#there really is 0 reason given in the comics about why this man decided to get remarried and have another kid
marzipanilla · 4 months
losing my fuckin' mind rn I genuinely thought they talked about her more, though I can't fathom why I thought that but I did
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purplemninja · 2 years
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Little Nightmares: Rewind - Very Little epilogue
Continuation/fix-it of @hezuart‘s Little Nightmares ‘Channel Change’ AU
[3] (warning: eye gore)
[You are here]
Some little lost things decide to group up to face the big scary world together. And with the her future saved, kindness won’t be Six’s undoing this time.
This isn’t really that necessary to the rest of the comic, but I wanted to add a little fluff. Also because in ‘Change Change’ the boys get to have some Nomes with them in their happy ending, so Six and RCG will have some Nome friends with them too.
These Nomes were the ones who RCG helped out of various snags in the Pretender’s playroom, bedroom and bathrooms, and jumped on a bed until it broke. They decided that they’d had enough time to chill in the pillow room and found their own raft to freedom, joining the girls in their freedom.
I believe in equality, so if the boys are going to have some Nome friends in their happy ending in ‘Channel Change’, then so will the girls in this one. This is also to spit in the face of the fandom trope where Six devours every Nome on the spot.
Since she never met Mono, Six then never got wronged by him/Thin Man when Shadow Six was created (and do I need to mention her being turned into a monster, and the whole Mono torturing her by destroying the music box that also worked like a voodoo doll because each hit to it causes her physical pain?) and so because of that, she doesn’t have the hunger. And she isn’t in a situation where the only food available is made of human flesh, I say that because the devs have said that attempting to avoid cannibalism is the reason why she ate the Nome instead of the sausage: https://twitter.com/LittleNights/status/886929810873884672
But none of them will have to worry about that since she doesn’t have the hunger, since Shadow Six never came to be, because Six wasn't taken by Thin Man, because she never met Mono (who is the one who released him in the first place).
Escaping from the Hunter, being given a second chance to save RCG, succeeding in doing so, gaining freedom with her, having some new Nome friends she can share with RCG, and not having the hunger or trauma that LN2 and LN1 gave her (therefore no risk of eating any of the Nomes and she isn't really jaded to the point of looking out only for herself), surely this is one of the best outcomes that Six can get. There are no doubt happier endings that Six could get in other AUs (like all four protagonists are alive and together, or she and the others live in a world that isn't a kill or be killed world), but I’m sure that this is one of the best outcomes for her (and for RCG too, of course).
The last image is inspired by what I consider to be the cutest piece of LN fan art I’ve seen, which you can see right here: https://at.tumblr.com/ryuucha/dont-let-the-nightmares-get-you/ojdkby9crsz2
And I used this as a reference for Six hugging one of the Nomes: https://www.deviantart.com/walten-kun123/art/MMDxLittle-Nightmare2-Meet-Nome-872690299
I hope you enjoyed this comic!
Here’s some music that you may use as credits for this comic (0:20 onwards ideally):
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mcu-vanity-blog · 1 year
GOTG 3 Review (done by the characters I care about)
Disclaimer: I didn't watch the Christmas special
Peter: Has a complete alcoholism arc in the first ten minutes for some reason? It's implied he's been drinking a lot since Endgame and then, like 15 minutes in, he says out loud "This wouldn't've happened if I hadn't been drinking" and then that's just the end of it? My brother in Christ, this movie is 2 and a half hours long, maybe cut that bit aye?
He is very much just another character in this entry. Most of his lines could easily be given to Mantis or Nebula and nothing would really change. Chris Pratt looks visibly unenthused to be here most of the time.
(New) Gamora: Honestly, could've been left out of the MCU entirely since her death in Infinity War. Zoe Saldana is the best part of every MCU film she's been in.
In this film though, she starts off with the Ravagers >> maybe learns that she's a slightly better person than she thought >> goes back to the Ravagers.
She's basically just sort of "also there" for the whole film, and is often just acting as a foil for Peter's arc (which, btw, is realising that this woman who looks like his dead girlfriend isn't actually his dead girlfriend; a fact he already knows).
Idk man, it's weird. I think Zoe just contractually had to be in this one?
Rocket: Is very much the main character of this film, but spends a good two-thirds of it asleep. You mainly see him in flashbacks where he's being abused/experimented on by the film's villain.
It's a very classic James Gunn thing I think; take a small and helpless guy and make the audience empathise with him because of how small and helpless he is. I guess it's not super nuanced in that way, but it's not necessarily an unenjoyable story for him.
It was weird that they decided to give us his origin in what is apparently the final entry of this trilogy though?
Like, "you've loved this character for 9 years now and this might be the last chance you get to see him and his friends all together again! How about we have sleep the entire time and, instead, explain exactly how he became who he was when you met him 5 movies ago!". It's kind of just silly (Dan Harmon articulates this idea really well here at 0:35-0:51).
Nebula: Gets more screen-time and characterization in this film, still not the most interesting character tho :/.
I also don't think that Karen Gillian can act :(. Would much rather have OG Gamora over her
Drax: Still just relegated to unfunny comic relief. His thing in the first movie was that his culture didn't have metaphors and he was a little careless/happy-go-lucky; he wasn't an idiot.
Ever since then? He has exclusively been an idiot.
Don't care, but feel sorry that Dave Bautista still has to play this role, even though he does very well in it <3
Groot: Again, hasn't been interesting since the first movie. He used to be this sort of mysterious, ancient, gentle giant type of character, but he's basically been just a type of sci-fi set dressing in all the movies since then.
I know James Gunn has said he's a brand new Groot from the one we see in that movie, but it's like... why? Compare the scenes of OG Groot to literally any scene of Gunn-written Groot and tell me which one is the more interesting character.
Adam Warlock: Surprisingly good. Unfortunately, he's that same James Gunn character of grown-up person with the mind of a child (think Killer Sharl in Suicide Squad), but it kinda works in this? I like that they let Will Poulter keep his accent and I look forward to seeing him written by more competent writers.
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speedbooster · 1 month
Journey through Archie Sonic - Introduction
I promised this over on webbedphantom, and I'm sticking to my word. I'm going to be reading the entirety of Archie Sonic, from the main book, the original mini-series, and the numerous spin offs (minus Knuckles, I'll be saving him for later), tackling one issue every day I can.
To preface this, I've barely read any of this comic. I checked out a few issues after the reboot, I read the Sonic Adventure adaptation, and I actually bought both issues of Mega Drive when they came out. But it's been so long that I don't remember much. All I do know is what I've learned from lowart's retrospective on the series, which is what got me interested in checking it out again.
I've also barely seen the cartoons it was originally based on. I did see a few episodes of SatAM when it was on Netflix, but I never got very far because of two reasons; I didn't like Sonic's voice and the mohawk was weird. That's it.
I will eventually watch it, especially with the fan-made season 3 around the corner, but for now, I'm just gonna stick to the comic.
With that out of the way, let's get started.
Sonic the Hedgehog Mini-Series #0 - Feb. 1993
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To start off, I'm not going to spend too much time summarizing, because that's kinda boring. Mainly, I just wanna give my thoughts as I read through it, make a few jokes here and there, and give my overall opinion at the end.
First, the cover. It's honestly kinda charming. The colors are nice, the idea of them running out of the tv is creative, and I like seeing the designs from the games... even if it's only for this cover.
Now for the plot. Basically, Robotnik chases Sonic for a bit, he gets away and goes back to base, and that's... honestly it for part one.
Because yeah, it's split into four different parts, telling two different stories, with some little gag pages thrown in here and there. I assume this was done to keep the ads from interrupting the action (I can't say for sure, because the scans I have don't have any ads), which if that's the case I can respect that. As a kid, it was always a little annoying to have the story be put on hold for two pages so I could be shown a photoshopped image of Mr. Fantastic holding a glass a milk.
As for the actual comic, well it's definitely interesting.
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It's weird that he can talk, but at least Caterkiller is introducing himself politely before he tries to commit murder.
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I said up top that I wasn't a fan of the mohawk Sonic was rocking in these days, but... honestly, the art here kinda makes it work for me. Still not my favorite, but it's consistent, it's cutesy but not overly so, and it works well for what they're going for; A comedic book for kids that's combining the premise of SatAm with the humor of... Adventures. Albeit, not as unhinged as that could be-
Here Sonic has gotten back to Knothole, the hidden base of the Freedom Fighters, and we're introduced to the whole gang, including Sally who is... this.
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I have no idea why she's like this. I think it's because her design hadn't been finalized by this point, or the team was only given early production material from SatAM, but either way it's weird seeing this bizarre palette swap of her, and without her jacket. Though I'm aware that wasn't apart of her design for a good while, even in the cartoon.
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Sonic, I don't think that's how that works-
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Oh man, he really ate it there. Though, I gotta admit, it's cute seeing this version of Tails, before he was the kid genius with some confidence issues. He's the little brother of the whole team, who looks up to them all, but especially Sonic, and wants to be like them. It's really endearing.
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... I can't decide if "Trickle Down Technology" is stupid or not. I mean, it sounds stupid but... it's decent wordplay? I think?
Now onto part 2, where the team deals with the leak and stuff. Though we start off checking in on Robotnik and-
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I shocking love his desk. Like... oh my lord, everything about this desk is gold. It's so cartoonishly evil, and the "Rights Violated While U Wait" sign definitely got a chuckle out of me.
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And this is the source of the leak. Weeping Willow Trees... I have no words, I think the concept speaks for itself-
So Robotnik finds them at the edge of the forest and Sonic taunts him to get him to focus on chasing him, which works but... I don't think this art was meant to be seen up close...
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I hate this. He's a conehead with no eyes and a moustache that looks like little wings. I hate that I zoomed in on this why did I do this
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... you ever just tell a joke and no one laughs, so you just keep repeating it until someone reacts?
Yeah, I feel this.
So Sonic books it to the well to grab a power ring he hid there, which he then uses to do-
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... I don't even-
Like... why? How? Huh??
This might just be the stupidest thing I've ever seen. And I kinda love it??
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I still hate that the badniks can talk, but like... That buzzbomber is gonna die for that joke. Like there is no way he lets him live after that, right?
... anyway Robotnik gets away, so Sonic and the gang plant new trees to make the willows stop crying. And I will admit-
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This makes me smile. I'm a sucker for puns.
But that's the end of the first half. Now it's time for a few gags before we move onto the next one.
Here Sonic shows off how fast he can go, and... first of all, nice pun.
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But secondly, is he supposed to be winking?? Because it kinda just looks like he got something in his eye, or they forgot to draw a pupil, or color the other eyelid blue or something, because this just looks... wrong.
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Next a page entirely dedicated to this pun. And honestly... it was good until I read Sonic's last line. "OAK-Kay" is pushing it even for me-
Lastly, we have a page showing off the various badniks, but I couldn't help but notice this;
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This is cursed. Why does he have normal eyes?? And look at that face, and his flesh colored bolt-ear thing??? I hate it???
Now onto story 2, where they show how Robotnik took over the world... kinda?
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Oh he's coming.
Also there's something powerful about this image without context. It haunts me.
Anyway, Sonic is heading over to his uncle's chili dog stand, who just got an order for 200 chili dogs that Sonic is going to deliver.
Meanwhile, this is being hung on the wall outside;
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Another Cursed-Botnik, but again I love how cartoonishly evil this sign is. "Have Fun, Go To Jail." If this man even sees you smiling, he's having you arrested. It's so over the top, and I love it.
Speaking of which, that's exactly what happens while Sonic is away. Uncle Chuck gets arrested for smiling, and has... the dumbest revelation.
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If you know him, and you know his voice, then you really should've seen this coming. Heck, the address Sonic is delivering the Chili Dogs to is a Robotnik Inc Factory!! You only have yourself to blame, Chuck-
So Sonic delivers the dogs, and the chicken robot tries to kill him as payment, so he decides to rush back to check on his uncle. And-
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This editor's note got an audible chuckle out of me. That is so clever!
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This... is an expression. I'm tempted to make this a reaction image for the heck of it.
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This is the end of this chapter, but again I gotta point out the signs. Man just decided to dump toxic waste here just because he could, and-
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I wish I could enjoy something as much as this guy enjoys dancing in the flames over here. He is having the time of his life rn
Anyway, Sonic immediately takes them out, including the chill one which... what the heck man??
And decides to rush back to the factory to confront Robotnik, while making a little reference to another speedster.
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Cheap, but it made me smile. Sue me.
Sonic runs into Sally, who introduces herself as a princess and tells him how her father was taken too. And Sonic-
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Doesn't give a damn, wow. That is harsh-
"Sorry Girlie, but I don't believe you, nor would I care if I did, because my problems come first."
Honestly... I'm okay with this. It was jarring at first, but this is the closest we get to an origin story as far as I know. He's not really "the hero" yet, so it's interesting to see him be a bit more selfish.
So Sally convinces him to help out, and we get this little exchange;
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... I can't decide if this is funny or stupid. And yeah, I did kinda reference this on Sonic's bio, but I didn't know THIS is where that came from. Or more specifically, how they introduced that.
... I mean, it's kinda funny out of context, but in context its... I honestly don't know-
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Here we see Robotnik's army of supposedly roboticized townspeople, but I guess the artist didn't get the memo?? Like they're clearly not robots??
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... okay, nevermind. Robotnik actually likes being called fat. Props for the body positivity, I guess.
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... y'know, I think this is the first time I've ever seen a speedster make a tornado... and run on top of it. Like how does that even work??
Anyways, that's it for Issue #0. Overall, it was more enjoyable than I thought it'd be, and actually got a chuckle or two out of me which I did not expect.
Definitely not going to be going THIS in-depth for the rest of these, this was way more work than I thought. I'll just give my brief thoughts, and maybe rank each issue as I go? Idk I'm kinda making this up as I go along.
If you have any suggestions, leave 'em in the replies I guess-
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hexdream18243 · 3 years
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#when you think in the context of package this post doesn't make sense xd
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10 notes • Posted 2021-03-09 18:59:28 GMT
Duskwood - What's next?
Probably soon we will get a new episode, so now I want to share my fanfiction written around two months ago, about my feelings and thoughts after 8 episode. (sorry for a little OoC Jake, I needed him to sort my theories) Also I'm not English speaker, this story is translated from my native language (Polish). Sorry for any errors!
Warnings: episode 8 spoilers!!!, description of "death"(?), my own theories Word count: 1509 Summary: It's about what my MC felt during MWAF call and how conversation with Jake would look after that. AO3 link As soon as Thomas and Jessy escaped safely from that house, I was overwhelmed with relief. It was unbearable when Jessy decided to go to the bunker on her own and ignore my message to wait for Thomas. It's unbelievable! Are these people crazy? They shouldn't ignore the threat, NEVER, especially when we don't know where the enemy is. They shouldn’t go anywhere alone. Cleo was watched when she was alone, Jessy attacked when she was alone and Richy was kil... He was alone then too. He did not wait for anyone either. That was the only reason I didn't want Thomas to go looking for Richy himself. Because we could have lost him too.
And now my worst fears have been confirmed! When I saw the hideout of the man without face, I wasn't sure what was wrong. Something wasn’t right. Only after a moment it hit me. Candles! The threat was near. If they weren’t together there, I don't know how it could have ended.
Lilly had barely written that she was calling the police when my phone rang. I had a feeling I might know who it was.
