herpsandbirds · 8 months
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Burmese Star Tortoise (Geochelone platynota) hatchling, family Testudinidae, endemic to Myanmar
This species is very nearly extinct in the wild, due to overharvesting. They are recovering, with help from captive breeding programs.
photograph via: Turtle Conservancy
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aisling-dearelove · 29 days
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Escape from Aggregor
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yes-i-write-fanfiction · 10 months
In your Befriending a Ben 10 Alien post, what would be the best gift to give some of the species you've already posted?
-For a Sphoeroid, it'd be something that they've mentioned before. It doesn't have to be something big or convoluted but the fact that you not only listened but also remembered what they said proves that you actually care.
-If it's a gift for an Arachnichimp then it would be something small that they can carry with them, like a charm or a bracelet. Since their species are normally nomadic, they like to have things that they can easily bring with them.
-Do I even need to say it for Gourmand? Spoiler alert: IT'S FOOD. But not just any food, no, their favorite food. While Gourmands can practically eat anything, even normally inedible things, they do have preferences. And so, if you get them their favorite food, they will remember it and be super grateful.
-A memory. Galvans live long, long lives and so it's only natural that your friend will outlive you. Material possessions last long, yes, but a Galvans memory never fails. That's why, more than anything, they want to have valuable and special moments to remember you by.
-Take your Appoplexian friend on a spa day! While they may act a little antsy in the beginning, the moment the massage starts they turn into mush. Their fur coat will look absolutely stylish afterwards.
-Geochelone Aerios' aren't big on materialistic possessions so if you want to give them something meaningful, take them on a trip to somewhere where you've both never been. Preferably somewhere isolated where there's not a lot of people. They will see it as a spiritual journey.
-Honestly? Give your Galvanic Mechamorph friend a plant. Something they can nurture and watch grow. They will take amazing care of it and will never let it die. Beware though that they will treat it like a person.
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lacylovesdragons · 3 months
when will bell borne geochelone drop me a healing bonus and atk main stat for my verina and baizhi?
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aticketplz · 1 year
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It was the first time I saw a giant tortoise soaking in water so deep.
@Yumemigasaki Zoological Park
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ohyeahben10 · 2 years
I’m realizing Galapagos is probably a very criminal Geochelone Aerio. Like, the guy was introduced to the concept of lying and promptly lied, manipulated, schemed, and betrayed in the same day like he was doing it his whole life.
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artblooger19moon · 1 year
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Ben 10
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kokuycku · 3 months
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"Oh sure, big bell TORTOISE in the middle of a LAKE! That's not gonna bother aaaaaanybody, now is it?!"
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polkadotmotmot · 2 months
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Kensa Hung - Geochelone, 2021 - Acrylic on canvas
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scarlettaagni · 1 year
Original Zs’skayr
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The original Zs’skayr was a cruel High Ecto Lord on Anur Phaetos. Enforcing his need for total control across its globe, handsomely rewarding his sycophants, and siccing his thralls onto dissenters.
At least until his tyrannical influence had begun intruding onto other planets, which caused the disparate populaces, collectively outnumbering his loyalists, to rise up and depose him. In a show of mercy he would never have afforded them if the roles were reversed, they banished a notably un-dismantled Zs’skayr instead of destroying him.
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His own homeworld had forsaken him, and no place in Anur proper would have him. Few citizens of Anur had left the system, him included. The safest place he knew was remaining adrift in the vast expanse between planets and moons.
With no one to abuse or deflect to, having nothing left to his name, the cold vacuum of space gave him no choice but to begin introspection.
Zs’skayr lost the will to fight for his throne, as well as his hunger for power. There was little left to feel but shame.
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With a new purpose in mind, he would explore the galaxy outside of his native system. In the face of his narrow-mindedness, Zs’skayr replaced his thirst for power with one for knowledge, and broaden his horizons.
To learn about the people and worlds outside Anur as well as he did the ones inside, he possessed various beings to explore.
A not insignificant amount took it poorly, such as on Vrykola—
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They could’ve used their tools right then or come back with a mob holding pitchforks and torches, so he just counted his lucky stars and more discreetly picked a different host.
Most worlds were just confused, though.
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A precious few took it well, like Aldabra—
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The Geochelone Aerios were pleasantly surprised to meet an outsider who wished to learn and understand as much as they did, and they had a lot to discuss with him on autonomy and free will, as well as pacifism and de-escalation. Zs’skayr had much impromptu therapy there.
