perosp3ro · 1 year
It was finally the day , Itto Vs kojou Sara rematch 555 ! The Finale.. !!!!!
After a few months spent in the forest of Sumeru.
Lumine and her trusty companion, Paimon decided to visit and were strolling through a now peaceful Inazuma city until they encounter a familar, styled poster.
The dark, wooden poster that was attached to the rusty, white, steel post that was struggling to hold it had said :
ROUND 555 Finale!!
5:50 pm sharp
Lumine : It appears that Itto and Sara have been in alot of conflict since we were last here...
Paimon : Yea !! Last time, round 112 was still going on !!
Lumine : But this is the finale.. we need to see this !
Paimon : I was just about to ask you ^○^ !
While Lumine and Paimon were hurrying, Itto was receiving prep talk from his lawyer, gang member, Kuki Shinobu.
Kuki : Ok boss ! This is your big day and u -
Kuki : SHUT UP and let me speak
Itto: Sorry ma'am :(
Kuki: Ok so if you lose this.. ,which im sure you wont, you have been training for the past 3 days, but .. if you lose this I can't bail you out of jail.
Itto : WHAT !!
Ushi : MOO !!
Kuki : Yea im sorry boss but all my sweet, golden mora was spent on buying you and the gang supplies..
Kuki : Now thats the spirit boss !
Ushi : moo :D (Do your best boss! You are literally super cool so i know you can do it.)
Itto, who somehow understands him : Thx ushi.
*Kojou Encampment*
As Sara and Heizou were walking around the edifice, Heizou saw another flimsy poster that advertised the Battle.
Heizou (trying to tease Sara): I didnt think the legendary general Kojou Sara would actually accept another rematch from that idiotic oni...
Sara : Yet here we are. You cant even fathon the reason why I am agreeing to this rematch anyways.
Heizou : Woah ! Calm down General! I was joking..!
Sara : Sorry, Ive just been on edge recently.
Heizou: Nervous for the competition?
Sara: Yes... ( but not for the reason you think it is ;) )
Heizou : Dont worry Kojou, you'll be fine !
The Battle Part 2 SOON.
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justsomeonesworld · 1 year
It's me again after literal months! I'm searching again for rp partners!
So. I'm searching for someone open to rp genshin especially ships, any plot is fine, and if you like rping smut even better. I mostly like Diluc and Childe, Aether and Albedo, Aether and most genshin boys actually, i really like Zhongli and Venti too, Zhongli and Childe and many more...i rp on discord and telegram! If you're interested text me on here and then we can talk a bit and yk, get nice and organized!
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shibirulv · 2 years
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All of my zhongven memes that i like to create when i dont have time to animate, currently 5 of them right now, more to come! I havent been posting in tumblr recently, so i had to post something.
Do check my twitter since i mostly post my works there first!              https://twitter.com/Shibiru_lv
Day 1 : He wants to order.                                                                                  Day 2 : Public affection                                                                                      Day 3 : Hand in marriage                                                                                    Day 4 : Texting                                                                                                    Day 5 : Hello there~
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geewintg · 1 year
Fandom: GenshinShip: Rosaria x Eula Commissioned by @lost-but-with-coffee Thank you once again for commissioning me!
The smell of booze and sour pinched the air. The ever low-lighting of the tavern lost its patreon in sense of time. A lot fell victim to its capitalistic nature, where they'd be merrily yelling 'one more' at the top of their lungs with no care in the world, trapped in the enticing delusion of intoxication. It is one's getaway to life's problems. And sometimes those problems weighs from someone's past, haunting them of their entire being.
"Oh here ye~ Oh here ye!
To the mellow songs of jubilee~
For the past of when she danced with beloved thee,
Now cold in her arms as she wept her mournful plea…"
And there goes the renowned bard, rosy cheeks and delirious eyes singing with his already-nasally voice, completely drunk in euphoria. The sourness popped in the air as bubbles fizzed from the cup that was being poured for Eula. She watched it with a glazed expression.
The songs of the tavern were unlike what she was used to. Unlike the refined, well-mannered melodies of placid strings in cultures of noble houses. The bard's ballads are like the temper of the wind. On a slow afternoon, it would dapple your cheeks with its loving caress; then on some windy days, it would be a playful child, slightly pushing you and messing with your hair; but on nights accompanied by thunder, it would clap, hammer down on your window like a crazy neighbor ready to hunt you down. His melodies would prickle Eula's skin, hearing the ballads of how Mondstadt regained its freedom the second time. But to the Lawrence clan, the tyranny by the nobles being brought to justice was a fall from grace. Proud and noble, they were. Insufferable and vengeful, they are now.