“It wasn’t enough for you, that I killed the mechanic?” – I heard a familiar hoarse voice.  I shuddered. He want to tell me more threats, right?– “It’s over now. I will kill them all. Cleo. Thomas. Lilly. Jessy. And Dan. Every single one of them!” - Though it's hard for me to admit it, I was just waiting for him to say Jake’s name. Because if he does not know about his existence, does not know that he is important, then we have an ace up our sleeve. A wanted ace. In the hideout. But ace afterall. – “And. You. Will. Watch!” – I didn’t liked the sound of this sentence. Probably just a moment ago I received confirmation that these are not vain threats. That Richy is really dead. But I still didn't allow myself to accept that. I can't now. I can't be afraid. Not while talking to this man. – “And in the end. I’ll be coming for you.”
The caller hung up. I put the phone face down and exhaled a breath. The last threat didn't really scare me. All right, he'll come for me. It will take a while. I don't live in Duskwood, I'm not even close, I'm from another country. I wish him good luck finding me. I'm not even sure if he knows what I look like. I have never turned on the camera during a conversation, and my photos on social media are not under the same name which I introduced myself to the rest of the group. Why would I tell them my real name? I used a pseudonym. I’m sure Jake knows that. That's why I never asked him for his name. I didn’t have the right to know as I never given mine. Especially as he wanted to stay as anonymous as he could. I understand that.
But now is not the time to consider being anonymous. As far as I can tell I am, but the rest of them? They are not. He really knows them. He knows what they look like. He saw Thomas and Jessy running away. They're all in Duskwood. Only me and Jake are safe. But they are not.
My consciousness finally made me realize the full implication of the man’s without face words. He wants to kill them. Before my eyes.
When I spoke to Richy, I could see that he was trying very hard to let me see him. As if with the last of his strength he was forcing himself to put the phone in the right position. Maybe he wanted to say something. But the blood from his mouth must have surprised him, and he was unable to say anything clear. And then the phone fell down. Probably Richy released his grab when he passed out. Yes. Passed out. I still don't want to believe Richy is dead. If I do this, I will break down. Anyway, I really don't like the idea of seeing the rest of the group die before my eyes. I don't want to lose them.
Suddenly I heard a ping from my phone. The group or Jake. I bet on the latter.
Jake Tirada?
You Another threatening call.
He was definitely listening. He almost always listens. So he should know what was said.
Jake I know. I heard.
You He threatened them. He threatened me. That he would kill us. He said Richy is dead.
Jake He want to scare you. Nothing will happen to you.
You I know I'll be fine. I'm not from Duskwood. But THEY are not safe. He can attack them anytime!
Jake We won't let him do that. Look, he got scared. He want you to be scared too. That we would stop looking. It means we're very close to find Hannah's kidnapper!
I am well aware why the kidnapper called me. I agree with Jake. He got scared that we are so close and we found his hiding place. Although…
You How did he know Thomas and Jessy would be there?
Jake What?
He must have been confused by my sudden change of subject, though he should have been used to it by now.
You It does not make sense. Candles were lit behind the closed door. This is fire hazard.
Jake ?
You You saw how that place looked like. It would be really easy to set everything on fire. And why he used candles? Wouldn't it be better to use flashlights or lanterns? It was a hideout from a horror movie. Is it because he tends to be dramatic? That’s why he used a legend and impersonate himself as one? I sincerely doubt it. Jake, it looked like it was set up. Man without a face knew they would be there. I’m sure of it. Who is wearing a mask entering his own hideout? What for?
Jake Wait a second. Aren’t you jumping to conclusions?
You What do you mean?
Jake Their car was parked in the driveway. Maybe he had the mask with him and he put it on because he saw the vehicle?
You Then why he left? Why he wasn’t inside?
See the full post
13 notes • Posted 2021-10-06 21:02:56 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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And we’re back for the second chapter, which is a lot shorter than the last - only half the size, thank goodness. I have a feeling this will go by somewhat faster than the first chapter, if only because there’s so much less happening per chapter and less worldbuilding to pick at.
Being up to forty followers already is actually really neat - I was expecting this project to go under the radar a bit longer. Thank you for all the likes and comments, and especially the reblogs! 
[No. 2 - Roaring Muscles]
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Have to admit that the title page is definitely something - it’s deliberately styled in the same format as Western comic book covers. And in so, you can really see the difference in art style between the Westernized All Might and Horikoshi’s normal style for Izuku. 
The next page is a full body shot of All Might posing (RIP all the pens that died inking that one image), with some background panels covering the basics about the man - that his age and quirk are unknown, and that his strength has made him popular even since his debut. He’s got a lot of merch, branding, magazine covers, newspaper headlines, movie adaptations, etc etc. and, of course, that creepy fucking mask.
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If Izuku has one of those, I am both disappointed and completely not surprised. I both look forward to and dread the day someone draws him wearing that monstrosity. Also-
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Is that the same keychain Ochako gets during the Secret Santa swap in some hundred and twenty or so chapters? 
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Alright, not the same one, but a similar pose. Not surprising, since I doubt Hori even remembered this panel at the point Ochako was given it, but it would have been an interesting little callback if it had been.
Moving on, we learn that since he became active, there’s been a notable decrease in the appearance rate of villains - with a graph showing the decline. His existence alone is a deterrent to villainy, which in no way will cause issues decades down the line. But yeah, basically Izuku confirms that All Might’s earned his title of ‘Symbol of Peace’ - and that the same man with so many accolades just told him he could be a hero.
(That last panel, of just Toshinori and Izuku, which is so uncluttered compared to the other panels… mmm, gotta love it. Makes it feel so much more poignant and dreamlike, which it probably was to Izuku at the time.)
The next page gets right to where we left off, with Izuku on the ground crying his eyes out while his mind plays through all the doubts and negative words thrown at him over the past chapter years. However, he’s finally heard what he’s always wanted to hear from this Alolan Exeggutor lookin’ dude:
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Who also happens to be the No. 1 hero and Izuku’s idol. Izuku wonders if he could wish for anything more than that, so of course, Exeg- I mean Toshinori continues on, saying Izuku is worthy of inheriting his power. Which snaps Izuku out of his happy crying to actually look up at his idol, confused as heck.
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But yeah, Toshinori laughs at Izuku’s expression and says that it’s a proposal, and that there’s work to be done. Also, this is the first instance of ‘my boy’ shown in the manga - while I know in Japanese it’s supposed to be just a translation of ‘young man’ or something close, I choose to see it in a different manner, as per my Dad Might agenda:
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Look, you have to admit things went from 0 to 100 real fucking fast here, I will not take criticism on my interpretation. While we’re on the topic of ‘0 to 100’:
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Toshinori please get that checked that’s a lot of blood jesus fuck. But yeah, he offers Izuku his power (which outside a shounen manga is questionable, kids, don’t trust that.) Izuku is still confused, naturally, so Toshinori clarifies he means his quirk. He explains how the tabloids like to guess what his quirk is, while he avoids answering with jokes, because All Might has to come off as a natural born hero.
(Also that dramatic posing, he’s such a fucking loser, I love him so much.)
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You can really fucking tell he’s a performer at heart. I feel like it fits with his love of movies too - he probably liked acting out the dramatic hero speeches and fights in old superhero movies. Which I mean, also makes sense since heroes in the current era are as much actors and performers as they are public servants who handle crime and disasters.
Toshinori explains his quirk was passed down to him like the Olympic torch, which Izuku mentally stumbles over, and when that is confirmed, Izuku falls into a dazed rambling over this, completely tuning out of the outside world; he thinks about all the previous theories put out there, then basically confirming that his power being passed on is nothing anyone has ever considered, in part because there’s so little known about quirks, and even the reason ‘quirk’ [which in Japanese is ‘Individuality’] is used, because they’re unique to the person who wields said power. 
(Also, I want to know what the other six mysteries of the world are, Izuku. Why won’t you share that important tidbit with us? Worry about the quirk later!)
Toshinori cuts into his rambling, asking if Izuku really doubts him and that it’s nonsense, he has secrets but he doesn’t outright lie. Izuku does snap out and try to apologize, but Toshinori continues on:
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One For All. Certainly a power that comes with no downsides, hidden legacies, or enough mysteries to fill the other six damned slots of the mysteries of the world. Izuku repeats the name slowly, and Toshinori goes on to explain it: 
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A small detail to note, there’s eight lights in the background, already revealing how many holders there currently are at this point. Notice how much weaker OFA must have been back at the beginning, compared to the power Toshinori has, and then expand that to what Izuku starts out with. And interestingly, it’s called a ‘crystalline network of power’, and that it ‘links those crying out to be saved and those with brave and true hearts.’ For our first description of OFA, it… sure seems poetic and almost romantic. Wonder if that will hold up in the chapters to come.
Anyways, moving on from that, Izuku asks why him, and Toshinori says he’s been looking for a successor, and that he believes Izuku worthy. Even as someone who is quirkless and a ‘mere hero admirer’, he was more heroic than anyone else there. Izuku tears up again, and Toshinori slaps himself in the forehead, saying it all depends on what Izuku says. 
Izuku gets to his feet and rubs away the tears, thinking about what he’s been told and how Toshinori’s greatest secrets (hah) have been divulged to him. He asks himself if he has reason to refuse, and immediately decides that no, he doesn’t, and tells Toshinori he accepts while reaffirming he’s got no reason to refuse. Toshinori says he expected nothing less than that quick answer. 
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Seriously, look at the intensity of that reply, he is down and willing to do this. No second guessing, no hesitation. 
This seems like a good stopping point, since the second half of the chapter is all the training, including the montages, so I’ll finish things up in the next one (yes, I know, not taking five posts to get to the point, who would have thought?) and we can get into the crazy fun stuff. 
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greensword101 · 4 years
My secret santa was @freedom-barricades-bighero16! I am so sorry for the late gift, I tried to finish yesterday, but I had a sudden case of vertigo. But I am pleased with the final product and I hope you are as well. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
“No…” Hiro murmured again, balled up the paper and tossed it over his shoulder. He barely heard the thud of paper hitting paper; no doubt wondering that the wastebasket would need to be emptied again. He combed a hand through his tousled, jet-black hair and slipped another sheet of paper in front of him. The pencil scratched for a few minutes as he worked out what he wanted to draw before discouragement overcame him again and he crumbled the paper and threw it away without a second glance. He dared a glance at the clock and wanted to bang his head against the desk ad nauseum.
Wow. Washed up at fourteen. So sad. He almost heard the rustle of paper from behind before he remembered and scrunched up his eyes to keep the tears from forming. Tadashi wasn’t here to help him now, and he never would ever again. But it helped at times to think of what he would say were they living in a better world. It was effective when thinking of an idea, but every time he tried to imagine Tadashi’s voice now, it would not come to him. He tried to think of what he would say now, what sort of wisdom he would try to impart on Hiro, but he wasn’t sure if Tadashi had ever given him advice on a girl before.
Aunt Cass would be after his hide again if he didn’t put himself into bed, Hiro knew. Bitterness filled his mouth, and it was all he could do to not throw something. Instead, he pushed himself away from his desk and collapsed onto his bed in a dead heap, not bothering to change into pajamas. He just laid there, prone and tired. Seven days until Christmas, he told himself, another year without you, Big Brother.
He wasn’t sure when he fell asleep, but he knew that he hadn’t been underneath his blankets earlier. Now, Mochi was resting, curled up on Hiro’s stomach and a glance at his alarm told him it was just before eight o’clock in the morning. He managed to trudge his way downstairs for breakfast, still groggy with sleep as the hustle and clamor of the café washed over him. Aunt Cass had a plate of eggs and bacon set up for him at a single table with a tall glass of orange juice, which he began to wolf down fervently.
“How’s your little project going?” Aunt Cass asked. His mouth full of food, Hiro took a large swig of juice before he could respond.
“It’s…it’s going bad,” he said bluntly, “I got nothing that might work, and Christmas is in a few days.”
“You could always buy your Secret Santa a gift,” Aunt Cass suggested.
That would work…but I don’t it would be good enough. If it was anyone else he had to get a present for, Hiro would have leapt at the chance to go shopping. But he knew that it had to special, it had to be meaningful since it was coming from him. Tadashi still managed to get him one last Christmas gift even after passing on and it was a meaningful gift that he hoped to cherish for years. For Karmi, it had to be meaningful too.
But what could he get for her that wouldn’t come off as saying Hey, here’s a nice present for you? What’s that? Why does it have your initials engraved into it? It’s because I wanted to show off how much I like you now. Would she like jewelry? He never saw her wearing anything flashy, even during parties. Would she be alright with a stuffed toy? Hiro wasn’t certain if Karmi kept anything plushy around at her age. And what if she didn’t like the gift? Would that mean she would make fun of his efforts?
Suddenly, his appetite left him all at once. He pushed his plate away and looked down into his lap. What was he supposed to come up with in a few days as a gift?  Bells jingled as the entrance was opened and a jangle of voices came in with it. He could pick out a few of them, but the noise swallowed up the words too fast for him to follow. Thankfully, Fred was never capable of keeping his voice ‘room appropriate’ and that was the one Hiro was able to focus on.
“Come on, Wasabi! You gotta admit this was my best idea ever!”
“Fred,” Wasabi drawled, “All you did was tape mistletoe to a hat and wear it all day.”
“That didn’t stop you from kissing me!”
Wasabi chuckled deeply, “I guess it didn’t. Hey, little man. Feeling the reason for the season, yet?”
Hiro turned around and had to hold back a snort of laughter. Fred had decided that a fishing hat was most appropriate for his idea. The mistletoe dangled dangerously close to the edge and had a little strip of scotch tape keeping it there. Wasabi decided to wear a dark green, short-sleeved shirt with a Christmas tree embroidered into it instead of his usual sweater.
“Not really,” he admitted and noticed the two of them flushed, “Are you two feeling okay?”
“Yeah,” Wasabi’s voice went up a pitch as he replied, “We’re…we’re good. Really good –”
“Wasabi finally kissed me!” Fred shoved his face close to Hiro’s. He pointed to his hat, “I wish I knew sooner! I’m gonna wear this every year, now!”
“Huh?” It took a moment for Hiro to register what Fred had said, “Oh! Congrats, guys. Maybe you can double date with Honey Lemon and Go Go…”
“Or, we could triple date!” Fred smiled broadly. Hiro looked at him oddly and Fred rolled his eyes, “You know…us, them, you and…”
“It’s not a thing, alright?” Hiro grimaced, “It is certainly not a thing and I don’t think it will be a thing, ever. Forget I asked.” He made to stand up, thinking that Fred would take the hint and drop the matter.
“You’re her Secret Santa, aren’t you?” Hiro stared at him incredulously and Fred just smiled, “Just because I love comic books doesn’t mean I can’t notice these things, little dude.”
Hiro looked around quickly in case he caught sight of someone who shouldn’t have been listening. He looked at Fred, feeling exhausted just looking at his friend now, “You got me. Luckiest guy on Earth. Just a few days till Christmas and I got nothing to show for it.”
Wasabi looked sympathetically at him, “Is there anything we could do to help, Hiro?”
“Not unless you could pull a time machine out of Fred’s hat so I could get back to the start of the month and have more time to get something made for her.”
“I’m serious,” Wasabi grabbed a nearby chair and dragged it over to Hiro’s table. Hiro reluctantly took his place back at his own seat while Fred leaned over Wasabi’s shoulders like a monkey. “So, you still don’t have a gift yet. You can go simple.”
“Simple? For Karmi?” Hiro was incredulous, “Like, what? Show up at her house dressed as…” He did a quick scan around the café before leaning in and whispering, “You know…”
Both men looked at each other and grinned. Hiro gulped nervously; he was used to seeing Fred smile with impish delight, he just didn’t have any idea how scary Wasabi looked with the same kind of intent on his face. Before he could begin to protest, Fred took hold of his arms while Wasabi seized his legs and hoisted the boy into the air. He tried to kick and squirm in their grip, but it was iron clad. They carried him upstairs and into the first floor.
