#genderfluid cat was one of the first i did and it shows im sorry buddy
galaxia-art · 1 year
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[id: 2 anthropomorphic cats in the same colour scheme as the genderfluid and intersex pride flags. the first image has both in the same image over the two flag gradients, the other 2 images are each cat on a transparent background. the genderfluid cat is a tuxedo cat with scottish fold ears, a sleeveless blue tunic, a purple cape, and a pink bandolier with potion bottles. each bottle is the colour of one of the stripes in the genderfluid flag. the cat is grinning and holds their arms out welcomingly. the intersex cat is purple with darker purple feathered wings. they have a yellow robe, somewhat styled like a monk's, thats longer in the back, and a lighter lining and hood. their hood covers most of their face aside from the mouth. they have a large purple halo over them, and are holding a sickle in each hand, held so the curved blades form a circle shape. end id]
I should probably get stickers for the intersex one because i have the rest but since these stickers are in a weird "i need to get these reprinted in vinyl but theyre currently in paper so i need to sell the paper ones first" so idk if i should get it in paper or viynl
If anyone wants to suggest any other flags they want to see as pride cats like this, please do suggest which ones so ill get to them faster! currently i have the polyamarous and polysexual flags up next but i also want to do the demiboy and demigirl flags
Also, I have these on my redubble or my etsy! well, i do for the genderfluid one. i'll add the intersex cat to my redbubble after i post this. anyway i'll have to link them in a rb because tumblr and its link problems
some other cats:
intersex inclusive progress pride flag | lesbian | mlm
nonbinary | transmasc | transfem
bisexual | pansexual
misc sketch ideas
EDIT: if you want these I have them as stickers and wooden pins (just the genderfluid as a pin currently, will change in future) on etsy! i also have them on my redbubble
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firstdivisiongirl · 6 months
Hi !! I hope you're doing well! I want a one piece match up !
Im genderfluid and pansexual so can I get a female and male please if possible
Im an ambivert on introvert side, at first im pretty shy and don't know how to talk but Very affectionative. Might not show it at first but will do and will get attached after getting to knowing you I have , im an Intp Im air-headed individual who seems to constantly wander off in thought , daydreaming and is unable to focus on anything but I think logically not emotionally, im very kind and will not hesitate to help with anything , im also really loyal and respectful towards my friends ! Im an easy going person and im chill with everything I sometimes talk with sarcasm and I don't really get people emotions but I can be really observant about little details and I love complimenting people and make their day better people say that I have very childish demeanor , I will protect my friends and will take a beating for them I tend to overthink alot if im making someone uncomfortable and other things and sometimes it lead me to have mental breakdowns but I don't really show it
I really like : reading , baking, writing stories, cooking,playing video games , watching anime and my favorite shows , traveling and adventures and my dislikes are : crappy people, politics , cruel people and unjustified actions
My looks: dunno how to describe it but people call me very pretty
My favorite animal : cat and mythical creatures
Greetings. Sorry, I realized I say hello and hi a lot so I’m switching it up. I hope you enjoy!
You Got…
Monkey D Luffy & Nico Robin!!!
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Let’s start with Luffy:
You both like injustice and how cruel the world can be so I can see you two fighting for justice!
Would love to try your cooking!
You seem like a lot of fun but also responsible and logical! Everything Luffy needs.
I think he’ll know when you are okay and know what to do. He’s good at reading people and helping anyway he can.
Adventure dates!
Now time for our favorite archeological:
Reading buddies. I could see her sharing books with you and vice versa!
Would try anything you like. I think she’d be good at video games.
Always provide a help when baking (I could have made a helping hand pun but I did not).
She’s the mom friend so she would be able to comfort you and know when things are off with you
Likes that you understand her and aren’t too rambunctious
Wants to know all about you’re thoughts. It fascinates her
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The Baker and The Prince (Pt. 10)
Roman POV
It was cold, to cold, Roman opened his eyes to examine his surroundings. He was in a cell, his wrists chained to the floor.
"That cant be right. . . I'm not a criminal, I'm a prince!" he tugged at the chains, which seemed to be burning his wrists.
"I wanted to thank you for bringing him down my darling, it was so much easier with you at my side," Presley's voice came from outside the door.
"Of course it was easy! Prince's live for forbidden romance, a lowly baker is just what he would've fallen for," Roman froze, his mouth seemed to have gone dry.
"Well it was a brilliant show, you'll be rewarded kindly once we off the others and reclaim the throne," Presley said. Ran could see his silhouette outside the door, and Virgil's just behind it.
"I tried to tell Patton to stay home, a shame he didnt listen, isnt it," Virgil voice sounded. . . different.
"Virgil he's your brother! You dont mean that!" Roman tugged harder on the chains, his wrists burning like they were going to fall off.
"Oh! Wonderful! He's awake!" Presley opened the door, Roman barely paid attention to him as he walked inside. Virgil was dressed in attire usually reserved for royal weddings. His eyes seemed glazed over, dead, even.
