#i am very fond of how the intersex one turned out
galaxia-art · 1 year
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[id: 2 anthropomorphic cats in the same colour scheme as the genderfluid and intersex pride flags. the first image has both in the same image over the two flag gradients, the other 2 images are each cat on a transparent background. the genderfluid cat is a tuxedo cat with scottish fold ears, a sleeveless blue tunic, a purple cape, and a pink bandolier with potion bottles. each bottle is the colour of one of the stripes in the genderfluid flag. the cat is grinning and holds their arms out welcomingly. the intersex cat is purple with darker purple feathered wings. they have a yellow robe, somewhat styled like a monk's, thats longer in the back, and a lighter lining and hood. their hood covers most of their face aside from the mouth. they have a large purple halo over them, and are holding a sickle in each hand, held so the curved blades form a circle shape. end id]
I should probably get stickers for the intersex one because i have the rest but since these stickers are in a weird "i need to get these reprinted in vinyl but theyre currently in paper so i need to sell the paper ones first" so idk if i should get it in paper or viynl
If anyone wants to suggest any other flags they want to see as pride cats like this, please do suggest which ones so ill get to them faster! currently i have the polyamarous and polysexual flags up next but i also want to do the demiboy and demigirl flags
Also, I have these on my redubble or my etsy! well, i do for the genderfluid one. i'll add the intersex cat to my redbubble after i post this. anyway i'll have to link them in a rb because tumblr and its link problems
some other cats:
intersex inclusive progress pride flag | lesbian | mlm
nonbinary | transmasc | transfem
bisexual | pansexual
misc sketch ideas
EDIT: if you want these I have them as stickers and wooden pins (just the genderfluid as a pin currently, will change in future) on etsy! i also have them on my redbubble
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autistic-sidestep · 17 days
OH ALSO FOR THE SHIP BINGO. Sura and Mortum because i KNOW that's brewing in your brain rn and I want to hear more about them 👀👀
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suramortum!!!!!1 fuck it took me 5 months to answer this anyways throws this under the cut (it gets slowly more incoherent towards the end because i am very tired)
so suramortum. i hadnt considered them as a thing when i first played but gradually through codediving and exploring more of mortum's route i really liked the new dimensions it showed of sidestep + how multifaceted the good doctor was. I’ve been fiddling a lot with sura + made it more ruthless + calculated, therefore nudging itself further away from ricardo/heroic persona, and mortum represents a lot more present/future thinking whereas ric’s looking back at the past.
to me i think sura did earnestly first fall for mortum all the way back in rebirth at the cape scene:
You watch the image of the armor rotating in the air as Dr. Mortum adds a variety of capes to the sleek image. There's a look of almost childish joy on her face that makes it hard not to smile in return. "I didn't know you were so fond of capes," you tease. "I'm not." There's a pause, and a sheepish shrug. "Alright, maybe I am. It adds a sense of style that I feel most people these days lack."
someone else who also enjoys design and knows there's power in appearances and genuinely just being able to collaborate with a fellow artist was really nice for sura
Besides the t4t they’re both lonely people starved/desperate for connection and that juxtaposition w/ the fronts they maintain to keep themselves safe, and mortum's route really hits the heart of sura’s issues. eg at the gala:
"It's an interesting feeling, isn't it?" Dr. Mortum looks around the crowd for a moment before returning ${mhis} gaze to you. "To look back and realize how much you've changed. How far you've come." "I suppose." You snort a little in amusement. For a moment, you can see your younger self, standing in a party not unlike this one, feeling completely overwhelmed for very different reasons. "Never thought I'd end up like this." "For people like us, the first time stepping out of line means stepping into our own. I recognized a kindred spirit in you from our first meeting." You turn to look at the good doctor, frowning a little as you try to decide how you are supposed to handle this conversation. $!{mhe} has turned out to be more perceptive than you bargained for.
  #I'm curious about what ${mhe} thinks of me, so I will let ${mhim} continue leading the conversation.     "Really? What kind of a kindred spirit is that?" You smile a little coyly, pushing back your nervous twitch about being investigated like this.     "Someone who is in the process of reinventing themselves." $!{mhe} rubs ${mhis} chin a little, looking you over. "Into what, I'm not sure."     "Isn't that true for everybody, though?"     "Sadly, no. Most people are satisfied with what life has given them. They might whine and complain, but they will make no attempt to change their circumstances."     "But I am?"     "Are you telling me that I'm wrong?" Dr. Mortum looks honestly puzzled, as if nobody had ever dared to do that before.     "Not exactly…." You drag out the pause a little too long. "Just that I'm uncomfortable with being scrutinized this closely."     "I'm not your enemy, ${title}." $!{mhe} smiles a little as ${mhe} looks into your eyes. "Quite the opposite, in fact."
the transtalk during the lovers scene route (which i am always at least a little irritated that sura can’t reach naturally because being intersex and trans are mutually exclusive so i edit the savefile just for that) and the (good) reveal scene really cemented junomortum/suramortum for me though.
Sura’s always masking and acting and lying because it’s an ingrained habit from the Farm and a defense mechanism (and we also can’t forget those identity issues). mortum is one of the few people that's perceptive enough (and that's allowed) to see through some of sura's facades (partly because there's none of the baggage of knowing what sura Used to be like the way it is with chen and ortega)
trans lovers talk:
"I'm sorry," you say [...] "I didn't mean to touch a nerve." "You didn't." She pats you on the back, pulling you a little closer. "Some people…they do. There's this morbid curiosity I can't stand. Like I'm a slab of meat they are trying to find fault with. But you, ma cherie, you…" This time she looks you straight in the eye. "I what?" You are the one turning away your gaze this time. "I get the feeling you understand." "Maybe I do." You can't hide your sigh because you do. Not in a way you can explain to her, but you do. "I wasn't sure at first. You look rather…comfortable with yourself for…" She doesn't say it out loud, but you know what she implies. Juno comes across as so confident, it must be hard for someone else to imagine how much of a mess you are. "I'm good at keeping up appearances," you say, and it's not even much of a lie. Layer the masks thick enough, and they become armor. <- sura's motto right here
"You are," Dr. Mortum admits, but she keeps looking at you with the faintest of frowns. "A little too much for your own good, I think." "No, I like being inscrutable." You slide from her grip, giving her a pat on her shoulder. "Roll over. You're looking at me too much." "Even to me, ma cherie?" But she follows your command, rolling over on her stomach. "Do you still need to hide who you really are around here?" "Yes." You slide on top of her, starting to massage her shoulders. A little rougher than you need to, but she deserves it. "You don't have to," she gently suggests. "I don't judge." "That's what everybody says." You lean into your hands, finding a particularly tense muscle. "Right before they judge you." "I can understand your paranoia, but…" "If you do, then drop this subject, and I'll think about it." That's a lie, but she doesn't need to know that. Your mask is the only thing keeping you safe, no matter how much she claims she would understand. Agh. How did you end up getting caught in another anxiety loop brought on by your own damnable curiosity?
i just. [clenches fist]
also the post-confession stuff! since sura gets stuck in juno (puppetcrash + puppetstuck) i love that mortum even as justifiably upset as she is still cares enough to rescue puppetstuck sura after they'd assumed all bridges between them had been burned (outside scar w/ a lot of self loathing and a self-destructive streak whoops). it's so messy and complicated and i just love them being able to pick through the mess and slowly progress forward (with a lot of apologies, effort and reconcilliation on sura's part). they're not good people but they can still find solace in eachother.
(i think sura's probably headed for a bad ending but mortum might be able to change the trajectory with a bit of luck)
also mortum's audhd and sura's autism ! neurodivergent couple :3 i love that mortum's always checking for consent and how much she cares.
also!!! mortum and sura being the hottest villain powercouple on the west coast is very hot. im thinking about coordinated costumes for annual halloween villain galas and just massively ruthless competence. they can cover eachothers blindspots since mortum's the tech person and sura's got the contacts and the charisma as argos.
sura's down just. horrendously bad for the good doctor. i've likened them to an aloof/hissy housecat with everyone else but a very affectionate lapcat with Only mortum. i'm picturing all kinds of silly domesticity in the lab. in a good end au sura gets its cat back from elena's place and the three live together :'3
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demonbanisher · 2 years
OKAY - I promised soft sad today cause we did silly fluff yesterday, but I don’t know if this fits? It is soft sad but also with a happy ending? Either way I gave myself a ton of feelings about this fictional baby that I am now super attached to. Let me know how I did 😂
TW: mentions of past mistreatment by doctors, misgendering (happens once and is an accident that is immediately corrected), discussions of gender, and gender discrimination as a child
Unexpected AU Master List
Remus was pretty sure children’s doctor office’s hadn’t changed since the last time he’d been in one. Still the same faded cartoons stuck to the wall. Still the same bland, peeling beige paint behind it. Still the same fear deep down in his chest. 
It was just Addie’s six week checkup. There wasn’t anything wrong, or if there was he guessed that was what they were here for, it was just he wasn’t very fond of doctor’s offices on the best of occasions. 
The doctor strode through the door with his eyes focused on his clipboard. “How are we doing Mum and Dad?” He looked up at them and froze, glancing down at his paper and frowning. “Sorry, someone clearly made a mistake on the paperwork, but I’ll get that cleared up. Is this Addie?”
Sirius followed the doctor’s gaze to their baby that Remus was clutching desperately close to his chest. 
“Can I take a look?” The doctor asked, all smiles. 
Sirius took a closer look at husband before turning back to the doctor. “I’m sorry, I’m certain you are very busy but could you give us a moment?”
The doctor’s eyes went from Sirius to Remus and back before his smile returned. “Of course, I have another patient next door. I’ll just do their check up first.”
“Thank you,” Sirius said and watched the doctor leave before turning his attention back to Remus. “You’re squishing her love.”
Remus quickly relaxed his grip. “Sorry.”
“Did the doctor calling you Mum upset you? I think it was just a clerical error but I can talk to him if you want.”
Remus shook his head slowly.
“What is it?” Sirius asked, rubbing soothing circles into his back.
Remus took another shaky breath in and out. “They can’t make her choose.”
“Can’t make her choose what darling?”
Remus closed his eyes, watching himself grow up in doctor’s offices. In moving from clinic, to clinic, to clinic with every one of them having those faded cartoon characters on the wall. He remembered his mom yelling at doctors about things he didn’t understand yet, and asking what the doctor meant by ‘is it a boy or a girl yet’ as she buckled him into carseats. He remembered doctors frowning at paperwork and talking about ticking clocks and normal and fitting in. He remembered the doctors who looked at him like a thing and the ones who looked at him like a problem and finally the one that looked at him like he was a kid. But more than anything, despite his mother’s reassurances, he remembers the overwhelming pressure to choose. Who was he going to be? What did he want them to do?
Remus looked at the peeling Mickey Mouse on the wall and felt small and powerless and confused all over again. So he turned his gaze down to his feet instead. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. What’s going on?”
“Doctors weren’t always nice to me as a kid.”
Realization dawned on Sirius. “Ah.”
“I know Addie isn’t intersex or at least as far as we know she isn’t but I don’t know if we’re doing the right thing.”
“What do you mean the right thing?” Sirius asked, but before Remus could answer the door opened and the doctor strode back in.
“Everything alright?” He asked.
“Yes,” Remus said. “I’m intersex. That’s probably why they made that mistake on Addie’s file. I didn’t have the best experiences with doctor’s growing up so I guess I’m just a little nervous.”
“Oh, well I’m sorry to hear that but I’m going to do my best to make sure Addie gets the best care. Can I take a look at her now?”
Remus nodded and got up to help the doctor complete all the procedures he needed to, confirming Addie was the right height and the right weight, that her eyes and her heart were developing good and briefed them on her upcoming vaccinations. Overall, everything went smoothly and yet there was this lingering dread that Remus couldn’t shake.
Sirius waited until they were back in the car to ask about it. “Are you okay?”
“I don’t know,” Remus said. “I need more time to think. Let’s wait til Addie is down for her nap.”
They drove home in silence after that. Addie was already half asleep from the car ride and nodded off shortly after they set her down in her crib. 
Sirius set up the monitor spell and then they headed into the living room to sit down. “Okay love, what’s going on?”
“I don’t know if we’re doing the right thing.”
Sirius just gave him his full attention and waited for him to speak.