“What are you doing?!” Hiro felt Fred release his grip on his arms and found himself dangling upside down.
“We’re doing this in Tadashi’s stead,” Wasabi was supposed to be the one convincing Fred not to pull crazy stunts, not encouraging them! That was their dynamic. “Just do your thing, little man, and look for a new angle.”
Hiro stopped struggling and allowed himself to dangle, hoping that an idea would come before all the blood went to his head. He trusted that Wasabi wouldn’t let him fall to the hard floor, and he had to trust that he and Fred were on the right track. Baymax couldn’t do something like this for him; lifting a ton in weight didn’t mean that his body was able to do “looking for a new angle” safely without letting Hiro get hurt. It would have gone against his protocol altogether to let someone in his care get hurt.
Protocol…help…Hiro’s eyes lit up with inspiration and he let out a loud whoop of delight that almost had Wasabi dropping Hiro.
“I got it!” He cheered as Wasabi righted him and barreled into the larger man’s chest, hugging him as tightly as he could, “Thanks, Wasabi! I needed that!”
“Hey, what about me!” Fred pouted. Hiro turned to him and threw his arms around Fred’s neck, threatening to choke him. He made a dash for upstairs, “Gotta go, guys! Feel free to bum around!”
The moment he got into his bedroom, Hiro swept away the mess off his desk with one arm and laid down a large sheet of paper, taking careful measurements for the designs and hoping that Karmi would like it…
Karmi felt the beginnings of an agonizing headache coming upon her. It always happened when she was stressed or failed to get enough sleep. This was one of those times and no drink or medicine would prevent it from overcoming her at any rate. The best remedy was to usually fall asleep, but Christmas was almost here, and her gift still wasn’t ready yet! In any case, sleep was for the weak and weary. Karmi wasn’t weak or weary and she had faced more dangers than any sixteen-year-old ought to. It had taken much pleading with her parents and the crime rate in San Fransokyo to go down before they decided to move back. Now that she was home, she wasn’t going to waste a gift like that.
She looked down at her work and frowned. Half-finished patterns, torn pieces of fabric, and loose string caked her worktable. It was always in such an orderly state that Karmi wanted to tear her hair out in frustration. Part of her missed the days where she would recline on the couch and watch Christmas specials as a kid, free of worry or care for serious work while she cherished the sparce days away from school. School was never a happy place for her, truthfully. And it had taken three years of pleading with her parents before they conceded and hired tutors to come to the house. But all she did was exchange bullies for loneliness and Karmi had taken to writing and sewing to dull the ache.
It hadn’t come easy at first; her fingers bled from needlepoints and her hands struggled to create what she would imagine in her mind. The struggle still persisted to this day, but Karmi had learned simple tricks and techniques that made her projects easier. She just prayed that it would help her now as she struggled a few days before her gift needed to be made. Why couldn’t she find an idea that would stick?
Karmi wasn’t always nice to Hiro when they met. In fact, she had been overtly hostile, reeling back from the new threat that had made itself known in SFIT. He was the parasite to her ambitions as he took the honor of youngest student to ever enroll away from her. But, like swimming for a long period in cold water, she had grown used to the boy. In fact, she began to see him as a friend before the crisis with Sycorax forced her to move away. Returning briefly for the summer made her realize how much she missed Hiro. It had been like an early Christmas present when her parents told her that they’d be moving back to the city.
Part of her wished she got a chance to know Hiro more personally. She couldn’t think of anything she knew of the boy regarding personal interests. All she knew was that he was intelligent, cheeky, headstrong, stubborn, liked hanging out with talking robots and that he was the younger brother to the Legend of SFIT. How was she supposed to make a gift based on that alone?
Her head felt like someone had crammed a large bell inside of her head now and was ringing it endlessly. She tried pinching the edge of her palm to delay it, but all she rewarded herself with was more pain. Some part of her wanted to go to find Hiro and ask to see Baymax for help. There must be some protocol in his databanks that could help her deal with her headache…
Her eyes widened with realization and the dull agony in her head was briefly forgotten. A smile crept up on her face as she cleared off her table of waste and debris before laying down a fresh sheet of paper. The measurements had to be precise, she knew it. She wasn’t used to making anything from scratch before, there was usually a reference for her to go by. That thought brought cold prickles to her toes, but she brushed it aside.
As the process continued, her movements became less halted and smoother, like grooving into a fresh block of wood. Her hesitations had lessened, and new thoughts came to mind as she created the patterns for the plushie. And she knew that when Hiro caught sight of her gift to him, it would be a Merry Christmas indeed.
The music was pleasantly mellow and quiet a few days later in the large Exposition Hall of SFIT. Hiro had a fierce battle with his hair earlier that evening, fighting to untangle the gnarls and knots that had been developing overtime unattended. It had taken over an hour before it was decidedly flat and malleable for a comb to attend to. He decided to dress in a red dress shirt with a dark green tie and a pair of black slacks. Fred had suggested he wear a mistletoe on his head, but Hiro had dismissed the idea. He wasn’t going to willingly invite the mockery and teasing of others.
Fred and Wasabi were already there, arms linked together and laughing at something Honey Lemon was saying. She was with Go Go, who had decided to wear a formal suit like Hiro’s, but with a green shirt instead of a red one. Honey Lemon was dressed in a lemon-yellow dress that ended just below her knees. Fred and Wasabi were dressed as alike as a cat was a dog; Wasabi had a black bowtie while Fred had a white tie. Wasabi had a white dress shir Fred wore a black sweater.
Somehow, a pang of jealousy hit Hiro and he tried not to show it. He looked at Baymax warningly in case the robot decided to announce his emotional readings to the rest of world.
“Hiro!” Honey was the first to see him and glomped him, planting a peck on each cheek as they embraced. Once, that would have had his cheeks flaming, but now he just smiled and chuckled. Honey Lemon saw the roll of paper he held under one arm, “Is that your Secret Santa gift, Hiro?”
“Maybe,” Hiro chuckled nervously and tried finding Karmi’s face in the crowd, “I actually need to go find them right now. Catch you later!” And with that, he ran off into the crowd, muttering apologies and pardons to each person he accidentally rammed himself into.
Karmi slowly entered the hall just a moment later, holding a sloppily wrapped bundle in her arms. She was dressed in silvery and gold with long sleeves that ended just below her knees with a blue scarf draped around her shoulder. She had been hoping to see Hiro at the entrance when she came in, but only found his group of friends instead. She looked to Honey Lemon, the one she was most familiar with, “Hey, have you seen Hiro? …not that I’m interested in seeing him or anything, just wanted to know where he was so I could um…not be near him…?” Her smile in the end would have frightened children if they dared to look at her.
Go Go half smiled, “Try the crowd he just bodysurfed into. You might catch him there.”
Karmi looked at the audience of people with trepidation before her eyes hardened with resolve, “Wish me luck, everyone. I’m going fishing!”
“When you come back with Hiro, be sure to bring some sushi!” Fred called out to her as she entered the mob, cradling her present protectively. Wasabi looked at him funnily and Fred shrugged, “What? I’m hungry!”
“How about my lips? You hungry for them?” Wasabi pressed his lips lightly against Fred’s.
Fred’s face burned as he took a hold of the front of Wasabi’s shirt and began to drag his boyfriend away, “Um…excuse me, we need some privacy.” Wasabi’s eyes widened with surprise for a moment before he shrugged and let Fred carry him away without protest.
“Pardon me. Excuse me. Coming through. Really sorry! Nice dress. Love your shoes, wear them more often!” Hiro danced through the crowd, hopping on one foot to the next as he tried to catch a glimpse of Karmi. Hindsight told him that he should have just waited by the entrance or had Baymax scan the room for any sign of her. Stubbornness told him that determination rewarded the daring. His stomach told him that the food at the snack table must be worth skipping out earlier at home.
Meanwhile, Karmi was on the verge of screaming that she had a dangerous bacterium in her hands at the top of her lungs. If it didn’t get her thrown out of the party, quarantined or crushed under a frenzied mob, then it would allow some breathing room for her to move around with ease. She clutched her present tightly, horrified of dropping it to the floor and having some careless foot smash it underneath. After all of those hours of sewing, stitching, and nursing pricks on her finger, Karmi was not going to let it be demolished so easily. Someone bumped into her from behind and Karmi tightened her grip on her gift as she hit the floor.
Someone else tumbled to the floor next to her with a grunt and the crinkling of paper. Karmi got to her feet, reaching down to help the stranger to their feet when she saw that it was Hiro.
Hiro looked at her outstretched hand for a moment and hastily pulled himself to his feet. They sheepishly tried to avoid looking directly at one another. A moment of courage came to them at the same time and they both noticed how red their faces were. Hiro tried telling himself that it was pretty warm inside. Karmi dismissed what she saw as a trick of the light.
“Nice dress,” Hiro muttered weakly.
“Good color coordination,” Karmi mumbled in reply.
They stared at each other for a few more moments, trying to find the right words to say. They both tried desperately not to let the other see what they were holding in their hands.
“It’s kind of cramped,” Hiro observed, “Snack bar should have some more room.”
“Yeah!” Karmi eagerly leapt at the invitation, “Snacks! I’m hungry!”
They managed their way to the snack bar without difficulty before they both realized that their hands were linked together. Neither of them pushed away from the touch.
Give her the gift, Hiro thought to himself as he eagerly snacked on a plate of pigs in a blanket. This is the best chance you have, just give it to her already.
Shove it into his face and have him open it already! Karmi slowly nibbled on some cheese and crackers, barely tasting them at all. Just do it now.
They both looked at each other.
“You first,” Hiro smiled nervously.
Karmi flushed and fiddled with the gift in her hands, “I…some party, isn’t it?”
“I haven’t gone to a lot, to be honest,” Hiro rubbed the back of his neck, “Last time I went, the dance got cut off because of High Voltage. I thought Megan was going to get hurt…”
“Megan?” Karmi tried to keep the terror out of her voice.
Hiro looked at her with wide eyes and hastily added, “She’s just a friend! A friend with a really crazy cop for a dad…who wanted to hook up with Aunt Cass.”
Karmi winced, “Are they still seeing each other?”
Hiro’s smile grew mischievous, “They haven’t been on a date since Aunt Cass learned he was being a…”
“Jerk?” Karmi suggested.
“Yeah. A jerk.”
Karmi looked at her present and grew determined, “Hiro, I wanted to…”
“Karmi, I…”
“Merry Christmas,” they both said at once, shoving their gifts forward, eyes wide shut and braced for impact. When they both braved a look, however, they each stared in silence at what was being offered to one another.
“You first,” Hiro held out his gift to her, looking more fourteen than Karmi had ever seen him. She took the roll of paper from him and hastily gave him her poorly wrapped gift in exchange. She undid the wrapping and unrolled it. When she looked inside, Karmi saw a small Chibi design of herself looking back at her on blueprint. Measurements were inscribed as well as features that would be included in it. Her own personal aid in the lab, meant to be programmed with features to help keep her projects safe and monitored.
“It’s not finished yet,” Hiro murmured apologetically, “This is the final draft I made and it’s going to take a few weeks, and I figured…” He chuckled weakly before continuing, “Who else could you trust with your lab than yourself?”
You. She wanted to say it. I would trust you, Hiro.
“I love it already,” Karmi said instead, “Thank you…you should open your gift too. I didn’t think I could make a robot like you, but…this was the next best thing.”
Hiro ripped the present open and felt his mouth widen. He knew it was made with minky. He couldn’t help but think of Mochi as he caressed the fabric in his hands and sorely wanted to press it against his face. Two black button eyes stared back at him and Hiro was certain that it would sound just like Baymax if it could talk.
“Karmi…” He began, but words failed him.
“I like to sew in my freetime too,” Karmi blushed, “I didn’t know if this was your thing or not, but I know how much you love Baymax. Its like having a piece of your brother with you. You could have that in your room and it’d be like…having a piece of me with…”
The rest of her words were cut off as Hiro slammed into her and wound his arms tightly around her chest.
“Thank you, Karmi,” he whispered in his ear, “I love it.”
Karmi reached around with her arms and hugged him back fiercely. They stayed like this for a few minutes before pulling apart. Hiro reached out and grabbed her hand into his own and guided her through the crowd again without another word.
When they reached the entrance again, they saw Honey Lemon and Go Go waiting for them with knowing smiles on their faces. Wasabi was walking back to them, straightening out his mussed shirt and tie, hastily covering his neck with one large hand when he caught sight of the others. Fred came following afterwards with a blissful look on his face that came right off when he noticed Karmi and Hiro and said, “Hey! Where’s my sushi?!”
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Psycho Analysis: The Moonchild
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
I feel like this one was inevitable. As soon as I decided to bust open the doors on literary mediums like books and comics, this guy was always going to loom over me. Well, let’s just bite the bullet and talk about him. 
In the final portion of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Centuries, we are introduced to Oliver Haddo’s ultimate creation… a creation he is incredibly disappointed in. You see, the Antichrist or Moonchild is a whiny, miserable young adult strung out on prescription drugs because he went mad after realizing what he was being manipulated into. He is the subject of derision by all who know him, and is treated like a punching bag by most of the narrative, up to and including God literally telling him he’s a bitch. Our villain here is just a miserable, whiny, kind of misogynistic brat who doesn’t even want to be a villain, and in general is just unpleasant and ineffective save for a school massacre he pulls off.
Oh yeah, and his real name is Harry Potter. Kind of an important detail, that.
Motivation/Goals: So as the antichrist, you’d think Mr. Potter might, you know, maybe want to bring about the end of days and all that. But no! He actually pops pills and isolates himself in Grimmauld Place so that he doesn’t do that! He doesn’t want to be the Antichrist and, really, who would? Most of his screentime is thus spent whining, until he ultimately decides to embrace being the Antichrist because he feels  he has no other choice. We’ll get into all of that in a bit, but honestly, his motivation is extremely weak despite the incredibly graphic setup we’re given to his downward spiral: when he first discovered he was being manipulated by Satanists, he went on a magical school shooting, shown to us in a first-person perspective to emulate the games that were often blamed for real school shootings. We get to see Harry slaughter Ron, Hermione, Snape, Dumbledore, and so on, we get to see what he did to Hogsmeade and the Hogwarts Express, and absolutely none of it is pleasant. 
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With setup like that you’d expect maybe a little more intrigue and indecision, maybe some sort of conflict between fate and choice or something beyond Harry sitting around half-naked, high off of antidepressants, being a whiny little bitch, but you might be giving the dude who wrote a porno where the kids from Peter Pan engage in underage incest a bit too much credit. 
Final Fate: So Harry has gone absolutely bonkers and it seems that nothing can possibly stop him; our heroes seem to be written into a corner. So what does Moore do? He has God - who in this universe is Mary Poppins - descend from the heavens and have her say how she protects the imaginations of children and how she just straight up hates Harry. Never mind that Harry is quite literally an abused child who was twisted by the cruel machinations of a body surfing wizard, apparently he’s a child not worth protecting or caring about and is unworthy of sympathy. Anyway, Mary Poppins just turns him into a chalk drawing and that’s the end of that. 
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Great writing, Alan Moore, critically acclaimed creator of Watchmen!
Best Scene: Saying Harry here had a ‘best scene’ is seriously pushing it, because literally every moment he’s on the page the comic just beats you over the head with Moore’s biases. I wish I could put the school shooting sequence, because the idea behind it is legitimately intriguing, but the whole sequence is just interwoven with Moore whacking off his hateboner for the series. But on the subject of boners… well, I think there’s only one panel that can truly and adequately sum up this entire character and how much of a miserable failure he is. Those who have followed me for a long time knew this was coming, but for the rest of you, behold - Harry Potter Dick Lightning:
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Final Thoughts & Score: Quite frankly, this is the worst thing Alan Moore has ever done.
