#general blocklist
penaltyboxboxbox · 5 months
the annoying fandom post is so funny like. as someone who used to be active in like a lot more classical and big name fandoms. the shit that happens here is so much less annoying to me than any of that ever was........
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antianakin · 7 months
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I imagine you could PROBABLY interpret it either way since, like you mention, they're not SUPER explicit about what the Jedi do or do not know about Anakin's past aside from Obi-Wan telling Ahsoka about it in TCW.
But I think it seems unrealistic to assume the Jedi DON'T know about Anakin's past. There's a lot of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's report to the Council we don't get to see and ten years of Anakin's apprenticeship that never gets explored. I find it pretty unlikely that Obi-Wan would know (either because Qui-Gon explained it at some point during TPM we don't get to see or because Anakin explains it post-TPM) and not pass that information along to at least the Council.
I think whether the Jedi treat everyone the same or make exceptions for special circumstances would likely vary based on the situation. For example, Anakin is clearly expected to follow the same rules and guidelines as any Jedi, he has to follow the Code, and he has clearly been taught the no attachments/possession rule. BUT, we do also see the Council be RELATIVELY lenient towards him when he pushes back against them during TCW in particular. He doesn't tend to get much more than a verbal slap on the wrist for things like making the entire Council wait for HOURS as he plays house with Padme instead of reporting to them when they call. Mace and Yoda both advise Obi-Wan to be more lenient towards him in AOTC, to let him make his own mistakes and learn from them. Yoda tells him in season 6 that it is his spontaneity that makes him different from other Jedi and that this is a strength, not a weakness. In that same arc, Yoda has a vision of sorts where he literally has to "save Anakin from falling." So I think you could argue that the Jedi ARE aware that Anakin's upbringing makes him different and that they DO make allowances for it where possible, but that they also expect him to follow the same general guidelines and rules as any other Jedi.
You could make the argument that this is how they handle everyone, we see them be fairly lenient towards Ahsoka, as well, right up until she gets accused of a serious crime and they can't just handle the issue internally. The Jedi ALWAYS make allowances for people, they ALWAYS make allowances for differences between their members that require different kinds of support rather than strict punishment and enforcement of uniformity. So you could say the Jedi DO treat him like everyone else because they treat EVERYONE individually since you never really know what specific kind of support each person is going to need, it's not necessarily always going to be the same and it's not going to be the same all the time even for the same person either. The Jedi adjust for EVERYONE and so while they might have to make slightly more or slightly different adjustments for Anakin than they've made for other initiates/padawans before him, they wouldn't be unused to the concept of making adjustments IN GENERAL. Ahsoka herself was raised by a loving family until she was brought to the Jedi and raised pretty normally among the Jedi, but we see them make adjustments for her, too. She's allowed to become a padawan earlier than usual due to her being advanced for her age. So this is just... what the Jedi DO.
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coldgoldlazarus · 28 days
I want a RWBY Volume 9 AU where everything is the same except they have social media, and somehow still get scroll signals in the Ever After because of some arbitrary magic shenanigans. So everyone in Vacuo at least knows RWBY+JN are still alive, but have no idea what's going on with them, and they're too mentally caught up in the Ever After shenanigans (or in Ruby's case her depression arc) to think to give context for all the patently batshit stuff they're posting about.
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oh. and by the way. the racism that both Louis and Claudia face?? it's not like. a Subtle story detail. it's quite possibly one of the most overt throughlines of the story, actually. to be pretty Blatantly racist while simultaneously claiming to enjoy a show that from Day One has been examining anti-blackness and the forms that it can take is like. a little bit astounding. the cognitive dissonance is phenomenal; it would almost be impressive if it wasn't so gross. my god. "reverse racism." tsk. please. maybe we should all try growing a fucking brain as we venture further into the new year. hmm?? maybe we should try that.
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franksfishies · 26 days
Finally listening to malevolent s5 kinda. Before sleep so it's fragmented af but anyway my toxic malevolent trait is like dad era Arthur idgaf about Faroe or the dead wife nor do I care about good female rep in the show but this witch chick has good vibes. Would.
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khizuo · 9 months
jewish-kulindadromeus seems to rb from zionists a lot and is friends w spacelazarwolf, they also tried to justify what noah Schnapp did by saying "he's scared and not all of us are rich" or whatever just a heads up :) they say they're anti zionist but a lot of the stuff they say seems to prove otherwise which is disappointing
yeah, eir a zionist, block em too.
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balsa-margarita · 2 years
A PSA for new Azula fans
If you're seeing this, you're either following me or someone I'm mutuals with. You might be following me because of ATLA fandom stuff, and particularly because of Azula, and you might be new to Tumblr - and if you are, I want to warn you about something. (If you aren't following me for ATLA fandom reasons, just... skip this post unless you want to read about the drama I'm trying to warn people about.)