“‘I have her.’ That was the first thing you said to me after Addie was born and it just made sense. We had a baby girl.
“When I was born no one said to my mom its a girl or its a boy and they wanted my mom to pick, but she didn’t want to because she didn’t believe it was her decision to make. What if we’re making Addie’s decision for her? Why did we just decide that she’s a girl because of how her body looks?”
Sirius thought for a moment. “You can tell me if I’m way out of line here, but didn’t your mom still choose for you? Isn’t choosing to raise you with gender neutral pronouns still a choice?
“I know my experience with gender and sex is completely different to yours and I’m willing to take your lead on this if you want, but I also know we make a thousand choices for her everyday. I put a Quidditch onesie on her the other day just cause I thought it looked cute. She doesn’t even know what Quidditch is yet. 
“I know us and I know we aren’t going to cover her in bows and dresses and everything pink just because she has a vagina, right?”
“Right,” Remus said. That wasn’t even something they’d needed to discuss.
“So, I know we fell into she/her pronouns for Addie and we did so because that’s what a lot of people have done before us and that’s the norm for what a lot of parents do with their kids. But she and her are just words right? You can use she and her and identify as a man if that’s what works for you. You can use she and her and be non-binary. You can use she and her and be a demigirl or a demiboy or a thousand other things. If you want to change Addie’s pronouns to something that is more widely acknowledged as genderless then we can do that, but also I think at the end of the day she and her are words and as long as we let her know that they don’t shape who she is or how she understands herself or who she wants to be then I think that’s what really matters.”
Remus nodded along in agreement, but in the end still ended up staring down in his lap as his eyes watered. “I look at her and she feels like my little girl and I feel wrong for thinking that.”
“I don’t know. I know gender is all fucked anyways, but I guess I’m scared I’m going to end up hurting her with the same ideas that hurt me.”
“Remus,” Sirius said softly, his voice full of love and adoration and sadness that Remus ever had to feel bad for being who he was. 
“When I was little my mum took me to the fabric store with her and let me pick anything I wanted and I picked this blue fabric that had construction vehicles on it but I wanted it as a dress. So she made it for me and I was supposed to have a playdate with this kid Michael I’d befriended at a library program. I must have been four or five. Michael’s mom took one look at me and turned to my mom and said ‘Sorry, I thought you had a son.’ My mom said, ‘I don’t. I have a child.’ She told her she didn’t want me confusing her son and sent us home.
“I couldn’t figure out what went wrong. I was too little, but I decided it was the dress and no matter how hard my mom tried I refused to put it on again. 
“I never want Addie to feel like that. I never want Addie to think that’s she’s undesirable for being who she is.” Remus looked up at Sirius’s with watery eyes. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why this is so hard for me.”
“Oh Moons,” Sirius said as he pulled him against him. “It’s hard because you’re a good dad and a good person. It’s hard because you know how messed up the world can be about things that don’t really exist but still matter because we’ve decided they do. You care so much about getting this right, about keeping Addie safe and making sure she’s alright. It’s hard because little you is still hurting and you never want Addie to hurt that way.”
“Is it wrong for us to call her our daughter?”
Sirius laughed. “I mean we’ve both called her happy little accident, gremlin, toes, bumblebee, pup, and spoons in the last six weeks so I think if you want daughter’s just another name on an already pretty weird list and if she grows up and that word means something to her that’s fine and if she wants to be a gremlin then we keep her away from water and that’s fine too.”
“I never should have shown you that film.”
“Best Christmas movie ever. I’m still sad mogwai don’t exist in the magical world.”
“You and James would have taken down Hogwarts with an infestation if they did.”
“Yeah,” Sirius admitted. “Probably for the best.”
“And I would have had to kill them all for you.”
Sirius snuggled in closer to him. “And I would have loved you all the more for it.”
Remus shook his head and kissed Sirius in a way that he hoped communicated that he was both insufferable and that Remus wouldn’t want to spend his life with anyone else. 
“So daughter?” Sirius asked.
Remus nodded. “I can do daughter. She can be both daughter and too young to have any perception or understanding of gender at the same time. Even though gender doesn’t exist, but also it does and please don’t get me started on this rant again.”
“I can keep talking about Gremlins instead?”
Remus laughed. “You want to watch it now, don’t you?”
“Alright, let’s see how many violent gremlin deaths we can get through before Addie gets up.”
Sirius grinned and got up in search of the film. They didn’t even make it as far as Randall spilling water on gizmo before their little gremlin was demanding to fed. 
When Sirius had a quiet moment, he called Hope asking if she still had Remus’s construction dress. She did and told him she hadn’t had it in her heart to throw it away. Sirius had her send it to him and then magically altered it so it would grow with Addie. The first day he brought her out in it Remus cried so hard Sirius was terrified he made a mistake.
“I’m sorry,” he told him. “I thought this was a good idea but I’ll go and change her right now.”
“No,” Remus choked out, catching his hand as he tried to get the torrent of tears under control. “Little me is a little sad, but also so so happy someone gets to wear what they did not. They didn’t think they’d get to grow up into me. They’re thinking of Michael and that maybe he needed to be confused. I just,” he took in a shuddering breath. “Fuck it, just give me my daughter. I need to feel things while I look at her adorable face.”
Sirius smiled and handed her over and watched as Remus brushed tears out of his eyes and whispered to her how she was so handsome, so beautiful, so perfect and that within her she had the power to be whoever she wanted to be. Gremlins is gender. No, I will not explain.
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loveafterthefact · 4 years
Love After the Fact Chapter 52: I Promise with my Hands, my Smile, my Lips Against His
Lance takes a moment to put things in perspective for Krolia.
First  Previous  Next
The serum burns like acid as it enters his veins. The feeling doesn’t dilute as it mixes with his blood, the awful burn causing his hearts to beat faster and harder, spreading fire through his system until his entire body feels like it’s aflame.
It’s been almost half a varga. And this won’t be the only time he endures this. Still, it means he’ll be able to enjoy more of his stay, teach Lance about his home.
Worth it.
Head in Lance’s lap, Keith’s curled around his spouse’s form, unable to bite back an occasional chirp. Lance murmurs softly, stroking his hair, rubbing his ear. “It’s alright, beloved. It’ll be over soon. Does it always hurt this much?”
“Difficult to say, but it’s not uncommon for them to scream.”
“Wonderful. Thank you.” the Altean glares, bottom stuck out.
Thace merely shrugs. “Pain is not so alien for my people as it is for yours.”
“Pain is not alien to my people.” Those blue and pink eyes narrow. “Much of my generation is made of orphans.”
The prince turns away from the young medic’s panicked apology, focusing on the kit curled around him, face pressed against his belly. To his surprise, Krolia sits next to him, cautiously takes over rubbing Keith’s exposed ear. The kit takes his hand, holds it against his chest.
“Breathe, beloved. Breathe.” Which Keith does, though with effort, forcing his previously shallow breaths to expand and deepen. “Good. That’s so good, beloved.”
“Don’t you baby-talk me. Save it for our kits.”
“Even now, you’re so sassy. Don’t ever stop.” Lance brushes his thumb over Keith’s knuckles. “Hey, what do you think Adam’s doing right now?”
“Making out with Shiro in some shady corner like a couple of pubescents,” Keith gasps, grateful for the distraction. “They’re so gross.”
“It’s really good for Adam, though, even if it doesn’t work out. It’s a brand new experience for him.”
“It’s new for -Fuck, that hurts!- It’s new for Shiro, too. He’s been alone for so long.”
“Did he lose somebody?”
“Not a mate. He’s been in the army in some capacity since he was a kit. He- He never really had time for someone. No one ever caught his eye.” Keith heaves a sigh as the pain fades away, leaving him comparatively cool, his muscles lax, his eyes drooping.
“You alright, beloved?” Lance strokes his hair, tugs gently on the end of his braid. Keith nods, nosing against his stomach. “Tired?” Another nod. Lance lifts their joined hands briefly to his lips. “Rest here for a bit. It’ll make it easier for Adam to find us, anyway… Go ahead and sleep, beloved.”
Keith, it seems, doesn’t need any more encouragement, slipping back into the same sound sleep he’s been in and out of for a while now as his apparently hypermetabolized body struggles to find enough energy to carry out its tasks. Thace is in the other room with his kit, so Lance takes this as an opportunity.
“You must think very little of me. I would have preferred Lanval not told you of my misbehaviour.”
“You are not what I wanted for my son. He is intersex, a blessing to our people. It should have been his gods-given right to choose his mate. His right, before anyone else’s… I thought you would force yourself upon him, engender him to you.”
“Where I come from, such an act is a crime. Unless your father is a king, it would seem.” Lance sighs. “I gave up my trick for him. I had always played up my antics, spending too much money, traipsing about with various other people on my arm. When I became king, I was going to make a grand show of putting my wild days behind me, stepping up to be the leader my people needed.”
“Power is a matter of perception.” Krolia nods. “I know this philosophy well. My mate was fond of throwing it around when he grew particularly bitter with the world... I imagine you understand.”
“ Now more than ever, yes. I am no longer certain how to make my ascension significant in the eyes of my people now that I’ve given myself up, but I couldn’t do that to him. Someone so brave, and good- I didn’t want to destroy that.”
“If you’re trying to get me to like you-”
“I don’t care whether you like me or not. Your opinion on the matter carries no weight here or on Altea. However…” Lance’s eyes stare into Krolia’s, uncharacteristically hard. “I want you to consider what turning us against each other will mean for your son. I must bed him for the sake of this marriage and alliance. I must impregnate him at least twice to assure the continuation of my culture and my family’s legacy. We must raise our children and rule our kingdom together. This alliance depends on that.
“Our lives are irretrievably intertwined. If nothing else, consider how much easier and happier his life might be if he and I are an actual couple. Keep your silence, let us be as we choose, and I promise you your son will want for nothing.”
Krolia stares at her son’s head in Lance’s lap, listens to the chiming of the ornaments in the Altean’s ears as he leans over his sleeping spouse, brushing his thumb over his cheek. Those words still hold little against the care this prince lavishes so freely over her son. In the words of Akira, actions speak louder than words, and Lance’s actions sing.
The mother sighs. “I concede your point. Make him happy.”
“All the days of my life. I swear it.”
“The word of an Altean prince isn’t worth the breath in his lungs, but I suppose it’ll have to do.”
Keith stirs. “What’s this about Lance’s words?”
“Nothing, kitten. He just doesn’t shut up.”
“Hm.” The kit adjusts his grip on Lance’s hand, smiling. “He really doesn’t- Oh.” Keith’s violet eyes go wide.
“What is it, beloved?”
“Lance. A whole phoeb. At least a phoeb without Seran and Renli!”
Lance’s laugh is like windchimes, high and clear and bright. “Ah, that does sound lovely. Say, Adam should be here soon and Allura will find us as befits her. What would you like to do today?”
“The truth?” Keith asks. Lance just smiles, strokes his hair with his free hand. “I want to go home and see BleepBloop.”
“BleepBloop?” The prince cocks his head. “What’s a BleepBloop?”
“My childhood pet. When- When I left, Shiro told me not to bring anything because it would all get taken away. I only brought my blade because I thought I could hide it.”
“I would have put the fear of the Ancients into them if they took your pet. After you terrorized them, of course.”
“I know that now, but…” Keith studies their joined hands. “I didn’t then.”
Lance opens his mouth, ready to say some sweet nothing, when Adam slips into the room. “Your Majesties. The Imperial family welcomes us with open arms and good grace. We may go where we choose and do as we like, so long as we respect the people and their customs… What did I miss?”
“Some liquid fire being injected into my body. Think I’d rather be eaten by a kronil.” Keith sits up, stretching his arms up over his head. “I for one would like to go back to my den and change into some more comfortable clothes. Then-”
“See your pet and eat something? Yes that sounds very good.” Lance coaxes his spouse to his feet.
Another, older Galra enters, smiles when he sees Keith. “Hey, little one. Have you gone and got smaller?”
“Fuck off, Ulaz.” The young Galra laughs all the same, ears perked and happy. A friend.
“Seen Thace?”
“In the other room, nursing Raj. They’re super cute by the way. Good job.”
“Pfft. Thace did all the work. I’m just lucky my mate’s a pretty one. Otherwise they’d probably all end up looking like me.”
