#and im just like staring at a wall rn
marzipanilla · 4 months
losing my fuckin' mind rn I genuinely thought they talked about her more, though I can't fathom why I thought that but I did
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anna-scribbles · 3 months
sad news for thirteen enjoyers: I am gonna go ahead and put it on a temporary hiatus I think. it was a lot for me to try and keep up with the monthly-ish schedule, and recent personal events have made it difficult for me to spend a lot of my free time writing. it's by no means abandoned, but we might find ourselves celebrating may-october in. later months. thank u for understanding<3
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yarrowleef · 3 months
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I was skimming part of code of the clans today where the Leafpool narrator goes over proposed code rules that were struck down. I was curious why this StarClan rule wasn't implemented because it seems like something the zealot clan cats would go for. The guide does not rly answer my question lol
This is such a weird paragraph. It's like. In one breath Leafpool-narrator is saying they didn't make it a code rule because clan cats can think for themselves, but in the next breath implies that belief in StarClan is in fact necessary for living in the clan, because to live in a clan means you have to follow the warrior code, and belief in StarClan is what makes them follow the code (apparently). If you don't believe in StarClan, she seems to imply that must mean you are planning on leaving the clan? ("it's not a law to stay in the clan" + you can "choose a different path"?) There is not actually any room being made here for a clan cat to peacefully not believe in StarClan---at least not a good code abiding clan cat. And the alternative of leaving the clan obviously means you are no longer planning on following any of the code, so like...how is this meaningfully different from making it an official code rule?
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zannolin · 1 year
no 'cause tony and ziva both going to somalia on separate suicide missions but finding each other instead. surviving instead. reuniting and continuing to live afterwards. like what the hell. the look on ziva's face when tony said he thought she was dead and it completely recontextualized "couldn't live without you, i guess." after everything, everything, they still have each other's backs. he was ready to die avenging her and she was ready to die trying to save him and actually i'm screaming crying throwing up what the hell is wrong with this show why would it do this to me.
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raineandsky · 9 months
Being a hero is stressful. That much is common knowledge. How a hero goes about unwinding from said stress is a mystery no one has yet figured out.
The hero settles in one of the little chairs in the circle. The man next to her gives her a light nudge. “Let’s see what you made this week, then.”
The hero reaches into her bag to show off her latest stress relief—a giant blanket, knitted in the downtime between jobs, sporting a rainbow of colours in bright streaks across its face. Everyone oohs and ahhs appropriately before the rest of the circle gets to showing off their own creations.
It’s been nice to have a place that isn’t entirely consumed by work, the hero thinks as she nods approvingly at someone’s mug cosy. No worrying about tomorrow, no wondering where the villains might be.
Her gaze flits to the next person in line to show something off, and her heart momentarily stops as she meets her eye. At least she doesn’t have to worry about the latter of her thoughts right now.
What the hell is the villain doing at the hero’s weekly knitting club?
“Go on,” the woman next to the villain prompts. The villain huffs and makes a show of it, but she pulls out a cardigan with a ghost of a pleased smirk.
The hero only realised why she’s so self-satisfied when she catches herself gaping in awe. The villain’s little cardigan is elaborate in pattern, swooping waves lining its shoulders. The yarns meld together in a perfect cacophony of colour. It’s amazing, more amazing than anything the hero could do.
The villain soaks in the praise with a humble nod before setting her gaze on the hero. It probably looks hopeful to anyone else, but the hero can see the glitter of arrogance in her eye. Go on, the villain’s practically saying, tell me how great I am.
“It’s nice,” the hero says through gritted teeth, and the villain’s smile turns humoured.
The hero can’t leave fast enough. Everyone else is packing their projects away. The hero’s blanket gets folded thankfully easily and she’s out the door before anyone can stop her.
Fine. A new project. Something to advance her skills and show the villain that she’s not the hot shit she thinks she is.
It takes all week. The hero holds her jumper up to show the group. The villain raises her eyebrows from across the circle.
“Inspired by another knitter here,” the hero says with what could almost be sarcasm, and the villain snorts a poorly contained laugh.
