#generation loss: the social expirements
lunelicmoone · 1 year
i don't really think that the hat itself was a sort of trigger to let gl!sneeg see what was actually going on, but it was all of the "slime" that was on the hat.
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like, almost the entirety of the bottom of the hat is SOAKED in "slime" (cause it was literally inside of gl!charlie), and the sensation of a super bloody cap being suddenly placed on your head like it's nothing must've triggered something in gl!sneeg's mind.
maybe he was easily snapped back into reality like that because his mind isnt being physically interfered with like gl!ranboo's is.
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and then with sneeg saying "i'm not really a hat guy." before they put the "slime" cap on him, vs having a new hat placed on him, and taking it off immediately to seemingly adjust it seeing as he's still wearing it in the next shot.
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maybe the new hat symbolizes something, maybe it has the same sort of control power that ranboo's mask does, or maybe im just looking too deep into it
at the end of the day, WATCH GENERATION LOSS!!!! it's such a cool show and ranboo seriously outdid himself with this entire project <3 so proud of them
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Goyim are so angry that they’ve had to pretend to care about the holocaust up until now, and they are so excited to finally have an excuse to stop pretending to care.
They’ve been so mad, so resentful, that we “get” to have the holocaust. Because that’s how they look at it; not as an incalculable loss, not as a trauma that has scarred us for generations, not as something that made our world that much poorer for the loss of whole communities, of diverse traditions and legacies and contributions. Not as a real event that hurt real people.
Goyim view the holocaust as yet another expression of Jewish privilege, as a winning play in the oppression olympics. We “get” to have an irrefutable case of genocide in recent history that we can point to as proof that we still belong to the category of “oppressed” on a technicality. They view it as a card we can play to win arguments, as an unfair advantage that gives us the best of both worlds - we get to label ourselves “oppressed” even though we’re the “real” oppressor, thus securing for ourselves the privileges and advantages of both. They’ve been so angry at us for what they see as cosplaying as an oppressed minority when it’s so obvious to them that we’re the ultimate ruling class. They hate that they’ve had to be nicer to us, that they had to pretend not to hate us quite so much, because of the holocaust. To them, the benefits for Jews invoking the Holocaust far outweigh the disadvantages of having actually experienced it.
They are so gleeful to finally get away with putting an expiration date on the holocaust, to declare it officially null and void. And beyond that, they are positively giddy to weaponize it against us. They’ve jumped at the chance to say with impunity that Jews are the real Nazis, that Jews are the ones carrying out the Holocaust, that we’re fake victims impersonating real oppressed minorities while we’re the ones perpetuating the real oppression. Not only is the Holocaust irrelevant, a thing of the past, it never really existed in the first place.
Too many goyim are way too excited to be able to engage in flat out holocaust denial, to spew as much hatred towards Jews as they want, and not only face no consequences, but be rewarded with a reputation as virtuous and committed to true social justice and human rights.
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mantisgodsaus · 8 months
The Wereweevil Curse
The Wereweevil Curse, or Werebeast Curse, is a curse initially engineered by the deity Mars of the Southern Heartwood Kingdoms. Although initially engineered in order to punish a particular colony of social bugs, it is now known primarily for its association with loose swarms of
A Werebeast Curse can only be passed by bite, though the wereweevil may deal other wounds. Goring by the tusks will achieve a similar effect, but will be less survivable - the bite must be inflicted during the night of the full moon, and biting in bug form will produce no effect. If a turning bite is successful, all wounds will heal come sunrise, and the new werebeast will be set on the clock until their new form sets in. Symptoms will set in slowly over the course of the next month - if caught early, the curse can be eased or nullified, but once it's fully set in, there's little that can be done but treating symptoms and helping the wereweevil cope with their new status.
Symptoms are as follows:
-Increased appetite. You need to feed both your normal body and your werebeast body. Your appetite may also swing more towards your cursed species. Although other strains exist beyond the wereweevil strain, they are significantly more rare and generally made of variations on the same theme
-Sensitivity to silver. Strong allergy in normal form, but it burns in werebeast form. Only thing that can leave long-lasting wounds. Wounds cannot heal as usual around wounds inflicted by silver, and transforming may worsen them, tearing them open all over again.
-Strong need for companionship. If not in regular contact with other bugs, the nervous system can lose proper function, gradually causing loss of mental clarity, erratic behavior, and eventual seizures. If the werebeast does not have a pack during the full moon, this will drive them to try to bite other people, especially those they know well in a desperate attempt to grasp for companionship
-Healing. Fully heals when transforming into or out of the form. Can transfer somewhat to usual form with significant stress causing the other form to "leak". Scars will still remain.
-Strength and durability. This is less measurable than other things - will tend to "ramp up" over time, getting more prevalent the longer that the werebeast carries the curse as the curse "sets in" to their body. Over time, wounds dealt by anything but silver will have less and less impact on the werebeast, until they're nearly immune to non-silver weapons - this is caused by a gradual "toughening" of the body as the magic sets in, combined with the incredible workout that transforming and existing as a werebeast puts on the muscles. Any sufficiently magical weapon may bypass this durability, dealing wounds as usual.
-Transformation on every full moon. The obvious one. The transformation begins when the first rays of the moon touch your shell - if the bug in question remains indoors during this period, it will trigger once the moon reaches its apex, albeit taking significantly more of a tax on the body - letting the moon "draw" the transformation out versus the beast ripping its way out of your body by force. You are the beast, but the beast has none of your inhibitions, acting on emotion and instinct. Under high stress, the other form can leak in to the normal form, allowing for partial transformations. The longer you have the curse, the more likely you are to gain characteristics of your werebeast form even in your normal form.
The first transformation will always come with a high chance of death, a massive amount of stresses all covening on the body at once - in many cases, the newly-turned werebeast will go partway through the transformation and expire from the strain, the healing failing to keep up with the physical and psychological distress of the body being literally ripped apart and reformed across entire different lines and leaving a twisted, half-transformed corpse.
If treated before the first transformation, the progression of the curse can be halted entirely - though it generally leaves a handful of symptoms behind unless treated before the wound heals, if the curse is halted early, then it will vanish leaving only a bit of silver sensitivity and a minor tendency towards clinginess. Once the first transformation is complete, then the curse cannot be lifted.