I’m not even mad as a fan of Harry Potter; Moore was honestly ahead of his time in hating the franchise to this level. The issue I have is that he doesn’t really deconstruct or criticize in any meaningful way, he just is doing edgy “take that” stuff that you’d expect from a chump like Garth Ennis. Like, the concept here is incredibly solid and intriguing - this version of Harry has been groomed from birth by Satanists to become the Antichrist, with all of his adventures fabricated and all of his relationships manufactured to keep him under the illusion he is a hero to mankind. Upon discovering the truth, he snaps, massacres everyone at his school for their role in his manipulations, and went into exile to stave off the apocalypse, although he ultimately and bitterly accepts his role because he feels he was never given a choice… and he wasn’t! He’s an incredibly depressing and miserable deconstruction of the concept of “The Chosen One,” and yet the whole thing falls apart on multiple levels.
The first is that the Harry Potter franchise already deconstructs the concept of “The Chosen One;” the text goes out of its way to point out that Voldemort’s own actions are what is creating a self-fulfilling prophecy by targeting someone with the will and drive to fight back against him. Harry’s not so much chosen by fate so much as forcibly chosen by an evil manipulator… and that’s basically what we have here, but with less substance. Moore doesn’t really comment on anything, instead leading into the second big issue - Harry’s whole role is to be a strawman punching bag villain so that Moore can complain about modern fantasy franchises. Moore seems to view Harry as the epitome of the lazy regurgitation of the same story over and over that modern blockbuster culture so often falls into… except that Harry Potter was an original product developed by one person and had no artificial longevity slapped onto the franchise in the form of unneeded sequels or spinoffs to extend the lifespan of the franchise at the time Moore wrote this. Throw in the fact Moore just in general seems extremely contemptuous of any post-70s pop culture in Centuries and how Harry is ultimately taken down by crusty old characters from older literature really just leads to Moore coming across as a grumpy old man who hates anything new, not helped by his tired criticisms of millennials and their perceived lack of culture. Maybe Moore would have had more of a point if he created this storyline today, but he didn’t. Thus, he has no point and he just looks like a miserable old fart.
Sure, you can argue that maybe Moore’s basic parody of the character by exaggerating his tendencies to their logical extreme and attacking elements of the plot that had been criticized to death by fans to begin with has its place, and perhaps you could even say that the take in the comic is just an extreme take on how Harry acted in the fifth book, what with the lashing out at his friends and his general feeling of a lack of control, and there is some merit to that, or there would be if Moore’s own unrepentant bias didn’t undermine everything. Look, you can hate Harry Potter, but then why slap it into your work? It’s supremely cringey when people insert characters they hate into fanfiction and just completely derail their characters so that they can treat them like garbage with the narrative, and is that not what Moore did here? Is League not just public domain fanfiction? There’s a reason why I coined “Harry Potter Dick Lightning” as a phrase used to showcase a moment where a fanwork’s contempt for a character becomes so extreme that it not only jumps the shark, it rockets over it into the upper atmosphere. Any criticisms or messages Moore is trying to convey is tarnished by his blatant, seething contempt for the character, and that gets in the way of good writing and good storytelling. Having two characters express pity at having to murder an abused child who was warped by Satanists into being a tool of the apocalypse does not make up for how the narrative constantly mocks, belittles, and treats him like garbage to the point he really can’t function as an effective villain that can be taken seriously.
All of this adds up to what I’d argue is the absolute worst villain in all of fiction, bar none. There is just not a single redeeming quality about the Antichrist as a character. None. Nothing. I cannot think of another villain that so completely fails on every single level as this one does. He doesn’t work as an antagonist because most of the bad things he does are offscreen and he doesn’t come into conflict with the heroes until the very end, and most of his screentime features him doing nothing of note. He doesn’t work as a critique, because he is acting as a criticism for things his character never really represented in the first place. He only really functions as the sort of garbage you’d see in My Immortal, where the characters you know and love are turned into evil jerks because the writer hates them - but he even fails at being that, because at least My Immortal is funny about it! 
I am going out on a limb and saying that there cannot possibly be a villain that so utterly fails at everything it sets out to be as hard as Harry does. I don’t even want to try and believe it. And so, without hesitation, I am giving Moore’s shallow Potter parody a 0/10. And I pray to Mary Poppins that this is the only one of those I ever dish out, because I really don’t want to imagine what could possibly be worse than Harry Potter Dick Lightning.
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ohdearden · 4 years
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CHARACTER NAME/ALIAS: Mia Dearden / Speedy (the second)
FACECLAIM: Ester Exposito
AFFILIATIONS: Team Arrow, Teen Titans, the Nomads
AGE (physical age as well, if different): 23
SPECIES (human, metahuman, alien, etc): Human
IF SECRET, OR YOUR CHARACTER IS A CIVILIAN, DO THEY HAVE A CIVILIAN OCCUPATION? Mia is new in town, and is currently focusing her efforts on aid work. She’s working hard at learning the language so that she can be of more assistance, and potentially work in town in the future.
IF YOUR CHARACTER LIVES IN THE FORTRESS, WHAT ARE THEIR DUTIES? Refugee outreach, and whatever else she might be decent at. She’s happy to help out, but can’t cook for shit.
DESCRIBE SIX TRAITS (3 positive, 3 negative) YOUR CHARACTER HAS AND HOW THESE AFFECT THEM: + Empathetic and caring: Mia, having been through as much as she has, has a strong push to help others. She has trouble turning people who need help away, and will often find herself reaching for a way to help them. She worked at the community center back home to help youth at a disadvantage (much as she had been herself), and found time to spare to volunteer time at the domestic violence shelter as well. + Bold: Mia is unafraid and outgoing, making her personality very loud and bold. She’s unafraid to speak her mind, and is often quite blunt and straight to the point. She speaks to people easily (though making friends is another matter) and is always one to make her presence known. Mia has never been one to slip through the cracks unless it was by personal choice. Mia is best described as an extrovert, and has trouble containing her feelings whether they’re positive or negative. + Determined: Mia more or less forced her way into being Speedy, which is a surefire show of her determination. Once she sets her mind on something, she will achieve it. Mia has no problems setting goals for herself and setting up steps to get to these goals (yet she struggled with school, ironic). It is hard to sway her away from an idea once she gets her mind set to it. - Stubborn: Hand in hand with determined goes stubborn. Once Mia has her opinion set on something, it’s hard to sway her opinion otherwise. She’s unfortunately very hard to persuade out of her opinions, and once she’s got her mind set on something it’s often set in stone. Even when she can feel herself losing, Mia struggles with letting things go. Hard-headed was the term her mother always used, along with the phrase stubborn as a donkey. - Angry and Confrontational: Considering everything Mia has gone through in her life, having a solid angry streak is something that had been more or less unavoidable. She has a temper that’s quick to ignite, and she often has trouble bringing herself down once it’s sparked. Mia has the type that can go from 0-100 very quickly, though not at all the other way around. Mia is the type that enjoys confrontation, and it’s something she thrives in. Arguments are her specialty, and not something she will back down from. She is certainly not the type to let things go, and would rather argue until she was blue in the face. She would much rather deal with things now rather than later (and cannot understand why people would rather just let things fester). - Defiant & Rebellious:The word ‘no’ is a trigger word for Mia. Being told she cannot do something makes Mia want to do it all the more, and she is even more likely to try once she’s been told she shouldn’t. Rebellion is something that runs deep, even if she (sometimes) tries to fight it. Sometimes with reasoning she’s able to understand the no, but it’s hard to swallow down the urge to do it anyway.
POWERS AND/OR ABILITIES: Mia excels in archery and acrobatics. The latter came in handy in her time on the streets, and the former is a well-honed and learned skill. Mia is quick and discreet, and able to slip through crowds with ease. Mia has become proficient in swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat as well. While she is capable of close-range fighting with mixed-martial-arts abilities, she prefers to keep her fighting from a distance when given the option. She’s also a damned good pick-pocket, but well, that’s neither here nor there.
WEAKNESSES: Her immune system is absolutely garbage, and she tends to take a bit longer to heal than she’d like. She tries to be careful to keep herself in proper health, and does her best to avoid injury. As best as a crime-fighting vigilante can, anyway.  Her inability to keep her damn mouth shut can definitely be considered a weakness as well.
WHAT DREW YOU TO THIS CHARACTER? Mia is a goddamn *rockstar.* She was absolutely groundbreaking for the comic book industry considering her positive status, and her persistence is something I admire. Mia has a fighting spirit and doesn’t really take no for an answer, which is something I absolutely love about her. She’s also not exactly popular in the rpc, and I adore her.
WHAT BROUGHT YOUR CHARACTER TO SOKOVIA? Honestly? A bleeding heart. Mia always felt too damn much, especially when it came to people in need. The events that transpired in Sokovia had made her nauseous. It didn’t take long for her to get wind of the Nomads, and Mia thought maybe she could be of use, someway or another. 
DID THEY SIGN THE ACCORDS? WHY OR WHY NOT? Absofreakinglutely not. The Green Arrow didn’t sign either, and that would be enough reason for Mia to be deterred in the first place. All in all, Mia did not agree with the Accords whatsoever. Vigilantes existed because the law was imperfect, because sometimes there needed to be a little extra oomph applied when things just couldn’t get done legally speaking. 
PROVIDE 3-5 HEADCANONS RELATED TO YOUR CHARACTER: Despite her hatred of traditional schooling, Mia is an avid reader and educated in her own way. She hated the structure of school, hated having to interact with others her own age, hated having to get up before noon (and well, she’s always had an authority problem)...but she actually likes learning. She spends a lot of her downtime reading whatever she can get her hands on. Mia also enjoys video games, and may or may not stream herself playing at times via twitch or youtube. It’s an easy way to veg out and socialize without really socializing. Mia loves boxing, and does it often. She’s found it’s a good channel for frustration as well as a good way to train. In her apartment back in Star City, she has a punching bag set up in her living room and found herself at the community center often. Mia has an adrenaline rush addiction that she struggles with daily. She left her motorcycle back home in Star City, and finds she misses the rush of riding (way too fast) more than she thought she would. She’s looking into having it shipped, or finding a local one to fix up. Semi-related, she does all the maintenance on her motorcycle herself, having taught herself with repair manuals and youtube tutorials. MIa smokes like a chimney, though is trying very hard to quit. She knows it’s not the best idea, considering her health, but she just can’t help herself. She’s tried everything - the gum, the patches, replacing the habit with something else. She’s quit several times, but has always picked it back up again. 
WANTED CHARACTER CONNECTIONS: TEAM ARROW! Roy Harper, Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance: These are Mia’s people. She might not necessarily always agree or get along with her adopted family, but Mia’s loyal to them to her very bones. She respects the Green Arrow and still affiliates herself with him, so I’m eager for interactions with a potential Oliver in the future. I’m also very eager for Arrow-lady interactions with Dinah! TEEN TITANS! Mia didn’t really have too-too much interaction with the Titans, but I’m excited for potential in Sokovia!
POTENTIAL CHARACTER ARCS: Give me Nomad things! Mia made the jump to help out in Sokovia more on a whim than anything. She’s very much a sidekick out of her element, but she wants to help. That being said, I could really see herself throwing herself into the local life? She would want to help on a smaller, more personal level. Help the kids with school, help rebuild someone’s house. She’s going to do her best to try to learn the language so she can potentially work in-town with the locals as well, maybe bartending. Maybe she can serve as kind of a liaison down the road?
CHARACTER BIO — (tw include: mentions of abuse, parental death, drug use/abuse, brief touchings on child exploitation/teen dating an older man/pedophilia, HIV)
Mia does not like to talk about her childhood. A quick overview would detail her father’s abuse of her mother, and her mother’s drug use. Her father used too, but drinking was more his style. Next would be her mother’s death when she was young. Her father’s abuse then turned to her instead, which she was forced to tolerate for several years. She was eleven when she ran away from home. Mia decided that she would sooner take her chances on the street than stay in that house any longer, and unfortunately, that was the fate she found. Living on the streets was still favorable to living at home, but it wasn’t without struggles. Mia was hungry more often than not, and often couldn’t sleep in the same place for more than a few nights in a row. A smaller-than-average homeless eleven-year-old certainly did bring in some sympathy donations, but it was never enough. The shelters in Star City were often full, and eleven was much too young to even consider a hotel or an apartment. She was twelve when she met Richard, who was over twice her age, and that was when things took a spin for the worse. She thought he loved her, he promised to take care of her, and she was too young and desperate (with very skewed feelings of what love was after all she’d lived through)  to realize this was just abuse of a different kind.She was with him for over a year - sometimes out on the streets again, sometimes holed up in a seedy motel and for a few months, a scuzzy apartment. Richard gave her a taste of the drugs that had taken her mother, and Mia suddenly understood why her mother had been so willing to do whatever it took just to get high. But before long Mia was wondering when she would escape this, when things would get better, and thought maybe it would be better to be on her own again. He wouldn’t let her, the abusive pattern she’d survived as a child returning. Dependent on him for shelter, food and drugs, Mia felt more trapped than she ever had. Until she was saved by the Green Arrow. Mia immediately had adoration for the man that saved her life, and she felt ever-indebted to him for helping to get her off the streets, clean herself up and piece together her life. While he was reluctant at first, Mia began to train with him. This gave her life a purpose that she’d never had before, and Mia found herself feeling better than she ever had. She learned she excelled at archery with a little bit of training, and the scrappy fighting skills she’d adopted on the streets became more defined as she learned hand-to-hand combat skills. When not training or in school (something she fought tooth and nail), Mia spent the majority of her free time volunteering and later working at the Star City Recreational Center, and later the domestic violence shelter in town. Mia fantasized of eventually becoming a sidekick to the Green Arrow, even though he squashed that idea from the start. She would persuade him some way, somehow. Mia had just started to feel stable for the first time in her life when things took a downward spiral. It had started with a fever and just general feelings of illness, though things progressively got worse. She finally dragged herself into the clinic in Star City, and would find that things were much worse than she ever could have thought. What she thought was the flu turned out to be HIV, a permanent reminder of the mistakes she’d made and her time on the streets. The doctor assured her that while serious, the diagnosis was not the death sentence it had once been. If Mia was responsible and took the prescribed medications and took precautions, then her prognosis was very promising. HIV wasn’t curable, but controllable. And well, Mia had already been pretty successful at taking control of her life. If anything, her diagnosis was even more of a push for her to become the sidekick she dreamed of being. It took persuasion, but Mia finally donned the title of Speedy (the second), the sidekick to the Green Arrow. She took care to extra-hone in on her long distance fighting skills in hopes to avoid close-contact fighting and end up in a potentially extra-hairy situation. With Oliver’s insistence, Mia joined up with the Teen Titans.T his was done reluctantly, and Mia did not stay with the Titans long. She did, however, feel comfortable enough with them to disclose her status, and occasionally returned to help them on missions. Her passion was with Team Arrow, and that was made even more clear when working with others. The events at Sokovia were devastating, and MIa struggled with her decision making process for quite some time. She’d always been interested in refugee work - as she’d gotten older she volunteered with the Red Cross as well as with various agencies around Star City. The innate instinct to help those in need was strong, and it was pulling her towards Sokovia. Speedy was helpful, sure, but Mia was fairly certain that her experiences as Mia Dearden might be more helpful when it came to the situation at hand. She knew what it felt like to have your world falling apart, and she was more than happy to help others put their pieces back together.