The villain shows off her creation. A pair of mittens, the patterns lacy and the colours bright. The hero scowls. Pissed doesn’t describe the feeling.
Next week. A layered scarf from the hero. The villain wins everyone’s affections with a tiny knitted elephant. “For my niece’s birthday,” the villain says innocently. “She loves them.”
Leaving is becoming more of a race with each passing week. “Keep trying,” the villain comments brightly before the hero can escape. “You’ve plenty of room to improve.”
The hero considers strangling the villain with her scarf.
The hero settles at her computer that evening with a scowl and a cup of hot chocolate, mentally prepared to prowl the internet for several hours for ideas on how to one-up the villain. It’s madness. She’s meant to be out there kicking the villain’s ass, and here she is trying to out-knit her.
It’s been three weeks, and she’s only just realising that her stress-relieving hobby is suddenly a lot more stress-inducing.
“Fuck,” she hisses outloud, and she momentarily considers the idea of knitting the word into a coaster for the villain too.
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i just watched I Saw The Tv Glow and now i am in shambles
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semiotomatics · 4 months
just need a reality check real quick: its not normal to stay in bed all day if you dont have anything you absolutely have to do, right? like for ppl who arent depressed or w/e, even on a day off you usually get out of bed and do things right?
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kxllerblond · 2 months
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besties ykno after like 3 hours of just refreshing my dash over and over. staring at my screen. aimlessly recommend clicking on youtube. and just having no real drive to do anything and feeling this constant and underlying hum of sadness i think it's safe to say i may be a lil depressed
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wayward-sherlock · 2 years
hi guys its me. im feeling,,,kinda terrible rn so here’s some angst i wrote a little while ago! 
Something was wrong.
Will knew Mike too well to believe his yeah guys, I’ll be fine! that had sounded far too flat to be reassuring. 
He knew Mike had been struggling; it hadn’t been hard to see, not when he was with El, not when Nancy made that offhand comment about his room while they were cleaning Hopper’s cabin. 
And yeah, maybe…maybe Mike had changed. Will didn’t doubt that. Change was inevitable, especially with them, between them, and…and that was something that Will had learned to deal with a long, long time ago.
But something about Mike’s volunteering didn’t seem right.
“You weren’t seeing the counselor though, were you, Mike?” Dustin asked, tying a bandana around his head to keep his curls from falling into his face. 
Will looked at Mike, expecting a scoff, but he hesitated, hand reaching up to nervously comb through his hair. It had gotten longer in the past couple of weeks - the lack of barbers in Hawkins had ensured that - and was getting curlier, almost. His fingers got caught halfway through. “Well,” he started, then shook his head. “I would never, I’m not—“
“There’s nothing wrong with it, Mike,” Lucas said gently, putting a hand on Mike’s shoulder. “Max was going to her, before—“
“I’m not depressed! I’m fine,” Mike said, too loudly, and Will could feel his eyes widen against his will. Mike took a deep breath before he continued. “I’ll just make him want me, and then when he’s vulnerable, you guys can kill him.”
“We all know how well that worked last time,” Erica pointed out, eyebrows lifted at Mike. Lucas looked down at his hands, and Will ached for him.
He couldn’t imagine losing someone he loved. Holding them in his arms as they pleaded for their life. Watching as the light drained from their eyes.
He wasn’t going to lose anyone else. No one was. Will would make sure of that.
Mike’s lips turned down. “Yeah, well, it’s different this time.” He reached for a bandana, and he wrapped it around his face, covering and protecting his mouth from the spores that still made Will’s lungs ache, all these years later. “We have El, and we have Will.” He brushed his hair back out of his eyes, and Will’s fingers itched to fix it, to put it up, to let his fingertips graze over Mike’s forehead. 
“I don’t know what I’m gonna do, Mike,” Will said quietly, fingers twitching slightly at his side. 
Mike looked to him, and something shone in his eyes that Will couldn’t place. He put a soft hand on Will’s shoulder. “You’re gonna be there, and you’re gonna make sure that I don’t get taken.”