Although a handful of variants of the curse exist, none have been recorded within Bugaria's borders - and almost all are engineered from the same original curse, generally caused either by altering the impact on a pre-existing wereweevil or by attempts to recreate the effect with other forms of magic.
The closer one's biology is to their other form, the easier the transformation is - the first transformation is always the hardest, forcing the body into a shape that was previously entirely alien to it and imprinting that form onto the bug permanently. The longer one has been a werebeast, the easier the transformation tends to be as the curse leaks through - older werebeasts can transform almost seamlessly, though the stress from the curse tends to shorten a bug's lifespan regardless of how easy the shift gets.
Due to this, larger packs of wereweevils tend to have significant numbers of both roaches and mantids - this is, notably, one of the very few situations in which mantids will form large social groups in general, as the curse tends to override the natural tendancy for isolation in large predatory bugs.
Offspring of a werebeast will be an almost entirely normal bug, though they may inherit a handful of leftover symptoms of the curse (much like a bug who was cured before the curse could fully take root, though with the notable difference that they are often capable of inheriting a greater-than-usual baseline for strength or durability)
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lovelyxm4di · 24 days
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September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.
Please take this month to check in on your loved ones, meaning friends, family, or anybody in general. Appreciate them more and be glad that you and all these people are here. This is your reminder to check in on them! <3
Suicide takes so many lives each year, and is overlooked by so many people. We lose over 800,000 people per year to suicide. It’s also the 10th biggest cause of death worldwide.
There are multiple factors that contribute to an individual to taking their lives such as..
Mental health conditions - Alcohol and Substance abuse - Hopelessness - Impulsive and Aggressive tendencies - History of Trauma or Abuse - Major Physical illnesses - Previous attempts - Job or Financial Loss - Loss of Relationship(s) - Family History of Suicide - Lack of social support and sense of isolation - Lack of Healthcare - Cultural and Religious Beliefs and Exposure to others who have attempted - Or those apart of the LGBTQ+ community.
Mental illness can be hard to notice, sometimes it can look like there is something genuinely wrong, or the individual can appear happy.
Suicide can happen to anyone in all ages, such as children, teenagers, adults, and elderly.
There are also multiple signs someone is going to be taking their lives such as…
Distancing themselves from Family and Friends - Saying Goodbye - Giving away important things that they value - Taking Dangerous Risks - Displaying Extreme Mood Swings - Eating or Sleeping Less - Abusing Substances, or Alcohol more often - Talking about Wanting to Die - Talking about being a Burden to Others - Feeling Empty, Trapped, Extremely Sad, More Anxious or Agitated, Full of Rage, Unbearable emotional, Joking about taking their life, Suicide ideation or planning an attempt.
If these symptoms apply to you or someone you know, get help as soon as possible, particularly if the behavior is new or has increased recently.
If you are feeling suicidal here are some resources for you, including how to reach out to a suicide hotline.
go to your nearest hospital, and inform them that you are feeling suicidal - inform your therapist or psychiatrist - tell a trusted family member, or somebody you are comfortable with talking to about it, and tell them that you need help.
Some things about suicide hot lines you should know.
If you are unwilling to stay safe they must engage emergency services to you. In fact reducing hospitalizations is a critical goal for counselors, so their goal is not to inform police unless it is necessary.
Your info is confidential, the only two situations where you’re information is used: 1) to evaluate the quality of counselor interactions and 2) if you are unwilling to stay safe.
If they put you on hold it is because a counselor will answer as soon as they are available. It is their job to help you after all but there is also many people expirence distressing emotions or situations, meanwhile other calls include thoughts of suicide.
The people who answer these hotlines would be a counselor, they likely have a background in psychology, social work, or mental health. Counselors are thoroughly trained to answer crisis calls professionally.
you can research your country suicide hotline and or you can message “988” and they will give you what you need.
My dm’s are also open, if you need someone to talk to or listen to you vent I am here for you <3 [ just a reminder: I do have a life outside of tumblr, so if I don’t reply right away, it doesn’t mean I’m ghosting you, it’s because I’m busy and I will see your message once I come back online! ]
As someone who has past attempts of suicide, and suicide ideation.. and experience of a mental ilness. I just want to remind you that everything will eventually be okay, it takes time but you will be okay. I know that I don’t know you, but I love you and I wish the best for you and I understand it’s a hard time right now but I believe in you that you can can get through this rough patch. 🩷 you are loved, and you matter.
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Feel free to vent in comments as well, or if you need advice or tips with your mental health. Don’t be afraid to ask for it!
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redironsun · 2 years
The Occult Power of Blood.
Within media and indeed within modern occultism runs a vein of fear regarding the topic of blood ritual. Images of grotesque animal sacrifice and deranged cultists flow both straight from the realities of human history and the works of fiction inspired by this gruesome fact.
Indeed, blood is made a taboo in society and the repulsion to it runs down even to those on its fringes; Many who regularly attempt the summoning of a demon or communion with the dead will often disavow animal sacrifice and blood magic as unnecessary and dangerous both mentally and physically, as if the raising of spirits were a particularly safe sport to play. Even within the few who dare penetrate the skin, such is only ever done for a drop or two, with the ever present warning of the power and permanence of blood magic.
Do not confuse what is a factual observation with a condemnation - the fear and taboo of blood, indeed of flesh itself is inbuilt within the human psyche. Blood is both the literal and symbolic substance of life and death, and we are biologically, neurologically and socially hardwired to respond to blood in a variety of ways, from neuro-cardiogenic syncope (Fainting at the sight of blood) to neurological or sexual arousal. Blood is the substance of life, and to see it drain out is to see and encounter a form death - the individual cells of the blood expire and clot together, they will never again serve their intended purpose within the body and it mourns this loss, growing pale and weak before being drained beyond function. Because of this, many societies have come to see blood outside the body as profane and impure; blood shed destabilizes life, calls forth the forces of chaos, death, loss and decay. The spilling of blood crosses not only the boundaries of skin, but also the boundaries of order.
