Summary: WinterIron moodboard
Title: #StarkBucks Collaborator: mistrstank Link: AO3 Square Filled: T5 - Only in New York Ship: WinterIron  Rating: Teen Major Tags: meet-cute, fluff Summary: In which Bucky and Tony go on their first date, and there is hand holding, first kisses and two dorks flirting. ~x~  “What about me?” He finally asks and there it is, that lovely way Tony’s eyes would widen; like when Bucky first got his hands around his waist. “I don’t have a souvenir.” Tony’s seemingly as drawn to Bucky as Bucky is to Tony, because they lean towards each other in the same time. Word Count: 5437
Title: #StarkBucks Collaborator: TheKitteh Link: AO3 Square Filled: T5 - First Kiss Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: meet-cute, fluff Summary: In which Bucky and Tony go on their first date, and there is hand holding, first kisses and two dorks flirting. ~x~  “What about me?” He finally asks and there it is, that lovely way Tony’s eyes would widen; like when Bucky first got his hands around his waist. “I don’t have a souvenir.” Tony’s seemingly as drawn to Bucky as Bucky is to Tony, because they lean towards each other in the same time. Word Count: 5437
Title: sharp pittances of years Collaborator: deathsweetqueen Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - hurt/comfort Ship: Tony/Clint/Steve/Natasha/Bruce/Thor Rating: Mature Major Tags: polyamory, Ancient Egyptian mythology Summary: In Tony’s defence, he had no intention of anyone ever finding out. And of course, knowing Tony’s luck, it would be Thor who figured it all out first. It all starts with Amora, the bitch, who decides to kidnap Tony to lure Thor out, because, apparently, according to her, Tony is the weak link in their little love kibbutz. She paces in front of him, hands on her hips, her face cut in a deep frown, while Skurge keeps watching at the front of the abandoned warehouse. “Why isn’t he here yet?” she demands, in an ugly tone, her entire beautiful face contorted in something horrid and jealous. Word Count: 4301
Title: Excuse Me, I think You Have My Suitcase Collaborator: 27dragons Link: AO3 Square Filled: A1 Occupational Hazard Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, lingerie Summary: Problem one: Tony and Bucky get their luggage mixed up. Problem 2: Tony’s suitcase is full of lingerie. Hijinks ensue. Or... the one where Bucky has poor impulse control. Word Count: 7353
Title: Excuse Me, I think You Have My Suitcase Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 Sharing Clothes Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, lingerie Summary: Problem one: Tony and Bucky get their luggage mixed up. Problem 2: Tony’s suitcase is full of lingerie. Hijinks ensue. Or... the one where Bucky has poor impulse control. Word Count: 7353
Title: Always (I'll be there) Collaborator: Iron_Eirlyssa Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - Always Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: hurt Tony, protective Bucky, mentions of underage Summary: This was their first Valentine's day together, and they both wanted it to be perfect. Which was also why Bucky worried when Tony didn't show up for their planned date. Despite everyone else telling him that's just what happens with Tony, even if he doesn't mean to, Bucky refused to believe that Tony actually forgot. Turns out, he's right. Word Count: 5830
Title: Chibi Tony Collaborator: PJCole Link: AO3 Square Filled: R2 - Chibi Rating: Gen Major Tags: Art 
Title: Jarvis Moodboard Collaborator: AoifeLaufeyson Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - image of Jarvis Rating: Gen Major Tags: Moodboard 
Title: Sleeper Collaborator: tisfan  Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - Red Room Tony Ship: IronWidow Rating: Teen Major Tags: child abuse, psychological trauma Summary: “Something has to be done with the boy, Maria.” Little did Howard know, something, indeed, was being done with the boy... Word Count: 911
Title: Embrace the Awkward Collaborator: 27dragons Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - Bed Sharing Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: College AU,  Summary: A week at the beach sounded like a great idea, the perfect vacation before they dove into the work of their senior year of college. That is, until a slight mix-up had them drawing straws to see who would have to share beds... Word Count: 3019
Title: You Go on the Run, Baby Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4- On the Run Ship: Stony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: oral sex, accidental voyeruism Summary: After a mission gone wrong, Tony and Steve are trapped in a cold safe house, waiting for extraction. They’ve got to stay warm somehow… Word Count: 3728
Title: and I will be your anchoring line Collaborator: hddnone Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Soulbond Ship: platonic Tony and Bucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: background relationships, post Infinity War Summary: After the defeat of Thanos, Tony is one to wield the infinity stones but the stones don’t have the same power as before. Tony can only save those dusted in the Snap if they have a soul-bond to someone still living. Tony runs into a difficult choice about Bucky Barnes, and he’s not sure that Steve will forgive him. Word Count: 3039