“Okay,” Will said. His voice sounded small, even to his own ears, but he didn’t care, because Mike was depending on him. They all were. 
Will didn’t know why they were at the quarry. 
He’d just followed Mike—like he always did—and they’d ended up…here.
Mike set his bike down carefully, and Will watched him curiously. Mike shuffled forward, towards the edge, and— “Mike.”
He turned to Will. His thin body was backlit by the unsettling red lighting from the Upside Down, and it made Mike look ill. Will swung a leg over his bike. “Mike.”
“This is where you died, Will,” Mike said quietly, so softly Will had to take a step forward to hear him. “They found your body here, they—“
“But I didn’t die, Mike,” Will interrupted. He could feel his bravery cracking, like the lightning in the sky above them. “I’m here, I’m here.”
“I know,” Mike said, looking away as his voice seemed to shatter. “I know, but god, it looked so real. It was…it was you.”
Will vaguely remembered hearing about it. The government had made an exact replica of…of him, his body, and had left it in the cold water below them. To cover up that he had actually been taken. 
“And I couldn’t—“ Mike turned all the way away from Will, curls cascading against his back like a waterfall. “I couldn’t live without you. So I—fuck, One! Come on! Don’t make me say it!”
Mike was yelling now, and it echoed through the eerily desolate landscape around them. Will took a step back, more out of surprise than anything, and he looked around frantically. “Mike—“
“You’ve been in my head, you fucker! You know I jumped because I couldn’t live without him! You know I did! And you know about the letters and the thoughts and the things I can’t bear to say to him! You know everything!” Mike’s screams were hurting Will’s ears, and he covered them with his hands. Will watched in terror as Mike spun to face him, hands on his head, eyes crazed. “Come out and take me! Please! I’m ready to go! Let me out of here!”
“Mike!” Will screamed, pointing behind Mike, and he turned around just in time to see Vecna walking at him, hand raised. Mike fell to the ground, like a puppet with cut strings, and Will tried to run towards him, but he couldn’t move, he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t—
His voice was everywhere. Will bent over at the waist, mouth open in a silent scream, ears covered with his hands, like his flesh would do anything to stop the terrors of his mind. 
“I’ve waited so long for you,” Vecna said, walking past unconscious Mike, whose pale, pale face was twisted into a sick grin, and Will wanted to vomit. “You’ve finally come back to me.”
“No,” Will sobbed, shaking his head. “You’re not real, you’re not real, you’re not—“
“Oh, but I am, Will,” he said, running a finger under Will’s jaw. Suddenly, some vines were snapping out of the underbrush, wet tendrils digging into his skin as they gripped Will’s limbs and lifted him into the air. “I’m more real than anything you’ve ever seen.”
A vine gripped Will’s throat, and he choked out another sob before Vecna was in his face, warm breath puffing over Will’s skin. “You’ve always been lied to, Will.” He pointed at where Mike lay on the ground, limbs askew like he had fallen, or jumped from somewhere very high, oh god— “Maybe it was all your fault, this whole time. For being different.” 
He spat the word like venom, and Will recoiled hard enough for the vines holding him in the air to tighten their grip to hold him upright. 
“You’re the reason he’s dead,” Vecna hissed, lifting Mike with a hand. “You made him love you, so much that he couldn’t live without you. Does this look like something good to you, Will?”
Mike was thrown at Will’s feet like he weighed nothing, and Will screamed, agony becoming so unbearable that his chest felt like it was collapsing. 
“That’s what I thought.” Vecna nodded to himself, then motioned to the apocalyptic hell around him. “If you come with me, we can be good.” 
Will shook his head as tears pricked his eyes. The vines around his neck tightened. 
“We could be heroes, Will.”
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pissfaggit · 1 year
Going through it this weekend and something compelled me to watch won't get fooled again 3 times in the last 24 hours; idk that episode is like crack to me fr what's that post about guys having something called the Ultimate Treat- that's what wgfa is for me. I don't even know what to say that could possibly accurately summarize all my feelings about it but yea episode of television that changed my brain chemistry of all time in the tv show that changed my brain chemistry of all time- the best of the best ig idk
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crest-of-gautier · 1 year
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made an eeny bit of progress in pq today... im like maybe 80% through the 3rd floor of you in wonderland and currently level 11...!