For the magician, which lives on and makes a science of transgressing the boundaries of society, religion and the ordered world, blood is raw life, raw power; warm, wet, pumping in and out of the heart until it gives out, penetrating deep into the grey matter of the magician, where their every thought, every desire and every secret is kept, before sliding back out along the veins and arteries to be refreshed, rejuvenated and reanimated by the breath in the lungs. The flow of blood animates the body, and the reciprocal motion of its subsequent systems generate life which binds body and spirit, and it is the flow of blood which transmits the will of the spirit to the physical plane, in the body and beyond it.
Best Regards
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mariacallous · 6 months
The upcoming local elections in Turkey on March 31 offer Turkey’s progressives—the social democratic main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) and the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Equality and Democracy (DEM) Party—the opportunity to challenge the hegemony of the ruling conservative Justice and Development Party (AKP). A win would also bolster the chances of Istanbul’s incumbent CHP mayor, Ekrem Imamoglu, to succeed President Recep Tayyip Erdogan when his term expires in 2028, provided that they display a unity of purpose.
The outcome of the March 31 election in Istanbul, Turkey’s biggest city, will—as has been the case before—be decisive in shaping the course of Turkish politics. Erdogan himself rose to national prominence after serving as mayor of Istanbul in the 1990s.
Imamoglu was prepared to challenge Erdogan in the presidential election last year and enjoyed broad support not only in the CHP but among the opposition in general, but the CHP’s then-leader, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, imposed his own candidacy. Today, Imamoglu is the only credible opposition candidate. The CHP’s new leader, Ozgur Ozel, who unseated Kilicdaroglu as party leader last November, has said his party will not hesitate to field Imamoglu as its presidential candidate if he is reelected on March 31.
Imamoglu will be a strong contender to succeed Erdogan. He is a centrist social democrat and appeals to both conservatives and progressives. But the polls predict that the race between Imamoglu and his challenger from the AKP, Murat Kurum, is going to be close—and a loss would undermine Imamoglu’s future presidential prospects. Some analysts suggest that the incumbent could be facing defeat, given the loss of support from a key constituency, the Kurds.
Critically, in 2019, Imamoglu enjoyed the endorsement of the Kurdish political movement. The Kurdish voters were the key to his election. Istanbul is home to the largest Kurdish population in Turkey, approximately 2 million or 12 percent of the city’s population. This time, the pro-Kurdish DEM Party has fielded its own, co-mayoral candidates, Meral Danis Bestas and Murat Cepni.
The right-wing nationalist Good Party that supported Imamoglu in 2019 and was allied with the CHP in the presidential and parliamentary elections last year has also broken ranks with the CHP that has made a turn to the left under Ozel and is running an independent campaign. Yet while the defection of Turkish nationalists can prove as costly, the Kurdish defection from Imamoglu has a deeper significance beyond electoral politics. It bespeaks—the CHP’s leftward turn on social and economic issues notwithstanding—the impasse of progressive politics in Turkey.
Imamoglu needs to bring divergent political and ethnic constituencies together to win Istanbul—and would have to do the same to succeed Erdogan. A failure by Imamoglu to sway the Kurdish voters and align the constituency of the DEM Party with the CHP base will demonstrate that progressive unity is beyond reach. Imamoglu needs the Kurdish vote not only to win, but moreover to embody democratic change.
Promisingly, the new CHP leadership has charted a social democratic course, embracing the labor movement and calling for reforms that address poverty and inequality. This is in sharp contrast to his predecessor, Kilicdaroglu, who disastrously distanced himself from the left and embraced right-wing policies and partners. Kilicdaroglu struck a deal with the far-right Victory Party in the run-up to the presidential election last year and vowed to keep removed Kurdish elected officials (accused of “terrorist” links) out of office.
Ozel has condemned the suppression of the Kurds’ democratic rights. While Kilicdaroglu forged an alliance with five right-wing parties that excluded Kurds and socialists, Ozel has initiated an electoral alliance with the socialist Labor Party of Turkey (TIP) and unsuccessfully sought a similar agreement with the DEM Party.
But Ozel has failed to establish his authority over his party, and his colleagues across the country are openly defying him. On March 6, the CHP’s mayoral candidate in the province of Afyonkarahisar, Burcu Koksal, vowed that if she is elected, the doors of the municipality would be open to all parties except the pro-Kurdish DEM Party. Ozel, who was present when Koksal—who is also CHP deputy group chairperson in the parliament—delivered her anti-Kurdish remarks, called them “a minor slip of the tongue.”
But Imamoglu recognized that Koksal had effectively torpedoed his chances to secure the Kurdish vote and demanded that she “either look for a new job or a new party.” The polls pointed to a close race in Istanbul already before the statement, and it elicited a strong reaction from the DEM Party’s Bestas, who said that it amounts to “fascism.”
The persistence of Turkish supremacist nationalism in the CHP’s ranks is undermining the party’s credibility as a progressive force and disabling the left-wing unity that should otherwise have been within reach. The DEM Party insists that it seeks not just to secure the political and cultural rights of Turkey’s Kurds, but that it equally aspires to bring about a broader democratic and progressive change of Turkish society. The DEM Party’s local election manifesto for Istanbul lays out a progressive agenda, including promises of participatory democracy through the establishment of neighborhood and city assemblies, promotion of women’s participation in urban planning, and the rule of labor.
Selahattin Demirtas, the former co-chair of the previous iteration of the pro-Kurdish party, known as the HDP, who has been imprisoned since 2016, in 2021 called on Turkey’s left-wing forces to form a “strong left bloc” to build democracy after the rule of the AKP. Demirtas argued that democracy was going to elude Turkey in the absence of the left and “the voice of the labor.” “A strong left bloc can be built without considering personal and party interests,” Demirtas insisted. Yet Demirtas, who remains a powerful voice in Kurdish politics, has not expressed any interest in the left turn of the CHP.
Indeed, Demirtas no longer proposes that the party join a left bloc with social democrats and socialists. Instead, he recommends that the DEM Party position itself as a third force, equidistant to the AKP and the CHP, and urges it to engage in talks with the AKP to solve the Kurdish issue and to democratize Turkey. “I don’t know if there is meeting traffic between the DEM Party and the AKP, but if there is not, this is a great deficiency for both parties,” he recently said.