“Yeah, they’d be born looking all old and wrinkly and gross.” Keith sticks his tongue out at the older Galra.
“All kits are born two of those things, little one. You’ll see.”
Keith scoffs, but Lance laughs. “Actually, he’s right. Brand new babies all look like little grubs with faces. Ours will be no different.”
The unimpressed look on Keith’s face has Lance, Ulaz, and even the ever-quiet Krolia laughing.
“Alright. I’d better go see if Thace needs anything. You all take care. Keith, bring that Altean of yours and join us for dinner one night. I’m telling the kits you’re coming, so don’t go making a liar out of me. They outnumber us more than two to one now, and I am super doomed if Thace sides with them.”
“We’ll come; I promise. Tell Thace thanks from me.” Keith smiles, slips his hand into Lance’s, only to skip ahead, lighter than Lance has ever seen.
Lance nods his thanks as Krolia lifts a box from the nearby table. It’s full of serum doses. He watches his spouse’s antics, bouncing with every step, smiling through the halls and out into that sunlight he’s clearly missed so very much. He already knows that leaving will be hard for both of them.
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Alex's profile. I think this is the fastest a profile has been finished after I decided to create a character. I love Alex, I am definitely going to use them in pictures and stories. I've already started on making a little clay figure of them. Alex can be interacted with here: @the-flower-patch
Name: Alex
Sex: Intersex
Gender: Nonbinary
Sexuality: Demi-pansexual
Pronouns: They/Them
Flower Type: Orchid
Voice Claim: Lady Gaga
Birthplace: Rye, UK
Birthday: April 9th
Birthstone: Diamond
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 3ft (fictional liberties here)
Adoptive mother/eventual agent: An actress named Jaclyn
Cousin: Cory
Some Facts: Alex did have a slight british accent but mostly lost it while growing up with a human who traveled. It can be heard a little when they’re tired Alex did have another name, but chose Alex for themself They have an instagram, twitter and tik tok and post things daily for and with their fans
Alex bloomed in the same location as Cory did, although they were adopted from the flower-stand while they were still a newly sprouted seedling. They were gifted as part of a bouquet to an actress going to a movie premier. The amount of attention the human received, all the flashing lights, people wanting autographs - Alex wanted something like that for themself.
And so they sought after it. Once the human learned the orchid was sentient she moved them out of the bouquet and into a flowerpot of their own. After learning of the young flower’s goals Jaclyn made sure to leave the small pot near her switched-on computer whenever she had to leave. From there Alex found tutorials and practiced teaching themself how to sing for hours on end. During the times the human was around, she would help vocal-coach Alex.
As time passed, Jaclyn one day brought Alex with her to a movie set: she’d gotten the flower a small role with a musical number. Alex was terrified, saying they weren’t good enough yet. Jaclyn talked to them privately for a while, saying if they really didn’t want to, they didn’t have to, but that the adolescent flower had developed into such talent.
Alex, still nervous finally agreed to try. Because of their scene, others were amazed by the talent of the plant. Before leaving that day they were signed up for another role. Alex was so happy, and Jaclyn took them out for a special celebratory dinner.
Alex steadily was signed up for more roles and started creating music videos that quickly started going viral, being a plant with such talent. By the time they were a young adult they had several CDs, film roles, and had gone on concert tour a couple of times. They never forgot where they started however, and would always try to encourage others to work hard for their own dreams.
As their fame continued to grow, Alex loved the attention, and loved any time they found out they were an inspiration for others as well. If someone reached out to them, they personally would respond. A number of times they’ve invited fans up onto stage with them. Of course with the fame came the rumors that also spread, but Alex ignored those as best as they could. Addressing them wasn’t worth it, what mattered was their fans, without them Alex wouldn’t be in the position they were in.
One day they were contacted by a young coreopsis saying her dad came from Rye and knew of an orchid that was bought from the same flower-stand there and wondered if they were the same orchid. Alex was told to just ignore it, it was just someone wanting something, but they were also pretty curious. There were some details in the message that just weren’t public information. Alex agreed and set up a time and place to meet with these flowers.
While meeting with Jessica and the rest of her family an interesting conversation happened.  Jessica wondered if there was a chance they were related since they came from the same small flower stand all those years ago. Although it was initially laughed off as not likely considering Alex and Cory were very different flower types, and just coming from the same stand didn’t mean they were related, for the fun of it, they decided to do the test that proved Jess was Cory’s daughter.
The test results were pretty shocking, as it turns out Alex and Cory were actually related. They were cousins. Fascinated by having a larger family, Alex invited them all to dinner with their adopted mother so they could get to know them more.
As Alex got to meet their extended floral family they learned how jealous their cousin was of their fame. He seemed almost bitter about the fact they had fans and he didn’t. Despite how sometimes blatantly rude the coreopsis could get, they still continued to show him kindness and made sure he and his children and wife would receive tickets anytime they had a concert nearby.
They would sometimes talk privately to their cousin, saying if he really wanted this fame, there wasn’t anything stopping him from working hard to get it. Maybe he wouldn’t have the practice from early childhood like they had, but it wasn’t too late to start. They even tried to help: they pulled a few strings to get Cory a few photo-shoots and a walk down a runway. Although those went well, it soon became clear Cory wanted the fame without having to do the work for it. He did finally start treating his cousin nicer at least. It was still very clear he was jealous though.
Alex will sometimes include their cousin and sometimes members of his family in their social media posts. They are pretty fond of their extended floral family and enjoy finding time to spend with them. It’s not often they can meet up, Alex’s schedule keeps them pretty busy, but it makes the times they can spend together mean a lot.
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the-mad-starker · 5 years
Diamonds and Roses- 3 - A Bite of My Heart
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AO3 Link: Chapter 1 (2359) | Chapter 2 (6101) | Chapter 3 (5836)
Tumblr Link: Chapter 1 & 2
Summary:  Prime Alpha Tony Stark is sent to prison. He can get out in a second, but instead, he decides to play nice and bide his time. Do things the legal way, for now anyway. While incarcerated, a sweet faced omega wants his help but at what cost?
Notes: ABO dynamics, Prime alpha Tony, Omega Peter, intersex omegas, prison AU, future smut including anal sex, vaginal sex, blow jobs, etcetcetc…
Yay, @still-lovelygarnet is back on Tumblr so I’m calling her out here so everyone knows. Go show her some love!
Chapter 3 is the beginning of the spicy NFF!
💗 💗 💗 
The deal was made and with it, Tony should have stepped back and returned to his cold, calculating self.
His instincts were telling him to do the opposite though and they wanted him closer still. It was all the more reason for Tony to step away because as a prime, his instincts should not rule him. But the omega’s scent tickled his nose and lured him in, begging to be explored.
Maybe just this once, Tony could follow what those urges wanted.
As it was, the omega wasn’t exactly pulling away either.
The position they found themselves in was a peculiar one, both unwilling to back off so why shouldn’t Tony… take advantage?
“Let me… fulfill the first step in my task then…” Tony murmured, a mere excuse for staying close. He would test the boundaries, maybe push just a little… But it didn’t seem as though the omega was adverse to his attention.
With the young omega in his arms, Tony had to stomp down the soft alpha purr that was caught in his throat. The omega had asked for protection, not for a lover, and even if they were compatible, Tony's life was a dangerous one.
Someone like Peter wouldn't survive. The possibility that he could learn tickled the back of Tony's mind, but he ignored that too. That was inconsequential, for now. No, it was better that they just had this one deal but maybe they could have fun while it lasted.
The act of claiming didn’t have to be like this. Tony has had his share of claiming others. He would lay his hand on their shoulders and run his palms along their neck. Those he was particularly fond of, the prime would sweep his hands over their arms and hands. He would spread his scent, so potent and distinctive, as much as possible until… Until they were truly marked as his, in ink and stone.
So this wasn’t his first time marking someone but pressed against this particular omega, Tony could admit that it was the first that it ever felt so intimate. He had already stepped out of the bounds of what someone like him should do… And that sweet scent dared him to continue.
He ran his fingers through the boy's brown curls, spreading more of his scent, letting it soak down to the very roots. He wondered briefly if Peter understood how unusual this was. Or was the omega just basking in the attention?
Tony needed to get back to business.
“Don't worry about Thanos,” Tony said, voice rough and strained. “He's my problem now.”
Chest to back, the boy's skin was soaking up his scent… Good.
“Every morning, you'll come to my cell,” Tony instructed him. “You'll take the suppressants I give you and you'll take it in front of me. I don't trust those shits to not try something once word gets out.”
Tony’s mercy would set a lot of things in motion, things that both would have to prepare for. Even then, there would be things that neither would foresee and that made the prime’s heart shudder in excitement.
“Thank you, Alpha… I’ll come to you,” Peter offered with respect.
He couldn’t believe that he would get out of this unscathed. Yet, it appeared to be true, Tony was someone who didn’t feed on an omega’s fear.
“You're mine now,” Tony told him. He pulled back, just a bit, to turn him around and tip the omega's face towards his. “Do you know what that means, hmm? When a man like me claims another?”
Peter moved gracefully with the alpha’s guidance, yielding to those strong hands. He was intoxicated by the alpha’s deep scent, but at least this time it didn’t threaten to overwhelm him. His own scent, normally undetected by his nose, was a sweet undertone to the alpha’s deep musk. The prime’s scent and his own… mixing and merging… Together.
Tony’s words made him bold and this time there was no holding back as he stood on his toes to get a whiff of the man’s neck. The scent there was even deeper, as prevalent as it could get without getting undressed.
Peter’s eyes fluttered closed in bliss.
Tony felt hyper aware of Peter nosing along his neck, no doubt seeking more of his scent in such a carefree manner. He had to clench his jaw, using sheer strength of will to not get hard.
If it were any other omega, any other person actually, Tony would've had them slammed into a wall for daring. Throats were much too vulnerable. Tony shouldn't be as comfortable as he was right then but he was. He was relaxed and caught in a soft cocoon, lulled into some sort of compliance with the omega's happy scent clouding his mind.
The boy let go and slowly opened his eyes to look up at him, slightly shivering from the intensity.
He was thinking about Tony’s words, what it means to be claimed…
Peter had never known what it meant to belong to another other than himself and willingly so. He kept under the radar as much as possible since he didn’t want to be touched or felt by others, whether they were alphas or betas. All belonged in the same category for him. Primes weren’t any different. That's what Thanos had proven, but Tony… He was not like the rest.
His expression turned serious as a small and determined frown decorated his lips.
“I have never been claimed, alpha,” Peter confessed with a steady tone.
Admitting this was, perhaps, putting him in a vulnerable position. Still, honesty was Peter’s way, the only way he knew.
“I just know that your scent will protect me…”
The flame inside him returned, even more so than before now that a prime’s scent was being absorbed by his skin.
Tony wasn't all too surprised at the admission. With one look at him, one sniff of his scent, Tony was already able to tell so much about Peter's character. Innocent, but still so wily. His heart was pinned on his sleeve.
The alpha could never allow such weakness within himself, but perhaps it wasn't a weakness for the boy. Peter had already charmed one prime into giving him what he wanted, after all.
This made some part of Tony shudder in revulsion, but it made his inner alpha grow sharp teeth. Tony had claimed the boy already though, so that was only inevitable. It pleased him that he would be the first and only if they continued with this arrangement.
“The scent will wear off,” Tony said dismissively. “That's why you must come to me. As long as you have even a hint of me on you, anyone that belongs to me will assist you. My strength will become yours… For as long as the scent lasts.”
His teeth flashed in a brief but teasing grin. “Of course, there are other ways to let the scent sink in. Things we can do so that the smell of me will never leave you. It'll bury deep into your bones and everyone will know you're mine.”
He caressed the omega's cheek, tracing a finger down the unmarked skin of his neck. Tony made sure to carefully watch for Peter's reactions. “But… I don't think that's to your taste, hmm?”
Only now becoming aware that he was standing in his t-shirt and underwear, Peter held still. His face, so open and guileless, didn’t become alarmed or scared. Not at all, it was the exact opposite reaction to Tony’s previous advancement. Because now Peter felt safe, a balance within him that the alpha had forged with his claim.
That didn’t mean the omega was unaffected.
As the other spoke, Peter’s cheeks heated up and the boy used all of his willpower to not avert his gaze. Then he swallowed and let his eyelids lower slowly as he thought of a proper response.