Myers-Briggs: ESTP Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Zodiac: Aries Sin: A tie between Wrath and Pride
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otterskin · 4 years
A Rebuttal to a ScreenRant thing on Loki and the Thor films for no reason other than the catharsis similar to shooting at clay pigeons that aren’t even trying to fly
Don’t click on this but here’s the article - https://screenrant.com/mcu-things-make-no-sense-about-loki/
Ah, ScreenRant, my old foe...you hath fallen so far these past few years...time was you were almost legitimate, but once you were sold to new owners, you became a rag of thoughtless clickbait 'journalism', seeing plotholes where there none. Let's dance.
ScreenRant Text: (So you don't have to feed them clicks)
Loki is often considered one of the greatest superhero movie villains of all time due to his never-ending schemes and tricks. As Thor's adopted brother, Loki has always been jealous of the God Of Thunder. His animosity mostly stems from the inheritance of the Asgardian throne.
Loki was denied the throne because he is the biological son of the Frost Giant ruler Laufey. After being abandoned by his father, he was adopted by Thor's father Odin and raised as an Asgardian prince. While Loki's never-ending deviousness makes for great entertainment, there are a couple of things about him that make no sense.
We begin with a Bonus Round! Loki is considered one of the greatest superhero movie villains of all time for various reasons, but the 'never-ending schemes and tricks' thing is a little...lackluster. It's not exactly what I'd say made himso successful, nor is it particularly true, but this is a matter of opinion. I'll let it slide. This, however:
His animosity mostly stems from the inheritance of the Asgardian throne.
Untrue. Thor 1 even has him state explicitly that the throne was never an objective of his, which is something I liked very much about the character and that film. It didn't go for the boring, stereotypical, low-hanging fruit, but actually tried to give the character a bit of humanity and zigged when most characters of that ilk zagged. That's the actual reason people like Loki, IMO. He surprised people by being - gasp - interesting. His animosity comes from a variety of things, but to simplify, if I may get schmaltzy, it comes from his fear of rejection and abandonment, and of being seen as less-than.
Loki was denied the throne because he is the biological son of the Frost Giant ruler Laufey.
We are never told why he was 'denied the throne'. We can guess. We assume this is the case, but it also seems like a) as the elder son, Thor was always first to inherit and b) When Odin promised that both his sons would be kings, it seems likely that at one point he intended to install Loki as king of Jotunheim, but then changed his mind. However c) it's mentioned clearly in an older scene in the script that Odin and Frigga had hoped that while Thor was officially king, that Loki would essentially be sharing many of his duties and would wield substantial power. 
I won't say this is 'wrong'. Loki, after all, claims it as the reason Odin didn't choose him as his successor. He may have been right. But we don't know that. Ambiguity is part of what makes films interesting, but apparently nerd media can never have a 'maybe' for an answer, sigh. This is a bigger problem than ScreenRant, so I'll let it go.
After being abandoned by his father, he was adopted by Thor's father Odin and raised as an Asgardian prince.
...this is what Odin said, immediately after Laufey tells us that Odin is a 'liar and a thief'....and then is proven right. Again, it's possible this is true, but we're also given reason to doubt Odin, and it's also possible Odin thinks he's telling the truth but is...wrong! Which he is about many things. It's something that makes him an interesting character. Ambiguity and interpretation. It's what makes you think about something long after the movie stops playing.
While I'm already disagreeing with SR here, this is more a fandom-wide problem of taking the text at face value only and reading the most shallow interpretation possible. However, stating that Loki's animosity comes from wanting the throne is in contradiction to what we've seen in the films, or at least a gross oversimplification. I award myself a half-point for that.
Points: 0 SR, 0.5 Otterskin
10. Unrealistic Survival
During the final moments of Thor: The Dark World, Loki became impaled and passed away in the strong arms of loving brother Thor. Dead? Not really. He was back in Thor: Ragnarok. Apparently, that was just one of Loki's holograms and the villain himself was very much okay.
However, recent history in the MCU proves that he holograms cannot be touched. In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor even failed in his attempt to throw a rock at Loki’s hologram. But in the death scene, Thor just happens to be holding him comfortably. And given that rocks go right through a hologram, then any other hologram shouldn't have been stabbed either.
EHHH wrong. Yes, Loki's 'light' magic can't be touched when there's nothing else there. But, as we see also in Thor Ragnarok, it can be touched if Loki is inside it - say, when he's pretending to be Odin. Thor grabs his shoulders and holds him in place after throwing Mjolnir. Great moment. As for that wound....who says Loki wasn't actually injured? After all, the scene was filmed 'for realsies' at the time and a reshoot retconned Loki into surviving later...but that doesn't mean he faked the whole thing. It's also possible that Loki just plain survived, due to some unknown Frost Giant ability that perhaps he didn't even know he had. We've never gotten a clear answer. And yes, keeping up the pretense of his death is still 'faking his death', even if he was really fatally injured. So no contradictions there.
SR - 0, OS - 1.5
9.Poor Attempt At Trying To Kill Thanos
Before he was made to look incompetent by Thanos, Loki was a very intelligent villain. Catching and defeating him wasn't easy, and this was all thanks to his ability to create illusions at will. He used this trick very many times and it always worked.
But when Loki is trying to kill Thanos in Infinity War, the only trick up his sleeve is pretending to pledge loyalty to the Mad Titan with secret intentions of stabbing him with a blade. Of course, Thanos stopped him and killed him. Why didn't Loki use a smarter trick? More importantly, why didn't he use his tried and tested illusion trick?
Hmm. Plenty of people have complained about this, but I never had a problem. For me, the answer is simple: what kind of intelligent is Loki? He's not a mastermind. He's not particularly gifted at tactics. What he's good at is misdirection and manipulation. And, when he does it, it usually has some kind of terrible personal effect. When I saw this scene, I had no problems with it from a character standpoint. Loki is a character who thinks with his emotions and does things based on that, even if they aren't logical. It's his fatal flaw going back to Thor 1 and present in every appearance since. In this case, I think Loki was manipulating Thanos. Manipulating him to kill Loki. Probably because Loki knew that would mean he'd spare Thor. However, this is my interpretation, and you're allowed a different one, SR. We'll just disagree on this one. I leave it to the commenters to decide who gets this point. For now, I'll give us both a 0.5.
SR - 0.5, OS - 2
8His Evolution Into A God
According to the MCU, Loki's parents are the Frost Giants Farbauti and Laufey. Despite his parents not being gods, Loki evolves into the “God of Mischief.” How is this possible, given that he was only adopted by Asgardian parents who were gods, but he himself had no god lineage?
RELATED: 10 Loki Memes Only Real Fans Will Understand
For Thor, his god status is understandable given that his biological father and grandfather are gods. So, can one become a god even when they aren't directly related to any god?
...I don't even know where to start with this. First off, we do not know who Loki's mother is. In fact I don't think it's even in the comics. If you mean the myths, then Laufey is his Mother, not his father, and in many myths Laufey is in fact Às (Asgardian), while Farbauti is his giant Father. He would also have two younger brothers. This is not the case in the MCU. There's some evidence that Loki's mother, whoever she is, is not a jotunn - he has biological features the giants do not, and Sir Kenneth Branagh indicated in the commentary for the movie that he was 'at least part giant', which could mean 'only part'. Eh.
Next...have you not been paying attention? This whole character arc is about Loki finding out he's not 'a god' due to his blood and trying to figure out who he is without that blood. At the end, he embraces his identity and decides for himself to be 'God of Mischief' and 'Odinson' regardless of his bloodstatus, while also, if not exactly coming to terms with his heritage, no longer hiding or rejecting it. Yes, it's about him 'becoming a god' and always having been a god, reaffirming his identity and recontextualizing it.  It's his whole...THING. And in fact, it’s the main thesis of Infinity War. It’s the challenge to Thanos, which he then accepts. Infinity War is Thanos’ ‘God Quest’, in which he endeavours to gain the powers of a deity. However, what being a ‘God’ meant to Loki is being ‘an accepted part of a family’. Thanos destroys his children in his quest to become a god. It’s an interesting contrast between the two ‘villains’.
Geezus, this is just being dense. And for the record, many Norse Gods and Goddesses are also giants, full-blooded and otherwise. Skadi, Goddess of Skiing, is my favourite goddess ever and she’s full giant. Her husband has very handsome and large feet, which is her preferred feature on a man. You know. To walk on snow with.
Two points to me for dealing with this nonsense. And a half a point for Skadi, she always gets you a half point.
SR - 0.5 OS - 4.5
7.Blue Hue
As the son of a Frost Giant, Loki was born with a blue skin tone. When Odin adopted him, he cast a spell that changed his tone from blue to white. However, Loki never seems to have an idea about his true skin color. Given his history of mischief, he has never attempted to change back either.
After, Odin’s spell to keep Hela far from Asgard ended in Thor: Ragnarok, his spell on Loki ought to have ended too. Or perhaps Loki has always been aware that he is blue. If so, then the confusion ought to be cleared up.
You know what? Point to SR for knowing Odin cast a spell on Loki and that Loki is blue (dabadeedabadie). We gotta throw them a bone, and that’s something other people forget or get wrong all the time.
As for the spell not breaking...Dr. Strange said it himself. A dead wizard’s spell is harder to remove. A spell falling apart in the event of the wizard’s death seems like a major design flaw. Can you imagine if other things worked like that? If a test was too hard, you could pass if you killed the teacher? Or if you locked yourself out of your house, all you had to do was track down the locksmith and murder him to destroy every lock he ever made?
I find it highly unlikely Odin would have been foolish enough to create a spell that would have failed upon his death. Hela was being actively contained, and even then she didn’t immediately appear upon Odin’s death. It still took her a minute to break free.
SR - 1.5 OS - 5.5
6Mind-Controlling Hawkeye Instead Of Fury
Loki found himself in the S.H.I.E.L.D. base after using the Tesseract’s portal to transport himself. One of his first tasks involves mind-controlling Hawkeye so that he can use him as security.
He also mind-controls Dr. Selvig to make him create the Chitauri portal.But it's strange that he doesn't mind-control the boss ,Nick Fury. If he had done that, everything he wanted would have been achieved more easily. Fury would have been his puppet and he could have used him to make the Avengers make regrettable decisions.
Honestly if he’d just walked into the UN it would have been easy-peasy, we can go down this rabbit hole until we end up in Oz.  But hey, we’ll give this one to SR, as one of those typical ‘CinemaSins’ things that Alfred Hitchcock would reply ‘because then there’d be no movie’ to.
I would add that this is more Thanos’ plan than Loki’s, though, so we don’t know if that was ever an option the purple man would’ve allowed.
SR - 2.5, OS - 5.5
5Thanos Was Too Lenient Towards Him
Long before they became enemies, Loki and Thanos were associated. One of the instructions that Thanos gave Loki was to get the Tesseract as soon as possible, or else. Yes, there were stipulations from Thanos outlined to Loki by The Other. Loki was promised a kind of pain he'd never known before.
RELATED: 10 Best Recurring Jokes In The MCU
However, Loki wasn't able to deliver the Tesseract for more than six years, and nothing really happened to him. Given how ruthless the Mad Titan is, it's a mystery why he was so lenient towards Loki.
...interesting that being promised untold pain is related to recurring jokes, ha ha...not sure what that’s about.
I dunno, Loki got the most brutal and graphic death in the film, seems pretty un-lenient to me. Not to mention half the people he’d just saved were all slaughtered in front of him, making him responsible for Asgard’s second destruction.
As for why not sooner, Loki was living under an assumed identity for those 6 years as his own father, his death widly publicized as a popular play. I imagine Thanos caught a matinee or something. Let’s just call this a draw.
SR - 2.5, OS - 5.5
4Stopping Agent Coulson
Loki's invasion of Earth
, he trapped Thor in a cage, and while he was talking to his brother, Agent Coulson tried to stage a surprise attack. Not so fast Coulson. It appears the God Of Mischief is also the God Of Anticipating. Coulson ended up shooting a hologram instead of the real Loki.But how exactly was Loki able to anticipate Coulson's arrival? Can he see the near future? If such is the case, why didn't he see the attack from Hulk coming? Why didn't he use a hologram during the beatdown that left him in a pretty bad state either?
These are getting weaker, not stronger, as we get to number one. Didn’t expect people to still be reading, huh? Guess I’m the real loser, wasting more time on replying to this than was spent writing it. Oh well.
Chances are Loki turned himself invisible and left a copy in his place before walking behind Coulson. Which he’s done before. Illusions and mind-tricks are his main power.
SR - 2.5, OS - 6.5
3Hatred For Thor
Thor has always cared about Loki, but Loki has always wanted to end his brother. During the events of Thor: Ragnarok, a flashback scene showed Thor and Loki during their childhood days. Apparently, Loki did plenty of bad things to Thor.He once transformed Thor into a frog, while he also transformed himself into a snake to fool Thor into picking him up. Thor loved snakes, so when he tried to pick the reptile, Loki transformed back to himself and stabbed Thor. Why was there so much hatred? According to the first movie, Loki used to love Thor. He only started hating his brother when he found out that Thor was going to be the Asgardian king.
Always wanted to end his brother? Where is that coming from? Because he stabbed him as a kid in Thor’s anecdote in Thor 3? These are Asgardian kids, I expect there to be five stabbings before lunchtime. Kids are practically given daggers as teething toys.
I’m guessing this writer has never been or met a pair of siblings. Why is there so much hatred? Gee, I dunno, maybe because ‘Thor won’t stop hogging the X-Box and it’s my turn, Mum, it is!’ I mean, brothers and sisters do terrible things to each other. They make each other eat dirt and bugs, push each other off the deck, cheat at chess, spit in their hair, hide frogs in their bed, you name it. Now upgrade that to the level of the gods and you got some real fun shenanigans, and several more centuries of time in your childhood to get up to even more mischief.
You can still love someone and turn them into a frog. 
SR - 2.5, OS - 7.5
2Takeover Plan
Still, in the first film, Loki began scheming after finding out that he was adopted and he'd never become king.  The God of Mischief assisted the Frost Giants in gaining entry to Asgard so that he could destroy the Frost Giant King Laufey before he could kill Odin.RELATED:
 10 MCU Moments We Need To See In Disneyland’s New Marvel Land
Sounds good, but then Thor tried to feud with the Frost Giants too, and this didn't turn out so well for him. In fact, Thor was banished and dispatched to Earth because of this. It is thus strange that Loki thought Odin would like him for doing what Thor had done. Loki also waited for Odin to sleep first before trying to destroy Laufey. Wouldn't it have been better for him to try and do this while Odin was awake?
The order of events is all wrong. Loki did not discover his heritage until they went to Jotunheim, and didn’t hear the whole story until the Vault, at about the halfway point of the film. Yes, the film opens with him secretly helping the giants into Asgard to disrupt Thor’s coronation. He intended to goad Thor into going to the Bifrost to attack Jotunheim, and, as he says later to the W3 and Sif while their wounds are being treated, he hoped they’d be stopped there by Heimdall. However, Heimdall was more prideful than he’d accounted for, and that’s when they went to Jotunheim, which wasn’t the plan. Everything after that point is Loki improvising and reacting - it’s not so much a scheme as a scream, if you know what I mean.
Loki was unexpectedly made interim King while Odin was asleep and Thor banished. That’s a condition depending on Odin’s sleep and Thor’s banishment, either of which could end at any time, as Frigga tells him. She also tells him that Odin can see all of Asgard, even while asleep. Laufey reiterates this right before he tries to kill him. Odin also cries in his sleep, indicating he can perceive his children fighting on the bridge later in the film. Loki is putting on an elaborate play to demonstrate his loyalty to Odin and simultaneously sever his connections to Jotunheim, which he sees as a threat to his bond with Odin. He has room for only one father.