Presumably to endear himself to Erdogan, Demirtas paid homage to the Islamic identity of Turkey, saying, “What defines us in these lands is Islamic civilization.” “A part of Turkey’s socialists are unaware of this, and due to their ignorance, they cannot reach out to society,” he professed when he delivered his defense at the last hearing at his trial in December 2023.
It is indeed true that the Turkish left has historically been hampered by its overzealous commitment to secularism, which has alienated the popular masses from it. But Demirtas’s statements about Islam suggest that he seeks something else than a reinvention of the left to broaden its popular appeal. He is not calling for a Muslim left. Instead, he seems to have given up on the left and concluded that Kurdish interests can only be furthered by aligning with Islamic conservatism.
It’s reasonable to assume that Demirtas’s shift is prompted by a recognition that the AKP seems to be entrenched in power and that the Kurds consequently have no alternative but to seek an understanding with Erdogan. It may also be that the deal that Kilicdaroglu struck with the far right last year convinced Demirtas that the CHP cannot be trusted.
In a similar vein, Ahmet Turk, a veteran of the Kurdish movement in Turkey, earlier this year said that Erdogan is the only leader who can solve the Kurdish question, because he “has taken control of all state institutions.”
“But if the CHP were to attempt such a thing, its project would be shattered,” Turk said. Indeed, this was what happened the last time the CHP attempted to challenge authoritarian right-wing power. When a CHP government in the 1970s tried to promote economic equality and expand labor rights, forces in the Turkish state struck back violently and ended the attempt. However, Erdogan is not omnipotent. His attempt between 2013 and 2015 to solve the Kurdish issue met with stiff resistance from within the state establishment, which may in turn explain why the attempt was aborted.
Yet it is increasingly clear that a strong current in the Kurdish political movement is pinning its hopes on a revival of some version of the old feudal deal between the Turkish state and Kurdish tribal leaders. Under it, from the 1950s to the late 1970s, Kurdish tribal leaders were by and large left socially and economically in control of the country’s Kurdish region in return for delivering the votes of their tribes to the ruling conservative parties, the AKP’s predecessors. That was the reason the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) began as a Marxist revolutionary movement in opposition both to Kurdish feudalism and the Turkish state in the 1970s.
Today, the Kurds legitimately demand that election results are respected and elected Kurdish mayors are not thrown out of office and into prison—as Turk was after he was reelected mayor of the province of Mardin in 2019. Turk was dismissed but not arrested, as he was in 2016. Of 65 mayors elected in 2019,  59 were removed from office or imprisoned, or both.In return, the Kurdish political movement is not offering Erdogan its votes, but nonetheless its services by depriving his main challenger of votes.
Yet it is unlikely that the Kurds will be rewarded. Erdogan and his ally Devlet Bahceli, the leader of the far-right Nationalist Movement Party, are unlikely to acquiesce to Kurdish party rule in the Kurdish region as long as the challenge posed by the PKK continues to haunt the Turkish state. As PKK affiliates—armed and protected by the United States—have established a de facto state in Rojava across the border in northern Syria, Turkey will remain intransigent on the Kurdish issue.
DEM Party mayors who are elected on March 31 risk being removed from office just as their predecessors were after the local elections in 2019. The strategy of relying on Erdogan is bound to end in yet another disappointment for the Kurdish political movement, shattering its core political project.
A democratic solution to the Kurdish issue—without which full democracy in Turkey will remain elusive—depends on Turkish and Kurdish progressives making common cause. Yet the DEM Party cannot reasonably be expected to withdraw its co-mayoral candidates from the Istanbul race and endorse the CHP’s presidential front-runner unless the CHP lives up to its social democratic pledges and purges anti-Kurdish nationalism from its ranks.
At stake is not only the outcome of the Istanbul election, as important as it is. If narrow-minded nationalism prevails among Turkish progressives, the authoritarian AKP regime—which has run the country for more than 20 years—will become entrenched and outlast Erdogan.
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kmbezner · 2 years
Aaaaaand it's time for my top ten favorite reads of the year! In no particular order:
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Notes from the Burning Age by Claire North
I'll start with the first book I read this year, cause WOW what a book to start with. I started reading this as an egalley at the end of 2021, but didn’t finish it before it expired 😭 It’s a truly amazing cocktail of one part dystopian climate fiction, one part political thriller, one part fantastical mythology, garnished with a bit of philosophy. North seamlessly weaves these elements in a way that makes you want to write like that.
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The Carrying by Ada Limón
The Undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio
I read both of these books during a kind of nonfiction blitz challenge that started when my supervisor in the reference department asked for staff picks for a display and I realized I hadn't read any nonfiction in an embarrassingly long time. Both of these ended up on the staff pick display, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about them since.
The Carrying is a beautiful collection of poetry I had read single poems from before, but the entire collection comes together to paint a picture of loss and love traced across generations.
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I listened to The Undocumented Americans, which I highly recommend as Villavicencio reads it herself and does a wonderful job. It's in part a collection of interviews that turns to reflect Villacencio's own life and the connections she makes with those she meets.
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On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
The Honeys by Ryan La Sala
These were both book club reads, one for my local library's graphic novel book club and the other for QUEST RI. The funny thing is that I ended up not being able to attend the actual meeting for either of them, but damn they were good.
I've been a fan of Tillie Walden for a while now, and am kicking myself for not reading this one sooner. They are SO skilled at that kind of faded nostalgia, that bittersweet, melancholic sadness through gorgeous artwork and sparse, emotional storytelling. Also, gays in space.
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The Honeys is a perfectly tense and taut YA thriller that is so hard to put down. It's got a dark academia vibe despite being set at a summer camp, with plenty of surreal summer feels and guillotine-the-rich vibes.
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How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy by Jenny Odell
This book has been on my TBR for a while now, and when the college library I work at started looking for recommendations for next year’s college-wide read on the theme of social media, I figured it was finally time to jump on it. It was much more than I expected, mainly because I was expecting a kind of self-help book plus. But this book isn’t just about putting down your phone every once in a while, it’s an exploration of a cultural shift that’s centuries in the making. Odell discusses art, music, philosophy, psychology, politics, and of course big tech as she traces how our attention has become a commodity to be monetized.