You will likely encounter some people who insist - repeatedly - on coming onto your posts and being annoying (especially if you post in the main Azula tag.) Sokkastyles, Avatar-Fandom-Police, etc, all of us who've been around a while have run into them and their complete unwillingness to leave well enough alone. It might make you want to leave the platform or the fandom, and personally I think that's their goal, because these people are proven assholes.
There is a simple solution to this!
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Tumblr has a block button. When these people decide to play at being door-to-door proselytizers or try shaming you for disagreeing with their opinion, block 'em! They will never bother you again. They will likely think that they "won" somehow because you left, but this is not the case. Assholes always tell themselves that... ever heard of Ben Shapiro? These people have the same attitude in a lot of ways.
This kind of stuff has been happening a lot recently, because while those of us who have been around for a while have blocked annoyances like the people mentioned above, new people (possibly like you) have not. So a lot of drama has been sparked over the past two days because an unsuspecting person posted something these piranha cosplayers didn't like in the Azula tag and got jumped on. This can be very scary at times, because as I mentioned these people simply don't stop replying to your replies and trying to drag you into the mud with them.
So - if this happens to you, block! It really is that simple, and it will make your life a lot easier.
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tungledotedu · 9 months
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i'll grant that the juxtaposition involved makes it a creative prompt, one that a human being would think of. we have a tendency to anthropomorphise animals and objects, and this is an example of that instinct.
i don't think the attack helicopter model (or even type of military vehicle) matters.
as for 'attitude', i suppose one possible interpretation is a mild woobification of the military-industrial complex.
but it takes more than creativity to make art. having a creative idea alone does not make you an artist, nor does it put you on the same level as someone who would actually draw a picture like the one above. that would involve steps beyond conceptualisation, such as composition, thumbnailing, sketching, line art, colouring, etc.
a 5-minute crappy doodle version of this would be art because a human being took the time to turn that idea into an artwork. telling someone or something to draw an idea you came up with does not make you the artist. you used generative ai to shitpost and act like it's some #deep statement. trying to be clever with the 'answer my questions' bit while ignoring the most fundamental one: did you draw this yourself?
6. does the fact that i have previously said i will make a bing ai image every time someone complains about AI art, sarcastically saying that by doing so i am stealing food out of artists' mouths, impact the perceived meaning and impact of the image? does it offer a new reading of the absurd nature of the prompt?
it does give the impression that this is not intended to encourage a good-faith discussion. you may not be personally 'stealing food out of artists' mouths,' but you are normalising the devaluation of our work and entitled attitude about the use of ai over human labour.
these aren't rhetorical or troll questions, to be clear -- they are merely being posed to illustrate that the idea that there is no artistic intent or human expression behind AI generated images falls apart under serious analysis.
again, it's not enough to have 'artistic intent or human expression'. anyone can come up with any idea. the difference is what you do to bring that idea to life.
and to be honest, it's hard not to interpret the underlying intention of intellectual exercises like this as:
'why should i pay you when i can tell a machine to make this for free?'
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
9, 10, 20, 21!
9: worst part of canon
me 2 seconds ago: im not gonna go on about the anti-military stance of MASH softening
for real though. as much as I love the show as a whole, I wish they kept the anti-military stance of seasons 1 - 3. I hate that it got lax and slowly got softer and softer as the show went on. yes the anti-war themes remain but its such a weird stance they take where they try to go "well not all army people are bad" with the introduction of Potter that ultimately just doesnt work
also the way Klinger gets treated often being shoved under the rug. my man deserved BETTER
10: worst part of fanon
I did answer this one but ill focus on a specific character here and say I really dont like a lot of fanon Klinger stuff I used to see when I was in the tags more. people make him out to be really dumb which is a large issue in the show itself, even though he's like. really fucking smart. but there's also a general issue ive seen of him being made out to be this, like, flamboyant slutty character which doesnt match him at all?? he's a romantic! he wants to get married! he's a sweetheart with the ladies- and close friends with the nurses, too. it doesnt surprise me this happens, fandoms in general are just. incapable of being normal about characters of colour, but I still hate to see it
20: part of canon you found tedious or boring
answered this one!
21: part of canon you think is overhyped
I love to joke around about queer subtext but I really really get nervous when I see people act like MASH was somehow deliberately queer. I think you can make a case for queerness as an anti-military device in the early seasons! but thats about it, I dont genuinely think any of these characters were meant to be read as queer themselves, and I think its important to remember that
like I love to call them all queer and say "what was the heterosexual reason for this" but at the end of the day. im well aware they weren't meant to be read that way. the heterosexual explanation is that these characters were written by heterosexual writers and queer jokes have always been a thing. MASH has fortunately aged fairly well in some of these and its easy to relate to the humour, but when people act like characters being queer is like, deliberate and canon subtext... I get nervous. ive been in a lot of fandoms over the years where this happens and it never ends well, it always ends up in queer baiting discourse and ship wars and it just. sucks
thats the long way of saying I think the fandom way overhypes what is considered queer subtext
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Scammer Alert!