Title: The Blacksmith Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - historical Ship: platonic IronWitch Rating: Teen Major Tags: AU Civil War Summary: During the Civil War (Shield Vs. Hydra) the common people find trouble no matter who the soldiers are. Word Count: 1397
Title: Lost Boys and Girls Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: T5 - lost their powers Ship: IronStrange Rating: Teen Major Tags: fae and faeries Summary: The queen of the fairies wants to meet Iron Man. Why does this sound like a really bad idea? Word Count: 1690
Title: Political Animals - Chapter One Collaborator: rainbowshoes Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - free space Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: sexual content, alcoholism, implied drug use and drug addiction, suicide attempt Summary: Tony expected someone to try to blackmail him. He's already dealt with it a few times. He's the president, after all. Who doesn't want dirt on him? But when the guy who sent him a shady email threatening to expose his and Bucky's secret relationship to the public unless Tony paid him a, frankly ridiculous, sum of money, Tony figured JARVIS could take care of the problem. Thing was, he really needed to talk to Bucky about this. And running for his next term - did he want to? Did they want to try to keep their relationship a secret for so long? There are other considerations, too, but Tony can talk to Bucky about all of that - after their shower. Only, he doesn't get the chance. Bucky sees the email and the threat first, blows everything out of proportion and takes Tony's desire to talk the wrong way - then he runs. Word Count: 6466
Title: Political Animals - Chapter Two Collaborator: rainbowshoes Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Bathing/Showering together Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: sexual content, alcoholism, implied drug use and drug addiction, suicide attempt Summary: Tony expected someone to try to blackmail him. He's already dealt with it a few times. He's the president, after all. Who doesn't want dirt on him? But when the guy who sent him a shady email threatening to expose his and Bucky's secret relationship to the public unless Tony paid him a, frankly ridiculous, sum of money, Tony figured JARVIS could take care of the problem. Thing was, he really needed to talk to Bucky about this. And running for his next term - did he want to? Did they want to try to keep their relationship a secret for so long? There are other considerations, too, but Tony can talk to Bucky about all of that - after their shower. Only, he doesn't get the chance. Bucky sees the email and the threat first, blows everything out of proportion and takes Tony's desire to talk the wrong way - then he runs. Word Count: 6466
Title: Political Animals - Chapter Three Collaborator: rainbowshoes Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - Reunion Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: sexual content, alcoholism, implied drug use and drug addiction, suicide attempt Summary: Tony expected someone to try to blackmail him. He's already dealt with it a few times. He's the president, after all. Who doesn't want dirt on him? But when the guy who sent him a shady email threatening to expose his and Bucky's secret relationship to the public unless Tony paid him a, frankly ridiculous, sum of money, Tony figured JARVIS could take care of the problem. Thing was, he really needed to talk to Bucky about this. And running for his next term - did he want to? Did they want to try to keep their relationship a secret for so long? There are other considerations, too, but Tony can talk to Bucky about all of that - after their shower. Only, he doesn't get the chance. Bucky sees the email and the threat first, blows everything out of proportion and takes Tony's desire to talk the wrong way - then he runs. Word Count: 6466
Title: Political Animals - Chapter Four Collaborator: rainbowshoes Link: AO3 Square Filled:   R1 - Wake up Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: sexual content, alcoholism, implied drug use and drug addiction, suicide attempt Summary: Tony expected someone to try to blackmail him. He's already dealt with it a few times. He's the president, after all. Who doesn't want dirt on him? But when the guy who sent him a shady email threatening to expose his and Bucky's secret relationship to the public unless Tony paid him a, frankly ridiculous, sum of money, Tony figured JARVIS could take care of the problem. Thing was, he really needed to talk to Bucky about this. And running for his next term - did he want to? Did they want to try to keep their relationship a secret for so long? There are other considerations, too, but Tony can talk to Bucky about all of that - after their shower. Only, he doesn't get the chance. Bucky sees the email and the threat first, blows everything out of proportion and takes Tony's desire to talk the wrong way - then he runs. Word Count: 6466
Title: The Mechanic [Moodboard] Collaborator: Trashcanakin Link: AO3 Square Filled: R1 - AU: Steampunk Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: In a world unlike our own, Tony Stark is The Mechanic. He is the best, all lands both near and far have heard of him. Some speculate he's an alchemist, others a demon, no one really knows for sure. But The Winter Soldier, no longer a ghost story, needs his help. Can he find the man in time? Will he even assist him? What will happen when their worlds collide?