"Virgil. . . this isnt you. . ." Roman said, almost pleading with him.
"You dont know anything about me," said Virgil, with a smirk that was so similar to Presley's it nearly froze Roman to the spot.
"Yes I do! You have a necklace that turns you into a cat, when you were seven years old Patton bought you a broomstick and a hat so you could pretend to be a witch, you lost both your front teeth at nine years old from trying to climb rocks, when you were twelve you got your first binder and were so excited you nearly smacked someone in the face because your hands were flapping so fast," Roman was practically begging Virgil to show some sign of recognition, anything that would show he'd won him back, but all that stared back was cold uncaring darkness.
Then Roman heard a click, his shackles fell to the ground. He made the last effort he could, and kissed Virgil on the lips, holding his body close as if were he to let it go he would die.
Roman opened his eyes, and the scene was gone, he was in a garden, facing Presley, who was emitting a faint amount of smoke.
"Well done Roman, you beat me! Now let's see how good the others are, hm?" a screen opened up around them, Roman couldn't do anything but stare.
Logan POV
Logan felt like crying. Why were they back home? Where was Remus? Why wasnt anyone listening to them?
"Hello? Can anyone hear me? Wheres Remus? Has anyone seen my boyfriend?" they were shaking, shaking so violently they thought they might collapse. No one made any sign of recognizing them, or even that they were there at all. So they did what they'd always done when this happened, ran into the woods. The daemon that lived there was always helpful, he helped them realize they were genderfluid, he bought them their first binder, gave them a home.
But the treehouse in which they lived was nowhere to be seen, only a stump, and a royal crest graffitied onto it.
"No no no no no- this cant be happening!" Logan fell to their knees, burying their head in their hands.
"Remus. . . tell me you didnt do this. . . tell me you didnt hurt my only friend. . ." they were sure no one would hear them, but they felt a hand rest on their shoulder.
"I had to Logie, he was dangerous," Remus' voice was cold, the complete opposite of the man they knew and loved.
"You're not Remus, you're not my boyfriend, you arent real," Logan glared behind themself. They were correct, the thing behind them was merely an amalgamation of white and brown hair, and green. . . sludge. Logan ran off, and directly into a wall of screens. Roman hugged them from behind.
"Are you real?" Logan said.
"Are you?" Roman replied, he'd been crying, Logan could tell. They hugged him back, and turned to face the next screen
Patton POV
It was busy in the shop, busier than it had ever been. Where was his brother? Virgil always helped when it was busy! But Patton couldn't find time to go check on him.
The shop finally attempted, he could finally go look for his brother. What awaited him in Virgil's room was not a pretty sight. The whole room looked ransacked, shelves overturned, papers and books strewn across the floor. There was a note on Virgil's bed, Patton picked it up.
I ran away Patton, I cant deal with you ir your nagging anymore, life isnt all sunshine and rainbows and you need to realize that, and just because you're older doesnt mean you're wiser, you cant keep telling me what to do and expect it not to have consequences.
Patton felt tears running down his cheeks. He abandoned all pretense if self preservation and leapt out the window. The grass below cushioned his fall much better than expected. He raced through the garden, ignoring the aching in his legs and burning feeling in his lungs.
"Virgil! Virgil come back! Please!" Patton felt hopeless, like there was a pit in his stomach he couldnt fix.
"Virgil! Virgil please I cant do this alone!" he cried.
"Then you shouldve been a better brother." Virgil stepped out from the trees, anger clear as a day across his face.
"I didnt mean to. . . you couldve told me. . . Virgil I'm so sorry. . ." Patton collapsed to his knees, hiding his face so Virgil wouldnt see his tears.
Then he was leaning against something, or someone. Logan helped him up, they smiled at him, and he felt much better.
Remus POV
The unloved brother, the screwup, the shame of the family. That's all Remus was. Everyone seemed keen on telling him that all the sudden, even Logan wasnt holding back their glares. He tried to talk to them, ask what was wrong, but they didnt respond with much more than a noise of indignant disgust, and a wave of the hand, dismissing him. It was then that Remus had finally noticed what he was wearing, a servants uniform, and Logan was dressed like the royalty Remus had always though they were.
"Logan where is all this coming from? You said you didn't care how gross I was, you helped me dissect a heart!" Remus felt tears forming in the corners of his eyes.
"That was then, I'm a monarch now, I have better things to do then spend time with a disgusting servant like you." Logan's voice was cold, he didnt even look at Remus when he spoke. But Remus was no stranger to being ignored, and he wasnt about to waste his talents now.
"LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU LOGAN. I DONT CARE IF YOU SUDDENLY THINK IM THE SCUM OF THE EARTH. I LOVE YOU. YOU CANT CHANGE THAT. AND YOU LOVE ME TO. I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT." Logan looked at him, their eyes widened with shock, and he took this opportunity bring them in for a kiss.
"Uh- Re- there are other people here- can you eat your joyfriend's face later-" Roman's voice broke through the silence. Remus parted his lips from Logan's, they were both in their normal clothes, standing in a room of screens.
