i love your input on all these AUs so much lmao how do you think everyone would react to the "suddenly waking up gender swapped" concept?
Thankyou, Anon! Hmm... Let's see!
Bdubs: Shocked initally. Screams and calls Keralis. Asks repeatedly if he's dreaming (he's not.)
Cubfan135: Cries over his loss of beard.
DocM77: Slightly annoyed but decided to not let this slow down progress on whatever GOAT thing he's doing.
Ethoslab: Happy because he's finally the anime girl he's always dreamed of being.
FalseSymmetry: Mourns her hair and then calls up the galpals to ask what's up?
Grian: Doesn't notice until he speaks or looks in a mirror (whichever comes first.) Decides to prank someone with this.
Goodtimeswithscar: Awakes to the sounds of Cub's feminine crying. Is like 'wat is that?' Gets out of bed, notices Cub's a woman now, notices he's a woman now and comforts Cub. A bit weirded out himself but yanno.
Hypnotizd: Walks around the island and contemplates life.
iJevin: Realises he can use this to get money some how.
Iskall85: Makes an episode that's just 20 minutes if him saying 'Screw Notch.'
ImpulseSV: Literally does not care.
Joe Hills: Immediately starts an episode. Does the whole episode as a woman, never mentions it, by the next episode he's a man again. Never brings it up. Just pretends it didn't happen.
Keralis: Gets excited at all the potential. Calls Bdubs excitedly.
MumboJumbo: Awakes to his hair being extra long. Finds it weird and then it sets in. Panics.
Rendog: Uses his newfound power to become the Queen of Hermitcraft. Ladies get in line and kneel for your new momma!
Stressmonster101: Mostly tries to ignore it, secretly kinda sad.
TangoTek: Just stares at himself in the mirror like 'oh, who's that sexy lady? Oh! That's me!' For like half an hour. Tango, I wish I had your confidence.
TFC: Mostly just annoyed.
VintageBeef: Redraws his beard with sharpie.
Welsknight: Tries to hide it by covering his face with his helmet and lowering his voice as he isn't sure it happened to anyone else.
XbCrafted: 'Huh. So apparently we're a lady now. Anyway-'
Xisumavoid: Immediately shulkers his stuff and jumps into the void wondering if it's a glitch. It's not. Calls a server meeting.
Zedaph: Probably started this whole fiasco with one of his cursed contraptions.
ZombieCleo: Goes out and has fun.
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F!Mumbo moves her hair over her upper lip in a moustache-like fashion when she's deep in thought.
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F!Grian's name is spelled Grianne but it's pronounced the same way.
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M!Stress has a voice similar to M!Bdubs and F!Bdubs has a voice similar to F!Stress.
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M!ZombieCleo's name is ZombieLeo.
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F!Keralis does the 'uwu voice' more than M'Keralis.
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F!TFC is very grandma esc and gives out cookies to everyone.
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(Genderbent) Iskall doesn't even realize anything's going on the morning it happens. He then reads the chat: something's going crazy. Mumbo calls for all Hermit Challenges members to meet him where they usually meet up. Iskall is *very* confused, but goes anyway. He arrives first, followed by the other three Hermits... but they're all the wrong gender? Chaos ensues.
I wonder if anyone is miffed at the fact Iskall doesn't change...
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for the genderswap au: u know how a lotta ppl hc iskall as nonbinary? what if he figures it out bc hes the only one who isnt freaking out after swappig
Aww! Iskall!
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Everyone: OH MY GOD, MY HAIR IS LONG AND I'M- I'M A GIRL! I hate this!
Iskall, (a drag queen,) sitting with one leg over the other on a 3$ stool: (Sips Tea.)
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As a nonbinary person, ot only do I think the fact that iskalls persona is canonical nb is fantastic, but also I think it would be really funny if, since his skin doesnt *have* a gender, that nothing changes when everyone is swapped since theres no gender to bend
Oh my word. Everyone's affected except Iskall who's still just Iskall, that's hilarious!