Good morning everyone. Normally I don't make posts like this but I feel like it's necessary in this case. No DNI on this post since this is extremely important (that and I'll be out of town for the weekend anyway so I can't be assed to block anyone). Recently, there's been two scammers going around: sophieemichjuliee and pumpkinhalloween. Both of them have posts talking about cats in need. Here's what they look like.
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DO. NOT. DONATE. TO. THEM. They are scammers. They have been going around sending asks to random people asking for donations, which is always an automatic red flag. Evidence (Courtesy of @kyra45)
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I don't have any proof about pumpkinhalloween at this time, however it's very likely it might be an alt, as the account has the same profile picture as sophieemichjuliee. Speaking of, sophieemichjuliee is also trying to impersonate another individual as well. That person being @luckypoppymilliemama (who, fyi sorry to tag you but I feel like you might need to be aware of this if you aren't already). Here is the scammer's profiles, so you can block and report.
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I'll try to update this as much as I can once I come back from being AFK, since apparently the second one also changes their url every so often. Also, here's a quick tip: If someone sends you an ask or a private message about mutual aid, or asking for donations, DO NOT DONATE TO THEM. Because chances are, they're a scammer. Edit: I'd also like to add that these accounts are pretty fucking new (pumpkinhalloween was made and started posting 15 hours ago, while sophieemichjuliee was made only two hours ago, posting around that same time), which is already suspicious. However, the accounts have similar features and behaviors (both of them reblogged their own post atleast twice, both of them appear to be 23 years old, both have the same profile picture of a person and a cat that isn't even theirs, and both of them have the words "Sophie" and "Mich" somewhere in their bio or name, not helping their case. Edit 2: Looks like both of them deactivated. Won't be deleting this post in case they come back, however I'll turn off reblogs in the meantime.
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hollowedskin · 9 months
If I see your blazed post more than once that's a blockin. If I see you blazed more than one post on my dash that's also a blockin.
The only spam on my dash should be naturally generated mutual spam of tv shows I don't watch and 8th level discourse I can't divine the origin of.
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princessefemmelesbian · 3 months
I need you to tell me if you think I, a trans woman sharing the same opinion as the transmascs "excusing" a problamatic kink, also just hate trans women and am trying to gain the power of cis men.
The problematic kink in question is corrective rape and also raping/misgendering trans women so if you have no problem with that especially since you are a trans woman yourself then I seriously question your sense of morality. Love yourself, I'm begging you.
Also why tf are you still here just go away omg.
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lisanees · 6 months
@/musashi is a lesbophobe btw, don't support them
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tinyconduit · 4 months
I'm a bit confused by what the end goal of the "blockout" actually is given that I've seen many say that they're never going to unblock the celebs on these lists regardless of whether they start to talk about Palestine. Is the idea just to punish these celebs? I just don't see what the point of blocking them actually *is*
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Would it be alright to ask you advice on curating my fandom experience? Regarding avoiding b///kshippers and the like, unfortunately. I don't know who else to ask, unless you or your followers know of someone? I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable.
I guess so, yeah! Would be easier if you're off anon, admittedly, or on discord or the like. I'm not sure what specific info I can give tbh?
I can give some general advice though
Block people if you don't like them, and mute/block terms you don't like. Use filters liberally.
This is the internet, things that should not exist unfortunately do, and we cannot change what others do. It's not worth your time and energy or mental health to try and change other's minds on this, i promise.
Personally, I prefer to block and mute individual people instead of filter tags or block terms. I'd rather catch and block the source, so I can keep certain people from interacting with my blogs or fics. Some people would simply rather not see anything at all, so block and filter anything associated with it. It's genuinely up to each person.
But remember this IS and will always be the internet. The unfortunate truth is that you WILL see stuff you don't want to, sometimes in the least likely of places. Sometimes people won't tag. Sometimes it'll ruin your day. But if you wanna engage with fandoms and media online, you have to know this, and you have to be able to decide when the risk is not worth it.
It sucks, it really sucks that this is how it is, but it is :(
But yeah! Know what works for you! Block people! Block tags! That's genuinely the best thing to do, and at the end of the day almost all you CAN do. At least it's a powerful tool.
Good luck anon! If you need more specific advice you can ask, though it's no guarantee i'll have an answer
(Oh, another thing I suggest is, if it's a fandom like submas that has big presences in other languages, if you cannot speak those languages find the tag for the ship or whatever it is you don't like IN THAT LANGUAGE and block it
In english, if I see ship art I don't want to see, I can easily read the tag and block the artist. In japanese, I cannot read the tags, so blocking the tags helps me not see it because as we all know, sometimes it's hard to recognize what's a ship art piece and what isn't!
It's not foolproof, but it definitely helps me avoid artists I cannot read the tags of, and find artists that don't create stuff like that! because I personally love finding cool art from all over the world, despite not being able to read it.)
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dankovskaya · 6 months
The most rotted soulless inhuman willfully ignorant and hateful and childishly pessimistic people you have ever seen in your life will be in like 65% of the comments on an instagram post
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