#genderfluid Eponine
mwahahahahahahaa · 10 months
Hi do you think genderflluid!Eponine would also pack as well as wear a binder? If yes, what are you headcanons for packing!Eponine? (I think it only would work in a modern AU, so for the headcanons also for the modern AU)
Hard to say, but yeah, probably! Might not wear one all the time, but probably experiemnts with it a bit. Imagine Eponine first trying it out maybe with a pair of socks, cheap and simple, and blushing a bit trying it feeling embarrased, just in their room at first. They aren't sure if it looks strange but it feels kind of empowering. They don't wear it long, removing it before leaving their room. Slowly they build up to wearing it outside, worried that someone will notice and comment because that would make it uncomfortable, but no one comments and it's just a quiet, subtle reaffirmation of their gender.
Eventually they buy an actual packer, and it's a bit uncomfortable at first, but they get used to it. Bahorel, when he finds out Eponine is genderfluid, decides to knit Eponine one, because he's knitted some before for friends of his and thinks it's a good thing to offer. Eponine is a bit embarrased to be given this soft knitted packer, but it's comfortable and works just as well as anything else. I have to admit I don't know a lot about packers because personally it's not something that interests me, but genderfluid Eponine using packers, yay! If it was in canon era, socks would still work. Like in Terry Pratchett's 'Monstrous Regiment' where several characters pack with socks. And I don't think it would necessarily be super noticeable and commented on. Honestly I don't know though.
Will try and answer your other asks with more genderfluid Eponine headcanons soon! I have a lot of them but my brain makes it hard to write things down sometimes (adhd, depression etc)
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seesboy · 1 year
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do. do you see my vision
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Newsies UK Fancast!
Ok! Let's do this!
Why UK you ask? Well, i wanted the girlsies + i have my newsies uk program right here
-first come first serve
-Put in reblogs or comments which role
-be civil. this is just for fun]
Jack Kelly: Hexmari (@hexmari)
Katherine Plumber Pulitzer: Reese/Ari (@drinkin-cherryschnapps)
Davey Jacobs: Ryan/Ghost (@the-genderfluid-kony)
Les Jacobs: Pansy (@greatsouthernpansy)
Crutchie: Eponine (@eponine-thenadier)
Racetrack Higgins: Theo (@forest-city)
Spot Conlon: Noel (@noels--lament)
Albert Dasilva: Anthony (@seltzerforalbert)
Finch: Bee (@ethereal-bumble-bee)
Romeo: Robin (@bibeantransbean)
Elmer: Finley (@finleyforevermore)
Specs: Hitch (@saveugoodmadam)
Tommy Boy:
Mush: Mimi (@to-know-how-it-ends)
Mack: Macj (@bigmack2go)
Splint: Annie (@undescribed1mage)
Morris Delancey: Al (@getyourpaybackwithsomepayback)
Oscar Delancey: Illya (@lithuanianking)
Pulitzer: Grapes (@itsgrapes-exe)
Have Fun!
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dancingsunflowers-ocs · 6 months
If they had a kid for Ariel and Quinn
Thanks to the lovely @luucypevensie - Ariel is now is in poly relationship with BOTH Quinn and Santana (just to spice things up!!) as we both remembered that Quinn and Santana had a two night sexual relationship, and I’ve just added Ariel into it.. so here’s THEIR kid (even though I honestly don’t think they would have kids) 💕
Name: Peyton Rachel Berry
Gender: Genderfluid (she/they pronouns)
General appearance: Black hair with caramel highlights, dark eyes with dark eyelashes, not related to their moms by blood but has been told that they look a lot like Santana.
Personality: Cheerful, impulsive, stubborn, sarcastic.
Special talents: Singing, acting, gymnastics, cheerleading.
Who they like better: Equally! they all take turns being the good/bad cop depending on what Peyton did, and they have special things only one of them does with them.
Who they take after more: None of their moms, but it is no mistake that she definitely takes after her auntie Rachel, in terms of being competitive and driven.
Personal headcanon: Peyton idolises Samantha Barks (who played Eponine in the 2012 film version of Les Misérables) so when it was their birthday, their moms organised (with the help of auntie Rachel) a meet and greet backstage with Samantha, who was performing with Rachel on one of her Broadway shows, and they got a selfie and an autograph from her, in which Peyton has among the many posters they have on their bedroom walls.