#pq#lizz.jpg#lizz.txt#i love how i say 'eeny' as if i did not play for like four hours. LOL.. i think i wanna play in smaller chunks next time#yall... i have so much fear of those gosh darn card soldiers... i dont want to know what my life is going to be like if they give f.o.e.s-#more gimmicks... THEY ARENT BAD I JUST. I REALLY DONT LIKE THE F.O.E. STARING AT ME#my (ougouoguough) of the f.o.e.s is so real that if i have energy i would totally make a doodle about it#dont really have much interesting things 2 report... i think next play session ill probably end up finishing the labryinth#it seems pretty close to done tbh esp since i stopped b4 the room with the three fucking f.o.e.s and im like#'i do not have the mental energy to figure out how to do this' (they say and proceed to write a text wall)#and im guessing we'll get to see the investigation team after finishing the labryinth?#the games being like REALLY silly right now but im like. squinting so hard at zen and rei you have NO idea how sus these guys are to me#not to go against my 'im not intelligent on this blog' policy but theres something about a thing that elizabeth said early on thats like#alerting the lizz sus radars. she said something like you wouldnt find living humans here and that they might theoretically be an entity-#that merged w/personas and shadows AND TO ME THIS IS A HGUE RED FLAG???#LIKE.... me just looking at how RYOJI fucking mochizuki is a thing and im like “ah i see now why they set it before ryoji” BECAUSE !!! AAA#because at this point sees wouldn't have met an entity like ryoji who is fucking shadow that is humanized by minato so uh like#if they met ryoji and were past dec 2 AND THEN PQ'D IT UP then they'd look at zen and rei in addition to what elizabeth said#then IDK WHAT IM SAYING BUT LIKE ZEN AND REI HAVE TO BE SOME KINDA ENTITY AND I DONT KNOW WHAT#for shits and giggles ill say death bc i like death as a thematic thing LMAOOO im a really delulu little guy rn dont talk to me#um. im being really normal right now yeah uh this should've gone under a read more oops ill do that next time#for my own sanity i will NOT go into what thoughts are brewing in my head (hypothezing what time the p4 cast was pulled from-#BUT ALSO THE WAY TEDDIE ALSO falls into elizabeth's description UGH screams into. a bucket.)#anyway for. something. thats not me spitballing i hope that i can see yosuke soon.. i want him in my party!!!!#i rlly like the game mechanics and while zen and rei have been great 2 start with they cant equip subpersonas... ough#ok thats. thats all. i did not expect to text ramble but (THIS IS ME WE ARE TALKING ABOUT i cannot shut up)#im having fun though!!!! its been nice to play smthn else for once LMAO i wonder how much ill get through b4 the month ends
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candyredterezii · 2 years
i havent seen my therapist in like 2 months n considering i have no drive for shit anymore and constantly lethargic and feeling stuck once again in life with no fulfillment anymore
i should make an appointment but also idk if i should make an earlier appointment w my psych.. or both
but also am like
pushes fingers 2gother hi anna i know its been 2 months since i got back to u prommy u wont be mad-- 
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martyrbat · 2 years
anyways sorry for not being very active but this chronic pain sure is pain thats chronic
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thatdemiboymess · 2 months
Desperately holding myself back from cutting my own hair by putting it in a ponytail (again) or just buzzing it all off (again) in a fit of desperation and hysteria because ideally I'd really like to get a cool haircut that I'd actually like. But also. I am losing my fucking mind. And every day I am forced to reckon with the fact that I'm probably not gonna get a chance to go outside and get it cut professionally any time soon and especially not before I seriously just can't take this anymore. Woe, I guess. As all things seem to be.
