#got into this today bc i wanted to double check something for a fic update
marzipanilla · 4 months
losing my fuckin' mind rn I genuinely thought they talked about her more, though I can't fathom why I thought that but I did
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desceros · 7 months
Okay but the way I've (Respectfully) been checking your blog daily just to check in, seeing if you've written anything only to be greeted by the Pyramid Head Leo fic- holy shit. Oh my god. I'm only a few paragraphs in so far (Had to stop to write this), and the world building is spectacular. The fact that you wrote this in a bout of insomnia??
I love your writing and I can't wait for more, but also like... I can wait, please take care of yourself, I hope the sleep fairy grants you the best sleep tonight. Things are rough around winter/spring for me, I'm so glad I found your blog to have something to keep me sane, and I so hope you're treating yourself well! Even your casual posts make me happy and it's now a habit to check your blog daily, just so I don't miss anything, regardless of how silly it is. It's really validating to see people just existing within this fandom and you being here brings me joy. Idk I'm feeling sappy today, eat food, drink water, treat your wrists real nice and take as much time as you need to write whatever comes next, and again, I hope you can get some decent sleep soon!
Also I hope it's not weird to admit I check your blog daily (I just have notifs on), it's genuinely become a comfort thing for me and I do the same thing with like one other blog. Idk I'm trying not to be parasocial or weird just like. Seeing people exist comfortably in these spaces is so incredibly validating, I feel like I'm getting closer to finally writing and posting stuff everyday as I see it. It's been so good for my issues with toxic shame and just. With all the asks and stuff I've seen on your blog of people kind of sort of pushing you to update, I just... wanted to send something hopefully nice in. Because I do totally look forward to your updates and writing and everything, and like... I'm vibrating waiting for the Symphony update, but at the same time, I'm doing it as patiently as possible. I want you to take your time, I want you to enjoy your hobby, and I recognize that the longer you take the better it'll be, and life gets in the way and all that. I'm bad at explaining things, basically I'm just willing to wait as long as it takes, and I'm always excited whenever you drop stuff! This is long because my brain is being a little goofy... Sorry if you read all this, and if you don't nw! I really rambled a bit there, but I don't know how else to explain myself, so yeah... I'll cut it here, I hope everything got through right and I hope your day is super awesome, and your sleep is even better. Insomnia sucks and I've been going through the same thing, so I'm rambly and a bit incoherent maybe bc of sleep deprivation (God I hope not).
haha yeeeaaaaah, i kinda rambled about it in discord at four am night before last, and yesterday evening my friends were kind enough to body double for me in a stream so i could get this out before i was finally able to pass tf out.
i’ve been wanting to write something direly, but i didnt want to work on symphony with my brain in a bit of a fog. perfect for a little one shot like this, though!
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softspiderling · 5 years
put in love and don’t give up | t.h.
Summary: honestly, you never pegged Tom for the kind of guy that ghosts people, but here you are. Ghosted.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Song I listened to while writing: Harder by Jax Jones feat. Bebe Rexha
Author’s Note: it’s been a hot minute since I last posted a fic and bc @afangirlwashere made me feel bad for not posting shit, I’m back on my update schedule for now. This is somewhat based on a dream I’ve had about tom I hope you enjoy it!!
Warnings: angst, I guess? Also cursing probably
Word Count: 2,4k
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gif is not mine!
It’s not like Tom owes you anything.
You went out for a couple of dates and apparently it just wasn’t working out for him. Even though you had thought that the dates were pretty great; you’re interested in the same things, your goals in life are similar and you’re just- on the same wavelength. Or that’s what you had thought.
YOU: Trying to take care of the mess that is my flat but instead I’m on my couch procrastinating by watching a bunch of YouTube videos.
YOU: Someone should take away my phone.
The timestamp on the text tells you that it’s been a whole two weeks since he read it. At first you thought he was busy and he’d text you back when he got the time, but you never received any reply. You had thought about double texting him, maybe he hadn’t replied because the text you had sent didn’t involve a question that’d get him to reply, but if Tom had wanted to keep texting you, he would have found an answer that kept the conversation right? So you fought the urge to send another text, but that didn’t stop you from staring at the texts every now and then when you had the time.
You even tried calling him, but that was just as fruitless; for a minute, you were worried that something had happened to him, but later that day Tom had posted a story from him and Sam at a pub. So he was fine, it’s just you that seemed to have been the problem.
But that’s fine.
You can handle rejection, that’s something you had to get used to when it came to dating in your twenties, but you never would have pegged Tom as a person who would ghost someone instead of just outright telling you that he doesn’t like you as much as you like him. But you really thought he did, with the way he was smiling at you and the interest he had showed in your degree.
It sounds cheesy but you thought he was different. Even though his job kind of scared you off at first, you couldn’t help yourself but fall for the sweet and down to earth guy he still managed to be despite his fame.