Were you on your phone when you were watching this movie? ...It’s okay if you were, but...man, you’re writing about this film, at least get the sequence of events right. It’s not a particularly complicated film.
I feel like I’m getting mean. Lose half a point for meanness, gain two points for two points made.
SR - 2.5, OS - 9
1Not Teaming Up With Hela
Loki and
Odin’s abandoned daughter Hela
had the same goals, but strangely enough, they didn't team up to make everything go smoothly. Given the kind of unity Loki had seen from the Avengers, he'd have been smarter enough to value teamwork more.When Hela arrived to take the throne and get revenge, Loki ought to have been the first person on her side. Her plan was basically a newer, small-scale version of his own plan in Avengers. Given his nature, it could have been more logical for him to team up with her then destroy her.
Same goals? You don’t mention them, though. I’d say their goals are entirely opposite. We see Loki’s rule contrasted with Hela’s quite clearly in Ragnarok. Loki withdrew Asgard from the other Realms (in my opinion, likely because he only has love for Asgard, and his interest in it and its people). He’s not interested in invading or enslaving or plundering (yes, yes, I know, Avengers, but that film was constantly making it clear that Loki wasn’t enacting his plan, but Thanos’, and he was being baby-sat by the Other to make sure he didn’t forget it. The stone was meant for Thanos, and we also know Loki wasn’t at his best self mentally at that time. He looked like he’d been chewing on coal and his skin had all the healthy pallour of a plastic bag. Compare that to Ragnarok, where he’s much more at ease and less...’my whole world has crashed down upon me’). Loki is like a cat in a sunbeam, happy to soak up praise, adulation, and acceptance from Asgard. Hela also wants those things - she’s upset when people don’t bow to her, that no-one remembers her, and that her cool paintings are gone. However, her solution to this is to kill everyone until she’s left with the people who are loyal to her. Loki’s was to create the play (which is either propaganda or much-needed Loki representation in the media, depending on how you view it), and convince people to like him. Hela demands loyalty, Loki wants love. Very different.
Her goal, of course, is to make Asgard great again, through conquest. Admittedly Loki did do something similar when he tried to flambé Jotunheim in Thor 1, but he did that for personal reasons, while Hela has a policy. Also, Hela wants Thor and Loki dead, and possibly was a large reason why Odin died (likely he was drained from imprisoning her). Loki loves Thor and Odin and does not want them dead; he also does not seem to want to be killed, at least by any hand not his own. There’s also the little problem of him being a frost giant, which Hela would likely not look kindly on (heck, original drafts of that painting depicting Hela conquering show her essentially enslaving the giants and forcing them to help build Asgard.) Hela isn’t looking for an equal partner. Loki wants equality above all else.
So no, no reason to team up.
SR - 2.5, OS - 10/10, a very good girl, here’s an invisible gold star
Aight, that was a great waste of time. But sometimes, you just need to refute every single point of something to feel better.
TL;DR: ScreenRant didn’t watch the movie(s).
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annakie · 4 years
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An Annotated Mass Effect Playthrough, Part Thirteen
List of Posts: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Last Time: We arrived on Feros, helped the struggling colony, and headed across the Skybridge.
This Time: Falling metal bugs, capitalism, and gas grenades.
Let’s keep moving across the skybridge.
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Oh we’re picking up radio transmissions that there’s some people in the area looking for some loot?  Should probably help those idiots out.
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Whoops, too late.  Man I hope you sacrificed yourself to the Geth for some truly great loot.
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*sad trumpet sounds*  Annnnd.... all reduced straight to Omnigel.
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Finally, across the skybridge, and time for a pretty fun battle getting into the facility!  Boom!
During my last playthrough, I remembered I’d made a post on tumblr about the really f’d up textures down in the hallway on the way into the facility, so I was like “Hey, I wonder if the textures are still like that?
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Guess who decided to jump down here before getting the dialog at the blue door OR going into the fight behind the locked door?
Guess who hadn’t saved since leaving the colony tower?
Guess who had to do the entire skybridge again?
Anyway, good to know that ALOT fixed the textures in the hallway!
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I love this fight.  It’s just dropped in on you then you can watch the varren running at you QUICKLY and it’s so easy to get overwhelmed if you don’t use some well-placed biotics very quickly, and also it’s great for short-ranged weapons, which often fights in this game are not.
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Also, flying varren!
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Maybe one of the best comical moments from ME1, a particularly dumb Krogan arguing with a VI.
Honestly, krogan aren’t dumb?  At least not any more dumb than most humans.  I’m glad they got out of that mindset. We have Wrex, starting to get to know him and see how he’s survived so long and later becomes a great leader.  Ryder has Drack, and a whole colony of Krogan using their ingenuity to survive.  
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Obviously by now we know that things are super F’d up, but throwing something called The Thorian at us WHILE we’re in a tower full of geth and hostile Krogan is like a whole other level of scary.  
I mean thanks for the security clearance and all, but Lizbeth should have given us the rundown ahead of time. Did she think we weren’t going to find out??  Lizbeth, c’mon, we’re here to save you, and your mom is pretty cool.  
Anyway, thanks for the info, VI!  Moving on...
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Oh neat, GIANT CLAWS STICKING THROUGH THE BUILDING.  All of this is very Normal.
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This fight is like, so easy with a well-placed Singularity!
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But seriously, what IS the deal with the orb? We never really find out.  It’s one of those dropped threads that never gets picked up again, and I don’t think we see another orb.  
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This hallway fight against THREE CHARGING KROGAN is definitely not terrifying, or impossible feeling on Insanity when I played.  Nope.
Real glad I’m still wearing armor with all of 20 shields on it!  Thank you, Niftu Cal for Barrier.
Believe it or not, Tali survived.
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Of course, fighting through the Krogan was totally worth it for Gavin’s data.  Or more like, the very eventual results of said data.
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Mmm... yeah.  Awesome.
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Now that’s what I call teamwork!
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Thanks, ExoGeni and Geth for leaving important data just laying around for me to find out!
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Oh no... math.  Nobody told me there’d be math in this game!
Actually, it’s pretty easy to figure out, and there’s two right answers!  But still a decent small puzzle.
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And the conclusion is so, SO satisfying.
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Annnd... done here!  Back to Tower One!
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Plus, we can talk to Joker again!  Oh, Zombies, pounding on the Normandy door?  You’re FINE, Joker!   Uhh don’t we have like, Wrex, Garrus, Liara and Ashley just hanging out in there? Should tell them to suit up and clear that out!  Don’t want zombies putting scratches and dents into my ship!!
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This guy doesn’t trust Cerberus, eh?  And they’re doing something shady?  I’m sure it’s fine and we can totally trust them and NOT ever be mad at someone who doesn’t want to join them!!
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Time to go.
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Aw, right.  Lizbeth.  FINE.
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Hey, I’ve only ever written five Mass Effect fics, and they’re all pretty short, and it’s been a long time and my writing has gotten somewhat better since I wrote this, but one of the five fics I’ve written is about this moment, right here!  Link: AO3, Four’s A Crowd. The drive back with Lizbeth in the Mako! (Except in the fic, I brought Wrex along to amp up the reasons why things had to happen like they did.) It’s all Shenko, and 2500 words.
(Nevermind the typo in the gif.)
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Thanks game, for keeping the mako as we parked it and forcing a u-turn and then putting big blocks and mounds of rock in the way.  Very cool of you.
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100% expert Mako driving here, y’all.
Believe it or not, I didn’t fall off the edge.
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Yes, Lizbeth.  Run out of the protection of the Mako WITHOUT your highly-trained military escort.  Good thinking.
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Have we said fuck you to Jeong lately? No?  Jeong, fuck you for holding Juliana at gunpoint.  Bootlicker.
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Let me explain to you how this is gonna go.
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Honestly, I’m kind of regretting my decision here to let Jeong live.  Not letting ExoGeni purge the colony is the only reason you get to live.
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Annnd... done!  Now to not think about you again for like, fifty hours.
Time to get back to the colony!
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Well... that’s not great.
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Glad we’ve got that clear, now let’s kill some zombies!
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Now time to kindly put some colonists to sleep, saving their lives.
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Time to REMEMBER TO EQUIP THE GAS GRENADE and put some colonists to sleep, saving their lives!!!!
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That’s better.
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No that’s cool, just keep shooting at me.  My 20 shields can take it.  YOU’RE WELCOME.
Believe it or not... all 16 colonists saved on only the second try!
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So lets’s find the secret, hidden staircase and...
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I’m truly sorry things went down like that, Fai Dan.  I wish I could have saved you.
I was going to try and finish up Feros in this update, but this feels like a good place to end it.  Next time... the Thorian, and back to the ship.
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11/11/11 Tag Game
I was tagged by @thewordreaper, @aslanwrites, @graceomeallain, and @elizabethsyson to do this! All questions and answers will be beneath the cut! Sorry for taking so long! <3
Tagging: @metaphors-and-melodrama, @mvcreates, @isanyonetoknow, @whywritewhenyoucansleep, @kaatiba, @rainy-rose, @radley-writes, @nectareouswrites, and anyone else who would like to join! :D
My Questions:
1. Explain the title of your WIP. 
2. Based on the title of your WIP, what category or genre do you think it fits into?
3. Which character did you like most?
4. Which character did you like least?
5. Summarize your WIP in one written sentence or a one minute speech.
6. Is your WIP a one-shot or do you have sequels/prequels planned?
7. Which character do you relate to the most?
8. Which character is least like you?
9. Are there any lessons/morals in your WIP?
10. Besides your main WIP, how many other ideas do you have floating around? Tell me about them!
11. Where do you find your inspiration?
@thewordreaper‘s questions!
1. What colours do you associate with your WIP? The Vennadore Volumes (Already Introduced and In Progress) - Blues, Greens, and Purples in general. Just depends on what volume we are speaking about. Blues and greens for the first volume for sure because of the the whole pirate thing. :) The Aeonian Chronicles (coming soon) - Black, White, and Gold. It captures the aesthetic of the gods I have in my head and they play a huge part in this upcoming series.  Untitled Series Name (Coming Soon) - Soft Pink and Navy Blue. This is solely based on another dream I had. Just like the one above except WAY different. 
2. Summarise the beginning of your WIP in three to five words I’ll be answering this for the WIP that I’ve actually started writing for lmao: Farmer’s daughter living provincial life. 
3. What character do you like writing about the most ? Adelaide... OR Octavia. I haven’t gotten the hang of writing Eponia or any of her companions just yet. I’ve had Adelaide and Octavia for a WHILE which is why it’s easier and why I enjoy them a lot more. 
4. Did your plot ever make any major deviations from what you originally planned ? Well... I did have a completely different idea for where I wanted to go with Eponia’s story, but she decided she didn’t like that and took a life of her own and ran in a completely different direction, which is why I’m re-plotting her story. (Thank god I haven’t written too many scenes that would pertain to the previous plot idea)
5. Do you listen to music while writing? If you do, what kind? I DO. I listen to anything honestly. Right now I’m listening to my playlist titled “Got the runs?” and it’s full of energetic music that would help with cardio. And it hypes me up to write more. ^__^
6. Favourite animals of your main characters ! .... I don’t have any pets or animals planned out D: They’ll probably will be written in but I’m just so focused on making sure that the characters get to where I want them. And then maybe fluff it up a bit and include some animal companions or familiars. 
7. What was the inspiration behind your current WIP? For the Vennadore Volumes, I did HELLA world building because it was originally for text-based roleplay for friends and other members of a dying community. And one of my friends said that I should make it into a series and include the storylines that happen within this world that I created. That’s when I was inspired to start on this WIP. And start with a story that hasn’t been RPed out yet. And then start with separate stories that all tie in together somehow. 
8. Which author would you compare your writing style to? Uhhhhhh.... I’m not exactly sure and I’m afraid to answer this question cos I’m not sure what my style is like compared to a published author. 👀👀👀 Cos I am but a worm. 
9. Is there a new form of writing that you plan on attempting in the future? I’m not sure if there are new forms??? If there are, please tell me cos I really enjoy learning new things <3
10. What instruments do your main characters play/ play want to play ? If singing counts, then Finnick can sing and his voice is like an angel’s and might be the reason why Eponia likes him A LOT. (And cos he’s unusually attractive for a pirate lol) 11. Are there any of your characters you would love to meet IRL? ISOLAH. I love my gay baby and happy that she’s got such a supportive wife. <3 The other’s could probably get fucked lol (I love them all but I just love the captain of the Temptress)
@aslanwrites‘s questions!
1. What are some influences for your WIP? For world building: definitely Tolkien and GRRM. Kinda a mash of the two with my own twist to it all. Which is why Vennadore is so massive. But for writing, I’m not sure.  2. Is there a writer or someone you would like to collab with? Or maybe even do a crossover with? Not off the top of my head, no. But I’m pretty solitary when it comes to writing. And I’m terrified of sharing my ideas with another person if I do have to collab with them. 
But I really do enjoy Libba Bray since I’ve read her Gemma Doyle trilogy at least five times, so I wouldn’t mind collabing with her.  3. What are some facts about the world you’ve created that you’d like to share but can’t seem to quite fit into the story yet? Lore stories about the races of Vennadore. Mostly because I haven’t gotten there yet. I don’t know if there aren’t any facts I haven’t shared on my world page.
4. What are you most excited about sharing with your WIP? Anything Adelaide related. She’s my baby and I can’t wait to write more on her story. 
5. What are your OCs favorite genres of music? Eponia: Either something soft with a soprano voice or an energetic dance instrumental Finnick and Isolah: Sea Shanties Solandis: Anything with piano or harpsichord Alarik: Unsure. He’s very difficult to place. But if it were modern: metal for sure. He’s a very angry person.  6. How good is your main character at cooking? Not very well since she refused to pay attention to any lessons in becoming a better lady that her step-mother forced her to go through.  7. What kind of comics would your OCs like? Cos I don’t know much about comics, I wouldn’t know what they would like. 
8. What inspired you to write your WIP? “For the Vennadore Volumes, I did HELLA world building because it was originally for text-based roleplay for friends and other members of a dying community. And one of my friends said that I should make it into a series and include the storylines that happen within this world that I created. That’s when I was inspired to start on this WIP. And start with a story that hasn’t been RPed out yet. And then start with separate stories that all tie in together somehow. ” Same answer from a previous question, but I love it any way c:  9. What other stories do you have in mind? OH BOY. I have a lot of ideas.. This is what I have listed in my notepad so far:
Hide and Seek (Supernatural) Characters: Jensen Hyde and Amelia Siek (OTP)
Supernova (Sci-Fi? Fantasy?) Characters: Caelestis
The Above (Post-apocalyptic) Characters: suspicious gays
Aeonian Chronicles (fantasy; it's about time) Characters: A golden goddess and her high priestess (otp)
Allure at Eventide, Beneath a Starless Sky, Below the Sun, Dreams, Painted Skies, and [character name] (fantasy) Characters: English lovers that started off as friends then enemies then to lovers. Man conveys his feelings all wrong and thinks the woman knows what he means.
10. Oh no! Your main character has been kidnapped! Who goes to find them? Who says “let it be”? Who forms a search party? And what does your main character do in this event? Finnick would go find Eponia cos REASONS. Alarik says “let it be”. Isolah and Solandis would probs get the crew together and form a search party while Solandis informs Ep’s family that she has been kidnapped but they are going to find her. Eponia is like “Uggggh, not again.” and makes plans to escape and go back to her original “captors” or her family back home if given the chance. 