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Genderbend au: most of the female hermits prefer to keep their hair short so it doesn’t get in the way of building and Redstone, still some of them do have long hair and they usually keep it up in a ponytail. I think doc and Grian would keep their hair short and mumbo and Joe would keep it long. What do you think about the other hermits?
F!Bdubs: I can imagine hers being long and down. Maybe slightly curly/wavy as well? I dunno. If not now, it definetly was in season 5.
F!Cub: I actually drew her not too long ago! Her's is around the length Cub's beard goes to and it's quite bouncy. (I also put two, short twin buns on her head (like Anne Boleyn From Six! The Musical?) because the name Cub reminded me of bears but just straight up bear ears was too on the nose so yanno. Had to compromise with myself.)
F!DocM77: Short on the creeper side, completely shaven on the metallic side. Butch Queen.
F!Ethoslab: Up until now I'd never even thought about an F!Ethoslab. Would she even be Kakashi? Or would she be that pink haired girl from Naruto instead? Or would she just be genderbent Kakashi? Gosh, I don't even know.
F!Grian: Short bob.
F!GoodtimeswithScar: I drew her alongside F!Cub! I gave her a pixiecut.
F!Hypno: Very long, straight and kind of silky blonde hair.
F!iJevin: Do slimes even have hair?
F!Impulse: Pony tail. Easily. Maybe around shoulder-length down?
F!Iskall: Similar to how Iskall's avatar started with long hair that got short at some point, she started with short hair that became long.
F!JoeHills: Aforementioned legendary ponytail.
F!Keralis: Just normal, long hair that rests over her shoulders and chest. (I think one tumblr poster called in 'mermaid style' once or something.)
F!Mumbo: Keeps it down, (moves it over her upper lip like a moustache when deep in thought) but ties it up when actually doing redstone.
F!Rendog: What you'd expect an F!Rendog's hair to look like. Long and flowy.
F!TangoTek: Something regal and high maintenance I'd imagine. Only the best for the Princess of The Nether!
F!TFC: Plaited Ponytail.
F!VintageBeef: Keeps it in a bun.
F!Welsknight: Someone mentioned very long and flowy red hair which is a yes from me. Welsmaiden lets go.
F!XbCrafted: Probably a bob as well.
F!Xisumavoid: Just keeps a helmet on so you never really see it. I'd imagine under the helmet she's have a pixie cut though? (She just reminds me of that one girl I can never remember the name of from Wreck It Ralph.)
F!Zedaph: About shoulder length.
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Okay! That's adorable!
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What a mood. I cut my hair on my own often (usually when stressed,) and my mother always yells at me. Does anyone ever banter Tango over their disaster hair?
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genderswapped mumbo goes thru the five stages of grief for his moustache
Mood. Does F!Mumbo have something M!Mumbo doesn't?
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F!Mumbo is actually Miku...
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F!XbCrafted has a short, bob hair style. She often puts lilies in her hair.
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For the genderbend AU: So all of the smol bois, are still, well, smol. But! They all try heels at least once. Tango and Iskall are able to walk/run with no problem. Bdubs can walk, but with a stumble every once in awhile. Grian can't even stand in the heels without falling (He just sticks to flying).
I've never worm heels so I can't comment on the difficulty of how hard it is to wear them, but Tango is the person I'd least expect to be able to run in them!
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Yes! It’s genderbend time! Hc that F!Mumbo has twintails and by “taking her mustache away”, F!Grian takes her hair ties. F!Mumbo absolutely HATES having her hair down (since it always gets in the way of her work and gets covered w/ redstone dust). -Roby
Mumbo Jumbo you are AFK, I'm gonna take your hair ties away! Mumbo Mumbo Mumbo AFK, I'm gonna take those hair ties away! Meanwhile, Mumbo has just been standing there- while all this action's been going on!
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Genderswap AU: when first of the guys(turned girls) to experience their period it’s this event! All the guys are losing their minds trying to help until Cleo, False and Stress show up like, ‘here’s some Advil™️, some water, bread, stake and chocolate. Your serotonin and estrogen levels are probably imbalance so this will help. Here is a hot bottle for THOSE cramps in particular.’
Periods honestly sound so awful. F to everyone who gets em.
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