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His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik
The Empress of Salt and Fortune by Nghi Vo
These books are doing the job of carrying their whole series onto this list. No, it's not cheating, it's my list and my rules :)
I actually read His Majesty's Dragon years ago, and despite tearing through it didn't get around to reading the other books. During a months-long reading slump earlier this year I decided to dredge myself out of it by rereading a book I knew I liked, and letting the series carry me from there. And boy howdy it worked! I was hoping to finish the series this year, but due to life things and library holds that won't come in for a couple more weeks that plan has been thwarted :/
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I was looking for a quick read when I started the Singing Hills Cycle, and was just astonished at how much lore Vo packs into these novellas. There is so much information about this world in such short and deeply satisfying books, each one a snapshot into a different aspect of the world, shared in ways that both celebrate and challenge the nature of storytelling, history, and memory.
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Frizzy by Claribel A. Ortega & Rose Bousamra
Received as an ARC from BookishFirst, this was not only one of my favorite books of the year, but is showing up on best of lists all over the place. And rightfully so—this middle grade graphic novel is about so much more than hair, as important as that is. I can’t stress enough that everyone should read this book.
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Mage and the Endless Unknown by SJ Miller
No cover for this one, because it hasn’t been revealed yet! I read this comic as an egalley on Edelweiss and was instantly grabbed by the eerie artwork and because Iron Circus Comics consistently publishes some of my favorite books. Mage is a collected webcomic, and, without spoiling too much, is basically Over the Garden Wall by Junji Ito (so…CW for graphic imagery. yeah, I know the art starts off kinda cutesy, just trust me). Keep an eye out for this one next year, or if you can’t wait you can read the original webcomic online!
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In Generation Loss, The Spirit of the Cabin, Charlie doesn’t know how to properly cook, doesn’t have proper social skills, and much more. And he’s shown to be this goopy, green demon-like creature and acts very childish. Maybe, when Charlie was younger, he wasn’t raised well or was neglected a whole bunch. And when he eventually died with his parents gone, no one ever really came to visit, besides Ranboo. The people who did come to visit were either terrified of Charlie or were complete assholes, so he was “raised” to be a dick or a scaredy-cat. All he ever learned to “cook” was a bowl of whatever he could find around the house, which was usually expired or gross. That’s all he ate, and it was usually green and goopy, much like the form he takes on in episode one. He most likely lived with a grandparent in that cabin or was kidnapped. When said person passed, Charlie was free, but didn’t have anywhere else to go and didn’t know the roads and streets, since it’s been so long since he’s been out of the cabin. Maybe the person who kidnapped Charlie is the owner of Showfall Media? What if the person who created Showfall raised Charlie, but wasn’t sure how to handle a child so he just let him do his own thing, but trained him to be like how he is now? Charlie probably died when he was in his early 20s and the creator of Showfall “fixed” his body with wires and metal. Maybe his “blood” is just red slime that is kept in little pouches to simulate blood if he ever gets physically hurt. Showfall used black magic (or something similar) to make it to where Charlie possessed the body he made for him. He kept the robot-type thing looking like Charlie, but changed a few things: the horns, the goop, and suit.
This is Racetrack Higgins, and let me know if you want theories on other characters! Wether Newsies, GenLoss, or DSMP/QSMP! :D
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mochibdsm · 2 months
on Leather families, part three.
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Even though leather families are common across the full spectrum of the Leather, Kinky, Fetish and BDSM community, it is becoming more common among those living in Master/slave relationships. Perhaps this is a result of Masters wanting to own more than one slave. Sometimes a dominant couple may head the household. The fact that those of us who are living the Master/slave dynamic are into multiple relationships automatically makes us more prone to create Leather families. Another interesting factor is the transition between generations. I am also a strong believer that we older Leathermen – to whom sometimes the younger generations refer as the “elders” – have an obligation to reach out, teach, and mentor those who are coming behind us. The three Junior Masters in my Leather Family reached out to me to mentor them. They eventually earned the invitation to be part of my family. When they were welcome into our family, they all were challenged to prepare themselves to one day wear our boots and become the leaders of the immediate future. I always recommend that each family should have a purpose in which the members are involved. In my case, our purpose is the education of the Master/slave Community. All the members of my family, as well as many of the members of my extended family, share my passion for education and actively participate in our events like the Master/slave Conference or the MTTA Academy. I also would like to share how during my journey I have felt validated after creating my Leather Family. On September 22, 2001, I lost my slave tommy to AIDS when he was only 37. His passing was one of the most powerful moments of my life and one that definitely validated the meaning of my Leather Family. During his last hour and until the moment he expired, I was next to his hospital bed holding his left hand. My other two slaves at the time, slave dave and slave mike, were holding each of my shoulders. All four of us were connected and sharing our energy during slave tommy’s final comments. That day I realized the real meaning of Leather Family. Another anecdote from my early journey was when slave dave was ready to sign the renewal of his slave contract. I remember asking him what drove him to continue to be my slave. His response was: ”Sir, when we sit at the table for dinner each day, I got the feeling I belong”. That was precisely why I kept the tradition of eating together which I learned from my parents and did also with my children. Now, eating dinner together is a powerful statement for my slaves that we belong.
Most recently, when slave david – who was in service to me for almost nine years – passed away in a tragic accident in 2014, twelve members of our Leather family were together at the Master/slave Conference.   Upon hearing the news, we all gathered in the event Sanctuary to grieve and console each other.  I remember a moment I looked towards the group and it was like each member was watching for the others.  The thought crossed my mind that few years earlier, we did not even know each other, and now we are together as family, as our family of choice.  Months later, our family was tested again with the loss of two family members in less than two months: Sir Greg and his slave aaron.  Then in summer 2019, we lost Master Francis as well.
