Goodtimeswithscar's name is actually a message he's trying to drill into us. You may be hurt and you may be damaged, but you can still have fun and heal.
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bananagrin · 2 years
Welcome Back to Behind the Name
Headcanon that “Megavolt” renamed himself because “Sputterspark” + his new power might lead to people calling him his least favorite nickname
“Quackerjack” is the actual name of his brand of toys and he may be / may have been his own mascot
“Bushroot” literally. didn’t even rename himself, or, anything. That’s just,,,,, his name-name
Bud Fludd already has a water-themed name and he renamed himself just to be extra. As always
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Hels bullies Evil Xisuma for keeping his name despite not being evil anymore. He calls him the most sickeningly sweet names he can think of. "Little prince xisuma", "cutie patootie xisuma" "kawaii desu xisuma", etc. This is not ship, just Hels being a sarcastic little jerk
Ah yes, Luigi Xisuma.
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Joe Hills' real name isn't Joe Hills, he just used an online alias that sounded real enough so nobody would question him. He also doesn't live in Nashville Tennesse. He diverts personal info to keep himself safe.
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F!Grian's name is spelled Grianne but it's pronounced the same way.
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M!ZombieCleo's name is ZombieLeo.
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'DoubleO' is actually the family name. That means Pungence's full name is PungenceDoubleO.
BdoubleO's first name is Bungence. He hates it so he just goes by Bdubs.
It was always get confusing around the house because their mum or dad would call out 'Pungence! Pungence dinner is ready!' And they'd just look at each other and be like 'did they say Pungence or Bungence?'
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Scar is just a nickname. His real name is [YOUR INPUT]
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He just whips out his passport and the name section is blank.
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Etho was once accidentally typed as ethot and now iskall won't shut up about it and won't stop calling him that -☘️
Thigh high Etho angst? 😳😳
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Head Cannon: Keralis has a nickname for Evil X that isn’t just “Evil Shishwammy” but Ex is embarrassed by it so Keralis isn’t aloud to use it in public. Because of this none of the other hermits—not even Xisuma himself—knows what it is
Oo! Secrety!
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I never see much stuff for joe, I was wondering if you had any headcanons for him (glad to hear you got un-shadowbanned)
(Thankyou!) Hmm... 'Fraid I can't help too much with that.
Like I've said before, this blog and making headcanons for it is kinda like a sugar-enduced fever dream. I make a headcanon, I queue it, and unless it's one I actually believe I usually forget about it. I let em come naturally and I don't tend to force them unless given a prompt.
But, since you asked, and very politely might I add, I gave myself a prompt: Something to do with Joe's @ symbol.
Joe's @ Symbol is actually a symbol in galactic (not a part of the galactic alphabet. It's like a punctuation mark.) It means 'to be mentioned by name' and is used to signify what you're about to read is someone (a person, never a places') name (Galactic doesn't have capital and lowercase letters so deciphering names among non names can get difficult, especially in big paragraphs of poems and other prose.)
If you boil the meaning down its bare essentials, when Joe Hills introduces himself as '@Joe Hills' he's actually saying 'it's me, ya boi, Joe Hills.'
The @ symbol on his shirt could also perhaps mark that 'yes, I am a person. I have a name.' This could either be a nod to the fact that he's a living breathing person and matters OR that he's actually a human through and through. (He lives among people like Jevin, DocM, Biffa, Python and other 'humanoid-non-humans.)
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Just a really dumb hc: Evil Zedaph's name would be Aadaph (because Z...A... It's - you get it)
That's clever! -Tom.
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Tbh i imagine Grian gender bend name would be like Ariana, bc of the whole ariana griande
That would make a lot of sense actually!
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Genderbend ren bob could be called renbab and she wears sundresses and makes flower crowns :]
Oooo! I like this! What if Renbab is one of those ladies that comment on folk songs, "this makes me wanna run around and dance in an open flower field barefoot :(" and then like an absolute queen actually do it.
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The Doc is DocM stands for Doctor and his PhD is in redstone.
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Joe's name can stay Joe. Or Jo. It is not really a gendered name... Also f!Joe would definitely have a neat ponytail that never seems to lose form. Every other long haired person is jealous.
Best hair F!Joe is something I can get behind!
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Honestly, all of these work!
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