Some were even receptive to him outside of a more familiar host, or even outside of his (what he would come to recognize as appearing “less-threatening”) sun shade. In fact, the royal elect of the Chimeran Empire insisted on it.
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That was mainly so it was easier for them and the snipers stationed around the capital to destroy Zs’skayr if he made a move they didn’t like.
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Aside from the dawning realization he had just unintentionally threatened an imperialistic military state in front of its leader, the tour he received was enjoyable. They did not make mention of Vilgax.
It was strange, because he had heard developing stories of Vilgax’s conquests and reigns of terror upon other worlds. Maybe it wasn’t so strange the Chimerans didn’t acknowledge this sensitive, worsening stain on their history.
Considering what he and Vilgax had in common, Zs’skayr thought that his kind may have adopted a similar attitude about him. He ultimately would prefer for truth to prevail above all, including information embargos/taboos for the sake of his or anyone’s comfort.
Tales of the Omnitrix’s development similarly spread throughout the galaxy, in hushed whispers, and on his travels, Zs’skayr heard nothing but its prospects as the ultimate weapon.
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He was none too pleased, already being surrounded with violence and advancing weapons. It seemed to be all talk and no bite, however. Equal in frequency of stories about the Omnitrix were the ones debunking its existence. It never turned up within Zs’skayr’s vicinity, anyways.
He helped others,
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and he was helped by others.
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Eventually, Zs’skayr had learned all he wished to, talked to more people than most do in their lifetimes. He was homesick, but knew no good would come from trying to return to Phaetos.
Still wishing to be close, he found a habitable rock on the outskirts of the Anur system, far from Phaetos and made a home.
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Since then, Zs’skayr had lived a quiet, humble life in isolation. Built up a cottage, sewed furniture, cultivated a garden in the gnarled wilds that managed to sprout on this rock.
He didn’t feel he deserved to live with his people again, and he didn’t deserve an update on how they were doing, however they decided to govern themselves in his absence. Whether it was good or bad, it wasn’t his business anymore, and they wouldn’t want to be bothered. He respects their wish.
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He writes (working on a journal of his travels), he gardens, he goes out for walks and floats, he sleeps, he’s become a tea-fiend, even leaving his rock to the nearest nebula to collect stardust for flavoring. Just a place to wait out his days in peace, hurting no one, retired from social interaction.
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At least until an outsider entering the Anur system noticed the clearly inhabited rock and landed to explore. Though painfully shy, Zs’skayr politely greeted her and asked what she wanted, balking at the mention of contributing to the Omnitrix’s creation. As far as he was concerned, it was some superweapon that probably didn’t actually exist, and if it did, he wanted no part in it.
Myaxx gave Zs’skayr the boilerplate explanation of the Omnitrix project her boss Azmuth wrote out for her to read out to all potential donors.
The Omnitrix is a device, not a weapon, that allows its user to become another species. The wielder would become a symbol of galactic unity among its denizens, and to help them grow closer together. It pulls from a catalogue of DNA samples volunteered by willing members of their species. Would Zs’skayr do the favor and, on their behalf, volunteer for the Ectonurites?
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The idea of someone who could step into another being’s shoes, or rather, assume the guise of another species to bridge the gap was personal to him. It was a radical, ethical, almost impossibly ideal version of what he had done across the galaxy to understand others better.
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Zs’skayr could somehow contribute to the healing of entire worlds and systems. It was something he would have declined earlier in his life, and even doubted he could do now.
Moved by this, he agreed to be the Ectonurite donor for the Omnitrix and tore off a shred of his tentacle for her.
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Unfortunately, a grave miscommunication neither realized had occurred. Zs’skayr knew that the sample had a copy of his consciousness on it, but believed that an Ectonurite was only being asked for a DNA sample because the Omnitrix project knew and had a way of correcting it.
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Anur’s species are quite insular, rarely leaving or allowing outsiders, and as such, details of their anatomy are not common knowledge to them. Simply put, Myaxx didn’t know to ask, and Zs’skayr didn’t think to tell her.
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The now original Zs’skayr then continued his isolation on the edge of Anur, secure in the knowledge that he, at last, could make a net positive impact.
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He’d be proud to know of the difference Ben made with him, for the short while he could.
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herpsandbirds · 6 months
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Indian Star Tortoise (Geochelone elegans), family Testudinidae, Sri Lanka
photograph by Artur Tomaszek Inglourious Reptiles
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oceandirtcountry · 2 months
“tell me the truth. Did you genuinely—”
Ben, as Terraspin, takes Robyn’s hand.