On special occasions, like on my traditional New Year’s Eve celebration, all the members of my Leather Family gather together at our household for a formal Leather Dinner together as a big family and welcome the New Year together. In FetLife, the kinky social network, there is an option when building our profiles that we see very often: “In a Leather Family with…”. I assure you that for most people, it means different things and their concept of Leather Family may be very different from each other. A warning that I will give to all is that the Leather Families and the multiple-relationships usually associated with them are not for everybody. Many folks cannot function beyond the traditional one-on-one relationships. Others like myself have always enjoyed relationships with more than one individual (and not all these relationships are sexual) and the concept of living as a family. As many other areas of our journeys, this is part of who we are, and is not for everybody. Your interest in a Leather Family should be genuine and coming from your heart, and not because it is fashionable and so many others are doing it. Final thought: A Leather Family is the family of our choice, not an imposed one, but the one we choose and embrace.
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What does a domain name change mean?
Domain name change refers to changing the network address of a website or Internet service, that is, the domain name, such as.com,.top, etc. This usually involves moving a website from one domain name to another, perhaps because of a corporate brand change, a domain name acquisition, an expired domain name, or a search engine optimization strategy. The domain name change process mainly includes the following steps:
1, buy a new domain name: First you need to register a new domain name as the target address to be changed.
2, Set DNS records: In the DNS management panel of the new domain name, set the corresponding A record, CNAME record, etc., to ensure that the new domain name can be correctly resolved to the IP address of the website server.
3, website content migration: If it is only a domain name change and does not involve a server change, this step may not be needed. But it is generally recommended to check and update all internal links on your website to make sure they point to the correct path under the new domain name.
4. Redirection Settings: Set 301 permanent redirection in the server configuration of the original domain name to automatically direct all visits from the old domain name to the corresponding page of the new domain name. This helps deliver SEO weight and informs search engines and users about domain name changes.
5, monitoring and testing: After the domain name change, it is necessary to closely monitor the access to the website, the status of the search engine index and the mail system to ensure that the transition is smooth and correct.
6. Notify users: Inform users of domain name changes in advance through social media, email notifications, website announcements, etc., in order to reduce the loss of users caused by changes.
The whole process needs to be carefully planned and executed to minimize the impact on website traffic, search engine rankings and user experience.
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jemerychow · 3 months
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What does a domain name change mean?
Domain name change refers to changing the network address of a website or Internet service, that is, the domain name, such as .com,.top, etc. This usually involves moving a website from one domain name to another, perhaps because of a corporate brand change, a domain name acquisition, an expired domain name, or a search engine optimization strategy. The domain name change process mainly includes the following steps: 1, buy a new domain name: First you need to register a new domain name as the target address to be changed. 2, Set DNS records: In the DNS management panel of the new domain name, set the corresponding A record, CNAME record, etc., to ensure that the new domain name can be correctly resolved to the IP address of the website server. 3, website content migration: If it is only a domain name change and does not involve a server change, this step may not be needed. But it is generally recommended to check and update all internal links on your website to make sure they point to the correct path under the new domain name.
Redirection Settings: Set 301 permanent redirection in the server configuration of the original domain name to automatically direct all visits from the old domain name to the corresponding page of the new domain name. This helps deliver SEO weight and informs search engines and users about domain name changes. 5, monitoring and testing: After the domain name change, it is necessary to closely monitor the access to the website, the status of the search engine index and the mail system to ensure that the transition is smooth and correct.
Notify users: Inform users of domain name changes in advance through social media, email notifications, website announcements, etc., in order to reduce the loss of users caused by changes. The whole process needs to be carefully planned and executed to minimize the impact on website traffic, search engine rankings and user experience.
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hoawebsitehostin · 4 months
How to Use Technology to Manage Your Gym Successfully
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Running a fitness center may be a hard job within the speedy-paced world of nowadays. There is a lot to juggle, from arranging classes and retaining song of subscriptions to maintaining device. But gym administration may be made much simpler and more effective with the correct technology. The Speediance Smart Gym for Family in New Zealand is one example of the technology that is transforming the fitness sector. In order to improve member satisfaction, streamline operations, and ultimately increase their gym's success, let's examine how gym owners may use technology, particularly Speediance Smart Gym.
1. Membership Management
The days of manually keeping track of memberships and filing paperwork are over. Gym owners can effortlessly manage payments, track attendance, and manage memberships all in one location with the Speediance Smart Gym system. It is easy for new users to sign up thanks to the smooth integration of this cloud-based software with online signup forms. To lower the possibility of revenue loss from expired memberships, the system also automatically sends reminders for membership renewals.
2. Class Scheduling
It can be quite difficult to schedule lessons, especially when there are last-minute cancellations or modifications. However, gym owners can easily establish and adjust class schedules with a few clicks using the Speediance Smart Gym system. The gym's app or website then makes it simple for members to check class availability and schedule a session. The technology may also automatically remind members, which minimizes no-shows and increases class participation.
3. Equipment Maintenance
Ensuring the upkeep of gym equipment is essential for both member happiness and safety. The Speediance Smart Gym technology allows gym operators to schedule routine maintenance for every piece of equipment. In order to guarantee that equipment is routinely inspected and maintained, the system generates notifications when maintenance is necessary. The system may also monitor consumption statistics, which can assist owners in determining which equipment requires upgrades or replacements.
4. Personalized Member Experience
Personalized experiences for every member are among the main advantages of the Speediance Smart Gym system. The system may suggest customized exercise regimens and classes by examining member data, including their exercise preferences and objectives. Members are able to accomplish their exercise objectives more successfully as a result, and the gym also seems more like a community.
5. Access Control
A gym's first concern should always be security. Gym proprietors can use superior access control methods with the Speediance Smart Gym machine to make certain that simplest legal humans are capable of enter the ability. The machine gives numerous approaches to advantage safe access, along with key fobs, cellular apps, and biometric scanners. In addition, get admission to logs may be remotely monitored with the aid of proprietors, giving them insight into who visits the gymnasium and while.
6. Marketing and Promotion
To draw in new members and keep hold of current ones, marketing must be done effectively. Gym operators can quickly build and manage email, SMS, and social media marketing campaigns with the Speediance Smart Gym system. The owners can use the system to target particular demographics according to fitness goals, age, and gender. Moreover, owners have access to integrated analytics that let them monitor the effectiveness of their campaigns and adjust their marketing plans as needed.
