#genuinely losing my mind a lil bit rn gd
marzipanilla · 4 months
losing my fuckin' mind rn I genuinely thought they talked about her more, though I can't fathom why I thought that but I did
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annqbthchse · 4 years
A potential rewrite of “Beauty and the Feasts”
@pumpkinpaperweight mentioned this in her “No Nuance November” hot takes post and it reminded me of how I’ve completely rewritten this in my head. 
 Now, I feel that I have to say that I liked the IDEA of this chapter. That it was supposed to be a calm chapter amid the what the fuckness  that was QFG. A pause in the ever confusing narrative to allow both the readers and characters to catch up on what’s happened so far if you will. However, I hate the execution of it. So much in fact that I have completely forgotten what happens in canon so heres an outline of what I’ve decided happens in my head instead :D
Ok I haTED how Lancelot has just died (in a pretty traumatic way too) and the gangs just kinda move on and forget about him except for that split second scene w. Guinevere - it's a total disservice to his character and the bond he was beginning to build back up with Tedros
SO how bout instead both Lancelot and tedros survive the attack by the snake 
That way we get a scene of happy reunions - Agatha with tedros & Lancelot (of whom she presumably hasn’t seen since the coronation as well) -and so we have a genuinely happy(ish) scene that isn’t punctured by tedros losing another parental figure yet again
They’re all in a good mood and want to celebrate etc
Lancelot and Tedros have this moment where they’re talking about their last fight with the snake 
Lancelot says all this stuff about how proud of Tedros he is (but in his own special, unique Lancelot way which means he never uses those exact words)
Agatha and Lancelot reunion!!! He says how he's missed the lass and makes some kind of joke about tedros being an ass about how he ignored her those 6 months - they laugh. tedros doesn't. He gives her one of his giant bear hugs (lancelot would give great hugs prove me wrong) 
Rhian comes up to Lancelot being all “you’re my hero 😩 ” “ilysm” etc etc
being the the only character with a braincell Lance just kinda stares at him like “uhhh… aight thanks man” - hes a little sus of this weird lil red head but will obviously take the compliment because he deserves it
Lance is then all like “ahh you kids should celebrate this win” or some other bullshit like that and they do
 but before everyone dissolves to get ready tedros and lance share one final moment where they share astrong handshake and lock eyes then hug because fuck it, why not? It would be a quick hug but I want them to hug in their final moment together dammit
Agatha wears that red dress soman wrote in and tedros wears a crisp black shirt with a chest slit ;) - (idk exactly what he wore during this scene but I do remember thinking that it was horribly ugly and that MY tedros would never wear that so here, have this very basic description of mens wear)
Instead of going to beauty and the feasts they go to Maid Marions arrow (because I say so and for reasons I can’t really explain I just hate that gd restaurant) -  (it also just seems like the inside of Somans mind and I think that is a very scary place to be rn)
Anyway, they’re all having a hullabaloo of a time - everyones drinking and celebrating - ofc Lancelot, robin hood and his merry men are all there too 
At one point tedros convinces agatha to dance - she begrudgingly agrees - it’s an unconventional dance with a lot of fast spins and movements - they’re both laughing, she tells him to slow down. he does not. they continue :)
Meanwhile Sophie still offers Rhian to take her on a date they also go to Maid Marions arrow as well because again I say so - they have their date, sophie is smitten, rhians plan is working 
I also hate the idea of dot being drugged (poor babe didn’t deserve that) and so instead they gave lance the keys to the cell seeing as he’s the only reliable adut in a 50mile radius 
Instead Dot is dancing with beatrix, reena and some other evergirls while Hestadil are still having their cute marshmallow moment together outside 
tagatha are still having a great time on their first (???) date - they decide to go back to their private treehouse a bit earlier than everyone else and ill just leave what happens after that to you shall I? ;)
ANYWAYS as they’re leaving robin notes how much they remind him of Arthur and that hot lady who hung out together that night before Arthurs wedding 
Lance is just like “????? tf” because it couldn’t have been Gwen given they were probably together that night - but robin fucks off  before he could press him on it any further so lance just kinda leaves it for the morning… 
He also notices Rhian briefly leave and since he already found the lad to be a bit sus before, he follows him to overhear Rhian speaking to Kei about the plans and is just like SHITE and goes to tell the rest of the gang that Rhian is weird as fuck 
BUT then the snake appears… and lance, kei and snake boy disaper into the forest while rhian heads back to the bar to keep up his facade (i know this bit doesn’t really make sense because how the fuck is the snake there without the key that lance is yet to give them… idk man just humour me ok)
Everyone has a great rest of night and just assume lance went to bed early since hes old… but instead they wake to find Lancelot dead - his throat slashed, blood everywhere and he’s pinned against a tree and its just not a pretty sight 
The snake has written a message on his chest in blood saying “your fault” - obvioulsy for our good ol’ friend teddy 
Meanwhile, Tagatha is just sleeping in bed, when theres a knock - its the coven trying to break the news of Lancelots death 
Tedros freaks the fuck out and runs to cradle Lancelot’s dead body - Agatha's right behind him and ready to cradle tedros while he cries his heart out with everyone standing around watching 
They have a funeral (idk why but I just picture a Viking type one with them sending him off on the lake at sunset - its all very aesthetic dw) 
after that, everyone starts to leave to get shit ready for the journey to Camelot but tedros is left just still sitting there with Agatha for a lil bit longer 
They then very slowly get up and make their way for the boat to head back to Camelot
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lolbtsaus · 8 years
Reverse Idol (Jungkook)