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bbyjackie · 1 year
one piece social media + dating feat: sanji
》 almost everyone wanted sanji's ver
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♡ liked by sogekingg.usopp, FRAAANKY and 3.9k others
_ynln: hard launch
tagged: blackleg.sanji
theroronoa.zoro: what is he pondering so hard about 💀💀 (liked by nicorobin)
↳ blackleg.sanji: i was staring at a polaroid of the most beautiful, fantastic, gorgeous, jaw-dropping, mind consuming, pretty, lovely, enchanting, heart-throbbing, charming, attractive, cute, captivating, bewitching, stunning, irresistible, elegant, heavenly.. see more
↳ theroronoa.zoro: oh my god forget i asked
sogekingg.usopp: wdym your relo has BEEN hard launched since like four months ago 🤨🤨
↳ _ynln: sad 💔💔 i wanted to soft launch it but that was never possible
↳ theroronoa.zoro: i was trying to sleep and all i heard was screaming
↳ lovenami: real, if i was sanji i would be shocked too if i pulled yn ☝️
↳ blackleg.sanji: @theroronoa.zoro I HAD TO ANNOUNCE TO THE WORLD THAT MY DEAR YN SAID YES 💞💘💝💗
↳ sogekingg.usopp: y’all got NO faith in sanji 😭😭
p1rateking_luffy: what's hard launch?
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♡ liked by theroronoa.zoro, ilovecottoncandychopper and 5.3k others
_ynln: he made me dinner, i might just cuff him rn 😪🤞
tagged: blackleg.sanji
↳ blackleg.sanji: don't even try, i locked the door
↳ p1rateking_luffy: LET ME IN!!1!1!!1
↳ p1rateking_luffy: LET ME INNNN PLEASEEEEE
↳ _ynln: luffy omg wait im making you a plate 😭
↳ p1rateking_luffy: OOO THANKS YN
↳ p1rateking_luffy: btw whats a hard launch
_ynln: @blackleg.sanji you actually look so fine in this photo i might just have to delete it 😮‍💨😮‍💨🫵
↳ blackleg.sanji: ANYTHING YOU WANT MY LOVE 😍😍😍
↳ _ynln: ok 😭
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♡ liked by nicorobin, p1rateking_luffy and 13 others
priv.ynn: usopp is a real one for taking these photos ☝️☝️
tagged: blackleg.sanji
↳ theroronoa.zoro: yn blink twice if you need help
↳ lovenami: ngl yeah that was a bit concerning 😭😭 (liked by nicorobin, sogekingg.usopp)
↳ priv.ynn: EVIL AHHAHA
p1rateking_luffy: yn what's hard launch?
CAPTAIN.KIIIID: i hate happy people
ilovecottoncandychopper: i love that you guys love eachother ❣️
↳ nicorobin: agreed
↳ priv.ynn: AWW YOU GUYS <333
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♡ liked by _ynln, S0U1K1NGBR00K and 7.4k others
lovenami: robin w us in spirit </3
tagged: _ynln
S0U1K1NGBR00K: May I see both your panties? 🤲
↳ lovenami: words cannot explain how much i DONT want that (liked by _ynln)
↳ sogekingg.usopp: YOU SHOULDVE SLAPPED ME
↳ p1rateking_luffy: WAIT I WANTED TO SEE BARBIE TOO
↳ p1rateking_luffy: anyway what's hard launch?
↳ lovenami: luffy you can barely concentrate on a five minute video, we aren't taking you to the theatre for two hours 💀💀
↳ _ynln: yeah luf, love u but you're gonna be bouncing off walls by the 20 minute mark 😔😔
nicorobin: so pretty! (liked by _ynln, lovenami, blackleg.sanji)
↳ _ynln: MISSED U SM ROBIN 💔
↳ FRAAANKY: sanji im worried you're one more comment away from a restraining order
blackleg.sanji 2h
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[blackleg.sanji] _ynln replied to your story: omg sanji stop im so in love with you 😔💞
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emptywwwriting · 2 months
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Paring: Joel Miller x reader
Summary: After you make a stupid call and get you and Joel into a bad situation he teaches you a lesson
Joel fucks some sense into you over a table.