Title: Tame Your Demons Collaborator: SierraNovembr Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: child abuse, violence Summary: He builds his picture of Tony one detail at a time, until the flash-blindness from Tony’s brilliance starts to ease and Bucky sees things in the shifting shadows. Tony is a man of many shadows, some old and deep. Word Count: 1841
Title: You're Practically My Brother Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - pretend couple Ship: platonic Tony Stark and Sharon Carter Rating: Gen Major Tags: none Summary: Tony needs a fake date for an event, so he tries to talk his sister-from-another-mister into it. Word Count: 707
Title: Survival in Captivity Collaborator: pony-starker Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S1: image of Mk1 armor Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard
Title: AU: Royalty Collaborator: pony-starker Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T2  - AU: royalty Ship: Starker Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard
Title: Crossing A Line Collaborator: martianwahtney Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1- Sharing A Bed Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Gen Major Tags: mob boss AU, pining Summary: Mob Boss James Rhodes (War Machine) sets his sights on Stark Industries, more than ready to expose the corruption of Obadiah Stane. He enlists the help of Tony Stark. It doesn't take Obadiah Stane very long to catch onto what Tony's up to and is tragically quick to do something about it. Rhodes will do whatever it takes to get Tony back and tear Obadiah down in the process. Word Count: 8521
Title: Morgan Stark - Chapter 1 Collaborator: rainbowshoes Link: AO3 Square Filled: R2 -  Constructed Reality / the Framework Ship: WinterIron, Pepperony Rating: Mature Major Tags: AU, PTSD Summary: Tony wakes up and finds himself trapped in another reality that sort of reminds him of the freakin’ Matrix. He’s married to Pepper and has a kid in this universe? What even is this? But it turns out that everything isn’t sunshine and roses in this reality. He still loves Morgan, though, and isn’t that odd? He’d never wanted a kid before... Word Count: 6527
Title: Morgan Stark - Chapter 2 Collaborator: rainbowshoes Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2: Isolated or Trapped Ship: WinterIron, Pepperony Rating: Mature Major Tags: AU, PTSD Summary: Tony wakes up and finds himself trapped in another reality that sort of reminds him of the freakin’ Matrix. He’s married to Pepper and has a kid in this universe? What even is this? But it turns out that everything isn’t sunshine and roses in this reality. He still loves Morgan, though, and isn’t that odd? He’d never wanted a kid before... Word Count: 6527
Title: Morgan Stark - Chapter 3 Collaborator: rainbowshoes Link: AO3 Square Filled:  T3: Morgan Stark Ship: WinterIron, Pepperony Rating: Mature Major Tags: AU, PTSD Summary: Tony wakes up and finds himself trapped in another reality that sort of reminds him of the freakin’ Matrix. He’s married to Pepper and has a kid in this universe? What even is this? But it turns out that everything isn’t sunshine and roses in this reality. He still loves Morgan, though, and isn’t that odd? He’d never wanted a kid before... Word Count: 6527
Title: A Single Ankle Star Collaborator: mortenavida Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - Warm and Fuzzy Feelings Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: AU - soulmates Summary: Until you meet your soulmate, you only age to your 20’s or so. Then you grow old with them. Tony Stark has been aging his entire life and he doesn’t know why -- he hasn’t met his soulmate. Nobody in his life has had the same marking above his ankle. Nobody until Steve brought a stray back to the tower. Word Count: 1238
Title: Square S3 - Holding Hands Collaborator: dracusfyre Link: AO3 Square Filled: S3 - Holding Hands Ship: Eddie Brock/Tony Stark Rating: Gen Major Tags: none Summary: Eddie sees an unexpected person from his past and decides to give him a hand. Word Count: 843
Title: Hot Water Collaborator: Trashcanakin  Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 - Hot Water Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: no powers au, college au Summary: Steve an' Tony are college roommates. Steve invites Tony to come along on his weekend vacation, where all Steve's childhood friends will be. Tony goes. Shenanigans. Word Count: 1785
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sleepywinchester · 7 years
Behind The Story S2 | Pt. 16
Summary: The reader have been living in LA for three weeks. She’s slowly adjusting to being a single mother and having the media always around. It’s San Diego, Comic Con weekend and she has to attend because of work. The reader and Jensen see each other again after a while. 
Author: sleepywinchester {prev; deanwinchester-af}
Characters: Jensen, Reader, Jared, Gen and Cast Cameos.
Pairings: Single!Jensen x Actress!Reader (Nina Dobrev = Faceclaim)
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: Angst.
Beta: @winchesters-favorite-girl Thank you lovely! <3
Note: Hope you guys like this one!!! 
Title: The Fairy Tale is Over
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“Spotted: Y/N Hobbs out and about in the streets of Hollywood, without baby, Jensen or a ring. Did the power couple from Supernatural called it quits? We have all the information.”
“Rumour has it, Y/N Hobbs and Jensen Ackles are not an item anymore.”
“Y/N Hobbs frequently seen in Los Angeles with daughter Justice Jay while Jensen Ackles is in Austin, Texas where they own a house together… Work trips or taking a break from each other?”
You put the iPad away, breathing in and out deeply, covering your face with both hands. The media didn’t had any idea of what was happening, they weren’t there yet they spoke about it as they lived with you and Jensen. It was annoying and arrogant of their part but it wasn’t just the media... the fans also have started to notice the distance between you and Jensen. You’ve read their comments asking why don’t you post as you used to.
You sighed harshly, lying in the middle of the hotel bed, thinking about everything that’s been going on for the past few weeks. The move from Austin to Los Angeles was hard, exhausting and heart breaking, but overall necessary. You needed time to heal.
Being back in Los Angeles made you miss the simplicity of living in Austin. There were no paparazzi following you around or the media writing rumours about you back in the south. When the media saw you out and about without a ring, it made them curious about the reason of it.  
“Where is Jensen? Where’s the ring Y/N?” Where the paparazzi's favorite questions.
You’ve lost count of how many times you’ve wanted to tell them to fuck off and stay out of your business. You haven’t done it because you were aware of the consequences. Those actions would only bring more chaos and media exposement.
At the moment you were in San Diego for tomorrow’s Comic Con event. When Shay reminded you what was going on this weekend, your first thought was to cancel it and stay back home. After thinking it for a while, you decided to come here and get it over with.
The ring of your cellphone made you disconnect from your inner thoughts. You stood up and looked for the iPhone through the hotel room. The device lying on top of the wooden desk.
“Hey! We are gathering around for some drinks tonight.” You read Emily Bett text.
You stared at the text message indecisive of the answer. You’ve known Emily for years now, she was one many people Shay had to send an email, saying the wedding was cancelled. Emily has been one of the few people you’ve seen more in Los Angeles.