7. Virtual Training and Classes
Many people enjoy the convenience of working out at home in the current digital era. To meet this increasing demand, gym operators can provide virtual training sessions and classes with the Speediance Smart Gym system. Through the gym's website or app, members may access a library of on-demand workouts and classes, giving them the flexibility to work out whenever and wherever they choose. In addition, the system enables live broadcasting of lessons, giving participants the opportunity to work out in a social environment while remaining comfortable in their own homes.
In summary, technology has completely changed the way gyms are run, especially the Speediance Smart Gym for Family in New Zealand. The Speediance Smart Gym system provides gym operators with a full solution, encompassing membership administration, class scheduling, equipment maintenance, and individualised member experiences. Gym owners may increase member satisfaction, expedite operations, and ultimately increase their gym's success in a field that is becoming more and more competitive by utilising this technology. Investing in the Speediance Smart Gym system will undoubtedly elevate your gym, regardless of its size—whether it's a big training centre or a tiny boutique gym.
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scoriol · 5 months
i’ve always been overly critical and quick to judge. i analyse the way people tell stories about their falling out with friends- how many times they take accountability, how often they say “at the end of the day it’s a two way street”. do they say “i’m too nice a person” or “i’m basically the parent of my family” to overcompensate for the fact that they’re the complete opposite of those things. and while my judgement never seems to be wrong, i still enter into those friendships because i’ve always been told that you NEED friends. i’m 25 this year and i truly wonder, do i actually NEED all that many friends? i find it exhausting maintaining friendships in singapore- people are overly sensitive, snakey and completely ignorant. i hung out with 2 friends and we were talking about israel/palestine. i asked one of them “do you actually care about what’s going on?” and his answer was “yeah because i think about how it can affect us. will we be involved in the war? how far away are we from getting attacked?” i found myself dissatisfied, honestly disgusted with his answer. how do you make the loss of innocent lives about yourself? how is it that your concern stems from a completely self involved perspective? is expecting empathy out of people a completely unrealistic standard to have? am i the problem? am i overly sensitive? and then there’s the group of people that are silent throughout the conversation, that stay neutral and that pisses me off even more. at the same time i think it’s unfair when people condemn their followers for not posting about the war on social media. so i’m not happy when people don’t have an opinion, i’m not happy when people have the same opinion to mine but prescribe the way i show my support and i’m not happy when people’s opinions differ from mine- am i the problem?
now i know i’ve deviated a fair bit but that was to exemplify how it’s hard for me to find people that fit me. im fully aware im an acquired taste- im blunt, sometimes rude and insensitive to people’s feelings, i can usually take it and dish it but occasionally i can’t and i set off, im intolerant and im righteous. i look at a friend i’ve known since i was 6 and i see her spending her weekends with a new group of people every week and i wonder how she does it. 2 years ago i was envious, now not at all because she talks shit about her closest friends (and my “ex” lol) to me, and i know she does the same about me to other groups of friends. last year in cutting smithy off, i didn’t do it because i was angry/upset. i did it because i couldn’t find it in me to not talk shit about her after everything she’d done and she didn’t deserve that in a friendship. what’s the point of friendships if you talk shit? or do i have it all wrong? is part of friendship talking shit about each other behind each other’s backs and forgetting all you say when you’re sat in front of each other during brunch? this “ex” of mine jokes that i make “besties” really quickly only for that friendship to expire within a year. he isn’t wrong- i like people until i don’t. these days i realise that apart from ritik, the only people i actually enjoy having a conversation with are chloe, andrew, francis, my buddy at work and occasional messages from ex flings. i told ritik that i’m truly content working and studying hard so that i can make more money than i need to buy all the designer bags, shoes and jewellery i want. i asked him if i should feel like that’s sad because i really don’t. people like to make generic comments about rich people being lonely because “material goods can only do so much” but i think that’s something not-so-rich people say to make themselves feel better.
all this to say at 24, i don’t really understand friendship and i don’t exactly want to. for the first time i truly feel content with myself, that i can rely on myself. i genuinely love spending my weekends watching criminal minds and shopping for my next pair of manolos/jimmy choos. so maybe i do suck at friendships and maybe i am the problem but if the trade off is a a great career and a new pair of shoes every month and literal peace… i think i’m good.
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casinobestandskunden · 5 months
Unlocking the Secrets of Casino Loyalty: Insider Tips for Success
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Are you ready to elevate your casino game and unlock exclusive perks and rewards? Mastering the art of casino loyalty is like having a golden ticket to endless excitement and benefits. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, these insider tips and tricks will help you navigate the world of casino loyalty like a pro.
Choose Wisely: Not all loyalty programs are created equal. Before committing to one, do your research. Look for casinos that offer generous rewards, multiple tiers, and perks that align with your preferences. Consider factors like points earning rate, redemption options, and special privileges for higher tiers.
Sign Up for Membership: It sounds obvious, but many players overlook this crucial step. Joining the casino's loyalty program is usually free and can instantly unlock benefits like discounts on dining, hotel stays, and entertainment. Plus, you'll start earning points from your very first visit.
Maximize Point Earning: Every dollar you spend at the casino can earn you loyalty points, so make the most of it. Play your favorite games, dine at affiliated restaurants, book hotel rooms, and attend shows or events hosted by the casino. Many programs also offer bonus points for certain activities or promotions, so keep an eye out for those opportunities. Look here casinobestandskunden.com
Understand Tier Benefits: Loyalty programs often have multiple tiers, each with its own set of perks and privileges. The higher your tier, the better the rewards. Take the time to understand the requirements for advancing to the next tier and the benefits you'll unlock along the way. From complimentary upgrades to priority access, the perks can be well worth the effort.
Play Strategically: While it's tempting to chase big wins, remember that consistent play is key to maximizing your loyalty rewards. Set a budget and stick to it, focusing on games that offer the best odds or highest point earning rates. Pace yourself and avoid chasing losses, as this can quickly derail your loyalty goals.
Redeem Smartly: Once you've accumulated enough points, it's time to cash in on your rewards. Take advantage of redemption options like free play credits, hotel stays, dining vouchers, merchandise, or even exclusive experiences. Be sure to check for any expiration dates or restrictions on redemption, and don't forget to use your rewards before they expire.