Warnings: Smut, rough sex, Joel is mean, Joel calls you names, reader is high on pain pills lowkey but everything is consented to, it makes sense I promise just read, Joel pushes you around, age gap
WC: 2.5k
A03: Brat
Notes: This is nasty asf im so sorry, feel free to leave feed back. also send asks if u have ideas for future fics. Anyways I have had this written but unpolished for a while, and im lowkey unmotivated with my age gap Jackson fic rn so I wanted to give y'all something until then
Edit: I finally edited it! i hope it sounds a little better, and tysm for notes :)))
“What the fuck is your problem?” Joel yells slamming the door harshly behind him.
“My problem? What the fuck?” You throw your bag down in defeat. 
“We could have brought back all that fucking supplies and you just blew it all up.” You’re yelling at him now.
“Yeah,” He huffs. “real good it would have done us dead!” He's taking steps towards you.
Your throat tightens.
“That loss was on fucking you. We could have just slid by and not started nothin’, now we're down on supplies even more and you have a fuckin hole in your side.” He’s seething and growing closer.
“Yeah, I would've had a real good fix if you had listened to me!” You're shaking, and taking steps towards him, finger in his face.
It's a screaming match, but you're losing steam, the wound on your side is manageable but painful, the stitches pull at your skin and you're still a little dizzy from the blood loss, but the pain pills Joel had shoved in your mouth should kick in any moment.
You and Joel had just stumbled into the middle of a hunter's base while traveling. It was filled with supplies like ammo, guns, and food. The two of you disagreed on whether to get the supplies or not, Joel thought it was too risky but you disagreed. Your stubbornness led to a massive shootout, and shortly after the first shot was fired, the two of you were cornered. Joel had to throw a pipe bomb, which inevitably killed the hunters and blew the supplies to pieces. You barely escaped the fight after a bullet grazed your side. Now you were left with no ammo or supplies, and a pissed-off Joel.
“Listen to you?” He retorts, shocked. “You nearly got us killed!” He's gaining on you, backing you into the wall.
“I was thinking ahead! If you would have just followed me and not made a fuss, we would have been fine!” Your voice starts to falter as his tall frame devours you.
“Thinking ahead my ass, you were only thinkin’ bout yourself!” He furiously spat. 
You back up slowly, as he continues to yell. You can't think of anything else to say, and your throat feels raw. His eyes are filled with rage, brows pinched together tightly. His hand lands on your shoulder, and with a firm shove, your back instantly hits the wall. Before you can process what happened, his hand flies up, grasping your jaw harshly and pulling your head to look up at him.
“If you’re gonna act like a fuckin’ idiot again, don't drag me down with you.” He says carefully. 
His chest is rising and falling quickly fighting aginst the constaints of his flannel The breath has been ripped from your lungs as you stare up at him anticipaitingly. You can't break eye contact, and silence is starting to take over, only both of your heavy breathing fills the air. His eyes are black, staring so deep into your own you feel like you can't hide anything. His grip on your jaw loosens, only for a moment before you are yanked towards him. His lips crash into yours messily, capturing you in a violent kiss. His body is pushed into yours, knee slotting in between your legs, pressing you even further back into the wall. You feel his teeth graze your lips, biting and nipping at anything he can. You try to keep up with the frantic kiss, but can't. His hands move from your jaw to your neck, to your shoulder and back, like he doesn't know where to go. Your own are frozen at your side, balled into fists. The fast pace is bruising and your jaw begins to ache from his force. 
His lips leave yours, as he brings your head up further craning it. Just as you are finally able to take a breath, he reconnects to your neck. Sucking on every inch of skin he can, it's fast and almost narotic, anamiliostic even, but it doesn't stop you from trying to squeeze your legs together. His bites become more harsh and you can't help but let out weak groans. He pushes his knee up into you more and your legs go numb. Your mouth is wide open, eyes screwed shut.
Joel is littering kisses and merciless bites down the column of your neck, hands feeling feverishly up and down your sides.
He trails to your collarbone, biting it gently then making his way back up. He kisses his way to your jaw and over to your ear before standing up completely. His leg disappears from under you and you have to catch yourself from falling.