“I’m not what you think, what you are looking for,” he claimed with a hint of audacity, the finger on his neck making him shiver.
What was going on in Peter’s mind could be anyone’s guess, but he spoke in a matter-of-fact way. Of course, the boy couldn’t shy away from the true reasons he was refusing. Deep down he knew what he wanted.
Just being with Tony was like his first crush. It was warm and sweet... Safe. His young body held in his mother's arms as he declared his love and intent to marry the alpha boy he had his sights on.
Even with the way his mother had laughed, delighted and smiling so brightly, love wasn't wrong.
And as he gazed into the prime's dark eyes, he felt that way again. It wasn't wrong to love, it just hurt him to do so knowing that Tony didn't feel anything like that for him.
“Why would you want to go further with... me?” the boy asked. It was a matter of the flesh for the alpha, how could it not be, but the boy felt compelled to press for answers.
Mere moments ago they had made a cold deal, but it could turn into so much more… Even the offer of being the alpha’s lover made his breath catch. But was it just this once… Or was there substance to what the alpha offered? Would he be… discarded afterward? Would it be worth it even if it was just once…?
But the alpha could have anyone he wanted, Peter was sure of it. Why was he so set on him then?
Tony smiled at the flustered omega. He liked that Peter hadn't just jumped into his arms or fallen in line. It was nice. Refreshing.
The alpha also liked having a challenge. In this tiny, boring little world, he needed something to focus on. He could almost pity the omega for catching his attention, but well, Tony hadn't initiated whatever this was.
He was only supplementing it.
The alpha's entire body felt loose and relaxed. His smile was oh so charming, meant to seduce with the mean curve of his lips. When he spoke, his voice was husky and amused.
“I think, little omega, that the problem is you think I'm looking for something. I am… but a simple alpha. A simple man,” Tony purred the words out, eyes hooded but still so sharp and vigilant. “We're in this tiny, tiny room and you think… what? I'm thinking of another omega while we're talking?”
He chuckled, body leaning towards Peter's, wanting more contact, more anything.
“No,” he said gently but firmly, “it's just you and me. Here and now, you have my attention. The question is then… Do you want it?”
Omegas could not stand a chance against Tony’s charms and effortless display of alphaism. Even more so Peter, who was so young and maybe rough around the edges but already captivated by all that Tony was. Yet the boy tried, hanging on to his convictions, on to what he thought was right and what would hurt him less in the long run
For all that the alpha claimed to be a simple man, Peter knew he was anything but. There was so much more… And he had only seen Tony’s surface, a glimpse. Peter wanted to know everything there was to learn and to mean something to the man in front of him. By giving himself up like this… the dream could be vanquished.
"Do I want it..." Peter considered, gaze to the side then coming to rest on Tony's features. It was like every time Peter looked at him, the prime grew more handsome and tempting with every glance. Was he so weak to give in or was it inevitable that he would fall?
"No tricks or games?" Peter said. He smiled but there was a shadow to it that Tony didn't understand.
The alpha’s expression softened, his sharp smile losing its edge and his eyes becoming warmer, fond even.
"No games, sweetheart," Tony said in a soft purr, "Just an alpha and omega... Doing what we've done for years... Enjoying what was meant for the other."
Peter was naive enough to believe that he was keeping his feelings for the man hidden inside as he held his gaze in place, still somehow able to look up at the man. He understood, however, very clearly what went on in the alpha’s head. It was as he had suspected from the very start.
A matter of the flesh.
The boy’s features grew heavier, his heart squeezed in a tight grip. It had been folly, really, to think that there was ever a chance to be something more for Tony, other than… well.
"And if I walk away now...? After we've agreed on the deal..." Peter challenged.
Tony almost laughed. Talking with this omega was... So exciting.
"A prime's honor," Tony said, inclining his head. He would honor it, he didn’t take anyone into his service unless they came with a loyal heart. It was no different now. "Are you going to walk away then?"
Peter considered a moment longer. His breath shallow and his heart pounding. He fought with himself, to not give in, to shield his heart away. Maybe he was the one playing games… Walking into this with a bleeding heart when the alpha looked so calm and unaffected… Peter was plagued by desire.
But would it be better to have loved and lost… Such an unsavory thought but it helped push Peter’s decision. If he was to give himself to someone… Tony would have been the only choice for him. At least here, with him, he could get to choose.
"No... I don't think I will," Peter said but then his eyes darted away and his cheeks turned pink. "Alpha, I've never..." He swallowed down the nervousness.
“I’ve never been this… close… with anyone,” he admitted, again. It was repetition. Surely if he hadn’t been scented or claimed by an alpha, he’d be… pure in this, as well? He didn’t want to say it… It was embarrassing but… Peter wished to make it clear that he had never been bedded by anyone before.
A lot of his hesitation stemmed from that since he knew that alphas could be brutal when it came to it. The boy became flustered again, at the very thought, and opted to deflect his conflicted emotions.
“Maybe you already understood as much…” he continued quietly, looking down between their bodies and the tiny distance that separated them.
Peter took Tony’s hand softly and guided it up, just above his pounding heart. The boy was certain Tony had heard it already, beating just for him. “That’s why... you’re being so careful now...” His big brown eyes turned to him again, sweet but challenging.
Tony's eyes dropped to where Peter was pressing his hand against his chest. He felt the rapid but steady beats against his fingertips and when he got it, started to tap it out as he thought.
There wasn't much he had to think on though.
Peter had given his answer and with it, a challenge as well.
“Hmm…” Tony cocked his head in thought before he started to move.
With his hand pressed over the boy’s heart, he took a step forward and then another.
Peter’s eyes widened but he moved in tandem with the alpha, taking a step back with every step taken. Tony’s smile grew predatory in a way that made his heart jump… It was different from all the other times the alpha smiled. There was a hint of sharpness, but somehow, in the curve of his lips, there was a sinful promise there.
The steps were slow and steady and he never took his eyes off of Peter’s, not even when he had backed him up against the wall. One more step put them so close that Tony had to look down, dark hair falling into his eyes.
The alpha leaned down, taking in a big inhale. It was all for show because Tony didn’t need to be that close to smell the omega’s scent of arousal. It was coming off the boy in waves, making their combined scents such a heavy cocktail of delicious aromas.
“Sweet like honey,” Tony purred, “that's what you smell like. Like every good thing worth having outside these walls. That is not the scent of one unwilling.”
He let the scent wash over him, felt the ache of desire in his belly grow and grow. And his body responded, as any alpha would when teased with such stimulus. He was unashamed by the way his cock twitched and started to swell.
Peter felt Tony scent his neck and goosebumps spread on his skin, shivers down his spine. To be praised for his sweet scent had his knees too weak to stand, the proximity clouded his judgement again, his mind.
Tony had to get more so he dared to close the gap between them… Hips pressed together, his arousal evident between them. His hands settled on the boy’s hips, fingertips teasing under the band of his underwear to touch bare skin.
“Am I still being careful now?” Tony asked, nosing along Peter’s ear.
It was such a temptation to bite… Just a little nibble on the boy's red tinged ear.
“I'll say it clearly so you make no mistake,” Tony breathed, “I want you, Peter Parker. I would claim you in the way it's meant to be done, skin to skin, lips to lips. Not this fake transfer–”
He cut it off with a soft growl as the omega's scent started to cloud his own mind. Not much time left then.
“Maybe you’re the one being careful...” Tony chuckled then he gentled his voice into a soft coo. “Make your choice… Say yes or walk away now. I won't ask again.”
The decision had already been made by the boy. He couldn’t resist… even if he knew he should. Even if he knew it was too dangerous, his heart was beating for the alpha. It was all the more reason to not give in.
His brows furrowed as he slipped his lids shut with the desire that grew unbearable. Slowly, he tilted his head to the side, to offer to the alpha the most sensitive part of his neck.
Tony's mouth was inches away from his scent gland with only a thin fabric laying between them, and it made his frame shake from the anticipation. To belong was an omega’s greatest calling... and Tony said he wanted him... Him.
His little pussy clenched, coating the boy’s tender folds with his juices. His entire body was answering to the alpha's seduction, to his voice and growls, in a way Peter had never experienced before. If they kissed now... this would be his first. If the alpha pushed inside of him... that would be his first. The thought spread tingles all over his scalp and body.
Peter raised his hands slowly, delicately, to bring them over to his neck. At first, it appeared as if he was trying to shield it away but then... a finger searched at the layers of fabric, evidently an attempt to unwrap the bandages there.
He had never imagined it would be like this... but he could not spare another thought, not anymore. Peter found the end and pulled it just a little.
Tony held very still, watching the omega's fingers tremble and search.
“You... can... ah–” Peter’s breath caught up in his throat, “Undo… it… pulling here... but–” He paused again, feeling dizzy and about to lose balance.
“Just a kiss, alpha, just– please–” His voice was all excited but tremulous as he lowered his hands again.
The words Peter spoke caused a soft purr to reverberate in the alpha’s chest.
It wasn't an answer though. Tony would make sure to get a proper one but for now…
The slip of cloth was right there. He took a slow, steady inhale of Peter's scent and breathed it right out against the omega's sensitive skin.
Tony pressed his face against the boy's neck, lips dragging over clothed skin. Sharp teeth snagged the offered cloth and with a rough jerk of his head, the knot pulled free.
That tantalizing scent called to him and Tony wasted no time tugging it off with his fingers. It was mere seconds before he was there, the pure, unblemished skin laid out before him.
“So soft…” Tony couldn't help but note. The boy had asked him for something, hadn't he?
His fingers cradled the fragile column of the omega's neck, his thumb gently tilting it to his liking. He could feel the excited rhythm of Peter's heartbeat against his fingers.
Peter was so pliant and unresisting now and although Tony was accustomed to being obeyed, something about this omega's submission was tantalizing. Beautiful.
“A kiss, hmm?” Tony murmured softly. “Here?”
He pressed his lips to trembling skin, a hint of tongue wetting the boy's scent gland. The scent of arousal flooded his lungs directly from the source, heady and addicting. He forced himself to move, sliding his lips up Peter's neck.
The boy gritted his teeth in anticipation but then gasped when tender lips brushed against his skin. His spine tingled all the way down and every word, every touch from then on was electrifying.
Helpless and unwilling to resist Peter felt the man’s aroused breath on his neck as he spoke.
“Ah…” he gasped once more, leaving his lips parted as he squirted an embarrassing amount of precum out of his little cocklet. The tiny member twitched full in his underwear, and without pants to hide it, the dampened spot could be clearly seen on the white fabric.
“Here?” Tony purred as he pressed another kiss to Peter’s jawline. He pulled back, just a bit, even as his hand slid up, thumb slipping into Peter's gasping mouth. The omega tasted his skin and his eyelids closed in pleasure. Delicious…
He didn’t dare to suck on the digit, even if his innocent mind was already twisting with the possibility.
Tony pressed his lips to the boy's scent gland, laving it with attention. “Think I like this spot. Don't you?”
They had been standing here for a while now and the afternoon sun was slowly dipping behind the faraway hills. They couldn’t really see it because the only window in this room was tiny and close to the ceiling, but the fading light was making the cramped space darken with every passing minute.
The night call would be taking place shortly but little did it matter for someone like Tony Stark. For Peter to be missing from his cell during a call would lead to a world of trouble in the past, but now that he was radiating with the alpha’s scent he would certainly be given a free pass.
Peter couldn’t find it in him to care in the slightest. His whole being was consumed by Tony’s scent, by his words and–
He lowered his head in embarrassment, his color beet red, but thankfully both of their scents were intense enough that his leaking cocklet could possibly go unnoticed by the alpha that was touching him in such a controlled way.
This was so much more already than ‘just a kiss’, but Peter was compelled to stand in place, completely and utterly besotted.
Peter raised a hesitant hand and pulled the palm away until Tony’s thumb was resting on the boy’s wet lips.
“Alpha…” he breathed out, still thinking about the praising of his neck and shuddering because his scent gland was spreading waves upon waves of heat with Tony’s kisses.
“No more…” he whispered, lips brushing against Tony’s thumb but it was far too playful, void of any true meaning. “Have to stop... before it’s too late...” he said and bit down ever so softly.
If Peter thought biting on Tony's finger like that was supposed to help, he was wrong. The slight sting of blunt teeth only had the alpha growing harder, his cock straining against the ugly orange prison pants.