To Eula, they are nothing but a great burden. A stain in her being no matter how far she is from it or even if she has forsaken her family and their obsession of the past. The blood of those sinners—will no matter what—run in her veins.
“Heh-hey! Why a beauty such as yourself doin’ alone out here, huh?” Eula was in a dark corner and no one would usually bother her. But one of the briskly men came up to her looking for trouble, ostensibly a random citizen who’s too drunk to distinguish someone of her bearing.
Eula scoffed. Just when she was in a bad mood as well… but she was willing to let this inexcusable behavior slide just for this one night. “Sir, the only thing you should be hitting on was the door. You may see yourself out,” she coolly replied.
This made the already-reddish face of the man darken. “You—!” He pointed at her. “I know you! You’re from that filthy Lawrence clan. That bitch who got the galls to join the Knights of Favonius even after what your family did and you still have the audacity to show your face here?!”
Because of his shouting, all attention turned to them. As much as it displeased her, she can’t act on it because it would only show that what they’ve been saying about her would only prove to be true—a trap. That is what they wanted. One minor slip up is all it takes for the tower she built thus far for herself will crumble.
So she stood up and crossed her arms, remaining level-headed. She had a fairly decent height of above the average so when she looked down to meet his gaze, this took the man aback and clearly wounded his ego. “Wh-who are you trying to intimidate, huh?”
“Huh?” She tilted her head in a languid manner, shifting her weight on another leg to state her lack of amusement. “When was I trying to intimidate? I was clearly drinking on my own when you decided to interrupt my alone time.”
“Cut the crap!” He jabbed her, causing her to slightly step back. “I’m still wondering how the acting grandmaster even allowed you in when you’re doing all of this so you can bring the nobles back to power. Well, guess what! We’re not going to fall for that same stupid crap you keep telling us about justice and righteousness. You can crawl back that mansion of yours and never show your face again!” She held his wrist, stopping him from doing it over and over again. But before she could even speak, he slapped her hand away and shoved her. “Don’t touch me! I knew it—! I knew it! You were gonna harm me because all I said was true, right?! You people never change! You took away our freedom and you will always will!”
Eula was caught off-guard and stumbled backwards, causing to hit someone from behind who was sitting and minding their own business. “Hey—!” The person complained.
She panicked in her head. Not another one… the previous one was already hard enough to deal with. But she was left wide-eyed when the woman stood up and threatened the troublemaker.
“Can you stop yapping with your freedom speech? You’re starting to get annoying.” Her voice was sultry yet dangerous. Her finger claws clinked against the metal handle of her dagger when she twirled it like warning. “Or I’ll shut you up myself.”
At this point, the whole air of the tavern was quiet. Some were knocked out, some including the bard who was singing merrily just a while ago, while the rest were watching intently. The guards that were usually stationed are no where to be found.  This is when the bartender stepped in. “Pardon me. But Master Diluc would not be too happy if he found out there was a ruckus that took place here.”
“Then take care of him. Isn’t that your job?” The woman gestured to the drunken man who’s quivering like a deer in headlights, pale-faced having to meet someone like the woman who didn’t seem to have an ounce of hesitation to remove him. “Or if you want me to take care of him. Then by Barsitobas’ name, he’d be gone by sunrise. Just tell me.”
“Wait… did someone say my name…?” A certain drunk green bard roused from his stupor state but his head fell back down in an instant.
The troublemaker shook his head in terror. “N-no— I- I’ll remove myself.” The bartender also helped him out which he was too fear-stricken to decline.
The woman scoffed as she hung the dagger back in her belt, rolling her eyes and went back to sit on her chair. "Would you mind moving aside?" Eula blinked when the woman stood in front of her, impatient as she swayed her weight from one heel to another.
"Oh, um, pardon me." Despite the behavior, Eula felt indebted, so she added, “Let me buy you a drink as a thank you for your help.”
"Sure. But you know, you could sit down. It’s tiring to see you just standing there," the woman said, her claws clinking against glass as she played with the rim of her cup. Her sharp eyes lazily raking the aristocrat woman up and down.
“Can I get one more here?” Eula called out to the bartender and the drink was sent to their table swiftly. She did as she was told, albeit she had no idea or what to say in this situation. There was this odd feeling that's bubbling inside her, it's like the sour pop of the alcohol that leaves a bitter taste in the mouth if she doesn't wash it for long.
Does she not condemn her?
"Don't be too stiff. I'm not going to bite," the woman assured her, not looking as she took another gulp from her drink. "But I'm curious. With your status as the Knights of Favonius, why didn't you just knock them out? Surely, your skills are not all just empty praises from people's lips."