Looking down at you, his eyes are still dark.
“Go stand in front of the table.” His voice sounds scratchy and out of breath. 
You stare at him blinking dumbly trying to make sense of everything that just happened. Your mouth opens to say something, but the thought is lost as soon as it had come to you. His hair is disheveled, sleeves are rolled up exposing his aged yet muscular forearms. He is so tall and so brooding, it's so terrifyingly attractive. Something about his rage is just turning you on more and you know its wrong but it feels so good.
“You stupid or sumthin’?” He sounds mean, so condescending, and normally his talking down on you enrages you, but right now, everything in your head wants more of him. His kisses, his smell, the way his knee felt pushing up against your most sensitive part, you feel high.
He tilts his head at you warningly, and you slowly push yourself off the wall and walk shakily over to the table in the middle of the dusty room. You place your hands on the edge of the table standing up straight and facing away from Joel. It's quiet for a minute before you hear the thudding of his boots growing closer to you. They stop just behind you and you're shoved over the table by a rough hand. You whine at this quietly, hands braced against the surface. Once again he makes contact with your back, pushing you slowly yet firmly into the piece of furniture, forcing your arms out to the side of you.
“You’re a fuckin’ brat.” His hands trail their way to your hips squeezing long and hard, pulling them against his own. He's kneading the flesh, you feel his eyes burning holes into you.
“Just a stupid kid, thinkin’ you always know what's best.” He trails off and starts pulling your jeans down and over your ass slowly. The cold air of the room gives you chills and you attempt to push your legs together.
You turn your head to the side.
“N-not a kid.” You are barely able to get out, your lungs still feel empty.
His hand makes contact with your now bare ass. Not hard, but enough to make you close your mouth.
“Shut it.” He's serious.
He sighs and continues.
“You're cocky, and young...” He pauses for a moment, maybe second guessing himself about to fuck a twenty year old girl, the same thought crosses your mind but neither of you really care at this point.
Your head is spinning out of control, a slight nausous feelings seeps into your gut when you suddenly recall the three multi-colored pills Joel had given you earlier. Your stomach drops for only a moment before you recognize the euphoria flooding your brain. 
You barely notice the sound of Joel’s belt buckle coming undone.
“Should have listened to me ya know,” He says, grabbing your ass firmly and pulling it away from the table, and snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“I've kept you safe for how many months now?” He grunts, prodding your entrance.
You gasp.
He leans to the side and makes eye contact with you.
“Listen to me next time and maybe you won't have a fuckin’ hole in your stomach again.” He stands back up straight again.
“Mhm sorry-” Your apology is empty, you feel like you're melting into the table, and all you can think about is the feeling of his dick at your hole. You're not really sorry, your just sorry hes not already in you.
You know this, and he knows this.
“Yeah, sorry don't cut it no more. Think you can look all pretty at me and I'll forgive you? I'm done with that shit.” He thrusts into you so suddenly you yell, or at least you think you do, but you're too dizzy and the feeling of his cock deep inside is all you can feel. He's saying something but you can't hear anymore, your eyes are shut and all you know is the weight of him inside you. His touch is like a mantra in your head.
Joel Joel Joel Joel
He pulls back quickly, then slowly sinks into you again. You're moaning over each inch, unable to do anything but take it. He pushes your ass apart, and pulls out slightly, sinking back in once more. He repeats this slowly a few more times, mesmerized by the sight of you sucking him in. Your moans come out strangled, and you stumble over incoherent words.
“I always take care of you right?” His voice is low. His hands go to your hips again and continue at a slow pace. The wet sound is so disgustingly loud, that it makes you cringe, but just as with every other thought, it is quickly blurred. Your brain is foggy with lust, and probably the painkillers, but that doesn't matter right now, nothing but this amazing feeling inside of you matters.
You moan in response. He huffs out a laugh.
“You're never this compliant, this what I have t’do to make you listen?” His hands squeeze you harder.
You hum so brokenly in response he almost feels bad, but the way you're gripping around him lulls him in further, there's no going back now.