Tony shuddered, scraping a fang against Peter's scent gland in retaliation. Not enough to break skin, he wouldn't do such a thing so carelessly but a gentle warning.
If anyone was doing something to push this into ‘too late’, Tony would say it was Peter, himself, for being such a tease, for playing with all of Tony's senses and tantalizing each one with the sweetness of his scent, the softness of his skin. The soft little whines made Tony's cock ache.
“Then tell me to stop,” Tony dared him, “Just say the words…”
The alpha’s hand slipped down until he felt the hard little cocklet between Peter's trembling thighs. It was so small and fitted perfectly in his palm.He gently squeezed the bulge, making Peter arched his back in a half-hearted attempt to escape the hot fingers.
“Say it…” Tony breathed, “Don't touch me there…”
Tony could feel the boy's wetness seeping through his underwear. The alpha wanted to lick it right off, to have a taste of the omega on his tongue. Desire grow in the pit of his stomach and it made his touch just a bit rougher, harsher, in response.
Peter didn’t pull away. With every second that passed without the omega’s rejection, Tony felt more emboldened to continue. He kissed the boy’s neck again, stroking Peter's stiff little cock and teasing him just as much as the alpha was being teased.
He got nothing but sweet moans for his actions.
He released Peter's little cock, fingers slipping further south just to brush his fingertips above his wet little pussy.
“Don't make me wet…” Tony whispered. “Say it, Parker. You want me to stop? Tell me.”
The more Tony asked for it, the more it made Peter weak to his knees. All the neediness escaped from his lips in soft, helpless gasps and needy whines like the world would come to an end if Tony took his hands away now.
He had never felt so hot in his life, so desperate for this man that pressed every single of his buttons so skillfully as if Peter’s body was already his. As if they were already lovers.
Tony’s bare teeth on his neck made him writhe with pleasure as the omega’s soft spot was yearning for the bite. All those horror stories he had ever listened to rang false in this moment. It wouldn’t hurt… would it?
Completely out of breath, he panted and moaned, biting his bottom lip to muffle what little he could.
Peter’s hand reached for Tony’s, his fingers gripping around his forearm to prevent him from going down any further.
His chest went up and down with his shallow breaths as if he was a small rabbit caught in a hunter’s trap.
“Alphaa...” Peter mewled, a sound that was so soft and so very desperate.
His fingers relaxed and glided down Tony’s hand until he reached the palm between his legs. And the boy pushed at it softly.
“I- I can’t say it…” he answered as he felt the pressure return, his cocklet pulsed in unison with his wet folds.
“Slow... please…” he breathed out with his eyes closed.
His hand was only putting the slightest of pressure and not doing much to lead Tony’s fingers. But it made clear what the boy wanted. More.
Tony controlled his breathing, breathing in a deep lungful of the boy's scent and releasing it in the same span of time.
Alphas and omegas were dangerous together.
The thought cut clear through the haze of desire that was fogging up his mind.
The alpha growled at his fraying control. Tony was better than that. It pissed him off that he was in danger of losing control as though he was a mindless animal only fit to fuck and kill. He reigned his desires, gripping it tight until he could once more focus on the pretty little omega he had in his arms.
His fingers pressed between Peter's legs, over the thin cloth of the boy's underwear. Only a single finger fit between the puffy lips of the omega's pussy. Tony explored as gently as he could, keeping his touch feather light as he sought out that little bundle of nerves that would make the omega melt.
The cloth was a hindrance so Tony pulled his hand back but only so he could slip it beneath Peter's underwear. He found warm, soft skin and the alpha couldn't help but purr at the sensation.
He delved further south, returning to where he was originally. He felt wetness there and he breathed out hard, mouthing and kissing Peter's neck as the urgency grew.
“I'll make you feel good…” Tony murmured into his ear. “No one's touched this pussy before, hmm? Spread your legs, baby. Let me get in there.”
“No one–” Peter admitted openly, his lips parted with inaudible moans that Tony’s finger induced.
But Tony didn’t need much confirmation, not when he could find out for himself. As his finger slid in deeper, past the knuckle, the alpha encountered tightness, Peter’s little barrier.
It was… unexpected but considering how innocent the omega was, perhaps it was to be expected. Still, the revelation had the alpha fall silent in consideration. When Peter had said no one… Tony wondered how much the boy experimented since not even toys had been used...
“Is it... alright?” Peter asked a moment later. He thought his inexperience could be displeasing for the alpha, but there was no way to hide it.
The pressure against his hymen was an uncomfortable sensation for the omega because his thighs squeezed together, shaking even then.
“Am okay...” he let out to justify himself before he moved his feet apart at about shoulder’s width. He stood on his toes momentarily, swaying in place. Peter’s hands found Tony’s forearms, fingers blending with the arm hair and tracing over the rough skin with delicate movements.
Having his pussy explored by the man’s hand... Peter felt wetness drip out of him, slick soaking Tony’s fingers.
Such lewd display of his lust… Peter was embarrassed but it was far too late to deny any of this.
The primal need to be claimed made his skin burn and his knees weak. He wanted it so badly that he could cry, and it was strange because his instincts had never commanded him in this way in the past. They had only compelled him to avoid alphas, to stay under the radar.
Here he was... asking for trouble... asking to be held... almost begging for it.
“I want to make you feel good too…” The words just slipped his lips as a whisper but they were enough to bestow upon him a moment of clarity.
What were they doing…? It was too dangerous… His wet underwear was discarded on the floor and Tony’s embrace engulfed him like he was a raging flame.
“Will you claim me now, alpha...?” he let out. Even now, a bout of uncertainty took hold, an irrational fear that Tony would walk away and leave him humiliated. But then he felt it… the way the alpha’s chest rumbled and how the older man only pressed closer as though he were shielding Peter and their indecent acts away from the rest of the world.
Tony’s fingers gently stroked along the omega's slit, spreading wetness all along the swollen flesh. His cock twitched angrily, jealous of the slick warmth his fingers had the pleasure of exploring.
Not for long though.
“Do you trust me?” Tony purred into Peter's ear. “With everything?”
He dipped a fingertip inside Peter's virgin hole, making sure not to put too much pressure against it.
“With this treasure you have here?” Tony breathed, “With your body, your heart…?”
Every breath he took in pulled him closer to fulfilling his primal need. He was so close… So close to getting something he truly wanted, a little taste of heaven in this hellhole of a prison. But Tony wouldn't act, not until he got what he wanted.
It didn't escape him. Even after the omega surrendered in his arms, Parker still hadn't said yes and that rankled in Tony's mind. He could tease and touch, would allow himself to go this far and farther, but there was a line he wouldn't cross.
Whether it was one twisted code of honor or perhaps he just liked to have the omega beg, Tony wouldn't budge until he got it. They could both be left aching and unfulfilled until the end of time. He was patient.
“I can give you so much…” Tony murmured, breaths hot and wet against Peter's fevered skin. “If only you would say that magic word.”
Tony felt Peter's little opening tighten with his words, the boy's muscles growing restless across his slender body. But then the hole spasmed around the tip of his finger and it was coated with a few fresh drops of wetness.
It was clear, the omega was slicking up for him.
The small omega's calling was to submit, to be marked, knotted, and bred. To have his body given up in the hands of the alpha. Still, Peter's breathless ‘yes’ wasn't one led by blind primitive urges. It was a trembling word that left his lips to declare how he, as a lovestruck boy, felt.
“Yes, alpha...” he repeated and it was a true leap of faith to say it. He could be devoured, used or abandoned but Peter couldn't refuse his deep, burning desire.
“You can have it… I... I’ll give it to you...” he whispered in the surrounding darkness.
With every word, the anticipation grew, feeding that tight feeling in the boy’s belly.
It was embarrassing to give it up to this prime, especially since Peter had set out to leave this room untouched. But it was his decision…
Was it calculated? Peter wished it was so.
Was it a leap of faith? He dared not to acknowledge it as such.
Was it that he couldn’t deny his heart…
“Please... Be gentle…” His eyes closed. This was it then. His body and heart, his fate was in Tony's hands.
Tony outright growled, thoroughly pleased by the omega's answer. They barely knew each other but just from their short interactions, the alpha knew Peter would fight tooth and nail if it wasn't something he wanted.
Therefore… The omega was willing to submit to him. He was willing to give everything precious he had fought to protect in this prison. His innocence, his heart… It made Tony's hunger triple, quadruple, for this sweet creature. He didn’t even care to find out why Peter would be so careless, such thoughts were planned for the future after he set his mark on the boy.
His cock throbbed in his pants and he couldn't– wouldn't deny it this time.
With the omega's permission, Tony set out to claim what was his. No one would ever mistake this omega as someone else's but Tony's.
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hjbender · 5 years
Tumblr media
Chapters: 21/? Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Loki/Thor (Marvel) Characters: Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Jötnar | Jotunn (Norse Religion & Lore), Other Norse Religion & Lore Entities, Heimdall (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Huginn-and-Muninn (Marvel), Balder (Marvel), Hoder (Marvel), Vali (Marvel), Vidar (Marvel) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Norse Religion & Lore, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Fairy Tale Elements, Folklore, Canon Divergent Mythology, Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Trolls, Æsir | Aesir, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Human/Troll Relationship, Interspecies Romance, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Size Difference, Fluff, Caretaking, Feeding, Bathing, Past Abuse, Bad Parenting, Self-Esteem Issues, Protective Thor (Marvel), Falling In Love, Intersex Trolls, Intersex Loki (Marvel), Cultural Differences, Awkward Flirting, Cutesy, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Cuddling, Talking Animals, Worldbuilding, Magic, Skinny Dipping, Touch-Starved, Sharing a Bed, Slow Burn, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Drama, Family, Forbidden Love, Courtship, Sexual Tension Chapter 21 “Butterflies and Snails” Excerpt:
By the time evening was upon them, Thor had a campfire crackling not far from the pool and Loki was seasoning a batch of skewered snails with an herb paste he was fond of using on his smaller snails. Like most of the fresh meats he harvested—fish, frogs, and clams—he preferred to eat snails raw, but now that fire no longer terrified him, he had begun to experiment with light cooking techniques. He was getting quite good at it, too. A little jötunn chef in the making.
The dinner preparations were a welcome distraction from the embarrassment of their earlier encounter. Loki stuck the long skewers into the ground beside the fire, turning them occasionally so that the meat roasted evenly. It smelled delicious, and Thor was pleasantly surprised by how good snail—snigill in jötnin—actually tasted. Add a few vegetables and a mug of ale courtesy of V and V Odinson Brewery, and it made a fine dinner. Thor expressed his enjoyment of the meal in trollspeak, practicing his sentence-building.
“This is very good,” he said, setting aside his cleaned skewer. “Another, please.”
Loki smiled and passed him a fresh stick with a sizzling snail on it.
Thor thanked him and blew on the morsel to cool it. “Your snail is delicious, but very hot. If I eat it now, it will burn my tongue.”
Loki choked on his ale and began coughing.
Thor reached out and patted his shoulders. “Are you alright?”
“Y-yes, I’m fine,” Loki stammered. “It’s just”—he cleared his throat uncomfortably—“in jötnin, you don’t want to use a possessive word when speaking of a snail, especially to a troll.”
Thor frowned. “Why not?”
“Because, erm.” Loki anxiously raked a hand through his hair, then took a short breath inward. “Because snigill is another word for slidhur, which is the… place where jötnar join when they mate. Where babies come out.” When he glanced over at Thor, his cheeks were dark blue with embarrassment. “We call it a snigill because it… looks a little like a…” He gave up and simply pointed to the raw snails marinating in the bowl beside the fire.
Thor’s eyes widened.
The shape. The rippling, wrinkly edges. The moist, slick texture. Tender flesh. Mild flavor. He suddenly understood, and he felt a heat rise to his face that would put the fire to shame. His own words played back in his head, filling him with horror:
Your snail is delicious, but very hot. If I eat it now, it will burn my tongue.