“I’m tired, Em… Maybe tomorrow?” You replied.
It took Emily a couple seconds to reply back. “I wasn’t asking my friend. I’ll come by your hotel room at 9. Put something hot!”
You chuckled after reading the new message. She really wasn’t going to get a no for an answer.
“Alright.” You typed, “See you at 9.”
After locking the cell phone, you turned around and began to look for something to wear. It took you five minutes to realize that there wasn’t anything ‘hot’ in your wardrobe. Without thinking it too much, you grabbed your cell phone, wallet and key of your room and went shopping in the couple of stores downstairs in the lobby.
“Y/N?” Someone with a soft voice called your name a couple feets away.
Turning around, your eyes met with two girls on their 20’s. You instantly smiled at them.
“Oh my God,” The brunette girl smiled, “Can we have a picture with you?”
“Sure,” You said with a smile, “C’me here.”
The two girls smiles got wider as they stood beside you and one of the store’s employees took the picture. You felt their love when they both hugged you.
“We love Supernatural,” The shorter but blonde girl said with a nervous smile. “I can’t believe we just met you!”
You chuckled as you signed her sister’s cellphone. “Are you guys here for Comic Con?”
“Yes!” They both replied in unison. “We are attending your panel and the Nerd HQ’s.”
“Cool.” You handled the brunette’s cellphone back.
The brunette had a look of the phone, her eyes forming thin lines as she smiled widely. “This is so surreal. Thanks for being so nice.”
You winked at her, “It’s always nice to meet you guys but I have to pay for these. I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Take care.”
The two girls waved goodbye and you returned the wave as they walked out of the store. After that you paid for the items and strolled out. You thought on walking upstairs quickly but you saw a salon and felt the need of having a nice hair do for tonight. Everyone in there was extremely nice, you didn’t know if it was because of your celebrity status of they were genuine, either way you took their great service.
“Y/N?! You’re ready?!” Emily shouted outside the room as she knocked on the door.
“Just a minute!” You shouted as you put the earring on.
You reached the door and opened it. Emily’s jaw instantly dropped when she took a look of you.
“Holy shit!” She exclaimed. “You look so fucking hot!”
You felt your cheeks warming up, “Thank you.” You said posing out the outfit. “You told me to put something hot, I didn’t had any so I went shopping.”
“And to the salon,” Emily looked closer, “Those braids are rad.”
“Yeah,” You took a glimpse of your hair in the mirror, “They were really nice in the salon.”
“That celebrity status always makes everyone be extra nice,” She joked.
You chuckled, “You’re right.”
“Shall we?” Emily opened the door.
“I’m telling you, Em. It’s up to the network, the show and my agent to figure things out.” You told your friend as both of you strolled into the avenue.
Emily is not the only person that have been persuading you into officially joining Arrow’s cast. Your mother and agent have been trying to get you agree to the role since the network reached out with the interest in you.
“I know,” Emily said, “But how fun it would be having you in set?”
You gave her a smile, “I have to be honest. I would love it more than working with my ex.”
“I’m so sorry about that…” She looked at you, trying to give you comfort.
“Is okay,” You shrugged, “No big deal.”
Emily’s eyes went wide open. “Dude, you were engaged with him… You have a daughter and you two were the fairytale everyone wanted.”
You scoffed, “Trust me… You don’t want the ending of my fairy tale.”
“Y/N…” Emily’s tone lowered and her eyes showing concern. “What happened?”
“I-,” you sighed, saying no with your head. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
Before your friend could continue talking about your break up, Alicia appeared in the crowd handling a cocktail. A smile appeared on her face the second her eyes noticed you were in the same crowd as her. She hugged you tightly before letting go.
“Y/N!” She shouted with joy. “I thought you weren’t gonna make it.”
“I had to drag her out of her room,” Emily said.
Alicia smiled and greeted your friend quickly before turning her glance towards you. “I’m so happy you and the gang could make it.” She said before taking a sip of her cocktail.
Your eyebrows frowned. “The gang?”
“Yeah,” Alicia nodded, “Jared, Jensen and Misha are somewhere in the building. Saw them like twenty minutes ago.” She said freshly and oblivious of any drama between you and Jensen.
”Great,” You muttered under your breath.
You took a deep breath and turned around, your eyes subtly looking for a tall figure in the crowd. They were nowhere to be seen, either they already left or their tall bodies were blend perfectly with everyone. Emily hold your arm, making you turn back to her.
“We can go if you want,” she said.
You shook your head, “No. We came here to have a good time and that’s what we’re going to do. Where’s the bar?”
Emily flashed a grin, “That’s what I’m talking about. Follow me.”
It wasn’t a surprise for you to spot Stephen and Jared chatting by the bar, both men holding onto glasses of bourbon. Stephen Amell instantly smiled when he acknowledged your presence, subtly patting Jared’s arm and nodding his head towards you.
“Hey boys,” You greeted them.
Jared wrapped your body with his arms. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”
You chuckled, “I’ve missed you too, Jared.”
Stephen Amell also greeted you with a smile and hug. Emily followed to hug her co-star and Jared before asking the bartender drinks.
“You’re gonna miss her more once she’s part of team Arrow.” Stephen taunted Jared.
Jared huffed out a sarcastic laugh and turned to have a better look of you.