Face Claim: Isabela Merced
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Tagging: @luucypevensie, @daughter-of-melpomene and @carmens-garden because they love my Glee OCs!! 💕
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lesmiserabelles · 1 year
happy pride month to the guy accidentally posting genderfluid eponine in the les mis facebook group and happy pride month to him only
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little-orphan-ant · 2 years
The genders and sexualities of the Amis
brought to you by: the thoughts i have at 1 am
Enjolras (he/him) - trans man, gay, asexual, demiromantic
Combeferre (they/them) - nonbinary, gay
Courfeyrac (he/they/it) - transmasc, bisexual
Feuilly (they/xe) - nonbinary-spec, aroace
Jehan (they/them) - agender, pansexual
Bahorel (any pronouns) - genderfluid, queer
Joly (he/they) - transmasc, omni, asexual
Bossuet (he/him) - cis man, queer
Grantaire (he/him) - cis man, bisexual
Marius (he/him) - trans man, bisexual
Eponine (she/he/they) - genderfluid, pansexual
Cosette (she/they) - transfem, bisexual
Musichetta (she/her) - trans woman, bisexual
Gavroche (he/him) - trans boy, questioning his sexuality
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mona-liar · 7 months
Yesterday I began answering an anonymous ask about genderfluid eponine and I saved it as a draft but now i can't find it in my drafts???? Tumblr truly is a functional website
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aka-noodleart · 6 years
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For @lesmistransweek
Gavroche - trans boy (he/him)
Eponine - genderfluid (they/them, she/her or he/him)
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mwahahahahahahaa · 3 months
Do you have headcanons for he/him!Eponine? Would you write it?
Hi! I do, but mostly still as a nonbinary Eponine who uses he/him. I guess it's because I project a lot, so I see Eponine as genderfluid/nonbinary mostly. But yeah, I would definitely write he/him Eponine or trans man Eponine or nonbinary he/him Eponine if I got an idea for it!
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im having les mis feelings even tho it is 2021
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vivalamusaine · 7 years
Ok but what about gender fluid Jehan and Eponine
Yes! Love this. You know, I never see any Jehan and Eponine friendship headcanon’s, and I think them bonding over gender fluidity would be incredible!
They met when Cosette and Marius dragged Eponine to one of the meetings. Jehan spied Eponine skulking in the corner and -being Jehan- decided it was a crime not to introduce themselves to them
By the end of the meeting they were as thick as thieves, had already created 5 nicknames for each other, 3 inside jokes between them and a way to communicate through wordless judging looks
Eponine texts Jehan every morning with different emoji ‘moods.’ Jehan translates them to read how good/bad their day has started and what they’re feeling in regards to their gender.
They spend days lying in bed together, reading macabre poetry and watching experimental films. Eponine get’s a kick out of watching the fucked up imagery that some people consider scary and Jehan appreciates the artistry behind it.
Sharing wardrobes and doing each other’s make up! Eponine always seems to channel 80′s Madonna when they borrow Jehan’s clothes and Jehan somehow looks like a sunshine goth.
Jehan play’s music whilst Eponine scream/sings lyrics that they both wrote together. It’s very garage!Punk but they pull it off.
Their band is called ‘The Discreet Charm of the Anti-Bourgeoisie’ Based loosely off the surrealist French film that they watched together
Have very intense philosophical discussions about the current state of the world 
Are incredibly and fiercely loyal and supportive of each other through days of dysphoria and melancholy
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unpopular opinion: it would be nice to see jehan hc’d with other genders/pronouns and see other members of les amis get the same sort of set-in-stone nonbinary assignment that jehan does (like courfeyrac or feuilly)
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
This is so true!!! It's actually something I've been trying to work on myself, going through my WIPs and changing the pronouns of some characters who I now hc as non-binary besides Jehan (i.e. genderfluid Bahorel, GNC Courfeyrac who uses all pronouns, she/they Eponine etc), and trying to get into the habit of thinking outside the box with the characters
I do find it....Strange that Jehan's non-binary identity is so set within certain areas of the fandom, although I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing? At the end of the day they're headcanons, and if u wanna go against the flow and give Jehan a different gender, that's totally within ur right! My headcanons change like once an hour sometimes lmao
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probably-enjolras · 3 years
the official list of trans headcanons i have for les amis + co. also known as my “baseline” headcanons (hint: they’re all trans or gnc…) i’m including the gender assigned at birth if not a binary trans man/woman for a better understanding of their specific experience.