Virgil POV
There were screens everywhere, his friends were being tortured, Remy and Emile had joined the ranks of the dragons, and Virgil couldn't stop them.
"Stop it! Stop it! Take me instead! Kill me if you have to just leave them alone!" tears were streaming down his face, the one time he was begging for a response from Presley, yet he received none. He watched Roman be betrayed by aan that wasnt him, Logan lose their best friend, Patton lose him, Remus be abandoned. He couldnt take it, he felt numb, he hated it, he wanted to get out, he wanted to get out and he didnt care how.
"Its all my fault. Is that what you want? Do you want me to say that? Hm?" Virgil tried to lift his head, but he couldnt seem to find the energy.
"VIRGIL!" multiple voices called out to him. He was lying on the ground now, he didnt care why.
"Where are Emmy and Remy?" Patton asked, concern apparent in his voice.
"Dragons, he turned them into dragons, like the others," Virgil said, tears were staining his face.
"They failed their challenges, it's their fault," Presley said. He was smoking like a volcano now.
"You're dying, arent you," said Roman, taking out a sword.
"Only for now, when I kill the five of you I'll be stronger than ever," Presley laughed and retrieved his own weapon, and time itself seemed to freeze in place.
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godzas · 3 years
the updated athree lgbt hcs list. im insane
masumi: is clearly gay but we havent had the talk. also nonbinary and he/they/xe. you need to really coax him to talk about gender or tell you hes not cis hes like a cat
sakuya: is a cisgay, figured it out a while ago hes just chilling
itaru: gay and nonbinary. he/they. most of his like for women was built up in high school after being extremely insecure. he had a fling with tonooka and thats partially why he repressed it
tsuzuru: gay and cis. figured it out in high school and his family is very supportive. he wishes his parents would stop showing him pictures of men and asking if their cute
chikage: GAY. genderfluid he/it/she. number one woman disrespecter. also homophobic
citron: how could i forget him. bi. why is everyone in spring gay except for him. sorry buddy. yes bi and nonbinary. he/they
tenma: gay. gay. cis as well but hes questioning whether he may be genderfluid because he has been getting le gender envy from everyones fave gnc king. i have a full tenma gay plan in my mind its too complicated to list out
yuki: bisexual and genderfluid nonbinary!! he needed a lot of time to grow into himself and he still has a lot of trauma from his childhood, so he isnt entirely comfortable yet. but hes trying every day to unlearn what was drilled into him as a kid
muku: bi trans! he likes neopronouns but hasnt found any yet that are specifically his. hes like the textbook anxious ftm. someone tell him to stop practicing with his binder on holy shit did he do track w this thing on muku go to the doctor how are your ribs
kazunari: bi trans! i dont have much to say on him i just think hes swag. he supports everyone else so much hes the lgbts biggest fan. you bet he goes all out for pride and decorates
misumi: i wrote masumi wtf two. anyway san uses he/they/san/tri pronouns because i think san as a pronoun sounds so cool. gay triangle
banri: bi nonbinary. he likes some neopronouns but not many. hes picky and changes them depending on the day. hopelessly mlm
juza: some sort of mlm and nonbinary! ive seen some epic she/they/he juza and i like that. weve all seen the their typo for juza. they/them canon
taichi: ^_^ bi he/they he hasnt gottem a handle on gender yet. i love him so much he has def had a crush on nearly every mankai member but got over it. and they are cute to boot
omi: gay cis. was def dating nachi you cant deny it. wait i had a terrible idea. i wont elaborate but man thats sad. omi hunk and i want him to be a bear sooo bad he would look so good
sakyo: trans bi. hes never rlly loved anyone besides izumi, but did have some men in his early ginsenkai career. the first transmasc present father
azami: bi and nonbinary! im not sure if i want him to be afab since i try to keep my trans hcs within canon. no hes transmasc now him and sakyo are trans buddies sakyo gives him his testosterone shots and thats father son time
tsumugi: bi cis! is this our first cis bi so far. well anyway hes gay for tasuku, and yknow they dated in college but broke up bc of godza. he dated a girl after that, so hes bi. i dont talk enough abt tsumugi hes interesting. he/she
tasuku: the only gay man who likes cars. i have lots of evidence for gay tasuku and wouldnt it be sick if he was trans. get that jacked after transitioning. would love that.
azuma: genderless bi! he still uses he/him but it likes to switch it up sometimes. she has had lot of time to figure themself out and helps other mankais with identity. i luv azuma
homare: gayest man alive. well who wouldnt find maters and lightinings relationship homoerotic. oh my apologies you were talking about real cars. hes cis but gnc
hisoka: gay nonbinary!!! i love hisoka so much they are soo wonderful my little cat man. catgender marshmallowgender sleepygender. chikage goes crawling through mogai and retrieves genders for them. he/they/ it for fam
guy: he hasnt figured it all out yet! it knows its fine with he/it but he just became his own person give him some time hes got a lot to catch up on
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