“Holy shit, Y/N! You look hot.” He exclaimed with a wide grin.
You mimicked his smile and shrugged. “I had nothing to wear and did a bit of shopping.”
In that moment someone come up to Stephen, engaging conversation with him.
“How are you doing?” Jared asked you, his voice more subtle.
You shrugged with a weak smile. “I’m good - better than the last time.”
Jared caressed your shoulder for a moment before pulling you into another hug. You knew he was slightly drunk by his repetitive hugs. You also knew that was his way of trying to make you smile and have a great time. You were grateful to have friends like Jared and Gen in your life, both always checking up, making sure you were alright.
Emily joined back the conversation, handing you a cocktail, you gave her a thankful smile in return. Stephen also joined back the circle and the four of you chatted for a while before a familiar voice spoke behind you. It suddenly felt like your entire body was shaking and your knees lost their force. Jared’s smile expression turned into a thin line and awkwardness. Emily and Stephen’s face expressions also shifted.
You took a deep breath in before turning and looking at Jensen in the eye.
“Hey.” He spoke. 
It wasn’t the best place to ignore him, even though you just wanted to walk out of there. Instead you forced a thin smile and acted like seeing him wasn’t tearing you apart.
“Hey.” You said quietly.
Jensen licked and bit his lower lip, both hands under the dark jeans he was wearing. He was stunned by how beautiful you looked. You could see a hint of excitement in his eyes, he was happy too see you.
“How are you?” He took a step closer.
You shrugged, “I’m good.”
In that moment someone of the media stood in front of you two with a camera on hands. The woman asked politely for a picture, saying it’s to document the event. You and Jensen looked at each other, his eyes asking if it was okay. You faked a smile and nodded, posing for the camera with him, Jared, Stephen and Emily. After the woman left, you took a couple steps back from Jensen.
“Where’s JJ?” Jensen asked.
“She’s with my mom,” You told him. “Mom’s coming tomorrow with her… I didn’t want her to stay over night.”
Jensen nodded. “I understand,” He faked a smile. “I miss her. I can’t wait to see her.”
“She misses you too,” You spoke as politely as you could. “Um - I’ll see you guys tomorrow… I have to go.”
“What?” Jared, Emily and Stephen said at the same time.
“It’s so early,” Emily said. “Come on. Stay for another hour…”
You shook your head, “I’m beat… Sorry.”
Emily pouted, “Text me as soon as you get to your bedroom.”
“I’ll walk you,” Jensen blurred out, “If you want?”
Your eyes met with everyone before looking at his. “Uh,” You swallowed, “Okay.”
Jensen instantly smiled widely when you agreed for him to accompany you back to the hotel. To be quite honest, his happiness reminded you of when you agreed to go out with him. It was the same hopeful smile. As the both of you walked out of the venue, you were bombarded by constant camera flashes.
“You guys back together?”
“So happy to see you two together again!”
Ignoring the paparazzi’s questions, you walked through the small gap between them and hopped into the black SUV. Jensen sat beside you and closed the door. The driver taking a moment to drive away from the venue. You look down to the naked finger where a beautiful ring used to rest; the lighter shade ring still visible.
“Did you bring it?” You spoke quietly, eyes not meeting his.
You listened to his sharp breath.
“Yeah,” He muttered.
Jensen took the ring off his pocket, staring at the piece of jewelry for a moment before giving it to you. It was beautiful. He hand designed it for you. The ring represented how perfect your relationship was…Until he made the biggest mistake of his life. He took a last look of it before handling it to you.
You hold it and stared at it, a part of you missing how beautiful it was.
“Are you sure about this?” Jensen asked, his voice was so low, it sounded like a whisper.
You sighed softly. “I’m not ready to answer questions about it…”
In that moment the driver pulled over by your hotel. Jensen slid out of the vehicle and held onto the door for you. He followed your steps into the lobby. You turned when he was still following you as you walked towards the elevator.
“I can find my room by myself,” You told him as you pushed the button. “Thanks.”
Jensen huffed a smile, “I’m actually staying in this hotel too… We had reservations before-,”
“Oh,” You nodded, “I forgot.”
“Which floor are you?” Jensen asked, walking into the elevator and pressing the number five.
Your eyebrow rose, “Five.”
Jensen’s eyebrows also rose at the coincidence. The two of you stood in silence as the elevator reached level five. 
“You look beautiful tonight,” he said quietly. 
You looked down, a slight smile forming in your face. “Thanks.”
You breathed in and out deeply, holding dearly onto your purse. Jensen followed to your room; you were conflicted between letting things be and speaking your mind. It wasn’t until that moment that you remembered; you’ve always spoken out how you felt.
“I keep telling myself if I don’t make it public,” You spoke, turning to look into Jensen’s green gaze, “We still have a chance… If I don’t say it outloud, maybe I’ll wake up from this nightmare.” You bit the inside of your lip. “Calling off the wedding was so hard. I ruined the dress, gifted Shay the honeymoon trip and donated the catering to a homeless shelter.” You took a moment to take in his look. He was shattering again, as you also were. “I-I feel like I’ve made the most of this situation but is because I haven’t faced anyone… Until tonight. Seeing everyone, seeing you… I don’t know,” You shrugged, “It made it all become real. We’re not together anymore, our fairytale is over.”