enjolras - trans man - he/him
courfeyrac - amab genderqueer or demiboy - he/they primarily but won’t correct you if you call him “she”
combeferre - amab nonbinary - they/she
grantaire - amab agender - they/them
feuilly - gnc trans man - he/him
bahorel - amab bigender - he/she and occasionally but not all the time, they
(i’m also doing research on intersex people who were given surgery at birth to be raised as a cis male but found out about the surgery later on in life but i don’t feel educated enough to speak on that yet, so i’m not putting it as my official headcanon for baz but just know i’m thinking about it and if you’re intersex and would like to educate me on corrective surgery and what it’s like growing up intersex, i would love to hear your story)
jehan - amab genderfluid - they/she/he
joly - afab agender - they/them
bossuet - amab questioning/fluctuating - any pronoun, no preference
musichetta - gnc cis woman - she/he
marius - afab bigender - he/she
cosette - trans woman - she/her
eponine - afab nonbinary/butch - no preference
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transrevolutions · 3 years
les amis sexuality headcanons because I can:
enjolras- ace and a hard demiromantic. he knew grantaire for over 2 years before actually getting together with him and 99% of that time he was not aware of either of their feelings for each other
combeferre- gay but greyromantic. it’s a sometimes-it’s-there, sometimes-it’s-not kind of deal
courfeyrac- he’s pansexual is that even a question
feuilly- aroace feuilly aroace feuilly aroace feuilly
bahorel- bahorel doesn’t really like to label himself, but he knows he likes girls and guys, but to what degree it varies.
jehan- jehan’s attracted to every gender but girls. they don’t know why. they play around with different labels occasionally but because he’s genderfluid it can be tricky
joly- very bi. extremely bi. supremely bi. he’s also asexual. and poly.
bossuet- he’s pan. joly jokes that the pan stands for panic because that’s what bossuet causes every five seconds. obviously poly.
grantaire- bisexual and absolutely plays into bi culture with cuffed jeans and finger guns.
marius- Token Hetero™. also poly, as demonstrated by his two girlfriends. mostly just an absolute pining dumbass. please get help.
cosette- also bisexual. likes girls and guys at about equal proportions. took her a while to realize it though. eponine was her big awakening.
eponine- bisexual who leans heavily towards women. basically just marius and then... just about no other guys.
musichetta- poly pansexual mom friend to combeferre’s grey ace mom friend. don’t ask me why it just fits
montparnasse- demiromantic something-or-other-he’s-not-sure-sexual. 
gavroche- a literal CHILD, at this stage in his prepubescent life cares more about stealing shit from the convenience store and playing video games than he does about romance. orientation unknown at current time.
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For the mods- how are your characters similar or different to you?
Thank you for the ask, mon ami! 
Grantaire: i feel like i'm extremely similar to grantaire, before i even found Les Mis i was acting out my life exactly like he does in the brick. to this day i'm not nearly as active as the other Mods because i'm dealing with a lot of personal issues. I'm spending a lot of my time lately getting drunk and helping my local friends get out of my little reservation. I'm Plains Cree and it kills me to see everyone be so hopeless. all i want in the future is to see my people see value in themselves.
Babet: I don’t think I should actually admit to how similar Babet and I are.
Eponine: I’m fairly similar to Eponine, or at least my version of Eponine. I see Eponine as genderfluid, and yes that’s partly projection - but there is evidence for it in the book (Eponine repeatedly presents as male as well as female). I also love reading (Eponine is very proud of her ability to read in the book and likes showing off with it). I daydream a lot, and I love my siblings. I’m not exactly like Eponine, I don’t have the same experiences, but like Eponine, I dream of a better world. I’m not as brave as Eponine (I’m honestly a bit of a coward ha) but I admire their bravery. Like Eponine, I’d like to think I’d do anything for the people I care about.