“Gon' be real good for me?” His southern drawl drips off of every word he says. 
“Let me take care of you like I always do. You be a good girl and keep layin’ here.” You go to speak but your words die in your throat when he slams into you again. 
His pace quickens so fast you can't move anymore. Your eyes are now wide open staring across the empty room, mouth open moaning non stop. He is hitting something so devastating inside of you that your knees go weak and hang loosely over the table. He's grunting, with each thrust, lost in the way you feel.
“Fuck, so good. Feels so good.” He's breathless, holding onto your bruised hips for dear life.
“Shoulda' done this months ago.” He slurs.
The thought of Joel fucking you, in the truck, in the woods, in dilapidated houses, really anywhere, is making the blood rush to your head. Your neglected clit is throbbing needily, and your stomach is beginning to tighten.
Your walls squeeze around him and his pace falters for a moment as he lets out a strangled moan, he sounds like he's in pain. You on the other hand are just yelling at this point, weak moans lace everything that comes out of your mouth. Your arms are gripping the flat surface as much as possible, bracing yourself against his violent movements. The coil tightens and you feel your orgasm approaching.
An “Oh god” leaves your mouth but it's so slurred and desperate it doesn't feel real.
“Come on baby girl.” He angles his hips down and you're blinded by the feeling. 
“Fuckin’, god... Brat. Come all over me.” He sounds breathless, yet still furious. 
You're so high on his everything, that the words only push you further and further over the cliff, and suddenly your whole body tenses so unbelievably tight you can't move. Your hips stutter back against Joel, locking him inside of you. He's sputtering your name, mixed with Fuck’s and You feel so good’s.
Your insides clamp down on him and he stops moving completely, now just grinding his hips into yours weakly. Each wave tightens your body even more than the last, it goes on for what feels like forever. Eventually, the final surge passes and you melt into the table, completely limp. Your senses are numb, and all you can feel is Joel's dick jerking in you rhythmically.
He must have come but you were so overwhelmed by your own orgasm you didn't even notice. He's breathing hard above you, your body is coated in sweat, soaking through your shirt. Slowly your feelings come back. Joel finally releases your hips and pulls out of you gradually. The feeling is deflating, and you feel even smaller than before. Your hole flutters around nothing, but you can't move off the table still. You feel Joel staring at you, and then you feel it start to trickle out of you, shame floods your mind and your face goes red. You feel him bend down to grab the jeans that were still hanging off your ankles, pulling them up and over your ass again. The dampness of his cum makes you shift slightly, and you try to push yourself up off the table. When you do your vision goes black, and you hesitate not wanting to pass out on him right after he fucked you.
Slowly now you stand, legs trembling under your weight. The euphoria of the painkillers is coursing through your body so intensely, that you had forgotten about the wound. Reaching down to feel it, it was dry still not bleeding. 
That's surprising.
You turn to see Joel gathering his things from around the room, and throwing his backpack over his shoulder. He's running his hands nervously through his hair.
How does he look so composed?
Your hair is tangled and messy, dried tears crust your face, and your jeans are still not buttoned and unzipped.
“Get your stuff.” He says quietly, timidly, and not making eye contact.
He wants to leave now?
“We’re not-, I can't even-” You stutter, shocked at how he expects you to be able to walk back to the truck in this state.
“Get  your   stuff.” He says again, giving you a warning glance. 
You blink at him, you're dizzy and weak, everything is sore in the best way possible but you genuinely don't feel like you can walk. You struggle over to your backpack and scoop it off the floor, putting it on. When you look up Joel has already opened the door and is scouting the area, making sure no one is in sight. Once clear he steps out, holding the door for you. You walk slowly, limping over to him not looking him in the eye, you're too embarrassed to. When you step outside he closes the door and begins walking in the direction of the truck. You feel frail and the idea of the half-mile walk back makes you feel even more fatigued. He seems weirdly unbothered by everything that just happened, while you on the other hand are a wreck. 
The whole way back, you stumble after Joel, underwear uncomfortably wet. 
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