Jensen didn’t said a word, he didn’t know what to say, all he wanted was to wrap you in his arms. It took him by surprise when you dropped against his body, hugging him one last time.
“I love you,” You cried, “And I hate you…” You stood back, tears streaming down your face. “But I have to face the reality, we both have to.”
You took the ring off and placed it over his hand before walking into your room.
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xavierfiles-blog · 8 years
Christina Strain's Generation X is a Bunch of Weirdos Written By One
Christina Strain’s Generation X is one of the most anticipated titles of the upcoming RessurXtion line up. Christian was perviously a colorist before chaging gears and writing for SyFy’s THE MAGICIANS. 
XF: X-Men means a lot of things to a lot of people but what is X-Men to you?
CS: The X-Men were probably, aside from Batman, the first superheroes that I really latched onto. It was like reading a book about a bunch of misfits in high school, which was exactly how I felt. So it was a book that was really easy to identify with. So for me, X-Men was the book the made me a little more OK about who I was. I think that’s pretty much what that book was made to do and I just want to keep that going.
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XF: So let’s talk about Generation X specifically. You’ve got quite a cast. What made you go with such an out there cast?
CS: I love that you asked this question after the previous question. There’s a very specific reason we have loving referred to them as the lovable losers. In the beginning, I told Daniel [Ketchum, editor] right away that one of the things I noticed about comics recently is that they’ve become such a mainstream thing. You have all of these X-Men that are just so cool and they’re so spectacular. When I was growing up one of the things about comics was that only nerds read them. Nobody knew who Iron Man was, let alone Tony Stark. Now you have people that know exactly who that is. So what I wanted to do was go back to the root of what I loved about X-Men in general and work with characters who didn’t fit it. To go back to the thing I emotionally latched onto.
Quentin and Jubilee are everywhere for sure but at the same time, they are still misfits. Everybody else on the team is the same way. They’ve were created before I showed up, but they aren’t particularly well known or frequently used characters. I wanted to give them their moment to shine and highlight that even though they are different they are just as special as every other X-Men character.
It’s so funny, but every time I see someone negatively react to Gen X and say “Who the hell is this cast?” I’m like, “that’s the point!” I’m so excited about using characters that maybe we’ve all forgotten. You don’t expect it.
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XF: You’re never gonna have a cast that satisfies everyone, but those 4 people who really love Nature Girl are going to be so pumped to see her in the spotlight.
CS: I am actually surprised that she isn’t more popular. First of all, she’s way more useful than I realized when I first started and secondly, her design is fantastic. Amilcar [Pinna, artist] has been adorable. He loves drawing her. I just feel like she is so easy to cosplay and at the same time fun to draw so I am kinda surprised she’s not bigger than she is. But good for me, I got her.
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XF: On that same note, who have you been most excited to write in this whole thing.
CS: I gotta be honest, I love them all which is a terrible freaking answer. I do love Quentin; who I know is a very polarizing character. My favorite version of Quentin is the one who can’t admit what he really wants so he’s just dry and sarcastic. But deep down he’s like the Grinch, he’s got a tiny pink center somewhere in there. Which is fun to write because he’s so bad at being good.
I’ve also had a good time writing Nathaniel, who’s new. He’s kinda based on a friend of mine, who I love dearly. It’s kinda like I’ve been writing a love letter to my friend which starts with “hey buddy, guess what, you’re in a book!”
I’ve also really enjoyed Benjamin Deeds. He’s weird, a little bit of a marshmallow, but at the same time he’s the glue of the team which I didn’t see coming. He’s been a very good empathetic character— which I was expecting to be Trevor (Eye-Boy) but Trevor’s coming out a little goofier than I expected him to be.
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XF: Wait, wait, wait, he’s a little goofier than a guy covered in eyeballs would be expected to be?
CS: [Laughs] The thing with Eye-Boy’s abilities is that he should be the most empathetic character that completely understands everybody, but the way that I’ve been writing him is that he is overly focused on certain things. Like, he’ll understand the motivations behind a character’s actions, but not that he shouldn’t say what those motivations are out loud. As I’m writing him, I’m realizing that he “sees all” but really understands very little. Which has been a lot of fun.
And then again Nature Girl, I’ve put a little spin on her that I don’t want to say too much about. They’ve all been a good time. And oh, Bling! Oh my god! I have a lot of feelings about Roxy but I won’t go into that. No spoilers.
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XF: The Purifier’s are solicited as the antagonists of the first couple of issues. What got you thinking of using the Purifier’s again?
CS: So they’re not a huge threat in Generation X. We wanted a villain that the school’s prepared to deal with. This isn’t a group that they haven’t run across before. In Kitty’s mind (she’s now running the school) the future X-Men are prepared to deal with this group, so they should be fine. But this book isn’t about them. This book is about our lovable losers and how they maybe screw that up. We just wanted a starter villain to show the pros and cons of what our team could do and the Purifiers seemed like a pretty natural choice for that.
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XF: You mentioned the future X-Men. Any hints of who that might be?
CS: To be honest I haven’t sat down and divided the whole school up yet, partially because I want the focus of this book to be on our kids. So the majority of what’s going on with the future X-Men and future ambassadors you’ll see in certain roles in the periphery and sometimes their paths will intertwine, but that’s about it.