Holy halls of Valhalla, he had been talking about eating Loki’s—
“I—I am so sorry.” They were unfitting words. Thor wanted to die. He covered his face with one hand. “Forgive me. I did not mean to be vulgar. It was a… I…”
“Oh—no, Thor, it’s alright.” Loki tittered and drummed his fingers against the sides of his mug. “You didn’t know. It was a simple mistake. Rather funny, actually. I mean, whoever heard of eating a slidhur? Ridiculous. How does one eat a sheath? There’s nothing in it. You can’t eat something if it’s made of nothing. It’s like a hole. One can dig a hole and one can fill a hole, but one cannot eat a hole. So silly!” He finished with an awkward, strained laugh.
Continue reading at AO3
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chicleeblair · 7 years
Dear Yuletide Writer
Dear Yuletide Author,
EDIT: I am not able to participate in Yuletide this year--I had to forfeit in 2016 due to being unexpectedly hospitalized in Nov/Dec after poorly managing my time, and misreading the rules--I thought the ban could be cleared by submitting a treat OR waiting a year, turns out I have to complete a finished story to be cleared, which I will this year.
All that said, I spent quite a bit of time on this and since I could manage to pinch hint and get to make my requests I’m going to leave my DYW letter here. If anyone feels like writing to these prompts, feel free. I’ll probably reuse them last year, depending on what is written for other people, but I already have plans to nominate a few newer fandoms next year.
Fandoms included: Newsflesh (incl Feedback), 
Hi! I’m incredibly excited about Yuletide this year, and I’ve been considering my requests and offers with more thought than I should be willing to admit to this week. There are so many fandoms that I love nominated, and though I’ve learned to be careful about what I offer to write for, I’ve still found myself making detailed mentao pro-con lists, especially since I try not to request fic from the same fandoms I offer to write in. Still, I’ve been surprised by some of the nominations—I only finished The Lonliest Girl in the Universe a week ago, and Lauren James isn’t well-known in the States, despite being one of my favorite authors. Anyway, I think I’ve got my lists figured out now, so the time has come to tell you what it is I love about my favorite pieces of underappreciated media. What an easy project /sarcasm.
 DISLIKES Before I get into the fandoms individually, I suppose I should let you know what my squicks are (you know you’ve been in fandom too long when you’re shocked Word doesn’t recognize the word ‘squicks.) None of these are triggers in particular, I’ve got depression, but it’s managed, and I don’t have any major traumas to worry about in particular. I don’t mine NSFW/explicit fic, but it’s also not often my reason for reading. That said, the following tags make me likely to hit the back button: watersports, alpha/omega, knotting, feces, mpreg. I’m not particularly fond of girl!penis as a kink, though it’s different if the character is actually dealing with being trans or intersex.
 LIKES One thing I do like that a lot of people don’t is bloodplay, though as there aren’t any vampire stories in my requests it probably won’t be a Thing this year, and I’m good with consensual BDSM.
 I’m sure it’s obvious from my reqs that I’m into zombie fiction, though it’s the human side of it I like, whether that’s humans dealing with zombies, or zombies attempting to deal with their humanity. One thing I will say is that I’ve chosen fandoms that all rest on detailed world-building, and if you want to write a fic that explores the edges of these universes without necessarily including the listed characters, I’m happy with that. Anything that explores how the world has changed/how a certain person has been affected by the big change is fine with me!
 I’m bi, with a deeply abiding love for f/f fic. I definitely have het ships that I’ll fill you in on, but I still love stories where those ladies interact with their female friends. I’m very pro kid!fic, I adore time stamps, alternate POVs, epistolary fic, social media fic, anything that explores the world that an author has already built. I wasn’t ever the kid simply rubbing their Barbies together, I acted out Barbie and Ken meeting while they babysat Kelly and Tommy. (True story: these stories were also written down in a notebook I carried around at school. Basically, I started writing Barbie fanfic at the age of eight.)  
 I’ve received some great Yuletide gifts via letters where I’ve spelled out specific desires, but this year I don’t have specific stories I want written so much as worlds I’d like to see explored further. What are they? Glad you asked, friend!
 Newsflesh (Feed, Deadline, Blackout, Rise, & Feedback)
 This isn’t the most obscure fandom in the world, by any means, since it’s written by Seanann McGuiare under her Mira Grant penname, and because Mark Oshiro of Mark Does Stuff chronicled his journey through the original trilogy. That said, I’m pretty obsessed with the world of these books, and have read and reread all the books and novellas, and I’m not as into the main ship as most readers seem to be. I’m adopted, so the relationship between Georgia and Shaun I don’t love incest in general, though a high school obsession with Life with Derek means I can’t cast stones. However, I nominated this fandom in the first place, and I picked the character pool especially so that even if I didn’t end up requesting it, other participants might take the chance to explore other characters, specifically the characters introduced in Feedback. Their story takes place parallel to Feed; while the Masons are covering the Ryman campaign, Aislinn North, the Irwin who adores chasing zombies, and her companions are on the election trail with Senator Shannon Kilbourne. I like Feedback due to the diversity of its cast—Mat, the teams’ techie and makeup blogger, is nonbinary, and Ash is married to Ben, the Newsie, on paper, but really in a relationship with the final member of their team, fiction-writer Audrey). But another feature I love about this book? Unlike the original trilogy, it was written after the date when Grant sets the Rising—July 2014. Because of this, the book contains some amazing pop cultural nuggets that just make the whole thing seem more real, for instance Ash mentions that Frozen merchandise is a rarity, since the Rising happened mid-PR campaign, and Taylor Swift’s pre-2013 music is “before she turned political.” (If only. Tay and JLaw disappointed me last year.) Like I said, I’m not married to you using these characters. Heck, if you want to explore Taylor Swift’s life, post-Rising, that’d be cool with me. That said, I chose Ash, Emily Ryman, Maggie, and Georgia because they are awesome female characters, and I’d love to see them interact. I can see Ash and Maggie having known each other/dated at some point—though post-canon I am pro-Maggie/Alaric, though less crazy about Ash’s girlfriend—and any situation where they could meet would make a great fic, especially if both Georgia and Ash have to deal with their prejudices towards each other. Also, in regards to Maggie, I wouldn’t mind knowing more about Alisa, Alaric’s sister, especially because the Masons take her in from a shelter in Ferry Pass, which is part of my hometown of Pensacola. Emily is painfully underused, being born pre-Rising and developing retinal KA, and all of them are just badasses. Basically, this world is awesome and I think more people need to be exposed to Feedback, and it’s Irish spitfire of a POV-Irwin. Another feature of this universe I’m interested in is the kids who grow up post-Rising. Grant looks into this with blog posts and flashbacks, but even the description of the post-Rising orphanages in the “All the Pretty Little Horses” short story from Rise makes me want more.
 Parasitology Parasite, Symbiont, Chimera
 Another Mira Grant, another apocalypse. People have accused her of revamping the same story again, but in spite of having some similar characters and circumstances Sal’s story is nothing like Georgia or Ash’s. Of course, I adore the similarities in story-telling—ephemera is my kryptonite—but Sal’s development is unique to Mira Grant books, if not to books in general, and her relationship to her own humanity/lack thereof is fascinating. I especially love that she spends the whole series in a committed relationship, one that she is confident of, and that in spite of only technically having existed for six years she is incredibly sure of herself. I nominated this one as well, and chose Sal, Juniper, Doctor Cale, and Tansy because they are strong ladies with complex stories that have lots of room to be explored. Dr. Cale, Tansy, and Sal to a degree, deal with disability—and this is particular interesting for Tansy & Sal, since they are aware of the fact that they are making a choice to keep this malfunctioning human body. Juniper is a little girl, yet she and Tansy are learning to be people together, Sal is learning to be a mother, and in a way so is Dr. Cale. Also, eventually Juniper will have to decide whether or not to engage with the humans of her generation, and that could be fascinating. That said, Grant hasn’t told nearly as many stories in this universe, since the trilogy relies far more on Sal herself than Newsflesh relies on the Masons, so I’d love to see an exploration of how the parasites and chimeras affected other parts of the world. I think the fact that the symbiotes have brought humanity so close to eradicating illness is something that could be explored further, too, especially when you consider that the parasites disabled their inventor, and that if the Mitchells hadn’t been attempting to hide Sally’s epilepsy, Sal might not have been born. There’s also the fact that the other doctor who is close to Sal—Cale’s son, Nathan—does not use the implants at all, suggesting that at their core physicians with their hearts in the right place know that there is a line that shouldn’t be crossed, that maybe humans need illness and disability to thrive.
 In the Flesh
I really debated requesting this, since it’s a fandom I think I could write in, but I liked the idea of letting my requests adhere to a theme, and this series was the first piece of zombie media I ever consumed (pun intended). There have been many great fics in this fandom, they are often AU and revolve around Kieren’s relationships—I’m all for people celebrating canonically queer characters, but to me neither of those ships were what drew me into the series. I didn’t nominate ItF myself, and I wish I had because I would have included Amy Dyer. As it is, I don’t mind if you mention either of Kieren’s relationships, but I only asked for Kieren and Jem because they’re the characters I care most about, truly. Honestly, I actually care the most about Jem, because I think she’s an incredible character who went through so much to protect her family and is forced to face her fears every day in order to have a relationship with the brother who made her who she is—in so many ways. I am also fascinated by the idea of a world that has faced the apocalypse and is having to move forward. The little details that serve to remind us that society had to hit the pause button, such as the lack of cell phones, are really intriguing to me, as well as the issues students like Jem face having to return to school after war. This world also opens the door for an exploration of what life might be like for children&teens who came back—Henry was a missed opportunity IMO—and while I don’t mind if you don’t bother incorporating the storylines Dominic Mitchell has said he would include in a season three, the idea of Jem making a friend with PDS (as opposed to PTSD, that acronym similarity needs mentioning) would be so great. Again, though, feel free to take this world and run with it, no need to stay in Roarton—I wonder what adulthood for Jem would be like, with Kieren never having aged, for instance?
 World War Z
Another of my nominations. I don’t know why, but I am obsessed with this book, specifically the audiobook. Max Brooks has talked about how he based this book on an oral history of WWII, and I think the parallels between the two wars are deep if you look closely—the idea of total war, the amount of work on the home-front, the inefficiency of assuming what won against one enemy will suffice against another, children escaping unimaginable violence, the nuclear bomb survivor, so much more—but what I really loved is how Brooks really fills in the details from each POV he uses. Without naming celebrities, Brooks clearly sets it in the Bush-era, which is interesting to me but probably not affect fic, but shows how well the world is crafted. The imagery that comes from the Australian astronaut who spent the war on the ISS is particularly poignant to me, especially the way he describes them discovering the burrowing zombies. I also get chills from Jessica’s story, the girl whose parents dragged her up to Canada, and when she discovers the Spongebob sleepover, because it’s a mark of how bizarre our culture and entertainment would seem, and how our comforts could disappear in the blink of an eye. I do think that this book is lacking in female POVs, particular ladies who might not be soldiers but were fighting the war in their own way. I loved Joe Mohammad’s POV, too, but not everyone would need to be part of a patrol group or militia to survive. I’d love to see what the situation was like for city-dwellers, or people who were in the areas not getting supplies due to the Reddecker plan. What about the Israelis, what was it like in the country during this isolated period? There have been some great fics exploring issues like euthanasia and abortion in that period, and I’d love to see an issue like that expanded. On the other hand, there is a lot that could come from looking into the world post-war, describing what the Narrator goes through to get these stories, or what kinds of stories he might hear after the initial book is published—a history of the rebuilding would be interesting since in this world the threat isn’t completely gone. Brooks has written two short stories that are explicitly in this world (a couple that are borderline) and one of them, Closure LtD, and I don’t want to spoil it, but it really makes me wonder what other kinds of industries would emerge in a post-zombie war world.