With a sigh, you exit out of the text chain and pull up your grocery list, eyes scanning the items in your cart. You’re only missing the milk and butter.
Pushing the cart towards the dairy section, you slide your phone back into the pocket of your jacket and keep your eyes open for your brand of milk, when raucous laughter pulls your attention to the corner where the dairy section meets the frozen section.
Curiously you lean over to find the source of the noise, only to see two familiar looking boys.
Harry, one of Tom’s younger brothers and Tuwaine, one of his best friends joking around next to their carts. You had gotten to know them when Tom invited you out for drinks with them. Another reason that confused you as to why he would introduce you to his brothers and friends if he wasn’t that into you.
“Hey guys,” you greet them, lifting your hand to wave at them awkwardly. Harry’s head perks up when he hears your voice and he smiles goofily at you, while Tuwaine returns the wave as they take a few steps towards you, their sides constantly colliding as if they are unable to walk straight.  
“Hey Y/N,” Harry says, stuffing his hands into his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heel of his feet. “Doing the weekly shopping?”
You nod and gesture towards your cart and its content. “Yeah, uh, just the basic stuff,” you said, narrowing your eyes when you glance into their carts.
“And you’re shopping for a party…?”
“What?” Tuwaine furrows his brows and turns back to look into his cart before turning back to you with a grin.
“No, it’s our basic stuff.”
“Christ,” you wince. “I really hope you’re going to the dentist regularly. I am pretty sure this amount of popsicles isn’t healthy.”
The boys shrug with laughter. “How have you been?” Harry wants to know and you give him a gentle smile.
“Fine. University’s keeping me busy. How are you guys?” you ask, hesitating. “How’s Tom?”
Tuwaine clears his throat awkwardly and Harry jabs his friend in the ribs with a glare. Your cheeks color; their awkwardness and embarrassment confirmed your fear.
So Tom is really ghosting you.
“We’re good. And Tom- he’s busy, working all the time, you know how he is,” Harry says, stumbling over his words.
“Do I though?”
The gentleness in your voice catch the boys off guard and Tuwaine rubs the back of his neck, pressing his lips together in a thin line.
Wow, what on earth moved you to even approach them? This is probably the most awkward situation you’ve ever put yourself into.
“Tom’s being an idiot,” he finally offers. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
You grimace, appreciating his words but it still stings. But doesn’t rejection always sting? But that’s the thing, isn’t it? Tom didn’t even give you the courtesy of a rejection he just straight up started ignoring you.
Waving it off, you smile crookedly at him.
“It’s fine. He’s fine.”
You gesticulate wildly with your hands, to show them how fine it is. Judging by their expressions, it certainly doesn’t seem to convince them. Stilling your hands, you exhale softly.
“I’m not mad or anything,” you then sigh, defeated. “I’m just a little bit disappointed. But I’ll get over it, you guys don’t need to worry about it or anything.”
You thrum your palms against the handle of the cart, smacking your lips together. “Well, this has been enough awkwardness for today. Uhm, I’ll see you guys around?”
Leaving the question hanging in the air, you shoot them a tentative smile; their chorused “Bye Y/N!”s make you sigh. As you turn around the corner, you hear them squabbling and you strain your ears to find out, what it is about.
“Congrats Tuwaine, this was probably the most uncomfortable situation I’ve ever had.”
“What are you looking at me for? It’s not my fault! If it’s anyone’s, it’s Tom’s!”
There’s a pause and you can hear someone sigh.
“I know it is. He’s just scared, you know how important his privacy is to him. Maybe Harrison can talk to him when he gets back. But I get it though, he’s-“
You almost bump your cart into an old lady, too busy trying to eavesdrop their conversation.
“Young lady!” The lady sends you a menacing glare and you apologize half-heartedly, too distracted by what you’ve just heard.
What was Harry talking about? What did he mean when he said that Tom was scared? You’re confused, you thought you had a clear picture of why he had stopped texting you. Lost in thoughts, you make your way to the check out, and put your groceries on the counter to get rung up.
By the time you get home you still haven’t figured out what it was that Tom is scared of and you almost break your brain trying to think of a logical explanation.
As you’re lying in bed that night, you come to the conclusion that you might never find out what Harry was talking about and see no point in obsessing over something that you are unable to change, so you push the matter in the far back of your mind, hoping that you would soon forget about it. But that is easier said than done, right?
Over the weekend you try your hardest to forget about the encounter with Harry and Tuwaine, stopping your brain from trying to find a solution to Tom’s problem you know nothing about and it’s harder than you thought it would be.
Even your readings for your business class seem to be offering basically no distraction whatsoever, which is why you find yourself at a small café down the street Sunday afternoon. With the sunlight filtering through the window, throwing the busy café in a shade of warm orange, you sit by the window with your text marker, scanning your assigned readings and occasionally marking a passage or two.