I’ll straight up say Broo’s a future ambassador. Pixie, Greymalkin, they’re future X-Men. Shark-Girl also a future X-Man. These classes will kinda come in and out and there will be a few issues where you get more students than others.
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XF: You previously were a colorist, pretty famously on Runaways, and now you’re writing. What has that transition been like?
CS: Oh it’s been weird! In a good way. I think the weirdest part about the whole thing is, if you told me at the beginning of my career “hey gurl you gonna be writing!” I’d be like “what dot dot dot huh?” It’s been crazy! And I’m one of those people who feel very compelled to work until they feel like they’ve “earned it,” so that’s a whole thing. Maybe it’s because my mom’s given me a complex about working in comics instead of being a doctor, so I’m just trying to prove a point to her? I don’t know. Anyway, transitioning’s been interesting because I know getting hired as a writer at Marvel is a very difficult thing to do, but I already sort of had an in, but I didn’t want to exploit it. But, because I landed staff writing job on THE MAGICIANS before I was offered the White Fox story I did with Sana Takeda for Civil War II: Choosing Sides, a lot of that pressure was alleviated. I felt like I had earned it.
When Gen X came up I was super excited because Daniel was like “do you wanna do something similar to Runaways?” and if you ask me that I will always say yes. Regardless of what I’m working on, if anything has a Runaways feel to it I am down to clown. I love me some teen drama. So I feel good about the environment, but the actually job itself? It’s great, but still a little foreign. Like, if you handed me some pages so color, I’d look at it and go “I know exactly what I’m doing with this,” because I was so comfortable with coloring. But with writing, I’m still felling some stuff out because I’ve still got a lot of room to grow as a writer.
XF: Speaking of Runaways, how is Molly Hayes not in this book?
CS: OK look, she was the first person on this list to put in this book. You know we’re internally calling these guys the lovable losers, to me Molly Hayes was kinda the star of Runaways. She was the best. I love her so dearly. It was funny because when we were talking about it, Jubilee was the first character we picked and the next person was definitely Molly. Daniel was like “really?” And I was like “you’ve got a good point, she might be too cool for this book.” I’m surprised she’s not the star of her own book in all honesty, Molly is just the best character. The only character in Runaways I was ever terrified of dying was Molly. I was just like, if she dies I’m rage quitting this book. So yeah, Molly is too cool for Generation X.
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XF: Just to wrap it up, what do you want fans to be most excited about in this book?
CF: I think just get excited to have some fun. My goal is to have a Runaways tone to it. I wouldn’t say it takes itself overly seriously. It’s not a deep, dark, dramatic book. It’s a bunch of weirdos hanging out written by a human weirdo. So get ready for some weird fun.
Thanks again to Christina for talking with us about Generation X. Make sure to check it out this May! Oh and check the cool new pages for the first issue below!
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Christina Strain’s Generation X is a Bunch of Weirdos Written By One was originally published on Xavier Files
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aion-rsa · 8 years
INTERVIEW: School’s in Session for Generation X’s New Class
This April, Marvel Comics launches its ResurrXion line of books, which will find most of the X-Men going back to the dream their founder, Charles Xavier, had for them. However, there are some mutants whose powers and personalities disqualify them from being ambassadors between mutantkind and humanity. These misfit mutants — Quentin Quire, Eye-Boy, Benjamin Deeds, Bling, Nature Girl and new character named Nathanial Carver — take center stage in May’s “Generation X,” by writer Christina Strain and artist Amilcar Pinna.
RELATED: Generation X-Plained – Who’s Who At The X-Men’s New School
In addition to following the adventures of these new and fan favorite teenage mutants, “Generation X” will also feature a connection to the original volume of the series from the ‘90s in the form of former mutant, current vampire and single mom Jubilee, who will serve as a mentor to the Xavier Institute’s special class. We spoke with Strain about how her cast will relate to the Xavier Institute’s other classes, the types of adventures they’ll have, and the role Jubilee’s former Gen-X teammate Chamber will play in the series.
CBR: One of the most interesting things I about your cast is that it’s sort of the misfit class of the new Xavier Institute. Is this series sort of an underdog tale? What kind of relationship will your characters have with the students on the tracks to become the next generation of X-Men or next generation of mutant ambassadors?
Christina Strain: I dunno if it’s so much of an underdog tale as… an ensemble identity tale? It’s way more “The Breakfast Club” than it is “Bad News Bears.” And my emotional touchstone for this book has been that feeling you get in college, after you’ve switched majors one or two times, when you suddenly realize that adulthood isn’t just looming, it’s all up in your face. As for rivalries, this division is new for everyone, so it’s not like there’s already some pre-established nerd/jock pecking order within the classes — and I don’t plan on developing one. I’m just not interested in it. I’d rather explore what this development means for our characters and how they feel about it rather than spend too much time on what’s going on with tertiary characters.
EXCLUSIVE: A look at “Generation X” #1 by artist Amilcar Pinna
Jubilee is your team leader/mentor figure. Can you talk a little more about what that means, what her duties are, and how she views them? Is she the team’s sole instructor?