 Inhuman Condition
Also my nomination, this is a webseries that did not get NEARLY the amount of viewers or fans it deserved. The author has created this incredibly interesting alternative history, and I don’t think everyone who watched even knows how much detail was put into it. For instance, I discovered a blog (https://angrydeadgirl.wordpress.com) written from the POV of Clara—my favorite character—wherein she analyzes TV shows such as Grey’s Anatomy, except it’s Grey’s Anatomy reimagined through the lens of this world, and there is NOTHING I love more than inter-textual references like that. There are other in-universe shows that I have honestly begged to see for real, and via the show we only get a taste of these details. I’d also love to know more about how the existence of zombies and lycans affected history aside from the terror attacks we know of from the series. I’d also love to see more about Kessler, what got her into working with other-humans, whether there is a personal connection that we’re not told, more about her daughter, Mira, who has grown up in a world where the truth is known, there’s so much in there to mine. I didn’t nominate Tamar, the character who seems more superhero than supernatural, because to me her story seems to fit into this world less than Clara and Linc. Not that I don’t like her, I did, but while I totally believe they could all exist in one universe—I read Marvel, after all—her condition doesn’t seem to be in the same category, so the backstory would be different. Lycanthropy and Clara’s form of zombiism both seem to be medical conditions, to a degree, and while Tamar’s issues definitely parallel mental illness, it’s a different issue. I wouldn’t mind seeing her or others like her, just that I think the dynamics of lycan/walker-type conditions. I really appreciate how, like In the Flesh, this series allows the conditions to be a metaphor for real life issues, without erasing those issues. One of Clara’s blog entries, for instance, mentions that there are cases of people being killed for not informing sexual partners of their condition, and this is explicitly related to people with HIV who have faced similar violence. Also, Linc and Kessler are both explicitly bisexual, and in my mind Clara is non-straight, too, and that’s a reason I included Mira because WHY NOT? I nominated Frank because after seeing a fic that shipped him and Clara I got interested in what it would be like to have to spend all your time with this vibrant girl who is so afraid of becoming a monster, I don’t ship them necessarily, but I am interested in knowing more about him. This is the one fandom where I am kind of tied to having the canon characters front and center, but if you want to explore this world through a different lens, I’m open to it.
 The Loneliest Girl in the Universe
 I really, really thought about using this slot for iZombie, because it’s one of my favorite things and fits the theme, but I read The Loneliest Girl in the Universe a few weeks ago, and am THRILLED with the idea of finding other people who love it. I also considered offering to write for it, but I do not have confidence in my ability to calculate transmission delays or describe space physics. I mean, it’s basically a YA version of The Martian featuring an MC with anxiety who writes fanfic. WHAT MORE DO ANY OF US WANT? Throughout this book I was terrified that J would turn out to be an AI, but his actual backstory basically broke my heart, as did the reveal of Romy’s history. I really wish her mother had survived, and I would like to see more of her in Romy’s memories or maybe in the logs/archives now that Romy might be open to looking into them. I would love to see her asking Molly about them, or reading/watching her parents’ reports or journals as she builds a new world with Issac. I also want to know about Issac Evans. Who is he? What happened with him and J? Will he and Romy be MFEO, or simply besties who raise babies? What are the other adults on the ship like? Does Romy find a different person to love? Is it a girl? I’d also LOVE LOVE LOVE to see Romy’s life from the POV of an Earth dweller. You see, DYW, I am a huge fan of several family vlogs; there are babies I have watched grow up via the internet, and I am DEEPLY invested in their lives. NASA would be crazy not to have gotten the world to rally around baby Romy, and some of them probably still read her fics. That’s the thing, though, this book includes her fic, and imaging fic from 2067 makes me want to see more of their social media, and to know how it affected this next group of astronauts. Also, since it turns out that J lied about the war and the collapse of the world’s governments, I’d love to see what the world is actually like. What else is NASA doing? Does the entire world freak out when they find out what happened with Romy and J, or only Molly? Who is Molly? Did she suspect J based on how well she knows Romy? I have a need to know.
 That is it, oh Yuletide Author, way too many of my thoughts about Alternate Worlds, most of them infested by the undead. As I’ve said, I would be happy with stories that feature the characters I requested, or that don’t at all, but unless mentioned I’m not crazy about canon-alternatives.
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drferox · 7 years
20 questions with Dr Ferox #4
It’s that time of the week again where I try to shrink my inbox by answering 20 of your questions all in one go. This seems to be working well, and I must thank everyone who has endeavored to use the search function this week. I’ve tried to tag folks, but if you’ve sent in anonymous questions you’ll have to read through and look to see if you’ve been answered.
A lovely, understanding anonymous said: Have you ever had players in your DnD group not get along? Also, if you ever feel stressed out about the number of asks, don't feel like you have to immediately respond to us. It's a blog, we get it. Nobody is waiting on a time-sensitive diagnosis from a blog (or at least they fuckin shouldn't be), and we can wait. Prioritize yourself, we're a bunch of randos asking about dog food on the Internet.
Well, nobody should be waiting for a time sensitive diagnosis from any vet blog any more. I’d hoped I’d been clear enough by now why it’s not appropriate to ask specific veterinary advice from myself, or any other vetblrs on here.
But yes, I have had players in my D&D groups not get along, but I had enough players to keep them separate most of the time. Dungeons & Dragon is supposed to be fun, it’s a game, so it’s meant to be fun. Aside from other skills you learn playing roleplaying games, managing a group of people is definitely one you pick up. Humans are human, we don’t all get along all of the time.
@kabjl asked: Would it be theoretically possible to have a viable hybrid offspring of a house cat and a wild large cat like a lion or tiger?
Unlikely. House cats belong to the Felinae subfamily and lions and tigers belong to the Pantherinae subfamily. While Pantherinae species can hybridize (eg tiger and lion) and Felinae species can hybridize (eg domestic cat with anything), the offspring are usually infertile. I don’t think it’s possible for a Felinae X Pantherinae hybrid to be viable.
@a-floral-ghost asked: What's your favorite animal name you've come across? Mine is a cat named Chuck
Hmm, that’s a interesting question. There are no many pets and names to try to remember. I must profess a fondness for Pat the Cat.
@curiouspinecones said: What is the best and worst pet name you've come across? I work in a pathology lab within a vet practice and I quite like when patients have really human names (Dave the cat is always a good one). The worst has to a Labrador called "Daddy", that is totally not okay...
Again, an interesting question. There are lots of names that are unoriginal and boring, but it’s the straight up racist names that I don’t like.
Anonymous asked: Hi! I read somewhere on tumblr that because of the cat's particular tastebuds, they can't taste sweet things. If that's true, does that also mean they can't smell sweet things, since taste and smell go hand-in-hand? Question tax: Came for the dog breed facts, stayed for the vet stories and knowledge.
Well, none of us actually smell sweet. You can smell things you associate with sweet foods by learning, but you’re not smelling ‘sweet’ as such.
Another Anonymous said: Have you ever met a hamster? I know we're not allowed to have them in Australia, but I'm curious about whether you've been exposed to one during the process of learning vet medicine. I know I feel odd about never having seen a hamster in real life, since it's such a common pet elsewhere...
I’ve never seen a hamster in the flesh. They’re not legal in Australia, neither are gerbils of chinchillas. I have seen one on an animal handling video though.
@fox-noodle said: I forgot the question tax, my apologies! My rat Apollo is almost 2 1/2 and recently went to the vet for what I thought were tumours, but are actually testicles. They only started showing a few months ago, I've now separated him and he has two male buddies now. Is this common in rats? I've only ever heard of something similar (cryptochoridism) in dogs, could that be what he has? Question tax- came for the interesting euthanasia posts (its helped me a lot), stayed for the interesting vet stories
Can’t say I have. That’s a very long delay for that rat to develop testes, and I’d have to wonder if it’s intersex in some way.
Dogs with cryptochidism have testes, they just haven’t descended into the scrotum. They never descend into the scrotum, sometimes they’re stuck in the abdomen and sometimes they’re in the groin, so I don’t think it’s the same process at work. Sorry I can’t be more help.
@rebanndon said: I've read in an article or two, that for active dog breeds like border collies leaving them entire until 18 months of age is a way to reduce the risk of cruciate ligament tears because the bone is able to fill out? There's little/no proof behind the claim reproductive hormomes are linked to aiding ligament growth.  So, in your experience do you see more cruciate cases in active desexed dogs or active entire dogs? Or simply no link at all and desexing should just be done at 6 months regardless?
I’ve written a fairy in-depth article on age of desexing here.
There propably is a benefit in delaying desexing for larger breeds overall, but for most small breeds 6 months still seems about right.
Anonymous said: Isnt't it bad to declaw a cat? Since they are digitigrade doesn't removing the claws hurt their bone structure?
... Yes. That wasn’t up for debate. I’ve discussed this here.
Unobservant Anonymous said: Do you have any advice for a cat with a herniated spinal disk? QoL is still good, he's a happy boy who sometimes has trouble lifting up his back legs and needs stairs up couches and to litterbox. Eats, drinks, purrs and seeks attenion like a champ but sometimes when he grooms himself that it looks like he's got a pinched nerve and has discomfort / spasms reaching for his back feet. Vet has been seen, on cosequin every other dayvand daily gentle stretches. Anything else I can do?
Hey, so, from a legal and ethical perspective I can’t give you specific veterinary advice about a cat that is not one of my direct patients. It’s dangerous and unethical to do so. But go talk to your vet, Cosequin is a joint supplement, not pain relief, there are at least three different medications you could consider.
Anonymous said: Oh my god, you're allergic to bunnies? I want to be a vet too, and so am I XD glad to see I'm not the only one lmao
Yup, allergic to rabbits, rye grass, and dogs (sort of). And nuts, which makes the mixed boxes of chocolates gifted to the clinic very interesting.
Anonymous asked: Working as a veterinarian, do you ever get the urge to adopt the pets in the shelter?
Not from shelters, I just don’t go near them any more. Stray kittens in the vet clinic though are another matter...
Anonymous said: About the uncomfortable animals thing- I was referring to where you said primates are in the  uncanny valley
Lots of vets have certain animals, or breeds of animals, that they just don’t want to deal with. For me, primates make me uncomfortable. Not because they’re creepy, but because they’re clever and I can’t reliably know how clever they are, and whether what we’re doing with them is ethical.
I also don’t intend to go treat horses every again, and I know lots of vets that are averse to large animal practice or outright phobic of birds.
Yet Another Anonymous said: Hey! I'm wondering if you get much experience with our Aussie staghounds (enough to write a breed evaluation on them)? Or if not, maybe just a bit about the general hunting-type Australian dogs? (staghounds, bull arabs, and the many many similar mixes). Question tax: came because I'd always wanted to be a vet and I LOVE anatomy, stayed for the awesome info and even more wonderful stories.
I haven’t seen any staghounds down here, but I’m pretty South and suburban now, not really a much of a hunting culture around here. You can find the Bull arab post here, but are welcome to use the search function for any other breeds of interest.
@orgasmicplushtoy asked: Can you do a write up on small munsterlanders? If not that's okay.
I actually had to look up the three Munsterlander dogs I’ve seen, because I didn’t know ‘large’ and ‘small’ munsterlanders were totally different breeds.
Turns out all three I’ve seen are large ones, over 30kg each. Short version: They all got cancer.
Anonymous asked: Do you see any Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs at your practice? For some reason we see a lot at our clinic and though some of them are fine- they have earned the moniker "Sketchy Swiss." As in: I have to muzzle a 6 month old Swiss puppy because it barks, growls, and lunges at me while I try to TPR. Several of the ones we see have been diagnosed with Wobbler syndrome and various other orthopedic issues. Just curious if you've had similar experiences. Thanks- love your posts!
Sorry, no. They’re quite big and not popular here, I don’t think I’ve ever come across them. Large breeds in general are less common. 
Anonymous said: I don't suppose you've done any evaluations on working cocker spaniels/sprocker/Russian spaniels?
Nope, not yet. There’s 30 waiting in the queue for me to get to them. I have said before though that I’m not answering breed posts that asked for more than one breed in the same post. It just gets too long, confusing and messy if I do. Besides, it’s rather cheeky to ask for more than one in one question, isn’t it?
Another Anonymous said: If you enjoy a little wildlife voyeurism, there are about a half dozen bird cams linked on Cornell's "All About Birds" webpage, and the owls have owlets. There's not really a question here. You have a stressful job, and I thought you might enjoy wasting some time watching the bird feeder or trying to see the baby owls under mum's fluffy owl butt.
Thanks for the thought, I’m sure some followers will find it useful. Personally I try to relax without animal things. I find it helpful to seek out activities that engage different parts of my brain compared to what work does.
@slowdown-its-a-science said: Please give us lots of updates on Trash Bag
I’m sure I will.
@herebelife said: Ps did you read the article about the bilby triplets? Bilby triplets!
I hadn’t, but I have now and will share them with you.
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wylthefluffer · 5 years
7/26/2019 3amish
Hi, I'd like to introduce myself.