11. What is your favorite kind of ice cream? MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP. 
@graceomeallain‘s questions!
1. What’s the age gap between your oldest and youngest OC? If you count the upcoming addition to the Alilart family (Emric and Lysandra’s baby c:), 0 years to 60s (I haven’t decided because they’re a minor character. Like hella minor.)
2. If your MC was dropped in a high school setting, which clique would they fit in with? Eponia wouldn’t fit in anywhere, so she would be considered the outsider. So the outsider clique. Or the new-kid club. But she tries to be nice to everyone, despite her attitude problem. 
3. Which of your OCs is the funniest? Mmmmm... No one has told a joke yet and none of them are keen to tell me. So I’m going to say Alarik because he’s pretty crude. So I would imagine his jokes would just as bad, but somehow funny???
4. Who’s an early riser, and who sleeps in? The early riser would be Isolah. She is the captain of course. Eponia however despises waking up, she loves sleep too much. 
5. Which draft of your WIP are you on? Planning/First Draft :)
6. How many main characters do you have in your WIP? Depends on which volume but the first one has six. c: 
7. Which of your OCs is the best looking? FINNICK. Hot damn. 
8. What do your OCs do at Christmas? If nothing, why not? They share stories of their lives before becoming pirates, maybe make little gifts out of things they find laying around the ship. 
9. Do your OCs have any piercings? Not that I know of, but I am their mother and I’m sure they’re scared of telling me that they went and got a piercing at their best friend’s house. (So maybe lol)
10. What are their favourite foods and why? I honestly haven’t thought about their favourite foods D:
11. If your WIP has any couples, which is your favourite? It’s between Finnick and Eponia (an eventual couple), and Isolah and Solandis <3
@elizabethsyson‘s questions! Round 1!
1. what’s a trope you hate? I feel like I don’t know enough about tropes to know which one I would hate. 
2. what’s a trope you love? I feel like I don’t know enough about tropes to know which one I would love. 
3. what’s your main character’s aesthetic? Eponia’s is hard to place. I would think her colour would be between light purple and a dark pink. Lots of books. Sleeping in. And that’s what I have so far. 
4. describe your wip using only verbs Oh dayum. This is hard.... Fighting, Loving, Escaping, Conspiring, Worshiping and maybe some other verbs as the volumes grow. 
5. how significantly does time feature in your plot? There’s a whole different time system for Vennadore that somewhat resembles our own, and also has it’s own history that could repeat itself. And to show how time progresses, it is shown and explained (hopefully well by me lmao). 
6. how many settings does your wip have? So far in the first volume, three. Home, Markets, Ship. And since Vennadore is massive, there is LOADS more to come. 
7. do your characters travel during the plot? Yes, most of them are on a ship. What are they doing on the ship.... That I cannot tell. 
8. which of your characters is most likely to die young? ... How young? Cos I could say Alarik or Isolah; they’re in their 20s and 30s respectively.
9. which of your characters trust vs. mistrust authority? Alarik? Since he is a criminal. And is now a slave under the captain and crew of the Temptress. 
10. what’s one theme of your wip? The first volume covers the MC discovering herself while in this strange, new place. 
11. would your story be better portrayed in animation or live action? Live action. 
@elizabethsyson‘s questions! Round 2!
1. what’s a story you read as a child that sticks with you? The fourth harry potter book. That was my favourite growing up. :)
2. what’s your approach to diversity in your writing? I kinda just.... put it in there. I don’t know how else to put it lol
3. what’s your favourite online resource for writers? Since I’m obsessed with having a great name, the fantasy name generator site is amazing. <3
4. what programme do you write in? A journal ^^; But if I type it up, I use google docs cos word slows my computer down wayyyy too much. 
5. how do you backup your writing? I normally write in journals, but if I type it up in google docs, I normally would store it in my portable hard drive :)
6. do you print your stuff once you’ve finished it? Not right now since I share a house with other people (besides my partner) who need to print things off and printer paper isn’t exactly the cheapest thing in the world right now. 
7. do you post entire wips, chapters, just snippets, or nothing? Maybe a line or two since I’m on my first draft and everything is kinda a mush of clay. 
8. tag some writers whose wips you follow on tumblr and tell me why you follow them :c I feel bad cos I don’t really follow any specific WIPs. I do try to share others’ work to make sure my followers get to see that person’s hard work. I just feel too spazztic and out of focus to find WIPs. I just want to share others’ work ^^; 
9. favourite medium for sharing your stuff? Word of mouth? I don’t really have any thing to share my work on like wattpad or ao3 and I’m not sure which would be best since Venn could contain some adult themes and I want to make sure that it wouldn’t be removed because it violated rules. 
10. do you create art of any kind? talk about it a little I’m terrible at art, but I do have a sketch pad because I enjoy doodling a little. I just don’t do it too often because I feel like I can’t compare to the amazing artists out there. 
11. what’s your favourite non-writing/reading/story-related hobby? Singing or practicing an instrument (I have a clarinet, keyboard, guitar, and ukulele)
@elizabethsyson‘s questions! Round 3! 
1. What’s the first book you remember reading? Do you know about the Mary-Kate and Ashley mystery books???? I remember those. And Goosebumps. Hell yeah. 
2. Have you ever invented a language for a piece of writing? YES. It’s the Untouchable Language or the mother-tongue of the Rah’al people. I only have some specific words but that’s it so far. 
3. Describe your approach to worldbuilding. When I was building Vennadore, I looked up questions to answer when building a fantasy world, that got me started. General stuff like population and different sections of the world. Then delved into specifics like races and their customs. 
4. Do you write in multiple genres? Which? Fantasy, Fiction, and maybe Sci-fi.
5. What type of villain do you most hate? A villain that gives you no reason to hate them. I feel like there needs to be a reason to hate them. Like how I hate Joffrey in GoT (cos he’s a punk). 
6. Do you prefer to type or write longhand or something else? I prefer to write longhand, otherwise I wouldn’t know what I was trying to say when I revisit my journal. 
7. How do you motivate yourself? I put on some hype music and do a little dance while I write. It helps since I spend a lot of time just sitting there thinking. 
8. Opinion on nanowrimo? I’ve never tried, and I’m honestly terrified cos I feel like I wouldn’t make the goal I would set for myself. But I’m happy that it works well for other writers. 
9. Top 3 songs on your writing playlist? I don’t really have a writing playlist, just whichever playlist I decide to write to whether it’s “Mood,” “Got the Runs,” or “Chill.” 
10. How do you come up with your characters’ appearances? I search for face claims eternally on pinterest until something screams at me that has that character’s vibe. 
11. Do you write your scenes chronologically? Never. My thoughts are way too scattered to make them do the chronological thing. 
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pikapeppa · 6 years
Dragon Age Question Meme
Tagged by @galadrieljones - thanks lethallan!  This is a long one - I’ll continue it under a cut. 
Tagging forward to @schoute @viktuuri-fluff-saved-my-life @thevikingwoman @buttsonthebeach @charlatron @mrscullensrutherford @oops-gingermoment @iarollane @aban-asaara @irlaimsaaralath @wardsarefunctioning and anyone else who wants to play!
01) Favourite game of the series?
I haven’t played Origins yet, but between DA2 and DA:I, Inquisition is my jam! I’ve played it 3 times already and I’m not yet tired of it! So many places to explore, and I still haven’t heard all the banter yet, and the lore is just so rich, so many codex entries, yes yes.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
Basically all my Horizon Zero Dawn friends insisted - INSISTED - that I play Inquisition. For some reason I thought I wouldn’t like it, like “ahh everyone says it’s so great, how great can it be.” WELP LOL. I have no regrets, but my HZD friends might, given how HORRIBLY OBSESSED I have become LOL. 
03) How many times you’ve played the games?
- Origins: 0 times, but looking to rectify that this year! - DA2: 1.5 times. Ughhh Act 2... - DA:I: 3.5 times and still loving it!
04) Favourite race to play as?
Elf. Hands down. I played a Trevelyan once and was like MEH BORING.
05) Favourite class?
MAGE. MAGE MAGE MAGE. Although I’ve been playing as Fenris a lot in DA2 and it’s surprisingly fun!! Good thing too since I’ll have to be a two-handed warrior during my Fenquisition playthrough
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
I’ll answer for Inquisition. There are some things I always do the same (e.g. Bull saving the Chargers, allying with Abelas, making Solas APPROVE OF ME LMAO), but other things I alternate. I’ve gone with the mages and the Templars twice, respectively; I prefer picking the mages, it just makes more sense and is more “ethical” to me, but I ADORE COLE and I think the whole envy demon storyline is very interesting, so I quite enjoy siding with the Templars too. I have done something different each time at the Winter Palace, and this time I plan to do something different yet again. I strongly prefer Cole as a spirit, but I’ve had him as a spirit and as human twice each. 
My Fenris-as-Inquisitor playthrough will be interesting. I’ll be playing in character as him, so it’s going to be quite different than what I canonically do, and I’m quite interested to see what happens. Solas is going to hate me oh god
07) Go-to adventuring group?
- DA2: FENRIS and Anders, and then I alternate my rogues. I love both Varric and Isabela, but depending on how far into my Fenris romance I am, I often have to leave Isabela behind because I HATE WATCHING HER FLIRT WITH MY MAN <sobbing> - Inquisition: SOLAS, Cole and Blackwall is my favourite group, but I also love bringing Cass instead of Blackwall - I love Cass and Cole’s banter. But Solas and Cole are my FAVOURITE PAIRING. I could listen to their incomprehensible chatter forever.
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Damn. Umm... I put equal amounts of thought into Elia Lavellan (romanced with Solas), Athera Lavellan (romanced Abelas) and Rynne Hawke (romanced with Fenris). Before I started writing those ships, the question I had to answer was this: Why would Solas/Fenris/Abelas love her? I know why Elia loves Solas, and I know why Rynne loves Hawke and why Athera admires and eventually loves Abelas. But what is it about those OCs that those men fall in love with? I build my OCs around the men in their lives, not the other way around. 
09) Favourite romance?
URGH WHY MUST YOU ASK ME THIS. GOD FINE. Fenris rivalmance, ok?? But I also love the Solasmance and the Blackwall romance to the point of swooning so just FUCK RIGHT OFF WITH THIS QUESTION THXBAI~
10) have you read any of the comics/books?.
Yes! Masked Empire and Asunder.
11) if you read them, which was your favorite book?
Masked Empire. I really liked getting more background on Celene/Briala and Gaspard (i.e. WHY THE FUCK I SHOULD GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE WINTER PALACE MISSION AT ALL). I loved Felassan and Briala’s dalen/hahren relationship. And it was just better written than Asunder.
12) Favorite DLCs?
Must agree with Gala here; Trespasser is bae, and Jaws of Hakkon is just beautiful (and also AMERIDAN <sob>). But I also liked Mark of the Assassin quite a bit! So amusing!
13) Things that annoy you.
The fact that it takes a MILLION YEARS to get banter in DA:I, and also that you can’t just click on your companions in DA:I whenever you like if you just want to hear their voice. I KNOW I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO CLICKED ON FENRIS CONSTANTLY TO HEAR HIM SAY “I enjoy following you”, OKAY? LIKE ALL I WANT IS FOR SOLAS  TO SAY “vhenan” TO ME WHILE WE’RE WANDERING THROUGH THE BLOODY WESTERN APPROACH
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
Ferelden? We seem to spend more time there. But I’m kind of neutral I guess.
15) Templars or mages?
Mages. Hands down. Sorry Templars.
16) if you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
All parallel universes. None of them coexist. Rynne Hawke doesn’t even coexist with any of my Lavellans because Fenris becomes the Inquisitor in my headcanon
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
I have only one pet, Hawke’s mabari, and his name is Toby. 
18) have you installed any mods?
Console only <sob>
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
n/a - haven’t played Origins yet!
20) Hawke’s personality?
PURPLE HAWKE, with a healthy dash of Isabela-level flirtiness. But Rynne (over?)uses humour to deflect pain and agitation and anger.
21) did you make matching armour for your companions in Inquisition?
HAHAH so I made matching colour armour for Elia and Solas, yes. And I generally like to dress both Cole and myself in black and red!
22) if your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?  
Ohhhh.... fuck. This is tough. - Elia Lavellan (romanced Solas): ...surprisingly, nothing really. She’s got a pretty zen kind of ‘what will be, will be’ attitude. In her darkest moments she might regret falling for Solas, but overall, she doesn’t really regret anything. - Arya Lavellan (romanced Blackwall): nothing. She is very confident.  - Athera Lavellan (romanced Abelas): honestly, she questions half of her decisions half the time. After Trespasser, she regrets not dissolving the Inquisition. (I haven’t decided yet if she eventually does dissolve it after all; perhaps we’ll see what DA4 brings us).  - Rynne Hawke (romanced Fenris): a LOT of things. She regrets letting Bethany attack that ogre. She regrets not bringing Carver to the Deep Roads, because maybe then he wouldn’t have joined the Templars to spite her. She regrets not following up more closely on Emeric’s murder investigation because otherwise maybe her mother wouldn’t have died. She basically blames herself anytime anything bad happens with her family (including the Merry Band of Misfits). 
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
I actually quite enjoy sticking to canon for the most part, and expanding on facts that we already know. The one canon-ish(?) thing I don’t love is the idea of Dalish Inquisitors understanding or speaking a dialect of Elvhen that’s mutually intelligible with the dialect that Solas and Abelas speak. I let it slide in my Solavellan fics, but I mean, it’s been THOUSANDS OF YEARS between Arlathan and the Dragon Age. Dalish Elvhen (even if they have many many dialects, which is most certainly the case) is very unlikely to be mutually intelligible with ancient Elvhen. I’ve been meaning to write a full post about this for like a year oops
24) Are any of your character(s) based on someone?
They all contain some elements of self-insert, so... me, I guess? XD
25) Who did you leave in the Fade?
The first time I played Inquisition, I had not played DA2 yet, so I left Hawke in the Fade for LOGIC REASONS OK - Stroud was like the only senior Warden left, I thought they needed him! I’ve left Stroud there every time thereafter. 
26) Favourite mount?
Well, it WOULD be any and all the harts, except for that FUCKING HORRENDOUS SOUND THEY MAKE. I thus prefer to ride dracolisks for the Coolness Factor™. 
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chirpingtiger · 6 years
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“You can find our super rational conversations on my blog but it’s seriously an entire different person who was given this blog just to be angry and annoying and basically ruin everyone’s good time by being a bitch.”
Would this be a bad time to point out that 90% of the argument you had with “the old person” was actually the same person you’re currently complaining about...?
(Like really, who the hell else writes all of their replies as 10-page essays?)
That whole big long post you’re lauding for being so rational and polite? Yeah, that was mostly her.
There have been two of us on here for a while. Everything she posts, she clears with me before posting. I didn’t hand over the blog, I gave her permission to start a fight because you had said the conversation was getting tedious and we both wanted some action.
Or did you forget this?
The only reason you’re noticing any difference is because we’ve both just had our tolerance level worn to about 0 by Tony stans over the past few months, and have stopped caring about being quite as polite to people who are A-okay with sending and encouraging anon hate, or defending people who go on anon to call names and tell non-Tony fans to go die, or hijacking unrelated posts to go off with non-canon “hot takes” about how Steve and Co. are totally evil.
Additionally, after all of the garbage you throw at the people I follow/talk with, you expect me to be polite and understanding toward you? (Yes, I can see your replies to other people’s blogs. Yes, I know exactly what you’ve been up to.)
That’s pretty presumptuous.
“This blog would comment on every single innocuous tony stark post just to be a bitch.”