Before I start this, I gotta say a happy birthday to Jung Hoseok, I hope he’s having/had (depending on the time zone) an amazing bday I’m watching the vlive rn but I’ve seen some gifs and it seems like he was really happy and that makes me s o happy also his new hair is so beyond cute I’m in love!! Last but certainly not least is the second half of the Busan line, the final part to the maknae line, our golden maknae who is continuing to prove he’s talented, the first time I heard the whole “chong, jojun, balsa" bit I thought it was hobi but the fact that it’s kook is so amazing bc this kid can really contort his voice and I can’t wait for the MV, Jeon Jungkook aka kookie
This AU is gonna be about what I think would happen if the reader was the idol and BTS were the fans, you can also think about this like a general celebrity post, I’m gonna be basing this off of kpop idols bc it’s easier for me to write with just one focus instead of being all the over place with it but if you wanted to see this as an actor!reader or a non-kpop singer!reader post, you could easily do that (and of course this is all still gender neutral)
Another series with idol!reader is my idol couple series (kook’s post is here) where both the reader and BTS are idols
This AU is gonna feature some youtuber!Jungkook (here) to sum it up, he’s a gamer on youtube 
Jungkook is another huge fanboy but he’s the O.O fanboy like chim’s the :) fanboy tae’s the :D fanboy but kook is just wide eyed “oh my god oh my god”
When he loves an artist, he seems to really just look up to them like him and GD, we all know that boy loves GD I mean wasn’t it him that made kook wanna become a singer/idol that alone says a l o t about how much kook respects him
In public he tries to be -_- (it doesn’t last long but he does try) but at home he loses it
He’ll hear your song in public and his eyes get really big and Yoongi’s mentally starting the ten second countdown before Jungkook starts  dancing along to it 
It starts off with just a bit of foot tapping around the three second mark, at the five second mark, his head starts bobbing, at the seven second mark, he starts swaying until he breaks into the full choreography
Whenever he plays your music, everyone just knows he’s about to come running into the room dressed head to toe in your merch and start screaming the songs so they just all prepare themselves, vmin start stretching so they don’t pull anything 
Sure enough, kook slides into the room with a hairbrush to use as a mic and start singing as loudly as he possibly can, not caring if he goes off key and he starts doing the dance to the song
But it’s actually really cute but all of the other boys get these huge smiles and they gotta join in
Okay but kook gets s o fucking into lip syncing or just goofing around and singing like we all remember the Linkin Park video that’s about all the proof I need and the fact that no one was really reacting to it tells me that he’s doing that shit at home too
The boys all know your music since I have this head canon that if one member knows an artist, they all know that artist just bc they’re all so close it’s easy to assume they’re sharing their favorite music with each other
Him reacting to performances is super cute too bc he gets so into it and he’s singing along and dancing and you can tell he’s genuinely enjoying it and what I love about kook is that he gives the performances his full attention
I was watching him react to one of Astro’s performances and his eyes are just glued to the stage and it’s so sweet
Of course I gotta bring up his reaction to the Rainism performance he literally started performing in the crowd and it was so fucking funny and cute you could just see how excited he got
His fans all know about his crush on you even though he tries to play it cool it’s pretty damn obvious
In the background of a lot of his videos, you can see some of your posters and some albums and he just giggles when he gets questions about it which totally gives away the whole crush thing bc your face lighting up at the mention of someone is normally a pretty good indicator that you have some sort of emotion towards them, whether it’s platonic or romantic
Plus in his live streams, he’s always got one of your albums playing in the background
And Vmin may have just maybe totally told everyone about his crush on you during one of their Q&As and Jungkook may have screamed when he saw them do it he m a y b e chased Jimin with a shoe and threw a banana at Tae’s head
Okay so an a m azing anon suggested this and it has become my head canon entirely
Jungkook has a tumblr right and it’s mainly art and gaming shit, those are the main focuses
He uploads his art a lot, they’re normally drawings of characters or musicians he likes and one day he uploads a drawing of you and everyone flips
Not only is it s o realistic, it’s also getting all of the shippers fired up and ready to scream bc it’s obvious it took some time to draw and Tae uploads a few videos of kook on snapchat like two weeks ago where he’s staring really intently at the screen of his phone and no one knows what kook’s drawing so everyone’s excited
And then the excitement doubles when it’s revealed that he was drawing you and then Jimin adds onto the excitement by stating it’s not the first time kook has drawn you 
You notice the drawing bc everyone sends it to you, even the people who don’t follow kookie send it to you bc it’s rea ll y good we all know how talented kook is especially when he puts his mind to something and he’s not about to half ass a drawing of his crush
You tweet out about it bc you don’t know who did it so you’re just like hey this is really good, whoever drew it and then everyone immediately starts telling you it’s Jungkook’s (the boys also help out by tagging you on instagram in kook’s pictures bc they’re wingmen all of them)
Kook decides in honor of your birthday, he’s gonna release a cover of his favorite song by you bc he’s released a few covers here and there already so why not do one for you and that does n o t help the shippers’ poor lil hearts at all
He doesn’t know that you know who he is yet so he doesn’t even think you’re gonna see it but little does he know, you’re following him on all the social medias bc he’s super cute in all the ways
It’s a more laid back version of your song, it’s just piano and kook’s voice which is s o nice and you can’t believe that this is the same kid you just watched dance around in a Pikachu onesie during one of his celebration videos
After that, you just h a v e to contact him bc he’s so sweet in his bday wishes to you and he’s just so cute and precious you gotta do it
“Your drawing was really cute and your cover was amazing, I’d love to meet you”
Ight but to announce your relationship to the public, he releases all of the other drawings he’s done of you
“Thnx for being my muse but no, I’m not gonna stop texting you pictures of puppies at three in the morning, they’re important”
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