A small bulb under his sleeve makes his hand glow green.
“Fuck your mom? Yes, I did.”
Terraspin’s species is immune to mana attacks! This was brought up one time, by Aggregor of all people, and then never utilised by Ben even against his greatest mana-wielding foes. Kinda dumb.
I like to imagine it makes him immune to outside effects of Semblances since Aura = Mana. Outside effects as in Weiss glyphs, Robyn’s truth touch, Qrow’s bad luck, etc. Inside effects are just being punched by Yang—her fist has nothing to do with Mana.
Headcanon is that the species just does not believe in magic SO HARD that it makes them immune to it. All fucking Geochelone Aerio just absolutely despise magic that much.
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yes-i-write-fanfiction · 11 months
Befriending a Geochelone Aerios HCs
-Chillest best friend you can ask for. Never in a rush, never mad. Will randomly stop talking in the middle of a sentence to just admire the scenery.
-Asks you the deepest, most soul searching questions out of the blue. Will call you in the middle of the night just to ask them as well.
-"Can fate and freewill coexist? If everything is predetermined then do anyone of us really have a choice?" "Dude, it's 2 am, I am way too zoinked to even think about this." "Understandable. I will call you again in 2 hours. Goodnight." "Wait, no-"
-Please don't lie to them, not even jokingly. They do not understand the concept and it will not only confuse them but also hurt their feelings.
-They do however enjoy movies and pieces of fiction. Made up stories for fun just tickles them pink. Do NOT show them horror movie though, it will take years of their lifespan. Also don't show them any alien invasion movies.
-"Why are they fighting? I don't understand. I would never do that."
-Don't understand working for money. Or money in general. Capitalism? What is that? Gets kinda sad when you have to go to work.
-"My friend, I found this delightful spot perfect for silent contemplation that I just have to show you. Oh? You have to go to 'work'? I see... Well then, I shall wait until you return."
-A pacifist and you will have to defend them if anyone gets up in their face. They don't understand why anyone would chose to be violent or rude when they can just talk and come to an understanding that way.
-Very gentle and kind of a pushover. If they trust you then they will do whatever you say without much question simply because they trust that you have the best of intentions in mind.
-Since they mainly eat grass they find it really fascinating to watch you cook your food. Will ask you multiple questions about it and even ask if they can help you. Will actually really appreciate it if when you eat you also prepare a plate of grass for them at the table.
-Too hot? They will cool you down. Snow in your driveway? They will blow it away. They just want to help you however they can, ok?
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rizegreymon22arts · 7 months
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 Name: Terraspit
 Fusion between: Spitter and Terraspin  Species: ½ Spheroid ½ Geochelone Aerio(Spheroide Aerio)  Home planet: Scalpasc/Aldabra
Spit a torrent of goo from his mouth that can be very slipper.
His goo can be a  conductive.
Has powerful sharp teeth.
Despite the size of his arms, has great strength.
With no nostrils, can survive in toxic atmospheres.
Combine his fins as three large antlers and rotates at high speed to become a extremly powerful fan.
Can also use his fins to fly like a helicopter.
Has super strenght.
Is immune to poison gas.
Is selectively immune to spells and Mana.
Has a resistant shell.
Can accidentally slip on his own slime.
Can be unintentionally shocked due to his slime being highly conductive.
If his holes on his chest get blocked, his wind powers will decrease.
If gets stuck to something and can't spin his arms and legs, his wind powers will be decreased even further.
Is not as agile when flying.
If a small object is jammed in his shell, it can cause him to stop in order to remove the obstruction.
Can be affected by magic if he is not using his magic immunity.
Ko-Fi commission for Beyond Imagination Studios.
If you want a commission, go to my Ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/rzgmon200
Also support me on patreon, www.patreon.com/RZGMON200
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autoacafiles · 6 months
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And now, just to make sure nobody asks this time...
Fire-Up: Pyronite
Waterhose: Orishan
Aircatcher: Geochelone Aerio
Earthmover: Talpaedan
Metalbunker: Prypiatosian-B
Stormgel: Amperi
Rockomet: Galilean
Frostegu: Polar Manzardil
Plantitan: Flosmanducar
Lightshard: Crystalsapien
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hazerl · 9 months
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Working on the stipple layer on this illustration of a fossil tortoise, Geochelone atlas!
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