Oh, you mean the “innocuous Tony Stark posts” like these?
The one about Steve lifting the hammer
The one about Steve tearing off the helmet in Siberia to save Tony
The one about Steve and his friends being there for one another
This one attacking Steve for “lying to Tony”
This one about how team Cap need to fuck off because they mooch off of Tony
This one about how Steve is a liar and traitor and Tony was right all along but nobody listened to him
This one attacking all of team Cap
This one that started as a generic Civil War gif set
This one that started as a generic Avengers gif set
This one that attacks Wanda and specifically asks for an argument
This one asking why tony stans feel the need to attack Wanda constantly
Or maybe you’re getting confused with what is an “innocuous Tony Stark post” and what is a hijacked Steve-positive post or an anti-team-Cap post.
Most of the posts on this blog are either original content or replies to arguments on anti-team-cap posts and hijacked team-cap-positive posts.
The post in question is the only one that’s been mostly just “pro Tony” (although I would argue the “innocuous,” as it’s heavily implying that Team Cap was lazing about doing nothing while Tony was the only one prepping for Thanos) and even then I merely pointed out that the Avengers weren’t likely going to be surprised by a new suit because that’s what Tony does.
He makes suits.
He spends his spare time upgrading the Iron Man suit. He’s constantly building more, better, bigger suits. He tinkers constantly. He can’t seem to stop himself from building suits.
Hell, the Avengers would probably be more surprised if he showed up two years later and didn’t have some kind of an improvement.
But clearly, pointing this out is enough to warrant an entire call-out post from you attacking my friend.
(Keep in mind, everyone - no poking fun is allowed when it comes to Tony Stark or his fans.)
Honestly, she’s still willing to concede a lot when it comes to Tony. Me, a little less so.
But nobody ever goes for the realistic arguments. It’s all just attacking any character that’s not Tony in an attempt to make him look better.
Even you seem to be right back to “Captain Asshole and that Nazi Wanda” like the rest of them.
Honestly, she’s been surprisingly polite considering some of the comments she’s responding to.
“Before when I went to their blog? An actual whole person used it. There was agents of SHIELD shit and, like, actual content that wasn’t awful.“
Um....I don’t actually have any Agents of SHIELD posts on this blog. At all. I mostly posted Gravity Falls comics and Snape or Draco callouts before deciding to stay on my literary blog and annoy Cassandra Clare fans. So I really am not sure where you got the impression that this discourse thing is recent or new...
And we’ve actually been alternating posts and replies for the past couple months. You apparently just can’t tell us apart.
And no, neither of us plan on stopping this anytime soon.
We know that we can take the garbage and abuse that most of the stans throw around and just brush it off without a problem. And we’d much rather have it directed at us than at the other fans who are just here to like Steve or Wanda or Clint or Sam or Scott or Natasha or Bucky, and who shouldn’t have to constantly put up with with their posts being hijacked by Tony stans who are desperate to make sure that nothing positive can be said about any character who isn’t Tony Stark.
If this bothers you, I strongly suggest you start asking other Tony Stans to stop harassing people who don’t like their fav, or you simply block me, because so long as there are still tony stans that feel the need to harass anyone who doesn’t like their fav or who will attack any other character just to make Tony look good, we’re both going to keep on replying.
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And if you’re going to start in on that “defending people who leave anon abuse for people who don’t like Tony” garbage as well, then we’ll fight you too.
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Sonichu 9 Page 33
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SILVANA: Silvana here; the forest path is clear, over.
WES ISELI (WALTER GRISBY): Walter Grisby; the metropolis has some traffic; no problem for the S.A.V.s, over.
NAITSIRHC: I would not even be taking this stupid task if not for Giovanni. I’m checking the culdesacs and the mall, over.
The identity of the wooshings have been identified - presumably, Silvana ran past Simonla and Wild, Wes Iseli Sonichu ran past Reggie and Angie, and Reldnahc Ha-Taque ran past Punchy and Layla.
Silvana made her big debut last episode, where apparently she was not working for the PVCC, but rather directly under Count Graduon. Granted, Mary Lee Walsh, and in turn her PVCC, are also working under Count Graduon, but there was no indication during Spring Break 2008 that Silvana and Mary Lee even knew of each other’s existence. As I’ve previously bemoaned, up until this point, Chris has too many villains and their allegiances are hard to trace. Assuming every person fighting against the heroes in Episode 20 is working for the PVCC, however, that would cut the major player organizations introduced up to this point down from three to two (I’m assuming Team Rocket and the PVCC have merged, as previously discussed here and here, leaving just them and 4 Cent Garbage; Sonichu 10 would introduce the fourth major organization, Asperpedia), and rounding up most of the freelance villains (Silvana, Wes) into one giant umbrella villainous group.
This is also the first indication that Silvana knows Nait or Wes. I suppose we’re meant to assume Nait and Wes met at that giant meeting of villains in Sonichu 7, but Silvana didn’t exist at the time, hence her absence.
This is also Wes’s first appearance under the name of Walter Grisby. Although the entire comic has been retconned to have Wes under this name, Sonichu 9 was the first issue to exclusively use the names “Slaweel Ryam” and “Walter Grisby” (for continuity's sake I’ll continue to refer to them as “Mary Lee Walsh” and “Wes Iseli” in all contexts outside of directly quoting the comic). Let’s review Wes’s character arc for a hot second. We first meet him in Sonichu 2, where he’s an average joe who has a girlfriend, Sarah Hammer, but very little else, until he’s suddenly thrust the responsibility of being the incarnation of an ancient Wasabi Clan chief and he has been tasked with destroying Christian Weston Chandler and Count Graduon, thanks to an Anchuent Prophecy. Recall that, while the Wasabi Rival focused on telling Wes to destroy Chris, he was still technically summoned to fight Count Graduon, the ancient evil that the Cherokians and the Wasabis fought to contain centuries ago. Now, Wes is working for Count Graduon. I suppose one could assume that Wes had a change of heart and decided to go against his prophecy to fight for Graduon rather than against him, but given how much Chris seems to have forgotten the Anchuent Prophecy entirely at this point (Liquid Chris’s Sonichu form is introduced later this chapter with no mention of the prophecy), it’s quite likely Chris completely forgot that Wes and Graduon were meant to be opposed. The next time we see Wes after Sonichu 2 is in Sonichu 5, wherein he expresses jealousy over Sarah marrying another man and disrupts their wedding, and of course he is summarily whooped by Chris. That’s the end of his interactions with Sarah, aside from that cameo at Chris’s wedding it’s the last time we see Sarah, and this is the end of the love triangle. Aside from perhaps some unmentioned general Cherokian chicanery that might suggest that Wes and Chris are to be opposites on all fronts, he really doesn’t have any good reason to continue to bother Chris. If sometime between issues 5 and 7, a down-on-his-luck Wes was offered a job at the PVCC, we’re never shown it and Chris doesn’t care enough about Wes the character to even mention it anywhere on any of his websites.
Lastly, we have Naitsirhc. Our man in the ripped purple pants, he’s been out of commission since Sonichu 6. I suppose now would be a good time to run down his arc over the course of the comic up to this point too. Recall in Sonichu 0 and 1 he was introduced simply as “Naitsirhc”, Christian backwards, and his primary character trait was that he was the son of Team Rocket boss Giovanni and worked for his organization. Aside from the name and the eyes (I think both I and my predecessor forgot to mention that they’re red and orange, the inverse of Chris’s green and blue eyes), nothing points to any duality with Chris. In fact his character, as I’ve discussed earlier, seems to fit into the early Sonichu’s attempts to be a more traditional Sonic/Pokemon crossover fic - specifically, Nait seems to be a mix of the “rival” archetype of the Pokémon franchise, (specifically, a combo of the rival of the Kanto games Blue and his more famous anime counterpart Gary, since Nait’s smug and self-righteous, and the aforementioned Silver from Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal and remakes, as Nait is Giovanni’s red-headed son), though here he is more a rival to Sonichu than any human, and the general goals and theatricality of Team Rocket, as (presumably if this was the cartoon Chris seems to have imagined) he comes in once a week and tries to kidnap some powerful Pokemon while yelling his motto, and inevitably fails to make any real progress because he is dramatically foiled by the heroes. Then Chris forgot about Team Rocket because he was more interested in fighting his real life battles in the comic and Nait started to gather some dust. Then, in the middle of Sonichu 5, suddenly Chris wanted to rework Nait into being his evil twin - and I don’t exactly know why. Again, the seeds for that were sown pretty early on, but Chris suddenly shifted from having real people as villains to having this made-up character as the primary villain (note a near complete lack of real-world villains for almost two entire issues, 6 and 7). I almost wonder if that was a bit of Barb’s doing, much like the ending of the sub-episodes. Nait was apparently working freelance there, coming in shortly after the PVCC had fled (likely meaning Nait wasn’t with them) and he makes no mention of his roots of Team Rocket. Anyway, Nait, now essentially Chris but gay, was knocked out cold at the end of Sonichu 6 and this is the first real time we’ve seen him since. Now he mentions his dad/step-dad Giovanni is back in the picture, but there’s no mention of the organization he runs.
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animentrohetaliate · 7 years
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Made this earlier. It’s now on my twitter. 
To expand on this: Like, I REALLY wanted Negan to get his comic arc, at least for AOW. But Gimple’s plan to do that is to kill off Carl halfway through AOW to get Negan to be shown Mercy by Rick.
Carl in the source material becomes the the main character immediately after AOW. Gimple wants to give all that storyline away, probably to some TV-only character like Daryl or Tara or Enid or Henry. 
Carl’s storyline after AOW is also the only good one too. As far as I can tell, Michandrea’s is just dying and catching Carl have sex, Maggie has an okay one I guess, Rick just basically goes to Alpha and then loses his lover after pushing Sherry into a table and killing her which makes her ex-husband Dwight, Rick’s right-hand man upset. Negan sits in a cell and talks to Carl once, beheads Alpha, and breaks Lucille....Rosita cheats on Eugene with Siddig, gets pregnant with Siddiq’s baby and dies. Ezekiel moves to Alexandria and dies. Michacarol and Ezekiel broke up during the timeskip and she comes back as a pirate after wandering to Oceanside for reasons. Jesus and Aaron get into a forced relationship and then kill Beta in a really stupid way, some characters like Magna and her group that do nothing show up at some point. And that’s the A New Beginning and the Whisperers without Carl and Lydia. Like, NO! NO ONE WANTS THIS SOAP OPERA NONSENSE ONSCREEN! 
Carl on the TV show is Rick’s main motivation and the story established this very early on. Carl dying taints Rick’s whole purpose. What’s the point of watching? The story was about Carl growing up in the apocalypse and Rick showing him the new world. Who wants to go back to seasons 1-7 knowing that Rick fails? Like, this is stupid, stupid, stupid storytelling! 
Also, Carl is a main character who’s survived hordes and he gets taken down by two walkers in the silliest way possible? He goes to these walkers with Siddiq randomly that are completely out of their way and kills them to release their souls because some random strangers mom told them to? I guess? And then some the walkers appear out of nowhere like ninjas and he randomly trips over a deer and pushes the walker that he’s grappling with to the right where he can’t see it, let’s the other one fall on him, and only pulls out the gun he had the whole time when it was too late. AND WE DON’T FIND OUT UNTIL TWO EPISODES LATER THAT HE WAS BIT! And Gimple says that we should’ve known when he was bit. BTW this is coming from someone who was suspicious that he’d been bit from his behaviour in 8x06 and 100% CERTAIN of it fifteen minutes into 8x08. The scene with Siddiq was utterly absurd but absolutely forgettable. 
This makes no narrative sense! CARL fires the first shots of All Out War in 7x16 and then in 8x01 just a few days later in showtime with no build up suddenly he wants to spare Negan and end the war peacefully. That’s why most people thought Daryl and/or Morgan would die. Morgan had the all life is precious viewpoint until just before the war and Daryl is running around recklessly and wrathful doing nothing but grunting and wasting screentime.
Someone mentioned to me that Chandler’s lines at SDCC and Walker Stalker are longer than Normans and I know that someone else on TSDF site a few weeks ago took the ratings/reception of each episode and matched it when the characters involved. The numbers came out with Carl/Michonne/Rick higher than Daryl/Carol. If they decided to kill a season 1 character off for ratings/shock value Carl was the one who should have been safest. Carol has Michonne’s comic storyline and Rick’s is basically over after AOW imo. Daryl is just there because AMC think Norman’s pretty. 
And the way they were milking this death annoys me. They kept advertising a major death by walker in all their social media. And then reveal it at the end of the episode like “find out how he dies next time because we need to generate buzz build-up for two months ha” it feels like it was unneccessary shock value, especially when you realise that Carl was only one season ago at the very bottom of everybody’s “who will die next season” lists/predictions. NO ONE WOULD HAVE SUSPECTED HIM EVER! 
Carl had almost no screentime since season 4. And even in season 4 his storylines were being given to annoying, longdead characters like Gimple’s Darling, Carol. CARL should have killed Lizzie! Carl, not Daryl/Maggie should’ve been the one who came up with the plan to kill the outpost people! Carl’s recovering arc that should have followed NWO was removed completely in return for Daryl and Jesus having their first date running through a field with Benny Hill music blaring. Jfc. 
The storylines that he did get during Gimple-era [sexual assault from the Claimers/Marauders, befriending Ron, NWO, Negan were ignored. He has no symptoms of his near-rape that would suggest trauma and his comic conversation that he has with Rick afterwards is removed in favour of Rick comforting AMC’s darling Daryl. Carl mentions to Rick during 6x11 that a kid with a messed-up face would scare everyone when the group goes to Hilltop.0 This is brought-up again with Negan in 7x07 where he breaks down. IF the show had gotten around to Lydia, the “I think it’s sexy” and Carl removing the bandage and being confident WOULD have happened (hopefully) but now we won’t so what was the point of shooting his eye out in the first place if you weren’t going to do anything with it? 
Robert Kirkman is involved in lawsuits with AMC atm. Chandler turned 18 around the time they were filming 8x08 and due a pay raise. Carl is the most important character in the source material and Kirkman’s favourite. I would not be surprised if AMC had fired Chandler for this. 
Oh, and the way Chandler Riggs was treated, I’m not even going to GET INTO THAT! “Oh, by the way I know you were accepted into the university nearby, that you just bought a house in Senoia, that you were super stoked to have your comic arc and get screen time finally and we said we’d keep you for three more years at least, but you’re getting killed off. He gets bit by a random walker in the episode we’re rehearsing right now. Lol. Good luck kid.” I know he’s off in LA making music and seems mostly over all of this. But it makes me appalled at how unprofessional Gimple is, though he did the same thing to Emily Kinney in S5 and Mezzara did it to Laurie Holden in S3... 
Actually, this is EXACTLY what happened to Andrea. Random walker bite in the dumbest way possible in a finale, revealed to Rick and Michonne, character who is a major character in the comics and important to Rick... Immediately after the actor was told that they’d be around for a while longer. Huh. Isn’t this what got Mezzara fired? Why is Gimple still employed?
I was originally going to put Carol as “What Gimple Thinks We Like” because he writes almost every Kingdom episode and Carol/Morgan/Ezekiel are the only characters with coherent storylines on the show. He only seems to care about the Kingdom. However, with the “We’re diverting from the comics by killing the comics most important character in order to adapt the comics faithfully by sparing Negan who doesn’t really have much of a storyline after AOW anyway....” made me put Negan. 
I’m not even going to get other points on here into the trash people filler nonsense, the S8 Eugene constant flipflopping nonsense that makes no sense and continues to take screentime, and the stupid cliffhangers. 
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