“I’m sorry, Miss?”
You look up from your text, your vision a little blurry before finally recognizing the barista standing in front of you with a sheepish smile.
“We’re closing in five minutes,” she tells you and your eyes widen as you take in your surroundings. You’ve been so engrossed in the article you’ve been reading, you hadn’t realized how late it has gotten: the lights have long been turned on in the café and you’ve noticed that all the chairs and tables have been cleared except of the one you’re currently occupying.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” you apologize and scramble your documents together, stuffing them in your bag.
“It’s no problem, really,” the barista gives you a warm smile. “Have a nice evening.”
You shoulder your bag and send her a small wave as you headed through the door.
“Thanks! You too!”
The darkness from outside catches you by surprise and you pull your cardigan tighter around your chest, starting your walk back home. Hearing your stomach grumble, you’re reminded of the lack of food your day has brought and while you turn the corner to your flat, you try to come up with a quick meal with the ingredients you know you have at home.
Rummaging in your bag for your keys as you get closer to your building door, you finally manage to grasp the small fluffy key chain from the depth of your bag and lift your head. That’s when you see Tom sitting on the steps that lead up to the door.
You still and he jumps up, dusting off his pants. He looks tired, the denim jacket was slung tightly around his torso and you’re pressing your lips together before slowly taking a few steps towards him.
“Hey,” you greet him wearily. “What are you doing here?”
Tom rubs the back of his neck. “Hi Y/N. I, uh-“ he gestures towards the steps he’s just been sitting on. “I’ve been waiting for you uh, here. Been here for a while actually. “
“Oh. Why didn’t you call?”
He ducks his hand and his hands disappear into the pockets of his denim jacket. “Wasn’t sure if you’d pick up.”
You look at him with an unreadable expression and the keys dangle from your hand as you unlock the door, keeping it open with the heel of your shoe.
“Do you want to come in?” you ask, and he nods before following you inside and to your flat. He’s uncharacteristically quiet as you close your door behind you and take off your shoes, before moving to your couch, immediately taking refuge under your fluffy blanket.
Tom on the other hand looks like he’s out of place as he stands in the middle of the room, his eyes darting around.
The tension between you two is palpable and even though you know it’s his turn to speak, you’re aware that he’s fighting to bring his thoughts into words.
“You know you didn’t have to come all this way to do this, right?” you finally say, clasping your hands together.
“To do what?”
“I got the hints, Tom and I also rant into Harry and Tuwaine the other day. You’re here to let me down easy,” you say, pulling your knees close to your torso and he gapes at you, slowly moving to sit on the couch, though the distance between you is still there.
“What? No! That’s not why I’m here, why-“ He breaks off, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “What did they tell you?”
You shrug. “That I didn’t do anything wrong and that you’re an idiot?”
“Well, I am an idiot,” Tom admits. “But not for the reason you think, I promise Y/N.”
“So you’re not here to break things off with me?”
He shakes his head and carefully reaches out to touch your hand which is resting on top of your knee. Your pinkie twitches and you eye his fingers inching slowly towards yours, but you don’t move your hand away. Tom takes your hand in his and looks at, his brows furrowed.
“I’m sorry I ignored you,” he says quietly. “It just… It’s so hard dating someone when you work in the movie industry. The media has no respect for your privacy and I really didn’t want to put you in harm’s way, especially with all the people who are weirdly insisting on me and Z being a couple-.”  
You didn’t realize that he felt this way. Even though you knew that he was struggling with all the attention, you thought he could handle it well, but apparently he’s an even better actor than you thought he was.
“I was so conflicted. I like you so much and I thought if I’d push you away, you’d move on. But when Harry told me how lovely you were being, still asking how I was doing even though I was being a jerk to you I realized how childish I was being. That I needed to be honest with you and let you decide for yourself if I am worth it or not.”
Tom chews on his lower lip as his voice quiets down and you squeeze his hand, giving him a soft smile.
“You’re right. You should have been honest with me,” you say. “Even though I am just a basic civilian-“
He snorts out a laugh and you grin at him.
“I can imagine how hard it can be in your line of work. But Tom, I’ve already been thinking of this since our first date. It’s not like I’m going completely blind into this. And you’re worth it, okay? Even if you’re an asshole who ignored me for two weeks.”
He ducks his head sheepishly and you shake your head fondly, moving your legs so he can come closer before he leans in to give you a quick kiss. You barely have the time to react and your cheeks redden, before the two of you lean in for another kiss.
Pulling away, Tom lets out a soft sigh and leans his forehead against yours.
“Thanks for giving me a second chance, Y/N. My brothers would have kicked my butt for losing someone as great as you.”
You shrug with your shoulders, a pleased smile on your face. So you did leave a good impression on Harry, despite your initial awkwardness.
“And you would have deserved it,” you point out and he grins, looping his arms around your waist.
“Trust me, I know.”
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