My name is Wyl. Pronounced just like "Will". My birth name has a "y" in it which I have always been fond of, and I like the idea of being called Will, but would rather make it more androgynous I guess, so I'm adding that letter in to substitute. It just makes it feel more familiar.
I am non-binary. The way I'd describe my gender is kinda MOGAI-y (no hate towards them, you're fine), and j don't know if anyone wants hear it, but I guess I will see what happens? I am like... There's the female side, and the male side, and they're like, orbiting each other kinda like a moon and a planet. So feminine lunar energy and masculine Mars energy, right? So basically I feel like my gender is another planet in the solar system. Not super far away, but distant enough. Kind of like a small star orbiting a big star. I feel my gender, but I don't feel a big connection to make or female. I'm not a gender, because I still feel gender. But at times I'm so far away I can't even see the moon and Mars. I'm setting else out there. What, I haven't discerned yet, as most non-binary people describe (at least Frome the ones I've met) this middle feeling between the two binaries, but never used the word "bigender", which is what I thought that was. Or there are non-binary people who describe being so removed from gender themselves that they call themselves "agender" or "demigender". I just don't feel like I'm there. I feel like I'm on the opposite side of agender, and male, and female. I just have to find time to research more descriptions I guess? I've heard of the neutral gender thing, and that's great, but I don't feel neutral either. I feel very biased towards something, that isn't in any of those categories.
I do experience dysphoria. I experience it with my chest, my curves, my hair. I dissociate from my reflection in the mirror as not really me, or I hide from it. That and photos. I hate photos. I have pretended or tried being a guy before. When I was little I would play the guy in games. One time I thought I was supposed to be a guy. A few times I wanted to pee standing up or a different way from boys or girls. I would play outside with the hose and put it between my legs (I know, I know) and say "I'm peeing!" knowing that's what boys did (kinda). I even once tried to walk around without a shirt on, and got yelled at for it. But things associated with male genitalia and pretending I had it made me feel icky too. When I realized I was gonna grow a chest, I was confused, then nervous, and then mortified when it started happening and I had to wear bras. I wanted to hide so badly and couldn't until after I turned 13 and my mom let me choose baggy clothes. I still felt uncomfortable because I didn't know any clothes that would make me feel better. I became self conscious about my chest, and my voice, which I wanted to be mid-range. But I knew I didn't want to be hairy or a deep voice, so I wasn't a boy. I hated being called "lady", "ma'am" "miss" or "woman". "Girl" wasn't much better either. I just felt this fear and uncomfortableness towards gender. Female chests, male groins, naked people. Just ew. I've always disliked my groin area, but I found out quickly I didn't want a male groin. Atm I don't know of any other options. So yea, a lot of things. I knew males didn't have to be masculine and females didn't have to be feminine. I wanted to be called a tomboy because it was the best I had and my mom said I wasn't a tomboy, which angered me. I guess she rather thought me either just a girl or something else that only could be called girl as that's what I was born as. It was not good.
My pronouns are... Ze/Zir/Zis/Zimself - confusing, I know. Me too, but I am more confused by she/her, he/him, they/them. I guess if I'd have to choose one I'd go with he/him?
I am asexual. This was my introduction to the lgtbq community. I realize I might be when I was 13/14ish but really began to take it seriously around 15/16. I then began to officially go by it at 19/20 and my friend group accepted it pretty well.
I am demiromantic. This means, for me, I only understand romanticism when I'm in the mood for it, and it's usually an intensifier of platonic relationship stuff, with exclusive companionship. I am attracted to masculine leaning people, and non-binary people. I get along with them better on a relationship basis. I currently am single.
I am also panromantic. "But how does that work!" I heard you saying. Well, "demi" is something that refers to half, or partial association with something. The part of me that associated with romanticism is panromantic. Why? Because I am romantically attracted and can form crushes on non-binary people. And considering non-binary is a collection of multiple distinct alignments, I count this attraction I feel as towards multiple genders. I do not feel romantic attraction to females at this moment. Being around them sometimes intensifies my dysphoria so that doesn't help? Maybe if I get top surgery I'll feel better.
I am a Christian. I believe in God and that he made you and me, and he made people whose brains and bodies didn't match in gender sometimes. There are intersex people after all, which is where the body is mixed up, so why can't there be people whose brains are messed up? There are even trans-intersex people who were assigned one gender at birth and identify as something different. I don't think people born this way are mistakes, I think it's a chance God gives us to help each other and express love and understanding. It's more a challenge than a curse. And that's okay. This world can be terrible, but that's because of Satan's influence. It's not God's fault people don't accept you. It's people's fault for not accepting you, and Satan's fault for tempting them. God wants you to beloved and to give love. "Love thy neighbor as thyself". This means if you accept yourself, and overlook your own flaws, then be tolerant and do the same for your neighbor. And if you're not loving yourself, and you're treating people the same way you're treating yourself, that's not okay either. To the best of your power he needs you to spread that love. That's the only way we'll make it.
I'm a Furry! Yep! I like to make anthropomorphic animal characters and get art and merchandise of them. I also use them online as a persona, as it's more comfortable for me. My main Fursona is Ridley, who is just like me. I'm a fursuit maker too, a decently popular one in the sense that I have a lot of commissions. I'm still working on them as I am behind ;-;
So I'd like to explain why it took me so long to come out as asexual, trans, non-binary, demiromatic, and panromantic. I got sick when I was 15. What with? GERD (stomach thing), POTS (heart thing related to nervous system function), and what they think right now is fibromyalgia (like a nerve disorder causing pain and cognitive issues). I also finally got diagnosed with anxiety at 18, and went on medication which helped control it. My GERD was cured, it flared up twice. My POTS and fibromyalgia won't stop though, and I've developed PTSD from years of isolation from people (social anxiety), unhealthy relationships, and social hardships and emotional hardships suffered from being sick. POTS causes me low blood volume, tendency to dehydrate, high heart rate, low blood pressure, and spontaneous panic attacks which are caused by an adrenaline release in response to the heart doing funky things. I can't control it, and I have no medication for it right now. The only thing that I've found to help sometimes is sedative antianxiety medications (which they won't give me for risk of dependancy) and medical marijuana, which is legal in my state. I get high sometimes to control my anxiety, and this is only just this week that I started. It's helped a lot as we just moved again and I can barely cope with moves anymore.
I have a Service Dog for my disabilities. My doctor approved it last year after I asked if she thought it was okay I got a dog and trained it as one, and she agreed it would be best. So I did! I am working with a private trainer, and owner training. I actually have researched the topic of Service Dogs a lot and federal Service Animal laws, so youcna ask me questions. Ty, my SDiT (Service Dog in Training, because he is learning tasks) is 20 months old. He's medium sized, almost large, slightly smaller than the average golden retriever but bigger than a border collie. He developed a natural tendency to alert to panic attacks, light headedness, migraines, and to key in to my anxiety. He goes with me almost everywhere now and his tasks are medical alert and physically contact. Physical contact is a task in this instance because it helps my nerves calm down, helps overstimulation, helps anxiety, and keeps me from dissociating and I have him within reach to pet if I need to stim ("stimulate" an action that someone uses in order to focus, deal with stress, or manage attention). I am waiting to see a therapist for PTSD, gender dysphoria, and possibly autism. If I seem a bit disinterested, it's because I do develop special interests, which is one clue that may mean I am autistic. We'll see. One of my special interests is friendship.
So yea, that's me. This'll give you an idea on what you might see in this blog, if anyone actually wants to follow me. If I don't answer, I'm likely working, having anxiety, or sick. Don't feel bad.
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blurtingmonsterg · 7 years
A Letter to Someone I Rejected
It’s been a while, I hope that you already forgot about me. So this thing has been ticking me out for a while now. Don’t get your hopes up because no, I don’t suddenly want you. It’s because my nature to be honest and real to everyone, I can’t keep something, a lie that’s not completely a lie, buried at the back of my head for long.
So hereby, with this post, I’m going to tell you the real reason why I rejected you. This may be rough, and I’m sure that you won’t be reading this since I blocked all your social media, but it’s always a good thing to let it all out. Grab your popcorn, buckle up, it’s gonna be very long.
Let’s start from my behaviour around you. Yes I am caring to you, yes I am warm. But that’s what I do to all my friends. I do that to those whom I think do not deserve to be treated rudely. Except when they crossed me bad, then I might turn into a snow yak towards them. Me being warm and kind does not equal liking you. Me being outgoing despite my real nature of being an introvert does not mean that I’m comfortable with you. You never know when I put on my mask and force myself to be sociable because I know that people needs me. It’s different when I’m outgoing around acquaintances and between my friends. My friends will feel me being more sincere around them. If anything, if I’m interested with someone, I will be really quiet and awkward around them. I will show my true form. That’s why I can’t talk with my crush using other than whale language.
Next is our state of mind. You might think that we share the same frequency, but the truth is I tend to lower myself to the level of people I’m talking with if they’re lower, and let myself be as empty and ready to be filled while talking to those who are more intellectually endowed. I said yes not because I agree, I said yes because I understand your way of thinking and perspective, but I have a completely different opinion that’ll oppose you to the state that I can ruin the conversation so (I’m blaming myself for being raised to be polite) I held it in and pretended that I’m on your side. And to be honest, I really like someone that can teach me something I have not know, even just trivial things. Someone whose mind and knowledge stand, if not on the same level, above mine. Someone with his mind as open as the ocean. And you’re not them. I know you’re not. You hate differences, you like everything to be uniform.
Then let’s go to the classic reason I used: I’m still in love with someone I fell in love with 7 years ago. That’s true, but not completely true. Do I still like him? Yes, as a human being and as a friend that’s dear to me. Do I still want him to be mine? No, I’m going to be real and accept the fact that this isn’t some K-Drama, it’s real life. He likes someone else, and so did I. While I still do giggle sometimes when he sent me a message, but that’s just it. It’s more like a habit than anything else.
Then on your behaviour. God bless that behaviour of yours. And if you can’t tell that I was using sarcasm, then yep, you’re not for me. You see I really don’t like someone who got easily angry and throw their anger everywhere when he’s moody. Sounds familiar? No? Want me to grab you a gigantic mirror? You see, nobody deserves to be snapped at when they didn’t do anything wrong just because you’re in that angsty mood. Really, I have relationship to be equal with my partner, not to be someone who should take anything you throw at me and still love you endlessly. That ain’t me, boy! And we’re not even dating! Imagine how abusive you will be if I said yes. Because I know boys like you will only be sweet to girls until you got them under your arms. Then you’ll just Jafar yourself on that poor Jasmine.
Then what else, oh, you think I’m like any other girls who like surprises and sweet words. News flash, I hate surprises, and I’m not fond of sweet words cause it gives me diabetes. You too always hinted that you want me to behave like some basic girl. Boy, be real. You see me, you see my blue hair and overall appearance, which part of me spells ‘basic’ to you? None? If so, don’t try to degrade me into what you think you can achieve because you can’t match someone as ‘weird’. If you love me, you’ll accept me for what I am and help me change and improve what I want to change and improve, not what you want to change about me. That ain’t love. Not healthy either.
Lastly, you’re a homophobe. I have friends who frown upon the LGBTQIA, but they don’t curse at them. They still love their LGBTQIA friends. Just because you disagree with their choice of life, doesn’t mean that you should kill them, right? But you always tell how you want them dead, how you threaten them, how you despise them. And guess what? I AM NOT STRAIGHT. Boom! Surprise bitch! You think you know about me? Nope, you only know as much as the tip of my pinky.
Yes I am not straight, I am not gay either, I don’t know what to label myself to be honest. But one thing’s for sure, I’m anything but a straight cisgender female. I’m able to like who I like, make it cis males, females, transgenders, intersex, or someone like me who doesn’t feel like they belong into any gender and just being themselves. My best friends all know about this, and some of them are very religious. Do they want to kill me? No they don’t. Do they try to lead me to God or ‘the right path’? Yes, but not forcing or threatening because they understand how hard it feels for people like me and they want me to feel safe. Even when the world is against me, they want me to feel safe with them. And you? How could you expect me to have a relationship with someone who make me feel threatened?
I think that’s all the reasons I have. Sorry that I’m being myself, sorry that I’m not what you think of me. Just kidding, I’m not sorry at all.
I think this post is also me coming out to my friends who will read this anyway.
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