Bahorel: In the brick Bahorel seems to be a kind of a social butterfly, he's like a link to other groups more than a known member of les Amis, and in the musical he doesn't even exists and it doesn't really affects anything, I feel I'm like that, for me is easy to connect with people in a superficial level but not feeling part of the group in a deeper sense, which isn't a bad thing because it's actually fun to just get along. I can be loud and easygoing. Also I feel we both got a sense of humour. I'm different tho in that I'm not as brave or bold , and I'm not *that* confrontative. But idk man, it's hard to say canonically with this characters we only get a few lines of, at the end most of it it's projection or straight up invented so who knows.
Javert: I don't think i'm very similar to Javert but i still have some of his attributes(or things i consider his attributes). I can be very very stuborn although not in a very negative fanatic way as him. I am passionate and can be dramatic as hell. Sometimes i can say very witty and dry sarcastic badass things. They are times that i seem weird when it comes to social interactions and sometimes i look restrained cold and closed (when i don't feel comfortable with some people) and i think he is too.Also my boy Javert is ace like me.It's just the facts.
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Montparnasse: First of all, we’re both hot, jot that down. (We’re also vain, as you can see). Second of all, the line that described Montparnasse? “Gentle, effeminate, graceful, robust, weak, and ferocious”? ( Fahnestock and MacAfee translation). Yeah that’s me. We both like to be well-dressed and might or might not be willing to murder for nice clothes. To be fair, I’m nicer than he is and I am not exactly gonna... like... murder people for fun. (The 1%, on the other hand 👀). There was that one post about if you have a slider and you slide it from like, cute to dark you get Courfeyrac and Montparnasse respectively, I’m the whole spectrum of that :p I think our Feu is in denial how similar I am to parts of Montparnasse :p 
Feuilly: Monty is not like Montparnasse- Monty is baby Montparnasse is not. On the other hand, I’ve shifted the characterization of Feuilly a bit over these past few years. Of course, I kept the hardworking and creative aspects (things I like to think that I am), but Mr. Thicctor Hugehoe didn’t give me much to work with. I simp for iced tea, just like Feuilly, I am also a fan of The Memes™, but I’m genderfluid and Feu isn’t! Also, I am not the sibling of our Monty 😔
Montparnasse: See, in denial ;) Also I have adopted you my dear. We are family by anything but blood. 
Bossuet: I have taken to referring to my clumsy, accidentally self-harming daily nuisances as Bossuet-moments, if that explains anything? I am definitely prone to stupid, unlucky injuries and when I think things are going well, I can be pretty sure bad luck will spoil it. So there you go, check that off the list. Like Bossuet, though, I don't let it put me down permanently. I love my friends and I have gotten fairly good at getting my spirits up despite whatever doorframe I ran into or which favourite mug I dropped and scorched my feet. I'll be fine as long as my friends back me up.
Enjolras: I’m fairly similar to my character. I strive for equality and justice, I love my friends with all my heart, and I tend to take lead on things. There are places where I differ as well, but on the whole I feel Enj is the one I’m most similar to out of anyone in Les Mis.
Joly: I think I'm kind of like Joly! We're both known for being cheerful and optimistic, and I also use a cane to walk sometimes, which is part of why I love Joly! I also tend to write Joly as trans and I am too, and I love my friends very much, just like Joly!
Combeferre: The love of books and the tendency to always occupy the niche of the ‘Mom Friend’ are, I suppose, the most visible similarities. I have also been accused of spending too much on books, which is an outright lie, although, in the interests of transparency, my two most recent acquisitions did total £100+ and £62+ respectively.
I’m generally quite good at giving advice and am, at the risk of sounding arrogant, fairly intelligent. I can also be quite cutting with my words, although I’m rarely as polite as a simple “to be free”. I also share quite a lot of interests with Combeferre, both as he is in the book and in fanfiction. I’ve also somehow been infected with a love for moths and I hold everyone here completely and utterly responsible and am choosing to gloss over the fact that I have been obsessed with Mothra since I was a child.
I’m also relatively certain that I’m taller than most of this chaotic bunch.
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lesmiserablol · 4 years
Hi how do you think would the rest pf Les Amis react to/help genderfluid!Eponine?
they would LOVE genderfluid!Eponine and shower eponine with so much love and support after coming out <3
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