"I can't..." Eula said with hesitation. "You saw what happened. The moment I do, they use that against me even if it’s a means for self-defense."
"—because you're what? From those pompous nobles that took away this city's freedom?" The woman huffed with mockery. But seeing how Eula's features—who always looks sharp and rigid—be dampened, her smile fell. "Look, lineage doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things. Our past doesn't define our future neither do the people who raised us. In the end, we choose our own fate." Just like how she felt indebted to the people who gave her a second chance, to instead fight for harm, she does it for a good cause, even if she were to lurk in the shadows.
Eula cracked a smile. "It sounds like you're speaking from experience."
"We all have our own thing here and there." She snorted, a rare amused smile on her lips. Eula now remembers, this woman was the odd sister of the church—Sister Rosaria. There wasn't much known about her and despite being a sister, she was also rarely seen during church activities. It is the reason why whenever Eula meets the beloved idol of Mondstadt, it's nothing but "where's Sister Rosaria" or "have you seen Sister Rosaria". And to think you'd find a sister here drinking, truly odd.
There was silence—an apperception.
“I was raised by thieves. I had to kill my foster father—the one who taught me everything I needed to know. To survive. But is that what you truly call a father? I don’t know,” Rosaria mused. She wouldn’t normally talk about her past like this, much less to a person she just met.
“I forsook my family,” Eula sighed, grabbing the same cup Rosaria had been drinking off when she was offered of it. “My family was close to disowning me when they found out that I’ve joined the knights. But they saw this as an opportunity and tried to use it. I know about their true intentions and ceased contact from then on. It was�� elevating.”
“Elevating?” she chuckled. “Like finally free of it, huh?”
The aristocrat woman hung her head however. “No. Not at all. Even if I cut ties with them. Their flesh and blood still run in my veins. I will forever carry the sins of my ancestors. And I will be forever remembered by the people of Mondstadt as the scar of their dark history.”
“Well like I said, it shouldn’t matter,” Rosaria waved her hand in dismissal, grabbing the handle that was still in Eula’s hand and taking a sip out of it. This left the aristocrat woman a little flabbergasted of Rosaria’s crass attitude.
 “How dare you—!”
“That is still my drink, remember?” she smirked which deepened the frown on Eula’s face.
“You could have given a warning.”
“Hmm… too bad.” The other just shrugged her off.
She slammed her fists against the table, albeit in act, following along the silly banter. “I will not forget this! Vengeance will be mine!”
“Try me. I’ll be waiting.” Rosaria’s eyes glinted in mischief as her fingers drew the length of her dagger hung on her thigh. After exchanging knowing looks, the two snorted.
“Perhaps, we should spar sometimes. I’d like to see how a sister can hold up against the Knight of Favonius. Would we be too lacking I wonder?”
Rosaria crossed her legs and placed her chin on her hand. “Then the rumors of the knights being unreliable would be true. To submit defeat to a sister of the church would be too humiliating.”
She crossed her arms and tilted her head in taunt. “Who says I’ll be submitting defeat? Just make sure you’re with bite, not all bark.” She could feel the coldness of her breath when she leaned in.
“Ice bites. Don’t tempt me for you to feel it.” The icy thorns craned her neck.
“I take ice baths in the morning. Don’t assume I’m not used to the cold.” She bit as well. “Well, let’s just see who’s has more frost for the other to handle, shall we?”
Rosaria hummed dangerously low, amused by the offer. “Shall we?”
Commissions are still open! For more details; for more example of my works
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jules-hime · 2 years
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Page 1/3 of a little Xiaoven comic im making! what do u think? venti with fluffy hair is my new obsession! :D
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obeymesimp11 · 2 years
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fuyukogomesu · 4 years
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Je les trouve trop mignons! ♥
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ameh05 · 3 years
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grettyscandy · 3 years
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alberose kiss <3
I finished one YAY, very classy !!
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dawnshue · 3 years
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Jean x Diluc :: Tranquility in a Sea of Dandelions (timelapse) art by dawnshue | instagram | youtube | redbubble | society6
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die-immernachtreich · 2 years
sososobrained ofme. is there a kokomi/sara shipname??
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artistmeli · 3 years
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The moment she fell for that bastard man I'm getting more used to drawing them in my style ❤️ #chilumi #Childe #genshinimpact #lumine #genshinimpactfanart #genshinship https://www.instagram.com/p/CN3TXhpguSt/?igshid=105jwr032brtg
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jules-hime · 3 years
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I´ve seen such cute fanarts of them lately i had to draw them myself, the cutest couple i´ve seen in a lot
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ameh05 · 3 years
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