Stay Informed: Loyalty programs are constantly evolving, with new promotions and benefits being introduced regularly. Stay informed by subscribing to newsletters, following the casino on social media, or checking their website for updates. This way, you won't miss out on any opportunities to earn extra points or snag exclusive rewards.
Build Relationships: Don't underestimate the power of building relationships with casino staff. Whether it's chatting with the pit boss, striking up a conversation with the host, or simply being polite and courteous to the dealers, fostering positive connections can go a long way. You never know when a friendly relationship might lead to a comped meal or upgraded accommodations.
Mastering the art of casino loyalty is all about understanding the system, playing strategically, and maximizing your rewards. By following these insider tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to enjoying VIP treatment and exclusive perks at your favorite casino. So, what are you waiting for? Start earning those loyalty points and reap the rewards of being a valued player.
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completeshredding · 6 months
How Professional Shredding Can Help Protect Your Business
Why should all businesses shred out-of-date, unneeded, or no longer relevant documents? Why not simply throw them in the trash bin?
While most of us know that it's essential to protect ourselves from online identity theft, it's easy for people to forget that the threat of paper identity theft is still accurate. You should shred if you want to avoid your business taking any chances!
However, if you still need to learn about the threat of hoarding old documents in your office, here are some common reasons why you should consider hiring a professional paper shredding service to take care of your documents today!
It Helps Prevent Identity Theft.
All documents containing PII (personally identifiable information) and PHI (protected health information) must be shredded as soon as they are no longer needed. Working with a professional shredding service is the best way to do this. Suppose you consider buying an office shredder for your in-house shredding needs. In that case, you must know that these shredders are generally limited to cutting basic strips, enabling users to reassemble the document by hand or using software. If you can do it, so can the thief.
Fortunately, you can ensure you get ideal results by outsourcing your document destruction to a professional shredding service. Professionals will use state-of-the-art destruction equipment to ensure all your documents are destroyed perfectly.
Let's Remember That It's The Law!
Many businesses are legally required to dispose of all sensitive information securely. If your business handles a lot of customer and employee data, it's critical that you shred those records as soon as they are no longer in use.
These documents could include standard information like name, email address, and address and other data that could create apparent privacy issues like credit card numbers, social security numbers, and medical records. Depending on your industry type, there could be a few additional regulations you must follow.
For instance, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, sometimes called PCI compliance. No matter what regulations guide your business, professional shredding companies will have all the expertise and knowledge to guide your process efficiently.
It Protects Your Business And Gives You More Space.
All business owners agree that their data is vital. But have you wondered how careful you and your employees are when handling financial, customer, or client information? At best, a data breach can be an embarrassing mention in your local news. At worst, it could easily lead to loss of business, generate expensive fines, and even result in your competition stealing your business ideas and customers. By shredding all expired documents vigilantly, you can easily ensure your tricks of the trade are safe.
Shredding old documents can also help you clear out some space in your office. Why keep stacks of documents in your office when they are never going to be used again? With professional shredding services, you can enjoy a clean, uncluttered work area. It will also make room for extra supplies and spare equipment in your office.
Once a shredding company destroys your documents, it will give you a certificate of destruction, which can be used as proof that you did your best to prevent data breaches in your firm. If you have any more questions or would like to learn more about the process, feel free to speak with a professional shredding service today.
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daniel-will · 8 months
Daniel Will: Mastering Excess Profits in Stock Trading
Daniel Will: Mastering Excess Profits in Stock Trading
1. The U.S. stock market is a highly efficient market, and despite its strong liquidity, it has effective corrective mechanisms. Notable examples include REWALK’s exoskeleton, GOPRO’s video social platform, and the C-end application market in the 3D printing industry.
In addition, the stock pricing mechanism in the U.S. market is reliable. Unless misled by an overall deviation, its estimates of stock prices for the vast majority of companies are reasonable. Therefore, market valuation is valuable reference data for your investment decisions, and tracking valuation trends can ensure that you stay on the right track..
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Considering this, it’s advisable to choose companies with at least a bullish trend on the monthly chart. To reduce investment costs through phased purchases, you must select companies that have security safeguards in both business operations and valuation. Before understanding where excess profits come from, avoid choosing companies with a bearish trend on the monthly chart, as these companies may trigger negative events causing a chain reaction in the market, known as “black swan events.”
2. Cleverly using hedging strategies:
There are many creative investment strategies available when investing in U.S. stocks. We will explain three different hedging methods: directional hedging, asset-balanced hedging, and intrinsic logic hedging, using the stock market situation during the Trump election as an example.
Directional hedging through options or ETFs to short the major market indices is the most direct way. Although there are disadvantages to trading options hedging during special time periods such as pre-market or after-market hours, it effectively solves problems for investors. When facing foreseeable tail risks, you can use options at a lower cost to address the issues. When dealing with unforeseeable risks, you can use ETFs to adjust the size of the position in the long term.
Asset-balanced hedging is a suitable hedging method for the U.S. stock market. Since the U.S. stock market is generally in a long-term bull market, and the valuation of corporate stocks largely depends on the top and bottom lines of the enterprise, ensuring that there is enough idle capital in the account can achieve effective hedging. Having “eggs in the basket” allows you to seize opportunities to go long when the stock market fluctuates.
Additionally, if you are willing to take risks, you can allocate some hedging assets to resist the negative impact of volatility. With some luck, you may even obtain alpha.
Intrinsic logic hedging involves balancing investment targets by focusing on the subsequent changes in an event affecting stock prices. Taking the significant event of Trump’s election as an example, if Trump is elected, stock prices in the energy and defense sectors are expected to rise significantly, and you should focus on these areas. Moreover, if Trump is not elected, these stock prices are less likely to experience a significant decline and may even continue to rise amid a rising market trend.
When implementing options hedging, investors can use the “sell call” strategy. The advantage of this strategy is its simplicity, but the disadvantage is the possibility of selling off. However, there is a way to mitigate the risk of selling off — rolling over to the expiration date. If your sell call is about to incur a loss, you can directly roll over an in-the-money option, potentially turning the loss into a profit.
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