Jubilee’s not their sole instructor, but she’s their primary, so she feels entirely responsible for them. She’s moved past being the plucky sidekick to become a mom, a teacher, a therapist and a guidance counselor. She’s basically got a baby and six teens she’s responsible for — that’s seven human beings she’s gotta keep alive and well. Seven. All with their own agendas that don’t always align with hers. It’s a lot to handle.
What’s your team’s overall dynamic? And what’s it like bouncing your various cast members off of each other and Jubilee? Are there any character interactions that are proving to be especially fun to write?
Most of them know each other (some better than others), but they’re far from a tight knit crew. As you’d expect, they’ll start bonding over time. And honestly, they’re all fun to write, so I don’t really have a clear-cut favorite yet. Off the top of my head, three friendships that I’ve really enjoyed exploring are Quentin Quire and Benjamin Deeds, Lin (Nature Girl) and Trevor (Eye-Boy), and Jubilee and Jono (Chamber).
Quentin’s so garbage at expressing himself that it’s been super entertaining coming up with “nice” things for Quentin to do for his roomie, “Benji.” It’s like watching a feral cat trying to strike up a friendship with a confused alpaca. And then with Trevor and Lin, she’s the only person he can’t see through and he’s the only human who’s ever tried this hard to understand her, so they have this fascination with each other that’s interesting. And Jubilee and Chamber just have this familiarity with each other that no other relationship has because they’ve been through so much together. They don’t have to try to understand each other, they just do.
EXCLUSIVE: A look at “Generation X” #1 by artist Amilcar Pinna
What’s it like juggling your cast of characters? Who are some cast members that will step into the spotlight in your initial issues?
Oh, it’s been a pleasure juggling this batch of weirdos. They’re all so different that I just have a really good time bouncing them off of each other. Some of the relationships sing, and others are walking disasters. I love it.
Initially, as I’m sure most people can guess, Jubilee and Quentin get a lot of panel time. The first two issues focus on them but after that, we sort of round robin through the rest of the group. Issue 4 has a nice Roxy (Bling) storyline that I like and issue 5 has a bit of focus on Trevor. Basically, everyone’s gonna get their moment to sparkle.
What else can you tell us about the tone, scope, scale, and sort of genres of your cast’s initial adventures?
Oh man. I have such a hard time with these sorts of questions… Tonally, I mean, the easiest book for me to compare it to is “Runaways.” But I’m not half the writer Brian [K. Vaughan] is, so… let’s not compare them too closely? Basically, it’s a misfit teen book with a bit of heart, a lot of weird, and a tongue-and-cheek sense of humor.
What kind of antagonists will “Generation X” initially be up against? Is this a series where supervillains will play a regular and significant role?
It’s going to vary. Right off the bat you’ll see some Purifiers and then — that’s all I’m going to say, because I reeeeeallly don’t want to spoil too much. Some villains will be more significant than others, and you will see some recognizable faces. There may even be some problems erupting internally. You’ll just have to wait and see.
Fair enough. What can you tell us about the settings you’ll play with in “Generation X?”
EXCLUSIVE: A look at “Generation X” #1 by artist Amilcar Pinna
We’re doing a lot on school grounds, in Central Park, and NYC. As of right now, I don’t really see them straying too far from the school because they don’t need to go too far for things to go pear-shaped, but we’ll see. Some of of their locations are going to be dictated by story and we’re still in early days. I do have one arc planned that’ll definitely take Jubilee and Chamber away from the school, but that’s all I’m going to say about that for now.
I first became aware of Amilcar Pinna via his work on “All-New Ultimates,” and I really enjoy the expressiveness of his characters, his design work, and his ability to convey a tone. What’s it like working with Amilcar? What do you enjoy most about his style?
Amilcar’s a dream. He’s nice and so enthusiastic about the book and it really comes through in the pages. Seriously, issue one looks so good. He makes me want to be a better writer. And beyond Amilcar’s expressive and dynamic style, he’s easy to work with. He’s receptive and eager for notes and I could seriously just hug him to bits.
The weirdest part about writing comics for me has been giving notes to pencilers. As a former colorist, of course I have thoughts on what does and doesn’t make the storytelling on a page successful — but it was never my place to give those notes before now. So when Amilcar turns in these amazing thumbs and I have notes, I always wonder if I’m being weirdly nit picky, but he’s so open to hearing them that he calms me right down. I love him.
Finally, the Xavier Institute gives you the opportunity to have a number of X-Men make guest and cameo appearances in “Generation X.” But what about the rest of the Marvel Universe? Any interest in or plans for guest star appearances by other Marvel characters?
The school will be populated, you will get weird little snippets of what’s going on in other student’s lives, and there will be cameos/guest appearances by other mutants. Especially the younger mutants and previous Gen Xers. In the first issue alone, you’ll see Chamber, (who honestly might as well be the honorary eighth member of Gen X) Broo, Pixie, Glob Herman, Genesis, Graymalkin, Anole, and several others running around. As as for what’s going on in the rest of the Marvel Universe, I really want it to be a book newer readers could pick up and enjoy so I’d like to keep “Generation X” as self contained as possible. But who knows? I haven’t written the whole thing yet!
EXCLUSIVE: A look at “Generation X” #1 by artist Amilcar Pinna
EXCLUSIVE: A look at “Generation X” #1 by artist Amilcar Pinna
The post INTERVIEW: School’s in Session for Generation X’s New Class appeared first on CBR.com.
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